Bug 1310859 - Remove DOM/nfc and related code. r=jst draft
authorMichelangelo De Simone <mds@mozilla.com>
Tue, 18 Oct 2016 15:16:56 -0700
changeset 428284 cd9be62d334568b4abd850398467bce4c4eb1544
parent 428241 5639a9f476d08f300c079117e61697f5026b6367
child 534698 5e436dd83b39dac771db95aa363902adb807154d
push id33271
push usermdesimone@mozilla.com
push dateSat, 22 Oct 2016 00:03:41 +0000
Bug 1310859 - Remove DOM/nfc and related code. r=jst MozReview-Commit-ID: FiS7uGytipN
--- a/b2g/installer/package-manifest.in
+++ b/b2g/installer/package-manifest.in
@@ -171,19 +171,16 @@
-#ifdef MOZ_NFC
@@ -552,24 +549,16 @@
-#ifdef MOZ_NFC
--- a/dom/apps/PermissionsTable.jsm
+++ b/dom/apps/PermissionsTable.jsm
@@ -355,36 +355,16 @@ this.PermissionsTable =  { geolocation: 
                              privileged: ALLOW_ACTION,
                              certified: ALLOW_ACTION
                            "audio-capture:3gpp2": {
                              app: DENY_ACTION,
                              privileged: ALLOW_ACTION,
                              certified: ALLOW_ACTION
-                           "nfc": {
-                             app: DENY_ACTION,
-                             privileged: ALLOW_ACTION,
-                             certified: ALLOW_ACTION
-                           },
-                           "nfc-share": {
-                             app: DENY_ACTION,
-                             privileged: DENY_ACTION,
-                             certified: ALLOW_ACTION
-                           },
-                           "nfc-manager": {
-                             app: DENY_ACTION,
-                             privileged: DENY_ACTION,
-                             certified: ALLOW_ACTION
-                           },
-                           "nfc-hci-events": {
-                             app: DENY_ACTION,
-                             privileged: DENY_ACTION,
-                             certified: ALLOW_ACTION
-                           },
                            "speaker-control": {
                              app: DENY_ACTION,
                              privileged: ALLOW_ACTION,
                              certified: ALLOW_ACTION
                            "downloads": {
                              app: DENY_ACTION,
                              privileged: DENY_ACTION,
--- a/dom/base/Navigator.cpp
+++ b/dom/base/Navigator.cpp
@@ -1959,29 +1959,16 @@ Navigator::HasWifiManagerSupport(JSConte
   // and test directly with permission manager.
   nsIPrincipal* principal = nsContentUtils::ObjectPrincipal(aGlobal);
   uint32_t permission = GetPermission(principal, "wifi-manage");
   return permission == nsIPermissionManager::ALLOW_ACTION;
-#ifdef MOZ_NFC
-/* static */
-Navigator::HasNFCSupport(JSContext* /* unused */, JSObject* aGlobal)
-  nsCOMPtr<nsPIDOMWindowInner> win = GetWindowFromGlobal(aGlobal);
-  // Do not support NFC if NFC content helper does not exist.
-  nsCOMPtr<nsISupports> contentHelper = do_GetService("@mozilla.org/nfc/content-helper;1");
-  return !!contentHelper;
-#endif // MOZ_NFC
 /* static */
 Navigator::HasUserMediaSupport(JSContext* /* unused */,
                                JSObject* /* unused */)
   // Make enabling peerconnection enable getUserMedia() as well
   return Preferences::GetBool("media.navigator.enabled", false) ||
          Preferences::GetBool("media.peerconnection.enabled", false);
--- a/dom/base/Navigator.h
+++ b/dom/base/Navigator.h
@@ -272,19 +272,16 @@ public:
   StorageManager* Storage();
   static void GetAcceptLanguages(nsTArray<nsString>& aLanguages);
   // WebIDL helper methods
   static bool HasWakeLockSupport(JSContext* /* unused*/, JSObject* /*unused */);
   static bool HasWifiManagerSupport(JSContext* /* unused */,
                                   JSObject* aGlobal);
-#ifdef MOZ_NFC
-  static bool HasNFCSupport(JSContext* /* unused */, JSObject* aGlobal);
-#endif // MOZ_NFC
   static bool HasUserMediaSupport(JSContext* /* unused */,
                                   JSObject* /* unused */);
   static bool IsE10sEnabled(JSContext* aCx, JSObject* aGlobal);
   nsPIDOMWindowInner* GetParentObject() const
     return GetWindow();
--- a/dom/base/StructuredCloneHolder.cpp
+++ b/dom/base/StructuredCloneHolder.cpp
@@ -36,19 +36,16 @@
 #include "mozilla/gfx/2D.h"
 #include "mozilla/ipc/BackgroundChild.h"
 #include "mozilla/ipc/BackgroundUtils.h"
 #include "mozilla/ipc/PBackgroundSharedTypes.h"
 #include "MultipartBlobImpl.h"
 #include "nsIRemoteBlob.h"
 #include "nsQueryObject.h"
-#ifdef MOZ_NFC
-#include "mozilla/dom/MozNDEFRecord.h"
-#endif // MOZ_NFC
 #ifdef MOZ_WEBRTC
 #include "mozilla/dom/RTCCertificate.h"
 #include "mozilla/dom/RTCCertificateBinding.h"
 using namespace mozilla::ipc;
 namespace mozilla {
@@ -401,38 +398,16 @@ StructuredCloneHolder::ReadFullySerializ
     if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
       xpc::Throw(aCx, NS_ERROR_DOM_DATA_CLONE_ERR);
       return nullptr;
     return result.toObjectOrNull();
-#ifdef MOZ_NFC
-  if (aTag == SCTAG_DOM_NFC_NDEF) {
-    if (!NS_IsMainThread()) {
-      return nullptr;
-    }
-    nsIGlobalObject *global = xpc::NativeGlobal(JS::CurrentGlobalOrNull(aCx));
-    if (!global) {
-      return nullptr;
-    }
-    // Prevent the return value from being trashed by a GC during ~nsRefPtr.
-    JS::Rooted<JSObject*> result(aCx);
-    {
-      RefPtr<MozNDEFRecord> ndefRecord = new MozNDEFRecord(global);
-      result = ndefRecord->ReadStructuredClone(aCx, aReader) ?
-               ndefRecord->WrapObject(aCx, nullptr) : nullptr;
-    }
-    return result;
-  }
 #ifdef MOZ_WEBRTC
     if (!NS_IsMainThread()) {
       return nullptr;
     nsIGlobalObject *global = xpc::NativeGlobal(JS::CurrentGlobalOrNull(aCx));
     if (!global) {
@@ -505,27 +480,16 @@ StructuredCloneHolder::WriteFullySeriali
     nsCOMPtr<nsISupports> base = xpc::UnwrapReflectorToISupports(aObj);
     nsCOMPtr<nsIPrincipal> principal = do_QueryInterface(base);
     if (principal) {
       auto nsjsprincipals = nsJSPrincipals::get(principal);
       return nsjsprincipals->write(aCx, aWriter);
-#ifdef MOZ_NFC
-  {
-    MozNDEFRecord* ndefRecord = nullptr;
-    if (NS_SUCCEEDED(UNWRAP_OBJECT(MozNDEFRecord, aObj, ndefRecord))) {
-      MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread());
-      return JS_WriteUint32Pair(aWriter, SCTAG_DOM_NFC_NDEF, 0) &&
-             ndefRecord->WriteStructuredClone(aCx, aWriter);
-    }
-  }
-#endif // MOZ_NFC
   // Don't know what this is
   xpc::Throw(aCx, NS_ERROR_DOM_DATA_CLONE_ERR);
   return false;
 namespace {
 // Recursive!
--- a/dom/base/StructuredCloneTags.h
+++ b/dom/base/StructuredCloneTags.h
@@ -35,17 +35,16 @@ enum StructuredCloneTags {
   // This tag is for WebCrypto keys
   // This tag is for OffscreenCanvas.
--- a/dom/base/test/mozbrowser_api_utils.js
+++ b/dom/base/test/mozbrowser_api_utils.js
@@ -16,17 +16,16 @@ const METHODS = {
   download: {},
   purgeHistory: {},
   getScreenshot: {},
   zoom: {},
   getCanGoBack: {},
   getCanGoForward: {},
   getContentDimensions: {},
   setInputMethodActive: {},
-  setNFCFocus: {},
   findAll: {},
   findNext: {},
   clearMatch: {},
   executeScript: {},
   getWebManifest: {},
   mute: {},
   unmute: {},
   getMuted: {},
--- a/dom/browser-element/BrowserElementParent.js
+++ b/dom/browser-element/BrowserElementParent.js
@@ -124,17 +124,16 @@ BrowserElementParentProxyCallHandler.pro
       case 'setActive':
       case 'sendMouseEvent':
       case 'sendTouchEvent':
       case 'goBack':
       case 'goForward':
       case 'reload':
       case 'stop':
       case 'zoom':
-      case 'setNFCFocus':
       case 'findAll':
       case 'findNext':
       case 'clearMatch':
       case 'mute':
       case 'unmute':
       case 'setVolume':
           .apply(this._frameElement, data.args);
@@ -1084,45 +1083,16 @@ BrowserElementParent.prototype = {
       throw Components.Exception("Invalid argument",
     return this._sendDOMRequest('set-input-method-active',
                                 {isActive: isActive});
-  setNFCFocus: function(isFocus) {
-    if (!this._isAlive()) {
-      throw Components.Exception("Dead content process",
-                                 Cr.NS_ERROR_DOM_INVALID_STATE_ERR);
-    }
-    // For now, we use tab id as an identifier to let NFC module know
-    // which app is in foreground. But this approach will not work in
-    // in-process mode because tab id doesn't exist. Fix bug 1116449
-    // if we are going to support in-process mode.
-    try {
-      var tabId = this._frameLoader.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIFrameLoader)
-                                   .tabParent
-                                   .tabId;
-    } catch(e) {
-      debug("SetNFCFocus for in-process mode is not yet supported");
-      throw Components.Exception("SetNFCFocus for in-process mode is not yet supported",
-                                 Cr.NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED);
-    }
-    try {
-      let nfcContentHelper =
-        Cc["@mozilla.org/nfc/content-helper;1"].getService(Ci.nsINfcBrowserAPI);
-      nfcContentHelper.setFocusTab(tabId, isFocus);
-    } catch(e) {
-      // Not all platforms support NFC
-    }
-  },
   getAudioChannelVolume: function(aAudioChannel) {
     return this._sendDOMRequest('get-audio-channel-volume',
                                 {audioChannel: aAudioChannel});
   setAudioChannelVolume: function(aAudioChannel, aVolume) {
     return this._sendDOMRequest('set-audio-channel-volume',
                                 {audioChannel: aAudioChannel,
--- a/dom/browser-element/BrowserElementProxy.js
+++ b/dom/browser-element/BrowserElementProxy.js
@@ -187,17 +187,16 @@ BrowserElementProxy.prototype = {
   setActive: defineNoReturnMethod('setActive'),
   sendMouseEvent: defineNoReturnMethod('sendMouseEvent'),
   sendTouchEvent: defineNoReturnMethod('sendTouchEvent'),
   goBack: defineNoReturnMethod('goBack'),
   goForward: defineNoReturnMethod('goForward'),
   reload: defineNoReturnMethod('reload'),
   stop: defineNoReturnMethod('stop'),
   zoom: defineNoReturnMethod('zoom'),
-  setNFCFocus: defineNoReturnMethod('setNFCFocus'),
   findAll: defineNoReturnMethod('findAll'),
   findNext: defineNoReturnMethod('findNext'),
   clearMatch: defineNoReturnMethod('clearMatch'),
   mute: defineNoReturnMethod('mute'),
   unmute: defineNoReturnMethod('unmute'),
   setVolume: defineNoReturnMethod('setVolume'),
   getVisible: defineDOMRequestMethod('getVisible'),
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/dom/browser-element/mochitest/browserElement_SetNFCFocus.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-/* Any copyright is dedicated to the public domain.
-   http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */
-// Bug 1188639 - Check permission to use setNFCFocus
-"use strict";
-function hasSetNFCFocus() {
-  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
-    var iframe = document.createElement('iframe');
-    iframe.setAttribute('mozbrowser', 'true');
-    iframe.addEventListener('mozbrowserloadend', e => {
-      is(iframe.setNFCFocus !== undefined, true,
-         "has permission to use setNFCFocus");
-      resolve();
-    });
-    document.body.appendChild(iframe);
-  });
-function runTest() {
-  hasSetNFCFocus().then(SimpleTest.finish);
-addEventListener('testready', runTest);
--- a/dom/browser-element/mochitest/chrome.ini
+++ b/dom/browser-element/mochitest/chrome.ini
@@ -22,17 +22,16 @@ support-files =
-  browserElement_SetNFCFocus.js
@@ -81,14 +80,13 @@ tags = audiochannel
 tags = audiochannel
 disabled = no modal prompt on POST reload for chrome window
 # The setInputMethodActive() tests will timed out on Android
 skip-if = (os == "android")
--- a/dom/browser-element/mochitest/mochitest-oop.ini
+++ b/dom/browser-element/mochitest/mochitest-oop.ini
@@ -140,17 +140,15 @@ disabled = bug 924771
 disabled = Disabling some OOP tests for WebIDL scope changes
 tags = audiochannel
 disabled = Disabling some OOP tests for WebIDL scope changes
 tags = audiochannel
 disabled = Disabling some OOP tests for WebIDL scope changes
-disabled = Disabling some OOP tests for WebIDL scope changes
 disabled = Disabling some OOP tests for WebIDL scope changes
 skip-if = (toolkit == 'gonk') # Test doesn't work on B2G emulator
 tags = audiochannel
 disabled = Disabling some OOP tests for WebIDL scope changes
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/dom/browser-element/mochitest/test_browserElement_inproc_SetNFCFocus.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-  <title>Test for Bug 1188639</title>
-  <script type="application/javascript" src="chrome://mochikit/content/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js"></script>
-  <script type="application/javascript" src="browserElementTestHelpers.js"></script>
-  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="chrome://mochikit/content/tests/SimpleTest/test.css"/>
-<script type="application/javascript;version=1.7" src="browserElement_SetNFCFocus.js">
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/dom/browser-element/mochitest/test_browserElement_oop_SetNFCFocus.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-  <title>Test for Bug 1188639</title>
-  <script type="application/javascript" src="/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js"></script>
-  <script type="application/javascript" src="browserElementTestHelpers.js"></script>
-  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/tests/SimpleTest/test.css"/>
-<script type="application/javascript;version=1.7" src="browserElement_SetNFCFocus.js">
--- a/dom/browser-element/nsIBrowserElementAPI.idl
+++ b/dom/browser-element/nsIBrowserElementAPI.idl
@@ -97,18 +97,16 @@ interface nsIBrowserElementAPI : nsISupp
   nsIDOMDOMRequest getAudioChannelVolume(in uint32_t audioChannel);
   nsIDOMDOMRequest setAudioChannelVolume(in uint32_t audioChannel, in float volume);
   nsIDOMDOMRequest getAudioChannelMuted(in uint32_t audioChannel);
   nsIDOMDOMRequest setAudioChannelMuted(in uint32_t audioChannel, in bool muted);
   nsIDOMDOMRequest isAudioChannelActive(in uint32_t audioChannel);
-  void setNFCFocus(in boolean isFocus);
   nsIDOMDOMRequest executeScript(in DOMString script, in jsval options);
    * Returns an object that represents a Web Manifest:
    * http://w3c.github.io/manifest/
   nsIDOMDOMRequest getWebManifest();
--- a/dom/events/test/test_all_synthetic_events.html
+++ b/dom/events/test/test_all_synthetic_events.html
@@ -330,24 +330,16 @@ const kEventConstructors = {
   MozMessageDeletedEvent:                    { create: function (aName, aProps) {
                                                          return new MozMessageDeletedEvent(aName, aProps);
   MozMmsEvent:                               { create: function (aName, aProps) {
                                                          return new MozMmsEvent(aName, aProps);
-  MozNFCPeerEvent:                           { create: function (aName, aProps) {
-                                                         return new MozNFCPeerEvent(aName, aProps);
-                                                       },
-                                             },
-  MozNFCTagEvent:                            { create: function (aName, aProps) {
-                                                         return new MozNFCTagEvent(aName, aProps);
-                                                       },
-                                             },
   MozOtaStatusEvent:                         { create: function (aName, aProps) {
                                                           return new MozOtaStatusEvent(aName, aProps);
   MozSettingsEvent:                          { create: function (aName, aProps) {
                                                          return new MozSettingsEvent(aName, aProps);
--- a/dom/html/nsBrowserElement.cpp
+++ b/dom/html/nsBrowserElement.cpp
@@ -664,28 +664,16 @@ nsBrowserElement::SetVolume(float aVolum
   nsresult rv = mBrowserElementAPI->SetVolume(aVolume);
   if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv))) {
-nsBrowserElement::SetNFCFocus(bool aIsFocus,
-                              ErrorResult& aRv)
-  NS_ENSURE_TRUE_VOID(IsBrowserElementOrThrow(aRv));
-  nsresult rv = mBrowserElementAPI->SetNFCFocus(aIsFocus);
-  if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv))) {
-  }
 nsBrowserElement::ExecuteScript(const nsAString& aScript,
                                 const BrowserElementExecuteScriptOptions& aOptions,
                                 ErrorResult& aRv)
   NS_ENSURE_TRUE(IsBrowserElementOrThrow(aRv), nullptr);
   nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMDOMRequest> req;
--- a/dom/html/nsBrowserElement.h
+++ b/dom/html/nsBrowserElement.h
@@ -109,19 +109,16 @@ public:
                                                          ErrorResult& aRv);
   already_AddRefed<dom::DOMRequest> ExecuteScript(const nsAString& aScript,
                                                   const dom::BrowserElementExecuteScriptOptions& aOptions,
                                                   ErrorResult& aRv);
   already_AddRefed<dom::DOMRequest> GetWebManifest(ErrorResult& aRv);
-  void SetNFCFocus(bool isFocus,
-                   ErrorResult& aRv);
   // Helper
   static void GenerateAllowedAudioChannels(
                  nsPIDOMWindowInner* aWindow,
                  nsIFrameLoader* aFrameLoader,
                  nsIBrowserElementAPI* aAPI,
                  nsTArray<RefPtr<dom::BrowserElementAudioChannel>>& aAudioChannels,
                  ErrorResult& aRv);
--- a/dom/moz.build
+++ b/dom/moz.build
@@ -121,19 +121,16 @@ if CONFIG['MOZ_WIDGET_TOOLKIT'] == 'gonk
     DIRS += [
-    DIRS += ['nfc']
     DIRS += ['secureelement']
 if CONFIG['MOZ_B2G']:
     DIRS += [
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/dom/nfc/MozIsoDepTech.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
-#include "MozIsoDepTech.h"
-#include "TagUtils.h"
-#include "mozilla/dom/Promise.h"
-using namespace mozilla::dom::nfc;
-namespace mozilla {
-namespace dom {
-const NFCTechType MozIsoDepTech::sTechnology = NFCTechType::ISO_DEP;
-/* static */
-MozIsoDepTech::Constructor(const GlobalObject& aGlobal,
-                           MozNFCTag& aNFCTag,
-                           ErrorResult& aRv)
-  ErrorResult rv;
-  nsCOMPtr<nsPIDOMWindowInner> win = do_QueryInterface(aGlobal.GetAsSupports());
-  if (!win) {
-    aRv.Throw(NS_ERROR_FAILURE);
-    return nullptr;
-  }
-  if (!TagUtils::IsTechSupported(aNFCTag, sTechnology)) {
-    return nullptr;
-  }
-  RefPtr<MozIsoDepTech> isoDep = new MozIsoDepTech(win, aNFCTag);
-  return isoDep.forget();
-MozIsoDepTech::MozIsoDepTech(nsPIDOMWindowInner* aWindow, MozNFCTag& aNFCTag)
- : mWindow(aWindow)
- , mTag(&aNFCTag)
-MozIsoDepTech::Transceive(const Uint8Array& aCommand, ErrorResult& aRv)
-  return TagUtils::Transceive(mTag, sTechnology, aCommand, aRv);
-MozIsoDepTech::WrapObject(JSContext* aCx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> aGivenProto)
-  return MozIsoDepTechBinding::Wrap(aCx, this, aGivenProto);
-} // namespace dom
-} // namespace mozilla
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/dom/nfc/MozIsoDepTech.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
-#ifndef mozilla_dom_nfc_MozIsoDepTech_h__
-#define mozilla_dom_nfc_MozIsoDepTech_h__
-#include "mozilla/dom/MozNFCTagBinding.h"
-#include "mozilla/dom/MozIsoDepTechBinding.h"
-#include "nsCycleCollectionParticipant.h"
-#include "nsWrapperCache.h"
-#include "nsISupportsImpl.h"
-#include "nsPIDOMWindow.h"
-namespace mozilla {
-namespace dom {
-class Promise;
-class MozIsoDepTech : public nsISupports,
-                      public nsWrapperCache
-  already_AddRefed<Promise> Transceive(const Uint8Array& aCommand,
-                                       ErrorResult& aRv);
-  nsPIDOMWindowInner* GetParentObject() const { return mWindow; }
-  virtual JSObject* WrapObject(JSContext* aCx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> aGivenProto) override;
-  static already_AddRefed<MozIsoDepTech>
-  Constructor(const GlobalObject& aGlobal, MozNFCTag& aNFCTag,
-              ErrorResult& aRv);
-  MozIsoDepTech(nsPIDOMWindowInner* aWindow, MozNFCTag& aNFCTag);
-  virtual ~MozIsoDepTech();
-  RefPtr<nsPIDOMWindowInner> mWindow;
-  RefPtr<MozNFCTag> mTag;
-  static const NFCTechType sTechnology;
-} // namespace dom
-} // namespace mozilla
-#endif  // mozilla_dom_nfc_MozIsoDepTech_h__
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/dom/nfc/MozNDEFRecord.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,413 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
-/* Copyright © 2013 Deutsche Telekom, Inc. */
-#include "MozNDEFRecord.h"
-#include "js/StructuredClone.h"
-#include "mozilla/dom/MozNDEFRecordBinding.h"
-#include "mozilla/HoldDropJSObjects.h"
-#include "nsContentUtils.h"
-#include "nsIGlobalObject.h"
-#include "nsString.h"
-namespace mozilla {
-namespace dom {
-  tmp->DropData();
-  mozilla::HoldJSObjects(this);
-  if (mType) {
-    mType = nullptr;
-  }
-  if (mId) {
-    mId = nullptr;
-  }
-  if (mPayload) {
-    mPayload = nullptr;
-  }
-  mozilla::DropJSObjects(this);
- * Validate TNF.
- * See section 3.3 THE NDEF Specification Test Requirements,
- * NDEF specification 1.0
- */
-/* static */ bool
-MozNDEFRecord::ValidateTNF(const MozNDEFRecordOptions& aOptions,
-                           ErrorResult& aRv)
-  // * The TNF field MUST have a value between 0x00 and 0x06.
-  // * The TNF value MUST NOT be 0x07.
-  // These two requirements are already handled by WebIDL bindings.
-  // If the TNF value is 0x00 (Empty), the TYPE, ID, and PAYLOAD fields MUST be
-  // omitted from the record.
-  if ((aOptions.mTnf == TNF::Empty) &&
-      (aOptions.mType.WasPassed() || aOptions.mId.WasPassed() ||
-       aOptions.mPayload.WasPassed())) {
-    NS_WARNING("tnf is empty but type/id/payload is not null.");
-    return false;
-  }
-  // If the TNF value is 0x05 (Unknown) or 0x06(Unchanged), the TYPE field MUST
-  // be omitted from the NDEF record.
-  if ((aOptions.mTnf == TNF::Unknown || aOptions.mTnf == TNF::Unchanged) &&
-      aOptions.mType.WasPassed()) {
-    NS_WARNING("tnf is unknown/unchanged but type  is not null.");
-    return false;
-  }
-  return true;
-/* static */ already_AddRefed<MozNDEFRecord>
-MozNDEFRecord::Constructor(const GlobalObject& aGlobal,
-                           const MozNDEFRecordOptions& aOptions,
-                           ErrorResult& aRv)
-  if (!ValidateTNF(aOptions, aRv)) {
-    return nullptr;
-  }
-  nsCOMPtr<nsISupports> parent = do_QueryInterface(aGlobal.GetAsSupports());
-  if (!parent) {
-    aRv.Throw(NS_ERROR_FAILURE);
-    return nullptr;
-  }
-  JSContext* context = aGlobal.Context();
-  RefPtr<MozNDEFRecord> ndefRecord = new MozNDEFRecord(parent, aOptions.mTnf);
-  ndefRecord->InitType(context, aOptions.mType);
-  ndefRecord->InitId(context, aOptions.mId);
-  ndefRecord->InitPayload(context, aOptions.mPayload);
-  return ndefRecord.forget();
-/* static */ already_AddRefed<MozNDEFRecord>
-MozNDEFRecord::Constructor(const GlobalObject& aGlobal,
-                           const nsAString& aUri,
-                           ErrorResult& aRv)
-  if (aUri.IsVoid()) {
-    return nullptr;
-  }
-  nsCOMPtr<nsISupports> parent = do_QueryInterface(aGlobal.GetAsSupports());
-  if (!parent) {
-    aRv.Throw(NS_ERROR_FAILURE);
-    return nullptr;
-  }
-  RefPtr<MozNDEFRecord> ndefRecord = new MozNDEFRecord(parent, TNF::Well_known);
-  ndefRecord->InitType(aGlobal.Context(), RTD::U);
-  ndefRecord->InitPayload(aGlobal.Context(), aUri);
-  return ndefRecord.forget();
-MozNDEFRecord::MozNDEFRecord(nsISupports* aParent, TNF aTnf)
-  : mParent(aParent) // For GetParentObject()
-  , mTnf(aTnf)
-  , mSize(3) // 1(flags) + 1(type_length) + 1(payload_length)
-  HoldData();
-MozNDEFRecord::GetAsURI(nsAString& aRetVal)
-  aRetVal.SetIsVoid(true);
-  if (mTnf != TNF::Well_known) {
-    return;
-  }
-  JS::AutoCheckCannotGC nogc;
-  bool isShared = false;
-  uint8_t* typeData = JS_GetUint8ArrayData(mType, &isShared, nogc);
-  if (isShared) {
-    return;                     // Must opt in to shared memory
-  }
-  const char* uVal = RTDValues::strings[static_cast<uint32_t>(RTD::U)].value;
-  if (typeData[0] != uVal[0]) {
-    return;
-  }
-  uint32_t payloadLen;
-  uint8_t* payloadData;
-  js::GetUint8ArrayLengthAndData(mPayload, &payloadLen, &isShared, &payloadData);
-  if (isShared) {
-    return;                     // Must opt in to shared memory
-  }
-  uint8_t id = payloadData[0];
-  if (id >= static_cast<uint8_t>(WellKnownURIPrefix::EndGuard_)) {
-    return;
-  }
-  using namespace mozilla::dom::WellKnownURIPrefixValues;
-  aRetVal.AssignASCII(strings[id].value);
-  aRetVal.Append(NS_ConvertUTF8toUTF16(
-    nsDependentCSubstring(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&payloadData[1]), payloadLen - 1)));
-MozNDEFRecord::WriteStructuredClone(JSContext* aCx, JSStructuredCloneWriter* aWriter) const
-  uint8_t* dummy;
-  uint32_t typeLen = 0, idLen = 0, payloadLen = 0;
-  bool isShared;
-  if (mType) {
-    js::GetUint8ArrayLengthAndData(mType, &typeLen, &isShared, &dummy);
-    if (isShared) {
-      return false;             // Must opt in to shared memory
-    }
-  }
-  if (mId) {
-    js::GetUint8ArrayLengthAndData(mId, &idLen, &isShared, &dummy);
-    if (isShared) {
-      return false;             // Must opt in to shared memory
-    }
-  }
-  if (mPayload) {
-    js::GetUint8ArrayLengthAndData(mPayload, &payloadLen, &isShared, &dummy);
-    if (isShared) {
-      return false;             // Must opt in to shared memory
-    }
-  }
-  return JS_WriteUint32Pair(aWriter, static_cast<uint32_t>(mTnf), typeLen) &&
-         JS_WriteUint32Pair(aWriter, idLen, payloadLen) &&
-         WriteUint8Array(aCx, aWriter, mType, typeLen) &&
-         WriteUint8Array(aCx, aWriter, mId, idLen) &&
-         WriteUint8Array(aCx, aWriter, mPayload, payloadLen);
-MozNDEFRecord::ReadStructuredClone(JSContext* aCx, JSStructuredCloneReader* aReader)
-  uint32_t tnf, typeLen, idLen, payloadLen;
-  if (!JS_ReadUint32Pair(aReader, &tnf, &typeLen) ||
-      !JS_ReadUint32Pair(aReader, &idLen, &payloadLen)) {
-    return false;
-  }
-  mTnf = static_cast<TNF>(tnf);
-  if (typeLen) {
-    JS::Rooted<JS::Value> value(aCx);
-    if (!JS_ReadTypedArray(aReader, &value)) {
-      return false;
-    }
-    MOZ_ASSERT(value.isObject());
-    InitType(aCx, value.toObject(), typeLen);
-  }
-  if (idLen) {
-    JS::Rooted<JS::Value> value(aCx);
-    if (!JS_ReadTypedArray(aReader, &value)) {
-      return false;
-    }
-    MOZ_ASSERT(value.isObject());
-    InitId(aCx, value.toObject(), idLen);
-  }
-  if (payloadLen) {
-    JS::Rooted<JS::Value> value(aCx);
-    if (!JS_ReadTypedArray(aReader, &value)) {
-      return false;
-    }
-    MOZ_ASSERT(value.isObject());
-    InitPayload(aCx, value.toObject(), payloadLen);
-  }
-  return true;
-MozNDEFRecord::InitType(JSContext* aCx, const Optional<Nullable<Uint8Array>>& aType)
-  if (!aType.WasPassed() || aType.Value().IsNull()) {
-    return;
-  }
-  const Uint8Array& type = aType.Value().Value();
-  type.ComputeLengthAndData();
-  mType = Uint8Array::Create(aCx, this, type.Length(), type.Data());
-  IncSize(type.Length());
-MozNDEFRecord::InitType(JSContext* aCx, RTD rtd)
-  EnumEntry rtdType = RTDValues::strings[static_cast<uint32_t>(rtd)];
-  mType = Uint8Array::Create(aCx, rtdType.length,
-                             reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(rtdType.value));
-  IncSize(rtdType.length);
-MozNDEFRecord::InitType(JSContext* aCx, JSObject& aType, uint32_t aLen)
-  mType = &aType;
-  IncSize(aLen);
-MozNDEFRecord::InitId(JSContext* aCx, const Optional<Nullable<Uint8Array>>& aId)
-  if (!aId.WasPassed() || aId.Value().IsNull()) {
-    return;
-  }
-  const Uint8Array& id = aId.Value().Value();
-  id.ComputeLengthAndData();
-  mId = Uint8Array::Create(aCx, this, id.Length(), id.Data());
-  IncSize(1 /* id_length */ + id.Length());
-MozNDEFRecord::InitId(JSContext* aCx, JSObject& aId, uint32_t aLen)
-  mId = &aId;
-  IncSize(1 /* id_length */ + aLen);
-MozNDEFRecord::InitPayload(JSContext* aCx, const Optional<Nullable<Uint8Array>>& aPayload)
-  if (!aPayload.WasPassed() || aPayload.Value().IsNull()) {
-    return;
-  }
-  const Uint8Array& payload = aPayload.Value().Value();
-  payload.ComputeLengthAndData();
-  mPayload = Uint8Array::Create(aCx, this, payload.Length(), payload.Data());
-  IncSizeForPayload(payload.Length());
-MozNDEFRecord::InitPayload(JSContext* aCx, const nsAString& aUri)
-  using namespace mozilla::dom::WellKnownURIPrefixValues;
-  nsCString uri = NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(aUri);
-  uint8_t id = GetURIIdentifier(uri);
-  uri = Substring(uri, strings[id].length);
-  mPayload = Uint8Array::Create(aCx, this, uri.Length() + 1);
-  JS::AutoCheckCannotGC nogc;
-  bool isShared = false;
-  uint8_t* data = JS_GetUint8ArrayData(mPayload, &isShared, nogc);
-  MOZ_ASSERT(!isShared);         // Created as unshared above
-  data[0] = id;
-  memcpy(&data[1], reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(uri.Data()), uri.Length());
-  IncSizeForPayload(uri.Length() + 1);
-MozNDEFRecord::InitPayload(JSContext* aCx, JSObject& aPayload, uint32_t aLen)
-  mPayload = &aPayload;
-  IncSizeForPayload(aLen);
-MozNDEFRecord::IncSize(uint32_t aCount)
-  mSize += aCount;
-MozNDEFRecord::IncSizeForPayload(uint32_t aLen)
-  if (aLen > 0xff) {
-    IncSize(3);
-  }
-  IncSize(aLen);
-MozNDEFRecord::WriteUint8Array(JSContext* aCx, JSStructuredCloneWriter* aWriter, JSObject* aObj, uint32_t aLen) const
-  if (!aLen) {
-    return true;
-  }
-  JS::Rooted<JSObject*> obj(aCx, aObj);
-  JSAutoCompartment ac(aCx, obj);
-  JS::Rooted<JS::Value> value(aCx, JS::ObjectValue(*obj));
-  return JS_WriteTypedArray(aWriter, value);
-/* static */ uint32_t
-MozNDEFRecord::GetURIIdentifier(const nsCString& aUri)
-  using namespace mozilla::dom::WellKnownURIPrefixValues;
-  // strings[0] is "", so we start from 1.
-  for (uint32_t i = 1; i < static_cast<uint32_t>(WellKnownURIPrefix::EndGuard_); i++) {
-    if (StringBeginsWith(aUri, nsDependentCString(strings[i].value))) {
-      return i;
-    }
-  }
-  return 0;
-  DropData();
-MozNDEFRecord::WrapObject(JSContext* aCx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> aGivenProto)
-  return MozNDEFRecordBinding::Wrap(aCx, this, aGivenProto);
-} // namespace dom
-} // namespace mozilla
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/dom/nfc/MozNDEFRecord.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
-/* Copyright © 2013 Deutsche Telekom, Inc. */
-#ifndef mozilla_dom_MozNDEFRecord_h__
-#define mozilla_dom_MozNDEFRecord_h__
-#include "mozilla/Attributes.h"
-#include "mozilla/ErrorResult.h"
-#include "nsCycleCollectionParticipant.h"
-#include "nsWrapperCache.h"
-#include "jsapi.h"
-#include "mozilla/dom/MozNDEFRecordBinding.h"
-#include "mozilla/dom/TypedArray.h"
-#include "jsfriendapi.h"
-#include "js/GCAPI.h"
-#include "nsISupports.h"
-struct JSContext;
-struct JSStructuredCloneWriter;
-namespace mozilla {
-namespace dom {
-class MozNDEFRecordOptions;
-class MozNDEFRecord final : public nsISupports,
-                            public nsWrapperCache
-  MozNDEFRecord(nsISupports* aParent, TNF aTnf = TNF::Empty);
-  nsISupports* GetParentObject() const
-  {
-    return mParent;
-  }
-  virtual JSObject* WrapObject(JSContext* aCx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> aGivenProto) override;
-  static already_AddRefed<MozNDEFRecord>
-  Constructor(const GlobalObject& aGlobal,
-              const MozNDEFRecordOptions& aOptions,
-              ErrorResult& aRv);
-  static already_AddRefed<MozNDEFRecord>
-  Constructor(const GlobalObject& aGlobal,
-              const nsAString& aURI,
-              ErrorResult& aRv);
-  TNF Tnf() const
-  {
-    return mTnf;
-  }
-  void GetType(JSContext* /* unused */, JS::MutableHandle<JSObject*> aRetVal) const
-  {
-    aRetVal.set(mType);
-  }
-  void GetId(JSContext* /* unused */, JS::MutableHandle<JSObject*> aRetVal) const
-  {
-    aRetVal.set(mId);
-  }
-  void GetPayload(JSContext* /* unused */, JS::MutableHandle<JSObject*> aRetVal) const
-  {
-    aRetVal.set(mPayload);
-  }
-  uint32_t Size() const
-  {
-    return mSize;
-  }
-  void GetAsURI(nsAString& aRetVal);
-  // Structured clone methods use these to clone MozNDEFRecord.
-  bool WriteStructuredClone(JSContext* aCx, JSStructuredCloneWriter* aWriter) const;
-  bool ReadStructuredClone(JSContext* aCx, JSStructuredCloneReader* aReader);
-  ~MozNDEFRecord();
-  MozNDEFRecord() = delete;
-  RefPtr<nsISupports> mParent;
-  void HoldData();
-  void DropData();
-  void InitType(JSContext* aCx, const Optional<Nullable<Uint8Array>>& aType);
-  void InitType(JSContext* aCx, const RTD rtd);
-  void InitType(JSContext* aCx, JSObject& aType, uint32_t aLen);
-  void InitId(JSContext* aCx, const Optional<Nullable<Uint8Array>>& aId);
-  void InitId(JSContext* aCx, JSObject& aId, uint32_t aLen);
-  void InitPayload(JSContext* aCx, const Optional<Nullable<Uint8Array>>& aPayload);
-  void InitPayload(JSContext* aCx, const nsAString& aUri);
-  void InitPayload(JSContext* aCx, JSObject& aPayload, uint32_t aLen);
-  void IncSize(uint32_t aCount);
-  void IncSizeForPayload(uint32_t aLen);
-  bool WriteUint8Array(JSContext* aCx, JSStructuredCloneWriter* aWriter, JSObject* aObj, uint32_t aLen) const;
-  static bool
-  ValidateTNF(const MozNDEFRecordOptions& aOptions, ErrorResult& aRv);
-  static uint32_t GetURIIdentifier(const nsCString& aUri);
-  TNF mTnf;
-  JS::Heap<JSObject*> mType;
-  JS::Heap<JSObject*> mId;
-  JS::Heap<JSObject*> mPayload;
-  uint32_t mSize;
-} // namespace dom
-} // namespace mozilla
-#endif // mozilla_dom_MozNDEFRecord_h__
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/dom/nfc/MozNfcATech.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
-#include "MozNfcATech.h"
-#include "TagUtils.h"
-#include "mozilla/dom/Promise.h"
-using namespace mozilla::dom::nfc;
-namespace mozilla {
-namespace dom {
-const NFCTechType MozNfcATech::sTechnology = NFCTechType::NFC_A;
-/* static */
-MozNfcATech::Constructor(const GlobalObject& aGlobal,
-                         MozNFCTag& aNFCTag,
-                         ErrorResult& aRv)
-  ErrorResult rv;
-  nsCOMPtr<nsPIDOMWindowInner> win = do_QueryInterface(aGlobal.GetAsSupports());
-  if (!win) {
-    aRv.Throw(NS_ERROR_FAILURE);
-    return nullptr;
-  }
-  if (!TagUtils::IsTechSupported(aNFCTag, sTechnology)) {
-    return nullptr;
-  }
-  RefPtr<MozNfcATech> nfcA = new MozNfcATech(win, aNFCTag);
-  return nfcA.forget();
-MozNfcATech::MozNfcATech(nsPIDOMWindowInner* aWindow, MozNFCTag& aNFCTag)
- : mWindow(aWindow)
- , mTag(&aNFCTag)
-MozNfcATech::Transceive(const Uint8Array& aCommand, ErrorResult& aRv)
-  return TagUtils::Transceive(mTag, sTechnology, aCommand, aRv);
-MozNfcATech::WrapObject(JSContext* aCx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> aGivenProto)
-  return MozNfcATechBinding::Wrap(aCx, this, aGivenProto);
-} // namespace dom
-} // namespace mozilla
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/dom/nfc/MozNfcATech.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
-#ifndef mozilla_dom_nfc_MozNfcATech_h__
-#define mozilla_dom_nfc_MozNfcATech_h__
-#include "mozilla/dom/MozNFCTagBinding.h"
-#include "mozilla/dom/MozNfcATechBinding.h"
-#include "nsCycleCollectionParticipant.h"
-#include "nsWrapperCache.h"
-#include "nsISupportsImpl.h"
-#include "nsPIDOMWindow.h"
-namespace mozilla {
-namespace dom {
-class Promise;
-class MozNfcATech : public nsISupports,
-                    public nsWrapperCache
-  already_AddRefed<Promise> Transceive(const Uint8Array& aCommand,
-                                       ErrorResult& aRv);
-  nsPIDOMWindowInner* GetParentObject() const { return mWindow; }
-  virtual JSObject* WrapObject(JSContext* aCx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> aGivenProto) override;
-  static already_AddRefed<MozNfcATech>
-  Constructor(const GlobalObject& aGlobal, MozNFCTag& aNFCTag,
-              ErrorResult& aRv);
-  MozNfcATech(nsPIDOMWindowInner* aWindow, MozNFCTag& aNFCTag);
-  virtual ~MozNfcATech();
-  RefPtr<nsPIDOMWindowInner> mWindow;
-  RefPtr<MozNFCTag> mTag;
-  static const NFCTechType sTechnology;
-} // namespace dom
-} // namespace mozilla
-#endif  // mozilla_dom_nfc_MozNfcATech_h__
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/dom/nfc/NfcContentHelper.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,417 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright 2012 Mozilla Foundation and Mozilla contributors
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-/* Copyright © 2013, Deutsche Telekom, Inc. */
-"use strict";
-const {classes: Cc, interfaces: Ci, utils: Cu, results: Cr} = Components;
-XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "NFC", function () {
-  let obj = {};
-  Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/nfc_consts.js", obj);
-  return obj;
-const NFC_ENABLED = libcutils.property_get("ro.moz.nfc.enabled", "false") === "true";
-// set to true to in nfc_consts.js to see debug messages
-var debug;
-function updateDebug() {
-    debug = function (s) {
-      dump("-*- NfcContentHelper: " + s + "\n");
-    };
-  } else {
-    debug = function (s) {};
-  }
-  Components.ID("{4d72c120-da5f-11e1-9b23-0800200c9a66}");
-const NFC_IPC_MSG_NAMES = [
-  "NFC:ReadNDEFResponse",
-  "NFC:WriteNDEFResponse",
-  "NFC:MakeReadOnlyResponse",
-  "NFC:FormatResponse",
-  "NFC:TransceiveResponse",
-  "NFC:CheckP2PRegistrationResponse",
-  "NFC:DOMEvent",
-  "NFC:NotifySendFileStatusResponse",
-  "NFC:ChangeRFStateResponse"
-XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter(this, "cpmm",
-                                   "@mozilla.org/childprocessmessagemanager;1",
-                                   "nsISyncMessageSender");
-function NfcContentHelper() {
-  Services.obs.addObserver(this, "xpcom-shutdown", false);
-  this._requestMap = [];
-  this.initDOMRequestHelper(/* window */ null, NFC_IPC_MSG_NAMES);
-  this.eventListeners = {};
-NfcContentHelper.prototype = {
-  __proto__: DOMRequestIpcHelper.prototype,
-  QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsINfcContentHelper,
-                                         Ci.nsINfcBrowserAPI,
-                                         Ci.nsISupportsWeakReference,
-                                         Ci.nsIObserver]),
-  classInfo: XPCOMUtils.generateCI({
-    classID:          NFCCONTENTHELPER_CID,
-    classDescription: "NfcContentHelper",
-    interfaces:       [Ci.nsINfcContentHelper,
-                       Ci.nsINfcBrowserAPI]
-  }),
-  _requestMap: null,
-  eventListeners: null,
-  queryRFState: function queryRFState() {
-    return cpmm.sendSyncMessage("NFC:QueryInfo")[0].rfState;
-  },
-  setFocusTab: function setFocusTab(tabId, isFocus) {
-    cpmm.sendAsyncMessage("NFC:SetFocusTab", {
-      tabId: tabId,
-      isFocus: isFocus
-    });
-  },
-  // NFCTag interface
-  readNDEF: function readNDEF(sessionToken, callback) {
-    let requestId = callback.getCallbackId();
-    this._requestMap[requestId] = callback;
-    cpmm.sendAsyncMessage("NFC:ReadNDEF", {
-      requestId: requestId,
-      sessionToken: sessionToken
-    });
-  },
-  writeNDEF: function writeNDEF(records, isP2P, sessionToken, callback) {
-    let requestId = callback.getCallbackId();
-    this._requestMap[requestId] = callback;
-    cpmm.sendAsyncMessage("NFC:WriteNDEF", {
-      requestId: requestId,
-      sessionToken: sessionToken,
-      records: records,
-      isP2P: isP2P
-    });
-  },
-  makeReadOnly: function makeReadOnly(sessionToken, callback) {
-    let requestId = callback.getCallbackId();
-    this._requestMap[requestId] = callback;
-    cpmm.sendAsyncMessage("NFC:MakeReadOnly", {
-      requestId: requestId,
-      sessionToken: sessionToken
-    });
-  },
-  format: function format(sessionToken, callback) {
-    let requestId = callback.getCallbackId();
-    this._requestMap[requestId] = callback;
-    cpmm.sendAsyncMessage("NFC:Format", {
-      requestId: requestId,
-      sessionToken: sessionToken
-    });
-  },
-  transceive: function transceive(sessionToken, technology, command, callback) {
-    let requestId = callback.getCallbackId();
-    this._requestMap[requestId] = callback;
-    cpmm.sendAsyncMessage("NFC:Transceive", {
-      requestId: requestId,
-      sessionToken: sessionToken,
-      technology: technology,
-      command: command
-    });
-  },
-  sendFile: function sendFile(data, sessionToken, callback) {
-    let requestId = callback.getCallbackId();
-    this._requestMap[requestId] = callback;
-    cpmm.sendAsyncMessage("NFC:SendFile", {
-      requestId: requestId,
-      sessionToken: sessionToken,
-      blob: data.blob
-    });
-  },
-  notifySendFileStatus: function notifySendFileStatus(status, requestId) {
-    cpmm.sendAsyncMessage("NFC:NotifySendFileStatus", {
-      status: status,
-      requestId: requestId
-    });
-  },
-  addEventListener: function addEventListener(listener, tabId) {
-    let _window = listener.window;
-    this.eventListeners[tabId] = listener;
-    cpmm.sendAsyncMessage("NFC:AddEventListener", { tabId: tabId });
-  },
-  removeEventListener: function removeEventListener(tabId) {
-    delete this.eventListeners[tabId];
-    cpmm.sendAsyncMessage("NFC:RemoveEventListener", { tabId: tabId });
-  },
-  registerTargetForPeerReady: function registerTargetForPeerReady(appId) {
-    cpmm.sendAsyncMessage("NFC:RegisterPeerReadyTarget", { appId: appId });
-  },
-  unregisterTargetForPeerReady: function unregisterTargetForPeerReady(appId) {
-    cpmm.sendAsyncMessage("NFC:UnregisterPeerReadyTarget", { appId: appId });
-  },
-  checkP2PRegistration: function checkP2PRegistration(appId, callback) {
-    let requestId = callback.getCallbackId();
-    this._requestMap[requestId] = callback;
-    cpmm.sendAsyncMessage("NFC:CheckP2PRegistration", {
-      appId: appId,
-      requestId: requestId
-    });
-  },
-  notifyUserAcceptedP2P: function notifyUserAcceptedP2P(appId) {
-    cpmm.sendAsyncMessage("NFC:NotifyUserAcceptedP2P", {
-      appId: appId
-    });
-  },
-  changeRFState: function changeRFState(rfState, callback) {
-    let requestId = callback.getCallbackId();
-    this._requestMap[requestId] = callback;
-    cpmm.sendAsyncMessage("NFC:ChangeRFState",
-                          {requestId: requestId,
-                           rfState: rfState});
-  },
-  callDefaultFoundHandler: function callDefaultFoundHandler(sessionToken,
-                                                            isP2P,
-                                                            records) {
-    cpmm.sendAsyncMessage("NFC:CallDefaultFoundHandler",
-                          {sessionToken: sessionToken,
-                           isP2P: isP2P,
-                           records: records});
-  },
-  callDefaultLostHandler: function callDefaultLostHandler(sessionToken, isP2P) {
-    cpmm.sendAsyncMessage("NFC:CallDefaultLostHandler",
-                          {sessionToken: sessionToken,
-                           isP2P: isP2P});
-  },
-  // nsIObserver
-  observe: function observe(subject, topic, data) {
-    if (topic == "xpcom-shutdown") {
-      this.destroyDOMRequestHelper();
-      Services.obs.removeObserver(this, "xpcom-shutdown");
-      cpmm = null;
-    }
-  },
-  // nsIMessageListener
-  receiveMessage: function receiveMessage(message) {
-    DEBUG && debug("Message received: " + JSON.stringify(message));
-    let result = message.data;
-    switch (message.name) {
-      case "NFC:ReadNDEFResponse":
-        this.handleReadNDEFResponse(result);
-        break;
-      case "NFC:CheckP2PRegistrationResponse":
-        this.handleCheckP2PRegistrationResponse(result);
-        break;
-      case "NFC:TransceiveResponse":
-        this.handleTransceiveResponse(result);
-        break;
-      case "NFC:WriteNDEFResponse": // Fall through.
-      case "NFC:MakeReadOnlyResponse":
-      case "NFC:FormatResponse":
-      case "NFC:NotifySendFileStatusResponse":
-      case "NFC:ChangeRFStateResponse":
-        this.handleGeneralResponse(result);
-        break;
-      case "NFC:DOMEvent":
-        this.handleDOMEvent(result);
-        break;
-    }
-  },
-  handleGeneralResponse: function handleGeneralResponse(result) {
-    let requestId = result.requestId;
-    let callback = this._requestMap[requestId];
-    if (!callback) {
-      debug("not firing message " + result.type + " for id: " + requestId);
-      return;
-    }
-    delete this._requestMap[requestId];
-    if (result.errorMsg) {
-      callback.notifyError(result.errorMsg);
-    } else {
-      callback.notifySuccess();
-    }
-  },
-  handleReadNDEFResponse: function handleReadNDEFResponse(result) {
-    let requestId = result.requestId;
-    let callback = this._requestMap[requestId];
-    if (!callback) {
-      debug("not firing message handleReadNDEFResponse for id: " + requestId);
-      return;
-    }
-    delete this._requestMap[requestId];
-    if (result.errorMsg) {
-      callback.notifyError(result.errorMsg);
-      return;
-    }
-    callback.notifySuccessWithNDEFRecords(result.records);
-  },
-  handleCheckP2PRegistrationResponse: function handleCheckP2PRegistrationResponse(result) {
-    let requestId = result.requestId;
-    let callback = this._requestMap[requestId];
-    if (!callback) {
-      debug("not firing message handleCheckP2PRegistrationResponse for id: " + requestId);
-      return;
-    }
-    delete this._requestMap[requestId];
-    // Privilaged status API. Always fire success to avoid using exposed props.
-    // The receiver must check the boolean mapped status code to handle.
-    callback.notifySuccessWithBoolean(!result.errorMsg);
-  },
-  handleTransceiveResponse: function handleTransceiveResponse(result) {
-    let requestId = result.requestId;
-    let callback = this._requestMap[requestId];
-    if (!callback) {
-      debug("not firing message handleTransceiveResponse for id: " + requestId);
-      return;
-    }
-    delete this._requestMap[requestId];
-    if (result.errorMsg) {
-      callback.notifyError(result.errorMsg);
-      return;
-    }
-    callback.notifySuccessWithByteArray(result.response);
-  },
-  handleDOMEvent: function handleDOMEvent(result) {
-    let listener = this.eventListeners[result.tabId];
-    if (!listener) {
-      debug("no listener for tabId " + result.tabId);
-      return;
-    }
-    switch (result.event) {
-        listener.notifyPeerFound(result.sessionToken, /* isPeerReady */ true);
-        break;
-        listener.notifyPeerFound(result.sessionToken);
-        break;
-      case NFC.PEER_EVENT_LOST:
-        listener.notifyPeerLost(result.sessionToken);
-        break;
-      case NFC.TAG_EVENT_FOUND:
-        let ndefInfo = null;
-        if (result.tagType !== undefined &&
-            result.maxNDEFSize !== undefined &&
-            result.isReadOnly !== undefined &&
-            result.isFormatable !== undefined) {
-          ndefInfo = new TagNDEFInfo(result.tagType,
-                                     result.maxNDEFSize,
-                                     result.isReadOnly,
-                                     result.isFormatable);
-        }
-        let tagInfo = new TagInfo(result.techList, result.tagId);
-        listener.notifyTagFound(result.sessionToken,
-                                          tagInfo,
-                                          ndefInfo,
-                                          result.records);
-        break;
-      case NFC.TAG_EVENT_LOST:
-        listener.notifyTagLost(result.sessionToken);
-        break;
-        listener.notifyRFStateChanged(result.rfState);
-        break;
-      case NFC.FOCUS_CHANGED:
-        listener.notifyFocusChanged(result.focus);
-        break;
-    }
-  }
-function TagNDEFInfo(tagType, maxNDEFSize, isReadOnly, isFormatable) {
-  this.tagType = tagType;
-  this.maxNDEFSize = maxNDEFSize;
-  this.isReadOnly = isReadOnly;
-  this.isFormatable = isFormatable;
-TagNDEFInfo.prototype = {
-  QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsITagNDEFInfo]),
-  tagType: null,
-  maxNDEFSize: 0,
-  isReadOnly: false,
-  isFormatable: false
-function TagInfo(techList, tagId) {
-  this.techList = techList;
-  this.tagId = tagId;
-TagInfo.prototype = {
-  QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsITagInfo]),
-  techList: null,
-  tagId: null,
-  this.NSGetFactory = XPCOMUtils.generateNSGetFactory([NfcContentHelper]);
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/dom/nfc/NfcContentHelper.manifest
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
-# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
-# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
-# NfcContentHelper.js
-component {4d72c120-da5f-11e1-9b23-0800200c9a66} NfcContentHelper.js
-contract @mozilla.org/nfc/content-helper;1 {4d72c120-da5f-11e1-9b23-0800200c9a66}
-category profile-after-change NfcContentHelper @mozilla.org/nfc/content-helper;1
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/dom/nfc/TagUtils.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
-#include "TagUtils.h"
-#include "mozilla/dom/Promise.h"
-namespace mozilla {
-namespace dom {
-namespace nfc {
-TagUtils::IsTechSupported(const MozNFCTag& aTag,
-                          const NFCTechType& aTechnology)
-  ErrorResult rv;
-  Nullable<nsTArray<NFCTechType>> techList;
-  aTag.GetTechList(techList, rv);
-  ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, false);
-  return !techList.IsNull() && techList.Value().Contains(aTechnology);
-TagUtils::Transceive(MozNFCTag* aTag,
-                     const NFCTechType& aTechnology,
-                     const Uint8Array& aCommand,
-                     ErrorResult& aRv)
-  ErrorResult rv;
-  aCommand.ComputeLengthAndData();
-  RefPtr<Promise> promise = aTag->Transceive(aTechnology, aCommand, rv);
-  if (rv.Failed()) {
-    aRv.Throw(NS_ERROR_FAILURE);
-    return nullptr;
-  }
-  return promise.forget();
-} // namespace nfc
-} // namespace dom
-} // namespace mozilla
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/dom/nfc/TagUtils.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
-#ifndef mozilla_dom_nfc_TagUtils_h__
-#define mozilla_dom_nfc_TagUtils_h__
-#include "mozilla/dom/MozNFCTagBinding.h"
-namespace mozilla {
-namespace dom {
-namespace nfc {
- * Class of static helper functions for nfc tag.
- */
-class TagUtils
-  /**
-   * Check if specified technogy is supported in this tag.
-   */
-  static bool
-  IsTechSupported(const MozNFCTag& aNFCTag,
-                  const NFCTechType& aTechnology);
-  /**
-   * Send raw command to tag and receive the response.
-   */
-  static already_AddRefed<Promise>
-  Transceive(MozNFCTag* aTag,
-             const NFCTechType& aTechnology,
-             const Uint8Array& aCommand,
-             ErrorResult& aRv);
-} // namespace nfc
-} // namespace dom
-} // namespace mozilla
-#endif  // mozilla_dom_nfc_TagUtils_h__
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/dom/nfc/gonk/Nfc.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,851 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright 2012 Mozilla Foundation and Mozilla contributors
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-/* Copyright © 2013, Deutsche Telekom, Inc. */
-"use strict";
-const {classes: Cc, interfaces: Ci, utils: Cu, results: Cr} = Components;
-XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter(this, "gSettingsService",
-                                   "@mozilla.org/settingsService;1",
-                                   "nsISettingsService");
-XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "NFC", function () {
-  let obj = {};
-  Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/nfc_consts.js", obj);
-  return obj;
-const NFC_ENABLED = libcutils.property_get("ro.moz.nfc.enabled", "false") === "true";
-// set to true in nfc_consts.js to see debug messages
-var debug;
-function updateDebug() {
-  if (DEBUG || NFC.DEBUG_NFC) {
-    debug = function (s) {
-      dump("-*- Nfc: " + s + "\n");
-    };
-  } else {
-    debug = function (s) {};
-  }
-const NFC_CONTRACTID = "@mozilla.org/nfc;1";
-const NFC_CID =
-  Components.ID("{2ff24790-5e74-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66}");
-  { permission: null,
-    messages: ["NFC:AddEventListener",
-               "NFC:RemoveEventListener",
-               "NFC:QueryInfo",
-               "NFC:CallDefaultFoundHandler",
-               "NFC:CallDefaultLostHandler"] },
-  { permission: "nfc",
-    messages: ["NFC:ReadNDEF",
-               "NFC:WriteNDEF",
-               "NFC:MakeReadOnly",
-               "NFC:Format",
-               "NFC:Transceive"] },
-  { permission: "nfc-share",
-    messages: ["NFC:SendFile",
-               "NFC:RegisterPeerReadyTarget",
-               "NFC:UnregisterPeerReadyTarget"] },
-  { permission: "nfc-manager",
-    messages: ["NFC:CheckP2PRegistration",
-               "NFC:NotifyUserAcceptedP2P",
-               "NFC:NotifySendFileStatus",
-               "NFC:ChangeRFState",
-               "NFC:SetFocusTab"] }
-// Should be consistent with NfcRequestType defined in NfcOptions.webidl.
-const NfcRequestType = {
-  CHANGE_RF_STATE: "changeRFState",
-  READ_NDEF: "readNDEF",
-  WRITE_NDEF: "writeNDEF",
-  MAKE_READ_ONLY: "makeReadOnly",
-  FORMAT: "format",
-  TRANSCEIVE: "transceive"
-const CommandMsgTable = {};
-CommandMsgTable["NFC:ChangeRFState"] = NfcRequestType.CHANGE_RF_STATE;
-CommandMsgTable["NFC:ReadNDEF"] = NfcRequestType.READ_NDEF;
-CommandMsgTable["NFC:WriteNDEF"] = NfcRequestType.WRITE_NDEF;
-CommandMsgTable["NFC:MakeReadOnly"] = NfcRequestType.MAKE_READ_ONLY;
-CommandMsgTable["NFC:Format"] = NfcRequestType.FORMAT;
-CommandMsgTable["NFC:Transceive"] = NfcRequestType.TRANSCEIVE;
-// Should be consistent with NfcResponseType defined in NfcOptions.webidl.
-const NfcResponseType = {
-  CHANGE_RF_STATE_RSP: "changeRFStateRsp",
-  READ_NDEF_RSP: "readNDEFRsp",
-  WRITE_NDEF_RSP: "writeNDEFRsp",
-  MAKE_READ_ONLY_RSP: "makeReadOnlyRsp",
-  FORMAT_RSP: "formatRsp",
-  TRANSCEIVE_RSP: "transceiveRsp",
-const EventMsgTable = {};
-EventMsgTable[NfcResponseType.CHANGE_RF_STATE_RSP] = "NFC:ChangeRFStateResponse";
-EventMsgTable[NfcResponseType.READ_NDEF_RSP] = "NFC:ReadNDEFResponse";
-EventMsgTable[NfcResponseType.WRITE_NDEF_RSP] = "NFC:WriteNDEFResponse";
-EventMsgTable[NfcResponseType.MAKE_READ_ONLY_RSP] = "NFC:MakeReadOnlyResponse";
-EventMsgTable[NfcResponseType.FORMAT_RSP] = "NFC:FormatResponse";
-EventMsgTable[NfcResponseType.TRANSCEIVE_RSP] = "NFC:TransceiveResponse";
-// Should be consistent with NfcNotificationType defined in NfcOptions.webidl.
-const NfcNotificationType = {
-  INITIALIZED: "initialized",
-  TECH_DISCOVERED: "techDiscovered",
-  TECH_LOST: "techLost",
-  HCI_EVENT_TRANSACTION: "hciEventTransaction",
-  NDEF_RECEIVED: "ndefReceived"
-XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter(this, "ppmm",
-                                   "@mozilla.org/parentprocessmessagemanager;1",
-                                   "nsIMessageBroadcaster");
-XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter(this, "gSystemMessenger",
-                                   "@mozilla.org/system-message-internal;1",
-                                   "nsISystemMessagesInternal");
-XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter(this, "UUIDGenerator",
-                                    "@mozilla.org/uuid-generator;1",
-                                    "nsIUUIDGenerator");
-XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "gMessageManager", function () {
-  return {
-    QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsIMessageListener,
-                                           Ci.nsIObserver]),
-    nfc: null,
-    // Manage registered Peer Targets
-    peerTargets: {},
-    eventListeners: {},
-    focusId: NFC.SYSTEM_APP_ID,
-    init: function init(nfc) {
-      this.nfc = nfc;
-      Services.obs.addObserver(this, NFC.TOPIC_XPCOM_SHUTDOWN, false);
-      this._registerMessageListeners();
-    },
-    listenDebugEvent: function listenDebugEvent() {
-      let lock = gSettingsService.createLock();
-      lock.get(NFC.SETTING_NFC_DEBUG, this.nfc);
-      Services.obs.addObserver(this, NFC.TOPIC_MOZSETTINGS_CHANGED, false);
-    },
-    _shutdown: function _shutdown() {
-      this.nfc.shutdown();
-      this.nfc = null;
-      Services.obs.removeObserver(this, NFC.TOPIC_MOZSETTINGS_CHANGED);
-      Services.obs.removeObserver(this, NFC.TOPIC_XPCOM_SHUTDOWN);
-      this._unregisterMessageListeners();
-    },
-    _registerMessageListeners: function _registerMessageListeners() {
-      ppmm.addMessageListener("child-process-shutdown", this);
-      for (let entry of NFC_IPC_MSG_ENTRIES) {
-        for (let message of entry.messages) {
-          ppmm.addMessageListener(message, this);
-        }
-      }
-    },
-    _unregisterMessageListeners: function _unregisterMessageListeners() {
-      ppmm.removeMessageListener("child-process-shutdown", this);
-      for (let entry of NFC_IPC_MSG_ENTRIES) {
-        for (let message of entry.messages) {
-          ppmm.removeMessageListener(message, this);
-        }
-      }
-      ppmm = null;
-    },
-    registerPeerReadyTarget: function registerPeerReadyTarget(target, appId) {
-      if (!this.peerTargets[appId]) {
-        this.peerTargets[appId] = target;
-      }
-    },
-    unregisterPeerReadyTarget: function unregisterPeerReadyTarget(appId) {
-      if (this.peerTargets[appId]) {
-        delete this.peerTargets[appId];
-      }
-    },
-    removePeerTarget: function removePeerTarget(target) {
-      Object.keys(this.peerTargets).forEach((appId) => {
-        if (this.peerTargets[appId] === target) {
-          delete this.peerTargets[appId];
-        }
-      });
-    },
-    notifyFocusTab: function notifyFocusTab(options) {
-      let tabId = this.getFocusTabId();
-      options.tabId = tabId;
-      this.notifyDOMEvent(this.eventListeners[tabId], options);
-    },
-    notifyDOMEvent: function notifyDOMEvent(target, options) {
-      if (!target) {
-        dump("invalid target");
-        return;
-      }
-      target.sendAsyncMessage("NFC:DOMEvent", options);
-    },
-    getFocusTabId: function getFocusTabId() {
-      return this.eventListeners[this.focusId] ? this.focusId
-                                               : NFC.SYSTEM_APP_ID;
-    },
-    setFocusTab: function setFocusTab(id, isFocus) {
-      // if calling setNFCFocus(true) on the browser-element which is already
-      // focused, or calling setNFCFocus(false) on the browser-element which has
-      // lost focus already, ignore.
-      if (isFocus == (id == this.focusId)) {
-        return;
-      }
-      if (this.focusId != NFC.SYSTEM_APP_ID) {
-        this.onFocusChanged(this.focusId, false);
-      }
-      if (isFocus) {
-        // Now we only support one focus app.
-        this.focusId = id;
-        this.onFocusChanged(this.focusId, true);
-      } else if (this.focusId == id){
-        // Set focusId to SystemApp means currently there is no foreground app.
-        this.focusId = NFC.SYSTEM_APP_ID;
-      }
-    },
-    addEventListener: function addEventListener(target, id) {
-      if (this.eventListeners[id] !== undefined) {
-        return;
-      }
-      this.eventListeners[id] = target;
-    },
-    removeEventListener: function removeEventListener(target) {
-      for (let id in this.eventListeners) {
-        if (target == this.eventListeners[id]) {
-          this.removeEventListenerById(id);
-          break;
-        }
-      }
-    },
-    removeEventListenerById: function removeEventListenerById(id) {
-      delete this.eventListeners[id];
-    },
-    checkP2PRegistration: function checkP2PRegistration(message) {
-      let target = this.peerTargets[message.data.appId];
-      let sessionToken = SessionHelper.getCurrentP2PToken();
-      let isValid = (sessionToken != null) && (target != null);
-      let respMsg = { requestId: message.data.requestId };
-      if (!isValid) {
-        respMsg.errorMsg = this.nfc.getErrorMessage(NFC.NFC_GECKO_ERROR_P2P_REG_INVALID);
-      }
-      // Notify the content process immediately of the status
-      message.target.sendAsyncMessage(message.name + "Response", respMsg);
-    },
-    notifyUserAcceptedP2P: function notifyUserAcceptedP2P(appId) {
-      let target = this.peerTargets[appId];
-      let sessionToken = SessionHelper.getCurrentP2PToken();
-      if (!sessionToken || !target) {
-        debug("Peer already lost or " + appId + " is not a registered PeerReadytarget");
-        return;
-      }
-      this.notifyDOMEvent(target, {tabId: this.getFocusTabId(),
-                                   event: NFC.PEER_EVENT_READY,
-                                   sessionToken: sessionToken});
-    },
-    notifySendFileStatus: function notifySendFileStatus(message) {
-      if (message.data.status) {
-        message.data.errorMsg =
-            this.nfc.getErrorMessage(NFC.NFC_GECKO_ERROR_SEND_FILE_FAILED);
-      }
-      this.nfc.sendFileStatusResponse(message.data);
-    },
-    callDefaultFoundHandler: function callDefaultFoundHandler(message) {
-      let sysMsg = new NfcTechDiscoveredSysMsg(message.sessionToken,
-                                               message.isP2P,
-                                               message.records || null);
-      gSystemMessenger.broadcastMessage("nfc-manager-tech-discovered", sysMsg);
-    },
-    callDefaultLostHandler: function callDefaultLostHandler(message) {
-      // message.isP2P is not used.
-      gSystemMessenger.broadcastMessage("nfc-manager-tech-lost", message.sessionToken);
-    },
-    onTagFound: function onTagFound(message) {
-      message.event = NFC.TAG_EVENT_FOUND;
-      this.notifyFocusTab(message);
-      delete message.event;
-    },
-    onTagLost: function onTagLost(sessionToken) {
-      this.notifyFocusTab({ event: NFC.TAG_EVENT_LOST,
-                            sessionToken: sessionToken });
-    },
-    onPeerEvent: function onPeerEvent(eventType, sessionToken) {
-      this.notifyFocusTab({ event: eventType,
-                            sessionToken: sessionToken });
-    },
-    onRFStateChanged: function onRFStateChanged(rfState) {
-      for (let id in this.eventListeners) {
-        this.notifyDOMEvent(this.eventListeners[id],
-                            { tabId: id,
-                              event: NFC.RF_EVENT_STATE_CHANGED,
-                              rfState: rfState });
-      }
-    },
-    onFocusChanged: function onFocusChanged(focusId, focus) {
-      let target = this.eventListeners[focusId];
-      if (!target) {
-        return;
-      }
-      this.notifyDOMEvent(target, { tabId: this.focusId,
-                                    event: NFC.FOCUS_CHANGED,
-                                    focus: focus });
-    },
-    /**
-     * nsIMessageListener interface methods.
-     */
-    receiveMessage: function receiveMessage(message) {
-      DEBUG && debug("Received message from content process: " + JSON.stringify(message));
-      if (message.name == "child-process-shutdown") {
-        this.removePeerTarget(message.target);
-        this.nfc.removeTarget(message.target);
-        this.removeEventListener(message.target);
-        return null;
-      }
-      for (let entry of NFC_IPC_MSG_ENTRIES) {
-        if (entry.messages.indexOf(message.name) != -1) {
-          if (entry.permission &&
-              !message.target.assertPermission(entry.permission)) {
-            debug("Nfc message " + message.name + "doesn't have " +
-                  entry.permission + " permission.");
-            return null;
-          }
-          break;
-        }
-      }
-      switch (message.name) {
-        case "NFC:SetFocusTab":
-          this.setFocusTab(message.data.tabId, message.data.isFocus);
-          return null;
-        case "NFC:AddEventListener":
-          this.addEventListener(message.target, message.data.tabId);
-          return null;
-        case "NFC:RemoveEventListener":
-          this.removeEventListenerById(message.data.tabId);
-          return null;
-        case "NFC:RegisterPeerReadyTarget":
-          this.registerPeerReadyTarget(message.target, message.data.appId);
-          return null;
-        case "NFC:UnregisterPeerReadyTarget":
-          this.unregisterPeerReadyTarget(message.data.appId);
-          return null;
-        case "NFC:CheckP2PRegistration":
-          this.checkP2PRegistration(message);
-          return null;
-        case "NFC:NotifyUserAcceptedP2P":
-          this.notifyUserAcceptedP2P(message.data.appId);
-          return null;
-        case "NFC:NotifySendFileStatus":
-          // Upon receiving the status of sendFile operation, send the response
-          // to appropriate content process.
-          this.notifySendFileStatus(message);
-          return null;
-        case "NFC:CallDefaultFoundHandler":
-          this.callDefaultFoundHandler(message.data);
-          return null;
-        case "NFC:CallDefaultLostHandler":
-          this.callDefaultLostHandler(message.data);
-          return null;
-        case "NFC:SendFile":
-          // Chrome process is the arbitrator / mediator between
-          // system app (content process) that issued nfc 'sendFile' operation
-          // and system app that handles the system message :
-          // 'nfc-manager-send-file'. System app subsequently handover's
-          // the data to alternate carrier's (BT / WiFi) 'sendFile' interface.
-          // Notify system app to initiate BT send file operation
-          let sysMsg = new NfcSendFileSysMsg(message.data.requestId,
-                                             message.data.sessionToken,
-                                             message.data.blob);
-          gSystemMessenger.broadcastMessage("nfc-manager-send-file",
-                                            sysMsg);
-          return null;
-        default:
-          return this.nfc.receiveMessage(message);
-      }
-    },
-    /**
-     * nsIObserver interface methods.
-     */
-    observe: function observe(subject, topic, data) {
-      switch (topic) {
-          if ("wrappedJSObject" in subject) {
-            subject = subject.wrappedJSObject;
-          }
-          if (subject) {
-            this.nfc.handle(subject.key, subject.value);
-          }
-          break;
-          this._shutdown();
-          break;
-      }
-    },
-  };
-var SessionHelper = {
-  tokenMap: {},
-  registerSession: function registerSession(id, isP2P) {
-    if (this.tokenMap[id]) {
-      return this.tokenMap[id].token;
-    }
-    this.tokenMap[id] = {
-      token: UUIDGenerator.generateUUID().toString(),
-      isP2P: isP2P
-    };
-    return this.tokenMap[id].token;
-  },
-  unregisterSession: function unregisterSession(id) {
-    if (this.tokenMap[id]) {
-      delete this.tokenMap[id];
-    }
-  },
-  getToken: function getToken(id) {
-    return this.tokenMap[id] ? this.tokenMap[id].token : null;
-  },
-  getCurrentP2PToken: function getCurrentP2PToken() {
-    for (let id in this.tokenMap) {
-      if (this.tokenMap[id] && this.tokenMap[id].isP2P) {
-        return this.tokenMap[id].token;
-      }
-    }
-    return null;
-  },
-  getId: function getId(token) {
-    for (let id in this.tokenMap) {
-      if (this.tokenMap[id].token == token) {
-        return id;
-      }
-    }
-    return 0;
-  },
-  isP2PSession: function isP2PSession(id) {
-    return (this.tokenMap[id] != null) && this.tokenMap[id].isP2P;
-  }
-function Nfc(isXPCShell) {
-  // TODO: Bug 1239954: xpcshell test timed out with
-  // SettingsSevice.createlock().get()
-  // gSettingsService.createLock will cause timeout while running xpshell-test,
-  // so we try to prevent to run gSettingsService under xpcshell-test here.
-  gMessageManager.init(this);
-  if (!isXPCShell && !NFC.DEBUG_NFC) {
-    gMessageManager.listenDebugEvent();
-  }
-  this.targetsByRequestId = {};
-Nfc.prototype = {
-  classID:   NFC_CID,
-  classInfo: XPCOMUtils.generateCI({classID: NFC_CID,
-                                    classDescription: "Nfc",
-                                    interfaces: [Ci.nsINfcService]}),
-  QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsIObserver, Ci.nsINfcGonkEventListener]),
-  nfcService: null,
-  targetsByRequestId: null,
-  // temporary variables while NFC initialization is pending
-  pendingNfcService: null,
-  pendingMessageQueue: [],
-  /**
-   * Start NFC service
-   */
-  startNfcService: function startNfcService() {
-    debug("Starting Nfc Service");
-    let nfcService =
-      Cc["@mozilla.org/nfc/service;1"].getService(Ci.nsINfcService);
-    if (!nfcService) {
-      debug("No nfc service component available!");
-      return false;
-    }
-    nfcService.start(this);
-    this.pendingNfcService = nfcService;
-    return true;
-  },
-  /**
-   * Shutdown NFC service
-   */
-  shutdownNfcService : function shutdownNfcService() {
-    debug("Shutting down Nfc Service");
-    this.nfcService.shutdown();
-    this.nfcService = null;
-  },
-  /**
-   * Send arbitrary message to Nfc service.
-   *
-   * @param nfcMessageType
-   *        A text message type.
-   * @param message [optional]
-   *        An optional message object to send.
-   */
-  sendToNfcService: function sendToNfcService(nfcMessageType, message) {
-    message = message || {};
-    message.type = nfcMessageType;
-    this.nfcService.sendCommand(message);
-  },
-  sendFileStatusResponse: function sendFileStatusResponse(message) {
-    let target = this.getTargetByRequestId(message.requestId);
-    if (!target) {
-      return;
-    }
-    target.sendAsyncMessage("NFC:NotifySendFileStatusResponse", message);
-  },
-  sendNfcResponse: function sendNfcResponse(message) {
-    let target = this.getTargetByRequestId(message.requestId);
-    if (!target) {
-      return;
-    }
-    target.sendAsyncMessage(EventMsgTable[message.type], message);
-  },
-  getTargetByRequestId: function getTargetByRequestId(requestId) {
-    let target = this.targetsByRequestId[requestId];
-    if (!target) {
-      debug("No target for requestId: " + requestId);
-      return null;
-    }
-    delete this.targetsByRequestId[requestId];
-    return target;
-  },
-  /**
-   * Send Error response to content process.
-   *
-   * @param message
-   *        An nsIMessageListener's message parameter.
-   * @param errorMsg
-   *        A string with an error message.
-   */
-  sendNfcErrorResponse: function sendNfcErrorResponse(message, errorMsg) {
-    if (!message.target) {
-      return;
-    }
-    let nfcMsgType = message.name + "Response";
-    message.data.errorMsg = errorMsg;
-    message.target.sendAsyncMessage(nfcMsgType, message.data);
-  },
-  getErrorMessage: function getErrorMessage(errorCode) {
-    return NFC.NFC_ERROR_MSG[errorCode];
-  },
-  /**
-   * Process the incoming message from the NFC Service.
-   */
-  onEvent: function onEvent(event) {
-    let message = Cu.cloneInto(event, this);
-    DEBUG && debug("Received message from NFC Service: " + JSON.stringify(message));
-    message.type = message.rspType || message.ntfType;
-    switch (message.type) {
-      case NfcNotificationType.INITIALIZED:
-        this.nfcService = this.pendingNfcService;
-        // Send messages that have been queued up during initialization
-        // TODO: Bug 1141007: send error responses if the message
-        // indicates an error during initialization.
-        while (this.pendingMessageQueue.length) {
-          this.receiveMessage(this.pendingMessageQueue.shift());
-        }
-        this.pendingNfcService = null;
-        break;
-      case NfcNotificationType.TECH_DISCOVERED:
-        // Update the upper layers with a session token (alias)
-        message.sessionToken =
-          SessionHelper.registerSession(message.sessionId, message.isP2P);
-        // Do not expose the actual session to the content
-        let sessionId = message.sessionId;
-        delete message.sessionId;
-        if (SessionHelper.isP2PSession(sessionId)) {
-          gMessageManager.onPeerEvent(NFC.PEER_EVENT_FOUND, message.sessionToken);
-        } else {
-          gMessageManager.onTagFound(message);
-        }
-        break;
-      case NfcNotificationType.TECH_LOST:
-        // Update the upper layers with a session token (alias)
-        message.sessionToken = SessionHelper.getToken(message.sessionId);
-        if (SessionHelper.isP2PSession(message.sessionId)) {
-          gMessageManager.onPeerEvent(NFC.PEER_EVENT_LOST, message.sessionToken);
-        } else {
-          gMessageManager.onTagLost(message.sessionToken);
-        }
-        SessionHelper.unregisterSession(message.sessionId);
-        break;
-      case NfcNotificationType.HCI_EVENT_TRANSACTION:
-        this.notifyHCIEventTransaction(message);
-        break;
-      case NfcNotificationType.NDEF_RECEIVED:
-        message.sessionToken = SessionHelper.getToken(message.sessionId);
-        delete message.sessionId;
-        message.isP2P = true;
-        // TODO: Bug 1082493.
-        // This event should be sent to the focus app, but before Bug 1082493
-        // is landed we forward this to System app.
-        gMessageManager.callDefaultFoundHandler(message);
-        break;
-      case NfcResponseType.CHANGE_RF_STATE_RSP:
-        this.sendNfcResponse(message);
-        if (!message.errorMsg) {
-          this.rfState = message.rfState;
-          gMessageManager.onRFStateChanged(this.rfState);
-        }
-        if (this.rfState == NFC.NFC_RF_STATE_IDLE) {
-          this.shutdownNfcService();
-        }
-        break;
-      case NfcResponseType.READ_NDEF_RSP: // Fall through.
-      case NfcResponseType.WRITE_NDEF_RSP:
-      case NfcResponseType.MAKE_READ_ONLY_RSP:
-      case NfcResponseType.FORMAT_RSP:
-      case NfcResponseType.TRANSCEIVE_RSP:
-        this.sendNfcResponse(message);
-        break;
-      default:
-        throw new Error("Don't know about this message type: " + message.type);
-    }
-  },
-  // HCI Event Transaction
-  notifyHCIEventTransaction: function notifyHCIEventTransaction(message) {
-    delete message.type;
-    /**
-     * FIXME:
-     * GSMA 6.0 7.4 UI Application triggering requirements
-     * This specifies the need for the following parameters to be derived and
-     * sent. One unclear spec is what the URI format "secure:0" refers to, given
-     * SEName can be something like "SIM1" or "SIM2".
-     *
-     * 1) Mime-type - Secure Element application dependent
-     * 2) URI,  of the format:  nfc://secure:0/<SEName>/<AID>
-     *     - SEName reflects the originating SE. It must be compliant with
-     *       SIMAlliance Open Mobile APIs
-     *     - AID reflects the originating UICC applet identifier
-     * 3) Data - Data payload of the transaction notification, if any.
-     */
-    gSystemMessenger.broadcastMessage("nfc-hci-event-transaction", message);
-  },
-  /**
-   * Process a message from the gMessageManager.
-   */
-  receiveMessage: function receiveMessage(message) {
-    // Return early if we don't need the NFC Service. We won't start
-    // the NFC daemon here.
-    switch (message.name) {
-      case "NFC:QueryInfo":
-        return {rfState: this.rfState};
-      default:
-        break;
-    }
-    // Start NFC Service if necessary. Messages are held in a
-    // queue while initialization is being performed.
-    if (!this.nfcService) {
-      if ((message.name == "NFC:ChangeRFState") &&
-          (message.data.rfState != "idle") &&
-          !this.pendingNfcService) {
-        this.startNfcService(); // error handled in next branch
-      }
-      if (this.pendingNfcService) {
-        this.pendingMessageQueue.push(message);
-      } else {
-        this.sendNfcErrorResponse(message, "NotInitialize");
-      }
-      return;
-    }
-    // NFC Service is running and we have a message for it. This
-    // is the case during normal operation.
-    if (message.name != "NFC:ChangeRFState") {
-      // Update the current sessionId before sending to the NFC service.
-      message.data.sessionId = SessionHelper.getId(message.data.sessionToken);
-    }
-    let command = CommandMsgTable[message.name];
-    if (!command) {
-      debug("Unknown message: " + message.name);
-      return null;
-    }
-    this.targetsByRequestId[message.data.requestId] = message.target;
-    this.sendToNfcService(command, message.data);
-    return null;
-  },
-  removeTarget: function removeTarget(target) {
-    Object.keys(this.targetsByRequestId).forEach((requestId) => {
-      if (this.targetsByRequestId[requestId] === target) {
-        delete this.targetsByRequestId[requestId];
-      }
-    });
-  },
-  /**
-   * nsISettingsServiceCallback
-   */
-  handle: function handle(name, result) {
-    switch (name) {
-        DEBUG = result;
-        updateDebug();
-        break;
-    }
-  },
-  /**
-   * nsIObserver interface methods.
-   */
-  observe: function(subject, topic, data) {
-    if (topic != "profile-after-change") {
-      debug("Should receive 'profile-after-change' only, received " + topic);
-    }
-  },
-  shutdown: function shutdown() {
-    // We shutdown before initialization has been completed. The
-    // pending messages will receive an error response.
-    while (this.pendingMessageQueue.length) {
-      this.sendNfcErrorResponse(this.pendingMessageQueue.shift(), "NotInitialize");
-    }
-    if (this.nfcService) {
-      this.shutdownNfcService();
-    }
-  }
-function NfcTechDiscoveredSysMsg(sessionToken, isP2P, records) {
-  this.sessionToken = sessionToken;
-  this.isP2P = isP2P;
-  this.records = records;
-NfcTechDiscoveredSysMsg.prototype = {
-  QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsINfcTechDiscoveredSysMsg]),
-  sessionToken: null,
-  isP2P: null,
-  records: null
-function NfcSendFileSysMsg(requestId, sessionToken, blob) {
-  this.requestId = requestId;
-  this.sessionToken = sessionToken;
-  this.blob = blob;
-NfcSendFileSysMsg.prototype = {
-  QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsINfcSendFileSysMsg]),
-  requestId: null,
-  sessionToken: null,
-  blob: null
-  this.NSGetFactory = XPCOMUtils.generateNSGetFactory([Nfc]);
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/dom/nfc/gonk/Nfc.manifest
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
-# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
-# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
-# Copyright © 2013 Deutsche Telekom, Inc.
-# Nfc.js
-component {2ff24790-5e74-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66} Nfc.js
-contract @mozilla.org/nfc;1 {2ff24790-5e74-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66}
-category profile-after-change Nfc @mozilla.org/nfc;1
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/dom/nfc/gonk/NfcMessageHandler.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,392 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
-#include "NfcMessageHandler.h"
-#include <binder/Parcel.h>
-#include "mozilla/dom/MozNDEFRecordBinding.h"
-#include "nsDebug.h"
-#include "NfcOptions.h"
-#include "mozilla/Unused.h"
-#include <android/log.h>
-#define NMH_LOG(args...)  __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_INFO, "NfcMessageHandler", args)
-using namespace android;
-using namespace mozilla;
-using namespace mozilla::dom;
-NfcMessageHandler::Marshall(Parcel& aParcel, const CommandOptions& aOptions)
-  bool result;
-  switch (aOptions.mType) {
-    case NfcRequestType::ChangeRFState:
-      result = ChangeRFStateRequest(aParcel, aOptions);
-      break;
-    case NfcRequestType::ReadNDEF:
-      result = ReadNDEFRequest(aParcel, aOptions);
-      break;
-    case NfcRequestType::WriteNDEF:
-      result = WriteNDEFRequest(aParcel, aOptions);
-      break;
-    case NfcRequestType::MakeReadOnly:
-      result = MakeReadOnlyRequest(aParcel, aOptions);
-      break;
-    case NfcRequestType::Format:
-      result = FormatRequest(aParcel, aOptions);
-      break;
-    case NfcRequestType::Transceive:
-      result = TransceiveRequest(aParcel, aOptions);
-      break;
-    default:
-      result = false;
-      break;
-  };
-  return result;
-NfcMessageHandler::Unmarshall(const Parcel& aParcel, EventOptions& aOptions)
-  mozilla::Unused << htonl(aParcel.readInt32());  // parcel size
-  int32_t type = aParcel.readInt32();
-  bool isNtf = type >> 31;
-  int32_t msgType = type & ~(1 << 31);
-  return isNtf ? ProcessNotification(msgType, aParcel, aOptions) :
-                 ProcessResponse(msgType, aParcel, aOptions);
-NfcMessageHandler::ProcessResponse(int32_t aType, const Parcel& aParcel, EventOptions& aOptions)
-  bool result;
-  aOptions.mRspType = static_cast<NfcResponseType>(aType);
-  switch (aOptions.mRspType) {
-    case NfcResponseType::ChangeRFStateRsp:
-      result = ChangeRFStateResponse(aParcel, aOptions);
-      break;
-    case NfcResponseType::ReadNDEFRsp:
-      result = ReadNDEFResponse(aParcel, aOptions);
-      break;
-    case NfcResponseType::WriteNDEFRsp: // Fall through.
-    case NfcResponseType::MakeReadOnlyRsp:
-    case NfcResponseType::FormatRsp:
-      result = GeneralResponse(aParcel, aOptions);
-      break;
-    case NfcResponseType::TransceiveRsp:
-      result = TransceiveResponse(aParcel, aOptions);
-      break;
-    default:
-      result = false;
-  }
-  return result;
-NfcMessageHandler::ProcessNotification(int32_t aType, const Parcel& aParcel, EventOptions& aOptions)
-  bool result;
-  aOptions.mNtfType = static_cast<NfcNotificationType>(aType);
-  switch (aOptions.mNtfType) {
-    case NfcNotificationType::Initialized:
-      result = InitializeNotification(aParcel, aOptions);
-      break;
-    case NfcNotificationType::TechDiscovered:
-      result = TechDiscoveredNotification(aParcel, aOptions);
-      break;
-    case NfcNotificationType::TechLost:
-      result = TechLostNotification(aParcel, aOptions);
-      break;
-    case NfcNotificationType::HciEventTransaction:
-      result = HCIEventTransactionNotification(aParcel, aOptions);
-      break;
-    case NfcNotificationType::NdefReceived:
-      result = NDEFReceivedNotification(aParcel, aOptions);
-      break;
-    default:
-      result = false;
-      break;
-  }
-  return result;
-NfcMessageHandler::GeneralResponse(const Parcel& aParcel, EventOptions& aOptions)
-  aOptions.mErrorCode = aParcel.readInt32();
-  aOptions.mSessionId = aParcel.readInt32();
-  NS_ENSURE_TRUE(!mRequestIdQueue.IsEmpty(), false);
-  aOptions.mRequestId = mRequestIdQueue[0];
-  mRequestIdQueue.RemoveElementAt(0);
-  return true;
-NfcMessageHandler::ChangeRFStateRequest(Parcel& aParcel, const CommandOptions& aOptions)
-  aParcel.writeInt32(static_cast<int32_t>(NfcRequestType::ChangeRFState));
-  aParcel.writeInt32(aOptions.mRfState);
-  mRequestIdQueue.AppendElement(aOptions.mRequestId);
-  return true;
-NfcMessageHandler::ChangeRFStateResponse(const Parcel& aParcel, EventOptions& aOptions)
-  aOptions.mErrorCode = aParcel.readInt32();
-  NS_ENSURE_TRUE(!mRequestIdQueue.IsEmpty(), false);
-  aOptions.mRequestId = mRequestIdQueue[0];
-  mRequestIdQueue.RemoveElementAt(0);
-  aOptions.mRfState = aParcel.readInt32();
-  return true;
-NfcMessageHandler::ReadNDEFRequest(Parcel& aParcel, const CommandOptions& aOptions)
-  aParcel.writeInt32(static_cast<int32_t>(NfcRequestType::ReadNDEF));
-  aParcel.writeInt32(aOptions.mSessionId);
-  mRequestIdQueue.AppendElement(aOptions.mRequestId);
-  return true;
-NfcMessageHandler::ReadNDEFResponse(const Parcel& aParcel, EventOptions& aOptions)
-  aOptions.mErrorCode = aParcel.readInt32();
-  aOptions.mSessionId = aParcel.readInt32();
-  NS_ENSURE_TRUE(!mRequestIdQueue.IsEmpty(), false);
-  aOptions.mRequestId = mRequestIdQueue[0];
-  mRequestIdQueue.RemoveElementAt(0);
-  if (aOptions.mErrorCode == 0) {
-    ReadNDEFMessage(aParcel, aOptions);
-  }
-  return true;
-NfcMessageHandler::TransceiveRequest(Parcel& aParcel, const CommandOptions& aOptions)
-  aParcel.writeInt32(static_cast<int32_t>(NfcRequestType::Transceive));
-  aParcel.writeInt32(aOptions.mSessionId);
-  aParcel.writeInt32(aOptions.mTechnology);
-  uint32_t length = aOptions.mCommand.Length();
-  aParcel.writeInt32(length);
-  void* data = aParcel.writeInplace(length);
-  memcpy(data, aOptions.mCommand.Elements(), length);
-  mRequestIdQueue.AppendElement(aOptions.mRequestId);
-  return true;
-NfcMessageHandler::TransceiveResponse(const Parcel& aParcel, EventOptions& aOptions)
-  aOptions.mErrorCode = aParcel.readInt32();
-  aOptions.mSessionId = aParcel.readInt32();
-  NS_ENSURE_TRUE(!mRequestIdQueue.IsEmpty(), false);
-  aOptions.mRequestId = mRequestIdQueue[0];
-  mRequestIdQueue.RemoveElementAt(0);
-  if (aOptions.mErrorCode == 0) {
-    ReadTransceiveResponse(aParcel, aOptions);
-  }
-  return true;
-NfcMessageHandler::WriteNDEFRequest(Parcel& aParcel, const CommandOptions& aOptions)
-  aParcel.writeInt32(static_cast<int32_t>(NfcRequestType::WriteNDEF));
-  aParcel.writeInt32(aOptions.mSessionId);
-  aParcel.writeInt32(aOptions.mIsP2P);
-  WriteNDEFMessage(aParcel, aOptions);
-  mRequestIdQueue.AppendElement(aOptions.mRequestId);
-  return true;
-NfcMessageHandler::MakeReadOnlyRequest(Parcel& aParcel, const CommandOptions& aOptions)
-  aParcel.writeInt32(static_cast<int32_t>(NfcRequestType::MakeReadOnly));
-  aParcel.writeInt32(aOptions.mSessionId);
-  mRequestIdQueue.AppendElement(aOptions.mRequestId);
-  return true;
-NfcMessageHandler::FormatRequest(Parcel& aParcel, const CommandOptions& aOptions)
-  aParcel.writeInt32(static_cast<int32_t>(NfcRequestType::Format));
-  aParcel.writeInt32(aOptions.mSessionId);
-  mRequestIdQueue.AppendElement(aOptions.mRequestId);
-  return true;
-NfcMessageHandler::InitializeNotification(const Parcel& aParcel, EventOptions& aOptions)
-  aOptions.mStatus = aParcel.readInt32();
-  aOptions.mMajorVersion = aParcel.readInt32();
-  aOptions.mMinorVersion = aParcel.readInt32();
-  if (aOptions.mMajorVersion != NFCD_MAJOR_VERSION ||
-      aOptions.mMinorVersion != NFCD_MINOR_VERSION) {
-    NMH_LOG("NFCD version mismatched. majorVersion: %d, minorVersion: %d",
-            aOptions.mMajorVersion, aOptions.mMinorVersion);
-  }
-  return true;
-NfcMessageHandler::TechDiscoveredNotification(const Parcel& aParcel, EventOptions& aOptions)
-  aOptions.mSessionId = aParcel.readInt32();
-  aOptions.mIsP2P = aParcel.readInt32();
-  int32_t techCount = aParcel.readInt32();
-  aOptions.mTechList.AppendElements(
-    static_cast<const uint8_t*>(aParcel.readInplace(techCount)), techCount);
-  int32_t idCount = aParcel.readInt32();
-  aOptions.mTagId.AppendElements(
-    static_cast<const uint8_t*>(aParcel.readInplace(idCount)), idCount);
-  int32_t ndefMsgCount = aParcel.readInt32();
-  if (ndefMsgCount != 0) {
-    ReadNDEFMessage(aParcel, aOptions);
-  }
-  int32_t ndefInfo = aParcel.readInt32();
-  if (ndefInfo) {
-    aOptions.mTagType = aParcel.readInt32();
-    aOptions.mMaxNDEFSize = aParcel.readInt32();
-    aOptions.mIsReadOnly = aParcel.readInt32();
-    aOptions.mIsFormatable = aParcel.readInt32();
-  }
-  return true;
-NfcMessageHandler::TechLostNotification(const Parcel& aParcel, EventOptions& aOptions)
-  aOptions.mSessionId = aParcel.readInt32();
-  return true;
-NfcMessageHandler::HCIEventTransactionNotification(const Parcel& aParcel, EventOptions& aOptions)
-  aOptions.mOriginType = aParcel.readInt32();
-  aOptions.mOriginIndex = aParcel.readInt32();
-  int32_t aidLength = aParcel.readInt32();
-  aOptions.mAid.AppendElements(
-    static_cast<const uint8_t*>(aParcel.readInplace(aidLength)), aidLength);
-  int32_t payloadLength = aParcel.readInt32();
-  aOptions.mPayload.AppendElements(
-    static_cast<const uint8_t*>(aParcel.readInplace(payloadLength)), payloadLength);
-  return true;
-NfcMessageHandler::NDEFReceivedNotification(const Parcel& aParcel, EventOptions& aOptions)
-  aOptions.mSessionId = aParcel.readInt32();
-  int32_t ndefMsgCount = aParcel.readInt32();
-  if (ndefMsgCount != 0) {
-    ReadNDEFMessage(aParcel, aOptions);
-  }
-  return true;
-NfcMessageHandler::ReadNDEFMessage(const Parcel& aParcel, EventOptions& aOptions)
-  int32_t recordCount = aParcel.readInt32();
-  aOptions.mRecords.SetCapacity(recordCount);
-  for (int i = 0; i < recordCount; i++) {
-    int32_t tnf = aParcel.readInt32();
-    NDEFRecordStruct record;
-    record.mTnf = static_cast<TNF>(tnf);
-    int32_t typeLength = aParcel.readInt32();
-    record.mType.AppendElements(
-      static_cast<const uint8_t*>(aParcel.readInplace(typeLength)), typeLength);
-    int32_t idLength = aParcel.readInt32();
-    record.mId.AppendElements(
-      static_cast<const uint8_t*>(aParcel.readInplace(idLength)), idLength);
-    int32_t payloadLength = aParcel.readInt32();
-    record.mPayload.AppendElements(
-      static_cast<const uint8_t*>(aParcel.readInplace(payloadLength)), payloadLength);
-    aOptions.mRecords.AppendElement(record);
-  }
-  return true;
-NfcMessageHandler::WriteNDEFMessage(Parcel& aParcel, const CommandOptions& aOptions)
-  int recordCount = aOptions.mRecords.Length();
-  aParcel.writeInt32(recordCount);
-  for (int i = 0; i < recordCount; i++) {
-    const NDEFRecordStruct& record = aOptions.mRecords[i];
-    aParcel.writeInt32(static_cast<int32_t>(record.mTnf));
-    void* data;
-    aParcel.writeInt32(record.mType.Length());
-    data = aParcel.writeInplace(record.mType.Length());
-    memcpy(data, record.mType.Elements(), record.mType.Length());
-    aParcel.writeInt32(record.mId.Length());
-    data = aParcel.writeInplace(record.mId.Length());
-    memcpy(data, record.mId.Elements(), record.mId.Length());
-    aParcel.writeInt32(record.mPayload.Length());
-    data = aParcel.writeInplace(record.mPayload.Length());
-    memcpy(data, record.mPayload.Elements(), record.mPayload.Length());
-  }
-  return true;
-NfcMessageHandler::ReadTransceiveResponse(const Parcel& aParcel, EventOptions& aOptions)
-  uint32_t length = aParcel.readInt32();
-  aOptions.mResponse.AppendElements(
-    static_cast<const uint8_t*>(aParcel.readInplace(length)), length);
-  return true;
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/dom/nfc/gonk/NfcMessageHandler.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
-#ifndef NfcMessageHandler_h
-#define NfcMessageHandler_h
-#include "nsString.h"
-#include "nsTArray.h"
-namespace android {
-class MOZ_EXPORT Parcel;
-} // namespace android
-namespace mozilla {
-class CommandOptions;
-class EventOptions;
-class NfcMessageHandler
-  bool Marshall(android::Parcel& aParcel, const CommandOptions& aOptions);
-  bool Unmarshall(const android::Parcel& aParcel, EventOptions& aOptions);
-  bool ProcessResponse(int32_t aType, const android::Parcel& aParcel, EventOptions& aOptions);
-  bool GeneralResponse(const android::Parcel& aParcel, EventOptions& aOptions);
-  bool ChangeRFStateRequest(android::Parcel& aParcel, const CommandOptions& options);
-  bool ChangeRFStateResponse(const android::Parcel& aParcel, EventOptions& aOptions);
-  bool ReadNDEFRequest(android::Parcel& aParcel, const CommandOptions& options);
-  bool ReadNDEFResponse(const android::Parcel& aParcel, EventOptions& aOptions);
-  bool WriteNDEFRequest(android::Parcel& aParcel, const CommandOptions& options);
-  bool MakeReadOnlyRequest(android::Parcel& aParcel, const CommandOptions& options);
-  bool FormatRequest(android::Parcel& aParcel, const CommandOptions& options);
-  bool TransceiveRequest(android::Parcel& aParcel, const CommandOptions& options);
-  bool TransceiveResponse(const android::Parcel& aParcel, EventOptions& aOptions);
-  bool ProcessNotification(int32_t aType, const android::Parcel& aParcel, EventOptions& aOptions);
-  bool InitializeNotification(const android::Parcel& aParcel, EventOptions& aOptions);
-  bool TechDiscoveredNotification(const android::Parcel& aParcel, EventOptions& aOptions);
-  bool TechLostNotification(const android::Parcel& aParcel, EventOptions& aOptions);
-  bool HCIEventTransactionNotification(const android::Parcel& aParcel, EventOptions& aOptions);
-  bool NDEFReceivedNotification(const android::Parcel& aParcel, EventOptions& aOptions);
-  bool ReadNDEFMessage(const android::Parcel& aParcel, EventOptions& aOptions);
-  bool WriteNDEFMessage(android::Parcel& aParcel, const CommandOptions& aOptions);
-  bool ReadTransceiveResponse(const android::Parcel& aParcel, EventOptions& aOptions);
-  nsTArray<nsString> mRequestIdQueue;
-} // namespace mozilla
-#endif // NfcMessageHandler_h
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/dom/nfc/gonk/NfcOptions.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,140 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
-#ifndef NfcOptions_h
-#define NfcOptions_h
-#include "mozilla/dom/NfcOptionsBinding.h"
-#include "mozilla/dom/MozNDEFRecordBinding.h"
-namespace mozilla {
-struct NDEFRecordStruct
-  dom::TNF mTnf;
-  nsTArray<uint8_t> mType;
-  nsTArray<uint8_t> mId;
-  nsTArray<uint8_t> mPayload;
-struct CommandOptions
-  CommandOptions(const mozilla::dom::NfcCommandOptions& aOther) {
-#define COPY_FIELD(prop) prop = aOther.prop;
-#define COPY_OPT_FIELD(prop, defaultValue)            \
-  prop = aOther.prop.WasPassed() ? aOther.prop.Value() : defaultValue;
-    COPY_FIELD(mType)
-    COPY_FIELD(mRequestId)
-    COPY_OPT_FIELD(mSessionId, 0)
-    mRfState = aOther.mRfState.WasPassed() ?
-                 static_cast<int32_t>(aOther.mRfState.Value()) :
-                 0;
-    COPY_OPT_FIELD(mTechType, 0)
-    COPY_OPT_FIELD(mIsP2P, false)
-    mTechnology = aOther.mTechnology.WasPassed() ?
-                    static_cast<int32_t>(aOther.mTechnology.Value()) :
-                    -1;
-    if (aOther.mCommand.WasPassed()) {
-      dom::Uint8Array const & currentValue = aOther.mCommand.InternalValue();
-      currentValue.ComputeLengthAndData();
-      mCommand.AppendElements(currentValue.Data(), currentValue.Length());
-    }
-    if (!aOther.mRecords.WasPassed()) {
-      return;
-    }
-    mozilla::dom::Sequence<mozilla::dom::MozNDEFRecordOptions> const & currentValue = aOther.mRecords.InternalValue();
-    int count = currentValue.Length();
-    for (int32_t i = 0; i < count; i++) {
-      NDEFRecordStruct record;
-      record.mTnf = currentValue[i].mTnf;
-      if (currentValue[i].mType.WasPassed() &&
-          !currentValue[i].mType.Value().IsNull()) {
-        const dom::Uint8Array& type = currentValue[i].mType.Value().Value();
-        type.ComputeLengthAndData();
-        record.mType.AppendElements(type.Data(), type.Length());
-      }
-      if (currentValue[i].mId.WasPassed() &&
-          !currentValue[i].mId.Value().IsNull()) {
-        const dom::Uint8Array& id = currentValue[i].mId.Value().Value();
-        id.ComputeLengthAndData();
-        record.mId.AppendElements(id.Data(), id.Length());
-      }
-      if (currentValue[i].mPayload.WasPassed() &&
-          !currentValue[i].mPayload.Value().IsNull()) {
-        const dom::Uint8Array& payload = currentValue[i].mPayload.Value().Value();
-        payload.ComputeLengthAndData();
-        record.mPayload.AppendElements(payload.Data(), payload.Length());
-      }
-      mRecords.AppendElement(record);
-    }
-#undef COPY_FIELD
-  }
-  dom::NfcRequestType mType;
-  int32_t mSessionId;
-  nsString mRequestId;
-  int32_t mRfState;
-  int32_t mTechType;
-  bool mIsP2P;
-  nsTArray<NDEFRecordStruct> mRecords;
-  int32_t mTechnology;
-  nsTArray<uint8_t> mCommand;
-struct EventOptions
-  EventOptions()
-    : mRspType(dom::NfcResponseType::EndGuard_),
-      mNtfType(dom::NfcNotificationType::EndGuard_),
-      mStatus(-1), mErrorCode(-1), mSessionId(-1), mRequestId(EmptyString()),
-      mMajorVersion(-1), mMinorVersion(-1), mIsP2P(-1),
-      mTagType(-1), mMaxNDEFSize(-1), mIsReadOnly(-1), mIsFormatable(-1), mRfState(-1),
-      mOriginType(-1), mOriginIndex(-1)
-  {}
-  dom::NfcResponseType mRspType;
-  dom::NfcNotificationType mNtfType;
-  int32_t mStatus;
-  int32_t mErrorCode;
-  int32_t mSessionId;
-  nsString mRequestId;
-  int32_t mMajorVersion;
-  int32_t mMinorVersion;
-  nsTArray<uint8_t> mTechList;
-  nsTArray<uint8_t> mTagId;
-  int32_t mIsP2P;
-  nsTArray<NDEFRecordStruct> mRecords;
-  int32_t mTagType;
-  int32_t mMaxNDEFSize;
-  int32_t mIsReadOnly;
-  int32_t mIsFormatable;
-  int32_t mRfState;
-  int32_t mOriginType;
-  int32_t mOriginIndex;
-  nsTArray<uint8_t> mAid;
-  nsTArray<uint8_t> mPayload;
-  nsTArray<uint8_t> mResponse;
-} // namespace mozilla
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/dom/nfc/gonk/NfcService.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,696 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
-#include "NfcService.h"
-#include <binder/Parcel.h>
-#include "mozilla/ClearOnShutdown.h"
-#include "mozilla/dom/NfcOptionsBinding.h"
-#include "mozilla/dom/ToJSValue.h"
-#include "mozilla/dom/RootedDictionary.h"
-#include "mozilla/EndianUtils.h"
-#include "mozilla/Hal.h"
-#include "mozilla/ipc/ListenSocket.h"
-#include "mozilla/ipc/ListenSocketConsumer.h"
-#include "mozilla/ipc/NfcConnector.h"
-#include "mozilla/ipc/StreamSocket.h"
-#include "mozilla/ipc/StreamSocketConsumer.h"
-#include "mozilla/ModuleUtils.h"
-#include "mozilla/UniquePtr.h"
-#include "mozilla/Unused.h"
-#include "NfcMessageHandler.h"
-#include "NfcOptions.h"
-#include "nsString.h"
-#include "nsXULAppAPI.h"
-  { 0x584c9a21, 0x4e17, 0x43b7, {0xb1, 0x6a, 0x87, 0xa0, 0x42, 0xef, 0xd4, 0x64} }
-#define NS_NFCSERVICE_CONTRACTID "@mozilla.org/nfc/service;1"
-using namespace android;
-using namespace mozilla::dom;
-using namespace mozilla::ipc;
-using namespace mozilla::hal;
-namespace mozilla {
-static StaticRefPtr<NfcService> gNfcService;
-NS_IMPL_ISUPPORTS(NfcService, nsINfcService)
-// NfcConsumer
- * |NfcConsumer| implements the details of the connection to an NFC daemon
- * as well as the message passing.
- */
-class NfcConsumer
-  : public ListenSocketConsumer
-  , public StreamSocketConsumer
-  NfcConsumer(NfcService* aNfcService);
-  nsresult Start();
-  void Shutdown();
-  nsresult Send(const CommandOptions& aCommandOptions);
-  nsresult Receive(UnixSocketBuffer* aBuffer);
-  // Methods for |StreamSocketConsumer| and |ListenSocketConsumer|
-  //
-  void ReceiveSocketData(
-    int aIndex, UniquePtr<mozilla::ipc::UnixSocketBuffer>& aBuffer) override;
-  void OnConnectSuccess(int aIndex) override;
-  void OnConnectError(int aIndex) override;
-  void OnDisconnect(int aIndex) override;
-  class DispatchNfcEventRunnable;
-  class ShutdownServiceRunnable;
-  enum SocketType {
-  };
-  bool IsNfcServiceThread() const;
-  RefPtr<NfcService> mNfcService;
-  nsCOMPtr<nsIThread> mThread;
-  RefPtr<mozilla::ipc::ListenSocket> mListenSocket;
-  RefPtr<mozilla::ipc::StreamSocket> mStreamSocket;
-  UniquePtr<NfcMessageHandler> mHandler;
-  nsCString mListenSocketName;
-NfcConsumer::NfcConsumer(NfcService* aNfcService)
-  : mNfcService(aNfcService)
-  MOZ_ASSERT(mNfcService);
-  static const char BASE_SOCKET_NAME[] = "nfcd";
-  MOZ_ASSERT(!mThread); // already started
-  // Store a pointer of the consumer's NFC thread for
-  // use with |IsNfcServiceThread|.
-  mThread = do_GetCurrentThread();
-  // If we could not cleanup properly before and an old
-  // instance of the daemon is still running, we kill it
-  // here.
-  StopSystemService("nfcd");
-  mHandler = MakeUnique<NfcMessageHandler>();
-  mStreamSocket = new StreamSocket(this, STREAM_SOCKET);
-  mListenSocketName = BASE_SOCKET_NAME;
-  mListenSocket = new ListenSocket(this, LISTEN_SOCKET);
-  nsresult rv = mListenSocket->Listen(new NfcConnector(mListenSocketName),
-                                      mStreamSocket);
-  if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
-    mStreamSocket = nullptr;
-    mHandler = nullptr;
-    mThread = nullptr;
-    return rv;
-  }
-  return NS_OK;
-  MOZ_ASSERT(IsNfcServiceThread());
-  mListenSocket->Close();
-  mListenSocket = nullptr;
-  mStreamSocket->Close();
-  mStreamSocket = nullptr;
-  mHandler = nullptr;
-  mThread = nullptr;
-NfcConsumer::Send(const CommandOptions& aOptions)
-  MOZ_ASSERT(IsNfcServiceThread());
-  if (NS_WARN_IF(!mStreamSocket) ||
-      NS_WARN_IF(mStreamSocket->GetConnectionStatus() != SOCKET_CONNECTED)) {
-    return NS_OK; // Probably shutting down.
-  }
-  Parcel parcel;
-  parcel.writeInt32(0); // Parcel Size.
-  mHandler->Marshall(parcel, aOptions);
-  parcel.setDataPosition(0);
-  uint32_t sizeBE = htonl(parcel.dataSize() - sizeof(int));
-  parcel.writeInt32(sizeBE);
-  // TODO: Zero-copy buffer transfers
-  mStreamSocket->SendSocketData(
-    new UnixSocketRawData(parcel.data(), parcel.dataSize()));
-  return NS_OK;
-// Runnable used dispatch the NfcEventOptions on the main thread.
-class NfcConsumer::DispatchNfcEventRunnable final : public Runnable
-  DispatchNfcEventRunnable(NfcService* aNfcService, const EventOptions& aEvent)
-    : mNfcService(aNfcService)
-    , mEvent(aEvent)
-  {
-    MOZ_ASSERT(mNfcService);
-  }
-  NS_IMETHOD Run() override
-  {
-    MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread());
-    mozilla::AutoSafeJSContext cx;
-    RootedDictionary<NfcEventOptions> event(cx);
-    // the copy constructor is private.
-#define COPY_FIELD(prop) event.prop = mEvent.prop;
-#define COPY_OPT_FIELD(prop, defaultValue)           \
-    if (mEvent.prop != defaultValue) {               \
-      event.prop.Construct();                        \
-      event.prop.Value() = mEvent.prop;              \
-    }
-    COPY_OPT_FIELD(mRspType, NfcResponseType::EndGuard_)
-    COPY_OPT_FIELD(mNtfType, NfcNotificationType::EndGuard_)
-    // Only one of rspType and ntfType should be used.
-    MOZ_ASSERT(((mEvent.mRspType != NfcResponseType::EndGuard_) ||
-                (mEvent.mNtfType != NfcNotificationType::EndGuard_)) &&
-               ((mEvent.mRspType == NfcResponseType::EndGuard_) ||
-                (mEvent.mNtfType == NfcNotificationType::EndGuard_)));
-    COPY_OPT_FIELD(mRequestId, EmptyString())
-    COPY_OPT_FIELD(mStatus, -1)
-    COPY_OPT_FIELD(mSessionId, -1)
-    COPY_OPT_FIELD(mMajorVersion, -1)
-    COPY_OPT_FIELD(mMinorVersion, -1)
-    if (mEvent.mRfState != -1) {
-      event.mRfState.Construct();
-      RFState rfState = static_cast<RFState>(mEvent.mRfState);
-      MOZ_ASSERT(rfState < RFState::EndGuard_);
-      event.mRfState.Value() = rfState;
-    }
-    if (mEvent.mErrorCode != -1) {
-      event.mErrorMsg.Construct();
-      event.mErrorMsg.Value() = static_cast<NfcErrorMessage>(mEvent.mErrorCode);
-    }
-    if (mEvent.mTechList.Length() > 0) {
-      int length = mEvent.mTechList.Length();
-      event.mTechList.Construct();
-      if (!event.mTechList.Value().SetCapacity(length, fallible)) {
-        return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
-      }
-      for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
-        NFCTechType tech = static_cast<NFCTechType>(mEvent.mTechList[i]);
-        MOZ_ASSERT(tech < NFCTechType::EndGuard_);
-        // FIXME: Make this infallible after bug 968520 is done.
-        *event.mTechList.Value().AppendElement(fallible) = tech;
-      }
-    }
-    if (mEvent.mTagId.Length() > 0) {
-      event.mTagId.Construct();
-      event.mTagId.Value().Init(Uint8Array::Create(cx, mEvent.mTagId.Length(), mEvent.mTagId.Elements()));
-    }
-    if (mEvent.mRecords.Length() > 0) {
-      int length = mEvent.mRecords.Length();
-      event.mRecords.Construct();
-      if (!event.mRecords.Value().SetCapacity(length, fallible)) {
-        return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
-      }
-      for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
-        NDEFRecordStruct& recordStruct = mEvent.mRecords[i];
-        // FIXME: Make this infallible after bug 968520 is done.
-        MozNDEFRecordOptions& record =
-          *event.mRecords.Value().AppendElement(fallible);
-        record.mTnf = recordStruct.mTnf;
-        MOZ_ASSERT(record.mTnf < TNF::EndGuard_);
-        if (recordStruct.mType.Length() > 0) {
-          record.mType.Construct();
-          record.mType.Value().SetValue().Init(Uint8Array::Create(cx, recordStruct.mType.Length(), recordStruct.mType.Elements()));
-        }
-        if (recordStruct.mId.Length() > 0) {
-          record.mId.Construct();
-          record.mId.Value().SetValue().Init(Uint8Array::Create(cx, recordStruct.mId.Length(), recordStruct.mId.Elements()));
-        }
-        if (recordStruct.mPayload.Length() > 0) {
-          record.mPayload.Construct();
-          record.mPayload.Value().SetValue().Init(Uint8Array::Create(cx, recordStruct.mPayload.Length(), recordStruct.mPayload.Elements()));
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    COPY_OPT_FIELD(mIsP2P, -1)
-    if (mEvent.mTagType != -1) {
-      event.mTagType.Construct();
-      event.mTagType.Value() = static_cast<NFCTagType>(mEvent.mTagType);
-    }
-    COPY_OPT_FIELD(mMaxNDEFSize, -1)
-    COPY_OPT_FIELD(mIsReadOnly, -1)
-    COPY_OPT_FIELD(mIsFormatable, -1)
-    // HCI Event Transaction parameters.
-    if (mEvent.mOriginType != -1) {
-      MOZ_ASSERT(static_cast<HCIEventOrigin>(mEvent.mOriginType) < HCIEventOrigin::EndGuard_);
-      event.mOrigin.Construct();
-      event.mOrigin.Value().AssignASCII(HCIEventOriginValues::strings[mEvent.mOriginType].value);
-      event.mOrigin.Value().AppendInt(mEvent.mOriginIndex, 16 /* radix */);
-    }
-    if (mEvent.mAid.Length() > 0) {
-      event.mAid.Construct();
-      event.mAid.Value().Init(Uint8Array::Create(cx, mEvent.mAid.Length(), mEvent.mAid.Elements()));
-    }
-    if (mEvent.mPayload.Length() > 0) {
-      event.mPayload.Construct();
-      event.mPayload.Value().Init(Uint8Array::Create(cx, mEvent.mPayload.Length(), mEvent.mPayload.Elements()));
-    }
-    if (mEvent.mResponse.Length() > 0) {
-      event.mResponse.Construct();
-      event.mResponse.Value().Init(
-        Uint8Array::Create(cx, mEvent.mResponse.Length(), mEvent.mResponse.Elements()));
-    }
-#undef COPY_FIELD
-    mNfcService->DispatchNfcEvent(event);
-    return NS_OK;
-  }
-  RefPtr<NfcService> mNfcService;
-  EventOptions mEvent;
-NfcConsumer::Receive(UnixSocketBuffer* aBuffer)
-  MOZ_ASSERT(IsNfcServiceThread());
-  MOZ_ASSERT(mHandler);
-  MOZ_ASSERT(aBuffer);
-  while (aBuffer->GetSize()) {
-    const uint8_t* data = aBuffer->GetData();
-    uint32_t parcelSize = BigEndian::readUint32(data);
-    MOZ_ASSERT(parcelSize <= aBuffer->GetSize());
-    // TODO: Zero-copy buffer transfers
-    Parcel parcel;
-    parcel.setData(aBuffer->GetData(), parcelSize + sizeof(parcelSize));
-    aBuffer->Consume(parcelSize + sizeof(parcelSize));
-    EventOptions event;
-    mHandler->Unmarshall(parcel, event);
-    NS_DispatchToMainThread(new DispatchNfcEventRunnable(mNfcService, event));
-  }
-  return NS_OK;
-NfcConsumer::IsNfcServiceThread() const
-  return nsCOMPtr<nsIThread>(do_GetCurrentThread()) == mThread;
-// |StreamSocketConsumer|, |ListenSocketConsumer|
-  int aIndex, UniquePtr<mozilla::ipc::UnixSocketBuffer>& aBuffer)
-  MOZ_ASSERT(IsNfcServiceThread());
-  Receive(aBuffer.get());
-NfcConsumer::OnConnectSuccess(int aIndex)
-  MOZ_ASSERT(IsNfcServiceThread());
-  switch (aIndex) {
-    case LISTEN_SOCKET: {
-      nsCString args("-S -a ");
-      args.Append(mListenSocketName);
-      nsresult rv = StartSystemService("nfcd", args.get());
-      if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
-        OnConnectError(STREAM_SOCKET);
-      }
-      break;
-    }
-    case STREAM_SOCKET:
-      /* nothing to do */
-      break;
-  }
-class NfcConsumer::ShutdownServiceRunnable final : public Runnable
-  ShutdownServiceRunnable(NfcService* aNfcService)
-    : mNfcService(aNfcService)
-  {
-    MOZ_ASSERT(mNfcService);
-  }
-  NS_IMETHOD Run() override
-  {
-    MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread());
-    mNfcService->Shutdown();
-    return NS_OK;
-  }
-  RefPtr<NfcService> mNfcService;
-NfcConsumer::OnConnectError(int aIndex)
-  MOZ_ASSERT(IsNfcServiceThread());
-  NS_DispatchToMainThread(new ShutdownServiceRunnable(mNfcService));
-NfcConsumer::OnDisconnect(int aIndex)
-  MOZ_ASSERT(IsNfcServiceThread());
-// NfcService
-  MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread());
-  MOZ_ASSERT(!gNfcService);
-  MOZ_ASSERT(!gNfcService);
-  if (!XRE_IsParentProcess()) {
-    return nullptr;
-  }
-  MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread());
-  if (!gNfcService) {
-    gNfcService = new NfcService();
-    ClearOnShutdown(&gNfcService);
-  }
-  RefPtr<NfcService> service(gNfcService);
-  return service.forget();
- * |StartConsumerRunnable| calls |NfcConsumer::Start| on the NFC thread.
- */
-class NfcService::StartConsumerRunnable final : public Runnable
-  StartConsumerRunnable(NfcConsumer* aNfcConsumer)
-    : mNfcConsumer(aNfcConsumer)
-  {
-    MOZ_ASSERT(mNfcConsumer);
-  }
-  NS_IMETHOD Run() override
-  {
-    mNfcConsumer->Start();
-    return NS_OK;
-  }
-  NfcConsumer* mNfcConsumer;
-NfcService::Start(nsINfcGonkEventListener* aListener)
-  MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread());
-  MOZ_ASSERT(aListener);
-  MOZ_ASSERT(!mThread);
-  MOZ_ASSERT(!mNfcConsumer);
-  auto nfcConsumer = MakeUnique<NfcConsumer>(this);
-  nsresult rv = NS_NewNamedThread("NfcThread", getter_AddRefs(mThread));
-  if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
-    NS_WARNING("Can't create Nfc worker thread.");
-    return rv;
-  }
-  rv = mThread->Dispatch(new StartConsumerRunnable(nfcConsumer.get()),
-                         nsIEventTarget::DISPATCH_NORMAL);
-  if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
-    return rv;
-  }
-  mListener = aListener;
-  mNfcConsumer = Move(nfcConsumer);
-  return NS_OK;
- * |CleanupRunnable| deletes instances of the NFC consumer and
- * thread on the main thread. This has to be down after shutting
- * down the NFC consumer on the NFC thread.
- */
-class NfcService::CleanupRunnable final : public Runnable
-  CleanupRunnable(NfcConsumer* aNfcConsumer,
-                  already_AddRefed<nsIThread> aThread)
-    : mNfcConsumer(aNfcConsumer)
-    , mThread(aThread)
-  {
-    MOZ_ASSERT(mNfcConsumer);
-    MOZ_ASSERT(mThread);
-  }
-  NS_IMETHOD Run() override
-  {
-    MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread());
-    mNfcConsumer = nullptr; // deletes NFC consumer
-    mThread->Shutdown();
-    mThread = nullptr; // deletes NFC worker thread
-    return NS_OK;
-  }
-  UniquePtr<NfcConsumer> mNfcConsumer;
-  nsCOMPtr<nsIThread> mThread;
- * |ShutdownConsumerRunnable| calls |NfcConsumer::Shutdown| on the
- * NFC thread. Optionally, it can dispatch a |CleanupRunnable| to
- * the main thread for cleaning up the NFC resources.
- */
-class NfcService::ShutdownConsumerRunnable final : public Runnable
-  ShutdownConsumerRunnable(NfcConsumer* aNfcConsumer, bool aCleanUp)
-    : mNfcConsumer(aNfcConsumer)
-    , mCleanUp(aCleanUp)
-  {
-    MOZ_ASSERT(mNfcConsumer);
-  }
-  NS_IMETHOD Run() override
-  {
-    mNfcConsumer->Shutdown();
-    if (mCleanUp) {
-      NS_DispatchToMainThread(
-        new CleanupRunnable(mNfcConsumer, do_GetCurrentThread()));
-    }
-    return NS_OK;
-  }
-  NfcConsumer* mNfcConsumer;
-  bool mCleanUp;
-  if (!mNfcConsumer) {
-    return NS_OK; // NFC was shut down meanwhile; not an error
-  }
-  nsresult rv = mThread->Dispatch(
-    new ShutdownConsumerRunnable(mNfcConsumer.get(), true),
-    nsIEventTarget::DISPATCH_NORMAL);
-  if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
-    return rv;
-  }
-  // |CleanupRunnable| will take care of these pointers
-  Unused << mNfcConsumer.release();
-  Unused << mThread.forget();
-  return NS_OK;
- * |SendRunnable| calls |NfcConsumer::Send| on the NFC thread.
- */
-class NfcService::SendRunnable final : public Runnable
-  SendRunnable(NfcConsumer* aNfcConsumer, const CommandOptions& aOptions)
-    : mNfcConsumer(aNfcConsumer)
-    , mOptions(aOptions)
-  {
-    MOZ_ASSERT(mNfcConsumer);
-  }
-  NS_IMETHOD Run() override
-  {
-    mNfcConsumer->Send(mOptions);
-    return NS_OK;
-  }
-   NfcConsumer* mNfcConsumer;
-   CommandOptions mOptions;
-NfcService::SendCommand(JS::HandleValue aOptions, JSContext* aCx)
-  MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread());
-  NfcCommandOptions options;
-  if (!options.Init(aCx, aOptions)) {
-    NS_WARNING("Bad dictionary passed to NfcService::SendCommand");
-    return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
-  }
-  // Dispatch the command to the NFC thread.
-  nsresult rv = mThread->Dispatch(
-    new SendRunnable(mNfcConsumer.get(), CommandOptions(options)),
-    nsIEventTarget::DISPATCH_NORMAL);
-  if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
-    return rv;
-  }
-  return NS_OK;
-NfcService::DispatchNfcEvent(const mozilla::dom::NfcEventOptions& aOptions)
-  MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread());
-  MOZ_ASSERT(mListener);
-  if (!mNfcConsumer) {
-    return; // NFC has been shutdown meanwhile; not en error
-  }
-  mozilla::AutoSafeJSContext cx;
-  JS::RootedValue val(cx);
-  if (!ToJSValue(cx, aOptions, &val)) {
-    return;
-  }
-  mListener->OnEvent(val);
-                                         NfcService::FactoryCreate)
-static const mozilla::Module::CIDEntry kNfcServiceCIDs[] = {
-  { &kNS_NFCSERVICE_CID, false, nullptr, NfcServiceConstructor },
-  { nullptr }
-static const mozilla::Module::ContractIDEntry kNfcServiceContracts[] = {
-  { nullptr }
-static const mozilla::Module kNfcServiceModule = {
-  mozilla::Module::kVersion,
-  kNfcServiceCIDs,
-  kNfcServiceContracts,
-  nullptr
-} // namespace mozilla
-NSMODULE_DEFN(NfcServiceModule) = &mozilla::kNfcServiceModule;
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/dom/nfc/gonk/NfcService.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
-#ifndef NfcService_h
-#define NfcService_h
-#include "nsCOMPtr.h"
-#include "nsINfcService.h"
-class nsIThread;
-namespace mozilla {
-namespace dom {
-class NfcEventOptions;
-} // namespace dom
-class NfcConsumer;
-class NfcService final : public nsINfcService
-  static already_AddRefed<NfcService> FactoryCreate();
-  void DispatchNfcEvent(const mozilla::dom::NfcEventOptions& aOptions);
-  class CleanupRunnable;
-  class SendRunnable;
-  class ShutdownConsumerRunnable;
-  class StartConsumerRunnable;
-  NfcService();
-  ~NfcService();
-  nsCOMPtr<nsIThread> mThread;
-  nsCOMPtr<nsINfcGonkEventListener> mListener;
-  UniquePtr<NfcConsumer> mNfcConsumer;
-} // namespace mozilla
-#endif // NfcService_h
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/dom/nfc/gonk/nfc_consts.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright 2012 Mozilla Foundation and Mozilla contributors
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-/* Copyright © 2013, Deutsche Telekom, Inc. */
-// Set to true to debug all NFC layers
-this.DEBUG_ALL = false;
-// Set individually to debug specific layers
-this.DEBUG_NFC = DEBUG_ALL || false;
-// Gecko specific error codes
-this.NFC_ERROR_MSG = {};
-this.NFC_ERROR_MSG[this.NFC_GECKO_ERROR_P2P_REG_INVALID] = "NfcP2PRegistrationInvalid";
-this.NFC_RF_STATE_IDLE = "idle";
-this.NFC_RF_STATE_LISTEN = "listen";
-this.NFC_RF_STATE_DISCOVERY = "discovery";
-this.TOPIC_MOZSETTINGS_CHANGED      = "mozsettings-changed";
-this.TOPIC_XPCOM_SHUTDOWN           = "xpcom-shutdown";
-this.SETTING_NFC_DEBUG = "nfc.debugging.enabled";
-this.PEER_EVENT_READY = 0x01;
-this.PEER_EVENT_LOST  = 0x02;
-this.TAG_EVENT_FOUND = 0x03;
-this.TAG_EVENT_LOST  = 0x04;
-this.PEER_EVENT_FOUND = 0x05;
-this.FOCUS_CHANGED = 0x07;
-// This value should sync with |SYSTEM_APP_ID| in nsINfcContentHelper.idl
-this.SYSTEM_APP_ID = 0;
-// Allow this file to be imported via Components.utils.import().
-this.EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = Object.keys(this);
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/dom/nfc/gonk/nsINfcService.idl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
-#include "nsISupports.idl"
-[scriptable, uuid(cc9f1e96-fddc-4d98-8399-8d11c4f640aa)]
-interface nsINfcGonkEventListener : nsISupports
-  void onEvent(in jsval event);
-[scriptable, uuid(8beeb4cd-5661-4e67-83ca-d335f0801484)]
-interface nsINfcService : nsISupports
-  void start(in nsINfcGonkEventListener listener);
-  void shutdown();
-  [implicit_jscontext]
-  void sendCommand(in jsval param);
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/dom/nfc/gonk/nsINfcSystemMessage.idl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
-#include "nsISupports.idl"
-interface nsIDOMBlob ;
-interface nsIVariant;
-[scriptable, uuid(ff0b1622-0e79-4d97-8153-6244a2410eee)]
-interface nsINfcTechDiscoveredSysMsg : nsISupports
-  readonly attribute DOMString sessionToken;
-  readonly attribute boolean isP2P;
-  readonly attribute nsIVariant records;
-[scriptable, uuid(31c334f5-f072-451f-9405-19d0ac7ae7d1)]
-interface nsINfcSendFileSysMsg : nsISupports
-  readonly attribute DOMString requestId;
-  readonly attribute DOMString sessionToken;
-  readonly attribute nsIDOMBlob blob;
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/dom/nfc/messages/HCIEventTransactionSystemMessage.manifest
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-component {b501edd0-28bd-11e4-8c21-0800200c9a66} HCIEventTransactionSystemMessageConfigurator.js
-contract @mozilla.org/dom/system-messages/configurator/nfc-hci-event-transaction;1 {b501edd0-28bd-11e4-8c21-0800200c9a66}
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/dom/nfc/messages/HCIEventTransactionSystemMessageConfigurator.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
- * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
-"use strict";
-const { interfaces: Ci, utils: Cu } = Components;
-XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter(this, "appsService",
-                                   "@mozilla.org/AppsService;1",
-                                   "nsIAppsService");
-XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter(this, "aceService",
-                                   "@mozilla.org/secureelement/access-control/ace;1",
-                                   "nsIAccessControlEnforcer");
-XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "SEUtils",
-                                  "resource://gre/modules/SEUtils.jsm");
-XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "SE", () => {
-  let obj = {};
-  Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/se_consts.js", obj);
-  return obj;
-function debug(aMsg) {
-  if (DEBUG) {
-    dump("-*- HCIEventTransaction: " + aMsg);
-  }
-  * nsISystemMessagesConfigurator implementation.
-  */
-function HCIEventTransactionSystemMessageConfigurator() {
-  debug("HCIEventTransactionSystemMessageConfigurator");
-HCIEventTransactionSystemMessageConfigurator.prototype = {
-  get mustShowRunningApp() {
-    debug("mustShowRunningApp returning true");
-    return true;
-  },
-  shouldDispatch: function shouldDispatch(aManifestURL, aPageURL, aType, aMessage, aExtra) {
-    DEBUG && debug("message to dispatch: " + JSON.stringify(aMessage));
-    debug("aManifest url: " + aManifestURL);
-    if (!aMessage) {
-      return Promise.resolve(false);
-    }
-    let appId = appsService.getAppLocalIdByManifestURL(aManifestURL);
-    if (appId === Ci.nsIScriptSecurityManager.NO_APP_ID) {
-      return Promise.resolve(false);
-    }
-    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
-      appsService.getManifestFor(aManifestURL)
-      .then((aManifest) => this._checkAppManifest(aMessage.origin, aMessage.aid, aManifest))
-      .then(() => aceService.isAccessAllowed(appId, aMessage.origin, aMessage.aid))
-      .then((allowed) => {
-        debug("dispatching message: " + allowed);
-        resolve(allowed);
-      })
-      .catch(() => {
-        debug("not dispatching");
-        resolve(false);
-      });
-    });
-  },
-  _checkAppManifest: function _checkAppManifest(aOrigin, aAid, aManifest) {
-    DEBUG && debug("aManifest " + JSON.stringify(aManifest));
-    // convert AID and Secure Element name to uppercased string for comparison
-    // with manifest secure_element_access rules
-    let aid = SEUtils.byteArrayToHexString(aAid);
-    let seName = (aOrigin) ? aOrigin.toUpperCase() : "";
-    let hciRules = aManifest["secure_element_access"] || [];
-    let matchingRule = hciRules.find((rule) => {
-      rule = rule.toUpperCase();
-      if(rule === "*" || rule === (seName + "/" + aid)) {
-        return true;
-      }
-      let isMatching = (match, element) => {
-        if(match === "*") {
-          return true;
-        }
-        if(match.charAt(match.length - 1) === '*') {
-          return element.indexOf(match.substr(0,match.length - 1)) === 0;
-        }
-        return match === element;
-      };
-      return isMatching(rule.split('/')[0], seName) &&
-             isMatching(rule.split('/')[1], aid);
-    });
-    return (matchingRule) ? Promise.resolve() : Promise.reject();
-  },
-  classID: Components.ID("{b501edd0-28bd-11e4-8c21-0800200c9a66}"),
-  QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsISystemMessagesConfigurator])
-this.NSGetFactory = XPCOMUtils.generateNSGetFactory([HCIEventTransactionSystemMessageConfigurator]);
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/dom/nfc/moz.build
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-# vim: set filetype=python:
-# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
-# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
-# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
-# Copyright © 2013 Deutsche Telekom, Inc.
-XPIDL_MODULE = 'dom_nfc'
-        'nsINfcContentHelper.idl',
-    ]
-    EXPORTS.mozilla.dom += [
-        'MozIsoDepTech.h',
-        'MozNDEFRecord.h',
-        'MozNfcATech.h',
-        'TagUtils.h',
-    ]
-        'MozIsoDepTech.cpp',
-        'MozNDEFRecord.cpp',
-        'MozNfcATech.cpp',
-        'TagUtils.cpp',
-    ]
-        'NfcContentHelper.js',
-        'NfcContentHelper.manifest',
-        'nsNfc.js',
-        'nsNfc.manifest',
-    ]
-        'gonk/NfcMessageHandler.cpp',
-        'gonk/NfcService.cpp',
-    ]
-        'gonk/nsINfcService.idl',
-        'gonk/nsINfcSystemMessage.idl',
-    ]
-        'gonk/Nfc.js',
-        'gonk/Nfc.manifest',
-        'messages/HCIEventTransactionSystemMessage.manifest',
-        'messages/HCIEventTransactionSystemMessageConfigurator.js',
-    ]
-        'gonk/nfc_consts.js',
-    ]
-        'tests/unit/xpcshell.ini'
-    ]
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/dom/nfc/nsINfcContentHelper.idl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,333 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
-#include "nsISupports.idl"
-interface nsIVariant;
-interface nsIDOMWindow;
-[scriptable, uuid(a694c7e8-10dd-416e-a3d9-433edf40647e)]
-interface nsITagInfo : nsISupports
-  /**
-   * Array of technolgies supported. See NFCTechType in MozNFCTag.webidl
-   */
-  readonly attribute nsIVariant techList;
-  readonly attribute nsIVariant tagId; // Uint8Array
-[scriptable, uuid(74d70ebb-557f-4ac8-8296-7885961cd1dc)]
-interface nsITagNDEFInfo : nsISupports
-  // one of NFCTagType defined in MozNFCTag.webidl.
-  readonly attribute DOMString tagType;
-  readonly attribute long maxNDEFSize;
-  readonly attribute boolean isReadOnly;
-  readonly attribute boolean isFormatable;
-[scriptable, uuid(86e46a0c-016d-4e5d-9fb5-789eb71848a1)]
-interface nsINfcEventListener : nsISupports
-  /**
-   * Callback function used to notify tagfound.
-   *
-   * @param sessionToken
-   *        SessionToken received from parent process
-   * @param tagInfo
-   *        nsITagInfo received from parent process.
-   * @param ndefInfo
-   *        nsITagNDEFInfo received from parent process, could be null if the
-   *        tag is not formated as NDEF.
-   * @param ndefRecords
-   *        NDEF records pre-read during tag-discovered.
-   */
-  void notifyTagFound(in DOMString sessionToken,
-                      in nsITagInfo tagInfo,
-                      in nsITagNDEFInfo ndefInfo,
-                      in nsIVariant ndefRecords);
-  /**
-   * Callback function used to notify taglost.
-   *
-   * @param sessionToken
-   *        SessionToken received from parent process
-   */
-  void notifyTagLost(in DOMString sessionToken);
-  /**
-   * Callback function used to notify peerfound/peerready.
-   * @param sessionToken
-   *        SessionToken received from parent process
-   * @param isPeerReady
-   *        Set to true to dispatch peerready instead of peerfound
-   */
-  void notifyPeerFound(in DOMString sessionToken, [optional] in boolean isPeerReady);
-  /**
-   * Callback function used to notify peerlost.
-   *
-   * @param sessionToken
-   *        SessionToken received from parent process
-   */
-  void notifyPeerLost(in DOMString sessionToken);
-  /**
-   * Callback function used to notify RF state change.
-   *
-   * @param rfState
-   *        RF state received from parent process
-   */
-  void notifyRFStateChanged(in DOMString rfState);
-  /**
-   * Callback function used to notify focus changed.
-   *
-   * @param focus
-   *        focus value receveid from parent process.
-   */
-  void notifyFocusChanged(in boolean focus);
-  /**
-   * The window object of this event listener.
-   */
-  readonly attribute nsIDOMWindow window;
-[scriptable, uuid(6c913015-9658-46a9-88d9-6ecfda2bd020)]
-interface nsINfcRequestCallback : nsISupports
-  DOMString getCallbackId();
-  void notifySuccess();
-  void notifySuccessWithBoolean(in boolean result);
-  void notifySuccessWithNDEFRecords(in nsIVariant records);
-  void notifySuccessWithByteArray(in nsIVariant array);
-  void notifyError(in DOMString errorMsg);
-[scriptable, uuid(9f86c799-6959-4ad2-bdd6-6fbf49b52d1c)]
-interface nsINfcBrowserAPI : nsISupports
-  const int32_t SYSTEM_APP_ID = 0;
-  void setFocusTab(in uint64_t tabId,
-                   in boolean isFocus);
-[scriptable, uuid(75f0c8c0-2e5a-491f-a75d-4f3849c4feec)]
-interface nsINfcContentHelper : nsISupports
-  /**
-   * Read current NDEF data on the tag.
-   *
-   * @param sessionToken
-   *        Current token
-   *
-   * @param callback
-   *        Called when request is finished
-   */
-  void readNDEF(in DOMString sessionToken,
-                in nsINfcRequestCallback callback);
-  /**
-   * Write NDEF data to a peer device or a tag.
-   *
-   * @param records
-   *        NDEF records to be written
-   *
-   * @param isP2P
-   *        If this write is for P2P.
-   * @param sessionToken
-   *        Current token
-   *
-   * @param callback
-   *        Called when request is finished
-   */
-  void writeNDEF(in nsIVariant records,
-                 in boolean isP2P,
-                 in DOMString sessionToken,
-                 in nsINfcRequestCallback callback);
-  /**
-   * Make a tag read-only
-   *
-   * @param sessionToken
-   *        Current token
-   *
-   * @param callback
-   *        Called when request is finished
-   */
-  void makeReadOnly(in DOMString sessionToken,
-                    in nsINfcRequestCallback callback);
-  /**
-   * Format a tag as NDEF
-   *
-   * @param sessionToken
-   *        Current token
-   *
-   * @param callback
-   *        Called when request is finished
-   */
-  void format(in DOMString sessionToken,
-              in nsINfcRequestCallback callback);
-  /**
-   * Send raw command to the tag and receive the response.
-   *
-   * @param sessionToken
-   *        Current token
-   *
-   * @param technology
-   *        Tag technology
-   *
-   * @param command
-   *        Command to send
-   *
-   * @param callback
-   *        Called when request is finished
-   *
-   */
-  void transceive(in DOMString sessionToken,
-                  in DOMString technology,
-                  in nsIVariant command,
-                  in nsINfcRequestCallback callback);
-  /**
-   * Get current RF state. This function will be blocking.
-   */
-  DOMString queryRFState();
-  /**
-   * Initiate send file operation.
-   *
-   * @param blob
-   *        Raw data of the file to be sent. This object represents a file-like
-   *        (DOM File) object of immutable, raw data. The blob data needs
-   *        to be 'object wrapped' before calling this interface.
-   *
-   * @param sessionToken
-   *        Current token
-   *
-   * @param callback
-   *        Called when request is finished
-   */
-  void sendFile(in jsval blob,
-                in DOMString sessionToken,
-                in nsINfcRequestCallback callback);
-  /**
-   * Add the event listener.
-   *
-   * @param listener
-   *        An instance of the nsINfcEventListener.
-   * @param tabId
-   *        The tab ID of the listener.
-   */
-  void addEventListener(in nsINfcEventListener listener, in uint64_t tabId);
-  /**
-   * Remove event listener.
-   *
-   * @param tabId
-   *        The tabId provided in addEventListener.
-   */
-  void removeEventListener(in uint64_t tabId);
-  /**
-   * Register the given application id with parent process
-   *
-   * @param appId
-   *        Application ID to be registered
-   */
-  void registerTargetForPeerReady(in unsigned long appId);
-  /**
-   * Unregister the given application id with parent process
-   *
-   * @param appId
-   *        Application ID to be registered
-   */
-  void unregisterTargetForPeerReady(in unsigned long appId);
-  /**
-   * Checks if the given application's id is a registered peer target (with the parent process)
-   *
-   * @param appId
-   *        Application ID to be updated with parent process
-   *
-   * @param callback
-   *        Called when request is finished
-   */
-  void checkP2PRegistration(in unsigned long appId,
-                            in nsINfcRequestCallback callback);
-  /**
-   * Notify the parent process that user has accepted to share nfc message on P2P UI
-   *
-   * @param appId
-   *        Application ID that is capable of handling NFC_EVENT_PEER_READY event
-   */
-  void notifyUserAcceptedP2P(in unsigned long appId);
-  /**
-   * Notify the status of sendFile operation to parent process
-   *
-   * @param status
-   *        Status of sendFile operation
-   *
-   * @param requestId
-   *        Request ID of SendFile DOM Request
-   */
-  void notifySendFileStatus(in octet status,
-                            in DOMString requestId);
-  /**
-   * Change RF state.
-   *
-   * @param rfState. Possible values are 'idle', 'listen' and 'discovery'.
-   *
-   * @param callback
-   *        Called when request is finished
-   */
-  void changeRFState(in DOMString rfState,
-                     in nsINfcRequestCallback callback);
-  /**
-   * Notify parent process to call the default tagfound or peerfound event
-   * handler.
-   *
-   * @param sessionToken
-   *        Session token of this event.
-   * @param isP2P
-   *        Is this a P2P Session.
-   * @param records
-   *        NDEF Records.
-   */
-  void callDefaultFoundHandler(in DOMString sessionToken,
-                               in boolean isP2P,
-                               in nsIVariant records);
-  /**
-   * Notify parent process to call the default taglost or peerlost event
-   * handler.
-   *
-   * @param sessionToken
-   *        Session token of this event.
-   * @param isP2P
-   *        Is this a P2P Session.
-   */
-  void callDefaultLostHandler(in DOMString sessionToken,
-                              in boolean isP2P);
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/dom/nfc/nsNfc.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,767 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
- * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
-/* Copyright © 2013, Deutsche Telekom, Inc. */
-"use strict";
-const DEBUG = false;
-function debug(s) {
-  if (DEBUG) dump("-*- Nfc DOM: " + s + "\n");
-const Cc = Components.classes;
-const Ci = Components.interfaces;
-const Cu = Components.utils;
-                                   "appsService",
-                                   "@mozilla.org/AppsService;1",
-                                   "nsIAppsService");
-function NfcCallback(aWindow) {
-  this._window = aWindow;
-  this.initDOMRequestHelper(aWindow, null);
-  this._createPromise();
-NfcCallback.prototype = {
-  __proto__: DOMRequestIpcHelper.prototype,
-  _window: null,
-  promise: null,
-  _requestId: null,
-  _createPromise: function _createPromise() {
-    this.promise = this.createPromiseWithId((aResolverId) => {
-      this._requestId = btoa(aResolverId);
-    });
-  },
-  getCallbackId: function getCallbackId() {
-    return this._requestId;
-  },
-  notifySuccess: function notifySuccess() {
-    let resolver = this.takePromiseResolver(atob(this._requestId));
-    if (!resolver) {
-      debug("can not find promise resolver for id: " + this._requestId);
-      return;
-    }
-    resolver.resolve();
-  },
-  notifySuccessWithBoolean: function notifySuccessWithBoolean(aResult) {
-    let resolver = this.takePromiseResolver(atob(this._requestId));
-    if (!resolver) {
-      debug("can not find promise resolver for id: " + this._requestId);
-      return;
-    }
-    resolver.resolve(aResult);
-  },
-  notifySuccessWithNDEFRecords: function notifySuccessWithNDEFRecords(aRecords) {
-    let resolver = this.takePromiseResolver(atob(this._requestId));
-    if (!resolver) {
-      debug("can not find promise resolver for id: " + this._requestId);
-      return;
-    }
-    let records = new this._window.Array();
-    for (let i = 0; i < aRecords.length; i++) {
-      let record = aRecords[i];
-      records.push(new this._window.MozNDEFRecord({tnf: record.tnf,
-                                                   type: record.type,
-                                                   id: record.id,
-                                                   payload: record.payload}));
-    }
-    resolver.resolve(records);
-  },
-  notifySuccessWithByteArray: function notifySuccessWithByteArray(aArray) {
-    let resolver = this.takePromiseResolver(atob(this._requestId));
-    if (!resolver) {
-      debug("can not find promise resolver for id: " + this._requestId);
-      return;
-    }
-    resolver.resolve(Cu.cloneInto(aArray, this._window));
-  },
-  notifyError: function notifyError(aErrorMsg) {
-    let resolver = this.takePromiseResolver(atob(this._requestId));
-    if (!resolver) {
-      debug("can not find promise resolver for id: " + this._requestId +
-           ", errormsg: " + aErrorMsg);
-      return;
-    }
-    resolver.reject(new this._window.Error(aErrorMsg));
-  },
-  QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsISupportsWeakReference,
-                                         Ci.nsIObserver,
-                                         Ci.nsINfcRequestCallback]),
-// Should be mapped to the NFCTagType defined in MozNFCTag.webidl.
-var TagType = {
-  TYPE1: "Type1",
-  TYPE2: "Type2",
-  TYPE3: "Type3",
-  TYPE4: "Type4",
- * Implementation of NFCTag.
- *
- * @param window        global window object.
- * @param sessionToken  session token received from parent process.
- * @param tagInfo       type of nsITagInfo received from parent process.
- * @parem ndefInfo      type of nsITagNDEFInfo received from parent process.
- */
-function MozNFCTagImpl(window, sessionToken, tagInfo, ndefInfo) {
-  debug("In MozNFCTagImpl Constructor");
-  this._nfcContentHelper = Cc["@mozilla.org/nfc/content-helper;1"]
-                             .getService(Ci.nsINfcContentHelper);
-  this._window = window;
-  this.session = sessionToken;
-  this.techList = tagInfo.techList;
-  this.id = Cu.cloneInto(tagInfo.tagId, window);
-  if (ndefInfo) {
-    this.type = ndefInfo.tagType;
-    this.maxNDEFSize = ndefInfo.maxNDEFSize;
-    this.isReadOnly = ndefInfo.isReadOnly;
-    this.isFormatable = ndefInfo.isFormatable;
-    this.canBeMadeReadOnly = this.type == TagType.TYPE1 ||
-                             this.type == TagType.TYPE2 ||
-                             this.type == TagType.MIFARE_CLASSIC;
-  }
-MozNFCTagImpl.prototype = {
-  _nfcContentHelper: null,
-  _window: null,
-  session: null,
-  techList: null,
-  id: null,
-  type: null,
-  maxNDEFSize: null,
-  isReadOnly: null,
-  isFormatable: null,
-  canBeMadeReadOnly: null,
-  isLost: false,
-  createTech: { "ISO-DEP": (win, tag) => { return new win.MozIsoDepTech(tag); },
-                "NFC-A"  : (win, tag) => { return new win.MozNfcATech(tag);   },
-              },
-  // NFCTag interface:
-  readNDEF: function readNDEF() {
-    if (this.isLost) {
-      throw new this._window.Error("NFCTag object is invalid");
-    }
-    let callback = new NfcCallback(this._window);
-    this._nfcContentHelper.readNDEF(this.session, callback);
-    return callback.promise;
-  },
-  writeNDEF: function writeNDEF(records) {
-    if (this.isLost) {
-      throw new this._window.Error("NFCTag object is invalid");
-    }
-    if (this.isReadOnly) {
-      throw new this._window.Error("NFCTag object is read-only");
-    }
-    let ndefLen = 0;
-    for (let record of records) {
-      ndefLen += record.size;
-    }
-    if (ndefLen > this.maxNDEFSize) {
-      throw new this._window.Error("Exceed max NDEF size");
-    }
-    let callback = new NfcCallback(this._window);
-    this._nfcContentHelper.writeNDEF(records, false, this.session, callback);
-    return callback.promise;
-  },
-  makeReadOnly: function makeReadOnly() {
-    if (this.isLost) {
-      throw new this._window.Error("NFCTag object is invalid");
-    }
-    if (!this.canBeMadeReadOnly) {
-      throw new this._window.Error("NFCTag object cannot be made read-only");
-    }
-    let callback = new NfcCallback(this._window);
-    this._nfcContentHelper.makeReadOnly(this.session, callback);
-    return callback.promise;
-  },
-  format: function format() {
-    if (this.isLost) {
-      throw new this._window.Error("NFCTag object is invalid");
-    }
-    if (!this.isFormatable) {
-      throw new this._window.Error("NFCTag object is not formatable");
-    }
-    let callback = new NfcCallback(this._window);
-    this._nfcContentHelper.format(this.session, callback);
-    return callback.promise;
-  },
-  selectTech: function selectTech(tech) {
-    if (this.isLost) {
-      throw new this._window.Error("NFCTag object is invalid");
-    }
-    if (this.techList.indexOf(tech) == -1) {
-      throw new this._window.Error(
-        "NFCTag does not contain selected tag technology");
-    }
-    if (this.createTech[tech] === undefined) {
-      throw new this._window.Error("Technology is not supported now");
-    }
-    return this.createTech[tech](this._window, this._contentObj);
-  },
-  transceive: function transceive(tech, cmd) {
-    if (this.isLost) {
-      throw new this._window.Error("NFCTag object is invalid");
-    }
-    let callback = new NfcCallback(this._window);
-    this._nfcContentHelper.transceive(this.session, tech, cmd, callback);
-    return callback.promise;
-  },
-  notifyLost: function notifyLost() {
-    this.isLost = true;
-  },
-  classID: Components.ID("{4e1e2e90-3137-11e3-aa6e-0800200c9a66}"),
-  contractID: "@mozilla.org/nfc/tag;1",
-  QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsISupports,
-                                         Ci.nsIDOMGlobalPropertyInitializer]),
- * Implementation of NFCPeer.
- *
- * @param window  global window object.
- * @param sessionToken  session token received from parent process.
- */
-function MozNFCPeerImpl(aWindow, aSessionToken) {
-  debug("In MozNFCPeerImpl Constructor");
-  this._nfcContentHelper = Cc["@mozilla.org/nfc/content-helper;1"]
-                             .getService(Ci.nsINfcContentHelper);
-  this._window = aWindow;
-  this.session = aSessionToken;
-MozNFCPeerImpl.prototype = {
-  _nfcContentHelper: null,
-  _window: null,
-  isLost: false,
-  // NFCPeer interface:
-  sendNDEF: function sendNDEF(records) {
-    if (this.isLost) {
-      throw new this._window.Error("NFCPeer object is invalid");
-    }
-    // Just forward sendNDEF to writeNDEF
-    let callback = new NfcCallback(this._window);
-    this._nfcContentHelper.writeNDEF(records, true, this.session, callback);
-    return callback.promise;
-  },
-  sendFile: function sendFile(blob) {
-    if (this.isLost) {
-      throw new this._window.Error("NFCPeer object is invalid");
-    }
-    let data = {
-      "blob": blob
-    };
-    let callback = new NfcCallback(this._window);
-    this._nfcContentHelper.sendFile(Cu.cloneInto(data, this._window),
-                                    this.session, callback);
-    return callback.promise;
-  },
-  notifyLost: function notifyLost() {
-    this.isLost = true;
-  },
-  classID: Components.ID("{c1b2bcf0-35eb-11e3-aa6e-0800200c9a66}"),
-  contractID: "@mozilla.org/nfc/peer;1",
-  QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsISupports,
-                                         Ci.nsIDOMGlobalPropertyInitializer]),
-// Should be mapped to the RFState defined in WebIDL.
-var RFState = {
-  IDLE: "idle",
-  LISTEN: "listen",
-  DISCOVERY: "discovery"
- * Implementation of navigator NFC object.
- */
-function MozNFCImpl() {
-  debug("In MozNFCImpl Constructor");
-  try {
-    this._nfcContentHelper = Cc["@mozilla.org/nfc/content-helper;1"]
-                               .getService(Ci.nsINfcContentHelper);
-  } catch(e) {
-    debug("No NFC support.");
-  }
-  this.eventService = Cc["@mozilla.org/eventlistenerservice;1"]
-                        .getService(Ci.nsIEventListenerService);
-MozNFCImpl.prototype = {
-  _nfcContentHelper: null,
-  window: null,
-  _tabId: null,
-  _innerWindowId: null,
-  _rfState: null,
-  _contentObj: null,
-  nfcPeer: null,
-  nfcTag: null,
-  eventService: null,
-  init: function init(aWindow) {
-    debug("MozNFCImpl init called");
-    this.window = aWindow;
-    let util = aWindow.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor)
-                      .getInterface(Ci.nsIDOMWindowUtils);
-    this._innerWindowId = util.currentInnerWindowID;
-    this.defineEventHandlerGetterSetter("ontagfound");
-    this.defineEventHandlerGetterSetter("ontaglost");
-    this.defineEventHandlerGetterSetter("onpeerready");
-    this.defineEventHandlerGetterSetter("onpeerfound");
-    this.defineEventHandlerGetterSetter("onpeerlost");
-    Services.obs.addObserver(this, "inner-window-destroyed",
-                             /* weak-ref */ false);
-    if (this._nfcContentHelper) {
-      this._tabId = this.getTabId(aWindow);
-      this._nfcContentHelper.addEventListener(this, this._tabId);
-      this._rfState = this._nfcContentHelper.queryRFState();
-    }
-  },
-  getTabId: function getTabId(aWindow) {
-    let tabId;
-    // For now, we assume app will run in oop mode so we can get
-    // tab id for each app. Fix bug 1116449 if we are going to
-    // support in-process mode.
-    let docShell = aWindow.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor)
-                          .getInterface(Ci.nsIWebNavigation)
-                          .QueryInterface(Ci.nsIDocShell);
-    try {
-      tabId = docShell.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor)
-                      .getInterface(Ci.nsITabChild)
-                      .tabId;
-    } catch(e) {
-      // Only parent process does not have tab id, so in this case
-      // NfcContentHelper is used by system app. Use -1(tabId) to
-      // indicate its system app.
-      let inParent = Cc["@mozilla.org/xre/app-info;1"]
-                       .getService(Ci.nsIXULRuntime)
-                       .processType == Ci.nsIXULRuntime.PROCESS_TYPE_DEFAULT;
-      if (inParent) {
-        tabId = Ci.nsINfcBrowserAPI.SYSTEM_APP_ID;
-      } else {
-        throw Components.Exception("Can't get tab id in child process",
-                                   Cr.NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED);
-      }
-    }
-    return tabId;
-  },
-  // Only apps which have nfc-manager permission can call the following interfaces
-  // 'checkP2PRegistration' , 'notifyUserAcceptedP2P' , 'notifySendFileStatus',
-  // 'startPoll', 'stopPoll', and 'powerOff'.
-  checkP2PRegistration: function checkP2PRegistration(manifestUrl) {
-    // Get the AppID and pass it to ContentHelper
-    let appID = appsService.getAppLocalIdByManifestURL(manifestUrl);
-    let callback = new NfcCallback(this.window);
-    this._nfcContentHelper.checkP2PRegistration(appID, callback);
-    return callback.promise;
-  },
-  notifyUserAcceptedP2P: function notifyUserAcceptedP2P(manifestUrl) {
-    let appID = appsService.getAppLocalIdByManifestURL(manifestUrl);
-    // Notify chrome process of user's acknowledgement
-    this._nfcContentHelper.notifyUserAcceptedP2P(appID);
-  },
-  notifySendFileStatus: function notifySendFileStatus(status, requestId) {
-    this._nfcContentHelper.notifySendFileStatus(status, requestId);
-  },
-  startPoll: function startPoll() {
-    let callback = new NfcCallback(this.window);
-    this._nfcContentHelper.changeRFState(RFState.DISCOVERY, callback);
-    return callback.promise;
-  },
-  stopPoll: function stopPoll() {
-    let callback = new NfcCallback(this.window);
-    this._nfcContentHelper.changeRFState(RFState.LISTEN, callback);
-    return callback.promise;
-  },
-  powerOff: function powerOff() {
-    let callback = new NfcCallback(this.window);
-    this._nfcContentHelper.changeRFState(RFState.IDLE, callback);
-    return callback.promise;
-  },
-  get enabled() {
-    return this._rfState != RFState.IDLE;
-  },
-  observe: function observe(subject, topic, data) {
-    if (topic !== "inner-window-destroyed") {
-      return;
-    }
-    let wId = subject.QueryInterface(Ci.nsISupportsPRUint64).data;
-    if (wId != this._innerWindowId) {
-      return;
-    }
-    this._nfcContentHelper.removeEventListener(this._tabId);
-  },
-  defineEventHandlerGetterSetter: function defineEventHandlerGetterSetter(name) {
-    Object.defineProperty(this, name, {
-      get: function get() {
-        return this.__DOM_IMPL__.getEventHandler(name);
-      },
-      set: function set(handler) {
-        this.__DOM_IMPL__.setEventHandler(name, handler);
-      }
-    });
-  },
-  eventListenerWasAdded: function(eventType) {
-    if (eventType !== "peerready") {
-      return;
-    }
-    let appId = this.window.document.nodePrincipal.appId;
-    this._nfcContentHelper.registerTargetForPeerReady(appId);
-  },
-  eventListenerWasRemoved: function(eventType) {
-    if (eventType !== "peerready") {
-      return;
-    }
-    let appId = this.window.document.nodePrincipal.appId;
-    this._nfcContentHelper.unregisterTargetForPeerReady(appId);
-  },
-  notifyTagFound: function notifyTagFound(sessionToken, tagInfo, ndefInfo, records) {
-    if (!this.handleTagFound(sessionToken, tagInfo, ndefInfo, records)) {
-      this._nfcContentHelper.callDefaultFoundHandler(sessionToken, false, records);
-    };
-  },
-  /**
-   * Handles Tag Found event.
-   *
-   * returns true if the app could process this event, false otherwise.
-   */
-  handleTagFound: function handleTagFound(sessionToken, tagInfo, ndefInfo, records) {
-    if (this.hasDeadWrapper()) {
-      dump("this.window or this.__DOM_IMPL__ is a dead wrapper.");
-      return false;
-    }
-    if (!this.eventService.hasListenersFor(this.__DOM_IMPL__, "tagfound")) {
-      debug("ontagfound is not registered.");
-      return false;
-    }
-    if (!this.checkPermissions(["nfc"])) {
-      return false;
-    }
-    let tagImpl = new MozNFCTagImpl(this.window, sessionToken, tagInfo, ndefInfo);
-    let tag = this.window.MozNFCTag._create(this.window, tagImpl);
-    tagImpl._contentObj = tag;
-    this.nfcTag = tag;
-    let length = records ? records.length : 0;
-    let ndefRecords = records ? [] : null;
-    for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) {
-      let record = records[i];
-      ndefRecords.push(new this.window.MozNDEFRecord({tnf: record.tnf,
-                                                       type: record.type,
-                                                       id: record.id,
-                                                       payload: record.payload}));
-    }
-    let eventData = {
-      "cancelable": true,
-      "tag": tag,
-      "ndefRecords": ndefRecords
-    };
-    debug("fire ontagfound " + sessionToken);
-    let tagEvent = new this.window.MozNFCTagEvent("tagfound", eventData);
-    this.__DOM_IMPL__.dispatchEvent(tagEvent);
-    // If defaultPrevented is false, means we need to take the default action
-    // for this event - redirect this event to System app. Before redirecting to
-    // System app, we need revoke the tag object first.
-    if (!tagEvent.defaultPrevented) {
-      this.notifyTagLost(sessionToken);
-    }
-    return tagEvent.defaultPrevented;
-  },
-  notifyTagLost: function notifyTagLost(sessionToken) {
-    if (!this.handleTagLost(sessionToken)) {
-      this._nfcContentHelper.callDefaultLostHandler(sessionToken, false);
-    }
-  },
-  handleTagLost: function handleTagLost(sessionToken) {
-    if (this.hasDeadWrapper()) {
-      dump("this.window or this.__DOM_IMPL__ is a dead wrapper.");
-      return false;
-    }
-    if (!this.checkPermissions(["nfc"])) {
-      return false;
-    }
-    if (!this.nfcTag) {
-      debug("No NFCTag object existing.");
-      return false;
-    }
-    this.nfcTag.notifyLost();
-    this.nfcTag = null;
-    debug("fire ontaglost " + sessionToken);
-    let event = new this.window.Event("taglost");
-    this.__DOM_IMPL__.dispatchEvent(event);
-    return true;
-  },
-  notifyPeerFound: function notifyPeerFound(sessionToken, isPeerReady) {
-    if (!this.handlePeerFound(sessionToken, isPeerReady)) {
-      this._nfcContentHelper.callDefaultFoundHandler(sessionToken, true, null);
-    }
-  },
-  /**
-   * Handles Peer Found/Peer Ready event.
-   *
-   * returns true if the app could process this event, false otherwise.
-   */
-  handlePeerFound: function handlePeerFound(sessionToken, isPeerReady) {
-    if (this.hasDeadWrapper()) {
-      dump("this.window or this.__DOM_IMPL__ is a dead wrapper.");
-      return false;
-    }
-    if (!isPeerReady &&
-        !this.eventService.hasListenersFor(this.__DOM_IMPL__, "peerfound")) {
-      debug("onpeerfound is not registered.");
-      return false;
-    }
-    let perm = isPeerReady ? ["nfc-share"] : ["nfc"];
-    if (!this.checkPermissions(perm)) {
-      return false;
-    }
-    let peerImpl = new MozNFCPeerImpl(this.window, sessionToken);
-    this.nfcPeer = this.window.MozNFCPeer._create(this.window, peerImpl);
-    let eventType;
-    let eventData = {
-      "peer": this.nfcPeer
-    };
-    if (isPeerReady) {
-      eventType = "peerready";
-    } else {
-      eventData.cancelable = true;
-      eventType = "peerfound";
-    }
-    debug("fire on" + eventType + " " + sessionToken);
-    let event = new this.window.MozNFCPeerEvent(eventType, eventData);
-    this.__DOM_IMPL__.dispatchEvent(event);
-    // For peerready we don't take the default action.
-    if (isPeerReady) {
-      return true;
-    }
-    // If defaultPrevented is false, means we need to take the default action
-    // for this event - redirect this event to System app. Before redirecting to
-    // System app, we need revoke the peer object first.
-    if (!event.defaultPrevented) {
-      this.notifyPeerLost(sessionToken);
-    }
-    return event.defaultPrevented;
-  },
-  notifyPeerLost: function notifyPeerLost(sessionToken) {
-    if (!this.handlePeerLost(sessionToken)) {
-      this._nfcContentHelper.callDefaultLostHandler(sessionToken, true);
-    }
-  },
-  handlePeerLost: function handlePeerLost(sessionToken) {
-    if (this.hasDeadWrapper()) {
-      dump("this.window or this.__DOM_IMPL__ is a dead wrapper.");
-      return false;
-    }
-    if (!this.checkPermissions(["nfc", "nfc-share"])) {
-      return false;
-    }
-    if (!this.nfcPeer) {
-      debug("No NFCPeer object existing.");
-      return false;
-    }
-    this.nfcPeer.notifyLost();
-    this.nfcPeer = null;
-    debug("fire onpeerlost");
-    let event = new this.window.Event("peerlost");
-    this.__DOM_IMPL__.dispatchEvent(event);
-    return true;
-  },
-  notifyRFStateChanged: function notifyRFStateChanged(rfState) {
-    this._rfState = rfState;
-  },
-  notifyFocusChanged: function notifyFocusChanged(focus) {
-    if (focus) {
-      return;
-    }
-    if (this.nfcTag) {
-      debug("losing focus, call taglost.");
-      this.notifyTagLost(this.nfcTag.session);
-    }
-    if (this.nfcPeer) {
-      debug("losing focus, call peerlost.");
-      this.notifyPeerLost(this.nfcPeer.session);
-    }
-  },
-  checkPermissions: function checkPermissions(perms) {
-    let principal = this.window.document.nodePrincipal;
-    for (let perm of perms) {
-      let permValue =
-        Services.perms.testExactPermissionFromPrincipal(principal, perm);
-      if (permValue == Ci.nsIPermissionManager.ALLOW_ACTION) {
-        return true;
-      } else {
-        debug("doesn't have " + perm + " permission.");
-      }
-    }
-    return false;
-  },
-  hasDeadWrapper: function hasDeadWrapper() {
-    return Cu.isDeadWrapper(this.window) || Cu.isDeadWrapper(this.__DOM_IMPL__);
-  },
-  classID: Components.ID("{6ff2b290-2573-11e3-8224-0800200c9a66}"),
-  contractID: "@mozilla.org/nfc/manager;1",
-  QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsISupports,
-                                         Ci.nsIDOMGlobalPropertyInitializer,
-                                         Ci.nsINfcEventListener,
-                                         Ci.nsIObserver]),
-function NFCSendFileWrapper() {
-NFCSendFileWrapper.prototype = {
-  // nsISystemMessagesWrapper implementation.
-  wrapMessage: function wrapMessage(aMessage, aWindow) {
-    let peerImpl = new MozNFCPeerImpl(aWindow, aMessage.sessionToken);
-    let peer = aWindow.MozNFCPeer._create(aWindow, peerImpl);
-    delete aMessage.sessionToken;
-    aMessage = Cu.cloneInto(aMessage, aWindow);
-    aMessage.peer = peer;
-    return aMessage;
-  },
-  classDescription: "NFCSendFileWrapper",
-  classID: Components.ID("{c5063a5c-8cb9-41d2-baf5-56062a2e30e9}"),
-  contractID: "@mozilla.org/dom/system-messages/wrapper/nfc-manager-send-file;1",
-  QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsISystemMessagesWrapper])
-function NFCTechDiscoveredWrapper() {
-NFCTechDiscoveredWrapper.prototype = {
-  // nsISystemMessagesWrapper implementation.
-  wrapMessage: function wrapMessage(aMessage, aWindow) {
-    aMessage = Cu.cloneInto(aMessage, aWindow);
-    if (aMessage.isP2P) {
-      let peerImpl = new MozNFCPeerImpl(aWindow, aMessage.sessionToken);
-      let peer = aWindow.MozNFCPeer._create(aWindow, peerImpl);
-      aMessage.peer = peer;
-    }
-    delete aMessage.isP2P;
-    delete aMessage.sessionToken;
-    return aMessage;
-  },
-  classDescription: "NFCTechDiscoveredWrapper",
-  classID: Components.ID("{2e7f9285-3c72-4e1f-b985-141a00a23a75}"),
-  contractID: "@mozilla.org/dom/system-messages/wrapper/nfc-manager-tech-discovered;1",
-  QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsISystemMessagesWrapper])
-this.NSGetFactory = XPCOMUtils.generateNSGetFactory([MozNFCTagImpl,
-  MozNFCPeerImpl, MozNFCImpl, NFCSendFileWrapper, NFCTechDiscoveredWrapper]);
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/dom/nfc/nsNfc.manifest
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-component {6ff2b290-2573-11e3-8224-0800200c9a66} nsNfc.js
-contract @mozilla.org/nfc/manager;1 {6ff2b290-2573-11e3-8224-0800200c9a66}
-component {4e1e2e90-3137-11e3-aa6e-0800200c9a66} nsNfc.js
-contract @mozilla.org/nfc/tag;1 {4e1e2e90-3137-11e3-aa6e-0800200c9a66}
-component {c1b2bcf0-35eb-11e3-aa6e-0800200c9a66} nsNfc.js
-contract @mozilla.org/nfc/peer;1 {c1b2bcf0-35eb-11e3-aa6e-0800200c9a66}
-component {c5063a5c-8cb9-41d2-baf5-56062a2e30e9} nsNfc.js
-contract @mozilla.org/dom/system-messages/wrapper/nfc-manager-send-file;1 {c5063a5c-8cb9-41d2-baf5-56062a2e30e9}
-component {2e7f9285-3c72-4e1f-b985-141a00a23a75} nsNfc.js
-contract @mozilla.org/dom/system-messages/wrapper/nfc-manager-tech-discovered;1 {2e7f9285-3c72-4e1f-b985-141a00a23a75}
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/dom/nfc/tests/marionette/head.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,385 +0,0 @@
-/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
-   http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */
-const Cu = SpecialPowers.Cu;
-var Promise = Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Promise.jsm").Promise;
-var nfc = window.navigator.mozNfc;
-SpecialPowers.addPermission("nfc-manager", true, document);
- * Emulator helper.
- */
-var emulator = (function() {
-  let pendingCmdCount = 0;
-  let originalRunEmulatorCmd = runEmulatorCmd;
-  // Overwritten it so people could not call this function directly.
-  runEmulatorCmd = function() {
-    throw "Use emulator.run(cmd, callback) instead of runEmulatorCmd";
-  };
-  function run(cmd, callback) {
-    log("Executing emulator command '" + cmd + "'");
-    pendingCmdCount++;
-    originalRunEmulatorCmd(cmd, function(result) {
-      pendingCmdCount--;
-      if (callback && typeof callback === "function") {
-        callback(result);
-      }
-    });
-  };
-  return {
-    run: run,
-    pendingCmdCount: pendingCmdCount,
-    P2P_RE_INDEX_0 : 0,
-    P2P_RE_INDEX_1 : 1,
-    T1T_RE_INDEX   : 2,
-    T2T_RE_INDEX   : 3,
-    T3T_RE_INDEX   : 4,
-    T4T_RE_INDEX   : 5
-  };
-var sysMsgHelper = (function() {
-  function techDiscovered(msg) {
-    log("system message nfc-manager-tech-discovered");
-    let discovered = mDiscovered.shift();
-    if (discovered) {
-      discovered(msg);
-    }
-  }
-  function techLost(msg) {
-    log("system message nfc-manager-tech-lost");
-    let lost = mLost.shift();
-    if (lost) {
-      lost(msg);
-    }
-  }
-  function sendFile(msg) {
-    log("system message nfc-manager-send-file");
-    let send = mSendFile.shift();
-    if (send) {
-      send(msg);
-    }
-  }
-  let mDiscovered = [], mLost = [], mSendFile = [];
-  window.navigator.mozSetMessageHandler("nfc-manager-tech-discovered",
-                                        techDiscovered);
-  window.navigator.mozSetMessageHandler("nfc-manager-tech-lost", techLost);
-  window.navigator.mozSetMessageHandler("nfc-manager-send-file", sendFile);
-  return {
-    waitForTechDiscovered: function(discovered) {
-      mDiscovered.push(discovered);
-    },
-    waitForTechLost: function(lost) {
-      mLost.push(lost);
-    },
-    waitForSendFile: function(sendFile) {
-      mSendFile.push(sendFile);
-    },
-  };
-var NCI = (function() {
-  function activateRE(re) {
-    let deferred = Promise.defer();
-    let cmd = 'nfc nci rf_intf_activated_ntf ' + re;
-    emulator.run(cmd, function(result) {
-      is(result.pop(), 'OK', 'check activation of RE' + re);
-      deferred.resolve();
-    });
-    return deferred.promise;
-  };
- function deactivate() {
-    let deferred = Promise.defer();
-    let cmd = 'nfc nci rf_intf_deactivate_ntf';
-    emulator.run(cmd, function(result) {
-      is(result.pop(), 'OK', 'check deactivate');
-      deferred.resolve();
-    });
-    return deferred.promise;
-  };
-  function notifyDiscoverRE(re, type) {
-    let deferred = Promise.defer();
-    let cmd = 'nfc nci rf_discover_ntf ' + re + ' ' + type;
-    emulator.run(cmd, function(result) {
-      is(result.pop(), 'OK', 'check discovery of RE' + re);
-      deferred.resolve();
-    });
-    return deferred.promise;
-  };
-  return {
-    activateRE: activateRE,
-    deactivate: deactivate,
-    notifyDiscoverRE: notifyDiscoverRE,
-  };
-var TAG = (function() {
-  function setData(re, flag, tnf, type, payload) {
-    let deferred = Promise.defer();
-    let tnfNum = NDEF.getTNFNum(tnf);
-    let cmd = "nfc tag set " + re +
-              " [" + flag + "," + tnfNum + "," + type + ",," + payload + "]";
-    emulator.run(cmd, function(result) {
-      is(result.pop(), "OK", "set NDEF data of tag" + re);
-      deferred.resolve();
-    });
-    return deferred.promise;
-  };
-  function clearData(re) {
-    let deferred = Promise.defer();
-    let cmd = "nfc tag clear " + re;
-    emulator.run(cmd, function(result) {
-      is(result.pop(), "OK", "clear tag" + re);
-      deferred.resolve();
-    });
-  }
-  return {
-    setData: setData,
-    clearData: clearData
-  };
-var SNEP = (function() {
-  function put(dsap, ssap, flags, tnf, type, id, payload) {
-    let deferred = Promise.defer();
-    let tnfNum = NDEF.getTNFNum(tnf);
-    let cmd = "nfc snep put " + dsap + " " + ssap + " [" + flags + "," +
-                                                           tnfNum + "," +
-                                                           type + "," +
-                                                           id + "," +
-                                                           payload + "]";
-    emulator.run(cmd, function(result) {
-      is(result.pop(), "OK", "send SNEP PUT");
-      deferred.resolve();
-    });
-    return deferred.promise;
-  };
-  return {
-    put: put,
-    SAP_NDEF: 4
-  };
-function toggleNFC(enabled) {
-  let deferred = Promise.defer();
-  // In bug 1109592, nfcd will only run when nfc is enabled.
-  // The way we activate/deactivate nfcd is by using set property "ctl.start" & "ctl.stop".
-  // In emulator it seems sometimes enable/disable NFC too quick will cause nfcd won't starat,
-  // So here we use a simple workaround to delay enable or disable for 100ms, bug 1164786 is
-  // created to track this issue.
-  setTimeout(function() {
-    let promise;
-    if (enabled) {
-      promise = nfc.startPoll();
-    } else {
-      promise = nfc.powerOff();
-    }
-    promise.then(() => {
-      deferred.resolve();
-    }).catch(() => {
-      ok(false, 'operation failed, error ' + req.error.name);
-      deferred.reject();
-      finish();
-    });
-  }, 100);
-  return deferred.promise;
-function activateAndwaitForTechDiscovered(re) {
-  let deferred = Promise.defer();
-  sysMsgHelper.waitForTechDiscovered(function() {
-    deferred.resolve();
-  });
-  NCI.activateRE(re);
-  return deferred.promise;
-function deactivateAndWaitForTechLost() {
-  let deferred = Promise.defer();
-  sysMsgHelper.waitForTechLost(function() {
-    deferred.resolve();
-  });
-  NCI.deactivate();
-  return deferred.promise;
-function deactivateAndWaitForPeerLost() {
-  let deferred = Promise.defer();
-  nfc.onpeerlost = function() {
-    deferred.resolve();
-  };
-  NCI.deactivate();
-  return deferred.promise;
-function clearPendingMessages(type) {
-  if (!window.navigator.mozHasPendingMessage(type)) {
-    return;
-  }
-  // setting a handler removes all messages from queue
-  window.navigator.mozSetMessageHandler(type, function() {
-    window.navigator.mozSetMessageHandler(type, null);
-  });
-function cleanUp() {
-  log('Cleaning up');
-  waitFor(function() {
-            SpecialPowers.removePermission("nfc-manager", document);
-            finish()
-          },
-          function() {
-            return emulator.pendingCmdCount === 0;
-          });
-function runNextTest() {
-  clearPendingMessages('nfc-manager-tech-discovered');
-  clearPendingMessages('nfc-manager-tech-lost');
-  let test = tests.shift();
-  if (!test) {
-    cleanUp();
-    return;
-  }
-  test();
-// run this function to start tests
-function runTests() {
-  if ('mozNfc' in window.navigator) {
-    runNextTest();
-  } else {
-    // succeed immediately on systems without NFC
-    log('Skipping test on system without NFC');
-    ok(true, 'Skipping test on system without NFC');
-    finish();
-  }
-const NDEF = {
-  TNF_WELL_KNOWN: "well-known",
-  tnfValues: ["empty", "well-known", "media-type", "absolute-uri", "external",
-    "unknown", "unchanged", "reserved"],
-  getTNFNum: function (tnfString) {
-    return this.tnfValues.indexOf(tnfString);
-  },
-  getTNFString: function(tnfNum) {
-    return this.tnfValues[tnfNum];
-  },
-  // compares two NDEF messages
-  compare: function(ndef1, ndef2) {
-    isnot(ndef1, null, "LHS message is not null");
-    isnot(ndef2, null, "RHS message is not null");
-    is(ndef1.length, ndef2.length,
-       "NDEF messages have the same number of records");
-    ndef1.forEach(function(record1, index) {
-      let record2 = this[index];
-      is(record1.tnf, record2.tnf, "test for equal TNF fields");
-      let fields = ["type", "id", "payload"];
-      fields.forEach(function(value) {
-        let field1 = Cu.waiveXrays(record1)[value];
-        let field2 = Cu.waiveXrays(record2)[value];
-        if (!field1 || !field2) {
-          return;
-        }
-        is(field1.length, field2.length,
-           value + " fields have the same length");
-        let eq = true;
-        for (let i = 0; eq && i < field1.length; ++i) {
-          eq = (field1[i] === field2[i]);
-        }
-        ok(eq, value + " fields contain the same data");
-      });
-    }, ndef2);
-  },
-  // parses an emulator output string into an NDEF message
-  parseString: function(str) {
-    // make it an object
-    let arr = null;
-    try {
-      arr = JSON.parse(str);
-    } catch (e) {
-      ok(false, "Parser error: " + e.message);
-      return null;
-    }
-    // and build NDEF array
-    let ndef = arr.map(function(value) {
-        let type = NfcUtils.fromUTF8(this.atob(value.type));
-        let id = NfcUtils.fromUTF8(this.atob(value.id));
-        let payload = NfcUtils.fromUTF8(this.atob(value.payload));
-        return new MozNDEFRecord({tnf: NDEF.getTNFString(value.tnf), type: type, id: id, payload: payload});
-      }, window);
-    return ndef;
-  }
-var NfcUtils = {
-  fromUTF8: function(str) {
-    let buf = new Uint8Array(str.length);
-    for (let i = 0; i < str.length; ++i) {
-      buf[i] = str.charCodeAt(i);
-    }
-    return buf;
-  },
-  toUTF8: function(array) {
-    if (!array) {
-      return null;
-    }
-    let str = "";
-    for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
-      str += String.fromCharCode(array[i]);
-    }
-    return str;
-  }
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/dom/nfc/tests/marionette/manifest.ini
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-run-if = buildapp == 'b2g'
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/dom/nfc/tests/marionette/test_ndef.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
-   http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */
-MARIONETTE_HEAD_JS = 'head.js';
-function testConstructNDEF() {
-  try {
-    // omit type, id and payload.
-    let r = new MozNDEFRecord();
-    is(r.tnf, "empty", "r.tnf should be 'empty'");
-    is(r.type, null, "r.type should be null");
-    is(r.id, null, "r.id should be null");
-    is(r.payload, null, "r.payload should be null");
-    ok(true);
-  } catch (e) {
-    ok(false, 'type, id or payload should be optional. error:' + e);
-  }
-  try {
-    new MozNDEFRecord({type: new Uint8Array(1)});
-    ok(false, "new MozNDEFRecord should fail, type should be null for empty tnf");
-  } catch (e){
-    ok(true);
-  }
-  try {
-    new MozNDEFRecord({tnf: "unknown", type: new Uint8Array(1)});
-    ok(false, "new MozNDEFRecord should fail, type should be null for unknown tnf");
-  } catch (e){
-    ok(true);
-  }
-  try {
-    new MozNDEFRecord({tnf: "unchanged", type: new Uint8Array(1)});
-    ok(false, "new MozNDEFRecord should fail, type should be null for unchanged tnf");
-  } catch (e){
-    ok(true);
-  }
-  try {
-    new MozNDEFRecord({tnf: "illegal", type: new Uint8Array(1)});
-    ok(false, "new MozNDEFRecord should fail, invalid tnf");
-  } catch (e){
-    ok(true);
-  }
-  runNextTest();
-var tests = [
-  testConstructNDEF
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/dom/nfc/tests/marionette/test_nfc_checkP2PRegistration.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,141 +0,0 @@
-/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
-   http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */
-'use strict';
-/* globals log, is, ok, runTests, toggleNFC, runNextTest,
-   SpecialPowers, nfc */
-const MARIONETTE_TIMEOUT = 60000;
-const MARIONETTE_HEAD_JS = 'head.js';
-const MANIFEST_URL = 'app://system.gaiamobile.org/manifest.webapp';
-const FAKE_MANIFEST_URL = 'app://fake.gaiamobile.org/manifest.webapp';
- * Failure scenarion without onpeerread handler registration
- * Nfc not enabled -> no session token.
- */
-function testNoTargetNoSessionToken() {
-  log('testNoTargetNoSessionToken');
-  nfc.checkP2PRegistration(MANIFEST_URL)
-  .then((result) => {
-    is(result, false, 'No target, no sesionToken, result should be false');
-    runNextTest();
-  })
-  .catch(handleRejectedPromise);
- * Failure scenario onpeerready handler registered but Nfc not enabled
- * -> no session token.
- */
-function testWithTargetNoSessionToken() {
-  log('testWithTargetNoSessionToken');
-  registerOnpeerready()
-  .then(() => nfc.checkP2PRegistration(MANIFEST_URL))
-  .then((result) => {
-    is(result, false,
-      'session token is available and it shouldnt be');
-    nfc.onpeerready = null;
-    runNextTest();
-  })
-  .catch(handleRejectedPromise);
- * Success scenario, nfc enabled, activated RE0 (p2p ndef is received,
- * creates session token) opeerreadyhandler registered.
- */
-function testWithSessionTokenWithTarget() {
-  log('testWithSessionTokenWithTarget');
-  toggleNFC(true)
-  .then(() => activateAndwaitForTechDiscovered(emulator.P2P_RE_INDEX_0))
-  .then(registerOnpeerready)
-  .then(() => nfc.checkP2PRegistration(MANIFEST_URL))
-  .then((result) => {
-    is(result, true, 'should be true, onpeerready reg, sessionToken set');
-    nfc.onpeerready = null;
-    return deactivateAndWaitForTechLost().then(() => toggleNFC(false));
-  })
-  .then(runNextTest)
-  .catch(handleRejectedPromiseWithNfcOn);
- * Failure scenario, nfc enabled, activated RE0 (p2p ndef is received,
- * creates session token) opeerready handler not registered.
- */
-function testWithSessionTokenNoTarget() {
-  log('testWithSessionTokenNoTarget');
-  toggleNFC(true)
-  .then(() => activateAndwaitForTechDiscovered(emulator.P2P_RE_INDEX_0))
-  .then(() => nfc.checkP2PRegistration(MANIFEST_URL))
-  .then((result) => {
-    is(result, false,
-      'session token  avilable but onpeerready not registered');
-    return deactivateAndWaitForTechLost().then(() => toggleNFC(false));
-  })
-  .then(runNextTest)
-  .catch(handleRejectedPromiseWithNfcOn);
- * Failure scenario, nfc enabled, re0 activated, onpeerready registered,
- * checking wrong manifest url.
- */
-function testWithSessionTokenWrongTarget() {
-  log('testWithSessionTokenWrongTarget');
-  toggleNFC(true)
-  .then(() => activateAndwaitForTechDiscovered(emulator.P2P_RE_INDEX_0))
-  .then(registerOnpeerready)
-  .then(() => nfc.checkP2PRegistration(FAKE_MANIFEST_URL))
-  .then((result) => {
-    is(result, false, 'should be false, fake manifest, sessionToken set');
-    nfc.onpeerready = null;
-    return deactivateAndWaitForTechLost().then(() => toggleNFC(false));
-  })
-  .then(runNextTest)
-  .catch(handleRejectedPromiseWithNfcOn);
-function registerOnpeerready() {
-  nfc.onpeerready = function() {
-    ok(false, 'onpeerready callback cannot be fired');
-  };
-  let d = Promise.defer();
-  d.resolve();
-  return d.promise;
-function handleRejectedPromise() {
-   ok(false, 'Promise rejected. This should not happen');
-   nfc.onpeerready = null;
-   runNextTest();
-function handleRejectedPromiseWithNfcOn() {
-  ok(false, 'Promise rejected. This should not happen. Turning off nfc');
-  nfc.onpeerready = null;
-  toggleNFC(false).then(runNextTest);
-var tests = [
-  testNoTargetNoSessionToken,
-  testWithTargetNoSessionToken,
-  testWithSessionTokenWithTarget,
-  testWithSessionTokenNoTarget,
-  testWithSessionTokenWrongTarget
- * nfc-manager for mozNfc.checkP2PRegistration(manifestUrl)
- *  -> "NFC:CheckP2PRegistration" IPC
- * nfc-share to set/unset onpeerready
- *  -> "NFC:RegisterPeerTarget", "NFC:UnregisterPeerTarget" IPC
- */
-  [
-    {'type': 'nfc-manager', 'allow': true, context: document},
-    {'type': 'nfc-share', 'allow': true, context: document}
-  ], runTests);
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/dom/nfc/tests/marionette/test_nfc_enabled.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
-   http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */
-MARIONETTE_HEAD_JS = 'head.js';
-function testEnableNFC() {
-  log('Running \'testEnableNFC\'');
-  let promise = nfc.startPoll();
-  promise.then(() => {
-    ok(true);
-    runNextTest();
-  }).catch(() => {
-    ok(false, "startPoll failed");
-    runNextTest();
-  });
-function testDisableNFC() {
-  log('Running \'testDisableNFC\'');
-  let promise = nfc.powerOff();
-  promise.then(() => {
-    ok(true);
-    runNextTest();
-  }).catch(() => {
-    ok(false, "powerOff failed");
-    runNextTest();
-  });
-function testStopPollNFC() {
-  log('Running \'testStopPollNFC\'');
-  let promise = nfc.stopPoll();
-  promise.then(() => {
-    ok(true);
-    runNextTest();
-  }).catch(() => {
-    ok(false, "stopPoll failed");
-    runNextTest();
-  });
-var tests = [
-  testEnableNFC,
-  testStopPollNFC,
-  testDisableNFC
-  [{'type': 'nfc-manager', 'allow': true, 'context': document}],
-  runTests);
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/dom/nfc/tests/marionette/test_nfc_error_messages.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,157 +0,0 @@
-/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
-   http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */
-'use strict';
-/* globals log, is, ok, runTests, toggleNFC, runNextTest,
-   SpecialPowers, nfc, MozNDEFRecord, emulator */
-const MARIONETTE_TIMEOUT = 60000;
-const MARIONETTE_HEAD_JS = 'head.js';
-const MANIFEST_URL = 'app://system.gaiamobile.org/manifest.webapp';
-const NDEF_MESSAGE = [new MozNDEFRecord({tnf: "well-known",
-                                         type: new Uint8Array(0x84),
-                                         payload: new Uint8Array(0x20)})];
-var nfcPeers = [];
- * Enables nfc and RE0 then registers onpeerready callback and once
- * it's fired it creates mozNFCPeer and stores it for later.
- * After disabling nfc tries to do mozNFCPeer.sendNDEF which should
- * fail with NfcNotEnabledError.
- */
-function testNfcNotEnabledError() {
-  log('testNfcNotEnabledError');
-  toggleNFC(true)
-  .then(() => activateAndwaitForTechDiscovered(emulator.P2P_RE_INDEX_0))
-  .then(registerAndFireOnpeerready)
-  .then(() => deactivateAndWaitForPeerLost())
-  .then(() => toggleNFC(false))
-  .then(() => sendNDEFExpectError(nfcPeers[0]))
-  .then(endTest)
-  .catch(handleRejectedPromise);
- * Enables nfc and RE0, register onpeerready callback, once it's fired
- * it creates and stores mozNFCPeer. Disables nfc, enables nfc and
- * once again registers and fires new onpeerready callback and stores
- * mozNfcPeer. Than fires sendNDEF on the first stored peer which
- * should have invalid session token and we should get NfcBadSessionIdError
- */
-function testNfcBadSessionIdError() {
-  log('testNfcBadSessionIdError');
-  toggleNFC(true)
-  .then(() => activateAndwaitForTechDiscovered(emulator.P2P_RE_INDEX_0))
-  .then(registerAndFireOnpeerready)
-  .then(() => NCI.deactivate())
-  .then(() => activateAndwaitForTechDiscovered(emulator.P2P_RE_INDEX_0))
-  .then(registerAndFireOnpeerready)
-  // we have 2 peers in nfcPeers array, peer0 has old/invalid session token
-  .then(() => sendNDEFExpectError(nfcPeers[0]))
-  .then(() => deactivateAndWaitForPeerLost())
-  .then(() => toggleNFC(false))
-  .then(endTest)
-  .catch(handleRejectedPromise);
- * Enables nfc and RE0, registers tech-discovered msg handler, once it's
- * fired set tech-lost handler and disables nfc. In both handlers checks
- * if error message is not present.
- */
-function testNoErrorInTechMsg() {
-  log('testNoErrorInTechMsg');
-  let techDiscoveredHandler = function(msg) {
-    ok('Message handler for nfc-manager-tech-discovered');
-    ok(msg.peer, 'check for correct tech type');
-    is(msg.errorMsg, undefined, 'Should not get error msg in tech discovered');
-    setAndFireTechLostHandler()
-    .then(() => toggleNFC(false))
-    .then(endTest)
-    .catch(handleRejectedPromise);
-  };
-  sysMsgHelper.waitForTechDiscovered(techDiscoveredHandler);
-  toggleNFC(true)
-  .then(() => NCI.activateRE(emulator.P2P_RE_INDEX_0))
-  .catch(handleRejectedPromise);
-function endTest() {
-  nfcPeers = [];
-  runNextTest();
-function handleRejectedPromise() {
-  ok(false, 'Handling rejected promise');
-  toggleNFC(false).then(endTest);
-function registerAndFireOnpeerready() {
-  let deferred = Promise.defer();
-  nfc.onpeerready = function(event) {
-    log("onpeerready called");
-    nfcPeers.push(event.peer);
-    nfc.onpeerready = null;
-    deferred.resolve();
-  };
-  nfc.notifyUserAcceptedP2P(MANIFEST_URL);
-  return deferred.promise;
-function sendNDEFExpectError(peer) {
-  let deferred = Promise.defer();
-  peer.sendNDEF(NDEF_MESSAGE)
-  .then(() => {
-    deferred.reject();
-  }).catch((e) => {
-    ok(true, 'this should happen ' + e);
-    deferred.resolve();
-  });
-  return deferred.promise;
-function setAndFireTechLostHandler() {
-  let deferred = Promise.defer();
-  let techLostHandler = function(msg) {
-    ok('Message handler for nfc-manager-tech-lost');
-    is(msg.errorMsg, undefined, 'Should not get error msg in tech lost');
-    deferred.resolve();
-  };
-  sysMsgHelper.waitForTechLost(techLostHandler);
-  // triggers tech-lost
-  NCI.deactivate();
-  return deferred.promise;
-var tests = [
-  testNfcNotEnabledError,
-  testNfcBadSessionIdError,
-  testNoErrorInTechMsg
- * nfc-manager for mozNfc.checkP2PRegistration(manifestUrl)
- *  -> "NFC:CheckP2PRegistration" IPC
- * nfc-share to set/unset onpeerready
- *  -> "NFC:RegisterPeerTarget", "NFC:UnregisterPeerTarget" IPC
- */
-  [
-    {'type': 'nfc-manager', 'allow': true, context: document},
-    {'type': 'nfc-share', 'allow': true, context: document}
-  ], runTests);
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/dom/nfc/tests/marionette/test_nfc_manager_tech_discovered.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
-   http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */
-MARIONETTE_HEAD_JS = 'head.js';
-function handleTechnologyDiscoveredRE0(msg) {
-  log('Received \'nfc-manager-tech-discovered\'');
-  ok(msg.peer, 'check for correct tech type');
-  deactivateAndWaitForTechLost().then(() => toggleNFC(false)).then(runNextTest);
-function testActivateRE0() {
-  log('Running \'testActivateRE0\'');
-  sysMsgHelper.waitForTechDiscovered(handleTechnologyDiscoveredRE0);
-  toggleNFC(true).then(() => NCI.activateRE(emulator.P2P_RE_INDEX_0));
-// Check NCI Spec 5.2, this will change NCI state from
-function testRfDiscover() {
-  log('Running \'testRfDiscover\'');
-  sysMsgHelper.waitForTechDiscovered(handleTechnologyDiscoveredRE0);
-  toggleNFC(true)
-  .then(() => NCI.notifyDiscoverRE(emulator.P2P_RE_INDEX_0, NCI.MORE_NOTIFICATIONS))
-  .then(() => NCI.notifyDiscoverRE(emulator.P2P_RE_INDEX_1, NCI.LAST_NOTIFICATION))
-  .then(() => NCI.activateRE(emulator.P2P_RE_INDEX_0));
-var tests = [
-  testActivateRE0,
-  testRfDiscover
-  [{'type': 'nfc-manager', 'allow': true, context: document}], runTests);
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/dom/nfc/tests/marionette/test_nfc_manager_tech_discovered_ndef.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
-   http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */
-MARIONETTE_HEAD_JS = 'head.js';
-var type = "U";
-var id = "";
-var payload = "https://www.example.com";
-var ndef = null;
-function handleSnep(msg) {
-  ok(msg.records != null, "msg.records should have values");
-  // validate received NDEF message against reference
-  let ndef = [new MozNDEFRecord({tnf: tnf,
-                                 type: NfcUtils.fromUTF8(type),
-                                 payload: NfcUtils.fromUTF8(payload)})];
-  NDEF.compare(ndef, msg.records);
-  deactivateAndWaitForTechLost().then(() => toggleNFC(false)).then(runNextTest);
-function handleTechnologyDiscoveredRE0(msg) {
-  log("Received 'nfc-manager-tech-discovered'");
-  ok(msg.peer, "check for correct tech type");
-  sysMsgHelper.waitForTechDiscovered(handleSnep);
-  SNEP.put(SNEP.SAP_NDEF, SNEP.SAP_NDEF, 0, tnf, btoa(type), btoa(id), btoa(payload));
-function testReceiveNDEF() {
-  log("Running 'testReceiveNDEF'");
-  sysMsgHelper.waitForTechDiscovered(handleTechnologyDiscoveredRE0);
-  toggleNFC(true).then(() => NCI.activateRE(emulator.P2P_RE_INDEX_0));
-var tests = [
-  testReceiveNDEF
-  [{'type': 'nfc', 'allow': true,
-                   'read': true, 'write': true, context: document},
-   {'type': 'nfc-manager', 'allow': true, context: document}], runTests);
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/dom/nfc/tests/marionette/test_nfc_manager_tech_lost.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
-   http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */
-MARIONETTE_HEAD_JS = 'head.js';
-function handleTechnologyLost(msg) {
-  log('Received \'nfc-manager-tech-lost\'');
-  ok(true);
-  toggleNFC(false).then(runNextTest)
-function handleTechnologyDiscoveredRE0(msg) {
-  log('Received \'nfc-manager-tech-discovered\'');
-  ok(msg.peer, 'check for correct tech type');
-  NCI.deactivate();
-function testTechLost() {
-  log('Running \'testTechLost\'');
-  sysMsgHelper.waitForTechDiscovered(handleTechnologyDiscoveredRE0);
-  sysMsgHelper.waitForTechLost(handleTechnologyLost);
-  toggleNFC(true).then(() => NCI.activateRE(emulator.P2P_RE_INDEX_0));
-var tests = [
-  testTechLost
-  [{'type': 'nfc-manager', 'allow': true, context: document}], runTests);
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/dom/nfc/tests/marionette/test_nfc_peer.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,187 +0,0 @@
-/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
-   http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */
-MARIONETTE_HEAD_JS = 'head.js';
-var MANIFEST_URL = "app://system.gaiamobile.org/manifest.webapp";
-var INCORRECT_MANIFEST_URL = "app://xyz.gaiamobile.org/manifest.webapp";
-function peerReadyCb(evt) {
-  log("peerReadyCb called");
-  let peer = evt.peer;
-  ok(peer instanceof MozNFCPeer, "Should get a NFCPeer object.");
-  NCI.deactivate();
-function peerLostCb(evt) {
-  log("peerLostCb called");
-  ok(evt.detail === undefined, "evt.detail should be undefined");
-  ok(true);
-  // reset callback.
-  nfc.onpeerready = null;
-  nfc.onpeerlost = null;
-  toggleNFC(false).then(runNextTest);
-function handleTechnologyDiscoveredRE0(msg) {
-  log("Received \'nfc-manager-tech-discovered\'");
-  ok(msg.peer, "check for correct tech type");
-  nfc.onpeerready = peerReadyCb;
-  nfc.onpeerlost = peerLostCb;
-  nfc.notifyUserAcceptedP2P(MANIFEST_URL);
-function handleTechnologyDiscoveredRE0ForP2PRegFailure(msg) {
-  log("Received \'nfc-manager-tech-discovered\'");
-  ok(msg.peer, "check for correct tech type");
-  nfc.onpeerready = peerReadyCb;
-  nfc.checkP2PRegistration(INCORRECT_MANIFEST_URL)
-  .then((result) => {
-    is(result, false, "check for P2P registration result");
-    nfc.onpeerready = null;
-    NCI.deactivate().then(() => toggleNFC(false)).then(runNextTest);
-  });
-function testPeerReady() {
-  sysMsgHelper.waitForTechDiscovered(handleTechnologyDiscoveredRE0);
-  toggleNFC(true).then(() => NCI.activateRE(emulator.P2P_RE_INDEX_0));
-function testGetNFCPeer() {
-  sysMsgHelper.waitForTechDiscovered(function (msg) {
-    ok(msg.peer instanceof MozNFCPeer, "Should get a NFCPeer object.");
-    NCI.deactivate().then(() => toggleNFC(false)).then(runNextTest);
-  });
-  toggleNFC(true).then(() => NCI.activateRE(emulator.P2P_RE_INDEX_0));
-function testCheckP2PRegFailure() {
-  sysMsgHelper.waitForTechDiscovered(handleTechnologyDiscoveredRE0ForP2PRegFailure);
-  toggleNFC(true).then(() => NCI.activateRE(emulator.P2P_RE_INDEX_0));
- * test for onpeerlost still should be called even onpeerready resets itself.
- */
-function testPeerLostShouldBeCalled() {
-  nfc.onpeerready = function() {
-    NCI.deactivate();
-    nfc.onpeerready = null;
-  };
-  nfc.onpeerlost = function() {
-    ok(true, "peerlost should be called even peerready is reset");
-    toggleNFC(false).then(runNextTest);
-  };
-  sysMsgHelper.waitForTechDiscovered(function() {
-    log("testPeerLostShouldBeCalled techDiscoverd");
-    nfc.notifyUserAcceptedP2P(MANIFEST_URL);
-  });
-  toggleNFC(true)
-    .then(() => NCI.activateRE(emulator.P2P_RE_INDEX_0));
- * test case for
- * 1. tech-discovered
- * 2. tech-lost -> onpeerlost shouldn't be called.
- */
-function testPeerLostShouldNotBeCalled() {
-  log("testPeerLostShouldNotBeCalled");
-  nfc.onpeerlost = function () {
-    ok(false, "onpeerlost shouldn't be called");
-  };
-  let isDiscovered = false;
-  sysMsgHelper.waitForTechDiscovered(function() {
-    log("testPeerLostShouldNotBeCalled techDiscoverd");
-    isDiscovered = true;
-    NCI.deactivate();
-  });
-  sysMsgHelper.waitForTechLost(function() {
-    log("testPeerLostShouldNotBeCalled techLost");
-    // if isDiscovered is still false, means this techLost is fired from
-    // previous test.
-    ok(isDiscovered, "tech-discovered should be fired first");
-    nfc.onpeerlost = null;
-    toggleNFC(false).then(runNextTest);
-  });
-  toggleNFC(true)
-    .then(() => NCI.activateRE(emulator.P2P_RE_INDEX_0));
-function testPeerShouldThrow() {
-  log("testPeerShouldThrow");
-  let peer;
-  let tnf = NDEF.TNF_WELL_KNOWN;
-  let type = new Uint8Array(NfcUtils.fromUTF8("U"));
-  let payload = new Uint8Array(NfcUtils.fromUTF8("http://www.hi.com"));
-  let ndef = [new MozNDEFRecord({tnf: tnf, type: type, payload: payload})];
-  nfc.onpeerready = function (evt) {
-    log("testPeerShouldThrow peerready");
-    peer = evt.peer;
-    NCI.deactivate();
-  };
-  nfc.onpeerlost = function () {
-    log("testPeerShouldThrow peerlost");
-    peer.sendNDEF(ndef)
-    .then(() => {
-      ok(false, "sendNDEF should throw error");
-    }).catch((e) => {
-      ok(true, "Exception expected " + e);
-    });
-    peer.sendFile(new Blob())
-    .then(() => {
-      ok(false, "sendfile should throw error");
-    }).catch((e) => {
-      ok(true, "Exception expected" + e);
-    });
-    nfc.onpeerready = null;
-    nfc.onpeerlost = null;
-    toggleNFC(false).then(runNextTest);
-  };
-  sysMsgHelper.waitForTechDiscovered(function() {
-    log("testPeerShouldThrow techDiscovered");
-    nfc.notifyUserAcceptedP2P(MANIFEST_URL);
-  });
-  toggleNFC(true)
-    .then(() => NCI.activateRE(emulator.P2P_RE_INDEX_0));
-var tests = [
-  testPeerReady,
-  testGetNFCPeer,
-  testCheckP2PRegFailure,
-  testPeerLostShouldBeCalled,
-  testPeerLostShouldNotBeCalled,
-  testPeerShouldThrow
-  [{"type": "nfc-manager", "allow": true, context: document},
-   {"type": "nfc", "allow": true, context: document},
-   {"type": "nfc-share", "allow": true, context: document}], runTests);
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/dom/nfc/tests/marionette/test_nfc_peer_sendFile.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
-   http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */
-MARIONETTE_HEAD_JS = "head.js";
-var MANIFEST_URL = "app://system.gaiamobile.org/manifest.webapp";
-function sendFile(msg) {
-  log("sendFile msg="+JSON.stringify(msg));
-  ok(msg.peer instanceof MozNFCPeer, "should get a MozNFCPeer");
-  ok(msg.blob instanceof Blob, "should get a Blob");
-  nfc.peerready = null;
-  NCI.deactivate().then(() => toggleNFC(false)).then(runNextTest);
-function testSendFile() {
-  nfc.onpeerready = function(evt) {
-    let peer = evt.peer;
-    peer.sendFile(new Blob());
-    sysMsgHelper.waitForSendFile(sendFile);
-  };
-  sysMsgHelper.waitForTechDiscovered(function(msg) {
-    nfc.checkP2PRegistration(MANIFEST_URL).then(result => {
-      if (result) {
-        nfc.notifyUserAcceptedP2P(MANIFEST_URL);
-      } else {
-        ok(false, "checkP2PRegistration failed.");
-        deactivateAndWaitForTechLost().then(() => toggleNFC(false)).then(runNextTest);
-      }
-    });
-  });
-  toggleNFC(true).then(() => NCI.activateRE(emulator.P2P_RE_INDEX_0));
-var tests = [
-  testSendFile
-  [{"type": "nfc-share", "allow": true, context: document},
-   {"type": "nfc-manager", 'allow': true, context: document}], runTests);
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/dom/nfc/tests/marionette/test_nfc_peer_sendndef.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
-   http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */
-MARIONETTE_HEAD_JS = "head.js";
-var url = "https://www.example.com";
-function sendNDEF(peer) {
-  let tnf = NDEF.TNF_WELL_KNOWN;
-  let type = new Uint8Array(NfcUtils.fromUTF8("U"));
-  let payload = new Uint8Array(NfcUtils.fromUTF8(url));
-  let ndef = [new MozNDEFRecord({tnf: tnf, type: type, payload: payload})];
-  let promise = peer.sendNDEF(ndef);
-  promise.then(() => {
-    log("Successfully sent NDEF message");
-    let cmd = "nfc snep put -1 -1"; /* read last SNEP PUT from emulator */
-    log("Executing \'" + cmd + "\'");
-    emulator.run(cmd, function(result) {
-      is(result.pop(), "OK", "check SNEP PUT result");
-      NDEF.compare(ndef, NDEF.parseString(result.pop()));
-      deactivateAndWaitForTechLost().then(() => toggleNFC(false)).then(runNextTest);
-    });
-  }).catch(() => {
-    ok(false, "Failed to send NDEF message, error \'" + this.error + "\'");
-    deactivateAndWaitForTechLost().then(() => toggleNFC(false)).then(runNextTest);
-  });
-function handleTechnologyDiscoveredRE0(msg) {
-  log("Received \'nfc-manager-tech-discovered\' " + JSON.stringify(msg));
-  ok(msg.peer, "techDiscovered", "check for correct message type");
-  sendNDEF(msg.peer);
-function testOnPeerReadyRE0() {
-  log("Running \'testOnPeerReadyRE0\'");
-  sysMsgHelper.waitForTechDiscovered(handleTechnologyDiscoveredRE0);
-  toggleNFC(true).then(() => NCI.activateRE(emulator.P2P_RE_INDEX_0));
-var tests = [
-  testOnPeerReadyRE0
-  [{"type": "nfc", "allow": true,
-                   "read": true, 'write': true, context: document},
-   {"type": "nfc-manager", 'allow': true, context: document}], runTests);
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/dom/nfc/tests/marionette/test_nfc_read_tag.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
-/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
-   http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */
-MARIONETTE_HEAD_JS = "head.js";
-var url = "http://www.mozilla.org";
-function testUrlTagDiscover(re) {
-  log("Running \'testUrlTagDiscover\'");
-  // TODO : Make flag value readable.
-  let flag = 0xd0;
-  let tnf = NDEF.TNF_WELL_KNOWN;
-  let type = "U";
-  let payload = url;
-  sysMsgHelper.waitForTechDiscovered(function(msg) {
-    log("Received \'nfc-manager-tech-ndiscovered\'");
-    ok(msg.peer === undefined, "peer object should be undefined");
-    let records = msg.records;
-    ok(records.length > 0);
-    is(tnf, records[0].tnf, "check for TNF field in NDEF");
-    is(type, NfcUtils.toUTF8(Cu.waiveXrays(records[0].type)), "check for type field in NDEF");
-    is(payload, NfcUtils.toUTF8(Cu.waiveXrays(records[0].payload)), "check for payload field in NDEF");
-    deactivateAndWaitForTechLost().then(() => toggleNFC(false)).then(runNextTest);
-  });
-  toggleNFC(true)
-  .then(() => TAG.setData(re, flag, tnf, btoa(type), btoa(payload)))
-  .then(() => NCI.activateRE(re));
-function testEmptyTagDiscover(re) {
-  log("Running \'testEmptyTagDiscover\'");
-  sysMsgHelper.waitForTechDiscovered(function(msg) {
-    log("Received \'nfc-manager-tech-ndiscovered\'");
-    ok(msg.peer === undefined, "peer object should be undefined");
-    let records = msg.records;
-    ok(records == null);
-    deactivateAndWaitForTechLost().then(() => toggleNFC(false)).then(runNextTest);
-  });
-  toggleNFC(true)
-  .then(() => TAG.clearData(re))
-  .then(() => NCI.activateRE(re));
-function testUrlT1TDiscover() {
-  testUrlTagDiscover(emulator.T1T_RE_INDEX);
-function testUrlT2TDiscover() {
-  testUrlTagDiscover(emulator.T2T_RE_INDEX);
-function testUrlT3TDiscover() {
-  testUrlTagDiscover(emulator.T3T_RE_INDEX);
-function testUrlT4TDiscover() {
-  testUrlTagDiscover(emulator.T4T_RE_INDEX);
-function testEmptyT1TDiscover() {
-  testEmptyTagDiscover(emulator.T1T_RE_INDEX);
-function testEmptyT2TDiscover() {
-  testEmptyTagDiscover(emulator.T2T_RE_INDEX);
-function testEmptyT3TDiscover() {
-  testEmptyTagDiscover(emulator.T3T_RE_INDEX);
-function testEmptyT4TDiscover() {
-  testEmptyTagDiscover(emulator.T4T_RE_INDEX);
-var tests = [
-    testUrlT1TDiscover,
-    testUrlT2TDiscover,
-    testUrlT3TDiscover,
-    testUrlT4TDiscover,
-    testEmptyT1TDiscover,
-    testEmptyT2TDiscover,
-    testEmptyT3TDiscover,
-    testEmptyT4TDiscover
-  [{'type': 'nfc-manager', 'allow': true, context: document}], runTests);
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/dom/nfc/tests/marionette/test_nfc_tag_found.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
-   http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */
-MARIONETTE_HEAD_JS = 'head.js';
-function handleTechnologyDiscoveredRE0(msg) {
-  log('Received \'nfc-manager-tech-discovered\'');
-  ok(msg.peer, 'check for correct tech type');
-  deactivateAndWaitForTechLost().then(() => toggleNFC(false)).then(runNextTest);
-function tagFoundCb(evt) {
-  log("tagFoundCb called ");
-  ok(evt.tag instanceof MozNFCTag, "Should get a NFCTag object.");
-  nfc.ontagfound = null;
-  deactivateAndWaitForTechLost().then(() => toggleNFC(false)).then(runNextTest);
-function tagFoundErrorCb(evt) {
-  ok(false, "ontagfound shouldn't be called");
-function testTagFound() {
-  nfc.ontagfound = tagFoundCb;
-  toggleNFC(true).then(() => NCI.activateRE(emulator.T1T_RE_INDEX));
-function testTagFoundShouldNotFired() {
-  nfc.ontagfound = tagFoundErrorCb;
-  sysMsgHelper.waitForTechDiscovered(handleTechnologyDiscoveredRE0);
-  toggleNFC(true).then(() => NCI.activateRE(emulator.P2P_RE_INDEX_0));
-var tests = [
-  testTagFound,
-  testTagFoundShouldNotFired
-  [{"type": "nfc", "allow": true, context: document},
-   {'type': 'nfc-manager', 'allow': true, context: document}], runTests);
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/dom/nfc/tests/marionette/test_nfc_tag_lost.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
-   http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */
-MARIONETTE_HEAD_JS = 'head.js';
-function tagFoundCb(evt) {
-  log("tagFoundCb called ");
-  ok(evt.tag instanceof MozNFCTag, "Should get a NFCTag object.");
-  NCI.deactivate();
-function tagLostCb(evt) {
-  log("tagLostCb called ");
-  ok(true);
-  nfc.ontagfound = null;
-  nfc.ontaglost = null;
-  toggleNFC(false).then(runNextTest);
-function testTagLost() {
-  nfc.ontagfound = tagFoundCb;
-  nfc.ontaglost = tagLostCb;
-  toggleNFC(true).then(() => NCI.activateRE(emulator.T1T_RE_INDEX));
-var tests = [
-  testTagLost
-  [{"type": "nfc", "allow": true, context: document},
-   {'type': 'nfc-manager', 'allow': true, context: document}], runTests);
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/dom/nfc/tests/unit/header_helpers.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
-   http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */
-"use strict";
-const {classes: Cc, interfaces: Ci, utils: Cu, results: Cr} = Components;
-let NFC_CONSTS = {};
-let subscriptLoader = Cc["@mozilla.org/moz/jssubscript-loader;1"]
-                        .getService(Ci.mozIJSSubScriptLoader);
-Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/nfc_consts.js", NFC_CONSTS);
-XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter(this, "cpmm",
-                                   "@mozilla.org/childprocessmessagemanager;1",
-                                   "nsISyncMessageSender");
-function waitAsyncMessage(msg, callback) {
-  let handler = {
-    receiveMessage: function (message) {
-      if (message.name !== msg) {
-        return;
-      }
-      cpmm.removeMessageListener(msg, handler);
-      callback(message);
-    }
-  };
-  cpmm.addMessageListener(msg, handler);
-function sendAsyncMessage(msg, rsp, payload, callback) {
-  waitAsyncMessage(rsp, callback);
-  cpmm.sendAsyncMessage(msg, payload);
-function sendSyncMessage(msg, payload) {
-  return cpmm.sendSyncMessage(msg, payload);
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/dom/nfc/tests/unit/test_HCIEventTransactionSystemMessageConfigurator.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,125 +0,0 @@
-/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
-   http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */
-"use strict";
-const MANIFEST_URL = "app://system.gaiamobile.org/manifest.webapp";
-// secure element access rule format: <secure element name>/<hex string aid>
-const MANIFEST = {
-  secure_element_access: [
-    // rule0, full AID, SIM1 Secure Element
-    "SIM1/000102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E",
-    // rule1, every AID from embedded Secure Element
-    "eSE/*",
-    // rule2, every AID which starts with 0xA0, from every Secure Element
-    "*/a0*"
-  ]
-const APPID = 1111;
-const PAGE_URL = "app://system.gaiamobile.org/index.html";
-const TYPE = "nfc-hci-event-transaction";
-// dummy messages for testing with additional test property - |expectedResult|
-const TEST_MESSAGES = [
-  { origin: "SIM1", expectedResult: false },
-  { aid: new Uint8Array([0xA0]), expectedResult: true },
-  { aid: new Uint8Array([0xDF]), origin: "eSE", expectedResult: true },
-  { aid: new Uint8Array([0xA0, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03]), origin: "SIM2", expectedResult: true },
-  { aid: new Uint8Array([0x02]), origin: "SIM3", expectedResult: false },
-  { aid: new Uint8Array([0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07,
-                         0x08, 0x09, 0x0A, 0x0B, 0x0C, 0x0D, 0x0E]),
-    origin: "SIM1", expectedResult: true }
-var HCIEvtTransactionConfigurator = null;
-var aceAccessAllowed = true;
-function setMockServices(manifest) {
-  XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter = (obj, service) => {
-    if (service === "appsService") {
-      obj.appsService = {
-        getManifestFor: (manifestURL) => {
-          equal(manifestURL, MANIFEST_URL, "should pass proper manifestUrl");
-          return Promise.resolve(manifest);
-        },
-        getAppLocalIdByManifestURL: (manifestURL) => {
-          equal(manifestURL, MANIFEST_URL, "should pass proper manifestUrl");
-          return APPID;
-        },
-      };
-    }
-    else if (service === "aceService") {
-      obj.aceService = {
-        isAccessAllowed: () => {
-          return Promise.resolve(aceAccessAllowed);
-        }
-      };
-    }
-  };
-function getSystemMessageConfigurator() {
-  return Cc[
-    "@mozilla.org/dom/system-messages/configurator/nfc-hci-event-transaction;1"
-  ].createInstance(Ci.nsISystemMessagesConfigurator);
-function handleRejectedPromise() {
-  ok(false, "Promise should not be rejected");
-function run_test() {
-  setMockServices(MANIFEST);
-  HCIEvtTransactionConfigurator = getSystemMessageConfigurator();
-  ok(!!HCIEvtTransactionConfigurator, "Configurator should be instantiated");
-  ok((typeof HCIEvtTransactionConfigurator.shouldDispatch) === "function",
-     "shouldDispatch should be a function");
-  run_next_test();
-add_test(function test_shouldDispatch_no_message() {
-  HCIEvtTransactionConfigurator
-  .shouldDispatch(MANIFEST_URL, PAGE_URL, TYPE, null)
-  .then((result) => {
-    ok(!result, "Should be false without message");
-  })
-  .catch(handleRejectedPromise)
-  .then(run_next_test);
-add_test(function test_shouldDispatch_general_rule_validation() {
-  let promises = TEST_MESSAGES.map((m) => {
-    return HCIEvtTransactionConfigurator
-      .shouldDispatch(MANIFEST_URL, PAGE_URL, TYPE, m);
-  });
-  Promise.all(promises).then((results) => {
-    results.forEach((result, idx) => {
-      ok(result === TEST_MESSAGES[idx].expectedResult, "tested message: " + JSON.stringify(TEST_MESSAGES[idx]));
-    });
-  })
-  .catch(handleRejectedPromise)
-  .then(run_next_test);
-add_test(function test_shouldDispatch_aceIsAccessAllowed() {
-  var testAccessAllowed = () => {
-    return HCIEvtTransactionConfigurator
-    .then((result) => {
-      ok(result === aceAccessAllowed, "Should be equal to ACE access decision");
-    });
-  };
-  aceAccessAllowed = false;
-  testAccessAllowed().then(() => {
-    aceAccessAllowed = true;
-    return testAccessAllowed();
-  })
-  .catch(handleRejectedPromise)
-  .then(run_next_test);
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/dom/nfc/tests/unit/test_Nfc.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,479 +0,0 @@
-/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
-   http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */
-"use strict";
-let NFC = {};
-subscriptLoader.loadSubScript("resource://gre/components/Nfc.js", NFC);
-// Mock nfc service
-// loadSubScript could not load const and let variables, type defined
-// here should be consistent with type defined in Nfc.js
-const MockReqType = {
-  CHANGE_RF_STATE: "changeRFState",
-  READ_NDEF: "readNDEF",
-  WRITE_NDEF: "writeNDEF",
-  MAKE_READ_ONLY: "makeReadOnly",
-  FORMAT: "format",
-  TRANSCEIVE: "transceive"
-const MockRspType = {};
-MockRspType[MockReqType.CHANGE_RF_STATE] = "changeRFStateRsp";
-MockRspType[MockReqType.READ_NDEF] = "readNDEFRsp";
-MockRspType[MockReqType.WRITE_NDEF] = "writeNDEFRsp";
-MockRspType[MockReqType.MAKE_READ_ONLY] = "makeReadOnlyRsp";
-MockRspType[MockReqType.FORMAT] = "formatRsp";
-MockRspType[MockReqType.TRANSCEIVE] = "transceiveRsp";
-const MockNtfType = {
-  INITIALIZED: "initialized",
-  TECH_DISCOVERED: "techDiscovered",
-  TECH_LOST: "techLost",
-const MOCK_RECORDS = {"payload":{"0":4,"1":119,"2":119,
-                                 "3":119,"4":46,"5":109,
-                                 "6":111,"7":122,"8":105},
-                      "tnf":"well-known",
-                      "type":{"0":85}};
-let MockNfcService = {
-  listener: null,
-  setListener: function (listener) {
-    this.listener = listener;
-  },
-  notifyEvent: function (event) {
-    if (this.listener && this.listener.onEvent) {
-      this.listener.onEvent(event);
-    }
-  },
-  start: function (eventListener) {
-    this.setListener(eventListener);
-  },
-  shutdown: function () {
-    this.listener = null;
-  },
-  sendCommand: function (message) {
-    switch (message.type) {
-      case MockReqType.CHANGE_RF_STATE:
-        this.notifyEvent({ errorMsg: "",
-                           requestId: message.requestId,
-                           rfState: message.rfState,
-                           rspType: MockRspType[message.type] });
-        break;
-      case MockReqType.READ_NDEF:
-        this.notifyEvent({ errorMsg: "",
-                           requestId: message.requestId,
-                           records: MOCK_RECORDS,
-                           sessionId: message.sessionId,
-                           rspType: MockRspType[message.type] });
-        break;
-      case MockReqType.WRITE_NDEF:
-      case MockReqType.MAKE_READ_ONLY:
-      case MockReqType.TRANSCEIVE:
-      case MockReqType.FORMAT:
-        this.notifyEvent({ errorMsg: "",
-                           requestId: message.requestId,
-                           sessionId: message.sessionId,
-                           rspType: MockRspType[message.type] });
-        break;
-      default:
-        throw new Error("Don't know about this message type: " + message.type);
-    }
-  }
-// end of nfc service mock.
-let messageManager = NFC.gMessageManager;
-let sessionHelper = NFC.SessionHelper;
-new NFC.Nfc(/* isXPCShell */ true);
-// It would better to use MockRegistrar but nsINfcService contains
-// method marked with implicit_context which may not be implemented in js.
-// Use a simple assignment to mock nfcService
-messageManager.nfc.nfcService = MockNfcService;
-function run_test() {
-  run_next_test();
-add_test(function test_setFocusTab() {
-  let tabId = 1;
-  let rsp = "NFC:DOMEvent";
-  let focusOnCb = function (message) {
-    let result = message.data;
-    deepEqual(result,
-              { tabId: tabId,
-                event: NFC_CONSTS.FOCUS_CHANGED,
-                focus: true },
-              "Correct result SetFocusTab On");
-    let focusOffCb = function (msg) {
-      let result = msg.data;
-      deepEqual(result,
-                { tabId: tabId,
-                  event: NFC_CONSTS.FOCUS_CHANGED,
-                  focus: false },
-                "Correct result SetFocusTab Off");
-      equal(messageManager.focusId, NFC_CONSTS.SYSTEM_APP_ID);
-      sendSyncMessage("NFC:RemoveEventListener", { tabId: tabId });
-      run_next_test();
-    };
-    sendAsyncMessage("NFC:SetFocusTab", rsp, { tabId: tabId, isFocus: false },
-                     focusOffCb);
-  };
-  sendSyncMessage("NFC:AddEventListener", { tabId: tabId });
-  sendAsyncMessage("NFC:SetFocusTab", rsp, { tabId: tabId, isFocus: true },
-                   focusOnCb);
-add_test(function test_checkP2PRegistrationSucceed() {
-  let appId = 1;
-  let requestId = 10;
-  let rsp = "NFC:CheckP2PRegistrationResponse";
-  let sessionId = 1;
-  let isP2P = true;
-  let callback = function (message) {
-    let result = message.data;
-    equal(result.requestId, requestId);
-    equal(result.errorMsg, undefined);
-    sendSyncMessage("NFC:UnregisterPeerReadyTarget", { appId: appId });
-    sessionHelper.tokenMap = {};
-    run_next_test();
-  };
-  sessionHelper.registerSession(sessionId, isP2P);
-  sendSyncMessage("NFC:RegisterPeerReadyTarget", { appId: appId });
-  sendAsyncMessage("NFC:CheckP2PRegistration",
-                   rsp,
-                   { appId: appId,
-                     requestId: requestId },
-                   callback);
-add_test(function test_checkP2PRegistrationFailed() {
-  let appId = 1;
-  let requestId = 10;
-  let rsp = "NFC:CheckP2PRegistrationResponse";
-  let errorMsg =
-  let callback = function (message) {
-    let result = message.data;
-    deepEqual(result,
-              { requestId: requestId,
-                errorMsg: errorMsg },
-              "Correct result checkP2PRegistrationFailed");
-    run_next_test();
-  };
-  sendAsyncMessage("NFC:CheckP2PRegistration",
-                   rsp,
-                   { appId: 10,
-                     requestId: requestId },
-                   callback);
-add_test(function test_notifyUserAcceptedP2P() {
-  let appId = 1;
-  let requestId = 10;
-  let rsp = "NFC:DOMEvent";
-  let sessionId = 1;
-  let isP2P = true;
-  let callback = function (message) {
-    let result = message.data;
-    ok(true, "received CheckP2PRegistrationResponse")
-    sendSyncMessage("NFC:UnregisterPeerReadyTarget", { appId: appId });
-    sessionHelper.tokenMap = {};
-    run_next_test();
-  };
-  sessionHelper.registerSession(sessionId, isP2P);
-  sendSyncMessage("NFC:RegisterPeerReadyTarget", { appId: appId });
-  sendAsyncMessage("NFC:NotifyUserAcceptedP2P", rsp, { appId: appId },
-                   callback);
-add_test(function test_changeRFState() {
-  let tabId = 1;
-  let requestId = 10;
-  let msg = "NFC:DOMEvent";
-  let callback = function (message) {
-    let result = message.data;
-    deepEqual(result,
-              { tabId: tabId,
-                event: NFC_CONSTS.RF_EVENT_STATE_CHANGED,
-                rfState: rfState },
-              "Correct result onRFStateChanged");
-    sendSyncMessage("NFC:RemoveEventListener", { tabId: tabId });
-    run_next_test();
-  };
-  sendSyncMessage("NFC:AddEventListener", { tabId: tabId });
-  sendAsyncMessage("NFC:ChangeRFState",
-                   msg,
-                   { requestId: requestId,
-                     rfState: rfState },
-                   callback);
-add_test(function test_queryRFState() {
-  equal(sendSyncMessage("NFC:QueryInfo")[0].rfState, NFC_CONSTS.NFC_RF_STATE_LISTEN);
-  run_next_test();
-add_test(function test_onTagFound() {
-  let tabId = 1;
-  let msg = "NFC:DOMEvent";
-  let sessionId = 10;
-  let setFocusCb = function (focusMsg) {
-    let callback = function (message) {
-      let result = message.data;
-      equal(result.tabId, tabId);
-      equal(result.event, NFC_CONSTS.TAG_EVENT_FOUND);
-      run_next_test();
-    };
-    waitAsyncMessage(msg, callback);
-    MockNfcService.notifyEvent({ ntfType: MockNtfType.TECH_DISCOVERED,
-                                 sessionId: sessionId,
-                                 isP2P: false });
-  };
-  sendSyncMessage("NFC:AddEventListener", { tabId: tabId });
-  sendAsyncMessage("NFC:SetFocusTab",
-                   msg,
-                   { tabId: tabId,
-                     isFocus: true },
-                   setFocusCb);
-add_test(function test_onTagLost() {
-  let tabId = 1;
-  let msg = "NFC:DOMEvent";
-  let sessionId = 10;
-  let callback = function (message) {
-    let result = message.data;
-    equal(result.tabId, tabId);
-    equal(result.event, NFC_CONSTS.TAG_EVENT_LOST);
-    sendSyncMessage("NFC:RemoveEventListener", { tabId: tabId });
-    sessionHelper.tokenMap = {};
-    sendSyncMessage("NFC:SetFocusTab",
-                     { tabId: tabId,
-                       isFocus: false });
-    run_next_test();
-  };
-  waitAsyncMessage(msg, callback);
-  MockNfcService.notifyEvent({ ntfType: MockNtfType.TECH_LOST,
-                               sessionId: sessionId,
-                               isP2P: false });
-add_test(function test_onPeerFound() {
-  let tabId = 1;
-  let msg = "NFC:DOMEvent";
-  let sessionId = 10;
-  let setFocusCb = function (focusMsg) {
-    let callback = function (message) {
-      let result = message.data;
-      equal(result.tabId, tabId);
-      equal(result.event, NFC_CONSTS.PEER_EVENT_FOUND);
-      run_next_test();
-    };
-    waitAsyncMessage(msg, callback);
-    MockNfcService.notifyEvent({ ntfType: MockNtfType.TECH_DISCOVERED,
-                                 sessionId: sessionId,
-                                 isP2P: true });
-  };
-  sendSyncMessage("NFC:AddEventListener", { tabId: tabId });
-  sendAsyncMessage("NFC:SetFocusTab",
-                   msg,
-                   { tabId: tabId,
-                     isFocus: true },
-                   setFocusCb);
-add_test(function test_onPeerLost() {
-  let tabId = 1;
-  let msg = "NFC:DOMEvent";
-  let sessionId = 10;
-  let callback = function (message) {
-    let result = message.data;
-    equal(result.tabId, tabId);
-    equal(result.event, NFC_CONSTS.PEER_EVENT_LOST);
-    sendSyncMessage("NFC:RemoveEventListener", { tabId: tabId });
-    sessionHelper.tokenMap = {};
-    sendSyncMessage("NFC:SetFocusTab",
-                     { tabId: tabId,
-                       isFocus: false });
-    run_next_test();
-  };
-  waitAsyncMessage(msg, callback);
-  MockNfcService.notifyEvent({ ntfType: MockNtfType.TECH_LOST,
-                               sessionId: sessionId,
-                               isP2P: true });
-add_test(function test_readNDEF() {
-  let requestId = 10;
-  let sessionId = 15;
-  let msg = "NFC:ReadNDEFResponse";
-  let sessionToken = sessionHelper.registerSession(sessionId, false);
-  let callback = function (message) {
-    let result = message.data;
-    equal(result.requestId, requestId);
-    equal(result.sessionId, sessionId);
-    deepEqual(result.records, MOCK_RECORDS);
-    sessionHelper.tokenMap = {};
-    run_next_test();
-  };
-  sendAsyncMessage("NFC:ReadNDEF",
-                   msg,
-                   { requestId: requestId,
-                     sessionToken: sessionToken },
-                   callback);
-add_test(function test_writeNDEF() {
-  let requestId = 10;
-  let sessionId = 15;
-  let msg = "NFC:WriteNDEFResponse";
-  let sessionToken = sessionHelper.registerSession(sessionId, false);
-  let callback = function (message) {
-    let result = message.data;
-    equal(result.requestId, requestId);
-    equal(result.sessionId, sessionId);
-    sessionHelper.tokenMap = {};
-    run_next_test();
-  };
-  sendAsyncMessage("NFC:WriteNDEF",
-                   msg,
-                   { requestId: requestId,
-                     sessionToken: sessionToken,
-                     records: MOCK_RECORDS,
-                     isP2P: true },
-                   callback);
-add_test(function test_format() {
-  let requestId = 10;
-  let sessionId = 15;
-  let msg = "NFC:FormatResponse";
-  let sessionToken = sessionHelper.registerSession(sessionId, false);
-  let callback = function (message) {
-    let result = message.data;
-    equal(result.requestId, requestId);
-    equal(result.sessionId, sessionId);
-    sessionHelper.tokenMap = {};
-    run_next_test();
-  };
-  sendAsyncMessage("NFC:Format",
-                   msg,
-                   { requestId: requestId,
-                     sessionToken: sessionToken },
-                   callback);
-add_test(function test_makeReadOnly() {
-  let requestId = 10;
-  let sessionId = 15;
-  let msg = "NFC:MakeReadOnlyResponse";
-  let sessionToken = sessionHelper.registerSession(sessionId, false);
-  let callback = function (message) {
-    let result = message.data;
-    equal(result.requestId, requestId);
-    equal(result.sessionId, sessionId);
-    sessionHelper.tokenMap = {};
-    run_next_test();
-  };
-  sendAsyncMessage("NFC:MakeReadOnly",
-                   msg,
-                   { requestId: requestId,
-                     sessionToken: sessionToken },
-                   callback);
-add_test(function test_transceive() {
-  let requestId = 10;
-  let sessionId = 15;
-  let msg = "NFC:TransceiveResponse";
-  let sessionToken = sessionHelper.registerSession(sessionId, false);
-  let callback = function (message) {
-    let result = message.data;
-    equal(result.requestId, requestId);
-    equal(result.sessionId, sessionId);
-    sessionHelper.tokenMap = {};
-    run_next_test();
-  };
-  sendAsyncMessage("NFC:Transceive",
-                   msg,
-                   { requestId: requestId,
-                     sessionToken: sessionToken,
-                     technology: "NFCA",
-                     command: "0x50" },
-                   callback);
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/dom/nfc/tests/unit/xpcshell.ini
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-head = header_helpers.js
-tail =
--- a/dom/webidl/BrowserElement.webidl
+++ b/dom/webidl/BrowserElement.webidl
@@ -147,21 +147,16 @@ interface BrowserElementPrivileged {
   DOMRequest setInputMethodActive(boolean isActive);
-  void setNFCFocus(boolean isFocus);
-  [Throws,
-   Pref="dom.mozBrowserFramesEnabled",
-   ChromeOnly]
   void findAll(DOMString searchString, BrowserFindCaseSensitivity caseSensitivity);
   void findNext(BrowserFindDirection direction);
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/dom/webidl/MozIsoDepTech.webidl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
-[Func="Navigator::HasNFCSupport", ChromeOnly,
- ChromeConstructor(MozNFCTag tag)]
-interface MozIsoDepTech {
-  /**
-   * Send raw ISO-DEP command to tag and receive the response.
-   */
-  [Throws]
-  Promise<Uint8Array> transceive(Uint8Array command);
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/dom/webidl/MozNDEFRecord.webidl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: IDL; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
-/* Copyright © 2013 Deutsche Telekom, Inc. */
- * Type Name Format.
- *
- * @see NFCForum-TS-NDEF 3.2.6 TNF
- */
-enum TNF {
-  "empty",
-  "well-known",
-  "media-type",
-  "absolute-uri",
-  "external",
-  "unknown",
-  "unchanged"
- * Prefixes of well-known URI.
- *
- * @see NFCForum-TS-RTD_URI Table 3. Abbreviation Table.
- */
-enum WellKnownURIPrefix {
-  "",
-  "http://www.",
-  "https://www.",
-  "http://",
-  "https://",
-  "tel:",
-  "mailto:",
-  "ftp://anonymous:anonymous@",
-  "ftp://ftp.",
-  "ftps://",
-  "sftp://",
-  "smb://",
-  "nfs://",
-  "ftp://",
-  "dav://",
-  "news:",
-  "telnet://",
-  "imap:",
-  "rtsp://",
-  "urn:",
-  "pop:",
-  "sip:",
-  "sips:",
-  "tftp:",
-  "btspp://",
-  "btl2cap://",
-  "btgoep://",
-  "tcpobex://",
-  "irdaobex://",
-  "file://",
-  "urn:epc:id:",
-  "urn:epc:tag:",
-  "urn:epc:pat:",
-  "urn:epc:raw:",
-  "urn:epc:",
-  "urn:nfc:"
- * Record Type Description.
- *
- * Record Types from well-known NDEF Records.
- * @see NFCForum-TS-RTD
- */
-enum RTD {
-  "U", // URI
-[Constructor(optional MozNDEFRecordOptions options),
- Constructor(DOMString uri)]
-interface MozNDEFRecord
-  /**
-   * Type Name Field - Specifies the NDEF record type in general.
-   */
-  [Constant]
-  readonly attribute TNF tnf;
-  /**
-   * type - Describes the content of the payload. This can be a mime type.
-   */
-  [Constant]
-  readonly attribute Uint8Array? type;
-  /**
-   * id - Identifer is application dependent.
-   */
-  [Constant]
-  readonly attribute Uint8Array? id;
-  /**
-   * payload - Binary data blob. The meaning of this field is application
-   * dependent.
-   */
-  [Constant]
-  readonly attribute Uint8Array? payload;
-  /**
-   * Get the size of this NDEF Record.
-   */
-  [Constant]
-  readonly attribute unsigned long size;
-  /**
-   * Returns this NDEF Record as URI, return null if this record cannot be
-   * decoded as a well-known URI record.
-   */
-  DOMString? getAsURI();
-dictionary MozNDEFRecordOptions {
-  TNF tnf = "empty";
-  Uint8Array? type;
-  Uint8Array? id;
-  Uint8Array? payload;
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/dom/webidl/MozNFC.webidl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,138 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
- /* Copyright © 2013 Deutsche Telekom, Inc. */
-enum NfcErrorMessage {
-  "",
-  "IOError",
-  "Timeout",
-  "Busy",
-  "ErrorConnect",
-  "ErrorDisconnect",
-  "ErrorRead",
-  "ErrorWrite",
-  "InvalidParameter",
-  "InsufficientResource",
-  "ErrorSocketCreation",
-  "FailEnableDiscovery",
-  "FailDisableDiscovery",
-  "NotInitialize",
-  "InitializeFail",
-  "DeinitializeFail",
-  "NotSupport",
-  "FailEnableLowPowerMode",
-  "FailDisableLowPowerMode"
-interface MozNFCManager {
-  /**
-   * API to check if the given application's manifest
-   * URL is registered with the Chrome Process or not.
-   *
-   * Returns success if given manifestUrl is registered for 'onpeerready',
-   * otherwise error
-   */
-  [ChromeOnly]
-  Promise<boolean> checkP2PRegistration(DOMString manifestUrl);
-  /**
-   * Notify that user has accepted to share nfc message on P2P UI
-   */
-  [ChromeOnly]
-  void notifyUserAcceptedP2P(DOMString manifestUrl);
-  /**
-   * Notify the status of sendFile operation
-   */
-  [ChromeOnly]
-  void notifySendFileStatus(octet status, DOMString requestId);
-  /**
-   * Power on the NFC hardware and start polling for NFC tags or devices.
-   */
-  [ChromeOnly]
-  Promise<void> startPoll();
-  /**
-   * Stop polling for NFC tags or devices. i.e. enter low power mode.
-   */
-  [ChromeOnly]
-  Promise<void> stopPoll();
-  /**
-   * Power off the NFC hardware.
-   */
-  [ChromeOnly]
-  Promise<void> powerOff();
- NavigatorProperty="mozNfc",
- Func="Navigator::HasNFCSupport",
- ChromeOnly,
- UnsafeInPrerendering]
-interface MozNFC : EventTarget {
-  /**
-   * Indicate if NFC is enabled.
-   */
-  readonly attribute boolean enabled;
-  /**
-   * This event will be fired when another NFCPeer is detected, and user confirms
-   * to share data to the NFCPeer object by calling mozNFC.notifyUserAcceptedP2P.
-   * The event will be type of NFCPeerEvent.
-   */
-  attribute EventHandler onpeerready;
-  /**
-   * This event will be fired when a NFCPeer is detected. The application has to
-   * be running on the foreground (decided by System app) to receive this event.
-   *
-   * The default action of this event is to dispatch the event in System app
-   * again, and System app will run the default UX behavior (like vibration).
-   * So if the application would like to cancel the event, the application
-   * should call event.preventDefault() or return false in this event handler.
-   */
-  attribute EventHandler onpeerfound;
-  /**
-   * This event will be fired when NFCPeer, earlier detected in onpeerready
-   * or onpeerfound, moves out of range, or if the application has been switched
-   * to the background (decided by System app).
-   */
-  attribute EventHandler onpeerlost;
-  /**
-   * This event will be fired when a NFCTag is detected. The application has to
-   * be running on the foreground (decided by System app) to receive this event.
-   *
-   * The default action of this event is to dispatch the event in System app
-   * again, and System app will run the default UX behavior (like vibration) and
-   * launch MozActivity to handle the content of the tag. (For example, System
-   * app will launch Browser if the tag contains URL). So if the application
-   * would like to cancel the event, i.e. in the above example, the application
-   * would process the URL by itself without launching Browser, the application
-   * should call event.preventDefault() or return false in this event handler.
-   */
-  attribute EventHandler ontagfound;
-  /**
-   * This event will be fired if the tag detected in ontagfound has been
-   * removed, or if the application has been switched to the background (decided
-   * by System app).
-   */
-  attribute EventHandler ontaglost;
-// Mozilla Only
-partial interface MozNFC {
-  [ChromeOnly]
-  void eventListenerWasAdded(DOMString aType);
-  [ChromeOnly]
-  void eventListenerWasRemoved(DOMString aType);
-MozNFC implements MozNFCManager;
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/dom/webidl/MozNFCPeer.webidl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
- *
- * Part of this IDL file is from:
- * http://w3c.github.io/nfc/proposals/common/nfc.html#idl-def-NFCPeer
- *
- * Copyright © 2013 Deutsche Telekom, Inc.
- */
-[JSImplementation="@mozilla.org/nfc/peer;1", ChromeOnly]
-interface MozNFCPeer {
-  /**
-   * Indicate if this peer is already lost.
-   */
-  readonly attribute boolean isLost;
-  /**
-   * Send NDEF data to peer device.
-   */
-  [Throws]
-  Promise<void> sendNDEF(sequence<MozNDEFRecord> records);
-  /**
-   * Send file to peer device.
-   */
-  [Throws]
-  Promise<void> sendFile(Blob blob);
-// Mozilla Only
-partial interface MozNFCPeer {
-  [ChromeOnly]
-  attribute DOMString session;
-  [ChromeOnly]
-  void notifyLost();
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/dom/webidl/MozNFCPeerEvent.webidl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: IDL; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
- * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
- */
-[Constructor(DOMString type, optional MozNFCPeerEventInit eventInitDict),
- Func="Navigator::HasNFCSupport", ChromeOnly]
-interface MozNFCPeerEvent : Event
-  /**
-   * The detected NFCPeer.
-   */
-  readonly attribute MozNFCPeer? peer;
-dictionary MozNFCPeerEventInit : EventInit
-  MozNFCPeer? peer = null;
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/dom/webidl/MozNFCTag.webidl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
- *
- * Part of this idl is from:
- * http://w3c.github.io/nfc/proposals/common/nfc.html#nfctag-interface
- *
- * Copyright © 2013 Deutsche Telekom, Inc.
- */
- * The enumeration of NFC Tag technologies.
- */
-enum NFCTechType {
-  "NFC-A",  // NFCForum-TS-DigitalProtocol-1.1 NFC-A.
-  "NFC-B",  // NFCForum-TS-DigitalProtocol-1.1 NFC-B.
-  "NFC-F",  // NFCForum-TS-DigitalProtocol-1.1 NFC-F.
-  "NFC-V",  // ISO 15693.
-  "ISO-DEP",  // NFCForum-TS-DigitalProtocol-1.1 ISO-DEP.
-  "MIFARE-Classic",  // MIFARE Classic from NXP.
-  "MIFARE-Ultralight",  // MIFARE Ultralight from NXP.
-  "NFC-Barcode", // NFC Barcode from Kovio.
-  "Unknown"
- * The enumeration of the types of the tag, the type of a tag could be either
- * one of those types defined in NFC Forum Tag Types (Type1 ~ Type 4), or it
- * could be a NXP-specific tag, like MIFARE Classic.
- */
-enum NFCTagType {
-  "Type1",
-  "Type2",
-  "Type3",
-  "Type4",
-  "MIFARE-Classic"
-typedef (MozIsoDepTech or MozNfcATech) MozTagTech;
-[JSImplementation="@mozilla.org/nfc/tag;1", ChromeOnly]
-interface MozNFCTag {
-  /**
-   * The supported technologies of this tag, null if unknown.
-   */
-  [Cached, Pure] readonly attribute sequence<NFCTechType>? techList;
-  /**
-   * The identifier of this tag.
-   */
-  [Constant] readonly attribute Uint8Array? id;
-  /**
-   * The type of this tag, null if unknown.
-   */
-  readonly attribute NFCTagType? type;
-  /**
-   * The maximum size of the NDEF supported on this tag, null if unknown.
-   */
-  readonly attribute long? maxNDEFSize;
-  /**
-   * Indicate if this tag is Read-Only, null if unknown.
-   */
-  readonly attribute boolean? isReadOnly;
-  /**
-   * Indicate if this tag is formatable, null if unknown.
-   */
-  readonly attribute boolean? isFormatable;
-  /**
-   * Indicate if this tag could be made Read-Only, null if unknown.
-   */
-  readonly attribute boolean? canBeMadeReadOnly;
-  /**
-   * Indicate if this tag is already lost.
-   */
-  readonly attribute boolean isLost;
-  /**
-   * Read current NDEF data on the tag.
-   */
-  [Throws]
-  Promise<sequence<MozNDEFRecord>> readNDEF();
-  /**
-   * Write NDEF data to the tag.
-   */
-  [Throws]
-  Promise<void> writeNDEF(sequence<MozNDEFRecord> records);
-  /**
-   * Make a tag read-only.
-   */
-  [Throws]
-  Promise<void> makeReadOnly();
-  /**
-   * Format a tag as NDEF.
-   */
-  [Throws]
-  Promise<void> format();
-  [NewObject, Throws]
-  MozTagTech selectTech(NFCTechType tech);
-// Mozilla Only
-partial interface MozNFCTag {
-  [ChromeOnly]
-  attribute DOMString session;
-  [ChromeOnly]
-  void notifyLost();
-  [ChromeOnly, Throws]
-  Promise<Uint8Array> transceive(NFCTechType tech, Uint8Array command);
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/dom/webidl/MozNFCTagEvent.webidl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: IDL; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
- * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
- */
-[Constructor(DOMString type, optional MozNFCTagEventInit eventInitDict),
- Func="Navigator::HasNFCSupport", ChromeOnly]
-interface MozNFCTagEvent : Event
-  /**
-   * The detected NFCTag.
-   */
-  readonly attribute MozNFCTag? tag;
-  /**
-   * The MozNDEFRecords pre-read during tag-discovered.
-   */
-  [Cached, Pure]
-  readonly attribute sequence<MozNDEFRecord>? ndefRecords;
-dictionary MozNFCTagEventInit : EventInit
-  MozNFCTag? tag = null;
-  sequence<MozNDEFRecord>? ndefRecords = [];
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/dom/webidl/MozNfcATech.webidl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
-[Func="Navigator::HasNFCSupport", ChromeOnly,
- ChromeConstructor(MozNFCTag tag)]
-interface MozNfcATech {
-  /**
-   * Send raw NFC-A command to tag and receive the response.
-   */
-  [Throws]
-  Promise<Uint8Array> transceive(Uint8Array command);
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/dom/webidl/NfcOptions.webidl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
- * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
-enum RFState {
-  "idle",
-  "listen",
-  "discovery"
- * Type of the Request used in NfcCommandOptions.
- */
-enum NfcRequestType {
-  "changeRFState",
-  "readNDEF",
-  "writeNDEF",
-  "makeReadOnly",
-  "format",
-  "transceive"
- * Type of the Response used in NfcEventOptions.
- */
-enum NfcResponseType {
-  "changeRFStateRsp",
-  "readNDEFRsp",
-  "writeNDEFRsp",
-  "makeReadOnlyRsp",
-  "formatRsp",
-  "transceiveRsp",
- * Type of the Notification used in NfcEventOptions.
- */
-enum NfcNotificationType {
-  "initialized",
-  "techDiscovered",
-  "techLost",
-  "hciEventTransaction",
-  "ndefReceived",
- * The source of HCI Transaction Event.
- */
-enum HCIEventOrigin {
-  "SIM",
-  "eSE",
-  "ASSD"
-dictionary NfcCommandOptions
-  required NfcRequestType type;
-  long sessionId;
-  required DOMString requestId;
-  RFState rfState;
-  long techType;
-  boolean isP2P;
-  sequence<MozNDEFRecordOptions> records;
-  NFCTechType technology;
-  Uint8Array command;
-dictionary NfcEventOptions
-  NfcResponseType rspType;
-  NfcNotificationType ntfType;
-  long status;
-  NfcErrorMessage errorMsg;
-  long sessionId;
-  DOMString requestId;
-  long majorVersion;
-  long minorVersion;
-  boolean isP2P;
-  sequence<NFCTechType> techList;
-  Uint8Array tagId;
-  sequence<MozNDEFRecordOptions> records;
-  NFCTagType tagType;
-  long maxNDEFSize;
-  boolean isReadOnly;
-  boolean isFormatable;
-  RFState rfState;
-  // HCI Event Transaction fields
-  DOMString origin;
-  Uint8Array aid;
-  Uint8Array payload;
-  // Tag transceive response data
-  Uint8Array response;
--- a/dom/webidl/moz.build
+++ b/dom/webidl/moz.build
@@ -711,27 +711,16 @@ if CONFIG['MOZ_B2G_BT']:
-    WEBIDL_FILES += [
-         'MozIsoDepTech.webidl',
-         'MozNDEFRecord.webidl',
-         'MozNFC.webidl',
-         'MozNfcATech.webidl',
-         'MozNFCPeer.webidl',
-         'MozNFCTag.webidl',
-         'NfcOptions.webidl',
-    ]
     WEBIDL_FILES += [
     WEBIDL_FILES += [
@@ -850,22 +839,16 @@ if CONFIG['MOZ_B2G_BT']:
-        'MozNFCPeerEvent.webidl',
-        'MozNFCTagEvent.webidl',
-    ]
 if CONFIG['MOZ_BUILD_APP'] in ['browser', 'xulrunner'] or CONFIG['MOZ_SUITE']:
     WEBIDL_FILES += [
 if CONFIG['MOZ_BUILD_APP'] in ['browser', 'mobile/android', 'xulrunner']:
     WEBIDL_FILES += [
--- a/ipc/moz.build
+++ b/ipc/moz.build
@@ -12,20 +12,17 @@ DIRS += [
     DIRS += ['ril']
     DIRS += ['dbus']
-    DIRS += ['nfc']
     DIRS += ['unixfd', 'unixsocket']
     DIRS += ['hal', 'keystore', 'netd']
 if CONFIG['MOZ_WIDGET_TOOLKIT'] != 'android':
     DIRS += ['contentproc']
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/ipc/nfc/NfcConnector.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,207 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
-/* vim: set sw=2 ts=8 et ft=cpp: */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
-#include "NfcConnector.h"
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#include <sys/un.h>
-#include "nsISupportsImpl.h" // for MOZ_COUNT_CTOR, MOZ_COUNT_DTOR
-#include "nsThreadUtils.h" // For NS_IsMainThread.
-namespace mozilla {
-namespace ipc {
-NfcConnector::NfcConnector(const nsACString& aAddressString)
-  : mAddressString(aAddressString)
-  MOZ_COUNT_CTOR_INHERITED(NfcConnector, UnixSocketConnector);
-  MOZ_COUNT_DTOR_INHERITED(NfcConnector, UnixSocketConnector);
-NfcConnector::CreateSocket(int& aFd) const
-  aFd = socket(AF_LOCAL, SOCK_SEQPACKET, 0);
-  if (aFd < 0) {
-    NS_WARNING("Could not open NFC socket!");
-    return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
-  }
-  return NS_OK;
-NfcConnector::SetSocketFlags(int aFd) const
-  static const int sReuseAddress = 1;
-  // Set close-on-exec bit.
-  int flags = TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(fcntl(aFd, F_GETFD));
-  if (flags < 0) {
-    return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
-  }
-  flags |= FD_CLOEXEC;
-  int res = TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(fcntl(aFd, F_SETFD, flags));
-  if (res < 0) {
-    return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
-  }
-  // Set non-blocking status flag.
-  flags = TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(fcntl(aFd, F_GETFL));
-  if (flags < 0) {
-    return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
-  }
-  flags |= O_NONBLOCK;
-  res = TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(fcntl(aFd, F_SETFL, flags));
-  if (res < 0) {
-    return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
-  }
-  // Set socket addr to be reused even if kernel is still waiting to close.
-  res = setsockopt(aFd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &sReuseAddress,
-                   sizeof(sReuseAddress));
-  if (res < 0) {
-    return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
-  }
-  return NS_OK;
-NfcConnector::CreateAddress(struct sockaddr& aAddress,
-                            socklen_t& aAddressLength) const
-  static const size_t sNameOffset = 1;
-  struct sockaddr_un* address =
-    reinterpret_cast<struct sockaddr_un*>(&aAddress);
-  size_t namesiz = mAddressString.Length() + 1; // include trailing '\0'
-  if (NS_WARN_IF((sNameOffset + namesiz) > sizeof(address->sun_path))) {
-    return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
-  }
-  address->sun_family = AF_UNIX;
-  memset(address->sun_path, '\0', sNameOffset); // abstract socket
-  memcpy(address->sun_path + sNameOffset, mAddressString.get(), namesiz);
-  aAddressLength =
-    offsetof(struct sockaddr_un, sun_path) + sNameOffset + namesiz;
-  return NS_OK;
-// |UnixSocketConnector|
-NfcConnector::ConvertAddressToString(const struct sockaddr& aAddress,
-                                     socklen_t aAddressLength,
-                                     nsACString& aAddressString)
-  MOZ_ASSERT(aAddress.sa_family == AF_UNIX);
-  const struct sockaddr_un* un =
-    reinterpret_cast<const struct sockaddr_un*>(&aAddress);
-  size_t len = aAddressLength - offsetof(struct sockaddr_un, sun_path);
-  aAddressString.Assign(un->sun_path, len);
-  return NS_OK;
-NfcConnector::CreateListenSocket(struct sockaddr* aAddress,
-                                 socklen_t* aAddressLength,
-                                 int& aListenFd)
-  ScopedClose fd;
-  nsresult rv = CreateSocket(fd.rwget());
-  if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
-    return rv;
-  }
-  rv = SetSocketFlags(fd);
-  if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
-    return rv;
-  }
-  if (aAddress && aAddressLength) {
-    rv = CreateAddress(*aAddress, *aAddressLength);
-    if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
-      return rv;
-    }
-  }
-  aListenFd = fd.forget();
-  return NS_OK;
-NfcConnector::AcceptStreamSocket(int aListenFd,
-                                 struct sockaddr* aAddress,
-                                 socklen_t* aAddressLength,
-                                 int& aStreamFd)
-  ScopedClose fd(
-    TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(accept(aListenFd, aAddress, aAddressLength)));
-  if (fd < 0) {
-    NS_WARNING("Cannot accept file descriptor!");
-    return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
-  }
-  nsresult rv = SetSocketFlags(fd);
-  if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
-    return rv;
-  }
-  aStreamFd = fd.forget();
-  return NS_OK;
-NfcConnector::CreateStreamSocket(struct sockaddr* aAddress,
-                                 socklen_t* aAddressLength,
-                                 int& aStreamFd)
-  ScopedClose fd;
-  nsresult rv = CreateSocket(fd.rwget());
-  if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
-    return rv;
-  }
-  rv = SetSocketFlags(fd);
-  if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
-    return rv;
-  }
-  if (aAddress && aAddressLength) {
-    rv = CreateAddress(*aAddress, *aAddressLength);
-    if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
-      return rv;
-    }
-  }
-  aStreamFd = fd.forget();
-  return NS_OK;
-NfcConnector::Duplicate(UnixSocketConnector*& aConnector)
-  aConnector = new NfcConnector(*this);
-  return NS_OK;
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/ipc/nfc/NfcConnector.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
-/* vim: set sw=2 ts=8 et ft=cpp: */
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
-#ifndef mozilla_ipc_NfcConnector_h
-#define mozilla_ipc_NfcConnector_h
-#include "mozilla/ipc/UnixSocketConnector.h"
-namespace mozilla {
-namespace ipc {
- * |NfcConnector| creates sockets for communicating with
- * the NFC daemon.
- */
-class NfcConnector final : public UnixSocketConnector
-  NfcConnector(const nsACString& aAddressString);
-  ~NfcConnector();
-  // Methods for |UnixSocketConnector|
-  //
-  nsresult ConvertAddressToString(const struct sockaddr& aAddress,
-                                  socklen_t aAddressLength,
-                                  nsACString& aAddressString) override;
-  nsresult CreateListenSocket(struct sockaddr* aAddress,
-                              socklen_t* aAddressLength,
-                              int& aListenFd) override;
-  nsresult AcceptStreamSocket(int aListenFd,
-                              struct sockaddr* aAddress,
-                              socklen_t* aAddressLen,
-                              int& aStreamFd) override;
-  nsresult CreateStreamSocket(struct sockaddr* aAddress,
-                              socklen_t* aAddressLength,
-                              int& aStreamFd) override;
-  nsresult Duplicate(UnixSocketConnector*& aConnector) override;
-  nsresult CreateSocket(int& aFd) const;
-  nsresult SetSocketFlags(int aFd) const;
-  nsresult CreateAddress(struct sockaddr& aAddress,
-                         socklen_t& aAddressLength) const;
-  nsCString mAddressString;
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/ipc/nfc/moz.build
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-# vim: set filetype=python:
-# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
-# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
-# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
-    EXPORTS.mozilla.ipc += [
-        'NfcConnector.h',
-    ]
-    SOURCES += [
-        'NfcConnector.cpp',
-    ]
--- a/js/xpconnect/src/ExportHelpers.cpp
+++ b/js/xpconnect/src/ExportHelpers.cpp
@@ -9,19 +9,16 @@
 #include "AccessCheck.h"
 #include "jsfriendapi.h"
 #include "jswrapper.h"
 #include "js/Proxy.h"
 #include "mozilla/dom/BindingUtils.h"
 #include "mozilla/dom/BlobBinding.h"
 #include "mozilla/dom/File.h"
 #include "mozilla/dom/StructuredCloneHolder.h"
-#ifdef MOZ_NFC
-#include "mozilla/dom/MozNDEFRecord.h"
 #include "nsGlobalWindow.h"
 #include "nsJSUtils.h"
 #include "nsIDOMFileList.h"
 using namespace mozilla;
 using namespace mozilla::dom;
 using namespace JS;
@@ -36,17 +33,16 @@ IsReflector(JSObject* obj)
     return IS_WN_REFLECTOR(obj) || dom::IsDOMObject(obj);
 enum StackScopedCloneTags {
 // The HTML5 structured cloning algorithm includes a few DOM objects, notably
 // FileList. That wouldn't in itself be a reason to support them here,
 // but we've historically supported them for Cu.cloneInto (where we didn't support
 // other reflectors), so we need to continue to do so in the wrapReflectors == false
 // case to maintain compatibility.
@@ -140,36 +136,16 @@ public:
                 if (!ToJSValue(aCx, blob, &val)) {
                     return nullptr;
             return val.toObjectOrNull();
-        if (aTag == SCTAG_DOM_NFC_NDEF) {
-#ifdef MOZ_NFC
-          nsIGlobalObject* global = xpc::NativeGlobal(JS::CurrentGlobalOrNull(aCx));
-          if (!global) {
-            return nullptr;
-          }
-          // Prevent the return value from being trashed by a GC during ~nsRefPtr.
-          JS::Rooted<JSObject*> result(aCx);
-          {
-            RefPtr<MozNDEFRecord> ndefRecord = new MozNDEFRecord(global);
-            result = ndefRecord->ReadStructuredClone(aCx, aReader) ?
-                     ndefRecord->WrapObject(aCx, nullptr) : nullptr;
-          }
-          return result;
-          return nullptr;
-        }
         MOZ_ASSERT_UNREACHABLE("Encountered garbage in the clone stream!");
         return nullptr;
     bool CustomWriteHandler(JSContext* aCx,
                             JSStructuredCloneWriter* aWriter,
                             JS::Handle<JSObject*> aObj)
@@ -208,26 +184,16 @@ public:
                     return false;
                 return JS_WriteUint32Pair(aWriter, SCTAG_FUNCTION, mFunctions.length() - 1);
             } else {
                 JS_ReportErrorASCII(aCx, "Permission denied to pass a Function via structured clone");
                 return false;
-#ifdef MOZ_NFC
-        {
-          MozNDEFRecord* ndefRecord;
-          if (NS_SUCCEEDED(UNWRAP_OBJECT(MozNDEFRecord, aObj, ndefRecord))) {
-            return JS_WriteUint32Pair(aWriter, SCTAG_DOM_NFC_NDEF, 0) &&
-                   ndefRecord->WriteStructuredClone(aCx, aWriter);
-          }
-        }
         JS_ReportErrorASCII(aCx, "Encountered unsupported value type writing stack-scoped structured clone");
         return false;
     StackScopedCloneOptions* mOptions;
     AutoObjectVector mReflectors;
     AutoObjectVector mFunctions;
     nsTArray<RefPtr<BlobImpl>> mBlobImpls;
--- a/layout/build/moz.build
+++ b/layout/build/moz.build
@@ -11,21 +11,16 @@ EXPORTS += [
-        '/dom/nfc'
-    ]
--- a/old-configure.in
+++ b/old-configure.in
@@ -102,38 +102,34 @@ if test -n "$gonkdir"; then
     export gonkdir
     kernel_name=`uname -s | tr "[[:upper:]]" "[[:lower:]]"`
     case "$android_version" in
         CPPFLAGS="-I$gonkdir/frameworks/base/opengl/include -I$gonkdir/frameworks/base/native/include -I$gonkdir/frameworks/base/include -I$gonkdir/frameworks/base/services/camera -I$gonkdir/frameworks/base/include/media/ -I$gonkdir/frameworks/base/include/media/stagefright -I$gonkdir/frameworks/base/include/media/stagefright/openmax -I$gonkdir/frameworks/base/media/libstagefright/rtsp -I$gonkdir/frameworks/base/media/libstagefright/include -I$gonkdir/external/dbus -I$gonkdir/external/bluetooth/bluez/lib -I$gonkdir/dalvik/libnativehelper/include/nativehelper $CPPFLAGS"
-        MOZ_NFC=1
         CPPFLAGS="-I$gonkdir/frameworks/native/include -I$gonkdir/frameworks/av/include -I$gonkdir/frameworks/av/include/media -I$gonkdir/frameworks/av/include/camera -I$gonkdir/frameworks/native/include/media/openmax -I$gonkdir/frameworks/av/media/libstagefright/include $CPPFLAGS"
-        MOZ_NFC=1
         CPPFLAGS="-I$gonkdir/frameworks/native/include -I$gonkdir/frameworks/av/include -I$gonkdir/frameworks/av/include/media -I$gonkdir/frameworks/av/include/camera -I$gonkdir/frameworks/native/include/media/openmax -I$gonkdir/frameworks/av/media/libstagefright/include $CPPFLAGS"
-        MOZ_NFC=1
         CPPFLAGS="-I$gonkdir/frameworks/native/include -I$gonkdir/frameworks/av/include -I$gonkdir/frameworks/av/include/media -I$gonkdir/frameworks/av/include/camera -I$gonkdir/frameworks/native/include/media/openmax -I$gonkdir/frameworks/av/media/libstagefright/include $CPPFLAGS"
-        MOZ_NFC=1
         AC_MSG_ERROR([Unsupported platform version: $android_version])
     dnl Enable Bluetooth backends depending on available drivers
     if test -d "$gonkdir/system/bluetoothd"; then
@@ -4785,28 +4781,16 @@ MOZ_ARG_ENABLE_BOOL(b2g-bt,
 if test -n "$MOZ_B2G_BT"; then
 dnl ========================================================
-dnl = Enable NFC Interface for B2G (Gonk usually)
-dnl ========================================================
-[  --enable-nfc         Set compile flags necessary for compiling NFC API ],
-    MOZ_NFC=1,
-    MOZ_NFC= )
-if test -n "$MOZ_NFC"; then
-dnl ========================================================
 dnl = Enable Pico Speech Synthesis (Gonk usually)
 dnl ========================================================
 [  --enable-synth-pico  Set compile flags necessary for compiling Pico Web Speech API ],
 if test -n "$MOZ_SYNTH_PICO"; then
--- a/testing/marionette/harness/marionette/tests/webapi-tests.ini
+++ b/testing/marionette/harness/marionette/tests/webapi-tests.ini
@@ -1,14 +1,13 @@
 skip-if = android_version > '15' # Bug 1203072
 skip-if = android_version > '15' # Bug 1203075