Bug 1316622 - Deprecate old Marionette timeouts API; r?automatedtester,whimboo draft
authorAndreas Tolfsen <ato@mozilla.com>
Thu, 10 Nov 2016 21:01:41 +0000
changeset 442872 41020c352cad5e941a972c923988f0ef86b4b741
parent 442871 ae08a934581c11c79d1426ac7aebd478094fc39a
child 442873 437a5c47d4065b6c2c2e93f453cdb5a47d256e56
push id36854
push userbmo:ato@mozilla.com
push dateWed, 23 Nov 2016 13:38:54 +0000
reviewersautomatedtester, whimboo
Bug 1316622 - Deprecate old Marionette timeouts API; r?automatedtester,whimboo This ensure backwards compatible for consumers. MozReview-Commit-ID: J2VOiB08xxV
--- a/testing/marionette/client/marionette_driver/marionette.py
+++ b/testing/marionette/client/marionette_driver/marionette.py
@@ -1347,67 +1347,64 @@ class Marionette(object):
         If a script does not return in the specified amount of time,
         a ScriptTimeoutException is raised.
         :param timeout: The maximum number of milliseconds an asynchronous
             script can run without causing an ScriptTimeoutException to
             be raised
+        .. note:: `set_script_timeout` is deprecated, please use
+            `timeout.script` setter.
-        try:
-            self._send_message("setTimeouts", {"script": timeout})
-        except errors.MarionetteException as e:
-            # remove when 52.0a is stable
-            if "Not a Number" in e.message:
-                self._send_message("timeouts", {"type": "script", "ms": timeout})
-            else:
-                raise e
+        warnings.warn(
+            "set_script_timeout is deprecated, please use timeout.script setter",
+            DeprecationWarning)
+        self.timeout.script = timeout / 1000
     def set_search_timeout(self, timeout):
         """Sets a timeout for the find methods.
         When searching for an element using
         either :class:`Marionette.find_element` or
         :class:`Marionette.find_elements`, the method will continue
         trying to locate the element for up to timeout ms. This can be
         useful if, for example, the element you're looking for might
         not exist immediately, because it belongs to a page which is
         currently being loaded.
         :param timeout: Timeout in milliseconds.
+        .. note:: `set_search_timeout` is deprecated, please use
+            `timeout.implicit` setter.
-        try:
-            self._send_message("setTimeouts", {"implicit": timeout})
-        except errors.MarionetteException as e:
-            # remove when 52.0a is stable
-            if "Not a Number" in e.message:
-                self._send_message("timeouts", {"type": "implicit", "ms": timeout})
-            else:
-                raise e
+        warnings.warn(
+            "set_search_timeout is deprecated, please use timeout.implicit setter",
+            DeprecationWarning)
+        self.timeout.implicit = timeout / 1000
     def set_page_load_timeout(self, timeout):
         """Sets a timeout for loading pages.
         A page load timeout specifies the amount of time the Marionette
         instance should wait for a page load operation to complete. A
         ``TimeoutException`` is returned if this limit is exceeded.
         :param timeout: Timeout in milliseconds.
+        .. note:: `set_page_load_timeout` is deprecated, please use
+            `timeout.page_load` setter.
-        try:
-            self._send_message("setTimeouts", {"page load": timeout})
-        except errors.MarionetteException as e:
-            # remove when 52.0a is stable
-            if "Not a Number" in e.message:
-                self._send_message("timeouts", {"type": "page load", "ms": timeout})
-            else:
-                raise e
+        warnings.warn(
+            "set_page_load_timeout is deprecated, please use timeout.page_load setter",
+            DeprecationWarning)
+        self.timeout.page_load = timeout / 1000
     def current_window_handle(self):
         """Get the current window's handle.
         Returns an opaque server-assigned identifier to this window
         that uniquely identifies it within this Marionette instance.
         This can be used to switch to this window at a later point.