Bug 1281644 - Kill post_upload.py r=nthomas
authorRail Aliiev <rail@mozilla.com>
Tue, 05 Jul 2016 14:07:15 -0400
changeset 6996 a7e91263a4f13af9333866af90f612f7d1cc8643
parent 6995 0621d1e393dd8c345b19a3604c8e728f27eecc3c
child 6997 5f536a4a29552424bc71fb3d85f64d4a00d5f4b9
push id86
push userbmo:rail@mozilla.com
push dateTue, 05 Jul 2016 18:07:22 +0000
Bug 1281644 - Kill post_upload.py r=nthomas MozReview-Commit-ID: HVDmnpUm8xk
--- a/stage/post_upload.py
+++ b/stage/post_upload.py
@@ -1,539 +1,1 @@
-### The canonical location for this file is
-###   https://hg.mozilla.org/build/tools/file/default/stage/post_upload.py
-### Please update the copy in puppet to deploy new changes to
-### stage.mozilla.org, see
-# https://wiki.mozilla.org/ReleaseEngineering/How_To/Modify_scripts_on_stage
-# This script expects a directory as its first non-option argument,
-# followed by a list of filenames.
-import calendar
-import sys
-import os
-import os.path
-import pytz
-import shutil
-import re
-import tempfile
-from datetime import datetime
-from optparse import OptionParser
-from errno import EEXIST
-from ConfigParser import RawConfigParser
-# Lets read in the config files.  Because this application is
-# run once for every upload, we just read the config file once at the beginning
-# of execution.  If this was a longer running app, we'd need to do something
-# to pick up changes in the config file.
-config = RawConfigParser()
-config.read(['post_upload.ini', os.path.expanduser('~/.post_upload.ini'),
-            '/etc/post_upload.ini'])
-# Read in paths that are valid on the stage server
-CANDIDATES_PATH = config.get('paths', 'candidates_path')
-NIGHTLY_PATH = config.get('paths', 'nightly')
-TINDERBOX_BUILDS_PATH = config.get('paths', 'tinderbox_builds')
-LONG_DATED_DIR = config.get('paths', 'long_dated')
-SHORT_DATED_DIR = config.get('paths', 'short_dated')
-CANDIDATES_BASE_DIR = config.get('paths', 'candidates_base')
-CANDIDATES_DIR = CANDIDATES_BASE_DIR + config.get('paths', 'candidates')
-LATEST_DIR = config.get('paths', 'latest')
-TRY_DIR = config.get('paths', 'try')
-PVT_BUILD_DIR = config.get('paths', 'pvt_builds')
-# Read in the URLs that are served by this stage
-TINDERBOX_URL_PATH = config.get('urls', 'tinderbox_builds')
-LONG_DATED_URL_PATH = config.get('urls', 'long_dated')
-CANDIDATES_URL_PATH = config.get('urls', 'candidates')
-PVT_BUILD_URL_PATH = config.get('urls', 'pvt_builds')
-TRY_URL_PATH = config.get('urls', 'try')
-PARTIAL_MAR_RE = re.compile(config.get('patterns', 'partial_mar'))
-# Cache of original_file to new location on disk
-_linkCache = {}
-def CopyFileToDir(original_file, source_dir, dest_dir, preserve_dirs=False):
-    """ Atomically copy original_file from source_dir into dest_dir,
-    overwriting old files and preserving directory hierarchy if preserve_dirs
-    is True """
-    if not original_file.startswith(source_dir):
-        print "%s is not in %s!" % (original_file, source_dir)
-        return
-    relative_path = os.path.basename(original_file)
-    if preserve_dirs:
-        # Add any dirs below source_dir to the final destination
-        filePath = original_file.replace(source_dir, "").lstrip("/")
-        filePath = os.path.dirname(filePath)
-        dest_dir = os.path.join(dest_dir, filePath)
-    new_file = os.path.join(dest_dir, relative_path)
-    full_dest_dir = os.path.dirname(new_file)
-    if not os.path.isdir(full_dest_dir):
-        try:
-            os.makedirs(full_dest_dir, 0755)
-        except OSError, e:
-            if e.errno == EEXIST:
-                print "%s already exists, continuing anyways" % full_dest_dir
-            else:
-                raise
-    if os.path.exists(new_file):
-        try:
-            os.unlink(new_file)
-        except OSError, e:
-            # If the file gets deleted by another instance of post_upload
-            # because there was a name collision this improves the situation
-            # as to not abort the process but continue with the next file
-            print "Warning: The file %s has already been unlinked by " % new_file + \
-                  "another instance of post_upload.py"
-            return
-    # Try hard linking the file
-    if original_file in _linkCache:
-        for src in _linkCache[original_file]:
-            try:
-                os.link(src, new_file)
-                os.chmod(new_file, 0644)
-                return
-            except OSError:
-                pass
-    tmp_fd, tmp_path = tempfile.mkstemp(dir=dest_dir)
-    tmp_fp = os.fdopen(tmp_fd, 'wb')
-    shutil.copyfileobj(open(original_file, 'rb'), tmp_fp)
-    tmp_fp.close()
-    os.chmod(tmp_path, 0644)
-    os.rename(tmp_path, new_file)
-    _linkCache.setdefault(original_file, []).append(new_file)
-def BuildIDToDict(buildid):
-    """Returns an dict with the year, month, day, hour, minute, and second
-       as keys, as parsed from the buildid"""
-    buildidDict = {}
-    try:
-        # strptime is no good here because it strips leading zeros
-        buildidDict['year'] = buildid[0:4]
-        buildidDict['month'] = buildid[4:6]
-        buildidDict['day'] = buildid[6:8]
-        buildidDict['hour'] = buildid[8:10]
-        buildidDict['minute'] = buildid[10:12]
-        buildidDict['second'] = buildid[12:14]
-    except:
-        raise "Could not parse buildid!"
-    return buildidDict
-def BuildIDToUnixTime(buildid):
-    """Returns the timestamp the buildid represents in unix time."""
-    try:
-        pt = pytz.timezone('US/Pacific')
-        return calendar.timegm(pt.localize(datetime.strptime(buildid, "%Y%m%d%H%M%S")).utctimetuple())
-    except:
-        raise "Could not parse buildid!"
-def ReleaseToDated(options, upload_dir, files):
-    values = BuildIDToDict(options.buildid)
-    values['branch'] = options.branch
-    values['product'] = options.product
-    values['nightly_dir'] = options.nightly_dir
-    longDir = LONG_DATED_DIR % values
-    shortDir = SHORT_DATED_DIR % values
-    url = LONG_DATED_URL_PATH % values
-    longDatedPath = os.path.join(NIGHTLY_PATH, longDir)
-    shortDatedPath = os.path.join(NIGHTLY_PATH, shortDir)
-    if options.builddir:
-        longDatedPath += "/%s" % options.builddir
-        shortDatedPath += "/%s" % options.builddir
-    for f in files:
-        if options.branch.endswith('l10n') and f.endswith('.xpi'):
-            CopyFileToDir(f, upload_dir, longDatedPath, preserve_dirs=True)
-            filePath = f.replace(upload_dir, "").lstrip("/")
-            filePath = os.path.dirname(filePath)
-            sys.stderr.write(
-                "%s\n" % os.path.join(url, filePath, os.path.basename(f)))
-        else:
-            CopyFileToDir(f, upload_dir, longDatedPath)
-            sys.stderr.write("%s\n" % os.path.join(url, os.path.basename(f)))
-    os.utime(longDatedPath, None)
-    if not options.noshort:
-        try:
-            cwd = os.getcwd()
-            os.chdir(NIGHTLY_PATH)
-            if not os.path.exists(shortDir):
-                os.symlink(longDir, shortDir)
-        finally:
-            os.chdir(cwd)
-def ReleaseToLatest(options, upload_dir, files):
-    latestDir = LATEST_DIR % {'branch': options.branch}
-    latestPath = os.path.join(NIGHTLY_PATH, latestDir)
-    if options.builddir:
-        latestDir += "/%s" % options.builddir
-        latestPath += "/%s" % options.builddir
-    marToolsPath = "%s/mar-tools" % latestPath
-    for f in files:
-        filename = os.path.basename(f)
-        if f.endswith('crashreporter-symbols.zip'):
-            continue
-        if PARTIAL_MAR_RE.search(f):
-            continue
-        if options.branch.endswith('l10n') and f.endswith('.xpi'):
-            CopyFileToDir(f, upload_dir, latestPath, preserve_dirs=True)
-        elif filename in ('mar', 'mar.exe', 'mbsdiff', 'mbsdiff.exe'):
-            if options.tinderbox_builds_dir:
-                platform = options.tinderbox_builds_dir.split('-')[-1]
-                if platform in ('win32', 'macosx64', 'linux', 'linux64', 'win64'):
-                    CopyFileToDir(f, upload_dir, '%s/%s' % (marToolsPath, platform))
-        else:
-            CopyFileToDir(f, upload_dir, latestPath)
-    os.utime(latestPath, None)
-def ReleaseToBuildDir(builds_dir, builds_url, options, upload_dir, files, dated):
-    tinderboxBuildsPath = builds_dir % \
-        {'product': options.product,
-         'tinderbox_builds_dir': options.tinderbox_builds_dir}
-    tinderboxUrl = builds_url % \
-        {'product': options.product,
-         'tinderbox_builds_dir': options.tinderbox_builds_dir}
-    if dated:
-        buildid = str(BuildIDToUnixTime(options.buildid))
-        tinderboxBuildsPath = os.path.join(tinderboxBuildsPath, buildid)
-        tinderboxUrl = os.path.join(tinderboxUrl, buildid)
-        _to = os.path.basename(tinderboxBuildsPath)
-        _from = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(tinderboxBuildsPath), "latest")
-    if options.builddir:
-        tinderboxBuildsPath = os.path.join(
-            tinderboxBuildsPath, options.builddir)
-        tinderboxUrl = os.path.join(tinderboxUrl, options.builddir)
-    for f in files:
-        # Reject MAR files. They don't belong here.
-        if f.endswith('.mar'):
-            continue
-        if options.tinderbox_builds_dir.endswith('l10n') and f.endswith('.xpi'):
-            CopyFileToDir(
-                f, upload_dir, tinderboxBuildsPath, preserve_dirs=True)
-            filePath = f.replace(upload_dir, "").lstrip("/")
-            filePath = os.path.dirname(filePath)
-            sys.stderr.write("%s\n" % os.path.join(
-                tinderboxUrl, filePath, os.path.basename(f)))
-        else:
-            CopyFileToDir(f, upload_dir, tinderboxBuildsPath)
-            sys.stderr.write(
-                "%s\n" % os.path.join(tinderboxUrl, os.path.basename(f)))
-    os.utime(tinderboxBuildsPath, None)
-    # create latest softlink?
-    if dated and options.release_to_latest_tinderbox_builds:
-        # best effort softlink
-        print >> sys.stderr, "ln -sfnv %s %s" % (_to, _from)
-        os.system('ln -sfnv "%s" "%s"' % (_to, _from))
-def ReleaseToTinderboxBuilds(options, upload_dir, files, dated=True):
-                      options, upload_dir, files, dated)
-def ReleaseToTinderboxBuildsOverwrite(options, upload_dir, files):
-    ReleaseToTinderboxBuilds(options, upload_dir, files, dated=False)
-def rel_symlink(_to, _from):
-    _to = os.path.realpath(_to)
-    _from = os.path.realpath(_from)
-    (_from_path, dummy) = os.path.split(_from)
-    _to = os.path.relpath(_to, _from_path)
-    os.symlink(_to, _from)
-def symlink_nightly_to_candidates(nightly_path, candidates_full_path, version):
-    _from = ("%(nightly_path)s/" + CANDIDATES_BASE_DIR) % {
-        'nightly_path': nightly_path, 'version': version}
-    _to = candidates_full_path
-    if not os.path.isdir(_to):
-        print >> sys.stderr, "mkdir %s" % _to
-        try:
-            os.mkdir(_to)
-        except OSError, e:
-            if e.errno == EEXIST:
-                print "%s already exists, continuing anyways" % _to
-            else:
-                raise
-    if not os.path.islink(_from):
-        print >> sys.stderr, "ln -s %s %s" % (_to, _from)
-        try:
-            rel_symlink(_to, _from)
-        except OSError, e:
-            if e.errno == EEXIST:
-                print "%s already exists, continuing anyways" % _from
-                pass
-            else:
-                raise
-def ReleaseToCandidatesDir(options, upload_dir, files):
-    candidatesFullPath = CANDIDATES_BASE_DIR % {'version': options.version}
-    candidatesFullPath = os.path.join(CANDIDATES_PATH, candidatesFullPath)
-    candidatesDir = CANDIDATES_DIR % {'version': options.version,
-                                      'buildnumber': options.build_number}
-    candidatesPath = os.path.join(NIGHTLY_PATH, candidatesDir)
-    candidatesUrl = CANDIDATES_URL_PATH % {
-        'nightly_dir': options.nightly_dir,
-        'version': options.version,
-        'buildnumber': options.build_number,
-        'product': options.product,
-    }
-    marToolsPath = "%s/mar-tools" % candidatesPath
-    symlink_nightly_to_candidates(
-        NIGHTLY_PATH, candidatesFullPath, options.version)
-    for f in files:
-        realCandidatesPath = candidatesPath
-        filename = os.path.basename(f)
-        if not options.signed and 'win32' in f and '/logs/' not in f:
-            realCandidatesPath = os.path.join(realCandidatesPath, 'unsigned')
-            url = os.path.join(candidatesUrl, 'unsigned')
-        else:
-            url = candidatesUrl
-        if options.builddir:
-            realCandidatesPath = os.path.join(
-                realCandidatesPath, options.builddir)
-            url = os.path.join(url, options.builddir)
-        if filename in ('mar', 'mar.exe', 'mbsdiff', 'mbsdiff.exe'):
-            if options.tinderbox_builds_dir:
-                platform = options.tinderbox_builds_dir.split('-')[-1]
-                if platform in ('win32', 'macosx64', 'linux', 'linux64', 'win64'):
-                    CopyFileToDir(f, upload_dir, '%s/%s' % (marToolsPath, platform))
-        else:
-            CopyFileToDir(f, upload_dir, realCandidatesPath, preserve_dirs=True)
-        # Output the URL to the candidate build
-        if f.startswith(upload_dir):
-            relpath = f[len(upload_dir):].lstrip("/")
-        else:
-            relpath = f.lstrip("/")
-        sys.stderr.write("%s\n" % os.path.join(url, relpath))
-        # We always want release files chmod'ed this way so other users in
-        # the group cannot overwrite them.
-        os.chmod(f, 0644)
-def ReleaseToMobileCandidatesDir(options, upload_dir, files):
-    candidatesDir = CANDIDATES_DIR % {'version': options.version,
-                                      'buildnumber': options.build_number}
-    candidatesPath = os.path.join(NIGHTLY_PATH, candidatesDir)
-    candidatesUrl = CANDIDATES_URL_PATH % {
-        'nightly_dir': options.nightly_dir,
-        'version': options.version,
-        'buildnumber': options.build_number,
-        'product': options.product,
-    }
-    for f in files:
-        realCandidatesPath = candidatesPath
-        realCandidatesPath = os.path.join(realCandidatesPath,
-                                          options.builddir)
-        url = os.path.join(candidatesUrl, options.builddir)
-        CopyFileToDir(f, upload_dir, realCandidatesPath, preserve_dirs=True)
-        # Output the URL to the candidate build
-        if f.startswith(upload_dir):
-            relpath = f[len(upload_dir):].lstrip("/")
-        else:
-            relpath = f.lstrip("/")
-        sys.stderr.write("%s\n" % os.path.join(url, relpath))
-        # We always want release files chmod'ed this way so other users in
-        # the group cannot overwrite them.
-        os.chmod(f, 0644)
-def ReleaseToTryBuilds(options, upload_dir, files):
-    tryBuildsPath = TRY_DIR % {'product': options.product,
-                               'who': options.who,
-                               'revision': options.revision,
-                               'builddir': options.builddir}
-    tryBuildsUrl = TRY_URL_PATH % {'product': options.product,
-                                   'who': options.who,
-                                   'revision': options.revision,
-                                   'builddir': options.builddir}
-    for f in files:
-        CopyFileToDir(f, upload_dir, tryBuildsPath)
-        sys.stderr.write(
-            "%s\n" % os.path.join(tryBuildsUrl, os.path.basename(f)))
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    releaseTo = []
-    error = False
-    print >> sys.stderr, "sys.argv: %s" % sys.argv
-    parser = OptionParser(usage="usage: %prog [options] <directory> <files>")
-    parser.add_option("-p", "--product",
-                      action="store", dest="product",
-                      help="Set product name to build paths properly.")
-    parser.add_option("-v", "--version",
-                      action="store", dest="version",
-                      help="Set version number to build paths properly.")
-    parser.add_option("--nightly-dir", default="nightly",
-                      action="store", dest="nightly_dir",
-                      help="Set the base directory for nightlies (ie $product/$nightly_dir/), and the parent directory for release candidates (default 'nightly').")
-    parser.add_option("-b", "--branch",
-                      action="store", dest="branch",
-                      help="Set branch name to build paths properly.")
-    parser.add_option("-i", "--buildid",
-                      action="store", dest="buildid",
-                      help="Set buildid to build paths properly.")
-    parser.add_option("-n", "--build-number",
-                      action="store", dest="build_number",
-                      help="Set buildid to build paths properly.")
-    parser.add_option("-r", "--revision",
-                      action="store", dest="revision")
-    parser.add_option("-w", "--who",
-                      action="store", dest="who")
-    parser.add_option("-S", "--no-shortdir",
-                      action="store_true", dest="noshort",
-                      help="Don't symlink the short dated directories.")
-    parser.add_option("--builddir",
-                      action="store", dest="builddir",
-                      help="Subdir to arrange packaged unittest build paths properly.")
-    parser.add_option("--subdir",
-                      action="store", dest="builddir",
-                      help="Subdir to arrange packaged unittest build paths properly.")
-    parser.add_option("--tinderbox-builds-dir",
-                      action="store", dest="tinderbox_builds_dir",
-                      help="Set tinderbox builds dir to build paths properly.")
-    parser.add_option("-l", "--release-to-latest",
-                      action="store_true", dest="release_to_latest",
-                      help="Copy files to $product/$nightly_dir/latest-$branch")
-    parser.add_option("-d", "--release-to-dated",
-                      action="store_true", dest="release_to_dated",
-                      help="Copy files to $product/$nightly_dir/$datedir-$branch")
-    parser.add_option("-c", "--release-to-candidates-dir",
-                      action="store_true", dest="release_to_candidates_dir",
-                      help="Copy files to $product/$nightly_dir/$version-candidates/build$build_number")
-    parser.add_option("--release-to-mobile-candidates-dir",
-                      action="store_true", dest="release_to_mobile_candidates_dir",
-                      help="Copy mobile files to $product/$nightly_dir/$version-candidates/build$build_number/$platform")
-    parser.add_option("-t", "--release-to-tinderbox-builds",
-                      action="store_true", dest="release_to_tinderbox_builds",
-                      help="Copy files to $product/tinderbox-builds/$tinderbox_builds_dir")
-    parser.add_option("--release-to-latest-tinderbox-builds",
-                      action="store_true", dest="release_to_latest_tinderbox_builds",
-                      help="Softlink tinderbox_builds_dir to latest")
-    parser.add_option("--release-to-tinderbox-dated-builds",
-                      action="store_true", dest="release_to_dated_tinderbox_builds",
-                      help="Copy files to $product/tinderbox-builds/$tinderbox_builds_dir/$timestamp")
-    parser.add_option("--release-to-try-builds",
-                      action="store_true", dest="release_to_try_builds",
-                      help="Copy files to try-builds/$who-$revision")
-    parser.add_option("--signed", action="store_true", dest="signed",
-                      help="Don't use unsigned directory for uploaded files")
-    (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
-    if len(args) < 2:
-        print "Error, you must specify a directory and at least one file."
-        error = True
-    if not options.product:
-        print "Error, you must supply the product name."
-        error = True
-    if options.release_to_latest:
-        releaseTo.append(ReleaseToLatest)
-        if not options.branch:
-            print "Error, you must supply the branch name."
-            error = True
-    if options.release_to_dated:
-        releaseTo.append(ReleaseToDated)
-        if not options.branch:
-            print "Error, you must supply the branch name."
-            error = True
-        if not options.buildid:
-            print "Error, you must supply the build id."
-            error = True
-    if options.release_to_candidates_dir:
-        releaseTo.append(ReleaseToCandidatesDir)
-        if not options.version:
-            print "Error, you must supply the version number."
-            error = True
-        if not options.build_number:
-            print "Error, you must supply the build number."
-            error = True
-    if options.release_to_mobile_candidates_dir:
-        releaseTo.append(ReleaseToMobileCandidatesDir)
-        if not options.version:
-            print "Error, you must supply the version number."
-            error = True
-        if not options.build_number:
-            print "Error, you must supply the build number."
-            error = True
-        if not options.builddir:
-            print "Error, you must supply a builddir."
-            error = True
-    if options.release_to_tinderbox_builds:
-        releaseTo.append(ReleaseToTinderboxBuildsOverwrite)
-        if not options.tinderbox_builds_dir:
-            print "Error, you must supply the tinderbox builds dir."
-            error = True
-    if options.release_to_dated_tinderbox_builds:
-        releaseTo.append(ReleaseToTinderboxBuilds)
-        if not options.tinderbox_builds_dir:
-            print "Error, you must supply the tinderbox builds dir."
-            error = True
-        if not options.buildid:
-            print "Error, you must supply the build id."
-            error = True
-    if options.release_to_try_builds:
-        releaseTo.append(ReleaseToTryBuilds)
-        if not options.who:
-            print "Error, must supply who"
-            error = True
-        if not options.revision:
-            print "Error, you must supply the revision"
-            error = True
-        if not options.builddir:
-            print "Error, you must supply the builddir"
-            error = True
-    if len(releaseTo) == 0:
-        print "Error, you must pass a --release-to option!"
-        error = True
-    # Use the short revision
-    if options.revision is not None:
-        options.revision = options.revision[:12]
-    if error:
-        sys.exit(1)
-    NIGHTLY_PATH = NIGHTLY_PATH % {'product': options.product,
-                                   'nightly_dir': options.nightly_dir}
-    CANDIDATES_PATH = CANDIDATES_PATH % {'product': options.product}
-    upload_dir = os.path.abspath(args[0])
-    files = args[1:]
-    if not os.path.isdir(upload_dir):
-        print "Error, %s is not a directory!" % upload_dir
-        sys.exit(1)
-    for f in files:
-        f = os.path.abspath(f)
-        if not os.path.isfile(f):
-            print "Error, %s is not a file!" % f
-            sys.exit(1)
-    for func in releaseTo:
-        func(options, upload_dir, files)
+Moved to https://github.com/mozilla-services/product-delivery-tools/tree/master/post_upload
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/stage/production.ini
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-nightly = /home/ftp/pub/%(product)s/%(nightly_dir)s
-tinderbox_builds = /home/ftp/pub/%(product)s/tinderbox-builds/%(tinderbox_builds_dir)s
-long_dated = %(year)s/%(month)s/%(year)s-%(month)s-%(day)s-%(hour)s-%(minute)s-%(second)s-%(branch)s
-short_dated = %(year)s-%(month)s-%(day)s-%(hour)s-%(minute)s-%(second)s-%(branch)s
-candidates_path = /home/ftp/pub/%(product)s/candidates
-candidates_base = %(version)s-candidates
-candidates = /build%(buildnumber)s
-latest = latest-%(branch)s
-pvt_builds = /mnt/pvt_builds/%(product)s/%(tinderbox_builds_dir)s
-try = /home/ftp/pub/%(product)s/try-builds/%(who)s-%(revision)s/%(builddir)s
-tinderbox_builds = http://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/%(product)s/tinderbox-builds/%(tinderbox_builds_dir)s
-long_dated = http://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/%(product)s/%(nightly_dir)s/%(year)s/%(month)s/%(year)s-%(month)s-%(day)s-%(hour)s-%(minute)s-%(second)s-%(branch)s
-candidates = http://stage.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/%(product)s/%(nightly_dir)s/%(version)s-candidates/build%(buildnumber)s
-pvt_builds = https://pvtbuilds2.dmz.scl3.mozilla.com/%(product)s/%(tinderbox_builds_dir)s
-try = http://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/%(product)s/try-builds/%(who)s-%(revision)s/%(builddir)s
-partial_mar = \.partial\..*\.mar(\.asc)?$
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/stage/staging.ini
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-nightly = /home/ftp/pub/%(product)s/%(nightly_dir)s
-tinderbox_builds = /home/ftp/pub/%(product)s/tinderbox-builds/%(tinderbox_builds_dir)s
-long_dated = %(year)s/%(month)s/%(year)s-%(month)s-%(day)s-%(hour)s-%(minute)s-%(second)s-%(branch)s
-short_dated = %(year)s-%(month)s-%(day)s-%(hour)s-%(minute)s-%(second)s-%(branch)s
-candidates_path = /home/ftp/pub/%(product)s/candidates
-candidates_base = %(version)s-candidates
-candidates = /build%(buildnumber)s
-latest = latest-%(branch)s
-pvt_builds = /mnt/pvt_builds/staging/%(product)s/%(tinderbox_builds_dir)s
-try = /home/ftp/pub/%(product)s/try-builds/%(who)s-%(revision)s/%(builddir)s
-tinderbox_builds = http://dev-stage01.srv.releng.scl3.mozilla.com/pub/mozilla.org/%(product)s/tinderbox-builds/%(tinderbox_builds_dir)s
-long_dated = http://dev-stage01.srv.releng.scl3.mozilla.com/pub/mozilla.org/%(product)s/%(nightly_dir)s/%(year)s/%(month)s/%(year)s-%(month)s-%(day)s-%(hour)s-%(minute)s-%(second)s-%(branch)s
-candidates = http://dev-stage01.srv.releng.scl3.mozilla.com/pub/mozilla.org/%(product)s/%(nightly_dir)s/%(version)s-candidates/build%(buildnumber)s
-pvt_builds = https://dm-pvtbuild01.mozilla.org/staging/%(product)s/%(tinderbox_builds_dir)s
-try = http://dev-stage01.srv.releng.scl3.mozilla.com/pub/mozilla.org/%(product)s/try-builds/%(who)s-%(revision)s/%(builddir)s
-partial_mar = \.partial\..*\.mar(\.asc)?$