Bug 1252501 - Coalesce topsites position with rowid to ensure a valid position r=rnewman draft
authorAndrzej Hunt <ahunt@mozilla.com>
Tue, 01 Mar 2016 14:00:22 -0800
changeset 336137 ca54f9ff95e125628f2399caac2b564e5fa7941c
parent 335909 9aefc0d2d3b4e787b94fb88469d04f100ef32754
child 515320 327090fe00d450f72278ac7f4726ea98d2e4bbd4
push id11988
push userahunt@mozilla.com
push dateWed, 02 Mar 2016 17:13:21 +0000
Bug 1252501 - Coalesce topsites position with rowid to ensure a valid position r=rnewman MozReview-Commit-ID: BFcs3sUT0Ff
--- a/mobile/android/base/java/org/mozilla/gecko/db/BrowserProvider.java
+++ b/mobile/android/base/java/org/mozilla/gecko/db/BrowserProvider.java
@@ -7,16 +7,17 @@ package org.mozilla.gecko.db;
 import java.util.ArrayList;
 import java.util.Collections;
 import java.util.HashMap;
 import java.util.Map;
 import org.mozilla.gecko.AboutPages;
 import org.mozilla.gecko.GeckoProfile;
+import org.mozilla.gecko.R;
 import org.mozilla.gecko.db.BrowserContract.Bookmarks;
 import org.mozilla.gecko.db.BrowserContract.Combined;
 import org.mozilla.gecko.db.BrowserContract.FaviconColumns;
 import org.mozilla.gecko.db.BrowserContract.Favicons;
 import org.mozilla.gecko.db.BrowserContract.History;
 import org.mozilla.gecko.db.BrowserContract.Schema;
 import org.mozilla.gecko.db.BrowserContract.Tabs;
 import org.mozilla.gecko.db.BrowserContract.Thumbnails;
@@ -689,82 +690,79 @@ public class BrowserProvider extends Sha
         // tricks to generate these:
         // 1. The list of free ids is small, hence we can do a self-join to generate rowids.
         // 2. The topsites list is larger, hence we use a temporary table, which automatically provides rowids.
         final SQLiteDatabase db = getWritableDatabase(uri);
         final String TABLE_TOPSITES = "topsites";
-        final String totalLimit = uri.getQueryParameter(BrowserContract.PARAM_LIMIT);
-        final String suggestedGridLimit = uri.getQueryParameter(BrowserContract.PARAM_SUGGESTEDSITES_LIMIT);
+        final String limitParam = uri.getQueryParameter(BrowserContract.PARAM_LIMIT);
+        final String gridLimitParam = uri.getQueryParameter(BrowserContract.PARAM_SUGGESTEDSITES_LIMIT);
-        final String[] suggestedGridLimitArgs = new String[] {
-                suggestedGridLimit
-        };
+        final int totalLimit;
+        final int suggestedGridLimit;
-        final String[] totalLimitArgs = new String[] {
-                totalLimit
-        };
+        if (limitParam == null) {
+            totalLimit = 50;
+        } else {
+            totalLimit = Integer.parseInt(limitParam, 10);
+        }
-        final String pinnedSitesFromClause = "FROM " + TABLE_BOOKMARKS + " WHERE " + Bookmarks.PARENT + " == ?";
-        final String[] pinnedSitesArgs = new String[] {
-                String.valueOf(Bookmarks.FIXED_PINNED_LIST_ID)
-        };
+        if (gridLimitParam == null) {
+            suggestedGridLimit = getContext().getResources().getInteger(R.integer.number_of_top_sites);
+        } else {
+            suggestedGridLimit = Integer.parseInt(gridLimitParam, 10);
+        }
+        final String pinnedSitesFromClause = "FROM " + TABLE_BOOKMARKS + " WHERE " + Bookmarks.PARENT + " == " + Bookmarks.FIXED_PINNED_LIST_ID;
         // Ideally we'd use a recursive CTE to generate our sequence, e.g. something like this worked at one point:
         // " WITH RECURSIVE" +
         // " cnt(x) AS (VALUES(1) UNION ALL SELECT x+1 FROM cnt WHERE x < 6)" +
         // However that requires SQLite >= 3.8.3 (available on Android >= 5.0), so in the meantime
         // we use a temporary numbers table.
         // Note: SQLite rowids are 1-indexed, whereas we're expecting 0-indexed values for the position. Our numbers
         // table starts at position = 0, which ensures the correct results here.
         final String freeIDSubquery =
                 " SELECT count(free_ids.position) + 1 AS rowid, numbers.position AS " + Bookmarks.POSITION +
                 " FROM (SELECT position FROM numbers WHERE position NOT IN (SELECT " + Bookmarks.POSITION + " " + pinnedSitesFromClause + ")) AS numbers" +
                 " LEFT OUTER JOIN " +
                 " (SELECT position FROM numbers WHERE position NOT IN (SELECT " + Bookmarks.POSITION + " " + pinnedSitesFromClause + ")) AS free_ids" +
                 " ON numbers.position > free_ids.position" +
                 " GROUP BY numbers.position" +
                 " ORDER BY numbers.position ASC" +
-                " LIMIT ?";
-        final String[] freeIDArgs = DBUtils.concatenateSelectionArgs(
-                pinnedSitesArgs,
-                pinnedSitesArgs,
-                suggestedGridLimitArgs);
+                " LIMIT " + suggestedGridLimit;
         // Filter out: unvisited pages (history_id == -1) pinned (and other special) sites, deleted sites,
         // and about: pages.
         final String ignoreForTopSitesWhereClause =
                 "(" + Combined.HISTORY_ID + " IS NOT -1)" +
                 " AND " +
                 Combined.URL + " NOT IN (SELECT " +
                 Bookmarks.URL + " FROM bookmarks WHERE " +
-                DBUtils.qualifyColumn("bookmarks", Bookmarks.PARENT) + " < ? AND " +
+                DBUtils.qualifyColumn("bookmarks", Bookmarks.PARENT) + " < " + Bookmarks.FIXED_ROOT_ID + " AND " +
                 DBUtils.qualifyColumn("bookmarks", Bookmarks.IS_DELETED) + " == 0)" +
                 " AND " +
                 "(" + Combined.URL + " NOT LIKE ?)";
         final String[] ignoreForTopSitesArgs = new String[] {
-                String.valueOf(Bookmarks.FIXED_ROOT_ID),
         // Stuff the suggested sites into SQL: this allows us to filter pinned and topsites out of the suggested
         // sites list as part of the final query (as opposed to walking cursors in java)
         final SuggestedSites suggestedSites = GeckoProfile.get(getContext(), uri.getQueryParameter(BrowserContract.PARAM_PROFILE)).getDB().getSuggestedSites();
         StringBuilder suggestedSitesBuilder = new StringBuilder();
         // We could access the underlying data here, however SuggestedSites also performs filtering on the suggested
         // sites list, which means we'd need to process the lists within SuggestedSites in any case. If we're doing
         // that processing, there is little real between us using a MatrixCursor, or a Map (or List) instead of the
         // MatrixCursor.
-        final Cursor suggestedSitesCursor = suggestedSites.get(Integer.parseInt(suggestedGridLimit));
+        final Cursor suggestedSitesCursor = suggestedSites.get(suggestedGridLimit);
         String[] suggestedSiteArgs = new String[0];
         boolean hasProcessedAnySuggestedSites = true;
         final int idColumnIndex = suggestedSitesCursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(Bookmarks._ID);
         final int urlColumnIndex = suggestedSitesCursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(Bookmarks.URL);
         final int titleColumnIndex = suggestedSitesCursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(Bookmarks.TITLE);
@@ -786,21 +784,18 @@ public class BrowserProvider extends Sha
         // To restrict suggested sites to the grid, we simply subtract the number of topsites (which have already had
         // the pinned sites filtered out), and the number of pinned sites.
-        // SQLite completely ignores negative limits, hence we need to manually totalLimit to 0 in this case.
-        final String suggestedLimitClause = " LIMIT MAX(0, (? - (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " + TABLE_TOPSITES + ") - (SELECT COUNT(*) " + pinnedSitesFromClause + "))) ";
-        final String[] suggestedLimitArgs = DBUtils.concatenateSelectionArgs(suggestedGridLimitArgs,
-                                                                             pinnedSitesArgs);
+        // SQLite completely ignores negative limits, hence we need to manually limit to 0 in this case.
+        final String suggestedLimitClause = " LIMIT MAX(0, (" + suggestedGridLimit + " - (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " + TABLE_TOPSITES + ") - (SELECT COUNT(*) " + pinnedSitesFromClause + "))) ";
         try {
             db.execSQL("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " + TABLE_TOPSITES);
             db.execSQL("CREATE TEMP TABLE " + TABLE_TOPSITES + " AS" +
                        " SELECT " +
                        Bookmarks._ID + ", " +
@@ -808,20 +803,19 @@ public class BrowserProvider extends Sha
                        Combined.HISTORY_ID + ", " +
                        Bookmarks.URL + ", " +
                        Bookmarks.TITLE + ", " +
                        Combined.HISTORY_ID + ", " +
                        TopSites.TYPE_TOP + " AS " + TopSites.TYPE +
                        " FROM " + Combined.VIEW_NAME +
                        " WHERE " + ignoreForTopSitesWhereClause +
                        " ORDER BY " + BrowserContract.getFrecencySortOrder(true, false) +
-                       " LIMIT ?",
+                       " LIMIT " + totalLimit,
-                       DBUtils.appendSelectionArgs(ignoreForTopSitesArgs,
-                                                   totalLimitArgs));
+                       ignoreForTopSitesArgs);
             if (!hasProcessedAnySuggestedSites) {
                 db.execSQL("INSERT INTO " + TABLE_TOPSITES +
                            // We need to LIMIT _after_ selecting the relevant suggested sites, which requires us to
                            // use an additional internal subquery, since we cannot LIMIT a subquery that is part of UNION ALL.
                            // Hence the weird SELECT * FROM (SELECT ...relevant suggested sites... LIMIT ?)
                            " SELECT * FROM (SELECT " +
                            Bookmarks._ID + ", " +
@@ -833,29 +827,37 @@ public class BrowserProvider extends Sha
                            TopSites.TYPE_SUGGESTED + " as " + TopSites.TYPE +
                            " FROM ( " + suggestedSitesBuilder.toString() + " )" +
                            " WHERE " +
                            Bookmarks.URL + " NOT IN (SELECT url FROM " + TABLE_TOPSITES + ")" +
                            " AND " +
                            Bookmarks.URL + " NOT IN (SELECT url " + pinnedSitesFromClause + ")" +
                            suggestedLimitClause + " )",
-                           DBUtils.concatenateSelectionArgs(suggestedSiteArgs,
-                                                            pinnedSitesArgs,
-                                                            suggestedLimitArgs));
+                           suggestedSiteArgs);
+            // If we retrieve more topsites than we have free positions for in the freeIdSubquery,
+            // we will have topsites that don't receive a position when joining TABLE_TOPSITES
+            // with freeIdSubquery. Hence we need to coalesce the position with a generated position.
+            // We know that the difference in positions will be at most suggestedGridLimit, hence we
+            // can add that to the rowid to generate a safe position.
+            // I.e. if we have 6 pinned sites then positions 0..5 are filled, the JOIN results in
+            // the first N rows having positions 6..(N+6), so row N+1 should receive a position that is at
+            // least N+1+6, which is equal to rowid + 6.
             final SQLiteCursor c = (SQLiteCursor) db.rawQuery(
                         "SELECT " +
                         Bookmarks._ID + ", " +
                         TopSites.BOOKMARK_ID + ", " +
                         TopSites.HISTORY_ID + ", " +
                         Bookmarks.URL + ", " +
                         Bookmarks.TITLE + ", " +
-                        Bookmarks.POSITION + ", " +
+                        "COALESCE(" + Bookmarks.POSITION + ", " +
+                            DBUtils.qualifyColumn(TABLE_TOPSITES, "rowid") + " + " + suggestedGridLimit +
+                        ")" + " AS " + Bookmarks.POSITION + ", " +
                         Combined.HISTORY_ID + ", " +
                         TopSites.TYPE +
                         " FROM " + TABLE_TOPSITES +
                         " LEFT OUTER JOIN " + // TABLE_IDS +
                         "(" + freeIDSubquery + ") AS id_results" +
                         " ON " + DBUtils.qualifyColumn(TABLE_TOPSITES, "rowid") +
                         " = " + DBUtils.qualifyColumn("id_results", "rowid") +
@@ -866,22 +868,21 @@ public class BrowserProvider extends Sha
                         Bookmarks._ID + " AS " + TopSites.BOOKMARK_ID + ", " +
                         " -1 AS " + TopSites.HISTORY_ID + ", " +
                         Bookmarks.URL + ", " +
                         Bookmarks.TITLE + ", " +
                         Bookmarks.POSITION + ", " +
                         "NULL AS " + Combined.HISTORY_ID + ", " +
                         TopSites.TYPE_PINNED + " as " + TopSites.TYPE +
                         " FROM " + TABLE_BOOKMARKS +
-                        " WHERE " + Bookmarks.PARENT + " == ? " +
+                        " WHERE " + Bookmarks.PARENT + " == " + Bookmarks.FIXED_PINNED_LIST_ID +
                         " ORDER BY " + Bookmarks.POSITION,
-                         DBUtils.appendSelectionArgs(freeIDArgs,
-                                                     pinnedSitesArgs));
+                        null);
             // Force the cursor to be compiled and the cursor-window filled now:
             // (A) without compiling the cursor now we won't have access to the TEMP table which
             // is removed as soon as we close our connection.
             // (B) this might also mitigate the situation causing this crash where we're accessing