Bug 1312301 - Part 1: Initialize keyframes with computed property name. r?birtles draft
authorHiroyuki Ikezoe <hiikezoe@mozilla-japan.org>
Tue, 20 Dec 2016 19:10:38 +0900
changeset 451439 e63fa03ce0f1e0afa3952118d70eaae19af3a257
parent 451264 567894f026558e6dada617a3998f29aed06ac7d8
child 451440 ffcb745a58b9cab6ae21f2daa479b6c50bb0ee5f
push id39181
push userhiikezoe@mozilla-japan.org
push dateTue, 20 Dec 2016 10:30:07 +0000
Bug 1312301 - Part 1: Initialize keyframes with computed property name. r?birtles Major browsers already support computed property names. https://kangax.github.io/compat-table/es6/#test-object_literal_extensions MozReview-Commit-ID: ETXWIPr2idB
--- a/testing/web-platform/tests/web-animations/animation-model/animation-types/type-per-property.html
+++ b/testing/web-platform/tests/web-animations/animation-model/animation-types/type-per-property.html
@@ -859,278 +859,246 @@ for (var property in gCSSProperties) {
     testFunction(property, testData);
 function discrete(from, to) {
   return function(property, options) {
     test(function(t) {
       var idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
-      var keyframes = {};
-      keyframes[idlName] = [from, to];
       var target = createTestElement(t, options.tagName);
-      var animation = target.animate(keyframes,
+      var animation = target.animate({ [idlName]: [from, to] },
                                      { duration: 1000, fill: "both" });
       testAnimationSamples(animation, idlName,
                            [{ time: 0,    expected: from.toLowerCase() },
                             { time: 499,  expected: from.toLowerCase() },
                             { time: 500,  expected: to.toLowerCase() },
                             { time: 1000, expected: to.toLowerCase() }]);
     }, property + " uses discrete animation when animating between '"
        + from + "' and '" + to + "' with linear easing");
     test(function(t) {
       // Easing: http://cubic-bezier.com/#.68,0,1,.01
       // With this curve, we don't reach the 50% point until about 95% of
       // the time has expired.
       var idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
       var keyframes = {};
-      keyframes[idlName] = [from, to];
       var target = createTestElement(t, options.tagName);
-      var animation = target.animate(keyframes,
+      var animation = target.animate({ [idlName]: [from, to] },
                                      { duration: 1000, fill: "both",
                                        easing: "cubic-bezier(0.68,0,1,0.01)" });
       testAnimationSamples(animation, idlName,
                            [{ time: 0,    expected: from.toLowerCase() },
                             { time: 940,  expected: from.toLowerCase() },
                             { time: 960,  expected: to.toLowerCase() }]);
     }, property + " uses discrete animation when animating between '"
        + from + "' and '" + to + "' with effect easing");
     test(function(t) {
       // Easing: http://cubic-bezier.com/#.68,0,1,.01
       // With this curve, we don't reach the 50% point until about 95% of
       // the time has expired.
       var idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
-      var keyframes = {};
-      keyframes[idlName] = [from, to];
-      keyframes.easing = "cubic-bezier(0.68,0,1,0.01)";
       var target = createTestElement(t, options.tagName);
-      var animation = target.animate(keyframes,
+      var animation = target.animate({ [idlName]: [from, to],
+                                       easing: "cubic-bezier(0.68,0,1,0.01)" },
                                      { duration: 1000, fill: "both" });
       testAnimationSamples(animation, idlName,
                            [{ time: 0,    expected: from.toLowerCase() },
                             { time: 940,  expected: from.toLowerCase() },
                             { time: 960,  expected: to.toLowerCase() }]);
     }, property + " uses discrete animation when animating between '"
        + from + "' and '" + to + "' with keyframe easing");
 function length() {
   return function(property, options) {
     test(function(t) {
       var idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
-      var keyframes = {};
-      keyframes[idlName] = ["10px", "50px"];
       var target = createTestElement(t, options.tagName);
-      var animation = target.animate(keyframes,
+      var animation = target.animate({ [idlName]: ["10px", "50px"] },
                                      { duration: 1000, fill: "both" });
       testAnimationSamples(animation, idlName,
                            [{ time: 0,    expected: "10px" },
                             { time: 500,  expected: "30px" },
                             { time: 1000, expected: "50px" }]);
     }, property + " supports animating as a length");
     test(function(t) {
       var idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
-      var keyframes = {};
-      keyframes[idlName] = ["1rem", "5rem"];
       var target = createTestElement(t, options.tagName);
-      var animation = target.animate(keyframes,
+      var animation = target.animate({ [idlName]: ["1rem", "5rem"] },
                                      { duration: 1000, fill: "both" });
       testAnimationSamples(animation, idlName,
                            [{ time: 0,    expected: "10px" },
                             { time: 500,  expected: "30px" },
                             { time: 1000, expected: "50px" }]);
     }, property + " supports animating as a length of rem");
 function percentage() {
   return function(property, options) {
     test(function(t) {
       var idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
-      var keyframes = {};
-      keyframes[idlName] = ["10%", "50%"];
       var target = createTestElement(t, options.tagName);
-      var animation = target.animate(keyframes,
+      var animation = target.animate({ [idlName]: ["10%", "50%"] },
                                      { duration: 1000, fill: "both" });
       testAnimationSamples(animation, idlName,
                            [{ time: 0,    expected: "10%" },
                             { time: 500,  expected: "30%" },
                             { time: 1000, expected: "50%" }]);
     }, property + " supports animating as a percentage");
 function integer() {
   return function(property, options) {
     test(function(t) {
       var idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
-      var keyframes = {};
-      keyframes[idlName] = [-2, 2];
       var target = createTestElement(t, options.tagName);
-      var animation = target.animate(keyframes,
+      var animation = target.animate({ [idlName]: [-2, 2] },
                                      { duration: 1000, fill: "both" });
       testAnimationSamples(animation, idlName,
                            [{ time: 0,    expected: "-2" },
                             { time: 500,  expected: "0" },
                             { time: 1000, expected: "2" }]);
     }, property + " supports animating as an integer");
 function positiveNumber() {
   return function(property, options) {
     test(function(t) {
       var idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
-      var keyframes = {};
-      keyframes[idlName] = [1.1, 1.5];
       var target = createTestElement(t, options.tagName);
-      var animation = target.animate(keyframes,
+      var animation = target.animate({ [idlName]: [1.1, 1.5] },
                                      { duration: 1000, fill: "both" });
       testAnimationSamples(animation, idlName,
                            [{ time: 0,    expected: "1.1" },
                             { time: 500,  expected: "1.3" },
                             { time: 1000, expected: "1.5" }]);
     }, property + " supports animating as a positive number");
 function lengthPercentageOrCalc() {
   return function(property, options) {
     length()(property, options);
     percentage()(property, options);
     test(function(t) {
       var idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
-      var keyframes = {};
-      keyframes[idlName] = ["10px", "20%"];
       var target = createTestElement(t, options.tagName);
-      var animation = target.animate(keyframes,
+      var animation = target.animate({ [idlName]: ["10px", "20%"] },
                                      { duration: 1000, fill: "both" });
       testAnimationSamples(animation, idlName,
                            [{ time: 0,    expected: "10px" },
                             { time: 500,  expected: "calc(5px + 10%)" },
                             { time: 1000, expected: "20%" }]);
     }, property + " supports animating as combination units 'px' and '%'");
     test(function(t) {
       var idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
-      var keyframes = {};
-      keyframes[idlName] = ["10%", "2em"];
       var target = createTestElement(t, options.tagName);
-      var animation = target.animate(keyframes,
+      var animation = target.animate({ [idlName]: ["10%", "2em"] },
                                      { duration: 1000, fill: "both" });
       testAnimationSamples(animation, idlName,
                            [{ time: 0,    expected: "10%" },
                             { time: 500,  expected: "calc(10px + 5%)" },
                             { time: 1000, expected: "20px" }]);
     }, property + " supports animating as combination units '%' and 'em'");
     test(function(t) {
       var idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
-      var keyframes = {};
-      keyframes[idlName] = ["1em", "2rem"];
       var target = createTestElement(t, options.tagName);
-      var animation = target.animate(keyframes,
+      var animation = target.animate({ [idlName]: ["1em", "2rem"] },
                                      { duration: 1000, fill: "both" });
       testAnimationSamples(animation, idlName,
                            [{ time: 0,    expected: "10px" },
                             { time: 500,  expected: "15px" },
                             { time: 1000, expected: "20px" }]);
     }, property + " supports animating as combination units 'em' and 'rem'");
     test(function(t) {
       var idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
-      var keyframes = {};
-      keyframes[idlName] = ["10px", "calc(1em + 20%)"];
       var target = createTestElement(t, options.tagName);
-      var animation = target.animate(keyframes,
+      var animation = target.animate({ [idlName]: ["10px", "calc(1em + 20%)"] },
                                      { duration: 1000, fill: "both" });
       testAnimationSamples(animation, idlName,
                            [{ time: 0,    expected: "10px" },
                             { time: 500,  expected: "calc(10px + 10%)" },
                             { time: 1000, expected: "calc(10px + 20%)" }]);
     }, property + " supports animating as combination units 'px' and 'calc'");
     test(function(t) {
       var idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
-      var keyframes = {};
-      keyframes[idlName] = ["calc(10px + 10%)", "calc(1em + 1rem + 20%)"];
       var target = createTestElement(t, options.tagName);
-      var animation = target.animate(keyframes,
-                                     { duration: 1000, fill: "both" });
+      var animation = target.animate(
+        { [idlName]: ["calc(10px + 10%)", "calc(1em + 1rem + 20%)"] },
+        { duration: 1000, fill: "both" });
       testAnimationSamples(animation, idlName,
                            [{ time: 0,
                               expected: "calc(10px + 10%)" },
                             { time: 500,
                               expected: "calc(15px + 15%)" },
                             { time: 1000,
                               expected: "calc(20px + 20%)" }]);
     }, property + " supports animating as a calc");
 function visibility() {
   return function(property, options) {
     test(function(t) {
       var idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
-      var keyframes = {};
-      keyframes[idlName] = ["visible", "hidden"];
       var target = createTestElement(t, options.tagName);
-      var animation = target.animate(keyframes,
+      var animation = target.animate({ [idlName]: ["visible", "hidden"] },
                                      { duration: 1000, fill: "both" });
       testAnimationSamples(animation, idlName,
                            [{ time: 0,    expected: "visible" },
                             { time: 999,  expected: "visible" },
                             { time: 1000, expected: "hidden" }]);
     }, property + " uses visibility animation when animating "
        + "from 'visible' to 'hidden'");
     test(function(t) {
       var idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
-      var keyframes = {};
-      keyframes[idlName] = ["hidden", "visible"];
       var target = createTestElement(t, options.tagName);
-      var animation = target.animate(keyframes,
+      var animation = target.animate({ [idlName]: ["hidden", "visible"] },
                                      { duration: 1000, fill: "both" });
       testAnimationSamples(animation, idlName,
                            [{ time: 0,    expected: "hidden" },
                             { time: 1,    expected: "visible" },
                             { time: 1000, expected: "visible" }]);
     }, property + " uses visibility animation when animating "
      + "from 'hidden' to 'visible'");
     test(function(t) {
       var idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
-      var keyframes = {};
-      keyframes[idlName] = ["hidden", "collapse"];
       var target = createTestElement(t, options.tagName);
-      var animation = target.animate(keyframes,
+      var animation = target.animate({ [idlName]: ["hidden", "collapse"] },
                                      { duration: 1000, fill: "both" });
       testAnimationSamples(animation, idlName,
                            [{ time: 0,    expected: "hidden" },
                             { time: 499,  expected: "hidden" },
                             { time: 500,  expected: "collapse" },
                             { time: 1000, expected: "collapse" }]);
     }, property + " uses visibility animation when animating "
      + "from 'hidden' to 'collapse'");
     test(function(t) {
       // Easing: http://cubic-bezier.com/#.68,-.55,.26,1.55
       // With this curve, the value is less than 0 till about 34%
       // also more than 1 since about 63%
       var idlName = propertyToIDL(property);
-      var keyframes = {};
-      keyframes[idlName] = ["visible", "hidden"];
       var target = createTestElement(t, options.tagName);
       var animation =
-        target.animate(keyframes,
+        target.animate({ [idlName]: ["visible", "hidden"] },
                        { duration: 1000, fill: "both",
                          easing: "cubic-bezier(0.68, -0.55, 0.26, 1.55)" });
       testAnimationSamples(animation, idlName,
                            [{ time: 0,    expected: "visible" },
                             { time: 1,    expected: "visible" },
                             { time: 330,  expected: "visible" },
                             { time: 340,  expected: "visible" },
                             { time: 620,  expected: "visible" },