bug 1296641 - use virtualenv task; r?gps draft
authorJake Watkins <jwatkins@mozilla.com>
Thu, 15 Sep 2016 10:52:40 -0700
changeset 9582 0bdc610084334661059c59483ba21dac86ea10b3
parent 9581 0a4aad92598bd15466e097cbfc95c5d62b9833d4
child 9583 3ca339338744327e6adda5aac3bd5a8dc52dce26
push id1225
push userjwatkins@mozilla.com
push dateThu, 15 Sep 2016 18:36:15 +0000
bug 1296641 - use virtualenv task; r?gps This replaces the use of pip and the global package installation. It uses the existing virtualenv task to establish a virtualenv for autoland. openssl-devel is included for building the crypto pip requirement MozReview-Commit-ID: cVK2aVTsRq
deleted file mode 100755
--- a/ansible/roles/autoland/files/peep.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,970 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-"""peep ("prudently examine every package") verifies that packages conform to a
-trusted, locally stored hash and only then installs them::
-    peep install -r requirements.txt
-This makes your deployments verifiably repeatable without having to maintain a
-local PyPI mirror or use a vendor lib. Just update the version numbers and
-hashes in requirements.txt, and you're all set.
-# This is here so embedded copies of peep.py are MIT-compliant:
-# Copyright (c) 2013 Erik Rose
-# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
-# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to
-# deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the
-# rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or
-# sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
-# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
-# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
-# all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
-from __future__ import print_function
-    xrange = xrange
-except NameError:
-    xrange = range
-from base64 import urlsafe_b64encode, urlsafe_b64decode
-from binascii import hexlify
-import cgi
-from collections import defaultdict
-from functools import wraps
-from hashlib import sha256
-from itertools import chain, islice
-import mimetypes
-from optparse import OptionParser
-from os.path import join, basename, splitext, isdir
-from pickle import dumps, loads
-import re
-import sys
-from shutil import rmtree, copy
-from sys import argv, exit
-from tempfile import mkdtemp
-import traceback
-    from urllib2 import build_opener, HTTPHandler, HTTPSHandler, HTTPError
-except ImportError:
-    from urllib.request import build_opener, HTTPHandler, HTTPSHandler
-    from urllib.error import HTTPError
-    from urlparse import urlparse
-except ImportError:
-    from urllib.parse import urlparse  # 3.4
-# TODO: Probably use six to make urllib stuff work across 2/3.
-from pkg_resources import require, VersionConflict, DistributionNotFound
-# We don't admit our dependency on pip in setup.py, lest a naive user simply
-# say `pip install peep.tar.gz` and thus pull down an untrusted copy of pip
-# from PyPI. Instead, we make sure it's installed and new enough here and spit
-# out an error message if not:
-def activate(specifier):
-    """Make a compatible version of pip importable. Raise a RuntimeError if we
-    couldn't."""
-    try:
-        for distro in require(specifier):
-            distro.activate()
-    except (VersionConflict, DistributionNotFound):
-        raise RuntimeError('The installed version of pip is too old; peep '
-                           'requires ' + specifier)
-# Before 0.6.2, the log module wasn't there, so some
-# of our monkeypatching fails. It probably wouldn't be
-# much work to support even earlier, though.
-import pip
-from pip.commands.install import InstallCommand
-    from pip.download import url_to_path  # 1.5.6
-except ImportError:
-    try:
-        from pip.util import url_to_path  # 0.7.0
-    except ImportError:
-        from pip.util import url_to_filename as url_to_path  # 0.6.2
-from pip.exceptions import InstallationError
-from pip.index import PackageFinder, Link
-    from pip.log import logger
-except ImportError:
-    from pip import logger  # 6.0
-from pip.req import parse_requirements
-    from pip.utils.ui import DownloadProgressBar, DownloadProgressSpinner
-except ImportError:
-    class NullProgressBar(object):
-        def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
-            pass
-        def iter(self, ret, *args, **kwargs):
-            return ret
-    DownloadProgressBar = DownloadProgressSpinner = NullProgressBar
-__version__ = 3, 1, 1
-    from pip.index import FormatControl  # noqa
-    FORMAT_CONTROL_ARG = 'format_control'
-    # The line-numbering bug will be fixed in pip 8. All 7.x releases had it.
-    PIP_MAJOR_VERSION = int(pip.__version__.split('.')[0])
-except ImportError:
-    FORMAT_CONTROL_ARG = 'use_wheel'  # pre-7
-# "Traditional" for command-line errors according to optparse docs:
-ARCHIVE_EXTENSIONS = ('.tar.bz2', '.tar.gz', '.tgz', '.tar', '.zip')
-MARKER = object()
-class PipException(Exception):
-    """When I delegated to pip, it exited with an error."""
-    def __init__(self, error_code):
-        self.error_code = error_code
-class UnsupportedRequirementError(Exception):
-    """An unsupported line was encountered in a requirements file."""
-class DownloadError(Exception):
-    def __init__(self, link, exc):
-        self.link = link
-        self.reason = str(exc)
-    def __str__(self):
-        return 'Downloading %s failed: %s' % (self.link, self.reason)
-def encoded_hash(sha):
-    """Return a short, 7-bit-safe representation of a hash.
-    If you pass a sha256, this results in the hash algorithm that the Wheel
-    format (PEP 427) uses, except here it's intended to be run across the
-    downloaded archive before unpacking.
-    """
-    return urlsafe_b64encode(sha.digest()).decode('ascii').rstrip('=')
-def path_and_line(req):
-    """Return the path and line number of the file from which an
-    InstallRequirement came.
-    """
-    path, line = (re.match(r'-r (.*) \(line (\d+)\)$',
-                           req.comes_from).groups())
-    return path, int(line)
-def hashes_above(path, line_number):
-    """Yield hashes from contiguous comment lines before line ``line_number``.
-    """
-    def hash_lists(path):
-        """Yield lists of hashes appearing between non-comment lines.
-        The lists will be in order of appearance and, for each non-empty
-        list, their place in the results will coincide with that of the
-        line number of the corresponding result from `parse_requirements`
-        (which changed in pip 7.0 to not count comments).
-        """
-        hashes = []
-        with open(path) as file:
-            for lineno, line in enumerate(file, 1):
-                match = HASH_COMMENT_RE.match(line)
-                if match:  # Accumulate this hash.
-                    hashes.append(match.groupdict()['hash'])
-                if not IGNORED_LINE_RE.match(line):
-                    yield hashes  # Report hashes seen so far.
-                    hashes = []
-                elif PIP_COUNTS_COMMENTS:
-                    # Comment: count as normal req but have no hashes.
-                    yield []
-    return next(islice(hash_lists(path), line_number - 1, None))
-def run_pip(initial_args):
-    """Delegate to pip the given args (starting with the subcommand), and raise
-    ``PipException`` if something goes wrong."""
-    status_code = pip.main(initial_args)
-    # Clear out the registrations in the pip "logger" singleton. Otherwise,
-    # loggers keep getting appended to it with every run. Pip assumes only one
-    # command invocation will happen per interpreter lifetime.
-    logger.consumers = []
-    if status_code:
-        raise PipException(status_code)
-def hash_of_file(path):
-    """Return the hash of a downloaded file."""
-    with open(path, 'rb') as archive:
-        sha = sha256()
-        while True:
-            data = archive.read(2 ** 20)
-            if not data:
-                break
-            sha.update(data)
-    return encoded_hash(sha)
-def is_git_sha(text):
-    """Return whether this is probably a git sha"""
-    # Handle both the full sha as well as the 7-character abbreviation
-    if len(text) in (40, 7):
-        try:
-            int(text, 16)
-            return True
-        except ValueError:
-            pass
-    return False
-def filename_from_url(url):
-    parsed = urlparse(url)
-    path = parsed.path
-    return path.split('/')[-1]
-def requirement_args(argv, want_paths=False, want_other=False):
-    """Return an iterable of filtered arguments.
-    :arg argv: Arguments, starting after the subcommand
-    :arg want_paths: If True, the returned iterable includes the paths to any
-        requirements files following a ``-r`` or ``--requirement`` option.
-    :arg want_other: If True, the returned iterable includes the args that are
-        not a requirement-file path or a ``-r`` or ``--requirement`` flag.
-    """
-    was_r = False
-    for arg in argv:
-        # Allow for requirements files named "-r", don't freak out if there's a
-        # trailing "-r", etc.
-        if was_r:
-            if want_paths:
-                yield arg
-            was_r = False
-        elif arg in ['-r', '--requirement']:
-            was_r = True
-        else:
-            if want_other:
-                yield arg
-# any line that is a comment or just whitespace
-IGNORED_LINE_RE = re.compile(r'^(\s*#.*)?\s*$')
-HASH_COMMENT_RE = re.compile(
-    r"""
-    \s*\#\s+                   # Lines that start with a '#'
-    (?P<hash_type>sha256):\s+  # Hash type is hardcoded to be sha256 for now.
-    (?P<hash>[^\s]+)           # Hashes can be anything except '#' or spaces.
-    \s*                        # Suck up whitespace before the comment or
-                               #   just trailing whitespace if there is no
-                               #   comment. Also strip trailing newlines.
-    (?:\#(?P<comment>.*))?     # Comments can be anything after a whitespace+#
-                               #   and are optional.
-    $""", re.X)
-def peep_hash(argv):
-    """Return the peep hash of one or more files, returning a shell status code
-    or raising a PipException.
-    :arg argv: The commandline args, starting after the subcommand
-    """
-    parser = OptionParser(
-        usage='usage: %prog hash file [file ...]',
-        description='Print a peep hash line for one or more files: for '
-                    'example, "# sha256: '
-                    'oz42dZy6Gowxw8AelDtO4gRgTW_xPdooH484k7I5EOY".')
-    _, paths = parser.parse_args(args=argv)
-    if paths:
-        for path in paths:
-            print('# sha256:', hash_of_file(path))
-        return ITS_FINE_ITS_FINE
-    else:
-        parser.print_usage()
-        return COMMAND_LINE_ERROR
-class EmptyOptions(object):
-    """Fake optparse options for compatibility with pip<1.2
-    pip<1.2 had a bug in parse_requirements() in which the ``options`` kwarg
-    was required. We work around that by passing it a mock object.
-    """
-    default_vcs = None
-    skip_requirements_regex = None
-    isolated_mode = False
-def memoize(func):
-    """Memoize a method that should return the same result every time on a
-    given instance.
-    """
-    @wraps(func)
-    def memoizer(self):
-        if not hasattr(self, '_cache'):
-            self._cache = {}
-        if func.__name__ not in self._cache:
-            self._cache[func.__name__] = func(self)
-        return self._cache[func.__name__]
-    return memoizer
-def package_finder(argv):
-    """Return a PackageFinder respecting command-line options.
-    :arg argv: Everything after the subcommand
-    """
-    # We instantiate an InstallCommand and then use some of its private
-    # machinery--its arg parser--for our own purposes, like a virus. This
-    # approach is portable across many pip versions, where more fine-grained
-    # ones are not. Ignoring options that don't exist on the parser (for
-    # instance, --use-wheel) gives us a straightforward method of backward
-    # compatibility.
-    try:
-        command = InstallCommand()
-    except TypeError:
-        # This is likely pip 1.3.0's "__init__() takes exactly 2 arguments (1
-        # given)" error. In that version, InstallCommand takes a top=level
-        # parser passed in from outside.
-        from pip.baseparser import create_main_parser
-        command = InstallCommand(create_main_parser())
-    # The downside is that it essentially ruins the InstallCommand class for
-    # further use. Calling out to pip.main() within the same interpreter, for
-    # example, would result in arguments parsed this time turning up there.
-    # Thus, we deepcopy the arg parser so we don't trash its singletons. Of
-    # course, deepcopy doesn't work on these objects, because they contain
-    # uncopyable regex patterns, so we pickle and unpickle instead. Fun!
-    options, _ = loads(dumps(command.parser)).parse_args(argv)
-    # Carry over PackageFinder kwargs that have [about] the same names as
-    # options attr names:
-    possible_options = [
-        'find_links',
-        ('allow_all_prereleases', 'pre'),
-        'process_dependency_links'
-    ]
-    kwargs = {}
-    for option in possible_options:
-        kw, attr = option if isinstance(option, tuple) else (option, option)
-        value = getattr(options, attr, MARKER)
-        if value is not MARKER:
-            kwargs[kw] = value
-    # Figure out index_urls:
-    index_urls = [options.index_url] + options.extra_index_urls
-    if options.no_index:
-        index_urls = []
-    index_urls += getattr(options, 'mirrors', [])
-    # If pip is new enough to have a PipSession, initialize one, since
-    # PackageFinder requires it:
-    if hasattr(command, '_build_session'):
-        kwargs['session'] = command._build_session(options)
-    return PackageFinder(index_urls=index_urls, **kwargs)
-class DownloadedReq(object):
-    """A wrapper around InstallRequirement which offers additional information
-    based on downloading and examining a corresponding package archive
-    These are conceptually immutable, so we can get away with memoizing
-    expensive things.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, req, argv, finder):
-        """Download a requirement, compare its hashes, and return a subclass
-        of DownloadedReq depending on its state.
-        :arg req: The InstallRequirement I am based on
-        :arg argv: The args, starting after the subcommand
-        """
-        self._req = req
-        self._argv = argv
-        self._finder = finder
-        # We use a separate temp dir for each requirement so requirements
-        # (from different indices) that happen to have the same archive names
-        # don't overwrite each other, leading to a security hole in which the
-        # latter is a hash mismatch, the former has already passed the
-        # comparison, and the latter gets installed.
-        self._temp_path = mkdtemp(prefix='peep-')
-        # Think of DownloadedReq as a one-shot state machine. It's an abstract
-        # class that ratchets forward to being one of its own subclasses,
-        # depending on its package status. Then it doesn't move again.
-        self.__class__ = self._class()
-    def dispose(self):
-        """Delete temp files and dirs I've made. Render myself useless.
-        Do not call further methods on me after calling dispose().
-        """
-        rmtree(self._temp_path)
-    def _version(self):
-        """Deduce the version number of the downloaded package from its filename."""
-        # TODO: Can we delete this method and just print the line from the
-        # reqs file verbatim instead?
-        def version_of_archive(filename, package_name):
-            # Since we know the project_name, we can strip that off the left, strip
-            # any archive extensions off the right, and take the rest as the
-            # version.
-            for ext in ARCHIVE_EXTENSIONS:
-                if filename.endswith(ext):
-                    filename = filename[:-len(ext)]
-                    break
-            # Handle github sha tarball downloads.
-            if is_git_sha(filename):
-                filename = package_name + '-' + filename
-            if not filename.lower().replace('_', '-').startswith(package_name.lower()):
-                # TODO: Should we replace runs of [^a-zA-Z0-9.], not just _, with -?
-                give_up(filename, package_name)
-            return filename[len(package_name) + 1:]  # Strip off '-' before version.
-        def version_of_wheel(filename, package_name):
-            # For Wheel files (http://legacy.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0427/#file-
-            # name-convention) we know the format bits are '-' separated.
-            whl_package_name, version, _rest = filename.split('-', 2)
-            # Do the alteration to package_name from PEP 427:
-            our_package_name = re.sub(r'[^\w\d.]+', '_', package_name, re.UNICODE)
-            if whl_package_name != our_package_name:
-                give_up(filename, whl_package_name)
-            return version
-        def give_up(filename, package_name):
-            raise RuntimeError("The archive '%s' didn't start with the package name "
-                               "'%s', so I couldn't figure out the version number. "
-                               "My bad; improve me." %
-                               (filename, package_name))
-        get_version = (version_of_wheel
-                       if self._downloaded_filename().endswith('.whl')
-                       else version_of_archive)
-        return get_version(self._downloaded_filename(), self._project_name())
-    def _is_always_unsatisfied(self):
-        """Returns whether this requirement is always unsatisfied
-        This would happen in cases where we can't determine the version
-        from the filename.
-        """
-        # If this is a github sha tarball, then it is always unsatisfied
-        # because the url has a commit sha in it and not the version
-        # number.
-        url = self._url()
-        if url:
-            filename = filename_from_url(url)
-            if filename.endswith(ARCHIVE_EXTENSIONS):
-                filename, ext = splitext(filename)
-                if is_git_sha(filename):
-                    return True
-        return False
-    @memoize  # Avoid hitting the file[cache] over and over.
-    def _expected_hashes(self):
-        """Return a list of known-good hashes for this package."""
-        return hashes_above(*path_and_line(self._req))
-    def _download(self, link):
-        """Download a file, and return its name within my temp dir.
-        This does no verification of HTTPS certs, but our checking hashes
-        makes that largely unimportant. It would be nice to be able to use the
-        requests lib, which can verify certs, but it is guaranteed to be
-        available only in pip >= 1.5.
-        This also drops support for proxies and basic auth, though those could
-        be added back in.
-        """
-        # Based on pip 1.4.1's URLOpener but with cert verification removed
-        def opener(is_https):
-            if is_https:
-                opener = build_opener(HTTPSHandler())
-                # Strip out HTTPHandler to prevent MITM spoof:
-                for handler in opener.handlers:
-                    if isinstance(handler, HTTPHandler):
-                        opener.handlers.remove(handler)
-            else:
-                opener = build_opener()
-            return opener
-        # Descended from unpack_http_url() in pip 1.4.1
-        def best_filename(link, response):
-            """Return the most informative possible filename for a download,
-            ideally with a proper extension.
-            """
-            content_type = response.info().get('content-type', '')
-            filename = link.filename  # fallback
-            # Have a look at the Content-Disposition header for a better guess:
-            content_disposition = response.info().get('content-disposition')
-            if content_disposition:
-                type, params = cgi.parse_header(content_disposition)
-                # We use ``or`` here because we don't want to use an "empty" value
-                # from the filename param:
-                filename = params.get('filename') or filename
-            ext = splitext(filename)[1]
-            if not ext:
-                ext = mimetypes.guess_extension(content_type)
-                if ext:
-                    filename += ext
-            if not ext and link.url != response.geturl():
-                ext = splitext(response.geturl())[1]
-                if ext:
-                    filename += ext
-            return filename
-        # Descended from _download_url() in pip 1.4.1
-        def pipe_to_file(response, path, size=0):
-            """Pull the data off an HTTP response, shove it in a new file, and
-            show progress.
-            :arg response: A file-like object to read from
-            :arg path: The path of the new file
-            :arg size: The expected size, in bytes, of the download. 0 for
-                unknown or to suppress progress indication (as for cached
-                downloads)
-            """
-            def response_chunks(chunk_size):
-                while True:
-                    chunk = response.read(chunk_size)
-                    if not chunk:
-                        break
-                    yield chunk
-            print('Downloading %s%s...' % (
-                self._req.req,
-                (' (%sK)' % (size / 1000)) if size > 1000 else ''))
-            progress_indicator = (DownloadProgressBar(max=size).iter if size
-                                  else DownloadProgressSpinner().iter)
-            with open(path, 'wb') as file:
-                for chunk in progress_indicator(response_chunks(4096), 4096):
-                    file.write(chunk)
-        url = link.url.split('#', 1)[0]
-        try:
-            response = opener(urlparse(url).scheme != 'http').open(url)
-        except (HTTPError, IOError) as exc:
-            raise DownloadError(link, exc)
-        filename = best_filename(link, response)
-        try:
-            size = int(response.headers['content-length'])
-        except (ValueError, KeyError, TypeError):
-            size = 0
-        pipe_to_file(response, join(self._temp_path, filename), size=size)
-        return filename
-    # Based on req_set.prepare_files() in pip bb2a8428d4aebc8d313d05d590f386fa3f0bbd0f
-    @memoize  # Avoid re-downloading.
-    def _downloaded_filename(self):
-        """Download the package's archive if necessary, and return its
-        filename.
-        --no-deps is implied, as we have reimplemented the bits that would
-        ordinarily do dependency resolution.
-        """
-        # Peep doesn't support requirements that don't come down as a single
-        # file, because it can't hash them. Thus, it doesn't support editable
-        # requirements, because pip itself doesn't support editable
-        # requirements except for "local projects or a VCS url". Nor does it
-        # support VCS requirements yet, because we haven't yet come up with a
-        # portable, deterministic way to hash them. In summary, all we support
-        # is == requirements and tarballs/zips/etc.
-        # TODO: Stop on reqs that are editable or aren't ==.
-        # If the requirement isn't already specified as a URL, get a URL
-        # from an index:
-        link = self._link() or self._finder.find_requirement(self._req, upgrade=False)
-        if link:
-            lower_scheme = link.scheme.lower()  # pip lower()s it for some reason.
-            if lower_scheme == 'http' or lower_scheme == 'https':
-                file_path = self._download(link)
-                return basename(file_path)
-            elif lower_scheme == 'file':
-                # The following is inspired by pip's unpack_file_url():
-                link_path = url_to_path(link.url_without_fragment)
-                if isdir(link_path):
-                    raise UnsupportedRequirementError(
-                        "%s: %s is a directory. So that it can compute "
-                        "a hash, peep supports only filesystem paths which "
-                        "point to files" %
-                        (self._req, link.url_without_fragment))
-                else:
-                    copy(link_path, self._temp_path)
-                    return basename(link_path)
-            else:
-                raise UnsupportedRequirementError(
-                    "%s: The download link, %s, would not result in a file "
-                    "that can be hashed. Peep supports only == requirements, "
-                    "file:// URLs pointing to files (not folders), and "
-                    "http:// and https:// URLs pointing to tarballs, zips, "
-                    "etc." % (self._req, link.url))
-        else:
-            raise UnsupportedRequirementError(
-                "%s: couldn't determine where to download this requirement from."
-                % (self._req,))
-    def install(self):
-        """Install the package I represent, without dependencies.
-        Obey typical pip-install options passed in on the command line.
-        """
-        other_args = list(requirement_args(self._argv, want_other=True))
-        archive_path = join(self._temp_path, self._downloaded_filename())
-        # -U so it installs whether pip deems the requirement "satisfied" or
-        # not. This is necessary for GitHub-sourced zips, which change without
-        # their version numbers changing.
-        run_pip(['install'] + other_args + ['--no-deps', '-U', archive_path])
-    @memoize
-    def _actual_hash(self):
-        """Download the package's archive if necessary, and return its hash."""
-        return hash_of_file(join(self._temp_path, self._downloaded_filename()))
-    def _project_name(self):
-        """Return the inner Requirement's "unsafe name".
-        Raise ValueError if there is no name.
-        """
-        name = getattr(self._req.req, 'project_name', '')
-        if name:
-            return name
-        raise ValueError('Requirement has no project_name.')
-    def _name(self):
-        return self._req.name
-    def _link(self):
-        try:
-            return self._req.link
-        except AttributeError:
-            # The link attribute isn't available prior to pip 6.1.0, so fall
-            # back to the now deprecated 'url' attribute.
-            return Link(self._req.url) if self._req.url else None
-    def _url(self):
-        link = self._link()
-        return link.url if link else None
-    @memoize  # Avoid re-running expensive check_if_exists().
-    def _is_satisfied(self):
-        self._req.check_if_exists()
-        return (self._req.satisfied_by and
-                not self._is_always_unsatisfied())
-    def _class(self):
-        """Return the class I should be, spanning a continuum of goodness."""
-        try:
-            self._project_name()
-        except ValueError:
-            return MalformedReq
-        if self._is_satisfied():
-            return SatisfiedReq
-        if not self._expected_hashes():
-            return MissingReq
-        if self._actual_hash() not in self._expected_hashes():
-            return MismatchedReq
-        return InstallableReq
-    @classmethod
-    def foot(cls):
-        """Return the text to be printed once, after all of the errors from
-        classes of my type are printed.
-        """
-        return ''
-class MalformedReq(DownloadedReq):
-    """A requirement whose package name could not be determined"""
-    @classmethod
-    def head(cls):
-        return 'The following requirements could not be processed:\n'
-    def error(self):
-        return '* Unable to determine package name from URL %s; add #egg=' % self._url()
-class MissingReq(DownloadedReq):
-    """A requirement for which no hashes were specified in the requirements file"""
-    @classmethod
-    def head(cls):
-        return ('The following packages had no hashes specified in the requirements file, which\n'
-                'leaves them open to tampering. Vet these packages to your satisfaction, then\n'
-                'add these "sha256" lines like so:\n\n')
-    def error(self):
-        if self._url():
-            # _url() always contains an #egg= part, or this would be a
-            # MalformedRequest.
-            line = self._url()
-        else:
-            line = '%s==%s' % (self._name(), self._version())
-        return '# sha256: %s\n%s\n' % (self._actual_hash(), line)
-class MismatchedReq(DownloadedReq):
-    """A requirement for which the downloaded file didn't match any of my hashes."""
-    @classmethod
-    def head(cls):
-                "FILE. If you have updated the package versions, update the hashes. If not,\n"
-                "freak out, because someone has tampered with the packages.\n\n")
-    def error(self):
-        preamble = '    %s: expected' % self._project_name()
-        if len(self._expected_hashes()) > 1:
-            preamble += ' one of'
-        padding = '\n' + ' ' * (len(preamble) + 1)
-        return '%s %s\n%s got %s' % (preamble,
-                                     padding.join(self._expected_hashes()),
-                                     ' ' * (len(preamble) - 4),
-                                     self._actual_hash())
-    @classmethod
-    def foot(cls):
-        return '\n'
-class SatisfiedReq(DownloadedReq):
-    """A requirement which turned out to be already installed"""
-    @classmethod
-    def head(cls):
-        return ("These packages were already installed, so we didn't need to download or build\n"
-                "them again. If you installed them with peep in the first place, you should be\n"
-                "safe. If not, uninstall them, then re-attempt your install with peep.\n")
-    def error(self):
-        return '   %s' % (self._req,)
-class InstallableReq(DownloadedReq):
-    """A requirement whose hash matched and can be safely installed"""
-# DownloadedReq subclasses that indicate an error that should keep us from
-# going forward with installation, in the order in which their errors should
-# be reported:
-ERROR_CLASSES = [MismatchedReq, MissingReq, MalformedReq]
-def bucket(things, key):
-    """Return a map of key -> list of things."""
-    ret = defaultdict(list)
-    for thing in things:
-        ret[key(thing)].append(thing)
-    return ret
-def first_every_last(iterable, first, every, last):
-    """Execute something before the first item of iter, something else for each
-    item, and a third thing after the last.
-    If there are no items in the iterable, don't execute anything.
-    """
-    did_first = False
-    for item in iterable:
-        if not did_first:
-            did_first = True
-            first(item)
-        every(item)
-    if did_first:
-        last(item)
-def _parse_requirements(path, finder):
-    try:
-        # list() so the generator that is parse_requirements() actually runs
-        # far enough to report a TypeError
-        return list(parse_requirements(
-            path, options=EmptyOptions(), finder=finder))
-    except TypeError:
-        # session is a required kwarg as of pip 6.0 and will raise
-        # a TypeError if missing. It needs to be a PipSession instance,
-        # but in older versions we can't import it from pip.download
-        # (nor do we need it at all) so we only import it in this except block
-        from pip.download import PipSession
-        return list(parse_requirements(
-            path, options=EmptyOptions(), session=PipSession(), finder=finder))
-def downloaded_reqs_from_path(path, argv):
-    """Return a list of DownloadedReqs representing the requirements parsed
-    out of a given requirements file.
-    :arg path: The path to the requirements file
-    :arg argv: The commandline args, starting after the subcommand
-    """
-    finder = package_finder(argv)
-    return [DownloadedReq(req, argv, finder) for req in
-            _parse_requirements(path, finder)]
-def peep_install(argv):
-    """Perform the ``peep install`` subcommand, returning a shell status code
-    or raising a PipException.
-    :arg argv: The commandline args, starting after the subcommand
-    """
-    output = []
-    out = output.append
-    reqs = []
-    try:
-        req_paths = list(requirement_args(argv, want_paths=True))
-        if not req_paths:
-            out("You have to specify one or more requirements files with the -r option, because\n"
-                "otherwise there's nowhere for peep to look up the hashes.\n")
-            return COMMAND_LINE_ERROR
-        # We're a "peep install" command, and we have some requirement paths.
-        reqs = list(chain.from_iterable(
-            downloaded_reqs_from_path(path, argv)
-            for path in req_paths))
-        buckets = bucket(reqs, lambda r: r.__class__)
-        # Skip a line after pip's "Cleaning up..." so the important stuff
-        # stands out:
-        if any(buckets[b] for b in ERROR_CLASSES):
-            out('\n')
-        printers = (lambda r: out(r.head()),
-                    lambda r: out(r.error() + '\n'),
-                    lambda r: out(r.foot()))
-        for c in ERROR_CLASSES:
-            first_every_last(buckets[c], *printers)
-        if any(buckets[b] for b in ERROR_CLASSES):
-            out('-------------------------------\n'
-                'Not proceeding to installation.\n')
-            return SOMETHING_WENT_WRONG
-        else:
-            for req in buckets[InstallableReq]:
-                req.install()
-            first_every_last(buckets[SatisfiedReq], *printers)
-        return ITS_FINE_ITS_FINE
-    except (UnsupportedRequirementError, InstallationError, DownloadError) as exc:
-        out(str(exc))
-        return SOMETHING_WENT_WRONG
-    finally:
-        for req in reqs:
-            req.dispose()
-        print(''.join(output))
-def peep_port(paths):
-    """Convert a peep requirements file to one compatble with pip-8 hashing.
-    Loses comments and tromps on URLs, so the result will need a little manual
-    massaging, but the hard part--the hash conversion--is done for you.
-    """
-    if not paths:
-        print('Please specify one or more requirements files so I have '
-              'something to port.\n')
-        return COMMAND_LINE_ERROR
-    comes_from = None
-    for req in chain.from_iterable(
-            _parse_requirements(path, package_finder(argv)) for path in paths):
-        req_path, req_line = path_and_line(req)
-        hashes = [hexlify(urlsafe_b64decode((hash + '=').encode('ascii'))).decode('ascii')
-                  for hash in hashes_above(req_path, req_line)]
-        if req_path != comes_from:
-            print()
-            print('# from %s' % req_path)
-            print()
-            comes_from = req_path
-        if not hashes:
-            print(req.req)
-        else:
-            print('%s' % (req.link if getattr(req, 'link', None) else req.req), end='')
-            for hash in hashes:
-                print(' \\')
-                print('    --hash=sha256:%s' % hash, end='')
-            print()
-def main():
-    """Be the top-level entrypoint. Return a shell status code."""
-    commands = {'hash': peep_hash,
-                'install': peep_install,
-                'port': peep_port}
-    try:
-        if len(argv) >= 2 and argv[1] in commands:
-            return commands[argv[1]](argv[2:])
-        else:
-            # Fall through to top-level pip main() for everything else:
-            return pip.main()
-    except PipException as exc:
-        return exc.error_code
-def exception_handler(exc_type, exc_value, exc_tb):
-    print('Oh no! Peep had a problem while trying to do stuff. Please write up a bug report')
-    print('with the specifics so we can fix it:')
-    print()
-    print('https://github.com/erikrose/peep/issues/new')
-    print()
-    print('Here are some particulars you can copy and paste into the bug report:')
-    print()
-    print('---')
-    print('peep:', repr(__version__))
-    print('python:', repr(sys.version))
-    print('pip:', repr(getattr(pip, '__version__', 'no __version__ attr')))
-    print('Command line: ', repr(sys.argv))
-    print(
-        ''.join(traceback.format_exception(exc_type, exc_value, exc_tb)))
-    print('---')
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    try:
-        exit(main())
-    except Exception:
-        exception_handler(*sys.exc_info())
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansible/roles/autoland/files/requirements.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+bugsy==0.6.0 \
+    --hash=sha256:6110163bcdd701c2c2dec66488bb078c998e9020e46253478345f40cb11237ec
+flask==0.10.1 \
+    --hash=sha256:4c83829ff83d408b5e1d4995472265411d2c414112298f2eb4b359d9e4563373
+github3.py==1.0.0a1 \
+    --hash=sha256:ba06337e59f47bbac4d39db8e84604f62b9ef04b80be07d621e1bf56f95554bb
+mercurial==3.6.2 \
+    --hash=sha256:09c567049c3e30f791db0cf5937346c7ff3568deadf4eb1d4e2f7c80001cb3d6
+mozillapulse==1.2.2 \
+    --hash=sha256:750ce5a2b4bd225bd00b339e1ac533c16b187c0804695bb3d878c699ee2b3228
+psycopg2==2.6.1 \
+    --hash=sha256:6acf9abbbe757ef75dc2ecd9d91ba749547941abaffbe69ff2086a9e37d4904c
+python-hglib==1.9 \
+    --hash=sha256:f4302892b2b8287cf326586c7280b9eadfc3d0c7cd3feba957429a8d9b1a60ce
+requests==2.8.1 \
+    --hash=sha256:89f1b1f25dcd7b68f514e8d341a5b2eb466f960ae756822eaab480a3c1a81c28
+itsdangerous==0.24 \
+    --hash=sha256:cbb3fcf8d3e33df861709ecaf89d9e6629cff0a217bc2848f1b41cd30d360519
+Jinja2==2.8 \
+    --hash=sha256:1cc03ef32b64be19e0a5b54578dd790906a34943fe9102cfdae0d4495bd536b4
+Werkzeug==0.11.10 \
+    --hash=sha256:f22b9762589decfde50149c7ee080713cbf6129b49ce2b398f59b709b161a8d3
+MarkupSafe==0.23 \
+    --hash=sha256:a4ec1aff59b95a14b45eb2e23761a0179e98319da5a7eb76b56ea8cdc7b871c3
+cffi==1.8.2 \
+    --hash=sha256:6280241714bb5cbe23119f0a87abd249566e31638fee994b7419fb08f47dc418
+cryptography==1.5 \
+    --hash=sha256:52f47ec9a57676043f88e3ca133638790b6b71e56e8890d9d7f3ae4fcd75fa24
+enum34==1.1.6 \
+    --hash=sha256:6bd0f6ad48ec2aa117d3d141940d484deccda84d4fcd884f5c3d93c23ecd8c79
+idna==2.1 \
+    --hash=sha256:f28df695e9bede8a19b18a8e4429b4bad4d664e8e98aff27bc39b630f1ae2b42
+ipaddress==1.0.16 \
+    --hash=sha256:935712800ce4760701d89ad677666cd52691fd2f6f0b340c8b4239a3c17988a5
+pyasn1==0.1.9 \
+    --hash=sha256:28fee44217991cfad9e6a0b9f7e3f26041e21ebc96629e94e585ccd05d49fa65
+pycparser==2.14 \
+    --hash=sha256:7959b4a74abdc27b312fed1c21e6caf9309ce0b29ea86b591fd2e99ecdf27f73
+pyOpenSSL==16.1.0 \
+    --hash=sha256:13a0d85cb44b2b20117b1ff51b3bce4947972f2f5e5e705a2f9d616457f127ca
+setuptools==26.1.1 \
+    --hash=sha256:226c9ce65e76c6069e805982b036f36dc4b227b37dd87fc219aef721ec8604ae
+six==1.10.0 \
+    --hash=sha256:0ff78c403d9bccf5a425a6d31a12aa6b47f1c21ca4dc2573a7e2f32a97335eb1
+uritemplate==3.0.0 \
+    --hash=sha256:1b9c467a940ce9fb9f50df819e8ddd14696f89b9a8cc87ac77952ba416e0a8fd
+uritemplate.py==3.0.2 \
+    --hash=sha256:a0c459569e80678c473175666e0d1b3af5bc9a13f84463ec74f808f3dd12ca47
+amqp==1.4.9 \
+    --hash=sha256:e0ed0ce6b8ffe5690a2e856c7908dc557e0e605283d6885dd1361d79f2928908
+anyjson==0.3.3 \
+    --hash=sha256:37812d863c9ad3e35c0734c42e0bf0320ce8c3bed82cd20ad54cb34d158157ba
+kombu==3.0.35 \
+    --hash=sha256:2c59a5e087d5895675cdb4d6a38a0aa147f0411366e68330a76e480ba3b25727
+pytz==2016.6.1 \
+    --hash=sha256:7833bf559800232d3965b70e69642ebdadc76f7988f8d0a1440e072193ecd949
+ndg_httpsclient==0.4.2 \
+    --hash=sha256:580987ef194334c50389e0d7de885fccf15605c13c6eecaabd8d6c43768eb8ac
--- a/ansible/roles/autoland/tasks/main.yml
+++ b/ansible/roles/autoland/tasks/main.yml
@@ -5,41 +5,36 @@
 - name: create autoland user
   become: true
   user: name=autoland
-- name: copy peep.py
-  copy: src=files/peep.py
-        dest=/home/autoland/peep
-        owner=autoland
-        group=autoland
-        mode=0755
+- name: create virtualenv for autoland
+  include: ../../../tasks/virtualenv.yml
+           venv=/home/autoland/autoland_venv
+           requirements=../files/requirements.txt
 - name: set up version-control-tools repo
   become: true
   become_user: autoland
   hg: repo={{ vct_repo }}
       revision={{ rev }}
 # Ansible hg module fails to delete ignored files so we do that here
 - name: delete ignored files from version-control-tools repo
   become: true
   become_user: autoland
   command: hg --config extensions.purge= -R /home/autoland/version-control-tools purge --all
-- name: install autoland dependencies with peep
-  command: /home/autoland/peep install -r /home/autoland/version-control-tools/autoland/requirements.txt
 - name: install autoland site hgrc
   copy: src=/home/autoland/version-control-tools/autoland/hg/autoland_hgrc
--- a/ansible/roles/autoland/tasks/packages.yml
+++ b/ansible/roles/autoland/tasks/packages.yml
@@ -7,8 +7,9 @@
     - openssh-clients
     - postgresql
     - python-devel
     - python-pip
     - libffi
     - libffi-devel
     - libpqxx-devel
     - ca-certificates
+    - openssl-devel