Bug 1265591 patch 3 - Make the comment describing RestyleForCSSRuleChanges match reality. r?heycam draft
authorL. David Baron <dbaron@dbaron.org>
Mon, 18 Apr 2016 20:13:40 -0700
changeset 353007 13c48a54f859890bca4871b3158ac28f154e7753
parent 353006 ec4caefb1676848cb52454bd48b18d7058e8e889
child 518801 f703298f69d3ab088108a29c35b9dbe43271591c
push id15858
push userdbaron@mozilla.com
push dateTue, 19 Apr 2016 03:13:59 +0000
Bug 1265591 patch 3 - Make the comment describing RestyleForCSSRuleChanges match reality. r?heycam MozReview-Commit-ID: 9CT2k59cYP2
--- a/layout/base/nsIPresShell.h
+++ b/layout/base/nsIPresShell.h
@@ -353,21 +353,30 @@ public:
    * author level of the cascade, including the HTML preshint level.
   // XXX these could easily be inlined, but there is a circular #include
   // problem with nsStyleSet.
   void SetAuthorStyleDisabled(bool aDisabled);
   bool GetAuthorStyleDisabled() const;
-   * Called when stylesheets are added/removed/enabled/disabled to rebuild
-   * all style data for a given pres shell without necessarily reconstructing
-   * all of the frames.  This will not reconstruct style synchronously; if
-   * you need to do that, call FlushPendingNotifications to flush out style
-   * reresolves.
+   * Called when stylesheets are added/removed/enabled/disabled to
+   * recompute style and clear other cached data as needed.  This will
+   * not reconstruct style synchronously; if you need to do that, call
+   * FlushPendingNotifications to flush out style reresolves.
+   *
+   * This handles the the addition and removal of the various types of
+   * style rules that can be in CSS style sheets, such as @font-face
+   * rules and @counter-style rules.
+   *
+   * It requires that StyleSheetAdded, StyleSheetRemoved,
+   * StyleSheetApplicableStateChanged, StyleRuleAdded, StyleRuleRemoved,
+   * or StyleRuleChanged has been called on the style sheets that have
+   * changed.
+   *
    * // XXXbz why do we have this on the interface anyway?  The only consumer
    * is calling AddOverrideStyleSheet/RemoveOverrideStyleSheet, and I think
    * those should just handle reconstructing style data...
   void RestyleForCSSRuleChanges();
    * Update the style set somehow to take into account changed prefs which