Bug 1283163 - Revert |mach try| changes in Bug 1258451 for regressions, r=chmanchester draft
authorJames Graham <james@hoppipolla.co.uk>
Wed, 29 Jun 2016 16:23:43 +0100
changeset 382404 f488f23dd59eb98e63ec73961181b49301e560c0
parent 382403 c676cc20b518dd687455a8519c2c41624376f622
child 524180 ca2718bb5238090370e5199a1da0f842998838b4
push id21707
push userbmo:james@hoppipolla.co.uk
push dateWed, 29 Jun 2016 15:29:51 +0000
bugs1283163, 1258451
Bug 1283163 - Revert |mach try| changes in Bug 1258451 for regressions, r=chmanchester The changes in Bug 1258451 broke the -u suite[platform] syntax and prevented |mach try| working with unknown testsuites. They therefore need to be reverted until these issues are fixed. MozReview-Commit-ID: 3xttuC24axK
--- a/testing/tools/autotry/autotry.py
+++ b/testing/tools/autotry/autotry.py
@@ -10,118 +10,26 @@ import subprocess
 import sys
 import which
 import difflib
 from collections import defaultdict
 import ConfigParser
-def validate_choices(values, choices):
-    valid = True
-    for value in values:
-        corrections = difflib.get_close_matches(value, choices)
-        if len(corrections) == 0:
-            print 'Potentially invalid choice {v!r}. Neither the requested value nor a similar value was found.'.format(v=value)
-            print 'List of possible values: {c!r}'.format(c=choices)
-            result = raw_input('Are you sure you want to continue? [y/N] ').strip()
-            if not 'y' in result.lower():
-                valid = False
-        elif corrections[0] == value:
-            continue
-        else:
-            valid = False
-            print 'Invalid choice {v!r}. Some suggestions (limit three): {c!r}?'.format(v=value, c=corrections)
-    if not valid:
-        sys.exit(1)
-class ValidatePlatforms(argparse.Action):
-    def __call__(self, parser, args, values, option_string=None):
-        choices = ['linux', 'linux64', 'linux64-asan', 'linux64-st-an',
-                   'linux64-valgrind', 'linux64-haz', 'macosx64',
-                   'macosx64-st-an', 'win32', 'win64', 'android-api-9',
-                   'android-api-15', 'android-api-15-gradle-dependencies',
-                   'android-api-15-frontend', 'android-x86', 'sm-arm-sim',
-                   'sm-compacting', 'sm-generational', 'sm-plain',
-                   'sm-rootanalysis', 'sm-warnaserr', 'all']
-        validate_choices(values, choices)
-        setattr(args, self.dest, values)
-class ValidateUnittestSuites(argparse.Action):
-    def __call__(self, parser, args, values, option_string=None):
-        choices = ['none', 'all', 'reftest', 'reftest-1', 'reftest-2',
-                   'reftest-3', 'reftest-4', 'reftest-e10s',
-                   'reftest-no-accel', 'crashtest', 'crashtest-e10s',
-                   'xpcshell', 'jsreftest', 'marionette', 'marionette-e10s',
-                   'mozmill', 'cppunit', 'gtest', 'firefox-ui-functional',
-                   'firefox-ui-functional-e10s', 'jittests', 'jittest-1',
-                   'jittest-2', 'luciddream', 'mochitests',
-                   'mochitest-gl', 'mochitest-bc', 'mochitest-browser-screenshots',
-                   'mochitest-dt', 'mochitest-o', 'mochitest-media',
-                   'mochitest-jetpack', 'mochitest-e10s-1', 'mochitest-e10s-2',
-                   'mochitest-e10s-3', 'mochitest-e10s-4', 'mochitest-e10s-5',
-                   'mochitest-e10s-bc', 'mochitest-e10s-devtools-chrome',
-                   'mochitest-media-e10s', 'web-platform-tests',
-                   'web-platform-tests-1', 'web-platform-tests-2',
-                   'web-platform-tests-3', 'web-platform-tests-4',
-                   'web-platform-tests-5', 'web-platform-tests-6',
-                   'web-platform-tests-7', 'web-platform-tests-8',
-                   'web-platform-tests-reftests', 'web-platform-tests-e10s-1',
-                   'web-platform-tests-e10s-2', 'web-platform-tests-e10s-3',
-                   'web-platform-tests-e10s-4', 'web-platform-tests-e10s-5',
-                   'web-platform-tests-e10s-6', 'web-platform-tests-e10s-7',
-                   'web-platform-tests-e10s-8', 'web-platform-tests-e10s-reftests',
-                   'robocop-1', 'robocop-2', 'robocop-3', 'robocop-4',
-                   'plain-reftest-1', 'plain-reftest-2', 'plain-reftest-3',
-                   'plain-reftest-4', 'plain-reftest-5', 'plain-reftest-6',
-                   'plain-reftest-7', 'plain-reftest-8', 'plain-reftest-9',
-                   'plain-reftest-10', 'plain-reftest-11', 'plain-reftest-12',
-                   'plain-reftest-13', 'plain-reftest-14', 'plain-reftest-15',
-                   'plain-reftest-16', 'jsreftest-1', 'jsreftest-2',
-                   'jsreftest-3', 'jsreftest-4', 'jsreftest-5', 'jsreftest-6',
-                   'mochitest-1', 'mochitest-2', 'mochitest-3', 'mochitest-4',
-                   'mochitest-5', 'mochitest-6', 'mochitest-7', 'mochitest-8',
-                   'mochitest-9', 'mochitest-10', 'mochitest-11', 'mochitest-12',
-                   'mochitest-13', 'mochitest-14', 'mochitest-15', 'mochitest-16',
-                   'mochitest-17', 'mochitest-18', 'mochitest-19', 'mochitest-20',
-                   'mochitest-chrome', 'mochitest-gl-1', 'mochitest-gl-2',
-                   'mochitest-gl-3', 'mochitest-gl-4', 'mochitest-gl-5',
-                   'mochitest-gl-6', 'mochitest-gl-7', 'mochitest-gl-8',
-                   'mochitest-gl-9', 'mochitest-gl-10', 'mochitest-media-1',
-                   'mochitest-media-2', 'crashtest-1', 'crashtest-2',
-                   'crashtest-3', 'crashtest-4', 'xpcshell-1', 'xpcshell-2',
-                   'xpcshell-3', 'autophone-smoketest', 'autophone-s1s2',
-                   'autophone-webapp', 'autophone-mochitest-dom-browser-element',
-                   'autophone-mochitest-dom-media', 'autophone-mochitest-skia',
-                   'autophone-mochitest-toolkit-widgets']
-        validate_choices(values, choices)
-        setattr(args, self.dest, values)
-class ValidateTalosSuites(argparse.Action):
-    def __call__(self, parser, args, values, option_string=None):
-        choices = ['none', 'all', 'chromez', 'dromaeojs', 'other', 'g1', 'g2',
-                   'svgr', 'tp5o', 'xperf', 'chromez-e10s', 'dromaeojs-e10s',
-                   'other-e10s', 'g1-e10s', 'g2-e10s', 'svgr-e10s',
-                   'tp5o-e10s', 'xperf-e10s']
-        validate_choices(values, choices)
-        setattr(args, self.dest, values)
-def csv(val):
-    return str.split(val, ',')
 def arg_parser():
     parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
     parser.add_argument('paths', nargs='*', help='Paths to search for tests to run on try.')
     parser.add_argument('-b', '--build', dest='builds', default='do',
                         help='Build types to run (d for debug, o for optimized).')
-    parser.add_argument('-p', '--platform', dest='platforms', action=ValidatePlatforms, type=csv,
+    parser.add_argument('-p', '--platform', dest='platforms', action='append',
                         help='Platforms to run (required if not found in the environment as AUTOTRY_PLATFORM_HINT).')
-    parser.add_argument('-u', '--unittests', dest='tests', action=ValidateUnittestSuites, type=csv,
+    parser.add_argument('-u', '--unittests', dest='tests', action='append',
                         help='Test suites to run in their entirety.')
-    parser.add_argument('-t', '--talos', dest='talos', action=ValidateTalosSuites, type=csv,
+    parser.add_argument('-t', '--talos', dest='talos', action='append',
                         help='Talos suites to run.')
     parser.add_argument('--tag', dest='tags', action='append',
                         help='Restrict tests to the given tag (may be specified multiple times).')
     parser.add_argument('--and', action='store_true', dest='intersection',
                         help='When -u and paths are supplied run only the intersection of the tests specified by the two arguments.')
     parser.add_argument('--no-push', dest='push', action='store_false',
                         help='Do not push to try as a result of running this command (if '
                         'specified this command will only print calculated try '