Bug 1319762 - Remove download.xul and related unused files. draft
authorSteve Jarvis <sajarvis@bu.edu>
Thu, 15 Dec 2016 07:47:07 -0700
changeset 449952 2874bb1a1ccf137bf02a9abda4c7b9f217b19009
parent 449758 b1ab720c6d3e412ede797b08dfe63dca170f6ee0
child 539627 1ddf20a2644af1a07a6ff21a06978b2094615ec3
push id38718
push userbmo:sajarvis@bu.edu
push dateThu, 15 Dec 2016 14:47:28 +0000
Bug 1319762 - Remove download.xul and related unused files. Remove files and resources no longer shipped or referenced and update the appropriate packaging files. MozReview-Commit-ID: Apaa2JnOTMt
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/browser/base/content/downloadManagerOverlay.xul
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0"?>
-# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
-# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
-# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
-<?xul-overlay href="chrome://browser/content/macBrowserOverlay.xul"?>
-<overlay id="downloadManagerOverlay"
-         xmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#"
-         xmlns="http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul">
-<window id="downloadManager">
-#include browserMountPoints.inc
-<script type="application/javascript"><![CDATA[
-  window.addEventListener("load", function(event) {
-    // Bug 405696: Map Edit -> Find command to the download manager's command
-    var findMenuItem = document.getElementById("menu_find");
-    findMenuItem.setAttribute("command", "cmd_findDownload");
-    findMenuItem.setAttribute("key", "key_findDownload");
-    // Bug 429614: Map Edit -> Select All command to download manager's command
-    let selectAllMenuItem = document.getElementById("menu_selectAll");
-    selectAllMenuItem.setAttribute("command", "cmd_selectAllDownloads");
-    selectAllMenuItem.setAttribute("key", "key_selectAllDownloads");
-  }, false);
--- a/browser/base/jar.mn
+++ b/browser/base/jar.mn
@@ -1,15 +1,14 @@
 # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 %  content browser %content/browser/ contentaccessible=yes
 #ifdef XP_MACOSX
-%  overlay chrome://mozapps/content/downloads/downloads.xul chrome://browser/content/downloadManagerOverlay.xul
 %  overlay chrome://mozapps/content/update/updates.xul chrome://browser/content/softwareUpdateOverlay.xul
 #ifdef XP_WIN
 %  overlay chrome://browser/content/browser.xul chrome://browser/content/win6BrowserOverlay.xul os=WINNT osversion>=6
 %  overlay chrome://global/content/viewSource.xul chrome://browser/content/viewSourceOverlay.xul
 %  overlay chrome://global/content/viewPartialSource.xul chrome://browser/content/viewSourceOverlay.xul
@@ -169,17 +168,16 @@ browser.jar:
         content/browser/web-panels.js                 (content/web-panels.js)
 *       content/browser/web-panels.xul                (content/web-panels.xul)
 *       content/browser/baseMenuOverlay.xul           (content/baseMenuOverlay.xul)
 *       content/browser/nsContextMenu.js              (content/nsContextMenu.js)
 # XXX: We should exclude this one as well (bug 71895)
 *       content/browser/hiddenWindow.xul              (content/hiddenWindow.xul)
 #ifdef XP_MACOSX
 *       content/browser/macBrowserOverlay.xul         (content/macBrowserOverlay.xul)
-*       content/browser/downloadManagerOverlay.xul    (content/downloadManagerOverlay.xul)
 *       content/browser/softwareUpdateOverlay.xul  (content/softwareUpdateOverlay.xul)
 *       content/browser/viewSourceOverlay.xul         (content/viewSourceOverlay.xul)
 #ifndef XP_MACOSX
 *       content/browser/webrtcIndicator.xul           (content/webrtcIndicator.xul)
         content/browser/webrtcIndicator.js            (content/webrtcIndicator.js)
 #ifdef XP_WIN
--- a/toolkit/components/downloads/moz.build
+++ b/toolkit/components/downloads/moz.build
@@ -44,24 +44,16 @@ SOURCES += [
     # Can't build unified because we need CreateEvent which some IPC code
     # included in LoadContext ends up undefining.
     SOURCES += [
-# XXX - Until Suite builds off XULRunner we can't guarantee our implementation
-# of nsIDownloadManagerUI overrides toolkit's.
-if not CONFIG['MOZ_SUITE']:
-        'nsDownloadManagerUI.js',
-        'nsDownloadManagerUI.manifest',
-    ]
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/toolkit/components/downloads/nsDownloadManagerUI.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
-// Constants
-const Cc = Components.classes;
-const Ci = Components.interfaces;
-const Cr = Components.results;
-const DOWNLOAD_MANAGER_URL = "chrome://mozapps/content/downloads/downloads.xul";
-const PREF_FLASH_COUNT = "browser.download.manager.flashCount";
-// nsDownloadManagerUI class
-function nsDownloadManagerUI() {}
-nsDownloadManagerUI.prototype = {
-  classID: Components.ID("7dfdf0d1-aff6-4a34-bad1-d0fe74601642"),
-  // nsIDownloadManagerUI
-  show: function show(aWindowContext, aDownload, aReason, aUsePrivateUI)
-  {
-    if (!aReason)
-      aReason = Ci.nsIDownloadManagerUI.REASON_USER_INTERACTED;
-    // First we see if it is already visible
-    let window = this.recentWindow;
-    if (window) {
-      window.focus();
-      // If we are being asked to show again, with a user interaction reason,
-      // set the appropriate variable.
-      if (aReason == Ci.nsIDownloadManagerUI.REASON_USER_INTERACTED)
-        window.gUserInteracted = true;
-      return;
-    }
-    let parent = null;
-    // We try to get a window to use as the parent here.  If we don't have one,
-    // the download manager will close immediately after opening if the pref
-    // browser.download.manager.closeWhenDone is set to true.
-    try {
-      if (aWindowContext)
-        parent = aWindowContext.getInterface(Ci.nsIDOMWindow);
-    } catch (e) { /* it's OK to not have a parent window */ }
-    // We pass the download manager and the nsIDownload we want selected (if any)
-    var params = Cc["@mozilla.org/array;1"].createInstance(Ci.nsIMutableArray);
-    params.appendElement(aDownload, false);
-    // Pass in the reason as well
-    let reason = Cc["@mozilla.org/supports-PRInt16;1"].
-                 createInstance(Ci.nsISupportsPRInt16);
-    reason.data = aReason;
-    params.appendElement(reason, false);
-    var ww = Cc["@mozilla.org/embedcomp/window-watcher;1"].
-             getService(Ci.nsIWindowWatcher);
-    ww.openWindow(parent,
-                  DOWNLOAD_MANAGER_URL,
-                  "Download:Manager",
-                  "chrome,dialog=no,resizable",
-                  params);
-  },
-  get visible() {
-    return (null != this.recentWindow);
-  },
-  getAttention: function getAttention()
-  {
-    if (!this.visible)
-      throw Cr.NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED;
-    var prefs = Cc["@mozilla.org/preferences-service;1"].
-                getService(Ci.nsIPrefBranch);
-    // This preference may not be set, so defaulting to two.
-    let flashCount = 2;
-    try {
-      flashCount = prefs.getIntPref(PREF_FLASH_COUNT);
-    } catch (e) { }
-    var win = this.recentWindow.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIDOMChromeWindow);
-    win.getAttentionWithCycleCount(flashCount);
-  },
-  // nsDownloadManagerUI
-  get recentWindow() {
-    var wm = Cc["@mozilla.org/appshell/window-mediator;1"].
-             getService(Ci.nsIWindowMediator);
-    return wm.getMostRecentWindow("Download:Manager");
-  },
-  // nsISupports
-  QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsIDownloadManagerUI])
-// Module
-var components = [nsDownloadManagerUI];
-this.NSGetFactory = XPCOMUtils.generateNSGetFactory(components);
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/toolkit/components/downloads/nsDownloadManagerUI.manifest
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-component {7dfdf0d1-aff6-4a34-bad1-d0fe74601642} nsDownloadManagerUI.js
-contract @mozilla.org/download-manager-ui;1 {7dfdf0d1-aff6-4a34-bad1-d0fe74601642}
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/toolkit/locales/en-US/chrome/mozapps/downloads/downloads.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
-   - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
-   - file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. -->
-<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (window.width2, window.height): These values should be
-close to the golden ratio (1.618:1) while making sure it's wide enough for long
-file names and tall enough to hint that there are more downloads in the list -->
-<!ENTITY window.width2                    "485">
-<!ENTITY window.height                    "300"> 
-<!ENTITY starting.label                   "Starting…">
-<!ENTITY scanning.label                   "Scanning for viruses…">
-<!ENTITY downloads.title                  "Downloads">
-<!ENTITY cmd.pause.label                  "Pause">
-<!ENTITY cmd.pause.accesskey              "P">
-<!ENTITY cmd.resume.label                 "Resume">
-<!ENTITY cmd.resume.accesskey             "R">
-<!ENTITY cmd.cancel.label                 "Cancel">
-<!ENTITY cmd.cancel.accesskey             "C">
-<!ENTITY cmd.show.label                   "Open Containing Folder">
-<!ENTITY cmd.show.accesskey               "F">
-<!ENTITY cmd.showMac.label                "Show in Finder">
-<!ENTITY cmd.showMac.accesskey            "F">
-<!ENTITY cmd.open.label                   "Open">
-<!ENTITY cmd.open.accesskey               "O">
-<!ENTITY cmd.openWith.label               "Open With…">
-<!ENTITY cmd.openWith.accesskey           "h">
-<!ENTITY cmd.retry.label                  "Retry">
-<!ENTITY cmd.retry.accesskey              "R">
-<!ENTITY cmd.goToDownloadPage.label       "Go to Download Page">
-<!ENTITY cmd.goToDownloadPage.accesskey   "G">
-<!ENTITY cmd.copyDownloadLink.label       "Copy Download Link">
-<!ENTITY cmd.copyDownloadLink.accesskey   "L">
-<!ENTITY cmd.removeFromList.label         "Remove From List">
-<!ENTITY cmd.removeFromList.accesskey     "e">
-<!ENTITY cmd.close.commandKey             "w">
-<!ENTITY cmd.close2.commandKey            "j">
-<!ENTITY cmd.close2Unix.commandKey        "y">
-<!ENTITY cmd.clearList.label              "Clear List">
-<!ENTITY cmd.clearList.tooltip            "Removes completed, canceled, and failed downloads from the list">
-<!ENTITY cmd.clearList.accesskey          "C">
-<!ENTITY cmd.find.commandKey              "f">
-<!ENTITY cmd.search.commandKey            "k">
-<!ENTITY closeWhenDone.label              "Close when downloads complete">
-<!ENTITY closeWhenDone.tooltip            "Closes the Downloads window when all files are done downloading">
-<!ENTITY showFolder.label                 "Show this Folder">
-<!ENTITY searchBox.label                  "Search…">
--- a/toolkit/locales/en-US/chrome/mozapps/downloads/downloads.properties
+++ b/toolkit/locales/en-US/chrome/mozapps/downloads/downloads.properties
@@ -12,18 +12,16 @@ days=day;days
 # LOCALIZATION NOTE (paused): — is the "em dash" (long dash)
 paused=Paused —  #1
 notStarted=Not Started
-cannotPause=This download cannot be paused
 downloadErrorAlertTitle=Download Error
 downloadErrorGeneric=The download cannot be saved because an unknown error occurred.\n\nPlease try again.
 # LOCALIZATION NOTE: we don't have proper plural support in the CPP code; bug 463102
 quitCancelDownloadsAlertTitle=Cancel All Downloads?
 quitCancelDownloadsAlertMsg=If you exit now, 1 download will be canceled. Are you sure you want to exit?
 quitCancelDownloadsAlertMsgMultiple=If you exit now, %S downloads will be canceled. Are you sure you want to exit?
 quitCancelDownloadsAlertMsgMac=If you quit now, 1 download will be canceled. Are you sure you want to quit?
@@ -87,56 +85,27 @@ timePair2=%1$S %2$S
 # example: 1 minute remaining; 11 hours remaining
 timeLeftSingle2=%1$S remaining
 # LOCALIZATION NOTE (timeLeftDouble2): %1$S time left; %2$S time left sub units
 # example: 11 hours, 2 minutes remaining; 1 day, 22 hours remaining
 timeLeftDouble2=%1$S, %2$S remaining
 timeFewSeconds=A few seconds remaining
 timeUnknown=Unknown time remaining
-# LOCALIZATION NOTE (doneStatus): — is the "em dash" (long dash)
-# #1 download size for FINISHED or download state; #2 host (e.g., eTLD + 1, IP)
-# #2 can also be doneScheme or doneFileScheme for special URIs like file:
-# examples: 1.1 MB — website2.com; Canceled — 222.net
-doneStatus=#1 — #2
 # LOCALIZATION NOTE (doneSize): #1 size number; #2 size unit
 doneSize=#1 #2
-doneSizeUnknown=Unknown size
 # LOCALIZATION NOTE (doneScheme): #1 URI scheme like data: jar: about:
 doneScheme2=%1$S resource
 # LOCALIZATION NOTE (doneFileScheme): Special case of doneScheme for file:
 # This is used as an eTLD replacement for local files, so make it lower case
 doneFileScheme=local file
-# LOCALIZATION NOTE (stateBlocked): 'Parental Controls' should be capitalized
-stateBlocked=Blocked by Parental Controls
-stateDirty=Blocked: Download may contain a virus or spyware
-# LOCALIZATION NOTE (stateBlockedPolicy): 'Security Zone Policy' should be capitalized 
- stateBlockedPolicy=This download has been blocked by your Security Zone Policy
 # LOCALIZATION NOTE (yesterday): Displayed time for files finished yesterday
 # LOCALIZATION NOTE (monthDate): #1 month name; #2 date number; e.g., January 22
 monthDate2=%1$S %2$S
-fileDoesNotExistOpenTitle=Cannot Open %S
-fileDoesNotExistShowTitle=Cannot Show %S
-fileDoesNotExistError=%S does not exist. It may have been renamed, moved, or deleted since it was downloaded.
-chooseAppFilePickerTitle=Open With…
-# LOCALIZATION NOTE (downloadsTitleFiles, downloadsTitlePercent): Semi-colon list of
-# plural forms. See: http://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Localization_and_Plurals
-# #1 number of files; #2 overall download percent (only for downloadsTitlePercent)
-# examples: 2% of 1 file - Downloads; 22% of 11 files - Downloads
-downloadsTitleFiles=#1 file - Downloads;#1 files - Downloads
-downloadsTitlePercent=#2% of #1 file - Downloads;#2% of #1 files - Downloads
 fileExecutableSecurityWarning=“%S” is an executable file. Executable files may contain viruses or other malicious code that could harm your computer. Use caution when opening this file. Are you sure you want to launch “%S”?
 fileExecutableSecurityWarningTitle=Open Executable File?
 fileExecutableSecurityWarningDontAsk=Don’t ask me this again
 # Desktop folder name for downloaded files
--- a/toolkit/locales/jar.mn
+++ b/toolkit/locales/jar.mn
@@ -96,17 +96,16 @@
   locale/@AB_CD@/global-platform/win/platformKeys.properties  (%chrome/global-platform/win/platformKeys.properties)
   locale/@AB_CD@/global-platform/mac/intl.properties          (%chrome/global-platform/mac/intl.properties)
   locale/@AB_CD@/global-platform/unix/intl.properties         (%chrome/global-platform/unix/intl.properties)
   locale/@AB_CD@/global-platform/win/intl.properties          (%chrome/global-platform/win/intl.properties)
 % locale mozapps @AB_CD@ %locale/@AB_CD@/mozapps/
   locale/@AB_CD@/mozapps/downloads/unknownContentType.properties  (%chrome/mozapps/downloads/unknownContentType.properties)
   locale/@AB_CD@/mozapps/downloads/unknownContentType.dtd         (%chrome/mozapps/downloads/unknownContentType.dtd)
   locale/@AB_CD@/mozapps/downloads/settingsChange.dtd             (%chrome/mozapps/downloads/settingsChange.dtd)
-  locale/@AB_CD@/mozapps/downloads/downloads.dtd                  (%chrome/mozapps/downloads/downloads.dtd)
   locale/@AB_CD@/mozapps/downloads/downloads.properties           (%chrome/mozapps/downloads/downloads.properties)
   locale/@AB_CD@/mozapps/extensions/extensions.dtd                (%chrome/mozapps/extensions/extensions.dtd)
 #ifndef MOZ_FENNEC
   locale/@AB_CD@/mozapps/extensions/extensions.properties         (%chrome/mozapps/extensions/extensions.properties)
   locale/@AB_CD@/mozapps/extensions/blocklist.dtd                 (%chrome/mozapps/extensions/blocklist.dtd)
   locale/@AB_CD@/mozapps/extensions/about.dtd                     (%chrome/mozapps/extensions/about.dtd)
   locale/@AB_CD@/mozapps/extensions/update.dtd                    (%chrome/mozapps/extensions/update.dtd)
   locale/@AB_CD@/mozapps/extensions/update.properties             (%chrome/mozapps/extensions/update.properties)
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/toolkit/mozapps/downloads/DownloadTaskbarProgress.jsm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,399 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*-
- * vim: sw=2 ts=2 sts=2 et filetype=javascript
- * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
-  "DownloadTaskbarProgress",
-// Constants
-const Cc = Components.classes;
-const Ci = Components.interfaces;
-const Cu = Components.utils;
-const Cr = Components.results;
-XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "Services",
-                                  "resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm");
-const kTaskbarIDWin = "@mozilla.org/windows-taskbar;1";
-const kTaskbarIDMac = "@mozilla.org/widget/macdocksupport;1";
-// DownloadTaskbarProgress Object
-this.DownloadTaskbarProgress =
-  init: function DTP_init()
-  {
-    if (DownloadTaskbarProgressUpdater) {
-      DownloadTaskbarProgressUpdater._init();
-    }
-  },
-  /**
-   * Called when a browser window appears. This has an effect only when we
-   * don't already have an active window.
-   *
-   * @param aWindow
-   *        The browser window that we'll potentially use to display the
-   *        progress.
-   */
-  onBrowserWindowLoad: function DTP_onBrowserWindowLoad(aWindow)
-  {
-    this.init();
-    if (!DownloadTaskbarProgressUpdater) {
-      return;
-    }
-    if (!DownloadTaskbarProgressUpdater._activeTaskbarProgress) {
-      DownloadTaskbarProgressUpdater._setActiveWindow(aWindow, false);
-    }
-  },
-  /**
-   * Called when the download window appears. The download window will take
-   * over as the active window.
-   */
-  onDownloadWindowLoad: function DTP_onDownloadWindowLoad(aWindow)
-  {
-    if (!DownloadTaskbarProgressUpdater) {
-      return;
-    }
-    DownloadTaskbarProgressUpdater._setActiveWindow(aWindow, true);
-  },
-  /**
-   * Getters for internal DownloadTaskbarProgressUpdater values
-   */
-  get activeTaskbarProgress() {
-    if (!DownloadTaskbarProgressUpdater) {
-      return null;
-    }
-    return DownloadTaskbarProgressUpdater._activeTaskbarProgress;
-  },
-  get activeWindowIsDownloadWindow() {
-    if (!DownloadTaskbarProgressUpdater) {
-      return null;
-    }
-    return DownloadTaskbarProgressUpdater._activeWindowIsDownloadWindow;
-  },
-  get taskbarState() {
-    if (!DownloadTaskbarProgressUpdater) {
-      return null;
-    }
-    return DownloadTaskbarProgressUpdater._taskbarState;
-  },
-// DownloadTaskbarProgressUpdater Object
-var DownloadTaskbarProgressUpdater =
-  // / Whether the taskbar is initialized.
-  _initialized: false,
-  // / Reference to the taskbar.
-  _taskbar: null,
-  // / Reference to the download manager.
-  _dm: null,
-  /**
-   * Initialize and register ourselves as a download progress listener.
-   */
-  _init: function DTPU_init()
-  {
-    if (this._initialized) {
-      return; // Already initialized
-    }
-    this._initialized = true;
-    if (kTaskbarIDWin in Cc) {
-      this._taskbar = Cc[kTaskbarIDWin].getService(Ci.nsIWinTaskbar);
-      if (!this._taskbar.available) {
-        // The Windows version is probably too old
-        DownloadTaskbarProgressUpdater = null;
-        return;
-      }
-    } else if (kTaskbarIDMac in Cc) {
-      this._activeTaskbarProgress = Cc[kTaskbarIDMac].
-                                      getService(Ci.nsITaskbarProgress);
-    } else {
-      DownloadTaskbarProgressUpdater = null;
-      return;
-    }
-    this._taskbarState = Ci.nsITaskbarProgress.STATE_NO_PROGRESS;
-    this._dm = Cc["@mozilla.org/download-manager;1"].
-               getService(Ci.nsIDownloadManager);
-    this._dm.addPrivacyAwareListener(this);
-    this._os = Cc["@mozilla.org/observer-service;1"].
-               getService(Ci.nsIObserverService);
-    this._os.addObserver(this, "quit-application-granted", false);
-    this._updateStatus();
-    // onBrowserWindowLoad/onDownloadWindowLoad are going to set the active
-    // window, so don't do it here.
-  },
-  /**
-   * Unregisters ourselves as a download progress listener.
-   */
-  _uninit: function DTPU_uninit() {
-    this._dm.removeListener(this);
-    this._os.removeObserver(this, "quit-application-granted");
-    this._activeTaskbarProgress = null;
-    this._initialized = false;
-  },
-  /**
-   * This holds a reference to the taskbar progress for the window we're
-   * working with. This window would preferably be download window, but can be
-   * another window if it isn't open.
-   */
-  _activeTaskbarProgress: null,
-  // / Whether the active window is the download window
-  _activeWindowIsDownloadWindow: false,
-  /**
-   * Sets the active window, and whether it's the download window. This takes
-   * care of clearing out the previous active window's taskbar item, updating
-   * the taskbar, and setting an onunload listener.
-   *
-   * @param aWindow
-   *        The window to set as active.
-   * @param aIsDownloadWindow
-   *        Whether this window is a download window.
-   */
-  _setActiveWindow: function DTPU_setActiveWindow(aWindow, aIsDownloadWindow)
-  {
-    if (AppConstants.platform == "win") {
-      // Clear out the taskbar for the old active window. (If there was no active
-      // window, this is a no-op.)
-      this._clearTaskbar();
-      this._activeWindowIsDownloadWindow = aIsDownloadWindow;
-      if (aWindow) {
-        // Get the taskbar progress for this window
-        let docShell = aWindow.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor).
-                         getInterface(Ci.nsIWebNavigation).
-                         QueryInterface(Ci.nsIDocShellTreeItem).treeOwner.
-                         QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor).
-                         getInterface(Ci.nsIXULWindow).docShell;
-        let taskbarProgress = this._taskbar.getTaskbarProgress(docShell);
-        this._activeTaskbarProgress = taskbarProgress;
-        this._updateTaskbar();
-        // _onActiveWindowUnload is idempotent, so we don't need to check whether
-        // we've already set this before or not.
-        aWindow.addEventListener("unload", function() {
-          DownloadTaskbarProgressUpdater._onActiveWindowUnload(taskbarProgress);
-        }, false);
-      }
-      else {
-        this._activeTaskbarProgress = null;
-      }
-    }
-  },
-  // / Current state displayed on the active window's taskbar item
-  _taskbarState: null,
-  _totalSize: 0,
-  _totalTransferred: 0,
-  _shouldSetState: function DTPU_shouldSetState()
-  {
-    if (AppConstants.platform == "win") {
-      // If the active window is not the download manager window, set the state
-      // only if it is normal or indeterminate.
-      return this._activeWindowIsDownloadWindow ||
-             (this._taskbarState == Ci.nsITaskbarProgress.STATE_NORMAL ||
-              this._taskbarState == Ci.nsITaskbarProgress.STATE_INDETERMINATE);
-    }
-    return true;
-  },
-  /**
-   * Update the active window's taskbar indicator with the current state. There
-   * are two cases here:
-   * 1. If the active window is the download window, then we always update
-   *    the taskbar indicator.
-   * 2. If the active window isn't the download window, then we update only if
-   *    the status is normal or indeterminate. i.e. one or more downloads are
-   *    currently progressing or in scan mode. If we aren't, then we clear the
-   *    indicator.
-   */
-  _updateTaskbar: function DTPU_updateTaskbar()
-  {
-    if (!this._activeTaskbarProgress) {
-      return;
-    }
-    if (this._shouldSetState()) {
-      this._activeTaskbarProgress.setProgressState(this._taskbarState,
-                                                   this._totalTransferred,
-                                                   this._totalSize);
-    }
-    // Clear any state otherwise
-    else {
-      this._clearTaskbar();
-    }
-  },
-  /**
-   * Clear taskbar state. This is needed:
-   * - to transfer the indicator off a window before transferring it onto
-   *   another one
-   * - whenever we don't want to show it for a non-download window.
-   */
-  _clearTaskbar: function DTPU_clearTaskbar()
-  {
-    if (this._activeTaskbarProgress) {
-      this._activeTaskbarProgress.setProgressState(
-        Ci.nsITaskbarProgress.STATE_NO_PROGRESS
-      );
-    }
-  },
-  /**
-   * Update this._taskbarState, this._totalSize and this._totalTransferred.
-   * This is called when the download manager is initialized or when the
-   * progress or state of a download changes.
-   * We compute the number of active and paused downloads, and the total size
-   * and total amount already transferred across whichever downloads we have
-   * the data for.
-   * - If there are no active downloads, then we don't want to show any
-   *   progress.
-   * - If the number of active downloads is equal to the number of paused
-   *   downloads, then we show a paused indicator if we know the size of at
-   *   least one download, and no indicator if we don't.
-   * - If the number of active downloads is more than the number of paused
-   *   downloads, then we show a "normal" indicator if we know the size of at
-   *   least one download, and an indeterminate indicator if we don't.
-   */
-  _updateStatus: function DTPU_updateStatus()
-  {
-    let numActive = this._dm.activeDownloadCount + this._dm.activePrivateDownloadCount;
-    let totalSize = 0, totalTransferred = 0;
-    if (numActive == 0) {
-      this._taskbarState = Ci.nsITaskbarProgress.STATE_NO_PROGRESS;
-    }
-    else {
-      let numPaused = 0, numScanning = 0;
-      // Enumerate all active downloads
-      [this._dm.activeDownloads, this._dm.activePrivateDownloads].forEach(function(downloads) {
-        while (downloads.hasMoreElements()) {
-          let download = downloads.getNext().QueryInterface(Ci.nsIDownload);
-          // Only set values if we actually know the download size
-          if (download.percentComplete != -1) {
-            totalSize += download.size;
-            totalTransferred += download.amountTransferred;
-          }
-          // We might need to display a paused state, so track this
-          if (download.state == this._dm.DOWNLOAD_PAUSED) {
-            numPaused++;
-          } else if (download.state == this._dm.DOWNLOAD_SCANNING) {
-            numScanning++;
-          }
-        }
-      }.bind(this));
-      // If all downloads are paused, show the progress as paused, unless we
-      // don't have any information about sizes, in which case we don't
-      // display anything
-      if (numActive == numPaused) {
-        if (totalSize == 0) {
-          this._taskbarState = Ci.nsITaskbarProgress.STATE_NO_PROGRESS;
-          totalTransferred = 0;
-        }
-        else {
-          this._taskbarState = Ci.nsITaskbarProgress.STATE_PAUSED;
-        }
-      }
-      // If at least one download is not paused, and we don't have any
-      // information about download sizes, display an indeterminate indicator
-      else if (totalSize == 0 || numActive == numScanning) {
-        this._taskbarState = Ci.nsITaskbarProgress.STATE_INDETERMINATE;
-        totalSize = 0;
-        totalTransferred = 0;
-      }
-      // Otherwise display a normal progress bar
-      else {
-        this._taskbarState = Ci.nsITaskbarProgress.STATE_NORMAL;
-      }
-    }
-    this._totalSize = totalSize;
-    this._totalTransferred = totalTransferred;
-  },
-  /**
-   * Called when a window that at one point has been an active window is
-   * closed. If this window is currently the active window, we need to look for
-   * another window and make that our active window.
-   *
-   * This function is idempotent, so multiple calls for the same window are not
-   * a problem.
-   *
-   * @param aTaskbarProgress
-   *        The taskbar progress for the window that is being unloaded.
-   */
-  _onActiveWindowUnload: function DTPU_onActiveWindowUnload(aTaskbarProgress)
-  {
-    if (this._activeTaskbarProgress == aTaskbarProgress) {
-      let windowMediator = Cc["@mozilla.org/appshell/window-mediator;1"].
-                           getService(Ci.nsIWindowMediator);
-      let windows = windowMediator.getEnumerator(null);
-      let newActiveWindow = null;
-      if (windows.hasMoreElements()) {
-        newActiveWindow = windows.getNext().QueryInterface(Ci.nsIDOMWindow);
-      }
-      // We aren't ever going to reach this point while the download manager is
-      // open, so it's safe to assume false for the second operand
-      this._setActiveWindow(newActiveWindow, false);
-    }
-  },
-  // nsIDownloadProgressListener
-  /**
-   * Update status if a download's progress has changed.
-   */
-  onProgressChange: function DTPU_onProgressChange()
-  {
-    this._updateStatus();
-    this._updateTaskbar();
-  },
-  /**
-   * Update status if a download's state has changed.
-   */
-  onDownloadStateChange: function DTPU_onDownloadStateChange()
-  {
-    this._updateStatus();
-    this._updateTaskbar();
-  },
-  onSecurityChange: function() { },
-  onStateChange: function() { },
-  observe: function DTPU_observe(aSubject, aTopic, aData) {
-    if (aTopic == "quit-application-granted") {
-      this._uninit();
-    }
-  }
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/toolkit/mozapps/downloads/content/DownloadProgressListener.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,117 +0,0 @@
-// -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*-
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
- * DownloadProgressListener "class" is used to help update download items shown
- * in the Download Manager UI such as displaying amount transferred, transfer
- * rate, and time left for each download.
- *
- * This class implements the nsIDownloadProgressListener interface.
- */
-function DownloadProgressListener() {}
-DownloadProgressListener.prototype = {
-  // nsISupports
-  QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsIDownloadProgressListener]),
-  // nsIDownloadProgressListener
-  onDownloadStateChange: function dlPL_onDownloadStateChange(aState, aDownload)
-  {
-    // Update window title in-case we don't get all progress notifications
-    onUpdateProgress();
-    let dl;
-    let state = aDownload.state;
-    switch (state) {
-      case nsIDM.DOWNLOAD_QUEUED:
-        prependList(aDownload);
-        break;
-        prependList(aDownload);
-        // Should fall through, this is a final state but DOWNLOAD_QUEUED
-        // is skipped. See nsDownloadManager::AddDownload.
-      case nsIDM.DOWNLOAD_FAILED:
-      case nsIDM.DOWNLOAD_DIRTY:
-        downloadCompleted(aDownload);
-        if (state == nsIDM.DOWNLOAD_FINISHED)
-          autoRemoveAndClose(aDownload);
-        break;
-        dl = getDownload(aDownload.id);
-        // At this point, we know if we are an indeterminate download or not
-        dl.setAttribute("progressmode", aDownload.percentComplete == -1 ?
-                                        "undetermined" : "normal");
-        // As well as knowing the referrer
-        let referrer = aDownload.referrer;
-        if (referrer)
-          dl.setAttribute("referrer", referrer.spec);
-        break;
-      }
-    }
-    // autoRemoveAndClose could have already closed our window...
-    try {
-      if (!dl)
-        dl = getDownload(aDownload.id);
-      // Update to the new state
-      dl.setAttribute("state", state);
-      // Update ui text values after switching states
-      updateTime(dl);
-      updateStatus(dl);
-      updateButtons(dl);
-    } catch (e) { }
-  },
-  onProgressChange: function dlPL_onProgressChange(aWebProgress, aRequest,
-                                                   aCurSelfProgress,
-                                                   aMaxSelfProgress,
-                                                   aCurTotalProgress,
-                                                   aMaxTotalProgress, aDownload)
-  {
-    var download = getDownload(aDownload.id);
-    // Update this download's progressmeter
-    if (aDownload.percentComplete != -1) {
-      download.setAttribute("progress", aDownload.percentComplete);
-      // Dispatch ValueChange for a11y
-      let event = document.createEvent("Events");
-      event.initEvent("ValueChange", true, true);
-      document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(download, "anonid", "progressmeter")
-              .dispatchEvent(event);
-    }
-    // Update the progress so the status can be correctly updated
-    download.setAttribute("currBytes", aDownload.amountTransferred);
-    download.setAttribute("maxBytes", aDownload.size);
-    // Update the rest of the UI (bytes transferred, bytes total, download rate,
-    // time remaining).
-    updateStatus(download, aDownload);
-    // Update window title
-    onUpdateProgress();
-  },
-  onStateChange: function(aWebProgress, aRequest, aState, aStatus, aDownload)
-  {
-  },
-  onSecurityChange: function(aWebProgress, aRequest, aState, aDownload)
-  {
-  }
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/toolkit/mozapps/downloads/content/download.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,327 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0"?>
-<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
-   - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
-   - file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. -->
-<!DOCTYPE bindings [
-  <!ENTITY % downloadDTD SYSTEM "chrome://mozapps/locale/downloads/downloads.dtd" >
-  %downloadDTD;
-<bindings id="downloadBindings"
-          xmlns="http://www.mozilla.org/xbl"
-          xmlns:xul="http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul"
-          xmlns:xbl="http://www.mozilla.org/xbl">
-  <binding id="download-base" extends="chrome://global/content/bindings/richlistbox.xml#richlistitem">
-    <resources>
-      <stylesheet src="chrome://mozapps/skin/downloads/downloads.css"/>
-    </resources>
-    <implementation>
-      <property name="paused">
-        <getter>
-        <![CDATA[
-          return parseInt(this.getAttribute("state")) == Components.interfaces.nsIDownloadManager.DOWNLOAD_PAUSED;
-        ]]>
-        </getter>
-      </property>
-      <property name="openable">
-        <getter>
-        <![CDATA[
-          return parseInt(this.getAttribute("state")) == Components.interfaces.nsIDownloadManager.DOWNLOAD_FINISHED;
-        ]]>
-        </getter>
-      </property>
-      <property name="inProgress">
-        <getter>
-        <![CDATA[
-          var state = parseInt(this.getAttribute("state"));
-          const dl = Components.interfaces.nsIDownloadManager;
-          return state == dl.DOWNLOAD_NOTSTARTED ||
-                 state == dl.DOWNLOAD_QUEUED ||
-                 state == dl.DOWNLOAD_DOWNLOADING ||
-                 state == dl.DOWNLOAD_PAUSED ||
-                 state == dl.DOWNLOAD_SCANNING;
-        ]]>
-        </getter>
-      </property>
-      <property name="removable">
-        <getter>
-        <![CDATA[
-          var state = parseInt(this.getAttribute("state"));
-          const dl = Components.interfaces.nsIDownloadManager;
-          return state == dl.DOWNLOAD_FINISHED ||
-                 state == dl.DOWNLOAD_CANCELED ||
-                 state == dl.DOWNLOAD_BLOCKED_PARENTAL ||
-                 state == dl.DOWNLOAD_BLOCKED_POLICY ||
-                 state == dl.DOWNLOAD_DIRTY ||
-                 state == dl.DOWNLOAD_FAILED;
-        ]]>
-        </getter>
-      </property>
-      <property name="buttons">
-        <getter>
-        <![CDATA[
-          var startEl = document.getAnonymousNodes(this);
-          if (!startEl.length)
-            startEl = [this];
-          const XULNS = "http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul";
-          return startEl[0].getElementsByTagNameNS(XULNS, "button");
-        ]]>
-        </getter>
-      </property>
-    </implementation>
-  </binding>
-  <binding id="download-starting" extends="chrome://mozapps/content/downloads/download.xml#download-base">
-    <content>
-      <xul:hbox flex="1">
-        <xul:vbox pack="center">
-          <xul:image class="downloadTypeIcon" validate="always"
-                     xbl:inherits="src=image"/>
-        </xul:vbox>
-        <xul:vbox pack="start" flex="1">
-          <xul:label xbl:inherits="value=target,tooltiptext=target"
-                     crop="center" class="name"/>
-          <xul:progressmeter mode="normal" value="0" flex="1"
-                             anonid="progressmeter"/>
-          <xul:label value="&starting.label;" class="status"/>
-          <xul:spacer flex="1"/>
-        </xul:vbox>
-        <xul:vbox pack="center">
-          <xul:button class="cancel mini-button" tooltiptext="&cmd.cancel.label;"
-                      cmd="cmd_cancel" ondblclick="event.stopPropagation();"
-                      oncommand="performCommand('cmd_cancel', this);"/>
-        </xul:vbox>
-      </xul:hbox>
-    </content>
-  </binding>
-  <binding id="download-downloading" extends="chrome://mozapps/content/downloads/download.xml#download-base">
-    <content>
-      <xul:hbox flex="1" class="downloadContentBox">
-        <xul:vbox pack="center">
-          <xul:image class="downloadTypeIcon" validate="always"
-                     xbl:inherits="src=image"/>
-        </xul:vbox>
-        <xul:vbox flex="1">
-          <xul:label xbl:inherits="value=target,tooltiptext=target"
-                       crop="center" flex="2" class="name"/>
-          <xul:hbox>
-            <xul:vbox flex="1">
-              <xul:progressmeter mode="normal" value="0" flex="1"
-                                 anonid="progressmeter"
-                                 xbl:inherits="value=progress,mode=progressmode"/>
-            </xul:vbox>
-            <xul:button class="pause mini-button" tooltiptext="&cmd.pause.label;"
-                        cmd="cmd_pause" ondblclick="event.stopPropagation();"
-                        oncommand="performCommand('cmd_pause', this);"/>
-            <xul:button class="cancel mini-button" tooltiptext="&cmd.cancel.label;"
-                        cmd="cmd_cancel" ondblclick="event.stopPropagation();"
-                        oncommand="performCommand('cmd_cancel', this);"/>
-          </xul:hbox>
-          <xul:label xbl:inherits="value=status,tooltiptext=statusTip" flex="1"
-                     crop="right" class="status"/>
-          <xul:spacer flex="1"/>
-        </xul:vbox>
-      </xul:hbox>
-    </content>
-  </binding>
-  <binding id="download-paused" extends="chrome://mozapps/content/downloads/download.xml#download-base">
-    <content>
-      <xul:hbox flex="1">
-        <xul:vbox pack="center">
-          <xul:image class="downloadTypeIcon" validate="always"
-                     xbl:inherits="src=image"/>
-        </xul:vbox>
-        <xul:vbox flex="1">
-          <xul:label xbl:inherits="value=target,tooltiptext=target"
-                     crop="center" flex="2" class="name"/>
-          <xul:hbox>
-            <xul:vbox flex="1">
-              <xul:progressmeter mode="normal" value="0" flex="1"
-                                 anonid="progressmeter"
-                                 xbl:inherits="value=progress,mode=progressmode"/>
-            </xul:vbox>
-            <xul:button class="resume mini-button" tooltiptext="&cmd.resume.label;"
-                        cmd="cmd_resume" ondblclick="event.stopPropagation();"
-                        oncommand="performCommand('cmd_resume', this);"/>
-            <xul:button class="cancel mini-button" tooltiptext="&cmd.cancel.label;"
-                        cmd="cmd_cancel" ondblclick="event.stopPropagation();"
-                        oncommand="performCommand('cmd_cancel', this);"/>
-          </xul:hbox>
-          <xul:label xbl:inherits="value=status,tooltiptext=statusTip" flex="1"
-                     crop="right" class="status"/>
-          <xul:spacer flex="1"/>
-        </xul:vbox>
-      </xul:hbox>
-    </content>
-  </binding>
-  <binding id="download-done" extends="chrome://mozapps/content/downloads/download.xml#download-base">
-    <content>
-      <xul:hbox flex="1">
-        <xul:vbox pack="center">
-          <xul:image class="downloadTypeIcon" validate="always"
-                     xbl:inherits="src=image"/>
-        </xul:vbox>
-        <xul:vbox pack="start" flex="1">
-          <xul:hbox align="center" flex="1">
-            <xul:label xbl:inherits="value=target,tooltiptext=target"
-                       crop="center" flex="1" class="name"/>
-            <xul:label xbl:inherits="value=dateTime,tooltiptext=dateTimeTip"
-                       class="dateTime"/>
-          </xul:hbox>
-          <xul:hbox align="center" flex="1">
-            <xul:label xbl:inherits="value=status,tooltiptext=statusTip"
-                       crop="end" flex="1" class="status"/>
-          </xul:hbox>
-        </xul:vbox>
-      </xul:hbox>
-    </content>
-  </binding>
-  <binding id="download-canceled" extends="chrome://mozapps/content/downloads/download.xml#download-base">
-    <content>
-      <xul:hbox flex="1">
-        <xul:vbox pack="center">
-          <xul:image class="downloadTypeIcon" validate="always"
-                     xbl:inherits="src=image"/>
-        </xul:vbox>
-        <xul:vbox pack="start" flex="1">
-          <xul:hbox align="center" flex="1">
-            <xul:label xbl:inherits="value=target,tooltiptext=target"
-                       crop="center" flex="1" class="name"/>
-            <xul:label xbl:inherits="value=dateTime,tooltiptext=dateTimeTip"
-                       class="dateTime"/>
-          </xul:hbox>
-          <xul:hbox align="center" flex="1">
-            <xul:label xbl:inherits="value=status,tooltiptext=statusTip"
-                       crop="end" flex="1" class="status"/>
-            <xul:button class="retry mini-button" tooltiptext="&cmd.retry.label;"
-                        cmd="cmd_retry" ondblclick="event.stopPropagation();"
-                        oncommand="performCommand('cmd_retry', this);"/>
-          </xul:hbox>
-        </xul:vbox>
-      </xul:hbox>
-    </content>
-  </binding>
-  <binding id="download-failed" extends="chrome://mozapps/content/downloads/download.xml#download-base">
-    <content>
-      <xul:hbox flex="1">
-        <xul:vbox pack="center">
-          <xul:image class="downloadTypeIcon" validate="always"
-                     xbl:inherits="src=image"/>
-        </xul:vbox>
-        <xul:vbox pack="start" flex="1">
-          <xul:hbox align="center" flex="1">
-            <xul:label xbl:inherits="value=target,tooltiptext=target"
-                       crop="center" flex="1" class="name"/>
-            <xul:label xbl:inherits="value=dateTime,tooltiptext=dateTimeTip"
-                       class="dateTime"/>
-          </xul:hbox>
-          <xul:hbox align="center" flex="1">
-            <xul:label xbl:inherits="value=status,tooltiptext=statusTip"
-                       crop="end" flex="1" class="status"/>
-            <xul:button class="retry mini-button" tooltiptext="&cmd.retry.label;"
-                        cmd="cmd_retry" ondblclick="event.stopPropagation();"
-                        oncommand="performCommand('cmd_retry', this);"/>
-          </xul:hbox>
-        </xul:vbox>
-      </xul:hbox>
-    </content>
-  </binding>
-  <binding id="download-blocked-parental" extends="chrome://mozapps/content/downloads/download.xml#download-base">
-    <content>
-      <xul:hbox flex="1">
-        <xul:vbox pack="center">
-          <xul:image class="downloadTypeIcon blockedIcon"/>
-        </xul:vbox>
-        <xul:vbox pack="start" flex="1">
-          <xul:hbox align="center" flex="1">
-            <xul:label xbl:inherits="value=target,tooltiptext=target"
-                       crop="center" flex="1" class="name"/>
-            <xul:label xbl:inherits="value=dateTime,tooltiptext=dateTimeTip"
-                       class="dateTime"/>
-          </xul:hbox>
-          <xul:hbox align="center" flex="1">
-            <xul:label xbl:inherits="value=status,tooltiptext=statusTip"
-                       crop="end" flex="1" class="status"/>
-          </xul:hbox>
-        </xul:vbox>
-      </xul:hbox>
-    </content>
-  </binding>
-  <binding id="download-blocked-policy" extends="chrome://mozapps/content/downloads/download.xml#download-base">
-    <content>
-      <xul:hbox flex="1">
-        <xul:vbox pack="center">
-          <xul:image class="downloadTypeIcon blockedIcon"/>
-        </xul:vbox>
-        <xul:vbox pack="start" flex="1">
-          <xul:hbox align="center" flex="1">
-            <xul:label xbl:inherits="value=target,tooltiptext=target"
-                       crop="center" flex="1" class="name"/>
-            <xul:label xbl:inherits="value=dateTime,tooltiptext=dateTimeTip"
-                       class="dateTime"/>
-          </xul:hbox>
-          <xul:hbox align="center" flex="1">
-            <xul:label xbl:inherits="value=status,tooltiptext=statusTip"
-                       crop="end" flex="1" class="status"/>
-          </xul:hbox>
-        </xul:vbox>
-      </xul:hbox>
-    </content>
-  </binding>
-  <binding id="download-scanning" extends="chrome://mozapps/content/downloads/download.xml#download-base">
-    <content>
-      <xul:hbox flex="1">
-        <xul:vbox pack="center">
-          <xul:image class="downloadTypeIcon" validate="always"
-                     xbl:inherits="src=image"/>
-        </xul:vbox>
-        <xul:vbox pack="start" flex="1">
-          <xul:label xbl:inherits="value=target,tooltiptext=target"
-                       crop="center" flex="2" class="name"/>
-          <xul:hbox>
-            <xul:vbox flex="1">
-              <xul:progressmeter mode="undetermined" flex="1" />
-            </xul:vbox>
-          </xul:hbox>
-          <xul:label value="&scanning.label;" class="status"/>
-          <xul:spacer flex="1"/>
-        </xul:vbox>
-      </xul:hbox>
-    </content>
-  </binding>
-  <binding id="download-dirty" extends="chrome://mozapps/content/downloads/download.xml#download-base">
-    <content>
-      <xul:hbox flex="1">
-        <xul:vbox pack="center">
-          <xul:image class="downloadTypeIcon blockedIcon"/>
-        </xul:vbox>
-        <xul:vbox pack="start" flex="1">
-          <xul:hbox align="center" flex="1">
-            <xul:label xbl:inherits="value=target,tooltiptext=target"
-                       crop="center" flex="1" class="name"/>
-            <xul:label xbl:inherits="value=dateTime,tooltiptext=dateTimeTip"
-                       class="dateTime"/>
-          </xul:hbox>
-          <xul:hbox align="center" flex="1">
-            <xul:label xbl:inherits="value=status,tooltiptext=statusTip"
-                       crop="end" flex="1" class="status"/>
-          </xul:hbox>
-        </xul:vbox>
-      </xul:hbox>
-    </content>
-  </binding>
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/toolkit/mozapps/downloads/content/downloads.css
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
-richlistitem[type="download"] {
-  -moz-binding: url('chrome://mozapps/content/downloads/download.xml#download-starting');
-  -moz-box-orient: vertical;
-richlistitem[type="download"][state="0"] {
-  -moz-binding: url('chrome://mozapps/content/downloads/download.xml#download-downloading');
-richlistitem[type="download"][state="1"] {
-  -moz-binding: url('chrome://mozapps/content/downloads/download.xml#download-done');
-richlistitem[type="download"][state="2"] {
-  -moz-binding: url('chrome://mozapps/content/downloads/download.xml#download-failed');
-richlistitem[type="download"][state="3"] {
-  -moz-binding: url('chrome://mozapps/content/downloads/download.xml#download-canceled');
-richlistitem[type="download"][state="4"] {
-  -moz-binding: url('chrome://mozapps/content/downloads/download.xml#download-paused');
-richlistitem[type="download"][state="6"] {
-  -moz-binding: url('chrome://mozapps/content/downloads/download.xml#download-blocked-parental');
-richlistitem[type="download"][state="7"] {
-  -moz-binding: url('chrome://mozapps/content/downloads/download.xml#download-scanning');
-richlistitem[type="download"][state="8"] {
-  -moz-binding: url('chrome://mozapps/content/downloads/download.xml#download-dirty');
-richlistitem[type="download"][state="9"] {
-  -moz-binding: url('chrome://mozapps/content/downloads/download.xml#download-blocked-policy');
-/* Only focus buttons in the selected item*/
-richlistitem[type="download"]:not([selected="true"]) button {
-  -moz-user-focus: none;
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/toolkit/mozapps/downloads/content/downloads.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1320 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
-"use strict";
-// Globals
-const PREF_BDM_CLOSEWHENDONE = "browser.download.manager.closeWhenDone";
-const PREF_BDM_ALERTONEXEOPEN = "browser.download.manager.alertOnEXEOpen";
-const PREF_BDM_SCANWHENDONE = "browser.download.manager.scanWhenDone";
-const nsLocalFile = Components.Constructor("@mozilla.org/file/local;1",
-                                           "nsILocalFile", "initWithPath");
-var Cc = Components.classes;
-var Ci = Components.interfaces;
-var Cu = Components.utils;
-XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "PluralForm",
-                                  "resource://gre/modules/PluralForm.jsm");
-const nsIDM = Ci.nsIDownloadManager;
-var gDownloadManager = Cc["@mozilla.org/download-manager;1"].getService(nsIDM);
-var gDownloadManagerUI = Cc["@mozilla.org/download-manager-ui;1"].
-                         getService(Ci.nsIDownloadManagerUI);
-var gDownloadListener = null;
-var gDownloadsView = null;
-var gSearchBox = null;
-var gSearchTerms = [];
-var gBuilder = 0;
-// This variable is used when performing commands on download items and gives
-// the command the ability to do something after all items have been operated
-// on. The following convention is used to handle the value of the variable:
-// whenever we aren't performing a command, the value is |undefined|; just
-// before executing commands, the value will be set to |null|; and when
-// commands want to create a callback, they set the value to be a callback
-// function to be executed after all download items have been visited.
-var gPerformAllCallback;
-// Control the performance of the incremental list building by setting how many
-// milliseconds to wait before building more of the list and how many items to
-// add between each delay.
-const gListBuildDelay = 300;
-const gListBuildChunk = 3;
-// Array of download richlistitem attributes to check when searching
-const gSearchAttributes = [
-  "target",
-  "status",
-  "dateTime",
-// If the user has interacted with the window in a significant way, we should
-// not auto-close the window. Tough UI decisions about what is "significant."
-var gUserInteracted = false;
-// These strings will be converted to the corresponding ones from the string
-// bundle on startup.
-var gStr = {
-  paused: "paused",
-  cannotPause: "cannotPause",
-  doneStatus: "doneStatus",
-  doneSize: "doneSize",
-  doneSizeUnknown: "doneSizeUnknown",
-  stateFailed: "stateFailed",
-  stateCanceled: "stateCanceled",
-  stateBlockedParentalControls: "stateBlocked",
-  stateBlockedPolicy: "stateBlockedPolicy",
-  stateDirty: "stateDirty",
-  downloadsTitleFiles: "downloadsTitleFiles",
-  downloadsTitlePercent: "downloadsTitlePercent",
-  fileExecutableSecurityWarningTitle: "fileExecutableSecurityWarningTitle",
-  fileExecutableSecurityWarningDontAsk: "fileExecutableSecurityWarningDontAsk"
-// The statement to query for downloads that are active or match the search
-var gStmt = null;
-// Start/Stop Observers
-function downloadCompleted(aDownload)
-  // The download is changing state, so update the clear list button
-  updateClearListButton();
-  // Wrap this in try...catch since this can be called while shutting down...
-  // it doesn't really matter if it fails then since well.. we're shutting down
-  // and there's no UI to update!
-  try {
-    let dl = getDownload(aDownload.id);
-    // Update attributes now that we've finished
-    dl.setAttribute("startTime", Math.round(aDownload.startTime / 1000));
-    dl.setAttribute("endTime", Date.now());
-    dl.setAttribute("currBytes", aDownload.amountTransferred);
-    dl.setAttribute("maxBytes", aDownload.size);
-    // Move the download below active if it should stay in the list
-    if (downloadMatchesSearch(dl)) {
-      // Iterate down until we find a non-active download
-      let next = dl.nextSibling;
-      while (next && next.inProgress)
-        next = next.nextSibling;
-      // Move the item
-      gDownloadsView.insertBefore(dl, next);
-    } else {
-      removeFromView(dl);
-    }
-    // getTypeFromFile fails if it can't find a type for this file.
-    try {
-      // Refresh the icon, so that executable icons are shown.
-      var mimeService = Cc["@mozilla.org/mime;1"].
-                        getService(Ci.nsIMIMEService);
-      var contentType = mimeService.getTypeFromFile(aDownload.targetFile);
-      var listItem = getDownload(aDownload.id)
-      var oldImage = listItem.getAttribute("image");
-      // Tacking on contentType bypasses cache
-      listItem.setAttribute("image", oldImage + "&contentType=" + contentType);
-    } catch (e) { }
-    if (gDownloadManager.activeDownloadCount == 0)
-      document.title = document.documentElement.getAttribute("statictitle");
-    gDownloadManagerUI.getAttention();
-  }
-  catch (e) { }
-function autoRemoveAndClose(aDownload)
-  var pref = Cc["@mozilla.org/preferences-service;1"].
-             getService(Ci.nsIPrefBranch);
-  if (gDownloadManager.activeDownloadCount == 0) {
-    // For the moment, just use the simple heuristic that if this window was
-    // opened by the download process, rather than by the user, it should
-    // auto-close if the pref is set that way. If the user opened it themselves,
-    // it should not close until they explicitly close it.  Additionally, the
-    // preference to control the feature may not be set, so defaulting to
-    // keeping the window open.
-    let autoClose = false;
-    try {
-      autoClose = pref.getBoolPref(PREF_BDM_CLOSEWHENDONE);
-    } catch (e) { }
-    var autoOpened =
-      !window.opener || window.opener.location.href == window.location.href;
-    if (autoClose && autoOpened && !gUserInteracted) {
-      gCloseDownloadManager();
-      return true;
-    }
-  }
-  return false;
-// This function can be overwritten by extensions that wish to place the
-// Download Window in another part of the UI.
-function gCloseDownloadManager()
-  window.close();
-// Download Event Handlers
-function cancelDownload(aDownload)
-  gDownloadManager.cancelDownload(aDownload.getAttribute("dlid"));
-  // XXXben -
-  // If we got here because we resumed the download, we weren't using a temp file
-  // because we used saveURL instead. (this is because the proper download mechanism
-  // employed by the helper app service isn't fully accessible yet... should be fixed...
-  // talk to bz...)
-  // the upshot is we have to delete the file if it exists.
-  var f = getLocalFileFromNativePathOrUrl(aDownload.getAttribute("file"));
-  if (f.exists())
-    f.remove(false);
-function pauseDownload(aDownload)
-  var id = aDownload.getAttribute("dlid");
-  gDownloadManager.pauseDownload(id);
-function resumeDownload(aDownload)
-  gDownloadManager.resumeDownload(aDownload.getAttribute("dlid"));
-function removeDownload(aDownload)
-  gDownloadManager.removeDownload(aDownload.getAttribute("dlid"));
-function retryDownload(aDownload)
-  removeFromView(aDownload);
-  gDownloadManager.retryDownload(aDownload.getAttribute("dlid"));
-function showDownload(aDownload)
-  var f = getLocalFileFromNativePathOrUrl(aDownload.getAttribute("file"));
-  try {
-    // Show the directory containing the file and select the file
-    f.reveal();
-  } catch (e) {
-    // If reveal fails for some reason (e.g., it's not implemented on unix or
-    // the file doesn't exist), try using the parent if we have it.
-    let parent = f.parent.QueryInterface(Ci.nsILocalFile);
-    if (!parent)
-      return;
-    try {
-      // "Double click" the parent directory to show where the file should be
-      parent.launch();
-    } catch (e) {
-      // If launch also fails (probably because it's not implemented), let the
-      // OS handler try to open the parent
-      openExternal(parent);
-    }
-  }
-function onDownloadDblClick(aEvent)
-  // Only do the default action for double primary clicks
-  if (aEvent.button == 0 && aEvent.target.selected)
-    doDefaultForSelected();
-function openDownload(aDownload)
-  var f = getLocalFileFromNativePathOrUrl(aDownload.getAttribute("file"));
-  if (f.isExecutable()) {
-    var dontAsk = false;
-    var pref = Cc["@mozilla.org/preferences-service;1"].
-               getService(Ci.nsIPrefBranch);
-    try {
-      dontAsk = !pref.getBoolPref(PREF_BDM_ALERTONEXEOPEN);
-    } catch (e) { }
-    if (AppConstants.platform == "win") {
-      // On Vista and above, we rely on native security prompting for
-      // downloaded content unless it's disabled.
-      try {
-        var sysInfo = Cc["@mozilla.org/system-info;1"].
-                      getService(Ci.nsIPropertyBag2);
-        if (parseFloat(sysInfo.getProperty("version")) >= 6 &&
-            pref.getBoolPref(PREF_BDM_SCANWHENDONE)) {
-          dontAsk = true;
-        }
-      } catch (ex) { }
-    }
-    if (!dontAsk) {
-      var strings = document.getElementById("downloadStrings");
-      var name = aDownload.getAttribute("target");
-      var message = strings.getFormattedString("fileExecutableSecurityWarning", [name, name]);
-      let title = gStr.fileExecutableSecurityWarningTitle;
-      let dontAsk = gStr.fileExecutableSecurityWarningDontAsk;
-      var promptSvc = Cc["@mozilla.org/embedcomp/prompt-service;1"].
-                      getService(Ci.nsIPromptService);
-      var checkbox = { value: false };
-      var open = promptSvc.confirmCheck(window, title, message, dontAsk, checkbox);
-      if (!open)
-        return;
-      pref.setBoolPref(PREF_BDM_ALERTONEXEOPEN, !checkbox.value);
-    }
-  }
-  try {
-    try {
-      let download = gDownloadManager.getDownload(aDownload.getAttribute("dlid"));
-      let mimeInfo = download.MIMEInfo;
-      if (mimeInfo.preferredAction == mimeInfo.useHelperApp) {
-        mimeInfo.launchWithFile(f);
-        return;
-      }
-    } catch (ex) {
-    }
-    f.launch();
-  } catch (ex) {
-    // if launch fails, try sending it through the system's external
-    // file: URL handler
-    openExternal(f);
-  }
-function openReferrer(aDownload)
-  openURL(getReferrerOrSource(aDownload));
-function copySourceLocation(aDownload)
-  var uri = aDownload.getAttribute("uri");
-  var clipboard = Cc["@mozilla.org/widget/clipboardhelper;1"].
-                  getService(Ci.nsIClipboardHelper);
-  // Check if we should initialize a callback
-  if (gPerformAllCallback === null) {
-    let uris = [];
-    gPerformAllCallback = aURI => aURI ? uris.push(aURI) :
-      clipboard.copyString(uris.join("\n"));
-  }
-  // We have a callback to use, so use it to add a uri
-  if (typeof gPerformAllCallback == "function")
-    gPerformAllCallback(uri);
-  else {
-    // It's a plain copy source, so copy it
-    clipboard.copyString(uri);
-  }
- * Remove the currently shown downloads from the download list.
- */
-function clearDownloadList() {
-  // Clear the whole list if there's no search
-  if (gSearchTerms == "") {
-    gDownloadManager.cleanUp();
-    return;
-  }
-  // Remove each download starting from the end until we hit a download
-  // that is in progress
-  let item;
-  while ((item = gDownloadsView.lastChild) && !item.inProgress)
-    removeDownload(item);
-  // Clear the input as if the user did it and move focus to the list
-  gSearchBox.value = "";
-  gSearchBox.doCommand();
-  gDownloadsView.focus();
-// This is called by the progress listener.
-var gLastComputedMean = -1;
-var gLastActiveDownloads = 0;
-function onUpdateProgress()
-  let numActiveDownloads = gDownloadManager.activeDownloadCount;
-  // Use the default title and reset "last" values if there's no downloads
-  if (numActiveDownloads == 0) {
-    document.title = document.documentElement.getAttribute("statictitle");
-    gLastComputedMean = -1;
-    gLastActiveDownloads = 0;
-    return;
-  }
-  // Establish the mean transfer speed and amount downloaded.
-  var mean = 0;
-  var base = 0;
-  var dls = gDownloadManager.activeDownloads;
-  while (dls.hasMoreElements()) {
-    let dl = dls.getNext();
-    if (dl.percentComplete < 100 && dl.size > 0) {
-      mean += dl.amountTransferred;
-      base += dl.size;
-    }
-  }
-  // Calculate the percent transferred, unless we don't have a total file size
-  let title = gStr.downloadsTitlePercent;
-  if (base == 0)
-    title = gStr.downloadsTitleFiles;
-  else
-    mean = Math.floor((mean / base) * 100);
-  // Update title of window
-  if (mean != gLastComputedMean || gLastActiveDownloads != numActiveDownloads) {
-    gLastComputedMean = mean;
-    gLastActiveDownloads = numActiveDownloads;
-    // Get the correct plural form and insert number of downloads and percent
-    title = PluralForm.get(numActiveDownloads, title);
-    title = replaceInsert(title, 1, numActiveDownloads);
-    title = replaceInsert(title, 2, mean);
-    document.title = title;
-  }
-// Startup, Shutdown
-function Startup()
-  gDownloadsView = document.getElementById("downloadView");
-  gSearchBox = document.getElementById("searchbox");
-  // convert strings to those in the string bundle
-  let sb = document.getElementById("downloadStrings");
-  let getStr = string => sb.getString(string);
-  for (let [name, value] of Object.entries(gStr))
-    gStr[name] = typeof value == "string" ? getStr(value) : value.map(getStr);
-  initStatement();
-  buildDownloadList(true);
-  // The DownloadProgressListener (DownloadProgressListener.js) handles progress
-  // notifications.
-  gDownloadListener = new DownloadProgressListener();
-  gDownloadManager.addListener(gDownloadListener);
-  // If the UI was displayed because the user interacted, we need to make sure
-  // we update gUserInteracted accordingly.
-  if (window.arguments[1] == Ci.nsIDownloadManagerUI.REASON_USER_INTERACTED)
-    gUserInteracted = true;
-  // downloads can finish before Startup() does, so check if the window should
-  // close and act accordingly
-  if (!autoRemoveAndClose())
-    gDownloadsView.focus();
-  let obs = Cc["@mozilla.org/observer-service;1"].
-            getService(Ci.nsIObserverService);
-  obs.addObserver(gDownloadObserver, "download-manager-remove-download", false);
-  obs.addObserver(gDownloadObserver, "browser-lastwindow-close-granted", false);
-  // Clear the search box and move focus to the list on escape from the box
-  gSearchBox.addEventListener("keypress", function(e) {
-    if (e.keyCode == e.DOM_VK_ESCAPE) {
-      // Move focus to the list instead of closing the window
-      gDownloadsView.focus();
-      e.preventDefault();
-    }
-  }, false);
-  let DownloadTaskbarProgress =
-    Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/DownloadTaskbarProgress.jsm", {}).DownloadTaskbarProgress;
-  DownloadTaskbarProgress.onDownloadWindowLoad(window);
-function Shutdown()
-  gDownloadManager.removeListener(gDownloadListener);
-  let obs = Cc["@mozilla.org/observer-service;1"].
-            getService(Ci.nsIObserverService);
-  obs.removeObserver(gDownloadObserver, "download-manager-remove-download");
-  obs.removeObserver(gDownloadObserver, "browser-lastwindow-close-granted");
-  clearTimeout(gBuilder);
-  gStmt.reset();
-  gStmt.finalize();
-var gDownloadObserver = {
-  observe: function gdo_observe(aSubject, aTopic, aData) {
-    switch (aTopic) {
-      case "download-manager-remove-download":
-        // A null subject here indicates "remove multiple", so we just rebuild.
-        if (!aSubject) {
-          // Rebuild the default view
-          buildDownloadList(true);
-          break;
-        }
-        // Otherwise, remove a single download
-        let id = aSubject.QueryInterface(Ci.nsISupportsPRUint32);
-        let dl = getDownload(id.data);
-        removeFromView(dl);
-        break;
-      case "browser-lastwindow-close-granted":
-        if (AppConstants.platform != "macosx" &&
-            gDownloadManager.activeDownloadCount == 0) {
-          setTimeout(gCloseDownloadManager, 0);
-        }
-        break;
-    }
-  }
-// View Context Menus
-var gContextMenus = [
-  [
-    "menuitem_pause"
-    , "menuitem_cancel"
-    , "menuseparator"
-    , "menuitem_show"
-    , "menuseparator"
-    , "menuitem_openReferrer"
-    , "menuitem_copyLocation"
-    , "menuseparator"
-    , "menuitem_selectAll"
-  ],
-  [
-    "menuitem_open"
-    , "menuitem_show"
-    , "menuseparator"
-    , "menuitem_openReferrer"
-    , "menuitem_copyLocation"
-    , "menuseparator"
-    , "menuitem_selectAll"
-    , "menuseparator"
-    , "menuitem_removeFromList"
-  ],
-  [
-    "menuitem_retry"
-    , "menuseparator"
-    , "menuitem_openReferrer"
-    , "menuitem_copyLocation"
-    , "menuseparator"
-    , "menuitem_selectAll"
-    , "menuseparator"
-    , "menuitem_removeFromList"
-  ],
-  [
-    "menuitem_retry"
-    , "menuseparator"
-    , "menuitem_openReferrer"
-    , "menuitem_copyLocation"
-    , "menuseparator"
-    , "menuitem_selectAll"
-    , "menuseparator"
-    , "menuitem_removeFromList"
-  ],
-  [
-    "menuitem_resume"
-    , "menuitem_cancel"
-    , "menuseparator"
-    , "menuitem_show"
-    , "menuseparator"
-    , "menuitem_openReferrer"
-    , "menuitem_copyLocation"
-    , "menuseparator"
-    , "menuitem_selectAll"
-  ],
-  [
-    "menuitem_cancel"
-    , "menuseparator"
-    , "menuitem_show"
-    , "menuseparator"
-    , "menuitem_openReferrer"
-    , "menuitem_copyLocation"
-    , "menuseparator"
-    , "menuitem_selectAll"
-  ],
-  [
-    "menuitem_openReferrer"
-    , "menuitem_copyLocation"
-    , "menuseparator"
-    , "menuitem_selectAll"
-    , "menuseparator"
-    , "menuitem_removeFromList"
-  ],
-  [
-    "menuitem_show"
-    , "menuseparator"
-    , "menuitem_openReferrer"
-    , "menuitem_copyLocation"
-    , "menuseparator"
-    , "menuitem_selectAll"
-  ],
-  [
-    "menuitem_openReferrer"
-    , "menuitem_copyLocation"
-    , "menuseparator"
-    , "menuitem_selectAll"
-    , "menuseparator"
-    , "menuitem_removeFromList"
-  ],
-  [
-    "menuitem_openReferrer"
-    , "menuitem_copyLocation"
-    , "menuseparator"
-    , "menuitem_selectAll"
-    , "menuseparator"
-    , "menuitem_removeFromList"
-  ]
-function buildContextMenu(aEvent)
-  if (aEvent.target.id != "downloadContextMenu")
-    return false;
-  var popup = document.getElementById("downloadContextMenu");
-  while (popup.hasChildNodes())
-    popup.removeChild(popup.firstChild);
-  if (gDownloadsView.selectedItem) {
-    let dl = gDownloadsView.selectedItem;
-    let idx = parseInt(dl.getAttribute("state"));
-    if (idx < 0)
-      idx = 0;
-    var menus = gContextMenus[idx];
-    for (let i = 0; i < menus.length; ++i) {
-      let menuitem = document.getElementById(menus[i]).cloneNode(true);
-      let cmd = menuitem.getAttribute("cmd");
-      if (cmd)
-        menuitem.disabled = !gDownloadViewController.isCommandEnabled(cmd, dl);
-      popup.appendChild(menuitem);
-    }
-    return true;
-  }
-  return false;
-// Drag and Drop
-var gDownloadDNDObserver =
-  onDragStart: function(aEvent)
-  {
-    if (!gDownloadsView.selectedItem)
-      return;
-    var dl = gDownloadsView.selectedItem;
-    var f = getLocalFileFromNativePathOrUrl(dl.getAttribute("file"));
-    if (!f.exists())
-      return;
-    var dt = aEvent.dataTransfer;
-    dt.mozSetDataAt("application/x-moz-file", f, 0);
-    var url = Services.io.newFileURI(f).spec;
-    dt.setData("text/uri-list", url);
-    dt.setData("text/plain", url);
-    dt.effectAllowed = "copyMove";
-    dt.addElement(dl);
-  },
-  onDragOver: function(aEvent)
-  {
-    var types = aEvent.dataTransfer.types;
-    if (types.includes("text/uri-list") ||
-        types.includes("text/x-moz-url") ||
-        types.includes("text/plain"))
-      aEvent.preventDefault();
-  },
-  onDrop: function(aEvent)
-  {
-    var dt = aEvent.dataTransfer;
-    // If dragged item is from our source, do not try to
-    // redownload already downloaded file.
-    if (dt.mozGetDataAt("application/x-moz-file", 0))
-      return;
-    var url = dt.getData("URL");
-    var name;
-    if (!url) {
-      url = dt.getData("text/x-moz-url") || dt.getData("text/plain");
-      [url, name] = url.split("\n");
-    }
-    if (url) {
-      let sourceDoc = dt.mozSourceNode ? dt.mozSourceNode.ownerDocument : document;
-      saveURL(url, name ? name : url, null, true, true, null, sourceDoc);
-    }
-  }
-function pasteHandler() {
-  let trans = Cc["@mozilla.org/widget/transferable;1"].
-              createInstance(Ci.nsITransferable);
-  trans.init(null);
-  let flavors = ["text/x-moz-url", "text/unicode"];
-  flavors.forEach(trans.addDataFlavor);
-  Services.clipboard.getData(trans, Services.clipboard.kGlobalClipboard);
-  // Getting the data or creating the nsIURI might fail
-  try {
-    let data = {};
-    trans.getAnyTransferData({}, data, {});
-    let [url, name] = data.value.QueryInterface(Ci.nsISupportsString).data.split("\n");
-    if (!url)
-      return;
-    let uri = Services.io.newURI(url, null, null);
-    saveURL(uri.spec, name || uri.spec, null, true, true, null, document);
-  } catch (ex) {}
-// Command Updating and Command Handlers
-var gDownloadViewController = {
-  isCommandEnabled: function(aCommand, aItem)
-  {
-    let dl = aItem;
-    let download = null; // used for getting an nsIDownload object
-    switch (aCommand) {
-      case "cmd_cancel":
-        return dl.inProgress;
-      case "cmd_open": {
-        let file = getLocalFileFromNativePathOrUrl(dl.getAttribute("file"));
-        return dl.openable && file.exists();
-      }
-      case "cmd_show": {
-        let file = getLocalFileFromNativePathOrUrl(dl.getAttribute("file"));
-        return file.exists();
-      }
-      case "cmd_pause":
-        download = gDownloadManager.getDownload(dl.getAttribute("dlid"));
-        return dl.inProgress && !dl.paused && download.resumable;
-      case "cmd_pauseResume":
-        download = gDownloadManager.getDownload(dl.getAttribute("dlid"));
-        return (dl.inProgress || dl.paused) && download.resumable;
-      case "cmd_resume":
-        download = gDownloadManager.getDownload(dl.getAttribute("dlid"));
-        return dl.paused && download.resumable;
-      case "cmd_openReferrer":
-        return dl.hasAttribute("referrer");
-      case "cmd_removeFromList":
-      case "cmd_retry":
-        return dl.removable;
-      case "cmd_copyLocation":
-        return true;
-    }
-    return false;
-  },
-  doCommand: function(aCommand, aItem)
-  {
-    if (this.isCommandEnabled(aCommand, aItem))
-      this.commands[aCommand](aItem);
-  },
-  commands: {
-    cmd_cancel: function(aSelectedItem) {
-      cancelDownload(aSelectedItem);
-    },
-    cmd_open: function(aSelectedItem) {
-      openDownload(aSelectedItem);
-    },
-    cmd_openReferrer: function(aSelectedItem) {
-      openReferrer(aSelectedItem);
-    },
-    cmd_pause: function(aSelectedItem) {
-      pauseDownload(aSelectedItem);
-    },
-    cmd_pauseResume: function(aSelectedItem) {
-      if (aSelectedItem.paused)
-        this.cmd_resume(aSelectedItem);
-      else
-        this.cmd_pause(aSelectedItem);
-    },
-    cmd_removeFromList: function(aSelectedItem) {
-      removeDownload(aSelectedItem);
-    },
-    cmd_resume: function(aSelectedItem) {
-      resumeDownload(aSelectedItem);
-    },
-    cmd_retry: function(aSelectedItem) {
-      retryDownload(aSelectedItem);
-    },
-    cmd_show: function(aSelectedItem) {
-      showDownload(aSelectedItem);
-    },
-    cmd_copyLocation: function(aSelectedItem) {
-      copySourceLocation(aSelectedItem);
-    },
-  }
- * Helper function to do commands.
- *
- * @param aCmd
- *        The command to be performed.
- * @param aItem
- *        The richlistitem that represents the download that will have the
- *        command performed on it. If this is null, the command is performed on
- *        all downloads. If the item passed in is not a richlistitem that
- *        represents a download, it will walk up the parent nodes until it finds
- *        a DOM node that is.
- */
-function performCommand(aCmd, aItem)
-  let elm = aItem;
-  if (!elm) {
-    // If we don't have a desired download item, do the command for all
-    // selected items. Initialize the callback to null so commands know to add
-    // a callback if they want. We will call the callback with empty arguments
-    // after performing the command on each selected download item.
-    gPerformAllCallback = null;
-    // Convert the nodelist into an array to keep a copy of the download items
-    let items = [];
-    for (let i = gDownloadsView.selectedItems.length; --i >= 0; )
-      items.unshift(gDownloadsView.selectedItems[i]);
-    // Do the command for each download item
-    for (let item of items)
-      performCommand(aCmd, item);
-    // Call the callback with no arguments and reset because we're done
-    if (typeof gPerformAllCallback == "function")
-      gPerformAllCallback();
-    gPerformAllCallback = undefined;
-    return;
-  }
-  while (elm.nodeName != "richlistitem" ||
-         elm.getAttribute("type") != "download") {
-    elm = elm.parentNode;
-  }
-  gDownloadViewController.doCommand(aCmd, elm);
-function setSearchboxFocus()
-  gSearchBox.focus();
-  gSearchBox.select();
-function openExternal(aFile)
-  var uri = Cc["@mozilla.org/network/io-service;1"].
-            getService(Ci.nsIIOService).newFileURI(aFile);
-  var protocolSvc = Cc["@mozilla.org/uriloader/external-protocol-service;1"].
-                    getService(Ci.nsIExternalProtocolService);
-  protocolSvc.loadUrl(uri);
-  return;
-// Utility Functions
- * Create a download richlistitem with the provided attributes. Some attributes
- * are *required* while optional ones will only be set on the item if provided.
- *
- * @param aAttrs
- *        An object that must have the following properties: dlid, file,
- *        target, uri, state, progress, startTime, endTime, currBytes,
- *        maxBytes; optional properties: referrer
- * @return An initialized download richlistitem
- */
-function createDownloadItem(aAttrs)
-  let dl = document.createElement("richlistitem");
-  // Copy the attributes from the argument into the item
-  for (let attr in aAttrs)
-    dl.setAttribute(attr, aAttrs[attr]);
-  // Initialize other attributes
-  dl.setAttribute("type", "download");
-  dl.setAttribute("id", "dl" + aAttrs.dlid);
-  dl.setAttribute("image", "moz-icon://" + aAttrs.file + "?size=32");
-  dl.setAttribute("lastSeconds", Infinity);
-  // Initialize more complex attributes
-  updateTime(dl);
-  updateStatus(dl);
-  try {
-    let file = getLocalFileFromNativePathOrUrl(aAttrs.file);
-    dl.setAttribute("path", file.nativePath || file.path);
-    return dl;
-  } catch (e) {
-    // aFile might not be a file: url or a valid native path
-    // see bug #392386 for details
-  }
-  return null;
- * Updates the disabled state of the buttons of a downlaod.
- *
- * @param aItem
- *        The richlistitem representing the download.
- */
-function updateButtons(aItem)
-  let buttons = aItem.buttons;
-  for (let i = 0; i < buttons.length; ++i) {
-    let cmd = buttons[i].getAttribute("cmd");
-    let enabled = gDownloadViewController.isCommandEnabled(cmd, aItem);
-    buttons[i].disabled = !enabled;
-    if ("cmd_pause" == cmd && !enabled) {
-      // We need to add the tooltip indicating that the download cannot be
-      // paused now.
-      buttons[i].setAttribute("tooltiptext", gStr.cannotPause);
-    }
-  }
- * Updates the status for a download item depending on its state
- *
- * @param aItem
- *        The richlistitem that has various download attributes.
- * @param aDownload
- *        The nsDownload from the backend. This is an optional parameter, but
- *        is useful for certain states such as DOWNLOADING.
- */
-function updateStatus(aItem, aDownload) {
-  let status = "";
-  let statusTip = "";
-  let state = Number(aItem.getAttribute("state"));
-  switch (state) {
-    {
-      let currBytes = Number(aItem.getAttribute("currBytes"));
-      let maxBytes = Number(aItem.getAttribute("maxBytes"));
-      let transfer = DownloadUtils.getTransferTotal(currBytes, maxBytes);
-      status = replaceInsert(gStr.paused, 1, transfer);
-      break;
-    }
-    {
-      let currBytes = Number(aItem.getAttribute("currBytes"));
-      let maxBytes = Number(aItem.getAttribute("maxBytes"));
-      // If we don't have an active download, assume 0 bytes/sec
-      let speed = aDownload ? aDownload.speed : 0;
-      let lastSec = Number(aItem.getAttribute("lastSeconds"));
-      let newLast;
-      [status, newLast] =
-        DownloadUtils.getDownloadStatus(currBytes, maxBytes, speed, lastSec);
-      // Update lastSeconds to be the new value
-      aItem.setAttribute("lastSeconds", newLast);
-      break;
-    }
-    {
-      let stateSize = {};
-      stateSize[nsIDM.DOWNLOAD_FINISHED] = function() {
-        // Display the file size, but show "Unknown" for negative sizes
-        let fileSize = Number(aItem.getAttribute("maxBytes"));
-        let sizeText = gStr.doneSizeUnknown;
-        if (fileSize >= 0) {
-          let [size, unit] = DownloadUtils.convertByteUnits(fileSize);
-          sizeText = replaceInsert(gStr.doneSize, 1, size);
-          sizeText = replaceInsert(sizeText, 2, unit);
-        }
-        return sizeText;
-      };
-      stateSize[nsIDM.DOWNLOAD_FAILED] = () => gStr.stateFailed;
-      stateSize[nsIDM.DOWNLOAD_CANCELED] = () => gStr.stateCanceled;
-      stateSize[nsIDM.DOWNLOAD_BLOCKED_PARENTAL] = () => gStr.stateBlockedParentalControls;
-      stateSize[nsIDM.DOWNLOAD_BLOCKED_POLICY] = () => gStr.stateBlockedPolicy;
-      stateSize[nsIDM.DOWNLOAD_DIRTY] = () => gStr.stateDirty;
-      // Insert 1 is the download size or download state
-      status = replaceInsert(gStr.doneStatus, 1, stateSize[state]());
-      let [displayHost, fullHost] =
-        DownloadUtils.getURIHost(getReferrerOrSource(aItem));
-      // Insert 2 is the eTLD + 1 or other variations of the host
-      status = replaceInsert(status, 2, displayHost);
-      // Set the tooltip to be the full host
-      statusTip = fullHost;
-      break;
-    }
-  }
-  aItem.setAttribute("status", status);
-  aItem.setAttribute("statusTip", statusTip != "" ? statusTip : status);
- * Updates the time that gets shown for completed download items
- *
- * @param aItem
- *        The richlistitem representing a download in the UI
- */
-function updateTime(aItem)
-  // Don't bother updating for things that aren't finished
-  if (aItem.inProgress)
-    return;
-  let end = new Date(parseInt(aItem.getAttribute("endTime")));
-  let [dateCompact, dateComplete] = DownloadUtils.getReadableDates(end);
-  aItem.setAttribute("dateTime", dateCompact);
-  aItem.setAttribute("dateTimeTip", dateComplete);
- * Helper function to replace a placeholder string with a real string
- *
- * @param aText
- *        Source text containing placeholder (e.g., #1)
- * @param aIndex
- *        Index number of placeholder to replace
- * @param aValue
- *        New string to put in place of placeholder
- * @return The string with placeholder replaced with the new string
- */
-function replaceInsert(aText, aIndex, aValue)
-  return aText.replace("#" + aIndex, aValue);
- * Perform the default action for the currently selected download item
- */
-function doDefaultForSelected()
-  // Make sure we have something selected
-  let item = gDownloadsView.selectedItem;
-  if (!item)
-    return;
-  // Get the default action (first item in the menu)
-  let state = Number(item.getAttribute("state"));
-  let menuitem = document.getElementById(gContextMenus[state][0]);
-  // Try to do the action if the command is enabled
-  gDownloadViewController.doCommand(menuitem.getAttribute("cmd"), item);
-function removeFromView(aDownload)
-  // Make sure we have an item to remove
-  if (!aDownload) return;
-  let index = gDownloadsView.selectedIndex;
-  gDownloadsView.removeChild(aDownload);
-  gDownloadsView.selectedIndex = Math.min(index, gDownloadsView.itemCount - 1);
-  // We might have removed the last item, so update the clear list button
-  updateClearListButton();
-function getReferrerOrSource(aDownload)
-  // Give the referrer if we have it set
-  if (aDownload.hasAttribute("referrer"))
-    return aDownload.getAttribute("referrer");
-  // Otherwise, provide the source
-  return aDownload.getAttribute("uri");
- * Initiate building the download list to have the active downloads followed by
- * completed ones filtered by the search term if necessary.
- *
- * @param aForceBuild
- *        Force the list to be built even if the search terms don't change
- */
-function buildDownloadList(aForceBuild)
-  // Stringify the previous search
-  let prevSearch = gSearchTerms.join(" ");
-  // Array of space-separated lower-case search terms
-  gSearchTerms = gSearchBox.value.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "").
-                 toLowerCase().split(/\s+/);
-  // Unless forced, don't rebuild the download list if the search didn't change
-  if (!aForceBuild && gSearchTerms.join(" ") == prevSearch)
-    return;
-  // Clear out values before using them
-  clearTimeout(gBuilder);
-  gStmt.reset();
-  // Clear the list before adding items by replacing with a shallow copy
-  let empty = gDownloadsView.cloneNode(false);
-  gDownloadsView.parentNode.replaceChild(empty, gDownloadsView);
-  gDownloadsView = empty;
-  try {
-    gStmt.bindByIndex(0, nsIDM.DOWNLOAD_NOTSTARTED);
-    gStmt.bindByIndex(1, nsIDM.DOWNLOAD_DOWNLOADING);
-    gStmt.bindByIndex(2, nsIDM.DOWNLOAD_PAUSED);
-    gStmt.bindByIndex(3, nsIDM.DOWNLOAD_QUEUED);
-    gStmt.bindByIndex(4, nsIDM.DOWNLOAD_SCANNING);
-  } catch (e) {
-    // Something must have gone wrong when binding, so clear and quit
-    gStmt.reset();
-    return;
-  }
-  // Take a quick break before we actually start building the list
-  gBuilder = setTimeout(function() {
-    // Start building the list
-    stepListBuilder(1);
-    // We just tried to add a single item, so we probably need to enable
-    updateClearListButton();
-  }, 0);
- * Incrementally build the download list by adding at most the requested number
- * of items if there are items to add. After doing that, it will schedule
- * another chunk of items specified by gListBuildDelay and gListBuildChunk.
- *
- * @param aNumItems
- *        Number of items to add to the list before taking a break
- */
-function stepListBuilder(aNumItems) {
-  try {
-    // If we're done adding all items, we can quit
-    if (!gStmt.executeStep()) {
-      // Send a notification that we finished, but wait for clear list to update
-      updateClearListButton();
-      setTimeout(() => Cc["@mozilla.org/observer-service;1"].
-        getService(Ci.nsIObserverService).
-        notifyObservers(window, "download-manager-ui-done", null), 0);
-      return;
-    }
-    // Try to get the attribute values from the statement
-    let attrs = {
-      dlid: gStmt.getInt64(0),
-      file: gStmt.getString(1),
-      target: gStmt.getString(2),
-      uri: gStmt.getString(3),
-      state: gStmt.getInt32(4),
-      startTime: Math.round(gStmt.getInt64(5) / 1000),
-      endTime: Math.round(gStmt.getInt64(6) / 1000),
-      currBytes: gStmt.getInt64(8),
-      maxBytes: gStmt.getInt64(9)
-    };
-    // Only add the referrer if it's not null
-    let referrer = gStmt.getString(7);
-    if (referrer)
-      attrs.referrer = referrer;
-    // If the download is active, grab the real progress, otherwise default 100
-    let isActive = gStmt.getInt32(10);
-    attrs.progress = isActive ? gDownloadManager.getDownload(attrs.dlid).
-      percentComplete : 100;
-    // Make the item and add it to the end if it's active or matches the search
-    let item = createDownloadItem(attrs);
-    if (item && (isActive || downloadMatchesSearch(item))) {
-      // Add item to the end
-      gDownloadsView.appendChild(item);
-      // Because of the joys of XBL, we can't update the buttons until the
-      // download object is in the document.
-      updateButtons(item);
-    } else {
-      // We didn't add an item, so bump up the number of items to process, but
-      // not a whole number so that we eventually do pause for a chunk break
-      aNumItems += .9;
-    }
-  } catch (e) {
-    // Something went wrong when stepping or getting values, so clear and quit
-    gStmt.reset();
-    return;
-  }
-  // Add another item to the list if we should; otherwise, let the UI update
-  // and continue later
-  if (aNumItems > 1) {
-    stepListBuilder(aNumItems - 1);
-  } else {
-    // Use a shorter delay for earlier downloads to display them faster
-    let delay = Math.min(gDownloadsView.itemCount * 10, gListBuildDelay);
-    gBuilder = setTimeout(stepListBuilder, delay, gListBuildChunk);
-  }
- * Add a download to the front of the download list
- *
- * @param aDownload
- *        The nsIDownload to make into a richlistitem
- */
-function prependList(aDownload)
-  let attrs = {
-    dlid: aDownload.id,
-    file: aDownload.target.spec,
-    target: aDownload.displayName,
-    uri: aDownload.source.spec,
-    state: aDownload.state,
-    progress: aDownload.percentComplete,
-    startTime: Math.round(aDownload.startTime / 1000),
-    endTime: Date.now(),
-    currBytes: aDownload.amountTransferred,
-    maxBytes: aDownload.size
-  };
-  // Make the item and add it to the beginning
-  let item = createDownloadItem(attrs);
-  if (item) {
-    // Add item to the beginning
-    gDownloadsView.insertBefore(item, gDownloadsView.firstChild);
-    // Because of the joys of XBL, we can't update the buttons until the
-    // download object is in the document.
-    updateButtons(item);
-    // We might have added an item to an empty list, so update button
-    updateClearListButton();
-  }
- * Check if the download matches the current search term based on the texts
- * shown to the user. All search terms are checked to see if each matches any
- * of the displayed texts.
- *
- * @param aItem
- *        Download richlistitem to check if it matches the current search
- * @return Boolean true if it matches the search; false otherwise
- */
-function downloadMatchesSearch(aItem)
-  // Search through the download attributes that are shown to the user and
-  // make it into one big string for easy combined searching
-  let combinedSearch = "";
-  for (let attr of gSearchAttributes)
-    combinedSearch += aItem.getAttribute(attr).toLowerCase() + " ";
-  // Make sure each of the terms are found
-  for (let term of gSearchTerms)
-    if (combinedSearch.indexOf(term) == -1)
-      return false;
-  return true;
-// we should be using real URLs all the time, but until
-// bug 239948 is fully fixed, this will do...
-// note, this will thrown an exception if the native path
-// is not valid (for example a native Windows path on a Mac)
-// see bug #392386 for details
-function getLocalFileFromNativePathOrUrl(aPathOrUrl)
-  if (aPathOrUrl.substring(0, 7) == "file://") {
-    // if this is a URL, get the file from that
-    let ioSvc = Cc["@mozilla.org/network/io-service;1"].
-                getService(Ci.nsIIOService);
-    // XXX it's possible that using a null char-set here is bad
-    const fileUrl = ioSvc.newURI(aPathOrUrl, null, null).
-                    QueryInterface(Ci.nsIFileURL);
-    return fileUrl.file.clone().QueryInterface(Ci.nsILocalFile);
-  }
-  // if it's a pathname, create the nsILocalFile directly
-  var f = new nsLocalFile(aPathOrUrl);
-  return f;
- * Update the disabled state of the clear list button based on whether or not
- * there are items in the list that can potentially be removed.
- */
-function updateClearListButton()
-  let button = document.getElementById("clearListButton");
-  // The button is enabled if we have items in the list and we can clean up
-  button.disabled = !(gDownloadsView.itemCount && gDownloadManager.canCleanUp);
-function getDownload(aID)
-  return document.getElementById("dl" + aID);
- * Initialize the statement which is used to retrieve the list of downloads.
- */
-function initStatement()
-  if (gStmt)
-    gStmt.finalize();
-  gStmt = gDownloadManager.DBConnection.createStatement(
-    "SELECT id, target, name, source, state, startTime, endTime, referrer, " +
-           "currBytes, maxBytes, state IN (?1, ?2, ?3, ?4, ?5) isActive " +
-    "FROM moz_downloads " +
-    "ORDER BY isActive DESC, endTime DESC, startTime DESC");
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/toolkit/mozapps/downloads/content/downloads.xul
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,164 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0"?>
-# -*- Mode: Java; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
-# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
-# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
-# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
-#ifdef XP_UNIX
-#ifndef XP_MACOSX
-#define XP_GNOME 1
-<?xml-stylesheet href="chrome://global/skin/" type="text/css"?>
-<?xml-stylesheet href="chrome://mozapps/content/downloads/downloads.css"?>
-<?xml-stylesheet href="chrome://mozapps/skin/downloads/downloads.css"?>
-<!DOCTYPE window [
-<!ENTITY % downloadManagerDTD SYSTEM "chrome://mozapps/locale/downloads/downloads.dtd">
-<!ENTITY % editMenuOverlayDTD SYSTEM "chrome://global/locale/editMenuOverlay.dtd">
-<window xmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#"
-        xmlns="http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul"
-        id="downloadManager" windowtype="Download:Manager"
-        orient="vertical" title="&downloads.title;" statictitle="&downloads.title;"
-        width="&window.width2;" height="&window.height;" screenX="10" screenY="10"
-        persist="width height screenX screenY sizemode"
-        onload="Startup();" onunload="Shutdown();"
-        onclose="return closeWindow(false);">
-  <script type="application/javascript" src="chrome://mozapps/content/downloads/downloads.js"/>
-  <script type="application/javascript" src="chrome://mozapps/content/downloads/DownloadProgressListener.js"/>
-  <script type="application/javascript" src="chrome://global/content/contentAreaUtils.js"/>
-  <script type="application/javascript" src="chrome://global/content/globalOverlay.js"/>
-  <stringbundleset id="downloadSet">
-    <stringbundle id="brandStrings" src="chrome://branding/locale/brand.properties"/>
-    <stringbundle id="downloadStrings" src="chrome://mozapps/locale/downloads/downloads.properties"/>
-  </stringbundleset>
-  <!-- Use this commandset for command which do not depened on focus or selection -->
-  <commandset id="generalCommands">
-    <command id="cmd_findDownload" oncommand="setSearchboxFocus();"/>
-    <command id="cmd_selectAllDownloads" oncommand="gDownloadsView.selectAll();"/>
-    <command id="cmd_clearList" oncommand="clearDownloadList();"/>
-  </commandset>
-  <keyset id="downloadKeys">
-    <key keycode="VK_RETURN" oncommand="doDefaultForSelected();"/>
-    <key id="key_pauseResume" key=" " oncommand="performCommand('cmd_pauseResume');"/>
-    <key id="key_removeFromList"  keycode="VK_DELETE" oncommand="performCommand('cmd_removeFromList');"/>
-#ifdef XP_MACOSX
-    <key id="key_removeFromList2" keycode="VK_BACK" oncommand="performCommand('cmd_removeFromList');"/>
-    <key id="key_close"   key="&cmd.close.commandKey;"  oncommand="closeWindow(true);"    modifiers="accel"/>
-#ifdef XP_GNOME
-    <key id="key_close2"  key="&cmd.close2Unix.commandKey;" oncommand="closeWindow(true);" modifiers="accel,shift"/>
-    <key id="key_close2"  key="&cmd.close2.commandKey;" oncommand="closeWindow(true);" modifiers="accel"/>
-    <key                  keycode="VK_ESCAPE"           oncommand="closeWindow(true);"/>
-    <key id="key_findDownload"
-         key="&cmd.find.commandKey;"
-         modifiers="accel"
-         command="cmd_findDownload"/>
-    <key id="key_findDownload2"
-         key="&cmd.search.commandKey;"
-         modifiers="accel"
-         command="cmd_findDownload"/>
-    <key id="key_selectAllDownloads"
-         key="&selectAllCmd.key;"
-         modifiers="accel"
-         command="cmd_selectAllDownloads"/>
-    <key id="pasteKey"
-         key="V"
-         modifiers="accel"
-         oncommand="pasteHandler();"/>
-  </keyset>
-  <vbox id="contextMenuPalette" hidden="true">
-    <menuitem id="menuitem_pause"
-              label="&cmd.pause.label;" accesskey="&cmd.pause.accesskey;"
-              oncommand="performCommand('cmd_pause');"
-              cmd="cmd_pause"/>
-    <menuitem id="menuitem_resume"
-              label="&cmd.resume.label;" accesskey="&cmd.resume.accesskey;"
-              oncommand="performCommand('cmd_resume');"
-              cmd="cmd_resume"/>
-    <menuitem id="menuitem_cancel"
-              label="&cmd.cancel.label;" accesskey="&cmd.cancel.accesskey;"
-              oncommand="performCommand('cmd_cancel');"
-              cmd="cmd_cancel"/>
-    <menuitem id="menuitem_open" default="true"
-              label="&cmd.open.label;" accesskey="&cmd.open.accesskey;"
-              oncommand="performCommand('cmd_open');"
-              cmd="cmd_open"/>
-    <menuitem id="menuitem_show"
-#ifdef XP_MACOSX
-              label="&cmd.showMac.label;"
-              accesskey="&cmd.showMac.accesskey;"
-              label="&cmd.show.label;"
-              accesskey="&cmd.show.accesskey;"
-              oncommand="performCommand('cmd_show');"
-              cmd="cmd_show"/>
-    <menuitem id="menuitem_retry" default="true"
-              label="&cmd.retry.label;" accesskey="&cmd.retry.accesskey;"
-              oncommand="performCommand('cmd_retry');"
-              cmd="cmd_retry"/>
-    <menuitem id="menuitem_removeFromList"
-              label="&cmd.removeFromList.label;" accesskey="&cmd.removeFromList.accesskey;"
-              oncommand="performCommand('cmd_removeFromList');"
-              cmd="cmd_removeFromList"/>
-    <menuseparator id="menuseparator"/>
-    <menuitem id="menuitem_openReferrer"
-              label="&cmd.goToDownloadPage.label;"
-              accesskey="&cmd.goToDownloadPage.accesskey;"
-              oncommand="performCommand('cmd_openReferrer');"
-              cmd="cmd_openReferrer"/>
-    <menuitem id="menuitem_copyLocation"
-              label="&cmd.copyDownloadLink.label;"
-              accesskey="&cmd.copyDownloadLink.accesskey;"
-              oncommand="performCommand('cmd_copyLocation');"
-              cmd="cmd_copyLocation"/>
-    <menuitem id="menuitem_selectAll"
-              label="&selectAllCmd.label;"
-              accesskey="&selectAllCmd.accesskey;"
-              command="cmd_selectAllDownloads"/>
-  </vbox>
-  <menupopup id="downloadContextMenu" onpopupshowing="return buildContextMenu(event);"/>
-  <richlistbox id="downloadView" seltype="multiple" flex="1"
-               context="downloadContextMenu"
-               ondblclick="onDownloadDblClick(event);"
-               ondragstart="gDownloadDNDObserver.onDragStart(event);"
-               ondragover="gDownloadDNDObserver.onDragOver(event);event.stopPropagation();"
-               ondrop="gDownloadDNDObserver.onDrop(event)">
-  </richlistbox>
-  <windowdragbox id="search" align="center">
-    <button id="clearListButton" command="cmd_clearList"
-            label="&cmd.clearList.label;"
-            accesskey="&cmd.clearList.accesskey;"
-            tooltiptext="&cmd.clearList.tooltip;"/>
-    <spacer flex="1"/>
-    <textbox type="search" id="searchbox" class="compact"
-             aria-controls="downloadView"
-             oncommand="buildDownloadList();" placeholder="&searchBox.label;"/>
-  </windowdragbox>
--- a/toolkit/mozapps/downloads/jar.mn
+++ b/toolkit/mozapps/downloads/jar.mn
@@ -1,12 +1,7 @@
 # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 % content mozapps %content/mozapps/
 * content/mozapps/downloads/unknownContentType.xul              (content/unknownContentType.xul)
-* content/mozapps/downloads/downloads.xul                       (content/downloads.xul)
-  content/mozapps/downloads/downloads.js                        (content/downloads.js)
-  content/mozapps/downloads/DownloadProgressListener.js         (content/DownloadProgressListener.js)
-  content/mozapps/downloads/downloads.css                       (content/downloads.css)
-  content/mozapps/downloads/download.xml                        (content/download.xml)
--- a/toolkit/mozapps/downloads/moz.build
+++ b/toolkit/mozapps/downloads/moz.build
@@ -12,13 +12,12 @@ EXTRA_COMPONENTS += [
-    'DownloadTaskbarProgress.jsm',
-JAR_MANIFESTS += ['jar.mn']
\ No newline at end of file
+JAR_MANIFESTS += ['jar.mn']
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/toolkit/themes/linux/mozapps/downloads/downloads.css
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,112 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
-#downloadManager {
-  background-color: ThreeDFace;
-/* Download View */
-#downloadView {
-  -moz-appearance: none !important;
-  margin: 0;
-  border-bottom: 2px solid;
-  -moz-border-bottom-colors: ThreeDHighlight ThreeDLightShadow;
-/* Download View Items */
-richlistitem[type="download"] {
-  padding: 4px 8px 4px 4px;
-  min-height: 46px;
-richlistitem[type="download"]:not([selected="true"]):nth-child(odd) {
-  background-color: -moz-oddtreerow;
-richlistitem[type="download"] .name {
-  font-size: larger;
-richlistitem[type="download"] .dateTime {
-  font-size: smaller;
-.mini-button {
-  -moz-appearance: none;
-  background-color: transparent;
-  border: none;
-  padding: 0;
-  margin: 0;
-  min-width: 0;
-  min-height: 0;
-.mini-button > .button-box {
-  padding: 0 !important;
-menuitem:not([type]) {
-  -moz-binding: url("chrome://global/content/bindings/menu.xml#menuitem-iconic");
-#menuitem_cancel {
-  list-style-image: url("moz-icon://stock/gtk-cancel?size=menu");
-#menuitem_open {
-  list-style-image: url("moz-icon://stock/gtk-open?size=menu");
-#menuitem_open[disabled="true"] {
-  list-style-image: url("moz-icon://stock/gtk-open?size=menu&state=disabled");
-#menuitem_pause {
-  list-style-image: url("moz-icon://stock/gtk-media-pause?size=menu");
-#menuitem_pause[disabled="true"] {
-  list-style-image: url("moz-icon://stock/gtk-media-pause?size=menu&state=disabled");
-#menuitem_resume {
-  list-style-image: url("moz-icon://stock/gtk-media-play?size=menu");
-#menuitem_retry {
-  list-style-image: url("moz-icon://stock/gtk-redo?size=menu");
-#menuitem_removeFromList {
-  list-style-image: url("moz-icon://stock/gtk-remove?size=menu");
-#menuitem_copyLocation {
-  list-style-image: url("moz-icon://stock/gtk-copy?size=menu");
-.blockedIcon {
-  list-style-image: url("moz-icon://stock/gtk-dialog-error?size=dialog");
-  width: 32px;
-  height: 32px;
-/* prevent flickering when changing states */
-.downloadTypeIcon {
-  min-height: 32px;
-  min-width: 32px;
-#clearListButton {
-  list-style-image: url(moz-icon://stock/gtk-clear?size=button);
-  margin-top: 3px;
-#clearListButton[disabled="true"] {
-  list-style-image: url(moz-icon://stock/gtk-clear?size=button&state=disabled);
--- a/toolkit/themes/linux/mozapps/jar.mn
+++ b/toolkit/themes/linux/mozapps/jar.mn
@@ -1,16 +1,15 @@
 # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 #include ../../shared/mozapps.inc.mn
   skin/classic/mozapps/downloads/downloadIcon.png          (downloads/downloadIcon.png)
-  skin/classic/mozapps/downloads/downloads.css             (downloads/downloads.css)
 * skin/classic/mozapps/extensions/extensions.css           (extensions/extensions.css)
   skin/classic/mozapps/extensions/category-search.png      (extensions/category-search.png)
   skin/classic/mozapps/extensions/category-discover.png    (extensions/category-discover.png)
   skin/classic/mozapps/extensions/category-plugins.png     (extensions/category-plugins.png)
   skin/classic/mozapps/extensions/category-service.png     (extensions/category-service.png)
   skin/classic/mozapps/extensions/category-recent.png      (extensions/category-recent.png)
   skin/classic/mozapps/extensions/category-available.png   (extensions/category-available.png)
   skin/classic/mozapps/extensions/extensionGeneric-16.png  (extensions/extensionGeneric-16.png)
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/toolkit/themes/osx/mozapps/downloads/downloads.css
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,123 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
-%include ../../global/shared.inc
-#downloadView {
-  -moz-appearance: none;
-  margin: 0;
-  padding: 0;
-  border-width: 0;
-/* Download View Items */
-richlistitem[type="download"] {
-  padding: 5px;
-  min-height: 44px !important;
-  border: 1px solid transparent;
-richlistitem[type="download"]:not([selected="true"]):nth-child(odd) {
-  background-color: -moz-oddtreerow;
-richlistitem[type="download"] .dateTime,
-richlistitem[type="download"] .status {
-  font-size: smaller;
-  color: #555;
-richlistitem[selected="true"][type="download"] {
-  outline: none;
-richlistbox:focus > richlistitem[selected="true"][type="download"] .dateTime,
-richlistbox:focus > richlistitem[selected="true"][type="download"] .status {
-  color: highlighttext;
-richlistitem[type="download"] button {
-  -moz-appearance: none;
-  min-height: 16px;
-  min-width: 16px;
-  max-height: 16px;
-  max-width: 16px;
-  padding: 0;
-  margin: 0 1px 0 1px;
- * Images for buttons in the interface
- */
-richlistitem[type="download"] button {
-  list-style-image: url(chrome://mozapps/skin/downloads/buttons.png);
-.cancel {
-  -moz-image-region: rect(0px, 16px, 16px, 0px);
-.cancel:hover {
-  -moz-image-region: rect(0px, 32px, 16px, 16px);
-.cancel:hover:active {
-  -moz-image-region: rect(0px, 48px, 16px, 32px);
-.pause {
-  -moz-image-region: rect(48px, 16px, 64px, 0px);
-.pause:hover {
-  -moz-image-region: rect(48px, 32px, 64px, 16px);
-.pause:not([disabled="true"]):hover:active {
-  -moz-image-region: rect(48px, 48px, 64px, 32px);
-.pause[disabled="true"] {
-  -moz-image-region: rect(48px, 16px, 64px, 0px);
-.resume {
-  -moz-image-region: rect(16px, 16px, 32px, 0px);
-.resume:hover {
-  -moz-image-region: rect(16px, 32px, 32px, 16px);
-.resume:hover:active {
-  -moz-image-region: rect(16px, 48px, 32px, 32px);
-.retry {
-  -moz-image-region: rect(32px, 16px, 48px, 0px);
-.retry:hover {
-  -moz-image-region: rect(32px, 32px, 48px, 16px);
-.retry:hover:active {
-  -moz-image-region: rect(32px, 48px, 48px, 32px);
-.blockedIcon {
-  list-style-image: url(chrome://global/skin/icons/Error.png);
-/* prevent flickering when changing states */
-.downloadTypeIcon {
-  height: 32px;
-  width: 32px;
-  padding-inline-end: 2px;
-#search {
-  -moz-box-pack: end;
-  padding-inline-end: 4px;
-  -moz-appearance: statusbar;
-#clearListButton {
-  -moz-appearance: toolbarbutton;
-  min-height: 18px;
-  min-width: 0;
-  margin: 0 6px;
-  text-shadow: @loweredShadow@;
--- a/toolkit/themes/osx/mozapps/jar.mn
+++ b/toolkit/themes/osx/mozapps/jar.mn
@@ -1,17 +1,16 @@
 # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 #include ../../shared/mozapps.inc.mn
   skin/classic/mozapps/downloads/buttons.png                      (downloads/buttons.png)
   skin/classic/mozapps/downloads/downloadIcon.png                 (downloads/downloadIcon.png)
-* skin/classic/mozapps/downloads/downloads.css                    (downloads/downloads.css)
   skin/classic/mozapps/downloads/unknownContentType.css           (downloads/unknownContentType.css)
   skin/classic/mozapps/extensions/category-search.png             (extensions/category-search.png)
   skin/classic/mozapps/extensions/category-discover.png           (extensions/category-discover.png)
   skin/classic/mozapps/extensions/category-plugins.png            (extensions/category-plugins.png)
   skin/classic/mozapps/extensions/category-service.png            (extensions/category-service.png)
   skin/classic/mozapps/extensions/category-dictionaries.png       (extensions/category-dictionaries.png)
   skin/classic/mozapps/extensions/category-experiments.png        (extensions/category-experiments.png)
   skin/classic/mozapps/extensions/category-recent.png             (extensions/category-recent.png)
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/toolkit/themes/windows/mozapps/downloads/downloads.css
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,139 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
-#downloadManager {
-  background-color: ThreeDFace;
-/* Download View */
-@media not all and (-moz-windows-classic) {
-  #downloadView {
-    -moz-appearance: none;
-    margin: 0;
-    border-bottom: 2px solid;
-    -moz-border-bottom-colors: ThreeDHighlight ThreeDLightShadow;
-  }
-/* Download View Items */
-richlistitem[type="download"] {
-  padding: 4px 8px 4px 4px;
-  min-height: 46px;
-  border-bottom: 1px solid ThreeDLightShadow;
-richlistitem[type="download"] .name {
-  font-size: larger;
-richlistitem[type="download"] .dateTime {
-  font-size: smaller;
-.mini-button {
-  -moz-appearance: none;
-  list-style-image: url(chrome://mozapps/skin/downloads/downloadButtons.png);
-  background-color: transparent;
-  border: none;
-  padding: 0;
-  margin: 0;
-  min-width: 0;
-  min-height: 0;
-.mini-button > .button-box {
-  padding: 0 !important;
-.cancel {
-  -moz-image-region: rect(0px, 32px, 16px, 16px);
-.cancel:hover {
-  -moz-image-region: rect(16px, 32px, 32px, 16px);
-.cancel:active {
-  -moz-image-region: rect(32px, 32px, 48px, 16px);
-.cancel[disabled="true"] {
-  -moz-image-region: rect(48px, 32px, 64px, 16px);
-.pause {
-  -moz-image-region: rect(0px, 48px, 16px, 32px);
-.pause:hover {
-  -moz-image-region: rect(16px, 48px, 32px, 32px);
-.pause:active {
-  -moz-image-region: rect(32px, 48px, 48px, 32px);
-.pause[disabled="true"] {
-  -moz-image-region: rect(48px, 48px, 64px, 32px);
-.resume {
-  -moz-image-region: rect(0px, 16px, 16px, 0px);
-.resume:hover {
-  -moz-image-region: rect(16px, 16px, 32px, 0px);
-.resume:active {
-  -moz-image-region: rect(32px, 16px, 48px, 0px);
-.resume[disabled="true"] {
-  -moz-image-region: rect(48px, 16px, 64px, 0px);
-.retry {
-  -moz-image-region: rect(0px, 64px, 16px, 48px);
-.retry:hover {
-  -moz-image-region: rect(16px, 64px, 32px, 48px);
-.retry:active {
-  -moz-image-region: rect(32px, 64px, 48px, 48px);
-.retry[disabled="true"] {
-  -moz-image-region: rect(48px, 64px, 64px, 48px);
-.blockedIcon {
-  list-style-image: url(chrome://global/skin/icons/Error.png);
-/* prevent flickering when changing states */
-.downloadTypeIcon {
-  min-height: 32px;
-  min-width: 32px;
-#clearListButton {
-  min-height: 0;
-  min-width: 0;
-  margin-top: 3px;
-@media (-moz-windows-compositor) {
-  #downloadManager {
-    -moz-appearance: -moz-win-glass;
-    background: transparent;
-  }
-  #downloadView {
-    /* Clamp glass bounds to the rich list so our glass haze stays constant. */
-    -moz-appearance: -moz-win-exclude-glass;
-    border: none;
-  }
-  windowdragbox {
-    -moz-binding: url("chrome://global/content/bindings/general.xml#windowdragbox");
-  }
-  #clearListButton {
-    margin-inline-start: 0;
-    margin-bottom: 0;
-  }
-  #searchbox {
-    margin-inline-end: 0;
-    margin-bottom: 0;
-  }
--- a/toolkit/themes/windows/mozapps/jar.mn
+++ b/toolkit/themes/windows/mozapps/jar.mn
@@ -1,16 +1,15 @@
 # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 #include ../../shared/mozapps.inc.mn
   skin/classic/mozapps/downloads/downloadIcon.png            (downloads/downloadIcon.png)
-  skin/classic/mozapps/downloads/downloads.css               (downloads/downloads.css)
 * skin/classic/mozapps/extensions/extensions.css             (extensions/extensions.css)
   skin/classic/mozapps/extensions/category-search.png        (extensions/category-search.png)
   skin/classic/mozapps/extensions/category-discover.png      (extensions/category-discover.png)
   skin/classic/mozapps/extensions/category-plugins.png       (extensions/category-plugins.png)
   skin/classic/mozapps/extensions/category-service.png       (extensions/category-service.png)
   skin/classic/mozapps/extensions/category-recent.png        (extensions/category-recent.png)
   skin/classic/mozapps/extensions/category-available.png     (extensions/category-available.png)
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