Bug 1312591 - Remove DOM/resourcestats and related code. r?jst draft
authorMichelangelo De Simone <mdesimone@mozilla.com>
Mon, 24 Oct 2016 16:35:04 -0700
changeset 429013 2b4eee9d35b3dcda8131da690c584eee9b5f6533
parent 428736 c845bfd0accb7e0c29b41713255963b08006e701
child 534880 d9f5e28d25c471d4799c928d6be86ebf5ea6294c
push id33464
push usermdesimone@mozilla.com
push dateMon, 24 Oct 2016 23:35:20 +0000
Bug 1312591 - Remove DOM/resourcestats and related code. r?jst MozReview-Commit-ID: 8WOXOvtxjxt
--- a/b2g/app/b2g.js
+++ b/b2g/app/b2g.js
@@ -402,21 +402,16 @@ pref("dom.phonenumber.substringmatching.
 pref("dom.phonenumber.substringmatching.PE", 7);
 // NetworkStats
 pref("dom.mozNetworkStats.enabled", true);
 pref("dom.webapps.firstRunWithSIM", true);
-// ResourceStats
-pref("dom.resource_stats.enabled", true);
 #ifdef MOZ_B2G_RIL
 // SingleVariant
 pref("dom.mozApps.single_variant_sourcedir", "/persist/svoperapps");
 // WebSettings
 pref("dom.mozSettings.enabled", true);
 pref("dom.mozPermissionSettings.enabled", true);
--- a/b2g/installer/package-manifest.in
+++ b/b2g/installer/package-manifest.in
@@ -437,24 +437,16 @@
 #endif // MOZ_WIDGET_GONK
 ; Tethering
-; ResourceStats
-#endif // MOZ_WIDGET_GONK
 ; RIL
 #if defined(MOZ_WIDGET_GONK) && defined(MOZ_B2G_RIL)
--- a/dom/apps/PermissionsTable.jsm
+++ b/dom/apps/PermissionsTable.jsm
@@ -233,21 +233,16 @@ this.PermissionsTable =  { geolocation: 
                              privileged: ALLOW_ACTION,
                              certified: ALLOW_ACTION
                            "networkstats-manage": {
                              app: DENY_ACTION,
                              privileged: DENY_ACTION,
                              certified: ALLOW_ACTION
-                           "resourcestats-manage": {
-                             app: DENY_ACTION,
-                             privileged: DENY_ACTION,
-                             certified: ALLOW_ACTION
-                           },
                            "wifi-manage": {
                              app: DENY_ACTION,
                              privileged: DENY_ACTION,
                              certified: ALLOW_ACTION
                            "systemXHR": {
                              app: DENY_ACTION,
                              privileged: ALLOW_ACTION,
--- a/dom/moz.build
+++ b/dom/moz.build
@@ -96,17 +96,16 @@ DIRS += [
-    'resourcestats',
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/dom/resourcestats/ResourceStatsDB.jsm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,538 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
- * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
- */
-"use strict";
-this.EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ['ResourceStatsDB'];
-const DEBUG = false;
-function debug(s) { dump("-*- ResourceStatsDB: " + s + "\n"); }
-const { classes: Cc, interfaces: Ci, utils: Cu, results: Cr } = Components;
-XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter(this, "appsService",
-                                   "@mozilla.org/AppsService;1",
-                                   "nsIAppsService");
-const DB_NAME = "resource_stats";
-const DB_VERSION = 1;
-const POWER_STATS_STORE = "power_stats_store";
-const NETWORK_STATS_STORE = "network_stats_store";
-const ALARM_STORE = "alarm_store";
-const statsStoreNames = {
-// Constant defining the sampling rate.
-const SAMPLE_RATE = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000; // 1 day.
-// Constant defining the MAX age of stored stats.
-const MAX_STORAGE_AGE = 180 * SAMPLE_RATE; // 180 days.
-this.ResourceStatsDB = function ResourceStatsDB() {
-  if (DEBUG) {
-    debug("Constructor()");
-  }
-  this.initDBHelper(DB_NAME, DB_VERSION,
-ResourceStatsDB.prototype = {
-  __proto__: IndexedDBHelper.prototype,
-  _dbNewTxn: function(aStoreName, aTxnType, aCallback, aTxnCb) {
-    function successCb(aResult) {
-      aTxnCb(null, aResult);
-    }
-    function errorCb(aError) {
-      aTxnCb(aError, null);
-    }
-    return this.newTxn(aTxnType, aStoreName, aCallback, successCb, errorCb);
-  },
-  upgradeSchema: function(aTransaction, aDb, aOldVersion, aNewVersion) {
-    if (DEBUG) {
-      debug("Upgrade DB from ver." + aOldVersion + " to ver." + aNewVersion);
-    }
-    let objectStore;
-    // Create PowerStatsStore.
-    objectStore = aDb.createObjectStore(POWER_STATS_STORE, {
-      keyPath: ["appId", "serviceType", "component", "timestamp"]
-    });
-    objectStore.createIndex("component", "component", { unique: false });
-    // Create NetworkStatsStore.
-    objectStore = aDb.createObjectStore(NETWORK_STATS_STORE, {
-      keyPath: ["appId", "serviceType", "component", "timestamp"]
-    });
-    objectStore.createIndex("component", "component", { unique: false });
-    // Create AlarmStore.
-    objectStore = aDb.createObjectStore(ALARM_STORE, {
-      keyPath: "alarmId",
-      autoIncrement: true
-    });
-    objectStore.createIndex("type", "type", { unique: false });
-    // Index for resource control target.
-    objectStore.createIndex("controlTarget",
-                            ["type", "manifestURL", "serviceType", "component"],
-                            { unique: false });
-  },
-  // Convert to UTC according to the current timezone and the filter timestamp
-  // to get SAMPLE_RATE precission.
-  _normalizeTime: function(aTime, aOffset) {
-    let time = Math.floor((aTime - aOffset) / SAMPLE_RATE) * SAMPLE_RATE;
-    return time;
-  },
-  /**
-   * aRecordArray contains an array of json objects storing network stats.
-   * The structure of the json object =
-   *  {
-   *    appId: XX,
-   *    serviceType: "XX",
-   *    componentStats: {
-   *      "component_1": { receivedBytes: XX, sentBytes: XX },
-   *      "component_2": { receivedBytes: XX, sentBytes: XX },
-   *      ...
-   *    },
-   *  }
-   */
-  saveNetworkStats: function(aRecordArray, aTimestamp, aResultCb) {
-    if (DEBUG) {
-      debug("saveNetworkStats()");
-    }
-    let offset = (new Date()).getTimezoneOffset() * 60 * 1000;
-    let timestamp = this._normalizeTime(aTimestamp, offset);
-    this._dbNewTxn(NETWORK_STATS_STORE, "readwrite", function(aTxn, aStore) {
-      aRecordArray.forEach(function(aRecord) {
-        let stats = {
-          appId: aRecord.appId,
-          serviceType: aRecord.serviceType,
-          component: "",
-          timestamp: timestamp,
-          receivedBytes: 0,
-          sentBytes: 0
-        };
-        let totalReceivedBytes = 0;
-        let totalSentBytes = 0;
-        // Save stats of each component.
-        let data = aRecord.componentStats;
-        for (let component in data) {
-          // Save stats to database.
-          stats.component = component;
-          stats.receivedBytes = data[component].receivedBytes;
-          stats.sentBytes = data[component].sentBytes;
-          aStore.put(stats);
-          if (DEBUG) {
-            debug("Save network stats: " + JSON.stringify(stats));
-          }
-          // Accumulated to tatal stats.
-          totalReceivedBytes += stats.receivedBytes;
-          totalSentBytes += stats.sentBytes;
-        }
-        // Save total stats.
-        stats.component = "";
-        stats.receivedBytes = totalReceivedBytes;
-        stats.sentBytes = totalSentBytes;
-        aStore.put(stats);
-        if (DEBUG) {
-          debug("Save network stats: " + JSON.stringify(stats));
-        }
-      });
-    }, aResultCb);
-  },
-  /**
-   * aRecordArray contains an array of json objects storing power stats.
-   * The structure of the json object =
-   *  {
-   *    appId: XX,
-   *    serviceType: "XX",
-   *    componentStats: {
-   *      "component_1": XX, // consumedPower
-   *      "component_2": XX,
-   *      ...
-   *    },
-   *  }
-   */
-  savePowerStats: function(aRecordArray, aTimestamp, aResultCb) {
-    if (DEBUG) {
-      debug("savePowerStats()");
-    }
-    let offset = (new Date()).getTimezoneOffset() * 60 * 1000;
-    let timestamp = this._normalizeTime(aTimestamp, offset);
-    this._dbNewTxn(POWER_STATS_STORE, "readwrite", function(aTxn, aStore) {
-      aRecordArray.forEach(function(aRecord) {
-        let stats = {
-          appId: aRecord.appId,
-          serviceType: aRecord.serviceType,
-          component: "",
-          timestamp: timestamp,
-          consumedPower: aRecord.totalStats
-        };
-        let totalConsumedPower = 0;
-        // Save stats of each component to database.
-        let data = aRecord.componentStats;
-        for (let component in data) {
-          // Save stats to database.
-          stats.component = component;
-          stats.consumedPower = data[component];
-          aStore.put(stats);
-          if (DEBUG) {
-            debug("Save power stats: " + JSON.stringify(stats));
-          }
-          // Accumulated to total stats.
-          totalConsumedPower += stats.consumedPower;
-        }
-        // Save total stats.
-        stats.component = "";
-        stats.consumedPower = totalConsumedPower;
-        aStore.put(stats);
-        if (DEBUG) {
-          debug("Save power stats: " + JSON.stringify(stats));
-        }
-      });
-    }, aResultCb);
-  },
-  // Get stats from a store.
-  getStats: function(aType, aManifestURL, aServiceType, aComponent,
-                     aStart, aEnd, aResultCb) {
-    if (DEBUG) {
-      debug(aType + "Mgr.getStats()");
-    }
-    let offset = (new Date()).getTimezoneOffset() * 60 * 1000;
-    // Get appId and check whether manifestURL is a valid app.
-    let appId = 0;
-    if (aManifestURL) {
-      appId = appsService.getAppLocalIdByManifestURL(aManifestURL);
-      if (!appId) {
-        aResultCb("Invalid manifestURL", null);
-        return;
-      }
-    }
-    // Get store name.
-    let storeName = statsStoreNames[aType];
-    // Normalize start time and end time to SAMPLE_RATE precission.
-    let start = this._normalizeTime(aStart, offset);
-    let end = this._normalizeTime(aEnd, offset);
-    if (DEBUG) {
-      debug("Query time range: " + start + " to " + end);
-      debug("[appId, serviceType, component] = [" + appId + ", " + aServiceType
-            + ", " + aComponent + "]");
-    }
-    // Create filters.
-    let lowerFilter = [appId, aServiceType, aComponent, start];
-    let upperFilter = [appId, aServiceType, aComponent, end];
-    // Execute DB query.
-    this._dbNewTxn(storeName, "readonly", function(aTxn, aStore) {
-      let range = IDBKeyRange.bound(lowerFilter, upperFilter, false, false);
-      let statsData = [];
-      if (!aTxn.result) {
-        aTxn.result = Object.create(null);
-      }
-      aTxn.result.type = aType;
-      aTxn.result.component = aComponent;
-      aTxn.result.serviceType = aServiceType;
-      aTxn.result.manifestURL = aManifestURL;
-      aTxn.result.start = start + offset;
-      aTxn.result.end = end + offset;
-      // Since ResourceStats() would require SAMPLE_RATE when filling the empty
-      // entries of statsData array, we append SAMPLE_RATE to the result field
-      // to save an IPC call.
-      aTxn.result.sampleRate = SAMPLE_RATE;
-      let request = aStore.openCursor(range, "prev");
-      if (aType == "power") {
-        request.onsuccess = function(aEvent) {
-          var cursor = aEvent.target.result;
-          if (cursor) {
-            if (DEBUG) {
-              debug("Get " + JSON.stringify(cursor.value));
-            }
-            // Covert timestamp to current timezone.
-            statsData.push({
-              timestamp: cursor.value.timestamp + offset,
-              consumedPower: cursor.value.consumedPower
-            });
-            cursor.continue();
-            return;
-          }
-          aTxn.result.statsData = statsData;
-        };
-      } else if (aType == "network") {
-        request.onsuccess = function(aEvent) {
-          var cursor = aEvent.target.result;
-          if (cursor) {
-            if (DEBUG) {
-              debug("Get " + JSON.stringify(cursor.value));
-            }
-            // Covert timestamp to current timezone.
-            statsData.push({
-              timestamp: cursor.value.timestamp + offset,
-              receivedBytes: cursor.value.receivedBytes,
-              sentBytes: cursor.value.sentBytes
-            });
-            cursor.continue();
-            return;
-          }
-          aTxn.result.statsData = statsData;
-        };
-      }
-    }, aResultCb);
-  },
-  // Delete the stats of a specific app/service (within a specified time range).
-  clearStats: function(aType, aAppId, aServiceType, aComponent,
-                       aStart, aEnd, aResultCb) {
-    if (DEBUG) {
-      debug(aType + "Mgr.clearStats()");
-    }
-    let offset = (new Date()).getTimezoneOffset() * 60 * 1000;
-    // Get store name.
-    let storeName = statsStoreNames[aType];
-    // Normalize start and end time to SAMPLE_RATE precission.
-    let start = this._normalizeTime(aStart, offset);
-    let end = this._normalizeTime(aEnd, offset);
-    if (DEBUG) {
-      debug("Query time range: " + start + " to " + end);
-      debug("[appId, serviceType, component] = [" + aAppId + ", " + aServiceType
-            + ", " + aComponent + "]");
-    }
-    // Create filters.
-    let lowerFilter = [aAppId, aServiceType, aComponent, start];
-    let upperFilter = [aAppId, aServiceType, aComponent, end];
-    // Execute clear operation.
-    this._dbNewTxn(storeName, "readwrite", function(aTxn, aStore) {
-      let range = IDBKeyRange.bound(lowerFilter, upperFilter, false, false);
-      let request = aStore.openCursor(range).onsuccess = function(aEvent) {
-        let cursor = aEvent.target.result;
-        if (cursor) {
-          if (DEBUG) {
-            debug("Delete " + JSON.stringify(cursor.value) + " from database");
-          }
-          cursor.delete();
-          cursor.continue();
-          return;
-        }
-      };
-    }, aResultCb);
-  },
-  // Delete all stats saved in a store.
-  clearAllStats: function(aType, aResultCb) {
-    if (DEBUG) {
-      debug(aType + "Mgr.clearAllStats()");
-    }
-    let storeName = statsStoreNames[aType];
-    // Execute clear operation.
-    this._dbNewTxn(storeName, "readwrite", function(aTxn, aStore) {
-      if (DEBUG) {
-        debug("Clear " + aType + " stats from datastore");
-      }
-      aStore.clear();
-    }, aResultCb);
-  },
-  addAlarm: function(aAlarm, aResultCb) {
-    if (DEBUG) {
-      debug(aAlarm.type + "Mgr.addAlarm()");
-      debug("alarm = " + JSON.stringify(aAlarm));
-    }
-    this._dbNewTxn(ALARM_STORE, "readwrite", function(aTxn, aStore) {
-      aStore.put(aAlarm).onsuccess = function setResult(aEvent) {
-        // Get alarmId.
-        aTxn.result = aEvent.target.result;
-        if (DEBUG) {
-          debug("New alarm ID: " + aTxn.result);
-        }
-      };
-    }, aResultCb);
-  },
-  // Convert DB record to alarm object.
-  _recordToAlarm: function(aRecord) {
-    let alarm = {
-      alarmId: aRecord.alarmId,
-      type: aRecord.type,
-      component: aRecord.component,
-      serviceType: aRecord.serviceType,
-      manifestURL: aRecord.manifestURL,
-      threshold: aRecord.threshold,
-      data: aRecord.data
-    };
-    return alarm;
-  },
-  getAlarms: function(aType, aOptions, aResultCb) {
-    if (DEBUG) {
-      debug(aType + "Mgr.getAlarms()");
-      debug("[appId, serviceType, component] = [" + aOptions.appId + ", "
-            + aOptions.serviceType + ", " + aOptions.component + "]");
-    }
-    // Execute clear operation.
-    this._dbNewTxn(ALARM_STORE, "readwrite", function(aTxn, aStore) {
-      if (!aTxn.result) {
-        aTxn.result = [];
-      }
-      let indexName = null;
-      let range = null;
-      if (aOptions) { // Get alarms associated to specified statsOptions.
-        indexName = "controlTarget";
-        range = IDBKeyRange.only([aType, aOptions.manifestURL,
-                                  aOptions.serviceType, aOptions.component]);
-      } else { // Get all alarms of the specified type.
-        indexName = "type";
-        range = IDBKeyRange.only(aType);
-      }
-      let request = aStore.index(indexName).openCursor(range);
-      request.onsuccess = function onsuccess(aEvent) {
-        let cursor = aEvent.target.result;
-        if (cursor) {
-          aTxn.result.push(this._recordToAlarm(cursor.value));
-          cursor.continue();
-          return;
-        }
-      }.bind(this);
-    }.bind(this), aResultCb);
-  },
-  removeAlarm: function(aType, aAlarmId, aResultCb) {
-    if (DEBUG) {
-      debug("removeAlarms(" + aAlarmId + ")");
-    }
-    // Execute clear operation.
-    this._dbNewTxn(ALARM_STORE, "readwrite", function(aTxn, aStore) {
-      aStore.get(aAlarmId).onsuccess = function onsuccess(aEvent) {
-        let alarm = aEvent.target.result;
-        aTxn.result = false;
-        if (!alarm || aType !== alarm.type) {
-          return;
-        }
-        if (DEBUG) {
-          debug("Remove alarm " + JSON.stringify(alarm) + " from datastore");
-        }
-        aStore.delete(aAlarmId);
-        aTxn.result = true;
-      };
-    }, aResultCb);
-  },
-  removeAllAlarms: function(aType, aResultCb) {
-    if (DEBUG) {
-      debug(aType + "Mgr.removeAllAlarms()");
-    }
-    // Execute clear operation.
-    this._dbNewTxn(ALARM_STORE, "readwrite", function(aTxn, aStore) {
-      if (DEBUG) {
-        debug("Remove all " + aType + " alarms from datastore.");
-      }
-      let range = IDBKeyRange.only(aType);
-      let request = aStore.index("type").openCursor(range);
-      request.onsuccess = function onsuccess(aEvent) {
-        let cursor = aEvent.target.result;
-        if (cursor) {
-          if (DEBUG) {
-            debug("Remove " + JSON.stringify(cursor.value) + " from database.");
-          }
-          cursor.delete();
-          cursor.continue();
-          return;
-        }
-      };
-    }, aResultCb);
-  },
-  // Get all index keys of the component.
-  getComponents: function(aType, aResultCb) {
-    if (DEBUG) {
-      debug(aType + "Mgr.getComponents()");
-    }
-    let storeName = statsStoreNames[aType];
-    this._dbNewTxn(storeName, "readonly", function(aTxn, aStore) {
-      if (!aTxn.result) {
-        aTxn.result = [];
-      }
-      let request = aStore.index("component").openKeyCursor(null, "nextunique");
-      request.onsuccess = function onsuccess(aEvent) {
-        let cursor = aEvent.target.result;
-        if (cursor) {
-          aTxn.result.push(cursor.key);
-          cursor.continue();
-          return;
-        }
-        // Remove "" from the result, which indicates sum of all
-        // components' stats.
-        let index = aTxn.result.indexOf("");
-        if (index > -1) {
-          aTxn.result.splice(index, 1);
-        }
-      };
-    }, aResultCb);
-  },
-  get sampleRate () {
-    return SAMPLE_RATE;
-  },
-  get maxStorageAge() {
-    return MAX_STORAGE_AGE;
-  },
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/dom/resourcestats/ResourceStatsManager.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,468 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
- * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
- */
-"use strict";
-const DEBUG = false;
-function debug(s) { dump("-*- ResourceStatsManager: " + s + "\n"); }
-const { classes: Cc, interfaces: Ci, utils: Cu, results: Cr } = Components;
-// Constant defines supported statistics.
-const resourceTypeList = ["network", "power"];
-function NetworkStatsData(aStatsData) {
-  if (DEBUG) {
-    debug("NetworkStatsData(): " + JSON.stringify(aStatsData));
-  }
-  this.receivedBytes = aStatsData.receivedBytes || 0;
-  this.sentBytes = aStatsData.sentBytes || 0;
-  this.timestamp = aStatsData.timestamp;
-NetworkStatsData.prototype = {
-  classID: Components.ID("{dce5729a-ba92-4185-8854-e29e71b9e8a2}"),
-  contractID: "@mozilla.org/networkStatsData;1",
-  QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([])
-function PowerStatsData(aStatsData) {
-  if (DEBUG) {
-    debug("PowerStatsData(): " + JSON.stringify(aStatsData));
-  }
-  this.consumedPower = aStatsData.consumedPower || 0;
-  this.timestamp = aStatsData.timestamp;
-PowerStatsData.prototype = {
-  classID: Components.ID("{acb9af6c-8143-4e59-bc18-4bb1736a4004}"),
-  contractID: "@mozilla.org/powerStatsData;1",
-  QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([])
-function ResourceStats(aWindow, aStats) {
-  if (DEBUG) {
-    debug("ResourceStats(): " + JSON.stringify(aStats));
-  }
-  this._window = aWindow;
-  this.type = aStats.type;
-  this.component = aStats.component || null;
-  this.serviceType = aStats.serviceType || null;
-  this.manifestURL = aStats.manifestURL || null;
-  this.start = aStats.start;
-  this.end = aStats.end;
-  this.statsData = new aWindow.Array();
-  // A function creates a StatsData object according to type.
-  let createStatsDataObject = null;
-  let self = this;
-  switch (this.type) {
-    case "power":
-      createStatsDataObject = function(aStats) {
-        let chromeObj = new PowerStatsData(aStats);
-        return self._window.PowerStatsData._create(self._window, chromeObj);
-      };
-      break;
-    case "network":
-      createStatsDataObject = function(aStats) {
-        let chromeObj = new NetworkStatsData(aStats);
-        return self._window.NetworkStatsData._create(self._window, chromeObj);
-      };
-      break;
-  }
-  let sampleRate = aStats.sampleRate;
-  let queryResult = aStats.statsData;
-  let stats = queryResult.pop(); // Pop out the last element.
-  let timestamp = this.start;
-  // Push query result to statsData, and fill empty elements so that:
-  // 1. the timestamp of the first element of statsData is equal to start;
-  // 2. the timestamp of the last element of statsData is equal to end;
-  // 3. the timestamp difference of every neighboring elements is SAMPLE_RATE.
-  for (; timestamp <= this.end; timestamp += sampleRate) {
-    if (!stats || stats.timestamp != timestamp) {
-      // If dataArray is empty or timestamp are not equal, push a dummy object
-      // (which stats are set to 0) to statsData.
-      this.statsData.push(createStatsDataObject({ timestamp: timestamp }));
-    } else {
-      // Push stats to statsData and pop a new element form queryResult.
-      this.statsData.push(createStatsDataObject(stats));
-      stats = queryResult.pop();
-    }
-  }
-ResourceStats.prototype = {
-  getData: function() {
-    return this.statsData;
-  },
-  classID: Components.ID("{b7c970f2-3d58-4966-9633-2024feb5132b}"),
-  contractID: "@mozilla.org/resourceStats;1",
-  QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([])
-function ResourceStatsAlarm(aWindow, aAlarm) {
-  if (DEBUG) {
-    debug("ResourceStatsAlarm(): " + JSON.stringify(aAlarm));
-  }
-  this.alarmId = aAlarm.alarmId;
-  this.type = aAlarm.type;
-  this.component = aAlarm.component || null;
-  this.serviceType = aAlarm.serviceType || null;
-  this.manifestURL = aAlarm.manifestURL || null;
-  this.threshold = aAlarm.threshold;
-  // Clone data object using structured clone algorithm.
-  this.data = null;
-  if (aAlarm.data) {
-    this.data = Cu.cloneInto(aAlarm.data, aWindow);
-  }
-ResourceStatsAlarm.prototype = {
-  classID: Components.ID("{e2b66e7a-0ff1-4015-8690-a2a3f6a5b63a}"),
-  contractID: "@mozilla.org/resourceStatsAlarm;1",
-  QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([]),
-function ResourceStatsManager() {
-  if (DEBUG) {
-    debug("constructor()");
-  }
-ResourceStatsManager.prototype = {
-  __proto__: DOMRequestIpcHelper.prototype,
-  // Check time range.
-  _checkTimeRange: function(aStart, aEnd) {
-    if (DEBUG) {
-      debug("_checkTimeRange(): " + aStart + " to " + aEnd);
-    }
-    let start = aStart ? aStart : 0;
-    let end = aEnd ? aEnd : Date.now();
-    if (start > end) {
-      throw Cr.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG;
-    }
-    return { start: start, end: end };
-  },
-  getStats: function(aStatsOptions, aStart, aEnd) {
-    // Check time range.
-    let { start: start, end: end } = this._checkTimeRange(aStart, aEnd);
-    // Create Promise.
-    let self = this;
-    return this.createPromiseWithId(function(aResolverId) {
-      self.cpmm.sendAsyncMessage("ResourceStats:GetStats", {
-        resolverId: aResolverId,
-        type: self.type,
-        statsOptions: aStatsOptions,
-        manifestURL: self._manifestURL,
-        start: start,
-        end: end
-      });
-    });
-  },
-  clearStats: function(aStatsOptions, aStart, aEnd) {
-    // Check time range.
-    let {start: start, end: end} = this._checkTimeRange(aStart, aEnd);
-    // Create Promise.
-    let self = this;
-    return this.createPromiseWithId(function(aResolverId) {
-      self.cpmm.sendAsyncMessage("ResourceStats:ClearStats", {
-        resolverId: aResolverId,
-        type: self.type,
-        statsOptions: aStatsOptions,
-        manifestURL: self._manifestURL,
-        start: start,
-        end: end
-      });
-    });
-  },
-  clearAllStats: function() {
-    // Create Promise.
-    let self = this;
-    return this.createPromiseWithId(function(aResolverId) {
-      self.cpmm.sendAsyncMessage("ResourceStats:ClearAllStats", {
-        resolverId: aResolverId,
-        type: self.type,
-        manifestURL: self._manifestURL
-      });
-    });
-  },
-  addAlarm: function(aThreshold, aStatsOptions, aAlarmOptions) {
-    if (DEBUG) {
-      debug("aStatsOptions: " + JSON.stringify(aAlarmOptions));
-      debug("aAlarmOptions: " + JSON.stringify(aAlarmOptions));
-    }
-    // Parse alarm options.
-    let startTime = aAlarmOptions.startTime || 0;
-    // Clone data object using structured clone algorithm.
-    let data = null;
-    if (aAlarmOptions.data) {
-      data = Cu.cloneInto(aAlarmOptions.data, this._window);
-    }
-    // Create Promise.
-    let self = this;
-    return this.createPromiseWithId(function(aResolverId) {
-      self.cpmm.sendAsyncMessage("ResourceStats:AddAlarm", {
-        resolverId: aResolverId,
-        type: self.type,
-        threshold: aThreshold,
-        statsOptions: aStatsOptions,
-        manifestURL: self._manifestURL,
-        startTime: startTime,
-        data: data
-      });
-    });
-  },
-  getAlarms: function(aStatsOptions) {
-    // Create Promise.
-    let self = this;
-    return this.createPromiseWithId(function(aResolverId) {
-      self.cpmm.sendAsyncMessage("ResourceStats:GetAlarms", {
-        resolverId: aResolverId,
-        type: self.type,
-        statsOptions: aStatsOptions,
-        manifestURL: self._manifestURL
-      });
-    });
-  },
-  removeAlarm: function(aAlarmId) {
-    // Create Promise.
-    let self = this;
-    return this.createPromiseWithId(function(aResolverId) {
-      self.cpmm.sendAsyncMessage("ResourceStats:RemoveAlarm", {
-        resolverId: aResolverId,
-        type: self.type,
-        manifestURL: self._manifestURL,
-        alarmId: aAlarmId
-      });
-    });
-  },
-  removeAllAlarms: function() {
-    // Create Promise.
-    let self = this;
-    return this.createPromiseWithId(function(aResolverId) {
-      self.cpmm.sendAsyncMessage("ResourceStats:RemoveAllAlarms", {
-        resolverId: aResolverId,
-        type: self.type,
-        manifestURL: self._manifestURL
-      });
-    });
-  },
-  getAvailableComponents: function() {
-    // Create Promise.
-    let self = this;
-    return this.createPromiseWithId(function(aResolverId) {
-      self.cpmm.sendAsyncMessage("ResourceStats:GetComponents", {
-        resolverId: aResolverId,
-        type: self.type,
-        manifestURL: self._manifestURL
-      });
-    });
-  },
-  get resourceTypes() {
-    let types = new this._window.Array();
-    resourceTypeList.forEach(function(aType) {
-      types.push(aType);
-    });
-    return types;
-  },
-  get sampleRate() {
-    let msg = { manifestURL: this._manifestURL };
-    return this.cpmm.sendSyncMessage("ResourceStats:SampleRate", msg)[0];
-  },
-  get maxStorageAge() {
-    let msg = { manifestURL: this._manifestURL };
-    return this.cpmm.sendSyncMessage("ResourceStats:MaxStorageAge", msg)[0];
-  },
-  receiveMessage: function(aMessage) {
-    let data = aMessage.data;
-    let chromeObj = null;
-    let webidlObj = null;
-    let self = this;
-    if (DEBUG) {
-      debug("receiveMessage(): " + aMessage.name + " " + data.resolverId);
-    }
-    let resolver = this.takePromiseResolver(data.resolverId);
-    if (!resolver) {
-      return;
-    }
-    switch (aMessage.name) {
-      case "ResourceStats:GetStats:Resolved":
-        if (DEBUG) {
-          debug("data.value = " + JSON.stringify(data.value));
-        }
-        chromeObj = new ResourceStats(this._window, data.value);
-        webidlObj = this._window.ResourceStats._create(this._window, chromeObj);
-        resolver.resolve(webidlObj);
-        break;
-      case "ResourceStats:AddAlarm:Resolved":
-        if (DEBUG) {
-          debug("data.value = " + JSON.stringify(data.value));
-        }
-        resolver.resolve(data.value); // data.value is alarmId.
-        break;
-      case "ResourceStats:GetAlarms:Resolved":
-        if (DEBUG) {
-          debug("data.value = " + JSON.stringify(data.value));
-        }
-        let alarmArray = this._window.Array();
-        data.value.forEach(function(aAlarm) {
-          chromeObj = new ResourceStatsAlarm(self._window, aAlarm);
-          webidlObj = self._window.ResourceStatsAlarm._create(self._window,
-                                                              chromeObj);
-          alarmArray.push(webidlObj);
-        });
-        resolver.resolve(alarmArray);
-        break;
-      case "ResourceStats:GetComponents:Resolved":
-        if (DEBUG) {
-          debug("data.value = " + JSON.stringify(data.value));
-        }
-        let components = this._window.Array();
-        data.value.forEach(function(aComponent) {
-          components.push(aComponent);
-        });
-        resolver.resolve(components);
-        break;
-      case "ResourceStats:ClearStats:Resolved":
-      case "ResourceStats:ClearAllStats:Resolved":
-      case "ResourceStats:RemoveAlarm:Resolved":
-      case "ResourceStats:RemoveAllAlarms:Resolved":
-        if (DEBUG) {
-          debug("data.value = " + JSON.stringify(data.value));
-        }
-        resolver.resolve(data.value);
-        break;
-      case "ResourceStats:GetStats:Rejected":
-      case "ResourceStats:ClearStats:Rejected":
-      case "ResourceStats:ClearAllStats:Rejected":
-      case "ResourceStats:AddAlarm:Rejected":
-      case "ResourceStats:GetAlarms:Rejected":
-      case "ResourceStats:RemoveAlarm:Rejected":
-      case "ResourceStats:RemoveAllAlarms:Rejected":
-      case "ResourceStats:GetComponents:Rejected":
-        if (DEBUG) {
-          debug("data.reason = " + JSON.stringify(data.reason));
-        }
-        resolver.reject(data.reason);
-        break;
-      default:
-        if (DEBUG) {
-          debug("Could not find a handler for " + aMessage.name);
-        }
-        resolver.reject();
-    }
-  },
-  __init: function(aType) {
-    if (resourceTypeList.indexOf(aType) < 0) {
-      if (DEBUG) {
-        debug("Do not support resource statistics for " + aType);
-      }
-      throw Cr.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG;
-    } else {
-      if (DEBUG) {
-        debug("Create " + aType + "Mgr");
-      }
-      this.type = aType;
-    }
-  },
-  init: function(aWindow) {
-    if (DEBUG) {
-      debug("init()");
-    }
-    // Get the manifestURL if this is an installed app
-    let principal = aWindow.document.nodePrincipal;
-    let appsService = Cc["@mozilla.org/AppsService;1"]
-                        .getService(Ci.nsIAppsService);
-    this._manifestURL = appsService.getManifestURLByLocalId(principal.appId);
-    const messages = ["ResourceStats:GetStats:Resolved",
-                      "ResourceStats:ClearStats:Resolved",
-                      "ResourceStats:ClearAllStats:Resolved",
-                      "ResourceStats:AddAlarm:Resolved",
-                      "ResourceStats:GetAlarms:Resolved",
-                      "ResourceStats:RemoveAlarm:Resolved",
-                      "ResourceStats:RemoveAllAlarms:Resolved",
-                      "ResourceStats:GetComponents:Resolved",
-                      "ResourceStats:GetStats:Rejected",
-                      "ResourceStats:ClearStats:Rejected",
-                      "ResourceStats:ClearAllStats:Rejected",
-                      "ResourceStats:AddAlarm:Rejected",
-                      "ResourceStats:GetAlarms:Rejected",
-                      "ResourceStats:RemoveAlarm:Rejected",
-                      "ResourceStats:RemoveAllAlarms:Rejected",
-                      "ResourceStats:GetComponents:Rejected"];
-    this.initDOMRequestHelper(aWindow, messages);
-    this.cpmm = Cc["@mozilla.org/childprocessmessagemanager;1"]
-                  .getService(Ci.nsISyncMessageSender);
-  },
-  classID: Components.ID("{101ed1f8-31b3-491c-95ea-04091e6e8027}"),
-  contractID: "@mozilla.org/resourceStatsManager;1",
-  QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsIDOMGlobalPropertyInitializer,
-                                         Ci.nsISupportsWeakReference,
-                                         Ci.nsIObserver])
-this.NSGetFactory = XPCOMUtils.generateNSGetFactory([NetworkStatsData,
-                                                     PowerStatsData,
-                                                     ResourceStats,
-                                                     ResourceStatsAlarm,
-                                                     ResourceStatsManager]);
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/dom/resourcestats/ResourceStatsManager.manifest
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-component {dce5729a-ba92-4185-8854-e29e71b9e8a2} ResourceStatsManager.js
-contract @mozilla.org/networkStatsData;1 {dce5729a-ba92-4185-8854-e29e71b9e8a2}
-component {acb9af6c-8143-4e59-bc18-4bb1736a4004} ResourceStatsManager.js
-contract @mozilla.org/powerStatsData;1 {acb9af6c-8143-4e59-bc18-4bb1736a4004}
-component {b7c970f2-3d58-4966-9633-2024feb5132b} ResourceStatsManager.js
-contract @mozilla.org/resourceStats;1 {b7c970f2-3d58-4966-9633-2024feb5132b}
-component {e2b66e7a-0ff1-4015-8690-a2a3f6a5b63a} ResourceStatsManager.js
-contract @mozilla.org/resourceStatsAlarm;1 {e2b66e7a-0ff1-4015-8690-a2a3f6a5b63a}
-component {101ed1f8-31b3-491c-95ea-04091e6e8027} ResourceStatsManager.js
-contract @mozilla.org/resourceStatsManager;1 {101ed1f8-31b3-491c-95ea-04091e6e8027}
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/dom/resourcestats/ResourceStatsService.jsm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,334 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
- * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
- */
-"use strict";
-this.EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["ResourceStatsService"];
-const DEBUG = false;
-function debug(s) { dump("-*- ResourceStatsService: " + s + "\n"); }
-const { classes: Cc, interfaces: Ci, utils: Cu, results: Cr } = Components;
-// Load ResourceStatsDB.
-XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter(this, "gIDBManager",
-                                   "@mozilla.org/dom/indexeddb/manager;1",
-                                   "nsIIndexedDatabaseManager");
-XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter(this, "ppmm",
-                                   "@mozilla.org/parentprocessmessagemanager;1",
-                                   "nsIMessageListenerManager");
-XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter(this, "appsService",
-                                   "@mozilla.org/AppsService;1",
-                                   "nsIAppsService");
-this.ResourceStatsService = {
-  init: function() {
-    if (DEBUG) {
-      debug("Service started");
-    }
-    // Set notification to observe.
-    Services.obs.addObserver(this, "xpcom-shutdown", false);
-    // Add message listener.
-    this.messages = ["ResourceStats:GetStats",
-                     "ResourceStats:ClearStats",
-                     "ResourceStats:ClearAllStats",
-                     "ResourceStats:AddAlarm",
-                     "ResourceStats:GetAlarms",
-                     "ResourceStats:RemoveAlarm",
-                     "ResourceStats:RemoveAllAlarms",
-                     "ResourceStats:GetComponents",
-                     "ResourceStats:SampleRate",
-                     "ResourceStats:MaxStorageAge"];
-    this.messages.forEach(function(aMessageName){
-      ppmm.addMessageListener(aMessageName, this);
-    }, this);
-    // Create indexedDB.
-    this._db = new ResourceStatsDB();
-  },
-  receiveMessage: function(aMessage) {
-    if (DEBUG) {
-      debug("receiveMessage(): " + aMessage.name);
-    }
-    let mm = aMessage.target;
-    let data = aMessage.data;
-    if (DEBUG) {
-      debug("received aMessage.data = " + JSON.stringify(data));
-    }
-    // To prevent the hacked child process from sending commands to parent,
-    // we need to check its permission and manifest URL.
-    if (!aMessage.target.assertPermission("resourcestats-manage")) {
-      return;
-    }
-    if (!aMessage.target.assertContainApp(data.manifestURL)) {
-      if (DEBUG) {
-        debug("Got msg from a child process containing illegal manifestURL.");
-      }
-      return;
-    }
-    switch (aMessage.name) {
-      case "ResourceStats:GetStats":
-        this.getStats(mm, data);
-        break;
-      case "ResourceStats:ClearStats":
-        this.clearStats(mm, data);
-        break;
-      case "ResourceStats:ClearAllStats":
-        this.clearAllStats(mm, data);
-        break;
-      case "ResourceStats:AddAlarm":
-        this.addAlarm(mm, data);
-        break;
-      case "ResourceStats:GetAlarms":
-        this.getAlarms(mm, data);
-        break;
-      case "ResourceStats:RemoveAlarm":
-        this.removeAlarm(mm, data);
-        break;
-      case "ResourceStats:RemoveAllAlarms":
-        this.removeAllAlarms(mm, data);
-        break;
-      case "ResourceStats:GetComponents":
-        this.getComponents(mm, data);
-        break;
-      case "ResourceStats:SampleRate":
-        // This message is sync.
-        return this._db.sampleRate;
-      case "ResourceStats:MaxStorageAge":
-        // This message is sync.
-        return this._db.maxStorageAge;
-    }
-  },
-  observe: function(aSubject, aTopic, aData) {
-    switch (aTopic) {
-      case "xpcom-shutdown":
-        if (DEBUG) {
-          debug("Service shutdown " + aData);
-        }
-        this.messages.forEach(function(aMessageName) {
-          ppmm.removeMessageListener(aMessageName, this);
-        }, this);
-        Services.obs.removeObserver(this, "xpcom-shutdown");
-        break;
-      default:
-        return;
-    }
-  },
-  // Closure generates callback function for DB request.
-  _createDbCallback: function(aMm, aId, aMessage) {
-    let resolveMsg = aMessage + ":Resolved";
-    let rejectMsg = aMessage + ":Rejected";
-    return function(aError, aResult) {
-      if (aError) {
-        aMm.sendAsyncMessage(rejectMsg, { resolverId: aId, reason: aError });
-        return;
-      }
-      aMm.sendAsyncMessage(resolveMsg, { resolverId: aId, value: aResult });
-    };
-  },
-  getStats: function(aMm, aData) {
-    if (DEBUG) {
-      debug("getStats(): " + JSON.stringify(aData));
-    }
-    // Note: we validate the manifestURL in _db.getStats().
-    let manifestURL = aData.statsOptions.manifestURL || "";
-    let serviceType = aData.statsOptions.serviceType || "";
-    let component = aData.statsOptions.component || "";
-    // Execute DB operation.
-    let onStatsGot = this._createDbCallback(aMm, aData.resolverId,
-                                            "ResourceStats:GetStats");
-    this._db.getStats(aData.type, manifestURL, serviceType, component,
-                      aData.start, aData.end, onStatsGot);
-  },
-  clearStats: function(aMm, aData) {
-    if (DEBUG) {
-      debug("clearStats(): " + JSON.stringify(aData));
-    }
-    // Get appId and check whether manifestURL is a valid app.
-    let appId = 0;
-    let manifestURL = aData.statsOptions.manifestURL || "";
-    if (manifestURL) {
-      appId = appsService.getAppLocalIdByManifestURL(manifestURL);
-      if (!appId) {
-        aMm.sendAsyncMessage("ResourceStats:GetStats:Rejected", {
-          resolverId: aData.resolverId,
-          reason: "Invalid manifestURL"
-        });
-        return;
-      }
-    }
-    let serviceType = aData.statsOptions.serviceType || "";
-    let component = aData.statsOptions.component || "";
-    // Execute DB operation.
-    let onStatsCleared = this._createDbCallback(aMm, aData.resolverId,
-                                                "ResourceStats:ClearStats");
-    this._db.clearStats(aData.type, appId, serviceType, component,
-                        aData.start, aData.end, onStatsCleared);
-  },
-  clearAllStats: function(aMm, aData) {
-    if (DEBUG) {
-      debug("clearAllStats(): " + JSON.stringify(aData));
-    }
-    // Execute DB operation.
-    let onAllStatsCleared = this._createDbCallback(aMm, aData.resolverId,
-                                                   "ResourceStats:ClearAllStats");
-    this._db.clearAllStats(aData.type, onAllStatsCleared);
-  },
-  addAlarm: function(aMm, aData) {
-    if (DEBUG) {
-      debug("addAlarm(): " + JSON.stringify(aData));
-    }
-    // Get appId and check whether manifestURL is a valid app.
-    let manifestURL = aData.statsOptions.manifestURL;
-    if (manifestURL) {
-      let appId = appsService.getAppLocalIdByManifestURL(manifestURL);
-      if (!appId) {
-        aMm.sendAsyncMessage("ResourceStats:GetStats:Rejected", {
-          resolverId: aData.resolverId,
-          reason: "Invalid manifestURL"
-        });
-        return;
-      }
-    }
-    // Create an alarm object.
-    let newAlarm = {
-      type: aData.type,
-      component: aData.statsOptions.component || "",
-      serviceType: aData.statsOptions.serviceType || "",
-      manifestURL: manifestURL || "",
-      threshold: aData.threshold,
-      startTime: aData.startTime,
-      data: aData.data
-    };
-    // Execute DB operation.
-    let onAlarmAdded = this._createDbCallback(aMm, aData.resolverId,
-                                              "ResourceStats:AddAlarm");
-    this._db.addAlarm(newAlarm, onAlarmAdded);
-  },
-  getAlarms: function(aMm, aData) {
-    if (DEBUG) {
-      debug("getAlarms(): " + JSON.stringify(aData));
-    }
-    let options = null;
-    let statsOptions = aData.statsOptions;
-    // If all keys in statsOptions are set to null, treat this call as quering
-    // all alarms; otherwise, resolve the statsOptions and perform DB query
-    // according to the resolved result.
-    if (statsOptions.manifestURL || statsOptions.serviceType ||
-        statsOptions.component) {
-      // Validate manifestURL.
-      let manifestURL = statsOptions.manifestURL || "";
-      if (manifestURL) {
-        let appId = appsService.getAppLocalIdByManifestURL(manifestURL);
-        if (!appId) {
-          aMm.sendAsyncMessage("ResourceStats:GetStats:Rejected", {
-            resolverId: aData.resolverId,
-            reason: "Invalid manifestURL"
-          });
-          return;
-        }
-      }
-      options = {
-        manifestURL: manifestURL,
-        serviceType: statsOptions.serviceType || "",
-        component: statsOptions.component || ""
-      };
-    }
-    // Execute DB operation.
-    let onAlarmsGot = this._createDbCallback(aMm, aData.resolverId,
-                                            "ResourceStats:GetAlarms");
-    this._db.getAlarms(aData.type, options, onAlarmsGot);
-  },
-  removeAlarm: function(aMm, aData) {
-    if (DEBUG) {
-      debug("removeAlarm(): " + JSON.stringify(aData));
-    }
-    // Execute DB operation.
-    let onAlarmRemoved = function(aError, aResult) {
-      if (aError) {
-        aMm.sendAsyncMessage("ResourceStats:RemoveAlarm:Rejected",
-                             { resolverId: aData.resolverId, reason: aError });
-      }
-      if (!aResult) {
-        aMm.sendAsyncMessage("ResourceStats:RemoveAlarm:Rejected",
-                             { resolverId: aData.resolverId,
-                               reason: "alarm not existed" });
-      }
-      aMm.sendAsyncMessage("ResourceStats:RemoveAlarm:Resolved",
-                           { resolverId: aData.resolverId, value: aResult });
-    };
-    this._db.removeAlarm(aData.type, aData.alarmId, onAlarmRemoved);
-  },
-  removeAllAlarms: function(aMm, aData) {
-    if (DEBUG) {
-      debug("removeAllAlarms(): " + JSON.stringify(aData));
-    }
-    // Execute DB operation.
-    let onAllAlarmsRemoved = this._createDbCallback(aMm, aData.resolverId,
-                                                    "ResourceStats:RemoveAllAlarms");
-    this._db.removeAllAlarms(aData.type, onAllAlarmsRemoved);
-  },
-  getComponents: function(aMm, aData) {
-    if (DEBUG) {
-      debug("getComponents(): " + JSON.stringify(aData));
-    }
-    // Execute DB operation.
-    let onComponentsGot = this._createDbCallback(aMm, aData.resolverId,
-                                                 "ResourceStats:GetComponents");
-    this._db.getComponents(aData.type, onComponentsGot);
-  },
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/dom/resourcestats/moz.build
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-# -*- Mode: python; indent-tabs-mode: nil; tab-width: 40 -*-
-# vim: set filetype=python:
-# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
-# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
-# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
-    'ResourceStatsManager.js',
-    'ResourceStatsManager.manifest',
-    'ResourceStatsDB.jsm',
-    'ResourceStatsService.jsm',
-    XPCSHELL_TESTS_MANIFESTS += ['tests/xpcshell/xpcshell.ini']
-MOCHITEST_MANIFESTS += ['tests/mochitest/mochitest.ini']
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/dom/resourcestats/tests/mochitest/mochitest.ini
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-skip-if = toolkit != "gonk"
-skip-if = toolkit != "gonk"
-skip-if = toolkit != "gonk"
-skip-if = toolkit != "gonk"
-skip-if = toolkit != "gonk"
-skip-if = toolkit != "gonk"
-skip-if = toolkit != "gonk"
-skip-if = toolkit != "gonk"
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/dom/resourcestats/tests/mochitest/test_basic.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-  <title>Test accessibility of interfaces</title>
-  <script type="application/javascript" src="/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js"></script>
-  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/tests/SimpleTest/test.css"/>
-<p id="display"></p>
-<div id="content" style="display: none">
-<pre id="test">
-<script type="application/javascript">
-// Test accessibility of interfaces.
-SpecialPowers.addPermission("resourcestats-manage", true, document);
-SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({ 'set': [
-                            ["dom.resource_stats.enabled", true],
-                            ["dom.ignore_webidl_scope_checks", true]
-                          ]}, function() {
-  ok(SpecialPowers.hasPermission("resourcestats-manage", document),
-     "Has permission 'resourcestats-manage'.");
-  ok(SpecialPowers.getBoolPref("dom.resource_stats.enabled"),
-     "Preference 'dom.resource_stats.enabled' is true.");
-  // Check all interfaces are accessible.
-  ok('ResourceStatsManager' in window, "ResourceStatsManager exist.");
-  ok('ResourceStatsAlarm' in window, "ResourceStatsAlarm exist.");
-  ok('ResourceStats' in window, "ResourceStats exist.");
-  ok('NetworkStatsData' in window, "NetworkStatsData exist.");
-  ok('PowerStatsData' in window, "PowerStatsData exist.");
-  SimpleTest.finish();
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/dom/resourcestats/tests/mochitest/test_disabled_pref.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-  <title>Test to ensure interface is not accessible when preference is disabled</title>
-  <script type="application/javascript" src="/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js"></script>
-  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/tests/SimpleTest/test.css"/>
-<p id="display"></p>
-<div id="content" style="display: none">
-<pre id="test">
-<script type="application/javascript">
-// Test to ensure interface is not accessible when preference is disabled.
-SpecialPowers.addPermission("resourcestats-manage", true, document);
-SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({ 'set': [
-                            ["dom.resource_stats.enabled", false],
-                            ["dom.ignore_webidl_scope_checks", true]
-                          ]}, function() {
-  ok(SpecialPowers.hasPermission("resourcestats-manage", document),
-     "Has permission 'resourcestats-manage'.");
-  ok(!(SpecialPowers.getBoolPref("dom.resource_stats.enabled")),
-     "Preference 'dom.resource_stats.enabled' is false.");
-  // Check accessibility.
-  is('ResourceStatsManager' in window, false, "ResourceStatsManager should not exist.");
-  is('ResourceStatsAlarm' in window, false, "ResourceStatsAlarm should not exist.");
-  is('ResourceStats' in window, false, "ResourceStats should not exist.");
-  is('NetworkStatsData' in window, false, "NetworkStatsData should not exist.");
-  is('PowerStatsData' in window, false, "PowerStatsData should not exist.");
-  SimpleTest.finish();
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/dom/resourcestats/tests/mochitest/test_network_alarm.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,356 +0,0 @@
-  <title>Test for ResourceStats methods realted to network resource control</title>
-  <script type="application/javascript" src="/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js"></script>
-  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/tests/SimpleTest/test.css"/>
-<p id="display"></p>
-<div id="content" style="display: none">
-<pre id="test">
-<script type="application/javascript">
-const invalidManifestURL = "app://invalid.gaiamobile.org/manifest.webapp";
-const wifiComponent = "wifi:0";
-const mobileComponent = "mobile:1";
-var networkStatsMgr = null; // ResourceStatsManager for network statistics.
-function errorCb(reason) {
-  ok(false, reason);
-// Check the content returned by getAlarms.
-function checkAlarmsArray(alarms) {
-  // Check if data is an array.
-  if (!Array.isArray(alarms)) {
-    throw "getAlarms does not return an array.";
-  } else {
-    ok(true, "getAlarms returns an array.")
-  }
-  // Iterate the array and check the type of each element.
-  var obj = null;
-  var message = null; // Message for exception
-  for (var i = 0; i < alarms.length; i++) {
-    obj = alarms[i];
-    // Check if obj is an instance os ResourceStatsAlarm.
-    if (!(obj instanceof ResourceStatsAlarm)) {
-      message = "The array contains a non-ResourceStatsAlarm object.";
-      break;
-    }
-    // Check if obj.type is network.
-    if (obj.type != "network") {
-      message = "The type of a ResourceStatsAlarm object is not network.";
-      break;
-    }
-  }
-  if (message) {
-    throw message;
-  }
-  ok(true, "The return is an array of ResourceStatsAlarm objects.");
-// Test Cases for testing WebIDL methods related to resource control.
-var testCases = [
-  function() {
-    // Test removeAllAlarms.
-    var promise = networkStatsMgr.removeAllAlarms();
-    promise.then(function() {
-      ok(true, "removeAllAlarms deleted all network alarms.");
-      testMethods();
-    }, function() {
-      ok(false, "removeAllAlarms failed to delete network alarms.");
-    });
-  },
-  function() {
-    // Test addAlarm.
-    var threshold = Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000);
-    var promise = networkStatsMgr.addAlarm(threshold,
-                                           { 'component': wifiComponent },
-                                           { 'startTime': Date.now() });
-    promise.then(function(value) {
-      // Check the value (alarmId).
-      if (value < 0) {
-        ok(false, "addAlarm failed to create an alarm.");
-      } else {
-        ok(true, "addAlarm created an alarm.");
-        testMethods();
-      }
-    }, function() {
-      ok(false, "addAlarm failed to create an alarm.");
-    });
-  },
-  function() {
-    // Test addAlarm with negative threshold.
-    var threshold = -1;
-    var promise = networkStatsMgr.addAlarm(threshold,
-                                           { 'component': wifiComponent },
-                                           { 'startTime': Date.now() });
-    promise.then(function() {
-      // Check the value.
-      ok(false,
-         "addAlarm did not throw an exception when negative threshold is set.");
-    }, function() {
-      ok(true, "addAlarm threw an exception when negative threshold is set.");
-      testMethods();
-    });
-  },
-  function() {
-    // Test addAlarm with no threshold.
-    var promise = networkStatsMgr.addAlarm();
-    promise.then(function() {
-      // Check the value.
-      ok(false, "addAlarm did not throw an exception when no threshold.");
-    }, function() {
-      ok(true, "addAlarm threw an exception when no threshold.");
-      testMethods();
-    });
-  },
-  function() {
-    // Test addAlarm with negative startTime.
-    var threshold = Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000);
-    var promise = networkStatsMgr.addAlarm(threshold,
-                                           { 'component': wifiComponent },
-                                           { 'startTime': -1 });
-    promise.then(function() {
-      // Check the value.
-      ok(false,
-         "addAlarm did not throw an exception when negative startTime is set.");
-    }, function() {
-      ok(true, "addAlarm threw an exception when negative startTime is set.");
-      testMethods();
-    });
-  },
-  function() {
-    // Test addAlarm when manifestURL is invalid.
-    var threshold = Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000);
-    var promise = networkStatsMgr.addAlarm(threshold,
-                                           { 'component': wifiComponent,
-                                             'manifestURL': invalidManifestURL },
-                                           { 'startTime': Date.now() });
-    promise.then(function() {
-      // Check the value.
-      ok(false, "addAlarm did not throw an exception when manifestURL is invalid.");
-    }, function() {
-      ok(true, "addAlarm threw an exception when manifestURL is invalid.");
-      testMethods();
-    });
-  },
-  function() {
-    // Test getAlarms.
-    var alarmId;
-    var alarms;
-    var threshold = Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000);
-    // Execution steps:
-    // 1. Add a new alarm.
-    var promise = networkStatsMgr.addAlarm(threshold,
-                                           { 'component': wifiComponent },
-                                           { 'startTime': Date.now() });
-    // 2. Test getAlarms if new alarm is added.
-    var runGetAlarms = function(value) {
-      alarmId = value;
-      return networkStatsMgr.getAlarms({ 'component': wifiComponent });
-    };
-    // 3. Check the content returned by getAlarms.
-    var checkGetAlarmsReturn = function(value) {
-      alarms = value;
-      checkAlarmsArray(value);
-    };
-    // 4. Check the alarm added in step 1 is inside the return of getAlarms.
-    var checkAlarm = function (value) {
-      // Find the alarm.
-      var index = alarms.map(function(e) { return e.alarmId; })
-                    .indexOf(alarmId);
-      if (index < 0) {
-        throw "getAlarms does not get the alarm added in previous step.";
-      }
-      var alarm = alarms[index];
-      // Evaluate the alarm.
-      ok(alarm.threshold == threshold, "threshold is equal.");
-      ok(alarm.component == wifiComponent, "component is equal.");
-      ok(alarm.serviceType == null, "serviceType should be null.");
-      ok(alarm.manifestURL == null, "manifestURL should be null.");
-    };
-    // Create promise chaining.
-    promise.then(runGetAlarms)
-      .then(checkGetAlarmsReturn)
-      .then(checkAlarm)
-      .then(testMethods, errorCb); // Execute next test case.
-  },
-  function() {
-    // Test getAlarms with invalid manifestURL.
-    var threshold = Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000);
-    var promise = networkStatsMgr.addAlarm(threshold,
-                                           { 'component': wifiComponent,
-                                             'manifestURL': invalidManifestURL },
-                                           { 'startTime': Date.now() });
-    promise.then(function() {
-      // Check the value.
-      ok(false, "getAlarms did not throw an exception when manifestURL is invalid.");
-    }, function() {
-      ok(true, "getAlarms threw an exception when manifestURL is invalid.");
-      testMethods();
-    });
-  },
-  function() {
-    // Test getAlarms with incorrect parameter.
-    var threshold = Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000);
-    // Execution steps:
-    // 1. Add a new alarm.
-    var promise = networkStatsMgr.addAlarm(threshold,
-                                           { 'component': wifiComponent },
-                                           { 'startTime': Date.now() });
-    // 2. Call getAlarms with incorrect parameter.
-    var runGetAlarms = function() {
-      return networkStatsMgr.getAlarms({ 'component': mobileComponent });
-    };
-    // 3. check the content returned by getAlarms.
-    var checkGetAlarmsReturn = function(value) {
-      // Check array length
-      if (value.length) {
-        throw "getAlarms gets an alarm when using incorrect parameter.";
-      } else {
-        ok(true,
-           "getAlarms returns an empty array when using incorrect parameter.");
-      }
-    };
-    // Create pomise chaining.
-    promise.then(runGetAlarms)
-      .then(checkGetAlarmsReturn)
-      .then(testMethods, errorCb); // Execute next test case.
-  },
-  function() {
-    // Test removeAlarm
-    var alarmId;
-    var threshold = Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000);
-    // Execution steps:
-    // 1. Add a new alarm.
-    var promise = networkStatsMgr.addAlarm(threshold,
-                                           { 'component': wifiComponent },
-                                           { 'startTime': Date.now() });
-    // 2. Try to remove the new alarm.
-    var runRemoveAlarm = function(value) {
-      alarmId = value;
-      return networkStatsMgr.removeAlarm(alarmId);
-    }
-    // Create promise chaining.
-    promise.then(runRemoveAlarm)
-      .then(function() {
-        ok(true, "removeAlarm deleted the alarm.");
-        testMethods();
-      }, errorCb);
-  },
-  function() {
-    // Test removeAlarm with negative alarmId
-    var alarmId = -1;
-    var promise = networkStatsMgr.removeAlarm(alarmId);
-    promise.then(function() {
-      ok(false,
-         "removeAlarm did not throw an exception when negative alarmId is set.");
-    }, function() {
-      ok(true, "removeAlarm threw an exception when negative alarmId is set.");
-      testMethods();
-    });
-  },
-  function() {
-    // Test removeAlarm with invalid alarmId
-    var alarmId;
-    var threshold = Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000);
-    // Execution steps:
-    // 1. Add a new alarm.
-    var promise = networkStatsMgr.addAlarm(threshold,
-                                           { 'component': wifiComponent },
-                                           { 'startTime': Date.now() });
-    // 2. Try to remove an invalid alarm.
-    var runRemoveAlarm = function(value) {
-      alarmId = value;
-      // Because alarmId is auto-increment, any alarmId larger than the
-      // latest alarmId should be invalid.
-      return networkStatsMgr.removeAlarm(alarmId + 10);
-    }
-    // Create promise chaining.
-    promise.then(runRemoveAlarm)
-      .then(function() {
-        // Input with incorrect alarmId should not be resolved.
-        throw "removeAlarm should fail with invalid alarmId.";
-      }, function(reason) {
-        if (reason == "alarm not existed") {
-          ok(true, "removeAlarm with invalid alarmId should fail.")
-        } else {
-          throw reason;
-        }
-      })
-      .then(testMethods, errorCb);
-  }
-// Test WebIDL methods related stats operation.
-function testMethods() {
-  if (!testCases.length) {
-    ok(true, "Done.");
-    SpecialPowers.removePermission("resourcestats-manage", document);
-    SimpleTest.finish();
-    return;
-  }
-  var testCase = testCases.shift();
-  testCase();
-function startTest() {
-  // Create an instance of ResourceStatsManager for network.
-  networkStatsMgr = new ResourceStatsManager("network");
-  ok(networkStatsMgr, "Create networkStatsMgr.");
-  // Test WebIDL methods related to resource control.
-  testMethods();
-// Enable permission and preference.
-SpecialPowers.addPermission("resourcestats-manage", true, document);
-SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({ 'set': [
-                            ["dom.resource_stats.enabled", true],
-                            ["dom.ignore_webidl_scope_checks", true]
-                          ]}, startTest);
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/dom/resourcestats/tests/mochitest/test_network_stats.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,345 +0,0 @@
-  <title>Test for ResourceStats methods realted to network statistics</title>
-  <script type="application/javascript" src="/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js"></script>
-  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/tests/SimpleTest/test.css"/>
-<p id="display"></p>
-<div id="content" style="display: none">
-<pre id="test">
-<script type="application/javascript">
-const invalidManifestURL = "app://invalid.gaiamobile.org/manifest.webapp";
-var networkStatsMgr = null; // ResourceStatsManager for network statistics.
-var sampleRate = 0;
-// Test WebIDL attributes.
-function testAttributes() {
-  // Test sampleRate.
-  ok('sampleRate' in networkStatsMgr,
-   "sampleRate should be a ResourceStatsManager attribute.");
-  sampleRate = networkStatsMgr.sampleRate;
-  ok(sampleRate > 0, "sampleRate is greater than 0.");
-  // Test maxStorageAge.
-  ok('maxStorageAge' in networkStatsMgr,
-   "maxStorageAge should be a ResourceStatsManager attribute.");
-  ok(networkStatsMgr.maxStorageAge > 0,
-   "maxStorageAge is greater than 0.");
-  // Test whether "network" in resourceTypes array.
-  ok('resourceTypes' in networkStatsMgr,
-   "resourceTypes should be a ResourceStatsManager attribute.");
-  ok(Array.isArray(networkStatsMgr.resourceTypes),
-   "networkStatsMgr.resourceTypes is an array.");
-  ok(networkStatsMgr.resourceTypes.indexOf("network") > -1,
-   "'network' is an element of networkStatsMgr.resourceTypes.");
-// Check the content returned by ResourceStats.getData().
-function checkData(data, start, end) {
-  // Check if data is an array.
-  if (!Array.isArray(data)) {
-    ok(false, "getData does not return an array.")
-    return;
-  } else {
-    ok(true, "getData returns an array.")
-  }
-  // Iterate the array and check the timestamp and type of each element.
-  var success = true;
-  var obj = null;
-  var timestamp = start;
-  var i = 0;
-  var length = data.length;
-  do {
-    obj = data[i++];
-    // Check object type.
-    if (!(obj instanceof NetworkStatsData)) {
-      success = false;
-      ok(false, "The array contains a non-NetworkStatsData object.");
-      break;
-    }
-    // Check if the timestamp is continuous.
-    if (obj.timestamp !== timestamp) {
-      success = false;
-      ok(false, "The timestamp of NetworkStatsData object is correct.");
-      break;
-    }
-    timestamp += sampleRate;
-  } while (i < length);
-  if (!success) {
-    return;
-  }
-  // Check the timestamp of the last element is equal to end.
-  if (obj.timestamp != end) {
-    ok(false,
-       "The timestamp of the last element of the array is equal to end.");
-    return;
-  }
-  // Execute next test case.
-  ok(true, "The return of getData is an array of NetworkStatsData objects.");
-  testMethods();
-// Test Cases for testing WebIDL methods.
-var testCases = [
-  function() {
-    // Test clearAllStats.
-    var promise = networkStatsMgr.clearAllStats();
-    promise.then(function() {
-      ok(true, "clearAllStats clears the network store.");
-      testMethods();
-    }, function() {
-      ok(false, "clearAllStats fails to clear the network store.");
-    });
-  },
-  function() {
-    // Test clearStats.
-    var promise = networkStatsMgr.clearStats();
-    promise.then(function() {
-      ok(true, "clearStats clears the network store.");
-      testMethods();
-    }, function() {
-      ok(false, "clearStats fails to clear the network store.");
-    });
-  },
-  function() {
-    // Check if clearStats throw exception when start is great than end.
-    var end = Date.now();
-    var start = end + 1000;
-    var promise = networkStatsMgr.clearStats(null, start, end);
-    promise.then(function() {
-      ok(false,
-         "clearStats does not throw exception when start is great than end.");
-    }, function() {
-      ok(true, "clearStats throw exception when start is great than end.");
-      testMethods();
-    });
-  },
-  function() {
-    // Check if clearStats throw exception when start is less than 0.
-    var end = Date.now();
-    var start = -1;
-    var promise = networkStatsMgr.clearStats(null, start, end);
-    promise.then(function() {
-      ok(false,
-         "clearStats dose not throw exception when start is less than 0.");
-    }, function() {
-      ok(true, "clearStats throw exception when start is less than 0.");
-      testMethods();
-    });
-  },
-  function() {
-    // Check if clearStats throw exception when manifestURL is invalid.
-    var options = {manifestURL: invalidManifestURL};
-    var promise = networkStatsMgr.clearStats(options);
-    promise.then(function() {
-      ok(false,
-         "clearStats does not throw exception when manifestURL is invalid.");
-    }, function() {
-      ok(true, "clearStats throw exception when manifestURL is invalid.");
-      testMethods();
-    });
-  },
-  function() {
-    // Test getAvailableComponents.
-    var promise = networkStatsMgr.getAvailableComponents();
-    promise.then(function(value) {
-      if (Array.isArray(value)) {
-        ok(true, "getAvailableComponents returns an array.");
-        testMethods();
-      } else {
-        ok(false, "getAvailableComponents does not return an array.");
-      }
-    }, function() {
-      ok(false, "Fail to execute getAvailableComponents.");
-    });
-  },
-  function() {
-    // Test getStats.
-    ok(true, "Get system stats when start and end are adapted to sampleRate.");
-    // Prepare start and end.
-    var offset = (new Date()).getTimezoneOffset() * 60 * 1000;
-    var end = Math.floor((Date.now() - offset) / sampleRate) * sampleRate + offset;
-    var start = end - sampleRate * 10;
-    // Launch request.
-    var promise = networkStatsMgr.getStats(null, start, end);
-    promise.then(function(value) {
-      // Check the object type.
-      if (value instanceof ResourceStats) {
-        ok(true, "Get a ResourceStats object.");
-      } else {
-        ok(false, "Fail to get a ResourceStats object.");
-        return;
-      }
-      // Check attributes of ResourceStats.
-      ok(value.type == "network", "type should be network.");
-      ok(value.component == null, "component should be null.");
-      ok(value.serviceType == null, "serviceType should be null.");
-      ok(value.manifestURL == null, "manifestURL should be null.");
-      // Check if the time range of ResourceStats is equal to the request.
-      ok(value.start == start, "start timestamp should be equal.");
-      ok(value.end == end, "end timestamp should be equal.");
-      // Check stats stored inside ResourceStats.
-      if ('getData' in value) {
-        checkData(value.getData(), start, end);
-      } else {
-        ok(false, "getData is not a method of ResourceStats.");
-        return;
-      }
-    }, function() {
-      ok(false, "Get network stats failed.");
-    });
-  },
-  function() {
-    // Test getStats when start and end are not adapted to sampleRate.
-    ok(true,
-       "Get system stats when start and end are not adapted to sampleRate.");
-    // Prepare start and end.
-    var end = Date.now();
-    var start = end - sampleRate * 10;
-    // Normalize start and end.
-    var offset = (new Date()).getTimezoneOffset() * 60 * 1000;
-    var normEnd = Math.floor((end - offset) / sampleRate)
-                    * sampleRate + offset;
-    var normStart = Math.floor((start - offset) / sampleRate)
-                      * sampleRate + offset;
-    // Launch request.
-    var promise = networkStatsMgr.getStats(null, start, end);
-    promise.then(function(value) {
-      // Check the object type.
-      if (value instanceof ResourceStats) {
-        ok(true, "Get a ResourceStats object.");
-      } else {
-        ok(false, "Fail to get a ResourceStats object.");
-        return;
-      }
-      // Check attributes of ResourceStats.
-      ok(value.type == "network", "type should be network.");
-      ok(value.component == null, "component should be null.");
-      ok(value.serviceType == null, "serviceType should be null.");
-      ok(value.manifestURL == null, "manifestURL should be null.");
-      // Check if time range of ResourceStats are normalized.
-      ok(value.start == normStart, "start timestamp should be normalized.");
-      ok(value.end == normEnd, "end timestamp should be normalized.");
-      // Check stats stored inside ResourceStats.
-      if ('getData' in value) {
-        checkData(value.getData(), normStart, normEnd);
-      } else {
-        ok(false, "getData is not a method of ResourceStats.");
-        return;
-      }
-    }, function() {
-      ok(false, "Get network stats failed.");
-    });
-  },
-  function () {
-    // Check if getStats throw exception when start is greater than end.
-    var end = Date.now();
-    var start = end + 1000;
-    var promise = networkStatsMgr.getStats(null, start, end);
-    promise.then(function() {
-      ok(false,
-         "getStats dose not throw exception when start is great than end.");
-    }, function() {
-      ok(true, "getStats throw exception when start is great than end.");
-      testMethods();
-    });
-  },
-  function() {
-    // Check if getStats throw exception when start is less than 0.
-    var end = Date.now();
-    var start = -1;
-    var promise = networkStatsMgr.getStats(null, start, end);
-    promise.then(function() {
-      ok(false,
-         "getStats dose not throw exception when start is less than 0.");
-    }, function() {
-      ok(true, "getStats throw exception when start is less than 0.");
-      testMethods();
-    });
-  },
-  function() {
-    // Check if getStats throw exception when manifestURL is invalid.
-    var options = {manifestURL: invalidManifestURL};
-    var promise = networkStatsMgr.getStats(options);
-    promise.then(function(value) {
-      ok(false,
-         "getStats does not throw exception when manifestURL is invalid.");
-    }, function() {
-      ok(true, "getStats throw exception when manifestURL is invalid.");
-      testMethods();
-    });
-  }
-// Test WebIDL methods related stats operation.
-function testMethods() {
-  if (!testCases.length) {
-    ok(true, "Done.");
-    SpecialPowers.removePermission("resourcestats-manage", document);
-    SimpleTest.finish();
-    return;
-  }
-  var testCase = testCases.shift();
-  testCase();
-function startTest() {
-  // Create an instance of ResourceStatsManager for network stats.
-  networkStatsMgr = new window.ResourceStatsManager("network");
-  ok(networkStatsMgr, "Create networkStatsMgr.");
-  // Test WebIDL attributes.
-  testAttributes();
-  // Test WebIDL methods related to stats operation.
-  testMethods();
-// Enable permission and preference.
-SpecialPowers.addPermission("resourcestats-manage", true, document);
-SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({ 'set': [
-                            ["dom.resource_stats.enabled", true],
-                            ["dom.ignore_webidl_scope_checks", true]
-                          ]}, startTest);
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/dom/resourcestats/tests/mochitest/test_no_perm.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-  <title>Test to ensure ResourceStatsManager is not accessible without permission</title>
-  <script type="application/javascript" src="/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js"></script>
-  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/tests/SimpleTest/test.css"/>
-<p id="display"></p>
-<div id="content" style="display: none">
-<pre id="test">
-<script type="application/javascript">
-// Test to ensure ResourceStatsManager is not accessible without permission.
-SpecialPowers.removePermission("resourcestats-manage", document);
-SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({ 'set': [
-                            ["dom.resource_stats.enabled", true],
-                            ["dom.ignore_webidl_scope_checks", true]
-                          ]}, function() {
-  ok(!(SpecialPowers.hasPermission("resourcestats-manage", document)),
-     "Do not have permission 'resourcestats-manage'.");
-  ok(SpecialPowers.getBoolPref("dom.resource_stats.enabled"),
-     "Preference 'dom.resource_stats.enabled' is true.");
-  // Check ResourceStatsManager exist.
-  ok(!('ResourceStatsManager' in window),
-     "Cannot access window.ResourceStatsManager when have no permission");
-  SimpleTest.finish();
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/dom/resourcestats/tests/mochitest/test_not_supported_type.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-  <title>Test to ensure ResourceStatsManager does not create an instance for non-supported type</title>
-  <script type="application/javascript" src="/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js"></script>
-  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/tests/SimpleTest/test.css"/>
-<p id="display"></p>
-<div id="content" style="display: none">
-<pre id="test">
-<script type="application/javascript">
-const type = "non-supported";
-// Test to ensure ResourceStatsManager does not create an instance for
-// non-supported type.
-SpecialPowers.addPermission("resourcestats-manage", true, document);
-SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({ 'set': [
-                            ["dom.resource_stats.enabled", true],
-                            ["dom.ignore_webidl_scope_checks", true]
-                          ]}, function() {
-  try {
-    var mgr = ResourceStatsManager(type);
-    ok(false,
-       "Creating an instance for non-supported type should throw an exeception.");
-  } catch (ex) {
-    ok(ex,
-       "Got an exception when creating an instance for non-supported type.");
-  }
-  SimpleTest.finish();
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/dom/resourcestats/tests/mochitest/test_power_alarm.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,355 +0,0 @@
-  <title>Test for ResourceStats methods realted to power resource control</title>
-  <script type="application/javascript" src="/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js"></script>
-  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/tests/SimpleTest/test.css"/>
-<p id="display"></p>
-<div id="content" style="display: none">
-<pre id="test">
-<script type="application/javascript">
-const invalidManifestURL = "app://invalid.gaiamobile.org/manifest.webapp";
-const cpuComponent = "cpu:0";
-const gpsComponent = "gps:0";
-var powerStatsMgr = null; // ResourceStatsManager for power statistics.
-function errorCb(reason) {
-  ok(false, reason);
-// Check the content returned by getAlarms.
-function checkAlarmsArray(alarms) {
-  // Check if data is an array.
-  if (!Array.isArray(alarms)) {
-    throw "getAlarms does not return an array.";
-  } else {
-    ok(true, "getAlarms returns an array.")
-  }
-  // Iterate the array and check the type of each element.
-  var obj = null;
-  var message = null; // Message for exception
-  for (var i = 0; i < alarms.length; i++) {
-    obj = alarms[i];
-    // Check if obj is an instance os ResourceStatsAlarm.
-    if (!(obj instanceof ResourceStatsAlarm)) {
-      message = "The array contains a non-ResourceStatsAlarm object.";
-      break;
-    }
-    // Check if obj.type is power.
-    if (obj.type != "power") {
-      message = "The type of a ResourceStatsAlarm object is not power.";
-      break;
-    }
-  }
-  if (message) {
-    throw message;
-  }
-  ok(true, "The return is an array of ResourceStatsAlarm objects.");
-// Test Cases for testing WebIDL methods related to resource control.
-var testCases = [
-  function() {
-    // Test removeAllAlarms.
-    var promise = powerStatsMgr.removeAllAlarms();
-    promise.then(function() {
-      ok(true, "removeAllAlarms deleted all power alarms.");
-      testMethods();
-    }, function() {
-      ok(false, "removeAllAlarms failed to delete power alarms.");
-    });
-  },
-  function() {
-    // Test addAlarm.
-    var threshold = Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000);
-    var promise = powerStatsMgr.addAlarm(threshold,
-                                         { 'component': cpuComponent },
-                                         { 'startTime': Date.now() });
-    promise.then(function(value) {
-      // Check the value (alarmId).
-      if (value < 0) {
-        ok(false, "addAlarm failed to create an alarm.");
-      } else {
-        ok(true, "addAlarm created an alarm.");
-        testMethods();
-      }
-    }, function() {
-      ok(false, "addAlarm failed to create an alarm.");
-    });
-  },
-  function() {
-    // Test addAlarm with negative threshold.
-    var threshold = -1;
-    var promise = powerStatsMgr.addAlarm(threshold,
-                                         { 'component': cpuComponent },
-                                         { 'startTime': Date.now() });
-    promise.then(function() {
-      // Check the value.
-      ok(false,
-         "addAlarm did not throw an exception when negative threshold is set.");
-    }, function() {
-      ok(true, "addAlarm threw an exception when negative threshold is set.");
-      testMethods();
-    });
-  },
-  function() {
-    // Test addAlarm with no threshold.
-    var promise = powerStatsMgr.addAlarm();
-    promise.then(function() {
-      // Check the value.
-      ok(false, "addAlarm did not throw an exception when no threshold.");
-    }, function() {
-      ok(true, "addAlarm threw an exception when no threshold.");
-      testMethods();
-    });
-  },
-  function() {
-    // Test addAlarm with negative startTime.
-    var threshold = Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000);
-    var promise = powerStatsMgr.addAlarm(threshold,
-                                         { 'component': cpuComponent },
-                                         { 'startTime': -1 });
-    promise.then(function() {
-      // Check the value.
-      ok(false,
-         "addAlarm did not throw an exception when negative startTime is set.");
-    }, function() {
-      ok(true, "addAlarm threw an exception when negative startTime is set.");
-      testMethods();
-    });
-  },
-  function() {
-    // Test addAlarm when manifestURL is invalid.
-    var threshold = Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000);
-    var promise = powerStatsMgr.addAlarm(threshold,
-                                         { 'component': cpuComponent,
-                                           'manifestURL': invalidManifestURL },
-                                         { 'startTime': Date.now() });
-    promise.then(function() {
-      // Check the value.
-      ok(false, "addAlarm did not throw an exception when manifestURL is invalid.");
-    }, function() {
-      ok(true, "addAlarm threw an exception when manifestURL is invalid.");
-      testMethods();
-    });
-  },
-  function() {
-    // Test getAlarms.
-    var alarmId;
-    var alarms;
-    var threshold = Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000);
-    // Execution steps:
-    // 1. Add a new alarm.
-    var promise = powerStatsMgr.addAlarm(threshold,
-                                         { 'component': cpuComponent },
-                                         { 'startTime': Date.now() });
-    // 2. Test getAlarms if new alarm is added.
-    var runGetAlarms = function(value) {
-      alarmId = value;
-      return powerStatsMgr.getAlarms({ 'component': cpuComponent });
-    };
-    // 3. Check the content returned by getAlarms.
-    var checkGetAlarmsReturn = function(value) {
-      alarms = value;
-      checkAlarmsArray(value);
-    };
-    // 4. Check the alarm added in step 1 is inside the return of getAlarms.
-    var checkAlarm = function (value) {
-      // Find the alarm.
-      var index = alarms.map(function(e) { return e.alarmId; })
-                    .indexOf(alarmId);
-      if (index < 0) {
-        throw "getAlarms does not get the alarm added in previous step.";
-      }
-      var alarm = alarms[index];
-      // Evaluate the alarm.
-      ok(alarm.threshold == threshold, "threshold is equal.");
-      ok(alarm.component == cpuComponent, "component is equal.");
-      ok(alarm.serviceType == null, "serviceType should be null.");
-      ok(alarm.manifestURL == null, "manifestURL should be null.");
-    };
-    // Create promise chaining.
-    promise.then(runGetAlarms)
-      .then(checkGetAlarmsReturn)
-      .then(checkAlarm)
-      .then(testMethods, errorCb); // Execute next test case.
-  },
-  function() {
-    // Test getAlarms with invalid manifestURL.
-    var threshold = Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000);
-    var promise = powerStatsMgr.addAlarm(threshold,
-                                         { 'component': cpuComponent,
-                                           'manifestURL': invalidManifestURL },
-                                         { 'startTime': Date.now() });
-    promise.then(function() {
-      // Check the value.
-      ok(false, "getAlarms did not throw an exception when manifestURL is invalid.");
-    }, function() {
-      ok(true, "getAlarms threw an exception when manifestURL is invalid.");
-      testMethods();
-    });
-  },
-  function() {
-    // Test getAlarms with incorrect parameter.
-    var threshold = Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000);
-    // Execution steps:
-    // 1. Add a new alarm.
-    var promise = powerStatsMgr.addAlarm(threshold,
-                                         { 'component': cpuComponent },
-                                         { 'startTime': Date.now() });
-    // 2. Call getAlarms with incorrect parameter.
-    var runGetAlarms = function() {
-      return powerStatsMgr.getAlarms({ 'component': gpsComponent });
-    };
-    // 3. check the content returned by getAlarms.
-    var checkGetAlarmsReturn = function(value) {
-      // Check array length
-      if (value.length) {
-        throw "getAlarms gets an alarm when using incorrect parameter.";
-      } else {
-        ok(true,
-           "getAlarms returns an empty array when using incorrect parameter.");
-      }
-    };
-    // Create pomise chaining.
-    promise.then(runGetAlarms)
-      .then(checkGetAlarmsReturn)
-      .then(testMethods, errorCb); // Execute next test case.
-  },
-  function() {
-    // Test removeAlarm
-    var alarmId;
-    var threshold = Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000);
-    // Execution steps:
-    // 1. Add a new alarm.
-    var promise = powerStatsMgr.addAlarm(threshold,
-                                         { 'component': cpuComponent },
-                                         { 'startTime': Date.now() });
-    // 2. Try to remove the new alarm.
-    var runRemoveAlarm = function(value) {
-      alarmId = value;
-      return powerStatsMgr.removeAlarm(alarmId);
-    }
-    // Create promise chaining.
-    promise.then(runRemoveAlarm)
-      .then(function() {
-        ok(true, "removeAlarm deleted the alarm.");
-        testMethods();
-      }, errorCb);
-  },
-  function() {
-    // Test removeAlarm with negative alarmId
-    var alarmId = -1;
-    var promise = powerStatsMgr.removeAlarm(alarmId);
-    promise.then(function() {
-      ok(false,
-         "removeAlarm did not throw an exception when negative alarmId is set.");
-    }, function() {
-      ok(true, "removeAlarm threw an exception when negative alarmId is set.");
-      testMethods();
-    });
-  },
-  function() {
-    // Test removeAlarm with invalid alarmId
-    var alarmId;
-    var threshold = Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000);
-    // Execution steps:
-    // 1. Add a new alarm.
-    var promise = powerStatsMgr.addAlarm(threshold,
-                                         { 'component': cpuComponent },
-                                         { 'startTime': Date.now() });
-    // 2. Try to remove an invalid alarm.
-    var runRemoveAlarm = function(value) {
-      alarmId = value;
-      // Because alarmId is auto-increment, any alarmId larger than the
-      // latest alarmId should be invalid.
-      return powerStatsMgr.removeAlarm(alarmId + 10);
-    }
-    // Create promise chaining.
-    promise.then(runRemoveAlarm)
-      .then(function() {
-        // Input with incorrect alarmId should not be resolved.
-        throw "removeAlarm should fail with invalid alarmId.";
-      }, function(reason) {
-        if (reason == "alarm not existed") {
-          ok(true, "removeAlarm with invalid alarmId should fail.")
-        } else {
-          throw reason;
-        }
-      })
-      .then(testMethods, errorCb);
-  }
-// Test WebIDL methods related stats operation.
-function testMethods() {
-  if (!testCases.length) {
-    ok(true, "Done.");
-    SpecialPowers.removePermission("resourcestats-manage", document);
-    SimpleTest.finish();
-    return;
-  }
-  var testCase = testCases.shift();
-  testCase();
-function startTest() {
-  // Create an instance of ResourceStatsManager for power.
-  powerStatsMgr = new ResourceStatsManager("power");
-  ok(powerStatsMgr, "Create powerStatsMgr.");
-  // Test WebIDL methods related to resource control.
-  testMethods();
-// Enable permission and preference.
-SpecialPowers.addPermission("resourcestats-manage", true, document);
-SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({ 'set': [
-                            ["dom.resource_stats.enabled", true],
-                            ["dom.ignore_webidl_scope_checks", true]
-                          ]}, startTest);
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/dom/resourcestats/tests/mochitest/test_power_stats.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,345 +0,0 @@
-  <title>Test for ResourceStats methods realted to power statistics</title>
-  <script type="application/javascript" src="/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js"></script>
-  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/tests/SimpleTest/test.css"/>
-<p id="display"></p>
-<div id="content" style="display: none">
-<pre id="test">
-<script type="application/javascript">
-const invalidManifestURL = "app://invalid.gaiamobile.org/manifest.webapp";
-var powerStatsMgr = null; // ResourceStatsManager for power statistics.
-var sampleRate = 0;
-// Test WebIDL attributes.
-function testAttributes() {
-  // Test sampleRate.
-  ok('sampleRate' in powerStatsMgr,
-   "sampleRate should be a ResourceStatsManager attribute.");
-  sampleRate = powerStatsMgr.sampleRate;
-  ok(sampleRate > 0, "sampleRate is greater than 0.");
-  // Test maxStorageAge.
-  ok('maxStorageAge' in powerStatsMgr,
-   "maxStorageAge should be a ResourceStatsManager attribute.");
-  ok(powerStatsMgr.maxStorageAge > 0,
-   "maxStorageAge is greater than 0.");
-  // Test whether "power" in resourceTypes array.
-  ok('resourceTypes' in powerStatsMgr,
-   "resourceTypes should be a ResourceStatsManager attribute.");
-  ok(Array.isArray(powerStatsMgr.resourceTypes),
-   "powerStatsMgr.resourceTypes is an array.");
-  ok(powerStatsMgr.resourceTypes.indexOf("power") > -1,
-   "'power' is an element of powerStatsMgr.resourceTypes.");
-// Check the content returned by ResourceStats.getData().
-function checkData(data, start, end) {
-  // Check if data is an array.
-  if (!Array.isArray(data)) {
-    ok(false, "getData does not return an array.")
-    return;
-  } else {
-    ok(true, "getData returns an array.")
-  }
-  // Iterate the array and check the timestamp and type of each element.
-  var success = true;
-  var obj = null;
-  var timestamp = start;
-  var i = 0;
-  var length = data.length;
-  do {
-    obj = data[i++];
-    // Check object type.
-    if (!(obj instanceof PowerStatsData)) {
-      success = false;
-      ok(false, "The array contains a non-PowerStatsData object.");
-      break;
-    }
-    // Check if the timestamp is continuous.
-    if (obj.timestamp != timestamp) {
-      success = false;
-      ok(false, "The timestamp of PowerStatsData object is correct.");
-      break;
-    }
-    timestamp += sampleRate;
-  } while (i < length);
-  if (!success) {
-    return;
-  }
-  // Check the timestamp of the last element is equal to end.
-  if (obj.timestamp != end) {
-    ok(false,
-       "The timestamp of the last element of the array is equal to end.");
-    return;
-  }
-  // Execute next test case.
-  ok(true, "The return of getData is an array of PowerStatsData objects.");
-  testMethods();
-// Test Cases for testing WebIDL methods.
-var testCases = [
-  function() {
-    // Test clearAllStats.
-    var promise = powerStatsMgr.clearAllStats();
-    promise.then(function() {
-      ok(true, "clearAllStats clears the power store.");
-      testMethods();
-    }, function() {
-      ok(false, "clearAllStats fails to clear the power store.");
-    });
-  },
-  function() {
-    // Test clearStats.
-    var promise = powerStatsMgr.clearStats();
-    promise.then(function() {
-      ok(true, "clearStats clears the power store.");
-      testMethods();
-    }, function() {
-      ok(false, "clearStats fails to clear the power store.");
-    });
-  },
-  function() {
-    // Check if clearStats throw exception when start is great than end.
-    var end = Date.now();
-    var start = end + 1000;
-    var promise = powerStatsMgr.clearStats(null, start, end);
-    promise.then(function() {
-      ok(false,
-         "clearStats does not throw exception when start is great than end.");
-    }, function() {
-      ok(true, "clearStats throw exception when start is great than end.");
-      testMethods();
-    });
-  },
-  function() {
-    // Check if clearStats throw exception when start is less than 0.
-    var end = Date.now();
-    var start = -1;
-    var promise = powerStatsMgr.clearStats(null, start, end);
-    promise.then(function() {
-      ok(false,
-         "clearStats dose not throw exception when start is less than 0.");
-    }, function() {
-      ok(true, "clearStats throw exception when start is less than 0.");
-      testMethods();
-    });
-  },
-  function() {
-    // Check if clearStats throw exception when manifestURL is invalid.
-    var options = {manifestURL: invalidManifestURL};
-    var promise = powerStatsMgr.clearStats(options);
-    promise.then(function() {
-      ok(false,
-         "clearStats does not throw exception when manifestURL is invalid.");
-    }, function() {
-      ok(true, "clearStats throw exception when manifestURL is invalid.");
-      testMethods();
-    });
-  },
-  function() {
-    // Test getAvailableComponents.
-    var promise = powerStatsMgr.getAvailableComponents();
-    promise.then(function(value) {
-      if (Array.isArray(value)) {
-        ok(true, "getAvailableComponents returns an array.");
-        testMethods();
-      } else {
-        ok(false, "getAvailableComponents does not return an array.");
-      }
-    }, function() {
-      ok(false, "Fail to execute getAvailableComponents.");
-    });
-  },
-  function() {
-    // Test getStats.
-    ok(true, "Get system stats when start and end are adapted to sampleRate.");
-    // Prepare start and end.
-    var offset = (new Date()).getTimezoneOffset() * 60 * 1000;
-    var end = Math.floor((Date.now() - offset) / sampleRate) * sampleRate + offset;
-    var start = end - sampleRate * 10;
-    // Launch request.
-    var promise = powerStatsMgr.getStats(null, start, end);
-    promise.then(function(value) {
-      // Check the object type.
-      if (value instanceof ResourceStats) {
-        ok(true, "Get a ResourceStats object.");
-      } else {
-        ok(false, "Fail to get a ResourceStats object.");
-        return;
-      }
-      // Check attributes of ResourceStats.
-      ok(value.type == "power", "type should be power.");
-      ok(value.component == null, "component should be null.");
-      ok(value.serviceType == null, "serviceType should be null.");
-      ok(value.manifestURL == null, "manifestURL should be null.");
-      // Check if the time range of ResourceStats is equal to the request.
-      ok(value.start == start, "start timestamp should be equal.");
-      ok(value.end == end, "end timestamp should be equal.");
-      // Check stats stored inside ResourceStats.
-      if ('getData' in value) {
-        checkData(value.getData(), start, end);
-      } else {
-        ok(false, "getData is not a method of ResourceStats.");
-        return;
-      }
-    }, function() {
-      ok(false, "Get power stats failed.");
-    });
-  },
-  function() {
-    // Test getStats when start and end are not adapted to sampleRate.
-    ok(true,
-       "Get system stats when start and end are not adapted to sampleRate.");
-    // Prepare start and end.
-    var end = Date.now();
-    var start = end - sampleRate * 10;
-    // Normalize start and end.
-    var offset = (new Date()).getTimezoneOffset() * 60 * 1000;
-    var normEnd = Math.floor((end - offset) / sampleRate)
-                    * sampleRate + offset;
-    var normStart = Math.floor((start - offset) / sampleRate)
-                      * sampleRate + offset;
-    // Launch request.
-    var promise = powerStatsMgr.getStats(null, start, end);
-    promise.then(function(value) {
-      // Check the object type.
-      if (value instanceof ResourceStats) {
-        ok(true, "Get a ResourceStats object.");
-      } else {
-        ok(false, "Fail to get a ResourceStats object.");
-        return;
-      }
-      // Check attributes of ResourceStats.
-      ok(value.type == "power", "type should be power.");
-      ok(value.component == null, "component should be null.");
-      ok(value.serviceType == null, "serviceType should be null.");
-      ok(value.manifestURL == null, "manifestURL should be null.");
-      // Check if time range of ResourceStats are normalized.
-      ok(value.start == normStart, "start timestamp should be normalized.");
-      ok(value.end == normEnd, "end timestamp should be normalized.");
-      // Check stats stored inside ResourceStats.
-      if ('getData' in value) {
-        checkData(value.getData(), normStart, normEnd);
-      } else {
-        ok(false, "getData is not a method of ResourceStats.");
-        return;
-      }
-    }, function() {
-      ok(false, "Get power stats failed.");
-    });
-  },
-  function() {
-    // Check if getStats throw exception when start is greater than end.
-    var end = Date.now();
-    var start = end + 1000;
-    var promise = powerStatsMgr.getStats(null, start, end);
-    promise.then(function() {
-      ok(false,
-         "getStats dose not throw exception when start is great than end.");
-    }, function() {
-      ok(true, "getStats throw exception when start is great than end.");
-      testMethods();
-    });
-  },
-  function() {
-    // Check if getStats throw exception when start is less than 0.
-    var end = Date.now();
-    var start = -1;
-    var promise = powerStatsMgr.getStats(null, start, end);
-    promise.then(function() {
-      ok(false,
-         "getStats dose not throw exception when start is less than 0.");
-    }, function() {
-      ok(true, "getStats throw exception when start is less than 0.");
-      testMethods();
-    });
-  },
-  function() {
-    // Check if getStats throw exception when manifestURL is invalid.
-    var options = {manifestURL: invalidManifestURL};
-    var promise = powerStatsMgr.getStats(options);
-    promise.then(function(value) {
-      ok(false,
-         "getStats does not throw exception when manifestURL is invalid.");
-    }, function() {
-      ok(true, "getStats throw exception when manifestURL is invalid.");
-      testMethods();
-    });
-  }
-// Test WebIDL methods related stats operation.
-function testMethods() {
-  if (!testCases.length) {
-    ok(true, "Done.");
-    SpecialPowers.removePermission("resourcestats-manage", document);
-    SimpleTest.finish();
-    return;
-  }
-  var testCase = testCases.shift();
-  testCase();
-function startTest() {
-  // Create an instance of ResourceStatsManager for power stats.
-  powerStatsMgr = new ResourceStatsManager("power");
-  ok(powerStatsMgr, "Create powerStatsMgr.");
-  // Test WebIDL attributes.
-  testAttributes();
-  // Test WebIDL methods related to stats operation.
-  testMethods();
-// Enable permission and preference.
-SpecialPowers.addPermission("resourcestats-manage", true, document);
-SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({ 'set': [
-                            ["dom.resource_stats.enabled", true],
-                            ["dom.ignore_webidl_scope_checks", true]
-                          ]}, startTest);
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/dom/resourcestats/tests/xpcshell/test_resourcestats_db.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,985 +0,0 @@
-/* Any: copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
-   http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */
-const {classes: Cc, interfaces: Ci, utils: Cu, results: Cr} = Components;
-const db = new ResourceStatsDB();
-// Components.
-const wifiComponent = "wifi:0";
-const mobileComponent = "mobile:1";
-const cpuComponent = "cpu:0";
-const gpsComponent = "gps:0";
-// List of available components.
-const networkComponents = [wifiComponent, mobileComponent];
-const powerComponents = [cpuComponent, gpsComponent];
-const offset = (new Date()).getTimezoneOffset() * 60 * 1000;
-// Clear store.
-function clearStore(store, callback) {
-  db._dbNewTxn(store, "readwrite", function(aTxn, aStore) {
-    aStore.openCursor().onsuccess = function (event) {
-      let cursor = event.target.result;
-      if (cursor){
-        cursor.delete();
-        cursor.continue();
-      }
-    };
-  }, callback);
-// Clear all stores to avoid starting tests with unknown state.
-add_test(function prepareDatabase() {
-  clearStore('power_stats_store', function() {
-    clearStore('network_stats_store', function() {
-      clearStore('alarm_store', function() {
-        run_next_test();
-      });
-    });
-  });
-// Dump data saved in a store.
-function dumpStore(store, callback) {
-  db._dbNewTxn(store, "readonly", function(aTxn, aStore) {
-    aStore.mozGetAll().onsuccess = function onsuccess(event) {
-      aTxn.result = event.target.result;
-    };
-  }, callback);
-// Check sampleRate is unchangeable.
-add_test(function test_sampleRate() {
-  var sampleRate = db.sampleRate;
-  do_check_true(sampleRate > 0);
-  db.sampleRate = 0;
-  sampleRate = db.sampleRate;
-  do_check_true(sampleRate > 0);
-  run_next_test();
-// Test maxStorageAge is unchangeable.
-add_test(function test_maxStorageAge() {
-  var maxStorageAge = db.maxStorageAge;
-  do_check_true(maxStorageAge > 0);
-  db.maxStorageAge = 0;
-  maxStorageAge = db.maxStorageAge;
-  do_check_true(maxStorageAge > 0);
-  run_next_test();
-// Normalize timestamp to sampleRate precision.
-function normalizeTime(aTimeStamp) {
-  var sampleRate = db.sampleRate;
-  return Math.floor((aTimeStamp - offset) / sampleRate) * sampleRate;
-// Generte record as input for saveNetworkStats() as well as the expected
-// result when calling getStats().
-function generateNetworkRecord(aAppId, aServiceType, aComponents) {
-  var result = [];
-  var componentStats = {};
-  var receivedBytes;
-  var sentBytes;
-  var totalReceivedBytes = 0;
-  var totalSentBytes = 0;
-  aComponents.forEach(function(comp) {
-    // Step 1: generate random value for receivedBytes and sentBytes.
-    receivedBytes = Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000);
-    sentBytes = Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000);
-    totalReceivedBytes += receivedBytes;
-    totalSentBytes += sentBytes;
-    // Step 2: add stats to record.componentStats.
-    componentStats[comp] = {
-      receivedBytes: receivedBytes,
-      sentBytes: sentBytes
-    };
-    // Step 3: generate expected results.
-    result.push({
-      appId: aAppId,
-      serviceType: aServiceType,
-      component: comp,
-      receivedBytes: receivedBytes,
-      sentBytes: sentBytes
-    });
-  });
-  // Step 4: generate expected total stats.
-  result.push({
-    appId: aAppId,
-    serviceType: aServiceType,
-    component: "",
-    receivedBytes: totalReceivedBytes,
-    sentBytes: totalSentBytes
-  });
-  // Step 5: get record.
-  var record = { appId: aAppId,
-                 serviceType: aServiceType,
-                 componentStats: componentStats };
-  return { record: record, result: result };
-// Generte record as input for savePowerStats() as well as the expected
-// result when calling getStats().
-function generatePowerRecord(aAppId, aServiceType, aComponents) {
-  var result = [];
-  var componentStats = {};
-  var consumedPower;
-  var totalConsumedPower = 0;
-  aComponents.forEach(function(comp) {
-    // Step 1: generate random value for consumedPower.
-    consumedPower = Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000);
-    totalConsumedPower += consumedPower;
-    // Step 2: add stats to record.componentStats.
-    componentStats[comp] = consumedPower;
-    // Step 3: generate expected results.
-    result.push({
-      appId: aAppId,
-      serviceType: aServiceType,
-      component: comp,
-      consumedPower: consumedPower
-    });
-  });
-  // Step 4: generate expected total stats.
-  result.push({
-    appId: aAppId,
-    serviceType: aServiceType,
-    component: "",
-    consumedPower: totalConsumedPower
-  });
-  // Step 5: get record.
-  var record = { appId: aAppId,
-                 serviceType: aServiceType,
-                 componentStats: componentStats };
-  return { record: record, result: result };
-// Compare stats saved in network store with expected results.
-function checkNetworkStatsStore(aExpectedResult, aDumpResult, aTimestamp) {
-  // Step 1: a quick check for the length of arrays first.
-  do_check_eq(aExpectedResult.length, aDumpResult.length);
-  // Step 2: create a map array for search by receivedBytes.
-  var mapArray = aExpectedResult.map(function(e) {return e.receivedBytes;});
-  // Step 3: compare each element to make sure both array are equal.
-  var index;
-  var target;
-  aDumpResult.forEach(function(stats) {
-    index = 0;
-    // Find the first equal receivedBytes since index.
-    while ((index = mapArray.indexOf(stats.receivedBytes, index)) > -1) {
-      // Compare all attributes.
-      target = aExpectedResult[index];
-      if (target.appId != stats.appId ||
-          target.serviceType != stats.serviceType ||
-          target.component != stats.component ||
-          target.sentBytes != stats.sentBytes ||
-          aTimestamp != stats.timestamp) {
-        index += 1;
-        continue;
-      } else {
-        // If found, remove that element from aExpectedResult and mapArray.
-        aExpectedResult.splice(index, 1);
-        mapArray.splice(index, 1);
-        break;
-      }
-    }
-    do_check_neq(index, -1);
-  });
-  run_next_test();
-// Compare stats saved in power store with expected results.
-function checkPowerStatsStore(aExpectedResult, aDumpResult, aTimestamp) {
-  // Step 1: a quick check for the length of arrays first.
-  do_check_eq(aExpectedResult.length, aDumpResult.length);
-  // Step 2: create a map array for search by consumedPower.
-  var mapArray = aExpectedResult.map(function(e) {return e.consumedPower;});
-  // Step 3: compare each element to make sure both array are equal.
-  var index;
-  var target;
-  aDumpResult.forEach(function(stats) {
-    index = 0;
-    // Find the first equal consumedPower since index.
-    while ((index = mapArray.indexOf(stats.consumedPower, index)) > -1) {
-      // Compare all attributes.
-      target = aExpectedResult[index];
-      if (target.appId != stats.appId ||
-          target.serviceType != stats.serviceType ||
-          target.component != stats.component ||
-          aTimestamp != stats.timestamp) {
-        index += 1;
-        continue;
-      } else {
-        // If found, remove that element from aExpectedResult and mapArray.
-        aExpectedResult.splice(index, 1);
-        mapArray.splice(index, 1);
-        break;
-      }
-    }
-    do_check_neq(index, -1);
-  });
-  run_next_test();
-// Prepare network store for testing.
-function prepareNetworkStatsStore(recordArray, timestamp, callback) {
-  // Step 1: clear store.
-  clearStore("network_stats_store", function() {
-    // Step 2: save record to store.
-    db.saveNetworkStats(recordArray, timestamp, callback);
-  });
-// Prepare power store for testing.
-function preparePowerStatsStore(recordArray, timestamp, callback) {
-  // Step 1: clear store.
-  clearStore("power_stats_store", function() {
-    // Step 2: save record to store.
-    db.savePowerStats(recordArray, timestamp, callback);
-  });
-// Test saveNetworkStats.
-add_test(function test_saveNetworkStats() {
-  var appId = 1;
-  var serviceType = "";
-  // Step 1: generate data saved to store.
-  var { record: record, result: expectedResult } =
-    generateNetworkRecord(appId, serviceType, networkComponents);
-  var recordArray = [record];
-  var timestamp = Date.now();
-  // Step 2: save recordArray to network store.
-  prepareNetworkStatsStore(recordArray, timestamp, function(error, callback) {
-    // Step 3: check if the function call succeed.
-    do_check_eq(error, null);
-    // Step 4: dump store for comparison.
-    dumpStore("network_stats_store", function(error, result) {
-      do_check_eq(error, null);
-      checkNetworkStatsStore(expectedResult, result, normalizeTime(timestamp));
-    });
-  });
-// Test savePowerStats.
-add_test(function test_savePowerStats() {
-  var appId = 1;
-  var serviceType = "";
-  // Step 1: generate data saved to store.
-  var { record: record, result: expectedResult } =
-    generatePowerRecord(appId, serviceType, powerComponents);
-  var recordArray = [record];
-  var timestamp = Date.now();
-  // Step 2: save recordArray to power store.
-  preparePowerStatsStore(recordArray, timestamp, function(error, callback) {
-    // Step 3: check if the function call succeed.
-    do_check_eq(error, null);
-    // Step 4: dump store for comparison.
-    dumpStore("power_stats_store", function(error, result) {
-      do_check_eq(error, null);
-      checkPowerStatsStore(expectedResult, result, normalizeTime(timestamp));
-    });
-  });
-// Test getting network stats via getStats.
-add_test(function test_getNetworkStats() {
-  var appId = 0;
-  var manifestURL = "";
-  var serviceType = "";
-  var component = "";
-  // Step 1: generate data saved to store.
-  var { record: record, result: result } =
-    generateNetworkRecord(appId, serviceType, networkComponents);
-  var recordArray = [record];
-  var expectedStats = result[result.length - 1]; // Check total stats only.
-  var timestamp = Date.now();
-  var end = normalizeTime(timestamp) + offset;
-  var start = end;
-  // Step 2: save record and prepare network store.
-  prepareNetworkStatsStore(recordArray, timestamp, function(error, callback) {
-    // Step 3: get network stats.
-    db.getStats("network", manifestURL, serviceType, component, start, end,
-      function(error, result) {
-      do_check_eq(error, null);
-      // Step 4: verify result.
-      do_check_eq(result.type, "network");
-      do_check_eq(result.manifestURL, manifestURL);
-      do_check_eq(result.serviceType, serviceType);
-      do_check_eq(result.component, component);
-      do_check_eq(result.start, start);
-      do_check_eq(result.end, end);
-      do_check_eq(result.sampleRate, db.sampleRate);
-      do_check_true(Array.isArray(result.statsData));
-      do_check_eq(result.statsData.length, 1);
-      var stats = result.statsData[0];
-      do_check_eq(stats.receivedBytes, expectedStats.receivedBytes);
-      do_check_eq(stats.sentBytes, expectedStats.sentBytes);
-      run_next_test(); // If success, run next test.
-    });
-  });
-// Test getting power stats via getStats.
-add_test(function test_getPowerStats() {
-  var appId = 0;
-  var manifestURL = "";
-  var serviceType = "";
-  var component = "";
-  // Step 1: generate data saved to store.
-  var { record: record, result: result } =
-    generatePowerRecord(appId, serviceType, powerComponents);
-  var recordArray = [record];
-  var expectedStats = result[result.length - 1]; // Check total stats only.
-  var timestamp = Date.now();
-  var end = normalizeTime(timestamp) + offset;
-  var start = end;
-  // Step 2: save record and prepare power store.
-  preparePowerStatsStore(recordArray, timestamp, function(error, callback) {
-    // Step 3: get power stats.
-    db.getStats("power", manifestURL, serviceType, component, start, end,
-      function(error, result) {
-      do_check_eq(error, null);
-      // Step 4: verify result
-      do_check_eq(result.type, "power");
-      do_check_eq(result.manifestURL, manifestURL);
-      do_check_eq(result.serviceType, serviceType);
-      do_check_eq(result.component, component);
-      do_check_eq(result.start, start);
-      do_check_eq(result.end, end);
-      do_check_eq(result.sampleRate, db.sampleRate);
-      do_check_true(Array.isArray(result.statsData));
-      do_check_eq(result.statsData.length, 1);
-      var stats = result.statsData[0];
-      do_check_eq(stats.consumedPower, expectedStats.consumedPower);
-      run_next_test(); // If success, run next test.
-    });
-  });
-// Test deleting network stats via clearStats.
-add_test(function test_clearNetworkStats() {
-  var appId = 0;
-  var manifestURL = "";
-  var serviceType = "";
-  var component = "";
-  // Step 1: genrate data saved to network store.
-  var { record: record, result: result } =
-    generateNetworkRecord(appId, serviceType, networkComponents);
-  var recordArray = [record];
-  var timestamp = Date.now();
-  var end = normalizeTime(timestamp) + offset;
-  var start = end;
-  // Step 2: save record and prepare network store.
-  prepareNetworkStatsStore(recordArray, timestamp, function(error, callback) {
-    // Step 3: clear network stats.
-    db.clearStats("network", appId, serviceType, component, start, end,
-      function(error, result) {
-      do_check_eq(error, null);
-      // Step 4: check if the stats is deleted.
-      db.getStats("network", manifestURL, serviceType, component, start, end,
-        function(error, result) {
-        do_check_eq(result.statsData.length, 0);
-        run_next_test();
-      });
-    });
-  });
-// Test deleting power stats via clearStats.
-add_test(function test_clearPowerStats() {
-  var appId = 0;
-  var manifestURL = "";
-  var serviceType = "";
-  var component = "";
-  // Step 1: genrate data saved to power store.
-  var { record: record, result: result } =
-    generatePowerRecord(appId, serviceType, powerComponents);
-  var recordArray = [record];
-  var timestamp = Date.now();
-  var end = normalizeTime(timestamp) + offset;
-  var start = end;
-  // Step 2: save record and prepare power store.
-  preparePowerStatsStore(recordArray, timestamp, function(error, callback) {
-    // Step 3: clear power stats.
-    db.clearStats("power", appId, serviceType, component, start, end,
-      function(error, result) {
-      do_check_eq(error, null);
-      // Step 4: check if the stats is deleted.
-      db.getStats("power", manifestURL, serviceType, component, start, end,
-        function(error, result) {
-        do_check_eq(result.statsData.length, 0);
-        run_next_test();
-      });
-    });
-  });
-// Test clearing all network stats.
-add_test(function test_clearAllNetworkStats() {
-  db.clearAllStats("network", function(error, result) {
-    do_check_eq(error, null);
-    run_next_test();
-  });
-// Test clearing all power stats.
-add_test(function test_clearAllPowerStats() {
-  db.clearAllStats("power", function(error, result) {
-    do_check_eq(error, null);
-    run_next_test();
-  });
-// Test getting network components.
-add_test(function test_getNetworkComponents() {
-  var appId = 0;
-  var serviceType = "";
-  // Step 1: generate data saved to store.
-  var { record: record, result: expectedResult } =
-    generateNetworkRecord(appId, serviceType, networkComponents);
-  var recordArray = [record];
-  var timestamp = Date.now();
-  // Step 2: save recordArray to network store.
-  prepareNetworkStatsStore(recordArray, timestamp, function(error, callback) {
-    // Step 3: call getComponents.
-    db.getComponents("network", function(error, result) {
-      do_check_eq(error, null);
-      do_check_true(Array.isArray(result));
-      do_check_eq(result.length, networkComponents.length);
-      // Check each element in result array is an element of networkComponents.
-      result.forEach(function(component) {
-        do_check_true(networkComponents.indexOf(component) > -1);
-      });
-      run_next_test(); // If success, run next test.
-    });
-  });
-// Test getting power components.
-add_test(function test_getPowerComponents() {
-  var appId = 0;
-  var serviceType = "";
-  // Step 1: generate data saved to store.
-  var { record: record, result: expectedResult } =
-    generatePowerRecord(appId, serviceType, powerComponents);
-  var recordArray = [record];
-  var timestamp = Date.now();
-  // Step 2: save recordArray to power store.
-  preparePowerStatsStore(recordArray, timestamp, function(error, callback) {
-    // Step 3: call getComponents.
-    db.getComponents("power", function(error, result) {
-      do_check_eq(error, null);
-      do_check_true(Array.isArray(result));
-      do_check_eq(result.length, powerComponents.length);
-      // Check each element in result array is an element of powerComponents.
-      result.forEach(function(component) {
-        do_check_true(powerComponents.indexOf(component) > -1);
-      });
-      run_next_test(); // If success, run next test.
-    });
-  });
-// Generate alarm object for addAlarm().
-function generateAlarmObject(aType, aManifestURL, aServiceType, aComponent) {
-  let alarm = {
-    type: aType,
-    component: aComponent,
-    serviceType: aServiceType,
-    manifestURL: aManifestURL,
-    threshold: Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000),
-    startTime: Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000),
-    data: null
-  };
-  return alarm;
-// Test adding a network alarm.
-add_test(function test_addNetowrkAlarm() {
-  var manifestURL = "";
-  var serviceType = "";
-  // Step 1: generate a network alarm.
-  var alarm =
-    generateAlarmObject("network", manifestURL, serviceType, wifiComponent);
-  // Step 2: clear store.
-  clearStore("alarm_store", function() {
-    // Step 3: save the alarm to store.
-    db.addAlarm(alarm, function(error, result) {
-      // Step 4: check if the function call succeed.
-      do_check_eq(error, null);
-      do_check_true(result > -1);
-      let alarmId = result;
-      // Step 5: dump store for comparison.
-      dumpStore("alarm_store", function(error, result) {
-        do_check_eq(error, null);
-        do_check_true(Array.isArray(result));
-        do_check_true(result.length == 1);
-        do_check_eq(result[0].type, alarm.type);
-        do_check_eq(result[0].manifestURL, alarm.manifestURL);
-        do_check_eq(result[0].serviceType, alarm.serviceType);
-        do_check_eq(result[0].component, alarm.component);
-        do_check_eq(result[0].threshold, alarm.threshold);
-        do_check_eq(result[0].startTime, alarm.startTime);
-        do_check_eq(result[0].data, alarm.data);
-        do_check_eq(result[0].alarmId, alarmId);
-        run_next_test(); // If success, run next test.
-      });
-    });
-  });
-// Test adding a power alarm.
-add_test(function test_addPowerAlarm() {
-  var manifestURL = "";
-  var serviceType = "";
-  // Step 1: generate a power alarm.
-  var alarm =
-    generateAlarmObject("power", manifestURL, serviceType, cpuComponent);
-  // Step 2: clear store.
-  clearStore("alarm_store", function() {
-    // Step 3: save the alarm to store.
-    db.addAlarm(alarm, function(error, result) {
-      // Step 4: check if the function call succeed.
-      do_check_eq(error, null);
-      do_check_true(result > -1);
-      let alarmId = result;
-      // Step 5: dump store for comparison.
-      dumpStore("alarm_store", function(error, result) {
-        do_check_eq(error, null);
-        do_check_true(Array.isArray(result));
-        do_check_true(result.length == 1);
-        do_check_eq(result[0].type, alarm.type);
-        do_check_eq(result[0].manifestURL, alarm.manifestURL);
-        do_check_eq(result[0].serviceType, alarm.serviceType);
-        do_check_eq(result[0].component, alarm.component);
-        do_check_eq(result[0].threshold, alarm.threshold);
-        do_check_eq(result[0].startTime, alarm.startTime);
-        do_check_eq(result[0].data, alarm.data);
-        do_check_eq(result[0].alarmId, alarmId);
-        run_next_test(); // If success, run next test.
-      });
-    });
-  });
-// Add multiple alarms to store and record the obtained alarmId in each
-// alarm object.
-function addAlarmsToStore(alarms, index, callback) {
-  var alarm = alarms[index++];
-  if (index < alarms.length) {
-    db.addAlarm(alarm, function(error, result) {
-      alarm.alarmId = result;
-      addAlarmsToStore(alarms, index, callback);
-    });
-  } else {
-    db.addAlarm(alarm, function(error, result) {
-      alarm.alarmId = result;
-      callback(error, result);
-    });
-  }
-// Prepare alarm store for testging.
-function prepareAlarmStore(alarms, callback) {
-  // Step 1: clear srore.
-  clearStore("alarm_store", function() {
-    // Step 2: save alarms to store one by one.
-    addAlarmsToStore(alarms, 0, callback);
-  });
-// Compare alrams returned by getAlarms().
-function compareAlarms(aExpectedResult, aResult) {
-  // Step 1: a quick check for the length of arrays first.
-  do_check_eq(aExpectedResult.length, aResult.length);
-  // Step 2: create a map array for search by threshold.
-  var mapArray = aExpectedResult.map(function(e) {return e.threshold;});
-  // Step 3: compare each element to make sure both array are equal.
-  var index;
-  var target;
-  aResult.forEach(function(alarm) {
-    index = 0;
-    // Find the first equal receivedBytes since index.
-    while ((index = mapArray.indexOf(alarm.threshold, index)) > -1) {
-      // Compare all attributes.
-      target = aExpectedResult[index];
-      if (target.alarmId != alarm.alarmId ||
-          target.type != alarm.type ||
-          target.manifestURL != alarm.manifestURL ||
-          target.serviceType != alarm.serviceType ||
-          target.component != alarm.component ||
-          target.data != alarm.data) {
-        index += 1;
-        continue;
-      } else {
-        // If found, remove that element from aExpectedResult and mapArray.
-        aExpectedResult.splice(index, 1);
-        mapArray.splice(index, 1);
-        break;
-      }
-    }
-    do_check_neq(index, -1);
-  });
-  run_next_test();
-// Test getting designate network alarms from store.
-add_test(function test_getNetworkAlarms() {
-  var manifestURL = "";
-  var serviceType = "";
-  var alarms = [];
-  // Step 1: generate two network alarms using same parameters.
-  alarms.push(generateAlarmObject("network", manifestURL, serviceType,
-                                  wifiComponent));
-  alarms.push(generateAlarmObject("network", manifestURL, serviceType,
-                                  wifiComponent));
-  // Step 2: generate another network alarm using different parameters.
-  alarms.push(generateAlarmObject("network", manifestURL, serviceType,
-                                  mobileComponent));
-  // Step 3: clear alarm store and save new alarms to store.
-  prepareAlarmStore(alarms, function(error, result) {
-    // Step 4: call getAlarms.
-    let options = {
-      manifestURL: manifestURL,
-      serviceType: serviceType,
-      component: wifiComponent
-    };
-    db.getAlarms("network", options, function(error, result) {
-      // Step 5: check if the function call succeed.
-      do_check_eq(error, null);
-      // Step 6: check results.
-      // The last element in alarms array is not our expected result,
-      // so pop that out first.
-      alarms.pop();
-      compareAlarms(alarms, result);
-    });
-  });
-// Test getting designate power alarms from store.
-add_test(function test_getPowerAlarms() {
-  var manifestURL = "";
-  var serviceType = "";
-  var alarms = [];
-  // Step 1: generate two power alarms using same parameters.
-  alarms.push(generateAlarmObject("power", manifestURL, serviceType,
-                                  cpuComponent));
-  alarms.push(generateAlarmObject("power", manifestURL, serviceType,
-                                  cpuComponent));
-  // Step 2: generate another power alarm using different parameters.
-  alarms.push(generateAlarmObject("power", manifestURL, serviceType,
-                                  gpsComponent));
-  // Step 3: clear alarm store and save new alarms to store.
-  prepareAlarmStore(alarms, function(error, result) {
-    // Step 4: call getAlarms.
-    let options = {
-      manifestURL: manifestURL,
-      serviceType: serviceType,
-      component: cpuComponent
-    };
-    db.getAlarms("power", options, function(error, result) {
-      // Step 5: check if the function call succeed.
-      do_check_eq(error, null);
-      // Step 6: check results.
-      // The last element in alarms array is not our expected result,
-      // so pop that out first.
-      alarms.pop();
-      compareAlarms(alarms, result);
-    });
-  });
-// Test getting all network alarms from store.
-add_test(function test_getAllNetworkAlarms() {
-  var manifestURL = "";
-  var serviceType = "";
-  var alarms = [];
-  // Step 1: generate two network alarms.
-  alarms.push(generateAlarmObject("network", manifestURL, serviceType,
-                                  wifiComponent));
-  alarms.push(generateAlarmObject("network", manifestURL, serviceType,
-                                  mobileComponent));
-  // Step 2: generate another power alarm.
-  alarms.push(generateAlarmObject("power", manifestURL, serviceType,
-                                  cpuComponent));
-  // Step 3: clear alarm store and save new alarms to store.
-  prepareAlarmStore(alarms, function(error, result) {
-    // Step 4: call getAlarms.
-    let options = null;
-    db.getAlarms("network", options, function(error, result) {
-      // Step 5: check if the function call succeed.
-      do_check_eq(error, null);
-      // Step 6: check results.
-      // The last element in alarms array is not our expected result,
-      // so pop that out first.
-      alarms.pop();
-      compareAlarms(alarms, result);
-    });
-  });
-// Test getting all power alarms from store.
-add_test(function test_getAllPowerAlarms() {
-  var manifestURL = "";
-  var serviceType = "";
-  var alarms = [];
-  // Step 1: generate two power alarms.
-  alarms.push(generateAlarmObject("power", manifestURL, serviceType,
-                                  cpuComponent));
-  alarms.push(generateAlarmObject("power", manifestURL, serviceType,
-                                  gpsComponent));
-  // Step 2: generate another network alarm.
-  alarms.push(generateAlarmObject("network", manifestURL, serviceType,
-                                  wifiComponent));
-  // Step 3: clear alarm store and save new alarms to store.
-  prepareAlarmStore(alarms, function(error, result) {
-    // Step 4: call getAlarms.
-    let options = null;
-    db.getAlarms("power", options, function(error, result) {
-      // Step 5: check if the function call succeed.
-      do_check_eq(error, null);
-      // Step 6: check results.
-      // The last element in alarms array is not our expected result,
-      // so pop that out first.
-      alarms.pop();
-      compareAlarms(alarms, result);
-    });
-  });
-// Test removing designate network alarm from store.
-add_test(function test_removeNetworkAlarm() {
-  var manifestURL = "";
-  var serviceType = "";
-  var alarms = [];
-  // Step 1: generate one network alarm.
-  alarms.push(generateAlarmObject("network", manifestURL, serviceType,
-                                  wifiComponent));
-  // Step 2: clear alarm store and save new alarms to store.
-  prepareAlarmStore(alarms, function(error, result) {
-    var alarmId = result;
-    // Step 3: remove the alarm.
-    db.removeAlarm("network", alarmId, function(error, result) {
-      // Step 4: check if the function call succeed.
-      do_check_eq(result, true);
-      // Step 5: dump store to check if the alarm is removed.
-      dumpStore("alarm_store", function(error, result) {
-        do_check_eq(error, null);
-        do_check_true(Array.isArray(result));
-        do_check_true(result.length === 0);
-        run_next_test(); // If success, run next test.
-      });
-    });
-  });
-// Test removing designate power alarm from store.
-add_test(function test_removePowerAlarm() {
-  var manifestURL = "";
-  var serviceType = "";
-  var alarms = [];
-  // Step 1: generate one power alarm.
-  alarms.push(generateAlarmObject("power", manifestURL, serviceType,
-                                  cpuComponent));
-  // Step 2: clear alarm store and save new alarms to store.
-  prepareAlarmStore(alarms, function(error, result) {
-    var alarmId = result;
-    // Step 3: remove the alarm.
-    db.removeAlarm("power", alarmId, function(error, result) {
-      // Step 4: check if the function call succeed.
-      do_check_eq(result, true);
-      // Step 5: dump store to check if the alarm is removed.
-      dumpStore("alarm_store", function(error, result) {
-        do_check_eq(error, null);
-        do_check_true(Array.isArray(result));
-        do_check_true(result.length === 0);
-        run_next_test(); // If success, run next test.
-      });
-    });
-  });
-// Test removing designate network alarm from store.
-add_test(function test_removeAllNetworkAlarms() {
-  var manifestURL = "";
-  var serviceType = "";
-  var alarms = [];
-  // Step 1: generate two network alarms.
-  alarms.push(generateAlarmObject("network", manifestURL, serviceType,
-                                  wifiComponent));
-  alarms.push(generateAlarmObject("network", manifestURL, serviceType,
-                                  mobileComponent));
-  // Step 2: generate another power alarm.
-  alarms.push(generateAlarmObject("power", manifestURL, serviceType,
-                                  cpuComponent));
-  // Step 3: clear alarm store and save new alarms to store.
-  prepareAlarmStore(alarms, function(error, result) {
-    // Step 4: remove all network alarms.
-    db.removeAllAlarms("network", function(error, result) {
-      // Step 5: check if the function call succeed.
-      do_check_eq(error, null);
-      // Step 6: dump store for comparison.
-      // Because the power alarm should not be removed, so it would be the
-      // only result returned by dumpStore.
-      var alarm = alarms.pop(); // The expected result.
-      dumpStore("alarm_store", function(error, result) {
-        do_check_eq(error, null);
-        do_check_true(Array.isArray(result));
-        do_check_true(result.length == 1);
-        do_check_eq(result[0].type, alarm.type);
-        do_check_eq(result[0].manifestURL, alarm.manifestURL);
-        do_check_eq(result[0].serviceType, alarm.serviceType);
-        do_check_eq(result[0].component, alarm.component);
-        do_check_eq(result[0].threshold, alarm.threshold);
-        do_check_eq(result[0].startTime, alarm.startTime);
-        do_check_eq(result[0].data, alarm.data);
-        do_check_eq(result[0].alarmId, alarm.alarmId);
-        run_next_test(); // If success, run next test.
-      });
-    });
-  });
-// Test removing designate power alarm from store.
-add_test(function test_removeAllPowerAlarms() {
-  var manifestURL = "";
-  var serviceType = "";
-  var alarms = [];
-  // Step 1: generate two power alarms.
-  alarms.push(generateAlarmObject("power", manifestURL, serviceType,
-                                  cpuComponent));
-  alarms.push(generateAlarmObject("power", manifestURL, serviceType,
-                                  gpsComponent));
-  // Step 2: generate another network alarm.
-  alarms.push(generateAlarmObject("network", manifestURL, serviceType,
-                                  wifiComponent));
-  // Step 3: clear alarm store and save new alarms to store.
-  prepareAlarmStore(alarms, function(error, result) {
-    // Step 4: remove all power alarms.
-    db.removeAllAlarms("power", function(error, result) {
-      // Step 5: check if the function call succeed.
-      do_check_eq(error, null);
-      // Step 6: dump store for comparison.
-      // Because the network alarm should not be removed, so it would be the
-      // only result returned by dumpStore.
-      var alarm = alarms.pop(); // The expected result.
-      dumpStore("alarm_store", function(error, result) {
-        do_check_eq(error, null);
-        do_check_true(Array.isArray(result));
-        do_check_true(result.length == 1);
-        do_check_eq(result[0].type, alarm.type);
-        do_check_eq(result[0].manifestURL, alarm.manifestURL);
-        do_check_eq(result[0].serviceType, alarm.serviceType);
-        do_check_eq(result[0].component, alarm.component);
-        do_check_eq(result[0].threshold, alarm.threshold);
-        do_check_eq(result[0].startTime, alarm.startTime);
-        do_check_eq(result[0].data, alarm.data);
-        do_check_eq(result[0].alarmId, alarm.alarmId);
-        run_next_test(); // If success, run next test.
-      });
-    });
-  });
-function run_test() {
-  do_get_profile();
-  run_next_test();
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/dom/resourcestats/tests/xpcshell/xpcshell.ini
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-head =
-tail =
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/dom/webidl/ResourceStats.webidl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: IDL; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
- * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
- */
- Pref="dom.resource_stats.enabled",
- JSImplementation="@mozilla.org/networkStatsData;1"]
-interface NetworkStatsData
-  readonly attribute unsigned long long   receivedBytes;
-  readonly attribute unsigned long long   sentBytes;
-  readonly attribute DOMTimeStamp         timestamp;      // timestamp of the record
- Pref="dom.resource_stats.enabled",
- JSImplementation="@mozilla.org/powerStatsData;1"]
-interface PowerStatsData
-  readonly attribute unsigned long long   consumedPower;  // unit: mW
-  readonly attribute DOMTimeStamp         timestamp;      // timestamp of the record
- Pref="dom.resource_stats.enabled",
- JSImplementation="@mozilla.org/resourceStats;1"]
-interface ResourceStats
-  /**
-   * Type of statistics/
-   */
-  readonly attribute ResourceType   type;
-  /**
-   * The |component| specifies statistics belongs to. This will be null if
-   * the ResourceStatsOptions.component argument passed to getStats() is null.
-   */
-  readonly attribute DOMString?     component;
-  /**
-   * |serviceType| specifies the system service. This will be null if the
-   * ResourceStatsOptions.serviceType argument passed to getStats() is null.
-   */
-  readonly attribute SystemService? serviceType;
-  /**
-   * |manifestURL| specifies the manifestURL of an application. This will be
-   * null if the ResourceStatsOptions.manifestURL argument passed to getStats()
-   * is null.
-   */
-  readonly attribute DOMString?     manifestURL;
-  /**
-   * Statistics, one element per day
-   */
-  sequence<(NetworkStatsData or PowerStatsData)> getData();
-  /**
-   * Date range
-   */
-  readonly attribute DOMTimeStamp   start;  // start timestamp
-  readonly attribute DOMTimeStamp   end;    // end timestamp
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/dom/webidl/ResourceStatsManager.webidl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,226 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: IDL; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
- * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
- */
- * Supported resource statistics
- */
-enum ResourceType {
-  "network",
-  "power"
- * List of system services supporting resource statistics
- */
-enum SystemService {
-  "ota",
-  "tethering"
-dictionary ResourceStatsOptions
-  /**
-   * |component| specifies which component's resource usage will be returned.
-   * If null or undefined, sum of all components' usage is returned.
-   *
-   * |component| is expressed in "<component>:<id>", where <component> is the
-   * name of the component and <id> is used to identify different entities.
-   *
-   * The <id> field is mainly used in specifying the identity of different SIMs
-   * when quering mobile network usage, e.g. "mobile:<iccid>".
-   *
-   * Quering statistics of other components should specify the |component| to
-   *  "<component>:0", such as "cpu:0" or "wifi:0".
-   */
-  DOMString? component = null;
-  /**
-   * |manifestURL| specifies the manifestURL of an application.
-   * |systemService| specifies the system service.
-   *
-   * If both |systemService| and |manifestURL| are null or undefined, then a
-   * system-wide resource statistics is returned.
-   *
-   * If |manifestURL| is specified, then the resource statistics of the
-   * specified application is returned.
-   *
-   * If |systemService| is specified, then the resource statistics of the
-   * specified system service is returned.
-   *
-   * If |systemService| and |manifestURL| are both specified, then the return
-   * statistics indicates the resources that the system service consumed for
-   * the application.
-   */
-  SystemService? serviceType = null;
-  DOMString? manifestURL = null;
-dictionary ResourceStatsAlarmOptions
-  /**
-   * |startTime| indicates the start time of counting the resource usage.
-   *
-   * |data| is used to reflect in the alarm object when the alarm is triggered.
-   * |data| should be copied using the structured clone algorithm.
-   */
-  [EnforceRange] DOMTimeStamp   startTime;  // time in milliseconds since Epoch
-  any                           data;
- Pref="dom.resource_stats.enabled",
- JSImplementation="@mozilla.org/resourceStatsAlarm;1"]
-interface ResourceStatsAlarm
-  /**
-   * ID of the alarm
-   */
-  readonly attribute unsigned long          alarmId;
-  /**
-   * Type of resource this alarm monitor
-   */
-  readonly attribute ResourceType           type;
-  /**
-   * The target component this alarm monitor.
-   */
-  readonly attribute DOMString?             component;
-  /**
-   * |manifestURL| specifies the manifestURL of an application.
-   * |systemService| specifies the system service.
-   *
-   * Both attributes are null means that this alarm monitors a system-wide
-   * resource usage.
-   */
-  readonly attribute SystemService?         serviceType;
-  readonly attribute DOMString?             manifestURL;
-  /**
-   * |threshold| specifies the limit of resource usage.
-   */
-  readonly attribute unsigned long long     threshold;
-  /**
-   * |data| is used to reflect in the alarm object when the alarm is triggered.
-   */
-  readonly attribute any                    data;
- Pref="dom.resource_stats.enabled",
- Constructor(ResourceType type),
- JSImplementation="@mozilla.org/resourceStatsManager;1"]
-interface ResourceStatsManager
-  /**
-   * Query resource statistics.
-   *
-   * |statsOptions| specifies the detail of statistics of interest.
-   *
-   * |start| and |end| specifies the time range of interest, both included.
-   * If |start| is null or undefined, retrieve the stats since measurements.
-   * If |end| is null or undefined. retrieve the stats until the current time.
-   *
-   * If success, the fulfillment value is a ResourceStats object.
-   */
-  Promise<ResourceStats> getStats(optional ResourceStatsOptions statsOptions,
-                                  [EnforceRange] optional DOMTimeStamp? start = null,
-                                  [EnforceRange] optional DOMTimeStamp? end = null);
-  /**
-   * Clear resource statistics stored in database.
-   *
-   * |statsOptions| specifies the detail of statistics to delete.
-   *
-   * |start| and |end| specifies the time range of interest, both included.
-   * If |start| is null or undefined, delete the stats since measurements.
-   * If |end| is null or undefined. delete the stats until the current time.
-   */
-  // XXXbz What is this promise resolved with?
-  Promise<any> clearStats(optional ResourceStatsOptions statsOptions,
-                          [EnforceRange] optional DOMTimeStamp? start = null,
-                          [EnforceRange] optional DOMTimeStamp? end = null);
-  /**
-   * Clear all resource statistics stored in database.
-   */
-  // XXXbz What is this promise resolved with?
-  Promise<any> clearAllStats();
-  /**
-   * Install an alarm to monitor resource usage.
-   *
-   * The |threshold| specifies the limit of resource usage. When resource
-   * usage reaches the threshold, a "resourceStats-alarm" system message
-   * is sent to the application.
-   *
-   * |statsOptions| specifies the detail of statistics of interest.
-   *
-   * |alarmOptions| is a ResourceStatsAlarmOptions object.
-   *
-   * If success, the fulfillment value is an alarm ID.
-   */
-  Promise<unsigned long> addAlarm([EnforceRange] unsigned long long threshold,
-                                  optional ResourceStatsOptions statsOptions,
-                                  optional ResourceStatsAlarmOptions alarmOptions);
-  /**
-   * Obtain alarms.
-   *
-   * If |statsOptions| is provided, then only the alarms monitoring that
-   * resource are returned. Otherwise, all alarms set for this resource type
-   * is returned.
-   *
-   * If success, the fulfillment value is an array of ResourceStatsAlarm.
-   */
-  Promise<sequence<ResourceStatsAlarm>> getAlarms(optional ResourceStatsOptions statsOptions);
-  /**
-   * Remove the specified alarm.
-   *
-   * |alarmId| specifies the alarm to be removed.
-   */
-  // XXXbz What is this promise resolved with?
-  Promise<any> removeAlarm([EnforceRange] unsigned long alarmId);
-  /**
-   * Remove all alarms.
-   */
-  // XXXbz What is this promise resolved with?
-  Promise<any> removeAllAlarms();
-  /**
-   * Enumerate components that have stored statistics in database.
-   *
-   * If success, the fulfillment value is an array of DOMString.
-   */
-  Promise<sequence<DOMString>> getAvailableComponents();
-  /**
-   * Return supporting resource statistics, i.e. ["Network", "Power"]
-   *
-   * This should be specified as static attribute after Bug 863952 is resolved.
-   */
-  [Cached, Pure]
-  readonly attribute sequence<DOMString> resourceTypes;
-  /**
-   * Time in milliseconds between statistics stored in database.
-   *
-   * This should be specified as static attribute after Bug 863952 is resolved.
-   */
-  readonly attribute unsigned long sampleRate;
-  /**
-   * Time in milliseconds recorded by the API until present time. All
-   * statistics older than maxStorageAge from now are deleted.
-   *
-   * This should be specified as static attribute after Bug 863952 is resolved.
-   */
-  readonly attribute unsigned long long maxStorageAge;
--- a/dom/webidl/moz.build
+++ b/dom/webidl/moz.build
@@ -395,18 +395,16 @@ WEBIDL_FILES = [
-    'ResourceStats.webidl',
-    'ResourceStatsManager.webidl',