Bug 1254367 - Remove old microformats parser (replaced with microformat-shiv). r?mixedpuppy draft
authorMichael Kaply <mozilla@kaply.com>
Tue, 12 Jul 2016 15:38:26 -0500
changeset 389563 e6ed37ec558d27fc7562275c3eaf117505e985ea
parent 389562 4720fe92629a2d2a7c4811e6c4a47eb20b035e59
child 525793 d61b59169ad12a4ab5977ecc204e00641ea1b666
push id23450
push usermozilla@kaply.com
push dateTue, 19 Jul 2016 16:49:26 +0000
Bug 1254367 - Remove old microformats parser (replaced with microformat-shiv). r?mixedpuppy MozReview-Commit-ID: AINdIlsN3zX
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/toolkit/components/microformats/Microformats.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1859 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
-this.EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["Microformats", "adr", "tag", "hCard", "hCalendar", "geo"];
-this.Microformats = {
-  /* When a microformat is added, the name is placed in this list */
-  list: [],
-  /* Custom iterator so that microformats can be enumerated as */
-  /* for (i in Microformats) */
-  __iterator__: function* () {
-    for (let i=0; i < this.list.length; i++) {
-      yield this.list[i];
-    }
-  },
-  /**
-   * Retrieves microformats objects of the given type from a document
-   *
-   * @param  name          The name of the microformat (required)
-   * @param  rootElement   The DOM element at which to start searching (required)
-   * @param  options       Literal object with the following options:
-   *                       recurseExternalFrames - Whether or not to search child frames
-   *                       that reference external pages (with a src attribute)
-   *                       for microformats (optional - defaults to true)
-   *                       showHidden -  Whether or not to add hidden microformat
-   *                       (optional - defaults to false)
-   *                       debug - Whether or not we are in debug mode (optional
-   *                       - defaults to false)
-   * @param  targetArray  An array of microformat objects to which is added the results (optional)
-   * @return A new array of microformat objects or the passed in microformat
-   *         object array with the new objects added
-   */
-  get: function(name, rootElement, options, targetArray) {
-    function isAncestor(haystack, needle) {
-      var parent = needle;
-      while (parent = parent.parentNode) {
-        /* We need to check parentNode because defaultView.frames[i].frameElement */
-        /* isn't a real DOM node */
-        if (parent == needle.parentNode) {
-          return true;
-        }
-      }
-      return false;
-    }
-    if (!Microformats[name] || !rootElement) {
-      return undefined;
-    }
-    targetArray = targetArray || [];
-    /* Root element might not be the document - we need the document's default view */
-    /* to get frames and to check their ancestry */
-    var defaultView = rootElement.defaultView || rootElement.ownerDocument.defaultView;
-    var rootDocument = rootElement.ownerDocument || rootElement;
-    /* If recurseExternalFrames is undefined or true, look through all child frames for microformats */
-    if (!options || !options.hasOwnProperty("recurseExternalFrames") || options.recurseExternalFrames) {
-      if (defaultView && defaultView.frames.length > 0) {
-        for (let i=0; i < defaultView.frames.length; i++) {
-          if (isAncestor(rootDocument, defaultView.frames[i].frameElement)) {
-            Microformats.get(name, defaultView.frames[i].document, options, targetArray);
-          }
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    /* Get the microformat nodes for the document */
-    var microformatNodes = [];
-    if (Microformats[name].className) {
-      microformatNodes = Microformats.getElementsByClassName(rootElement,
-                                        Microformats[name].className);
-      /* alternateClassName is for cases where a parent microformat is inferred by the children */
-      /* If we find alternateClassName, the entire document becomes the microformat */
-      if ((microformatNodes.length == 0) && Microformats[name].alternateClassName) {
-        var altClass = Microformats.getElementsByClassName(rootElement, Microformats[name].alternateClassName);
-        if (altClass.length > 0) {
-          microformatNodes.push(rootElement);
-        }
-      }
-    } else if (Microformats[name].attributeValues) {
-      microformatNodes =
-        Microformats.getElementsByAttribute(rootElement,
-                                            Microformats[name].attributeName,
-                                            Microformats[name].attributeValues);
-    }
-    function isVisible(node, checkChildren) {
-      if (node.getBoundingClientRect) {
-        var box = node.getBoundingClientRect();
-      } else {
-        box = node.ownerDocument.getBoxObjectFor(node);
-      }
-      /* If the parent has is an empty box, double check the children */
-      if ((box.height == 0) || (box.width == 0)) {
-        if (checkChildren && node.childNodes.length > 0) {
-          for(let i=0; i < node.childNodes.length; i++) {
-            if (node.childNodes[i].nodeType == Components.interfaces.nsIDOMNode.ELEMENT_NODE) {
-              /* For performance reasons, we only go down one level */
-              /* of children */
-              if (isVisible(node.childNodes[i], false)) {
-                return true;
-              }
-            }
-          }
-        }
-        return false
-      }
-      return true;
-    }
-    /* Create objects for the microformat nodes and put them into the microformats */
-    /* array */
-    for (let i = 0; i < microformatNodes.length; i++) {
-      /* If showHidden undefined or false, don't add microformats to the list that aren't visible */
-      if (!options || !options.hasOwnProperty("showHidden") || !options.showHidden) {
-        if (microformatNodes[i].ownerDocument) {
-          if (!isVisible(microformatNodes[i], true)) {
-            continue;
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      try {
-        if (options && options.debug) {
-          /* Don't validate in the debug case so that we don't get errors thrown */
-          /* in the debug case, we want all microformats, even if they are invalid */
-          targetArray.push(new Microformats[name].mfObject(microformatNodes[i], false));
-        } else {
-          targetArray.push(new Microformats[name].mfObject(microformatNodes[i], true));
-        }
-      } catch (ex) {
-        /* Creation of individual object probably failed because it is invalid. */
-        /* This isn't a problem, because the page might have invalid microformats */
-      }
-    }
-    return targetArray;
-  },
-  /**
-   * Counts microformats objects of the given type from a document
-   *
-   * @param  name          The name of the microformat (required)
-   * @param  rootElement   The DOM element at which to start searching (required)
-   * @param  options       Literal object with the following options:
-   *                       recurseExternalFrames - Whether or not to search child frames
-   *                       that reference external pages (with a src attribute)
-   *                       for microformats (optional - defaults to true)
-   *                       showHidden -  Whether or not to add hidden microformat
-   *                       (optional - defaults to false)
-   *                       debug - Whether or not we are in debug mode (optional
-   *                       - defaults to false)
-   * @return The new count
-   */
-  count: function(name, rootElement, options) {
-    var mfArray = Microformats.get(name, rootElement, options);
-    if (mfArray) {
-      return mfArray.length;
-    }
-    return 0;
-  },
-  /**
-   * Returns true if the passed in node is a microformat. Does NOT return true
-   * if the passed in node is a child of a microformat.
-   *
-   * @param  node          DOM node to check
-   * @return true if the node is a microformat, false if it is not
-   */
-  isMicroformat: function(node) {
-    for (let i in Microformats)
-    {
-      if (Microformats[i].className) {
-        if (Microformats.matchClass(node, Microformats[i].className)) {
-            return true;
-        }
-      } else {
-        var attribute;
-        if (attribute = node.getAttribute(Microformats[i].attributeName)) {
-          var attributeList = Microformats[i].attributeValues.split(" ");
-          for (let j=0; j < attributeList.length; j++) {
-            if (attribute.match("(^|\\s)" + attributeList[j] + "(\\s|$)")) {
-              return true;
-            }
-          }
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    return false;
-  },
-  /**
-   * This function searches a given nodes ancestors looking for a microformat
-   * and if it finds it, returns it. It does NOT include self, so if the passed
-   * in node is a microformat, it will still search ancestors for a microformat.
-   *
-   * @param  node          DOM node to check
-   * @return If the node is contained in a microformat, it returns the parent
-   *         DOM node, otherwise returns null
-   */
-  getParent: function(node) {
-    var xpathExpression;
-    var xpathResult;
-    xpathExpression = "ancestor::*[";
-    for (let i=0; i < Microformats.list.length; i++) {
-      var mfname = Microformats.list[i];
-      if (i != 0) {
-        xpathExpression += " or ";
-      }
-      if (Microformats[mfname].className) {
-        xpathExpression += "contains(concat(' ', @class, ' '), ' " + Microformats[mfname].className + " ')";
-      } else {
-        var attributeList = Microformats[mfname].attributeValues.split(" ");
-        for (let j=0; j < attributeList.length; j++) {
-          if (j != 0) {
-            xpathExpression += " or ";
-          }
-          xpathExpression += "contains(concat(' ', @" + Microformats[mfname].attributeName + ", ' '), ' " + attributeList[j] + " ')";
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    xpathExpression += "][1]";
-    xpathResult = (node.ownerDocument || node).evaluate(xpathExpression, node, null,  Components.interfaces.nsIDOMXPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE, null);
-    if (xpathResult.singleNodeValue) {
-      xpathResult.singleNodeValue.microformat = mfname;
-      return xpathResult.singleNodeValue;
-    }
-    return null;
-  },
-  /**
-   * If the passed in node is a microformat, this function returns a space
-   * separated list of the microformat names that correspond to this node
-   *
-   * @param  node          DOM node to check
-   * @return If the node is a microformat, a space separated list of microformat
-   *         names, otherwise returns nothing
-   */
-  getNamesFromNode: function(node) {
-    var microformatNames = [];
-    var xpathExpression;
-    var xpathResult;
-    for (let i in Microformats)
-    {
-      if (Microformats[i]) {
-        if (Microformats[i].className) {
-          if (Microformats.matchClass(node, Microformats[i].className)) {
-            microformatNames.push(i);
-            continue;
-          }
-        } else if (Microformats[i].attributeValues) {
-          var attribute;
-          if (attribute = node.getAttribute(Microformats[i].attributeName)) {
-            var attributeList = Microformats[i].attributeValues.split(" ");
-            for (let j=0; j < attributeList.length; j++) {
-              /* If we match any attribute, we've got a microformat */
-              if (attribute.match("(^|\\s)" + attributeList[j] + "(\\s|$)")) {
-                microformatNames.push(i);
-                break;
-              }
-            }
-          }
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    return microformatNames.join(" ");
-  },
-  /**
-   * Outputs the contents of a microformat object for debug purposes.
-   *
-   * @param  microformatObject JavaScript object that represents a microformat
-   * @return string containing a visual representation of the contents of the microformat
-   */
-  debug: function debug(microformatObject) {
-    function dumpObject(item, indent)
-    {
-      if (!indent) {
-        indent = "";
-      }
-      var toreturn = "";
-      var testArray = [];
-      for (let i in item)
-      {
-        if (testArray[i]) {
-          continue;
-        }
-        if (typeof item[i] == "object") {
-          if ((i != "node") && (i != "resolvedNode")) {
-            if (item[i] && item[i].semanticType) {
-              toreturn += indent + item[i].semanticType + " [" + i + "] { \n";
-            } else {
-              toreturn += indent + "object " + i + " { \n";
-            }
-            toreturn += dumpObject(item[i], indent + "\t");
-            toreturn += indent + "}\n";
-          }
-        } else if ((typeof item[i] != "function") && (i != "semanticType")) {
-          if (item[i]) {
-            toreturn += indent + i + "=" + item[i] + "\n";
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      if (!toreturn && item) {
-        toreturn = item.toString();
-      }
-      return toreturn;
-    }
-    return dumpObject(microformatObject);
-  },
-  add: function add(microformat, microformatDefinition) {
-    /* We always replace an existing definition with the new one */
-    if (!Microformats[microformat]) {
-      Microformats.list.push(microformat);
-    }
-    Microformats[microformat] = microformatDefinition;
-    microformatDefinition.mfObject.prototype.debug =
-      function(microformatObject) {
-        return Microformats.debug(microformatObject)
-      };
-  },
-  remove: function remove(microformat) {
-    if (Microformats[microformat]) {
-      var list = Microformats.list;
-      var index = list.indexOf(microformat, 1);
-      if (index != -1) {
-        list.splice(index, 1);
-      }
-      delete Microformats[microformat];
-    }
-  },
-  /* All parser specific functions are contained in this object */
-  parser: {
-    /**
-     * Uses the microformat patterns to decide what the correct text for a
-     * given microformat property is. This includes looking at things like
-     * abbr, img/alt, area/alt and value excerpting.
-     *
-     * @param  propnode   The DOMNode to check
-     * @param  parentnode The parent node of the property. If it is a subproperty,
-     *                    this is the parent property node. If it is not, this is the
-     *                    microformat node.
-     & @param  datatype   HTML/text - whether to use innerHTML or innerText - defaults to text
-     * @return A string with the value of the property
-     */
-    defaultGetter: function(propnode, parentnode, datatype) {
-      function collapseWhitespace(instring) {
-        /* Remove new lines, carriage returns and tabs */
-        outstring = instring.replace(/[\n\r\t]/gi, ' ');
-        /* Replace any double spaces with single spaces */
-        outstring = outstring.replace(/\s{2,}/gi, ' ');
-        /* Remove any double spaces that are left */
-        outstring = outstring.replace(/\s{2,}/gi, '');
-        /* Remove any spaces at the beginning */
-        outstring = outstring.replace(/^\s+/, '');
-        /* Remove any spaces at the end */
-        outstring = outstring.replace(/\s+$/, '');
-        return outstring;
-      }
-      if (((((propnode.localName.toLowerCase() == "abbr") || (propnode.localName.toLowerCase() == "html:abbr")) && !propnode.namespaceURI) ||
-         ((propnode.localName.toLowerCase() == "abbr") && (propnode.namespaceURI == "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"))) && (propnode.hasAttribute("title"))) {
-        return propnode.getAttribute("title");
-      } else if ((propnode.nodeName.toLowerCase() == "img") && (propnode.hasAttribute("alt"))) {
-        return propnode.getAttribute("alt");
-      } else if ((propnode.nodeName.toLowerCase() == "area") && (propnode.hasAttribute("alt"))) {
-        return propnode.getAttribute("alt");
-      } else if ((propnode.nodeName.toLowerCase() == "textarea") ||
-                 (propnode.nodeName.toLowerCase() == "select") ||
-                 (propnode.nodeName.toLowerCase() == "input")) {
-        return propnode.value;
-      } else {
-        var values = Microformats.getElementsByClassName(propnode, "value");
-        /* Verify that values are children of the propnode */
-        for (let i = values.length-1; i >= 0; i--) {
-          if (values[i].parentNode != propnode) {
-            values.splice(i,1);
-          }
-        }
-        if (values.length > 0) {
-          var value = "";
-          for (let j=0;j<values.length;j++) {
-            value += Microformats.parser.defaultGetter(values[j], propnode, datatype);
-          }
-          return collapseWhitespace(value);
-        }
-        var s;
-        if (datatype == "HTML") {
-          s = propnode.innerHTML;
-        } else {
-          if (propnode.innerText) {
-            s = propnode.innerText;
-          } else {
-            s = propnode.textContent;
-          }
-        }
-        /* If we are processing a value node, don't remove whitespace now */
-        /* (we'll do it later) */
-        if (!Microformats.matchClass(propnode, "value")) {
-          s = collapseWhitespace(s);
-        }
-        if (s.length > 0) {
-          return s;
-        }
-      }
-      return undefined;
-    },
-    /**
-     * Used to specifically retrieve a date in a microformat node.
-     * After getting the default text, it normalizes it to an ISO8601 date.
-     *
-     * @param  propnode   The DOMNode to check
-     * @param  parentnode The parent node of the property. If it is a subproperty,
-     *                    this is the parent property node. If it is not, this is the
-     *                    microformat node.
-     * @return A string with the normalized date.
-     */
-    dateTimeGetter: function(propnode, parentnode) {
-      var date = Microformats.parser.textGetter(propnode, parentnode);
-      if (date) {
-        return Microformats.parser.normalizeISO8601(date);
-      }
-      return undefined;
-    },
-    /**
-     * Used to specifically retrieve a URI in a microformat node. This includes
-     * looking at an href/img/object/area to get the fully qualified URI.
-     *
-     * @param  propnode   The DOMNode to check
-     * @param  parentnode The parent node of the property. If it is a subproperty,
-     *                    this is the parent property node. If it is not, this is the
-     *                    microformat node.
-     * @return A string with the fully qualified URI.
-     */
-    uriGetter: function(propnode, parentnode) {
-      var pairs = {"a":"href", "img":"src", "object":"data", "area":"href"};
-      var name = propnode.nodeName.toLowerCase();
-      if (pairs.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
-        return propnode[pairs[name]];
-      }
-      return Microformats.parser.textGetter(propnode, parentnode);
-    },
-    /**
-     * Used to specifically retrieve a telephone number in a microformat node.
-     * Basically this is to handle the face that telephone numbers use value
-     * as the name as one of their subproperties, but value is also used for
-     * value excerpting (http://microformats.org/wiki/hcard#Value_excerpting)
-     * @param  propnode   The DOMNode to check
-     * @param  parentnode The parent node of the property. If it is a subproperty,
-     *                    this is the parent property node. If it is not, this is the
-     *                    microformat node.
-     * @return A string with the telephone number
-     */
-    telGetter: function(propnode, parentnode) {
-      var pairs = {"a":"href", "object":"data", "area":"href"};
-      var name = propnode.nodeName.toLowerCase();
-      if (pairs.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
-        var protocol;
-        if (propnode[pairs[name]].indexOf("tel:") == 0) {
-          protocol = "tel:";
-        }
-        if (propnode[pairs[name]].indexOf("fax:") == 0) {
-          protocol = "fax:";
-        }
-        if (propnode[pairs[name]].indexOf("modem:") == 0) {
-          protocol = "modem:";
-        }
-        if (protocol) {
-          if (propnode[pairs[name]].indexOf('?') > 0) {
-            return unescape(propnode[pairs[name]].substring(protocol.length, propnode[pairs[name]].indexOf('?')));
-          } else {
-            return unescape(propnode[pairs[name]].substring(protocol.length));
-          }
-        }
-      }
-     /* Special case - if this node is a value, use the parent node to get all the values */
-      if (Microformats.matchClass(propnode, "value")) {
-        return Microformats.parser.textGetter(parentnode, parentnode);
-      } else {
-        /* Virtual case */
-        if (!parentnode && (Microformats.getElementsByClassName(propnode, "type").length > 0)) {
-          var tempNode = propnode.cloneNode(true);
-          var typeNodes = Microformats.getElementsByClassName(tempNode, "type");
-          for (let i=0; i < typeNodes.length; i++) {
-            typeNodes[i].parentNode.removeChild(typeNodes[i]);
-          }
-          return Microformats.parser.textGetter(tempNode);
-        }
-        return Microformats.parser.textGetter(propnode, parentnode);
-      }
-    },
-    /**
-     * Used to specifically retrieve an email address in a microformat node.
-     * This includes at an href, as well as removing subject if specified and
-     * the mailto prefix.
-     *
-     * @param  propnode   The DOMNode to check
-     * @param  parentnode The parent node of the property. If it is a subproperty,
-     *                    this is the parent property node. If it is not, this is the
-     *                    microformat node.
-     * @return A string with the email address.
-     */
-    emailGetter: function(propnode, parentnode) {
-      if ((propnode.nodeName.toLowerCase() == "a") || (propnode.nodeName.toLowerCase() == "area")) {
-        var mailto = propnode.href;
-        /* IO Service won't fully parse mailto, so we do it manually */
-        if (mailto.indexOf('?') > 0) {
-          return unescape(mailto.substring("mailto:".length, mailto.indexOf('?')));
-        } else {
-          return unescape(mailto.substring("mailto:".length));
-        }
-      } else {
-        /* Special case - if this node is a value, use the parent node to get all the values */
-        /* If this case gets executed, per the value design pattern, the result */
-        /* will be the EXACT email address with no extra parsing required */
-        if (Microformats.matchClass(propnode, "value")) {
-          return Microformats.parser.textGetter(parentnode, parentnode);
-        } else {
-          /* Virtual case */
-          if (!parentnode && (Microformats.getElementsByClassName(propnode, "type").length > 0)) {
-            var tempNode = propnode.cloneNode(true);
-            var typeNodes = Microformats.getElementsByClassName(tempNode, "type");
-            for (let i=0; i < typeNodes.length; i++) {
-              typeNodes[i].parentNode.removeChild(typeNodes[i]);
-            }
-            return Microformats.parser.textGetter(tempNode);
-          }
-          return Microformats.parser.textGetter(propnode, parentnode);
-        }
-      }
-    },
-    /**
-     * Used when a caller needs the text inside a particular DOM node.
-     * It calls defaultGetter to handle all the subtleties of getting
-     * text from a microformat.
-     *
-     * @param  propnode   The DOMNode to check
-     * @param  parentnode The parent node of the property. If it is a subproperty,
-     *                    this is the parent property node. If it is not, this is the
-     *                    microformat node.
-     * @return A string with just the text including all tags.
-     */
-    textGetter: function(propnode, parentnode) {
-      return Microformats.parser.defaultGetter(propnode, parentnode, "text");
-    },
-    /**
-     * Used when a caller needs the HTML inside a particular DOM node.
-     *
-     * @param  propnode   The DOMNode to check
-     * @param  parentnode The parent node of the property. If it is a subproperty,
-     *                    this is the parent property node. If it is not, this is the
-     *                    microformat node.
-     * @return An emulated string object that also has a new function called toHTML
-     */
-    HTMLGetter: function(propnode, parentnode) {
-      /* This is so we can have a string that behaves like a string */
-      /* but also has a new function that can return the HTML that corresponds */
-      /* to the string. */
-      function mfHTML(value) {
-        this.valueOf = function() {return value ? value.valueOf() : "";}
-        this.toString = function() {return value ? value.toString() : "";}
-      }
-      mfHTML.prototype = new String;
-      mfHTML.prototype.toHTML = function() {
-        return Microformats.parser.defaultGetter(propnode, parentnode, "HTML");
-      }
-      return new mfHTML(Microformats.parser.defaultGetter(propnode, parentnode, "text"));
-    },
-    /**
-     * Internal parser API used to determine which getter to call based on the
-     * datatype specified in the microformat definition.
-     *
-     * @param  prop       The microformat property in the definition
-     * @param  propnode   The DOMNode to check
-     * @param  parentnode The parent node of the property. If it is a subproperty,
-     *                    this is the parent property node. If it is not, this is the
-     *                    microformat node.
-     * @return A string with the property value.
-     */
-    datatypeHelper: function(prop, node, parentnode) {
-      var result;
-      var datatype = prop.datatype;
-      switch (datatype) {
-        case "dateTime":
-          result = Microformats.parser.dateTimeGetter(node, parentnode);
-          break;
-        case "anyURI":
-          result = Microformats.parser.uriGetter(node, parentnode);
-          break;
-        case "email":
-          result = Microformats.parser.emailGetter(node, parentnode);
-          break;
-        case "tel":
-          result = Microformats.parser.telGetter(node, parentnode);
-          break;
-        case "HTML":
-          result = Microformats.parser.HTMLGetter(node, parentnode);
-          break;
-        case "float":
-          var asText = Microformats.parser.textGetter(node, parentnode);
-          if (!isNaN(asText)) {
-            result = parseFloat(asText);
-          }
-          break;
-        case "custom":
-          result = prop.customGetter(node, parentnode);
-          break;
-        case "microformat":
-          try {
-            result = new Microformats[prop.microformat].mfObject(node, true);
-          } catch (ex) {
-            /* There are two reasons we get here, one because the node is not */
-            /* a microformat and two because the node is a microformat and */
-            /* creation failed. If the node is not a microformat, we just fall */
-            /* through and use the default getter since there are some cases */
-            /* (location in hCalendar) where a property can be either a microformat */
-            /* or a string. If creation failed, we break and simply don't add the */
-            /* microformat property to the parent microformat */
-            if (ex != "Node is not a microformat (" + prop.microformat + ")") {
-              break;
-            }
-          }
-          if (result != undefined) {
-            if (prop.microformat_property) {
-              result = result[prop.microformat_property];
-            }
-            break;
-          }
-        default:
-          result = Microformats.parser.textGetter(node, parentnode);
-          break;
-      }
-      /* This handles the case where one property implies another property */
-      /* For instance, org by itself is actually org.organization-name */
-      if (prop.values && (result != undefined)) {
-        var validType = false;
-        for (let value in prop.values) {
-          if (result.toLowerCase() == prop.values[value]) {
-            result = result.toLowerCase();
-            validType = true;
-            break;
-          }
-        }
-        if (!validType) {
-          return undefined;
-        }
-      }
-      return result;
-    },
-    newMicroformat: function(object, in_node, microformat, validate) {
-      /* check to see if we are even valid */
-      if (!Microformats[microformat]) {
-        throw("Invalid microformat - " + microformat);
-      }
-      if (in_node.ownerDocument) {
-        if (Microformats[microformat].attributeName) {
-          if (!(in_node.hasAttribute(Microformats[microformat].attributeName))) {
-            throw("Node is not a microformat (" + microformat + ")");
-          }
-        } else {
-          if (!Microformats.matchClass(in_node, Microformats[microformat].className)) {
-            throw("Node is not a microformat (" + microformat + ")");
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      var node = in_node;
-      if ((Microformats[microformat].className) && in_node.ownerDocument) {
-        node = Microformats.parser.preProcessMicroformat(in_node);
-      }
-      for (let i in Microformats[microformat].properties) {
-        object.__defineGetter__(i, Microformats.parser.getMicroformatPropertyGenerator(node, microformat, i, object));
-      }
-      /* The node in the object should be the original node */
-      object.node = in_node;
-      /* we also store the node that has been "resolved" */
-      object.resolvedNode = node;
-      object.semanticType = microformat;
-      if (validate) {
-        Microformats.parser.validate(node, microformat);
-      }
-    },
-    getMicroformatPropertyGenerator: function getMicroformatPropertyGenerator(node, name, property, microformat)
-    {
-      return function() {
-        var result = Microformats.parser.getMicroformatProperty(node, name, property);
-//        delete microformat[property];
-//        microformat[property] = result;
-        return result;
-      };
-    },
-    getPropertyInternal: function getPropertyInternal(propnode, parentnode, propobj, propname, mfnode) {
-      var result;
-      if (propobj.subproperties) {
-        for (let subpropname in propobj.subproperties) {
-          var subpropnodes;
-          var subpropobj = propobj.subproperties[subpropname];
-          if (subpropobj.rel == true) {
-            subpropnodes = Microformats.getElementsByAttribute(propnode, "rel", subpropname);
-          } else {
-            subpropnodes = Microformats.getElementsByClassName(propnode, subpropname);
-          }
-          var resultArray = [];
-          var subresult;
-          for (let i = 0; i < subpropnodes.length; i++) {
-            subresult = Microformats.parser.getPropertyInternal(subpropnodes[i], propnode,
-                                                                subpropobj,
-                                                                subpropname, mfnode);
-            if (subresult != undefined) {
-              resultArray.push(subresult);
-              /* If we're not a plural property, don't bother getting more */
-              if (!subpropobj.plural) {
-                break;
-              }
-            }
-          }
-          if (resultArray.length == 0) {
-            subresult = Microformats.parser.getPropertyInternal(propnode, null,
-                                                                subpropobj,
-                                                                subpropname, mfnode);
-            if (subresult != undefined) {
-              resultArray.push(subresult);
-            }
-          }
-          if (resultArray.length > 0) {
-            result = result || {};
-            if (subpropobj.plural) {
-              result[subpropname] = resultArray;
-            } else {
-              result[subpropname] = resultArray[0];
-            }
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      if (!parentnode || (!result && propobj.subproperties)) {
-        if (propobj.virtual) {
-          if (propobj.virtualGetter) {
-            result = propobj.virtualGetter(mfnode || propnode);
-          } else {
-            result = Microformats.parser.datatypeHelper(propobj, propnode);
-          }
-        }
-      } else if (!result) {
-        result = Microformats.parser.datatypeHelper(propobj, propnode, parentnode);
-      }
-      return result;
-    },
-    getMicroformatProperty: function getMicroformatProperty(in_mfnode, mfname, propname) {
-      var mfnode = in_mfnode;
-      /* If the node has not been preprocessed, the requested microformat */
-      /* is a class based microformat and the passed in node is not the */
-      /* entire document, preprocess it. Preprocessing the node involves */
-      /* creating a duplicate of the node and taking care of things like */
-      /* the include and header design patterns */
-      if (!in_mfnode.origNode && Microformats[mfname].className && in_mfnode.ownerDocument) {
-        mfnode = Microformats.parser.preProcessMicroformat(in_mfnode);
-      }
-      /* propobj is the corresponding property object in the microformat */
-      var propobj;
-      /* If there is a corresponding property in the microformat, use it */
-      if (Microformats[mfname].properties[propname]) {
-        propobj = Microformats[mfname].properties[propname];
-      } else {
-        /* If we didn't get a property, bail */
-        return undefined;
-      }
-      /* Query the correct set of nodes (rel or class) based on the setting */
-      /* in the property */
-      var propnodes;
-      if (propobj.rel == true) {
-        propnodes = Microformats.getElementsByAttribute(mfnode, "rel", propname);
-      } else {
-        propnodes = Microformats.getElementsByClassName(mfnode, propname);
-      }
-      for (let i=propnodes.length-1; i >= 0; i--) {
-        /* The reason getParent is not used here is because this code does */
-        /* not apply to attribute based microformats, plus adr and geo */
-        /* when contained in hCard are a special case */
-        var parentnode;
-        var node = propnodes[i];
-        var xpathExpression = "";
-        for (let j=0; j < Microformats.list.length; j++) {
-          /* Don't treat adr or geo in an hCard as a microformat in this case */
-          if ((mfname == "hCard") && ((Microformats.list[j] == "adr") || (Microformats.list[j] == "geo"))) {
-            continue;
-          }
-          if (Microformats[Microformats.list[j]].className) {
-            if (xpathExpression.length == 0) {
-              xpathExpression = "ancestor::*[";
-            } else {
-              xpathExpression += " or ";
-            }
-            xpathExpression += "contains(concat(' ', @class, ' '), ' " + Microformats[Microformats.list[j]].className + " ')";
-          }
-        }
-        xpathExpression += "][1]";
-        var xpathResult = (node.ownerDocument || node).evaluate(xpathExpression, node, null,  Components.interfaces.nsIDOMXPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE, null);
-        if (xpathResult.singleNodeValue) {
-          xpathResult.singleNodeValue.microformat = mfname;
-          parentnode = xpathResult.singleNodeValue;
-        }
-        /* If the propnode is not a child of the microformat, and */
-        /* the property belongs to the parent microformat as well, */
-        /* remove it. */
-        if (parentnode != mfnode) {
-          var mfNameString = Microformats.getNamesFromNode(parentnode);
-          var mfNames = mfNameString.split(" ");
-          var j;
-          for (j=0; j < mfNames.length; j++) {
-            /* If this property is in the parent microformat, remove the node  */
-            if (Microformats[mfNames[j]].properties[propname]) {
-              propnodes.splice(i,1);
-              break;
-            }
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      if (propnodes.length > 0) {
-        var resultArray = [];
-        for (let i = 0; i < propnodes.length; i++) {
-          var subresult = Microformats.parser.getPropertyInternal(propnodes[i],
-                                                                  mfnode,
-                                                                  propobj,
-                                                                  propname);
-          if (subresult != undefined) {
-            resultArray.push(subresult);
-            /* If we're not a plural property, don't bother getting more */
-            if (!propobj.plural) {
-              return resultArray[0];
-            }
-          }
-        }
-        if (resultArray.length > 0) {
-          return resultArray;
-        }
-      } else {
-        /* If we didn't find any class nodes, check to see if this property */
-        /* is virtual and if so, call getPropertyInternal again */
-        if (propobj.virtual) {
-          return Microformats.parser.getPropertyInternal(mfnode, null,
-                                                         propobj, propname);
-        }
-      }
-      return undefined;
-    },
-    /**
-     * Internal parser API used to resolve includes and headers. Includes are
-     * resolved by simply cloning the node and replacing it in a clone of the
-     * original DOM node. Headers are resolved by creating a span and then copying
-     * the innerHTML and the class name.
-     *
-     * @param  in_mfnode The node to preProcess.
-     * @return If the node had includes or headers, a cloned node otherwise
-     *         the original node. You can check to see if the node was cloned
-     *         by looking for .origNode in the new node.
-     */
-    preProcessMicroformat: function preProcessMicroformat(in_mfnode) {
-      var mfnode;
-      if ((in_mfnode.nodeName.toLowerCase() == "td") && (in_mfnode.hasAttribute("headers"))) {
-        mfnode = in_mfnode.cloneNode(true);
-        mfnode.origNode = in_mfnode;
-        var headers = in_mfnode.getAttribute("headers").split(" ");
-        for (let i = 0; i < headers.length; i++) {
-          var tempNode = in_mfnode.ownerDocument.createElement("span");
-          var headerNode = in_mfnode.ownerDocument.getElementById(headers[i]);
-          if (headerNode) {
-            tempNode.innerHTML = headerNode.innerHTML;
-            tempNode.className = headerNode.className;
-            mfnode.appendChild(tempNode);
-          }
-        }
-      } else {
-        mfnode = in_mfnode;
-      }
-      var includes = Microformats.getElementsByClassName(mfnode, "include");
-      if (includes.length > 0) {
-        /* If we didn't clone, clone now */
-        if (!mfnode.origNode) {
-          mfnode = in_mfnode.cloneNode(true);
-          mfnode.origNode = in_mfnode;
-        }
-        includes = Microformats.getElementsByClassName(mfnode, "include");
-        var includeId;
-        var include_length = includes.length;
-        for (let i = include_length -1; i >= 0; i--) {
-          if (includes[i].nodeName.toLowerCase() == "a") {
-            includeId = includes[i].getAttribute("href").substr(1);
-          }
-          if (includes[i].nodeName.toLowerCase() == "object") {
-            includeId = includes[i].getAttribute("data").substr(1);
-          }
-          if (in_mfnode.ownerDocument.getElementById(includeId)) {
-            includes[i].parentNode.replaceChild(in_mfnode.ownerDocument.getElementById(includeId).cloneNode(true), includes[i]);
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      return mfnode;
-    },
-    validate: function validate(mfnode, mfname) {
-      var error = "";
-      if (Microformats[mfname].validate) {
-        return Microformats[mfname].validate(mfnode);
-      } else if (Microformats[mfname].required) {
-        for (let i=0;i<Microformats[mfname].required.length;i++) {
-          if (!Microformats.parser.getMicroformatProperty(mfnode, mfname, Microformats[mfname].required[i])) {
-            error += "Required property " + Microformats[mfname].required[i] + " not specified\n";
-          }
-        }
-        if (error.length > 0) {
-          throw(error);
-        }
-        return true;
-      }
-      return undefined;
-    },
-    /* This function normalizes an ISO8601 date by adding punctuation and */
-    /* ensuring that hours and seconds have values */
-    normalizeISO8601: function normalizeISO8601(string)
-    {
-      var dateArray = string.match(/(\d\d\d\d)(?:-?(\d\d)(?:-?(\d\d)(?:[T ](\d\d)(?::?(\d\d)(?::?(\d\d)(?:\.(\d+))?)?)?(?:([-+Z])(?:(\d\d)(?::?(\d\d))?)?)?)?)?)?/);
-      var dateString;
-      var tzOffset = 0;
-      if (!dateArray) {
-        return undefined;
-      }
-      if (dateArray[1]) {
-        dateString = dateArray[1];
-        if (dateArray[2]) {
-          dateString += "-" + dateArray[2];
-          if (dateArray[3]) {
-            dateString += "-" + dateArray[3];
-            if (dateArray[4]) {
-              dateString += "T" + dateArray[4];
-              if (dateArray[5]) {
-                dateString += ":" + dateArray[5];
-              } else {
-                dateString += ":" + "00";
-              }
-              if (dateArray[6]) {
-                dateString += ":" + dateArray[6];
-              } else {
-                dateString += ":" + "00";
-              }
-              if (dateArray[7]) {
-                dateString += "." + dateArray[7];
-              }
-              if (dateArray[8]) {
-                dateString += dateArray[8];
-                if ((dateArray[8] == "+") || (dateArray[8] == "-")) {
-                  if (dateArray[9]) {
-                    dateString += dateArray[9];
-                    if (dateArray[10]) {
-                      dateString += dateArray[10];
-                    }
-                  }
-                }
-              }
-            }
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      return dateString;
-    }
-  },
-  /**
-   * Converts an ISO8601 date into a JavaScript date object, honoring the TZ
-   * offset and Z if present to convert the date to local time
-   * NOTE: I'm using an extra parameter on the date object for this function.
-   * I set date.time to true if there is a date, otherwise date.time is false.
-   *
-   * @param  string ISO8601 formatted date
-   * @return JavaScript date object that represents the ISO date.
-   */
-  dateFromISO8601: function dateFromISO8601(string) {
-    var dateArray = string.match(/(\d\d\d\d)(?:-?(\d\d)(?:-?(\d\d)(?:[T ](\d\d)(?::?(\d\d)(?::?(\d\d)(?:\.(\d+))?)?)?(?:([-+Z])(?:(\d\d)(?::?(\d\d))?)?)?)?)?)?/);
-    var date = new Date(dateArray[1], 0, 1);
-    date.time = false;
-    if (dateArray[2]) {
-      date.setMonth(dateArray[2] - 1);
-    }
-    if (dateArray[3]) {
-      date.setDate(dateArray[3]);
-    }
-    if (dateArray[4]) {
-      date.setHours(dateArray[4]);
-      date.time = true;
-      if (dateArray[5]) {
-        date.setMinutes(dateArray[5]);
-        if (dateArray[6]) {
-          date.setSeconds(dateArray[6]);
-          if (dateArray[7]) {
-            date.setMilliseconds(Number("0." + dateArray[7]) * 1000);
-          }
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    if (dateArray[8]) {
-      if (dateArray[8] == "-") {
-        if (dateArray[9] && dateArray[10]) {
-          date.setHours(date.getHours() + parseInt(dateArray[9], 10));
-          date.setMinutes(date.getMinutes() + parseInt(dateArray[10], 10));
-        }
-      } else if (dateArray[8] == "+") {
-        if (dateArray[9] && dateArray[10]) {
-          date.setHours(date.getHours() - parseInt(dateArray[9], 10));
-          date.setMinutes(date.getMinutes() - parseInt(dateArray[10], 10));
-        }
-      }
-      /* at this point we have the time in gmt */
-      /* convert to local if we had a Z - or + */
-      if (dateArray[8]) {
-        var tzOffset = date.getTimezoneOffset();
-        if (tzOffset < 0) {
-          date.setMinutes(date.getMinutes() + tzOffset);
-        } else if (tzOffset > 0) {
-          date.setMinutes(date.getMinutes() - tzOffset);
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    return date;
-  },
-  /**
-   * Converts a Javascript date object into an ISO 8601 formatted date
-   * NOTE: I'm using an extra parameter on the date object for this function.
-   * If date.time is NOT true, this function only outputs the date.
-   *
-   * @param  date        Javascript Date object
-   * @param  punctuation true if the date should have -/:
-   * @return string with the ISO date.
-   */
-  iso8601FromDate: function iso8601FromDate(date, punctuation) {
-    var string = date.getFullYear().toString();
-    if (punctuation) {
-      string += "-";
-    }
-    string += (date.getMonth() + 1).toString().replace(/\b(\d)\b/g, '0$1');
-    if (punctuation) {
-      string += "-";
-    }
-    string += date.getDate().toString().replace(/\b(\d)\b/g, '0$1');
-    if (date.time) {
-      string += "T";
-      string += date.getHours().toString().replace(/\b(\d)\b/g, '0$1');
-      if (punctuation) {
-        string += ":";
-      }
-      string += date.getMinutes().toString().replace(/\b(\d)\b/g, '0$1');
-      if (punctuation) {
-        string += ":";
-      }
-      string += date.getSeconds().toString().replace(/\b(\d)\b/g, '0$1');
-      if (date.getMilliseconds() > 0) {
-        if (punctuation) {
-          string += ".";
-        }
-        string += date.getMilliseconds().toString();
-      }
-    }
-    return string;
-  },
-  simpleEscape: function simpleEscape(s)
-  {
-    s = s.replace(/\&/g, '%26');
-    s = s.replace(/\#/g, '%23');
-    s = s.replace(/\+/g, '%2B');
-    s = s.replace(/\-/g, '%2D');
-    s = s.replace(/\=/g, '%3D');
-    s = s.replace(/\'/g, '%27');
-    s = s.replace(/\,/g, '%2C');
-//    s = s.replace(/\r/g, '%0D');
-//    s = s.replace(/\n/g, '%0A');
-    s = s.replace(/ /g, '+');
-    return s;
-  },
-  /**
-   * Not intended for external consumption. Microformat implementations might use it.
-   *
-   * Retrieve elements matching all classes listed in a space-separated string.
-   * I had to implement my own because I need an Array, not an nsIDomNodeList
-   *
-   * @param  rootElement      The DOM element at which to start searching (optional)
-   * @param  className        A space separated list of classenames
-   * @return microformatNodes An array of DOM Nodes, each representing a
-                              microformat in the document.
-   */
-  getElementsByClassName: function getElementsByClassName(rootNode, className)
-  {
-    var returnElements = [];
-    if ((rootNode.ownerDocument || rootNode).getElementsByClassName) {
-    /* Firefox 3 - native getElementsByClassName */
-      var col = rootNode.getElementsByClassName(className);
-      for (let i = 0; i < col.length; i++) {
-        returnElements[i] = col[i];
-      }
-    } else if ((rootNode.ownerDocument || rootNode).evaluate) {
-    /* Firefox 2 and below - XPath */
-      var xpathExpression;
-      xpathExpression = ".//*[contains(concat(' ', @class, ' '), ' " + className + " ')]";
-      var xpathResult = (rootNode.ownerDocument || rootNode).evaluate(xpathExpression, rootNode, null, 0, null);
-      var node;
-      while (node = xpathResult.iterateNext()) {
-        returnElements.push(node);
-      }
-    } else {
-    /* Slow fallback for testing */
-      className = className.replace(/\-/g, "\\-");
-      var elements = rootNode.getElementsByTagName("*");
-      for (let i=0;i<elements.length;i++) {
-        if (elements[i].className.match("(^|\\s)" + className + "(\\s|$)")) {
-          returnElements.push(elements[i]);
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    return returnElements;
-  },
-  /**
-   * Not intended for external consumption. Microformat implementations might use it.
-   *
-   * Retrieve elements matching an attribute and an attribute list in a space-separated string.
-   *
-   * @param  rootElement      The DOM element at which to start searching (optional)
-   * @param  atributeName     The attribute name to match against
-   * @param  attributeValues  A space separated list of attribute values
-   * @return microformatNodes An array of DOM Nodes, each representing a
-                              microformat in the document.
-   */
-  getElementsByAttribute: function getElementsByAttribute(rootNode, attributeName, attributeValues)
-  {
-    var attributeList = attributeValues.split(" ");
-    var returnElements = [];
-    if ((rootNode.ownerDocument || rootNode).evaluate) {
-    /* Firefox 3 and below - XPath */
-      /* Create an XPath expression based on the attribute list */
-      var xpathExpression = ".//*[";
-      for (let i = 0; i < attributeList.length; i++) {
-        if (i != 0) {
-          xpathExpression += " or ";
-        }
-        xpathExpression += "contains(concat(' ', @" + attributeName + ", ' '), ' " + attributeList[i] + " ')";
-      }
-      xpathExpression += "]";
-      var xpathResult = (rootNode.ownerDocument || rootNode).evaluate(xpathExpression, rootNode, null, 0, null);
-      var node;
-      while (node = xpathResult.iterateNext()) {
-        returnElements.push(node);
-      }
-    } else {
-    /* Need Slow fallback for testing */
-    }
-    return returnElements;
-  },
-  matchClass: function matchClass(node, className) {
-    var classValue = node.getAttribute("class");
-    return (classValue && classValue.match("(^|\\s)" + className + "(\\s|$)"));
-  }
-this.adr = function adr(node, validate) {
-  if (node) {
-    Microformats.parser.newMicroformat(this, node, "adr", validate);
-  }
-adr.prototype.toString = function() {
-  var address_text = "";
-  var start_parens = false;
-  if (this["street-address"]) {
-    address_text += this["street-address"][0];
-  } else if (this["extended-address"]) {
-    address_text += this["extended-address"];
-  }
-  if (this["locality"]) {
-    if (this["street-address"] || this["extended-address"]) {
-      address_text += " (";
-      start_parens = true;
-    }
-    address_text += this["locality"];
-  }
-  if (this["region"]) {
-    if ((this["street-address"] || this["extended-address"]) && (!start_parens)) {
-      address_text += " (";
-      start_parens = true;
-    } else if (this["locality"]) {
-      address_text += ", ";
-    }
-    address_text += this["region"];
-  }
-  if (this["country-name"]) {
-    if ((this["street-address"] || this["extended-address"]) && (!start_parens)) {
-      address_text += " (";
-      start_parens = true;
-      address_text += this["country-name"];
-    } else if ((!this["locality"]) && (!this["region"])) {
-      address_text += this["country-name"];
-    } else if (((!this["locality"]) && (this["region"])) || ((this["locality"]) && (!this["region"]))) {
-      address_text += ", ";
-      address_text += this["country-name"];
-    }
-  }
-  if (start_parens) {
-    address_text += ")";
-  }
-  return address_text;
-var adr_definition = {
-  mfObject: adr,
-  className: "adr",
-  properties: {
-    "type" : {
-      plural: true,
-      values: ["work", "home", "pref", "postal", "dom", "intl", "parcel"]
-    },
-    "post-office-box" : {
-    },
-    "street-address" : {
-      plural: true
-    },
-    "extended-address" : {
-    },
-    "locality" : {
-    },
-    "region" : {
-    },
-    "postal-code" : {
-    },
-    "country-name" : {
-    }
-  },
-  validate: function(node) {
-    var xpathExpression = "count(descendant::*[" +
-                                              "contains(concat(' ', @class, ' '), ' post-office-box ')" +
-                                              " or contains(concat(' ', @class, ' '), ' street-address ')" +
-                                              " or contains(concat(' ', @class, ' '), ' extended-address ')" +
-                                              " or contains(concat(' ', @class, ' '), ' locality ')" +
-                                              " or contains(concat(' ', @class, ' '), ' region ')" +
-                                              " or contains(concat(' ', @class, ' '), ' postal-code ')" +
-                                              " or contains(concat(' ', @class, ' '), ' country-name')" +
-                                              "])";
-    var xpathResult = (node.ownerDocument || node).evaluate(xpathExpression, node, null,  Components.interfaces.nsIDOMXPathResult.ANY_TYPE, null).numberValue;
-    if (xpathResult == 0) {
-      throw("Unable to create microformat");
-    }
-    return true;
-  }
-Microformats.add("adr", adr_definition);
-this.hCard = function hCard(node, validate) {
-  if (node) {
-    Microformats.parser.newMicroformat(this, node, "hCard", validate);
-  }
-hCard.prototype.toString = function() {
-  if (this.resolvedNode) {
-    /* If this microformat has an include pattern, put the */
-    /* organization-name in parenthesis after the fn to differentiate */
-    /* them. */
-    var fns = Microformats.getElementsByClassName(this.node, "fn");
-    if (fns.length === 0) {
-      if (this.fn) {
-        if (this.org && this.org[0]["organization-name"] && (this.fn != this.org[0]["organization-name"])) {
-          return this.fn + " (" + this.org[0]["organization-name"] + ")";
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  return this.fn;
-var hCard_definition = {
-  mfObject: hCard,
-  className: "vcard",
-  required: ["fn"],
-  properties: {
-    "adr" : {
-      plural: true,
-      datatype: "microformat",
-      microformat: "adr"
-    },
-    "agent" : {
-      plural: true,
-      datatype: "microformat",
-      microformat: "hCard"
-    },
-    "bday" : {
-      datatype: "dateTime"
-    },
-    "class" : {
-    },
-    "category" : {
-      plural: true,
-      datatype: "microformat",
-      microformat: "tag",
-      microformat_property: "tag"
-    },
-    "email" : {
-      subproperties: {
-        "type" : {
-          plural: true,
-          values: ["internet", "x400", "pref"]
-        },
-        "value" : {
-          datatype: "email",
-          virtual: true
-        }
-      },
-      plural: true
-    },
-    "fn" : {
-      required: true
-    },
-    "geo" : {
-      datatype: "microformat",
-      microformat: "geo"
-    },
-    "key" : {
-      plural: true
-    },
-    "label" : {
-      plural: true
-    },
-    "logo" : {
-      plural: true,
-      datatype: "anyURI"
-    },
-    "mailer" : {
-      plural: true
-    },
-    "n" : {
-      subproperties: {
-        "honorific-prefix" : {
-          plural: true
-        },
-        "given-name" : {
-          plural: true
-        },
-        "additional-name" : {
-          plural: true
-        },
-        "family-name" : {
-          plural: true
-        },
-        "honorific-suffix" : {
-          plural: true
-        }
-      },
-      virtual: true,
-      /*  Implied "n" Optimization */
-      /* http://microformats.org/wiki/hcard#Implied_.22n.22_Optimization */
-      virtualGetter: function(mfnode) {
-        var fn = Microformats.parser.getMicroformatProperty(mfnode, "hCard", "fn");
-        var orgs = Microformats.parser.getMicroformatProperty(mfnode, "hCard", "org");
-        var given_name = [];
-        var family_name = [];
-        if (fn && (!orgs || (orgs.length > 1) || (fn != orgs[0]["organization-name"]))) {
-          var fns = fn.split(" ");
-          if (fns.length === 2) {
-            if (fns[0].charAt(fns[0].length-1) == ',') {
-              given_name[0] = fns[1];
-              family_name[0] = fns[0].substr(0, fns[0].length-1);
-            } else if (fns[1].length == 1) {
-              given_name[0] = fns[1];
-              family_name[0] = fns[0];
-            } else if ((fns[1].length == 2) && (fns[1].charAt(fns[1].length-1) == '.')) {
-              given_name[0] = fns[1];
-              family_name[0] = fns[0];
-            } else {
-              given_name[0] = fns[0];
-              family_name[0] = fns[1];
-            }
-            return {"given-name" : given_name, "family-name" : family_name};
-          }
-        }
-        return undefined;
-      }
-    },
-    "nickname" : {
-      plural: true,
-      virtual: true,
-      /* Implied "nickname" Optimization */
-      /* http://microformats.org/wiki/hcard#Implied_.22nickname.22_Optimization */
-      virtualGetter: function(mfnode) {
-        var fn = Microformats.parser.getMicroformatProperty(mfnode, "hCard", "fn");
-        var orgs = Microformats.parser.getMicroformatProperty(mfnode, "hCard", "org");
-        var given_name;
-        var family_name;
-        if (fn && (!orgs || (orgs.length) > 1 || (fn != orgs[0]["organization-name"]))) {
-          var fns = fn.split(" ");
-          if (fns.length === 1) {
-            return [fns[0]];
-          }
-        }
-        return undefined;
-      }
-    },
-    "note" : {
-      plural: true,
-      datatype: "HTML"
-    },
-    "org" : {
-      subproperties: {
-        "organization-name" : {
-          virtual: true
-        },
-        "organization-unit" : {
-          plural: true
-        }
-      },
-      plural: true
-    },
-    "photo" : {
-      plural: true,
-      datatype: "anyURI"
-    },
-    "rev" : {
-      datatype: "dateTime"
-    },
-    "role" : {
-      plural: true
-    },
-    "sequence" : {
-    },
-    "sort-string" : {
-    },
-    "sound" : {
-      plural: true
-    },
-    "title" : {
-      plural: true
-    },
-    "tel" : {
-      subproperties: {
-        "type" : {
-          plural: true,
-          values: ["msg", "home", "work", "pref", "voice", "fax", "cell", "video", "pager", "bbs", "car", "isdn", "pcs"]
-        },
-        "value" : {
-          datatype: "tel",
-          virtual: true
-        }
-      },
-      plural: true
-    },
-    "tz" : {
-    },
-    "uid" : {
-      datatype: "anyURI"
-    },
-    "url" : {
-      plural: true,
-      datatype: "anyURI"
-    }
-  }
-Microformats.add("hCard", hCard_definition);
-this.hCalendar = function hCalendar(node, validate) {
-  if (node) {
-    Microformats.parser.newMicroformat(this, node, "hCalendar", validate);
-  }
-hCalendar.prototype.toString = function() {
-  if (this.resolvedNode) {
-    /* If this microformat has an include pattern, put the */
-    /* dtstart in parenthesis after the summary to differentiate */
-    /* them. */
-    var summaries = Microformats.getElementsByClassName(this.node, "summary");
-    if (summaries.length === 0) {
-      if (this.summary) {
-        if (this.dtstart) {
-          return this.summary + " (" + Microformats.dateFromISO8601(this.dtstart).toLocaleString() + ")";
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  if (this.dtstart) {
-    return this.summary;
-  }
-  return undefined;
-var hCalendar_definition = {
-  mfObject: hCalendar,
-  className: "vevent",
-  required: ["summary", "dtstart"],
-  properties: {
-    "category" : {
-      plural: true,
-      datatype: "microformat",
-      microformat: "tag",
-      microformat_property: "tag"
-    },
-    "class" : {
-      values: ["public", "private", "confidential"]
-    },
-    "description" : {
-      datatype: "HTML"
-    },
-    "dtstart" : {
-      datatype: "dateTime"
-    },
-    "dtend" : {
-      datatype: "dateTime"
-    },
-    "dtstamp" : {
-      datatype: "dateTime"
-    },
-    "duration" : {
-    },
-    "geo" : {
-      datatype: "microformat",
-      microformat: "geo"
-    },
-    "location" : {
-      datatype: "microformat",
-      microformat: "hCard"
-    },
-    "status" : {
-      values: ["tentative", "confirmed", "cancelled"]
-    },
-    "summary" : {},
-    "transp" : {
-      values: ["opaque", "transparent"]
-    },
-    "uid" : {
-      datatype: "anyURI"
-    },
-    "url" : {
-      datatype: "anyURI"
-    },
-    "last-modified" : {
-      datatype: "dateTime"
-    },
-    "rrule" : {
-      subproperties: {
-        "interval" : {
-          virtual: true,
-          /* This will only be called in the virtual case */
-          virtualGetter: function(mfnode) {
-            return Microformats.hCalendar.properties.rrule.retrieve(mfnode, "interval");
-          }
-        },
-        "freq" : {
-          virtual: true,
-          /* This will only be called in the virtual case */
-          virtualGetter: function(mfnode) {
-            return Microformats.hCalendar.properties.rrule.retrieve(mfnode, "freq");
-          }
-        },
-        "bysecond" : {
-          virtual: true,
-          /* This will only be called in the virtual case */
-          virtualGetter: function(mfnode) {
-            return Microformats.hCalendar.properties.rrule.retrieve(mfnode, "bysecond");
-          }
-        },
-        "byminute" : {
-          virtual: true,
-          /* This will only be called in the virtual case */
-          virtualGetter: function(mfnode) {
-            return Microformats.hCalendar.properties.rrule.retrieve(mfnode, "byminute");
-          }
-        },
-        "byhour" : {
-          virtual: true,
-          /* This will only be called in the virtual case */
-          virtualGetter: function(mfnode) {
-            return Microformats.hCalendar.properties.rrule.retrieve(mfnode, "byhour");
-          }
-        },
-        "bymonthday" : {
-          virtual: true,
-          /* This will only be called in the virtual case */
-          virtualGetter: function(mfnode) {
-            return Microformats.hCalendar.properties.rrule.retrieve(mfnode, "bymonthday");
-          }
-        },
-        "byyearday" : {
-          virtual: true,
-          /* This will only be called in the virtual case */
-          virtualGetter: function(mfnode) {
-            return Microformats.hCalendar.properties.rrule.retrieve(mfnode, "byyearday");
-          }
-        },
-        "byweekno" : {
-          virtual: true,
-          /* This will only be called in the virtual case */
-          virtualGetter: function(mfnode) {
-            return Microformats.hCalendar.properties.rrule.retrieve(mfnode, "byweekno");
-          }
-        },
-        "bymonth" : {
-          virtual: true,
-          /* This will only be called in the virtual case */
-          virtualGetter: function(mfnode) {
-            return Microformats.hCalendar.properties.rrule.retrieve(mfnode, "bymonth");
-          }
-        },
-        "byday" : {
-          virtual: true,
-          /* This will only be called in the virtual case */
-          virtualGetter: function(mfnode) {
-            return Microformats.hCalendar.properties.rrule.retrieve(mfnode, "byday");
-          }
-        },
-        "until" : {
-          virtual: true,
-          /* This will only be called in the virtual case */
-          virtualGetter: function(mfnode) {
-            return Microformats.hCalendar.properties.rrule.retrieve(mfnode, "until");
-          }
-        },
-        "count" : {
-          virtual: true,
-          /* This will only be called in the virtual case */
-          virtualGetter: function(mfnode) {
-            return Microformats.hCalendar.properties.rrule.retrieve(mfnode, "count");
-          }
-        }
-      },
-      retrieve: function(mfnode, property) {
-        var value = Microformats.parser.textGetter(mfnode);
-        var rrule;
-        rrule = value.split(';');
-        for (let i=0; i < rrule.length; i++) {
-          if (rrule[i].match(property)) {
-            return rrule[i].split('=')[1];
-          }
-        }
-        return undefined;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-Microformats.add("hCalendar", hCalendar_definition);
-this.geo = function geo(node, validate) {
-  if (node) {
-    Microformats.parser.newMicroformat(this, node, "geo", validate);
-  }
-geo.prototype.toString = function() {
-  if (this.latitude != undefined) {
-    if (!isFinite(this.latitude) || (this.latitude > 360) || (this.latitude < -360)) {
-      return undefined;
-    }
-  }
-  if (this.longitude != undefined) {
-    if (!isFinite(this.longitude) || (this.longitude > 360) || (this.longitude < -360)) {
-      return undefined;
-    }
-  }
-  if ((this.latitude != undefined) && (this.longitude != undefined)) {
-    var s;
-    if ((this.node.localName.toLowerCase() == "abbr") || (this.node.localName.toLowerCase() == "html:abbr")) {
-      s = this.node.textContent;
-    }
-    if (s) {
-      return s;
-    }
-    /* check if geo is contained in a vcard */
-    var xpathExpression = "ancestor::*[contains(concat(' ', @class, ' '), ' vcard ')]";
-    var xpathResult = this.node.ownerDocument.evaluate(xpathExpression, this.node, null,  Components.interfaces.nsIDOMXPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE, null);
-    if (xpathResult.singleNodeValue) {
-      var hcard = new hCard(xpathResult.singleNodeValue);
-      if (hcard.fn) {
-        return hcard.fn;
-      }
-    }
-    /* check if geo is contained in a vevent */
-    xpathExpression = "ancestor::*[contains(concat(' ', @class, ' '), ' vevent ')]";
-    xpathResult = this.node.ownerDocument.evaluate(xpathExpression, this.node, null,  Components.interfaces.nsIDOMXPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE, xpathResult);
-    if (xpathResult.singleNodeValue) {
-      var hcal = new hCalendar(xpathResult.singleNodeValue);
-      if (hcal.summary) {
-        return hcal.summary;
-      }
-    }
-    if (s) {
-      return s;
-    } else {
-      return this.latitude + ", " + this.longitude;
-    }
-  }
-  return undefined;
-var geo_definition = {
-  mfObject: geo,
-  className: "geo",
-  required: ["latitude","longitude"],
-  properties: {
-    "latitude" : {
-      datatype: "float",
-      virtual: true,
-      /* This will only be called in the virtual case */
-      virtualGetter: function(mfnode) {
-        var value = Microformats.parser.textGetter(mfnode);
-        var latlong;
-        if (value.match(';')) {
-          latlong = value.split(';');
-          if (latlong[0]) {
-            if (!isNaN(latlong[0])) {
-              return parseFloat(latlong[0]);
-            }
-          }
-        }
-        return undefined;
-      }
-    },
-    "longitude" : {
-      datatype: "float",
-      virtual: true,
-      /* This will only be called in the virtual case */
-      virtualGetter: function(mfnode) {
-        var value = Microformats.parser.textGetter(mfnode);
-        var latlong;
-        if (value.match(';')) {
-          latlong = value.split(';');
-          if (latlong[1]) {
-            if (!isNaN(latlong[1])) {
-              return parseFloat(latlong[1]);
-            }
-          }
-        }
-        return undefined;
-      }
-    }
-  },
-  validate: function(node) {
-    var latitude = Microformats.parser.getMicroformatProperty(node, "geo", "latitude");
-    var longitude = Microformats.parser.getMicroformatProperty(node, "geo", "longitude");
-    if (latitude != undefined) {
-      if (!isFinite(latitude) || (latitude > 360) || (latitude < -360)) {
-        throw("Invalid latitude");
-      }
-    } else {
-      throw("No latitude specified");
-    }
-    if (longitude != undefined) {
-      if (!isFinite(longitude) || (longitude > 360) || (longitude < -360)) {
-        throw("Invalid longitude");
-      }
-    } else {
-      throw("No longitude specified");
-    }
-    return true;
-  }
-Microformats.add("geo", geo_definition);
-this.tag = function tag(node, validate) {
-  if (node) {
-    Microformats.parser.newMicroformat(this, node, "tag", validate);
-  }
-tag.prototype.toString = function() {
-  return this.tag;
-var tag_definition = {
-  mfObject: tag,
-  attributeName: "rel",
-  attributeValues: "tag",
-  properties: {
-    "tag" : {
-      virtual: true,
-      virtualGetter: function(mfnode) {
-        if (mfnode.href) {
-          var ioService = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/network/io-service;1"].
-                                     getService(Components.interfaces.nsIIOService);
-          var uri = ioService.newURI(mfnode.href, null, null);
-          var url_array = uri.path.split("/");
-          for(let i=url_array.length-1; i > 0; i--) {
-            if (url_array[i] !== "") {
-              var tag
-              if (tag = Microformats.tag.validTagName(url_array[i].replace(/\+/g, ' '))) {
-                try {
-                  return decodeURIComponent(tag);
-                } catch (ex) {
-                  return unescape(tag);
-                }
-              }
-            }
-          }
-        }
-        return null;
-      }
-    },
-    "link" : {
-      virtual: true,
-      datatype: "anyURI"
-    },
-    "text" : {
-      virtual: true
-    }
-  },
-  validTagName: function(tag)
-  {
-    var returnTag = tag;
-    if (tag.indexOf('?') != -1) {
-      if (tag.indexOf('?') === 0) {
-        return false;
-      } else {
-        returnTag = tag.substr(0, tag.indexOf('?'));
-      }
-    }
-    if (tag.indexOf('#') != -1) {
-      if (tag.indexOf('#') === 0) {
-        return false;
-      } else {
-        returnTag = tag.substr(0, tag.indexOf('#'));
-      }
-    }
-    if (tag.indexOf('.html') != -1) {
-      if (tag.indexOf('.html') == tag.length - 5) {
-        return false;
-      }
-    }
-    return returnTag;
-  },
-  validate: function(node) {
-    var tag = Microformats.parser.getMicroformatProperty(node, "tag", "tag");
-    if (!tag) {
-      if (node.href) {
-        var url_array = node.getAttribute("href").split("/");
-        for(let i=url_array.length-1; i > 0; i--) {
-          if (url_array[i] !== "") {
-            throw("Invalid tag name (" + url_array[i] + ")");
-          }
-        }
-      } else {
-        throw("No href specified on tag");
-      }
-    }
-    return true;
-  }
-Microformats.add("tag", tag_definition);
--- a/toolkit/components/microformats/moz.build
+++ b/toolkit/components/microformats/moz.build
@@ -1,13 +1,12 @@
 # -*- Mode: python; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; tab-width: 40 -*-
 # vim: set filetype=python:
 # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
-    'microformat-shiv.js',
-    'Microformats.js',
+    'microformat-shiv.js'
 with Files('**'):
     BUG_COMPONENT = ('Toolkit', 'Microformats')
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/toolkit/components/microformats/tests/.eslintrc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-  "extends": [
-    "../../../../testing/mochitest/mochitest.eslintrc"
-  ]
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/toolkit/components/microformats/tests/geo.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-  <body>
-    <span class="geo" id="01-geo-abbr-latlong" >
-      <abbr class="latitude" title="37.77">Northern</abbr>
-      <abbr class="longitude" title="-122.41">California</abbr>
-    </span>
-  </body>
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/toolkit/components/microformats/tests/mochitest.ini
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-skip-if = buildapp == 'b2g'
-support-files = geo.html
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/toolkit/components/microformats/tests/test_Microformats.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,301 +0,0 @@
-  <title>Testing Microformats.js</title>
-  <script type="text/javascript" src="/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js"></script>
-  <script type="text/javascript" src="/tests/SimpleTest/EventUtils.js"></script>
-  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/tests/SimpleTest/test.css"></link>
-  <style type="text/css">
-    /*vcards weee! */
-    .floated div {
-      float:left;
-    }
-  </style>
-<div id="content" style="display: none">
-  <div id="test_1">
-    <div class="vcard" id="vcard1_node">
-     <a class="url fn" href="http://tantek.com/">Tantek Çelik</a>
-     <div id="vcard1_org" class="org">Technorati</div>
-    </div>  
-    <div class="vcard" id="vcard2_node">
-     <a class="url" href="http://tantek.com/">Tantek Çelik</a>
-     <div id="vcard2_org" class="org">Technorati</div>
-    </div>
-  </div>
-  <div class="vcard" id="outer_vcard">
-    <div class="vcard" id="middle_vcard">
-      <div class="vcard" id="inner_vcard">
-        <span class="fn">Inner User</span>
-      </div>
-      <span class="fn">Middle User</span>
-    </div>
-    <span class="fn">Outer User</span>
-  </div>
-  <div class="vcard" id="outer_vcard2">
-    <div class="vevent" id="middle_vevent2">
-      <div class="vcard" id="inner_vcard2">
-        <span class="fn">Inner User</span>
-      </div>
-      <span class="summary">Middle Event</span>
-    </div>
-    <span class="fn">Outer User</span>
-  </div>
-  <div class="vevent" id="outer_vevent3">
-    <div class="vcard" id="middle_vcard3">
-      <div class="vevent" id="inner_vevent3">
-        <span class="summary">Inner Event</span>
-      </div>
-      <span class="fn">Middle User</span>
-    </div>
-    <span class="summary">Outer Event</span>
-  </div>
-  <div class="vevent" id="outer_vevent4">
-    <a rel="tag" id="inner_tag4" href="http://www.example.com/inner_tag">
-      Inner tag
-    </a>
-    <span class="summary">Outer Event</span>
-  </div>
-  <a rel="tag" id="outer_tag5" href="http://www.example.com/outer_tag">
-    <div class="vevent" id="inner_vevent5">
-      <span class="summary">Inner Event</span>
-    </div>
-  </a>
-  <div class="vcard" id="value_test">
-    <span class="fn">
-      <span class="value">John</span>
-      <span><span class="value">Middle</span></span>
-      <span class="value">Doe</span>
-    </span>
-  </div>
-  <div class="vcard" id="nested_vcard1">
-    <div class="agent vcard" id="nested_vcard2">
-      <div class="agent vcard" id="nested_vcard3">
-        <span class="fn">Bob Smith</span>
-        <span class="title">Office Assistant</span>
-      </div>
-      <span class="fn">Jack Jones</span>
-      <span class="title">Executive Assistant</span>
-    </div>
-    <span class="fn">John Doe</span>
-    <span class="title">CEO</span>
-  </div>
-  <div class="vevent" id="date_vcal">
-    <span class="description">Mozilla's Birthday</span>
-    <span class="dtstart">1998-01-22</span>
-  </div>
-  <div class="vevent" id="vcal_vcard">
-    <div class="vcard">
-      <span class="description">
-        <span class="fn org">Mozilla</span>'s Birthday
-      </span>
-    </div>
-    <span class="dtstart">1998-01-22</span>
-  </div>
-  <div id="geo_vcard" class="vcard">
-    <span class="fn">John Doe</span>
-    <span class="geo" id="ill_geo5">abc;def</span>
-  </div>
-  <div id="loc_vevent" class="vevent">
-    <span class="summary">Party</span>
-    <span class="location">The White House</span>
-  </div>
-  <div id="loc_vcard_vevent" class="vevent">
-    <span class="summary">Party</span>
-    <span class="location vcard"><span class="fn">The White House</span></span>
-  </div>
-  <div class="vcard" id="valuespace_1">
-    <span class="fn">
-      <span class="value">John</span>
-      <span class="value"> </span>
-      <span class="value">Doe</span>
-    </span>
-  </div>
-  <div class="vcard" id="valuespace_2">
-    <span class="fn">
-      <span class="value">John</span>
-      <span class="value">    </span>
-      <span class="value">Doe</span>
-    </span>
-  </div>
-  <div class="vcard" id="valuespace_3">
-    <span class="fn">
-      <span class="value">  John</span>
-      <span class="value">    </span>
-      <span class="value">Doe  </span>
-    </span>
-  </div>
-  <div class="vcard" id="valuespace_4">
-    <span class="fn">
-      <span class="value">John    </span>
-      <span class="value">    Doe</span>
-    </span>
-  </div>
-  <div class="vcard" id="valuespace_5">
-    <span class="fn">
-      <span class="value">    John</span>
-      <span class="value">    Doe    </span>
-    </span>
-  </div>
-  <div class="vcard" id="valuespace_6">
-    <span class="fn">
-      <span class="value">John
-      </span>
-      <span class="value">
-      Doe</span>
-      </span>
-  </div>
-  <div class="vcard" id="valuespace_7">
-    <span class="fn">
-      <span class="value">John</span>
-      <span class="value">Doe</span>
-    </span>
-  </div>
-  <span id="austin" class="location">Austin - Sixth Street</span>
-  <table summary="Timetable">
-    <thead>
-      <tr>
-        <th id="location-1"><a href="#austin" class="include"></a>New York</th>
-      </tr>
-    </thead>
-    <tbody>
-      <tr>
-        <th id="time-1"><abbr title="2008-01-01" class="dtstart">Jan 1, 2008</abbr></th>
-        <td id="nested_header_include" class="vevent" headers="time-1 location-1"><div class="summary">New Years Party</div></td>
-      </tr>
-    </tbody>
-  </table>
-<div id="float_test">
-  <div class="vcard floated" id="one">
-    <div class="fn">John Doe</div>
-  </div>
-  <div class="vcard" id="two">
-    <div class="fn">John Smith</div>
-  </div>
-<pre id="test">
-<script class="testbody" type="application/javascript;version=1.8">
-function test_Microformats() {
-  let { Microformats, hCard, hCalendar } = SpecialPowers.Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Microformats.js");
-  ok(Microformats, "Check global access to Microformats");
-  var hCards = Microformats.get("hCard", document.getElementById("test_1"), {showHidden: true});
-  is(hCards.length, 1, "Check Microformats.get");
-  is(Microformats.count("hCard", document.getElementById("test_1"),  {showHidden: true}), 1, "Check Microformats.count");
-  is(Microformats.count("hCard", document.getElementById("test_1"),  {showHidden: true, debug: true}), 2, "Check Microformats.count (debug)");
-  ok(Microformats.isMicroformat(document.getElementById("vcard1_node")), "Check isMicroformat");
-  is(SpecialPowers.unwrap(Microformats.getParent(document.getElementById("vcard1_org"))), document.getElementById("vcard1_node"), "Check getParent");
-  is(Microformats.getNamesFromNode(document.getElementById("vcard1_node")), "hCard", "Check getNamesFromNode");
-  var hCardArray1 = Microformats.get("hCard", document.getElementById("test_1"), {showHidden: true});
-  is(hCardArray1.length, 1, "Check showHidden=true");
-  var hCardArray2 = Microformats.get("hCard", document.getElementById("test_1"), {showHidden: false});
-  is(hCardArray2.length, 0, "Check showHidden=false");
-  var inner_parent = Microformats.getParent(document.getElementById("inner_vcard"));
-  is(inner_parent.id, "middle_vcard", "GetParent gets correct ancestor 1");
-  var inner_parent = Microformats.getParent(document.getElementById("inner_vcard2"));
-  is(inner_parent.id, "middle_vevent2", "GetParent gets correct ancestor 2");
-  var inner_parent = Microformats.getParent(document.getElementById("middle_vevent2"));
-  is(inner_parent.id, "outer_vcard2", "GetParent gets correct ancestor 2a");
-  var inner_parent = Microformats.getParent(document.getElementById("inner_vevent3"));
-  is(inner_parent.id, "middle_vcard3", "GetParent gets correct ancestor 3");
-  var inner_parent = Microformats.getParent(document.getElementById("middle_vcard3"));
-  is(inner_parent.id, "outer_vevent3", "GetParent gets correct ancestor 3a");
-  var inner_parent = Microformats.getParent(document.getElementById("inner_tag4"));
-  is(inner_parent.id, "outer_vevent4", "GetParent gets correct ancestor 4");
-  var inner_parent = Microformats.getParent(document.getElementById("inner_vevent5"));
-  is(inner_parent.id, "outer_tag5", "GetParent gets correct ancestor 5");
-  var valueCard = new hCard(document.getElementById("value_test"));
-  is(valueCard.fn, "JohnDoe", "value_test");
-  var nestCard1 = new hCard(document.getElementById("nested_vcard1"));
-  var nestCard2 = new hCard(document.getElementById("nested_vcard2"));
-  var nestCard3 = new hCard(document.getElementById("nested_vcard3"));
-  is(nestCard1.fn, "John Doe", "nesting (fn) 1");
-  is(String(nestCard1.title), "CEO", "nesting (title) 1");
-  is(nestCard2.fn, "Jack Jones", "nesting (fn) 2");
-  is(String(nestCard2.title), "Executive Assistant", "nesting (title) 2");
-  is(nestCard3.fn, "Bob Smith", "nesting (fn) 3");
-  is(String(nestCard3.title), "Office Assistant", "nesting (title) 3");
-  is(nestCard1.agent[0].agent[0].fn, "Bob Smith", "nesting all");
-  var dateCal = new hCalendar(document.getElementById("date_vcal"));
-  jsdate = Microformats.dateFromISO8601(dateCal.dtstart);
-  origdate = Microformats.iso8601FromDate(jsdate, true);
-  is(dateCal.dtstart, origdate, "date round trip");
-  var dateCal = new hCalendar(document.getElementById("vcal_vcard"));
-  is(String(dateCal.description), "Mozilla's Birthday", "vcard in vcal");
-  is(Microformats.count("hCard", document.getElementById("float_test")), 2, "Check Microformats.count for floated div");
-  var hcard = new hCard(document.getElementById("geo_vcard"));
-  ok(!hcard.geo, "Check if invalid geo does not exist");
-  var hcal = new hCalendar(document.getElementById("loc_vevent"));
-  is(hcal.location, "The White House", "Check if non vcard location works");
-  var hcal = new hCalendar(document.getElementById("loc_vcard_vevent"));
-  is(hcal.location.fn, "The White House", "Check if vcard location works");
-  var nestedCal = new hCalendar(document.getElementById("nested_header_include"));
-  is(nestedCal.dtstart, "2008-01-01", "nested_header_include - dtstart");
-  is(nestedCal.location, "Austin - Sixth Street", "nested_header_include - location");
-  is(nestedCal.summary, "New Years Party", "nested_header_include - summary");
-  var valueCard = new hCard(document.getElementById("valuespace_1"));
-  is(valueCard.fn, "John Doe", "valuespace_1");
-  var valueCard = new hCard(document.getElementById("valuespace_2"));
-  is(valueCard.fn, "John Doe", "valuespace_2");
-  var valueCard = new hCard(document.getElementById("valuespace_3"));
-  is(valueCard.fn, "John Doe", "valuespace_3");
-  var valueCard = new hCard(document.getElementById("valuespace_4"));
-  is(valueCard.fn, "John Doe", "valuespace_4");
-  var valueCard = new hCard(document.getElementById("valuespace_5"));
-  is(valueCard.fn, "John Doe", "valuespace_5");
-  var valueCard = new hCard(document.getElementById("valuespace_6"));
-  is(valueCard.fn, "John Doe", "valuespace_6");
-  var valueCard = new hCard(document.getElementById("valuespace_7"));
-  is(valueCard.fn, "JohnDoe", "valuespace_7");
-function test_hCard() {
-  var Microformats = SpecialPowers.Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Microformats.js").Microformats;
-  var hCards = Microformats.get("hCard", document.getElementById("test_1"),  {showHidden: true}); 
-  is(hCards[0].fn, "Tantek Çelik", "Check for fn on test vcard");
-  is(String(hCards[0].url), "http://tantek.com/", "Check for url on test vcard");
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/toolkit/components/microformats/tests/test_Microformats_add.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,238 +0,0 @@
-  <title>Testing Mixed Up Microformat APIs</title>
-  <script type="text/javascript" src="/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js"></script>
-  <script type="text/javascript" src="/tests/SimpleTest/EventUtils.js"></script>
-  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/tests/SimpleTest/test.css"></link>
-<body id="contentbody">
-  <!-- Parsing tests are well covered, we're going to do some data type stuff
-       here -->
-  <div id="test1">
-    <p class="mftest" id="mftest-version1">
-      <span class="title"><b>Can Really be Anything, even HTML</b></span>
-      <span class="htmlval"><i>foo</i></span>
-      <span class="htmlval">what about just text?</span>
-      <span class="tel">011-23-45-7867-897890</span>
-      <span class="uri">http://www.mozilla.org </span>
-      <span class="email">mailto:joe@nowhere.org</span>
-      <span class="geo">
-        <span class="latitude">0.0</span>
-        <span class="longitude">0.0</span>
-      </span>
-      <span class="date">20080401T235900</span>
-    </p>
-  </div>
-  <!-- This one is invalid until we add the new version of the hTest MF -->
-  <div id="test2">
-    <span class="mftest" id="mftest-version2">
-      <abbr class="title" title="<b>Can Really be Anything, even HTML</b>"/>
-      <span class="uri" title="http://www.mozilla.org"/>
-      <abbr class="email" title="joe@nowhere.org">joe's email</ABBR>
-      <span class="geo">
-        <span class="latitude">0.0</span>
-        <span class="longitude">0.0"</span>
-      </span>
-      <!-- Throw a zulu in there! -->
-      <span class="date" title="20080401T235900Z"/>
-    </span>
-  </div>
-  <!-- This one is invalid in both versions (no title)-->
-  <div id="test3">
-    <div class="mftest">
-      <abbr class="htmlval" title="what about just text?">more values</abbr>  
-      <span class="uri">http://foo.com</span>
-    </div>
-  </div>
-  <!-- Contains an invalid geo -->
-  <div id="test4">
-    <span class="mftest">
-      <abbr class="title" title="<b>Can Really be Anything, even HTML</b>"/>
-      <abbr class="htmlval" title="<html><body>foo</body></html>">
-        An HTML document!
-      </abbr>
-      <abbr class="htmlval" title="what about just text?">more values</abbr>
-      <span class="tel" title="011-23-45-7867-897890"/>
-      <span class="uri" title="http://www.mozilla.org"/>
-      <abbr class="email" title="joe@nowhere.org">joe's email</ABBR>
-      <span class="geo">
-        <span class="latitude">659</span>
-        <span class="longitude">-362.5</span>
-      </span>
-      <span class="date" title="20080401T235900"/>
-    </span>
-  </div>
-  <!-- Contains an invalid date -->
-  <div id="test5">
-    <span class="mftest">
-      <abbr class="title htmlval" title="another test">thehtmlvaltodoescapeme</abbr>
-      <abbr class="date" title="200311T032Z">invalid date</abbr>
-    </span>
-  </div>
-  <!-- Ok, the test, here we go -->
-  <pre id="test">
-  <script class="testbody" type="text/javascript">
-  function hTest(node, validate) {
-    var Microformats = SpecialPowers.Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Microformats.js").Microformats;
-    if (node)
-      Microformats.parser.newMicroformat(this, node, "hTest", validate);
-  }
-  hTest.prototype.toString = function () {
-    return("This is a test");
-  }
-  // Define a new microformat to add to the Microformats collection
-  var hTest_definition = {
-    mfObject: hTest,
-    className: "mftest",
-    required: ["title", "htmlval"],
-    properties: {
-      "title" : {},
-      "htmlval" : {
-        plural: true,
-        datatype: "HTML"
-      },
-      "tel" : {
-        datatype: "tel",
-      },
-      "uri" : {
-        dataypte: "anyURI"
-      },
-      "email" : {
-        datatype: "email"
-      },
-      "geo" : {
-        datatype: "microformat",
-        microformat: "geo"
-      },
-      "date" : {
-        datatype: "dateTime",
-      }
-    }
-  };
-  // Define another version of this microformat to overwrite it - this one
-  // removes the requirement to have a htmlval and also removes the tel prop.
-  var hTest_definition2 = {
-    mfObject: hTest,
-    className: "mftest",
-    required: ["title"],
-    properties: {
-      "title" : {},
-      "htmlval" : {
-        plural: true,
-        datatype: "HTML"
-      },
-      "uri" : {
-        dataypte: "anyURI"
-      },
-      "email" : {
-        datatype: "email"
-      },
-      "geo" : {
-        datatype: "microformat",
-        microformat: "geo"
-      },
-      "date" : {
-        datatype: "dateTime",
-      }
-    }
-  };
-  test_MicroformatsAPI();
-  function doTest3_4_and5() {
-    var Microformats = SpecialPowers.Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Microformats.js").Microformats;
-    ok(Microformats, "Make sure we still have a microformats object");
-    var mfs = Microformats.get("hTest",
-                               document.getElementById("test3"),
-                               {recurseExternalFrames: true});
-    is(mfs.length, 0, "Check hTest 3 is invalid");
-    mfs = Microformats.get("hTest",
-                            document.getElementById("test4"),
-                            {recurseExternalFrames: true});
-    is(mfs.length, 1, "Check hTest 4 is valid");
-    // Test 4 is a valid hTest, but it's embedded Geo is invalid,
-    // test that assumption
-    ok(!(mfs.geo), "Ensure that the test 4 geo is reporting as invalid");
-    mfs = Microformats.get("hTest",
-                            document.getElementById("test5"),
-                            {recurseExternalFrames: true});
-    is(mfs.length, 1, "Check hTest 5 is valid");
-    try {
-      var jsDate = new Date(Microformats.parser.dateFromISO8601(mfs[0].date));
-      ok(false, "Invalid JS Date should throw");
-    } catch (ex) {
-      ok(true, "Check that getting invalid jsdate throws");
-    }
-  }
-  function test_MicroformatsAPI() {
-    var Microformats = SpecialPowers.Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Microformats.js").Microformats;
-    // Make sure they aren't microformats yet
-    is(Microformats.isMicroformat(document.getElementById("mftest-version1")),
-       false, "Check that the mfTest microformat does not exist yet");
-    try {
-      Microformats.add("hTest", hTest_definition);
-    } catch (ex) {
-      ok(false, "Threw while adding hTest definition 1");
-    }
-    ok(Microformats.isMicroformat(document.getElementById("mftest-version1")),
-       "Check that the mfTest microformat now exists");
-    var mf = Microformats.get("hTest", document.getElementById("test1"),
-                              {recurseExternalFrames: true});
-    is(mf.length, 1, "Check that test1 is a valid microformat");
-    is(mf[0].title, "Can Really be Anything, even HTML", "Check test1 title");
-    is(mf[0].geo.latitude, 0.0, "Check test1 geo");
-    // Make sure that our test2 doesn't pass validation until we add
-    // version 2 of the hTest microformat
-    var mf2 = Microformats.get("hTest", document.getElementById("test2"), {});
-    is(mf2.length, 0, "Check that the mfTest microformat version 2 is not a MF");
-    doTest3_4_and5(false);
-    // Ok, add the version 2 hTest
-    try {
-      Microformats.add("hTest", hTest_definition2);
-    } catch (ex) {
-      ok(false, "Threw while adding hTest definition 2");
-    }
-    // The old version's microformat is still valid
-    mf = Microformats.get("hTest", document.getElementById("test1"),
-                          {recurseExternalFrames: true});
-    ok(mf.length, 1, "Check that test1 is a valid microformat");
-    // Verify that the version 2 microformat is now also considered valid
-    mf2 = Microformats.get("hTest", document.getElementById("test2"), {});
-    ok(mf2.length, 1, "Check that the mfTest microformat version 2 is now valid");
-    doTest3_4_and5(true);
-    Microformats.remove("hTest");
-  }
-  </script>
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/toolkit/components/microformats/tests/test_Microformats_adr.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-  <meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
-  <title>Testing Microformats.js (adr)</title>
-  <script type="text/javascript" src="/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js"></script>
-  <script type="text/javascript" src="/tests/SimpleTest/EventUtils.js"></script>
-  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/tests/SimpleTest/test.css"></link>
-<div id="content" style="display: none">
-  <div class="adr" id="01-extended-address">
-    <span class="extended-address">Park Bench</span>
-  </div>
-<pre id="test">
-<script class="testbody" type="text/javascript">
-function test_Microformats() {
-  var Microformats = SpecialPowers.Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Microformats.js").Microformats;
-  ok(Microformats, "Check global access to Microformats");
-function test_adr() {
-  var adr = SpecialPowers.Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Microformats.js").adr;
-  var address;
-  address = new adr(document.getElementById("01-extended-address"));
-  is(address.toString(), "Park Bench", "01-extended-address");
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/toolkit/components/microformats/tests/test_Microformats_count.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,154 +0,0 @@
-  <title>Testing Mixed Up Microformat APIs</title>
-  <script type="text/javascript" src="/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js"></script>
-  <script type="text/javascript" src="/tests/SimpleTest/EventUtils.js"></script>
-  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/tests/SimpleTest/test.css"></link>
-<body id="contentbody">
-  <!-- hCard -->
-  <p class="vcard" id="23-abbr-title-everything">
-<!-- perhaps the most annoying test ever -->
-    <abbr class="fn" title="John Doe">foo</abbr>
-    <span class="n">
-      <abbr class="honorific-prefix" title="Mister">Mr.</abbr>
-      <abbr class="given-name" title="Jonathan">John</abbr>
-      <abbr class="additional-name" title="John">J</abbr>
-      <abbr class="family-name" title="Doe-Smith">Doe</abbr>
-      <abbr class="honorific-suffix" title="Medical Doctor">M.D</abbr>
-    </span>
-    <abbr class="nickname" title="JJ">jj</abbr>
-    <abbr class="bday" title="2006-04-04">April 4, 2006</abbr>
-    <span class="adr">
-      <abbr class="post-office-box" title="Box 1234">B. 1234</abbr>
-      <abbr class="extended-address" title="Suite 100">Ste. 100</abbr>
-      <abbr class="street-address" title="123 Fake Street">123 Fake St.</abbr>
-      <abbr class="locality" title="San Francisco">San Fran</abbr>
-      <abbr class="region" title="California">CA</abbr>
-      <abbr class="postal-code" title="12345-6789">12345</abbr>
-      <abbr class="country-name" title="United States of America">USA</abbr>
-      <abbr class="type" title="work">workplace</abbr>
-    </span>
-    <abbr class="tel" title="415.555.1234">1234</abbr>
-    <abbr class="tel-type-value" title="work">workplace</abbr>
-<!--       mailer  -->
-    <abbr class="tz" title="-0700">Pacific Time</abbr>
-    <span class="geo">
-      <abbr class="latitude" title="37.77">Northern</abbr>
-      <abbr class="longitude" title="-122.41">California</abbr>
-    </span>
-    <abbr class="title" title="President">pres.</abbr> and
-    <abbr class="role" title="Chief">cat wrangler</abbr>
-<!--       <span class="agent"></span> -->
-    <span class="org">
-      <abbr class="organization-name" title="Intellicorp">foo</abbr>
-      <abbr class="organization-unit" title="Intelligence">bar</abbr>
-    </span>
-<!--       <abbr class="category" title=""></abbr> -->
-    <abbr class="note" title="this is a note">this is not a note</abbr>
-<!--       <abbr class="rev" title=""></abbr>  (revision datetime) -->
-<!--       <abbr class="sort-string" title=""></abbr> -->
-    <abbr class="uid" title="abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz">alpha</abbr>
-    <abbr class="class" title="public">pub</abbr>
-<!--       <abbr class="key" title=""></abbr> -->
-  </p>
-  <!-- hCalendar -->
-  <frameset>
-    <frame id="frame1">
-      <div>
-        <span class="notAMicroformat" id="notme">
-          <abbr> class="foo">I am not a microformat</abbr>
-          <abbr> class="title">Foolish title, not a format</abbr>
-        </span>
-      </div>
-    </frame>
-    <frame id="frame3">
-      <span class="geo" id="02-geo-abbr-latlong" >
-        <abbr class="latitude" title="75.77">Far Northern</abbr>
-        <abbr class="longitude" title="-122.41">Canada</abbr>
-      </span>
-    <frame id="frame2">
-      <div class="vcalendar">
-        <span class="vevent" id="15-calendar-xml-lang">
-          <a class="url" href="http://www.web2con.com/">
-          <span class="summary">Web 2.0 Conference</span>: 
-          <abbr class="dtstart" title="2005-10-05">October 5</abbr>-
-          <abbr class="dtend" title="2005-10-08">7</abbr>,
-          at the <span class="location">Argent Hotel, San Francisco, CA</span>
-          </a>
-        </span>
-      </div>
-    </frame>
-  </frameset>
-  <!-- Put the test code before the iframe just to be
-    extra-sure it's been evaluated before the iframe onload fires -->
-  <script class="testbody" type="text/javascript">
-  // Called from the onload of the iframe
-  function test_MicroformatsAPI() {
-    // I'm going to try to do this without getting XPConnect priv's, make sure
-    // we throw
-    try {
-      Components.utils.import("resource://gre/modules/Microformats.js");
-      ok(false, "Should not execute this code");
-    } catch(ex) {
-      ok(true, "Expected exception");
-    }
-    // Gonna do things the right way
-    var Microformats = SpecialPowers.Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Microformats.js").Microformats;
-    // Test Microformat frame recursion - start with counting
-    var count = Microformats.count("adr",
-                                   document.getElementById("contentbody"),
-                                   {recurseExternalFrames: false}, // do not recurse frames
-                                   0);    // current count
-    is(count, 2, "No frame recursion, finds 2 adr's (none in frames)");
-    // Try it with frame recursion
-    count = Microformats.count("adr",
-                               document.getElementById("contentbody"),
-                               {recurseExternalFrames: true},
-                               count);
-    // Should still find 2
-    is(count, 2, "Only 2 adr nodes, even when recursing frames");
-    // Since "recurseExternalFrames" only affects the external frames, the microformat
-    // in the <frameset> will always be counted.
-    count = Microformats.count("geo",
-                              document.getElementById("contentbody"),
-                              {recurseExternalFrames: false},
-                              0);
-    is(count, 2, "Should find two geo if we don't recurse external frames");
-    count = Microformats.count("geo",
-                              document.getElementById("contentbody"),
-                              {recurseExternalFrames: true},
-                              0);
-    is(count, 3, "Three geos,one outside, one in a frameset, and one in iframe");
-    count = Microformats.count("hCalendar",
-                               document.getElementById("contentbody"),
-                               {recurseExternalFrames: true},
-                               0);
-    is(count, 1, "One hCalendar");
-    count = Microformats.count("hCard",
-                               document.getElementById("contentbody"),
-                               {recurseExternalFrames: true});
-    is(count, 1, "One hCard");
-  }
-  </script>
-  <!-- Geo Fire the test from here so we know this is loaded at the outset -->
-  <iframe src="geo.html" onload="test_MicroformatsAPI();">
-  </iframe>
-  <!-- adr -->
-  <div class="adr" id="01-extended-address">
-    <span class="extended-address">Park Bench</span>
-  </div>
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/toolkit/components/microformats/tests/test_Microformats_geo.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,218 +0,0 @@
-  <meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
-  <title>Testing Microformats.js (geo)</title>
-  <script type="text/javascript" src="/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js"></script>
-  <script type="text/javascript" src="/tests/SimpleTest/EventUtils.js"></script>
-  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/tests/SimpleTest/test.css"></link>
-<div id="content" style="display: none">
-    <span class="geo" id="01-geo-basic">
-      <span class="latitude">37.77</span>
-      <span class="longitude">-122.411</span>
-    </span>
-    <span class="geo" id="01-geo-abbr-latlong" >
-      <abbr class="latitude" title="37.77">Northern</abbr>
-      <abbr class="longitude" title="-122.41">California</abbr>
-    </span>
-    <abbr class="geo" id="01-geo-abbr" title="30.267991;-97.739568">Paradise</abbr>
-    <span class="vcard">
-    <span class="fn org">John Doe</span>
-    <abbr class="geo" id="02-geo-vcard-01" title="37.77;-122.41"></abbr>
-    </span>
-    <span class="vcard">
-    <span class="fn org">John Doe</span>
-    <abbr class="geo" id="02-geo-vcard-02" title="37.77;-122.41">Northern California</abbr>
-    </span>
-    <span class="vevent">
-      <span class="summary">SXSW Interactive (South by Southwest)</span>
-      <ABBR title="20080307" class="dtstart">Friday, March 7, 2008</ABBR>
-      -
-      <ABBR title="20080311" class="dtend">Tuesday, March 11, 2008</ABBR>
-      <abbr class="geo"  id="02-geo-vevent-01" title="30.2622;-97.7399"></abbr>
-    </span>
-    <span class="vevent">
-      <span class="summary">SXSW Interactive (South by Southwest)</span>
-      <ABBR title="20080307" class="dtstart">Friday, March 7, 2008</ABBR>
-      -
-      <ABBR title="20080311" class="dtend">Tuesday, March 11, 2008</ABBR>
-      <abbr class="geo"  id="02-geo-vevent-02" title="30.2622;-97.7399">Convention Center</abbr>
-    </span>
-<h3>Legal geos</h3>
-<li><span class="geo" id="legal_geo1"><span class="latitude">0</span>,<span class="longitude">0</span></span></li>
-<li><span class="geo" id="legal_geo2"><span class="latitude">0.0</span>,<span class="longitude">0.0</span></span></li>
-<li><span class="geo" id="legal_geo3"><span class="latitude">0.</span>,<span class="longitude">0.</span></span></li>
-<h3>Illegal geos</h3>
-<li><span class="geo" id="ill_geo1"><span class="latitude">abc</span>,<span class="longitude">def</span></span></li>
-<li><span class="geo" id="ill_geo2"><span class="latitude">12.s2</span>,<span class="longitude">1d.23</span></span></li>
-<li><span class="geo" id="ill_geo3"><span class="latitude">999.99</span>,<span class="longitude">999</span></span></li>
-<li><span class="geo" id="ill_geo4"><span class="latitude">-181</span>,<span class="longitude">-361</span></span></li>
-<li><span class="geo" id="ill_geo5">abc;def</span></li>
-<li><span class="geo" id="ill_geo6">12.s2;1d.23</span></li>
-<li><span class="geo" id="ill_geo7">999.99;999</span></li>
-<li><span class="geo" id="ill_geo8">-181;-361</span></li>
-<li><span class="geo" id="ill_geo9">-18;;-31</span></li>
-<li><ABBR title="+23.70000;+90.30000" class="extra_geo">Dhaka, Bangladesh</ABBR></li>
-<li><span class="geo" id="zero_geo">0;0</span></li>
-<pre id="test">
-<script class="testbody" type="text/javascript">
-function test_Microformats() {
-  var Microformats = SpecialPowers.Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Microformats.js").Microformats;
-  ok(Microformats, "Check global access to Microformats");
-function test_geo() {
-  var geo = SpecialPowers.Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Microformats.js").geo;
-  var Geo;
-  Geo = new geo(document.getElementById("01-geo-basic"));
-  is(Geo.latitude, 37.77, "01-geo-basic - latitude");
-  is(Geo.longitude, -122.411, "01-geo-basic - longitude");
-  Geo = new geo(document.getElementById("01-geo-abbr-latlong"));
-  is(Geo.latitude, 37.77, "02-geo-abbr-latlong - latitude");
-  is(Geo.longitude, -122.41, "02-geo-abbr-latlong - longitude");
-  Geo = new geo(document.getElementById("01-geo-abbr"));
-  is(Geo.latitude, 30.267991, "01-geo-abbr - latitude");
-  is(Geo.longitude, -97.739568, "01-geo-abbr - longitude");
-  Geo = new geo(document.getElementById("02-geo-vcard-01"));
-  is(Geo.toString(), "John Doe", "02-geo-vcard-01");
-  Geo = new geo(document.getElementById("02-geo-vcard-02"));
-  is(Geo.toString(), "Northern California", "02-geo-vcard-02");
-  Geo = new geo(document.getElementById("02-geo-vevent-01"));
-  is(Geo.toString(), "SXSW Interactive (South by Southwest)", "02-geo-vevent-01");
-  Geo = new geo(document.getElementById("02-geo-vevent-02"));
-  is(Geo.toString(), "Convention Center", "02-geo-vevent-02");
-  Geo = new geo(document.getElementById("legal_geo1"));
-  is(Geo.latitude, 0, "legal_geo1 - lat");
-  is(Geo.longitude, 0, "legal_geo1 - long");
-  Geo = new geo(document.getElementById("legal_geo2"));
-  is(Geo.latitude, 0, "legal_geo2 - lat");
-  is(Geo.longitude, 0, "legal_geo2 - long");
-  Geo = new geo(document.getElementById("legal_geo3"));
-  is(Geo.latitude, 0, "legal_geo3 - lat");
-  is(Geo.longitude, 0, "legal_geo3 - long");
-  try {
-    Geo = new geo(document.getElementById("ill_geo1"), true);
-    ok(0, "ill_geo1 - should have been caught as invalid geo");
-  } catch (ex) {
-    ok(1, "ill_geo1 - caught invalid geo");
-  }
-  try {
-    Geo = new geo(document.getElementById("ill_geo2"), true);
-    ok(0, "ill_geo2 - should have been caught as invalid geo");
-  } catch (ex) {
-    ok(1, "ill_geo2 - caught invalid geo");
-  }
-  try {
-    Geo = new geo(document.getElementById("ill_geo3"), true);
-    ok(0, "ill_geo3 - should have been caught as invalid geo");
-  } catch (ex) {
-    ok(1, "ill_geo3 - caught invalid geo");
-  }
-  try {
-    Geo = new geo(document.getElementById("ill_geo4"), true);
-    ok(0, "ill_geo4 - should have been caught as invalid geo");
-  } catch (ex) {
-    ok(1, "ill_geo4 - caught invalid geo");
-  }
-  try {
-    Geo = new geo(document.getElementById("ill_geo5"), true);
-    ok(0, "ill_geo5 - should have been caught as invalid geo");
-  } catch (ex) {
-    ok(1, "ill_geo5 - caught invalid geo");
-  }
-  try {
-    Geo = new geo(document.getElementById("ill_geo6"), true);
-    ok(0, "ill_geo6 - should have been caught as invalid geo");
-  } catch (ex) {
-    ok(1, "ill_geo6 - caught invalid geo");
-  }
-  try {
-    Geo = new geo(document.getElementById("ill_geo7"), true);
-    ok(0, "ill_geo7 - should have been caught as invalid geo");
-  } catch (ex) {
-    ok(1, "ill_geo7 - caught invalid geo");
-  }
-  try {
-    Geo = new geo(document.getElementById("ill_geo8"), true);
-    ok(0, "ill_geo8 - should have been caught as invalid geo");
-  } catch (ex) {
-    ok(1, "ill_geo8 - caught invalid geo");
-  }
-  try {
-    Geo = new geo(document.getElementById("ill_geo9"), true);
-    ok(0, "ill_geo9 - should have been caught as invalid geo");
-  } catch (ex) {
-    ok(1, "ill_geo9 - caught invalid geo");
-  }
-  try {
-    Geo = new geo(document.getElementById("zero_geo"), true);
-    ok(1, "zero_geo - creation succeeded");
-  } catch (ex) {
-    ok(0, "zero_geo - creation failed");
-  }
-  try {
-    Geo = new geo(document.getElementById("extra_geo"), true);
-    ok(1, "extra_geo - creation succeeded");
-  } catch (ex) {
-    ok(0, "extra_geo - creation failed");
-  }
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/toolkit/components/microformats/tests/test_Microformats_getters.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,156 +0,0 @@
-  <title>Testing Mixed Up Microformat APIs</title>
-  <script type="text/javascript" src="/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js"></script>
-  <script type="text/javascript" src="/tests/SimpleTest/EventUtils.js"></script>
-  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/tests/SimpleTest/test.css"></link>
-<body id="contentbody">
-  <pre id="test">
-  <script class="testbody" type="text/javascript">
-  // Called from onload in iframe
-  function test_MicroformatsAPI() {
-    var Microformats = SpecialPowers.Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Microformats.js").Microformats;
-    // Test that we can get them all
-    var mfs = [];
-    mfs = Microformats.get("adr",
-                           document.getElementById("content"),
-                           {showHidden: true});
-    is(mfs.length, 2, "Two adr's in our array");
-    mfs = Microformats.get("geo",
-                           document.getElementById("content"),
-                           {recurseExternalFrames: true});
-    is(mfs.length, 3, "Three geo's in our array");
-    mfs = Microformats.get("hCalendar",
-                            document.getElementById("content"),
-                            {recurseExternalFrames: false});
-    // Should get the hCalendar whether we recurseExternalFrames or not.
-    is(mfs.length, 2, "Two hCalendar returned not recursing frames");
-    mfs = Microformats.get("hCalendar",
-                           document.getElementById("content"),
-                           {recurseExternalFrames: true});
-    is(mfs.length, 2, "Two hCalendars returned recursing frames");
-    mfs = Microformats.get("hCard",
-                           document.getElementById("content"),
-                           {recurseExternalFrames: true},
-                           mfs);
-    is(mfs.length, 3, "Two hCalendars and one hCard");
-    mfs = Microformats.get("hCalendar", document.getElementById("secondnode"));
-    is(mfs[0].summary, "Pseudo Conference",
-       "Make sure we get the proper hCalendar from the second level node");
-    is(mfs.length, 1, "And we should only get one hCalendar not two from this node.");
-  }
-  </script>
-  </pre>
-  <div id="content">
-    <!-- hCard -->
-    <p class="vcard" id="23-abbr-title-everything">
-      <!-- perhaps the most annoying test ever -->
-      <abbr class="fn" title="John Doe">foo</abbr>
-      <span class="n">
-        <abbr class="honorific-prefix" title="Mister">Mr.</abbr>
-        <abbr class="given-name" title="Jonathan">John</abbr>
-        <abbr class="additional-name" title="John">J</abbr>
-        <abbr class="family-name" title="Doe-Smith">Doe</abbr>
-        <abbr class="honorific-suffix" title="Medical Doctor">M.D</abbr>
-      </span>
-      <abbr class="nickname" title="JJ">jj</abbr>
-      <abbr class="bday" title="2006-04-04">April 4, 2006</abbr>
-      <span class="adr">
-        <abbr class="post-office-box" title="Box 1234">B. 1234</abbr>
-        <abbr class="extended-address" title="Suite 100">Ste. 100</abbr>
-        <abbr class="street-address" title="123 Fake Street">123 Fake St.</abbr>
-        <abbr class="locality" title="San Francisco">San Fran</abbr>
-        <abbr class="region" title="California">CA</abbr>
-        <abbr class="postal-code" title="12345-6789">12345</abbr>
-        <abbr class="country-name" title="United States of America">USA</abbr>
-        <abbr class="type" title="work">workplace</abbr>
-      </span>
-      <abbr class="tel" title="415.555.1234">1234</abbr>
-      <abbr class="tel-type-value" title="work">workplace</abbr>
-  <!--       mailer  -->
-      <abbr class="tz" title="-0700">Pacific Time</abbr>
-      <span class="geo">
-        <abbr class="latitude" title="37.77">Northern</abbr>
-        <abbr class="longitude" title="-122.41">California</abbr>
-      </span>
-      <abbr class="title" title="President">pres.</abbr> and
-      <abbr class="role" title="Chief">cat wrangler</abbr>
-  <!--       <span class="agent"></span> -->
-      <span class="org">
-        <abbr class="organization-name" title="Intellicorp">foo</abbr>
-        <abbr class="organization-unit" title="Intelligence">bar</abbr>
-      </span>
-  <!--       <abbr class="category" title=""></abbr> -->
-      <abbr class="note" title="this is a note">this is not a note</abbr>
-  <!--       <abbr class="rev" title=""></abbr>  (revision datetime) -->
-  <!--       <abbr class="sort-string" title=""></abbr> -->
-      <abbr class="uid" title="abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz">alpha</abbr>
-      <abbr class="class" title="public">pub</abbr>
-  <!--       <abbr class="key" title=""></abbr> -->
-    </p>
-    <!-- hCalendar -->
-    <frameset>
-      <frame id="frame1">
-        <div>
-          <span class="notAMicroformat" id="notme">
-            <abbr> class="foo">I am not a microformat</abbr>
-            <abbr> class="title">Foolish title, not a format</abbr>
-          </span>
-        </div>
-      </frame>
-      <frame id="frame3">
-        <span class="geo" id="02-geo-abbr-latlong" >
-          <abbr class="latitude" title="75.77">Far Northern</abbr>
-          <abbr class="longitude" title="-122.41">Canada</abbr>
-        </span>
-      <frame id="frame2">
-        <div class="vcalendar">
-          <span class="vevent" id="15-calendar-xml-lang">
-            <a class="url" href="http://www.web2con.com/">
-            <span class="summary">Web 2.0 Conference</span>: 
-            <abbr class="dtstart" title="2005-10-05">October 5</abbr>-
-            <abbr class="dtend" title="2005-10-08">7</abbr>,
-            at the <span class="location">Argent Hotel, San Francisco, CA</span>
-            </a>
-          </span>
-        </div>
-      </frame>
-    </frameset>
-    <div id="secondnode">
-      <span>some interesting content</span>
-      <!-- Geo Fire test once we know this is loaded.-->
-      <iframe src="geo.html" onload="test_MicroformatsAPI();">
-      </iframe>
-      <!-- adr -->
-      <div class="adr" id="01-extended-address">
-        <span class="extended-address">Park Bench</span>
-      </div>
-      <div class="vcalendar">
-        <span class="vevent" id="16-calendar-xml-lang">
-          <a class="url" href="http://www.foo.com/">
-          <span class="summary">Pseudo Conference</span>: 
-          <abbr class="dtstart" title="2008-04-01">April 1</abbr>-
-          <abbr class="dtend" title="2008-04-03">April 3</abbr>,
-          at the <span class="location">Argent Hotel, San Francisco, CA</span>
-          </a>
-        </span>
-      </div>
-    </div>
-  </div>
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/toolkit/components/microformats/tests/test_Microformats_hCalendar.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,306 +0,0 @@
-  <meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
-  <title>Testing Microformats.js (hCalendar)</title>
-  <script type="text/javascript" src="/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js"></script>
-  <script type="text/javascript" src="/tests/SimpleTest/EventUtils.js"></script>
-  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/tests/SimpleTest/test.css"></link>
-<div id="content" style="display: none">
-  From http://hg.microformats.org/tests
-  <div class="vevent" id="01-component-vevent-dtstart-date">
-    <div>Dates: <abbr class="dtstart" title="19970903">September 3, 1997</abbr></div>
-  </div>
-  <div class="vevent" id="02-component-vevent-dtstart-datetime">
-    <div>Dates: <abbr class="dtstart" title="19970903T163000Z">September 3, 1997, 16:30</abbr></div>
-  </div>
-  <div class="vevent" id="03-component-vevent-dtend-date">
-    <div>Dates: <abbr class="dtstart" title="19970903">September 3, 1997</abbr>
-    <abbr class="dtend" title="19970904">( all day )</abbr></div>
-  </div>
-  <div class="vevent" id="04-component-vevent-dtend-datetime">
-    <div>Date: <abbr class="dtstart" title="19970903T160000Z">September 3, 1997 at 4pm</abbr>
-    <abbr class="dtend" title="19970903T180000Z"> for 2 hours.</abbr></div>
-  </div>
-  <div class="vcalendar">
-    <span class="vevent" id="05-calendar-simple">
-      <a class="url" href="http://www.web2con.com/">
-        <span class="summary">Web 2.0 Conference</span>: 
-        <abbr class="dtstart" title="2005-10-05">October 5</abbr>-
-        <abbr class="dtend" title="2005-10-08">7</abbr>,
-        at the <span class="location">Argent Hotel, San Francisco, CA</span>
-      </a>
-    </span>
-  </div>
-  <p class="vevent" id="06-component-vevent-uri-relative">
-    <a class="url summary" href="/squidlist/calendar/12279/2006/1/15">Bad Movie Night - Gigli (blame mike spiegelman)</a>
-    <br />
-    <abbr class="dtstart" title="20060115T000000">Sun, Jan 15 : 8pm</abbr>
-    <br />
-  </p>
-  <div class="vevent" id="07-component-vevent-description-simple">
-    <div class="description">Project xyz Review Meeting Minutes</div>
-  </div>
-  <div class="aaa vevent" id="08-component-vevent-multiple-classes">
-    <a class="bbb url" href="http://www.web2con.com/">
-      <span class="ccc summary">Web 2.0 Conference</span>: 
-      <abbr class="ddd dtstart" title="2005-10-05">October 5</abbr>-
-      <abbr class="eee dtend" title="2005-10-08">7</abbr>,
-      at the <span class="fff location">Argent Hotel, San Francisco, CA</span>
-    </a>
-  </div>
-  <ul>
-    <li class="vevent" id="09-component-vevent-summary-in-img-alt">
-     <a class="url" href="http://conferences.oreillynet.com/et2006/">
-      <img style="display:block" class="summary" 
-       src="http://mochi.test:8888/tests/browser/microformats/test/picture.png"
-       alt="O'Reilly Emerging Technology Conference" />
-      <abbr class="dtstart" title="20060306">
-        3/6</abbr>-<abbr class="dtend" title="20060310">9</abbr>
-      @
-      <span class="location">
-         Manchester Grand Hyatt in San Diego, CA
-       </span>
-     </a>
-    </li>
-  </ul>
-  <div class="vcalendar">
-    <div class="vevent" id="10-component-vevent-entity">
-      <div class="summary">Cricket &amp; Tennis Centre</div>
-      <div class="description">Melbourne&apos;s Cricket &amp; Tennis Centres are in the heart of the city</div>
-    </div>
-  </div>
-  <p class="schedule vevent" id="11-component-vevent-summary-in-subelements">
-    <span class="summary">
-      <span style="font-weight:bold; color: #3E4876;">Welcome!</span>
-      <a href="/cs/web2005/view/e_spkr/1852">John Battelle</a>,
-      <a href="/cs/web2005/view/e_spkr/416">Tim O'Reilly</a>
-    </span>
-    <br />
-    <b>Time:</b>
-    <abbr class="dtstart" title="20051005T1630-0700">4:30pm</abbr>-
-    <abbr class="dtend" title="20051005T1645-0700">4:45pm
-    </abbr>
-  </p>
-  <p class="vevent" id="12-component-vevent-summary-url-in-same-class">
-    <a class="url summary" href="http://www.laughingsquid.com/squidlist/calendar/12377/2006/1/25">Art Reception for Tom Schultz and Felix Macnee</a>
-    <br />
-    <abbr class="dtstart" title="20060125T000000">Wed, Jan 25 : 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm</abbr>
-    <br />
-  </p>
-  <div class="vcalendar">
-    <div class="vevent" id="13-component-vevent-summary-url-property">
-      <span class="summary">
-        <a class="url" href="http://dps1.travelocity.com/dparcobrand.ctl?smls=Y&amp;Service=YHOE&amp;.intl=us&amp;aln_name=AA&amp;flt_num=1655&amp;dep_arp_name=&amp;arr_arp_name=&amp;dep_dt_dy_1=23&amp;dep_dt_mn_1=Jan&amp;dep_dt_yr_1=2006&amp;dep_tm_1=9:00am">ORD-SFO/AA 1655</a>
-      </span>
-    </div>
-  </div>
-  <div class="vcalendar">
-    <span class="vevent" id="15-calendar-xml-lang">
-      <a class="url" href="http://www.web2con.com/">
-      <span class="summary">Web 2.0 Conference</span>: 
-      <abbr class="dtstart" title="2005-10-05">October 5</abbr>-
-      <abbr class="dtend" title="2005-10-08">7</abbr>,
-      at the <span class="location">Argent Hotel, San Francisco, CA</span>
-      </a>
-    </span>
-  </div>
-    <div class="vcalendar">
-      <span class="vevent" id="16-calendar-force-outlook">
-        <a class="url" href="http://www.web2con.com/">
-          <abbr class="dtstart" title="2005-10-05">October 5</abbr>-
-          <abbr class="dtend" title="2005-10-08">7</abbr>,
-          at the <span class="location">Argent Hotel, San Francisco, CA</span>
-        </a>
-      </span>
-    </div>
-  <p class="vevent" id="17-component-vevent-description-value-in-subelements">
-    <span class="description">
-      RESOLUTION: to have a
-      <b class="summary">3rd PAW ftf meeting</b> 
-      <abbr class="dtstart" title="2006-01-18">18</abbr>-<abbr class="dtend" title="2006-01-20">19 Jan</abbr> in 
-      <em class="location">Maryland</em>; location contingent on confirmation from timbl</span>
-  </p>
-  <div class="vevent" id="18-component-vevent-uid.1">
-    <div>UID: <span class="uid">http://example.com/foo.html</span></div>
-  </div>
-  <div class="vevent" id="18-component-vevent-uid.2">
-    UID: <a class="uid" href="http://example.com/foo.html">another hcal event</a>
-  </div>
-  <div class="vevent" id="18-component-vevent-uid.3">
-    UID: <object class="uid" data="http://example.com/foo.html">another hcal event</object>
-  </div>
-  <div class="vevent" id="18-component-vevent-uid.4">
-    UID: <map id="foo"><area alt="uid" class="uid" href="http://example.com/foo.html" /></map>
-  </div>
-  <div class="vevent" id="18-component-vevent-uid.5">
-    UID: <img class="uid" alt="uid" src="http://example.com/foo.html" />
-  </div>
-  <div class="vcalendar">
-    <div class="vevent" id="19-calendar-attachments">
-      <div>Start Time: <abbr class="dtstart" title="19970324T123000Z">March 24, 1997 12:30 UTC</abbr></div>
-      <div class="summary">Calendaring Interoperability Planning Meeting</div>
-      <div>Attachments: 
-          <ul>
-              <li><a class="attach" href="http://microformats.org/img/logo.gif">microformats logo</a></li>
-              <li><a class="attach" type="application/postscript" href="ftp://xyzCorp.com/pub/conf/bkgrnd.ps">ftp://xyzCorp.com/pub/conf/bkgrnd.ps</a></li>
-          </ul>
-      </div>
-    </div>
-  </div>
-  <div class="vevent" id="empty-description">
-    <span class="description"></span>
-  </div>
-<pre id="test">
-<script class="testbody" type="text/javascript">
-function test_Microformats() {
-  var Microformats = SpecialPowers.Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Microformats.js").Microformats;
-  ok(Microformats, "Check global access to Microformats");
-function test_hCard() {
-  var hCalendar = SpecialPowers.Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Microformats.js").hCalendar;
-  var hcalendar;
-  hcalendar = new hCalendar(document.getElementById("01-component-vevent-dtstart-date"));
-  is(hcalendar.dtstart, "1997-09-03", "01-component-vevent-dtstart-date - dtstart");
-  hcalendar = new hCalendar(document.getElementById("02-component-vevent-dtstart-datetime"));
-  is(hcalendar.dtstart, "1997-09-03T16:30:00Z", "02-component-vevent-dtstart-datetime - dtstart");
-  hcalendar = new hCalendar(document.getElementById("03-component-vevent-dtend-date"));
-  is(hcalendar.dtstart, "1997-09-03", "03-component-vevent-dtend-date - dtstart");
-  is(hcalendar.dtend, "1997-09-04", "03-component-vevent-dtend-date - dtend");
-  hcalendar = new hCalendar(document.getElementById("04-component-vevent-dtend-datetime"));
-  is(hcalendar.dtstart, "1997-09-03T16:00:00Z", "04-component-vevent-dtend-datetime - dtstart");
-  is(hcalendar.dtend, "1997-09-03T18:00:00Z", "04-component-vevent-dtend-datetime - dtend");
-  hcalendar = new hCalendar(document.getElementById("05-calendar-simple"));
-  is(hcalendar.dtstart, "2005-10-05", "05-calendar-simple - dtstart");
-  is(hcalendar.dtend, "2005-10-08", "05-calendar-simple - dtend");
-  is(hcalendar.url, "http://www.web2con.com/", "05-calendar-simple - url");
-  is(hcalendar.summary, "Web 2.0 Conference", "05-calendar-simple - summary");
-  is(hcalendar.location, "Argent Hotel, San Francisco, CA", "05-calendar-simple - location");
-  hcalendar = new hCalendar(document.getElementById("06-component-vevent-uri-relative"));
-  is(hcalendar.url, "http://mochi.test:8888/squidlist/calendar/12279/2006/1/15", "06-component-vevent-uri-relative - url");
-  is(hcalendar.summary, "Bad Movie Night - Gigli (blame mike spiegelman)", "06-component-vevent-uri-relative - summary");
-  is(hcalendar.dtstart, "2006-01-15T00:00:00", "06-component-vevent-uri-relative - dtstart");
-  hcalendar = new hCalendar(document.getElementById("07-component-vevent-description-simple"));
-  is(String(hcalendar.description), "Project xyz Review Meeting Minutes", "07-component-vevent-description-simple - description");
-  hcalendar = new hCalendar(document.getElementById("08-component-vevent-multiple-classes"));
-  is(hcalendar.dtstart, "2005-10-05", "08-component-vevent-multiple-classes - dtstart");
-  is(hcalendar.dtend, "2005-10-08", "08-component-vevent-multiple-classes - dtend");
-  is(hcalendar.url, "http://www.web2con.com/", "08-component-vevent-multiple-classes - url");
-  is(hcalendar.summary, "Web 2.0 Conference", "08-component-vevent-multiple-classes - summary");
-  is(hcalendar.location, "Argent Hotel, San Francisco, CA", "08-component-vevent-multiple-classes - location");
-  hcalendar = new hCalendar(document.getElementById("09-component-vevent-summary-in-img-alt"));
-  is(hcalendar.dtstart, "2006-03-06", "09-component-vevent-summary-in-img-alt - dtstart");
-  is(hcalendar.dtend, "2006-03-10", "09-component-vevent-summary-in-img-alt - dtend");
-  is(hcalendar.url, "http://conferences.oreillynet.com/et2006/", "09-component-vevent-summary-in-img-alt - url");
-  is(hcalendar.summary, "O'Reilly Emerging Technology Conference", "09-component-vevent-summary-in-img-alt - summary");
-  is(hcalendar.location, "Manchester Grand Hyatt in San Diego, CA", "09-component-vevent-summary-in-img-alt - location");
-  hcalendar = new hCalendar(document.getElementById("10-component-vevent-entity"));
-  is(hcalendar.summary, "Cricket & Tennis Centre", "10-component-vevent-entity - summary");
-  is(String(hcalendar.description), "Melbourne's Cricket & Tennis Centres are in the heart of the city", "10-component-vevent-entity - description");
-  hcalendar = new hCalendar(document.getElementById("11-component-vevent-summary-in-subelements"));
-  is(hcalendar.dtstart, "2005-10-05T16:30:00-0700", "11-component-vevent-summary-in-subelements - dtstart");
-  is(hcalendar.dtend, "2005-10-05T16:45:00-0700", "11-component-vevent-summary-in-subelements - dtend");
-  is(hcalendar.summary, "Welcome! John Battelle, Tim O'Reilly", "11-component-vevent-summary-in-subelements - summary");
-  hcalendar = new hCalendar(document.getElementById("12-component-vevent-summary-url-in-same-class"));
-  is(hcalendar.dtstart, "2006-01-25T00:00:00", "12-component-vevent-summary-url-in-same-class - dtstart");
-  is(hcalendar.summary, "Art Reception for Tom Schultz and Felix Macnee", "12-component-vevent-summary-url-in-same-class - summary");
-  is(hcalendar.url, "http://www.laughingsquid.com/squidlist/calendar/12377/2006/1/25", "12-component-vevent-summary-url-in-same-class - url");
-  hcalendar = new hCalendar(document.getElementById("13-component-vevent-summary-url-property"));
-  is(hcalendar.summary, "ORD-SFO/AA 1655", "13-component-vevent-summary-url-property - summary");
-  is(hcalendar.url, "http://dps1.travelocity.com/dparcobrand.ctl?smls=Y&Service=YHOE&.intl=us&aln_name=AA&flt_num=1655&dep_arp_name=&arr_arp_name=&dep_dt_dy_1=23&dep_dt_mn_1=Jan&dep_dt_yr_1=2006&dep_tm_1=9:00am", "13-component-vevent-summary-url-property - url");
-  hcalendar = new hCalendar(document.getElementById("15-calendar-xml-lang"));
-  is(hcalendar.dtend, "2005-10-08", "15-calendar-xml-lang - dtend");
-  is(hcalendar.dtstart, "2005-10-05", "15-calendar-xml-lang - dtstart");
-  is(hcalendar.location, "Argent Hotel, San Francisco, CA", "15-calendar-xml-lang - location");
-  is(hcalendar.summary, "Web 2.0 Conference", "15-calendar-xml-lang - summary");
-  is(hcalendar.url, "http://www.web2con.com/", "15-calendar-xml-lang - url");
-  hcalendar = new hCalendar(document.getElementById("16-calendar-force-outlook"));
-  is(hcalendar.dtend, "2005-10-08", "16-calendar-force-outlook - dtend");
-  is(hcalendar.dtstart, "2005-10-05", "16-calendar-force-outlook - dtstart");
-  is(hcalendar.location, "Argent Hotel, San Francisco, CA", "16-calendar-force-outlook - location");
-  is(hcalendar.url, "http://www.web2con.com/", "16-calendar-force-outlook - url");
-  hcalendar = new hCalendar(document.getElementById("17-component-vevent-description-value-in-subelements"));
-  is(String(hcalendar.description), "RESOLUTION: to have a 3rd PAW ftf meeting 18-19 Jan in Maryland; location contingent on confirmation from timbl", "17-component-vevent-description-value-in-subelements - description");
-  is(hcalendar.dtstart, "2006-01-18", "17-component-vevent-description-value-in-subelements - dtstart");
-  is(hcalendar.dtend, "2006-01-20", "17-component-vevent-description-value-in-subelements - dtend");
-  is(hcalendar.location, "Maryland", "17-component-vevent-description-value-in-subelements - location");
-  is(hcalendar.summary, "3rd PAW ftf meeting", "17-component-vevent-description-value-in-subelements - summary");
-  hcalendar = new hCalendar(document.getElementById("18-component-vevent-uid.1"));
-  hcalendar = new hCalendar(document.getElementById("18-component-vevent-uid.2"));
-  hcalendar = new hCalendar(document.getElementById("18-component-vevent-uid.3"));
-  hcalendar = new hCalendar(document.getElementById("18-component-vevent-uid.4"));
-  hcalendar = new hCalendar(document.getElementById("18-component-vevent-uid.5"));
-  hcalendar = new hCalendar(document.getElementById("19-calendar-attachments"));
-  hcalendar = new hCalendar(document.getElementById("empty-description"));
-  is(String(hcalendar.description), "", "Empty description");
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/toolkit/components/microformats/tests/test_Microformats_hCard.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1176 +0,0 @@
-  <meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
-  <title>Testing Microformats.js (hCard)</title>
-  <script type="text/javascript" src="/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js"></script>
-  <script type="text/javascript" src="/tests/SimpleTest/EventUtils.js"></script>
-  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/tests/SimpleTest/test.css"></link>
-<div id="content" style="display: none">
-  From http://microformats.org/tests/hcard/
-  <div class="vcard" id="01-tantek-basic">
-   <a class="url fn" href="http://tantek.com/">Tantek Çelik</a>
-   <div class="org">Technorati</div>
-  </div>
-  <div class="vcard" id="02-multiple-class-names-on-vcard.1"><span class="fn n"><span class="given-name">Ryan</span> <span class="family-name">King</span></span></div>
-  <p><span class="attendee vcard" id="02-multiple-class-names-on-vcard.2"><span class="fn n"><span class="given-name">Ryan</span> <span class="family-name">King</span></span></span></p>
-  <address class="vcard author" id="02-multiple-class-names-on-vcard.3"><span class="fn n"><span class="given-name">Ryan</span> <span class="family-name">King</span></span></address>
-  <ul><li class="reviewer vcard first" id="02-multiple-class-names-on-vcard.4"><span class="fn n"><span class="given-name">Ryan</span> <span class="family-name">King</span></span></li></ul>
-  <p class="vcard" id="03-implied-n.1">
-    <span class="fn">Ryan King</span>
-  </p>
-  <p class="vcard" id="03-implied-n.2">
-    <abbr class="fn" title="Ryan King">me</abbr>
-  </p>
-  <p class="vcard" id="03-implied-n.3">
-    <img src="/me.jpg" title="Brian Suda" alt="Ryan King" class="fn" />
-  </p>
-  <p class="vcard" id="03-implied-n.4">
-  <a class="fn" href="http://suda.co.uk/">Brian Suda</a>
-  </p>
-  <p class="vcard" id="03-implied-n.5">
-    <span class="fn">King, Ryan</span>
-  </p>
-  <p class="vcard" id="03-implied-n.6">
-    <span class="fn">King, R</span>
-  </p>
-  <p class="vcard" id="03-implied-n.7">
-    <span class="fn">King R</span>
-  </p>
-  <p class="vcard" id="03-implied-n.8">
-    <span class="fn">King R.</span>
-  </p>
-  <p class="vcard" id="03-implied-n.9">
-    <span class="fn">Jesse James Garrett</span>
-  </p>
-  <p class="vcard" id="03-implied-n.10">
-    <span class="fn">Thomas Vander Wal</span>
-  </p>
-  <p class="vcard" id="04-ignore-unknowns">
-    <span class="ignore-me">Some text that shouldn't be in the vCard.</span>
-    <span class="fn n">
-      <span class="given-name">Ryan</span> <span class="family-name">King</span>
-    </span>
-  </p>
-  <p class="ignore-me-too">Some more text that shouldn't be in the vCard.</p>  
-  <p class="vcard" id="05-mailto-1">
-    <!-- fn should be the text node (with implied-n-optimization) and 'email' should be the href, sans scheme -->
-    <a class="fn email" href="mailto:ryan@technorati.com">Ryan King</a>
-  </p>
-  <p class="vcard" id="06-mailto-2">
-    <!-- ignore the parameters on the addr-spec -->
-    <a class="fn email" href="mailto:brian@example.com?subject=foo">Brian Suda</a>
-  </p>
-  <p class="vcard" id="07-relative-url">
-    <span class="fn n"><span class="given-name">John</span> <span class="family-name">Doe</span></span>
-    <a class="url" href="/home/blah">my website</a>
-  </p>
-  Tests 8/9/10 involve base tags and must each be self contained
-  <p class="vcard" id="11-multiple-urls">
-     <span class="fn n">
-      <span class="given-name">John</span> <span class="family-name">Doe</span></span>
-      <a class="url" href="http://example.com/foo">my website</a>
-      <a class="url" href="http://example.com/bar">my other website</a>
-  </p>
-  <p class="vcard" id="12-img-src-url">
-    <span class="fn n"><span class="given-name">John</span> <span class="family-name">Doe</span></span>
-    <!-- take the @src, ignore the @type -->
-    <img class="url" src="http://mochi.test:8888/tests/browser/microformats/test/picture.png" type="image/png" />
-  </p>
-  <p class="vcard" id="13-photo-logo">
-    <span class="fn n"><span class="given-name">John</span> <span class="family-name">Doe</span></span>
-    <!-- take the @src, ignore the @type -->
-    <img class="photo logo" src="http://mochi.test:8888/tests/browser/microformats/test/picture.png" type="image/png" />
-  </p>
-  <p class="vcard" id="14-img-src-data-url">
-    <span class="fn n"><span class="given-name">John</span> <span class="family-name">Doe</span></span>
-  </p>
-  <p class="vcard" id="15-honorific-additional-single">
-    <span class="fn n">
-      <span class="honorific-prefix">Mr.</span>
-      <span class="given-name">John</span>
-      <span class="additional-name">Maurice</span>
-      <span class="family-name">Doe</span>,
-      <span class="honorific-suffix">Ph.D.</span>
-    </span>
-  </p>
-  <p class="vcard" id="16-honorific-additional-multiple">
-    <span class="fn n">
-      <span class="honorific-prefix">Mr.</span>
-      <span class="honorific-prefix">Dr.</span>
-      <span class="given-name">John</span>
-      <span class="additional-name">Maurice</span>
-      <span class="additional-name">Benjamin</span>
-      <span class="family-name">Doe</span>
-      <span class="honorific-suffix">Ph.D.</span>,
-      <span class="honorific-suffix">J.D.</span>
-    </span>
-  </p>
-  <p class="vcard" id="17-email-not-uri">
-    <span class="fn">John Doe</span>
-    <span class="email">john@example.com</span>
-  </p>
-  <p class="vcard" id="18-object-data-http-uri">
-    <span class="fn">John Doe</span>
-    <object class="url photo logo" data="http://mochi.test:8888/tests/browser/microformats/test/picture.png" type="image/png"></object>
-  </p>
-  <p class="vcard" id="19-object-data-data-uri">
-    <span class="fn">John Doe</span>
-  </p>
-  <p class="vcard" id="20-image-alt">
-<!-- only testing 'fn' here, but you should be able to parse any text value out of the img@alt -->
-<!-- also note, the fn should only be used to infer n, when there's no explicit n in the hcard -->
-    <img class="fn photo logo" src="http://mochi.test:8888/tests/browser/microformats/test/picture.png" alt="John Doe" />
-  </p>
-  <div class="vcard" id="21-tel">
-    <p class="fn">John Doe</p>v
-    <p class="tel">+1.415.555.1231</p>
-    <p class="tel">
-      <span class="type">home</span>
-      <span class="value">+1 415 555 1232</span>
-    </p>
-    <div class="tel">
-      types:
-      <ul>
-        <li class="type">msg</li>
-        <li class="type">home</li>
-        <li class="type">work</li>
-        <li class="type">pref</li>
-        <li class="type">voice</li>
-        <li class="type">fax</li>
-        <li class="type">cell</li>
-        <li class="type">video</li>
-        <li class="type">pager</li>
-        <li class="type">bbs</li>
-        <li class="type">car</li>
-        <li class="type">isdn</li>
-        <li class="type">pcs</li>
-        <li class="type">invalid</li>
-      </ul>
-      <span class="value">+1</span>
-      <span class="value">415</span>
-      <span class="value">555</span>
-      <span class="value">1233</span>
-    </div>
-    <p class="tel">
-      <abbr class="type" title="home">H</abbr>
-      <span class="value">+1 415 555 1234</span>
-    </p>      
-    <a class="tel" href="tel:+1.415.555.1235">call me</a>
-    <object class="tel" data="tel:+1.415.555.1236">call me</object>
-    <a class="tel" href="fax:+1.415.555.1238">call me</a>
-    <object class="tel" data="fax:+1.415.555.1239">call me</object>
-    <a class="tel" href="modem:+1.415.555.1241">call me</a>
-    <object class="tel" data="modem:+1.415.555.1242">call me</object>
-  </div>
-  <div class="vcard" id="21-tel.2">
-    <span class="fn">John Doe</span>
-    <span class="tel"><span class="type">Home</span> +1.415.555.1212</span>
-  </div>
-  <div class="vcard" id="21-tel.3">
-    <span class="fn">John Doe</span>
-    <span class="tel"><span class="type">Home</span><span class="type"> Pref</span> +1.415.555.1212</span>
-  </div>
-  <!--     TODO: add test for 'extended' -->
-  <div class="vcard" id="22-adr">
-    <p class="fn">John Doe</p>
-    <p class="adr">
-      <span class="street-address">1231 Main St.</span>
-      <span class="locality">Beverly Hills</span>
-      <span class="region">California</span>
-      <span class="country-name">United States of America</span>
-      <span class="postal-code">90210</span>
-    </p>
-<!--       multiple street-addresses, should produce a comma-separated list -->
-    <p class="adr">
-      <span class="post-office-box">PO Box 1234</span>
-      <span class="street-address">1232 Main St.</span>
-      <span class="street-address">Suite 100</span>
-      <span class="locality">Beverly Hills</span>
-      <span class="region">California</span>
-      <span class="country-name">United States of America</span>
-      <span class="postal-code">90210</span>
-    </p>
-<!--       one type subproperty -->
-    <p class="adr">
-      <span class="type">home</span>
-      <span class="street-address">1233 Main St.</span>
-      <span class="locality">Beverly Hills</span>
-      <span class="region">California</span>
-      <span class="country-name">United States of America</span>
-      <span class="postal-code">90210</span>
-    </p>
-<!-- many type subproperties, each with their own class name -->
-    <div class="adr">
-      <ul>
-        <li class="type">dom</li>
-        <li class="type">intl</li>
-        <li class="type">postal</li>
-        <li class="type">parcel</li>
-        <li class="type">home</li>
-        <li class="type">work</li>
-        <li class="type">pref</li>
-      </ul>
-      <span class="street-address">1234 Main St.</span>
-      <span class="locality">Beverly Hills</span>
-      <span class="region">California</span>
-      <span class="country-name">United States of America</span>
-      <span class="postal-code">90210</span>
-    </div>
-  </div>
-  <p class="vcard" id="23-abbr-title-everything">
-<!-- perhaps the most annoying test ever -->
-    <abbr class="fn" title="John Doe">foo</abbr>
-    <span class="n">
-      <abbr class="honorific-prefix" title="Mister">Mr.</abbr>
-      <abbr class="given-name" title="Jonathan">John</abbr>
-      <abbr class="additional-name" title="John">J</abbr>
-      <abbr class="family-name" title="Doe-Smith">Doe</abbr>
-      <abbr class="honorific-suffix" title="Medical Doctor">M.D</abbr>
-    </span>
-    <abbr class="nickname" title="JJ">jj</abbr>
-    <abbr class="bday" title="2006-04-04">April 4, 2006</abbr>
-    <span class="adr">
-      <abbr class="post-office-box" title="Box 1234">B. 1234</abbr>
-      <abbr class="extended-address" title="Suite 100">Ste. 100</abbr>
-      <abbr class="street-address" title="123 Fake Street">123 Fake St.</abbr>
-      <abbr class="locality" title="San Francisco">San Fran</abbr>
-      <abbr class="region" title="California">CA</abbr>
-      <abbr class="postal-code" title="12345-6789">12345</abbr>
-      <abbr class="country-name" title="United States of America">USA</abbr>
-      <abbr class="type" title="work">workplace</abbr>
-    </span>
-    <abbr class="tel" title="415.555.1234">1234</abbr>
-    <abbr class="tel-type-value" title="work">workplace</abbr>
-<!--       mailer  -->
-    <abbr class="tz" title="-0700">Pacific Time</abbr>
-    <span class="geo">
-      <abbr class="latitude" title="37.77">Northern</abbr>
-      <abbr class="longitude" title="-122.41">California</abbr>
-    </span>
-    <abbr class="title" title="President">pres.</abbr> and
-    <abbr class="role" title="Chief">cat wrangler</abbr>
-<!--       <span class="agent"></span> -->
-    <span class="org">
-      <abbr class="organization-name" title="Intellicorp">foo</abbr>
-      <abbr class="organization-unit" title="Intelligence">bar</abbr>
-    </span>
-<!--       <abbr class="category" title=""></abbr> -->
-    <abbr class="note" title="this is a note">this is not a note</abbr>
-<!--       <abbr class="rev" title=""></abbr>  (revision datetime) -->
-<!--       <abbr class="sort-string" title=""></abbr> -->
-    <abbr class="uid" title="abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz">alpha</abbr>
-    <abbr class="class" title="public">pub</abbr>
-<!--       <abbr class="key" title=""></abbr> -->
-  </p>
-  There is no 24
-  <p class="vcard" id="25-geo-abbr">
-    <abbr class="geo" title="30.267991;-97.739568"><span class="fn org">Paradise</span></abbr>
-  </p>
-<!--     This test is to make sure that parsers look at ancestors, not just children.-->
-  <div class="vcard" id="26-ancestors">
-    <!-- perhaps the second most annoying test ever -->
-    <div>
-      <span class="fn"><span>John</span> <span>Doe</span></span>
-        <span class="n">
-          <span>
-            <span class="honorific-prefix"><strong>Mister</strong></span>
-            <span class="given-name"><i>Jonathan</i></span>
-            <span class="additional-name"><b>John</b></span>
-            <span class="family-name"><em>Doe-Smith</em></span>
-            <span class="honorific-suffix">Medical Doctor</span>
-          </span>
-        </span>
-        <span class="nickname"><span>JJ</span></span>
-        <span class="bday">2006-04-04</span>
-        <span class="adr">
-         <span>
-            <span class="post-office-box"><samp>Box 1234</samp></span>
-            <span class="extended-address"><dfn>Suite 100</dfn></span>
-            <span class="street-address"><span>123 Fake Street</span></span>
-            <span class="locality"><em>San Francisco</em></span>
-            <span class="region"><strong>California</strong></span>
-            <span class="postal-code"><abbr>12345-6789</abbr></span>
-            <span class="country-name"><acronym>United States of America</acronym></span>
-            <span class="type"><span>work</span></span>
-          </span>
-        </span>
-        <span class="tel"><span>415</span>.<span>555</span>.<span>1234</span></span>
-        <span class="tel-type-value">work</span>
-  <!--   @TODO    mailer?  -->
-        <span class="tz"><span>-0700</span></span>
-        <span class="geo">
-          <span>
-            <span class="latitude"><code>37.77</code></span>
-            <span class="longitude"><tt>-122.41</tt></span>
-          </span>
-        </span>
-        <span class="title"><strong>President</strong></span> and
-        <span class="role"><em>Chief</em></span>
-        <span class="agent vcard">
-          <span class="fn">Bob Smith</span>
-          <span class="title">Executive Assistant</span>
-        </span>
-  <!--       <span class="agent</span> @TODO -->
-        <span class="org">
-          <span class="organization-name"><strong>Intellicorp</strong></span>
-          <span class="organization-unit"><em>Intelligence</em></span>
-        </span>
-  <!--   @TODO    <span class="category"></span> -->
-        <span class="note"><cite>this is a note</cite></span>
-  <!--  @TODO     <span class="rev"></span>  (revision datetime) -->
-  <!--  @TODO     <span class="sort-string"></span> -->
-        <span class="uid"><kbd>abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz</kbd></span>
-        <span class="class"><samp>public</samp></span>
-  <!--  @TODO     <span class="key"></span> -->
-    </div>
-  </div>
-  <p class="vcard" id="27-bday-date">
-    <span class="fn">john doe</span>,
-    <abbr class="bday" title="2000-01-01">January 1st, 2000</abbr>
-  </p>
-  <p class="vcard" id="28-bday-datetime">
-    <span class="fn">john doe</span>,
-    <abbr class="bday" title="2000-01-01T00:00:00">January 1st, 2000 at midnight</abbr>
-  </p>
-  <p class="vcard" id="29-bday-datetime-timezone">
-    <span class="fn">john doe</span>,
-    <abbr class="bday" title="2000-01-01T00:00:00-0800">January 1st, 2000 at midnight on the north american west coast</abbr>
-  </p>
-  <div class="vcard" id="30-fn-org.1">
-    <div class="fn org">W3C</div>
-  </div>
-  <div class="vcard" id="30-fn-org.2">
-    <div class="fn">Dan Connolly</div>
-    <div class="org">W3C</div>
-  </div>
-  <div class="vcard" id="30-fn-org.3">
-    <img class="fn" src="http://mochi.test:8888/tests/browser/microformats/test/picture.png" alt="W3C" />
-    <div class="org">W3C</div>
-  </div>
-  <div class="vcard" id="30-fn-org.4">
-    <img class="fn org" src="http://mochi.test:8888/tests/browser/microformats/test/picture.png"
-         alt="World Wide Web Consortium" />
-  </div>
-  <div class="vcard" id="30-fn-org.5">
-    <object data="http://mochi.test:8888/tests/browser/microformats/test/w3c_home">
-      <abbr class="fn org" title="World Wide Web Consortium">W3C</abbr>
-    </object>
-  </div>
-  <p id="email1"><a href="mailto:correct@example.com" class="email">my email</a></p>
-  <p id="email2"><a href="mailto:incorrect@example.com" class="email">my email</a></p>
-  <div class="vcard" id="31-include.1">
-    <a class="url fn" href="http://suda.co.uk/">Brian Suda</a>
-    <object data="#email1" class="include" type="text/html"/>
-    <object data="#email2" type="text/html"/>
-  </div>
-  <div class="vcard" id="31-include.2">
-    <a class="url fn" href="http://suda.co.uk/">Brian Suda</a>
-    <a href="#email1" class="include"></a>
-    <a href="#email2"/>
-  </div>
-  <div class="vcard" id="31-include.3">
-    <a class="url fn" href="http://suda.co.uk/">Brian Suda</a>
-    <a href="#email1" class="include"/>
-    <a href="#email2"/>
-  </div>
-  <div class="vcard" id="31-include.4">
-    <a class="url fn" href="http://suda.co.uk/">Brian Suda</a>
-    <a href="#email" class="include"/>
-  </div>
-  <table>
-    <tr>
-      <th id="org" ><a class="url org" href="http://example.org/">example.org</a></th>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-      <td class="vcard" id="32-header.1" headers="org"><span class="fn">Brian Suda</span></td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-      <td class="vcard" id="32-header.2" headers="org"><span class="fn">John Doe</span></td>
-    </tr>
-  </table>
-  <div class="vcard" id="33-area.1">
-    <map id="mailto-test-1">
-      <area class="fn email" href="mailto:joe@example.com" alt="Joe Public"/>
-      <area class="url" href="http://example.com/" alt="my website!" />
-    </map>
-  </div>
-  <div class="vcard" id="33-area.2">
-    <map id="mailto-test-2">
-      <area class="fn email" href="mailto:joe@example.com" alt="Joe Public"/>
-      <area class="url" href="http://example.com/" alt="my website!" />
-      <area class="org" href="http://example.com/" alt="Joe Public" />
-    </map>
-  </div>
-  <div class="vcard" id="33-area.3">
-    <map id="mailto-test-3">
-      <area class="fn email" href="mailto:joe@example.com" alt="Joe Public"/>
-      <area class="url" href="http://example.com/" alt="my website!" />
-    </map>
-    <img class="org" src="http://mochi.test:8888/tests/browser/microformats/test/picture.png" alt="Joe Public" />
-  </div>
-  <div class="vcard" id="33-area.4">
-    <map id="mailto-test-4">
-      <area class="fn email" href="mailto:joe@example.com" alt="Joe Public"/>
-      <area class="url" href="http://example.com/" alt="my website!" />
-    </map>
-    <div class="org">Joe Public</div>
-  </div>
-  <div class="vcard" id="33-area.5">
-    <map id="mailto-test-5">
-      <area class="fn email" href="mailto:joe@example.com" alt="Joe Public"/>
-      <area class="url" href="http://example.com/" alt="my website!" />
-    </map>
-    <abbr class="org" title="Joe Public">Joe</abbr>
-  </div>
-  <div class="vcard" id="34-notes">
-    <a class="fn email" href="mailto:joe@example.com">Joe Public</a>
-    <span class="note">Note 1</span>
-    <span class="foorbar">Note 2</span>
-    <span class="note foorbar">Note 3</span>
-    <span class="note foorbar">Note 4 with a ; and a , to be escaped<!-- this <strong>should</strong> be ignored--></span>
-  </div>
-  <div class="vcard" id="35-include-pattern.1">
-    <span class="fn n" id="j">
-      <span class="given-name">James</span> <span class="family-name">Levine</span>
-    </span>
-  </div>
-  <div class="vcard" id="35-include-pattern.2">
-    <object data="#j" class="include" type="text/html"></object>
-    <span class="org">SimplyHired</span>
-    <span class="title">Microformat Brainstormer</span>
-  </div>
-  <div class="vcard" id="35-include-pattern.3">
-    <span class="fn n" id="j2">
-      <span class="given-name">James</span> <span class="family-name">Levine</span>
-    </span>
-    <span class="org">SimplyHired</span>
-    <span class="title">Microformat Brainstormer</span>
-  </div>
-  <p class="vcard" id="36-categories.1">
-    <span class="fn">john doe</span>,
-    <abbr class="category" title="C1">C1a</abbr>
-    <a class="category" href="http://example.com" title="C2">C2a</a>
-    <a class="category" href="http://example.com/C3" rel="tag" title="C3a">C3b</a>
-    <img class="category" src="http://mochi.test:8888/tests/browser/microformats/test/picture.png" alt="C4"/>
-    <a class="category" href="http://example.com/C5/" rel="tag" title="C5a">C5b</a>
-    <a class="category" href="http://example.com/C6?tag=false" rel="tag" title="C6a">C6b</a>
-    <a class="category" href="http://example.com/C7#anchor" rel="tag" title="C7a">C7b</a>
-    <a class="category" href="http://example.com/C8?tag=trailing-slash/" rel="tag" title="C8a">C8b</a>
-    <a class="category" href="http://example.com/C9/?tag=trailing-slash/" rel="tag" title="C9a">C9b</a>
-  </p>
-  <div class="vcard" id="36-categories.2">
-    <span class="fn n">
-      <span class="given-name">Joe</span> <span class="family-name">User</span>
-    </span>
-    <span class="category">User</span>
-    <a class="category" rel="tag" href="http://example.com/luser">a big luser!</a>
-  </div>  
-  <p class="vcard" id="37-singleton">
-    <span class="fn n"><span class="given-name">john</span> <span class="family-name"><span class="sort-string">d</span>oe</span> 1</span>
-    <span class="fn n"><span class="given-name"><span class="sort-string">j</span>ohn</span> <span class="family-name">doe</span> 2</span>
-    <abbr class="bday" title="20060707">today</abbr>
-    <abbr class="bday" title="20060708">tomorrow</abbr>
-    <abbr class="geo" title="123.45;67.89">Here</abbr>
-    <abbr class="geo" title="98.765;43.21">There</abbr>
-    <abbr class="rev" title="20060707">today</abbr>
-    <abbr class="rev" title="20060708">tomorrow</abbr>
-    <abbr class="uid" title="unique-id-1">id-1</abbr>
-    <abbr class="uid" title="unique-id-2">id-2</abbr>
-    <span class="tz">+0600</span>
-    <span class="tz">+0800</span>
-    <span class="class">public</span>
-    <span class="class">private</span>
-  </p>
-  <div class="vcard" id="38-uid.1">
-    <span class="fn">Ryan King</span>
-    <a class="url uid" href="http://theryanking.com/contact/">My other hCard</a>
-  </div>
-  <div class="vcard" id="38-uid.2">
-    <span class="fn">Ryan King</span>
-    <object class="url uid" data="http://mochi.test:8888/tests/browser/microformats/test/contact/">My other hCard</object>
-  </div>
-  <div class="vcard" id="38-uid.3">
-    <span class="fn">Ryan King</span>
-    <img class="url uid" src="http://mochi.test:8888/tests/browser/microformats/test/contact/" alt="my other hcard" />
-  </div>
-  <div class="vcard" id="38-uid.4">
-    <span class="fn">Ryan King</span>
-    <map id="foo"><area class="url uid" href="http://theryanking.com/contact/" alt="my other hcard" /></map>
-  </div>
-  <div class="vcard" id="39-noteHTML">
-    <a class="fn">Joe Public</a>
-    <span class="note"><b>Note</b></span>
-  </div>
-  <div class="vcard" id="email-type">
-		      <span class="fn">John Doe</span>
-		      <span class="email">
-			      <span class="type">internet</span>
-			      <a href="mailto:notthis@example.com">john@example.com</a>
-		      </span>
-       </div>
-<pre id="test">
-<script class="testbody" type="text/javascript">
-function test_Microformats() {
-  var Microformats = SpecialPowers.Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Microformats.js").Microformats;
-  ok(Microformats, "Check global access to Microformats");
-function test_hCard() {
-  var hCard = SpecialPowers.Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Microformats.js").hCard;
-  var hcard;
-  hcard = new hCard(document.getElementById("01-tantek-basic"));
-  is(hcard.fn, "Tantek Çelik", "01-tantek-basic - fn");
-  is(String(hcard.url), "http://tantek.com/", "01-tantek-basic - url");
-  is(hcard.n["given-name"][0], "Tantek", "01-tantek-basic - given-name");
-  is(hcard.n["family-name"][0], "Çelik", "01-tantek-basic - family-name");
-  is(hcard.org[0]["organization-name"], "Technorati", "01-tantek-basic - organization-name");
-  hcard = new hCard(document.getElementById("02-multiple-class-names-on-vcard.1"));
-  is(hcard.fn, "Ryan King", "02-multiple-class-names-on-vcard.1 - fn");
-  is(hcard.n["given-name"][0], "Ryan", "02-multiple-class-names-on-vcard.1 - given-name");
-  is(hcard.n["family-name"][0], "King", "02-multiple-class-names-on-vcard.1 - family-name");
-  hcard = new hCard(document.getElementById("02-multiple-class-names-on-vcard.2"));
-  is(hcard.fn, "Ryan King", "02-multiple-class-names-on-vcard.2 - fn");
-  is(hcard.n["given-name"][0], "Ryan", "02-multiple-class-names-on-vcard.2 - given-name");
-  is(hcard.n["family-name"][0], "King", "02-multiple-class-names-on-vcard.2 - family-name");
-  hcard = new hCard(document.getElementById("02-multiple-class-names-on-vcard.3"));
-  is(hcard.fn, "Ryan King", "02-multiple-class-names-on-vcard.3 - fn");
-  is(hcard.n["given-name"][0], "Ryan", "02-multiple-class-names-on-vcard.3 - given-name");
-  is(hcard.n["family-name"][0], "King", "02-multiple-class-names-on-vcard.3 - family-name");
-  hcard = new hCard(document.getElementById("03-implied-n.1"));
-  is(hcard.fn, "Ryan King", "03-implied-n.1 - fn");
-  is(hcard.n["given-name"][0], "Ryan", "03-implied-n.1 - given-name");
-  is(hcard.n["family-name"][0], "King", "03-implied-n.1 - family-name");
-  hcard = new hCard(document.getElementById("03-implied-n.2"));
-  is(hcard.fn, "Ryan King", "03-implied-n.2 - fn");
-  is(hcard.n["given-name"][0], "Ryan", "03-implied-n.2 - given-name");
-  is(hcard.n["family-name"][0], "King", "03-implied-n.2 - family-name");
-  hcard = new hCard(document.getElementById("03-implied-n.3"));
-  is(hcard.fn, "Ryan King", "03-implied-n.3 - fn");
-  is(hcard.n["given-name"][0], "Ryan", "03-implied-n.3 - given-name");
-  is(hcard.n["family-name"][0], "King", "03-implied-n.3 - family-name");
-  hcard = new hCard(document.getElementById("03-implied-n.4"));
-  is(hcard.fn, "Brian Suda", "03-implied-n.4 - fn");
-  is(hcard.n["given-name"][0], "Brian", "03-implied-n.4 - given-name");
-  is(hcard.n["family-name"][0], "Suda", "03-implied-n.4 - family-name");
-  hcard = new hCard(document.getElementById("03-implied-n.5"));
-  is(hcard.fn, "King, Ryan", "03-implied-n.5 - fn");
-  is(hcard.n["given-name"][0], "Ryan", "03-implied-n.5 - given-name");
-  is(hcard.n["family-name"][0], "King", "03-implied-n.5 - family-name");
-  hcard = new hCard(document.getElementById("03-implied-n.6"));
-  is(hcard.fn, "King, R", "03-implied-n.6 - fn");
-  is(hcard.n["given-name"][0], "R", "03-implied-n.6 - given-name");
-  is(hcard.n["family-name"][0], "King", "03-implied-n.6 - family-name");
-  hcard = new hCard(document.getElementById("03-implied-n.7"));
-  is(hcard.fn, "King R", "03-implied-n.7 - fn");
-  is(hcard.n["given-name"][0], "R", "03-implied-n.7 - given-name");
-  is(hcard.n["family-name"][0], "King", "03-implied-n.7 - family-name");
-  hcard = new hCard(document.getElementById("03-implied-n.8"));
-  is(hcard.fn, "King R.", "03-implied-n.8 - fn");
-  is(hcard.n["given-name"][0], "R.", "03-implied-n.8 - given-name");
-  is(hcard.n["family-name"][0], "King", "03-implied-n.8 - family-name");
-  hcard = new hCard(document.getElementById("03-implied-n.9"));
-  is(hcard.fn, "Jesse James Garrett", "03-implied-n.9 - fn");
-  ok(hcard.n === undefined, "03-implied-n.9 -n");
-  hcard = new hCard(document.getElementById("03-implied-n.10"));
-  is(hcard.fn, "Thomas Vander Wal", "03-implied-n.10 - fn");
-  ok(hcard.n === undefined, "03-implied-n.10 -n");
-  hcard = new hCard(document.getElementById("04-ignore-unknowns"));
-  is(hcard.fn, "Ryan King", "04-ignore-unknowns - fn");
-  is(hcard.n["given-name"][0], "Ryan", "04-ignore-unknowns - given-name");
-  is(hcard.n["family-name"][0], "King", "04-ignore-unknowns - family-name");
-  hcard = new hCard(document.getElementById("05-mailto-1"));
-  is(hcard.fn, "Ryan King", "05-mailto-1 - fn");
-  is(hcard.n["given-name"][0], "Ryan", "05-mailto-1 - given-name");
-  is(hcard.n["family-name"][0], "King", "05-mailto-1 - family-name");
-  is(hcard.email[0].value, "ryan@technorati.com", "05-mailto-1 - email");
-  hcard = new hCard(document.getElementById("06-mailto-2"));
-  is(hcard.fn, "Brian Suda", "06-mailto-2 - fn");
-  is(hcard.n["given-name"][0], "Brian", "06-mailto-2 - given-name");
-  is(hcard.n["family-name"][0], "Suda", "06-mailto-2 - family-name");
-  is(hcard.email[0].value, "brian@example.com", "06-mailto-2 - email");
-  hcard = new hCard(document.getElementById("07-relative-url"));
-  is(hcard.fn, "John Doe", "07-relative-url - fn");
-  is(hcard.n["given-name"][0], "John", "07-relative-url - given-name");
-  is(hcard.n["family-name"][0], "Doe", "07-relative-url - family-name");
-//  is(hcard.url[0], "http://microformats.org/home/blah", "07-relative-url - url");
-  is(String(hcard.url), "http://mochi.test:8888/home/blah", "07-relative-url - url");
-  hcard = new hCard(document.getElementById("11-multiple-urls"));
-  is(hcard.fn, "John Doe", "11-multiple-urls - fn");
-  is(hcard.n["given-name"][0], "John", "11-multiple-urls - given-name");
-  is(hcard.n["family-name"][0], "Doe", "11-multiple-urls - family-name");
-  is(hcard.url[0], "http://example.com/foo", "11-multiple-urls - url");
-  is(hcard.url[1], "http://example.com/bar", "11-multiple-urls - url");
-  hcard = new hCard(document.getElementById("12-img-src-url"));
-  is(hcard.fn, "John Doe", "12-img-src-url - fn");
-  is(hcard.n["given-name"][0], "John", "12-img-src-url - given-name");
-  is(hcard.n["family-name"][0], "Doe", "12-img-src-url - family-name");
-  is(hcard.url[0], "http://mochi.test:8888/tests/browser/microformats/test/picture.png", "12-img-src-url - url");
-  hcard = new hCard(document.getElementById("13-photo-logo"));
-  is(hcard.fn, "John Doe", "13-photo-logo - fn");
-  is(hcard.n["given-name"][0], "John", "13-photo-logo - given-name");
-  is(hcard.n["family-name"][0], "Doe", "13-photo-logo - family-name");
-  is(String(hcard.logo), "http://mochi.test:8888/tests/browser/microformats/test/picture.png", "13-photo-logo - logo");
-  is(String(hcard.photo), "http://mochi.test:8888/tests/browser/microformats/test/picture.png", "13-photo-logo - photo");
-  hcard = new hCard(document.getElementById("14-img-src-data-url"));
-  is(hcard.fn, "John Doe", "14-img-src-data-url - fn");
-  is(hcard.n["given-name"][0], "John", "14-img-src-data-url - given-name");
-  is(hcard.n["family-name"][0], "Doe", "14-img-src-data-url - family-name");
-  hcard = new hCard(document.getElementById("15-honorific-additional-single"));
-  is(hcard.fn, "Mr. John Maurice Doe, Ph.D.", "15-honorific-additional-single - fn");
-  is(hcard.n["given-name"][0], "John", "15-honorific-additional-single - given-name");
-  is(hcard.n["family-name"][0], "Doe", "15-honorific-additional-single - family-name");
-  is(String(hcard.n["honorific-prefix"]), "Mr.", "15-honorific-additional-single - honorific-prefix");
-  is(String(hcard.n["additional-name"]), "Maurice", "15-honorific-additional-single - additional-name");
-  is(String(hcard.n["honorific-suffix"]), "Ph.D.", "15-honorific-additional-single - honorific-suffix");
-  hcard = new hCard(document.getElementById("16-honorific-additional-multiple"));
-  is(hcard.fn, "Mr. Dr. John Maurice Benjamin Doe Ph.D., J.D.", "16-honorific-additional-multiple - fn");
-  is(hcard.n["given-name"][0], "John", "16-honorific-additional-multiple - given-name");
-  is(hcard.n["family-name"][0], "Doe", "16-honorific-additional-multiple - family-name");
-  is(hcard.n["honorific-prefix"][0], "Mr.", "16-honorific-additional-multiple - honorific-prefix");
-  is(hcard.n["honorific-prefix"][1], "Dr.", "16-honorific-additional-multiple - honorific-prefix");
-  is(hcard.n["additional-name"][0], "Maurice", "16-honorific-additional-multiple - additional-name");
-  is(hcard.n["additional-name"][1], "Benjamin", "16-honorific-additional-multiple - additional-name");
-  is(hcard.n["honorific-suffix"][0], "Ph.D.", "16-honorific-additional-multiple - honorific-suffix");
-  is(hcard.n["honorific-suffix"][1], "J.D.", "16-honorific-additional-multiple - honorific-suffix");
-  hcard = new hCard(document.getElementById("17-email-not-uri"));
-  is(hcard.fn, "John Doe", "17-email-not-uri - fn");
-  is(hcard.n["given-name"][0], "John", "17-email-not-uri - given-name");
-  is(hcard.n["family-name"][0], "Doe", "17-email-not-uri - family-name");
-  is(hcard.email[0].value, "john@example.com", "17-email-not-uri - email");
-  hcard = new hCard(document.getElementById("18-object-data-http-uri"));
-  is(hcard.fn, "John Doe", "18-object-data-http-uri - fn");
-  is(hcard.n["given-name"][0], "John", "18-object-data-http-uri - given-name");
-  is(hcard.n["family-name"][0], "Doe", "18-object-data-http-uri - family-name");
-  is(String(hcard.logo), "http://mochi.test:8888/tests/browser/microformats/test/picture.png", "18-object-data-http-uri - logo");
-  is(String(hcard.photo), "http://mochi.test:8888/tests/browser/microformats/test/picture.png", "18-object-data-http-uri - photo");
-  is(String(hcard.url), "http://mochi.test:8888/tests/browser/microformats/test/picture.png", "18-object-data-http-uri - url");
-  hcard = new hCard(document.getElementById("19-object-data-data-uri"));
-  is(hcard.fn, "John Doe", "19-object-data-data-uri - fn");
-  is(hcard.n["given-name"][0], "John", "19-object-data-data-uri - given-name");
-  is(hcard.n["family-name"][0], "Doe", "19-object-data-data-uri - family-name");
-  hcard = new hCard(document.getElementById("20-image-alt"));
-  is(hcard.fn, "John Doe", "20-image-alt - fn");
-  is(hcard.n["given-name"][0], "John", "20-image-alt - given-name");
-  is(hcard.n["family-name"][0], "Doe", "20-image-alt - family-name");
-  is(String(hcard.logo), "http://mochi.test:8888/tests/browser/microformats/test/picture.png", "20-image-alt - logo");
-  is(String(hcard.photo), "http://mochi.test:8888/tests/browser/microformats/test/picture.png", "20-image-alt - photo");
-  hcard = new hCard(document.getElementById("21-tel"));
-  is(hcard.fn, "John Doe", "21-tel - fn");
-  is(hcard.n["given-name"][0], "John", "21-tel - given-name");
-  is(hcard.n["family-name"][0], "Doe", "21-tel - family-name");
-  is(hcard.tel[0].value, "+1.415.555.1231", "21-tel - tel");
-  is(hcard.tel[1].value, "+1 415 555 1232", "21-tel - tel");
-  is(hcard.tel[1].type[0], "home", "21-tel - type");
-  is(hcard.tel[2].value, "+14155551233", "21-tel - tel");
-  is(hcard.tel[2].type[0], "msg", "21-tel - type");
-  is(hcard.tel[2].type[1], "home", "21-tel - type");
-  is(hcard.tel[2].type[2], "work", "21-tel - type");
-  is(hcard.tel[2].type[3], "pref", "21-tel - type");
-  is(hcard.tel[2].type[4], "voice", "21-tel - type");
-  is(hcard.tel[2].type[5], "fax", "21-tel - type");
-  is(hcard.tel[2].type[6], "cell", "21-tel - type");
-  is(hcard.tel[2].type[7], "video", "21-tel - type");
-  is(hcard.tel[2].type[8], "pager", "21-tel - type");
-  is(hcard.tel[2].type[9], "bbs", "21-tel - type");
-  is(hcard.tel[2].type[10], "car", "21-tel - type");
-  is(hcard.tel[2].type[11], "isdn", "21-tel - type");
-  is(hcard.tel[2].type[12], "pcs", "21-tel - type");
-  isnot(hcard.tel[2].type[13], "invalid", "21-tel - type");
-  is(hcard.tel[3].value, "+1 415 555 1234", "21-tel - tel");
-  is(hcard.tel[3].type[0], "home", "21-tel - type");
-  is(hcard.tel[4].value, "+1.415.555.1235", "21-tel - tel");
-  is(hcard.tel[5].value, "+1.415.555.1236", "21-tel - tel");
-  is(hcard.tel[6].value, "+1.415.555.1238", "21-tel - tel");
-  is(hcard.tel[7].value, "+1.415.555.1239", "21-tel - tel");
-  is(hcard.tel[8].value, "+1.415.555.1241", "21-tel - tel");
-  is(hcard.tel[9].value, "+1.415.555.1242", "21-tel - tel");
-  hcard = new hCard(document.getElementById("21-tel.2"));
-  is(hcard.tel[0].type[0], "home", "21-tel.2 - type");
-  is(hcard.tel[0].value, "+1.415.555.1212", "21-tel.2 - tel");
-  hcard = new hCard(document.getElementById("21-tel.3"));
-  is(hcard.tel[0].type[0], "home", "21-tel.3 - type (home)");
-  is(hcard.tel[0].type[1], "pref", "21-tel.3 - type (pref)");
-  is(hcard.tel[0].value, "+1.415.555.1212", "21-tel.3 - tel");
-  hcard = new hCard(document.getElementById("22-adr"));
-  is(hcard.fn, "John Doe", "22-adr - fn");
-  is(hcard.n["given-name"][0], "John", "22-adr - given-name");
-  is(hcard.n["family-name"][0], "Doe", "22-adr - family-name");
-  is(hcard.adr[0]["street-address"][0], "1231 Main St.", "22-adr - street-address");
-  is(hcard.adr[0].locality, "Beverly Hills", "22-adr - locality");
-  is(hcard.adr[0].region, "California", "22-adr - region");
-  is(hcard.adr[0]["postal-code"], "90210", "22-adr - postal-code");
-  is(hcard.adr[0]["country-name"], "United States of America", "22-adr - country-name");
-  is(hcard.adr[1]["post-office-box"], "PO Box 1234", "22-adr - post-office-box");
-  is(hcard.adr[1]["street-address"][0], "1232 Main St.", "22-adr - street-address");
-  is(hcard.adr[1]["street-address"][1], "Suite 100", "22-adr - street-address");
-  is(hcard.adr[1].locality, "Beverly Hills", "22-adr - locality");
-  is(hcard.adr[1].region, "California", "22-adr - region");
-  is(hcard.adr[1]["postal-code"], "90210", "22-adr - postal-code");
-  is(hcard.adr[1]["country-name"], "United States of America", "22-adr - country-name");
-  is(hcard.adr[2]["type"][0], "home", "22-adr - type");
-  is(hcard.adr[2]["street-address"][0], "1233 Main St.", "22-adr - street-address");
-  is(hcard.adr[2].locality, "Beverly Hills", "22-adr - locality");
-  is(hcard.adr[2].region, "California", "22-adr - region");
-  is(hcard.adr[2]["postal-code"], "90210", "22-adr - postal-code");
-  is(hcard.adr[2]["country-name"], "United States of America", "22-adr - country-name");
-  is(hcard.adr[3]["type"][0], "dom", "22-adr - type");
-  is(hcard.adr[3]["type"][1], "intl", "22-adr - type");
-  is(hcard.adr[3]["type"][2], "postal", "22-adr - type");
-  is(hcard.adr[3]["type"][3], "parcel", "22-adr - type");
-  is(hcard.adr[3]["type"][4], "home", "22-adr - type");
-  is(hcard.adr[3]["type"][5], "work", "22-adr - type");
-  is(hcard.adr[3]["type"][6], "pref", "22-adr - type");
-  is(hcard.adr[3]["street-address"][0], "1234 Main St.", "22-adr - street-address");
-  is(hcard.adr[3].locality, "Beverly Hills", "22-adr - locality");
-  is(hcard.adr[3].region, "California", "22-adr - region");
-  is(hcard.adr[3]["postal-code"], "90210", "22-adr - postal-code");
-  is(hcard.adr[3]["country-name"], "United States of America", "22-adr - country-name");
-  hcard = new hCard(document.getElementById("23-abbr-title-everything"));
-  is(hcard.fn, "John Doe", "23-abbr-title-everything - fn");
-  is(hcard.n["given-name"][0], "Jonathan", "23-abbr-title-everything - given-name");
-  is(hcard.n["family-name"][0], "Doe-Smith", "23-abbr-title-everything - family-name");
-  is(String(hcard.n["additional-name"]), "John", "23-abbr-title-everything - additional-name");
-  is(String(hcard.n["honorific-prefix"]), "Mister", "23-abbr-title-everything - honorific-prefix");
-  is(String(hcard.n["honorific-suffix"]), "Medical Doctor", "23-abbr-title-everything - honorific-suffix");
-  is(hcard["class"], "public", "23-abbr-title-everything - class");
-  is(hcard.geo.latitude, 37.77, "23-abbr-title-everything - geo.latitude");
-  is(hcard.geo.longitude, -122.41, "23-abbr-title-everything - geo.longitude");
-  is(hcard.bday, "2006-04-04", "23-abbr-title-everything - bday");
-  is(hcard.nickname[0], "JJ", "23-abbr-title-everything - nickname");
-  is(String(hcard.note[0]), "this is a note", "23-abbr-title-everything - note");
-  isnot(String(hcard.note[0]), "this is not a note", "23-abbr-title-everything - note");
-  is(hcard.org[0]["organization-name"], "Intellicorp", "23-abbr-title-everything - organization-name");
-  is(hcard.org[0]["organization-unit"][0], "Intelligence", "23-abbr-title-everything - organization-unit");
-  is(String(hcard.role), "Chief", "23-abbr-title-everything - role");
-  is(hcard.tel[0].value, "415.555.1234", "23-abbr-title-everything - tel");
-  is(hcard.title[0], "President", "23-abbr-title-everything - title");
-  is(hcard.tz, "-0700", "23-abbr-title-everything - tz");
-  is(hcard.uid, "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", "23-abbr-title-everything - uid");
-  is(hcard.adr[0]["post-office-box"], "Box 1234", "23-abbr-title-everything - post-office-box");
-  is(hcard.adr[0]["street-address"][0], "123 Fake Street", "23-abbr-title-everything - street-address");
-  is(hcard.adr[0]["extended-address"], "Suite 100", "23-abbr-title-everything - street-address");
-  is(hcard.adr[0].locality, "San Francisco", "23-abbr-title-everything - locality");
-  is(hcard.adr[0].region, "California", "23-abbr-title-everything - region");
-  is(hcard.adr[0]["postal-code"], "12345-6789", "23-abbr-title-everything - postal-code");
-  is(hcard.adr[0]["country-name"], "United States of America", "23-abbr-title-everything - country-name");
-  hcard = new hCard(document.getElementById("25-geo-abbr"));
-  is(hcard.fn, "Paradise", "25-geo-abbr - fn");
-  is(hcard.geo.latitude, 30.267991, "25-geo-abbr - geo.latitude");
-  is(hcard.geo.longitude, -97.739568, "25-geo-abbr - geo.longitude");
-  hcard = new hCard(document.getElementById("26-ancestors"));
-  is(hcard.fn, "John Doe", "26-ancestors - fn");
-  is(hcard.n["given-name"][0], "Jonathan", "26-ancestors - given-name");
-  is(hcard.n["family-name"][0], "Doe-Smith", "26-ancestors - family-name");
-  is(String(hcard.n["additional-name"]), "John", "26-ancestors - additional-name");
-  is(String(hcard.n["honorific-prefix"]), "Mister", "26-ancestors - honorific-prefix");
-  is(String(hcard.n["honorific-suffix"]), "Medical Doctor", "26-ancestors - honorific-suffix");
-  is(hcard["class"], "public", "26-ancestors - class");
-  is(hcard.geo.latitude, 37.77, "26-ancestors - geo.latitude");
-  is(hcard.geo.longitude, -122.41, "26-ancestors - geo.longitude");
-  is(hcard.bday, "2006-04-04", "26-ancestors - bday");
-  is(hcard.nickname[0], "JJ", "26-ancestors - nickname");
-  is(String(hcard.note[0]), "this is a note", "26-ancestors - note");
-  isnot(String(hcard.note[0]), "this is not a note", "26-ancestors - note");
-  is(hcard.org[0]["organization-name"], "Intellicorp", "26-ancestors - organization-name");
-  is(hcard.org[0]["organization-unit"][0], "Intelligence", "26-ancestors - organization-unit");
-  is(String(hcard.role), "Chief", "26-ancestors - role");
-  is(hcard.agent[0].fn, "Bob Smith", "26-ancestors - agent.fn");
-  is(String(hcard.agent[0].title), "Executive Assistant", "26-ancestors - agent.title");
-  is(hcard.tel[0].value, "415.555.1234", "26-ancestors - tel");
-  is(hcard.title[0], "President", "26-ancestors - title");
-  is(hcard.tz, "-0700", "26-ancestors - tz");
-  is(hcard.uid, "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", "26-ancestors - uid");
-  is(hcard.adr[0]["post-office-box"], "Box 1234", "26-ancestors - post-office-box");
-  is(hcard.adr[0]["street-address"][0], "123 Fake Street", "26-ancestors - street-address");
-  is(hcard.adr[0]["extended-address"], "Suite 100", "26-ancestors - street-address");
-  is(hcard.adr[0].locality, "San Francisco", "26-ancestors - locality");
-  is(hcard.adr[0].region, "California", "26-ancestors - region");
-  is(hcard.adr[0]["postal-code"], "12345-6789", "26-ancestors - postal-code");
-  is(hcard.adr[0]["country-name"], "United States of America", "26-ancestors - country-name");
-  hcard = new hCard(document.getElementById("27-bday-date"));
-  is(hcard.fn, "john doe", "27-bday-date - fn");
-  is(hcard.n["given-name"][0], "john", "27-bday-date - given-name");
-  is(hcard.n["family-name"][0], "doe", "27-bday-date - family-name");
-  is(hcard.bday, "2000-01-01", "27-bday-date - bday");
-  hcard = new hCard(document.getElementById("28-bday-datetime"));
-  is(hcard.fn, "john doe", "28-bday-datetime - fn");
-  is(hcard.n["given-name"][0], "john", "28-bday-datetime - given-name");
-  is(hcard.n["family-name"][0], "doe", "28-bday-datetime - family-name");
-  is(hcard.bday, "2000-01-01T00:00:00", "28-bday-datetime - bday");
-  hcard = new hCard(document.getElementById("29-bday-datetime-timezone"));
-  is(hcard.fn, "john doe", "29-bday-datetime-timezone - fn");
-  is(hcard.n["given-name"][0], "john", "29-bday-datetime-timezone - given-name");
-  is(hcard.n["family-name"][0], "doe", "29-bday-datetime-timezone - family-name");
-  is(hcard.bday, "2000-01-01T00:00:00-0800", "29-bday-datetime-timezone - bday");
-  hcard = new hCard(document.getElementById("30-fn-org.1"));
-  is(hcard.fn, "W3C", "30-fn-org.1 - fn");
-  is(hcard.org[0]["organization-name"], "W3C", "30-fn-org.1 - organization-name");
-  hcard = new hCard(document.getElementById("30-fn-org.2"));
-  is(hcard.fn, "Dan Connolly", "30-fn-org.2  - fn");
-  is(hcard.n["given-name"][0], "Dan", "30-fn-org.2  - given-name");
-  is(hcard.n["family-name"][0], "Connolly", "30-fn-org.2  - family-name");
-  is(hcard.org[0]["organization-name"], "W3C", "30-fn-org.2 - organization-name");
-  hcard = new hCard(document.getElementById("30-fn-org.3"));
-  is(hcard.fn, "W3C", "30-fn-org.3 - fn");
-  is(hcard.org[0]["organization-name"], "W3C", "30-fn-org.3 - organization-name");
-  hcard = new hCard(document.getElementById("30-fn-org.4"));
-  is(hcard.fn, "World Wide Web Consortium", "30-fn-org.4 - fn");
-  is(hcard.org[0]["organization-name"], "World Wide Web Consortium", "30-fn-org.4 - organization-name");
-  hcard = new hCard(document.getElementById("30-fn-org.5"));
-  is(hcard.fn, "World Wide Web Consortium", "30-fn-org.5 - fn");
-  is(hcard.org[0]["organization-name"], "World Wide Web Consortium", "30-fn-org.5 - organization-name");
-  hcard = new hCard(document.getElementById("31-include.1"));
-  is(hcard.fn, "Brian Suda", "31-include.1 - fn");
-  is(hcard.n["given-name"][0], "Brian", "31-include.1 - given-name");
-  is(hcard.n["family-name"][0], "Suda", "31-include.1 - family-name");
-  is(String(hcard.url), "http://suda.co.uk/", "31-include.1 - url");
-  is(hcard.email[0].value, "correct@example.com", "31-include.1 - email");
-  isnot(hcard.email[0].value, "incorrect@example.com", "31-include.1 - email");
-  hcard = new hCard(document.getElementById("31-include.2"));
-  is(hcard.fn, "Brian Suda", "31-include.2 - fn");
-  is(hcard.n["given-name"][0], "Brian", "31-include.2 - given-name");
-  is(hcard.n["family-name"][0], "Suda", "31-include.2 - family-name");
-  is(String(hcard.url), "http://suda.co.uk/", "31-include.2 - url");
-  is(hcard.email[0].value, "correct@example.com", "31-include.2 - email");
-  isnot(hcard.email[0].value, "incorrect@example.com", "31-include.2 - email");
-  hcard = new hCard(document.getElementById("31-include.3"));
-  is(hcard.fn, "Brian Suda", "31-include.3 - fn");
-  is(hcard.n["given-name"][0], "Brian", "31-include.3 - given-name");
-  is(hcard.n["family-name"][0], "Suda", "31-include.3 - family-name");
-  is(String(hcard.url), "http://suda.co.uk/", "31-include.3 - url");
-  is(hcard.email[0].value, "correct@example.com", "31-include.3 - email");
-  isnot(hcard.email[0].value, "incorrect@example.com", "31-include.3 - email");
-  hcard = new hCard(document.getElementById("31-include.4"));
-  is(hcard.fn, "Brian Suda", "31-include.3 - fn");
-  is(hcard.n["given-name"][0], "Brian", "31-include.3 - given-name");
-  is(hcard.n["family-name"][0], "Suda", "31-include.3 - family-name");
-  is(String(hcard.url), "http://suda.co.uk/", "31-include.3 - url");
-  hcard = new hCard(document.getElementById("32-header.1"));
-  is(hcard.fn, "Brian Suda", "32-header.1 - fn");
-  is(hcard.n["given-name"][0], "Brian", "32-header.1 - given-name");
-  is(hcard.n["family-name"][0], "Suda", "32-header.1 - family-name");
-  is(hcard.org[0]["organization-name"], "example.org", "32-header.1 - organization-name");
-  is(String(hcard.url), "http://example.org/", "32-header.1 - url");
-  hcard = new hCard(document.getElementById("32-header.2"));
-  is(hcard.fn, "John Doe", "32-header.2 - fn");
-  is(hcard.n["given-name"][0], "John", "32-header.2 - given-name");
-  is(hcard.n["family-name"][0], "Doe", "32-header.2 - family-name");
-  is(hcard.org[0]["organization-name"], "example.org", "32-header.2 - organization-name");
-  is(String(hcard.url), "http://example.org/", "32-header.2 - url");
-  hcard = new hCard(document.getElementById("33-area.1"));
-  is(hcard.fn, "Joe Public", "33-area.1 - fn");
-  is(hcard.n["given-name"][0], "Joe", "33-area.1 - given-name");
-  is(hcard.n["family-name"][0], "Public", "33-area.1 - family-name");
-  is(String(hcard.url), "http://example.com/", "33-area.1 - url");
-  is(hcard.email[0].value, "joe@example.com", "33-area.1 - email");
-  hcard = new hCard(document.getElementById("33-area.2"));
-  is(hcard.fn, "Joe Public", "33-area.2 - fn");
-  is(String(hcard.url), "http://example.com/", "33-area.2 - url");
-  is(hcard.email[0].value, "joe@example.com", "33-area.2 - email");
-  is(hcard.org[0]["organization-name"], "Joe Public", "33-area.2 - organization-name");
-  hcard = new hCard(document.getElementById("33-area.3"));
-  is(hcard.fn, "Joe Public", "33-area.3 - fn");
-  is(String(hcard.url), "http://example.com/", "33-area.3 - url");
-  is(hcard.email[0].value, "joe@example.com", "33-area.3 - email");
-  is(hcard.org[0]["organization-name"], "Joe Public", "33-area.3 - organization-name");
-  hcard = new hCard(document.getElementById("33-area.4"));
-  is(hcard.fn, "Joe Public", "33-area.4 - fn");
-  is(String(hcard.url), "http://example.com/", "33-area.4 - url");
-  is(hcard.email[0].value, "joe@example.com", "33-area.4 - email");
-  is(hcard.org[0]["organization-name"], "Joe Public", "33-area.4 - organization-name");
-  hcard = new hCard(document.getElementById("33-area.5"));
-  is(hcard.fn, "Joe Public", "33-area.5 - fn");
-  is(String(hcard.url), "http://example.com/", "33-area.5 - url");
-  is(hcard.email[0].value, "joe@example.com", "33-area.5 - email");
-  is(hcard.org[0]["organization-name"], "Joe Public", "33-area.5 - organization-name");
-  hcard = new hCard(document.getElementById("34-notes"));
-  is(hcard.fn, "Joe Public", "34-notes - fn");
-  is(hcard.n["given-name"][0], "Joe", "34-notes - given-name");
-  is(hcard.n["family-name"][0], "Public", "34-notes - family-name");
-  is(String(hcard.note[0]), "Note 1", "34-notes - note");
-  isnot(String(hcard.note[1]), "Note 2", "34-notes - note");
-  is(String(hcard.note[1]), "Note 3", "34-notes - note");
-  is(String(hcard.note[2]), "Note 4 with a ; and a , to be escaped", "34-notes - note");
-  hcard = new hCard(document.getElementById("35-include-pattern.1"));
-  is(hcard.fn, "James Levine", "35-include-pattern.1 - fn");
-  is(hcard.n["given-name"][0], "James", "35-include-pattern.1 - given-name");
-  is(hcard.n["family-name"][0], "Levine", "35-include-pattern.1 - family-name");
-  hcard = new hCard(document.getElementById("35-include-pattern.2"));
-  is(hcard.fn, "James Levine", "35-include-pattern.2 - fn");
-  is(hcard.n["given-name"][0], "James", "35-include-pattern.2 - given-name");
-  is(hcard.n["family-name"][0], "Levine", "35-include-pattern.2 - family-name");
-  is(hcard.org[0]["organization-name"], "SimplyHired", "35-include-pattern.2 - organization-name");
-  is(hcard.title[0], "Microformat Brainstormer", "35-include-pattern.2 - title");
-  hcard = new hCard(document.getElementById("35-include-pattern.3"));
-  is(hcard.fn, "James Levine", "35-include-pattern.3 - fn");
-  is(hcard.n["given-name"][0], "James", "35-include-pattern.3 - given-name");
-  is(hcard.n["family-name"][0], "Levine", "35-include-pattern.3 - family-name");
-  is(hcard.org[0]["organization-name"], "SimplyHired", "35-include-pattern.3 - organization-name");
-  is(hcard.title[0], "Microformat Brainstormer", "35-include-pattern.3 - title");
-  hcard = new hCard(document.getElementById("36-categories.1"));
-  is(hcard.fn, "john doe", "36-categories.1 - fn");
-  is(hcard.n["given-name"][0], "john", "36-categories.1 - given-name");
-  is(hcard.n["family-name"][0], "doe", "36-categories.1 - family-name");
-  is(hcard.category[0], "C1", "36-categories.1 - category");
-  isnot(hcard.category[0], "C1a", "36-categories.1 - category");
-  is(hcard.category[1], "C2a", "36-categories.1 - category");
-  isnot(hcard.category[1], "C2", "36-categories.1 - category");
-  is(hcard.category[2], "C3", "36-categories.1 - category");
-  isnot(hcard.category[2], "C3a", "36-categories.1 - category");
-  isnot(hcard.category[2], "C3b", "36-categories.1 - category");
-  is(hcard.category[3], "C4", "36-categories.1 - category");
-  is(hcard.category[4], "C5", "36-categories.1 - category");
-  isnot(hcard.category[4], "C5a", "36-categories.1 - category");
-  isnot(hcard.category[4], "C5b", "36-categories.1 - category");
-  is(hcard.category[5], "C6", "36-categories.1 - category");
-  isnot(hcard.category[4], "C6a", "36-categories.1 - category");
-  isnot(hcard.category[4], "C6b", "36-categories.1 - category");
-  is(hcard.category[6], "C7", "36-categories.1 - category");
-  isnot(hcard.category[4], "C7a", "36-categories.1 - category");
-  isnot(hcard.category[4], "C7b", "36-categories.1 - category");
-  is(hcard.category[7], "C8", "36-categories.1 - category");
-  isnot(hcard.category[4], "C8a", "36-categories.1 - category");
-  isnot(hcard.category[4], "C8b", "36-categories.1 - category");
-  is(hcard.category[8], "C9", "36-categories.1 - category");
-  isnot(hcard.category[4], "C9a", "36-categories.1 - category");
-  isnot(hcard.category[4], "C9b", "36-categories.1 - category");
-  hcard = new hCard(document.getElementById("37-singleton"));
-  is(hcard.fn, "john doe 1", "37-singleton - fn");
-  is(hcard.n["given-name"][0], "john", "37-singleton - given-name");
-  is(hcard.n["family-name"][0], "doe", "37-singleton - family-name");
-  is(hcard.uid, "unique-id-1", "37-singleton - uid");
-  is(hcard.tz, "+0600", "37-singleton - tz");
-  is(hcard["sort-string"], "d", "37-singleton - sort-string");
-  is(hcard.geo.latitude, 123.45, "37-singleton - geo.latitude");
-  is(hcard.geo.longitude, 67.89, "37-singleton - geo.longitude");
-  is(hcard["class"], "public", "37-singleton - class");
-  is(hcard.bday, "2006-07-07", "37-singleton - bday");
-  is(hcard.rev, "2006-07-07", "37-singleton - rev");
-  hcard = new hCard(document.getElementById("38-uid.1"));
-  is(hcard.fn, "Ryan King", "38-uid.1 - fn");
-  is(hcard.n["given-name"][0], "Ryan", "38-uid.1 - given-name");
-  is(hcard.n["family-name"][0], "King", "38-uid.1 - family-name");
-  is(hcard.uid, "http://theryanking.com/contact/", "38-uid.1 - uid");
-  is(hcard.url[0], "http://theryanking.com/contact/", "38-uid.1 - url");
-  hcard = new hCard(document.getElementById("38-uid.2"));
-  is(hcard.fn, "Ryan King", "38-uid.2 - fn");
-  is(hcard.n["given-name"][0], "Ryan", "38-uid.2 - given-name");
-  is(hcard.n["family-name"][0], "King", "38-uid.2 - family-name");
-  is(hcard.uid, "http://mochi.test:8888/tests/browser/microformats/test/contact/", "38-uid.2 - uid");
-  is(hcard.url[0], "http://mochi.test:8888/tests/browser/microformats/test/contact/", "38-uid.2 - url");
-  hcard = new hCard(document.getElementById("38-uid.3"));
-  is(hcard.fn, "Ryan King", "38-uid.3 - fn");
-  is(hcard.n["given-name"][0], "Ryan", "38-uid.3 - given-name");
-  is(hcard.n["family-name"][0], "King", "38-uid.3 - family-name");
-  is(hcard.uid, "http://mochi.test:8888/tests/browser/microformats/test/contact/", "38-uid.3 - uid");
-  is(hcard.url[0], "http://mochi.test:8888/tests/browser/microformats/test/contact/", "38-uid.3 - url");
-  hcard = new hCard(document.getElementById("38-uid.4"));
-  is(hcard.fn, "Ryan King", "38-uid.4 - fn");
-  is(hcard.n["given-name"][0], "Ryan", "38-uid.4 - given-name");
-  is(hcard.n["family-name"][0], "King", "38-uid.4 - family-name");
-  is(hcard.uid, "http://theryanking.com/contact/", "38-uid.4 - uid");
-  is(hcard.url[0], "http://theryanking.com/contact/", "38-uid.4 - url");
-  hcard = new hCard(document.getElementById("39-noteHTML"));
-  is(String(hcard.note[0]), "Note", "39-noteHTML - note");
-  is(hcard.note[0].toHTML(), "<b>Note</b>", "39-noteHTML - note as HTML");
-  is(String(hcard.note[0].match("Note")), "Note", "39-noteHTML - match in note");
-  hcard = new hCard(document.getElementById("email-type"));
-  is(String(hcard.email[0].type), "internet", "email - type no value (type)");
-  is(hcard.email[0].value, "john@example.com", "email - type no value (value)");
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/toolkit/components/microformats/tests/test_Microformats_negative.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,112 +0,0 @@
-  <title>Testing Mixed Up Microformat APIs</title>
-  <script type="text/javascript" src="/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js"></script>
-  <script type="text/javascript" src="/tests/SimpleTest/EventUtils.js"></script>
-  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/tests/SimpleTest/test.css"></link>
-<body id="contentbody">
-  <div id="testhere">
-    <!-- Frames -->
-    <frameset>
-      <frame id="frame1">
-        <div>
-          <span class="notAMicroformat" id="notme">
-            <abbr> class="foo">I am not a microformat</abbr>
-            <abbr> class="title">Foolish title, not a format</abbr>
-          </span>
-        </div>
-      </frame>
-      <frame id="frame2">
-        <div class="vcalendar">
-          <span class="vevent" id="15-calendar-xml-lang">
-            <a class="url" href="http://www.web2con.com/">
-            <span class="summary">Web 2.0 Conference</span>: 
-            <abbr class="dtend" title="2005-10-08">7</abbr>,
-            at the <span class="location">Argent Hotel, San Francisco, CA</span>
-            </a>
-          </span>
-        </div>
-      </frame>
-    </frameset>
-  </div>
-  <div id="content">
-    <!-- some really messed up markup-->
-    <p class="vcard" id="23-abbr-title-everything">
-      <div id="random div no ending div either">
-      <abbr class="fn" title="John Doe">foo</abbr>
-      <span class="n"/>
-      <abbr class="foo" title="JJ">jj</abbr>
-      <abbr class="free" title="2006-04-04">April 4, 2006</abbr>
-      <span class="adr">
-        <abbr class="invalid" title="Box 1234">B. 1234</abbr>
-        <abbr class="extended-address" title="Suite 100">Ste. 100</abbr>
-        <abbr class="street-address" title="123 Fake Street"/>
-        <abbr class="locality" title="San Francisco">San Fran</abbr>
-        <abbr class="region" title="California">CA</abbr>
-        <abbr class="postal-code" title="12345-6789">12345</abbr>
-        <abbr class="country-name" title="United States of America">USA</abbr>
-        <abbr class="typo" titl="work">workplace</abbr>
-      </span>
-      <span class="org">
-        <abbr class="organization-name" title="Intellicorp">foo</abbr>
-        <abbr class="organization-unit" title="Intelligence">bar</abbr>
-  <!--       <abbr class="category" title=""></abbr> -->
-      <abbr class="note" title="this is a note">this is not a note</abbr>
-  <!--       <abbr class="rev" title=""></abbr>  (revision datetime) -->
-  <!--       <abbr class="sort-string" title=""></abbr> -->
-      <abbr class="uid" title="abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz">alpha</abbr>
-      <abbr class="class" title="public">pub</abbr>
-  <!--       <abbr class="key" title=""></abbr> -->
-      </span>
-  <!-- Ok, the test, here we go -->
-  <pre id="test">
-  <script class="testbody" type="text/javascript">
-  test_MicroformatsAPI();
-  function test_MicroformatsAPI() {
-    var Microformats = SpecialPowers.Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Microformats.js").Microformats;
-    // Test to see if we can get the invalid vcard
-    var mfs = Microformats.get("hCard",
-                               document.getElementById("content"),
-                               { });
-    is(mfs.length, 0, "Check that we can't get invalid vcard");
-    // Invalid hCalendar - doesn't have a dtstart
-    mfs = Microformats.get("hCalendar",
-                           document.getElementById("testhere"),
-                           {recurseExternalFrames: true});
-    is(mfs.length, 0, "Check that we don't pick up invalid MFs.");
-    mfs = Microformats.get("notAMicroformat",
-                           document.getElementById("testhere"),
-                           {recurseExternalFrames: true});
-    is(mfs, undefined, "No microformat called notAMicroformat");
-    // What if we try another way?
-    is(Microformats.isMicroformat(document.getElementById("notme")), false,
-       "Check that the NotAMicroformat is still not a microformat");
-    // Attempt to physically add one to the object
-    try {
-      Microformats.push("notAMicroformat");
-    } catch (ex) {
-      ok(true, "Check thrown exception when adding to microformats object");
-    }
-    // Attempt to delete one from the object
-    try {
-      Microformats.pop();
-    } catch (ex) {
-      ok(true, "Check that exception thrown when removing items from Microformats");
-    }
-  }
-  </script>
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/toolkit/components/microformats/tests/test_framerecursion.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Demonstrates that we are always counting MF's in a <frame> tag, and NEVER
-     counting MF's in an <iframe> regardless of what the "frame recursion" bit
-     is set to. -->
-  <title>Testing Mixed Up Microformat APIs</title>
-  <script type="text/javascript" src="/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js"></script>
-  <script type="text/javascript" src="/tests/SimpleTest/EventUtils.js"></script>
-  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/tests/SimpleTest/test.css"></link>
-<body id="contentbody">
-  <pre id="test">
-  <script class="testbody" type="text/javascript">
-  // Start the test once the iFrame loads
-  function onLoad() {
-    test_MicroformatsAPI();
-  }
-  function test_MicroformatsAPI() {
-    var Microformats = SpecialPowers.Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Microformats.js").Microformats;
-    count = Microformats.count("geo",
-                              document.getElementById("contentbody"),
-                              {recurseExternalFrames: false},
-                              0);
-    is(count, 1, "Only one geo - we don't count external frames");
-    count = Microformats.count("geo",
-                              document.getElementById("contentbody"),
-                              {recurseExternalFrames: true});
-    is(count, 2, "Two Geo's - one in frame and one in iframe");
-  }
-  </script>
-  </pre>
-  <frameset>
-    <frame id="frame1">
-      <div>
-        <span class="notAMicroformat" id="notme">
-          <abbr class="foo">I am not a microformat</abbr>
-          <abbr class="title">Foolish title, not a format</abbr>
-        </span>
-      </div>
-    </frame>
-    <frame id="frame3">
-      <span class="geo" id="02-geo-abbr-latlong" >
-        <abbr class="latitude" title="75.77">Far Northern</abbr>
-        <abbr class="longitude" title="-122.41">Canada</abbr>
-      </span>
-    </frame>
-    <frame id="frame2">
-      <div class="stuff">
-        <span>Testing is Fun!</span>
-      </div>
-    </frame>
-  </frameset>
-  <!-- Geo -->
-  <iframe id="iframe" src="geo.html" onload="onLoad();">
-  </iframe>