Bug 1289718 - Enforce absolute paths for file access.
MozReview-Commit-ID: DCQ9DGBBjm4
--- a/security/sandbox/linux/broker/SandboxBroker.cpp
+++ b/security/sandbox/linux/broker/SandboxBroker.cpp
@@ -345,16 +345,33 @@ static int
DoStat(const char* aPath, struct stat* aStat, int aFlags)
if (aFlags & O_NOFOLLOW) {
return lstat(aPath, aStat);
return stat(aPath, aStat);
+SandboxBroker::ConvertToRealPath(char* aPath, size_t aBufSize, size_t aPathLen)
+ if (strstr(aPath, "..") != NULL) {
+ char* result = realpath(aPath, NULL);
+ if (result != NULL) {
+ strncpy(aPath, result, aBufSize);
+ aPath[aBufSize - 1] = '\0';
+ free(result);
+ // Size changed, but guaranteed to be 0 terminated
+ aPathLen = strlen(aPath);
+ }
+ // ValidatePath will handle failure to translate
+ }
+ return aPathLen;
char threadName[16];
snprintf(threadName, sizeof(threadName), "FS Broker %d", mChildPid);
// Permissive mode can only be enabled through an environment variable,
@@ -429,20 +446,18 @@ SandboxBroker::ThreadMain(void)
int openedFd = -1;
// Look up the pathname.
pathLen = recvd - sizeof(req);
// It shouldn't be possible for recvmsg to violate this assertion,
// but one more predictable branch shouldn't have much perf impact:
MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(pathLen <= kMaxPathLen);
pathBuf[pathLen] = '\0';
- int perms = 0;
- if (!memchr(pathBuf, '\0', pathLen)) {
- perms = mPolicy->Lookup(nsDependentCString(pathBuf, pathLen));
- }
+ pathLen = ConvertToRealPath(pathBuf, sizeof(pathBuf), pathLen);
+ int perms = mPolicy->Lookup(nsDependentCString(pathBuf, pathLen));
// And now perform the operation if allowed.
if (perms & CRASH_INSTEAD) {
// This is somewhat nonmodular, but it works.
resp.mError = ENOSYS;
} else if (permissive || perms & MAY_ACCESS) {
// If the operation was only allowed because of permissive mode, log it.
if (permissive && !(perms & MAY_ACCESS)) {
--- a/security/sandbox/linux/broker/SandboxBroker.h
+++ b/security/sandbox/linux/broker/SandboxBroker.h
@@ -113,16 +113,18 @@ class SandboxBroker final
int mFileDesc;
const int mChildPid;
const UniquePtr<const Policy> mPolicy;
SandboxBroker(UniquePtr<const Policy> aPolicy, int aChildPid,
int& aClientFd);
void ThreadMain(void) override;
void AuditDenial(int aOp, int aFlags, int aPerms, const char* aPath);
+ // Remap relative paths to absolute paths.
+ size_t ConvertToRealPath(char* aPath, size_t aBufSize, size_t aPathLen);
// Holding a UniquePtr should disallow copying, but to make that explicit:
SandboxBroker(const SandboxBroker&) = delete;
void operator=(const SandboxBroker&) = delete;
} // namespace mozilla