Bug 1310297 - Remove test annotations using b2g, mulet or gonk: services. r?RyanVM draft
authorSebastian Hengst <archaeopteryx@coole-files.de>
Sat, 05 Nov 2016 11:29:21 +0100
changeset 434306 48ea7575b0da24aae04ecd9d710150c2902ed4b9
parent 434305 e61f7b18b3147b660af5b417c8d535990b6ea99e
child 434307 8f1d38a463811f6ae712ed884feb01037710047e
push id34753
push userarchaeopteryx@coole-files.de
push dateSat, 05 Nov 2016 10:33:00 +0000
Bug 1310297 - Remove test annotations using b2g, mulet or gonk: services. r?RyanVM MozReview-Commit-ID: DuzsFEaAeYr
--- a/services/cloudsync/tests/xpcshell/xpcshell.ini
+++ b/services/cloudsync/tests/xpcshell/xpcshell.ini
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
 head = head.js
 tail =
 firefox-appdir = browser
-skip-if = toolkit == 'android' || toolkit == 'gonk'
+skip-if = toolkit == 'android'
--- a/services/common/tests/unit/xpcshell.ini
+++ b/services/common/tests/unit/xpcshell.ini
@@ -1,13 +1,12 @@
 head = head_global.js head_helpers.js head_http.js
 tail =
 firefox-appdir = browser
-skip-if = toolkit == 'gonk'
 support-files =
 # Test load modules first so syntax failures are caught early.
--- a/services/crypto/component/tests/unit/xpcshell.ini
+++ b/services/crypto/component/tests/unit/xpcshell.ini
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
 head = 
 tail = 
 firefox-appdir = browser
-skip-if = toolkit == 'gonk'
--- a/services/crypto/tests/unit/xpcshell.ini
+++ b/services/crypto/tests/unit/xpcshell.ini
@@ -1,13 +1,12 @@
 head = head_helpers.js ../../../common/tests/unit/head_helpers.js
 tail =
 firefox-appdir = browser
-skip-if = toolkit == 'gonk'
 support-files =
--- a/services/fxaccounts/tests/mochitest/chrome.ini
+++ b/services/fxaccounts/tests/mochitest/chrome.ini
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-skip-if = buildapp == 'b2g' || os == 'android'
+skip-if = os == 'android'
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/services/fxaccounts/tests/xpcshell/test_manager.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1035 +0,0 @@
-/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
- * http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */
-"use strict";
-var Cm = Components.manager;
-// === Mocks ===
-// Globals representing server state
-var passwordResetOnServer = false;
-var deletedOnServer = false;
-// Global representing FxAccounts state
-var certExpired = false;
-// Mock RP
-function makePrincipal(origin, appId) {
-  let secMan = Cc["@mozilla.org/scriptsecuritymanager;1"]
-                 .getService(Ci.nsIScriptSecurityManager);
-  let uri = Services.io.newURI(origin, null, null);
-  return secMan.createCodebasePrincipal(uri, {appId: appId});
-var principal = makePrincipal('app://settings.gaiamobile.org', 27, false);
-// For override FxAccountsUIGlue.
-var fakeFxAccountsUIGlueCID;
-// FxAccountsUIGlue fake component.
-var FxAccountsUIGlue = {
-  _reject: false,
-  _error: 'error',
-  _signInFlowCalled: false,
-  _refreshAuthCalled: false,
-  _activeSession: null,
-  _reset: function() {
-    this._reject = false;
-    this._error = 'error';
-    this._signInFlowCalled = false;
-    this._refreshAuthCalled = false;
-  },
-  QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsIFxAccountsUIGlue]),
-  _promise: function() {
-    let deferred = Promise.defer();
-    if (this._reject) {
-      deferred.reject(this._error);
-    } else {
-      passwordResetOnServer = false;
-      FxAccountsManager._activeSession = this._activeSession || {
-        email: "user@domain.org",
-        verified: false,
-        sessionToken: "1234"
-      };
-      FxAccountsManager._fxAccounts
-                       .setSignedInUser(FxAccountsManager._activeSession);
-      deferred.resolve(FxAccountsManager._activeSession);
-    }
-    return deferred.promise;
-  },
-  signInFlow: function() {
-    deletedOnServer = false;
-    this._signInFlowCalled = true;
-    return this._promise();
-  },
-  refreshAuthentication: function() {
-    this._refreshAuthCalled = true;
-    return this._promise();
-  }
-(function registerFakeFxAccountsUIGlue() {
-  fakeFxAccountsUIGlueCID =
-    MockRegistrar.register("@mozilla.org/fxaccounts/fxaccounts-ui-glue;1",
-                           FxAccountsUIGlue);
-// Save original fxAccounts instance
-const kFxAccounts = fxAccounts;
-// and change it for a mock FxAccounts.
-FxAccountsManager._fxAccounts = {
-  _reject: false,
-  _getSignedInUserCalled: false,
-  _setSignedInUserCalled: false,
-  _error: 'error',
-  _assertion: 'assertion',
-  _keys: 'keys',
-  _profile: 'aprofile',
-  _signedInUser: null,
-  _reset: function() {
-    this._getSignedInUserCalled = false;
-    this._setSignedInUserCalled = false;
-    this._reject = false;
-  },
-  accountStatus: function() {
-    let deferred = Promise.defer();
-    deferred.resolve(!deletedOnServer);
-    return deferred.promise;
-  },
-  getAssertion: function() {
-    if (!this._signedInUser) {
-      return null;
-    }
-    let deferred = Promise.defer();
-    if (passwordResetOnServer || deletedOnServer) {
-      deferred.reject({errno: ERRNO_INVALID_AUTH_TOKEN});
-    } else if (Services.io.offline && certExpired) {
-      deferred.reject(new Error(ERROR_OFFLINE));
-    } else {
-      deferred.resolve(this._assertion);
-    }
-    return deferred.promise;
-  },
-  getSignedInUser: function() {
-    this._getSignedInUserCalled = true;
-    let deferred = Promise.defer();
-    this._reject ? deferred.reject(this._error)
-                 : deferred.resolve(this._signedInUser);
-    return deferred.promise;
-  },
-  getSignedInUserProfile: function() {
-    let deferred = Promise.defer();
-    this._reject ? deferred.reject(this._error)
-                 : deferred.resolve(this._profile);
-    return deferred.promise;
-  },
-  getKeys: function() {
-    let deferred = Promise.defer();
-    this._reject ? deferred.reject(this._error)
-                 : deferred.resolve(this._keys);
-    return deferred.promise;
-  },
-  resendVerificationEmail: function() {
-    return this.getSignedInUser().then(data => {
-      if (data) {
-        return Promise.resolve(true);
-      }
-      throw new Error("Cannot resend verification email; no signed-in user");
-    });
-  },
-  setSignedInUser: function(user) {
-    this._setSignedInUserCalled = true;
-    let deferred = Promise.defer();
-    this._signedInUser = user;
-    deferred.resolve();
-    return deferred.promise;
-  },
-  signOut: function() {
-    let deferred = Promise.defer();
-    this._signedInUser = null;
-    Services.obs.notifyObservers(null, ONLOGOUT_NOTIFICATION, null);
-    deferred.resolve();
-    return deferred.promise;
-  }
-// Save original FxAccountsClient factory from FxAccountsManager.
-const kFxAccountsClient = FxAccountsManager._getFxAccountsClient;
-// and change it for a fake client factory.
-var FakeFxAccountsClient = {
-  _reject: false,
-  _recoveryEmailStatusCalled: false,
-  _signInCalled: false,
-  _signUpCalled: false,
-  _signOutCalled: false,
-  _accountExists: false,
-  _verified: false,
-  _password: null,
-  _reset: function() {
-    this._reject = false;
-    this._recoveryEmailStatusCalled = false;
-    this._signInCalled = false;
-    this._signUpCalled = false;
-    this._signOutCalled = false;
-  },
-  recoveryEmailStatus: function() {
-    this._recoveryEmailStatusCalled = true;
-    let deferred = Promise.defer();
-    this._reject ? deferred.reject()
-                 : deferred.resolve({ verified: this._verified });
-    return deferred.promise;
-  },
-  signIn: function(user, password, getKeys) {
-    this._signInCalled = true;
-    this._password = password;
-    this._keyFetchToken = getKeys ? "token" : null;
-    let deferred = Promise.defer();
-    this._reject ? deferred.reject()
-                 : deferred.resolve({ email: user,
-                                      uid: "whatever",
-                                      verified: this._verified,
-                                      sessionToken: "1234" });
-    return deferred.promise;
-  },
-  signUp: function(user, password) {
-    this._signUpCalled = true;
-    return this.signIn(user, password);
-  },
-  signOut: function() {
-    this._signOutCalled = true;
-    let deferred = Promise.defer();
-    this._reject ? deferred.reject()
-                 : deferred.resolve();
-    return deferred.promise;
-  },
-  accountExists: function() {
-    let deferred = Promise.defer();
-    this._reject ? deferred.reject()
-                 : deferred.resolve(this._accountExists);
-    return deferred.promise;
-  }
-FxAccountsManager._getFxAccountsClient = function() {
-  return FakeFxAccountsClient;
-// === Global cleanup ===
-// Unregister mocks and restore original code.
-do_register_cleanup(function() {
-  // Unregister the factory so we do not leak
-  MockRegistrar.unregister(fakeFxAccountsUIGlueCID);
-  // Restore the original FxAccounts instance from FxAccountsManager.
-  FxAccountsManager._fxAccounts = kFxAccounts;
-  // Restore the FxAccountsClient getter from FxAccountsManager.
-  FxAccountsManager._getFxAccountsClient = kFxAccountsClient;
-// === Tests ===
-function run_test() {
-  run_next_test();
-add_test(function test_initial_state() {
-  do_print("= Initial state =");
-  do_check_neq(FxAccountsManager, undefined);
-  do_check_null(FxAccountsManager._activeSession);
-  do_check_null(FxAccountsManager._user);
-  run_next_test();
-add_test(function(test_getAccount_no_session) {
-  do_print("= getAccount no session =");
-  FxAccountsManager.getAccount().then(
-    result => {
-      do_check_null(result);
-      do_check_null(FxAccountsManager._activeSession);
-      do_check_null(FxAccountsManager._user);
-      do_check_true(FxAccountsManager._fxAccounts._getSignedInUserCalled);
-      FxAccountsManager._fxAccounts._reset();
-      run_next_test();
-    },
-    error => {
-      do_throw("Unexpected error: " + error);
-    }
-  );
-add_test(function(test_getAssertion_no_audience) {
-  do_print("= getAssertion no audience =");
-  FxAccountsManager.getAssertion().then(
-    () => {
-      do_throw("Unexpected success");
-    },
-    error => {
-      do_check_eq(error.error, ERROR_INVALID_AUDIENCE);
-      run_next_test();
-    }
-  );
-add_test(function(test_getAssertion_no_session_ui_error) {
-  do_print("= getAssertion no session, UI error =");
-  FxAccountsUIGlue._reject = true;
-  FxAccountsManager.getAssertion("audience", principal).then(
-    () => {
-      do_throw("Unexpected success");
-    },
-    error => {
-      do_check_eq(error.error, ERROR_UI_ERROR);
-      do_check_eq(error.details, "error");
-      FxAccountsUIGlue._reset();
-      run_next_test();
-    }
-  );
-add_test(function(test_getAssertion_no_session_ui_success) {
-  do_print("= getAssertion no session, UI success =");
-  FxAccountsManager.getAssertion("audience", principal).then(
-    () => {
-      do_throw("Unexpected success");
-    },
-    error => {
-      do_check_true(FxAccountsUIGlue._signInFlowCalled);
-      do_check_eq(error.error, ERROR_UNVERIFIED_ACCOUNT);
-      FxAccountsUIGlue._reset();
-      run_next_test();
-    }
-  );
-add_test(function(test_getAssertion_active_session_unverified_account) {
-  do_print("= getAssertion active session, unverified account =");
-  FxAccountsManager.getAssertion("audience", principal).then(
-    result => {
-      do_throw("Unexpected success");
-    },
-    error => {
-      do_check_false(FxAccountsUIGlue._signInFlowCalled);
-      do_check_eq(error.error, ERROR_UNVERIFIED_ACCOUNT);
-      run_next_test();
-    }
-  );
-add_test(function(test_getAssertion_active_session_verified_account) {
-  do_print("= getAssertion active session, verified account =");
-  FxAccountsManager._fxAccounts._signedInUser.verified = true;
-  FxAccountsManager._activeSession.verified = true;
-  FxAccountsManager.getAssertion("audience", principal).then(
-    result => {
-      do_check_false(FxAccountsUIGlue._signInFlowCalled);
-      do_check_eq(result, "assertion");
-      FxAccountsManager._fxAccounts._reset();
-      run_next_test();
-    },
-    error => {
-      do_throw("Unexpected error: " + error);
-    }
-  );
-add_test(function() {
-  // getAssertion() succeeds if offline with valid cert
-  do_print("= getAssertion active session, valid cert, offline");
-  FxAccountsManager._fxAccounts._signedInUser.verified = true;
-  FxAccountsManager._activeSession.verified = true;
-  Services.io.offline = true;
-  FxAccountsManager.getAssertion("audience", principal).then(
-    result => {
-      FxAccountsManager._fxAccounts._reset();
-      Services.io.offline = false;
-      run_next_test();
-    },
-    error => {
-      Services.io.offline = false;
-      do_throw("Unexpected error: " + error);
-    }
-  );
-add_test(function() {
-  // getAssertion() rejects if offline and cert expired.
-  do_print("= getAssertion active session, expired cert, offline");
-  FxAccountsManager._fxAccounts._signedInUser.verified = true;
-  FxAccountsManager._activeSession.verified = true;
-  Services.io.offline = true;
-  certExpired = true;
-  FxAccountsManager.getAssertion("audience", principal).then(
-    result => {
-      Services.io.offline = false;
-      certExpired = false;
-      do_throw("Unexpected success");
-    },
-    error => {
-      do_check_eq(error.error, ERROR_OFFLINE);
-      FxAccountsManager._fxAccounts._reset();
-      Services.io.offline = false;
-      certExpired = false;
-      run_next_test();
-    }
-  );
-add_test(function() {
-  // getAssertion() rejects if offline and UI needed.
-  do_print("= getAssertion active session, trigger UI, offline");
-  let user = FxAccountsManager._fxAccounts._signedInUser;
-  FxAccountsManager._fxAccounts._signedInUser = null;
-  Services.io.offline = true;
-  FxAccountsManager.getAssertion("audience", principal).then(
-    result => {
-      Services.io.offline = false;
-      do_throw("Unexpected success");
-    },
-    error => {
-      do_check_false(FxAccountsUIGlue._signInFlowCalled);
-      FxAccountsManager._fxAccounts._reset();
-      FxAccountsManager._fxAccounts._signedInUser = user;
-      Services.io.offline = false;
-      run_next_test();
-    }
-  );
-add_test(function(test_getAssertion_refreshAuth) {
-  do_print("= getAssertion refreshAuth =");
-  let gracePeriod = 1200;
-  FxAccountsUIGlue._activeSession = {
-    email: "user@domain.org",
-    verified: true,
-    sessionToken: "1234"
-  };
-  FxAccountsManager._fxAccounts._signedInUser.verified = true;
-  FxAccountsManager._activeSession.verified = true;
-  FxAccountsManager._activeSession.authAt =
-    (Date.now() / 1000) - gracePeriod;
-  FxAccountsManager.getAssertion("audience", principal, {
-    "refreshAuthentication": gracePeriod
-  }).then(
-    result => {
-      do_check_false(FxAccountsUIGlue._signInFlowCalled);
-      do_check_true(FxAccountsUIGlue._refreshAuthCalled);
-      do_check_eq(result, "assertion");
-      FxAccountsManager._fxAccounts._reset();
-      FxAccountsUIGlue._reset();
-      run_next_test();
-    },
-    error => {
-      do_throw("Unexpected error: " + error);
-    }
-  );
-add_test(function(test_getAssertion_no_permissions) {
-  do_print("= getAssertion no permissions =");
-  let noPermissionsPrincipal = makePrincipal('app://dummy', 28);
-  let permMan = Cc["@mozilla.org/permissionmanager;1"]
-                  .getService(Ci.nsIPermissionManager);
-  permMan.addFromPrincipal(noPermissionsPrincipal, FXACCOUNTS_PERMISSION,
-                           Ci.nsIPermissionManager.DENY_ACTION);
-  FxAccountsUIGlue._activeSession = {
-    email: "user@domain.org",
-    verified: true,
-    sessionToken: "1234"
-  };
-  FxAccountsManager.getAssertion("audience", noPermissionsPrincipal).then(
-    result => {
-      do_throw("Unexpected success");
-    },
-    error => {
-      do_check_false(FxAccountsUIGlue._signInFlowCalled);
-      do_check_false(FxAccountsUIGlue._refreshAuthCalled);
-      FxAccountsManager._fxAccounts._reset();
-      FxAccountsUIGlue._reset();
-      run_next_test();
-    }
-  );
-add_test(function(test_getAssertion_permission_prompt_action) {
-  do_print("= getAssertion PROMPT_ACTION permission =");
-  let promptPermissionsPrincipal = makePrincipal('app://dummy-prompt', 29);
-  let permMan = Cc["@mozilla.org/permissionmanager;1"]
-                  .getService(Ci.nsIPermissionManager);
-  permMan.addFromPrincipal(promptPermissionsPrincipal, FXACCOUNTS_PERMISSION,
-                           Ci.nsIPermissionManager.PROMPT_ACTION);
-  FxAccountsUIGlue._activeSession = {
-    email: "user@domain.org",
-    verified: true,
-    sessionToken: "1234"
-  };
-  FxAccountsManager.getAssertion("audience", promptPermissionsPrincipal).then(
-    result => {
-      do_check_false(FxAccountsUIGlue._signInFlowCalled);
-      do_check_true(FxAccountsUIGlue._refreshAuthCalled);
-      do_check_eq(result, "assertion");
-      let permission = permMan.testPermissionFromPrincipal(
-        promptPermissionsPrincipal,
-      );
-      do_check_eq(permission, Ci.nsIPermissionManager.ALLOW_ACTION);
-      FxAccountsManager._fxAccounts._reset();
-      FxAccountsUIGlue._reset();
-      run_next_test();
-    },
-    error => {
-      do_throw("Unexpected error: " + error);
-    }
-  );
-add_test(function(test_getAssertion_permission_prompt_action_refreshing) {
-  do_print("= getAssertion PROMPT_ACTION permission already refreshing =");
-  let promptPermissionsPrincipal = makePrincipal('app://dummy-prompt-2', 30);
-  let permMan = Cc["@mozilla.org/permissionmanager;1"]
-                  .getService(Ci.nsIPermissionManager);
-  permMan.addFromPrincipal(promptPermissionsPrincipal, FXACCOUNTS_PERMISSION,
-                           Ci.nsIPermissionManager.PROMPT_ACTION);
-  FxAccountsUIGlue._activeSession = {
-    email: "user@domain.org",
-    verified: true,
-    sessionToken: "1234"
-  };
-  FxAccountsManager._refreshing = true;
-  FxAccountsManager.getAssertion("audience", promptPermissionsPrincipal).then(
-    result => {
-      do_check_false(FxAccountsUIGlue._signInFlowCalled);
-      do_check_false(FxAccountsUIGlue._refreshAuthCalled);
-      do_check_null(result);
-      let permission = permMan.testPermissionFromPrincipal(
-        promptPermissionsPrincipal,
-      );
-      do_check_eq(permission, Ci.nsIPermissionManager.PROMPT_ACTION);
-      FxAccountsManager._refreshing = false;
-      FxAccountsManager._fxAccounts._reset();
-      FxAccountsUIGlue._reset();
-      run_next_test();
-    },
-    error => {
-      do_throw("Unexpected error: " + error);
-    }
-  );
-add_test(function(test_getAssertion_server_state_change) {
-  FxAccountsManager._fxAccounts._signedInUser.verified = true;
-  FxAccountsManager._activeSession.verified = true;
-  passwordResetOnServer = true;
-  FxAccountsManager.getAssertion("audience", principal).then(
-    (result) => {
-      // For password reset, the UIGlue mock simulates sucessful
-      // refreshAuth which supplies new password, not signin/signup.
-      do_check_true(FxAccountsUIGlue._refreshAuthCalled);
-      do_check_false(FxAccountsUIGlue._signInFlowCalled)
-      do_check_eq(result, "assertion");
-      FxAccountsUIGlue._refreshAuthCalled = false;
-    }
-  ).then(
-    () => {
-      deletedOnServer = true;
-      FxAccountsManager.getAssertion("audience", principal).then(
-        (result) => {
-          // For account deletion, the UIGlue's signin/signup is called.
-          do_check_true(FxAccountsUIGlue._signInFlowCalled)
-          do_check_false(FxAccountsUIGlue._refreshAuthCalled);
-          do_check_eq(result, "assertion");
-          deletedOnServer = false;
-          passwordResetOnServer = false;
-          FxAccountsUIGlue._reset()
-          run_next_test();
-        }
-      );
-    }
-  );
-add_test(function(test_getAssertion_refreshAuth_NaN) {
-  do_print("= getAssertion refreshAuth NaN=");
-  let gracePeriod = "NaN";
-  FxAccountsManager.getAssertion("audience", principal, {
-    "refreshAuthentication": gracePeriod
-  }).then(
-    result => {
-      do_throw("Unexpected success");
-    },
-    error => {
-      do_check_false(FxAccountsUIGlue._signInFlowCalled);
-      do_check_false(FxAccountsUIGlue._refreshAuthCalled);
-      do_check_eq(error.error, ERROR_INVALID_REFRESH_AUTH_VALUE);
-      FxAccountsManager._fxAccounts._reset();
-      run_next_test();
-    }
-  );
-add_test(function(test_getAssertion_refresh_auth_no_refresh) {
-  do_print("= getAssertion refreshAuth no refresh =");
-  FxAccountsManager._fxAccounts._signedInUser.verified = true;
-  FxAccountsManager._activeSession.verified = true;
-  FxAccountsManager._activeSession.authAt =
-    (Date.now() / 1000) + 10000;
-  FxAccountsManager.getAssertion("audience", principal, {
-    "refreshAuthentication": 1
-  }).then(
-    result => {
-      do_check_false(FxAccountsUIGlue._signInFlowCalled);
-      do_check_eq(result, "assertion");
-      FxAccountsManager._fxAccounts._reset();
-      run_next_test();
-    },
-    error => {
-      do_throw("Unexpected error: " + error);
-    }
-  );
-add_test(function(test_getAccount_existing_verified_session) {
-  do_print("= getAccount, existing verified session =");
-  FxAccountsManager._activeSession = null;
-  FxAccountsManager.getAccount().then(
-    result => {
-      do_check_true(FxAccountsManager._fxAccounts._getSignedInUserCalled);
-      do_check_eq(result.email, FxAccountsManager._user.email);
-      do_check_eq(result.verified, FxAccountsManager._user.verified);
-      do_check_eq(result.profile, "aprofile");
-      run_next_test();
-    },
-    error => {
-      do_throw("Unexpected error: " + error);
-    }
-  );
-add_test(function(test_getAccount_existing_unverified_session_unverified_user) {
-  do_print("= getAccount, existing unverified session, unverified user =");
-  FxAccountsManager._activeSession.verified = false;
-  FxAccountsManager._fxAccounts._signedInUser.verified = false;
-  FxAccountsManager.getAccount().then(
-    result => {
-      do_check_true(FakeFxAccountsClient._recoveryEmailStatusCalled);
-      do_check_false(result.verified);
-      do_check_eq(result.email, FxAccountsManager._user.email);
-      FakeFxAccountsClient._reset();
-      run_next_test();
-    },
-    error => {
-      do_throw("Unexpected error: " + error);
-    }
-  );
-add_test(function(test_getAccount_existing_unverified_session_verified_user) {
-  do_print("= getAccount, existing unverified session, verified user =");
-  FxAccountsManager._activeSession.verified = false;
-  FxAccountsManager._fxAccounts._signedInUser.verified = false;
-  FakeFxAccountsClient._verified = true;
-  FxAccountsManager.getAccount();
-  do_execute_soon(function() {
-    do_check_true(FakeFxAccountsClient._recoveryEmailStatusCalled);
-    FxAccountsManager.getAccount().then(
-      result => {
-        do_check_true(result.verified);
-        do_check_eq(result.email, FxAccountsManager._user.email);
-        FakeFxAccountsClient._reset();
-        run_next_test();
-    });
-  });
-add_test(function(test_signOut) {
-  do_print("= signOut =");
-  do_check_true(FxAccountsManager._activeSession != null);
-  FxAccountsManager.signOut().then(
-    result => {
-      do_check_null(result);
-      do_check_null(FxAccountsManager._activeSession);
-      do_check_true(FakeFxAccountsClient._signOutCalled);
-      run_next_test();
-    },
-    error => {
-      do_throw("Unexpected error: " + error);
-    }
-  );
-add_test(function(test_signUp_no_email) {
-  do_print("= signUp, no email=");
-  FxAccountsManager.signUp().then(
-    () => {
-      do_throw("Unexpected success");
-    },
-    error => {
-      do_check_eq(error.error, ERROR_INVALID_EMAIL);
-      run_next_test();
-    }
-  );
-add_test(function(test_signIn_no_email) {
-  do_print("= signIn, no email=");
-  FxAccountsManager.signIn().then(
-    () => {
-      do_throw("Unexpected success");
-    },
-    error => {
-      do_check_eq(error.error, ERROR_INVALID_EMAIL);
-      run_next_test();
-    }
-  );
-add_test(function(test_signUp_no_password) {
-  do_print("= signUp, no email=");
-  FxAccountsManager.signUp("user@domain.org").then(
-    () => {
-      do_throw("Unexpected success");
-    },
-    error => {
-      do_check_eq(error.error, ERROR_INVALID_PASSWORD);
-      run_next_test();
-    }
-  );
-add_test(function(test_signIn_no_email) {
-  do_print("= signIn, no email=");
-  FxAccountsManager.signIn("user@domain.org").then(
-    () => {
-      do_throw("Unexpected success");
-    },
-    error => {
-      do_check_eq(error.error, ERROR_INVALID_PASSWORD);
-      run_next_test();
-    }
-  );
-add_test(function(test_signUp) {
-  do_print("= signUp =");
-  FakeFxAccountsClient._verified = false;
-  FxAccountsManager.signUp("user@domain.org", "password").then(
-    result => {
-      do_check_true(FakeFxAccountsClient._signInCalled);
-      do_check_true(FakeFxAccountsClient._signUpCalled);
-      do_check_true(FxAccountsManager._fxAccounts._getSignedInUserCalled);
-      do_check_eq(FxAccountsManager._fxAccounts._signedInUser.email, "user@domain.org");
-      do_check_eq(FakeFxAccountsClient._password, "password");
-      do_check_true(result.accountCreated);
-      do_check_eq(result.user.email, "user@domain.org");
-      do_check_false(result.user.verified);
-      FakeFxAccountsClient._reset();
-      FxAccountsManager._fxAccounts._reset();
-      run_next_test();
-    },
-    error => {
-      do_throw("Unexpected error: " + error.error);
-    }
-  );
-add_test(function(test_signUp_already_signed_user) {
-  do_print("= signUp, already signed user =");
-  FxAccountsManager.signUp("user@domain.org", "password").then(
-    () => {
-      do_throw("Unexpected success");
-    },
-    error => {
-      do_check_false(FakeFxAccountsClient._signInCalled);
-      do_check_eq(error.error, ERROR_ALREADY_SIGNED_IN_USER);
-      do_check_eq(error.details.user.email, "user@domain.org");
-      do_check_false(error.details.user.verified);
-      run_next_test();
-    }
-  );
-add_test(function(test_signIn_already_signed_user) {
-  do_print("= signIn, already signed user =");
-  FxAccountsManager.signIn("user@domain.org", "password").then(
-    () => {
-      do_throw("Unexpected success");
-    },
-    error => {
-      do_check_eq(error.error, ERROR_ALREADY_SIGNED_IN_USER);
-      do_check_eq(error.details.user.email, "user@domain.org");
-      do_check_false(error.details.user.verified);
-      run_next_test();
-    }
-  );
-add_test(function(test_signIn_getKeys_true) {
-  do_print("= signIn, getKeys true =");
-  FxAccountsManager.signOut().then(() => {
-    FxAccountsManager.signIn("user@domain.org", "password", true).then(
-      result => {
-        do_check_true(FakeFxAccountsClient._signInCalled);
-        do_check_true(FxAccountsManager._fxAccounts._getSignedInUserCalled);
-        do_check_eq(FxAccountsManager._fxAccounts._signedInUser.email, "user@domain.org");
-        do_check_eq(FakeFxAccountsClient._password, "password");
-        do_check_eq(FakeFxAccountsClient._keyFetchToken, "token");
-        do_check_eq(result.user.email, "user@domain.org");
-        FakeFxAccountsClient._reset();
-        FxAccountsManager._fxAccounts._reset();
-        run_next_test();
-      },
-      error => {
-        do_throw("Unexpected error");
-      }
-    );
-  });
-add_test(function(test_signIn_getKeys_false) {
-  do_print("= signIn, getKeys false =");
-  FxAccountsManager.signOut().then(() => {
-    FxAccountsManager.signIn("user@domain.org", "password", false).then(
-      result => {
-        do_check_true(FakeFxAccountsClient._signInCalled);
-        do_check_true(FxAccountsManager._fxAccounts._getSignedInUserCalled);
-        do_check_eq(FxAccountsManager._fxAccounts._signedInUser.email, "user@domain.org");
-        do_check_eq(FakeFxAccountsClient._password, "password");
-        do_check_eq(FakeFxAccountsClient._keyFetchToken, null);
-        do_check_eq(result.user.email, "user@domain.org");
-        FakeFxAccountsClient._reset();
-        FxAccountsManager._fxAccounts._reset();
-        run_next_test();
-      },
-      error => {
-        do_throw("Unexpected error");
-      }
-    );
-  });
-add_test(function(test_resendVerificationEmail_error_handling) {
-  do_print("= resendVerificationEmail smoke test =");
-  let user = FxAccountsManager._fxAccounts._signedInUser;
-  FxAccountsManager._fxAccounts._signedInUser.verified = false;
-  FxAccountsManager.resendVerificationEmail().then(
-    (success) => {
-      do_check_true(success);
-    },
-    (error) => {
-      do_throw("Unexpected failure");
-    }
-  );
-  // Here we verify that when FxAccounts.resendVerificationEmail
-  // throws an error, we gracefully handle it in the reject() channel.
-  FxAccountsManager._fxAccounts._signedInUser = null;
-  FxAccountsManager.resendVerificationEmail().then(
-    (success) => {
-      do_throw("Unexpected success");
-    },
-    (error) => {
-      do_check_eq(error.error, ERROR_SERVER_ERROR);
-    }
-  );
-  FxAccountsManager._fxAccounts._signedInUser = user;
-  run_next_test();
-add_test(function(test_verificationStatus_unverified_session_unverified_user) {
-  do_print("= verificationStatus unverified session and user =");
-  FakeFxAccountsClient._verified = false;
-  FxAccountsManager.verificationStatus();
-  do_execute_soon(function() {
-    let user = FxAccountsManager._user;
-    do_check_false(user.verified);
-    do_check_true(FakeFxAccountsClient._recoveryEmailStatusCalled);
-    do_check_false(FxAccountsManager._fxAccounts._setSignedInUserCalled);
-    run_next_test();
-  });
-add_test(function(test_verificationStatus_unverified_session_verified_user) {
-  do_print("= verificationStatus unverified session, verified user =");
-  FakeFxAccountsClient._verified = true;
-  FxAccountsManager.verificationStatus();
-  do_execute_soon(function() {
-    let user = FxAccountsManager._user;
-    do_check_true(user.verified);
-    do_check_true(FakeFxAccountsClient._recoveryEmailStatusCalled);
-    do_check_true(FxAccountsManager._fxAccounts._setSignedInUserCalled);
-    run_next_test();
-  });
-add_test(function(test_queryAccount_no_exists) {
-  do_print("= queryAccount, no exists =");
-  FxAccountsManager.queryAccount("user@domain.org").then(
-    result => {
-      do_check_false(result.registered);
-      run_next_test();
-    },
-    error => {
-      do_throw("Unexpected error: " + error);
-    }
-  );
-add_test(function(test_queryAccount_exists) {
-  do_print("= queryAccount, exists =");
-  FakeFxAccountsClient._accountExists = true;
-  FxAccountsManager.queryAccount("user@domain.org").then(
-    result => {
-      do_check_true(result.registered);
-      run_next_test();
-    },
-    error => {
-      do_throw("Unexpected error: " + error);
-    }
-  );
-add_test(function(test_queryAccount_no_email) {
-  do_print("= queryAccount, no email =");
-  FxAccountsManager.queryAccount().then(
-    () => {
-      do_throw("Unexpected success");
-    },
-    error => {
-      do_check_eq(error.error, ERROR_INVALID_EMAIL);
-      run_next_test();
-    }
-  );
-add_test(function() {
-  do_print("= fxaccounts:onlogout notification =");
-  do_check_true(FxAccountsManager._activeSession != null);
-  Services.obs.notifyObservers(null, ONLOGOUT_NOTIFICATION, null);
-  do_execute_soon(function() {
-    do_check_null(FxAccountsManager._activeSession);
-    run_next_test();
-  });
-add_test(function(test_getKeys_sync_disabled) {
-  do_print("= getKeys sync disabled =");
-  Services.prefs.setBoolPref("services.sync.enabled", false);
-  FxAccountsManager.getKeys().then(
-    result => {
-      do_throw("Unexpected success");
-    },
-    error => {
-      do_check_eq(error, ERROR_SYNC_DISABLED);
-      Services.prefs.clearUserPref("services.sync.enabled");
-      run_next_test();
-    }
-  );
-add_test(function(test_getKeys_no_session) {
-  do_print("= getKeys no session =");
-  Services.prefs.setBoolPref("services.sync.enabled", true);
-  FxAccountsManager._fxAccounts._signedInUser = null;
-  FxAccountsManager._activeSession = null;
-  FxAccountsManager.getKeys().then(
-    result => {
-      do_check_null(result);
-      FxAccountsManager._fxAccounts._reset();
-      Services.prefs.clearUserPref("services.sync.enabled");
-      run_next_test();
-    },
-    error => {
-      do_throw("Unexpected error: " + error);
-    }
-  );
-add_test(function(test_getKeys_unverified_account) {
-  do_print("= getKeys unverified =");
-  Services.prefs.setBoolPref("services.sync.enabled", true);
-  FakeFxAccountsClient._verified = false;
-  FxAccountsManager.signIn("user@domain.org", "password").then(result => {
-    do_check_false(result.verified);
-    return FxAccountsManager.getKeys();
-  }).then(result => {
-      do_throw("Unexpected success");
-    },
-    error => {
-      do_check_eq(error.error, ERROR_UNVERIFIED_ACCOUNT);
-      FxAccountsManager._fxAccounts._reset();
-      Services.prefs.clearUserPref("services.sync.enabled");
-      FxAccountsManager.signOut().then(run_next_test)
-    }
-  );
-add_test(function(test_getKeys_success) {
-  do_print("= getKeys success =");
-  Services.prefs.setBoolPref("services.sync.enabled", true);
-  FakeFxAccountsClient._verified = true;
-  FxAccountsManager.signIn("user@domain.org", "password").then(result => {
-    return FxAccountsManager.getKeys();
-  }).then(result => {
-      do_check_eq(result, FxAccountsManager._fxAccounts._keys);
-      FxAccountsManager._fxAccounts._reset();
-      Services.prefs.clearUserPref("services.sync.enabled");
-      run_next_test();
-    },
-    error => {
-      do_throw("Unexpected error " + error);
-    }
-  );
--- a/services/fxaccounts/tests/xpcshell/xpcshell.ini
+++ b/services/fxaccounts/tests/xpcshell/xpcshell.ini
@@ -3,28 +3,21 @@ head = head.js ../../../common/tests/uni
 tail =
 skip-if = (toolkit == 'android' || appname == 'thunderbird')
 support-files =
-skip-if = appname == 'b2g'
-skip-if = toolkit == 'gonk' # times out, bug 1073639
-skip-if = appname == 'b2g' # login manager storage only used on desktop.
-skip-if = appname != 'b2g'
-reason = FxAccountsManager is only available for B2G for now
-skip-if = appname == 'b2g' # fxa web channels only used on desktop
--- a/services/sync/tests/unit/xpcshell.ini
+++ b/services/sync/tests/unit/xpcshell.ini
@@ -1,13 +1,12 @@
 head = head_appinfo.js ../../../common/tests/unit/head_helpers.js head_helpers.js head_http_server.js head_errorhandler_common.js
 tail =
 firefox-appdir = browser
-skip-if = toolkit == 'gonk'
 support-files =