Bug 1205600 Stop supporting TSF on Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 r?m_kato draft
authorMasayuki Nakano <masayuki@d-toybox.com>
Tue, 17 May 2016 14:00:59 +0900
changeset 367730 f851da773e1e2eb685caaa30a303c44cc452b616
parent 367704 ab3615f212bc3526f14f06904e8b27949b1b8e68
child 521095 f4da011a7a64c0efb80289ff81c58e4274837629
push id18340
push usermasayuki@d-toybox.com
push dateTue, 17 May 2016 10:05:40 +0000
Bug 1205600 Stop supporting TSF on Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 r?m_kato We won't enable TSF mode on Windows XP nor Windows Server 2003 because they are already not supported by Microsoft itsef and installed TSF of them is too old and too buggy. Therefore, it's not worthwhile to support TSF on those environments anymore. MozReview-Commit-ID: Cs85EvWie9K
--- a/modules/libpref/init/all.js
+++ b/modules/libpref/init/all.js
@@ -3287,20 +3287,16 @@ pref("plugin.mousewheel.enabled", true);
 // Switch the keyboard layout per window
 pref("intl.keyboard.per_window_layout", false);
 // Enable/Disable TSF support on Vista or later.
 pref("intl.tsf.enable", true);
-// Force enable TSF even on WinXP or WinServer 2003.
-// Be aware, TSF framework on prior to Vista is not enough stable.
-pref("intl.tsf.force_enable", false);
 // Support IMEs implemented with IMM in TSF mode.
 pref("intl.tsf.support_imm", true);
 // Enables/Disables hack for specific TIP.
 // Whether creates native caret for ATOK or not.
 pref("intl.tsf.hack.atok.create_native_caret", true);
 // Whether use composition start position for the result of
--- a/widget/windows/TSFTextStore.cpp
+++ b/widget/windows/TSFTextStore.cpp
@@ -21,17 +21,16 @@
 #include "TSFTextStore.h"
 namespace mozilla {
 namespace widget {
 static const char* kPrefNameEnableTSF = "intl.tsf.enable";
-static const char* kPrefNameForceEnableTSF = "intl.tsf.force_enable";
  * TSF related code should log its behavior even on release build especially
  * in the interface methods.
  * In interface methods, use LogLevel::Info.
  * In internal methods, use LogLevel::Debug for logging normal behavior.
  * For logging error, use LogLevel::Error.
@@ -730,18 +729,17 @@ public:
   nsTArray<InputScope> mInputScopes;
 /* TSFStaticSink                                                  */
-class TSFStaticSink final : public ITfActiveLanguageProfileNotifySink
-                          , public ITfInputProcessorProfileActivationSink
+class TSFStaticSink final : public ITfInputProcessorProfileActivationSink
   static TSFStaticSink* GetInstance()
     if (!sInstance) {
       sInstance = new TSFStaticSink();
     return sInstance;
@@ -756,19 +754,17 @@ public:
   bool Init(ITfThreadMgr* aThreadMgr,
             ITfInputProcessorProfiles* aInputProcessorProfiles);
   STDMETHODIMP QueryInterface(REFIID riid, void** ppv)
     *ppv = nullptr;
     if (IID_IUnknown == riid ||
-        IID_ITfActiveLanguageProfileNotifySink == riid) {
-      *ppv = static_cast<ITfActiveLanguageProfileNotifySink*>(this);
-    } else if (IID_ITfInputProcessorProfileActivationSink == riid) {
+        IID_ITfInputProcessorProfileActivationSink == riid) {
       *ppv = static_cast<ITfInputProcessorProfileActivationSink*>(this);
     if (*ppv) {
       return S_OK;
     return E_NOINTERFACE;
@@ -887,20 +883,16 @@ public:
     return mActiveTIPKeyboardDescription.EqualsLiteral("Microsoft Wubi") ||
         NS_LITERAL_STRING("\x5FAE\x8F6F\x4E94\x7B14")) ||
-public: // ITfActiveLanguageProfileNotifySink
-  STDMETHODIMP OnActivated(REFCLSID clsid, REFGUID guidProfile,
-                           BOOL fActivated);
 public: // ITfInputProcessorProfileActivationSink
                            HKL, DWORD);
   virtual ~TSFStaticSink() {}
@@ -908,18 +900,16 @@ private:
   void GetTIPDescription(REFCLSID aTextService, LANGID aLangID,
                          REFGUID aProfile, nsAString& aDescription);
   bool IsTIPCategoryKeyboard(REFCLSID aTextService, LANGID aLangID,
                              REFGUID aProfile);
   // Cookie of installing ITfInputProcessorProfileActivationSink
   DWORD mIPProfileCookie;
-  // Cookie of installing ITfActiveLanguageProfileNotifySink
-  DWORD mLangProfileCookie;
   LANGID mLangID;
   // True if current IME is implemented with IMM.
   bool mIsIMM_IME;
   // True if OnActivated() is already called
   bool mOnActivatedCalled;
@@ -935,17 +925,16 @@ private:
   static StaticRefPtr<TSFStaticSink> sInstance;
 StaticRefPtr<TSFStaticSink> TSFStaticSink::sInstance;
   : mIPProfileCookie(TF_INVALID_COOKIE)
-  , mLangProfileCookie(TF_INVALID_COOKIE)
   , mLangID(0)
   , mIsIMM_IME(false)
   , mOnActivatedCalled(false)
@@ -963,56 +952,42 @@ TSFStaticSink::Init(ITfThreadMgr* aThrea
     mThreadMgr->QueryInterface(IID_ITfSource, getter_AddRefs(source));
   if (FAILED(hr)) {
     MOZ_LOG(sTextStoreLog, LogLevel::Error,
       ("TSF: 0x%p TSFStaticSink::Init() FAILED to get ITfSource "
        "instance (0x%08X)", this, hr));
     return false;
-  // On Vista or later, Windows let us know activate IME changed only with
-  // ITfInputProcessorProfileActivationSink.  However, it's not available on XP.
-  // On XP, ITfActiveLanguageProfileNotifySink is available for it.
-  // NOTE: Each OnActivated() should be called when TSF becomes available.
-  if (IsVistaOrLater()) {
-    hr = source->AdviseSink(IID_ITfInputProcessorProfileActivationSink,
-                   static_cast<ITfInputProcessorProfileActivationSink*>(this),
-                   &mIPProfileCookie);
-    if (FAILED(hr) || mIPProfileCookie == TF_INVALID_COOKIE) {
-      MOZ_LOG(sTextStoreLog, LogLevel::Error,
-        ("TSF: 0x%p TSFStaticSink::Init() FAILED to install "
-         "ITfInputProcessorProfileActivationSink (0x%08X)", this, hr));
-      return false;
-    }
-  } else {
-    hr = source->AdviseSink(IID_ITfActiveLanguageProfileNotifySink,
-                   static_cast<ITfActiveLanguageProfileNotifySink*>(this),
-                   &mLangProfileCookie);
-    if (FAILED(hr) || mLangProfileCookie == TF_INVALID_COOKIE) {
-      MOZ_LOG(sTextStoreLog, LogLevel::Error,
-        ("TSF: 0x%p TSFStaticSink::Init() FAILED to install "
-         "ITfActiveLanguageProfileNotifySink (0x%08X)", this, hr));
-      return false;
-    }
+  // NOTE: On Vista or later, Windows let us know activate IME changed only
+  //       with ITfInputProcessorProfileActivationSink.
+  hr = source->AdviseSink(IID_ITfInputProcessorProfileActivationSink,
+                 static_cast<ITfInputProcessorProfileActivationSink*>(this),
+                 &mIPProfileCookie);
+  if (FAILED(hr) || mIPProfileCookie == TF_INVALID_COOKIE) {
+    MOZ_LOG(sTextStoreLog, LogLevel::Error,
+      ("TSF: 0x%p TSFStaticSink::Init() FAILED to install "
+       "ITfInputProcessorProfileActivationSink (0x%08X)", this, hr));
+    return false;
   MOZ_LOG(sTextStoreLog, LogLevel::Info,
     ("TSF: 0x%p TSFStaticSink::Init(), "
-     "mIPProfileCookie=0x%08X, mLangProfileCookie=0x%08X",
-     this, mIPProfileCookie, mLangProfileCookie));
+     "mIPProfileCookie=0x%08X",
+     this, mIPProfileCookie));
   return true;
   MOZ_LOG(sTextStoreLog, LogLevel::Info,
     ("TSF: 0x%p TSFStaticSink::Shutdown() "
-     "mIPProfileCookie=0x%08X, mLangProfileCookie=0x%08X",
-     this, mIPProfileCookie, mLangProfileCookie));
+     "mIPProfileCookie=0x%08X",
+     this, mIPProfileCookie));
   if (mIPProfileCookie != TF_INVALID_COOKIE) {
     RefPtr<ITfSource> source;
     HRESULT hr =
       mThreadMgr->QueryInterface(IID_ITfSource, getter_AddRefs(source));
     if (FAILED(hr)) {
       MOZ_LOG(sTextStoreLog, LogLevel::Error,
         ("TSF: 0x%p   TSFStaticSink::Shutdown() FAILED to get "
@@ -1023,86 +998,29 @@ TSFStaticSink::Destroy()
         MOZ_LOG(sTextStoreLog, LogLevel::Error,
           ("TSF: 0x%p   TSFTextStore::Shutdown() FAILED to uninstall "
            "ITfInputProcessorProfileActivationSink (0x%08X)",
            this, hr));
-  if (mLangProfileCookie != TF_INVALID_COOKIE) {
-    RefPtr<ITfSource> source;
-    HRESULT hr =
-      mThreadMgr->QueryInterface(IID_ITfSource, getter_AddRefs(source));
-    if (FAILED(hr)) {
-      MOZ_LOG(sTextStoreLog, LogLevel::Error,
-        ("TSF: 0x%p   TSFStaticSink::Shutdown() FAILED to get "
-         "ITfSource instance (0x%08X)", this, hr));
-    } else {
-      hr = source->UnadviseSink(mLangProfileCookie);
-      if (FAILED(hr)) {
-        MOZ_LOG(sTextStoreLog, LogLevel::Error,
-          ("TSF: 0x%p   TSFStaticSink::Shutdown() FAILED to uninstall "
-           "ITfActiveLanguageProfileNotifySink (0x%08X)",
-           this, hr));
-      }
-    }
-  }
   mThreadMgr = nullptr;
   mInputProcessorProfiles = nullptr;
-TSFStaticSink::OnActivated(REFCLSID clsid, REFGUID guidProfile,
-                           BOOL fActivated)
-  // NOTE: This is installed only on XP or Server 2003.
-  if (fActivated) {
-    // TODO: We should check if the profile's category is keyboard or not.
-    mOnActivatedCalled = true;
-    mActiveTIPGUID = guidProfile;
-    mIsIMM_IME = IsIMM_IME(::GetKeyboardLayout(0));
-    HRESULT hr = mInputProcessorProfiles->GetCurrentLanguage(&mLangID);
-    if (FAILED(hr)) {
-      MOZ_LOG(sTextStoreLog, LogLevel::Error,
-             ("TSF: TSFStaticSink::OnActivated() FAILED due to "
-              "GetCurrentLanguage() failure, hr=0x%08X", hr));
-    } else if (IsTIPCategoryKeyboard(clsid, mLangID, guidProfile)) {
-      GetTIPDescription(clsid, mLangID, guidProfile,
-                        mActiveTIPKeyboardDescription);
-    } else if (clsid == CLSID_NULL || guidProfile == GUID_NULL) {
-      // Perhaps, this case is that keyboard layout without TIP is activated.
-      mActiveTIPKeyboardDescription.Truncate();
-    }
-  }
-  MOZ_LOG(sTextStoreLog, LogLevel::Info,
-         ("TSF: 0x%p TSFStaticSink::OnActivated(rclsid=%s, guidProfile=%s, "
-          "fActivated=%s), mIsIMM_IME=%s, mActiveTIPDescription=\"%s\"",
-          this, GetCLSIDNameStr(clsid).get(),
-          GetGUIDNameStr(guidProfile).get(), GetBoolName(fActivated),
-          GetBoolName(mIsIMM_IME),
-          NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(mActiveTIPKeyboardDescription).get()));
-  return S_OK;
 TSFStaticSink::OnActivated(DWORD dwProfileType,
                            LANGID langid,
                            REFCLSID rclsid,
                            REFGUID catid,
                            REFGUID guidProfile,
                            HKL hkl,
                            DWORD dwFlags)
-  // NOTE: This is installed only on Vista or later.  However, this may be
-  //       called by EnsureInitActiveLanguageProfile() even on XP or Server
-  //       2003.
   if ((dwFlags & TF_IPSINK_FLAG_ACTIVE) &&
        catid == GUID_TFCAT_TIP_KEYBOARD)) {
     mOnActivatedCalled = true;
     mActiveTIPGUID = guidProfile;
     mLangID = langid;
     mIsIMM_IME = IsIMM_IME(hkl);
     GetTIPDescription(rclsid, mLangID, guidProfile,
@@ -1127,98 +1045,50 @@ TSFStaticSink::OnActivated(DWORD dwProfi
   if (mOnActivatedCalled) {
     return true;
-  if (IsVistaOrLater()) {
-    RefPtr<ITfInputProcessorProfileMgr> profileMgr;
-    HRESULT hr =
-      mInputProcessorProfiles->QueryInterface(IID_ITfInputProcessorProfileMgr,
-                                              getter_AddRefs(profileMgr));
-    if (FAILED(hr) || !profileMgr) {
-      MOZ_LOG(sTextStoreLog, LogLevel::Error,
-        ("TSF: 0x%p   TSFStaticSink::EnsureInitActiveLanguageProfile(), FAILED "
-         "to get input processor profile manager, hr=0x%08X", this, hr));
-      return false;
-    }
-    hr = profileMgr->GetActiveProfile(GUID_TFCAT_TIP_KEYBOARD, &profile);
-    if (hr == S_FALSE) {
-      MOZ_LOG(sTextStoreLog, LogLevel::Info,
-        ("TSF: 0x%p   TSFStaticSink::EnsureInitActiveLanguageProfile(), FAILED "
-         "to get active keyboard layout profile due to no active profile, "
-         "hr=0x%08X", this, hr));
-      // XXX Should we call OnActivated() with arguments like non-TIP in this
-      //     case?
-      return false;
-    }
-    if (FAILED(hr)) {
-      MOZ_LOG(sTextStoreLog, LogLevel::Error,
-        ("TSF: 0x%p   TSFStaticSink::EnsureInitActiveLanguageProfile(), FAILED "
-         "to get active TIP keyboard, hr=0x%08X", this, hr));
-      return false;
-    }
+  RefPtr<ITfInputProcessorProfileMgr> profileMgr;
+  HRESULT hr =
+    mInputProcessorProfiles->QueryInterface(IID_ITfInputProcessorProfileMgr,
+                                            getter_AddRefs(profileMgr));
+  if (FAILED(hr) || !profileMgr) {
+    MOZ_LOG(sTextStoreLog, LogLevel::Error,
+      ("TSF: 0x%p   TSFStaticSink::EnsureInitActiveLanguageProfile(), FAILED "
+       "to get input processor profile manager, hr=0x%08X", this, hr));
+    return false;
+  }
+  hr = profileMgr->GetActiveProfile(GUID_TFCAT_TIP_KEYBOARD, &profile);
+  if (hr == S_FALSE) {
     MOZ_LOG(sTextStoreLog, LogLevel::Info,
-      ("TSF: 0x%p   TSFStaticSink::EnsureInitActiveLanguageProfile(), "
-       "calling OnActivated() manually...", this));
-    OnActivated(profile.dwProfileType, profile.langid, profile.clsid,
-                profile.catid, profile.guidProfile, ::GetKeyboardLayout(0),
-                TF_IPSINK_FLAG_ACTIVE);
-    return true;
-  }
-  LANGID langID;
-  HRESULT hr = mInputProcessorProfiles->GetCurrentLanguage(&langID);
+      ("TSF: 0x%p   TSFStaticSink::EnsureInitActiveLanguageProfile(), FAILED "
+       "to get active keyboard layout profile due to no active profile, "
+       "hr=0x%08X", this, hr));
+    // XXX Should we call OnActivated() with arguments like non-TIP in this
+    //     case?
+    return false;
+  }
   if (FAILED(hr)) {
     MOZ_LOG(sTextStoreLog, LogLevel::Error,
       ("TSF: 0x%p   TSFStaticSink::EnsureInitActiveLanguageProfile(), FAILED "
-       "to get current language ID, hr=0x%08X", this, hr));
-    return false;
-  }
-  RefPtr<IEnumTfLanguageProfiles> enumLangProfiles;
-  hr = mInputProcessorProfiles->EnumLanguageProfiles(langID,
-                                  getter_AddRefs(enumLangProfiles));
-  if (FAILED(hr) || !enumLangProfiles) {
-    MOZ_LOG(sTextStoreLog, LogLevel::Error,
-      ("TSF: 0x%p   TSFStaticSink::EnsureInitActiveLanguageProfile(), FAILED "
-       "to get language profiles enumerator, hr=0x%08X", this, hr));
+       "to get active TIP keyboard, hr=0x%08X", this, hr));
     return false;
-  ULONG fetch = 0;
-  while (SUCCEEDED(enumLangProfiles->Next(1, &profile, &fetch)) && fetch) {
-    if (!profile.fActive || profile.catid != GUID_TFCAT_TIP_KEYBOARD) {
-      continue;
-    }
-    MOZ_LOG(sTextStoreLog, LogLevel::Info,
-      ("TSF: 0x%p   TSFStaticSink::EnsureInitActiveLanguageProfile(), "
-       "calling OnActivated() manually...", this));
-    bool isTIP = profile.guidProfile != GUID_NULL;
-                        TF_PROFILETYPE_KEYBOARDLAYOUT,
-                profile.langid, profile.clsid, profile.catid,
-                profile.guidProfile, ::GetKeyboardLayout(0),
-                TF_IPSINK_FLAG_ACTIVE);
-    return true;
-  }
   MOZ_LOG(sTextStoreLog, LogLevel::Info,
     ("TSF: 0x%p   TSFStaticSink::EnsureInitActiveLanguageProfile(), "
-     "calling OnActivated() without active TIP manually...", this));
-              GUID_NULL, ::GetKeyboardLayout(0),
+     "calling OnActivated() manually...", this));
+  OnActivated(profile.dwProfileType, profile.langid, profile.clsid,
+              profile.catid, profile.guidProfile, ::GetKeyboardLayout(0),
   return true;
 TSFStaticSink::GetTIPDescription(REFCLSID aTextService, LANGID aLangID,
                                  REFGUID aProfile, nsAString& aDescription)
@@ -5385,18 +5255,17 @@ TSFTextStore::Initialize()
   if (sThreadMgr) {
     MOZ_LOG(sTextStoreLog, LogLevel::Error,
       ("TSF:   TSFTextStore::Initialize() FAILED due to already initialized"));
   bool enableTsf =
-    Preferences::GetBool(kPrefNameForceEnableTSF, false) ||
-    (IsVistaOrLater() && Preferences::GetBool(kPrefNameEnableTSF, false));
+    IsVistaOrLater() && Preferences::GetBool(kPrefNameEnableTSF, false);
   MOZ_LOG(sTextStoreLog, LogLevel::Info,
     ("TSF:   TSFTextStore::Initialize(), TSF is %s",
      enableTsf ? "enabled" : "disabled"));
   if (!enableTsf) {
   // XXX MSDN documents that ITfInputProcessorProfiles is available only on
@@ -5991,26 +5860,20 @@ TSFTextStore::CurrentKeyboardLayoutHasIM
   RefPtr<ITfInputProcessorProfileMgr> profileMgr;
   HRESULT hr =
   if (FAILED(hr) || !profileMgr) {
     // On Windows Vista or later, ImmIsIME() API always returns true.
     // If we failed to obtain the profile manager, we cannot know if current
     // keyboard layout has IME.
-    if (IsVistaOrLater()) {
-      MOZ_LOG(sTextStoreLog, LogLevel::Error,
-        ("TSF:   TSFTextStore::CurrentKeyboardLayoutHasIME() FAILED to query "
-         "ITfInputProcessorProfileMgr"));
-      return false;
-    }
-    // If the profiles instance doesn't have ITfInputProcessorProfileMgr
-    // interface, that means probably we're running on WinXP or WinServer2003
-    // (except WinServer2003 R2).  Then, we should use ImmIsIME().
-    return ::ImmIsIME(::GetKeyboardLayout(0));
+    MOZ_LOG(sTextStoreLog, LogLevel::Error,
+      ("TSF:   TSFTextStore::CurrentKeyboardLayoutHasIME() FAILED to query "
+       "ITfInputProcessorProfileMgr"));
+    return false;
   hr = profileMgr->GetActiveProfile(GUID_TFCAT_TIP_KEYBOARD, &profile);
   if (hr == S_FALSE) {
     return false; // not found or not active
   if (FAILED(hr)) {