Bug 1253740 - Implement storage.sync, r?kmag draft
authorMichiel de Jong <mbdejong@mozilla.com>
Thu, 11 Aug 2016 18:16:37 -0400
changeset 437977 8970155024243823063a6a7c8083086820672baa
parent 437948 fc104971a4db41e38808e6412bc32e1900172f14
child 437978 ebf1b5cf33eaa5dea0288ea92c896c96fe460b74
push id35578
push usereglassercamp@mozilla.com
push dateSat, 12 Nov 2016 03:33:15 +0000
Bug 1253740 - Implement storage.sync, r?kmag MozReview-Commit-ID: 5v9nYBTgekj
--- a/modules/libpref/init/all.js
+++ b/modules/libpref/init/all.js
@@ -5458,16 +5458,19 @@ pref("toolkit.pageThumbs.screenSizeDivis
 pref("toolkit.pageThumbs.minWidth", 0);
 pref("toolkit.pageThumbs.minHeight", 0);
 pref("webextensions.tests", false);
 // 16MB default non-parseable upload limit for requestBody.raw.bytes
 pref("webextensions.webRequest.requestBodyMaxRawBytes", 16777216);
+// This functionality is still experimental
+pref("webextensions.storage.sync.enabled", false);
 // Allow customization of the fallback directory for file uploads
 pref("dom.input.fallbackUploadDir", "");
 // Turn rewriting of youtube embeds on/off
 pref("plugins.rewrite_youtube_embeds", true);
 // Don't hide Flash from navigator.plugins when it is click-to-activate
 pref("plugins.navigator_hide_disabled_flash", false);
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toolkit/components/extensions/ExtensionStorageSync.jsm
@@ -0,0 +1,326 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
+"use strict";
+this.EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["ExtensionStorageSync"];
+const Ci = Components.interfaces;
+const Cc = Components.classes;
+const Cu = Components.utils;
+const Cr = Components.results;
+const global = this;
+const STORAGE_SYNC_ENABLED_PREF = "webextensions.storage.sync.enabled";
+const {
+  runSafeSyncWithoutClone,
+} = Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/ExtensionUtils.jsm");
+XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "AppsUtils",
+                                  "resource://gre/modules/AppsUtils.jsm");
+XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "AsyncShutdown",
+                                  "resource://gre/modules/AsyncShutdown.jsm");
+XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "ExtensionStorage",
+                                  "resource://gre/modules/ExtensionStorage.jsm");
+XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "loadKinto",
+                                  "resource://services-common/kinto-offline-client.js");
+XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "Sqlite",
+                                  "resource://gre/modules/Sqlite.jsm");
+XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "Task",
+                                  "resource://gre/modules/Task.jsm");
+XPCOMUtils.defineLazyPreferenceGetter(this, "prefPermitsStorageSync",
+                                      STORAGE_SYNC_ENABLED_PREF, false);
+/* globals prefPermitsStorageSync */
+// Map of Extensions to Set<Contexts> to track contexts that are still
+// "live" and use storage.sync.
+const extensionContexts = new WeakMap();
+ * A Promise that centralizes initialization of ExtensionStorageSync.
+ *
+ * This centralizes the use of the Sqlite database, to which there is
+ * only one connection which is shared by all threads.
+ *
+ * Fields in the object returned by this Promise:
+ *
+ * - connection: a Sqlite connection. Meant for internal use only.
+ * - kinto: a KintoBase object, suitable for using in Firefox. All
+ *   collections in this database will use the same Sqlite connection.
+ */
+const storageSyncInit = Task.spawn(function* () {
+  const Kinto = loadKinto();
+  const path = "storage-sync.sqlite";
+  const opts = {path, sharedMemoryCache: false};
+  const connection = yield Sqlite.openConnection(opts);
+  yield Kinto.adapters.FirefoxAdapter._init(connection);
+  return {
+    connection,
+    kinto: new Kinto({
+      adapter: Kinto.adapters.FirefoxAdapter,
+      adapterOptions: {sqliteHandle: connection},
+    }),
+  };
+  "ExtensionStorageSync: close Sqlite handle",
+  Task.async(function* () {
+    const ret = yield storageSyncInit;
+    const {connection} = ret;
+    yield connection.close();
+  })
+// Kinto record IDs have two condtions:
+// - They must contain only ASCII alphanumerics plus - and _. To fix
+// this, we encode all non-letters using _C_, where C is the
+// percent-encoded character, so space becomes _20_
+// and underscore becomes _5F_.
+// - They must start with an ASCII letter. To ensure this, we prefix
+// all keys with "key-".
+function keyToId(key) {
+  function escapeChar(match) {
+    return "_" + match.codePointAt(0).toString(16).toUpperCase() + "_";
+  }
+  return "key-" + key.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/g, escapeChar);
+// Convert a Kinto ID back into a chrome.storage key.
+// Returns null if a key couldn't be parsed.
+function idToKey(id) {
+  function unescapeNumber(match, group1) {
+    return String.fromCodePoint(parseInt(group1, 16));
+  }
+  // An escaped ID should match this regex.
+  // An escaped ID should consist of only letters and numbers, plus
+  // code points escaped as _[0-9a-f]+_.
+  const ESCAPED_ID_FORMAT = /^(?:[a-zA-Z0-9]|_[0-9A-F]+_)*$/;
+  if (!id.startsWith("key-")) {
+    return null;
+  }
+  const unprefixed = id.slice(4);
+  // Verify that the ID is the correct format.
+  if (!ESCAPED_ID_FORMAT.test(unprefixed)) {
+    return null;
+  }
+  return unprefixed.replace(/_([0-9A-F]+)_/g, unescapeNumber);
+// An "id schema" used to validate Kinto IDs and generate new ones.
+const storageSyncIdSchema = {
+  // We should never generate IDs; chrome.storage only acts as a
+  // key-value store, so we should always have a key.
+  generate() {
+    throw new Error("cannot generate IDs");
+  },
+  // See keyToId and idToKey for more details.
+  validate(id) {
+    return idToKey(id) !== null;
+  },
+ * Clean up now that one context is no longer using this extension's collection.
+ *
+ * @param {Extension} extension
+ *                    The extension whose context just ended.
+ * @param {Context} context
+ *                  The context that just ended.
+ */
+function cleanUpForContext(extension, context) {
+  const contexts = extensionContexts.get(extension);
+  if (!contexts) {
+    Cu.reportError(new Error(`Internal error: cannot find any contexts for extension ${extension.id}`));
+  }
+  contexts.delete(context);
+  if (contexts.size === 0) {
+    // Nobody else is using this collection. Clean up.
+    extensionContexts.delete(extension);
+  }
+ * Generate a promise that produces the Collection for an extension.
+ *
+ * @param {Extension} extension
+ *                    The extension whose collection needs to
+ *                    be opened.
+ * @param {Context} context
+ *                  The context for this extension. The Collection
+ *                  will shut down automatically when all contexts
+ *                  close.
+ * @returns {Promise<Collection>}
+ */
+const openCollection = Task.async(function* (extension, context) {
+  // FIXME: This leaks metadata about what extensions a user has
+  // installed.  We should calculate collection ID using a hash of
+  // user ID, extension ID, and some secret.
+  let collectionId = extension.id;
+  // TODO: implement sync process
+  const {kinto} = yield storageSyncInit;
+  const coll = kinto.collection(collectionId, {
+    idSchema: storageSyncIdSchema,
+  });
+  return coll;
+this.ExtensionStorageSync = {
+  listeners: new WeakMap(),
+  /**
+   * Get the collection for an extension, and register the extension
+   * as being "in use".
+   *
+   * @param {Extension} extension
+   *                    The extension for which we are seeking
+   *                    a collection.
+   * @param {Context} context
+   *                  The context of the extension, so that we can
+   *                  stop syncing the collection when the extension ends.
+   * @returns {Promise<Collection>}
+   */
+  getCollection(extension, context) {
+    if (prefPermitsStorageSync !== true) {
+      return Promise.reject({message: `Please set ${STORAGE_SYNC_ENABLED_PREF} to true in about:config`});
+    }
+    // Register that the extension and context are in use.
+    if (!extensionContexts.has(extension)) {
+      extensionContexts.set(extension, new Set());
+    }
+    const contexts = extensionContexts.get(extension);
+    if (!contexts.has(context)) {
+      // New context. Register it and make sure it cleans itself up
+      // when it closes.
+      contexts.add(context);
+      context.callOnClose({
+        close: () => cleanUpForContext(extension, context),
+      });
+    }
+    return openCollection(extension, context);
+  },
+  set: Task.async(function* (extension, items, context) {
+    const coll = yield this.getCollection(extension, context);
+    const keys = Object.keys(items);
+    const ids = keys.map(keyToId);
+    const changes = yield coll.execute(txn => {
+      let changes = {};
+      for (let [i, key] of keys.entries()) {
+        const id = ids[i];
+        let item = items[key];
+        let {oldRecord} = txn.upsert({
+          id,
+          key,
+          data: item,
+        });
+        changes[key] = {
+          newValue: item,
+        };
+        if (oldRecord && oldRecord.data) {
+          // Extract the "data" field from the old record, which
+          // represents the value part of the key-value store
+          changes[key].oldValue = oldRecord.data;
+        }
+      }
+      return changes;
+    }, {preloadIds: ids});
+    this.notifyListeners(extension, changes);
+  }),
+  remove: Task.async(function* (extension, keys, context) {
+    const coll = yield this.getCollection(extension, context);
+    keys = [].concat(keys);
+    const ids = keys.map(keyToId);
+    let changes = {};
+    yield coll.execute(txn => {
+      for (let [i, key] of keys.entries()) {
+        const id = ids[i];
+        const res = txn.deleteAny(id);
+        if (res.deleted) {
+          changes[key] = {
+            oldValue: res.data.data,
+          };
+        }
+      }
+      return changes;
+    }, {preloadIds: ids});
+    if (Object.keys(changes).length > 0) {
+      this.notifyListeners(extension, changes);
+    }
+  }),
+  clear: Task.async(function* (extension, context) {
+    // We can't call Collection#clear here, because that just clears
+    // the local database. We have to explicitly delete everything so
+    // that the deletions can be synced as well.
+    const coll = yield this.getCollection(extension, context);
+    const res = yield coll.list();
+    const records = res.data;
+    const keys = records.map(record => record.key);
+    yield this.remove(extension, keys, context);
+  }),
+  get: Task.async(function* (extension, spec, context) {
+    const coll = yield this.getCollection(extension, context);
+    let keys, records;
+    if (spec === null) {
+      records = {};
+      const res = yield coll.list();
+      for (let record of res.data) {
+        records[record.key] = record.data;
+      }
+      return records;
+    }
+    if (typeof spec === "string") {
+      keys = [spec];
+      records = {};
+    } else if (Array.isArray(spec)) {
+      keys = spec;
+      records = {};
+    } else {
+      keys = Object.keys(spec);
+      records = Cu.cloneInto(spec, global);
+    }
+    for (let key of keys) {
+      const res = yield coll.getAny(keyToId(key));
+      if (res.data && res.data._status != "deleted") {
+        records[res.data.key] = res.data.data;
+      }
+    }
+    return records;
+  }),
+  addOnChangedListener(extension, listener) {
+    let listeners = this.listeners.get(extension) || new Set();
+    listeners.add(listener);
+    this.listeners.set(extension, listeners);
+  },
+  removeOnChangedListener(extension, listener) {
+    let listeners = this.listeners.get(extension);
+    listeners.delete(listener);
+    if (listeners.size == 0) {
+      this.listeners.delete(extension);
+    }
+  },
+  notifyListeners(extension, changes) {
+    let listeners = this.listeners.get(extension) || new Set();
+    if (listeners) {
+      for (let listener of listeners) {
+        runSafeSyncWithoutClone(listener, changes);
+      }
+    }
+  },
--- a/toolkit/components/extensions/ext-c-storage.js
+++ b/toolkit/components/extensions/ext-c-storage.js
@@ -35,13 +35,28 @@ function storageApiFactory(context) {
         set: function(items) {
           items = sanitize(items);
           return context.childManager.callParentAsyncFunction("storage.local.set", [
+      sync: {
+        get: function(keys) {
+          keys = sanitize(keys);
+          return context.childManager.callParentAsyncFunction("storage.sync.get", [
+            keys,
+          ]);
+        },
+        set: function(items) {
+          items = sanitize(items);
+          return context.childManager.callParentAsyncFunction("storage.sync.set", [
+            items,
+          ]);
+        },
+      },
 extensions.registerSchemaAPI("storage", "addon_child", storageApiFactory);
 extensions.registerSchemaAPI("storage", "content_child", storageApiFactory);
--- a/toolkit/components/extensions/ext-storage.js
+++ b/toolkit/components/extensions/ext-storage.js
@@ -1,46 +1,68 @@
 "use strict";
 var {classes: Cc, interfaces: Ci, utils: Cu} = Components;
 XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "ExtensionStorage",
+XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "ExtensionStorageSync",
+                                  "resource://gre/modules/ExtensionStorageSync.jsm");
 var {
 } = ExtensionUtils;
 function storageApiFactory(context) {
   let {extension} = context;
   return {
     storage: {
       local: {
-        get: function(keys) {
-          return ExtensionStorage.get(extension.id, keys);
+        get: function(spec) {
+          return ExtensionStorage.get(extension.id, spec);
         set: function(items) {
           return ExtensionStorage.set(extension.id, items, context);
-        remove: function(items) {
-          return ExtensionStorage.remove(extension.id, items);
+        remove: function(keys) {
+          return ExtensionStorage.remove(extension.id, keys);
         clear: function() {
           return ExtensionStorage.clear(extension.id);
-      onChanged: new EventManager(context, "storage.local.onChanged", fire => {
-        let listener = changes => {
+      sync: {
+        get: function(spec) {
+          return ExtensionStorageSync.get(extension, spec, context);
+        },
+        set: function(items) {
+          return ExtensionStorageSync.set(extension, items, context);
+        },
+        remove: function(keys) {
+          return ExtensionStorageSync.remove(extension, keys, context);
+        },
+        clear: function() {
+          return ExtensionStorageSync.clear(extension, context);
+        },
+      },
+      onChanged: new EventManager(context, "storage.onChanged", fire => {
+        let listenerLocal = changes => {
           fire(changes, "local");
+        let listenerSync = changes => {
+          fire(changes, "sync");
+        };
-        ExtensionStorage.addOnChangedListener(extension.id, listener);
+        ExtensionStorage.addOnChangedListener(extension.id, listenerLocal);
+        ExtensionStorageSync.addOnChangedListener(extension, listenerSync);
         return () => {
-          ExtensionStorage.removeOnChangedListener(extension.id, listener);
+          ExtensionStorage.removeOnChangedListener(extension.id, listenerLocal);
+          ExtensionStorageSync.removeOnChangedListener(extension, listenerSync);
 extensions.registerSchemaAPI("storage", "addon_parent", storageApiFactory);
 extensions.registerSchemaAPI("storage", "content_parent", storageApiFactory);
--- a/toolkit/components/extensions/moz.build
+++ b/toolkit/components/extensions/moz.build
@@ -8,16 +8,17 @@ EXTRA_JS_MODULES += [
+    'ExtensionStorageSync.jsm',
--- a/toolkit/components/extensions/schemas/storage.json
+++ b/toolkit/components/extensions/schemas/storage.json
@@ -174,17 +174,16 @@
             "type": "string",
             "description": "The name of the storage area (<code>\"sync\"</code>, <code>\"local\"</code> or <code>\"managed\"</code>) the changes are for."
     "properties": {
       "sync": {
-        "unsupported": true,
         "$ref": "StorageArea",
         "description": "Items in the <code>sync</code> storage area are synced by the browser.",
         "properties": {
           "QUOTA_BYTES": {
             "value": 102400,
             "description": "The maximum total amount (in bytes) of data that can be stored in sync storage, as measured by the JSON stringification of every value plus every key's length. Updates that would cause this limit to be exceeded fail immediately and set $(ref:runtime.lastError)."
           "QUOTA_BYTES_PER_ITEM": {
--- a/toolkit/components/extensions/test/mochitest/test_ext_storage_content.html
+++ b/toolkit/components/extensions/test/mochitest/test_ext_storage_content.html
@@ -11,195 +11,320 @@
 <script type="application/javascript">
 "use strict";
 // Copied from toolkit/components/extensions/test/xpcshell/test_ext_storage.js.
 // The storage API in content scripts should behave identical to the storage API
 // in background pages.
-async function contentScript() {
-  let storage = browser.storage.local;
-  async function check(prop, value) {
-    let data = await storage.get(null);
-    browser.test.assertEq(value, data[prop], "null getter worked for " + prop);
+const STORAGE_SYNC_PREF = "webextensions.storage.sync.enabled";
+ * Utility function to ensure that all supported APIs for getting are
+ * tested.
+ *
+ * @param {string} areaName
+ *        either "local" or "sync" according to what we want to test
+ * @param {string} prop
+ *        "key" to look up using the storage API
+ * @param {Object} value
+ *        "value" to compare against
+ */
+async function checkGetImpl(areaName, prop, value) {
+  let storage = browser.storage[areaName];
-    data = await storage.get(prop);
-    browser.test.assertEq(value, data[prop], "string getter worked for " + prop);
+  let data = await storage.get(null);
+  browser.test.assertEq(value, data[prop], `null getter worked for ${prop} in ${areaName}`);
-    data = await storage.get([prop]);
-    browser.test.assertEq(value, data[prop], "array getter worked for " + prop);
+  data = await storage.get(prop);
+  browser.test.assertEq(value, data[prop], `string getter worked for ${prop} in ${areaName}`);
+  data = await storage.get([prop]);
+  browser.test.assertEq(value, data[prop], `array getter worked for ${prop} in ${areaName}`);
-    data = await storage.get({[prop]: undefined});
-    browser.test.assertEq(value, data[prop], "object getter worked for " + prop);
+  data = await storage.get({[prop]: undefined});
+  browser.test.assertEq(value, data[prop], `object getter worked for ${prop} in ${areaName}`);
+async function contentScript(checkGet) {
+  let globalChanges, gResolve;
+  function clearGlobalChanges() {
+    globalChanges = new Promise(resolve => { gResolve = resolve; });
-  let globalChanges = {};
+  clearGlobalChanges();
+  let expectedAreaName;
-  browser.storage.onChanged.addListener((changes, storage) => {
-    browser.test.assertEq("local", storage, "storage is local");
-    Object.assign(globalChanges, changes);
+  browser.storage.onChanged.addListener((changes, areaName) => {
+    browser.test.assertEq(expectedAreaName, areaName,
+      "Expected area name received by listener");
+    gResolve(changes);
-  function checkChanges(changes) {
+  async function checkChanges(areaName, changes, message) {
     function checkSub(obj1, obj2) {
       for (let prop in obj1) {
-        browser.test.assertEq(obj1[prop].oldValue, obj2[prop].oldValue);
-        browser.test.assertEq(obj1[prop].newValue, obj2[prop].newValue);
+        browser.test.assertTrue(obj1[prop] !== undefined,
+                                `checkChanges ${areaName} ${prop} is missing (${message})`);
+        browser.test.assertTrue(obj2[prop] !== undefined,
+                                `checkChanges ${areaName} ${prop} is missing (${message})`);
+        browser.test.assertEq(obj1[prop].oldValue, obj2[prop].oldValue,
+                              `checkChanges ${areaName} ${prop} old (${message})`);
+        browser.test.assertEq(obj1[prop].newValue, obj2[prop].newValue,
+                              `checkChanges ${areaName} ${prop} new (${message})`);
-    checkSub(changes, globalChanges);
-    checkSub(globalChanges, changes);
-    globalChanges = {};
+    const recentChanges = await globalChanges;
+    checkSub(changes, recentChanges);
+    checkSub(recentChanges, changes);
+    clearGlobalChanges();
   /* eslint-disable dot-notation */
+  async function runTests(areaName) {
+    expectedAreaName = areaName;
+    let storage = browser.storage[areaName];
+    // Set some data and then test getters.
+    try {
+      await storage.set({"test-prop1": "value1", "test-prop2": "value2"});
+      await checkChanges(areaName,
+        {"test-prop1": {newValue: "value1"}, "test-prop2": {newValue: "value2"}},
+        "set (a)");
-  // Set some data and then test getters.
-  try {
-    await storage.set({"test-prop1": "value1", "test-prop2": "value2"});
-    checkChanges({"test-prop1": {newValue: "value1"}, "test-prop2": {newValue: "value2"}});
-    await check("test-prop1", "value1");
-    await check("test-prop2", "value2");
+      await checkGet(areaName, "test-prop1", "value1");
+      await checkGet(areaName, "test-prop2", "value2");
-    let data = await storage.get({"test-prop1": undefined, "test-prop2": undefined, "other": "default"});
-    browser.test.assertEq("value1", data["test-prop1"], "prop1 correct");
-    browser.test.assertEq("value2", data["test-prop2"], "prop2 correct");
-    browser.test.assertEq("default", data["other"], "other correct");
+      let data = await storage.get({"test-prop1": undefined, "test-prop2": undefined, "other": "default"});
+      browser.test.assertEq("value1", data["test-prop1"], "prop1 correct (a)");
+      browser.test.assertEq("value2", data["test-prop2"], "prop2 correct (a)");
+      browser.test.assertEq("default", data["other"], "other correct");
-    data = await storage.get(["test-prop1", "test-prop2", "other"]);
-    browser.test.assertEq("value1", data["test-prop1"], "prop1 correct");
-    browser.test.assertEq("value2", data["test-prop2"], "prop2 correct");
-    browser.test.assertFalse("other" in data, "other correct");
+      data = await storage.get(["test-prop1", "test-prop2", "other"]);
+      browser.test.assertEq("value1", data["test-prop1"], "prop1 correct (b)");
+      browser.test.assertEq("value2", data["test-prop2"], "prop2 correct (b)");
+      browser.test.assertFalse("other" in data, "other correct");
-    // Remove data in various ways.
-    await storage.remove("test-prop1");
-    checkChanges({"test-prop1": {oldValue: "value1"}});
+      // Remove data in various ways.
+      await storage.remove("test-prop1");
+      await checkChanges(areaName, {"test-prop1": {oldValue: "value1"}}, "remove string");
-    data = await storage.get(["test-prop1", "test-prop2"]);
-    browser.test.assertFalse("test-prop1" in data, "prop1 absent");
-    browser.test.assertTrue("test-prop2" in data, "prop2 present");
+      data = await storage.get(["test-prop1", "test-prop2"]);
+      browser.test.assertFalse("test-prop1" in data, "prop1 absent (remove string)");
+      browser.test.assertTrue("test-prop2" in data, "prop2 present (remove string)");
-    await storage.set({"test-prop1": "value1"});
-    checkChanges({"test-prop1": {newValue: "value1"}});
+      await storage.set({"test-prop1": "value1"});
+      await checkChanges(areaName, {"test-prop1": {newValue: "value1"}}, "set (c)");
+      data = await storage.get(["test-prop1", "test-prop2"]);
+      browser.test.assertEq(data["test-prop1"], "value1", "prop1 correct (c)");
+      browser.test.assertEq(data["test-prop2"], "value2", "prop2 correct (c)");
-    data = await storage.get(["test-prop1", "test-prop2"]);
-    browser.test.assertEq("value1", data["test-prop1"], "prop1 correct");
-    browser.test.assertEq("value2", data["test-prop2"], "prop2 correct");
+      await storage.remove(["test-prop1", "test-prop2"]);
+      await checkChanges(areaName,
+        {"test-prop1": {oldValue: "value1"}, "test-prop2": {oldValue: "value2"}},
+        "remove array");
-    await storage.remove(["test-prop1", "test-prop2"]);
-    checkChanges({"test-prop1": {oldValue: "value1"}, "test-prop2": {oldValue: "value2"}});
+      data = await storage.get(["test-prop1", "test-prop2"]);
+      browser.test.assertFalse("test-prop1" in data, "prop1 absent (remove array)");
+      browser.test.assertFalse("test-prop2" in data, "prop2 absent (remove array)");
-    data = await storage.get(["test-prop1", "test-prop2"]);
-    browser.test.assertFalse("test-prop1" in data, "prop1 absent");
-    browser.test.assertFalse("test-prop2" in data, "prop2 absent");
-    // test storage.clear
-    await storage.set({"test-prop1": "value1", "test-prop2": "value2"});
+      // test storage.clear
+      await storage.set({"test-prop1": "value1", "test-prop2": "value2"});
+      // Make sure that set() handler happened before we clear the
+      // promise again.
+      await globalChanges;
-    await storage.clear();
-    checkChanges({"test-prop1": {oldValue: "value1"}, "test-prop2": {oldValue: "value2"}});
+      clearGlobalChanges();
+      await storage.clear();
-    data = await storage.get(["test-prop1", "test-prop2"]);
-    browser.test.assertFalse("test-prop1" in data, "prop1 absent");
-    browser.test.assertFalse("test-prop2" in data, "prop2 absent");
-    // Test cache invalidation.
-    await storage.set({"test-prop1": "value1", "test-prop2": "value2"});
+      await checkChanges(areaName,
+        {"test-prop1": {oldValue: "value1"}, "test-prop2": {oldValue: "value2"}},
+        "clear");
+      data = await storage.get(["test-prop1", "test-prop2"]);
+      browser.test.assertFalse("test-prop1" in data, "prop1 absent (clear)");
+      browser.test.assertFalse("test-prop2" in data, "prop2 absent (clear)");
-    globalChanges = {};
-    // Schedule sendMessage after onMessage because the other end immediately
-    // sends a message.
-    Promise.resolve().then(() => {
-      browser.test.sendMessage("invalidate");
-    });
+      // Make sure we can store complex JSON data.
+      // known previous values
+      await storage.set({"test-prop1": "value1", "test-prop2": "value2"});
-    await new Promise(resolve => browser.test.onMessage.addListener(resolve));
-    await check("test-prop1", "value1");
-    await check("test-prop2", "value2");
+      // Make sure the set() handler landed.
+      await globalChanges;
-    // Make sure we can store complex JSON data.
-    await storage.set({
-      "test-prop1": {
-        str: "hello",
-        bool: true,
-        null: null,
-        undef: undefined,
-        obj: {},
-        arr: [1, 2],
-        date: new Date(0),
-        regexp: /regexp/,
-        func: function func() {},
-        window,
-      },
-    });
+      clearGlobalChanges();
+      await storage.set({
+        "test-prop1": {
+          str: "hello",
+          bool: true,
+          null: null,
+          undef: undefined,
+          obj: {},
+          arr: [1, 2],
+          date: new Date(0),
+          regexp: /regexp/,
+          func: function func() {},
+          window,
+        },
+      });
+      await storage.set({"test-prop2": function func() {}});
+      const recentChanges = await globalChanges;
+      browser.test.assertEq("value1", recentChanges["test-prop1"].oldValue, "oldValue correct");
+      browser.test.assertEq("object", typeof(recentChanges["test-prop1"].newValue), "newValue is obj");
+      clearGlobalChanges();
+      data = await storage.get({"test-prop1": undefined, "test-prop2": undefined});
+      let obj = data["test-prop1"];
-    await storage.set({"test-prop2": function func() {}});
-    browser.test.assertEq("value1", globalChanges["test-prop1"].oldValue, "oldValue correct");
-    browser.test.assertEq("object", typeof(globalChanges["test-prop1"].newValue), "newValue is obj");
-    globalChanges = {};
+      browser.test.assertEq("hello", obj.str, "string part correct");
+      browser.test.assertEq(true, obj.bool, "bool part correct");
+      browser.test.assertEq(null, obj.null, "null part correct");
+      browser.test.assertEq(undefined, obj.undef, "undefined part correct");
+      browser.test.assertEq(undefined, obj.func, "function part correct");
+      browser.test.assertEq(undefined, obj.window, "window part correct");
+      browser.test.assertEq("1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z", obj.date, "date part correct");
+      browser.test.assertEq("/regexp/", obj.regexp, "regexp part correct");
+      browser.test.assertEq("object", typeof(obj.obj), "object part correct");
+      browser.test.assertTrue(Array.isArray(obj.arr), "array part present");
+      browser.test.assertEq(1, obj.arr[0], "arr[0] part correct");
+      browser.test.assertEq(2, obj.arr[1], "arr[1] part correct");
+      browser.test.assertEq(2, obj.arr.length, "arr.length part correct");
-    data = await storage.get({"test-prop1": undefined, "test-prop2": undefined});
-    let obj = data["test-prop1"];
+      obj = data["test-prop2"];
-    browser.test.assertEq("hello", obj.str, "string part correct");
-    browser.test.assertEq(true, obj.bool, "bool part correct");
-    browser.test.assertEq(null, obj.null, "null part correct");
-    browser.test.assertEq(undefined, obj.undef, "undefined part correct");
-    browser.test.assertEq(undefined, obj.func, "function part correct");
-    browser.test.assertEq(undefined, obj.window, "window part correct");
-    browser.test.assertEq("1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z", obj.date, "date part correct");
-    browser.test.assertEq("/regexp/", obj.regexp, "date part correct");
-    browser.test.assertEq("object", typeof(obj.obj), "object part correct");
-    browser.test.assertTrue(Array.isArray(obj.arr), "array part present");
-    browser.test.assertEq(1, obj.arr[0], "arr[0] part correct");
-    browser.test.assertEq(2, obj.arr[1], "arr[1] part correct");
-    browser.test.assertEq(2, obj.arr.length, "arr.length part correct");
+      browser.test.assertEq("[object Object]", {}.toString.call(obj), "function serialized as a plain object");
+      browser.test.assertEq(0, Object.keys(obj).length, "function serialized as an empty object");
+    } catch (e) {
+      browser.test.fail(`Error: ${e} :: ${e.stack}`);
+      browser.test.notifyFail("storage");
+    }
+  }
-    obj = data["test-prop2"];
-    browser.test.assertEq("[object Object]", {}.toString.call(obj), "function serialized as a plain object");
-    browser.test.assertEq(0, Object.keys(obj).length, "function serialized as an empty object");
+  browser.test.onMessage.addListener(msg => {
+    let promise;
+    if (msg === "test-local") {
+      promise = runTests("local");
+    } else if (msg === "test-sync") {
+      promise = runTests("sync");
+    }
+    promise.then(() => browser.test.sendMessage("test-finished"));
+  });
-    browser.test.notifyPass("storage");
-  } catch (e) {
-    browser.test.fail(`Error: ${e} :: ${e.stack}`);
-    browser.test.notifyFail("storage");
-  }
+  browser.test.sendMessage("ready");
 let extensionData = {
   manifest: {
     content_scripts: [{
       "matches": ["http://mochi.test/*/file_sample.html"],
       "js": ["content_script.js"],
       "run_at": "document_idle",
     permissions: ["storage"],
   files: {
-    "content_script.js": contentScript,
+    "content_script.js": `(${contentScript})(${checkGetImpl})`,
 add_task(function* test_contentscript() {
   let win = window.open("file_sample.html");
   yield waitForLoad(win);
+  yield SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({
+    set: [[STORAGE_SYNC_PREF, true]],
+  });
   let extension = ExtensionTestUtils.loadExtension(extensionData);
-  yield Promise.all([extension.startup(), extension.awaitMessage("invalidate")]);
-  SpecialPowers.invalidateExtensionStorageCache();
-  extension.sendMessage("invalidated");
-  yield extension.awaitFinish("storage");
+  yield Promise.all([extension.startup(), extension.awaitMessage("ready")]);
+  extension.sendMessage("test-local");
+  yield extension.awaitMessage("test-finished");
+  extension.sendMessage("test-sync");
+  yield extension.awaitMessage("test-finished");
+  yield SpecialPowers.popPrefEnv();
   yield extension.unload();
+add_task(function* test_local_cache_invalidation() {
+  let win = window.open("file_sample.html");
+  function background(checkGet) {
+    browser.test.onMessage.addListener(async msg => {
+      if (msg === "set-initial") {
+        await browser.storage.local.set({"test-prop1": "value1", "test-prop2": "value2"});
+        browser.test.sendMessage("set-initial-done");
+      } else if (msg === "check") {
+        await checkGet("local", "test-prop1", "value1");
+        await checkGet("local", "test-prop2", "value2");
+        browser.test.sendMessage("check-done");
+      }
+    });
+    browser.test.sendMessage("ready");
+  }
+  let extension = ExtensionTestUtils.loadExtension({
+    manifest: {
+      permissions: ["storage"],
+    },
+    background: `(${background})(${checkGetImpl})`,
+  });
+  yield extension.startup();
+  yield extension.awaitMessage("ready");
+  extension.sendMessage("set-initial");
+  yield extension.awaitMessage("set-initial-done");
+  SpecialPowers.invalidateExtensionStorageCache();
+  extension.sendMessage("check");
+  yield extension.awaitMessage("check-done");
+  yield extension.unload();
+  win.close();
+add_task(function* test_config_flag_needed() {
+  let win = window.open("file_sample.html");
+  yield waitForLoad(win);
+  function background() {
+    let promises = [];
+    let apiTests = [
+      {method: "get", args: ["foo"]},
+      {method: "set", args: [{foo: "bar"}]},
+      {method: "remove", args: ["foo"]},
+      {method: "clear", args: []},
+    ];
+    apiTests.forEach(testDef => {
+      promises.push(browser.test.assertRejects(
+        browser.storage.sync[testDef.method](...testDef.args),
+        "Please set webextensions.storage.sync.enabled to true in about:config",
+        `storage.sync.${testDef.method} is behind a flag`));
+    });
+    Promise.all(promises).then(() => browser.test.notifyPass("flag needed"));
+  }
+  let extension = ExtensionTestUtils.loadExtension({
+    manifest: {
+      permissions: ["storage"],
+    },
+    background: `(${background})(${checkGetImpl})`,
+  });
+  yield extension.startup();
+  yield extension.awaitFinish("flag needed");
+  yield extension.unload();
+  win.close();
--- a/toolkit/components/extensions/test/xpcshell/test_ext_storage.js
+++ b/toolkit/components/extensions/test/xpcshell/test_ext_storage.js
@@ -1,176 +1,334 @@
 /* -*- Mode: indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */
 /* vim: set sts=2 sw=2 et tw=80: */
 "use strict";
-async function backgroundScript() {
-  let storage = browser.storage.local;
-  async function check(prop, value) {
-    let data = await storage.get(null);
-    browser.test.assertEq(value, data[prop], "null getter worked for " + prop);
+const STORAGE_SYNC_PREF = "webextensions.storage.sync.enabled";
+ * Utility function to ensure that all supported APIs for getting are
+ * tested.
+ *
+ * @param {string} areaName
+ *        either "local" or "sync" according to what we want to test
+ * @param {string} prop
+ *        "key" to look up using the storage API
+ * @param {Object} value
+ *        "value" to compare against
+ */
+async function checkGetImpl(areaName, prop, value) {
+  let storage = browser.storage[areaName];
+  let data = await storage.get(null);
+  browser.test.assertEq(value, data[prop], `null getter worked for ${prop} in ${areaName}`);
+  data = await storage.get(prop);
+  browser.test.assertEq(value, data[prop], `string getter worked for ${prop} in ${areaName}`);
+  data = await storage.get([prop]);
+  browser.test.assertEq(value, data[prop], `array getter worked for ${prop} in ${areaName}`);
+  data = await storage.get({[prop]: undefined});
+  browser.test.assertEq(value, data[prop], `object getter worked for ${prop} in ${areaName}`);
+add_task(function* test_local_cache_invalidation() {
+  function background(checkGet) {
+    browser.test.onMessage.addListener(async msg => {
+      if (msg === "set-initial") {
+        await browser.storage.local.set({"test-prop1": "value1", "test-prop2": "value2"});
+        browser.test.sendMessage("set-initial-done");
+      } else if (msg === "check") {
+        await checkGet("local", "test-prop1", "value1");
+        await checkGet("local", "test-prop2", "value2");
+        browser.test.sendMessage("check-done");
+      }
+    });
+    browser.test.sendMessage("ready");
+  }
+  let extension = ExtensionTestUtils.loadExtension({
+    manifest: {
+      permissions: ["storage"],
+    },
+    background: `(${background})(${checkGetImpl})`,
+  });
+  yield extension.startup();
+  yield extension.awaitMessage("ready");
-    data = await storage.get(prop);
-    browser.test.assertEq(value, data[prop], "string getter worked for " + prop);
+  extension.sendMessage("set-initial");
+  yield extension.awaitMessage("set-initial-done");
+  Services.obs.notifyObservers(null, "extension-invalidate-storage-cache", "");
+  extension.sendMessage("check");
+  yield extension.awaitMessage("check-done");
+  yield extension.unload();
+add_task(function* test_config_flag_needed() {
+  function background() {
+    let promises = [];
+    let apiTests = [
+      {method: "get", args: ["foo"]},
+      {method: "set", args: [{foo: "bar"}]},
+      {method: "remove", args: ["foo"]},
+      {method: "clear", args: []},
+    ];
+    apiTests.forEach(testDef => {
+      promises.push(browser.test.assertRejects(
+        browser.storage.sync[testDef.method](...testDef.args),
+        "Please set webextensions.storage.sync.enabled to true in about:config",
+        `storage.sync.${testDef.method} is behind a flag`));
+    });
+    Promise.all(promises).then(() => browser.test.notifyPass("flag needed"));
+  }
-    data = await storage.get([prop]);
-    browser.test.assertEq(value, data[prop], "array getter worked for " + prop);
+  ok(!Preferences.get(STORAGE_SYNC_PREF));
+  let extension = ExtensionTestUtils.loadExtension({
+    manifest: {
+      permissions: ["storage"],
+    },
+    background: `(${background})(${checkGetImpl})`,
+  });
+  yield extension.startup();
+  yield extension.awaitFinish("flag needed");
+  yield extension.unload();
-    data = await storage.get({[prop]: undefined});
-    browser.test.assertEq(value, data[prop], "object getter worked for " + prop);
+add_task(function* test_reloading_extensions_works() {
+  // Just some random extension ID that we can re-use
+  const extensionId = "my-extension-id@1";
+  function loadExtension() {
+    function background() {
+      browser.storage.sync.set({"a": "b"}).then(() => {
+        browser.test.notifyPass("set-works");
+      });
+    }
+    return ExtensionTestUtils.loadExtension({
+      manifest: {
+        permissions: ["storage"],
+      },
+      background: `(${background})()`,
+    }, extensionId);
-  let globalChanges = {};
+  Preferences.set(STORAGE_SYNC_PREF, true);
+  let extension1 = loadExtension();
+  yield extension1.startup();
+  yield extension1.awaitFinish("set-works");
+  yield extension1.unload();
+  let extension2 = loadExtension();
+  yield extension2.startup();
+  yield extension2.awaitFinish("set-works");
+  yield extension2.unload();
+  Preferences.reset(STORAGE_SYNC_PREF);
+do_register_cleanup(() => {
+  Preferences.reset(STORAGE_SYNC_PREF);
+add_task(function* test_backgroundScript() {
+  async function backgroundScript(checkGet) {
+    let globalChanges, gResolve;
+    function clearGlobalChanges() {
+      globalChanges = new Promise(resolve => { gResolve = resolve; });
+    }
+    clearGlobalChanges();
+    let expectedAreaName;
+    browser.storage.onChanged.addListener((changes, areaName) => {
+      browser.test.assertEq(expectedAreaName, areaName,
+        "Expected area name received by listener");
+      gResolve(changes);
+    });
+    async function checkChanges(areaName, changes, message) {
+      function checkSub(obj1, obj2) {
+        for (let prop in obj1) {
+          browser.test.assertTrue(obj1[prop] !== undefined,
+                                  `checkChanges ${areaName} ${prop} is missing (${message})`);
+          browser.test.assertTrue(obj2[prop] !== undefined,
+                                  `checkChanges ${areaName} ${prop} is missing (${message})`);
+          browser.test.assertEq(obj1[prop].oldValue, obj2[prop].oldValue,
+                                `checkChanges ${areaName} ${prop} old (${message})`);
+          browser.test.assertEq(obj1[prop].newValue, obj2[prop].newValue,
+                                `checkChanges ${areaName} ${prop} new (${message})`);
+        }
+      }
+      const recentChanges = await globalChanges;
+      checkSub(changes, recentChanges);
+      checkSub(recentChanges, changes);
+      clearGlobalChanges();
+    }
+    /* eslint-disable dot-notation */
+    async function runTests(areaName) {
+      expectedAreaName = areaName;
+      let storage = browser.storage[areaName];
+      // Set some data and then test getters.
+      try {
+        await storage.set({"test-prop1": "value1", "test-prop2": "value2"});
+        await checkChanges(areaName,
+          {"test-prop1": {newValue: "value1"}, "test-prop2": {newValue: "value2"}},
+          "set (a)");
+        await checkGet(areaName, "test-prop1", "value1");
+        await checkGet(areaName, "test-prop2", "value2");
+        let data = await storage.get({"test-prop1": undefined, "test-prop2": undefined, "other": "default"});
+        browser.test.assertEq("value1", data["test-prop1"], "prop1 correct (a)");
+        browser.test.assertEq("value2", data["test-prop2"], "prop2 correct (a)");
+        browser.test.assertEq("default", data["other"], "other correct");
+        data = await storage.get(["test-prop1", "test-prop2", "other"]);
+        browser.test.assertEq("value1", data["test-prop1"], "prop1 correct (b)");
+        browser.test.assertEq("value2", data["test-prop2"], "prop2 correct (b)");
+        browser.test.assertFalse("other" in data, "other correct");
+        // Remove data in various ways.
+        await storage.remove("test-prop1");
+        await checkChanges(areaName, {"test-prop1": {oldValue: "value1"}}, "remove string");
-  browser.storage.onChanged.addListener((changes, changedStorage) => {
-    browser.test.assertEq("local", changedStorage, "storage is local");
-    Object.assign(globalChanges, changes);
-  });
+        data = await storage.get(["test-prop1", "test-prop2"]);
+        browser.test.assertFalse("test-prop1" in data, "prop1 absent (remove string)");
+        browser.test.assertTrue("test-prop2" in data, "prop2 present (remove string)");
+        await storage.set({"test-prop1": "value1"});
+        await checkChanges(areaName, {"test-prop1": {newValue: "value1"}}, "set (c)");
+        data = await storage.get(["test-prop1", "test-prop2"]);
+        browser.test.assertEq(data["test-prop1"], "value1", "prop1 correct (c)");
+        browser.test.assertEq(data["test-prop2"], "value2", "prop2 correct (c)");
+        await storage.remove(["test-prop1", "test-prop2"]);
+        await checkChanges(areaName,
+          {"test-prop1": {oldValue: "value1"}, "test-prop2": {oldValue: "value2"}},
+          "remove array");
+        data = await storage.get(["test-prop1", "test-prop2"]);
+        browser.test.assertFalse("test-prop1" in data, "prop1 absent (remove array)");
+        browser.test.assertFalse("test-prop2" in data, "prop2 absent (remove array)");
+        // test storage.clear
+        await storage.set({"test-prop1": "value1", "test-prop2": "value2"});
+        // Make sure that set() handler happened before we clear the
+        // promise again.
+        await globalChanges;
+        clearGlobalChanges();
+        await storage.clear();
+        await checkChanges(areaName,
+          {"test-prop1": {oldValue: "value1"}, "test-prop2": {oldValue: "value2"}},
+          "clear");
+        data = await storage.get(["test-prop1", "test-prop2"]);
+        browser.test.assertFalse("test-prop1" in data, "prop1 absent (clear)");
+        browser.test.assertFalse("test-prop2" in data, "prop2 absent (clear)");
+        // Make sure we can store complex JSON data.
+        // known previous values
+        await storage.set({"test-prop1": "value1", "test-prop2": "value2"});
+        // Make sure the set() handler landed.
+        await globalChanges;
-  function checkChanges(changes) {
-    function checkSub(obj1, obj2) {
-      for (let prop in obj1) {
-        browser.test.assertEq(obj1[prop].oldValue, obj2[prop].oldValue);
-        browser.test.assertEq(obj1[prop].newValue, obj2[prop].newValue);
+        clearGlobalChanges();
+        await storage.set({
+          "test-prop1": {
+            str: "hello",
+            bool: true,
+            null: null,
+            undef: undefined,
+            obj: {},
+            arr: [1, 2],
+            date: new Date(0),
+            regexp: /regexp/,
+            func: function func() {},
+            window,
+          },
+        });
+        await storage.set({"test-prop2": function func() {}});
+        const recentChanges = await globalChanges;
+        browser.test.assertEq("value1", recentChanges["test-prop1"].oldValue, "oldValue correct");
+        browser.test.assertEq("object", typeof(recentChanges["test-prop1"].newValue), "newValue is obj");
+        clearGlobalChanges();
+        data = await storage.get({"test-prop1": undefined, "test-prop2": undefined});
+        let obj = data["test-prop1"];
+        browser.test.assertEq("hello", obj.str, "string part correct");
+        browser.test.assertEq(true, obj.bool, "bool part correct");
+        browser.test.assertEq(null, obj.null, "null part correct");
+        browser.test.assertEq(undefined, obj.undef, "undefined part correct");
+        browser.test.assertEq(undefined, obj.func, "function part correct");
+        browser.test.assertEq(undefined, obj.window, "window part correct");
+        browser.test.assertEq("1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z", obj.date, "date part correct");
+        browser.test.assertEq("/regexp/", obj.regexp, "regexp part correct");
+        browser.test.assertEq("object", typeof(obj.obj), "object part correct");
+        browser.test.assertTrue(Array.isArray(obj.arr), "array part present");
+        browser.test.assertEq(1, obj.arr[0], "arr[0] part correct");
+        browser.test.assertEq(2, obj.arr[1], "arr[1] part correct");
+        browser.test.assertEq(2, obj.arr.length, "arr.length part correct");
+        obj = data["test-prop2"];
+        browser.test.assertEq("[object Object]", {}.toString.call(obj), "function serialized as a plain object");
+        browser.test.assertEq(0, Object.keys(obj).length, "function serialized as an empty object");
+      } catch (e) {
+        browser.test.fail(`Error: ${e} :: ${e.stack}`);
+        browser.test.notifyFail("storage");
-    checkSub(changes, globalChanges);
-    checkSub(globalChanges, changes);
-    globalChanges = {};
+    browser.test.onMessage.addListener(msg => {
+      let promise;
+      if (msg === "test-local") {
+        promise = runTests("local");
+      } else if (msg === "test-sync") {
+        promise = runTests("sync");
+      }
+      promise.then(() => browser.test.sendMessage("test-finished"));
+    });
+    browser.test.sendMessage("ready");
-  /* eslint-disable dot-notation */
-  // Set some data and then test getters.
-  try {
-    await storage.set({"test-prop1": "value1", "test-prop2": "value2"});
-    checkChanges({"test-prop1": {newValue: "value1"}, "test-prop2": {newValue: "value2"}});
-    await check("test-prop1", "value1");
-    await check("test-prop2", "value2");
-    let data = await storage.get({"test-prop1": undefined, "test-prop2": undefined, "other": "default"});
-    browser.test.assertEq("value1", data["test-prop1"], "prop1 correct");
-    browser.test.assertEq("value2", data["test-prop2"], "prop2 correct");
-    browser.test.assertEq("default", data["other"], "other correct");
-    data = await storage.get(["test-prop1", "test-prop2", "other"]);
-    browser.test.assertEq("value1", data["test-prop1"], "prop1 correct");
-    browser.test.assertEq("value2", data["test-prop2"], "prop2 correct");
-    browser.test.assertFalse("other" in data, "other correct");
-    // Remove data in various ways.
-    await storage.remove("test-prop1");
-    checkChanges({"test-prop1": {oldValue: "value1"}});
-    data = await storage.get(["test-prop1", "test-prop2"]);
-    browser.test.assertFalse("test-prop1" in data, "prop1 absent");
-    browser.test.assertTrue("test-prop2" in data, "prop2 present");
-    await storage.set({"test-prop1": "value1"});
-    checkChanges({"test-prop1": {newValue: "value1"}});
+  let extensionData = {
+    background: `(${backgroundScript})(${checkGetImpl})`,
+    manifest: {
+      permissions: ["storage"],
+    },
+  };
-    data = await storage.get(["test-prop1", "test-prop2"]);
-    browser.test.assertEq("value1", data["test-prop1"], "prop1 correct");
-    browser.test.assertEq("value2", data["test-prop2"], "prop2 correct");
-    await storage.remove(["test-prop1", "test-prop2"]);
-    checkChanges({"test-prop1": {oldValue: "value1"}, "test-prop2": {oldValue: "value2"}});
-    data = await storage.get(["test-prop1", "test-prop2"]);
-    browser.test.assertFalse("test-prop1" in data, "prop1 absent");
-    browser.test.assertFalse("test-prop2" in data, "prop2 absent");
-    // test storage.clear
-    await storage.set({"test-prop1": "value1", "test-prop2": "value2"});
-    await storage.clear();
-    checkChanges({"test-prop1": {oldValue: "value1"}, "test-prop2": {oldValue: "value2"}});
-    data = await storage.get(["test-prop1", "test-prop2"]);
-    browser.test.assertFalse("test-prop1" in data, "prop1 absent");
-    browser.test.assertFalse("test-prop2" in data, "prop2 absent");
-    // Test cache invalidation.
-    await storage.set({"test-prop1": "value1", "test-prop2": "value2"});
-    globalChanges = {};
-    // Schedule sendMessage after onMessage because the other end immediately
-    // sends a message.
-    Promise.resolve().then(() => {
-      browser.test.sendMessage("invalidate");
-    });
-    await new Promise(resolve => browser.test.onMessage.addListener(resolve));
-    await check("test-prop1", "value1");
-    await check("test-prop2", "value2");
+  Preferences.set(STORAGE_SYNC_PREF, true);
-    // Make sure we can store complex JSON data.
-    await storage.set({
-      "test-prop1": {
-        str: "hello",
-        bool: true,
-        null: null,
-        undef: undefined,
-        obj: {},
-        arr: [1, 2],
-        date: new Date(0),
-        regexp: /regexp/,
-        func: function func() {},
-        window,
-      },
-    });
-    await storage.set({"test-prop2": function func() {}});
-    browser.test.assertEq("value1", globalChanges["test-prop1"].oldValue, "oldValue correct");
-    browser.test.assertEq("object", typeof(globalChanges["test-prop1"].newValue), "newValue is obj");
-    globalChanges = {};
-    data = await storage.get({"test-prop1": undefined, "test-prop2": undefined});
-    let obj = data["test-prop1"];
+  let extension = ExtensionTestUtils.loadExtension(extensionData);
+  yield extension.startup();
+  yield extension.awaitMessage("ready");
-    browser.test.assertEq("hello", obj.str, "string part correct");
-    browser.test.assertEq(true, obj.bool, "bool part correct");
-    browser.test.assertEq(null, obj.null, "null part correct");
-    browser.test.assertEq(undefined, obj.undef, "undefined part correct");
-    browser.test.assertEq(undefined, obj.func, "function part correct");
-    browser.test.assertEq(undefined, obj.window, "window part correct");
-    browser.test.assertEq("1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z", obj.date, "date part correct");
-    browser.test.assertEq("/regexp/", obj.regexp, "date part correct");
-    browser.test.assertEq("object", typeof(obj.obj), "object part correct");
-    browser.test.assertTrue(Array.isArray(obj.arr), "array part present");
-    browser.test.assertEq(1, obj.arr[0], "arr[0] part correct");
-    browser.test.assertEq(2, obj.arr[1], "arr[1] part correct");
-    browser.test.assertEq(2, obj.arr.length, "arr.length part correct");
-    obj = data["test-prop2"];
-    browser.test.assertEq("[object Object]", {}.toString.call(obj), "function serialized as a plain object");
-    browser.test.assertEq(0, Object.keys(obj).length, "function serialized as an empty object");
+  extension.sendMessage("test-local");
+  yield extension.awaitMessage("test-finished");
-    browser.test.notifyPass("storage");
-  } catch (e) {
-    browser.test.fail(`Error: ${e} :: ${e.stack}`);
-    browser.test.notifyFail("storage");
-  }
+  extension.sendMessage("test-sync");
+  yield extension.awaitMessage("test-finished");
-let extensionData = {
-  background: backgroundScript,
-  manifest: {
-    permissions: ["storage"],
-  },
-add_task(function* test_backgroundScript() {
-  let extension = ExtensionTestUtils.loadExtension(extensionData);
-  yield extension.startup();
-  yield extension.awaitMessage("invalidate");
-  Services.obs.notifyObservers(null, "extension-invalidate-storage-cache", "");
-  extension.sendMessage("invalidated");
-  yield extension.awaitFinish("storage");
+  Preferences.reset(STORAGE_SYNC_PREF);
   yield extension.unload();
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toolkit/components/extensions/test/xpcshell/test_ext_storage_sync.js
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
+ * http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */
+"use strict";
+const {keyToId, idToKey} = Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/ExtensionStorageSync.jsm");
+add_task(function* test_key_to_id() {
+  equal(keyToId("foo"), "key-foo");
+  equal(keyToId("my-new-key"), "key-my_2D_new_2D_key");
+  equal(keyToId(""), "key-");
+  equal(keyToId("™"), "key-_2122_");
+  equal(keyToId("\b"), "key-_8_");
+  equal(keyToId("abc\ndef"), "key-abc_A_def");
+  equal(keyToId("Kinto's fancy_string"), "key-Kinto_27_s_20_fancy_5F_string");
+  const KEYS = ["foo", "my-new-key", "", "Kinto's fancy_string", "™", "\b"];
+  for (let key of KEYS) {
+    equal(idToKey(keyToId(key)), key);
+  }
+  equal(idToKey("hi"), null);
+  equal(idToKey("-key-hi"), null);
+  equal(idToKey("key--abcd"), null);
+  equal(idToKey("key-%"), null);
+  equal(idToKey("key-_HI"), null);
+  equal(idToKey("key-_HI_"), null);
+  equal(idToKey("key-"), "");
+  equal(idToKey("key-1"), "1");
+  equal(idToKey("key-_2D_"), "-");
--- a/toolkit/components/extensions/test/xpcshell/xpcshell.ini
+++ b/toolkit/components/extensions/test/xpcshell/xpcshell.ini
@@ -52,16 +52,18 @@ skip-if = release_or_beta
+skip-if = os == "android"
 skip-if = os == "android"