Bug 1308202 - Merge MochitestBase and MochitestDesktop into a single class, r?jmaher draft
authorAndrew Halberstadt <ahalberstadt@mozilla.com>
Thu, 06 Oct 2016 10:16:06 -0400
changeset 421755 c4b71df6365d7a653fea394034c2c6389382ea86
parent 421754 9fbca1a06e07bef794ad6ce408359d243323ad48
child 533161 52284c792ed4470618c472611f11bd43d6ba6a00
push id31588
push userahalberstadt@mozilla.com
push dateThu, 06 Oct 2016 20:15:30 +0000
Bug 1308202 - Merge MochitestBase and MochitestDesktop into a single class, r?jmaher MozReview-Commit-ID: 737L08LhLDp
--- a/testing/mochitest/runrobocop.py
+++ b/testing/mochitest/runrobocop.py
@@ -22,17 +22,16 @@ from mochitest_options import MochitestA
 from manifestparser import TestManifest
 from manifestparser.filters import chunk_by_slice
 import mozdevice
 import mozinfo
 SCRIPT_DIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.realpath(os.path.dirname(__file__)))
-# TODO inherit from MochitestBase instead
 class RobocopTestRunner(MochitestDesktop):
        A test harness for Robocop. Robocop tests are UI tests for Firefox for Android,
        based on the Robotium test framework. This harness leverages some functionality
        from mochitest, for convenience.
     auto = None
     dm = None
--- a/testing/mochitest/runtests.py
+++ b/testing/mochitest/runtests.py
@@ -512,30 +512,269 @@ class WebSocketServer(object):
         pid = self._process.pid
         self._log.info("runtests.py | Websocket server pid: %d" % pid)
     def stop(self):
-class MochitestBase(object):
+class SSLTunnel:
+    def __init__(self, options, logger, ignoreSSLTunnelExts=False):
+        self.log = logger
+        self.process = None
+        self.utilityPath = options.utilityPath
+        self.xrePath = options.xrePath
+        self.certPath = options.certPath
+        self.sslPort = options.sslPort
+        self.httpPort = options.httpPort
+        self.webServer = options.webServer
+        self.webSocketPort = options.webSocketPort
+        self.useSSLTunnelExts = not ignoreSSLTunnelExts
+        self.customCertRE = re.compile("^cert=(?P<nickname>[0-9a-zA-Z_ ]+)")
+        self.clientAuthRE = re.compile("^clientauth=(?P<clientauth>[a-z]+)")
+        self.redirRE = re.compile("^redir=(?P<redirhost>[0-9a-zA-Z_ .]+)")
+    def writeLocation(self, config, loc):
+        for option in loc.options:
+            match = self.customCertRE.match(option)
+            if match:
+                customcert = match.group("nickname")
+                config.write("listen:%s:%s:%s:%s\n" %
+                             (loc.host, loc.port, self.sslPort, customcert))
+            match = self.clientAuthRE.match(option)
+            if match:
+                clientauth = match.group("clientauth")
+                config.write("clientauth:%s:%s:%s:%s\n" %
+                             (loc.host, loc.port, self.sslPort, clientauth))
+            match = self.redirRE.match(option)
+            if match:
+                redirhost = match.group("redirhost")
+                config.write("redirhost:%s:%s:%s:%s\n" %
+                             (loc.host, loc.port, self.sslPort, redirhost))
+            if self.useSSLTunnelExts and option in (
+                    'tls1',
+                    'ssl3',
+                    'rc4',
+                    'failHandshake'):
+                config.write(
+                    "%s:%s:%s:%s\n" %
+                    (option, loc.host, loc.port, self.sslPort))
+    def buildConfig(self, locations):
+        """Create the ssltunnel configuration file"""
+        configFd, self.configFile = tempfile.mkstemp(
+            prefix="ssltunnel", suffix=".cfg")
+        with os.fdopen(configFd, "w") as config:
+            config.write("httpproxy:1\n")
+            config.write("certdbdir:%s\n" % self.certPath)
+            config.write("forward:\n" % self.httpPort)
+            config.write(
+                "websocketserver:%s:%s\n" %
+                (self.webServer, self.webSocketPort))
+            config.write("listen:*:%s:pgo server certificate\n" % self.sslPort)
+            for loc in locations:
+                if loc.scheme == "https" and "nocert" not in loc.options:
+                    self.writeLocation(config, loc)
+    def start(self):
+        """ Starts the SSL Tunnel """
+        # start ssltunnel to provide https:// URLs capability
+        bin_suffix = mozinfo.info.get('bin_suffix', '')
+        ssltunnel = os.path.join(self.utilityPath, "ssltunnel" + bin_suffix)
+        if not os.path.exists(ssltunnel):
+            self.log.error(
+                "INFO | runtests.py | expected to find ssltunnel at %s" %
+                ssltunnel)
+            exit(1)
+        env = test_environment(xrePath=self.xrePath, log=self.log)
+        env["LD_LIBRARY_PATH"] = self.xrePath
+        self.process = mozprocess.ProcessHandler([ssltunnel, self.configFile],
+                                                 env=env)
+        self.process.run()
+        self.log.info("runtests.py | SSL tunnel pid: %d" % self.process.pid)
+    def stop(self):
+        """ Stops the SSL Tunnel and cleans up """
+        if self.process is not None:
+            self.process.kill()
+        if os.path.exists(self.configFile):
+            os.remove(self.configFile)
+def checkAndConfigureV4l2loopback(device):
+    '''
+    Determine if a given device path is a v4l2loopback device, and if so
+    toggle a few settings on it via fcntl. Very linux-specific.
+    Returns (status, device name) where status is a boolean.
+    '''
+    if not mozinfo.isLinux:
+        return False, ''
+    libc = ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary('libc.so.6')
+    O_RDWR = 2
+    # These are from linux/videodev2.h
+    class v4l2_capability(ctypes.Structure):
+        _fields_ = [
+            ('driver', ctypes.c_char * 16),
+            ('card', ctypes.c_char * 32),
+            ('bus_info', ctypes.c_char * 32),
+            ('version', ctypes.c_uint32),
+            ('capabilities', ctypes.c_uint32),
+            ('device_caps', ctypes.c_uint32),
+            ('reserved', ctypes.c_uint32 * 3)
+        ]
+    VIDIOC_QUERYCAP = 0x80685600
+    fd = libc.open(device, O_RDWR)
+    if fd < 0:
+        return False, ''
+    vcap = v4l2_capability()
+    if libc.ioctl(fd, VIDIOC_QUERYCAP, ctypes.byref(vcap)) != 0:
+        return False, ''
+    if vcap.driver != 'v4l2 loopback':
+        return False, ''
+    class v4l2_control(ctypes.Structure):
+        _fields_ = [
+            ('id', ctypes.c_uint32),
+            ('value', ctypes.c_int32)
+        ]
+    # These are private v4l2 control IDs, see:
+    # https://github.com/umlaeute/v4l2loopback/blob/fd822cf0faaccdf5f548cddd9a5a3dcebb6d584d/v4l2loopback.c#L131
+    KEEP_FORMAT = 0x8000000
+    SUSTAIN_FRAMERATE = 0x8000001
+    VIDIOC_S_CTRL = 0xc008561c
+    control = v4l2_control()
+    control.id = KEEP_FORMAT
+    control.value = 1
+    libc.ioctl(fd, VIDIOC_S_CTRL, ctypes.byref(control))
+    control.id = SUSTAIN_FRAMERATE
+    control.value = 1
+    libc.ioctl(fd, VIDIOC_S_CTRL, ctypes.byref(control))
+    libc.close(fd)
+    return True, vcap.card
+def findTestMediaDevices(log):
+    '''
+    Find the test media devices configured on this system, and return a dict
+    containing information about them. The dict will have keys for 'audio'
+    and 'video', each containing the name of the media device to use.
+    If audio and video devices could not be found, return None.
+    This method is only currently implemented for Linux.
+    '''
+    if not mozinfo.isLinux:
+        return None
+    info = {}
+    # Look for a v4l2loopback device.
+    name = None
+    device = None
+    for dev in sorted(glob.glob('/dev/video*')):
+        result, name_ = checkAndConfigureV4l2loopback(dev)
+        if result:
+            name = name_
+            device = dev
+            break
+    if not (name and device):
+        log.error('Couldn\'t find a v4l2loopback video device')
+        return None
+    # Feed it a frame of output so it has something to display
+    subprocess.check_call(['/usr/bin/gst-launch-0.10', 'videotestsrc',
+                           'pattern=green', 'num-buffers=1', '!',
+                           'v4l2sink', 'device=%s' % device])
+    info['video'] = name
+    # Use pactl to see if the PulseAudio module-sine-source module is loaded.
+    def sine_source_loaded():
+        o = subprocess.check_output(
+            ['/usr/bin/pactl', 'list', 'short', 'modules'])
+        return filter(lambda x: 'module-sine-source' in x, o.splitlines())
+    if not sine_source_loaded():
+        # Load module-sine-source
+        subprocess.check_call(['/usr/bin/pactl', 'load-module',
+                               'module-sine-source'])
+    if not sine_source_loaded():
+        log.error('Couldn\'t load module-sine-source')
+        return None
+    # Hardcode the name since it's always the same.
+    info['audio'] = 'Sine source at 440 Hz'
+    return info
+class KeyValueParseError(Exception):
+    """error when parsing strings of serialized key-values"""
+    def __init__(self, msg, errors=()):
+        self.errors = errors
+        Exception.__init__(self, msg)
+def parseKeyValue(strings, separator='=', context='key, value: '):
-    Base mochitest class for desktop.
+    parse string-serialized key-value pairs in the form of
+    `key = value`. Returns a list of 2-tuples.
+    Note that whitespace is not stripped.
+    # syntax check
+    missing = [string for string in strings if separator not in string]
+    if missing:
+        raise KeyValueParseError(
+            "Error: syntax error in %s" %
+            (context, ','.join(missing)), errors=missing)
+    return [string.split(separator, 1) for string in strings]
+class MochitestDesktop(object):
+    """
+    Mochitest class for desktop firefox.
+    """
     oldcwd = os.getcwd()
     mochijar = os.path.join(SCRIPT_DIR, 'mochijar')
     # Path to the test script on the server
     TEST_PATH = "tests"
     NESTED_OOP_TEST_PATH = "nested_oop"
     CHROME_PATH = "redirect.html"
     log = None
+    certdbNew = False
+    sslTunnel = None
+    mediaDevices = None
+    # XXX use automation.py for test name to avoid breaking legacy
+    # TODO: replace this with 'runtests.py' or 'mochitest' or the like
+    test_name = 'automation.py'
     def __init__(self, logger_options):
         self.server = None
         self.wsserver = None
         self.websocketProcessBridge = None
         self.sslTunnel = None
         self._active_tests = None
         self._locations = None
@@ -550,19 +789,37 @@ class MochitestBase(object):
             commandline.log_formatters["tbpl"] = (
                 "Mochitest specific tbpl formatter")
             self.log = commandline.setup_logging("mochitest",
                                                      "tbpl": sys.stdout
-            MochitestBase.log = self.log
+            MochitestDesktop.log = self.log
         self.message_logger = MessageLogger(logger=self.log)
+        # Max time in seconds to wait for server startup before tests will fail -- if
+        # this seems big, it's mostly for debug machines where cold startup
+        # (particularly after a build) takes forever.
+        self.SERVER_STARTUP_TIMEOUT = 180 if mozinfo.info.get('debug') else 90
+        # metro browser sub process id
+        self.browserProcessId = None
+        self.haveDumpedScreen = False
+        # Create variables to count the number of passes, fails, todos.
+        self.countpass = 0
+        self.countfail = 0
+        self.counttodo = 0
+        self.expectedError = {}
+        self.result = {}
+        self.start_script = os.path.join(here, 'start_desktop.js')
     def update_mozinfo(self):
         """walk up directories to find mozinfo.json update the info"""
         # TODO: This should go in a more generic place, e.g. mozinfo
         path = SCRIPT_DIR
         dirs = set()
         while path != os.path.expanduser('~'):
@@ -572,16 +829,25 @@ class MochitestBase(object):
             path = os.path.split(path)[0]
     def environment(self, **kwargs):
         kwargs['log'] = self.log
         return test_environment(**kwargs)
+    def extraPrefs(self, extraPrefs):
+        """interpolate extra preferences from option strings"""
+        try:
+            return dict(parseKeyValue(extraPrefs, context='--setpref='))
+        except KeyValueParseError as e:
+            print str(e)
+            sys.exit(1)
     def getFullPath(self, path):
         " Get an absolute path relative to self.oldcwd."
         return os.path.normpath(
     def getLogFilePath(self, logFile):
@@ -1280,292 +1546,16 @@ toolbar#nav-bar {
             with open(self.start_script, 'r') as fh:
                 script = fh.read()
             script = self.start_script
         with self.marionette.using_context('chrome'):
             return self.marionette.execute_script(script, script_args=self.start_script_args)
-class SSLTunnel:
-    def __init__(self, options, logger, ignoreSSLTunnelExts=False):
-        self.log = logger
-        self.process = None
-        self.utilityPath = options.utilityPath
-        self.xrePath = options.xrePath
-        self.certPath = options.certPath
-        self.sslPort = options.sslPort
-        self.httpPort = options.httpPort
-        self.webServer = options.webServer
-        self.webSocketPort = options.webSocketPort
-        self.useSSLTunnelExts = not ignoreSSLTunnelExts
-        self.customCertRE = re.compile("^cert=(?P<nickname>[0-9a-zA-Z_ ]+)")
-        self.clientAuthRE = re.compile("^clientauth=(?P<clientauth>[a-z]+)")
-        self.redirRE = re.compile("^redir=(?P<redirhost>[0-9a-zA-Z_ .]+)")
-    def writeLocation(self, config, loc):
-        for option in loc.options:
-            match = self.customCertRE.match(option)
-            if match:
-                customcert = match.group("nickname")
-                config.write("listen:%s:%s:%s:%s\n" %
-                             (loc.host, loc.port, self.sslPort, customcert))
-            match = self.clientAuthRE.match(option)
-            if match:
-                clientauth = match.group("clientauth")
-                config.write("clientauth:%s:%s:%s:%s\n" %
-                             (loc.host, loc.port, self.sslPort, clientauth))
-            match = self.redirRE.match(option)
-            if match:
-                redirhost = match.group("redirhost")
-                config.write("redirhost:%s:%s:%s:%s\n" %
-                             (loc.host, loc.port, self.sslPort, redirhost))
-            if self.useSSLTunnelExts and option in (
-                    'tls1',
-                    'ssl3',
-                    'rc4',
-                    'failHandshake'):
-                config.write(
-                    "%s:%s:%s:%s\n" %
-                    (option, loc.host, loc.port, self.sslPort))
-    def buildConfig(self, locations):
-        """Create the ssltunnel configuration file"""
-        configFd, self.configFile = tempfile.mkstemp(
-            prefix="ssltunnel", suffix=".cfg")
-        with os.fdopen(configFd, "w") as config:
-            config.write("httpproxy:1\n")
-            config.write("certdbdir:%s\n" % self.certPath)
-            config.write("forward:\n" % self.httpPort)
-            config.write(
-                "websocketserver:%s:%s\n" %
-                (self.webServer, self.webSocketPort))
-            config.write("listen:*:%s:pgo server certificate\n" % self.sslPort)
-            for loc in locations:
-                if loc.scheme == "https" and "nocert" not in loc.options:
-                    self.writeLocation(config, loc)
-    def start(self):
-        """ Starts the SSL Tunnel """
-        # start ssltunnel to provide https:// URLs capability
-        bin_suffix = mozinfo.info.get('bin_suffix', '')
-        ssltunnel = os.path.join(self.utilityPath, "ssltunnel" + bin_suffix)
-        if not os.path.exists(ssltunnel):
-            self.log.error(
-                "INFO | runtests.py | expected to find ssltunnel at %s" %
-                ssltunnel)
-            exit(1)
-        env = test_environment(xrePath=self.xrePath, log=self.log)
-        env["LD_LIBRARY_PATH"] = self.xrePath
-        self.process = mozprocess.ProcessHandler([ssltunnel, self.configFile],
-                                                 env=env)
-        self.process.run()
-        self.log.info("runtests.py | SSL tunnel pid: %d" % self.process.pid)
-    def stop(self):
-        """ Stops the SSL Tunnel and cleans up """
-        if self.process is not None:
-            self.process.kill()
-        if os.path.exists(self.configFile):
-            os.remove(self.configFile)
-def checkAndConfigureV4l2loopback(device):
-    '''
-    Determine if a given device path is a v4l2loopback device, and if so
-    toggle a few settings on it via fcntl. Very linux-specific.
-    Returns (status, device name) where status is a boolean.
-    '''
-    if not mozinfo.isLinux:
-        return False, ''
-    libc = ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary('libc.so.6')
-    O_RDWR = 2
-    # These are from linux/videodev2.h
-    class v4l2_capability(ctypes.Structure):
-        _fields_ = [
-            ('driver', ctypes.c_char * 16),
-            ('card', ctypes.c_char * 32),
-            ('bus_info', ctypes.c_char * 32),
-            ('version', ctypes.c_uint32),
-            ('capabilities', ctypes.c_uint32),
-            ('device_caps', ctypes.c_uint32),
-            ('reserved', ctypes.c_uint32 * 3)
-        ]
-    VIDIOC_QUERYCAP = 0x80685600
-    fd = libc.open(device, O_RDWR)
-    if fd < 0:
-        return False, ''
-    vcap = v4l2_capability()
-    if libc.ioctl(fd, VIDIOC_QUERYCAP, ctypes.byref(vcap)) != 0:
-        return False, ''
-    if vcap.driver != 'v4l2 loopback':
-        return False, ''
-    class v4l2_control(ctypes.Structure):
-        _fields_ = [
-            ('id', ctypes.c_uint32),
-            ('value', ctypes.c_int32)
-        ]
-    # These are private v4l2 control IDs, see:
-    # https://github.com/umlaeute/v4l2loopback/blob/fd822cf0faaccdf5f548cddd9a5a3dcebb6d584d/v4l2loopback.c#L131
-    KEEP_FORMAT = 0x8000000
-    SUSTAIN_FRAMERATE = 0x8000001
-    VIDIOC_S_CTRL = 0xc008561c
-    control = v4l2_control()
-    control.id = KEEP_FORMAT
-    control.value = 1
-    libc.ioctl(fd, VIDIOC_S_CTRL, ctypes.byref(control))
-    control.id = SUSTAIN_FRAMERATE
-    control.value = 1
-    libc.ioctl(fd, VIDIOC_S_CTRL, ctypes.byref(control))
-    libc.close(fd)
-    return True, vcap.card
-def findTestMediaDevices(log):
-    '''
-    Find the test media devices configured on this system, and return a dict
-    containing information about them. The dict will have keys for 'audio'
-    and 'video', each containing the name of the media device to use.
-    If audio and video devices could not be found, return None.
-    This method is only currently implemented for Linux.
-    '''
-    if not mozinfo.isLinux:
-        return None
-    info = {}
-    # Look for a v4l2loopback device.
-    name = None
-    device = None
-    for dev in sorted(glob.glob('/dev/video*')):
-        result, name_ = checkAndConfigureV4l2loopback(dev)
-        if result:
-            name = name_
-            device = dev
-            break
-    if not (name and device):
-        log.error('Couldn\'t find a v4l2loopback video device')
-        return None
-    # Feed it a frame of output so it has something to display
-    subprocess.check_call(['/usr/bin/gst-launch-0.10', 'videotestsrc',
-                           'pattern=green', 'num-buffers=1', '!',
-                           'v4l2sink', 'device=%s' % device])
-    info['video'] = name
-    # Use pactl to see if the PulseAudio module-sine-source module is loaded.
-    def sine_source_loaded():
-        o = subprocess.check_output(
-            ['/usr/bin/pactl', 'list', 'short', 'modules'])
-        return filter(lambda x: 'module-sine-source' in x, o.splitlines())
-    if not sine_source_loaded():
-        # Load module-sine-source
-        subprocess.check_call(['/usr/bin/pactl', 'load-module',
-                               'module-sine-source'])
-    if not sine_source_loaded():
-        log.error('Couldn\'t load module-sine-source')
-        return None
-    # Hardcode the name since it's always the same.
-    info['audio'] = 'Sine source at 440 Hz'
-    return info
-class KeyValueParseError(Exception):
-    """error when parsing strings of serialized key-values"""
-    def __init__(self, msg, errors=()):
-        self.errors = errors
-        Exception.__init__(self, msg)
-def parseKeyValue(strings, separator='=', context='key, value: '):
-    """
-    parse string-serialized key-value pairs in the form of
-    `key = value`. Returns a list of 2-tuples.
-    Note that whitespace is not stripped.
-    """
-    # syntax check
-    missing = [string for string in strings if separator not in string]
-    if missing:
-        raise KeyValueParseError(
-            "Error: syntax error in %s" %
-            (context, ','.join(missing)), errors=missing)
-    return [string.split(separator, 1) for string in strings]
-class MochitestDesktop(MochitestBase):
-    """
-    Mochitest class for desktop firefox.
-    """
-    certdbNew = False
-    sslTunnel = None
-    mediaDevices = None
-    # XXX use automation.py for test name to avoid breaking legacy
-    # TODO: replace this with 'runtests.py' or 'mochitest' or the like
-    test_name = 'automation.py'
-    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
-        MochitestBase.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
-        # Max time in seconds to wait for server startup before tests will fail -- if
-        # this seems big, it's mostly for debug machines where cold startup
-        # (particularly after a build) takes forever.
-        self.SERVER_STARTUP_TIMEOUT = 180 if mozinfo.info.get('debug') else 90
-        # metro browser sub process id
-        self.browserProcessId = None
-        self.haveDumpedScreen = False
-        # Create variables to count the number of passes, fails, todos.
-        self.countpass = 0
-        self.countfail = 0
-        self.counttodo = 0
-        self.expectedError = {}
-        self.result = {}
-        self.start_script = os.path.join(here, 'start_desktop.js')
-    def extraPrefs(self, extraPrefs):
-        """interpolate extra preferences from option strings"""
-        try:
-            return dict(parseKeyValue(extraPrefs, context='--setpref='))
-        except KeyValueParseError as e:
-            print str(e)
-            sys.exit(1)
     def fillCertificateDB(self, options):
         # TODO: move -> mozprofile:
         # https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=746243#c35
         pwfilePath = os.path.join(options.profilePath, ".crtdbpw")
         with open(pwfilePath, "w") as pwfile:
--- a/testing/mochitest/runtestsremote.py
+++ b/testing/mochitest/runtestsremote.py
@@ -17,17 +17,16 @@ from runtests import MochitestDesktop, M
 from mochitest_options import MochitestArgumentParser
 import mozdevice
 import mozinfo
 SCRIPT_DIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.realpath(os.path.dirname(__file__)))
-# TODO inherit from MochitestBase instead
 class MochiRemote(MochitestDesktop):
     _automation = None
     _dm = None
     localProfile = None
     logMessages = []
     def __init__(self, automation, devmgr, options):
         MochitestDesktop.__init__(self, options)