pushrebase: upgrade extension draft
authorGregory Szorc <gps@mozilla.com>
Mon, 29 Feb 2016 18:29:43 -0800
changeset 7421 816a9b50ed50ff807de4ea372ffec1c516961196
parent 7420 3444079fd2e52b156aa3f1eedaea5c6ac52149e6
child 7422 aa7cedaa7f2f7dd0767a9c968f730fbf19ecf40d
push id675
push usergszorc@mozilla.com
push dateWed, 02 Mar 2016 22:08:21 +0000
pushrebase: upgrade extension Imported changeset f9f888fb96f4 from the hg-experimental upstream repo. The test has been modified to be compatible with the new version. The "testedwith" value in the extension has been updated to reflect reality (the extension only works with Mercurial 3.7 it appears). MozReview-Commit-ID: GIYapOVhYub
--- a/hgext/pushrebase/__init__.py
+++ b/hgext/pushrebase/__init__.py
@@ -1,134 +1,211 @@
 # pushrebase.py - server-side rebasing of pushed commits
 # Copyright 2014 Facebook, Inc.
 # This software may be used and distributed according to the terms of the
 # GNU General Public License version 2 or any later version.
-import errno, os, tempfile, sys, operator, resource
+import errno, os, tempfile, sys, operator, resource, collections, time
     import json
 except ImportError:
     import simplejson as json
 from mercurial import bundle2, cmdutil, hg, scmutil, exchange, commands
 from mercurial import util, error, discovery, changegroup, context, revset
-from mercurial import obsolete, pushkey, phases
+from mercurial import obsolete, pushkey, phases, extensions
+from mercurial import bookmarks, lock as lockmod
 from mercurial.extensions import wrapcommand, wrapfunction
-from mercurial.bundlerepo import bundlerepository
+from mercurial.hg import repository
 from mercurial.node import nullid, hex, bin
 from mercurial.i18n import _
-testedwith = '3.4'
+testedwith = '3.7'
 cmdtable = {}
 command = cmdutil.command(cmdtable)
 rebaseparttype = 'b2x:rebase'
 commonheadsparttype = 'b2x:commonheads'
 experimental = 'experimental'
 configonto = 'server-rebase-onto'
+pushrebasemarker = '__pushrebase_processed__'
+donotrebasemarker = '__pushrebase_donotrebase__'
+def uisetup(ui):
+    # remotenames circumvents the default push implementation entirely, so make
+    # sure we load after it so that we wrap it.
+    order = extensions._order
+    order.remove('pushrebase')
+    order.append('pushrebase')
+    extensions._order = order
 def extsetup(ui):
     entry = wrapcommand(commands.table, 'push', _push)
-    entry[1].append(('', 'onto', '', _('server revision to rebase onto')))
+    try:
+        # Don't add the 'to' arg if it already exists
+        extensions.find('remotenames')
+    except KeyError:
+        entry[1].append(('', 'to', '', _('server revision to rebase onto')))
     partorder = exchange.b2partsgenorder
     partorder.insert(0, partorder.pop(partorder.index(commonheadsparttype)))
     wrapfunction(discovery, 'checkheads', _checkheads)
+    # we want to disable the heads check because in pushrebase repos, we
+    # expect the heads to change during the push and we should not abort.
+    # The check heads functions are used to verify that the heads haven't
+    # changed since the client did the initial discovery. Pushrebase is meant
+    # to allow concurrent pushes, so the heads may have very well changed.
+    # So let's not do this check.
+    wrapfunction(exchange, 'check_heads', _exchangecheckheads)
+    wrapfunction(exchange, '_pushb2ctxcheckheads', _skipcheckheads)
     origpushkeyhandler = bundle2.parthandlermapping['pushkey']
     newpushkeyhandler = lambda *args, **kwargs: \
         bundle2pushkey(origpushkeyhandler, *args, **kwargs)
     newpushkeyhandler.params = origpushkeyhandler.params
     bundle2.parthandlermapping['pushkey'] = newpushkeyhandler
     bundle2.parthandlermapping['b2x:pushkey'] = newpushkeyhandler
+    wrapfunction(exchange, 'unbundle', unbundle)
+    wrapfunction(hg, '_peerorrepo', _peerorrepo)
+def reposetup(ui, repo):
+    if repo.ui.configbool('pushrebase', 'blocknonpushrebase'):
+        repo.ui.setconfig('hooks', 'prechangegroup.blocknonpushrebase',
+                          blocknonpushrebase)
+def blocknonpushrebase(ui, repo, **kwargs):
+    if not repo.ui.configbool('pushrebase', pushrebasemarker):
+        raise error.Abort("this repository requires that you push using "
+                         "'hg push --to'")
+def _peerorrepo(orig, ui, path, create=False):
+    # Force hooks to use a bundle repo
+    bundlepath = os.environ.get("HG_HOOK_BUNDLEPATH")
+    if bundlepath:
+        return orig(ui, bundlepath, create=create)
+    return orig(ui, path, create)
+def unbundle(orig, repo, cg, heads, source, url):
+    # Preload the manifests that the client says we'll need. This happens
+    # outside the lock, thus cutting down on our lock time and increasing commit
+    # throughput.
+    if util.safehasattr(cg, 'params'):
+        preloadmfs = cg.params.get('preloadmanifests')
+        if preloadmfs:
+            for mfnode in preloadmfs.split(','):
+                repo.manifest.read(bin(mfnode))
+    return orig(repo, cg, heads, source, url)
 def validaterevset(repo, revset):
     "Abort if this is a rebasable revset, return None otherwise"
     if not repo.revs(revset):
-        raise util.Abort(_('nothing to rebase'))
+        raise error.Abort(_('nothing to rebase'))
     if repo.revs('%r and public()', revset):
-        raise util.Abort(_('cannot rebase public changesets'))
-    if repo.revs('%r and merge()', revset):
-        raise util.Abort(_('cannot rebase merge changesets'))
+        raise error.Abort(_('cannot rebase public changesets'))
     if repo.revs('%r and obsolete()', revset):
-        raise util.Abort(_('cannot rebase obsolete changesets'))
-    tails = repo.revs('%r and ancestor(%r)', revset, revset)
-    if not tails:
-        raise util.Abort(_('cannot rebase unrelated changesets'))
-    if len(tails) != 1:
-        raise util.Abort(_('logic error: multiple tails not possible'))
-    tail = repo[tails.first()]
+        raise error.Abort(_('cannot rebase obsolete changesets'))
     heads = repo.revs('heads(%r)', revset)
     if len(heads) > 1:
-        raise util.Abort(_('cannot rebase divergent changesets'))
-    head = repo[heads.first()]
+        raise error.Abort(_('cannot rebase divergent changesets'))
+    repo.ui.note(_('validated revset for rebase\n'))
-    repo.ui.note(_('validated revset %r::%r for rebase\n') %
-                 (head.hex(), tail.hex()))
-def getrebasepart(repo, peer, outgoing, onto, newhead=False):
+def getrebasepart(repo, peer, outgoing, onto, newhead):
     if not outgoing.missing:
-        raise util.Abort(_('no commits to rebase'))
+        raise error.Abort(_('no commits to rebase'))
     if rebaseparttype not in bundle2.bundle2caps(peer):
-        raise util.Abort(_('no server support for %r') % rebaseparttype)
+        raise error.Abort(_('no server support for %r') % rebaseparttype)
     validaterevset(repo, revset.formatspec('%ln', outgoing.missing))
     cg = changegroup.getlocalchangegroupraw(repo, 'push', outgoing)
     # .upper() marks this as a mandatory part: server will abort if there's no
     #  handler
-    return bundle2.bundlepart(rebaseparttype.upper(),
-                              mandatoryparams={'onto': onto,
-                                               'newhead': repr(newhead),
-                                              }.items(),
-                              data = cg)
+    return bundle2.bundlepart(
+        rebaseparttype.upper(),
+        mandatoryparams={
+            'onto': onto,
+            'newhead': repr(newhead),
+        }.items(),
+        data = cg)
-def _checkheads(orig, repo, remote, *args, **kwargs):
+def _checkheads(orig, pushop):
+    repo = pushop.repo
     onto = repo.ui.config(experimental, configonto)
     if onto: # This is a rebasing push
         # The rest of the checks are performed during bundle2 part processing;
         # we need to bypass the regular push checks because it will look like
         # we're pushing a new head, which isn't normally allowed
         if not repo.ui.configbool('experimental', 'bundle2-exp', False):
-            raise util.Abort(_('bundle2 needs to be enabled on client'))
+            raise error.Abort(_('bundle2 needs to be enabled on client'))
         if not remote.capable('bundle2-exp'):
-            raise util.Abort(_('bundle2 needs to be enabled on server'))
+            raise error.Abort(_('bundle2 needs to be enabled on server'))
-        return orig(repo, remote, *args, **kwargs)
+        return orig(pushop)
+def _exchangecheckheads(orig, repo, *args, **kwargs):
+    onto = repo.ui.config(experimental, configonto)
+    if not onto:
+        # Only do this work if it's not a rebasing push
+        return orig(repo, *args, **kwargs)
+def _skipcheckheads(orig, pushop, bundler):
+    if not pushop.ui.config(experimental, configonto): # no check if we rebase
+        return orig(pushop, bundler)
 def _push(orig, ui, repo, *args, **opts):
     oldonto = ui.backupconfig(experimental, configonto)
+    oldremotenames = ui.backupconfig('remotenames', 'allownonfastforward')
     oldphasemove = None
-        ui.setconfig(experimental, configonto, opts.get('onto'), '--onto')
+        onto = opts.get('to')
+        if not onto and not opts.get('rev') and not opts.get('dest'):
+            try:
+                # If it's a tracking bookmark, remotenames will push there,
+                # so let's set that up as our --to.
+                remotenames = extensions.find('remotenames')
+                active = remotenames.bmactive(repo)
+                tracking = remotenames._readtracking(repo)
+                if active and active in tracking:
+                    track = tracking[active]
+                    path, book = remotenames.splitremotename(track)
+                    onto = book
+            except KeyError:
+                # No remotenames? No big deal.
+                pass
+        ui.setconfig(experimental, configonto, onto, '--to')
         if ui.config(experimental, configonto):
             ui.setconfig(experimental, 'bundle2.pushback', True)
             oldphasemove = wrapfunction(exchange, '_localphasemove', _phasemove)
+        ui.setconfig('remotenames', 'allownonfastforward', True)
         result = orig(ui, repo, *args, **opts)
+        ui.restoreconfig(oldremotenames)
         if oldphasemove:
             exchange._localphasemove = oldphasemove
     return result
 def _phasemove(orig, pushop, nodes, phase=phases.public):
     """prevent commits from being marked public
@@ -155,28 +232,43 @@ def commonheadshandler(op, inpart):
 def partgen(pushop, bundler):
     onto = pushop.ui.config(experimental, configonto)
     if 'changesets' in pushop.stepsdone or not onto:
     if not pushop.outgoing.missing:
-        pushop.ui.note(_('no changes to push'))
+        # It's important that this text match the text found in upstream
+        # Mercurial, since some tools rely on this string to know if a push
+        # succeeded despite not pushing commits.
+        pushop.ui.status(_('no changes found\n'))
         pushop.cgresult = 0
+    # Force push means no rebasing, so let's just take the existing parent.
+    if pushop.force:
+        onto = donotrebasemarker
     rebasepart = getrebasepart(pushop.repo,
+    # Tell the server which manifests to load before taking the lock.
+    # This helps shorten the duration of the lock, which increases our potential
+    # commit rate.
+    missing = pushop.outgoing.missing
+    roots = pushop.repo.set('parents(%ln) - %ln', missing, missing)
+    preloadnodes = [hex(r.manifestnode()) for r in roots]
+    bundler.addparam("preloadmanifests", ','.join(preloadnodes))
     def handlereply(op):
         # server either succeeds or aborts; no code to read
         pushop.cgresult = 1
     return handlereply
 bundle2.capabilities[rebaseparttype] = ()
@@ -193,63 +285,126 @@ def _makebundlefile(part):
             magic = 'HG10UN'
             data = part.read(resource.getpagesize() - len(magic))
             while data:
                 data = part.read(resource.getpagesize())
-    except:
+    except Exception:
-        except:
+        except Exception:
             # we would rather see the original exception
     return bundlefile
 def _getrevs(bundle, onto):
     'extracts and validates the revs to be imported'
     validaterevset(bundle, 'bundle()')
     revs = [bundle[r] for r in bundle.revs('sort(bundle())')]
     onto = bundle[onto.hex()]
+    # Fast forward update, no rebase needed
+    if list(bundle.set('bundle() & %d::', onto.rev())):
+        return revs, onto
     if revs:
-        tail = revs[0]
+        # We want to rebase the highest bundle root that is an ancestor of
+        # `onto`.
+        oldonto = list(bundle.set('max(parents(bundle()) - bundle() & ::%d)',
+                                  onto.rev()))
+        if not oldonto:
+            # If there's no shared history, only allow the rebase if the
+            # incoming changes are completely distinct.
+            sharedparents = list(bundle.set('parents(bundle()) - bundle()'))
+            if not sharedparents:
+                return revs, bundle[nullid]
+            raise error.Abort(_('pushed commits do not branch from an ancestor '
+                               'of the desired destination %s') % onto.hex())
+        oldonto = oldonto[0]
-        if onto.ancestor(tail).hex() != tail.p1().hex():
-            raise util.Abort(_('missing changesets between %r and %r') %
-                             (onto.ancestor(tail).hex(),
-                              tail.p1().hex()))
-        # Is there a more efficient way to do this check?
-        files = reduce(operator.or_, [set(rev.files()) for rev in revs], set())
-        filematcher = scmutil.matchfiles(tail.repo(), files)
-        commonmanifest = tail.p1().manifest().matches(filematcher)
+        # Computes a list of all files that are in the changegroup, and diffs it
+        # against all the files that changed between the old onto (ex: our old
+        # bookmark location) and the new onto (ex: the server's actual bookmark
+        # location). Since oldonto->onto is the distance of the rebase, this
+        # should catch any conflicting changes.
+        files = set()
+        for rev in revs:
+            files |= set(rev.files())
+        filematcher = scmutil.matchfiles(bundle, files)
+        commonmanifest = oldonto.manifest().matches(filematcher)
         ontomanifest = onto.manifest().matches(filematcher)
         conflicts = ontomanifest.diff(commonmanifest).keys()
         if conflicts:
-            raise util.Abort(_('conflicting changes in %r') % conflicts)
+            raise error.Abort(_('conflicting changes in:\n%s') %
+                             ''.join('    %s\n' % f for f in sorted(conflicts)))
+    return revs, oldonto
-    return revs
+def _graft(repo, rev, mapping):
+    '''duplicate changeset "rev" with parents from "mapping"'''
+    oldp1 = rev.p1().node()
+    oldp2 = rev.p2().node()
+    newp1 = mapping.get(oldp1, oldp1)
+    newp2 = mapping.get(oldp2, oldp2)
+    m = rev.manifest()
+    def getfilectx(repo, memctx, path):
+        if path in m:
+            fctx = rev[path]
+            flags = fctx.flags()
+            copied = fctx.renamed()
+            if copied:
+                copied = copied[0]
+            return context.memfilectx(repo, fctx.path(), fctx.data(),
+                              islink='l' in flags,
+                              isexec='x' in flags,
+                              copied=copied)
+        else:
+            return None
-def _graft(repo, onto, rev):
-    '''duplicate changeset "rev" with parent "onto"'''
-    if rev.p2().node() != nullid:
-        raise util.Abort(_('cannot graft commit with a non-null p2'))
+    # If the incoming commit has no parents, but requested a rebase,
+    # allow it only for the first commit. The null/null commit will always
+    # be the first commit since we only allow a nullid->nonnullid mapping if the
+    # incoming commits are a completely distinct history (see `sharedparents` in
+    # getrevs()), so there's no risk of commits with a single null parent
+    # accidentally getting translated first.
+    if oldp1 == nullid and oldp2 == nullid:
+        if newp1 != nullid:
+            newp2 = nullid
+            del mapping[nullid]
+    if oldp1 != nullid and oldp2 != nullid:
+        # If it's a merge commit, Mercurial's rev.files() only returns the files
+        # that are different from both p1 and p2, so it would not capture all of
+        # the incoming changes from p2 (for instance, new files in p2). The fix
+        # is to manually diff the rev manifest and it's p1 to get the list of
+        # files that have changed. We only need to diff against p1, and not p2,
+        # because Mercurial constructs new commits by applying our specified
+        # files on top of a copy of the p1 manifest, so we only need the diff
+        # against p1.
+        bundlerepo = rev._repo
+        files = rev.manifest().diff(bundlerepo[oldp1].manifest()).keys()
+    else:
+        files = rev.files()
+    date = rev.date()
+    if repo.ui.configbool('pushrebase', 'rewritedates'):
+        date = (time.time(), date[1])
     return context.memctx(repo,
-                          [onto.node(), nullid],
+                          [newp1, newp2],
-                          rev.files(),
-                          (lambda repo, memctx, path:
-                              context.memfilectx(repo, path,rev[path].data())),
+                          files,
+                          getfilectx,
-                          rev.date(),
+                          date,
 def _buildobsolete(replacements, oldrepo, newrepo):
     'adds obsolete markers in replacements if enabled in newrepo'
     if obsolete.isenabled(newrepo, obsolete.createmarkersopt):
         markers = [(oldrepo[oldrev], (newrepo[newrev],))
                    for oldrev, newrev in replacements.items()
@@ -257,86 +412,156 @@ def _buildobsolete(replacements, oldrepo
         obsolete.createmarkers(newrepo, markers)
 def _addpushbackchangegroup(repo, reply, outgoing):
     '''adds changegroup part to reply containing revs from outgoing.missing'''
     cgversions = set(reply.capabilities.get('changegroup'))
     if not cgversions:
-    version = max(cgversions & set(changegroup.packermap.keys()))
+    version = max(cgversions & set(changegroup.supportedoutgoingversions(repo)))
     cg = changegroup.getlocalchangegroupraw(repo,
                                             version = version)
-    cgpart = reply.newpart('CHANGEGROUP', data = cg)
+    cgpart = reply.newpart('CHANGEGROUP', data=cg)
     if version != '01':
         cgpart.addparam('version', version)
 def _addpushbackobsolete(repo, reply, newrevs):
     '''adds obsoletion markers to reply that are relevant to newrevs
     (if enabled)'''
     if (obsolete.isenabled(repo, obsolete.exchangeopt) and repo.obsstore):
             markers = repo.obsstore.relevantmarkers(newrevs)
             exchange.buildobsmarkerspart(reply, markers)
-        except ValueError, exc:
+        except ValueError as exc:
             repo.ui.status(_("can't send obsolete markers: %s") % exc.message)
 def _addpushbackparts(op, replacements):
     '''adds pushback to reply if supported by the client'''
     if (op.records[commonheadsparttype]
         and op.reply
         and 'pushback' in op.reply.capabilities):
         outgoing = discovery.outgoing(op.repo.changelog,
                                       [new for old, new in replacements.items()
                                        if old != new])
         if outgoing.missing:
+            plural = 's' if len(outgoing.missing) > 1 else ''
+            op.repo.ui.warn(_("%s new commit%s from the server will be "
+                              "downloaded\n") % (len(outgoing.missing), plural))
             _addpushbackchangegroup(op.repo, op.reply, outgoing)
             _addpushbackobsolete(op.repo, op.reply, replacements.values())
 @bundle2.parthandler(rebaseparttype, ('onto', 'newhead'))
 def bundle2rebase(op, part):
     '''unbundle a bundle2 containing a changegroup to rebase'''
     params = part.params
-    tr = op.gettransaction()
-    hookargs = dict(tr.hookargs)
     bundlefile = None
-    onto = scmutil.revsingle(op.repo, params['onto'])
-    if not params['newhead']:
-        if not op.repo.revs('%r and head()', params['onto']):
-            raise util.Abort(_('rebase would produce a new head on server'))
     try: # guards bundlefile
         bundlefile = _makebundlefile(part)
-        bundle = bundlerepository(op.repo.ui, op.repo.root, bundlefile)
-        revs = _getrevs(bundle, onto)
+        bundlepath = "bundle:%s+%s" % (op.repo.root, bundlefile)
+        bundle = repository(op.repo.ui, bundlepath)
+        # Allow running hooks on the new commits before we take the lock
+        prelockrebaseargs = dict()
+        prelockrebaseargs['source'] = 'push'
+        prelockrebaseargs['bundle2'] = '1'
+        prelockrebaseargs['node'] = scmutil.revsingle(bundle,
+                                                      'min(bundle())').hex()
+        prelockrebaseargs['hook_bundlepath'] = bundlefile
+        op.repo.hook("prepushrebase", throw=True, **prelockrebaseargs)
+        op.repo.ui.setconfig('pushrebase', pushrebasemarker, True)
+        tr = op.gettransaction()
+        hookargs = dict(tr.hookargs)
+        # Recreate the bundle repo, since taking the lock in gettranscation()
+        # may have caused it to become out of date.
+        # (but grab a copy of the cache first)
+        bundle = repository(op.repo.ui, bundlepath)
+        # Preload the caches with data we already have. We need to make copies
+        # here so that original repo caches don't get tainted with bundle
+        # specific data.
+        bundle.manifest._mancache = op.repo.manifest._mancache.copy()
+        try:
+            # onto is None means don't do rebasing
+            onto = None
+            ontoarg = params.get('onto', donotrebasemarker)
+            if ontoarg != donotrebasemarker:
+                onto = scmutil.revsingle(op.repo, ontoarg)
+        except error.RepoLookupError:
+            # Probably a new bookmark. Leave onto as None to not do any rebasing
+            pass
+        if not params['newhead']:
+            if not op.repo.revs('%r and head()', params['onto']):
+                raise error.Abort(_('rebase would create a new head on server'))
+        if onto is None:
+            maxcommonanc = list(bundle.set('max(parents(bundle()) - bundle())'))
+            if not maxcommonanc:
+                onto = op.repo[nullid]
+            else:
+                onto = maxcommonanc[0]
+        revs, oldonto = _getrevs(bundle, onto)
         op.repo.hook("prechangegroup", **hookargs)
+        mapping = {}
+        # Seed the mapping with oldonto->onto
+        mapping[oldonto.node()] = onto.node()
         replacements = {}
         added = []
+        # Notify the user of what is being pushed
+        plural = 's' if len(revs) > 1 else ''
+        op.repo.ui.warn(_("pushing %s commit%s:\n") % (len(revs), plural))
+        maxoutput = 10
+        for i in range(0, min(len(revs), maxoutput)):
+            firstline = bundle[revs[i]].description().split('\n')[0][:50]
+            op.repo.ui.warn(("    %s  %s\n") % (revs[i], firstline))
+        if len(revs) > maxoutput + 1:
+            op.repo.ui.warn(("    ...\n"))
+            firstline = bundle[revs[-1]].description().split('\n')[0][:50]
+            op.repo.ui.warn(("    %s  %s\n") % (revs[-1], firstline))
         for rev in revs:
-            newrev = _graft(op.repo, onto, rev)
-            onto = op.repo[newrev]
-            replacements[rev.node()] = onto.node()
-            added.append(onto.node())
+            newrev = _graft(op.repo, rev, mapping)
+            new = op.repo[newrev]
+            oldnode = rev.node()
+            newnode = new.node()
+            replacements[oldnode] = newnode
+            mapping[oldnode] = newnode
+            added.append(newnode)
+            if 'node' not in tr.hookargs:
+                tr.hookargs['node'] = hex(newnode)
+            hookargs['node'] = hex(newnode)
         _buildobsolete(replacements, bundle, op.repo)
             if bundlefile:
-        except OSError, e:
+        except OSError as e:
             if e.errno != errno.ENOENT:
     publishing = op.repo.ui.configbool('phases', 'publish', True)
     if publishing:
         phases.advanceboundary(op.repo, tr, phases.public, [added[-1]])
     p = lambda: tr.writepending() and op.repo.root or ""
@@ -370,10 +595,26 @@ def bundle2pushkey(orig, op, part):
     namespace = pushkey.decode(part.params['namespace'])
     if namespace == 'phases':
         key = pushkey.decode(part.params['key'])
         part.params['key'] = pushkey.encode(replacements.get(key, key))
     if namespace == 'bookmarks':
         new = pushkey.decode(part.params['new'])
         part.params['new'] = pushkey.encode(replacements.get(new, new))
+        serverbin = op.repo._bookmarks.get(part.params['key'])
+        clienthex = pushkey.decode(part.params['old'])
+        if serverbin and clienthex:
+            cl = op.repo.changelog
+            revserver = cl.rev(serverbin)
+            revclient = cl.rev(bin(clienthex))
+            if revclient in cl.ancestors([revserver]):
+                # if the client's bookmark origin is an lagging behind the
+                # server's location for that bookmark (usual for pushrebase)
+                # then update the old location to match the real location
+                #
+                # TODO: We would prefer to only do this for pushrebase pushes
+                # but that isn't straightforward so we just do it always here.
+                # This forbids moving bookmarks backwards from clients.
+                part.params['old'] = pushkey.encode(hex(serverbin))
     return orig(op, part)
--- a/hgext/pushrebase/tests/test-smoketest.t
+++ b/hgext/pushrebase/tests/test-smoketest.t
@@ -59,23 +59,26 @@ Push should complain about new head
   searching for changes
   remote has heads on branch 'default' that are not known locally: 934496297d08
   abort: push creates new remote head 58917bc08918!
   (pull and merge or see "hg help push" for details about pushing new heads)
 Push rebase should work
-  $ hg push --onto default
+  $ hg push --to default
   pushing to http://localhost:$HGPORT/
   searching for changes
   adding changesets
   adding manifests
   adding file changes
   added 2 changesets with 1 changes to 2 files (+1 heads)
+  remote: pushing 1 commit:
+  remote:     58917bc08918  unrelated divergent commit
+  remote: 2 new commits from the server will be downloaded
 It leaves an orphan head, but that's how pushrebase works without
 obsolescence :/
   $ hg log -G
   o  changeset:   3:0096fc004608
   |  tag:         tip
   |  user:        test