Bug 1260530 - Add support for Oculus 1.3 runtime draft
Thu, 31 Mar 2016 13:05:23 -0700
changeset 347817 a9fe8d39cea0c098b22264b6cfe4480db36b5a6f
parent 347760 17a0ded9bb99c05c25729c306b91771483109067
child 517717 3100a1861449a4d7b78f1f47801e00e230af1261
push id14676
push userkgilbert@mozilla.com
push dateTue, 05 Apr 2016 22:05:27 +0000
Bug 1260530 - Add support for Oculus 1.3 runtime MozReview-Commit-ID: K8BUa3u0qyA
--- a/gfx/vr/gfxVR.cpp
+++ b/gfx/vr/gfxVR.cpp
@@ -48,17 +48,16 @@ VRHMDInfo::~VRHMDInfo()
 /* static */ uint32_t
   return ++sDeviceBase;
-  : currentRenderTarget(0)
--- a/gfx/vr/gfxVR.h
+++ b/gfx/vr/gfxVR.h
@@ -231,17 +231,16 @@ public:
   struct RenderTargetSet {
     RefPtr<layers::Compositor> compositor;
     IntSize size;
     nsTArray<RefPtr<layers::CompositingRenderTarget>> renderTargets;
-    int32_t currentRenderTarget;
     virtual already_AddRefed<layers::CompositingRenderTarget> GetNextRenderTarget() = 0;
     virtual ~RenderTargetSet();
   virtual already_AddRefed<RenderTargetSet> CreateRenderTargetSet(layers::Compositor *aCompositor, const IntSize& aSize) = 0;
   virtual void DestroyRenderTargetSet(RenderTargetSet *aRTSet) = 0;
--- a/gfx/vr/gfxVROculus.cpp
+++ b/gfx/vr/gfxVROculus.cpp
@@ -28,45 +28,77 @@
 using namespace mozilla::gfx;
 using namespace mozilla::gfx::impl;
 namespace {
 static pfn_ovr_Initialize ovr_Initialize = nullptr;
 static pfn_ovr_Shutdown ovr_Shutdown = nullptr;
-static pfn_ovr_GetTimeInSeconds ovr_GetTimeInSeconds = nullptr;
+static pfn_ovr_GetLastErrorInfo ovr_GetLastErrorInfo = nullptr;
+static pfn_ovr_GetVersionString ovr_GetVersionString = nullptr;
+static pfn_ovr_TraceMessage ovr_TraceMessage = nullptr;
 static pfn_ovr_GetHmdDesc ovr_GetHmdDesc = nullptr;
+static pfn_ovr_GetTrackerCount ovr_GetTrackerCount = nullptr;
+static pfn_ovr_GetTrackerDesc ovr_GetTrackerDesc = nullptr;
 static pfn_ovr_Create ovr_Create = nullptr;
 static pfn_ovr_Destroy ovr_Destroy = nullptr;
-static pfn_ovr_RecenterPose ovr_RecenterPose = nullptr;
+static pfn_ovr_GetSessionStatus ovr_GetSessionStatus = nullptr;
+static pfn_ovr_SetTrackingOriginType ovr_SetTrackingOriginType = nullptr;
+static pfn_ovr_GetTrackingOriginType ovr_GetTrackingOriginType = nullptr;
+static pfn_ovr_RecenterTrackingOrigin ovr_RecenterTrackingOrigin = nullptr;
+static pfn_ovr_ClearShouldRecenterFlag ovr_ClearShouldRecenterFlag = nullptr;
 static pfn_ovr_GetTrackingState ovr_GetTrackingState = nullptr;
-static pfn_ovr_GetPredictedDisplayTime ovr_GetPredictedDisplayTime = nullptr;
+static pfn_ovr_GetTrackerPose ovr_GetTrackerPose = nullptr;
+static pfn_ovr_GetInputState ovr_GetInputState = nullptr;
+static pfn_ovr_GetConnectedControllerTypes ovr_GetConnectedControllerTypes = nullptr;
+static pfn_ovr_SetControllerVibration ovr_SetControllerVibration = nullptr;
+static pfn_ovr_GetTextureSwapChainLength ovr_GetTextureSwapChainLength = nullptr;
+static pfn_ovr_GetTextureSwapChainCurrentIndex ovr_GetTextureSwapChainCurrentIndex = nullptr;
+static pfn_ovr_GetTextureSwapChainDesc ovr_GetTextureSwapChainDesc = nullptr;
+static pfn_ovr_CommitTextureSwapChain ovr_CommitTextureSwapChain = nullptr;
+static pfn_ovr_DestroyTextureSwapChain ovr_DestroyTextureSwapChain = nullptr;
+static pfn_ovr_DestroyMirrorTexture ovr_DestroyMirrorTexture = nullptr;
 static pfn_ovr_GetFovTextureSize ovr_GetFovTextureSize = nullptr;
 static pfn_ovr_GetRenderDesc ovr_GetRenderDesc = nullptr;
-static pfn_ovr_DestroySwapTextureSet ovr_DestroySwapTextureSet = nullptr;
 static pfn_ovr_SubmitFrame ovr_SubmitFrame = nullptr;
+static pfn_ovr_GetPredictedDisplayTime ovr_GetPredictedDisplayTime = nullptr;
+static pfn_ovr_GetTimeInSeconds ovr_GetTimeInSeconds = nullptr;
+static pfn_ovr_GetBool ovr_GetBool = nullptr;
+static pfn_ovr_SetBool ovr_SetBool = nullptr;
+static pfn_ovr_GetInt ovr_GetInt = nullptr;
+static pfn_ovr_SetInt ovr_SetInt = nullptr;
+static pfn_ovr_GetFloat ovr_GetFloat = nullptr;
+static pfn_ovr_SetFloat ovr_SetFloat = nullptr;
+static pfn_ovr_GetFloatArray ovr_GetFloatArray = nullptr;
+static pfn_ovr_SetFloatArray ovr_SetFloatArray = nullptr;
+static pfn_ovr_GetString ovr_GetString = nullptr;
+static pfn_ovr_SetString ovr_SetString = nullptr;
 #ifdef XP_WIN
-static pfn_ovr_CreateSwapTextureSetD3D11 ovr_CreateSwapTextureSetD3D11 = nullptr;
+static pfn_ovr_CreateTextureSwapChainDX ovr_CreateTextureSwapChainDX = nullptr;
+static pfn_ovr_GetTextureSwapChainBufferDX ovr_GetTextureSwapChainBufferDX = nullptr;
+static pfn_ovr_CreateMirrorTextureDX ovr_CreateMirrorTextureDX = nullptr;
+static pfn_ovr_GetMirrorTextureBufferDX ovr_GetMirrorTextureBufferDX = nullptr;
-static pfn_ovr_CreateSwapTextureSetGL ovr_CreateSwapTextureSetGL = nullptr;
+static pfn_ovr_CreateTextureSwapChainGL ovr_CreateTextureSwapChainGL = nullptr;
+static pfn_ovr_GetTextureSwapChainBufferGL ovr_GetTextureSwapChainBufferGL = nullptr;
+static pfn_ovr_CreateMirrorTextureGL ovr_CreateMirrorTextureGL = nullptr;
+static pfn_ovr_GetMirrorTextureBufferGL ovr_GetMirrorTextureBufferGL = nullptr;
 #ifdef HAVE_64BIT_BUILD
 #define BUILD_BITS 64
 #define BUILD_BITS 32
-#define OVR_MAJOR_VERSION   8
-#define OVR_MINOR_VERSION   0
+#define OVR_MAJOR_VERSION   3
+#define OVR_MINOR_VERSION   1
 static bool
   static PRLibrary *ovrlib = nullptr;
   if (!ovrlib) {
     nsTArray<nsCString> libSearchPaths;
@@ -82,17 +114,17 @@ InitializeOculusCAPI()
 #if defined(_WIN32)
     static const int pathLen = 260;
     int realLen = ::GetSystemDirectoryA(searchPath.BeginWriting(), pathLen);
     if (realLen != 0 && realLen < pathLen) {
-    libName.AppendPrintf("LibOVRRT%d_%d_%d.dll", BUILD_BITS, OVR_PRODUCT_VERSION, OVR_MAJOR_VERSION);
+    libName.AppendPrintf("LibOVRRT%d_%d.dll", BUILD_BITS, OVR_PRODUCT_VERSION);
 #elif defined(__APPLE__)
     searchPath.AppendPrintf("/Library/Frameworks/LibOVRRT_%d.framework/Versions/%d", OVR_PRODUCT_VERSION, OVR_MAJOR_VERSION);
     if (PR_GetEnv("HOME")) {
       searchPath.AppendPrintf("%s/Library/Frameworks/LibOVRRT_%d.framework/Versions/%d", PR_GetEnv("HOME"), OVR_PRODUCT_VERSION, OVR_MAJOR_VERSION);
@@ -158,34 +190,69 @@ InitializeOculusCAPI()
 #define REQUIRE_FUNCTION(_x) do { \
     *(void **)&_x = (void *) PR_FindSymbol(ovrlib, #_x);                \
     if (!_x) { printf_stderr(#_x " symbol missing\n"); goto fail; }       \
   } while (0)
-  REQUIRE_FUNCTION(ovr_GetTimeInSeconds);
+  REQUIRE_FUNCTION(ovr_GetLastErrorInfo);
+  REQUIRE_FUNCTION(ovr_GetVersionString);
+  REQUIRE_FUNCTION(ovr_TraceMessage);
+  REQUIRE_FUNCTION(ovr_GetTrackerCount);
+  REQUIRE_FUNCTION(ovr_GetTrackerDesc);
-  REQUIRE_FUNCTION(ovr_RecenterPose);
+  REQUIRE_FUNCTION(ovr_GetSessionStatus);
+  REQUIRE_FUNCTION(ovr_SetTrackingOriginType);
+  REQUIRE_FUNCTION(ovr_GetTrackingOriginType);
+  REQUIRE_FUNCTION(ovr_RecenterTrackingOrigin);
+  REQUIRE_FUNCTION(ovr_ClearShouldRecenterFlag);
-  REQUIRE_FUNCTION(ovr_GetPredictedDisplayTime);
+  REQUIRE_FUNCTION(ovr_GetTrackerPose);
+  REQUIRE_FUNCTION(ovr_GetInputState);
+  REQUIRE_FUNCTION(ovr_GetConnectedControllerTypes);
+  REQUIRE_FUNCTION(ovr_SetControllerVibration);
+  REQUIRE_FUNCTION(ovr_GetTextureSwapChainLength);
+  REQUIRE_FUNCTION(ovr_GetTextureSwapChainCurrentIndex);
+  REQUIRE_FUNCTION(ovr_GetTextureSwapChainDesc);
+  REQUIRE_FUNCTION(ovr_CommitTextureSwapChain);
+  REQUIRE_FUNCTION(ovr_DestroyTextureSwapChain);
+  REQUIRE_FUNCTION(ovr_DestroyMirrorTexture);
+  REQUIRE_FUNCTION(ovr_SubmitFrame);
+  REQUIRE_FUNCTION(ovr_GetPredictedDisplayTime);
+  REQUIRE_FUNCTION(ovr_GetTimeInSeconds);
+  REQUIRE_FUNCTION(ovr_GetFloat);
+  REQUIRE_FUNCTION(ovr_SetFloat);
+  REQUIRE_FUNCTION(ovr_GetFloatArray);
+  REQUIRE_FUNCTION(ovr_SetFloatArray);
+  REQUIRE_FUNCTION(ovr_GetString);
+  REQUIRE_FUNCTION(ovr_SetString);
-  REQUIRE_FUNCTION(ovr_DestroySwapTextureSet);
-  REQUIRE_FUNCTION(ovr_SubmitFrame);
 #ifdef XP_WIN
-  REQUIRE_FUNCTION(ovr_CreateSwapTextureSetD3D11);
+  REQUIRE_FUNCTION(ovr_CreateTextureSwapChainDX);
+  REQUIRE_FUNCTION(ovr_GetTextureSwapChainBufferDX);
+  REQUIRE_FUNCTION(ovr_CreateMirrorTextureDX);
+  REQUIRE_FUNCTION(ovr_GetMirrorTextureBufferDX);
-  REQUIRE_FUNCTION(ovr_CreateSwapTextureSetGL);
+  REQUIRE_FUNCTION(ovr_CreateTextureSwapChainGL);
+  REQUIRE_FUNCTION(ovr_GetTextureSwapChainBufferGL);
+  REQUIRE_FUNCTION(ovr_CreateMirrorTextureGL);
+  REQUIRE_FUNCTION(ovr_GetMirrorTextureBufferGL);
   return true;
   ovr_Initialize = nullptr;
   return false;
@@ -286,18 +353,18 @@ HMDInfoOculus::SetFOV(const gfx::VRField
   // get eye parameters and create the mesh
   for (uint32_t eye = 0; eye < VRDeviceInfo::NumEyes; eye++) {
     mDeviceInfo.mEyeFOV[eye] = eye == 0 ? aFOVLeft : aFOVRight;
     mFOVPort[eye] = ToFovPort(mDeviceInfo.mEyeFOV[eye]);
     ovrEyeRenderDesc renderDesc = ovr_GetRenderDesc(mSession, (ovrEyeType)eye, mFOVPort[eye]);
-    // As of Oculus 0.6.0, the HmdToEyeViewOffset values are correct and don't need to be negated.
-    mDeviceInfo.mEyeTranslation[eye] = Point3D(renderDesc.HmdToEyeViewOffset.x, renderDesc.HmdToEyeViewOffset.y, renderDesc.HmdToEyeViewOffset.z);
+    // As of Oculus 0.6.0, the HmdToEyeOffset values are correct and don't need to be negated.
+    mDeviceInfo.mEyeTranslation[eye] = Point3D(renderDesc.HmdToEyeOffset.x, renderDesc.HmdToEyeOffset.y, renderDesc.HmdToEyeOffset.z);
     // note that we are using a right-handed coordinate system here, to match CSS
     mDeviceInfo.mEyeProjectionMatrix[eye] = mDeviceInfo.mEyeFOV[eye].ConstructProjectionMatrix(zNear, zFar, true);
     texSize[eye] = ovr_GetFovTextureSize(mSession, (ovrEyeType)eye, mFOVPort[eye], pixelsPerDisplayPixel);
   // take the max of both for eye resolution
@@ -333,17 +400,17 @@ void
 HMDInfoOculus::NotifyVsync(const mozilla::TimeStamp& aVsyncTimestamp)
-  ovr_RecenterPose(mSession);
+  ovr_RecenterTrackingOrigin(mSession);
   VRHMDSensorState result;
   double frameTiming = 0.0f;
   if (gfxPrefs::VRPosePredictionEnabled()) {
@@ -405,109 +472,124 @@ HMDInfoOculus::GetSensorState(double tim
     result.linearAcceleration[2] = pose.LinearAcceleration.z;
   return result;
 struct RenderTargetSetOculus : public VRHMDRenderingSupport::RenderTargetSet
-  RenderTargetSetOculus(const IntSize& aSize,
+  RenderTargetSetOculus(ovrSession aSession,
+                        const IntSize& aSize,
                         HMDInfoOculus *aHMD,
-                        ovrSwapTextureSet *aTS)
+                        ovrTextureSwapChain aTS)
     : hmd(aHMD)
+    , textureSet(aTS)
+    , session(aSession)
-    textureSet = aTS;
     size = aSize;
   already_AddRefed<layers::CompositingRenderTarget> GetNextRenderTarget() override {
-    currentRenderTarget = (currentRenderTarget + 1) % renderTargets.Length();
-    textureSet->CurrentIndex = currentRenderTarget;
+    int currentRenderTarget = 0;
+    DebugOnly<ovrResult> orv = ovr_GetTextureSwapChainCurrentIndex(session, textureSet, &currentRenderTarget);
+    MOZ_ASSERT(orv == ovrSuccess, "ovr_GetTextureSwapChainCurrentIndex failed.");
     RefPtr<layers::CompositingRenderTarget> rt = renderTargets[currentRenderTarget];
     return rt.forget();
   void Destroy() {
-    if (!hmd)
-      return;
-    if (hmd->GetOculusSession()) {
-      // If the ovrSession was already destroyed, so were all associated
-      // texture sets
-      ovr_DestroySwapTextureSet(hmd->GetOculusSession(), textureSet);
-    }
+    ovr_DestroyTextureSwapChain(session, textureSet);
     hmd = nullptr;
     textureSet = nullptr;
   ~RenderTargetSetOculus() {
   RefPtr<HMDInfoOculus> hmd;
-  ovrSwapTextureSet *textureSet;
+  ovrTextureSwapChain textureSet;
+  ovrSession session;
 #ifdef XP_WIN
 class BasicTextureSourceD3D11 : public layers::TextureSourceD3D11
   BasicTextureSourceD3D11(ID3D11Texture2D *aTexture, const IntSize& aSize) {
     mTexture = aTexture;
     mSize = aSize;
 struct RenderTargetSetD3D11 : public RenderTargetSetOculus
-  RenderTargetSetD3D11(layers::CompositorD3D11 *aCompositor,
+  RenderTargetSetD3D11(ovrSession aSession,
+                       layers::CompositorD3D11 *aCompositor,
                        const IntSize& aSize,
                        HMDInfoOculus *aHMD,
-                       ovrSwapTextureSet *aTS)
-    : RenderTargetSetOculus(aSize, aHMD, aTS)
+                       ovrTextureSwapChain aTS)
+    : RenderTargetSetOculus(aSession, aSize, aHMD, aTS)
     compositor = aCompositor;
-    renderTargets.SetLength(aTS->TextureCount);
-    currentRenderTarget = aTS->CurrentIndex;
+    int textureCount = 0;
+    DebugOnly<ovrResult> orv = ovr_GetTextureSwapChainLength(session, aTS, &textureCount);
+    MOZ_ASSERT(orv == ovrSuccess, "ovr_GetTextureSwapChainLength failed.");
-    for (int i = 0; i < aTS->TextureCount; ++i) {
-      ovrD3D11Texture *tex11;
+    renderTargets.SetLength(textureCount);
+    for (int i = 0; i < textureCount; ++i) {
       RefPtr<layers::CompositingRenderTargetD3D11> rt;
-      tex11 = (ovrD3D11Texture*)&aTS->Textures[i];
-      rt = new layers::CompositingRenderTargetD3D11(tex11->D3D11.pTexture, IntPoint(0, 0), DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM);
+      ID3D11Texture2D* texture = nullptr;
+      orv = ovr_GetTextureSwapChainBufferDX(session, aTS, i, IID_PPV_ARGS(&texture));
+      MOZ_ASSERT(orv == ovrSuccess, "ovr_GetTextureSwapChainBufferDX failed.");
+      rt = new layers::CompositingRenderTargetD3D11(texture, IntPoint(0, 0), DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM);
       renderTargets[i] = rt;
+      texture->Release();
 HMDInfoOculus::CreateRenderTargetSet(layers::Compositor *aCompositor, const IntSize& aSize)
 #ifdef XP_WIN
   if (aCompositor->GetBackendType() == layers::LayersBackend::LAYERS_D3D11)
     layers::CompositorD3D11 *comp11 = static_cast<layers::CompositorD3D11*>(aCompositor);
-    CD3D11_TEXTURE2D_DESC desc(DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM_SRGB, aSize.width, aSize.height, 1, 1,
-                               D3D11_BIND_SHADER_RESOURCE | D3D11_BIND_RENDER_TARGET);
-    ovrSwapTextureSet *ts = nullptr;
+    ovrTextureSwapChainDesc desc;
+    memset(&desc, 0, sizeof(desc));
+    desc.Type = ovrTexture_2D;
+    desc.ArraySize = 1;
+    desc.Format = OVR_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM_SRGB;
+    desc.Width = aSize.width;
+    desc.Height = aSize.height;
+    desc.MipLevels = 1;
+    desc.SampleCount = 1;
+    desc.StaticImage = false;
+    desc.MiscFlags = ovrTextureMisc_DX_Typeless;
+    desc.BindFlags = ovrTextureBind_DX_RenderTarget;
+    ovrTextureSwapChain ts = nullptr;
-    ovrResult orv = ovr_CreateSwapTextureSetD3D11(mSession, comp11->GetDevice(), &desc, ovrSwapTextureSetD3D11_Typeless, &ts);
+    ovrResult orv = ovr_CreateTextureSwapChainDX(mSession, comp11->GetDevice(), &desc, &ts);
     if (orv != ovrSuccess) {
       return nullptr;
-    RefPtr<RenderTargetSetD3D11> rts = new RenderTargetSetD3D11(comp11, aSize, this, ts);
+    RefPtr<RenderTargetSetD3D11> rts = new RenderTargetSetD3D11(mSession, comp11, aSize, this, ts);
     return rts.forget();
   if (aCompositor->GetBackendType() == layers::LayersBackend::LAYERS_OPENGL) {
   return nullptr;
@@ -527,16 +609,20 @@ HMDInfoOculus::SubmitFrame(RenderTargetS
   MOZ_ASSERT(rts->hmd != nullptr);
   MOZ_ASSERT(rts->textureSet != nullptr);
   MOZ_ASSERT(aInputFrameID >= 0);
   if (aInputFrameID < 0) {
     // Sanity check to prevent invalid memory access on builds with assertions
     // disabled.
     aInputFrameID = 0;
+  ovrResult orv = ovr_CommitTextureSwapChain(mSession, rts->textureSet);
+  if (orv != ovrSuccess) {
+    printf_stderr("ovr_CommitTextureSwapChain failed.\n");
+  }
   VRHMDSensorState sensorState = mLastSensorState[aInputFrameID % kMaxLatencyFrames];
   // It is possible to get a cache miss on mLastSensorState if latency is
   // longer than kMaxLatencyFrames.  An optimization would be to find a frame
   // that is closer than the one selected with the modulus.
   // If we hit this; however, latency is already so high that the site is
   // un-viewable and a more accurate pose prediction is not likely to
   // compensate.
@@ -575,20 +661,20 @@ HMDInfoOculus::SubmitFrame(RenderTargetS
     layer.RenderPose[i].Orientation.z = o.z;
     layer.RenderPose[i].Orientation.w = o.w;
     layer.RenderPose[i].Position.x = p.x + sensorState.position[0];
     layer.RenderPose[i].Position.y = p.y + sensorState.position[1];
     layer.RenderPose[i].Position.z = p.z + sensorState.position[2];
   ovrLayerHeader *layers = &layer.Header;
-  ovrResult orv = ovr_SubmitFrame(mSession, aInputFrameID, nullptr, &layers, 1);
+  orv = ovr_SubmitFrame(mSession, aInputFrameID, nullptr, &layers, 1);
   //printf_stderr("Submitted frame %d, result: %d\n", rts->textureSet->CurrentIndex, orv);
   if (orv != ovrSuccess) {
-    // not visible? failed?
+    printf_stderr("ovr_SubmitFrame failed.\n");
 /*static*/ already_AddRefed<VRHMDManagerOculus>
--- a/gfx/vr/ovr_capi_dynamic.h
+++ b/gfx/vr/ovr_capi_dynamic.h
@@ -54,16 +54,20 @@
 #define OVR_ALIGNAS(n) __attribute__((aligned(n)))
 #elif defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(__INTEL_COMPILER)
 #define OVR_ALIGNAS(n) __declspec(align(n))
 #error Need to define OVR_ALIGNAS
+#if !defined(OVR_UNUSED_STRUCT_PAD)
+#define OVR_UNUSED_STRUCT_PAD(padName, size) char padName[size];
 #ifdef __cplusplus 
 extern "C" {
 typedef int32_t ovrResult;
 typedef enum {
   ovrSuccess = 0,
@@ -88,17 +92,17 @@ typedef struct OVR_ALIGNAS(4) {
 } ovrPosef;
 typedef struct OVR_ALIGNAS(8) {
   ovrPosef ThePose;
   ovrVector3f AngularVelocity;
   ovrVector3f LinearVelocity;
   ovrVector3f AngularAcceleration;
   ovrVector3f LinearAcceleration;
-  float       Pad;
   double      TimeInSeconds;
 } ovrPoseStatef;
 typedef struct {
   float UpTan;
   float DownTan;
   float LeftTan;
   float RightTan;
@@ -108,360 +112,410 @@ typedef enum {
   ovrHmd_None      = 0,    
   ovrHmd_DK1       = 3,
   ovrHmd_DKHD      = 4,
   ovrHmd_DK2       = 6,
   ovrHmd_CB        = 8,
   ovrHmd_Other     = 9,
   ovrHmd_E3_2015   = 10,
   ovrHmd_ES06      = 11,
+  ovrHmd_ES09      = 12,
+  ovrHmd_ES11      = 13,
+  ovrHmd_CV1       = 14,
   ovrHmd_EnumSize = 0x7fffffff
 } ovrHmdType;
 typedef enum {
-  ovrHmdCap_Writable_Mask     = 0x0000,
-  ovrHmdCap_Service_Mask      = 0x0000,
   ovrHmdCap_DebugDevice       = 0x0010,
   ovrHmdCap_EnumSize          = 0x7fffffff
 } ovrHmdCaps;
 typedef enum
   ovrTrackingCap_Orientation      = 0x0010,
   ovrTrackingCap_MagYawCorrection = 0x0020,
   ovrTrackingCap_Position         = 0x0040,
-  ovrTrackingCap_Idle             = 0x0100,
   ovrTrackingCap_EnumSize         = 0x7fffffff
 } ovrTrackingCaps;
-typedef struct OVR_ALIGNAS(OVR_PTR_SIZE) {
-  char Reserved[8];
-} ovrGraphicsLuid;
 typedef enum {
   ovrEye_Left  = 0,
   ovrEye_Right = 1,
   ovrEye_Count = 2,
   ovrEye_EnumSize = 0x7fffffff
 } ovrEyeType;
+typedef enum {
+  ovrTrackingOrigin_EyeLevel = 0,
+  ovrTrackingOrigin_FloorLevel = 1,
+  ovrTrackingOrigin_Count = 2,            ///< \internal Count of enumerated elements.
+  ovrTrackingOrigin_EnumSize = 0x7fffffff ///< \internal Force type int32_t.
+} ovrTrackingOrigin;
+typedef struct OVR_ALIGNAS(OVR_PTR_SIZE) {
+	char Reserved[8];
+} ovrGraphicsLuid;
 typedef struct OVR_ALIGNAS(OVR_PTR_SIZE) {
   ovrHmdType  Type;
-  OVR_ON64(unsigned char pad0[4];)
   char ProductName[64];
   char Manufacturer[64];
   short VendorId;
   short ProductId;
   char SerialNumber[24];
   short FirmwareMajor;
   short FirmwareMinor;
-  float CameraFrustumHFovInRadians;
-  float CameraFrustumVFovInRadians;
-  float CameraFrustumNearZInMeters;
-  float CameraFrustumFarZInMeters;
   unsigned int AvailableHmdCaps;
   unsigned int DefaultHmdCaps;
   unsigned int AvailableTrackingCaps;
   unsigned int DefaultTrackingCaps;
-  ovrFovPort  DefaultEyeFov[ovrEye_Count];
-  ovrFovPort  MaxEyeFov[ovrEye_Count];
-  ovrSizei    Resolution;
+  ovrFovPort DefaultEyeFov[ovrEye_Count];
+  ovrFovPort MaxEyeFov[ovrEye_Count];
+  ovrSizei Resolution;
   float DisplayRefreshRate;
-  OVR_ON64(unsigned char pad1[4];)
 } ovrHmdDesc;
 typedef struct ovrHmdStruct* ovrSession;
 typedef enum {
   ovrStatus_OrientationTracked    = 0x0001,
   ovrStatus_PositionTracked       = 0x0002,
-  ovrStatus_CameraPoseTracked     = 0x0004,
-  ovrStatus_PositionConnected     = 0x0020,
-  ovrStatus_HmdConnected          = 0x0080,
   ovrStatus_EnumSize              = 0x7fffffff
 } ovrStatusBits;
-typedef struct OVR_ALIGNAS(4) {
-  ovrVector3f    Accelerometer;
-  ovrVector3f    Gyro;
-  ovrVector3f    Magnetometer;
-  float          Temperature;
-  float          TimeInSeconds;
-} ovrSensorData;
+typedef struct OVR_ALIGNAS(OVR_PTR_SIZE) {
+  float FrustumHFovInRadians;
+  float FrustumVFovInRadians;
+  float FrustumNearZInMeters;
+  float FrustumFarZInMeters;
+} ovrTrackerDesc;
+typedef enum {
+  ovrTracker_Connected = 0x0020,
+  ovrTracker_PoseTracked = 0x0004
+} ovrTrackerFlags;
+typedef struct OVR_ALIGNAS(8) {
+  unsigned int TrackerFlags;
+  ovrPosef Pose;
+  ovrPosef LeveledPose;
+} ovrTrackerPose;
 typedef struct OVR_ALIGNAS(8) {
   ovrPoseStatef HeadPose;
-  ovrPosef CameraPose;
-  ovrPosef LeveledCameraPose;
+  unsigned int StatusFlags;
   ovrPoseStatef HandPoses[2];
-  ovrSensorData RawSensorData;
-  unsigned int StatusFlags;
   unsigned int HandStatusFlags[2];
-  uint32_t LastCameraFrameCounter;
-  unsigned char pad0[4];
+  ovrPosef CalibratedOrigin;
 } ovrTrackingState;
 typedef struct OVR_ALIGNAS(4) {
-	ovrEyeType Eye;
-	ovrFovPort Fov;
-	ovrRecti DistortedViewport;
-	ovrVector2f PixelsPerTanAngleAtCenter;
-	ovrVector3f HmdToEyeViewOffset;
+  ovrEyeType  Eye;
+  ovrFovPort  Fov;
+  ovrRecti    DistortedViewport;
+  ovrVector2f PixelsPerTanAngleAtCenter;
+  ovrVector3f HmdToEyeOffset;
 } ovrEyeRenderDesc;
 typedef struct OVR_ALIGNAS(4) {
-	float Projection22;
-	float Projection23;
-	float Projection32;
+  float Projection22;
+  float Projection23;
+  float Projection32;
 } ovrTimewarpProjectionDesc;
 typedef struct OVR_ALIGNAS(4) {
-	ovrVector3f HmdToEyeViewOffset[ovrEye_Count];
-	float HmdSpaceToWorldScaleInMeters;
+  ovrVector3f HmdToEyeViewOffset[ovrEye_Count];
+  float HmdSpaceToWorldScaleInMeters;
 } ovrViewScaleDesc;
 typedef enum {
-	ovrRenderAPI_None = 0,
-	ovrRenderAPI_OpenGL = 1,
-	ovrRenderAPI_Android_GLES = 2,
-	ovrRenderAPI_D3D11 = 5,
-	ovrRenderAPI_Count = 4,
-	ovrRenderAPI_EnumSize = 0x7fffffff
-} ovrRenderAPIType;
+  ovrTexture_2D,
+  ovrTexture_2D_External,
+  ovrTexture_Cube,
+  ovrTexture_Count,
+  ovrTexture_EnumSize = 0x7fffffff
+} ovrTextureType;
+typedef enum {
+  ovrTextureBind_None,
+  ovrTextureBind_DX_RenderTarget = 0x0001,
+  ovrTextureBind_DX_UnorderedAccess = 0x0002,
+  ovrTextureBind_DX_DepthStencil = 0x0004,
+  ovrTextureBind_EnumSize = 0x7fffffff
+} ovrTextureBindFlags;
-typedef struct OVR_ALIGNAS(4) {
-  ovrRenderAPIType API;
-  ovrSizei TextureSize;
-} ovrTextureHeader;
+typedef enum {
+  OVR_FORMAT_ENUMSIZE = 0x7fffffff
+} ovrTextureFormat;
-typedef struct OVR_ALIGNAS(OVR_PTR_SIZE) {
-  ovrTextureHeader Header;
-  OVR_ON64(unsigned char pad0[4];)
-  uintptr_t PlatformData[8];
-} ovrTexture;
+typedef enum {
+  ovrTextureMisc_None,
+  ovrTextureMisc_DX_Typeless = 0x0001,
+  ovrTextureMisc_AllowGenerateMips = 0x0002,
+  ovrTextureMisc_EnumSize = 0x7fffffff
+} ovrTextureFlags;
-typedef struct OVR_ALIGNAS(OVR_PTR_SIZE) {
-  ovrTexture* Textures;
-  int TextureCount;
-  int CurrentIndex;
-} ovrSwapTextureSet;
+typedef struct {
+  ovrTextureType Type;
+  ovrTextureFormat Format;
+  int ArraySize;
+  int Width;
+  int Height;
+  int MipLevels;
+  int SampleCount;
+  ovrBool StaticImage;
+  unsigned int MiscFlags;
+  unsigned int BindFlags;
+} ovrTextureSwapChainDesc;
+typedef struct
+  ovrTextureFormat Format;
+  int Width;
+  int Height;
+  unsigned int MiscFlags;
+} ovrMirrorTextureDesc;
+typedef void* ovrTextureSwapChain;
+typedef struct ovrMirrorTextureData* ovrMirrorTexture;
 typedef enum {
   ovrButton_A = 0x00000001,
   ovrButton_B = 0x00000002,
   ovrButton_RThumb = 0x00000004,
   ovrButton_RShoulder = 0x00000008,
+  ovrButton_RMask = ovrButton_A | ovrButton_B | ovrButton_RThumb | ovrButton_RShoulder,
   ovrButton_X = 0x00000100,
   ovrButton_Y = 0x00000200,
   ovrButton_LThumb = 0x00000400,
   ovrButton_LShoulder = 0x00000800,
+  ovrButton_LMask = ovrButton_X | ovrButton_Y | ovrButton_LThumb | ovrButton_LShoulder,
   ovrButton_Up = 0x00010000,
   ovrButton_Down = 0x00020000,
   ovrButton_Left = 0x00040000,
   ovrButton_Right = 0x00080000,
   ovrButton_Enter = 0x00100000,
   ovrButton_Back = 0x00200000,
-  ovrButton_Private = 0x00400000 | 0x00800000 | 0x01000000,
+  ovrButton_VolUp = 0x00400000,
+  ovrButton_VolDown = 0x00800000,
+  ovrButton_Home = 0x01000000,
+  ovrButton_Private = ovrButton_VolUp | ovrButton_VolDown | ovrButton_Home,
   ovrButton_EnumSize = 0x7fffffff
 } ovrButton;
 typedef enum {
   ovrTouch_A = ovrButton_A,
   ovrTouch_B = ovrButton_B,
   ovrTouch_RThumb = ovrButton_RThumb,
   ovrTouch_RIndexTrigger = 0x00000010,
+  ovrTouch_RButtonMask = ovrTouch_A | ovrTouch_B | ovrTouch_RThumb | ovrTouch_RIndexTrigger,
   ovrTouch_X = ovrButton_X,
   ovrTouch_Y = ovrButton_Y,
   ovrTouch_LThumb = ovrButton_LThumb,
   ovrTouch_LIndexTrigger = 0x00001000,
+  ovrTouch_LButtonMask = ovrTouch_X | ovrTouch_Y | ovrTouch_LThumb | ovrTouch_LIndexTrigger,
   ovrTouch_RIndexPointing = 0x00000020,
   ovrTouch_RThumbUp = 0x00000040,
+  ovrTouch_RPoseMask = ovrTouch_RIndexPointing | ovrTouch_RThumbUp,
   ovrTouch_LIndexPointing = 0x00002000,
   ovrTouch_LThumbUp = 0x00004000,
+  ovrTouch_LPoseMask = ovrTouch_LIndexPointing | ovrTouch_LThumbUp,
   ovrTouch_EnumSize = 0x7fffffff
 } ovrTouch;
 typedef enum {
   ovrControllerType_None = 0x00,
   ovrControllerType_LTouch = 0x01,
   ovrControllerType_RTouch = 0x02,
   ovrControllerType_Touch = 0x03,
+  ovrControllerType_Remote = 0x04,
   ovrControllerType_XBox = 0x10,
-  ovrControllerType_All = 0xff,
+  ovrControllerType_Active = 0xff,
   ovrControllerType_EnumSize = 0x7fffffff
 } ovrControllerType;
 typedef enum {
   ovrHand_Left = 0,
   ovrHand_Right = 1,
+  ovrHand_Count = 2,
   ovrHand_EnumSize = 0x7fffffff
 } ovrHandType;
 typedef struct {
-  double              TimeInSeconds;
-  unsigned int        ConnectedControllerTypes;
-  unsigned int        Buttons;
-  unsigned int        Touches;
-  float               IndexTrigger[2];
-  float               HandTrigger[2];
-  ovrVector2f         Thumbstick[2];
+  double TimeInSeconds;
+  unsigned int Buttons;
+  unsigned int Touches;
+  float IndexTrigger[ovrHand_Count];
+  float HandTrigger[ovrHand_Count];
+  ovrVector2f Thumbstick[ovrHand_Count];
+  ovrControllerType ControllerType;
 } ovrInputState;
 typedef enum {
   ovrInit_Debug          = 0x00000001,
   ovrInit_RequestVersion = 0x00000004,
   ovrinit_WritableBits   = 0x00ffffff,
   ovrInit_EnumSize       = 0x7fffffff
 } ovrInitFlags;
 typedef enum {
   ovrLogLevel_Debug = 0,
   ovrLogLevel_Info  = 1,
   ovrLogLevel_Error = 2,
   ovrLogLevel_EnumSize = 0x7fffffff
 } ovrLogLevel;
-typedef void (OVR_PFN *ovrLogCallback)(int level, const char* message);
+typedef void (OVR_PFN* ovrLogCallback)(uintptr_t userData, int level, const char* message);
 typedef struct OVR_ALIGNAS(8) {
   uint32_t Flags;
   uint32_t RequestedMinorVersion;
   ovrLogCallback LogCallback;
   uintptr_t UserData;
   uint32_t ConnectionTimeoutMS;
-  OVR_ON64(unsigned char pad0[4];)
 } ovrInitParams;
-typedef ovrResult(OVR_PFN *pfn_ovr_Initialize)(ovrInitParams const* params);
-typedef void (OVR_PFN *pfn_ovr_Shutdown)();
+typedef ovrResult(OVR_PFN* pfn_ovr_Initialize)(const ovrInitParams* params);
+typedef void (OVR_PFN* pfn_ovr_Shutdown)();
 typedef struct {
   ovrResult Result;
   char      ErrorString[512];
 } ovrErrorInfo;
-typedef void (OVR_PFN *pfn_ovr_GetLastErrorInfo)(ovrErrorInfo* errorInfo);
-typedef const char* (OVR_PFN *pfn_ovr_GetVersionString)();
-typedef int (OVR_PFN *pfn_ovr_TraceMessage)(int level, const char* message);
-typedef ovrHmdDesc (OVR_PFN *pfn_ovr_GetHmdDesc)(ovrSession session);
-typedef ovrResult (OVR_PFN *pfn_ovr_Create)(ovrSession*, ovrGraphicsLuid*);
-typedef void (OVR_PFN *pfn_ovr_Destroy)(ovrSession session);
+typedef void (OVR_PFN* pfn_ovr_GetLastErrorInfo)(ovrErrorInfo* errorInfo);
+typedef const char* (OVR_PFN* pfn_ovr_GetVersionString)();
+typedef int (OVR_PFN* pfn_ovr_TraceMessage)(int level, const char* message);
+typedef ovrHmdDesc (OVR_PFN* pfn_ovr_GetHmdDesc)(ovrSession session);
+typedef unsigned int (OVR_PFN* pfn_ovr_GetTrackerCount)(ovrSession session);
+typedef ovrTrackerDesc* (OVR_PFN* pfn_ovr_GetTrackerDesc)(ovrSession session, unsigned int trackerDescIndex);
+typedef ovrResult (OVR_PFN* pfn_ovr_Create)(ovrSession* pSession, ovrGraphicsLuid* pLuid);
+typedef void (OVR_PFN* pfn_ovr_Destroy)(ovrSession session);
 typedef struct {
-  ovrBool HasVrFocus;
+  ovrBool IsVisible;
   ovrBool HmdPresent;
+  ovrBool HmdMounted;
+  ovrBool DisplayLost;
+  ovrBool ShouldQuit;
+  ovrBool ShouldRecenter;
 } ovrSessionStatus;
-typedef ovrResult (OVR_PFN *pfn_ovr_GetSessionStatus)(ovrSession session, ovrSessionStatus* sessionStatus);
-typedef unsigned int (OVR_PFN *pfn_ovr_GetEnabledCaps)(ovrSession session);
-typedef void (OVR_PFN *pfn_ovr_SetEnabledCaps)(ovrSession session, unsigned int hmdCaps);
-typedef unsigned int (OVR_PFN *pfn_ovr_GetTrackingCaps)(ovrSession session);
-typedef ovrResult(OVR_PFN *pfn_ovr_ConfigureTracking)(ovrSession session, unsigned int requestedTrackingCaps, unsigned int requiredTrackingCaps);
-typedef void (OVR_PFN *pfn_ovr_RecenterPose)(ovrSession session);
-typedef ovrTrackingState (OVR_PFN *pfn_ovr_GetTrackingState)(ovrSession session, double absTime, ovrBool latencyMarker);
-typedef ovrResult (OVR_PFN *pfn_ovr_GetInputState)(ovrSession session, unsigned int controllerTypeMask, ovrInputState* inputState);
-typedef ovrResult (OVR_PFN *pfn_ovr_SetControllerVibration)(ovrSession session, unsigned int controllerTypeMask, float frequency, float amplitude);
+typedef ovrResult (OVR_PFN* pfn_ovr_GetSessionStatus)(ovrSession session, ovrSessionStatus* sessionStatus);
+typedef ovrResult (OVR_PFN* pfn_ovr_SetTrackingOriginType)(ovrSession session, ovrTrackingOrigin origin);
+typedef ovrTrackingOrigin (OVR_PFN* pfn_ovr_GetTrackingOriginType)(ovrSession session);
+typedef ovrResult (OVR_PFN* pfn_ovr_RecenterTrackingOrigin)(ovrSession session);
+typedef void (OVR_PFN* pfn_ovr_ClearShouldRecenterFlag)(ovrSession session);
+typedef ovrTrackingState (OVR_PFN* pfn_ovr_GetTrackingState)(ovrSession session, double absTime, ovrBool latencyMarker);
+typedef ovrTrackerPose (OVR_PFN* pfn_ovr_GetTrackerPose)(ovrSession session, unsigned int trackerPoseIndex);
+typedef ovrResult (OVR_PFN* pfn_ovr_GetInputState)(ovrSession session, ovrControllerType controllerType, ovrInputState* inputState);
+typedef unsigned int (OVR_PFN* pfn_ovr_GetConnectedControllerTypes)(ovrSession session);
+typedef ovrResult (OVR_PFN* pfn_ovr_SetControllerVibration)(ovrSession session, ovrControllerType controllerType, float frequency, float amplitude);
 enum {
-  ovrMaxLayerCount = 32
+  ovrMaxLayerCount = 16
 typedef enum {
   ovrLayerType_Disabled       = 0,
   ovrLayerType_EyeFov         = 1,
-  ovrLayerType_EyeFovDepth    = 2,
   ovrLayerType_Quad           = 3,
   ovrLayerType_EyeMatrix      = 5,
-  ovrLayerType_Direct         = 6,
   ovrLayerType_EnumSize       = 0x7fffffff
 } ovrLayerType;
 typedef enum {
   ovrLayerFlag_HighQuality               = 0x01,
   ovrLayerFlag_TextureOriginAtBottomLeft = 0x02,
   ovrLayerFlag_HeadLocked                = 0x04
 } ovrLayerFlags;
 typedef struct OVR_ALIGNAS(OVR_PTR_SIZE) {
-    ovrLayerType    Type;
-    unsigned        Flags;
+  ovrLayerType Type;
+  unsigned Flags;
 } ovrLayerHeader;
 typedef struct OVR_ALIGNAS(OVR_PTR_SIZE) {
-    ovrLayerHeader      Header;
-    ovrSwapTextureSet*  ColorTexture[ovrEye_Count];
-    ovrRecti            Viewport[ovrEye_Count];
-    ovrFovPort          Fov[ovrEye_Count];
-    ovrPosef            RenderPose[ovrEye_Count];
-    double              SensorSampleTime;
+  ovrLayerHeader Header;
+  ovrTextureSwapChain ColorTexture[ovrEye_Count];
+  ovrRecti Viewport[ovrEye_Count];
+  ovrFovPort Fov[ovrEye_Count];
+  ovrPosef RenderPose[ovrEye_Count];
+  double SensorSampleTime;
 } ovrLayerEyeFov;
 typedef struct OVR_ALIGNAS(OVR_PTR_SIZE) {
-  ovrLayerHeader      Header;
-  ovrSwapTextureSet*  ColorTexture[ovrEye_Count];
-  ovrRecti            Viewport[ovrEye_Count];
-  ovrFovPort          Fov[ovrEye_Count];
-  ovrPosef            RenderPose[ovrEye_Count];
-  double              SensorSampleTime;
-  ovrSwapTextureSet*  DepthTexture[ovrEye_Count];
-  ovrTimewarpProjectionDesc ProjectionDesc;
-} ovrLayerEyeFovDepth;
-typedef struct OVR_ALIGNAS(OVR_PTR_SIZE) {
-  ovrLayerHeader      Header;
-  ovrSwapTextureSet*  ColorTexture[ovrEye_Count];
-  ovrRecti            Viewport[ovrEye_Count];
-  ovrPosef            RenderPose[ovrEye_Count];
-  ovrMatrix4f         Matrix[ovrEye_Count];
-  double              SensorSampleTime;
+  ovrLayerHeader Header;
+  ovrTextureSwapChain ColorTexture[ovrEye_Count];
+  ovrRecti Viewport[ovrEye_Count];
+  ovrPosef RenderPose[ovrEye_Count];
+  ovrMatrix4f Matrix[ovrEye_Count];
+  double SensorSampleTime;
 } ovrLayerEyeMatrix;
 typedef struct OVR_ALIGNAS(OVR_PTR_SIZE) {
-  ovrLayerHeader      Header;
-  ovrSwapTextureSet*  ColorTexture;
-  ovrRecti            Viewport;
-  ovrPosef            QuadPoseCenter;
-  ovrVector2f         QuadSize;
+  ovrLayerHeader Header;
+  ovrTextureSwapChain ColorTexture;
+  ovrRecti Viewport;
+  ovrPosef QuadPoseCenter;
+  ovrVector2f QuadSize;
 } ovrLayerQuad;
-typedef struct OVR_ALIGNAS(OVR_PTR_SIZE) {
-  ovrLayerHeader      Header;
-  ovrSwapTextureSet*  ColorTexture[ovrEye_Count];
-  ovrRecti            Viewport[ovrEye_Count];
-} ovrLayerDirect;
 typedef union {
-  ovrLayerHeader      Header;
-  ovrLayerEyeFov      EyeFov;
-  ovrLayerEyeFovDepth EyeFovDepth;
-  ovrLayerQuad        Quad;
-  ovrLayerDirect      Direct;
+  ovrLayerHeader Header;
+  ovrLayerEyeFov EyeFov;
+  ovrLayerQuad Quad;
 } ovrLayer_Union;
-typedef void (OVR_PFN *pfn_ovr_DestroySwapTextureSet)(ovrSession session, ovrSwapTextureSet* textureSet);
-typedef void (OVR_PFN *pfn_ovr_DestroyMirrorTexture)(ovrSession session, ovrTexture* mirrorTexture);
-typedef ovrSizei (OVR_PFN *pfn_ovr_GetFovTextureSize)(ovrSession session, ovrEyeType eye, ovrFovPort fov, float pixelsPerDisplayPixel);
-typedef ovrEyeRenderDesc (OVR_PFN *pfn_ovr_GetRenderDesc)(ovrSession session, ovrEyeType eyeType, ovrFovPort fov);
-typedef ovrResult (OVR_PFN *pfn_ovr_SubmitFrame)(ovrSession session, unsigned int frameIndex,
-  const ovrViewScaleDesc* viewScaleDesc,
-  ovrLayerHeader const * const * layerPtrList, unsigned int layerCount);
-typedef double (OVR_PFN *pfn_ovr_GetPredictedDisplayTime)(ovrSession session, long long frameIndex);
-typedef double (OVR_PFN *pfn_ovr_GetTimeInSeconds)();
+typedef ovrResult (OVR_PFN* pfn_ovr_GetTextureSwapChainLength)(ovrSession session, ovrTextureSwapChain chain, int* out_Length);
+typedef ovrResult (OVR_PFN* pfn_ovr_GetTextureSwapChainCurrentIndex)(ovrSession session, ovrTextureSwapChain chain, int* out_Index);
+typedef ovrResult (OVR_PFN* pfn_ovr_GetTextureSwapChainDesc)(ovrSession session, ovrTextureSwapChain chain, ovrTextureSwapChainDesc* out_Desc);
+typedef ovrResult (OVR_PFN* pfn_ovr_CommitTextureSwapChain)(ovrSession session, ovrTextureSwapChain chain);
+typedef void (OVR_PFN* pfn_ovr_DestroyTextureSwapChain)(ovrSession session, ovrTextureSwapChain chain);
+typedef void (OVR_PFN* pfn_ovr_DestroyMirrorTexture)(ovrSession session, ovrMirrorTexture mirrorTexture);
+typedef ovrSizei(OVR_PFN* pfn_ovr_GetFovTextureSize)(ovrSession session, ovrEyeType eye, ovrFovPort fov, float pixelsPerDisplayPixel);
+typedef ovrEyeRenderDesc(OVR_PFN* pfn_ovr_GetRenderDesc)(ovrSession session, ovrEyeType eyeType, ovrFovPort fov);
+typedef ovrResult(OVR_PFN* pfn_ovr_SubmitFrame)(ovrSession session, unsigned int frameIndex,
+	const ovrViewScaleDesc* viewScaleDesc,
+	ovrLayerHeader const * const * layerPtrList, unsigned int layerCount);
+typedef double (OVR_PFN* pfn_ovr_GetPredictedDisplayTime)(ovrSession session, long long frameIndex);
+typedef double (OVR_PFN* pfn_ovr_GetTimeInSeconds)();
 typedef enum {
   ovrPerfHud_Off = 0,
-  ovrPerfHud_LatencyTiming = 1,
-  ovrPerfHud_RenderTiming = 2,
-  ovrPerfHud_PerfHeadroom = 3,
-  ovrPerfHud_VersionInfo = 4,
-  ovrPerfHud_Count,
+  ovrPerfHud_PerfSummary = 1,
+  ovrPerfHud_LatencyTiming = 2,
+  ovrPerfHud_AppRenderTiming = 3,
+  ovrPerfHud_CompRenderTiming = 4,
+  ovrPerfHud_VersionInfo = 5,
+  ovrPerfHud_Count = 6,
   ovrPerfHud_EnumSize = 0x7fffffff
 } ovrPerfHudMode;
 typedef enum {
   ovrLayerHud_Off = 0,
   ovrLayerHud_Info = 1,
   ovrLayerHud_EnumSize = 0x7fffffff
 } ovrLayerHudMode;
@@ -470,44 +524,47 @@ typedef enum {
   ovrDebugHudStereo_Off = 0,
   ovrDebugHudStereo_Quad = 1,
   ovrDebugHudStereo_QuadWithCrosshair = 2,
   ovrDebugHudStereo_CrosshairAtInfinity = 3,
   ovrDebugHudStereo_EnumSize = 0x7fffffff
 } ovrDebugHudStereoMode;
-typedef void (OVR_PFN *pfn_ovr_ResetBackOfHeadTracking)(ovrSession session);
-typedef void (OVR_PFN *pfn_ovr_ResetMulticameraTracking)(ovrSession session);
-typedef ovrBool (OVR_PFN *pfn_ovr_GetBool)(ovrSession session, const char* propertyName, ovrBool defaultVal);
-typedef ovrBool (OVR_PFN *pfn_ovr_SetBool)(ovrSession session, const char* propertyName, ovrBool value);
-typedef int (OVR_PFN *pfn_ovr_GetInt)(ovrSession session, const char* propertyName, int defaultVal);
-typedef ovrBool (OVR_PFN *pfn_ovr_SetInt)(ovrSession session, const char* propertyName, int value);
-typedef float (OVR_PFN *pfn_ovr_GetFloat)(ovrSession session, const char* propertyName, float defaultVal);
-typedef ovrBool (OVR_PFN *pfn_ovr_SetFloat)(ovrSession session, const char* propertyName, float value);
-typedef unsigned int (OVR_PFN *pfn_ovr_GetFloatArray)(ovrSession session, const char* propertyName,
+typedef ovrBool(OVR_PFN* pfn_ovr_GetBool)(ovrSession session, const char* propertyName, ovrBool defaultVal);
+typedef ovrBool(OVR_PFN* pfn_ovr_SetBool)(ovrSession session, const char* propertyName, ovrBool value); 
+typedef int (OVR_PFN* pfn_ovr_GetInt)(ovrSession session, const char* propertyName, int defaultVal);
+typedef ovrBool (OVR_PFN* pfn_ovr_SetInt)(ovrSession session, const char* propertyName, int value);
+typedef float (OVR_PFN* pfn_ovr_GetFloat)(ovrSession session, const char* propertyName, float defaultVal);
+typedef ovrBool (OVR_PFN* pfn_ovr_SetFloat)(ovrSession session, const char* propertyName, float value);
+typedef unsigned int (OVR_PFN* pfn_ovr_GetFloatArray)(ovrSession session, const char* propertyName,
   float values[], unsigned int valuesCapacity);
-typedef ovrBool (OVR_PFN *pfn_ovr_SetFloatArray)(ovrSession session, const char* propertyName,
+typedef ovrBool (OVR_PFN* pfn_ovr_SetFloatArray)(ovrSession session, const char* propertyName,
   const float values[], unsigned int valuesSize);
-typedef const char* (OVR_PFN *pfn_ovr_GetString)(ovrSession session, const char* propertyName,
+typedef const char* (OVR_PFN* pfn_ovr_GetString)(ovrSession session, const char* propertyName,
   const char* defaultVal);
-typedef ovrBool (OVR_PFN *pfn_ovr_SetString)(ovrSession session, const char* propertyName,
+typedef ovrBool (OVR_PFN* pfn_ovr_SetString)(ovrSession session, const char* propertyName,
   const char* value);
 typedef enum {
   ovrError_MemoryAllocationFailure = -1000,
   ovrError_SocketCreationFailure = -1001,
   ovrError_InvalidSession = -1002,
   ovrError_Timeout = -1003,
   ovrError_NotInitialized = -1004,
   ovrError_InvalidParameter = -1005,
   ovrError_ServiceError = -1006,
   ovrError_NoHmd = -1007,
+  ovrError_Unsupported = -1009,
+  ovrError_DeviceUnavailable = -1010,
+  ovrError_InvalidHeadsetOrientation = -1011,
+  ovrError_ClientSkippedDestroy = -1012,
+  ovrError_ClientSkippedShutdown = -1013,
   ovrError_AudioReservedBegin = -2000,
   ovrError_AudioDeviceNotFound = -2001,
   ovrError_AudioComError = -2002,
   ovrError_AudioReservedEnd = -2999,
   ovrError_Initialize = -3000,
   ovrError_LibLoad = -3001,
   ovrError_LibVersion = -3002,
   ovrError_ServiceConnection = -3003,
@@ -518,92 +575,110 @@ typedef enum {
   ovrError_Reinitialization = -3008,
   ovrError_MismatchedAdapters = -3009,
   ovrError_LeakingResources = -3010,
   ovrError_ClientVersion = -3011,
   ovrError_OutOfDateOS = -3012,
   ovrError_OutOfDateGfxDriver = -3013,
   ovrError_IncompatibleGPU = -3014,
   ovrError_NoValidVRDisplaySystem = -3015,
+  ovrError_Obsolete = -3016,
+  ovrError_DisabledOrDefaultAdapter = -3017,
+  ovrError_HybridGraphicsNotSupported = -3018,
+  ovrError_DisplayManagerInit = -3019,
+  ovrError_TrackerDriverInit = -3020,
   ovrError_InvalidBundleAdjustment = -4000,
   ovrError_USBBandwidth = -4001,
   ovrError_USBEnumeratedSpeed = -4002,
   ovrError_ImageSensorCommError = -4003,
   ovrError_GeneralTrackerFailure = -4004,
   ovrError_ExcessiveFrameTruncation = -4005,
   ovrError_ExcessiveFrameSkipping = -4006,
   ovrError_SyncDisconnected = -4007,
   ovrError_TrackerMemoryReadFailure = -4008,
   ovrError_TrackerMemoryWriteFailure = -4009,
   ovrError_TrackerFrameTimeout = -4010,
   ovrError_TrackerTruncatedFrame = -4011,
+  ovrError_TrackerDriverFailure = -4012,
+  ovrError_TrackerNRFFailure = -4013,
+  ovrError_HardwareGone = -4014,
+  ovrError_NordicEnabledNoSync = -4015,
+  ovrError_NordicSyncNoFrames = -4016,
+  ovrError_CatastrophicFailure = -4017,
   ovrError_HMDFirmwareMismatch = -4100,
   ovrError_TrackerFirmwareMismatch = -4101,
   ovrError_BootloaderDeviceDetected = -4102,
   ovrError_TrackerCalibrationError = -4103,
   ovrError_ControllerFirmwareMismatch = -4104,
+  ovrError_IMUTooManyLostSamples = -4200,
+  ovrError_IMURateError = -4201,
+  ovrError_FeatureReportFailure = -4202,
   ovrError_Incomplete = -5000,
   ovrError_Abandoned = -5001,
   ovrError_DisplayLost = -6000,
+  ovrError_TextureSwapChainFull = -6001,
+  ovrError_TextureSwapChainInvalid = -6002,
   ovrError_RuntimeException = -7000,
+  ovrError_MetricsUnknownApp = -90000,
+  ovrError_MetricsDuplicateApp = -90001,
+  ovrError_MetricsNoEvents = -90002,
+  ovrError_MetricsRuntime = -90003,
+  ovrError_MetricsFile = -90004,
+  ovrError_MetricsNoClientInfo = -90005,
+  ovrError_MetricsNoAppMetaData = -90006,
+  ovrError_MetricsNoApp = -90007,
+  ovrError_MetricsOafFailure = -90008,
+  ovrError_MetricsSessionAlreadyActive = -90009,
+  ovrError_MetricsSessionNotActive = -90010,
 } ovrErrorType;
 #ifdef XP_WIN
-struct D3D11_TEXTURE2D_DESC;
-struct ID3D11Device;
-struct ID3D11Texture2D;
-struct ID3D11ShaderResourceView;
+struct IUnknown;
-typedef struct OVR_ALIGNAS(OVR_PTR_SIZE) {
-    ovrTextureHeader          Header;
-    OVR_ON64(uint32_t pad0;)
-    ID3D11Texture2D*          pTexture;
-    ID3D11ShaderResourceView* pSRView;
-} ovrD3D11TextureData;
+typedef ovrResult (OVR_PFN* pfn_ovr_CreateTextureSwapChainDX)(ovrSession session,
+	IUnknown* d3dPtr,
+	const ovrTextureSwapChainDesc* desc,
+	ovrTextureSwapChain* out_TextureSwapChain);
-typedef union {
-    ovrTexture          Texture;
-    ovrD3D11TextureData D3D11;
-} ovrD3D11Texture;
-typedef enum {
-    ovrSwapTextureSetD3D11_Typeless = 0x0001,
-    ovrSwapTextureSetD3D11_EnumSize = 0x7fffffff
-} ovrSwapTextureSetD3D11Flags;
+typedef ovrResult (OVR_PFN* pfn_ovr_GetTextureSwapChainBufferDX)(ovrSession session,
+	ovrTextureSwapChain chain,
+	int index,
+	IID iid,
+	void** out_Buffer);
-typedef ovrResult (OVR_PFN *pfn_ovr_CreateSwapTextureSetD3D11)(ovrSession session, ID3D11Device* device,
-                                                               const D3D11_TEXTURE2D_DESC* desc,
-                                                               unsigned int miscFlags,
-                                                               ovrSwapTextureSet** outTextureSet);
+typedef ovrResult (OVR_PFN* pfn_ovr_CreateMirrorTextureDX)(ovrSession session,
+	IUnknown* d3dPtr,
+	const ovrMirrorTextureDesc* desc,
+	ovrMirrorTexture* out_MirrorTexture);
-typedef ovrResult (OVR_PFN *pfn_ovr_CreateMirrorTextureD3D11)(ovrSession session,
-                                                              ID3D11Device* device,
-                                                              const D3D11_TEXTURE2D_DESC* desc,
-                                                              unsigned int miscFlags,
-                                                              ovrTexture** outMirrorTexture);
+typedef ovrResult (OVR_PFN* pfn_ovr_GetMirrorTextureBufferDX)(ovrSession session,
+	ovrMirrorTexture mirrorTexture,
+	IID iid,
+	void** out_Buffer);
-typedef struct {
-    ovrTextureHeader Header;
-    uint32_t TexId;
-} ovrGLTextureData;
+typedef ovrResult (OVR_PFN* pfn_ovr_CreateTextureSwapChainGL)(ovrSession session,
+	const ovrTextureSwapChainDesc* desc,
+	ovrTextureSwapChain* out_TextureSwapChain);
-typedef union {
-    ovrTexture       Texture;
-    ovrGLTextureData OGL;
-} ovrGLTexture;
+typedef ovrResult (OVR_PFN* pfn_ovr_GetTextureSwapChainBufferGL)(ovrSession session,
+	ovrTextureSwapChain chain,
+	int index,
+	unsigned int* out_TexId);
-typedef ovrResult (OVR_PFN *pfn_ovr_CreateSwapTextureSetGL)(ovrSession session, uint32_t format,
-                                                            int width, int height,
-                                                            ovrSwapTextureSet** outTextureSet);
+typedef ovrResult (OVR_PFN* pfn_ovr_CreateMirrorTextureGL)(ovrSession session,
+	const ovrMirrorTextureDesc* desc,
+	ovrMirrorTexture* out_MirrorTexture);
-typedef ovrResult (OVR_PFN *pfn_ovr_CreateMirrorTextureGL)(ovrSession session, uint32_t format,
-                                                         int width, int height,
-                                                         ovrTexture** outMirrorTexture);
+typedef ovrResult (OVR_PFN* pfn_ovr_GetMirrorTextureBufferGL)(ovrSession session,
+	ovrMirrorTexture mirrorTexture,
+	unsigned int* out_TexId);
 #ifdef __cplusplus 
 #endif /* mozilla_ovr_capi_dynamic_h_ */
 #endif /* OVR_CAPI_h */