Bug 1270951 - Add robustcheckout.py extension; r?jlund draft
authorGregory Szorc <gps@mozilla.com>
Tue, 17 May 2016 16:10:12 -0700
changeset 6890 fa408c4a158c3bad60bbe2e619825c65cf9b41c6
parent 6885 dbef11b4df70b3a19aa5114543c2d548fd5d7856
child 6891 ccb4331b1409c3ae25a381307db0c6ed864d4507
push id71
push userbmo:gps@mozilla.com
push dateTue, 17 May 2016 23:10:55 +0000
Bug 1270951 - Add robustcheckout.py extension; r?jlund Copy of https://hg.mozilla.org/hgcustom/version-control-tools:hgext/robustcheckout/__init__.py at revision f6af4580fc8804bb530cba404b6d174ceabbd5e0. MozReview-Commit-ID: 40Xr8w7TKgA
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hgext/robustcheckout.py
@@ -0,0 +1,311 @@
+# This software may be used and distributed according to the terms of the
+# GNU General Public License version 2 or any later version.
+"""Robustly perform a checkout.
+This extension provides the ``hg robustcheckout`` command for
+ensuring a working directory is updated to the specified revision
+from a source repo using best practices to ensure optimal clone
+times and storage efficiency.
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+import contextlib
+import errno
+import functools
+import os
+import re
+from mercurial.i18n import _
+from mercurial import (
+    commands,
+    error,
+    exchange,
+    extensions,
+    cmdutil,
+    hg,
+    scmutil,
+    util,
+testedwith = '3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8'
+minimumhgversion = '3.7'
+cmdtable = {}
+command = cmdutil.command(cmdtable)
+if os.name == 'nt':
+    import ctypes
+    # Get a reference to the DeleteFileW function
+    # DeleteFileW accepts filenames encoded as a null terminated sequence of
+    # wide chars (UTF-16). Python's ctypes.c_wchar_p correctly encodes unicode
+    # strings to null terminated UTF-16 strings.
+    # However, we receive (byte) strings from mercurial. When these are passed
+    # to DeleteFileW via the c_wchar_p type, they are implicitly decoded via
+    # the 'mbcs' encoding on windows.
+    kernel32 = ctypes.windll.kernel32
+    DeleteFile = kernel32.DeleteFileW
+    DeleteFile.argtypes = [ctypes.c_wchar_p]
+    DeleteFile.restype = ctypes.c_bool
+    def unlinklong(fn):
+        normalized_path = '\\\\?\\' + os.path.normpath(fn)
+        if not DeleteFile(normalized_path):
+            raise OSError(errno.EPERM, "couldn't remove long path", fn)
+# Not needed on other platforms, but is handy for testing
+    def unlinklong(fn):
+        os.unlink(fn)
+def unlinkwrapper(unlinkorig, fn, ui):
+    '''Calls unlink_long if original unlink function fails.'''
+    try:
+        ui.debug('calling unlink_orig %s\n' % fn)
+        return unlinkorig(fn)
+    except WindowsError as e:
+        # Windows error 3 corresponds to ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND
+        # only handle this case; re-raise the exception for other kinds of
+        # failures.
+        if e.winerror != 3:
+            raise
+        ui.debug('caught WindowsError ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND; '
+                 'calling unlink_long %s\n' % fn)
+        return unlinklong(fn)
+def wrapunlink(ui):
+    '''Context manager that temporarily monkeypatches unlink functions.'''
+    purgemod = extensions.find('purge')
+    to_wrap = [(purgemod.util, 'unlink')]
+    # Pass along the ui object to the unlink_wrapper so we can get logging out
+    # of it.
+    wrapped = functools.partial(unlinkwrapper, ui=ui)
+    # Wrap the original function(s) with our unlink wrapper.
+    originals = {}
+    for mod, func in to_wrap:
+        ui.debug('wrapping %s %s\n' % (mod, func))
+        originals[mod, func] = extensions.wrapfunction(mod, func, wrapped)
+    try:
+        yield
+    finally:
+        # Restore the originals.
+        for mod, func in to_wrap:
+            ui.debug('restoring %s %s\n' % (mod, func))
+            setattr(mod, func, originals[mod, func])
+def purgewrapper(orig, ui, *args, **kwargs):
+    '''Runs original purge() command with unlink monkeypatched.'''
+    with wrapunlink(ui):
+        return orig(ui, *args, **kwargs)
+@command('robustcheckout', [
+    ('', 'upstream', '', 'URL of upstream repo to clone from'),
+    ('r', 'revision', '', 'Revision to check out'),
+    ('b', 'branch', '', 'Branch to check out'),
+    ('', 'purge', False, 'Whether to purge the working directory'),
+    ('', 'sharebase', '', 'Directory where shared repos should be placed'),
+    ],
+    '[OPTION]... URL DEST',
+    norepo=True)
+def robustcheckout(ui, url, dest, upstream=None, revision=None, branch=None,
+                   purge=False, sharebase=None):
+    """Ensure a working copy has the specified revision checked out."""
+    if not revision and not branch:
+        raise error.Abort('must specify one of --revision or --branch')
+    if revision and branch:
+        raise error.Abort('cannot specify both --revision and --branch')
+    sharebase = sharebase or ui.config('share', 'pool')
+    if not sharebase:
+        raise error.Abort('share base directory not defined; refusing to operate',
+                          hint='define share.pool config option or pass --sharebase')
+    # worker.backgroundclose only makes things faster if running anti-virus,
+    # which our automation doesn't. Disable it.
+    ui.setconfig('worker', 'backgroundclose', False)
+    sharebase = os.path.realpath(sharebase)
+    return _docheckout(ui, url, dest, upstream, revision, branch, purge,
+                       sharebase)
+def _docheckout(ui, url, dest, upstream, revision, branch, purge, sharebase):
+    def callself():
+        return _docheckout(ui, url, dest, upstream, revision, branch, purge,
+                           sharebase)
+    ui.write('ensuring %s@%s is available at %s\n' % (url, revision or branch,
+                                                      dest))
+    destvfs = scmutil.vfs(dest, audit=False, realpath=True)
+    if destvfs.exists() and not destvfs.exists('.hg'):
+        raise error.Abort('destination exists but no .hg directory')
+    # Require checkouts to be tied to shared storage because efficiency.
+    if destvfs.exists('.hg') and not destvfs.exists('.hg/sharedpath'):
+        ui.warn('(destination is not shared; deleting)\n')
+        destvfs.rmtree(forcibly=True)
+    # Verify the shared path exists and is using modern pooled storage.
+    if destvfs.exists('.hg/sharedpath'):
+        storepath = destvfs.read('.hg/sharedpath').strip()
+        ui.write('(existing repository shared store: %s)\n' % storepath)
+        if not os.path.exists(storepath):
+            ui.warn('(shared store does not exist; deleting)\n')
+            destvfs.rmtree(forcibly=True)
+        elif not re.search('[a-f0-9]{40}/\.hg$', storepath.replace('\\', '/')):
+            ui.warn('(shared store does not belong to pooled storage; '
+                    'deleting to improve efficiency)\n')
+            destvfs.rmtree(forcibly=True)
+        # FUTURE when we require generaldelta, this is where we can check
+        # for that.
+    def deletesharedstore():
+        storepath = destvfs.read('.hg/sharedpath').strip()
+        if storepath.endswith('.hg'):
+            storepath = os.path.dirname(storepath)
+        storevfs = scmutil.vfs(storepath, audit=False)
+        storevfs.rmtree(forcibly=True)
+    def handlerepoerror(e):
+        if e.message == _('abandoned transaction found'):
+            ui.warn('(abandoned transaction found; trying to recover)\n')
+            repo = hg.repository(ui, dest)
+            if not repo.recover():
+                ui.warn('(could not recover repo state; '
+                        'deleting shared store)\n')
+                deletesharedstore()
+            ui.warn('(attempting checkout from beginning)\n')
+            return callself()
+        raise
+    # At this point we either have an existing working directory using
+    # shared, pooled storage or we have nothing.
+    created = False
+    if not destvfs.exists():
+        # Ensure parent directories of destination exist.
+        # Mercurial 3.8 removed ensuredirs and made makedirs race safe.
+        if util.safehasattr(util, 'ensuredirs'):
+            makedirs = util.ensuredirs
+        else:
+            makedirs = util.makedirs
+        makedirs(os.path.dirname(destvfs.base), notindexed=True)
+        makedirs(sharebase, notindexed=True)
+        if upstream:
+            ui.write('(cloning from upstream repo %s)\n' % upstream)
+        cloneurl = upstream or url
+        try:
+            res = hg.clone(ui, {}, cloneurl, dest=dest, update=False,
+                           shareopts={'pool': sharebase, 'mode': 'identity'})
+        except error.RepoError as e:
+            return handlerepoerror(e)
+        except error.RevlogError as e:
+            ui.warn('(repo corruption: %s; deleting shared store)\n' % e.message)
+            deletesharedstore()
+            return callself()
+        # TODO retry here.
+        if res is None:
+            raise error.Abort('clone failed')
+        # Verify it is using shared pool storage.
+        if not destvfs.exists('.hg/sharedpath'):
+            raise error.Abort('clone did not create a shared repo')
+        created = True
+    # The destination .hg directory should exist. Now make sure we have the
+    # wanted revision.
+    repo = hg.repository(ui, dest)
+    havewantedrev = False
+    if revision:
+        havewantedrev = revision in repo
+    else:
+        assert branch
+        # Branch names are not constant over time, so always pull to
+        # ensure we have the latest revision.
+    if not havewantedrev:
+        ui.write('(pulling to obtain %s)\n' % (revision or branch,))
+        try:
+            remote = hg.peer(repo, {}, url)
+            pullrevs = [remote.lookup(revision or branch)]
+            pullop = exchange.pull(repo, remote, heads=pullrevs)
+            if not pullop.rheads:
+                raise error.Abort('unable to pull requested revision')
+        except error.Abort as e:
+            if e.message == _('repository is unrelated'):
+                ui.warn('(repository is unrelated; deleting)\n')
+                destvfs.rmtree(forcibly=True)
+                return callself()
+            raise
+        except error.RepoError as e:
+            return handlerepoerror(e)
+        except error.RevlogError as e:
+            ui.warn('(repo corruption: %s; deleting shared store)\n' % e.message)
+            deletesharedstore()
+            return callself()
+        finally:
+            remote.close()
+    # Now we should have the wanted revision in the store. Perform
+    # working directory manipulation.
+    # Purge if requested. We purge before update because this way we're
+    # guaranteed to not have conflicts on `hg update`.
+    if purge and not created:
+        ui.write('(purging working directory)\n')
+        purgeext = extensions.find('purge')
+        if purgeext.purge(ui, repo, all=True, abort_on_err=True,
+                          # The function expects all arguments to be
+                          # defined.
+                          **{'print': None, 'print0': None, 'dirs': None,
+                             'files': None}):
+            raise error.Abort('error purging')
+    # Update the working directory.
+    if commands.update(ui, repo, rev=revision or branch, clean=True):
+        raise error.Abort('error updating')
+    ctx = repo[revision or branch]
+    ui.write('updated to %s\n' % ctx.hex())
+    return None
+def extsetup(ui):
+    # Ensure required extensions are loaded.
+    for ext in ('purge', 'share'):
+        try:
+            extensions.find(ext)
+        except KeyError:
+            extensions.load(ui, ext, None)
+    purgemod = extensions.find('purge')
+    extensions.wrapcommand(purgemod.cmdtable, 'purge', purgewrapper)