MozReview: Add files in anticipation of 'Fix It' label change (Bug 1278386). r?glob draft
authorDavid Walsh <>
Mon, 12 Sep 2016 11:29:32 -0500
changeset 110 6862cdc7d4bb4eb80ff90a0f62383e95a9656d66
parent 107 03ba35c0fa1735de58c2a40a800583ca6f755dda
child 111 9fa503006dd1e79a1bc03d851a9910d64d5bc50e
push idunknown
push userunknown
push dateunknown
MozReview: Add files in anticipation of 'Fix It' label change (Bug 1278386). r?glob MozReview-Commit-ID: C9YwT4VEx5A
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/reviewboard/reviewboard/templates/reviews/boxes/review_mozreview.html
@@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
+{% load djblets_deco djblets_extensions djblets_utils gravatars i18n %}
+{% load rb_extensions reviewtags tz %}
+<a name="review{{}}"></a>
+<div id="review{{}}" class="review" data-review-id="{{}}" data-ship-it="{{|yesno:'true,false'}}">
+{% if forloop.last %}
+ <a name="last-review"></a>
+{% endif %}
+ <div class="box-statuses">
+  <div class="box-status{% if %} ship-it{% endif %}{% if entry.issue_open_count > 0 %} has-issues{% endif %}">
+   <div class="gravatar-container">
+{% if siteconfig_settings.integration_gravatars %}
+    {% gravatar 48 %}
+{% endif %}
+   </div>
+   <div class="labels-container">
+{%  if %}
+    <label class="ship-it-label">{% trans "Ship it!" %}</label>
+{%  endif %}
+{%  if entry.has_issues %}
+    <label class="fix-it-label"{% if entry.issue_open_count == 0 %} style="display: none;"{% endif %}>{% trans "Fix it!" %}</label>
+{%  endif %}
+   </div>
+  </div>
+ </div>
+{% box entry.class %}
+ <div class="box-main">
+  <div class="header">
+{%  template_hook_point "review-summary-header-pre" %}
+   <div class="collapse-button btn"><div class="rb-icon {% if entry.collapsed %}rb-icon-expand-review{% else %}rb-icon-collapse-review{% endif %}"></div></div>
+   <div class="header-details">
+    <div class="reviewer"><a href="{% url 'user' %}" class="user">{{|user_displayname}}</a></div>
+    <div class="posted_time">{% localtime on %}{% blocktrans with as timestamp and|date:"c" as timestamp_raw %}<time class="timesince" datetime="{{timestamp_raw}}">{{timestamp}}</time>{% endblocktrans %}{% endlocaltime %}</div>
+   </div>
+{%  template_hook_point "review-summary-header-post" %}
+  </div>
+  <div class="banners"></div>
+  <div class="body">
+   <pre class="body_top reviewtext {% rich_text_classname %}">{{|}}</pre>
+   <div class="body-top-comment-section">
+{%  reply_section entry "" "body_top" "rcbt" %}
+   </div>
+{%  if entry.comments.diff_comments or entry.comments.screenshot_comments or entry.comments.file_attachment_comments %}
+   <dl class="review-comments">
+{%   for comment in entry.comments.screenshot_comments %}
+    <dt>
+     <a class="comment-anchor" name="{{comment.anchor_prefix}}{{}}"></a>
+     <div class="screenshot">
+      <span class="filename">
+       <a href="{{comment.screenshot.get_absolute_url}}">{% spaceless %}
+{% if draft and comment.screenshot.draft_caption %}
+{% else %}
+{% endif %}
+{% endspaceless %}</a>
+      </span>
+      {{comment.image|safe}}
+     </div>
+    </dt>
+    <dd>
+{%    comment_detail_display_hook comment "review" %}
+{%    if comment.issue_opened %}
+     <div class="issue-indicator">
+       {% comment_issue review_request_details comment "screenshot_comments" %}
+     </div>
+{%    endif %}
+     <pre class="reviewtext comment-text {% rich_text_classname comment.rich_text %}" id="{{comment.anchor_prefix}}{{}}">{{comment.text|render_markdown:comment.rich_text}}</pre>
+{%    reply_section entry comment "screenshot_comments" "rc" comment.text %}
+    </dd>
+{%   endfor %}
+{%   for comment in entry.comments.file_attachment_comments %}
+    <dt>
+     <a class="comment-anchor" name="{{comment.anchor_prefix}}{{}}"></a>
+     <div class="file-attachment">
+      <div class="file-attachment-comment-header">
+       <a href="{{comment.get_absolute_url}}">
+        <span class="filename">{{comment.get_link_text}}</span>
+       </a>
+{%    if comment.file_attachment.attachment_revision %}
+        <span class="diffrevision">
+{%     if comment.diff_against_file_attachment %}
+{%      blocktrans with revision1=comment.diff_against_file_attachment.attachment_revision revision2=comment.file_attachment.attachment_revision %}
+         (Revisions {{revision1}} - {{revision2}})
+{%      endblocktrans %}
+{%     else %}
+{%      blocktrans with revision=comment.file_attachment.attachment_revision %}
+          (Revision {{revision}})
+{%      endblocktrans %}
+{%     endif %}
+        </span>
+{%    endif %}
+      </div>
+{%    with comment.thumbnail as thumbnail %}
+{%     if thumbnail %}
+      <div class="thumbnail">{{thumbnail|default:''|safe}}</div>
+{%     endif %}
+{%    endwith %}
+     </div>
+    </dt>
+    <dd>
+{%    comment_detail_display_hook comment "review" %}
+{%    if comment.issue_opened %}
+     <div class="issue-indicator">
+{%     comment_issue review_request_details comment "file_attachment_comments" %}
+     </div>
+{%    endif %}
+     <pre class="reviewtext comment-text {% rich_text_classname comment.rich_text %}" id="{{comment.anchor_prefix}}{{}}">{{comment.text|render_markdown:comment.rich_text}}</pre>
+{%    reply_section entry comment "file_attachment_comments" "rc" comment.text %}
+    </dd>
+{%   endfor %}
+{%   for comment in entry.comments.diff_comments %}
+    <dt>
+     <a class="comment-anchor" name="{{comment.anchor_prefix}}{{}}"></a>
+     <div id="comment_container_{{}}" class="comment_container">
+      <table class="sidebyside loading">
+       <thead>
+        <tr class="filename-row">
+         <th class="filename">
+          <a name="{{comment.get_absolute_url}}">{{comment.filediff.dest_file_display}}</a>
+          <span class="diffrevision">
+{%    if comment.interfilediff %}
+           (Diff revisions {{comment.filediff.diffset.revision}} - {{comment.interfilediff.diffset.revision}})
+{%    else %}
+           (Diff revision {{comment.filediff.diffset.revision}})
+{%    endif %}
+          </span>
+         </th>
+        </tr>
+       </thead>
+       <tbody>
+        <tr><td><pre>&nbsp;</pre></td></tr>{# header entry #}
+{%    for i in comment.num_lines|default_if_none:1|range %}
+        <tr><td><pre>&nbsp;</pre></td></tr>
+{%    endfor %}
+       </tbody>
+      </table>
+     </div>
+    </dt>
+    <dd>
+{%    comment_detail_display_hook comment "review" %}
+{%    if comment.issue_opened %}
+     <div class="issue-indicator">
+{%     comment_issue review_request_details comment "diff_comments" %}
+     </div>
+{%    endif %}
+     <pre class="reviewtext comment-text {% rich_text_classname comment.rich_text %}" id="{{comment.anchor_prefix}}{{}}">{{comment.text|render_markdown:comment.rich_text}}</pre>
+{%    reply_section entry comment "diff_comments" "rc" comment.text %}
+    </dd>
+{%   endfor %}
+   </dl>
+{%  endif %}
+{%  if %}
+   <pre class="body_bottom reviewtext {% rich_text_classname %}">{{|}}</pre>
+   <div class="body-top-comment-section">
+{%   reply_section entry "" "body_bottom" "rcbb" %}
+   </div>
+{%  endif %}
+  </div>
+ </div>
+{% endbox %}
--- a/reviewboard/reviewboard/templates/reviews/review_detail.html
+++ b/reviewboard/reviewboard/templates/reviews/review_detail.html
@@ -74,17 +74,17 @@
     <span>{% trans "Collapse All" %}</span>
 {%  endif %}
 {%  for entry in entries %}
 {%   if %}
-{%    include "reviews/boxes/review.html" %}
+{%    include "reviews/boxes/review_mozreview.html" %}
 {%   elif entry.changedesc %}
 {%    include "reviews/boxes/change.html" %}
 {%   endif %}
 {%  endfor %}
 {% endblock content %}
 {% block scripts-post %}