Bug 1276312 - Adjust validate_version() for esr r=jlund draft
authorRail Aliiev <rail@mozilla.com>
Fri, 27 May 2016 13:36:05 -0400
changeset 6917 9bb4c16e0d3191f37483a8c8c9856ee2c6177c36
parent 6914 9ffe0bea224a35861ed85531dd03ac683d0801b6
push id76
push userbmo:rail@mozilla.com
push dateFri, 27 May 2016 17:36:40 +0000
Bug 1276312 - Adjust validate_version() for esr r=jlund MozReview-Commit-ID: 7tG2qM2YMEB
--- a/buildfarm/release/release-runner.py
+++ b/buildfarm/release/release-runner.py
@@ -246,18 +246,20 @@ def get_hash(path, hash_type="sha512"):
     h = hashlib.new(hash_type)
     with open(path, "rb") as f:
         for chunk in iter(functools.partial(f.read, 4096), ''):
     return h.hexdigest()
 def validate_graph_kwargs(queue, gpg_key_path, **kwargs):
+    # We don't export "esr" int the version
-                     revision=kwargs["revision"], version=kwargs["version"])
+                     revision=kwargs["revision"],
+                     version=kwargs["version"].replace("esr", ""))
     # TODO: validate partials
     # TODO: validate l10n changesets
     platforms = kwargs.get('en_US_config', {}).get('platforms', {})
     for platform in platforms.keys():
         task_id = platforms.get(platform).get('task_id', {})
         log.info('Performing release sanity for %s en-US binary', platform)
         sanitize_en_US_binary(queue, task_id, gpg_key_path)