Bug 1208371 - Do image format conversion async in MediaPipeline. r?jesup draft
authorAndreas Pehrson <pehrsons@gmail.com>
Fri, 18 Mar 2016 11:01:26 +0100
changeset 347674 10951b2b86eef43072a1faf322e0185c687eaaa3
parent 347673 5b2d9f44f9c1eb292f25318bf38b826cefb4773d
child 517686 01067e8fcf57a8ce71eaf29ace2fe2a3b64b1165
push id14642
push userpehrsons@gmail.com
push dateTue, 05 Apr 2016 16:45:34 +0000
Bug 1208371 - Do image format conversion async in MediaPipeline. r?jesup This is necessary since frame conversion could stall the MediaStreamGraph, causing delay buildups and other junk. This passes frames to a TaskQueue that converts on its own thread pool and passes them on to VideoConduit when converted. If the TaskQueue already has some buffered tasks (3 for now) we will drop new frames coming in. MozReview-Commit-ID: FXQyN0LecrX
--- a/media/webrtc/signaling/src/mediapipeline/MediaPipeline.cpp
+++ b/media/webrtc/signaling/src/mediapipeline/MediaPipeline.cpp
@@ -39,16 +39,17 @@
 #include "transportflow.h"
 #include "transportlayer.h"
 #include "transportlayerdtls.h"
 #include "transportlayerice.h"
 #include "runnable_utils.h"
 #include "libyuv/convert.h"
 #include "mozilla/PeerIdentity.h"
+#include "mozilla/TaskQueue.h"
 #include "mozilla/gfx/Point.h"
 #include "mozilla/gfx/Types.h"
 #include "mozilla/UniquePtr.h"
 #include "mozilla/UniquePtrExtensions.h"
 #include "webrtc/common_types.h"
 #include "webrtc/common_video/interface/native_handle.h"
@@ -65,16 +66,420 @@ using namespace mozilla::dom;
 using namespace mozilla::gfx;
 using namespace mozilla::layers;
 // Logging context
 namespace mozilla {
+class VideoConverterListener
+  virtual void OnVideoFrameConverted(unsigned char* aVideoFrame,
+                                     unsigned int aVideoFrameLength,
+                                     unsigned short aWidth,
+                                     unsigned short aHeight,
+                                     VideoType aVideoType,
+                                     uint64_t aCaptureTime) = 0;
+  virtual void OnVideoFrameConverted(webrtc::I420VideoFrame& aVideoFrame) = 0;
+  virtual ~VideoConverterListener() {}
+// I420 buffer size macros
+#define YSIZE(x,y) ((x)*(y))
+#define CRSIZE(x,y) ((((x)+1) >> 1) * (((y)+1) >> 1))
+#define I420SIZE(x,y) (YSIZE((x),(y)) + 2 * CRSIZE((x),(y)))
+// An async video frame format converter.
+// Input is typically a MediaStream(Track)Listener driven by MediaStreamGraph.
+// We keep track of the size of the TaskQueue so we can drop frames if
+// conversion is taking too long.
+// Output is passed through to all added VideoConverterListeners on a TaskQueue
+// thread whenever a frame is converted.
+class VideoFrameConverter
+  VideoFrameConverter()
+    : mLength(0)
+    , last_img_(-1) // -1 is not a guaranteed invalid serial. See bug 1262134.
+    , disabled_frame_sent_(false)
+#ifdef DEBUG
+    , mThrottleCount(0)
+    , mThrottleRecord(0)
+    , mMutex("VideoFrameConverter")
+  {
+    MOZ_COUNT_CTOR(VideoFrameConverter);
+    RefPtr<SharedThreadPool> pool =
+      SharedThreadPool::Get(NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("VideoFrameConverter"));
+    mTaskQueue = MakeAndAddRef<TaskQueue>(pool.forget());
+  }
+  void QueueVideoChunk(VideoChunk& aChunk, bool aForceBlack)
+  {
+    // A throttling limit of 1 allows us to convert 2 frames concurrently.
+    // It's short enough to not build up too significant a delay, while
+    // giving us a margin to not cause some machines to drop every other frame.
+    const int32_t queueThrottlingLimit = 1;
+    if (mLength > queueThrottlingLimit) {
+      MOZ_MTLOG(ML_DEBUG, "VideoFrameConverter " << this << " queue is full." <<
+                          " Throttling by throwing away a frame.");
+#ifdef DEBUG
+      ++mThrottleCount;
+      mThrottleRecord = std::max(mThrottleCount, mThrottleRecord);
+      return;
+    }
+#ifdef DEBUG
+    if (mThrottleCount > 0) {
+      auto level = ML_DEBUG;
+      if (mThrottleCount > 5) {
+        // Log at a higher level when we have large drops.
+        level = ML_INFO;
+      }
+      MOZ_MTLOG(level, "VideoFrameConverter " << this << " stopped" <<
+                       " throttling after throwing away " << mThrottleCount <<
+                       " frames. Longest throttle so far was " <<
+                       mThrottleRecord << " frames.");
+      mThrottleCount = 0;
+    }
+    if (aChunk.IsNull()) {
+      return;
+    }
+    bool forceBlack = aForceBlack || aChunk.mFrame.GetForceBlack();
+    if (forceBlack) {
+      // Reset the last-img check.
+      // -1 is not a guaranteed invalid serial. See bug 1262134.
+      last_img_ = -1;
+      if (disabled_frame_sent_) {
+        // After disabling we just pass one black frame to the encoder.
+        // Allocating and setting it to black steals some performance
+        // that can be avoided. We don't handle resolution changes while
+        // disabled for now.
+        return;
+      }
+      disabled_frame_sent_ = true;
+    } else {
+      disabled_frame_sent_ = false;
+      // We get passed duplicate frames every ~10ms even with no frame change.
+      int32_t serial = aChunk.mFrame.GetImage()->GetSerial();
+      if (serial == last_img_) {
+        return;
+      }
+      last_img_ = serial;
+    }
+    ++mLength; // Atomic
+    nsCOMPtr<nsIRunnable> runnable =
+      NS_NewRunnableMethodWithArgs<StorensRefPtrPassByPtr<Image>, bool>(
+        this, &VideoFrameConverter::ProcessVideoFrame,
+        aChunk.mFrame.GetImage(), forceBlack);
+    mTaskQueue->Dispatch(runnable.forget());
+  }
+  void AddListener(VideoConverterListener* aListener)
+  {
+    MutexAutoLock lock(mMutex);
+    MOZ_ASSERT(!mListeners.Contains(aListener));
+    mListeners.AppendElement(aListener);
+  }
+  bool RemoveListener(VideoConverterListener* aListener)
+  {
+    MutexAutoLock lock(mMutex);
+    return mListeners.RemoveElement(aListener);
+  }
+  virtual ~VideoFrameConverter()
+  {
+    MOZ_COUNT_DTOR(VideoFrameConverter);
+    mTaskQueue->BeginShutdown();
+    mTaskQueue->AwaitShutdownAndIdle();
+  }
+  void VideoFrameConverted(unsigned char* aVideoFrame,
+                           unsigned int aVideoFrameLength,
+                           unsigned short aWidth,
+                           unsigned short aHeight,
+                           VideoType aVideoType,
+                           uint64_t aCaptureTime)
+  {
+    MutexAutoLock lock(mMutex);
+    for (RefPtr<VideoConverterListener>& listener : mListeners) {
+      listener->OnVideoFrameConverted(aVideoFrame, aVideoFrameLength,
+                                      aWidth, aHeight, aVideoType, aCaptureTime);
+    }
+  }
+  void VideoFrameConverted(webrtc::I420VideoFrame& aVideoFrame)
+  {
+    MutexAutoLock lock(mMutex);
+    for (RefPtr<VideoConverterListener>& listener : mListeners) {
+      listener->OnVideoFrameConverted(aVideoFrame);
+    }
+  }
+  void ProcessVideoFrame(Image* aImage, bool aForceBlack)
+  {
+    --mLength; // Atomic
+    MOZ_ASSERT(mLength >= 0);
+    if (aForceBlack) {
+      IntSize size = aImage->GetSize();
+      uint32_t yPlaneLen = YSIZE(size.width, size.height);
+      uint32_t cbcrPlaneLen = 2 * CRSIZE(size.width, size.height);
+      uint32_t length = yPlaneLen + cbcrPlaneLen;
+      // Send a black image.
+      auto pixelData = MakeUniqueFallible<uint8_t[]>(length);
+      if (pixelData) {
+        // YCrCb black = 0x10 0x80 0x80
+        memset(pixelData.get(), 0x10, yPlaneLen);
+        // Fill Cb/Cr planes
+        memset(pixelData.get() + yPlaneLen, 0x80, cbcrPlaneLen);
+        MOZ_MTLOG(ML_DEBUG, "Sending a black video frame");
+        VideoFrameConverted(pixelData.get(), length, size.width, size.height,
+                            mozilla::kVideoI420, 0);
+      }
+      return;
+    }
+    ImageFormat format = aImage->GetFormat();
+    GrallocImage* nativeImage = aImage->AsGrallocImage();
+    if (nativeImage) {
+      android::sp<android::GraphicBuffer> graphicBuffer = nativeImage->GetGraphicBuffer();
+      int pixelFormat = graphicBuffer->getPixelFormat(); /* PixelFormat is an enum == int */
+      mozilla::VideoType destFormat;
+      switch (pixelFormat) {
+        case HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_YV12:
+          // all android must support this
+          destFormat = mozilla::kVideoYV12;
+          break;
+        case GrallocImage::HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_YCbCr_420_SP:
+          destFormat = mozilla::kVideoNV21;
+          break;
+        case GrallocImage::HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_YCbCr_420_P:
+          destFormat = mozilla::kVideoI420;
+          break;
+        default:
+          // XXX Bug NNNNNNN
+          // use http://mxr.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/source/content/media/omx/I420ColorConverterHelper.cpp
+          // to convert unknown types (OEM-specific) to I420
+          MOZ_MTLOG(ML_ERROR, "Un-handled GRALLOC buffer type:" << pixelFormat);
+          MOZ_CRASH();
+      }
+      void *basePtr;
+      graphicBuffer->lock(android::GraphicBuffer::USAGE_SW_READ_MASK, &basePtr);
+      uint32_t width = graphicBuffer->getWidth();
+      uint32_t height = graphicBuffer->getHeight();
+      // XXX gralloc buffer's width and stride could be different depends on implementations.
+      if (destFormat != mozilla::kVideoI420) {
+        unsigned char *video_frame = static_cast<unsigned char*>(basePtr);
+        webrtc::I420VideoFrame i420_frame;
+        int stride_y = width;
+        int stride_uv = (width + 1) / 2;
+        int target_width = width;
+        int target_height = height;
+        if (i420_frame.CreateEmptyFrame(target_width,
+                                        abs(target_height),
+                                        stride_y,
+                                        stride_uv, stride_uv) < 0) {
+          MOZ_ASSERT(false, "Can't allocate empty i420frame");
+          return;
+        }
+        webrtc::VideoType commonVideoType =
+          webrtc::RawVideoTypeToCommonVideoVideoType(
+            static_cast<webrtc::RawVideoType>((int)destFormat));
+        if (ConvertToI420(commonVideoType, video_frame, 0, 0, width, height,
+                          I420SIZE(width, height), webrtc::kVideoRotation_0,
+                          &i420_frame)) {
+          MOZ_ASSERT(false, "Can't convert video type for sending to I420");
+          return;
+        }
+        i420_frame.set_ntp_time_ms(0);
+        VideoFrameConverted(i420_frame);
+      } else {
+        VideoFrameConverted(static_cast<unsigned char*>(basePtr),
+                            I420SIZE(width, height),
+                            width,
+                            height,
+                            destFormat, 0);
+      }
+      graphicBuffer->unlock();
+      return;
+    } else
+    if (format == ImageFormat::PLANAR_YCBCR) {
+      // Cast away constness b/c some of the accessors are non-const
+      PlanarYCbCrImage* yuv = const_cast<PlanarYCbCrImage *>(
+          static_cast<const PlanarYCbCrImage *>(aImage));
+      const PlanarYCbCrData *data = yuv->GetData();
+      if (data) {
+        uint8_t *y = data->mYChannel;
+        uint8_t *cb = data->mCbChannel;
+        uint8_t *cr = data->mCrChannel;
+        uint32_t width = yuv->GetSize().width;
+        uint32_t height = yuv->GetSize().height;
+        uint32_t length = yuv->GetDataSize();
+        // NOTE: length may be rounded up or include 'other' data (see
+        // YCbCrImageDataDeserializerBase::ComputeMinBufferSize())
+        // XXX Consider modifying these checks if we ever implement
+        // any subclasses of PlanarYCbCrImage that allow disjoint buffers such
+        // that y+3(width*height)/2 might go outside the allocation or there are
+        // pads between y, cr and cb.
+        // GrallocImage can have wider strides, and so in some cases
+        // would encode as garbage.  If we need to encode it we'll either want to
+        // modify SendVideoFrame or copy/move the data in the buffer.
+        if (cb == (y + YSIZE(width, height)) &&
+            cr == (cb + CRSIZE(width, height)) &&
+            length >= I420SIZE(width, height)) {
+          MOZ_MTLOG(ML_DEBUG, "Sending an I420 video frame");
+          VideoFrameConverted(y, I420SIZE(width, height), width, height, mozilla::kVideoI420, 0);
+          return;
+        } else {
+          MOZ_MTLOG(ML_ERROR, "Unsupported PlanarYCbCrImage format: "
+                              "width=" << width << ", height=" << height << ", y=" << y
+                              << "\n  Expected: cb=y+" << YSIZE(width, height)
+                                          << ", cr=y+" << YSIZE(width, height)
+                                                        + CRSIZE(width, height)
+                              << "\n  Observed: cb=y+" << cb - y
+                                          << ", cr=y+" << cr - y
+                              << "\n            ystride=" << data->mYStride
+                                          << ", yskip=" << data->mYSkip
+                              << "\n            cbcrstride=" << data->mCbCrStride
+                                          << ", cbskip=" << data->mCbSkip
+                                          << ", crskip=" << data->mCrSkip
+                              << "\n            ywidth=" << data->mYSize.width
+                                          << ", yheight=" << data->mYSize.height
+                              << "\n            cbcrwidth=" << data->mCbCrSize.width
+                                          << ", cbcrheight=" << data->mCbCrSize.height);
+          NS_ASSERTION(false, "Unsupported PlanarYCbCrImage format");
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    RefPtr<SourceSurface> surf = aImage->GetAsSourceSurface();
+    if (!surf) {
+      MOZ_MTLOG(ML_ERROR, "Getting surface from " << Stringify(format) << " image failed");
+      return;
+    }
+    RefPtr<DataSourceSurface> data = surf->GetDataSurface();
+    if (!data) {
+      MOZ_MTLOG(ML_ERROR, "Getting data surface from " << Stringify(format)
+                          << " image with " << Stringify(surf->GetType()) << "("
+                          << Stringify(surf->GetFormat()) << ") surface failed");
+      return;
+    }
+    IntSize size = aImage->GetSize();
+    int half_width = (size.width + 1) >> 1;
+    int half_height = (size.height + 1) >> 1;
+    int c_size = half_width * half_height;
+    int buffer_size = YSIZE(size.width, size.height) + 2 * c_size;
+    auto yuv_scoped = MakeUniqueFallible<uint8[]>(buffer_size);
+    if (!yuv_scoped) {
+      return;
+    }
+    uint8* yuv = yuv_scoped.get();
+    DataSourceSurface::ScopedMap map(data, DataSourceSurface::READ);
+    if (!map.IsMapped()) {
+      MOZ_MTLOG(ML_ERROR, "Reading DataSourceSurface from " << Stringify(format)
+                          << " image with " << Stringify(surf->GetType()) << "("
+                          << Stringify(surf->GetFormat()) << ") surface failed");
+      return;
+    }
+    int rv;
+    int cb_offset = YSIZE(size.width, size.height);
+    int cr_offset = cb_offset + c_size;
+    switch (surf->GetFormat()) {
+      case SurfaceFormat::B8G8R8A8:
+      case SurfaceFormat::B8G8R8X8:
+        rv = libyuv::ARGBToI420(static_cast<uint8*>(map.GetData()),
+                                map.GetStride(),
+                                yuv, size.width,
+                                yuv + cb_offset, half_width,
+                                yuv + cr_offset, half_width,
+                                size.width, size.height);
+        break;
+      case SurfaceFormat::R5G6B5_UINT16:
+        rv = libyuv::RGB565ToI420(static_cast<uint8*>(map.GetData()),
+                                  map.GetStride(),
+                                  yuv, size.width,
+                                  yuv + cb_offset, half_width,
+                                  yuv + cr_offset, half_width,
+                                  size.width, size.height);
+        break;
+      default:
+        MOZ_MTLOG(ML_ERROR, "Unsupported RGB video format" << Stringify(surf->GetFormat()));
+        return;
+    }
+    if (rv != 0) {
+      MOZ_MTLOG(ML_ERROR, Stringify(surf->GetFormat()) << " to I420 conversion failed");
+      return;
+    }
+    MOZ_MTLOG(ML_DEBUG, "Sending an I420 video frame converted from " <<
+                        Stringify(surf->GetFormat()));
+    VideoFrameConverted(yuv, buffer_size, size.width, size.height, mozilla::kVideoI420, 0);
+  }
+  Atomic<int32_t, Relaxed> mLength;
+  RefPtr<TaskQueue> mTaskQueue;
+  // Written and read from the queueing thread (normally MSG).
+  int32_t last_img_; // serial number of last Image
+  bool disabled_frame_sent_; // If a black frame has been sent after disabling.
+#ifdef DEBUG
+  uint32_t mThrottleCount;
+  uint32_t mThrottleRecord;
+  // mMutex guards the below variables.
+  Mutex mMutex;
+  nsTArray<RefPtr<VideoConverterListener>> mListeners;
 static char kDTLSExporterLabel[] = "EXTRACTOR-dtls_srtp";
 MediaPipeline::MediaPipeline(const std::string& pc,
                              Direction direction,
                              nsCOMPtr<nsIEventTarget> main_thread,
                              nsCOMPtr<nsIEventTarget> sts_thread,
                              const std::string& track_id,
                              int level,
@@ -691,24 +1096,18 @@ friend class MediaPipelineTransmit;
   explicit PipelineListener(const RefPtr<MediaSessionConduit>& conduit)
     : conduit_(conduit),
-      disabled_frame_sent_(false),
-    , last_img_(-1)
     if (NS_IsMainThread()) {
       // This would happen if the cycle collector is destructing us, in which
       // case it'd be too late to dispatch something to main thread anyway.
@@ -729,16 +1128,41 @@ public:
   // graph thread to keep it in sync with other MediaStreamGraph operations
   // like RemoveListener() and AddListener(). The TrackID will be updated on
   // the next NewData() callback.
   void UnsetTrackId(MediaStreamGraphImpl* graph);
   void SetActive(bool active) { active_ = active; }
   void SetEnabled(bool enabled) { enabled_ = enabled; }
+  void SetVideoFrameConverter(const RefPtr<VideoFrameConverter>& converter)
+  {
+    converter_ = converter;
+  }
+  void OnVideoFrameConverted(unsigned char* aVideoFrame,
+                             unsigned int aVideoFrameLength,
+                             unsigned short aWidth,
+                             unsigned short aHeight,
+                             VideoType aVideoType,
+                             uint64_t aCaptureTime)
+  {
+    MOZ_ASSERT(conduit_->type() == MediaSessionConduit::VIDEO);
+    static_cast<VideoSessionConduit*>(conduit_.get())->SendVideoFrame(
+      aVideoFrame, aVideoFrameLength, aWidth, aHeight, aVideoType, aCaptureTime);
+  }
+  void OnVideoFrameConverted(webrtc::I420VideoFrame& aVideoFrame)
+  {
+    MOZ_ASSERT(conduit_->type() == MediaSessionConduit::VIDEO);
+    static_cast<VideoSessionConduit*>(conduit_.get())->SendVideoFrame(aVideoFrame);
+  }
   // Implement MediaStreamTrackListener
   void NotifyQueuedChanges(MediaStreamGraph* aGraph,
                            StreamTime aTrackOffset,
                            const MediaSegment& aQueuedMedia) override;
   // Implement MediaStreamTrackDirectListener
   void NotifyRealtimeTrackData(MediaStreamGraph* aGraph,
                                StreamTime aTrackOffset,
@@ -753,63 +1177,144 @@ private:
   void NewData(MediaStreamGraph* graph,
                StreamTime offset,
                const MediaSegment& media);
   virtual void ProcessAudioChunk(AudioSessionConduit *conduit,
                                  TrackRate rate, AudioChunk& chunk);
+  RefPtr<MediaSessionConduit> conduit_;
-  virtual void ProcessVideoChunk(VideoSessionConduit *conduit,
-                                 VideoChunk& chunk);
-  RefPtr<MediaSessionConduit> conduit_;
+  RefPtr<VideoFrameConverter> converter_;
   // May be TRACK_INVALID until we see data from the track
   TrackID track_id_; // this is the current TrackID this listener is attached to
   Mutex mMutex;
   // protected by mMutex
   // May be TRACK_INVALID until we see data from the track
   TrackID track_id_external_; // this is queried from other threads
   // active is true if there is a transport to send on
   mozilla::Atomic<bool> active_;
   // enabled is true if the media access control permits sending
   // actual content; when false you get black/silence
   mozilla::Atomic<bool> enabled_;
   // Written and read on the MediaStreamGraph thread
-  bool disabled_frame_sent_;
   bool direct_connect_;
   nsAutoPtr<AudioPacketizer<int16_t, int16_t>> packetizer_;
-  int32_t last_img_; // serial number of last Image
+// Implements VideoConverterListener for MediaPipeline.
+// We pass converted frames on to MediaPipelineTransmit::PipelineListener
+// where they are further forwarded to VideoConduit.
+// MediaPipelineTransmit calls Detach() during shutdown to ensure there is
+// no cyclic dependencies between us and PipelineListener.
+class MediaPipelineTransmit::VideoFrameFeeder
+  : public VideoConverterListener
+  explicit VideoFrameFeeder(const RefPtr<PipelineListener>& listener)
+    : listener_(listener),
+      mutex_("VideoFrameFeeder")
+  {
+    MOZ_COUNT_CTOR(VideoFrameFeeder);
+  }
+  void Detach()
+  {
+    MutexAutoLock lock(mutex_);
+    listener_ = nullptr;
+  }
+  void OnVideoFrameConverted(unsigned char* aVideoFrame,
+                             unsigned int aVideoFrameLength,
+                             unsigned short aWidth,
+                             unsigned short aHeight,
+                             VideoType aVideoType,
+                             uint64_t aCaptureTime) override
+  {
+    MutexAutoLock lock(mutex_);
+    if (!listener_) {
+      return;
+    }
+    listener_->OnVideoFrameConverted(aVideoFrame, aVideoFrameLength,
+                                     aWidth, aHeight, aVideoType, aCaptureTime);
+  }
+  void OnVideoFrameConverted(webrtc::I420VideoFrame& aVideoFrame) override
+  {
+    MutexAutoLock lock(mutex_);
+    if (!listener_) {
+      return;
+    }
+    listener_->OnVideoFrameConverted(aVideoFrame);
+  }
+  virtual ~VideoFrameFeeder()
+  {
+    MOZ_COUNT_DTOR(VideoFrameFeeder);
+  }
+  RefPtr<PipelineListener> listener_;
+  Mutex mutex_;
     const std::string& pc,
     nsCOMPtr<nsIEventTarget> main_thread,
     nsCOMPtr<nsIEventTarget> sts_thread,
     dom::MediaStreamTrack* domtrack,
     const std::string& track_id,
     int level,
     RefPtr<MediaSessionConduit> conduit,
     RefPtr<TransportFlow> rtp_transport,
     RefPtr<TransportFlow> rtcp_transport,
     nsAutoPtr<MediaPipelineFilter> filter) :
   MediaPipeline(pc, TRANSMIT, main_thread, sts_thread, track_id, level,
                 conduit, rtp_transport, rtcp_transport, filter),
   listener_(new PipelineListener(conduit)),
+  if (IsVideo()) {
+    // For video we send frames to an async VideoFrameConverter that calls
+    // back to a VideoFrameFeeder that feeds I420 frames to VideoConduit.
+    feeder_ = MakeAndAddRef<VideoFrameFeeder>(listener_);
+    converter_ = MakeAndAddRef<VideoFrameConverter>();
+    converter_->AddListener(feeder_);
+    listener_->SetVideoFrameConverter(converter_);
+  }
+  if (feeder_) {
+    feeder_->Detach();
+  }
 nsresult MediaPipelineTransmit::Init() {
   return MediaPipeline::Init();
 void MediaPipelineTransmit::AttachToTrack(const std::string& track_id) {
@@ -1110,21 +1615,16 @@ NotifyDirectListenerInstalled(Installati
 void MediaPipelineTransmit::PipelineListener::
 NotifyDirectListenerUninstalled() {
   MOZ_MTLOG(ML_INFO, "MediaPipeline::NotifyDirectListenerUninstalled() listener=" << this);
   direct_connect_ = false;
-// I420 buffer size macros
-#define YSIZE(x,y) ((x)*(y))
-#define CRSIZE(x,y) ((((x)+1) >> 1) * (((y)+1) >> 1))
-#define I420SIZE(x,y) (YSIZE((x),(y)) + 2 * CRSIZE((x),(y)))
 void MediaPipelineTransmit::PipelineListener::
 NewData(MediaStreamGraph* graph,
         StreamTime offset,
         const MediaSegment& media) {
   if (!active_) {
     MOZ_MTLOG(ML_DEBUG, "Discarding packets because transport not ready");
@@ -1158,18 +1658,17 @@ NewData(MediaStreamGraph* graph,
   } else if (media.GetType() == MediaSegment::VIDEO) {
     VideoSegment* video = const_cast<VideoSegment *>(
         static_cast<const VideoSegment *>(&media));
     VideoSegment::ChunkIterator iter(*video);
     while(!iter.IsEnded()) {
-      ProcessVideoChunk(static_cast<VideoSessionConduit*>(conduit_.get()),
-                        *iter);
+      converter_->QueueVideoChunk(*iter, !enabled_);
   } else {
     // Ignore
@@ -1239,253 +1738,16 @@ void MediaPipelineTransmit::PipelineList
                             rate, 0);
-void MediaPipelineTransmit::PipelineListener::ProcessVideoChunk(
-    VideoSessionConduit* conduit,
-    VideoChunk& chunk) {
-  Image *img = chunk.mFrame.GetImage();
-  // We now need to send the video frame to the other side
-  if (!img) {
-    // segment.AppendFrame() allows null images, which show up here as null
-    return;
-  }
-  if (!enabled_ || chunk.mFrame.GetForceBlack()) {
-    if (disabled_frame_sent_) {
-      // After disabling we just pass one black frame to the encoder.
-      // Allocating and setting it to black takes time so in some conditions
-      // that might affect MSG performance.
-      return;
-    }
-    IntSize size = img->GetSize();
-    uint32_t yPlaneLen = YSIZE(size.width, size.height);
-    uint32_t cbcrPlaneLen = 2 * CRSIZE(size.width, size.height);
-    uint32_t length = yPlaneLen + cbcrPlaneLen;
-    // Send a black image.
-    auto pixelData = MakeUniqueFallible<uint8_t[]>(length);
-    if (pixelData) {
-      // YCrCb black = 0x10 0x80 0x80
-      memset(pixelData.get(), 0x10, yPlaneLen);
-      // Fill Cb/Cr planes
-      memset(pixelData.get() + yPlaneLen, 0x80, cbcrPlaneLen);
-      MOZ_MTLOG(ML_DEBUG, "Sending a black video frame");
-      conduit->SendVideoFrame(pixelData.get(), length, size.width, size.height,
-                              mozilla::kVideoI420, 0);
-      disabled_frame_sent_ = true;
-    }
-    return;
-  }
-  disabled_frame_sent_ = false;
-  // We get passed duplicate frames every ~10ms even if there's no frame change!
-  int32_t serial = img->GetSerial();
-  if (serial == last_img_) {
-    return;
-  }
-  last_img_ = serial;
-  ImageFormat format = img->GetFormat();
-  GrallocImage* nativeImage = img->AsGrallocImage();
-  if (nativeImage) {
-    android::sp<android::GraphicBuffer> graphicBuffer = nativeImage->GetGraphicBuffer();
-    int pixelFormat = graphicBuffer->getPixelFormat(); /* PixelFormat is an enum == int */
-    mozilla::VideoType destFormat;
-    switch (pixelFormat) {
-      case HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_YV12:
-        // all android must support this
-        destFormat = mozilla::kVideoYV12;
-        break;
-      case GrallocImage::HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_YCbCr_420_SP:
-        destFormat = mozilla::kVideoNV21;
-        break;
-      case GrallocImage::HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_YCbCr_420_P:
-        destFormat = mozilla::kVideoI420;
-        break;
-      default:
-        // XXX Bug NNNNNNN
-        // use http://mxr.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/source/content/media/omx/I420ColorConverterHelper.cpp
-        // to convert unknown types (OEM-specific) to I420
-        MOZ_MTLOG(ML_ERROR, "Un-handled GRALLOC buffer type:" << pixelFormat);
-        MOZ_CRASH();
-    }
-    void *basePtr;
-    graphicBuffer->lock(android::GraphicBuffer::USAGE_SW_READ_MASK, &basePtr);
-    uint32_t width = graphicBuffer->getWidth();
-    uint32_t height = graphicBuffer->getHeight();
-    // XXX gralloc buffer's width and stride could be different depends on implementations.
-    if (destFormat != mozilla::kVideoI420) {
-      unsigned char *video_frame = static_cast<unsigned char*>(basePtr);
-      webrtc::I420VideoFrame i420_frame;
-      int stride_y = width;
-      int stride_uv = (width + 1) / 2;
-      int target_width = width;
-      int target_height = height;
-      if (i420_frame.CreateEmptyFrame(target_width,
-                                      abs(target_height),
-                                      stride_y,
-                                      stride_uv, stride_uv) < 0) {
-        MOZ_ASSERT(false, "Can't allocate empty i420frame");
-        return;
-      }
-      webrtc::VideoType commonVideoType =
-        webrtc::RawVideoTypeToCommonVideoVideoType(
-          static_cast<webrtc::RawVideoType>((int)destFormat));
-      if (ConvertToI420(commonVideoType, video_frame, 0, 0, width, height,
-                        I420SIZE(width, height), webrtc::kVideoRotation_0,
-                        &i420_frame)) {
-        MOZ_ASSERT(false, "Can't convert video type for sending to I420");
-        return;
-      }
-      i420_frame.set_ntp_time_ms(0);
-      conduit->SendVideoFrame(i420_frame);
-    } else {
-      conduit->SendVideoFrame(static_cast<unsigned char*>(basePtr),
-                              I420SIZE(width, height),
-                              width,
-                              height,
-                              destFormat, 0);
-    }
-    graphicBuffer->unlock();
-    return;
-  } else
-  if (format == ImageFormat::PLANAR_YCBCR) {
-    // Cast away constness b/c some of the accessors are non-const
-    PlanarYCbCrImage* yuv = const_cast<PlanarYCbCrImage *>(
-        static_cast<const PlanarYCbCrImage *>(img));
-    const PlanarYCbCrData *data = yuv->GetData();
-    if (data) {
-      uint8_t *y = data->mYChannel;
-      uint8_t *cb = data->mCbChannel;
-      uint8_t *cr = data->mCrChannel;
-      uint32_t width = yuv->GetSize().width;
-      uint32_t height = yuv->GetSize().height;
-      uint32_t length = yuv->GetDataSize();
-      // NOTE: length may be rounded up or include 'other' data (see
-      // YCbCrImageDataDeserializerBase::ComputeMinBufferSize())
-      // XXX Consider modifying these checks if we ever implement
-      // any subclasses of PlanarYCbCrImage that allow disjoint buffers such
-      // that y+3(width*height)/2 might go outside the allocation or there are
-      // pads between y, cr and cb.
-      // GrallocImage can have wider strides, and so in some cases
-      // would encode as garbage.  If we need to encode it we'll either want to
-      // modify SendVideoFrame or copy/move the data in the buffer.
-      if (cb == (y + YSIZE(width, height)) &&
-          cr == (cb + CRSIZE(width, height)) &&
-          length >= I420SIZE(width, height)) {
-        MOZ_MTLOG(ML_DEBUG, "Sending an I420 video frame");
-        conduit->SendVideoFrame(y, I420SIZE(width, height), width, height, mozilla::kVideoI420, 0);
-        return;
-      } else {
-        MOZ_MTLOG(ML_ERROR, "Unsupported PlanarYCbCrImage format: "
-                            "width=" << width << ", height=" << height << ", y=" << y
-                            << "\n  Expected: cb=y+" << YSIZE(width, height)
-                                        << ", cr=y+" << YSIZE(width, height)
-                                                      + CRSIZE(width, height)
-                            << "\n  Observed: cb=y+" << cb - y
-                                        << ", cr=y+" << cr - y
-                            << "\n            ystride=" << data->mYStride
-                                        << ", yskip=" << data->mYSkip
-                            << "\n            cbcrstride=" << data->mCbCrStride
-                                        << ", cbskip=" << data->mCbSkip
-                                        << ", crskip=" << data->mCrSkip
-                            << "\n            ywidth=" << data->mYSize.width
-                                        << ", yheight=" << data->mYSize.height
-                            << "\n            cbcrwidth=" << data->mCbCrSize.width
-                                        << ", cbcrheight=" << data->mCbCrSize.height);
-        NS_ASSERTION(false, "Unsupported PlanarYCbCrImage format");
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  RefPtr<SourceSurface> surf = img->GetAsSourceSurface();
-  if (!surf) {
-    MOZ_MTLOG(ML_ERROR, "Getting surface from " << Stringify(format) << " image failed");
-    return;
-  }
-  RefPtr<DataSourceSurface> data = surf->GetDataSurface();
-  if (!data) {
-    MOZ_MTLOG(ML_ERROR, "Getting data surface from " << Stringify(format)
-                        << " image with " << Stringify(surf->GetType()) << "("
-                        << Stringify(surf->GetFormat()) << ") surface failed");
-    return;
-  }
-  IntSize size = img->GetSize();
-  int half_width = (size.width + 1) >> 1;
-  int half_height = (size.height + 1) >> 1;
-  int c_size = half_width * half_height;
-  int buffer_size = YSIZE(size.width, size.height) + 2 * c_size;
-  auto yuv_scoped = MakeUniqueFallible<uint8[]>(buffer_size);
-  if (!yuv_scoped)
-    return;
-  uint8* yuv = yuv_scoped.get();
-  DataSourceSurface::ScopedMap map(data, DataSourceSurface::READ);
-  if (!map.IsMapped()) {
-    MOZ_MTLOG(ML_ERROR, "Reading DataSourceSurface from " << Stringify(format)
-                        << " image with " << Stringify(surf->GetType()) << "("
-                        << Stringify(surf->GetFormat()) << ") surface failed");
-    return;
-  }
-  int rv;
-  int cb_offset = YSIZE(size.width, size.height);
-  int cr_offset = cb_offset + c_size;
-  switch (surf->GetFormat()) {
-    case SurfaceFormat::B8G8R8A8:
-    case SurfaceFormat::B8G8R8X8:
-      rv = libyuv::ARGBToI420(static_cast<uint8*>(map.GetData()),
-                              map.GetStride(),
-                              yuv, size.width,
-                              yuv + cb_offset, half_width,
-                              yuv + cr_offset, half_width,
-                              size.width, size.height);
-      break;
-    case SurfaceFormat::R5G6B5_UINT16:
-      rv = libyuv::RGB565ToI420(static_cast<uint8*>(map.GetData()),
-                                map.GetStride(),
-                                yuv, size.width,
-                                yuv + cb_offset, half_width,
-                                yuv + cr_offset, half_width,
-                                size.width, size.height);
-      break;
-    default:
-      MOZ_MTLOG(ML_ERROR, "Unsupported RGB video format" << Stringify(surf->GetFormat()));
-      return;
-  }
-  if (rv != 0) {
-    MOZ_MTLOG(ML_ERROR, Stringify(surf->GetFormat()) << " to I420 conversion failed");
-    return;
-  }
-  MOZ_MTLOG(ML_DEBUG, "Sending an I420 video frame converted from " <<
-                      Stringify(surf->GetFormat()));
-  conduit->SendVideoFrame(yuv, buffer_size, size.width, size.height, mozilla::kVideoI420, 0);
 class TrackAddedCallback {
   virtual void TrackAdded(TrackTicks current_ticks) = 0;
   virtual ~TrackAddedCallback() {}
--- a/media/webrtc/signaling/src/mediapipeline/MediaPipeline.h
+++ b/media/webrtc/signaling/src/mediapipeline/MediaPipeline.h
@@ -25,16 +25,19 @@
 #include "webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/interface/rtp_header_parser.h"
 class nsIPrincipal;
 namespace mozilla {
 class MediaPipelineFilter;
 class PeerIdentity;
+class VideoFrameConverter;
 namespace dom {
   class MediaStreamTrack;
 } // namespace dom
 class SourceMediaStream;
@@ -327,21 +330,29 @@ public:
   nsresult TransportReady_s(TransportInfo &info) override;
   // Replace a track with a different one
   // In non-compliance with the likely final spec, allow the new
   // track to be part of a different stream (since we don't support
   // multiple tracks of a type in a stream yet).  bug 1056650
   virtual nsresult ReplaceTrack(dom::MediaStreamTrack& domtrack);
-  // Separate class to allow ref counting
+  // Separate classes to allow ref counting
   class PipelineListener;
+  class VideoFrameFeeder;
+ protected:
+  ~MediaPipelineTransmit();
   RefPtr<PipelineListener> listener_;
+  RefPtr<VideoFrameFeeder> feeder_;
+  RefPtr<VideoFrameConverter> converter_;
   dom::MediaStreamTrack* domtrack_;
 // A specialization of pipeline for reading from the network and
 // rendering video.
 class MediaPipelineReceive : public MediaPipeline {