Bug 1289514 - Remove bin/hgpoller.py; r=catlee
authorGregory Szorc <gps@mozilla.com>
Tue, 26 Jul 2016 10:57:01 -0700
changeset 4874 97fe1b0d7fcbbc4c941996e788aa2920c543c22d
parent 4873 e939e50055c5636e7c98ca00f092551792937122
child 4875 f543c1e5f30a59c1a3e41b454780f33b25194a69
push id3643
push userbmo:gps@mozilla.com
push dateTue, 26 Jul 2016 22:50:34 +0000
bugs1289514, 592060
Bug 1289514 - Remove bin/hgpoller.py; r=catlee This was introduced in bug 592060 for shadow-central. It doesn't appear to be used. So nuke it. MozReview-Commit-ID: 5W6d2AG9YKN
deleted file mode 100755
--- a/bin/hgpoller.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,197 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-import urlparse
-import urllib
-import time
-    import json
-    import simplejson as json
-import httplib
-import urllib2
-import socket
-import ssl
-import subprocess
-from buildbotcustom.changes.hgpoller import _parse_changes
-import logging as log
-def buildValidatingOpener(ca_certs):
-    class VerifiedHTTPSConnection(httplib.HTTPSConnection):
-        def connect(self):
-            # overrides the version in httplib so that we do
-            #    certificate verification
-            sock = socket.create_connection((self.host, self.port),
-                                            self.timeout)
-            if self._tunnel_host:
-                self.sock = sock
-                self._tunnel()
-            # wrap the socket using verification with the root
-            #    certs in trusted_root_certs
-            self.sock = ssl.wrap_socket(sock,
-                                        self.key_file,
-                                        self.cert_file,
-                                        cert_reqs=ssl.CERT_REQUIRED,
-                                        ca_certs=ca_certs,
-                                        )
-    # wraps https connections with ssl certificate verification
-    class VerifiedHTTPSHandler(urllib2.HTTPSHandler):
-        def __init__(self, connection_class=VerifiedHTTPSConnection):
-            self.specialized_conn_class = connection_class
-            urllib2.HTTPSHandler.__init__(self)
-        def https_open(self, req):
-            return self.do_open(self.specialized_conn_class, req)
-    https_handler = VerifiedHTTPSHandler()
-    url_opener = urllib2.build_opener(https_handler)
-    return url_opener
-def validating_https_open(url, ca_certs, username=None, password=None):
-    url_opener = buildValidatingOpener(ca_certs)
-    req = urllib2.Request(url)
-    if username and password:
-        # Basic HTTP auth
-        # The username/password aren't sent if the cert validation fails
-        pw = ("%s:%s" % (username, password)).encode("base64").strip()
-        req.add_header("Authorization", "Basic %s" % pw)
-    return url_opener.open(req)
-def getChanges(base_url, last_changeset=None, tips_only=False, ca_certs=None,
-               username=None, password=None):
-    bits = urlparse.urlparse(base_url)
-    if bits.scheme == 'https':
-        assert ca_certs, "you must specify ca_certs"
-    params = [('full', '1')]
-    if last_changeset:
-        params.append(('fromchange', last_changeset))
-    if tips_only:
-        params.append(('tipsonly', '1'))
-    url = "%s/json-pushes?%s" % (base_url, urllib.urlencode(params))
-    log.debug("Fetching %s", url)
-    if bits.scheme == 'https':
-        handle = validating_https_open(url, ca_certs, username, password)
-    else:
-        handle = urllib2.urlopen(url)
-    data = handle.read()
-    return _parse_changes(data)
-def sendchange(master, branch, change):
-    log.info("Sendchange %s to %s on branch %s", change['changeset'],
-             master, branch)
-    cmd = ['retry.py', '-r', '5', '-s', '5', '-t', '30',
-           '--stdout-regexp', 'change sent successfully']
-    cmd.extend(
-        ['buildbot', 'sendchange',
-            '--master', master,
-            '--branch', branch,
-            '--comments', change['comments'].encode('ascii', 'replace'),
-            '--revision', change['changeset'],
-            '--user', change['author'].encode('ascii', 'replace'),
-            '--when', str(change['updated']),
-         ])
-    cmd.extend(change['files'])
-    subprocess.check_call(cmd)
-def processBranch(branch, state, config):
-    log.debug("Processing %s", branch)
-    master = config.get('main', 'master')
-    if branch not in state:
-        state[branch] = {'last_run': 0, 'last_changeset': None}
-    branch_state = state[branch]
-    interval = config.getint(branch, 'interval')
-    if time.time() < (branch_state['last_run'] + interval):
-        log.debug("Skipping %s, too soon since last run", branch)
-        return
-    branch_state['last_run'] = time.time()
-    url = config.get(branch, 'url')
-    ca_certs = config.get(branch, 'ca_certs')
-    tips_only = config.getboolean(branch, 'tips_only')
-    username = config.get(branch, 'username')
-    password = config.get(branch, 'password')
-    last_changeset = branch_state['last_changeset']
-    try:
-        changes = getChanges(url, tips_only=tips_only,
-                             last_changeset=last_changeset, ca_certs=ca_certs,
-                             username=username, password=password)
-        # Do sendchanges!
-        for c in changes:
-            # Ignore off-default branches
-            if c['branch'] != 'default' and config.getboolean(branch, 'default_branch_only'):
-                log.info(
-                    "Skipping %s on branch %s", c['changeset'], c['branch'])
-                continue
-            # Change the comments to include the url to the revision
-            c['comments'] += ' %s/rev/%s' % (url, c['changeset'])
-            sendchange(master, branch, c)
-    except urllib2.HTTPError, e:
-        msg = e.fp.read()
-        if e.code == 500 and 'unknown revision' in msg:
-            log.info("%s Repo was reset, resetting last_changeset", branch)
-            branch_state['last_changeset'] = None
-            return
-        else:
-            raise
-    if not changes:
-        # Empty repo, or no new changes; nothing to do
-        return
-    last_change = changes[-1]
-    branch_state['last_changeset'] = last_change['changeset']
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    from ConfigParser import RawConfigParser
-    from optparse import OptionParser
-    parser = OptionParser()
-    parser.set_defaults(
-        config_file="hgpoller.ini",
-        verbosity=log.INFO,
-    )
-    parser.add_option("-f", "--config-file", dest="config_file")
-    parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", dest="verbosity",
-                      action="store_const", const=log.DEBUG)
-    options, args = parser.parse_args()
-    log.basicConfig(format="%(message)s", level=options.verbosity)
-    config = RawConfigParser({
-        'tips_only': 'no',
-        'username': None,
-        'password': None,
-        'ca_certs': None,
-        'interval': 300,
-        'state_file': 'state.json',
-        'default_branch_only': "yes",
-    })
-    config.read(options.config_file)
-    try:
-        state = json.load(open(config.get('main', 'state_file')))
-    except (IOError, ValueError):
-        state = {}
-    branches = [s for s in config.sections() if s != 'main']
-    for branch in branches:
-        processBranch(branch, state, config)
-    # Save state
-    json.dump(state, open(config.get('main', 'state_file'), 'w'))