Stub for bug 1312433 - redirects module loads to new version installed as 'balrogclient' r=bhearsum draft
authorSimon Fraser <>
Wed, 26 Oct 2016 14:10:44 +0100
changeset 7288 06cf0c076edadb9e0d5bc6abe93c2db333e1e568
parent 7287 91da3cc1621029fa08aca4da55c9e0f085804ed2
child 7289 88d2fe9c79914051d714df9daa9546f9344fc24f
push id168
push dateThu, 27 Oct 2016 14:49:24 +0000
Stub for bug 1312433 - redirects module loads to new version installed as 'balrogclient' r=bhearsum MozReview-Commit-ID: 7P28huSy1ci
--- a/lib/python/balrog/submitter/
+++ b/lib/python/balrog/submitter/
@@ -1,229 +1,4 @@
-import json
-import logging
-import requests
-import os
-import time
-CA_BUNDLE = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
-                         '../../../../misc/certs/ca-bundle.crt')
-def is_csrf_token_expired(token):
-    from datetime import datetime
-    expiry = token.split('##')[0]
-    if expiry <='%Y%m%d%H%M%S'):
-        return True
-    return False
-class API(object):
-    """A class that knows how to make requests to a Balrog server, including
-       pre-retrieving CSRF tokens and data versions.
-       url_template: The URL to submit to when request() is called. Standard
-                     Python string interpolation can be used here in
-                     combination with url_template_vars.
-       prerequest_url_template: Before submitting the real request, a HEAD
-                                operation will be done on this URL. If the
-                                HEAD request succeeds, it is expected that
-                                there will be X-CSRF-Token and X-Data-Version
-                                headers in the response. If the HEAD request
-                                results in a 404, another HEAD request to
-                                /csrf_token will be made in attempt to get a
-                                CSRF Token. This URL can use string
-                                interpolation the same way url_template can.
-                                In some cases this may be the same as the
-                                url_template.
-    """
-    verify = False
-    auth = None
-    url_template = None
-    prerequest_url_template = None
-    url_template_vars = None
-    def __init__(self, api_root='',
-                 auth=None, ca_certs=CA_BUNDLE, timeout=60,
-                 raise_exceptions=True):
-        """ Creates an API object which wraps REST API of Balrog server.
-        api_root: API root URL of balrog server
-        auth    : a tuple of (username, password) or None
-        ca_certs: CA bundle. It follows python-requests `verify' usage.
-                  If set to False, no SSL verification is done.
-                  If set to True, it tries to load a CA bundle from certifi
-                  module.
-                  If set to string, puthon-requests uses it as a pth to path to
-                  CA bundle.
-        timeout : request timeout
-        raise_exceptions: controls exception handling of python-requests.
-        """
-        self.api_root = api_root.rstrip('/')
-        self.verify = ca_certs
-        assert isinstance(auth, tuple) or auth == None, \
-            "auth should be set to tuple or None"
-        self.auth = auth
-        self.timeout = timeout
-        self.raise_exceptions = raise_exceptions
-        self.session = requests.session()
-        self.csrf_token = None
-    def request(self, data=None, method='GET'):
-        url = self.api_root + self.url_template % self.url_template_vars
-        prerequest_url = self.api_root + \
-            self.prerequest_url_template % self.url_template_vars
-        # If we'll be modifying things, do a GET first to get a CSRF token
-        # and possibly a data_version.
-        if method != 'GET' and method != 'HEAD':
-            # Use the URL of the resource we're going to modify first,
-            # because we'll need a CSRF token, and maybe its data version.
-            try:
-                res = self.do_request(prerequest_url, None, 'HEAD')
-                # If a data_version was specified we shouldn't overwrite it
-                # because the caller may be acting on a modified version of
-                # a specific older version of the data.
-                if 'data_version' not in data:
-                    data['data_version'] = res.headers['X-Data-Version']
-                # We may already have a non-expired CSRF token, but it's
-                # faster/easier just to set it again even if we do, since
-                # we've already made the request.
-                data['csrf_token'] = self.csrf_token = res.headers[
-                    'X-CSRF-Token']
-            except requests.HTTPError, e:
-                # However, if the resource doesn't exist yet we may as well
-                # not bother doing another request solely for a token unless
-                # we don't have a valid one already.
-                if e.response.status_code != 404:
-                    raise
-                if not self.csrf_token or is_csrf_token_expired(self.csrf_token):
-                    res = self.do_request(
-                        self.api_root + '/csrf_token', None, 'HEAD')
-                    data['csrf_token'] = self.csrf_token = res.headers[
-                        'X-CSRF-Token']
-        return self.do_request(url, data, method)
-    def do_request(self, url, data, method):
-        logging.debug('Balrog request to %s' % url)
-        if data is not None and 'csrf_token' in data:
-            sanitised_data = data.copy()
-            del sanitised_data['csrf_token']
-            logging.debug('Data sent: %s' % sanitised_data)
-        else:
-            logging.debug('Data sent: %s' % data)
-        headers = {'Accept-Encoding': 'application/json',
-                   'Accept': 'application/json'}
-        before = time.time()
-        req = self.session.request(
-            method=method, url=url, data=data, timeout=self.timeout,
-            verify=self.verify, auth=self.auth, headers=headers)
-        try:
-            if self.raise_exceptions:
-                req.raise_for_status()
-            return req
-        except requests.HTTPError, e:
-            logging.error('Caught HTTPError: %s' % e.response.content)
-            raise
-        finally:
-            stats = {
-                "timestamp": time.time(),
-                "method": method,
-                "url": url,
-                "status_code": req.status_code,
-                "elapsed_secs": time.time() - before,
-            }
-            logging.debug('REQUEST STATS: %s', json.dumps(stats))
-    def get_data(self):
-        resp = self.request()
-        return (json.loads(resp.content), resp.headers['X-Data-Version'])
-class Release(API):
-    url_template = '/releases/%(name)s'
-    prerequest_url_template = '/releases/%(name)s'
-    def __init__(self, name, **kwargs):
-        super(Release, self).__init__(**kwargs)
- = name
-        self.url_template_vars = dict(name=name)
-    def update_release(self, product, hashFunction, releaseData,
-                       data_version=None, schemaVersion=None):
-        data = dict(, product=product,
-                    hashFunction=hashFunction, data=releaseData)
-        if data_version:
-            data['data_version'] = data_version
-        if schemaVersion:
-            data['schema_version'] = schemaVersion
-        return self.request(method='POST', data=data)
-class SingleLocale(API):
-    url_template = '/releases/%(name)s/builds/%(build_target)s/%(locale)s'
-    prerequest_url_template = '/releases/%(name)s'
+from balrogclient import is_csrf_token_expired, SingleLocale, Release, Rule
-    def __init__(self, name, build_target, locale, **kwargs):
-        super(SingleLocale, self).__init__(**kwargs)
- = name
-        self.build_target = build_target
-        self.locale = locale
-        self.url_template_vars = dict(name=name, build_target=build_target,
-                                      locale=locale)
-        # keep a copy to be used in get_data()
-        self.release_kwargs = kwargs
-    def get_data(self):
-        data, data_version = {}, None
-        # If the locale-specific API end point returns 404, we have to use the
-        # top level blob to get the data version. Because this requires 2 not
-        # atomic HTTP requests, we start with the top level blob and use its
-        # data version.
-        top_level = Release(, **self.release_kwargs)
-        # Use data version from the top level blob
-        try:
-            _, data_version = top_level.get_data()
-        except requests.HTTPError, e:
-            if e.response.status_code == 404:
-                # top level blob doesn't exist, assume there is no data
-                return data, data_version
-            else:
-                raise
-        # Got data version. Try to get data from the locale specific blob.
-        # Using data version from the top level blob prevents possible race
-        # conditions if another client updates the locale blob between the
-        # first request and the call below.
-        try:
-            data, _ = super(SingleLocale, self).get_data()
-            return data, data_version
-        except requests.HTTPError, e:
-            if e.response.status_code == 404:
-                # locale blob doesn't exist, no data
-                return data, data_version
-            else:
-                raise
-    def update_build(self, product, hashFunction, buildData,
-                     alias=None, schemaVersion=None, data_version=None):
-        data = dict(product=product, data=buildData, hashFunction=hashFunction)
-        if alias:
-            data['alias'] = alias
-        if data_version:
-            data['data_version'] = data_version
-        if schemaVersion:
-            data['schema_version'] = schemaVersion
-        return self.request(method='PUT', data=data)
-class Rule(API):
-    url_template = '/rules/%(rule_id)s'
-    prerequest_url_template = '/rules/%(rule_id)s'
-    def __init__(self, rule_id, **kwargs):
-        super(Rule, self).__init__(**kwargs)
-        self.rule_id = rule_id
-        self.url_template_vars=dict(rule_id=rule_id)
-    def update_rule(self, **rule_data):
-        return self.request(method='POST', data=rule_data)
+__all__ = [ 'is_csrf_token_expired', 'SingleLocale', 'Release', 'Rule' ]