Bug 1097499 part 13 - Draw decoration line properly for text-combine-upright. r=jfkthame draft
authorXidorn Quan <quanxunzhen@gmail.com>
Fri, 08 Apr 2016 21:16:17 +1000
changeset 354608 926696f141e77e3197fcf24d963368337e6c1855
parent 354607 3c592b11a04e25440ac9fcde2f43b74affe1b61a
child 354609 e6df3139508c191b0b63d743d7da430cf12c2d16
push id16138
push userxquan@mozilla.com
push dateThu, 21 Apr 2016 11:18:53 +0000
Bug 1097499 part 13 - Draw decoration line properly for text-combine-upright. r=jfkthame MozReview-Commit-ID: AymG09nvxh1
--- a/gfx/thebes/gfxContext.h
+++ b/gfx/thebes/gfxContext.h
@@ -637,16 +637,18 @@ public:
     const gfxMatrix& Matrix()
         MOZ_ASSERT(mContext, "mMatrix doesn't contain a useful matrix");
         return mMatrix;
+    bool HasMatrix() const { return !!mContext; }
     gfxContext *mContext;
     gfxMatrix   mMatrix;
 class DrawTargetAutoDisableSubpixelAntialiasing {
--- a/layout/generic/nsTextFrame.cpp
+++ b/layout/generic/nsTextFrame.cpp
@@ -4948,27 +4948,30 @@ nsTextFrame::GetTextDecorations(
                     nsTextFrame::TextDecorations& aDecorations)
   const nsCompatibility compatMode = aPresContext->CompatibilityMode();
   bool useOverride = false;
   nscolor overrideColor = NS_RGBA(0, 0, 0, 0);
   bool nearestBlockFound = false;
-  WritingMode wm = GetWritingMode();
+  // Use writing mode of parent frame for orthogonal text frame to work.
+  // See comment in nsTextFrame::DrawTextRunAndDecorations.
+  WritingMode wm = GetParent()->GetWritingMode();
   bool vertical = wm.IsVertical();
+  nscoord ascent = GetLogicalBaseline(wm);
   // physicalBlockStartOffset represents the offset from our baseline
   // to f's physical block start, which is top in horizontal writing
   // mode, and left in vertical writing modes, in our coordinate space.
   // This physical block start is logical block start in most cases,
   // but for vertical-rl, it is logical block end, and consequently in
   // that case, it starts from the descent instead of ascent.
   nscoord physicalBlockStartOffset =
-    wm.IsVerticalRL() ? GetSize().width - mAscent : mAscent;
+    wm.IsVerticalRL() ? GetSize().width - ascent : ascent;
   // baselineOffset represents the offset from our baseline to f's baseline or
   // the nearest block's baseline, in our coordinate space, whichever is closest
   // during the particular iteration
   nscoord baselineOffset = 0;
   for (nsIFrame* f = this, *fChild = nullptr;
        fChild = f,
@@ -5211,20 +5214,19 @@ void
 nsTextFrame::UnionAdditionalOverflow(nsPresContext* aPresContext,
                                      nsIFrame* aBlock,
                                      PropertyProvider& aProvider,
                                      nsRect* aVisualOverflowRect,
                                      bool aIncludeTextDecorations)
   const WritingMode wm = GetWritingMode();
   bool verticalRun = mTextRun->IsVertical();
-  bool useVerticalMetrics = verticalRun && mTextRun->UseCenterBaseline();
-  bool inverted = wm.IsLineInverted();
   if (IsFloatingFirstLetterChild()) {
+    bool inverted = wm.IsLineInverted();
     // The underline/overline drawable area must be contained in the overflow
     // rect when this is in floating first letter frame at *both* modes.
     // In this case, aBlock is the ::first-letter frame.
     uint8_t decorationStyle = aBlock->StyleContext()->
     // If the style is none, let's include decoration line rect as solid style
     // since changing the style from none to solid/dotted/dashed doesn't cause
     // reflow.
@@ -5260,43 +5262,50 @@ nsTextFrame::UnionAdditionalOverflow(nsP
     aVisualOverflowRect->UnionRect(*aVisualOverflowRect, underlineRect);
     aVisualOverflowRect->UnionRect(*aVisualOverflowRect, overlineRect);
     // XXX If strikeoutSize is much thicker than the underlineSize, it may
     //     cause overflowing from the overflow rect.  However, such case
     //     isn't realistic, we don't need to compute it now.
   if (aIncludeTextDecorations) {
+    // Use writing mode of parent frame for orthogonal text frame to
+    // work. See comment in nsTextFrame::DrawTextRunAndDecorations.
+    WritingMode parentWM = GetParent()->GetWritingMode();
+    bool verticalDec = parentWM.IsVertical();
+    bool useVerticalMetrics = verticalDec != verticalRun
+      ? verticalDec : verticalRun && mTextRun->UseCenterBaseline();
     // Since CSS 2.1 requires that text-decoration defined on ancestors maintain
     // style and position, they can be drawn at virtually any y-offset, so
     // maxima and minima are required to reliably generate the rectangle for
     // them
     TextDecorations textDecs;
     GetTextDecorations(aPresContext, eResolvedColors, textDecs);
     if (textDecs.HasDecorationLines()) {
       nscoord inflationMinFontSize =
-      const nscoord measure = verticalRun ? GetSize().height : GetSize().width;
-      const gfxFloat appUnitsPerDevUnit = aPresContext->AppUnitsPerDevPixel(),
-                     gfxWidth = measure / appUnitsPerDevUnit;
-      gfxFloat ascent = gfxFloat(mAscent) / appUnitsPerDevUnit;
+      const nscoord measure = verticalDec ? GetSize().height : GetSize().width;
+      const gfxFloat app = aPresContext->AppUnitsPerDevPixel();
+      gfxFloat gfxWidth = measure / app;
+      gfxFloat ascent = gfxFloat(GetLogicalBaseline(parentWM)) / app;
       nscoord frameBStart = 0;
-      if (wm.IsVerticalRL()) {
+      if (parentWM.IsVerticalRL()) {
         frameBStart = GetSize().width;
         ascent = -ascent;
       // The decoration-line offsets need to be reversed for sideways-lr mode,
       // so we will multiply the values from metrics by this factor.
       gfxFloat decorationOffsetDir = mTextRun->IsSidewaysLeft() ? -1.0 : 1.0;
       nsCSSRendering::DecorationRectParams params;
       params.lineSize = Size(gfxWidth, 0);
       params.ascent = ascent;
-      params.vertical = verticalRun;
+      params.vertical = verticalDec;
       nscoord topOrLeft(nscoord_MAX), bottomOrRight(nscoord_MIN);
       typedef gfxFont::Metrics Metrics;
       auto accumulateDecorationRect = [&](const LineDecoration& dec,
                                           gfxFloat Metrics::* lineSize,
                                           gfxFloat Metrics::* lineOffset) {
         params.style = dec.mStyle;
         // If the style is solid, let's include decoration line rect of solid
@@ -5311,20 +5320,20 @@ nsTextFrame::UnionAdditionalOverflow(nsP
         const Metrics metrics =
           GetFirstFontMetrics(GetFontGroupForFrame(dec.mFrame, inflation),
         params.lineSize.height = metrics.*lineSize;
         params.offset = decorationOffsetDir * metrics.*lineOffset;
         const nsRect decorationRect =
           nsCSSRendering::GetTextDecorationRect(aPresContext, params) +
-          (verticalRun ? nsPoint(frameBStart - dec.mBaselineOffset, 0)
+          (verticalDec ? nsPoint(frameBStart - dec.mBaselineOffset, 0)
                        : nsPoint(0, -dec.mBaselineOffset));
-        if (verticalRun) {
+        if (verticalDec) {
           topOrLeft = std::min(decorationRect.x, topOrLeft);
           bottomOrRight = std::max(decorationRect.XMost(), bottomOrRight);
         } else {
           topOrLeft = std::min(decorationRect.y, topOrLeft);
           bottomOrRight = std::max(decorationRect.YMost(), bottomOrRight);
@@ -5343,22 +5352,22 @@ nsTextFrame::UnionAdditionalOverflow(nsP
       for (const LineDecoration& dec : textDecs.mStrikes) {
         accumulateDecorationRect(dec, &Metrics::strikeoutSize,
-        verticalRun ? nsRect(topOrLeft, 0, bottomOrRight - topOrLeft, measure)
+        verticalDec ? nsRect(topOrLeft, 0, bottomOrRight - topOrLeft, measure)
                     : nsRect(0, topOrLeft, measure, bottomOrRight - topOrLeft));
-                                   UpdateTextEmphasis(wm, aProvider));
+                                   UpdateTextEmphasis(parentWM, aProvider));
   // Text-shadow overflows
   nsRect shadowRect =
     nsLayoutUtils::GetTextShadowRectsUnion(*aVisualOverflowRect, this);
   aVisualOverflowRect->UnionRect(*aVisualOverflowRect, shadowRect);
   // When this frame is not selected, the text-decoration area must be in
@@ -6625,44 +6634,52 @@ nsTextFrame::DrawTextRun(Range aRange, c
 nsTextFrame::DrawTextRunAndDecorations(Range aRange,
                                        const gfxPoint& aTextBaselinePt,
                                        const DrawTextParams& aParams,
                                        const TextDecorations& aDecorations)
     const gfxFloat app =
+    // Writing mode of parent frame is used because the text frame may
+    // be orthogonal to its parent when text-combine-upright is used or
+    // its parent has "display: contents", and in those cases, we want
+    // to draw the decoration lines according to parents' direction
+    // rather than ours.
+    const WritingMode wm = GetParent()->GetWritingMode();
+    bool verticalDec = wm.IsVertical();
     bool verticalRun = mTextRun->IsVertical();
-    bool useVerticalMetrics = verticalRun && mTextRun->UseCenterBaseline();
+    // If the text run and the decoration is orthogonal, we choose the
+    // metrics for decoration so that decoration line won't be broken.
+    bool useVerticalMetrics = verticalDec != verticalRun
+      ? verticalDec : verticalRun && mTextRun->UseCenterBaseline();
     // XXX aFramePt is in AppUnits, shouldn't it be nsFloatPoint?
     nscoord x = NSToCoordRound(aParams.framePt.x);
     nscoord y = NSToCoordRound(aParams.framePt.y);
     // 'measure' here is textrun-relative, so for a horizontal run it's the
     // width, while for a vertical run it's the height of the decoration
     const nsSize frameSize = GetSize();
-    nscoord measure = verticalRun ? frameSize.height : frameSize.width;
-    if (verticalRun) {
+    nscoord measure = verticalDec ? frameSize.height : frameSize.width;
+    if (verticalDec) {
       aParams.clipEdges->Intersect(&y, &measure);
     } else {
       aParams.clipEdges->Intersect(&x, &measure);
     // decSize is a textrun-relative size, so its 'width' field is actually
     // the run-relative measure, and 'height' will be the line thickness
-    gfxFloat ascent = gfxFloat(mAscent) / app;
+    gfxFloat ascent = gfxFloat(GetLogicalBaseline(wm)) / app;
     // The starting edge of the frame in block direction
-    gfxFloat frameBStart = verticalRun ? aParams.framePt.x : aParams.framePt.y;
-    // In vertical-rl mode, block coordinates are measured from the right,
-    // so we need to adjust here.
-    const WritingMode wm = GetWritingMode();
+    gfxFloat frameBStart = verticalDec ? aParams.framePt.x : aParams.framePt.y;
+    // In vertical-rl mode, block coordinates are measured from the
+    // right, so we need to adjust here.
     if (wm.IsVerticalRL()) {
       frameBStart += frameSize.width;
       ascent = -ascent;
     nscoord inflationMinFontSize =
@@ -6673,20 +6690,35 @@ nsTextFrame::DrawTextRunAndDecorations(R
     PaintDecorationLineParams params;
     params.context = aParams.context;
     params.dirtyRect = aParams.dirtyRect;
     params.overrideColor = aParams.decorationOverrideColor;
     params.callbacks = aParams.callbacks;
     // pt is the physical point where the decoration is to be drawn,
     // relative to the frame; one of its coordinates will be updated below.
     params.pt = Point(x / app, y / app);
-    Float& bCoord = verticalRun ? params.pt.x : params.pt.y;
+    Float& bCoord = verticalDec ? params.pt.x : params.pt.y;
     params.lineSize = Size(measure / app, 0);
     params.ascent = ascent;
-    params.vertical = verticalRun;
+    params.vertical = verticalDec;
+    // The matrix of the context may have been altered for text-combine-
+    // upright. However, we want to draw decoration lines unscaled, thus
+    // we need to revert the scaling here.
+    gfxContextMatrixAutoSaveRestore scaledRestorer;
+    if (StyleContext()->IsTextCombined()) {
+      float scaleFactor = GetTextCombineScaleFactor(this);
+      if (scaleFactor != 1.0f) {
+        scaledRestorer.SetContext(aParams.context);
+        gfxMatrix unscaled = aParams.context->CurrentMatrix();
+        gfxPoint pt(x / app, y / app);
+        unscaled.Translate(pt).Scale(1.0f / scaleFactor, 1.0f).Translate(-pt);
+        aParams.context->SetMatrix(unscaled);
+      }
+    }
     typedef gfxFont::Metrics Metrics;
     auto paintDecorationLine = [&](const LineDecoration& dec,
                                    gfxFloat Metrics::* lineSize,
                                    gfxFloat Metrics::* lineOffset) {
       if (dec.mStyle == NS_STYLE_TEXT_DECORATION_STYLE_NONE) {
@@ -6713,19 +6745,27 @@ nsTextFrame::DrawTextRunAndDecorations(R
     // Overlines
     for (const LineDecoration& dec : Reversed(aDecorations.mOverlines)) {
       paintDecorationLine(dec, &Metrics::underlineSize, &Metrics::maxAscent);
-    // CSS 2.1 mandates that text be painted after over/underlines, and *then*
-    // line-throughs
-    DrawTextRun(aRange, aTextBaselinePt, aParams);
+    {
+      gfxContextMatrixAutoSaveRestore unscaledRestorer;
+      if (scaledRestorer.HasMatrix()) {
+        unscaledRestorer.SetContext(aParams.context);
+        aParams.context->SetMatrix(scaledRestorer.Matrix());
+      }
+      // CSS 2.1 mandates that text be painted after over/underlines,
+      // and *then* line-throughs
+      DrawTextRun(aRange, aTextBaselinePt, aParams);
+    }
     // Emphasis marks
     DrawEmphasisMarks(aParams.context, wm, aTextBaselinePt, aRange,
                       aParams.decorationOverrideColor, aParams.provider);
     // Line-throughs
     for (const LineDecoration& dec : Reversed(aDecorations.mStrikes)) {
@@ -9487,19 +9527,33 @@ nsTextFrame::HasSignificantTerminalNewli
 nsTextFrame::IsAtEndOfLine() const
   return (GetStateBits() & TEXT_END_OF_LINE) != 0;
-nsTextFrame::GetLogicalBaseline(WritingMode aWritingMode ) const
-  return mAscent;
+nsTextFrame::GetLogicalBaseline(WritingMode aWM) const
+  if (!aWM.IsOrthogonalTo(GetWritingMode())) {
+    return mAscent;
+  }
+  // When the text frame has a writing mode orthogonal to the desired
+  // writing mode, return a baseline coincides its parent frame.
+  nsIFrame* parent = GetParent();
+  nsPoint position = GetNormalPosition();
+  nscoord parentAscent = parent->GetLogicalBaseline(aWM);
+  if (aWM.IsVerticalRL()) {
+    nscoord parentDescent = parent->GetSize().width - parentAscent;
+    nscoord descent = parentDescent - position.x;
+    return GetSize().width - descent;
+  }
+  return parentAscent - (aWM.IsVertical() ? position.x : position.y);
   gfxSkipCharsIterator iter = EnsureTextRun(nsTextFrame::eInflated);
   int32_t offset = GetContentOffset(),
           offsetEnd = GetContentEnd();
--- a/layout/generic/nsTextFrame.h
+++ b/layout/generic/nsTextFrame.h
@@ -187,17 +187,17 @@ public:
                                                  bool    inHint,
                                                  int32_t* outFrameContentOffset,
                                                  nsIFrame** outChildFrame) override;
   virtual bool IsVisibleInSelection(nsISelection* aSelection) override;
   virtual bool IsEmpty() override;
   virtual bool IsSelfEmpty() override { return IsEmpty(); }
-  virtual nscoord GetLogicalBaseline(mozilla::WritingMode aWritingMode) const override;
+  nscoord GetLogicalBaseline(mozilla::WritingMode aWritingMode) const final;
   virtual bool HasSignificantTerminalNewline() const override;
    * Returns true if this text frame is logically adjacent to the end of the
    * line.
   bool IsAtEndOfLine() const;