Bug 1269004: Split the SIMD load tests into several smaller ones; r?lth draft
authorBenjamin Bouvier <benj@benj.me>
Mon, 23 May 2016 16:07:08 +0200
changeset 369778 f724697b5375c814372813718bca7992129bd45a
parent 369777 d3d23c5640717bfb9c72db8e951c462685991854
child 521603 45049a7249bad312d5e2ac93b91d3c73e40551dd
push id18899
push userbenj@benj.me
push dateMon, 23 May 2016 14:09:14 +0000
Bug 1269004: Split the SIMD load tests into several smaller ones; r?lth MozReview-Commit-ID: ApPEq4PIDO
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/src/tests/ecma_7/SIMD/load-floats.js
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+// |reftest| skip-if(!this.hasOwnProperty("SIMD"))
+ * Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
+ * https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/
+ */
+var { testLoad } = Helpers;
+testLoad('Float32x4', new Float32Array(SIZE_32_ARRAY));
+testLoad('Float64x2', new Float64Array(SIZE_64_ARRAY));
+if (typeof SharedArrayBuffer != "undefined") {
+  testLoad('Float32x4', new Float32Array(new SharedArrayBuffer(SIZE_8_ARRAY)));
+  testLoad('Float64x2', new Float64Array(new SharedArrayBuffer(SIZE_8_ARRAY)));
+if (typeof reportCompare === "function")
+    reportCompare(true, true);
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/src/tests/ecma_7/SIMD/load-sab-buffer-compat.js
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+// |reftest| skip-if(!this.hasOwnProperty("SIMD"))
+ * Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
+ * https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/
+ */
+var { MakeComparator } = Helpers;
+function testSharedArrayBufferCompat() {
+    var TA = new Float32Array(new SharedArrayBuffer(16*4));
+    for (var i = 0; i < 16; i++)
+        TA[i] = i + 1;
+    for (var ta of [
+                    new Uint8Array(TA.buffer),
+                    new Int8Array(TA.buffer),
+                    new Uint16Array(TA.buffer),
+                    new Int16Array(TA.buffer),
+                    new Uint32Array(TA.buffer),
+                    new Int32Array(TA.buffer),
+                    new Float32Array(TA.buffer),
+                    new Float64Array(TA.buffer)
+                   ])
+    {
+        for (var kind of ['Int32x4', 'Uint32x4', 'Float32x4', 'Float64x2']) {
+            var comp = MakeComparator(kind, ta);
+            comp.load(0);
+            comp.load1(0);
+            comp.load2(0);
+            comp.load3(0);
+            comp.load(3);
+            comp.load1(3);
+            comp.load2(3);
+            comp.load3(3);
+        }
+        assertThrowsInstanceOf(() => SIMD.Int32x4.load(ta, 1024), RangeError);
+        assertThrowsInstanceOf(() => SIMD.Uint32x4.load(ta, 1024), RangeError);
+        assertThrowsInstanceOf(() => SIMD.Float32x4.load(ta, 1024), RangeError);
+        assertThrowsInstanceOf(() => SIMD.Float64x2.load(ta, 1024), RangeError);
+    }
+if (typeof reportCompare === "function")
+    reportCompare(true, true);
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/src/tests/ecma_7/SIMD/load-signed-integer.js
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+// |reftest| skip-if(!this.hasOwnProperty("SIMD"))
+ * Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
+ * https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/
+ */
+var { testLoad } = Helpers;
+testLoad('Int8x16', new Int8Array(SIZE_8_ARRAY));
+testLoad('Int16x8', new Int16Array(SIZE_16_ARRAY));
+testLoad('Int32x4', new Int32Array(SIZE_32_ARRAY));
+if (typeof SharedArrayBuffer != "undefined") {
+  testLoad('Int8x16', new Int8Array(new SharedArrayBuffer(SIZE_8_ARRAY)));
+  testLoad('Int16x8', new Int16Array(new SharedArrayBuffer(SIZE_8_ARRAY)));
+  testLoad('Int32x4', new Int32Array(new SharedArrayBuffer(SIZE_8_ARRAY)));
+if (typeof reportCompare === "function")
+    reportCompare(true, true);
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/src/tests/ecma_7/SIMD/load-unsigned-integers.js
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+// |reftest| skip-if(!this.hasOwnProperty("SIMD"))
+ * Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
+ * https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/
+ */
+var { testLoad } = Helpers;
+testLoad('Uint8x16', new Uint8Array(SIZE_8_ARRAY));
+testLoad('Uint16x8', new Uint16Array(SIZE_16_ARRAY));
+testLoad('Uint32x4', new Uint32Array(SIZE_32_ARRAY));
+if (typeof SharedArrayBuffer != "undefined") {
+  testLoad('Uint8x16', new Uint8Array(new SharedArrayBuffer(SIZE_8_ARRAY)));
+  testLoad('Uint16x8', new Uint16Array(new SharedArrayBuffer(SIZE_8_ARRAY)));
+  testLoad('Uint32x4', new Uint32Array(new SharedArrayBuffer(SIZE_8_ARRAY)));
+if (typeof reportCompare === "function")
+    reportCompare(true, true);
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/js/src/tests/ecma_7/SIMD/load.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,264 +0,0 @@
-// |reftest| skip-if(!this.hasOwnProperty("SIMD"))
- * Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
- * https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/
- */
-// Our array for Int32x4 and Float32x4 will have 16 elements
-const SIZE_8_ARRAY = 64;
-const SIZE_16_ARRAY = 32;
-const SIZE_32_ARRAY = 16;
-const SIZE_64_ARRAY = 8;
-const SIZE_BYTES = SIZE_32_ARRAY * 4;
-function MakeComparator(kind, arr, shared) {
-    var bpe = arr.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT;
-    var uint8 = (bpe != 1) ? new Uint8Array(arr.buffer) : arr;
-    // Size in bytes of a single element in the SIMD vector.
-    var sizeOfLaneElem;
-    // Typed array constructor corresponding to the SIMD kind.
-    var typedArrayCtor;
-    switch (kind) {
-      case 'Int8x16':
-        sizeOfLaneElem = 1;
-        typedArrayCtor = Int8Array;
-        break;
-      case 'Int16x8':
-        sizeOfLaneElem = 2;
-        typedArrayCtor = Int16Array;
-        break;
-      case 'Int32x4':
-        sizeOfLaneElem = 4;
-        typedArrayCtor = Int32Array;
-        break;
-      case 'Uint8x16':
-        sizeOfLaneElem = 1;
-        typedArrayCtor = Uint8Array;
-        break;
-      case 'Uint16x8':
-        sizeOfLaneElem = 2;
-        typedArrayCtor = Uint16Array;
-        break;
-      case 'Uint32x4':
-        sizeOfLaneElem = 4;
-        typedArrayCtor = Uint32Array;
-        break;
-      case 'Float32x4':
-        sizeOfLaneElem = 4;
-        typedArrayCtor = Float32Array;
-        break;
-      case 'Float64x2':
-        sizeOfLaneElem = 8;
-        typedArrayCtor = Float64Array;
-        break;
-      default:
-        assertEq(true, false, "unknown SIMD kind");
-    }
-    var lanes = 16 / sizeOfLaneElem;
-    // Reads (numElemToRead * sizeOfLaneElem) bytes in arr, and reinterprets
-    // these bytes as a typed array equivalent to the typed SIMD vector.
-    var slice = function(start, numElemToRead) {
-        // Read enough bytes
-        var startBytes = start * bpe;
-        var endBytes = startBytes + numElemToRead * sizeOfLaneElem;
-        var asArray = Array.prototype.slice.call(uint8, startBytes, endBytes);
-        // If length is less than SIZE_BYTES bytes, fill with 0.
-        // This is needed for load1, load2, load3 which do only partial
-        // reads.
-        for (var i = asArray.length; i < SIZE_BYTES; i++) asArray[i] = 0;
-        assertEq(asArray.length, SIZE_BYTES);
-        return new typedArrayCtor(new Uint8Array(asArray).buffer);
-    }
-    var assertFunc = getAssertFuncFromLength(lanes);
-    var type = SIMD[kind];
-    return {
-        load1: function(index) {
-            if (lanes >= 8) // Int8x16 and Int16x8 only support load, no load1/load2/etc.
-                return
-            var v = type.load1(arr, index);
-            assertFunc(v, slice(index, 1));
-        },
-        load2: function(index) {
-            if (lanes !== 4)
-                return;
-            var v = type.load2(arr, index);
-            assertFunc(v, slice(index, 2));
-        },
-       load3: function(index) {
-           if (lanes !== 4)
-               return;
-           var v = type.load3(arr, index);
-           assertFunc(v, slice(index, 3));
-        },
-        load: function(index) {
-           var v = type.load(arr, index);
-           assertFunc(v, slice(index, lanes));
-        }
-    }
-function testLoad(kind, TA) {
-    var lanes = TA.length / 4;
-    for (var i = TA.length; i--;)
-        TA[i] = i;
-    for (var ta of [
-                    new Uint8Array(TA.buffer),
-                    new Int8Array(TA.buffer),
-                    new Uint16Array(TA.buffer),
-                    new Int16Array(TA.buffer),
-                    new Uint32Array(TA.buffer),
-                    new Int32Array(TA.buffer),
-                    new Float32Array(TA.buffer),
-                    new Float64Array(TA.buffer)
-                   ])
-    {
-        // Invalid args
-        assertThrowsInstanceOf(() => SIMD[kind].load(), TypeError);
-        assertThrowsInstanceOf(() => SIMD[kind].load(ta), TypeError);
-        assertThrowsInstanceOf(() => SIMD[kind].load("hello", 0), TypeError);
-        // Indexes must be integers, there is no rounding.
-        assertThrowsInstanceOf(() => SIMD[kind].load(ta, 1.5), RangeError);
-        assertThrowsInstanceOf(() => SIMD[kind].load(ta, -1), RangeError);
-        assertThrowsInstanceOf(() => SIMD[kind].load(ta, "hello"), RangeError);
-        assertThrowsInstanceOf(() => SIMD[kind].load(ta, NaN), RangeError);
-        // Try to trip up the bounds checking. Int32 is enough for everybody.
-        assertThrowsInstanceOf(() => SIMD[kind].load(ta, 0x100000000), RangeError);
-        assertThrowsInstanceOf(() => SIMD[kind].load(ta, 0x80000000), RangeError);
-        assertThrowsInstanceOf(() => SIMD[kind].load(ta, 0x40000000), RangeError);
-        assertThrowsInstanceOf(() => SIMD[kind].load(ta, 0x20000000), RangeError);
-        assertThrowsInstanceOf(() => SIMD[kind].load(ta, (1<<30) * (1<<23) - 1), RangeError);
-        assertThrowsInstanceOf(() => SIMD[kind].load(ta, (1<<30) * (1<<23)), RangeError);
-        // Valid and invalid reads
-        var C = MakeComparator(kind, ta);
-        var bpe = ta.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT;
-        var lastValidArgLoad1   = (SIZE_BYTES - (16 / lanes))  / bpe | 0;
-        var lastValidArgLoad2   = (SIZE_BYTES - 8)  / bpe | 0;
-        var lastValidArgLoad3   = (SIZE_BYTES - 12) / bpe | 0;
-        var lastValidArgLoad    = (SIZE_BYTES - 16) / bpe | 0;
-        C.load(0);
-        C.load(1);
-        C.load(2);
-        C.load(3);
-        C.load(lastValidArgLoad);
-        C.load1(0);
-        C.load1(1);
-        C.load1(2);
-        C.load1(3);
-        C.load1(lastValidArgLoad1);
-        C.load2(0);
-        C.load2(1);
-        C.load2(2);
-        C.load2(3);
-        C.load2(lastValidArgLoad2);
-        C.load3(0);
-        C.load3(1);
-        C.load3(2);
-        C.load3(3);
-        C.load3(lastValidArgLoad3);
-        assertThrowsInstanceOf(() => SIMD[kind].load(ta, lastValidArgLoad + 1), RangeError);
-        if (lanes <= 4) {
-            assertThrowsInstanceOf(() => SIMD[kind].load1(ta, lastValidArgLoad1 + 1), RangeError);
-        }
-        if (lanes == 4) {
-            assertThrowsInstanceOf(() => SIMD[kind].load2(ta, lastValidArgLoad2 + 1), RangeError);
-            assertThrowsInstanceOf(() => SIMD[kind].load3(ta, lastValidArgLoad3 + 1), RangeError);
-        }
-        // Indexes are coerced with ToNumber. Try some strings that
-        // CanonicalNumericIndexString() would reject.
-        C.load("1.0e0");
-        C.load(" 2");
-    }
-    if (lanes == 4) {
-        // Test ToNumber behavior.
-        var obj = {
-            valueOf: function() { return 12 }
-        }
-        var v = SIMD[kind].load(TA, obj);
-        assertEqX4(v, [12, 13, 14, 15]);
-    }
-    var obj = {
-        valueOf: function() { throw new TypeError("i ain't a number"); }
-    }
-    assertThrowsInstanceOf(() => SIMD[kind].load(TA, obj), TypeError);
-function testSharedArrayBufferCompat() {
-    var TA = new Float32Array(new SharedArrayBuffer(16*4));
-    for (var i = 0; i < 16; i++)
-        TA[i] = i + 1;
-    for (var ta of [
-                    new Uint8Array(TA.buffer),
-                    new Int8Array(TA.buffer),
-                    new Uint16Array(TA.buffer),
-                    new Int16Array(TA.buffer),
-                    new Uint32Array(TA.buffer),
-                    new Int32Array(TA.buffer),
-                    new Float32Array(TA.buffer),
-                    new Float64Array(TA.buffer)
-                   ])
-    {
-        for (var kind of ['Int32x4', 'Uint32x4', 'Float32x4', 'Float64x2']) {
-            var comp = MakeComparator(kind, ta);
-            comp.load(0);
-            comp.load1(0);
-            comp.load2(0);
-            comp.load3(0);
-            comp.load(3);
-            comp.load1(3);
-            comp.load2(3);
-            comp.load3(3);
-        }
-        assertThrowsInstanceOf(() => SIMD.Int32x4.load(ta, 1024), RangeError);
-        assertThrowsInstanceOf(() => SIMD.Uint32x4.load(ta, 1024), RangeError);
-        assertThrowsInstanceOf(() => SIMD.Float32x4.load(ta, 1024), RangeError);
-        assertThrowsInstanceOf(() => SIMD.Float64x2.load(ta, 1024), RangeError);
-    }
-testLoad('Float32x4', new Float32Array(SIZE_32_ARRAY));
-testLoad('Float64x2', new Float64Array(SIZE_64_ARRAY));
-testLoad('Int8x16', new Int8Array(SIZE_8_ARRAY));
-testLoad('Int16x8', new Int16Array(SIZE_16_ARRAY));
-testLoad('Int32x4', new Int32Array(SIZE_32_ARRAY));
-testLoad('Uint8x16', new Uint8Array(SIZE_8_ARRAY));
-testLoad('Uint16x8', new Uint16Array(SIZE_16_ARRAY));
-testLoad('Uint32x4', new Uint32Array(SIZE_32_ARRAY));
-if (typeof SharedArrayBuffer != "undefined") {
-  testLoad('Float32x4', new Float32Array(new SharedArrayBuffer(SIZE_8_ARRAY)));
-  testLoad('Float64x2', new Float64Array(new SharedArrayBuffer(SIZE_8_ARRAY)));
-  testLoad('Int8x16', new Int8Array(new SharedArrayBuffer(SIZE_8_ARRAY)));
-  testLoad('Int16x8', new Int16Array(new SharedArrayBuffer(SIZE_8_ARRAY)));
-  testLoad('Int32x4', new Int32Array(new SharedArrayBuffer(SIZE_8_ARRAY)));
-  testLoad('Uint8x16', new Uint8Array(new SharedArrayBuffer(SIZE_8_ARRAY)));
-  testLoad('Uint16x8', new Uint16Array(new SharedArrayBuffer(SIZE_8_ARRAY)));
-  testLoad('Uint32x4', new Uint32Array(new SharedArrayBuffer(SIZE_8_ARRAY)));
-if (typeof reportCompare === "function")
-    reportCompare(true, true);
--- a/js/src/tests/ecma_7/SIMD/shell.js
+++ b/js/src/tests/ecma_7/SIMD/shell.js
@@ -371,8 +371,210 @@ function testBinaryScalarFunc(v, scalar,
     var varr = simdToArray(v);
     var observed = simdToArray(simdFunc(v, scalar));
     var expected = varr.map(function(v, i) { return func(varr[i], scalar); });
     for (var i = 0; i < observed.length; i++)
         assertEq(observed[i], expected[i]);
+// Our array for Int32x4 and Float32x4 will have 16 elements
+const SIZE_8_ARRAY = 64;
+const SIZE_16_ARRAY = 32;
+const SIZE_32_ARRAY = 16;
+const SIZE_64_ARRAY = 8;
+const SIZE_BYTES = SIZE_32_ARRAY * 4;
+function MakeComparator(kind, arr, shared) {
+    var bpe = arr.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT;
+    var uint8 = (bpe != 1) ? new Uint8Array(arr.buffer) : arr;
+    // Size in bytes of a single element in the SIMD vector.
+    var sizeOfLaneElem;
+    // Typed array constructor corresponding to the SIMD kind.
+    var typedArrayCtor;
+    switch (kind) {
+      case 'Int8x16':
+        sizeOfLaneElem = 1;
+        typedArrayCtor = Int8Array;
+        break;
+      case 'Int16x8':
+        sizeOfLaneElem = 2;
+        typedArrayCtor = Int16Array;
+        break;
+      case 'Int32x4':
+        sizeOfLaneElem = 4;
+        typedArrayCtor = Int32Array;
+        break;
+      case 'Uint8x16':
+        sizeOfLaneElem = 1;
+        typedArrayCtor = Uint8Array;
+        break;
+      case 'Uint16x8':
+        sizeOfLaneElem = 2;
+        typedArrayCtor = Uint16Array;
+        break;
+      case 'Uint32x4':
+        sizeOfLaneElem = 4;
+        typedArrayCtor = Uint32Array;
+        break;
+      case 'Float32x4':
+        sizeOfLaneElem = 4;
+        typedArrayCtor = Float32Array;
+        break;
+      case 'Float64x2':
+        sizeOfLaneElem = 8;
+        typedArrayCtor = Float64Array;
+        break;
+      default:
+        assertEq(true, false, "unknown SIMD kind");
+    }
+    var lanes = 16 / sizeOfLaneElem;
+    // Reads (numElemToRead * sizeOfLaneElem) bytes in arr, and reinterprets
+    // these bytes as a typed array equivalent to the typed SIMD vector.
+    var slice = function(start, numElemToRead) {
+        // Read enough bytes
+        var startBytes = start * bpe;
+        var endBytes = startBytes + numElemToRead * sizeOfLaneElem;
+        var asArray = Array.prototype.slice.call(uint8, startBytes, endBytes);
+        // If length is less than SIZE_BYTES bytes, fill with 0.
+        // This is needed for load1, load2, load3 which do only partial
+        // reads.
+        for (var i = asArray.length; i < SIZE_BYTES; i++) asArray[i] = 0;
+        assertEq(asArray.length, SIZE_BYTES);
+        return new typedArrayCtor(new Uint8Array(asArray).buffer);
+    }
+    var assertFunc = getAssertFuncFromLength(lanes);
+    var type = SIMD[kind];
+    return {
+        load1: function(index) {
+            if (lanes >= 8) // Int8x16 and Int16x8 only support load, no load1/load2/etc.
+                return
+            var v = type.load1(arr, index);
+            assertFunc(v, slice(index, 1));
+        },
+        load2: function(index) {
+            if (lanes !== 4)
+                return;
+            var v = type.load2(arr, index);
+            assertFunc(v, slice(index, 2));
+        },
+       load3: function(index) {
+           if (lanes !== 4)
+               return;
+           var v = type.load3(arr, index);
+           assertFunc(v, slice(index, 3));
+        },
+        load: function(index) {
+           var v = type.load(arr, index);
+           assertFunc(v, slice(index, lanes));
+        }
+    }
+function testLoad(kind, TA) {
+    var lanes = TA.length / 4;
+    for (var i = TA.length; i--;)
+        TA[i] = i;
+    for (var ta of [
+                    new Uint8Array(TA.buffer),
+                    new Int8Array(TA.buffer),
+                    new Uint16Array(TA.buffer),
+                    new Int16Array(TA.buffer),
+                    new Uint32Array(TA.buffer),
+                    new Int32Array(TA.buffer),
+                    new Float32Array(TA.buffer),
+                    new Float64Array(TA.buffer)
+                   ])
+    {
+        // Invalid args
+        assertThrowsInstanceOf(() => SIMD[kind].load(), TypeError);
+        assertThrowsInstanceOf(() => SIMD[kind].load(ta), TypeError);
+        assertThrowsInstanceOf(() => SIMD[kind].load("hello", 0), TypeError);
+        // Indexes must be integers, there is no rounding.
+        assertThrowsInstanceOf(() => SIMD[kind].load(ta, 1.5), RangeError);
+        assertThrowsInstanceOf(() => SIMD[kind].load(ta, -1), RangeError);
+        assertThrowsInstanceOf(() => SIMD[kind].load(ta, "hello"), RangeError);
+        assertThrowsInstanceOf(() => SIMD[kind].load(ta, NaN), RangeError);
+        // Try to trip up the bounds checking. Int32 is enough for everybody.
+        assertThrowsInstanceOf(() => SIMD[kind].load(ta, 0x100000000), RangeError);
+        assertThrowsInstanceOf(() => SIMD[kind].load(ta, 0x80000000), RangeError);
+        assertThrowsInstanceOf(() => SIMD[kind].load(ta, 0x40000000), RangeError);
+        assertThrowsInstanceOf(() => SIMD[kind].load(ta, 0x20000000), RangeError);
+        assertThrowsInstanceOf(() => SIMD[kind].load(ta, (1<<30) * (1<<23) - 1), RangeError);
+        assertThrowsInstanceOf(() => SIMD[kind].load(ta, (1<<30) * (1<<23)), RangeError);
+        // Valid and invalid reads
+        var C = MakeComparator(kind, ta);
+        var bpe = ta.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT;
+        var lastValidArgLoad1   = (SIZE_BYTES - (16 / lanes))  / bpe | 0;
+        var lastValidArgLoad2   = (SIZE_BYTES - 8)  / bpe | 0;
+        var lastValidArgLoad3   = (SIZE_BYTES - 12) / bpe | 0;
+        var lastValidArgLoad    = (SIZE_BYTES - 16) / bpe | 0;
+        C.load(0);
+        C.load(1);
+        C.load(2);
+        C.load(3);
+        C.load(lastValidArgLoad);
+        C.load1(0);
+        C.load1(1);
+        C.load1(2);
+        C.load1(3);
+        C.load1(lastValidArgLoad1);
+        C.load2(0);
+        C.load2(1);
+        C.load2(2);
+        C.load2(3);
+        C.load2(lastValidArgLoad2);
+        C.load3(0);
+        C.load3(1);
+        C.load3(2);
+        C.load3(3);
+        C.load3(lastValidArgLoad3);
+        assertThrowsInstanceOf(() => SIMD[kind].load(ta, lastValidArgLoad + 1), RangeError);
+        if (lanes <= 4) {
+            assertThrowsInstanceOf(() => SIMD[kind].load1(ta, lastValidArgLoad1 + 1), RangeError);
+        }
+        if (lanes == 4) {
+            assertThrowsInstanceOf(() => SIMD[kind].load2(ta, lastValidArgLoad2 + 1), RangeError);
+            assertThrowsInstanceOf(() => SIMD[kind].load3(ta, lastValidArgLoad3 + 1), RangeError);
+        }
+        // Indexes are coerced with ToNumber. Try some strings that
+        // CanonicalNumericIndexString() would reject.
+        C.load("1.0e0");
+        C.load(" 2");
+    }
+    if (lanes == 4) {
+        // Test ToNumber behavior.
+        var obj = {
+            valueOf: function() { return 12 }
+        }
+        var v = SIMD[kind].load(TA, obj);
+        assertEqX4(v, [12, 13, 14, 15]);
+    }
+    var obj = {
+        valueOf: function() { throw new TypeError("i ain't a number"); }
+    }
+    assertThrowsInstanceOf(() => SIMD[kind].load(TA, obj), TypeError);
+var Helpers = {
+    testLoad,
+    MakeComparator