Bug 1313306 - Remove --help dependencies from @dependable and delayed_getattr. r=chmanchester draft
authorMike Hommey <mh+mozilla@glandium.org>
Thu, 27 Oct 2016 15:00:51 +0900
changeset 431900 5d4f3f7617a3dfec5392dfd7de7360f2a533a66e
parent 431899 967dd2ae27b92a7a06f14183af6cf25b572349c1
child 431904 458de66a074af09695c0a7486fe0cadce28397a2
child 432069 498ff83d09155b834f0228eb792fb09dfb600173
push id34144
push userbmo:mh+mozilla@glandium.org
push dateMon, 31 Oct 2016 22:40:13 +0000
Bug 1313306 - Remove --help dependencies from @dependable and delayed_getattr. r=chmanchester This sadly requires to replace a few @dependendable to pass the lint check.
--- a/build/moz.configure/android-ndk.configure
+++ b/build/moz.configure/android-ndk.configure
@@ -9,17 +9,17 @@ js_option('--with-android-ndk', nargs=1,
           help='location where the Android NDK can be found')
 js_option('--with-android-toolchain', nargs=1,
           help='location of the Android toolchain')
 js_option('--with-android-gnu-compiler-version', nargs=1,
           help='GNU compiler version to use')
-min_android_version = dependable('9')
+min_android_version = dependable(lambda: '9')
           help='android platform version',
 @depends('--with-android-version', min_android_version)
 @imports(_from='__builtin__', _import='ValueError')
--- a/build/moz.configure/init.configure
+++ b/build/moz.configure/init.configure
@@ -808,11 +808,11 @@ def js_option(*args, **kwargs):
 # Bug 1278542: This function is a workaround to resolve
 # |android_ndk_include|'s dependency on 'gonkdir.' The
 # actual implementation is located in b2g/moz.configure.
 # Remove this function as soon as 'android_ndk_include'
 # depends on 'target.'
-def gonkdir():
+def gonkdir(_):
     return None
--- a/build/moz.configure/old.configure
+++ b/build/moz.configure/old.configure
@@ -404,20 +404,20 @@ def post_old_configure(raw_config):
 # Assuming no other option is declared after this function, handle the
 # env options that were injected by mozconfig_options by creating dummy
 # Option instances and having the sandbox's CommandLineHelper handle
 # them. We only do so for options that haven't been declared so far,
 # which should be a proxy for the options that old-configure handles
 # and that we don't know anything about.
 @imports(_from='mozbuild.configure.options', _import='Option')
-def remaining_mozconfig_options():
+def remaining_mozconfig_options(_):
     helper = __sandbox__._helper
     for arg in helper:
         if helper._origins[arg] != 'mozconfig':
         name = arg.split('=', 1)[0]
         if name.isupper() and name not in __sandbox__._options:
             option = Option(env=name, nargs='*', help=name)
--- a/build/moz.configure/util.configure
+++ b/build/moz.configure/util.configure
@@ -333,51 +333,43 @@ def namespace(**kwargs):
 # or, for convenience, a @depends function.
 @imports(_from='inspect', _import='isfunction')
 @imports(_from='mozbuild.configure', _import='SandboxDependsFunction')
 def dependable(obj):
     if isinstance(obj, SandboxDependsFunction):
         return obj
     if isfunction(obj):
-        return depends('--help')(lambda _: obj())
-    return depends('--help')(lambda _: obj)
+        return depends(when=True)(obj)
+    return depends(when=True)(lambda: obj)
 always = dependable(True)
 never = dependable(False)
 # Some @depends function return namespaces, and one could want to use one
 # specific attribute from such a namespace as a "value" given to functions
 # such as `set_config`. But those functions do not take immediate values.
 # The `delayed_getattr` function allows access to attributes from the result
 # of a @depends function in a non-immediate manner.
 #   @depends('--option')
 #   def option(value)
 #       return namespace(foo=value)
 #   set_config('FOO', delayed_getattr(option, 'foo')
 def delayed_getattr(func, key):
-    deps = __sandbox__._depends.get(func, ())
-    if deps:
-        deps = deps.sandboxed_dependencies
-    def result(value, _=None):
+    @depends(func)
+    def result(value):
         # The @depends function we're being passed may have returned
         # None, or an object that simply doesn't have the wanted key.
         # In that case, just return None.
         return getattr(value, key, None)
-    # Automatically add a dependency on --help when the given @depends
-    # function itself depends on --help.
-    if __sandbox__._help_option in deps:
-        return depends(func, '--help')(result)
-    return depends(func)(result)
+    return result
 # Like @depends, but the decorated function is only called if one of the
 # arguments it would be called with has a positive value (bool(value) is True)
 def depends_if(*args):
     def decorator(func):
--- a/moz.configure
+++ b/moz.configure
@@ -114,19 +114,19 @@ include('build/moz.configure/memory.conf
 @imports(_from='mozbuild.backend', _import='backends')
-def build_backends_choices():
+def build_backends_choices(_):
     return tuple(backends)
 @deprecated_option('--enable-build-backend', nargs='+',
 def build_backend(backends):
     if backends:
         return tuple('+%s' % b for b in backends)