Bug 1317423 - Move WebConsoleConnectionProxy into its own module;r=jlast draft
authorBrian Grinstead <bgrinstead@mozilla.com>
Wed, 16 Nov 2016 10:28:24 -0800
changeset 440038 f33bd114d29f96d28f57e2a225c7fe238a15ed15
parent 439734 51750761f2c61c64cf0553f6cb5fefd4999d3bc0
child 440039 b719577b14fe03f3ef83d9fce251a0a466af35b5
push id36146
push userbgrinstead@mozilla.com
push dateWed, 16 Nov 2016 23:33:09 +0000
Bug 1317423 - Move WebConsoleConnectionProxy into its own module;r=jlast MozReview-Commit-ID: EMEo0CqlOPM
--- a/devtools/client/webconsole/moz.build
+++ b/devtools/client/webconsole/moz.build
@@ -13,10 +13,11 @@ DIRS += [
+    'webconsole-connection-proxy.js',
copy from devtools/client/webconsole/webconsole.js
copy to devtools/client/webconsole/webconsole-connection-proxy.js
--- a/devtools/client/webconsole/webconsole.js
+++ b/devtools/client/webconsole/webconsole-connection-proxy.js
@@ -186,2878 +186,16 @@ const FILTER_PREFS_PREFIX = "devtools.we
 // The minimum font size.
 const MIN_FONT_SIZE = 10;
 const PREF_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT = "devtools.debugger.remote-timeout";
 const PREF_PERSISTLOG = "devtools.webconsole.persistlog";
 const PREF_MESSAGE_TIMESTAMP = "devtools.webconsole.timestampMessages";
 const PREF_NEW_FRONTEND_ENABLED = "devtools.webconsole.new-frontend-enabled";
- * A WebConsoleFrame instance is an interactive console initialized *per target*
- * that displays console log data as well as provides an interactive terminal to
- * manipulate the target's document content.
- *
- * The WebConsoleFrame is responsible for the actual Web Console UI
- * implementation.
- *
- * @constructor
- * @param object webConsoleOwner
- *        The WebConsole owner object.
- */
-function WebConsoleFrame(webConsoleOwner) {
-  this.owner = webConsoleOwner;
-  this.hudId = this.owner.hudId;
-  this.isBrowserConsole = this.owner._browserConsole;
-  this.window = this.owner.iframeWindow;
-  this._repeatNodes = {};
-  this._outputQueue = [];
-  this._itemDestroyQueue = [];
-  this._pruneCategoriesQueue = {};
-  this.filterPrefs = {};
-  this.output = new ConsoleOutput(this);
-  this.unmountMessage = this.unmountMessage.bind(this);
-  this._toggleFilter = this._toggleFilter.bind(this);
-  this.resize = this.resize.bind(this);
-  this._onPanelSelected = this._onPanelSelected.bind(this);
-  this._flushMessageQueue = this._flushMessageQueue.bind(this);
-  this._onToolboxPrefChanged = this._onToolboxPrefChanged.bind(this);
-  this._onUpdateListeners = this._onUpdateListeners.bind(this);
-  this._outputTimer = Cc["@mozilla.org/timer;1"].createInstance(Ci.nsITimer);
-  this._outputTimerInitialized = false;
-  let require = BrowserLoaderModule.BrowserLoader({
-    window: this.window,
-    useOnlyShared: true
-  }).require;
-  this.React = require("devtools/client/shared/vendor/react");
-  this.ReactDOM = require("devtools/client/shared/vendor/react-dom");
-  this.FrameView = this.React.createFactory(require("devtools/client/shared/components/frame"));
-  this.StackTraceView = this.React.createFactory(require("devtools/client/shared/components/stack-trace"));
-  this._telemetry = new Telemetry();
-  EventEmitter.decorate(this);
-exports.WebConsoleFrame = WebConsoleFrame;
-WebConsoleFrame.prototype = {
-  /**
-   * The WebConsole instance that owns this frame.
-   * @see hudservice.js::WebConsole
-   * @type object
-   */
-  owner: null,
-  /**
-   * Proxy between the Web Console and the remote Web Console instance. This
-   * object holds methods used for connecting, listening and disconnecting from
-   * the remote server, using the remote debugging protocol.
-   *
-   * @see WebConsoleConnectionProxy
-   * @type object
-   */
-  proxy: null,
-  /**
-   * Getter for the xul:popupset that holds any popups we open.
-   * @type nsIDOMElement
-   */
-  get popupset() {
-    return this.owner.mainPopupSet;
-  },
-  /**
-   * Holds the initialization promise object.
-   * @private
-   * @type object
-   */
-  _initDefer: null,
-  /**
-   * Last time when we displayed any message in the output.
-   *
-   * @private
-   * @type number
-   *       Timestamp in milliseconds since the Unix epoch.
-   */
-  _lastOutputFlush: 0,
-  /**
-   * Message nodes are stored here in a queue for later display.
-   *
-   * @private
-   * @type array
-   */
-  _outputQueue: null,
-  /**
-   * Keep track of the categories we need to prune from time to time.
-   *
-   * @private
-   * @type array
-   */
-  _pruneCategoriesQueue: null,
-  /**
-   * Function invoked whenever the output queue is emptied. This is used by some
-   * tests.
-   *
-   * @private
-   * @type function
-   */
-  _flushCallback: null,
-  /**
-   * Timer used for flushing the messages output queue.
-   *
-   * @private
-   * @type nsITimer
-   */
-  _outputTimer: null,
-  _outputTimerInitialized: null,
-  /**
-   * Store for tracking repeated nodes.
-   * @private
-   * @type object
-   */
-  _repeatNodes: null,
-  /**
-   * Preferences for filtering messages by type.
-   * @see this._initDefaultFilterPrefs()
-   * @type object
-   */
-  filterPrefs: null,
-  /**
-   * Prefix used for filter preferences.
-   * @private
-   * @type string
-   */
-  _filterPrefsPrefix: FILTER_PREFS_PREFIX,
-  /**
-   * The nesting depth of the currently active console group.
-   */
-  groupDepth: 0,
-  /**
-   * The current target location.
-   * @type string
-   */
-  contentLocation: "",
-  /**
-   * The JSTerm object that manage the console's input.
-   * @see JSTerm
-   * @type object
-   */
-  jsterm: null,
-  /**
-   * The element that holds all of the messages we display.
-   * @type nsIDOMElement
-   */
-  outputNode: null,
-  /**
-   * The ConsoleOutput instance that manages all output.
-   * @type object
-   */
-  output: null,
-  /**
-   * The input element that allows the user to filter messages by string.
-   * @type nsIDOMElement
-   */
-  filterBox: null,
-  /**
-   * Getter for the debugger WebConsoleClient.
-   * @type object
-   */
-  get webConsoleClient() {
-    return this.proxy ? this.proxy.webConsoleClient : null;
-  },
-  _destroyer: null,
-  _saveRequestAndResponseBodies: true,
-  _throttleData: null,
-  // Chevron width at the starting of Web Console's input box.
-  _chevronWidth: 0,
-  // Width of the monospace characters in Web Console's input box.
-  _inputCharWidth: 0,
-  /**
-   * Setter for saving of network request and response bodies.
-   *
-   * @param boolean value
-   *        The new value you want to set.
-   */
-  setSaveRequestAndResponseBodies: function (value) {
-    if (!this.webConsoleClient) {
-      // Don't continue if the webconsole disconnected.
-      return promise.resolve(null);
-    }
-    let deferred = promise.defer();
-    let newValue = !!value;
-    let toSet = {
-      "NetworkMonitor.saveRequestAndResponseBodies": newValue,
-    };
-    // Make sure the web console client connection is established first.
-    this.webConsoleClient.setPreferences(toSet, response => {
-      if (!response.error) {
-        this._saveRequestAndResponseBodies = newValue;
-        deferred.resolve(response);
-      } else {
-        deferred.reject(response.error);
-      }
-    });
-    return deferred.promise;
-  },
-  /**
-   * Setter for throttling data.
-   *
-   * @param boolean value
-   *        The new value you want to set; @see NetworkThrottleManager.
-   */
-  setThrottleData: function(value) {
-    if (!this.webConsoleClient) {
-      // Don't continue if the webconsole disconnected.
-      return promise.resolve(null);
-    }
-    let deferred = promise.defer();
-    let toSet = {
-      "NetworkMonitor.throttleData": value,
-    };
-    // Make sure the web console client connection is established first.
-    this.webConsoleClient.setPreferences(toSet, response => {
-      if (!response.error) {
-        this._throttleData = value;
-        deferred.resolve(response);
-      } else {
-        deferred.reject(response.error);
-      }
-    });
-    return deferred.promise;
-  },
-  /**
-   * Getter for the persistent logging preference.
-   * @type boolean
-   */
-  get persistLog() {
-    // For the browser console, we receive tab navigation
-    // when the original top level window we attached to is closed,
-    // but we don't want to reset console history and just switch to
-    // the next available window.
-    return this.isBrowserConsole ||
-           Services.prefs.getBoolPref(PREF_PERSISTLOG);
-  },
-  /**
-   * Initialize the WebConsoleFrame instance.
-   * @return object
-   *         A promise object that resolves once the frame is ready to use.
-   */
-  init: function () {
-    this._initUI();
-    let connectionInited = this._initConnection();
-    // Don't reject if the history fails to load for some reason.
-    // This would be fine, the panel will just start with empty history.
-    let allReady = this.jsterm.historyLoaded.catch(() => {}).then(() => {
-      return connectionInited;
-    });
-    // This notification is only used in tests. Don't chain it onto
-    // the returned promise because the console panel needs to be attached
-    // to the toolbox before the web-console-created event is receieved.
-    let notifyObservers = () => {
-      let id = WebConsoleUtils.supportsString(this.hudId);
-      Services.obs.notifyObservers(id, "web-console-created", null);
-    };
-    allReady.then(notifyObservers, notifyObservers);
-      allReady.then(this.newConsoleOutput.init);
-    }
-    return allReady;
-  },
-  /**
-   * Connect to the server using the remote debugging protocol.
-   *
-   * @private
-   * @return object
-   *         A promise object that is resolved/reject based on the connection
-   *         result.
-   */
-  _initConnection: function () {
-    if (this._initDefer) {
-      return this._initDefer.promise;
-    }
-    this._initDefer = promise.defer();
-    this.proxy = new WebConsoleConnectionProxy(this, this.owner.target);
-    this.proxy.connect().then(() => {
-      // on success
-      this._initDefer.resolve(this);
-    }, (reason) => {
-      // on failure
-      let node = this.createMessageNode(CATEGORY_JS, SEVERITY_ERROR,
-                                        reason.error + ": " + reason.message);
-      this.outputMessage(CATEGORY_JS, node, [reason]);
-      this._initDefer.reject(reason);
-    });
-    return this._initDefer.promise;
-  },
-  /**
-   * Find the Web Console UI elements and setup event listeners as needed.
-   * @private
-   */
-  _initUI: function () {
-    this.document = this.window.document;
-    this.rootElement = this.document.documentElement;
-    this.NEW_CONSOLE_OUTPUT_ENABLED = !this.isBrowserConsole
-      && !this.owner.target.chrome
-      && Services.prefs.getBoolPref(PREF_NEW_FRONTEND_ENABLED);
-    this.outputNode = this.document.getElementById("output-container");
-    this.outputWrapper = this.document.getElementById("output-wrapper");
-    this.completeNode = this.document.querySelector(".jsterm-complete-node");
-    this.inputNode = this.document.querySelector(".jsterm-input-node");
-    // In the old frontend, the area that scrolls is outputWrapper, but in the new
-    // frontend this will be reassigned.
-    this.outputScroller = this.outputWrapper;
-    // Update the character width and height needed for the popup offset
-    // calculations.
-    this._updateCharSize();
-    this.jsterm = new JSTerm(this);
-    this.jsterm.init();
-    let toolbox = gDevTools.getToolbox(this.owner.target);
-      // @TODO Remove this once JSTerm is handled with React/Redux.
-      this.window.jsterm = this.jsterm;
-      // Remove context menu for now (see Bug 1307239).
-      this.outputWrapper.removeAttribute("context");
-      // XXX: We should actually stop output from happening on old output
-      // panel, but for now let's just hide it.
-      this.experimentalOutputNode = this.outputNode.cloneNode();
-      this.experimentalOutputNode.removeAttribute("tabindex");
-      this.outputNode.hidden = true;
-      this.outputNode.parentNode.appendChild(this.experimentalOutputNode);
-      // @TODO Once the toolbox has been converted to React, see if passing
-      // in JSTerm is still necessary.
-      this.newConsoleOutput = new this.window.NewConsoleOutput(
-        this.experimentalOutputNode, this.jsterm, toolbox, this.owner, this.document);
-      let filterToolbar = this.document.querySelector(".hud-console-filter-toolbar");
-      filterToolbar.hidden = true;
-    } else {
-      // Register the controller to handle "select all" properly.
-      this._commandController = new CommandController(this);
-      this.window.controllers.insertControllerAt(0, this._commandController);
-      this._contextMenuHandler = new ConsoleContextMenu(this);
-      this._initDefaultFilterPrefs();
-      this.filterBox = this.document.querySelector(".hud-filter-box");
-      this._setFilterTextBoxEvents();
-      this._initFilterButtons();
-      let clearButton =
-        this.document.getElementsByClassName("webconsole-clear-console-button")[0];
-      clearButton.addEventListener("command", () => {
-        this.owner._onClearButton();
-        this.jsterm.clearOutput(true);
-      });
-    }
-    this.resize();
-    this.window.addEventListener("resize", this.resize, true);
-    this.jsterm.on("sidebar-opened", this.resize);
-    this.jsterm.on("sidebar-closed", this.resize);
-    if (toolbox) {
-      toolbox.on("webconsole-selected", this._onPanelSelected);
-    }
-    /*
-     * Focus the input line whenever the output area is clicked.
-     */
-    this.outputWrapper.addEventListener("click", (event) => {
-      // Do not focus on middle/right-click or 2+ clicks.
-      if (event.detail !== 1 || event.button !== 0) {
-        return;
-      }
-      // Do not focus if something is selected
-      let selection = this.window.getSelection();
-      if (selection && !selection.isCollapsed) {
-        return;
-      }
-      // Do not focus if a link was clicked
-      if (event.target.nodeName.toLowerCase() === "a" ||
-          event.target.parentNode.nodeName.toLowerCase() === "a") {
-        return;
-      }
-      // Do not focus if a search input was clicked on the new frontend
-          event.target.nodeName.toLowerCase() === "input" &&
-          event.target.getAttribute("type").toLowerCase() === "search") {
-        return;
-      }
-      this.jsterm.focus();
-    });
-    // Toggle the timestamp on preference change
-    gDevTools.on("pref-changed", this._onToolboxPrefChanged);
-    this._onToolboxPrefChanged("pref-changed", {
-      newValue: Services.prefs.getBoolPref(PREF_MESSAGE_TIMESTAMP),
-    });
-    this._initShortcuts();
-    // focus input node
-    this.jsterm.focus();
-  },
-  /**
-   * Resizes the output node to fit the output wrapped.
-   * We need this because it makes the layout a lot faster than
-   * using -moz-box-flex and 100% width.  See Bug 1237368.
-   */
-  resize: function () {
-      this.experimentalOutputNode.style.width =
-        this.outputWrapper.clientWidth + "px";
-    } else {
-      this.outputNode.style.width = this.outputWrapper.clientWidth + "px";
-    }
-  },
-  /**
-   * Sets the focus to JavaScript input field when the web console tab is
-   * selected or when there is a split console present.
-   * @private
-   */
-  _onPanelSelected: function () {
-    this.jsterm.focus();
-  },
-  /**
-   * Initialize the default filter preferences.
-   * @private
-   */
-  _initDefaultFilterPrefs: function () {
-    let prefs = ["network", "networkinfo", "csserror", "cssparser", "csslog",
-                 "exception", "jswarn", "jslog", "error", "info", "warn", "log",
-                 "secerror", "secwarn", "netwarn", "netxhr", "sharedworkers",
-                 "serviceworkers", "windowlessworkers", "servererror",
-                 "serverwarn", "serverinfo", "serverlog"];
-    for (let pref of prefs) {
-      this.filterPrefs[pref] = Services.prefs.getBoolPref(
-        this._filterPrefsPrefix + pref);
-    }
-  },
-  _initShortcuts: function() {
-    var shortcuts = new KeyShortcuts({
-      window: this.window
-    });
-    shortcuts.on(l10n.getStr("webconsole.find.key"),
-                 (name, event) => {
-                   this.filterBox.focus();
-                   event.preventDefault();
-                 });
-    let clearShortcut;
-    if (system.constants.platform === "macosx") {
-      clearShortcut = l10n.getStr("webconsole.clear.keyOSX");
-    } else {
-      clearShortcut = l10n.getStr("webconsole.clear.key");
-    }
-    shortcuts.on(clearShortcut,
-                 () => this.jsterm.clearOutput(true));
-    if (this.isBrowserConsole) {
-      shortcuts.on(l10n.getStr("webconsole.close.key"),
-                   this.window.close.bind(this.window));
-      ZoomKeys.register(this.window);
-    }
-  },
-  /**
-   * Attach / detach reflow listeners depending on the checked status
-   * of the `CSS > Log` menuitem.
-   *
-   * @param function [callback=null]
-   *        Optional function to invoke when the listener has been
-   *        added/removed.
-   */
-  _updateReflowActivityListener: function (callback) {
-    if (this.webConsoleClient) {
-      let pref = this._filterPrefsPrefix + "csslog";
-      if (Services.prefs.getBoolPref(pref)) {
-        this.webConsoleClient.startListeners(["ReflowActivity"], callback);
-      } else {
-        this.webConsoleClient.stopListeners(["ReflowActivity"], callback);
-      }
-    }
-  },
-  /**
-   * Attach / detach server logging listener depending on the filter
-   * preferences. If the user isn't interested in the server logs at
-   * all the listener is not registered.
-   *
-   * @param function [callback=null]
-   *        Optional function to invoke when the listener has been
-   *        added/removed.
-   */
-  _updateServerLoggingListener: function (callback) {
-    if (!this.webConsoleClient) {
-      return null;
-    }
-    let startListener = false;
-    let prefs = ["servererror", "serverwarn", "serverinfo", "serverlog"];
-    for (let i = 0; i < prefs.length; i++) {
-      if (this.filterPrefs[prefs[i]]) {
-        startListener = true;
-        break;
-      }
-    }
-    if (startListener) {
-      this.webConsoleClient.startListeners(["ServerLogging"], callback);
-    } else {
-      this.webConsoleClient.stopListeners(["ServerLogging"], callback);
-    }
-  },
-  /**
-   * Sets the events for the filter input field.
-   * @private
-   */
-  _setFilterTextBoxEvents: function () {
-    let timer = Cc["@mozilla.org/timer;1"].createInstance(Ci.nsITimer);
-    let timerEvent = this.adjustVisibilityOnSearchStringChange.bind(this);
-    let onChange = function _onChange() {
-      // To improve responsiveness, we let the user finish typing before we
-      // perform the search.
-      timer.cancel();
-      timer.initWithCallback(timerEvent, SEARCH_DELAY,
-                             Ci.nsITimer.TYPE_ONE_SHOT);
-    };
-    this.filterBox.addEventListener("command", onChange, false);
-    this.filterBox.addEventListener("input", onChange, false);
-  },
-  /**
-   * Creates one of the filter buttons on the toolbar.
-   *
-   * @private
-   * @param nsIDOMNode aParent
-   *        The node to which the filter button should be appended.
-   * @param object aDescriptor
-   *        A descriptor that contains info about the button. Contains "name",
-   *        "category", and "prefKey" properties, and optionally a "severities"
-   *        property.
-   */
-  _initFilterButtons: function () {
-    let categories = this.document
-                     .querySelectorAll(".webconsole-filter-button[category]");
-    Array.forEach(categories, function (button) {
-      button.addEventListener("contextmenu", () => {
-        button.open = true;
-      }, false);
-      button.addEventListener("click", this._toggleFilter, false);
-      let someChecked = false;
-      let severities = button.querySelectorAll("menuitem[prefKey]");
-      Array.forEach(severities, function (menuItem) {
-        menuItem.addEventListener("command", this._toggleFilter, false);
-        let prefKey = menuItem.getAttribute("prefKey");
-        let checked = this.filterPrefs[prefKey];
-        menuItem.setAttribute("checked", checked);
-        someChecked = someChecked || checked;
-      }, this);
-      button.setAttribute("checked", someChecked);
-      button.setAttribute("aria-pressed", someChecked);
-    }, this);
-    if (!this.isBrowserConsole) {
-      // The Browser Console displays nsIConsoleMessages which are messages that
-      // end up in the JS category, but they are not errors or warnings, they
-      // are just log messages. The Web Console does not show such messages.
-      let jslog = this.document.querySelector("menuitem[prefKey=jslog]");
-      jslog.hidden = true;
-    }
-    if (Services.appinfo.OS == "Darwin") {
-      let net = this.document.querySelector("toolbarbutton[category=net]");
-      let accesskey = net.getAttribute("accesskeyMacOSX");
-      net.setAttribute("accesskey", accesskey);
-      let logging =
-        this.document.querySelector("toolbarbutton[category=logging]");
-      logging.removeAttribute("accesskey");
-      let serverLogging =
-        this.document.querySelector("toolbarbutton[category=server]");
-      serverLogging.removeAttribute("accesskey");
-    }
-  },
-  /**
-   * Calculates the width and height of a single character of the input box.
-   * This will be used in opening the popup at the correct offset.
-   *
-   * @private
-   */
-  _updateCharSize: function () {
-    let doc = this.document;
-    let tempLabel = doc.createElementNS(XHTML_NS, "span");
-    let style = tempLabel.style;
-    style.position = "fixed";
-    style.padding = "0";
-    style.margin = "0";
-    style.width = "auto";
-    style.color = "transparent";
-    WebConsoleUtils.copyTextStyles(this.inputNode, tempLabel);
-    tempLabel.textContent = "x";
-    doc.documentElement.appendChild(tempLabel);
-    this._inputCharWidth = tempLabel.offsetWidth;
-    tempLabel.parentNode.removeChild(tempLabel);
-    // Calculate the width of the chevron placed at the beginning of the input
-    // box. Remove 4 more pixels to accomodate the padding of the popup.
-    this._chevronWidth = +doc.defaultView.getComputedStyle(this.inputNode)
-                             .paddingLeft.replace(/[^0-9.]/g, "") - 4;
-  },
-  /**
-   * The event handler that is called whenever a user switches a filter on or
-   * off.
-   *
-   * @private
-   * @param nsIDOMEvent event
-   *        The event that triggered the filter change.
-   */
-  _toggleFilter: function (event) {
-    let target = event.target;
-    let tagName = target.tagName;
-    // Prevent toggle if generated from a contextmenu event (right click)
-    let isRightClick = (event.button === 2);
-    if (tagName != event.currentTarget.tagName || isRightClick) {
-      return;
-    }
-    switch (tagName) {
-      case "toolbarbutton": {
-        let originalTarget = event.originalTarget;
-        let classes = originalTarget.classList;
-        if (originalTarget.localName !== "toolbarbutton") {
-          // Oddly enough, the click event is sent to the menu button when
-          // selecting a menu item with the mouse. Detect this case and bail
-          // out.
-          break;
-        }
-        if (!classes.contains("toolbarbutton-menubutton-button") &&
-            originalTarget.getAttribute("type") === "menu-button") {
-          // This is a filter button with a drop-down. The user clicked the
-          // drop-down, so do nothing. (The menu will automatically appear
-          // without our intervention.)
-          break;
-        }
-        // Toggle on the targeted filter button, and if the user alt clicked,
-        // toggle off all other filter buttons and their associated filters.
-        let state = target.getAttribute("checked") !== "true";
-        if (event.getModifierState("Alt")) {
-          let buttons = this.document
-                        .querySelectorAll(".webconsole-filter-button");
-          Array.forEach(buttons, (button) => {
-            if (button !== target) {
-              button.setAttribute("checked", false);
-              button.setAttribute("aria-pressed", false);
-              this._setMenuState(button, false);
-            }
-          });
-          state = true;
-        }
-        target.setAttribute("checked", state);
-        target.setAttribute("aria-pressed", state);
-        // This is a filter button with a drop-down, and the user clicked the
-        // main part of the button. Go through all the severities and toggle
-        // their associated filters.
-        this._setMenuState(target, state);
-        // CSS reflow logging can decrease web page performance.
-        // Make sure the option is always unchecked when the CSS filter button
-        // is selected. See bug 971798.
-        if (target.getAttribute("category") == "css" && state) {
-          let csslogMenuItem = target.querySelector("menuitem[prefKey=csslog]");
-          csslogMenuItem.setAttribute("checked", false);
-          this.setFilterState("csslog", false);
-        }
-        break;
-      }
-      case "menuitem": {
-        let state = target.getAttribute("checked") !== "true";
-        target.setAttribute("checked", state);
-        let prefKey = target.getAttribute("prefKey");
-        this.setFilterState(prefKey, state);
-        // Adjust the state of the button appropriately.
-        let menuPopup = target.parentNode;
-        let someChecked = false;
-        let menuItem = menuPopup.firstChild;
-        while (menuItem) {
-          if (menuItem.hasAttribute("prefKey") &&
-              menuItem.getAttribute("checked") === "true") {
-            someChecked = true;
-            break;
-          }
-          menuItem = menuItem.nextSibling;
-        }
-        let toolbarButton = menuPopup.parentNode;
-        toolbarButton.setAttribute("checked", someChecked);
-        toolbarButton.setAttribute("aria-pressed", someChecked);
-        break;
-      }
-    }
-  },
-  /**
-   * Set the menu attributes for a specific toggle button.
-   *
-   * @private
-   * @param XULElement target
-   *        Button with drop down items to be toggled.
-   * @param boolean state
-   *        True if the menu item is being toggled on, and false otherwise.
-   */
-  _setMenuState: function (target, state) {
-    let menuItems = target.querySelectorAll("menuitem");
-    Array.forEach(menuItems, (item) => {
-      item.setAttribute("checked", state);
-      let prefKey = item.getAttribute("prefKey");
-      this.setFilterState(prefKey, state);
-    });
-  },
-  /**
-   * Set the filter state for a specific toggle button.
-   *
-   * @param string toggleType
-   * @param boolean state
-   * @returns void
-   */
-  setFilterState: function (toggleType, state) {
-    this.filterPrefs[toggleType] = state;
-    this.adjustVisibilityForMessageType(toggleType, state);
-    Services.prefs.setBoolPref(this._filterPrefsPrefix + toggleType, state);
-    if (this._updateListenersTimeout) {
-      clearTimeout(this._updateListenersTimeout);
-    }
-    this._updateListenersTimeout = setTimeout(
-      this._onUpdateListeners, 200);
-  },
-  /**
-   * Get the filter state for a specific toggle button.
-   *
-   * @param string toggleType
-   * @returns boolean
-   */
-  getFilterState: function (toggleType) {
-    return this.filterPrefs[toggleType];
-  },
-  /**
-   * Called when a logging filter changes. Allows to stop/start
-   * listeners according to the current filter state.
-   */
-  _onUpdateListeners: function () {
-    this._updateReflowActivityListener();
-    this._updateServerLoggingListener();
-  },
-  /**
-   * Check that the passed string matches the filter arguments.
-   *
-   * @param String str
-   *        to search for filter words in.
-   * @param String filter
-   *        is a string containing all of the words to filter on.
-   * @returns boolean
-   */
-  stringMatchesFilters: function (str, filter) {
-    if (!filter || !str) {
-      return true;
-    }
-    let searchStr = str.toLowerCase();
-    let filterStrings = filter.toLowerCase().split(/\s+/);
-    return !filterStrings.some(function (f) {
-      return searchStr.indexOf(f) == -1;
-    });
-  },
-  /**
-   * Turns the display of log nodes on and off appropriately to reflect the
-   * adjustment of the message type filter named by @prefKey.
-   *
-   * @param string prefKey
-   *        The preference key for the message type being filtered: one of the
-   *        values in the MESSAGE_PREFERENCE_KEYS table.
-   * @param boolean state
-   *        True if the filter named by @messageType is being turned on; false
-   *        otherwise.
-   * @returns void
-   */
-  adjustVisibilityForMessageType: function (prefKey, state) {
-    let outputNode = this.outputNode;
-    let doc = this.document;
-    // Look for message nodes (".message") with the given preference key
-    // (filter="error", filter="cssparser", etc.) and add or remove the
-    // "filtered-by-type" class, which turns on or off the display.
-    let attribute = WORKERTYPES_PREFKEYS.indexOf(prefKey) == -1
-                      ? "filter" : "workerType";
-    let xpath = ".//*[contains(@class, 'message') and " +
-      "@" + attribute + "='" + prefKey + "']";
-    let result = doc.evaluate(xpath, outputNode, null,
-    for (let i = 0; i < result.snapshotLength; i++) {
-      let node = result.snapshotItem(i);
-      if (state) {
-        node.classList.remove("filtered-by-type");
-      } else {
-        node.classList.add("filtered-by-type");
-      }
-    }
-  },
-  /**
-   * Turns the display of log nodes on and off appropriately to reflect the
-   * adjustment of the search string.
-   */
-  adjustVisibilityOnSearchStringChange: function () {
-    let nodes = this.outputNode.getElementsByClassName("message");
-    let searchString = this.filterBox.value;
-    for (let i = 0, n = nodes.length; i < n; ++i) {
-      let node = nodes[i];
-      // hide nodes that match the strings
-      let text = node.textContent;
-      // if the text matches the words in aSearchString...
-      if (this.stringMatchesFilters(text, searchString)) {
-        node.classList.remove("filtered-by-string");
-      } else {
-        node.classList.add("filtered-by-string");
-      }
-    }
-    this.resize();
-  },
-  /**
-   * Applies the user's filters to a newly-created message node via CSS
-   * classes.
-   *
-   * @param nsIDOMNode node
-   *        The newly-created message node.
-   * @return boolean
-   *         True if the message was filtered or false otherwise.
-   */
-  filterMessageNode: function (node) {
-    let isFiltered = false;
-    // Filter by the message type.
-    let prefKey = MESSAGE_PREFERENCE_KEYS[node.category][node.severity];
-    if (prefKey && !this.getFilterState(prefKey)) {
-      // The node is filtered by type.
-      node.classList.add("filtered-by-type");
-      isFiltered = true;
-    }
-    // Filter by worker type
-    if ("workerType" in node && !this.getFilterState(node.workerType)) {
-      node.classList.add("filtered-by-type");
-      isFiltered = true;
-    }
-    // Filter on the search string.
-    let search = this.filterBox.value;
-    let text = node.clipboardText;
-    // if string matches the filter text
-    if (!this.stringMatchesFilters(text, search)) {
-      node.classList.add("filtered-by-string");
-      isFiltered = true;
-    }
-    if (isFiltered && node.classList.contains("inlined-variables-view")) {
-      node.classList.add("hidden-message");
-    }
-    return isFiltered;
-  },
-  /**
-   * Merge the attributes of repeated nodes.
-   *
-   * @param nsIDOMNode original
-   *        The Original Node. The one being merged into.
-   */
-  mergeFilteredMessageNode: function (original) {
-    let repeatNode = original.getElementsByClassName("message-repeats")[0];
-    if (!repeatNode) {
-      // no repeat node, return early.
-      return;
-    }
-    let occurrences = parseInt(repeatNode.getAttribute("value"), 10) + 1;
-    repeatNode.setAttribute("value", occurrences);
-    repeatNode.textContent = occurrences;
-    let str = l10n.getStr("messageRepeats.tooltip2");
-    repeatNode.title = PluralForm.get(occurrences, str)
-                       .replace("#1", occurrences);
-  },
-  /**
-   * Filter the message node from the output if it is a repeat.
-   *
-   * @private
-   * @param nsIDOMNode node
-   *        The message node to be filtered or not.
-   * @returns nsIDOMNode|null
-   *          Returns the duplicate node if the message was filtered, null
-   *          otherwise.
-   */
-  _filterRepeatedMessage: function (node) {
-    let repeatNode = node.getElementsByClassName("message-repeats")[0];
-    if (!repeatNode) {
-      return null;
-    }
-    let uid = repeatNode._uid;
-    let dupeNode = null;
-    if (node.category == CATEGORY_CSS ||
-        node.category == CATEGORY_SECURITY) {
-      dupeNode = this._repeatNodes[uid];
-      if (!dupeNode) {
-        this._repeatNodes[uid] = node;
-      }
-    } else if ((node.category == CATEGORY_WEBDEV ||
-                node.category == CATEGORY_JS) &&
-               node.category != CATEGORY_NETWORK &&
-               !node.classList.contains("inlined-variables-view")) {
-      let lastMessage = this.outputNode.lastChild;
-      if (!lastMessage) {
-        return null;
-      }
-      let lastRepeatNode =
-        lastMessage.getElementsByClassName("message-repeats")[0];
-      if (lastRepeatNode && lastRepeatNode._uid == uid) {
-        dupeNode = lastMessage;
-      }
-    }
-    if (dupeNode) {
-      this.mergeFilteredMessageNode(dupeNode);
-      // Even though this node was never rendered, we create the location
-      // nodes before rendering, so we still have to clean up any
-      // React components
-      this.unmountMessage(node);
-      return dupeNode;
-    }
-    return null;
-  },
-  /**
-   * Display cached messages that may have been collected before the UI is
-   * displayed.
-   *
-   * @param array remoteMessages
-   *        Array of cached messages coming from the remote Web Console
-   *        content instance.
-   */
-  displayCachedMessages: function (remoteMessages) {
-    if (!remoteMessages.length) {
-      return;
-    }
-    remoteMessages.forEach(function (message) {
-      switch (message._type) {
-        case "PageError": {
-          let category = Utils.categoryForScriptError(message);
-          this.outputMessage(category, this.reportPageError,
-                             [category, message]);
-          break;
-        }
-        case "LogMessage":
-          this.handleLogMessage(message);
-          break;
-        case "ConsoleAPI":
-          this.outputMessage(CATEGORY_WEBDEV, this.logConsoleAPIMessage,
-                             [message]);
-          break;
-        case "NetworkEvent":
-          this.outputMessage(CATEGORY_NETWORK, this.logNetEvent, [message]);
-          break;
-      }
-    }, this);
-  },
-  /**
-   * Logs a message to the Web Console that originates from the Web Console
-   * server.
-   *
-   * @param object message
-   *        The message received from the server.
-   * @return nsIDOMElement|null
-   *         The message element to display in the Web Console output.
-   */
-  logConsoleAPIMessage: function (message) {
-    let body = null;
-    let clipboardText = null;
-    let sourceURL = message.filename;
-    let sourceLine = message.lineNumber;
-    let level = message.level;
-    let args = message.arguments;
-    let objectActors = new Set();
-    let node = null;
-    // Gather the actor IDs.
-    args.forEach((value) => {
-      if (WebConsoleUtils.isActorGrip(value)) {
-        objectActors.add(value.actor);
-      }
-    });
-    switch (level) {
-      case "log":
-      case "info":
-      case "warn":
-      case "error":
-      case "exception":
-      case "assert":
-      case "debug": {
-        let msg = new Messages.ConsoleGeneric(message);
-        node = msg.init(this.output).render().element;
-        break;
-      }
-      case "table": {
-        let msg = new Messages.ConsoleTable(message);
-        node = msg.init(this.output).render().element;
-        break;
-      }
-      case "trace": {
-        let msg = new Messages.ConsoleTrace(message);
-        node = msg.init(this.output).render().element;
-        break;
-      }
-      case "clear": {
-        body = l10n.getStr("consoleCleared");
-        clipboardText = body;
-        break;
-      }
-      case "dir": {
-        body = { arguments: args };
-        let clipboardArray = [];
-        args.forEach((value) => {
-          clipboardArray.push(VariablesView.getString(value));
-        });
-        clipboardText = clipboardArray.join(" ");
-        break;
-      }
-      case "dirxml": {
-        // We just alias console.dirxml() with console.log().
-        message.level = "log";
-        return this.logConsoleAPIMessage(message);
-      }
-      case "group":
-      case "groupCollapsed":
-        clipboardText = body = message.groupName;
-        this.groupDepth++;
-        break;
-      case "groupEnd":
-        if (this.groupDepth > 0) {
-          this.groupDepth--;
-        }
-        break;
-      case "time": {
-        let timer = message.timer;
-        if (!timer) {
-          return null;
-        }
-        if (timer.error) {
-          console.error(new Error(l10n.getStr(timer.error)));
-          return null;
-        }
-        body = l10n.getFormatStr("timerStarted", [timer.name]);
-        clipboardText = body;
-        break;
-      }
-      case "timeEnd": {
-        let timer = message.timer;
-        if (!timer) {
-          return null;
-        }
-        let duration = Math.round(timer.duration * 100) / 100;
-        body = l10n.getFormatStr("timeEnd", [timer.name, duration]);
-        clipboardText = body;
-        break;
-      }
-      case "count": {
-        let counter = message.counter;
-        if (!counter) {
-          return null;
-        }
-        if (counter.error) {
-          console.error(l10n.getStr(counter.error));
-          return null;
-        }
-        let msg = new Messages.ConsoleGeneric(message);
-        node = msg.init(this.output).render().element;
-        break;
-      }
-      case "timeStamp": {
-        // console.timeStamp() doesn't need to display anything.
-        return null;
-      }
-      default:
-        console.error(new Error("Unknown Console API log level: " + level));
-        return null;
-    }
-    // Release object actors for arguments coming from console API methods that
-    // we ignore their arguments.
-    switch (level) {
-      case "group":
-      case "groupCollapsed":
-      case "groupEnd":
-      case "time":
-      case "timeEnd":
-      case "count":
-        for (let actor of objectActors) {
-          this._releaseObject(actor);
-        }
-        objectActors.clear();
-    }
-    if (level == "groupEnd") {
-      // no need to continue
-      return null;
-    }
-    if (!node) {
-      node = this.createMessageNode(CATEGORY_WEBDEV, LEVELS[level], body,
-                                    sourceURL, sourceLine, clipboardText,
-                                    level, message.timeStamp);
-      if (message.private) {
-        node.setAttribute("private", true);
-      }
-    }
-    if (objectActors.size > 0) {
-      node._objectActors = objectActors;
-      if (!node._messageObject) {
-        let repeatNode = node.getElementsByClassName("message-repeats")[0];
-        repeatNode._uid += [...objectActors].join("-");
-      }
-    }
-    let workerTypeID = CONSOLE_WORKER_IDS.indexOf(message.workerType);
-    if (workerTypeID != -1) {
-      node.workerType = WORKERTYPES_PREFKEYS[workerTypeID];
-      node.setAttribute("workerType", WORKERTYPES_PREFKEYS[workerTypeID]);
-    }
-    return node;
-  },
-  /**
-   * Handle ConsoleAPICall objects received from the server. This method outputs
-   * the window.console API call.
-   *
-   * @param object message
-   *        The console API message received from the server.
-   */
-  handleConsoleAPICall: function (message) {
-    this.outputMessage(CATEGORY_WEBDEV, this.logConsoleAPIMessage, [message]);
-  },
-  /**
-   * Reports an error in the page source, either JavaScript or CSS.
-   *
-   * @param nsIScriptError scriptError
-   *        The error message to report.
-   * @return nsIDOMElement|undefined
-   *         The message element to display in the Web Console output.
-   */
-  reportPageError: function (category, scriptError) {
-    // Warnings and legacy strict errors become warnings; other types become
-    // errors.
-    let severity = "error";
-    if (scriptError.warning || scriptError.strict) {
-      severity = "warning";
-    } else if (scriptError.info) {
-      severity = "log";
-    }
-    switch (category) {
-      case CATEGORY_CSS:
-        category = "css";
-        break;
-        category = "security";
-        break;
-      default:
-        category = "js";
-        break;
-    }
-    let objectActors = new Set();
-    // Gather the actor IDs.
-    for (let prop of ["errorMessage", "lineText"]) {
-      let grip = scriptError[prop];
-      if (WebConsoleUtils.isActorGrip(grip)) {
-        objectActors.add(grip.actor);
-      }
-    }
-    let errorMessage = scriptError.errorMessage;
-    if (errorMessage.type && errorMessage.type == "longString") {
-      errorMessage = errorMessage.initial;
-    }
-    let displayOrigin = scriptError.sourceName;
-    // TLS errors are related to the connection and not the resource; therefore
-    // it makes sense to only display the protcol, host and port (prePath).
-    // This also means messages are grouped for a single origin.
-    if (scriptError.category && scriptError.category == "SHA-1 Signature") {
-      let sourceURI = Services.io.newURI(scriptError.sourceName, null, null)
-                      .QueryInterface(Ci.nsIURL);
-      displayOrigin = sourceURI.prePath;
-    }
-    // Create a new message
-    let msg = new Messages.Simple(errorMessage, {
-      location: {
-        url: displayOrigin,
-        line: scriptError.lineNumber,
-        column: scriptError.columnNumber
-      },
-      stack: scriptError.stacktrace,
-      category: category,
-      severity: severity,
-      timestamp: scriptError.timeStamp,
-      private: scriptError.private,
-      filterDuplicates: true
-    });
-    let node = msg.init(this.output).render().element;
-    // Select the body of the message node that is displayed in the console
-    let msgBody = node.getElementsByClassName("message-body")[0];
-    // Add the more info link node to messages that belong to certain categories
-    if (scriptError.exceptionDocURL) {
-      this.addLearnMoreWarningNode(msgBody, scriptError.exceptionDocURL);
-    }
-    // Collect telemetry data regarding JavaScript errors
-    this._telemetry.logKeyed("DEVTOOLS_JAVASCRIPT_ERROR_DISPLAYED",
-                             scriptError.errorMessageName,
-                             true);
-    if (objectActors.size > 0) {
-      node._objectActors = objectActors;
-    }
-    return node;
-  },
-  /**
-   * Handle PageError objects received from the server. This method outputs the
-   * given error.
-   *
-   * @param nsIScriptError pageError
-   *        The error received from the server.
-   */
-  handlePageError: function (pageError) {
-    let category = Utils.categoryForScriptError(pageError);
-    this.outputMessage(category, this.reportPageError, [category, pageError]);
-  },
-  /**
-   * Handle log messages received from the server. This method outputs the given
-   * message.
-   *
-   * @param object packet
-   *        The message packet received from the server.
-   */
-  handleLogMessage: function (packet) {
-    if (packet.message) {
-      this.outputMessage(CATEGORY_JS, this._reportLogMessage, [packet]);
-    }
-  },
-  /**
-   * Display log messages received from the server.
-   *
-   * @private
-   * @param object packet
-   *        The message packet received from the server.
-   * @return nsIDOMElement
-   *         The message element to render for the given log message.
-   */
-  _reportLogMessage: function (packet) {
-    let msg = packet.message;
-    if (msg.type && msg.type == "longString") {
-      msg = msg.initial;
-    }
-    let node = this.createMessageNode(CATEGORY_JS, SEVERITY_LOG, msg, null,
-                                      null, null, null, packet.timeStamp);
-    if (WebConsoleUtils.isActorGrip(packet.message)) {
-      node._objectActors = new Set([packet.message.actor]);
-    }
-    return node;
-  },
-  /**
-   * Log network event.
-   *
-   * @param object networkInfo
-   *        The network request information to log.
-   * @return nsIDOMElement|null
-   *         The message element to display in the Web Console output.
-   */
-  logNetEvent: function (networkInfo) {
-    let actorId = networkInfo.actor;
-    let request = networkInfo.request;
-    let clipboardText = request.method + " " + request.url;
-    let severity = SEVERITY_LOG;
-    if (networkInfo.isXHR) {
-      clipboardText = request.method + " XHR " + request.url;
-      severity = SEVERITY_INFO;
-    }
-    let mixedRequest =
-      WebConsoleUtils.isMixedHTTPSRequest(request.url, this.contentLocation);
-    if (mixedRequest) {
-      severity = SEVERITY_WARNING;
-    }
-    let methodNode = this.document.createElementNS(XHTML_NS, "span");
-    methodNode.className = "method";
-    methodNode.textContent = request.method + " ";
-    let messageNode = this.createMessageNode(CATEGORY_NETWORK, severity,
-                                             methodNode, null, null,
-                                             clipboardText, null,
-                                             networkInfo.timeStamp);
-    if (networkInfo.private) {
-      messageNode.setAttribute("private", true);
-    }
-    messageNode._connectionId = actorId;
-    messageNode.url = request.url;
-    let body = methodNode.parentNode;
-    body.setAttribute("aria-haspopup", true);
-    if (networkInfo.isXHR) {
-      let xhrNode = this.document.createElementNS(XHTML_NS, "span");
-      xhrNode.className = "xhr";
-      xhrNode.textContent = l10n.getStr("webConsoleXhrIndicator");
-      body.appendChild(xhrNode);
-      body.appendChild(this.document.createTextNode(" "));
-    }
-    let displayUrl = request.url;
-    let pos = displayUrl.indexOf("?");
-    if (pos > -1) {
-      displayUrl = displayUrl.substr(0, pos);
-    }
-    let urlNode = this.document.createElementNS(XHTML_NS, "a");
-    urlNode.className = "url";
-    urlNode.setAttribute("title", request.url);
-    urlNode.href = request.url;
-    urlNode.textContent = displayUrl;
-    urlNode.draggable = false;
-    body.appendChild(urlNode);
-    body.appendChild(this.document.createTextNode(" "));
-    if (mixedRequest) {
-      messageNode.classList.add("mixed-content");
-      this.makeMixedContentNode(body);
-    }
-    let statusNode = this.document.createElementNS(XHTML_NS, "a");
-    statusNode.className = "status";
-    body.appendChild(statusNode);
-    let onClick = () => this.openNetworkPanel(networkInfo.actor);
-    this._addMessageLinkCallback(urlNode, onClick);
-    this._addMessageLinkCallback(statusNode, onClick);
-    networkInfo.node = messageNode;
-    this._updateNetMessage(actorId);
-    if (this.window.NetRequest) {
-      this.window.NetRequest.onNetworkEvent({
-        consoleFrame: this,
-        response: networkInfo,
-        node: messageNode,
-        update: false
-      });
-    }
-    return messageNode;
-  },
-  /**
-   * Create a mixed content warning Node.
-   *
-   * @param linkNode
-   *        Parent to the requested urlNode.
-   */
-  makeMixedContentNode: function (linkNode) {
-    let mixedContentWarning =
-      "[" + l10n.getStr("webConsoleMixedContentWarning") + "]";
-    // Mixed content warning message links to a Learn More page
-    let mixedContentWarningNode = this.document.createElementNS(XHTML_NS, "a");
-    mixedContentWarningNode.title = MIXED_CONTENT_LEARN_MORE;
-    mixedContentWarningNode.href = MIXED_CONTENT_LEARN_MORE;
-    mixedContentWarningNode.className = "learn-more-link";
-    mixedContentWarningNode.textContent = mixedContentWarning;
-    mixedContentWarningNode.draggable = false;
-    linkNode.appendChild(mixedContentWarningNode);
-    this._addMessageLinkCallback(mixedContentWarningNode, (event) => {
-      event.stopPropagation();
-      this.owner.openLink(MIXED_CONTENT_LEARN_MORE);
-    });
-  },
-  /*
-   * Appends a clickable warning node to the node passed
-   * as a parameter to the function. When a user clicks on the appended
-   * warning node, the browser navigates to the provided url.
-   *
-   * @param node
-   *        The node to which we will be adding a clickable warning node.
-   * @param url
-   *        The url which points to the page where the user can learn more
-   *        about security issues associated with the specific message that's
-   *        being logged.
-   */
-  addLearnMoreWarningNode: function (node, url) {
-    let moreInfoLabel = "[" + l10n.getStr("webConsoleMoreInfoLabel") + "]";
-    let warningNode = this.document.createElementNS(XHTML_NS, "a");
-    warningNode.title = url.split("?")[0];
-    warningNode.href = url;
-    warningNode.draggable = false;
-    warningNode.textContent = moreInfoLabel;
-    warningNode.className = "learn-more-link";
-    this._addMessageLinkCallback(warningNode, (event) => {
-      event.stopPropagation();
-      this.owner.openLink(url);
-    });
-    node.appendChild(warningNode);
-  },
-  /**
-   * Log file activity.
-   *
-   * @param string fileURI
-   *        The file URI that was loaded.
-   * @return nsIDOMElement|undefined
-   *         The message element to display in the Web Console output.
-   */
-  logFileActivity: function (fileURI) {
-    let urlNode = this.document.createElementNS(XHTML_NS, "a");
-    urlNode.setAttribute("title", fileURI);
-    urlNode.className = "url";
-    urlNode.textContent = fileURI;
-    urlNode.draggable = false;
-    urlNode.href = fileURI;
-    let outputNode = this.createMessageNode(CATEGORY_NETWORK, SEVERITY_LOG,
-                                            urlNode, null, null, fileURI);
-    this._addMessageLinkCallback(urlNode, () => {
-      this.owner.viewSource(fileURI);
-    });
-    return outputNode;
-  },
-  /**
-   * Handle the file activity messages coming from the remote Web Console.
-   *
-   * @param string fileURI
-   *        The file URI that was requested.
-   */
-  handleFileActivity: function (fileURI) {
-    this.outputMessage(CATEGORY_NETWORK, this.logFileActivity, [fileURI]);
-  },
-  /**
-   * Handle the reflow activity messages coming from the remote Web Console.
-   *
-   * @param object msg
-   *        An object holding information about a reflow batch.
-   */
-  logReflowActivity: function (message) {
-    let {start, end, sourceURL, sourceLine} = message;
-    let duration = Math.round((end - start) * 100) / 100;
-    let node = this.document.createElementNS(XHTML_NS, "span");
-    if (sourceURL) {
-      node.textContent =
-        l10n.getFormatStr("reflow.messageWithLink", [duration]);
-      let a = this.document.createElementNS(XHTML_NS, "a");
-      a.href = "#";
-      a.draggable = "false";
-      let filename = getSourceNames(sourceURL).short;
-      let functionName = message.functionName ||
-                         l10n.getStr("stacktrace.anonymousFunction");
-      a.textContent = l10n.getFormatStr("reflow.messageLinkText",
-                         [functionName, filename, sourceLine]);
-      this._addMessageLinkCallback(a, () => {
-        this.owner.viewSourceInDebugger(sourceURL, sourceLine);
-      });
-      node.appendChild(a);
-    } else {
-      node.textContent =
-        l10n.getFormatStr("reflow.messageWithNoLink", [duration]);
-    }
-    return this.createMessageNode(CATEGORY_CSS, SEVERITY_LOG, node);
-  },
-  handleReflowActivity: function (message) {
-    this.outputMessage(CATEGORY_CSS, this.logReflowActivity, [message]);
-  },
-  /**
-   * Inform user that the window.console API has been replaced by a script
-   * in a content page.
-   */
-  logWarningAboutReplacedAPI: function () {
-    let node = this.createMessageNode(CATEGORY_JS, SEVERITY_WARNING,
-                                      l10n.getStr("ConsoleAPIDisabled"));
-    this.outputMessage(CATEGORY_JS, node);
-  },
-  /**
-   * Handle the network events coming from the remote Web Console.
-   *
-   * @param object networkInfo
-   *        The network request information.
-   */
-  handleNetworkEvent: function (networkInfo) {
-    this.outputMessage(CATEGORY_NETWORK, this.logNetEvent, [networkInfo]);
-  },
-  /**
-   * Handle network event updates coming from the server.
-   *
-   * @param object networkInfo
-   *        The network request information.
-   * @param object packet
-   *        Update details.
-   */
-  handleNetworkEventUpdate: function (networkInfo, packet) {
-    if (networkInfo.node && this._updateNetMessage(packet.from)) {
-      if (this.window.NetRequest) {
-        this.window.NetRequest.onNetworkEvent({
-          client: this.webConsoleClient,
-          response: packet,
-          node: networkInfo.node,
-          update: true
-        });
-      }
-      this.emit("new-messages", new Set([{
-        update: true,
-        node: networkInfo.node,
-        response: packet,
-      }]));
-    }
-    // For unit tests we pass the HTTP activity object to the test callback,
-    // once requests complete.
-    if (this.owner.lastFinishedRequestCallback &&
-        networkInfo.updates.indexOf("responseContent") > -1 &&
-        networkInfo.updates.indexOf("eventTimings") > -1) {
-      this.owner.lastFinishedRequestCallback(networkInfo, this);
-    }
-  },
-  /**
-   * Update an output message to reflect the latest state of a network request,
-   * given a network event actor ID.
-   *
-   * @private
-   * @param string actorId
-   *        The network event actor ID for which you want to update the message.
-   * @return boolean
-   *         |true| if the message node was updated, or |false| otherwise.
-   */
-  _updateNetMessage: function (actorId) {
-    let networkInfo = this.webConsoleClient.getNetworkRequest(actorId);
-    if (!networkInfo || !networkInfo.node) {
-      return false;
-    }
-    let messageNode = networkInfo.node;
-    let updates = networkInfo.updates;
-    let hasEventTimings = updates.indexOf("eventTimings") > -1;
-    let hasResponseStart = updates.indexOf("responseStart") > -1;
-    let request = networkInfo.request;
-    let methodText = (networkInfo.isXHR) ?
-                     request.method + " XHR" : request.method;
-    let response = networkInfo.response;
-    let updated = false;
-    if (hasEventTimings || hasResponseStart) {
-      let status = [];
-      if (response.httpVersion && response.status) {
-        status = [response.httpVersion, response.status, response.statusText];
-      }
-      if (hasEventTimings) {
-        status.push(l10n.getFormatStr("NetworkPanel.durationMS",
-                                      [networkInfo.totalTime]));
-      }
-      let statusText = "[" + status.join(" ") + "]";
-      let statusNode = messageNode.getElementsByClassName("status")[0];
-      statusNode.textContent = statusText;
-      messageNode.clipboardText = [methodText, request.url, statusText]
-                                  .join(" ");
-      if (hasResponseStart && response.status >= MIN_HTTP_ERROR_CODE &&
-          response.status <= MAX_HTTP_ERROR_CODE) {
-        this.setMessageType(messageNode, CATEGORY_NETWORK, SEVERITY_ERROR);
-      }
-      updated = true;
-    }
-    if (messageNode._netPanel) {
-      messageNode._netPanel.update();
-    }
-    return updated;
-  },
-  /**
-   * Opens the network monitor and highlights the specified request.
-   *
-   * @param string requestId
-   *        The actor ID of the network request.
-   */
-  openNetworkPanel: function (requestId) {
-    let toolbox = gDevTools.getToolbox(this.owner.target);
-    // The browser console doesn't have a toolbox.
-    if (!toolbox) {
-      return;
-    }
-    return toolbox.selectTool("netmonitor").then(panel => {
-      return panel.panelWin.NetMonitorController.inspectRequest(requestId);
-    });
-  },
-  /**
-   * Handler for page location changes.
-   *
-   * @param string uri
-   *        New page location.
-   * @param string title
-   *        New page title.
-   */
-  onLocationChange: function (uri, title) {
-    this.contentLocation = uri;
-    if (this.owner.onLocationChange) {
-      this.owner.onLocationChange(uri, title);
-    }
-  },
-  /**
-   * Handler for the tabNavigated notification.
-   *
-   * @param string event
-   *        Event name.
-   * @param object packet
-   *        Notification packet received from the server.
-   */
-  handleTabNavigated: function (event, packet) {
-    if (event == "will-navigate") {
-      if (this.persistLog) {
-        if (this.NEW_CONSOLE_OUTPUT_ENABLED) {
-          // Add a _type to hit convertCachedPacket.
-          packet._type = true;
-          this.newConsoleOutput.dispatchMessageAdd(packet);
-        } else {
-          let marker = new Messages.NavigationMarker(packet, Date.now());
-          this.output.addMessage(marker);
-        }
-      } else {
-        this.jsterm.clearOutput();
-      }
-    }
-    if (packet.url) {
-      this.onLocationChange(packet.url, packet.title);
-    }
-    if (event == "navigate" && !packet.nativeConsoleAPI) {
-      this.logWarningAboutReplacedAPI();
-    }
-  },
-  /**
-   * Output a message node. This filters a node appropriately, then sends it to
-   * the output, regrouping and pruning output as necessary.
-   *
-   * Note: this call is async - the given message node may not be displayed when
-   * you call this method.
-   *
-   * @param integer category
-   *        The category of the message you want to output. See the CATEGORY_*
-   *        constants.
-   * @param function|nsIDOMElement methodOrNode
-   *        The method that creates the message element to send to the output or
-   *        the actual element. If a method is given it will be bound to the HUD
-   *        object and the arguments will be |args|.
-   * @param array [args]
-   *        If a method is given to output the message element then the method
-   *        will be invoked with the list of arguments given here. The last
-   *        object in this array should be the packet received from the
-   *        back end.
-   */
-  outputMessage: function (category, methodOrNode, args) {
-    if (!this._outputQueue.length) {
-      // If the queue is empty we consider that now was the last output flush.
-      // This avoid an immediate output flush when the timer executes.
-      this._lastOutputFlush = Date.now();
-    }
-    this._outputQueue.push([category, methodOrNode, args]);
-    this._initOutputTimer();
-  },
-  /**
-   * Try to flush the output message queue. This takes the messages in the
-   * output queue and displays them. Outputting stops at MESSAGES_IN_INTERVAL.
-   * Further output is queued to happen later - see OUTPUT_INTERVAL.
-   *
-   * @private
-   */
-  _flushMessageQueue: function () {
-    this._outputTimerInitialized = false;
-    if (!this._outputTimer) {
-      return;
-    }
-    let startTime = Date.now();
-    let timeSinceFlush = startTime - this._lastOutputFlush;
-    let shouldThrottle = this._outputQueue.length > MESSAGES_IN_INTERVAL &&
-        timeSinceFlush < THROTTLE_UPDATES;
-    // Determine how many messages we can display now.
-    let toDisplay = Math.min(this._outputQueue.length, MESSAGES_IN_INTERVAL);
-    // If there aren't any messages to display (because of throttling or an
-    // empty queue), then take care of some cleanup. Destroy items that were
-    // pruned from the outputQueue before being displayed.
-    if (shouldThrottle || toDisplay < 1) {
-      while (this._itemDestroyQueue.length) {
-        if ((Date.now() - startTime) > MAX_CLEANUP_TIME) {
-          break;
-        }
-        this._destroyItem(this._itemDestroyQueue.pop());
-      }
-      this._initOutputTimer();
-      return;
-    }
-    // Try to prune the message queue.
-    let shouldPrune = false;
-    if (this._outputQueue.length > toDisplay && this._pruneOutputQueue()) {
-      toDisplay = Math.min(this._outputQueue.length, toDisplay);
-      shouldPrune = true;
-    }
-    let batch = this._outputQueue.splice(0, toDisplay);
-    let outputNode = this.outputNode;
-    let lastVisibleNode = null;
-    let scrollNode = this.outputWrapper;
-    let hudIdSupportsString = WebConsoleUtils.supportsString(this.hudId);
-    // We won't bother to try to restore scroll position if this is showing
-    // a lot of messages at once (and there are still items in the queue).
-    // It is going to purge whatever you were looking at anyway.
-    let scrolledToBottom =
-      shouldPrune || Utils.isOutputScrolledToBottom(outputNode, scrollNode);
-    // Output the current batch of messages.
-    let messages = new Set();
-    for (let i = 0; i < batch.length; i++) {
-      let item = batch[i];
-      let result = this._outputMessageFromQueue(hudIdSupportsString, item);
-      if (result) {
-        messages.add({
-          node: result.isRepeated ? result.isRepeated : result.node,
-          response: result.message,
-          update: !!result.isRepeated,
-        });
-        if (result.visible && result.node == this.outputNode.lastChild) {
-          lastVisibleNode = result.node;
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    let oldScrollHeight = 0;
-    let removedNodes = 0;
-    // Prune messages from the DOM, but only if needed.
-    if (shouldPrune || !this._outputQueue.length) {
-      // Only bother measuring the scrollHeight if not scrolled to bottom,
-      // since the oldScrollHeight will not be used if it is.
-      if (!scrolledToBottom) {
-        oldScrollHeight = scrollNode.scrollHeight;
-      }
-      let categories = Object.keys(this._pruneCategoriesQueue);
-      categories.forEach(function _pruneOutput(category) {
-        removedNodes += this.pruneOutputIfNecessary(category);
-      }, this);
-      this._pruneCategoriesQueue = {};
-    }
-    let isInputOutput = lastVisibleNode &&
-                        (lastVisibleNode.category == CATEGORY_INPUT ||
-                         lastVisibleNode.category == CATEGORY_OUTPUT);
-    // Scroll to the new node if it is not filtered, and if the output node is
-    // scrolled at the bottom or if the new node is a jsterm input/output
-    // message.
-    if (lastVisibleNode && (scrolledToBottom || isInputOutput)) {
-      Utils.scrollToVisible(lastVisibleNode);
-    } else if (!scrolledToBottom && removedNodes > 0 &&
-               oldScrollHeight != scrollNode.scrollHeight) {
-      // If there were pruned messages and if scroll is not at the bottom, then
-      // we need to adjust the scroll location.
-      scrollNode.scrollTop -= oldScrollHeight - scrollNode.scrollHeight;
-    }
-    if (messages.size) {
-      this.emit("new-messages", messages);
-    }
-    // If the output queue is empty, then run _flushCallback.
-    if (this._outputQueue.length === 0 && this._flushCallback) {
-      if (this._flushCallback() === false) {
-        this._flushCallback = null;
-      }
-    }
-    this._initOutputTimer();
-    // Resize the output area in case a vertical scrollbar has been added
-    this.resize();
-    this._lastOutputFlush = Date.now();
-  },
-  /**
-   * Initialize the output timer.
-   * @private
-   */
-  _initOutputTimer: function () {
-    let panelIsDestroyed = !this._outputTimer;
-    let alreadyScheduled = this._outputTimerInitialized;
-    let nothingToDo = !this._itemDestroyQueue.length &&
-                      !this._outputQueue.length;
-    // Don't schedule a callback in the following cases:
-    if (panelIsDestroyed || alreadyScheduled || nothingToDo) {
-      return;
-    }
-    this._outputTimerInitialized = true;
-    this._outputTimer.initWithCallback(this._flushMessageQueue,
-                                       OUTPUT_INTERVAL,
-                                       Ci.nsITimer.TYPE_ONE_SHOT);
-  },
-  /**
-   * Output a message from the queue.
-   *
-   * @private
-   * @param nsISupportsString hudIdSupportsString
-   *        The HUD ID as an nsISupportsString.
-   * @param array item
-   *        An item from the output queue - this item represents a message.
-   * @return object
-   *         An object that holds the following properties:
-   *         - node: the DOM element of the message.
-   *         - isRepeated: the DOM element of the original message, if this is
-   *         a repeated message, otherwise null.
-   *         - visible: boolean that tells if the message is visible.
-   */
-  _outputMessageFromQueue: function (hudIdSupportsString, item) {
-    let [, methodOrNode, args] = item;
-    // The last object in the args array should be message
-    // object or response packet received from the server.
-    let message = (args && args.length) ? args[args.length - 1] : null;
-    let node = typeof methodOrNode == "function" ?
-               methodOrNode.apply(this, args || []) :
-               methodOrNode;
-    if (!node) {
-      return null;
-    }
-    let isFiltered = this.filterMessageNode(node);
-    let isRepeated = this._filterRepeatedMessage(node);
-    // If a clear message is processed while the webconsole is opened, the UI
-    // should be cleared.
-    // Do not clear the output if the current frame is owned by a Browser Console.
-    if (message && message.level == "clear" && !this.isBrowserConsole) {
-      // Do not clear the consoleStorage here as it has been cleared already
-      // by the clear method, only clear the UI.
-      this.jsterm.clearOutput(false);
-    }
-    let visible = !isRepeated && !isFiltered;
-    if (!isRepeated) {
-      this.outputNode.appendChild(node);
-      this._pruneCategoriesQueue[node.category] = true;
-      let nodeID = node.getAttribute("id");
-      Services.obs.notifyObservers(hudIdSupportsString,
-                                   "web-console-message-created", nodeID);
-    }
-    if (node._onOutput) {
-      node._onOutput();
-      delete node._onOutput;
-    }
-    return {
-      visible: visible,
-      node: node,
-      isRepeated: isRepeated,
-      message: message
-    };
-  },
-  /**
-   * Prune the queue of messages to display. This avoids displaying messages
-   * that will be removed at the end of the queue anyway.
-   * @private
-   */
-  _pruneOutputQueue: function () {
-    let nodes = {};
-    // Group the messages per category.
-    this._outputQueue.forEach(function (item, index) {
-      let [category] = item;
-      if (!(category in nodes)) {
-        nodes[category] = [];
-      }
-      nodes[category].push(index);
-    }, this);
-    let pruned = 0;
-    // Loop through the categories we found and prune if needed.
-    for (let category in nodes) {
-      let limit = Utils.logLimitForCategory(category);
-      let indexes = nodes[category];
-      if (indexes.length > limit) {
-        let n = Math.max(0, indexes.length - limit);
-        pruned += n;
-        for (let i = n - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
-          this._itemDestroyQueue.push(this._outputQueue[indexes[i]]);
-          this._outputQueue.splice(indexes[i], 1);
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    return pruned;
-  },
-  /**
-   * Destroy an item that was once in the outputQueue but isn't needed
-   * after all.
-   *
-   * @private
-   * @param array item
-   *        The item you want to destroy.  Does not remove it from the output
-   *        queue.
-   */
-  _destroyItem: function (item) {
-    // TODO: handle object releasing in a more elegant way once all console
-    // messages use the new API - bug 778766.
-    let [category, methodOrNode, args] = item;
-    if (typeof methodOrNode != "function" && methodOrNode._objectActors) {
-      for (let actor of methodOrNode._objectActors) {
-        this._releaseObject(actor);
-      }
-      methodOrNode._objectActors.clear();
-    }
-    if (methodOrNode == this.output._flushMessageQueue &&
-        args[0]._objectActors) {
-      for (let arg of args) {
-        if (!arg._objectActors) {
-          continue;
-        }
-        for (let actor of arg._objectActors) {
-          this._releaseObject(actor);
-        }
-        arg._objectActors.clear();
-      }
-    }
-    if (category == CATEGORY_NETWORK) {
-      let connectionId = null;
-      if (methodOrNode == this.logNetEvent) {
-        connectionId = args[0].actor;
-      } else if (typeof methodOrNode != "function") {
-        connectionId = methodOrNode._connectionId;
-      }
-      if (connectionId &&
-          this.webConsoleClient.hasNetworkRequest(connectionId)) {
-        this.webConsoleClient.removeNetworkRequest(connectionId);
-        this._releaseObject(connectionId);
-      }
-    } else if (category == CATEGORY_WEBDEV &&
-               methodOrNode == this.logConsoleAPIMessage) {
-      args[0].arguments.forEach((value) => {
-        if (WebConsoleUtils.isActorGrip(value)) {
-          this._releaseObject(value.actor);
-        }
-      });
-    } else if (category == CATEGORY_JS &&
-               methodOrNode == this.reportPageError) {
-      let pageError = args[1];
-      for (let prop of ["errorMessage", "lineText"]) {
-        let grip = pageError[prop];
-        if (WebConsoleUtils.isActorGrip(grip)) {
-          this._releaseObject(grip.actor);
-        }
-      }
-    } else if (category == CATEGORY_JS &&
-               methodOrNode == this._reportLogMessage) {
-      if (WebConsoleUtils.isActorGrip(args[0].message)) {
-        this._releaseObject(args[0].message.actor);
-      }
-    }
-  },
-  /**
-   * Cleans up a message via a node that may or may not
-   * have actually been rendered in the DOM. Currently, only
-   * cleans up React components.
-   *
-   * @param nsIDOMNode node
-   *        The message node you want to clean up.
-   */
-  unmountMessage(node) {
-    // Unmount the Frame component with the message location
-    let locationNode = node.querySelector(".message-location");
-    if (locationNode) {
-      this.ReactDOM.unmountComponentAtNode(locationNode);
-    }
-    // Unmount the StackTrace component if present in the message
-    let stacktraceNode = node.querySelector(".stacktrace");
-    if (stacktraceNode) {
-      this.ReactDOM.unmountComponentAtNode(stacktraceNode);
-    }
-  },
-  /**
-   * Ensures that the number of message nodes of type category don't exceed that
-   * category's line limit by removing old messages as needed.
-   *
-   * @param integer category
-   *        The category of message nodes to prune if needed.
-   * @return number
-   *         The number of removed nodes.
-   */
-  pruneOutputIfNecessary: function (category) {
-    let logLimit = Utils.logLimitForCategory(category);
-    let messageNodes = this.outputNode.querySelectorAll(".message[category=" +
-                       CATEGORY_CLASS_FRAGMENTS[category] + "]");
-    let n = Math.max(0, messageNodes.length - logLimit);
-    [...messageNodes].slice(0, n).forEach(this.removeOutputMessage, this);
-    return n;
-  },
-  /**
-   * Remove a given message from the output.
-   *
-   * @param nsIDOMNode node
-   *        The message node you want to remove.
-   */
-  removeOutputMessage: function (node) {
-    if (node._messageObject) {
-      node._messageObject.destroy();
-    }
-    if (node._objectActors) {
-      for (let actor of node._objectActors) {
-        this._releaseObject(actor);
-      }
-      node._objectActors.clear();
-    }
-    if (node.category == CATEGORY_CSS ||
-        node.category == CATEGORY_SECURITY) {
-      let repeatNode = node.getElementsByClassName("message-repeats")[0];
-      if (repeatNode && repeatNode._uid) {
-        delete this._repeatNodes[repeatNode._uid];
-      }
-    } else if (node._connectionId &&
-               node.category == CATEGORY_NETWORK) {
-      this.webConsoleClient.removeNetworkRequest(node._connectionId);
-      this._releaseObject(node._connectionId);
-    } else if (node.classList.contains("inlined-variables-view")) {
-      let view = node._variablesView;
-      if (view) {
-        view.controller.releaseActors();
-      }
-      node._variablesView = null;
-    }
-    this.unmountMessage(node);
-    node.remove();
-  },
-  /**
-   * Given a category and message body, creates a DOM node to represent an
-   * incoming message. The timestamp is automatically added.
-   *
-   * @param number category
-   *        The category of the message: one of the CATEGORY_* constants.
-   * @param number severity
-   *        The severity of the message: one of the SEVERITY_* constants;
-   * @param string|nsIDOMNode body
-   *        The body of the message, either a simple string or a DOM node.
-   * @param string sourceURL [optional]
-   *        The URL of the source file that emitted the error.
-   * @param number sourceLine [optional]
-   *        The line number on which the error occurred. If zero or omitted,
-   *        there is no line number associated with this message.
-   * @param string clipboardText [optional]
-   *        The text that should be copied to the clipboard when this node is
-   *        copied. If omitted, defaults to the body text. If `body` is not
-   *        a string, then the clipboard text must be supplied.
-   * @param number level [optional]
-   *        The level of the console API message.
-   * @param number timestamp [optional]
-   *        The timestamp to use for this message node. If omitted, the current
-   *        date and time is used.
-   * @return nsIDOMNode
-   *         The message node: a DIV ready to be inserted into the Web Console
-   *         output node.
-   */
-  createMessageNode: function (category, severity, body, sourceURL, sourceLine,
-                              clipboardText, level, timestamp) {
-    if (typeof body != "string" && clipboardText == null && body.innerText) {
-      clipboardText = body.innerText;
-    }
-    let indentNode = this.document.createElementNS(XHTML_NS, "span");
-    indentNode.className = "indent";
-    // Apply the current group by indenting appropriately.
-    let indent = this.groupDepth * GROUP_INDENT;
-    indentNode.style.width = indent + "px";
-    // Make the icon container, which is a vertical box. Its purpose is to
-    // ensure that the icon stays anchored at the top of the message even for
-    // long multi-line messages.
-    let iconContainer = this.document.createElementNS(XHTML_NS, "span");
-    iconContainer.className = "icon";
-    // Create the message body, which contains the actual text of the message.
-    let bodyNode = this.document.createElementNS(XHTML_NS, "span");
-    bodyNode.className = "message-body-wrapper message-body devtools-monospace";
-    // Store the body text, since it is needed later for the variables view.
-    let storedBody = body;
-    // If a string was supplied for the body, turn it into a DOM node and an
-    // associated clipboard string now.
-    clipboardText = clipboardText ||
-                     (body + (sourceURL ? " @ " + sourceURL : "") +
-                              (sourceLine ? ":" + sourceLine : ""));
-    timestamp = timestamp || Date.now();
-    // Create the containing node and append all its elements to it.
-    let node = this.document.createElementNS(XHTML_NS, "div");
-    node.id = "console-msg-" + gSequenceId();
-    node.className = "message";
-    node.clipboardText = clipboardText;
-    node.timestamp = timestamp;
-    this.setMessageType(node, category, severity);
-    if (body instanceof Ci.nsIDOMNode) {
-      bodyNode.appendChild(body);
-    } else {
-      let str = undefined;
-      if (level == "dir") {
-        str = VariablesView.getString(body.arguments[0]);
-      } else {
-        str = body;
-      }
-      if (str !== undefined) {
-        body = this.document.createTextNode(str);
-        bodyNode.appendChild(body);
-      }
-    }
-    // Add the message repeats node only when needed.
-    let repeatNode = null;
-    if (category != CATEGORY_INPUT &&
-        category != CATEGORY_OUTPUT &&
-        category != CATEGORY_NETWORK &&
-        !(category == CATEGORY_CSS && severity == SEVERITY_LOG)) {
-      repeatNode = this.document.createElementNS(XHTML_NS, "span");
-      repeatNode.setAttribute("value", "1");
-      repeatNode.className = "message-repeats";
-      repeatNode.textContent = 1;
-      repeatNode._uid = [bodyNode.textContent, category, severity, level,
-                         sourceURL, sourceLine].join(":");
-    }
-    // Create the timestamp.
-    let timestampNode = this.document.createElementNS(XHTML_NS, "span");
-    timestampNode.className = "timestamp devtools-monospace";
-    let timestampString = l10n.timestampString(timestamp);
-    timestampNode.textContent = timestampString + " ";
-    // Create the source location (e.g. www.example.com:6) that sits on the
-    // right side of the message, if applicable.
-    let locationNode;
-    if (sourceURL && IGNORED_SOURCE_URLS.indexOf(sourceURL) == -1) {
-      locationNode = this.createLocationNode({url: sourceURL,
-                                              line: sourceLine});
-    }
-    node.appendChild(timestampNode);
-    node.appendChild(indentNode);
-    node.appendChild(iconContainer);
-    // Display the variables view after the message node.
-    if (level == "dir") {
-      let options = {
-        objectActor: storedBody.arguments[0],
-        targetElement: bodyNode,
-        hideFilterInput: true,
-      };
-      this.jsterm.openVariablesView(options).then((view) => {
-        node._variablesView = view;
-        if (node.classList.contains("hidden-message")) {
-          node.classList.remove("hidden-message");
-        }
-      });
-      node.classList.add("inlined-variables-view");
-    }
-    node.appendChild(bodyNode);
-    if (repeatNode) {
-      node.appendChild(repeatNode);
-    }
-    if (locationNode) {
-      node.appendChild(locationNode);
-    }
-    node.appendChild(this.document.createTextNode("\n"));
-    return node;
-  },
-  /**
-   * Creates the anchor that displays the textual location of an incoming
-   * message.
-   *
-   * @param {Object} location
-   *        An object containing url, line and column number of the message source.
-   * @return {Element}
-   *         The new anchor element, ready to be added to the message node.
-   */
-  createLocationNode: function (location) {
-    let locationNode = this.document.createElementNS(XHTML_NS, "div");
-    locationNode.className = "message-location devtools-monospace";
-    // Make the location clickable.
-    let onClick = ({ url, line }) => {
-      let category = locationNode.closest(".message").category;
-      let target = null;
-      if (/^Scratchpad\/\d+$/.test(url)) {
-        target = "scratchpad";
-      } else if (category === CATEGORY_CSS) {
-        target = "styleeditor";
-      } else if (category === CATEGORY_JS || category === CATEGORY_WEBDEV) {
-        target = "jsdebugger";
-      } else if (/\.js$/.test(url)) {
-        // If it ends in .js, let's attempt to open in debugger
-        // anyway, as this falls back to normal view-source.
-        target = "jsdebugger";
-      } else {
-        // Point everything else to debugger, if source not available,
-        // it will fall back to view-source.
-        target = "jsdebugger";
-      }
-      switch (target) {
-        case "scratchpad":
-          this.owner.viewSourceInScratchpad(url, line);
-          return;
-        case "jsdebugger":
-          this.owner.viewSourceInDebugger(url, line);
-          return;
-        case "styleeditor":
-          this.owner.viewSourceInStyleEditor(url, line);
-          return;
-      }
-      // No matching tool found; use old school view-source
-      this.owner.viewSource(url, line);
-    };
-    const toolbox = gDevTools.getToolbox(this.owner.target);
-    let { url, line, column } = location;
-    let source = url ? url.split(" -> ").pop() : "";
-    this.ReactDOM.render(this.FrameView({
-      frame: { source, line, column },
-      showEmptyPathAsHost: true,
-      onClick,
-      sourceMapService: toolbox ? toolbox._sourceMapService : null,
-    }), locationNode);
-    return locationNode;
-  },
-  /**
-   * Adjusts the category and severity of the given message.
-   *
-   * @param nsIDOMNode messageNode
-   *        The message node to alter.
-   * @param number category
-   *        The category for the message; one of the CATEGORY_ constants.
-   * @param number severity
-   *        The severity for the message; one of the SEVERITY_ constants.
-   * @return void
-   */
-  setMessageType: function (messageNode, category, severity) {
-    messageNode.category = category;
-    messageNode.severity = severity;
-    messageNode.setAttribute("category", CATEGORY_CLASS_FRAGMENTS[category]);
-    messageNode.setAttribute("severity", SEVERITY_CLASS_FRAGMENTS[severity]);
-    messageNode.setAttribute("filter",
-      MESSAGE_PREFERENCE_KEYS[category][severity]);
-  },
-  /**
-   * Add the mouse event handlers needed to make a link.
-   *
-   * @private
-   * @param nsIDOMNode node
-   *        The node for which you want to add the event handlers.
-   * @param function callback
-   *        The function you want to invoke on click.
-   */
-  _addMessageLinkCallback: function (node, callback) {
-    node.addEventListener("mousedown", (event) => {
-      this._mousedown = true;
-      this._startX = event.clientX;
-      this._startY = event.clientY;
-    }, false);
-    node.addEventListener("click", (event) => {
-      let mousedown = this._mousedown;
-      this._mousedown = false;
-      event.preventDefault();
-      // Do not allow middle/right-click or 2+ clicks.
-      if (event.detail != 1 || event.button != 0) {
-        return;
-      }
-      // If this event started with a mousedown event and it ends at a different
-      // location, we consider this text selection.
-      if (mousedown &&
-          (this._startX != event.clientX) &&
-          (this._startY != event.clientY)) {
-        this._startX = this._startY = undefined;
-        return;
-      }
-      this._startX = this._startY = undefined;
-      callback.call(this, event);
-    }, false);
-  },
-  /**
-   * Handler for the pref-changed event coming from the toolbox.
-   * Currently this function only handles the timestamps preferences.
-   *
-   * @private
-   * @param object event
-   *        This parameter is a string that holds the event name
-   *        pref-changed in this case.
-   * @param object data
-   *        This is the pref-changed data object.
-  */
-  _onToolboxPrefChanged: function (event, data) {
-    if (data.pref == PREF_MESSAGE_TIMESTAMP) {
-        this.newConsoleOutput.dispatchTimestampsToggle(data.newValue);
-      } else if (data.newValue) {
-        this.outputNode.classList.remove("hideTimestamps");
-      } else {
-        this.outputNode.classList.add("hideTimestamps");
-      }
-    }
-  },
-  /**
-   * Copies the selected items to the system clipboard.
-   *
-   * @param object options
-   *        - linkOnly:
-   *        An optional flag to copy only URL without other meta-information.
-   *        Default is false.
-   *        - contextmenu:
-   *        An optional flag to copy the last clicked item which brought
-   *        up the context menu if nothing is selected. Default is false.
-   */
-  copySelectedItems: function (options) {
-    options = options || { linkOnly: false, contextmenu: false };
-    // Gather up the selected items and concatenate their clipboard text.
-    let strings = [];
-    let children = this.output.getSelectedMessages();
-    if (!children.length && options.contextmenu) {
-      children = [this._contextMenuHandler.lastClickedMessage];
-    }
-    for (let item of children) {
-      // Ensure the selected item hasn't been filtered by type or string.
-      if (!item.classList.contains("filtered-by-type") &&
-          !item.classList.contains("filtered-by-string")) {
-        if (options.linkOnly) {
-          strings.push(item.url);
-        } else {
-          strings.push(item.clipboardText);
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    clipboardHelper.copyString(strings.join("\n"));
-  },
-  /**
-   * Object properties provider. This function gives you the properties of the
-   * remote object you want.
-   *
-   * @param string actor
-   *        The object actor ID from which you want the properties.
-   * @param function callback
-   *        Function you want invoked once the properties are received.
-   */
-  objectPropertiesProvider: function (actor, callback) {
-    this.webConsoleClient.inspectObjectProperties(actor,
-      function (response) {
-        if (response.error) {
-          console.error("Failed to retrieve the object properties from the " +
-                        "server. Error: " + response.error);
-          return;
-        }
-        callback(response.properties);
-      });
-  },
-  /**
-   * Release an actor.
-   *
-   * @private
-   * @param string actor
-   *        The actor ID you want to release.
-   */
-  _releaseObject: function (actor) {
-    if (this.proxy) {
-      this.proxy.releaseActor(actor);
-    }
-  },
-  /**
-   * Open the selected item's URL in a new tab.
-   */
-  openSelectedItemInTab: function () {
-    let item = this.output.getSelectedMessages(1)[0] ||
-               this._contextMenuHandler.lastClickedMessage;
-    if (!item || !item.url) {
-      return;
-    }
-    this.owner.openLink(item.url);
-  },
-  /**
-   * Destroy the WebConsoleFrame object. Call this method to avoid memory leaks
-   * when the Web Console is closed.
-   *
-   * @return object
-   *         A promise that is resolved when the WebConsoleFrame instance is
-   *         destroyed.
-   */
-  destroy: function () {
-    if (this._destroyer) {
-      return this._destroyer.promise;
-    }
-    this._destroyer = promise.defer();
-    let toolbox = gDevTools.getToolbox(this.owner.target);
-    if (toolbox) {
-      toolbox.off("webconsole-selected", this._onPanelSelected);
-    }
-    gDevTools.off("pref-changed", this._onToolboxPrefChanged);
-    this.window.removeEventListener("resize", this.resize, true);
-    this._repeatNodes = {};
-    this._outputQueue.forEach(this._destroyItem, this);
-    this._outputQueue = [];
-    this._itemDestroyQueue.forEach(this._destroyItem, this);
-    this._itemDestroyQueue = [];
-    this._pruneCategoriesQueue = {};
-    this.webConsoleClient.clearNetworkRequests();
-    // Unmount any currently living frame components in DOM, since
-    // currently we only clean up messages in `this.removeOutputMessage`,
-    // via `this.pruneOutputIfNecessary`.
-    let liveMessages = this.outputNode.querySelectorAll(".message");
-    Array.prototype.forEach.call(liveMessages, this.unmountMessage);
-    if (this._outputTimerInitialized) {
-      this._outputTimerInitialized = false;
-      this._outputTimer.cancel();
-    }
-    this._outputTimer = null;
-    if (this.jsterm) {
-      this.jsterm.off("sidebar-opened", this.resize);
-      this.jsterm.off("sidebar-closed", this.resize);
-      this.jsterm.destroy();
-      this.jsterm = null;
-    }
-    this.output.destroy();
-    this.output = null;
-    this.React = this.ReactDOM = this.FrameView = null;
-    if (this._contextMenuHandler) {
-      this._contextMenuHandler.destroy();
-      this._contextMenuHandler = null;
-    }
-    this._commandController = null;
-    let onDestroy = () => {
-      this._destroyer.resolve(null);
-    };
-    if (this.proxy) {
-      this.proxy.disconnect().then(onDestroy);
-      this.proxy = null;
-    } else {
-      onDestroy();
-    }
-    return this._destroyer.promise;
-  },
- * Utils: a collection of globally used functions.
- */
-var Utils = {
-  /**
-   * Scrolls a node so that it's visible in its containing element.
-   *
-   * @param nsIDOMNode node
-   *        The node to make visible.
-   * @returns void
-   */
-  scrollToVisible: function (node) {
-    node.scrollIntoView(false);
-  },
-  /**
-   * Check if the given output node is scrolled to the bottom.
-   *
-   * @param nsIDOMNode outputNode
-   * @param nsIDOMNode scrollNode
-   * @return boolean
-   *         True if the output node is scrolled to the bottom, or false
-   *         otherwise.
-   */
-  isOutputScrolledToBottom: function (outputNode, scrollNode) {
-    let lastNodeHeight = outputNode.lastChild ?
-                         outputNode.lastChild.clientHeight : 0;
-    return scrollNode.scrollTop + scrollNode.clientHeight >=
-           scrollNode.scrollHeight - lastNodeHeight / 2;
-  },
-  /**
-   * Determine the category of a given nsIScriptError.
-   *
-   * @param nsIScriptError scriptError
-   *        The script error you want to determine the category for.
-   *         Depending on the script error CATEGORY_JS, CATEGORY_CSS, or
-   *         CATEGORY_SECURITY can be returned.
-   */
-  categoryForScriptError: function (scriptError) {
-    let category = scriptError.category;
-    if (/^(?:CSS|Layout)\b/.test(category)) {
-      return CATEGORY_CSS;
-    }
-    switch (category) {
-      case "Mixed Content Blocker":
-      case "Mixed Content Message":
-      case "CSP":
-      case "Invalid HSTS Headers":
-      case "Invalid HPKP Headers":
-      case "SHA-1 Signature":
-      case "Insecure Password Field":
-      case "SSL":
-      case "CORS":
-      case "Iframe Sandbox":
-      case "Tracking Protection":
-      case "Sub-resource Integrity":
-        return CATEGORY_SECURITY;
-      default:
-        return CATEGORY_JS;
-    }
-  },
-  /**
-   * Retrieve the limit of messages for a specific category.
-   *
-   * @param number category
-   *        The category of messages you want to retrieve the limit for. See the
-   *        CATEGORY_* constants.
-   * @return number
-   *         The number of messages allowed for the specific category.
-   */
-  logLimitForCategory: function (category) {
-    let logLimit = DEFAULT_LOG_LIMIT;
-    try {
-      let prefName = CATEGORY_CLASS_FRAGMENTS[category];
-      logLimit = Services.prefs.getIntPref("devtools.hud.loglimit." + prefName);
-      logLimit = Math.max(logLimit, 1);
-    } catch (e) {
-      // Ignore any exceptions
-    }
-    return logLimit;
-  },
-// CommandController
- * A controller (an instance of nsIController) that makes editing actions
- * behave appropriately in the context of the Web Console.
- */
-function CommandController(webConsole) {
-  this.owner = webConsole;
-CommandController.prototype = {
-  /**
-   * Selects all the text in the HUD output.
-   */
-  selectAll: function () {
-    this.owner.output.selectAllMessages();
-  },
-  /**
-   * Open the URL of the selected message in a new tab.
-   */
-  openURL: function () {
-    this.owner.openSelectedItemInTab();
-  },
-  copyURL: function () {
-    this.owner.copySelectedItems({ linkOnly: true, contextmenu: true });
-  },
-  /**
-   * Copies the last clicked message.
-   */
-  copyLastClicked: function () {
-    this.owner.copySelectedItems({ linkOnly: false, contextmenu: true });
-  },
-  supportsCommand: function (command) {
-    if (!this.owner || !this.owner.output) {
-      return false;
-    }
-    return this.isCommandEnabled(command);
-  },
-  isCommandEnabled: function (command) {
-    switch (command) {
-      case "consoleCmd_openURL":
-      case "consoleCmd_copyURL": {
-        // Only enable URL-related actions if node is Net Activity.
-        let selectedItem = this.owner.output.getSelectedMessages(1)[0] ||
-                           this.owner._contextMenuHandler.lastClickedMessage;
-        return selectedItem && "url" in selectedItem;
-      }
-      case "cmd_copy": {
-        // Only copy if we right-clicked the console and there's no selected
-        // text. With text selected, we want to fall back onto the default
-        // copy behavior.
-        return this.owner._contextMenuHandler.lastClickedMessage &&
-              !this.owner.output.getSelectedMessages(1)[0];
-      }
-      case "cmd_selectAll":
-        return true;
-    }
-    return false;
-  },
-  doCommand: function (command) {
-    switch (command) {
-      case "consoleCmd_openURL":
-        this.openURL();
-        break;
-      case "consoleCmd_copyURL":
-        this.copyURL();
-        break;
-      case "cmd_copy":
-        this.copyLastClicked();
-        break;
-      case "cmd_selectAll":
-        this.selectAll();
-        break;
-    }
-  }
 // Web Console connection proxy
  * The WebConsoleConnectionProxy handles the connection between the Web Console
  * and the application we connect to through the remote debug protocol.
  * @constructor
  * @param object webConsoleFrame
@@ -3528,127 +666,9 @@ WebConsoleConnectionProxy.prototype = {
     this.connected = false;
     this.webConsoleFrame = null;
     return this._disconnecter.promise;
-// Context Menu
- * ConsoleContextMenu this used to handle the visibility of context menu items.
- *
- * @constructor
- * @param object owner
- *        The WebConsoleFrame instance that owns this object.
- */
-function ConsoleContextMenu(owner) {
-  this.owner = owner;
-  this.popup = this.owner.document.getElementById("output-contextmenu");
-  this.build = this.build.bind(this);
-  this.popup.addEventListener("popupshowing", this.build);
-ConsoleContextMenu.prototype = {
-  lastClickedMessage: null,
-  /*
-   * Handle to show/hide context menu item.
-   */
-  build: function (event) {
-    let metadata = this.getSelectionMetadata(event.rangeParent);
-    for (let element of this.popup.children) {
-      element.hidden = this.shouldHideMenuItem(element, metadata);
-    }
-  },
-  /*
-   * Get selection information from the view.
-   *
-   * @param nsIDOMElement clickElement
-   *        The DOM element the user clicked on.
-   * @return object
-   *         Selection metadata.
-   */
-  getSelectionMetadata: function (clickElement) {
-    let metadata = {
-      selectionType: "",
-      selection: new Set(),
-    };
-    let selectedItems = this.owner.output.getSelectedMessages();
-    if (!selectedItems.length) {
-      let clickedItem = this.owner.output.getMessageForElement(clickElement);
-      if (clickedItem) {
-        this.lastClickedMessage = clickedItem;
-        selectedItems = [clickedItem];
-      }
-    }
-    metadata.selectionType = selectedItems.length > 1 ? "multiple" : "single";
-    let selection = metadata.selection;
-    for (let item of selectedItems) {
-      switch (item.category) {
-        case CATEGORY_NETWORK:
-          selection.add("network");
-          break;
-        case CATEGORY_CSS:
-          selection.add("css");
-          break;
-        case CATEGORY_JS:
-          selection.add("js");
-          break;
-        case CATEGORY_WEBDEV:
-          selection.add("webdev");
-          break;
-        case CATEGORY_SERVER:
-          selection.add("server");
-          break;
-      }
-    }
-    return metadata;
-  },
-  /*
-   * Determine if an item should be hidden.
-   *
-   * @param nsIDOMElement menuItem
-   * @param object metadata
-   * @return boolean
-   *         Whether the given item should be hidden or not.
-   */
-  shouldHideMenuItem: function (menuItem, metadata) {
-    let selectionType = menuItem.getAttribute("selectiontype");
-    if (selectionType && !metadata.selectionType == selectionType) {
-      return true;
-    }
-    let selection = menuItem.getAttribute("selection");
-    if (!selection) {
-      return false;
-    }
-    let shouldHide = true;
-    let itemData = selection.split("|");
-    for (let type of metadata.selection) {
-      // check whether this menu item should show or not.
-      if (itemData.indexOf(type) !== -1) {
-        shouldHide = false;
-        break;
-      }
-    }
-    return shouldHide;
-  },
-  /**
-   * Destroy the ConsoleContextMenu object instance.
-   */
-  destroy: function () {
-    this.popup.removeEventListener("popupshowing", this.build);
-    this.popup = null;
-    this.owner = null;
-    this.lastClickedMessage = null;
-  },
+exports.WebConsoleConnectionProxy = WebConsoleConnectionProxy;
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/devtools/client/webconsole/webconsole.js
+++ b/devtools/client/webconsole/webconsole.js
@@ -32,16 +32,17 @@ loader.lazyRequireGetter(this, "ObjectCl
 loader.lazyRequireGetter(this, "system", "devtools/shared/system");
 loader.lazyRequireGetter(this, "JSTerm", "devtools/client/webconsole/jsterm", true);
 loader.lazyRequireGetter(this, "gSequenceId", "devtools/client/webconsole/jsterm", true);
 loader.lazyImporter(this, "VariablesView", "resource://devtools/client/shared/widgets/VariablesView.jsm");
 loader.lazyImporter(this, "VariablesViewController", "resource://devtools/client/shared/widgets/VariablesViewController.jsm");
 loader.lazyRequireGetter(this, "gDevTools", "devtools/client/framework/devtools", true);
 loader.lazyRequireGetter(this, "KeyShortcuts", "devtools/client/shared/key-shortcuts", true);
 loader.lazyRequireGetter(this, "ZoomKeys", "devtools/client/shared/zoom-keys");
+loader.lazyRequireGetter(this, "WebConsoleConnectionProxy", "devtools/client/webconsole/webconsole-connection-proxy", true);
 const {PluralForm} = require("devtools/shared/plural-form");
 const STRINGS_URI = "devtools/client/locales/webconsole.properties";
 var l10n = new WebConsoleUtils.L10n(STRINGS_URI);
 const XHTML_NS = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml";
 const MIXED_CONTENT_LEARN_MORE = "https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/Security/Mixed_content";
@@ -3048,496 +3049,16 @@ CommandController.prototype = {
       case "cmd_selectAll":
-// Web Console connection proxy
- * The WebConsoleConnectionProxy handles the connection between the Web Console
- * and the application we connect to through the remote debug protocol.
- *
- * @constructor
- * @param object webConsoleFrame
- *        The WebConsoleFrame object that owns this connection proxy.
- * @param RemoteTarget target
- *        The target that the console will connect to.
- */
-function WebConsoleConnectionProxy(webConsoleFrame, target) {
-  this.webConsoleFrame = webConsoleFrame;
-  this.target = target;
-  this._onPageError = this._onPageError.bind(this);
-  this._onLogMessage = this._onLogMessage.bind(this);
-  this._onConsoleAPICall = this._onConsoleAPICall.bind(this);
-  this._onNetworkEvent = this._onNetworkEvent.bind(this);
-  this._onNetworkEventUpdate = this._onNetworkEventUpdate.bind(this);
-  this._onFileActivity = this._onFileActivity.bind(this);
-  this._onReflowActivity = this._onReflowActivity.bind(this);
-  this._onServerLogCall = this._onServerLogCall.bind(this);
-  this._onTabNavigated = this._onTabNavigated.bind(this);
-  this._onAttachConsole = this._onAttachConsole.bind(this);
-  this._onCachedMessages = this._onCachedMessages.bind(this);
-  this._connectionTimeout = this._connectionTimeout.bind(this);
-  this._onLastPrivateContextExited =
-    this._onLastPrivateContextExited.bind(this);
-WebConsoleConnectionProxy.prototype = {
-  /**
-   * The owning Web Console Frame instance.
-   *
-   * @see WebConsoleFrame
-   * @type object
-   */
-  webConsoleFrame: null,
-  /**
-   * The target that the console connects to.
-   * @type RemoteTarget
-   */
-  target: null,
-  /**
-   * The DebuggerClient object.
-   *
-   * @see DebuggerClient
-   * @type object
-   */
-  client: null,
-  /**
-   * The WebConsoleClient object.
-   *
-   * @see WebConsoleClient
-   * @type object
-   */
-  webConsoleClient: null,
-  /**
-   * Tells if the connection is established.
-   * @type boolean
-   */
-  connected: false,
-  /**
-   * Timer used for the connection.
-   * @private
-   * @type object
-   */
-  _connectTimer: null,
-  _connectDefer: null,
-  _disconnecter: null,
-  /**
-   * The WebConsoleActor ID.
-   *
-   * @private
-   * @type string
-   */
-  _consoleActor: null,
-  /**
-   * Tells if the window.console object of the remote web page is the native
-   * object or not.
-   * @private
-   * @type boolean
-   */
-  _hasNativeConsoleAPI: false,
-  /**
-   * Initialize a debugger client and connect it to the debugger server.
-   *
-   * @return object
-   *         A promise object that is resolved/rejected based on the success of
-   *         the connection initialization.
-   */
-  connect: function () {
-    if (this._connectDefer) {
-      return this._connectDefer.promise;
-    }
-    this._connectDefer = promise.defer();
-    let timeout = Services.prefs.getIntPref(PREF_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT);
-    this._connectTimer = Cc["@mozilla.org/timer;1"].createInstance(Ci.nsITimer);
-    this._connectTimer.initWithCallback(this._connectionTimeout,
-                                        timeout, Ci.nsITimer.TYPE_ONE_SHOT);
-    let connPromise = this._connectDefer.promise;
-    connPromise.then(() => {
-      this._connectTimer.cancel();
-      this._connectTimer = null;
-    }, () => {
-      this._connectTimer = null;
-    });
-    let client = this.client = this.target.client;
-    if (this.target.isWorkerTarget) {
-      // XXXworkers: Not Console API yet inside of workers (Bug 1209353).
-    } else {
-      client.addListener("logMessage", this._onLogMessage);
-      client.addListener("pageError", this._onPageError);
-      client.addListener("consoleAPICall", this._onConsoleAPICall);
-      client.addListener("fileActivity", this._onFileActivity);
-      client.addListener("reflowActivity", this._onReflowActivity);
-      client.addListener("serverLogCall", this._onServerLogCall);
-      client.addListener("lastPrivateContextExited",
-                         this._onLastPrivateContextExited);
-    }
-    this.target.on("will-navigate", this._onTabNavigated);
-    this.target.on("navigate", this._onTabNavigated);
-    this._consoleActor = this.target.form.consoleActor;
-    if (this.target.isTabActor) {
-      let tab = this.target.form;
-      this.webConsoleFrame.onLocationChange(tab.url, tab.title);
-    }
-    this._attachConsole();
-    return connPromise;
-  },
-  /**
-   * Connection timeout handler.
-   * @private
-   */
-  _connectionTimeout: function () {
-    let error = {
-      error: "timeout",
-      message: l10n.getStr("connectionTimeout"),
-    };
-    this._connectDefer.reject(error);
-  },
-  /**
-   * Attach to the Web Console actor.
-   * @private
-   */
-  _attachConsole: function () {
-    let listeners = ["PageError", "ConsoleAPI", "NetworkActivity",
-                     "FileActivity"];
-    this.client.attachConsole(this._consoleActor, listeners,
-                              this._onAttachConsole);
-  },
-  /**
-   * The "attachConsole" response handler.
-   *
-   * @private
-   * @param object response
-   *        The JSON response object received from the server.
-   * @param object webConsoleClient
-   *        The WebConsoleClient instance for the attached console, for the
-   *        specific tab we work with.
-   */
-  _onAttachConsole: function (response, webConsoleClient) {
-    if (response.error) {
-      console.error("attachConsole failed: " + response.error + " " +
-                    response.message);
-      this._connectDefer.reject(response);
-      return;
-    }
-    this.webConsoleClient = webConsoleClient;
-    this._hasNativeConsoleAPI = response.nativeConsoleAPI;
-    // There is no way to view response bodies from the Browser Console, so do
-    // not waste the memory.
-    let saveBodies = !this.webConsoleFrame.isBrowserConsole;
-    this.webConsoleFrame.setSaveRequestAndResponseBodies(saveBodies);
-    this.webConsoleClient.on("networkEvent", this._onNetworkEvent);
-    this.webConsoleClient.on("networkEventUpdate", this._onNetworkEventUpdate);
-    let msgs = ["PageError", "ConsoleAPI"];
-    this.webConsoleClient.getCachedMessages(msgs, this._onCachedMessages);
-    this.webConsoleFrame._onUpdateListeners();
-  },
-  /**
-   * Dispatch a message add on the new frontend and emit an event for tests.
-   */
-  dispatchMessageAdd: function(packet) {
-    this.webConsoleFrame.newConsoleOutput.dispatchMessageAdd(packet);
-  },
-  /**
-   * Batched dispatch of messages.
-   */
-  dispatchMessagesAdd: function(packets) {
-    this.webConsoleFrame.newConsoleOutput.dispatchMessagesAdd(packets);
-  },
-  /**
-   * The "cachedMessages" response handler.
-   *
-   * @private
-   * @param object response
-   *        The JSON response object received from the server.
-   */
-  _onCachedMessages: function (response) {
-    if (response.error) {
-      console.error("Web Console getCachedMessages error: " + response.error +
-                    " " + response.message);
-      this._connectDefer.reject(response);
-      return;
-    }
-    if (!this._connectTimer) {
-      // This happens if the promise is rejected (eg. a timeout), but the
-      // connection attempt is successful, nonetheless.
-      console.error("Web Console getCachedMessages error: invalid state.");
-    }
-    let messages =
-      response.messages.concat(...this.webConsoleClient.getNetworkEvents());
-    messages.sort((a, b) => a.timeStamp - b.timeStamp);
-    if (this.webConsoleFrame.NEW_CONSOLE_OUTPUT_ENABLED) {
-      this.dispatchMessagesAdd(messages);
-    } else {
-      this.webConsoleFrame.displayCachedMessages(messages);
-      if (!this._hasNativeConsoleAPI) {
-        this.webConsoleFrame.logWarningAboutReplacedAPI();
-      }
-    }
-    this.connected = true;
-    this._connectDefer.resolve(this);
-  },
-  /**
-   * The "pageError" message type handler. We redirect any page errors to the UI
-   * for displaying.
-   *
-   * @private
-   * @param string type
-   *        Message type.
-   * @param object packet
-   *        The message received from the server.
-   */
-  _onPageError: function (type, packet) {
-    if (this.webConsoleFrame && packet.from == this._consoleActor) {
-      if (this.webConsoleFrame.NEW_CONSOLE_OUTPUT_ENABLED) {
-        this.dispatchMessageAdd(packet);
-        return;
-      }
-      this.webConsoleFrame.handlePageError(packet.pageError);
-    }
-  },
-  /**
-   * The "logMessage" message type handler. We redirect any message to the UI
-   * for displaying.
-   *
-   * @private
-   * @param string type
-   *        Message type.
-   * @param object packet
-   *        The message received from the server.
-   */
-  _onLogMessage: function (type, packet) {
-    if (this.webConsoleFrame && packet.from == this._consoleActor) {
-      this.webConsoleFrame.handleLogMessage(packet);
-    }
-  },
-  /**
-   * The "consoleAPICall" message type handler. We redirect any message to
-   * the UI for displaying.
-   *
-   * @private
-   * @param string type
-   *        Message type.
-   * @param object packet
-   *        The message received from the server.
-   */
-  _onConsoleAPICall: function (type, packet) {
-    if (this.webConsoleFrame && packet.from == this._consoleActor) {
-      if (this.webConsoleFrame.NEW_CONSOLE_OUTPUT_ENABLED) {
-        this.dispatchMessageAdd(packet);
-      } else {
-        this.webConsoleFrame.handleConsoleAPICall(packet.message);
-      }
-    }
-  },
-  /**
-   * The "networkEvent" message type handler. We redirect any message to
-   * the UI for displaying.
-   *
-   * @private
-   * @param string type
-   *        Message type.
-   * @param object networkInfo
-   *        The network request information.
-   */
-  _onNetworkEvent: function (type, networkInfo) {
-    if (this.webConsoleFrame) {
-      if (this.webConsoleFrame.NEW_CONSOLE_OUTPUT_ENABLED) {
-        this.dispatchMessageAdd(networkInfo);
-      } else {
-        this.webConsoleFrame.handleNetworkEvent(networkInfo);
-      }
-    }
-  },
-  /**
-   * The "networkEventUpdate" message type handler. We redirect any message to
-   * the UI for displaying.
-   *
-   * @private
-   * @param string type
-   *        Message type.
-   * @param object packet
-   *        The message received from the server.
-   * @param object networkInfo
-   *        The network request information.
-   */
-  _onNetworkEventUpdate: function (type, { packet, networkInfo }) {
-    if (this.webConsoleFrame) {
-      this.webConsoleFrame.handleNetworkEventUpdate(networkInfo, packet);
-    }
-  },
-  /**
-   * The "fileActivity" message type handler. We redirect any message to
-   * the UI for displaying.
-   *
-   * @private
-   * @param string type
-   *        Message type.
-   * @param object packet
-   *        The message received from the server.
-   */
-  _onFileActivity: function (type, packet) {
-    if (this.webConsoleFrame && packet.from == this._consoleActor) {
-      this.webConsoleFrame.handleFileActivity(packet.uri);
-    }
-  },
-  _onReflowActivity: function (type, packet) {
-    if (this.webConsoleFrame && packet.from == this._consoleActor) {
-      this.webConsoleFrame.handleReflowActivity(packet);
-    }
-  },
-  /**
-   * The "serverLogCall" message type handler. We redirect any message to
-   * the UI for displaying.
-   *
-   * @private
-   * @param string type
-   *        Message type.
-   * @param object packet
-   *        The message received from the server.
-   */
-  _onServerLogCall: function (type, packet) {
-    if (this.webConsoleFrame && packet.from == this._consoleActor) {
-      this.webConsoleFrame.handleConsoleAPICall(packet.message);
-    }
-  },
-  /**
-   * The "lastPrivateContextExited" message type handler. When this message is
-   * received the Web Console UI is cleared.
-   *
-   * @private
-   * @param string type
-   *        Message type.
-   * @param object packet
-   *        The message received from the server.
-   */
-  _onLastPrivateContextExited: function (type, packet) {
-    if (this.webConsoleFrame && packet.from == this._consoleActor) {
-      this.webConsoleFrame.jsterm.clearPrivateMessages();
-    }
-  },
-  /**
-   * The "will-navigate" and "navigate" event handlers. We redirect any message
-   * to the UI for displaying.
-   *
-   * @private
-   * @param string event
-   *        Event type.
-   * @param object packet
-   *        The message received from the server.
-   */
-  _onTabNavigated: function (event, packet) {
-    if (!this.webConsoleFrame) {
-      return;
-    }
-    this.webConsoleFrame.handleTabNavigated(event, packet);
-  },
-  /**
-   * Release an object actor.
-   *
-   * @param string actor
-   *        The actor ID to send the request to.
-   */
-  releaseActor: function (actor) {
-    if (this.client) {
-      this.client.release(actor);
-    }
-  },
-  /**
-   * Disconnect the Web Console from the remote server.
-   *
-   * @return object
-   *         A promise object that is resolved when disconnect completes.
-   */
-  disconnect: function () {
-    if (this._disconnecter) {
-      return this._disconnecter.promise;
-    }
-    this._disconnecter = promise.defer();
-    if (!this.client) {
-      this._disconnecter.resolve(null);
-      return this._disconnecter.promise;
-    }
-    this.client.removeListener("logMessage", this._onLogMessage);
-    this.client.removeListener("pageError", this._onPageError);
-    this.client.removeListener("consoleAPICall", this._onConsoleAPICall);
-    this.client.removeListener("fileActivity", this._onFileActivity);
-    this.client.removeListener("reflowActivity", this._onReflowActivity);
-    this.client.removeListener("serverLogCall", this._onServerLogCall);
-    this.client.removeListener("lastPrivateContextExited",
-                               this._onLastPrivateContextExited);
-    this.webConsoleClient.off("networkEvent", this._onNetworkEvent);
-    this.webConsoleClient.off("networkEventUpdate", this._onNetworkEventUpdate);
-    this.target.off("will-navigate", this._onTabNavigated);
-    this.target.off("navigate", this._onTabNavigated);
-    this.client = null;
-    this.webConsoleClient = null;
-    this.target = null;
-    this.connected = false;
-    this.webConsoleFrame = null;
-    this._disconnecter.resolve(null);
-    return this._disconnecter.promise;
-  },
 // Context Menu
  * ConsoleContextMenu this used to handle the visibility of context menu items.
  * @constructor
  * @param object owner
  *        The WebConsoleFrame instance that owns this object.