Bug 1245649: Merge browser and toolkit eslint rule settings. r=felipe
authorDave Townsend <dtownsend@oxymoronical.com>
Wed, 03 Feb 2016 13:12:18 -0800
changeset 329075 345ff6c8b0a24a357c9f0b4d8d4f9c6e5c71eb16
parent 329074 9aa32d9a25df32ef740835d14836ff20db0a0cc4
child 329076 6c56f5dad3b24506c41d5a38115d19456fe2a802
push id10463
push userdtownsend@mozilla.com
push dateFri, 05 Feb 2016 03:02:33 +0000
Bug 1245649: Merge browser and toolkit eslint rule settings. r=felipe
--- a/browser/.eslintrc
+++ b/browser/.eslintrc
@@ -1,13 +1,5 @@
   "extends": [
-  "rules": {
-    // No redeclaring variables
-    "no-redeclare": 2,
-    // Functions must always return something or nothing
-    "consistent-return": 2,
-  }
--- a/toolkit/.eslintrc
+++ b/toolkit/.eslintrc
@@ -19,17 +19,17 @@
     // Commas at the end of the line not the start
     // "comma-style": 2,
     // Don't require spaces around computed properties
     // "computed-property-spacing": [2, "never"],
     // Functions must always return something or nothing
-    // "consistent-return": 2,
+    "consistent-return": 2,
     // Require braces around blocks that start a new line
     // Note that this rule is likely to be overridden on a per-directory basis
     // very frequently.
     // "curly": [2, "multi-line"],
     // Always require a trailing EOL
     "eol-last": 2,
@@ -117,17 +117,17 @@
     // No Math() or JSON()
     "no-obj-calls": 2,
     // No octal literals
     // "no-octal": 2,
     // No redeclaring variables
-    // "no-redeclare": 2,
+    "no-redeclare": 2,
     // No unnecessary comparisons
     // "no-self-compare": 2,
     // No declaring variables from an outer scope
     // "no-shadow": 2,
     // No declaring variables that hide things like arguments
--- a/toolkit/components/aboutcache/content/aboutCache.js
+++ b/toolkit/components/aboutcache/content/aboutCache.js
@@ -2,21 +2,21 @@
  * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
  * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
 // First, parse and save the incoming arguments ("?storage=name&context=key")
 // Note: window.location.search doesn't work with nsSimpleURIs used for about:* addresses.
 var search = window.location.href.match(/^.*\?(.*)$/);
 var searchParams = new URLSearchParams(search ? search[1] : '');
 var storage = searchParams.get('storage');
-var context = searchParams.get('context');
+var cacheContext = searchParams.get('context');
 // The context is in a format as used by the HTTP cache v2 back end
-if (context)
-  var [context, isAnon, isInBrowser, appId, isPrivate] = context.match(/(a,)?(b,)?(i\d+,)?(p,)?/);
+if (cacheContext)
+  var [context, isAnon, isInBrowser, appId, isPrivate] = cacheContext.match(/(a,)?(b,)?(i\d+,)?(p,)?/);
 if (appId)
   appId = appId.match(/i(\d+),/)[1];
 function $(id) { return document.getElementById(id) || {}; }
 // Initialize the context UI controls at the start according what we got in the "context=" argument
 addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
--- a/toolkit/components/aboutperformance/tests/browser/browser_aboutperformance.js
+++ b/toolkit/components/aboutperformance/tests/browser/browser_aboutperformance.js
@@ -73,17 +73,17 @@ function frameScript() {
       let getContentOfSelector = function(eltContainer, selector, re) {
         let elt = eltContainer.querySelector(selector);
         if (!elt) {
           throw new Error(`No item ${selector}`);
         if (!re) {
-          return;
+          return undefined;
         let match = elt.textContent.match(re);
         if (!match) {
           throw new Error(`Item ${selector} doesn't match regexp ${re}: ${elt.textContent}`);
         return match;
--- a/toolkit/components/apppicker/content/appPicker.js
+++ b/toolkit/components/apppicker/content/appPicker.js
@@ -1,18 +1,16 @@
 /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
  * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
  * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
 function AppPicker() {};
-var g_dialog = null;
 AppPicker.prototype = 
     // Class members
     * Init the dialog and populate the application list
--- a/toolkit/components/contentprefs/nsContentPrefService.js
+++ b/toolkit/components/contentprefs/nsContentPrefService.js
@@ -224,17 +224,17 @@ ContentPrefService.prototype = {
     var group = this._parseGroupParam(aGroup);
     if (aContext && aContext.usePrivateBrowsing) {
       if (this._privModeStorage.has(group, aName)) {
         let value = this._privModeStorage.get(group, aName);
         if (aCallback) {
-          return;
+          return undefined;
         return value;
       // if we don't have a pref specific to this private mode browsing
       // session, to try to get one from normal mode
     if (group == null)
@@ -593,17 +593,17 @@ ContentPrefService.prototype = {
   _selectPref: function ContentPrefService__selectPref(aGroup, aSetting, aCallback) {
     let value = undefined;
     if (this._cache.has(aGroup, aSetting)) {
       value = this._cache.get(aGroup, aSetting);
       if (aCallback) {
-        return;
+        return undefined;
       return value;
     try {
       this._stmtSelectPref.params.group = aGroup;
       this._stmtSelectPref.params.setting = aSetting;
@@ -643,17 +643,17 @@ ContentPrefService.prototype = {
   _selectGlobalPref: function ContentPrefService__selectGlobalPref(aName, aCallback) {
     let value = undefined;
     if (this._cache.has(null, aName)) {
       value = this._cache.get(null, aName);
       if (aCallback) {
-        return;
+        return undefined;
       return value;
     try {
       this._stmtSelectGlobalPref.params.name = aName;
       if (aCallback) {
--- a/toolkit/components/contentprefs/tests/unit/test_contentPrefs.js
+++ b/toolkit/components/contentprefs/tests/unit/test_contentPrefs.js
@@ -352,20 +352,20 @@ function run_test() {
         // remove the domain from the list of expected domains
         var index = this.expectedDomains.indexOf(group);
         do_check_true(index >= 0);
         this.expectedDomains.splice(index, 1);
-    var uri1 = ContentPrefTest.getURI("http://www.domain1.com/");
-    var uri2 = ContentPrefTest.getURI("http://foo.domain1.com/");
-    var uri3 = ContentPrefTest.getURI("http://domain1.com/");
-    var uri4 = ContentPrefTest.getURI("http://www.domain2.com/");
+    let uri1 = ContentPrefTest.getURI("http://www.domain1.com/");
+    let uri2 = ContentPrefTest.getURI("http://foo.domain1.com/");
+    let uri3 = ContentPrefTest.getURI("http://domain1.com/");
+    let uri4 = ContentPrefTest.getURI("http://www.domain2.com/");
     cps.setPref(uri1, "test.byname.1", 1);
     cps.setPref(uri1, "test.byname.2", 2);
     cps.setPref(uri2, "test.byname.1", 4);
     cps.setPref(uri3, "test.byname.3", 8);
     cps.setPref(uri4, "test.byname.1", 16);
     cps.setPref(null, "test.byname.1", 32);
     cps.setPref(null, "test.byname.2", false);
--- a/toolkit/components/crashes/CrashManager.jsm
+++ b/toolkit/components/crashes/CrashManager.jsm
@@ -601,22 +601,22 @@ this.CrashManager.prototype = Object.fre
       let it = new OS.File.DirectoryIterator(path);
       let entries = [];
       try {
         yield it.forEach((entry, index, it) => {
           if (entry.isDir) {
-            return;
+            return undefined;
           let match = re.exec(entry.name);
           if (!match) {
-            return;
+            return undefined;
           return OS.File.stat(entry.path).then((info) => {
               path: entry.path,
               id: match[1],
               date: info.lastModificationDate,
--- a/toolkit/components/feeds/FeedProcessor.js
+++ b/toolkit/components/feeds/FeedProcessor.js
@@ -45,17 +45,17 @@ const PARSERUTILS_CONTRACTID = "@mozilla
 var gIoService = null;
 const XMLNS = "http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace";
 const RSS090NS = "http://my.netscape.com/rdf/simple/0.9/";
 /***** Some general utils *****/
 function strToURI(link, base) {
-  var base = base || null;
+  base = base || null;
   if (!gIoService)
     gIoService = Cc[IO_CONTRACTID].getService(Ci.nsIIOService);
   try {
     return gIoService.newURI(link, null, base);
   catch(e) {
     return null;
@@ -865,28 +865,28 @@ XHTMLHandler.prototype = {
     return false;
   startDocument: function XH_startDocument() {
   endDocument: function XH_endDocument() {
-  startElement: function XH_startElement(uri, localName, qName, attributes) {
+  startElement: function XH_startElement(namespace, localName, qName, attributes) {
     // RFC4287 requires XHTML to be wrapped in a div that is *not* part of 
     // the content. This prevents people from screwing up namespaces, but
     // we need to skip it here.
     if (this._isAtom && this._depth == 1 && localName == "div")
     // If it's an XHTML element, record it. Otherwise, it's ignored.
-    if (uri == XHTML_NS) {
+    if (namespace == XHTML_NS) {
       this._buf += "<" + localName;
       var uri;
       for (var i=0; i < attributes.length; ++i) {
         uri = attributes.getURI(i);
         // XHTML attributes aren't in a namespace
         if (uri == "") { 
           this._buf += (" " + attributes.getLocalName(i) + "='" +
                         xmlEscape(attributes.getValue(i)) + "'");
@@ -1664,17 +1664,17 @@ FeedProcessor.prototype = {
         var el = container.queryElementAt(container.length - 1, 
         // XXX there must be a way to flatten these interfaces
         if (contract == Cc[PERSON_CONTRACTID]) 
           return; // don't know about this interface
-        var propName = localName;
+        let propName = localName;
         var prefix = gNamespaces[uri];
         // synonyms
         if ((uri == "" || 
              prefix &&
              ((prefix.indexOf("atom") > -1) ||
               (prefix.indexOf("rss") > -1))) && 
             (propName == "url" || propName == "href"))
--- a/toolkit/components/filepicker/content/filepicker.js
+++ b/toolkit/components/filepicker/content/filepicker.js
@@ -201,17 +201,17 @@ function selectOnOK()
   retvals.filterIndex = document.getElementById("filterMenuList").selectedIndex;
   retvals.fileURL = null;
   if (allowURLs) {
     try {
       var ios = Components.classes[NS_IOSERVICE_CONTRACTID].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIIOService);
       retvals.fileURL = ios.newURI(textInput.value, null, null);
-      var fileList = [];
+      let fileList = [];
       if (retvals.fileURL instanceof Components.interfaces.nsIFileURL)
       gFilesEnumerator.mFiles = fileList;
       retvals.files = gFilesEnumerator;
       retvals.buttonStatus = ret;
       return true;
     } catch (e) {
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/toolkit/components/microformats/.eslintrc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-  "extends": [
-    "../../.eslintrc"
-  ],
-  "rules": {
-    "eol-last": 0,
-  }
--- a/toolkit/components/microformats/Microformats.js
+++ b/toolkit/components/microformats/Microformats.js
@@ -39,17 +39,17 @@ this.Microformats = {
         /* isn't a real DOM node */
         if (parent == needle.parentNode) {
           return true;
       return false;
     if (!Microformats[name] || !rootElement) {
-      return;
+      return undefined;
     targetArray = targetArray || [];
     /* Root element might not be the document - we need the document's default view */
     /* to get frames and to check their ancestry */
     var defaultView = rootElement.defaultView || rootElement.ownerDocument.defaultView;
     var rootDocument = rootElement.ownerDocument || rootElement;
@@ -85,17 +85,17 @@ this.Microformats = {
     function isVisible(node, checkChildren) {
       if (node.getBoundingClientRect) {
         var box = node.getBoundingClientRect();
       } else {
-        var box = node.ownerDocument.getBoxObjectFor(node);
+        box = node.ownerDocument.getBoxObjectFor(node);
       /* If the parent has is an empty box, double check the children */
       if ((box.height == 0) || (box.width == 0)) {
         if (checkChildren && node.childNodes.length > 0) {
           for(let i=0; i < node.childNodes.length; i++) {
             if (node.childNodes[i].nodeType == Components.interfaces.nsIDOMNode.ELEMENT_NODE) {
               /* For performance reasons, we only go down one level */
               /* of children */
@@ -634,17 +634,17 @@ this.Microformats = {
         for (let value in prop.values) {
           if (result.toLowerCase() == prop.values[value]) {
             result = result.toLowerCase();
             validType = true;
         if (!validType) {
-          return;
+          return undefined;
       return result;
     newMicroformat: function(object, in_node, microformat, validate) {
       /* check to see if we are even valid */
       if (!Microformats[microformat]) {
         throw("Invalid microformat - " + microformat);
@@ -755,17 +755,17 @@ this.Microformats = {
       /* propobj is the corresponding property object in the microformat */
       var propobj;
       /* If there is a corresponding property in the microformat, use it */
       if (Microformats[mfname].properties[propname]) {
         propobj = Microformats[mfname].properties[propname];
       } else {
         /* If we didn't get a property, bail */
-        return;
+        return undefined;
       /* Query the correct set of nodes (rel or class) based on the setting */
       /* in the property */
       var propnodes;
       if (propobj.rel == true) {
         propnodes = Microformats.getElementsByAttribute(mfnode, "rel", propname);
       } else {
         propnodes = Microformats.getElementsByClassName(mfnode, propname);
@@ -834,17 +834,17 @@ this.Microformats = {
       } else {
         /* If we didn't find any class nodes, check to see if this property */
         /* is virtual and if so, call getPropertyInternal again */
         if (propobj.virtual) {
           return Microformats.parser.getPropertyInternal(mfnode, null,
                                                          propobj, propname);
-      return;
+      return undefined;
      * Internal parser API used to resolve includes and headers. Includes are
      * resolved by simply cloning the node and replacing it in a clone of the
      * original DOM node. Headers are resolved by creating a span and then copying
      * the innerHTML and the class name.
      * @param  in_mfnode The node to preProcess.
@@ -914,17 +914,17 @@ this.Microformats = {
     /* ensuring that hours and seconds have values */
     normalizeISO8601: function normalizeISO8601(string)
       var dateArray = string.match(/(\d\d\d\d)(?:-?(\d\d)(?:-?(\d\d)(?:[T ](\d\d)(?::?(\d\d)(?::?(\d\d)(?:\.(\d+))?)?)?(?:([-+Z])(?:(\d\d)(?::?(\d\d))?)?)?)?)?)?/);
       var dateString;
       var tzOffset = 0;
       if (!dateArray) {
-        return;
+        return undefined;
       if (dateArray[1]) {
         dateString = dateArray[1];
         if (dateArray[2]) {
           dateString += "-" + dateArray[2];
           if (dateArray[3]) {
             dateString += "-" + dateArray[3];
             if (dateArray[4]) {
@@ -1394,17 +1394,17 @@ var hCard_definition = {
         var given_name;
         var family_name;
         if (fn && (!orgs || (orgs.length) > 1 || (fn != orgs[0]["organization-name"]))) {
           var fns = fn.split(" ");
           if (fns.length === 1) {
             return [fns[0]];
-        return;
+        return undefined;
     "note" : {
       plural: true,
       datatype: "HTML"
     "org" : {
       subproperties: {
@@ -1481,17 +1481,17 @@ hCalendar.prototype.toString = function(
           return this.summary + " (" + Microformats.dateFromISO8601(this.dtstart).toLocaleString() + ")";
   if (this.dtstart) {
     return this.summary;
-  return;
+  return undefined;
 var hCalendar_definition = {
   mfObject: hCalendar,
   className: "vevent",
   required: ["summary", "dtstart"],
   properties: {
     "category" : {
@@ -1647,22 +1647,22 @@ Microformats.add("hCalendar", hCalendar_
 this.geo = function geo(node, validate) {
   if (node) {
     Microformats.parser.newMicroformat(this, node, "geo", validate);
 geo.prototype.toString = function() {
   if (this.latitude != undefined) {
     if (!isFinite(this.latitude) || (this.latitude > 360) || (this.latitude < -360)) {
-      return;
+      return undefined;
   if (this.longitude != undefined) {
     if (!isFinite(this.longitude) || (this.longitude > 360) || (this.longitude < -360)) {
-      return;
+      return undefined;
   if ((this.latitude != undefined) && (this.longitude != undefined)) {
     var s;
     if ((this.node.localName.toLowerCase() == "abbr") || (this.node.localName.toLowerCase() == "html:abbr")) {
       s = this.node.textContent;
--- a/toolkit/components/microformats/microformat-shiv.js
+++ b/toolkit/components/microformats/microformat-shiv.js
@@ -2410,17 +2410,17 @@ var Microformats; // jshint ignore:line
          * @return {Object || undefined}
         getDOMParser: function () {
             if (typeof DOMParser === "undefined") {
                 try {
                     return Components.classes["@mozilla.org/xmlextras/domparser;1"]
                 } catch (e) {
-                    return;
+                    return undefined;
             } else {
                 return new DOMParser();
--- a/toolkit/components/microformats/test/interface-tests/count-test.js
+++ b/toolkit/components/microformats/test/interface-tests/count-test.js
@@ -99,9 +99,9 @@ describe('Microformat.count', function()
         result = Microformats.count(options);
         assert.deepEqual( result, {'h-event': 1,'h-card': 2} );
- });
\ No newline at end of file
+ });
--- a/toolkit/components/microformats/test/interface-tests/experimental-test.js
+++ b/toolkit/components/microformats/test/interface-tests/experimental-test.js
@@ -29,9 +29,9 @@ describe('experimental', function() {
         var result = Microformats.get(options);
         assert.deepEqual( result, expected );
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/toolkit/components/microformats/test/interface-tests/get-test.js
+++ b/toolkit/components/microformats/test/interface-tests/get-test.js
@@ -587,9 +587,9 @@ describe('Microformat.get', function() {
         assert.deepEqual( result, expected );
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/toolkit/components/microformats/test/interface-tests/getParent-test.js
+++ b/toolkit/components/microformats/test/interface-tests/getParent-test.js
@@ -212,9 +212,9 @@ describe('Microformat.getParent', functi
         span = doc.querySelector('.h-card .p-name');    
         result = Microformats.getParent( span, options );
         assert.deepEqual( result, altExpected );
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/toolkit/components/microformats/test/interface-tests/hasMicroformats-test.js
+++ b/toolkit/components/microformats/test/interface-tests/hasMicroformats-test.js
@@ -177,9 +177,9 @@ describe('Microformat.hasMicroformats', 
         assert.isTrue( Microformats.hasMicroformats( doc ) );
- });
\ No newline at end of file
+ });
--- a/toolkit/components/microformats/test/interface-tests/isMicroformat-test.js
+++ b/toolkit/components/microformats/test/interface-tests/isMicroformat-test.js
@@ -138,9 +138,9 @@ describe('Microformat.isMicroformat', fu
         assert.isFalse( Microformats.isMicroformat( ) );
    it('false - undefined node', function(){
         assert.isFalse( Microformats.isMicroformat( undefined ) );
- });
\ No newline at end of file
+ });
--- a/toolkit/components/microformats/test/lib/domparser.js
+++ b/toolkit/components/microformats/test/lib/domparser.js
@@ -95,9 +95,9 @@
                 return doc;
             // If not text/html, send as-is to host method
             } else {
                 return real_parseFromString.apply(this, arguments);
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/toolkit/components/microformats/test/lib/domutils.js
+++ b/toolkit/components/microformats/test/lib/domutils.js
@@ -26,17 +26,17 @@ var Modules = (function (modules) {
          * @return {Object || undefined}
         getDOMParser: function () {
             if (typeof DOMParser === undefined) {
                 try {
                     return Components.classes["@mozilla.org/xmlextras/domparser;1"]
                 } catch (e) {
-                    return;
+                    return undefined;
             } else {
                 return new DOMParser();
--- a/toolkit/components/microformats/test/lib/living-standard.js
+++ b/toolkit/components/microformats/test/lib/living-standard.js
@@ -1,1 +1,1 @@
-	modules.livingStandard = '2015-09-25T12:26:04Z';
\ No newline at end of file
+	modules.livingStandard = '2015-09-25T12:26:04Z';
--- a/toolkit/components/microformats/test/lib/parser-implied.js
+++ b/toolkit/components/microformats/test/lib/parser-implied.js
@@ -431,9 +431,9 @@ var Modules = (function (modules) {
 	return modules;
-} (Modules || {}));
\ No newline at end of file
+} (Modules || {}));
--- a/toolkit/components/microformats/test/lib/parser-includes.js
+++ b/toolkit/components/microformats/test/lib/parser-includes.js
@@ -142,9 +142,9 @@ var Modules = (function (modules) {
 	return modules;
-} (Modules || {}));
\ No newline at end of file
+} (Modules || {}));
--- a/toolkit/components/microformats/test/lib/parser-rels.js
+++ b/toolkit/components/microformats/test/lib/parser-rels.js
@@ -192,9 +192,9 @@ var Modules = (function (modules) {
 	return modules;
-} (Modules || {}));
\ No newline at end of file
+} (Modules || {}));
--- a/toolkit/components/microformats/test/lib/text.js
+++ b/toolkit/components/microformats/test/lib/text.js
@@ -143,9 +143,9 @@ var Modules = (function (modules) {
 			return (out === '')? undefined : out ;
 	return modules;
-} (Modules || {}));
\ No newline at end of file
+} (Modules || {}));
--- a/toolkit/components/microformats/test/lib/version.js
+++ b/toolkit/components/microformats/test/lib/version.js
@@ -1,1 +1,1 @@
-	modules.version = '1.3.3';
\ No newline at end of file
+	modules.version = '1.3.3';
--- a/toolkit/components/microformats/test/module-tests/domutils-test.js
+++ b/toolkit/components/microformats/test/module-tests/domutils-test.js
@@ -198,9 +198,9 @@ describe('Modules.domutils', function() 
        var node = document.createElement('ul');
        node.innerHTML = '<div><ul><li class="h-card">one</li><li>two</li><li class="h-card">three</li><li class="p-name">four</li></ul></div>';
        var child = node.querySelector('.p-name');   
        assert.deepEqual( Modules.domUtils.getNodePath( child ), [0,0,3] );
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/toolkit/components/microformats/test/module-tests/html-test.js
+++ b/toolkit/components/microformats/test/module-tests/html-test.js
@@ -42,9 +42,9 @@ describe('Modules.html', function() {
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/toolkit/components/microformats/test/module-tests/text-test.js
+++ b/toolkit/components/microformats/test/module-tests/text-test.js
@@ -48,9 +48,9 @@ describe('Modules.text', function() {
    it('formatText', function(){      
        assert.equal( Modules.text.formatText( document, null, 'whitespacetrimmed' ), '' );
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/toolkit/components/microformats/test/module-tests/url-test.js
+++ b/toolkit/components/microformats/test/module-tests/url-test.js
@@ -17,9 +17,9 @@ describe('Modules.url', function() {
        assert.equal( Modules.url.resolve( '/', 'http://example.org/' ), 'http://example.org/' );
        assert.equal( Modules.url.resolve( 'http://glennjones.net/', 'http://example.org/' ), 'http://glennjones.net/' );
        assert.equal( Modules.url.resolve( undefined, 'http://example.org/' ), '' );
        assert.equal( Modules.url.resolve( undefined, undefined ), '' );
        assert.equal( Modules.url.resolve( 'http://glennjones.net/', undefined ), 'http://glennjones.net/' );
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/toolkit/components/microformats/test/module-tests/utilities-test.js
+++ b/toolkit/components/microformats/test/module-tests/utilities-test.js
@@ -85,9 +85,9 @@ describe('Modules.utilities', function()
        var arr = [{'name': 'one'},{'name': 'two'},{'name': 'three'},{'name': 'three'}];
        assert.deepEqual( arr.sort( Modules.utils.sortObjects( 'name', true ) ), [{"name":"two"},{"name":"three"},{'name': 'three'},{"name":"one"}] );
        assert.deepEqual( arr.sort( Modules.utils.sortObjects( 'name', false ) ), [{"name":"one"},{"name":"three"},{'name': 'three'},{"name":"two"}] );
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/toolkit/components/microformats/test/static/javascript/DOMParser.js
+++ b/toolkit/components/microformats/test/static/javascript/DOMParser.js
@@ -91,9 +91,9 @@
                 return doc;
             // If not text/html, send as-is to host method
             } else {
                 return real_parseFromString.apply(this, arguments);
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/toolkit/components/microformats/test/static/javascript/beautify.js
+++ b/toolkit/components/microformats/test/static/javascript/beautify.js
@@ -510,9 +510,9 @@ function js_beautify(js_source_text, ind
     function in_array(what, arr)
         for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++)
             if (arr[i] == what) return true;
         return false;
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/toolkit/components/microformats/test/static/javascript/chai.js
+++ b/toolkit/components/microformats/test/static/javascript/chai.js
@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
 (function(f){if(typeof exports==="object"&&typeof module!=="undefined"){module.exports=f()}else if(typeof define==="function"&&define.amd){define([],f)}else{var g;if(typeof window!=="undefined"){g=window}else if(typeof global!=="undefined"){g=global}else if(typeof self!=="undefined"){g=self}else{g=this}g.chai = f()}})(function(){var define,module,exports;return (function e(t,n,r){function s(o,u){if(!n[o]){if(!t[o]){var a=typeof require=="function"&&require;if(!u&&a)return a(o,!0);if(i)return i(o,!0);var f=new Error("Cannot find module '"+o+"'");throw f.code="MODULE_NOT_FOUND",f}var l=n[o]={exports:{}};t[o][0].call(l.exports,function(e){var n=t[o][1][e];return s(n?n:e)},l,l.exports,e,t,n,r)}return n[o].exports}var i=typeof require=="function"&&require;for(var o=0;o<r.length;o++)s(r[o]);return s})({1:[function(require,module,exports){
  * chai
  * Copyright(c) 2011-2014 Jake Luer <jake@alogicalparadox.com>
  * MIT Licensed
-var used = []
-  , exports = module.exports = {};
+var used = [];
+exports = module.exports = {};
  * Chai version
 exports.version = '3.0.0';
@@ -193,18 +193,18 @@ module.exports = function (_chai, util) 
   Assertion.prototype.assert = function (expr, msg, negateMsg, expected, _actual, showDiff) {
     var ok = util.test(this, arguments);
     if (true !== showDiff) showDiff = false;
     if (true !== config.showDiff) showDiff = false;
     if (!ok) {
-      var msg = util.getMessage(this, arguments)
-        , actual = util.getActual(this, arguments);
+      msg = util.getMessage(this, arguments)
+      var actual = util.getActual(this, arguments);
       throw new AssertionError(msg, {
           actual: actual
         , expected: expected
         , showDiff: showDiff
       }, (config.includeStack) ? this.assert : flag(this, 'ssfi'));
@@ -492,17 +492,17 @@ module.exports = function (chai, _) {
     } else if (_.type(val) === 'object') {
       if (!flag(this, 'negate')) {
         for (var k in val) new Assertion(obj).property(k, val[k]);
       var subset = {};
-      for (var k in val) subset[k] = obj[k];
+      for (k in val) subset[k] = obj[k];
       expected = _.eql(subset, val);
     } else {
       expected = obj && ~obj.indexOf(val);
       , 'expected #{this} to include ' + _.inspect(val)
       , 'expected #{this} to not include ' + _.inspect(val));
@@ -3938,17 +3938,17 @@ module.exports = function hasProperty(na
  * Copyright(c) 2011 Jake Luer <jake@alogicalparadox.com>
  * MIT Licensed
  * Main exports
-var exports = module.exports = {};
+exports = module.exports = {};
  * test utility
 exports.test = require('./test');
@@ -4188,18 +4188,18 @@ function formatValue(ctx, value, recurse
   // Make Array say that they are Array
   if (isArray(value)) {
     array = true;
     braces = ['[', ']'];
   // Make functions say that they are functions
   if (typeof value === 'function') {
-    var name = getName(value);
-    var nameSuffix = name ? ': ' + name : '';
+    name = getName(value);
+    nameSuffix = name ? ': ' + name : '';
     base = ' [Function' + nameSuffix + ']';
   // Make RegExps say that they are RegExps
   if (isRegExp(value)) {
     base = ' ' + RegExp.prototype.toString.call(value);
@@ -5069,17 +5069,17 @@ module.exports = require('./lib/type');
  * Copyright(c) 2013 jake luer <jake@alogicalparadox.com>
  * MIT Licensed
  * Primary Exports
-var exports = module.exports = getType;
+exports = module.exports = getType;
  * Detectable javascript natives
 var natives = {
     '[object Array]': 'array'
   , '[object RegExp]': 'regexp'
@@ -5215,17 +5215,17 @@ arguments[4][31][0].apply(exports,argume
  * Copyright(c) 2013 jake luer <jake@alogicalparadox.com>
  * MIT Licensed
  * Primary Exports
-var exports = module.exports = getType;
+exports = module.exports = getType;
  * ### typeOf (obj)
  * Use several different techniques to determine
  * the type of object being tested.
@@ -5344,9 +5344,9 @@ Library.prototype.test = function(obj, t
     throw new ReferenceError('Type test "' + type + '" not defined or invalid.');
 module.exports = require('./lib/chai');
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/toolkit/components/microformats/test/static/javascript/count.js
+++ b/toolkit/components/microformats/test/static/javascript/count.js
@@ -54,9 +54,9 @@ window.onload = function() {
                 .replace(/&/g, '&amp;')
                 .replace(/"/g, '&quot;')
                 .replace(/'/g, '&#39;')
                 .replace(/</g, '&lt;')
                 .replace(/>/g, '&gt;');
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/toolkit/components/microformats/test/static/javascript/data.js
+++ b/toolkit/components/microformats/test/static/javascript/data.js
@@ -1,1 +1,1 @@
-var testData = {"date":"2015-09-25T12:26:26.421Z","repo":"microformats/tests","version":"0.1.24","data":[{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-card\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"name\": [\"Mozilla Foundation\"],\n            \"org\": [\"Mozilla Foundation\"],\n            \"url\": [\"http://mozilla.org/\"],\n            \"adr\": [{\n                \"value\": \"665 3rd St.  \\n        Suite 207  \\n        San Francisco,  \\n        CA  \\n        94107  \\n        U.S.A.\",\n                \"type\": [\"h-adr\"],\n                \"properties\": {\n                    \"street-address\": [\"665 3rd St.\"],\n                    \"extended-address\": [\"Suite 207\"],\n                    \"locality\": [\"San Francisco\"],\n                    \"region\": [\"CA\"],\n                    \"postal-code\": [\"94107\"]\n                }\n            }]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<div class=\"h-card\">\n    <p>\n        <a class=\"p-name p-org u-url\" href=\"http://mozilla.org/\">Mozilla Foundation</a>\n        <img class=\"logo\" src=\"../logo.jpg\"/>\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"adr\">\n        <span class=\"street-address\">665 3rd St.</span>  \n        <span class=\"extended-address\">Suite 207</span>  \n        <span class=\"locality\">San Francisco</span>,  \n        <span class=\"region\">CA</span>  \n        <span class=\"postal-code\">94107</span>  \n        <span class=\"p-country-name\">U.S.A.</span>  \n    </p>\n</div>","name":"mf-mixed-h-card-mixedpropertries"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-card\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"name\": [\"Frances Berriman\"]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<p class=\"h-card vcard\">Frances Berriman</p>","name":"mf-mixed-h-card-tworoots"},{"json":"\n{\n  \"items\": [{\n    \"type\": [\"h-entry\"],\n    \"properties\": {\n      \"author\": [{\n        \"value\": \"aaronparecki.com\\n    Aaron Parecki\\n    Aaron Parecki\",\n        \"type\": [\"h-card\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n          \"photo\": [\"https://aaronparecki.com/images/aaronpk.png\"],\n          \"logo\": [\"https://aaronparecki.com/images/aaronpk.png\"],\n          \"url\": [\"https://aaronparecki.com/\"],\n          \"uid\": [\"https://aaronparecki.com/\"],\n          \"name\": [\"Aaron Parecki\"]\n        }\n      }],\n      \"content\": [{\n        \"value\": \"Did you play\\n    @playmapattackat\\n    #realtimeconf? Here is some more info about how we built it!\\n    http://pdx.esri.com/blog/2013/10/17/introducting-mapattack/\",\n        \"html\": \"Did you play\\n    <a href=\\\"http://twitter.com/playmapattack\\\">@playmapattack</a>at\\n    <a href=\\\"http://aaronparecki.com/tag/realtimeconf\\\">#<span class=\\\"p-category\\\">realtimeconf</span></a>? Here is some more info about how we built it!\\n    <a href=\\\"http://pdx.esri.com/blog/2013/10/17/introducting-mapattack/\\\"><span class=\\\"protocol\\\">http://</span>pdx.esri.com/blog/2013/10/17/introducting-mapattack/</a>\\n  \"\n      }],\n      \"name\": [\"Did you play\\n    @playmapattackat\\n    #realtimeconf? Here is some more info about how we built it!\\n    http://pdx.esri.com/blog/2013/10/17/introducting-mapattack/\"],\n      \"category\": [\"realtimeconf\"]\n    }\n  }],\n  \"rels\": {\n    \"author\": [\"https://aaronparecki.com/\", \"https://plus.google.com/117847912875913905493\"]\n  },\n  \"rel-urls\": {\n    \"https://aaronparecki.com/\": {\n      \"text\": \"aaronparecki.com\",\n      \"rels\": [\"author\"]\n    },\n    \"https://plus.google.com/117847912875913905493\": {\n      \"text\": \"Aaron Parecki\",\n      \"rels\": [\"author\"]\n    }\n  }\n}","html":"<!-- simplified version of http://aaronparecki.com/notes/2013/10/18/2/realtimeconf-mapattack -->\n<base href=\"http://aaronparecki.com/\" />\n\n<div class=\"h-entry\">\n  <div class=\"h-card vcard author p-author\">\n    <img class=\"photo logo u-photo u-logo\" src=\"https://aaronparecki.com/images/aaronpk.png\" alt=\"Aaron Parecki\"/>\n    <a href=\"https://aaronparecki.com/\" rel=\"author\" class=\"u-url u-uid url\">aaronparecki.com</a>\n    <a class=\"p-name fn value\" href=\"https://aaronparecki.com/\">Aaron Parecki</a>\n    <a href=\"https://plus.google.com/117847912875913905493\" rel=\"author\" class=\"google-profile\">Aaron Parecki</a>\n  </div>\n  <div class=\"entry-content e-content p-name\">Did you play\n    <a href=\"http://twitter.com/playmapattack\">@playmapattack</a>at\n    <a href=\"/tag/realtimeconf\">#<span class=\"p-category\">realtimeconf</span></a>? Here is some more info about how we built it!\n    <a href=\"http://pdx.esri.com/blog/2013/10/17/introducting-mapattack/\"><span class=\"protocol\">http://</span>pdx.esri.com/blog/2013/10/17/introducting-mapattack/</a>\n  </div>\n</div>","name":"mf-mixed-h-entry-mixedroots"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-resume\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"contact\": [{\n                \"value\": \"Tim Berners-Lee\",\n                \"type\": [\"h-card\"],\n                \"properties\": {\n                    \"name\": [\"Tim Berners-Lee\"],\n                    \"job-title\": [\"Director of the World Wide Web Foundation\"]\n                }\n            }],\n            \"summary\": [\"Invented the World Wide Web.\"],\n            \"experience\": [{\n                \"value\": \"World Wide Web Foundation\",\n                \"type\": [\"h-event\", \"h-card\"],\n                \"properties\": {\n                    \"job-title\": [\"Director\"],\n                    \"name\": [\"World Wide Web Foundation\"],\n                    \"org\": [\"World Wide Web Foundation\"],\n                    \"url\": [\"http://www.webfoundation.org/\"],\n                    \"start\": [\"2009-01-18\"],\n                    \"duration\": [\"P2Y11M\"]\n                }\n            }],\n            \"name\": [\"Tim Berners-Lee\\n        Director of the World Wide Web Foundation\\n    \\n    Invented the World Wide Web.\\n    \\n        Director\\n        World Wide Web Foundation\\n        \\n            Jan 2009 – Present\\n            (2 years 11 month)\"]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<meta charset=\"utf-8\">\n<div class=\"h-resume\">\n    <div class=\"p-contact vcard\">\n        <p class=\"fn\">Tim Berners-Lee</p>\n        <p class=\"title\">Director of the World Wide Web Foundation</p>\n    </div>\n    <p class=\"p-summary\">Invented the World Wide Web.</p><hr />\n    <div class=\"p-experience vevent vcard\">\n        <p class=\"title\">Director</p>\n        <p><a class=\"fn org summary url\" href=\"http://www.webfoundation.org/\">World Wide Web Foundation</a></p>\n        <p>\n            <time class=\"dtstart\" datetime=\"2009-01-18\">Jan 2009</time> – Present\n            <time class=\"duration\" datetime=\"P2Y11M\">(2 years 11 month)</time>\n        </p>\n    </div>\n</div>","name":"mf-mixed-h-resume-mixedroots"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-adr\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"street-address\": [\"665 3rd St.\"],\n            \"extended-address\": [\"Suite 207\"],\n            \"locality\": [\"San Francisco\"],\n            \"region\": [\"CA\"],\n            \"postal-code\": [\"94107\"],\n            \"country-name\": [\"U.S.A.\"]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<p class=\"adr\">\n    <span class=\"street-address\">665 3rd St.</span>  \n    <span class=\"extended-address\">Suite 207</span>  \n    <span class=\"locality\">San Francisco</span>,  \n    <span class=\"region\">CA</span>  \n    <span class=\"postal-code\">94107</span>  \n    <span class=\"country-name\">U.S.A.</span>  \n</p>","name":"mf-v1-adr-simpleproperties"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-geo\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"latitude\": [\"37.408183\"],\n            \"longitude\": [\"-122.13855\"]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<meta charset=\"utf-8\">\n<p class=\"geo\">\n <abbr class=\"latitude\" title=\"37.408183\">N 37° 24.491</abbr>,  \n <abbr class=\"longitude\" title=\"-122.13855\">W 122° 08.313</abbr>\n</p>","name":"mf-v1-geo-abbrpattern"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-geo\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"latitude\": [\"51.513458\"],\n            \"longitude\": [\"-0.14812\"]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<p>\n    <span class=\"geo\">The Bricklayer's Arms\n        <span class=\"latitude\">\n            <span class=\"value-title\" title=\"51.513458\"> </span> \n        </span>\n        <span class=\"longitude\">\n            <span class=\"value-title\" title=\"-0.14812\"> </span>\n        </span>\n    </span>\n</p>","name":"mf-v1-geo-hidden"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-geo\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"latitude\": [\"51.513458\"],\n            \"longitude\": [\"-0.14812\"]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"We are meeting at \n<span class=\"geo\"> \n    <span>The Bricklayer's Arms</span>\n    (Geo: <span class=\"latitude\">51.513458</span>:\n    <span class=\"longitude\">-0.14812</span>)\n</span>","name":"mf-v1-geo-simpleproperties"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-geo\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"latitude\": [\"51.513458\"],\n            \"longitude\": [\"-0.14812\"]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<meta charset=\"utf-8\">\n<p>\n    <span class=\"geo\">\n        <span class=\"latitude\">\n            <span class=\"value-title\" title=\"51.513458\">N 51° 51.345</span>, \n        </span>\n        <span class=\"longitude\">\n            <span class=\"value-title\" title=\"-0.14812\">W -0° 14.812</span>\n        </span>\n    </span>\n</p>","name":"mf-v1-geo-valuetitleclass"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-event\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"name\": [\"The 4th Microformat party\"],\n            \"start\": [\n                \"2009-06-26 19:00:00\", \n                \"2009-06-26 07:00:00\", \n                \"2009-06-26 19:00\", \n                \"2009-06-26 19\", \n                \"2009-06-26 19\", \n                \"2009-06-26 19:00\", \n                \"2009-06-26 19:00\", \n                \"2009-06-26 19:00\", \n                \"2009-06-26 07:00\"\n                ]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<div class=\"vevent\">\n    <span class=\"summary\">The 4th Microformat party</span> will be on \n    <ul>\n        <li class=\"dtstart\">\n            <time class=\"value\" datetime=\"2009-06-26\">26 July</time>, from\n            <span class=\"value\">07:00:00pm \n        </span></li>\n        <li class=\"dtstart\">\n            <time class=\"value\" datetime=\"2009-06-26\">26 July</time>, from\n            <span class=\"value\">07:00:00am \n        </span></li>\n        <li class=\"dtstart\">\n            <time class=\"value\" datetime=\"2009-06-26\">26 July</time>, from\n            <span class=\"value\">07:00pm \n        </span></li>\n        <li class=\"dtstart\">\n            <time class=\"value\" datetime=\"2009-06-26\">26 July</time>, from\n            <span class=\"value\">07pm \n        </span></li>\n        <li class=\"dtstart\">\n            <time class=\"value\" datetime=\"2009-06-26\">26 July</time>, from\n            <span class=\"value\">7pm \n        </span></li>\n        <li class=\"dtstart\">\n            <time class=\"value\" datetime=\"2009-06-26\">26 July</time>, from\n            <span class=\"value\">7:00pm \n        </span></li>\n        <li class=\"dtstart\">\n            <time class=\"value\" datetime=\"2009-06-26\">26 July</time>, from\n            <span class=\"value\">07:00p.m. \n        </span></li>\n        <li class=\"dtstart\">\n            <time class=\"value\" datetime=\"2009-06-26\">26 July</time>, from\n            <span class=\"value\">07:00PM \n        </span></li>\n        <li class=\"dtstart\">\n            <time class=\"value\" datetime=\"2009-06-26\">26 July</time>, from\n            <span class=\"value\">7:00am \n        </span></li>\n    </ul>\n</div>","name":"mf-v1-hcalendar-ampm"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-event\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"name\": [\"CPJ Online Press Freedom Summit\"],\n            \"start\": [\"2012-10-10\"],\n            \"location\": [\"San Francisco\"],\n            \"attendee\": [{\n                \"value\": \"Brian Warner\",\n                \"type\": [\"h-card\"],\n                \"properties\": {\n                    \"name\": [\"Brian Warner\"]\n                }\n            }, {\n                \"value\": \"Kyle Machulis\",\n                \"type\": [\"h-card\"],\n                \"properties\": {\n                    \"name\": [\"Kyle Machulis\"]\n                }\n            }, {\n                \"value\": \"Tantek Çelik\",\n                \"type\": [\"h-card\"],\n                \"properties\": {\n                    \"name\": [\"Tantek Çelik\"]\n                }\n            }, {\n                \"value\": \"Sid Sutter\",\n                \"type\": [\"h-card\"],\n                \"properties\": {\n                    \"name\": [\"Sid Sutter\"]\n                }\n            }]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<meta charset=\"utf-8\">\n<div class=\"vevent\">\n    <span class=\"summary\">CPJ Online Press Freedom Summit</span>\n    (<time class=\"dtstart\" datetime=\"2012-10-10\">10 Nov 2012</time>) in\n    <span class=\"location\">San Francisco</span>.\n    Attendees:\n    <ul>\n        <li class=\"attendee vcard\"><span class=\"fn\">Brian Warner</span></li>\n        <li class=\"attendee vcard\"><span class=\"fn\">Kyle Machulis</span></li>\n        <li class=\"attendee vcard\"><span class=\"fn\">Tantek Çelik</span></li>\n        <li class=\"attendee vcard\"><span class=\"fn\">Sid Sutter</span></li>\n    </ul>\n</div>\n","name":"mf-v1-hcalendar-attendees"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-event\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"name\": [\"IndieWebCamp 2012\"],\n            \"url\": [\"http://indiewebcamp.com/2012\"],\n            \"start\": [\"2012-06-30\"],\n            \"end\": [\"2012-07-01\"],\n            \"location\": [{\n                \"value\": \"Geoloqi\",\n                \"type\": [\"h-card\"],\n                \"properties\": {\n                    \"name\": [\"Geoloqi\"],\n                    \"org\": [\"Geoloqi\"],\n                    \"url\": [\"http://geoloqi.com/\"],\n                    \"adr\": [{\n                        \"value\": \"920 SW 3rd Ave. Suite 400, \\n        Portland, \\n        OR\",\n                        \"type\": [\"h-adr\"],\n                        \"properties\": {\n                            \"street-address\": [\"920 SW 3rd Ave. Suite 400\"],\n                            \"locality\": [\"Portland\"],\n                            \"region\": [\"Oregon\"]\n                        }\n                    }]\n                }\n            }]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<div class=\"vevent\">\n  <a class=\"summary url\" href=\"http://indiewebcamp.com/2012\">\n    IndieWebCamp 2012\n  </a>\n  from <time class=\"dtstart\">2012-06-30</time> \n  to <time class=\"dtend\">2012-07-01</time> at \n  <span class=\"location vcard\">\n    <a class=\"fn org url\" href=\"http://geoloqi.com/\">Geoloqi</a>, \n    <span class=\"adr\">\n        <span class=\"street-address\">920 SW 3rd Ave. Suite 400</span>, \n        <span class=\"locality\">Portland</span>, \n        <abbr class=\"region\" title=\"Oregon\">OR</abbr>\n    </span>\n  </span>\n</div>","name":"mf-v1-hcalendar-combining"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-event\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"name\": [\"The 4th Microformat party\"],\n            \"start\": [\"2009-06-26 19:00\"],\n            \"end\": [\"2009-06-26 22:00\"]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<div class=\"vevent\">\n <span class=\"summary\">The 4th Microformat party</span> will be on \n <span class=\"dtstart\">\n  <time class=\"value\" datetime=\"2009-06-26\">26 July</time>, from\n  <time class=\"value\">19:00</time></span> to \n <span class=\"dtend\"><time class=\"value\">22:00</time></span>.\n</div>","name":"mf-v1-hcalendar-concatenate"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-event\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"name\": [\"The 4th Microformat party\"],\n            \"start\": [\n                \"2009-06-26 19:00:00-08:00\", \n                \"2009-06-26 19:00:00-08:00\", \n                \"2009-06-26 19:00:00+08:00\", \n                \"2009-06-26 19:00:00Z\", \n                \"2009-06-26 19:00:00\", \n                \"2009-06-26 19:00-08:00\", \n                \"2009-06-26 19:00+08:00\", \n                \"2009-06-26 19:00Z\", \n                \"2009-06-26 19:00\"\n                ],\n            \"end\": [\"2013-034\"]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<div class=\"vevent\">\n    <span class=\"summary\">The 4th Microformat party</span> will be on \n    <ul>\n        <li class=\"dtstart\">\n            <time class=\"value\" datetime=\"2009-06-26\">26 July</time>, from\n            <time class=\"value\">19:00:00-08:00</time> \n        </li>\n        <li class=\"dtstart\">\n            <time class=\"value\" datetime=\"2009-06-26\">26 July</time>, from\n            <time class=\"value\">19:00:00-0800</time> \n        </li>\n        <li class=\"dtstart\">\n            <time class=\"value\" datetime=\"2009-06-26\">26 July</time>, from\n            <time class=\"value\">19:00:00+0800</time> \n        </li> \n        <li class=\"dtstart\">\n            <time class=\"value\" datetime=\"2009-06-26\">26 July</time>, from\n            <time class=\"value\">19:00:00Z</time> \n        </li>\n        <li class=\"dtstart\">\n            <time class=\"value\" datetime=\"2009-06-26\">26 July</time>, from\n            <time class=\"value\">19:00:00</time> \n        </li>\n        <li class=\"dtstart\">\n            <time class=\"value\" datetime=\"2009-06-26\">26 July</time>, from\n            <time class=\"value\">19:00-08:00</time> \n        </li> \n        <li class=\"dtstart\">\n            <time class=\"value\" datetime=\"2009-06-26\">26 July</time>, from\n            <time class=\"value\">19:00+08:00</time> \n        </li>\n        <li class=\"dtstart\">\n            <time class=\"value\" datetime=\"2009-06-26\">26 July</time>, from\n            <time class=\"value\">19:00z</time> \n        </li>\n        <li class=\"dtstart\">\n            <time class=\"value\" datetime=\"2009-06-26\">26 July</time>, from\n            <time class=\"value\">19:00</time> \n        </li>  \n        <li>\n            <time class=\"dtend\" datetime=\"2013-034\">3 February 2013</time>\n        </li>              \n    </ul>\n</div>","name":"mf-v1-hcalendar-time"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-card\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"name\": [\"John Doe\"],\n            \"email\": [\"mailto:john@example.com\", \"mailto:john@example.com\", \"mailto:john@example.com?subject=parser-test\", \"john@example.com\"]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<div class=\"vcard\">\n    <span class=\"fn\">John Doe</span> \n    <ul>\n        <li><a class=\"email\" href=\"mailto:john@example.com\">notthis@example.com</a></li>\n        <li>\n            <span class=\"email\">\n                <span class=\"type\">internet</span> \n                <a class=\"value\" href=\"mailto:john@example.com\">notthis@example.com</a>\n            </span>\n        </li> \n        <li><a class=\"email\" href=\"mailto:john@example.com?subject=parser-test\">notthis@example.com</a></li>\n        <li class=\"email\">john@example.com</li>\n    </ul>\n</div>","name":"mf-v1-hcard-email"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-card\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"name\": [\"John \\n        Doe\"],\n            \"given-name\": [\"John\"]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<p class=\"vcard\">\n    <span class=\"profile-name fn n\">\n        <span class=\" given-name \">John</span> \n        <span class=\"FAMILY-NAME\">Doe</span> \n    </span>\n</p>","name":"mf-v1-hcard-format"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-card\"],\n        \"properties\": {}\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<a class=\"vcard\" href=\"http://rohit.khare.org/\">\n        <img alt=\"Rohit Khare\" src=\"images/photo.gif\" />\n</a>","name":"mf-v1-hcard-hyperlinkedphoto"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-card\"],\n        \"properties\": {}\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<a class=\"vcard\" href=\"http://benward.me/\">Ben Ward</a>","name":"mf-v1-hcard-justahyperlink"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-card\"],\n        \"properties\": {}\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<p class=\"vcard\">Frances Berriman</p>","name":"mf-v1-hcard-justaname"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-card\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"name\": [\"John Doe\"],\n            \"given-name\": [\"John\"],\n            \"family-name\": [\"Doe\"],\n            \"sound\": [\"http://www.madgex.com/johndoe.mpeg\"],\n            \"photo\": [\"http://example.com/images/photo.gif\"],\n            \"nickname\": [\"Man with no name\", \"Lost boy\"],\n            \"note\": [\"John Doe is one of those names you always have issues with.\", \"It can be a real problem booking a hotel room with the name John Doe.\"],\n            \"logo\": [\"http://example.com/images/logo.gif\", \"http://example.com/images/logo.gif\"],\n            \"url\": [\"http://www.madgex.com/\", \"http://www.webfeetmedia.com/\"],\n            \"org\": [\"Madgex\", \"Web Feet Media Ltd\"],\n            \"job-title\": [\"Creative Director\", \"Owner\"],\n            \"category\": [\"design\", \"development\", \"web\"],\n            \"tel\": [\"+1 415 555 100\", \"+1 415 555 200\", \"+1 415 555 300\"],\n            \"email\": [\"mailto:john.doe@madgex.com\", \"mailto:john.doe@webfeetmedia.com\"],\n            \"mailer\": [\"PigeonMail 2.1\", \"Outlook 2007\"],\n            \"label\": [\"Work: \\n                North Street, \\n                Brighton, \\n                United Kingdom\", \"Home: \\n                West Street, \\n                Brighton, \\n                United Kingdom\"],\n            \"adr\": [{\n                \"value\": \"Work: \\n                North Street, \\n                Brighton, \\n                United Kingdom\",\n                \"type\": [\"h-adr\"],\n                \"properties\": {\n                    \"street-address\": [\"North Street\"],\n                    \"locality\": [\"Brighton\"],\n                    \"country-name\": [\"United Kingdom\"]\n                }\n            }, {\n                \"value\": \"Home: \\n                West Street, \\n                Brighton, \\n                United Kingdom\",\n                \"type\": [\"h-adr\"],\n                \"properties\": {\n                    \"street-address\": [\"West Street\"],\n                    \"locality\": [\"Brighton\"],\n                    \"country-name\": [\"United Kingdom\"]\n                }\n            }],\n            \"agent\": [\"Jane Doe\", {\n                \"value\": \"Dave Doe\",\n                \"type\": [\"h-card\"],\n                \"properties\": {\n                    \"name\": [\"Dave Doe\"]\n                }\n            }],\n            \"key\": [\"hd02$Gfu*d%dh87KTa2=23934532479\"]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {\n        \"tag\": [\"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/design\", \"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/development\", \"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/web\"]\n    },\n    \"rel-urls\": {\n        \"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/design\": {\n            \"text\": \"design\",\n            \"rels\": [\"tag\"]\n        },\n        \"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/development\": {\n            \"text\": \"development\",\n            \"rels\": [\"tag\"]\n        },\n        \"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/web\": {\n            \"text\": \"web\",\n            \"rels\": [\"tag\"]\n        }\n    }\n}","html":"<base href=\"http://example.com\">\n    <div class=\"vcard\">\n    \n    <div class=\"fn n\"><span class=\"given-name\">John</span> <span class=\"family-name\">Doe</span></div>\n    <a class=\"sound\" href=\"http://www.madgex.com/johndoe.mpeg\">Pronunciation of my name</a>\n    <div><img class=\"photo\" src=\"images/photo.gif\" alt=\"Photo of John Doe\" /></div>\n\n    <p>Nicknames:</p>\n    <ul>\n        <li class=\"nickname\">Man with no name</li>\n        <li class=\"nickname\">Lost boy</li>\n    </ul>\n\n    <p>About:</p>\n    <p class=\"note\">John Doe is one of those names you always have issues with.</p>\n    <p class=\"note\">It can be a real problem booking a hotel room with the name John Doe.</p>\n\n    <p>Companies:</p>\n    <div>\n        <img class=\"logo\" src=\"images/logo.gif\" alt=\"Madgex company logo\" />\n        <img class=\"logo\" src=\"images/logo.gif\" alt=\"Web Feet Media company logo\" />\n    </div>\n    <ul>\n        <li><a class=\"url org\" href=\"http://www.madgex.com/\">Madgex</a> <span class=\"title\">Creative Director</span></li>\n        <li><a class=\"url org\" href=\"http://www.webfeetmedia.com/\">Web Feet Media Ltd</a> <span class=\"title\">Owner</span></li>\n    </ul>\n    \n    <p>Tags: \n    <a rel=\"tag\" class=\"category\" href=\"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/design\">design</a>, \n    <a rel=\"tag\" class=\"category\" href=\"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/development\">development</a> and\n    <a rel=\"tag\" class=\"category\" href=\"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/web\">web</a>\n    </p>\n    \n    <p>Phone numbers:</p>\n    <ul>\n        <li class=\"tel\">\n            <span class=\"type\">Work</span> (<span class=\"type\">pref</span>erred):\n            <span class=\"value\">+1 415 555 100</span>\n        </li>\n        <li class=\"tel\"><span class=\"type\">Home</span>: <span class=\"value\">+1 415 555 200</span></li>\n        <li class=\"tel\"><span class=\"type\">Postal</span>: <span class=\"value\">+1 415 555 300</span></li>\n    </ul>\n    \n    <p>Emails:</p>\n    <ul>\n        <li><a class=\"email\" href=\"mailto:john.doe@madgex.com\">John Doe at Madgex</a></li>\n        <li><a class=\"email\" href=\"mailto:john.doe@webfeetmedia.com\">John Doe at Web Feet Media</a></li>\n    </ul>\n    <p>John Doe uses <span class=\"mailer\">PigeonMail 2.1</span> or <span class=\"mailer\">Outlook 2007</span> for email.</p>\n\n    <p>Addresses:</p>\n    <ul>\n        <li class=\"label\">\n            <span class=\"adr\">\n                <span class=\"type\">Work</span>: \n                <span class=\"street-address\">North Street</span>, \n                <span class=\"locality\">Brighton</span>, \n                <span class=\"country-name\">United Kingdom</span>\n            </span>\n            \n        </li>\n        <li class=\"label\">\n            <span class=\"adr\">\n                <span class=\"type\">Home</span>: \n                <span class=\"street-address\">West Street</span>, \n                <span class=\"locality\">Brighton</span>, \n                <span class=\"country-name\">United Kingdom</span>\n            </span>\n        </li>\n    </ul>\n    \n    <p>In emergency contact: <span class=\"agent\">Jane Doe</span> or <span class=\"agent vcard\"><span class=\"fn\">Dave Doe</span></span>.</p>\n    <p>Key: <span class=\"key\">hd02$Gfu*d%dh87KTa2=23934532479</span></p>\n</div>","name":"mf-v1-hcard-multiple"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-card\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"honorific-prefix\": [\"Dr\"],\n            \"given-name\": [\"John\"],\n            \"additional-name\": [\"Peter\"],\n            \"family-name\": [\"Doe\"],\n            \"honorific-suffix\": [\"MSc\", \"PHD\"],\n            \"photo\": [\"http://example.com/images/logo.gif\"]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<base href=\"http://example.com\">\n<div class=\"vcard\">\n    <div class=\"name\">\n        <span class=\"honorific-prefix\">Dr</span> \n        <span class=\"given-name\">John</span> \n        <abbr class=\"additional-name\" title=\"Peter\">P</abbr>  \n        <span class=\"family-name\">Doe</span> \n        <data class=\"honorific-suffix\" value=\"MSc\"></data>\n        <img class=\"photo honorific-suffix\" src=\"images/logo.gif\" alt=\"PHD\" />\n    </div>\n</div>","name":"mf-v1-hcard-name"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-card\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"name\": [\"John Doe\"],\n            \"given-name\": [\"John\"],\n            \"sort-string\": [\"John\"],\n            \"bday\": [\"2000-01-01 00:00:00-08:00\"],\n            \"role\": [\"Designer\"],\n            \"geo\": [{\n                \"value\": \"30.267991;-97.739568\",\n                \"type\": [\"h-geo\"],\n                \"properties\": {\n                    \"name\": [\"30.267991;-97.739568\"]\n                }\n            }],\n            \"tz\": [\"-05:00\"],\n            \"uid\": [\"http://example.com/profiles/johndoe\"],\n            \"class\": [\"Public\"],\n            \"rev\": [\"2008-01-01 13:45:00\"]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<div class=\"vcard\">\n        \n        <div class=\"fn n\"><span class=\"given-name sort-string\">John</span> Doe</div>\n        <div>Birthday: <abbr class=\"bday\" title=\"2000-01-01T00:00:00-08:00\">January 1st, 2000</abbr></div>\n        <div>Role: <span class=\"role\">Designer</span></div>\n        <div>Location: <abbr class=\"geo\" title=\"30.267991;-97.739568\">Brighton</abbr></div>\n        <div>Time zone: <abbr class=\"tz\" title=\"-05:00\">Eastern Standard Time</abbr></div>\n        \n        <div>Profile details:\n            <div>Profile id: <span class=\"uid\">http://example.com/profiles/johndoe</span></div>\n            <div>Details are: <span class=\"class\">Public</span></div>\n            <div>Last updated: <abbr class=\"rev\" title=\"2008-01-01T13:45:00\">January 1st, 2008 - 13:45</abbr></div>\n        </div>\n    </div>","name":"mf-v1-hcard-single"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-entry\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"name\": [\"microformats.org at 7\"],\n            \"content\": [{\n                \"value\": \"Last week the microformats.org community \\n            celebrated its 7th birthday at a gathering hosted by Mozilla in \\n            San Francisco and recognized accomplishments, challenges, and \\n            opportunities.\\n\\n        The microformats tagline “humans first, machines second” \\n            forms the basis of many of our \\n            principles, and \\n            in that regard, we’d like to recognize a few people and \\n            thank them for their years of volunteer service\",\n                \"html\": \"\\n        <p class=\\\"entry-summary\\\">Last week the microformats.org community \\n            celebrated its 7th birthday at a gathering hosted by Mozilla in \\n            San Francisco and recognized accomplishments, challenges, and \\n            opportunities.</p>\\n\\n        <p>The microformats tagline “humans first, machines second” \\n            forms the basis of many of our \\n            <a href=\\\"http://microformats.org/wiki/principles\\\">principles</a>, and \\n            in that regard, we’d like to recognize a few people and \\n            thank them for their years of volunteer service </p>\\n    \"\n            }],\n            \"summary\": [\"Last week the microformats.org community \\n            celebrated its 7th birthday at a gathering hosted by Mozilla in \\n            San Francisco and recognized accomplishments, challenges, and \\n            opportunities.\"],\n            \"updated\": [\"2012-06-25 17:08:26\"],\n            \"author\": [{\n                \"value\": \"Tantek\",\n                \"type\": [\"h-card\"],\n                \"properties\": {\n                    \"name\": [\"Tantek\"],\n                    \"url\": [\"http://tantek.com/\"]\n                }\n            }]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<meta charset=\"utf-8\">\n<div class=\"hentry\">\n    <h1><a class=\"entry-title\" href=\"http://microformats.org/2012/06/25/microformats-org-at-7\">microformats.org at 7</a></h1>\n    <div class=\"entry-content\">\n        <p class=\"entry-summary\">Last week the microformats.org community \n            celebrated its 7th birthday at a gathering hosted by Mozilla in \n            San Francisco and recognized accomplishments, challenges, and \n            opportunities.</p>\n\n        <p>The microformats tagline “humans first, machines second” \n            forms the basis of many of our \n            <a href=\"http://microformats.org/wiki/principles\">principles</a>, and \n            in that regard, we’d like to recognize a few people and \n            thank them for their years of volunteer service </p>\n    </div>  \n    <p>Updated \n        <time class=\"updated\" datetime=\"2012-06-25T17:08:26\">June 25th, 2012</time> by\n        <span class=\"author vcard\"><a class=\"fn url\" href=\"http://tantek.com/\">Tantek</a></span>\n    </p>\n</div>","name":"mf-v1-hentry-summarycontent"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-feed\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"author\": [{\n                \"value\": \"Tantek\",\n                \"type\": [\"h-card\"],\n                \"properties\": {\n                    \"name\": [\"Tantek\"],\n                    \"url\": [\"http://tantek.com/\"]\n                }\n            }],\n            \"url\": [\"http://microformats.org/blog\"],\n            \"photo\": [\"http://example.com/photo.jpeg\"],\n            \"category\": [\"microformats\", \"html\"]\n        },\n        \"children\": [{\n            \"value\": \"microformats.org at 7\\n\\t    \\n\\t        Last week the microformats.org community \\n\\t            celebrated its 7th birthday at a gathering hosted by Mozilla in \\n\\t            San Francisco and recognized accomplishments, challenges, and \\n\\t            opportunities.\\n\\t\\n\\t        The microformats tagline “humans first, machines second” \\n\\t            forms the basis of many of our \\n\\t            principles, and \\n\\t            in that regard, we’d like to recognize a few people and \\n\\t            thank them for their years of volunteer service \\n\\t      \\n\\t    Updated \\n\\t        June 25th, 2012\",\n            \"type\": [\"h-entry\"],\n            \"properties\": {\n                \"name\": [\"microformats.org at 7\"],\n                \"url\": [\"http://microformats.org/2012/06/25/microformats-org-at-7\"],\n                \"content\": [{\n                    \"value\": \"Last week the microformats.org community \\n\\t            celebrated its 7th birthday at a gathering hosted by Mozilla in \\n\\t            San Francisco and recognized accomplishments, challenges, and \\n\\t            opportunities.\\n\\t\\n\\t        The microformats tagline “humans first, machines second” \\n\\t            forms the basis of many of our \\n\\t            principles, and \\n\\t            in that regard, we’d like to recognize a few people and \\n\\t            thank them for their years of volunteer service\",\n                    \"html\": \"\\n\\t        <p class=\\\"entry-summary\\\">Last week the microformats.org community \\n\\t            celebrated its 7th birthday at a gathering hosted by Mozilla in \\n\\t            San Francisco and recognized accomplishments, challenges, and \\n\\t            opportunities.</p>\\n\\t\\n\\t        <p>The microformats tagline “humans first, machines second” \\n\\t            forms the basis of many of our \\n\\t            <a href=\\\"http://microformats.org/wiki/principles\\\">principles</a>, and \\n\\t            in that regard, we’d like to recognize a few people and \\n\\t            thank them for their years of volunteer service </p>\\n\\t    \"\n                }],\n                \"summary\": [\"Last week the microformats.org community \\n\\t            celebrated its 7th birthday at a gathering hosted by Mozilla in \\n\\t            San Francisco and recognized accomplishments, challenges, and \\n\\t            opportunities.\"],\n                \"updated\": [\"2012-06-25 17:08:26\"]\n            }\n        }]\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {\n        \"tag\": [\"http://example.com/tags/microformats\", \"http://example.com/tags/html\"],\n        \"bookmark\": [\"http://microformats.org/2012/06/25/microformats-org-at-7\"]\n    },\n    \"rel-urls\": {\n        \"http://example.com/tags/microformats\": {\n            \"text\": \"microformats\",\n            \"rels\": [\"tag\"]\n        },\n        \"http://example.com/tags/html\": {\n            \"text\": \"html\",\n            \"rels\": [\"tag\"]\n        },\n        \"http://microformats.org/2012/06/25/microformats-org-at-7\": {\n            \"text\": \"microformats.org at 7\",\n            \"rels\": [\"bookmark\"]\n        }\n    }\n}","html":"<section class=\"hfeed\">\n\t<h1 class=\"name\">Microformats blog</h1>\n\t<span class=\"author vcard\"><a class=\"fn url\" href=\"http://tantek.com/\">Tantek</a></span>\n\t<a class=\"url\" href=\"http://microformats.org/blog\">permlink</a>\n\t<img class=\"photo\" src=\"photo.jpeg\"/>\n\t<p>\n\t\tTags: <a rel=\"tag\" href=\"tags/microformats\">microformats</a>, \n\t\t<a rel=\"tag\" href=\"tags/html\">html</a>\n\t</p>\n\t\n\t<div class=\"hentry\">\n\t    <h1><a class=\"entry-title\" rel=\"bookmark\" href=\"http://microformats.org/2012/06/25/microformats-org-at-7\">microformats.org at 7</a></h1>\n\t    <div class=\"entry-content\">\n\t        <p class=\"entry-summary\">Last week the microformats.org community \n\t            celebrated its 7th birthday at a gathering hosted by Mozilla in \n\t            San Francisco and recognized accomplishments, challenges, and \n\t            opportunities.</p>\n\t\n\t        <p>The microformats tagline “humans first, machines second” \n\t            forms the basis of many of our \n\t            <a href=\"http://microformats.org/wiki/principles\">principles</a>, and \n\t            in that regard, we’d like to recognize a few people and \n\t            thank them for their years of volunteer service </p>\n\t    </div>  \n\t    <p>Updated \n\t        <time class=\"updated\" datetime=\"2012-06-25T17:08:26\">June 25th, 2012</time>\n\t    </p>\n\t</div>\n\t\n</section>","name":"mf-v1-hfeed-simple"},{"json":"\n{\n  \"items\": [{\n    \"type\": [\"h-news\"],\n    \"properties\": {\n      \"entry\": [{\n        \"value\": \"microformats.org at 7\",\n        \"type\": [\"h-entry\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n          \"name\": [\"microformats.org at 7\"],\n          \"url\": [\"http://microformats.org/2012/06/25/microformats-org-at-7\"],\n          \"content\": [{\n            \"value\": \"Last week the microformats.org community \\n                celebrated its 7th birthday at a gathering hosted by Mozilla in \\n                San Francisco and recognized accomplishments, challenges, and \\n                opportunities.\\n\\n            The microformats tagline “humans first, machines second” \\n                forms the basis of many of our \\n                principles, and \\n                in that regard, we’d like to recognize a few people and \\n                thank them for their years of volunteer service\",\n            \"html\": \"\\n            <p class=\\\"entry-summary\\\">Last week the microformats.org community \\n                celebrated its 7th birthday at a gathering hosted by Mozilla in \\n                San Francisco and recognized accomplishments, challenges, and \\n                opportunities.</p>\\n\\n            <p>The microformats tagline “humans first, machines second” \\n                forms the basis of many of our \\n                <a href=\\\"http://microformats.org/wiki/principles\\\">principles</a>, and \\n                in that regard, we’d like to recognize a few people and \\n                thank them for their years of volunteer service </p>\\n        \"\n          }],\n          \"summary\": [\"Last week the microformats.org community \\n                celebrated its 7th birthday at a gathering hosted by Mozilla in \\n                San Francisco and recognized accomplishments, challenges, and \\n                opportunities.\"],\n          \"updated\": [\"2012-06-25 17:08:26\"],\n          \"author\": [{\n            \"value\": \"Tantek\",\n            \"type\": [\"h-card\"],\n            \"properties\": {\n              \"name\": [\"Tantek\"],\n              \"url\": [\"http://tantek.com/\"]\n            }\n          }]\n        }\n      }],\n      \"dateline\": [{\n        \"value\": \"San Francisco, \\n                CA\",\n        \"type\": [\"h-card\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n          \"adr\": [{\n            \"value\": \"San Francisco, \\n                CA\",\n            \"type\": [\"h-adr\"],\n            \"properties\": {\n              \"locality\": [\"San Francisco\"],\n              \"region\": [\"CA\"]\n            }\n          }]\n        }\n      }],\n      \"geo\": [{\n        \"value\": \"37.774921;-122.445202\",\n        \"type\": [\"h-geo\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n          \"name\": [\"37.774921;-122.445202\"]\n        }\n      }],\n      \"source-org\": [{\n        \"value\": \"microformats.org\",\n        \"type\": [\"h-card\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n          \"name\": [\"microformats.org\"],\n          \"org\": [\"microformats.org\"],\n          \"url\": [\"http://microformats.org/\"]\n        }\n      }],\n      \"principles\": [\"http://microformats.org/wiki/Category:public_domain_license\"]\n    }\n  }],\n  \"rels\": {\n    \"bookmark\": [\"http://microformats.org/2012/06/25/microformats-org-at-7\"],\n    \"principles\": [\"http://microformats.org/wiki/Category:public_domain_license\"]\n  },\n  \"rel-urls\": {\n    \"http://microformats.org/2012/06/25/microformats-org-at-7\": {\n      \"text\": \"microformats.org at 7\",\n      \"rels\": [\"bookmark\"]\n    },\n    \"http://microformats.org/wiki/Category:public_domain_license\": {\n      \"text\": \"Publishing policy\",\n      \"rels\": [\"principles\"]\n    }\n  }\n}","html":"<div class=\"hnews\">\n    <div class=\"entry hentry\">\n        <h1><a class=\"entry-title\" rel=\"bookmark\" href=\"http://microformats.org/2012/06/25/microformats-org-at-7\">microformats.org at 7</a></h1>\n        <div class=\"entry-content\">\n            <p class=\"entry-summary\">Last week the microformats.org community \n                celebrated its 7th birthday at a gathering hosted by Mozilla in \n                San Francisco and recognized accomplishments, challenges, and \n                opportunities.</p>\n\n            <p>The microformats tagline “humans first, machines second” \n                forms the basis of many of our \n                <a href=\"http://microformats.org/wiki/principles\">principles</a>, and \n                in that regard, we’d like to recognize a few people and \n                thank them for their years of volunteer service </p>\n        </div>  \n        <p>Updated \n            <time class=\"updated\" datetime=\"2012-06-25T17:08:26\">June 25th, 2012</time> by\n            <span class=\"author vcard\"><a class=\"fn url\" href=\"http://tantek.com/\">Tantek</a></span>\n        </p>\n    </div>\n\n    <p>\n        <span class=\"dateline vcard\">\n            <span class=\"adr\">\n                <span class=\"locality\">San Francisco</span>, \n                <span class=\"region\">CA</span> \n            </span>\n        </span>\n        (Geo: <span class=\"geo\">37.774921;-122.445202</span>) \n        <span class=\"source-org vcard\">\n            <a class=\"fn org url\" href=\"http://microformats.org/\">microformats.org</a>\n        </span>\n    </p>\n    <p>\n        <a rel=\"principles\" href=\"http://microformats.org/wiki/Category:public_domain_license\">Publishing policy</a>\n    </p>\n</div>","name":"mf-v1-hnews-all"},{"json":"\n{\n  \"items\": [{\n    \"type\": [\"h-news\"],\n    \"properties\": {\n      \"entry\": [{\n        \"value\": \"microformats.org at 7\",\n        \"type\": [\"h-entry\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n          \"name\": [\"microformats.org at 7\"],\n          \"url\": [\"http://microformats.org/2012/06/25/microformats-org-at-7\"],\n          \"content\": [{\n            \"value\": \"Last week the microformats.org community \\n                celebrated its 7th birthday at a gathering hosted by Mozilla in \\n                San Francisco and recognized accomplishments, challenges, and \\n                opportunities.\\n\\n            The microformats tagline “humans first, machines second” \\n                forms the basis of many of our \\n                principles, and \\n                in that regard, we’d like to recognize a few people and \\n                thank them for their years of volunteer service\",\n            \"html\": \"\\n            <p class=\\\"entry-summary\\\">Last week the microformats.org community \\n                celebrated its 7th birthday at a gathering hosted by Mozilla in \\n                San Francisco and recognized accomplishments, challenges, and \\n                opportunities.</p>\\n\\n            <p>The microformats tagline “humans first, machines second” \\n                forms the basis of many of our \\n                <a href=\\\"http://microformats.org/wiki/principles\\\">principles</a>, and \\n                in that regard, we’d like to recognize a few people and \\n                thank them for their years of volunteer service </p>\\n        \"\n          }],\n          \"summary\": [\"Last week the microformats.org community \\n                celebrated its 7th birthday at a gathering hosted by Mozilla in \\n                San Francisco and recognized accomplishments, challenges, and \\n                opportunities.\"],\n          \"updated\": [\"2012-06-25 17:08:26\"],\n          \"author\": [{\n            \"value\": \"Tantek\",\n            \"type\": [\"h-card\"],\n            \"properties\": {\n              \"name\": [\"Tantek\"],\n              \"url\": [\"http://tantek.com/\"]\n            }\n          }]\n        }\n      }],\n      \"source-org\": [{\n        \"value\": \"microformats.org\",\n        \"type\": [\"h-card\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n          \"name\": [\"microformats.org\"],\n          \"org\": [\"microformats.org\"],\n          \"url\": [\"http://microformats.org/\"]\n        }\n      }]\n    }\n  }],\n  \"rels\": {\n    \"bookmark\": [\"http://microformats.org/2012/06/25/microformats-org-at-7\"]\n  },\n  \"rel-urls\": {\n    \"http://microformats.org/2012/06/25/microformats-org-at-7\": {\n      \"text\": \"microformats.org at 7\",\n      \"rels\": [\"bookmark\"]\n    }\n  }\n}","html":"<div class=\"hnews\">\n    <div class=\"entry hentry\">\n        <h1><a class=\"entry-title\" rel=\"bookmark\" href=\"http://microformats.org/2012/06/25/microformats-org-at-7\">microformats.org at 7</a></h1>\n        <div class=\"entry-content\">\n            <p class=\"entry-summary\">Last week the microformats.org community \n                celebrated its 7th birthday at a gathering hosted by Mozilla in \n                San Francisco and recognized accomplishments, challenges, and \n                opportunities.</p>\n\n            <p>The microformats tagline “humans first, machines second” \n                forms the basis of many of our \n                <a href=\"http://microformats.org/wiki/principles\">principles</a>, and \n                in that regard, we’d like to recognize a few people and \n                thank them for their years of volunteer service </p>\n        </div>  \n        <p>Updated \n            <time class=\"updated\" datetime=\"2012-06-25T17:08:26\">June 25th, 2012</time> by\n            <span class=\"author vcard\"><a class=\"fn url\" href=\"http://tantek.com/\">Tantek</a></span>\n        </p>\n    </div>\n\n    <p class=\"source-org vcard\">\n        <a class=\"fn org url\" href=\"http://microformats.org/\">microformats.org</a> \n    </p>\n</div>","name":"mf-v1-hnews-minimum"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-product\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"name\": [\"Raspberry Pi\"],\n            \"photo\": [\"http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/3/3d/RaspberryPi.jpg/320px-RaspberryPi.jpg\"],\n            \"description\": [{\n                \"value\": \"The Raspberry Pi is a credit-card sized computer that plugs into your TV and a keyboard. It’s a capable little PC which can be used for many of the things that your desktop PC does, like spreadsheets, word-processing and games. It also plays high-definition video. We want to see it being used by kids all over the world to learn programming.\",\n                \"html\": \"The Raspberry Pi is a credit-card sized computer that plugs into your TV and a keyboard. It’s a capable little PC which can be used for many of the things that your desktop PC does, like spreadsheets, word-processing and games. It also plays high-definition video. We want to see it being used by kids all over the world to learn programming.\"\n            }],\n            \"url\": [\"http://www.raspberrypi.org/\"],\n            \"price\": [\"£29.95\"],\n            \"review\": [{\n                \"value\": \"9.2 out of \\n            10 \\n            based on 178 reviews\",\n                \"type\": [\"h-review-aggregate\"],\n                \"properties\": {\n                    \"rating\": [\"9.2\"],\n                    \"average\": [\"9.2\"],\n                    \"best\": [\"10\"],\n                    \"count\": [\"178\"]\n                }\n            }],\n            \"category\": [\"Computer\", \"Education\"],\n            \"brand\": [{\n                \"value\": \"The Raspberry Pi Foundation\",\n                \"type\": [\"h-card\"],\n                \"properties\": {\n                    \"name\": [\"The Raspberry Pi Foundation\"],\n                    \"org\": [\"The Raspberry Pi Foundation\"],\n                    \"adr\": [{\n                        \"value\": \"Cambridge \\n            UK\",\n                        \"type\": [\"h-adr\"],\n                        \"properties\": {\n                            \"locality\": [\"Cambridge\"],\n                            \"country-name\": [\"UK\"]\n                        }\n                    }]\n                }\n            }]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {\n        \"tag\": [\"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/computer\", \"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/education\"]\n    },\n    \"rel-urls\": {\n        \"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/computer\": {\n            \"text\": \"Computer\",\n            \"rels\": [\"tag\"]\n        },\n        \"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/education\": {\n            \"text\": \"Education\",\n            \"rels\": [\"tag\"]\n        }\n    }\n}","html":"<meta charset=\"utf-8\">\n<div class=\"hproduct\">\n    <h2 class=\"fn\">Raspberry Pi</h2>\n    <img class=\"photo\" src=\"http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/3/3d/RaspberryPi.jpg/320px-RaspberryPi.jpg\" />\n    <p class=\"description\">The Raspberry Pi is a credit-card sized computer that plugs into your TV and a keyboard. It’s a capable little PC which can be used for many of the things that your desktop PC does, like spreadsheets, word-processing and games. It also plays high-definition video. We want to see it being used by kids all over the world to learn programming.</p>\n    <a class=\"url\" href=\"http://www.raspberrypi.org/\">More info about the Raspberry Pi</a>\n    <p class=\"price\">£29.95</p>\n    <p class=\"review hreview-aggregate\">\n        <span class=\"rating\">\n            <span class=\"average value\">9.2</span> out of \n            <span class=\"best\">10</span> \n            based on <span class=\"count\">178</span> reviews\n        </span>\n    </p>\n    <p>Categories: \n        <a rel=\"tag\" href=\"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/computer\" class=\"category\">Computer</a>, \n        <a rel=\"tag\" href=\"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/education\" class=\"category\">Education</a>\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"brand vcard\">From: \n        <span class=\"fn org\">The Raspberry Pi Foundation</span> - \n        <span class=\"adr\">\n            <span class=\"locality\">Cambridge</span> \n            <span class=\"country-name\">UK</span>\n        </span>\n    </p>\n</div>","name":"mf-v1-hproduct-aggregate"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-product\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"name\": [\"Raspberry Pi\"],\n            \"photo\": [\"http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/3/3d/RaspberryPi.jpg/320px-RaspberryPi.jpg\"],\n            \"description\": [{\n                \"value\": \"The Raspberry Pi is a credit-card sized computer that plugs into your TV and a keyboard. It’s a capable little PC which can be used for many of the things that your desktop PC does, like spreadsheets, word-processing and games. It also plays high-definition video. We want to see it being used by kids all over the world to learn programming.\",\n                \"html\": \"The Raspberry Pi is a credit-card sized computer that plugs into your TV and a keyboard. It’s a capable little PC which can be used for many of the things that your desktop PC does, like spreadsheets, word-processing and games. It also plays high-definition video. We want to see it being used by kids all over the world to learn programming.\"\n            }],\n            \"url\": [\"http://www.raspberrypi.org/\"],\n            \"price\": [\"£29.95\"],\n            \"category\": [\"Computer\", \"Education\"],\n            \"review\": [{\n                \"value\": \"4.5 out of 5\",\n                \"type\": [\"h-review\"],\n                \"properties\": {\n                    \"rating\": [\"4.5\"]\n                }\n            }]\n        }\n    }],\n   \"rels\": {\n        \"tag\": [\"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/computer\", \"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/education\"]\n    },\n    \"rel-urls\": {\n        \"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/computer\": {\n            \"text\": \"Computer\",\n            \"rels\": [\"tag\"]\n        },\n        \"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/education\": {\n            \"text\": \"Education\",\n            \"rels\": [\"tag\"]\n        }\n    }\n}","html":"<meta charset=\"utf-8\">\n<div class=\"hproduct\">\n    <h2 class=\"fn\">Raspberry Pi</h2>\n    <img class=\"photo\" src=\"http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/3/3d/RaspberryPi.jpg/320px-RaspberryPi.jpg\" />\n    <p class=\"description\">The Raspberry Pi is a credit-card sized computer that plugs into your TV and a keyboard. It’s a capable little PC which can be used for many of the things that your desktop PC does, like spreadsheets, word-processing and games. It also plays high-definition video. We want to see it being used by kids all over the world to learn programming.</p>\n    <a class=\"url\" href=\"http://www.raspberrypi.org/\">More info about the Raspberry Pi</a>\n    <p class=\"price\">£29.95</p>\n    <p class=\"review hreview\"><span class=\"rating\">4.5</span> out of 5</p>\n    <p>Categories: \n        <a rel=\"tag\" href=\"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/computer\" class=\"category\">Computer</a>, \n        <a rel=\"tag\" href=\"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/education\" class=\"category\">Education</a>\n    </p>\n</div>","name":"mf-v1-hproduct-simpleproperties"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-resume\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"contact\": [{\n                \"value\": \"Tim Berners-Lee\",\n                \"type\": [\"h-card\"],\n                \"properties\": {\n                    \"name\": [\"Tim Berners-Lee\"]\n                }\n            }],\n            \"summary\": [\"invented the World Wide Web\"],\n            \"affiliation\": [{\n                \"type\": [\"h-card\"],\n                \"properties\": {\n                    \"name\": [\"W3C\"],\n                    \"photo\": [\"http://www.w3.org/Icons/WWW/w3c_home_nb.png\"]\n                }\n            }]\n         }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<div class=\"hresume\">\n    <p>\n        <span class=\"contact vcard\"><span class=\"fn\">Tim Berners-Lee</span></span>, \n        <span class=\"summary\">invented the World Wide Web</span>.\n    </p>\n    Belongs to following groups:\n    <p>   \n        <a class=\"affiliation vcard\" href=\"http://www.w3.org/\">\n            <img class=\"fn photo\" alt=\"W3C\" src=\"http://www.w3.org/Icons/WWW/w3c_home_nb.png\" />\n        </a>\n    </p>   \n</div>","name":"mf-v1-hresume-affiliation"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-resume\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"contact\": [{\n                \"value\": \"Tim Berners-Lee\",\n                \"type\": [\"h-card\"],\n                \"properties\": {\n                    \"name\": [\"Tim Berners-Lee\"],\n                    \"org\": [\"MIT\"],\n                    \"adr\": [{\n                        \"value\": \"32 Vassar Street, \\n            Room 32-G524, \\n            Cambridge,  \\n            MA \\n            02139, \\n            USA.  \\n            (Work)\",\n                        \"type\": [\"h-adr\"],\n                        \"properties\": {\n                            \"street-address\": [\"32 Vassar Street\"],\n                            \"extended-address\": [\"Room 32-G524\"],\n                            \"locality\": [\"Cambridge\"],\n                            \"region\": [\"MA\"],\n                            \"postal-code\": [\"02139\"],\n                            \"country-name\": [\"USA\"]\n                         }\n                    }],\n                    \"tel\": [\"+1 (617) 253 5702\"],\n                    \"email\": [\"mailto:timbl@w3.org\"]\n                }\n            }],\n            \"summary\": [\"Invented the World Wide Web.\"]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<div class=\"hresume\">\n    <div class=\"contact vcard\">\n        <p class=\"fn\">Tim Berners-Lee</p>\n        <p class=\"org\">MIT</p>\n        <p class=\"adr\">\n            <span class=\"street-address\">32 Vassar Street</span>, \n            <span class=\"extended-address\">Room 32-G524</span>, \n            <span class=\"locality\">Cambridge</span>,  \n            <span class=\"region\">MA</span> \n            <span class=\"postal-code\">02139</span>, \n            <span class=\"country-name\">USA</span>.  \n            (<span class=\"type\">Work</span>)\n        </p>\n        <p>Tel:<span class=\"tel\">+1 (617) 253 5702</span></p>\n        <p>Email:<a class=\"email\" href=\"mailto:timbl@w3.org\">timbl@w3.org</a></p>\n    </div>\n    <p class=\"summary\">Invented the World Wide Web.</p>\n</div>","name":"mf-v1-hresume-contact"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-resume\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"contact\": [{\n                \"value\": \"Tim Berners-Lee\",\n                \"type\": [\"h-card\"],\n                \"properties\": {\n                    \"name\": [\"Tim Berners-Lee\"],\n                    \"job-title\": [\"Director of the World Wide Web Foundation\"]\n                }\n            }],\n            \"summary\": [\"Invented the World Wide Web.\"],\n            \"education\": [{\n                \"value\": \"The Queen's College, Oxford University\",\n                \"type\": [\"h-event\", \"h-card\"],\n                \"properties\": {\n                    \"name\": [\"The Queen's College, Oxford University\"],\n                    \"org\": [\"The Queen's College, Oxford University\"],\n                    \"description\": [\"BA Hons (I) Physics\"],\n                    \"start\": [\"1973-09\"],\n                    \"end\": [\"1976-06\"]\n                }\n            }]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<div class=\"hresume\">\n    <div class=\"contact vcard\">\n        <p class=\"fn\">Tim Berners-Lee</p>\n        <p class=\"title\">Director of the World Wide Web Foundation</p>\n    </div>\n    <p class=\"summary\">Invented the World Wide Web.</p><hr />\n    <p class=\"education vevent vcard\">\n        <span class=\"fn summary org\">The Queen's College, Oxford University</span>, \n        <span class=\"description\">BA Hons (I) Physics</span> \n        <time class=\"dtstart\" datetime=\"1973-09\">1973</time> –\n        <time class=\"dtend\" datetime=\"1976-06\">1976</time>\n    </p>\n</div>","name":"mf-v1-hresume-education"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-resume\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"contact\": [{\n                \"value\": \"Tim Berners-Lee\",\n                \"type\": [\"h-card\"],\n                \"properties\": {\n                    \"name\": [\"Tim Berners-Lee\"]\n                }\n            }],\n            \"summary\": [\"invented the World Wide Web\"],\n            \"skill\": [\"information systems\", \"advocacy\", \"leadership\"]\n         }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {\n        \"tag\": [\"http://example.com/skills/informationsystems\", \"http://example.com/skills/advocacy\", \"http://example.com/skills/leadership\"]\n    },\n    \"rel-urls\": {\n        \"http://example.com/skills/informationsystems\": {\n            \"text\": \"information systems\",\n            \"rels\": [\"tag\"]\n        },\n        \"http://example.com/skills/advocacy\": {\n            \"text\": \"advocacy\",\n            \"rels\": [\"tag\"]\n        },\n        \"http://example.com/skills/leadership\": {\n            \"text\": \"leadership\",\n            \"rels\": [\"tag\"]\n        }\n    }\n}","html":"<div class=\"hresume\"> \n    <p>\n        <span class=\"contact vcard\"><span class=\"fn\">Tim Berners-Lee</span></span>, \n        <span class=\"summary\">invented the World Wide Web</span>.\n    </p>\n    Skills:     \n    <ul>\n        <li><a class=\"skill\" rel=\"tag\" href=\"http://example.com/skills/informationsystems\">information systems</a></li>\n        <li><a class=\"skill\" rel=\"tag\" href=\"http://example.com/skills/advocacy\">advocacy</a></li>\n        <li><a class=\"skill\" rel=\"tag\" href=\"http://example.com/skills/leadership\">leadership</a></li>\n    </ul>\n</div>","name":"mf-v1-hresume-skill"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-resume\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"contact\": [{\n                \"value\": \"Tim Berners-Lee\",\n                \"type\": [\"h-card\"],\n                \"properties\": {\n                    \"name\": [\"Tim Berners-Lee\"],\n                    \"job-title\": [\"Director of the World Wide Web Foundation\"]\n                }\n            }],\n            \"summary\": [\"Invented the World Wide Web.\"],\n            \"experience\": [{\n                \"value\": \"World Wide Web Foundation\",\n                \"type\": [\"h-event\", \"h-card\"],\n                \"properties\": {\n                    \"job-title\": [\"Director\"],\n                    \"name\": [\"World Wide Web Foundation\"],\n                    \"org\": [\"World Wide Web Foundation\"],\n                    \"url\": [\"http://www.webfoundation.org/\"],\n                    \"start\": [\"2009-01-18\"],\n                    \"duration\": [\"P2Y11M\"]\n                }\n            }]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<meta charset=\"utf-8\">\n<div class=\"hresume\">\n    <div class=\"contact vcard\">\n        <p class=\"fn\">Tim Berners-Lee</p>\n        <p class=\"title\">Director of the World Wide Web Foundation</p>\n    </div>\n    <p class=\"summary\">Invented the World Wide Web.</p><hr />\n    <div class=\"experience vevent vcard\">\n        <p class=\"title\">Director</p>\n        <p><a class=\"fn summary org url\" href=\"http://www.webfoundation.org/\">World Wide Web Foundation</a></p>\n        <p>\n            <time class=\"dtstart\" datetime=\"2009-01-18\">Jan 2009</time> – Present\n            <time class=\"duration\" datetime=\"P2Y11M\">(2 years 11 month)</time>\n        </p>\n    </div>\n</div>","name":"mf-v1-hresume-work"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-review\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"item\": [{\n                \"value\": \"Crepes on Cole\",\n                \"type\": [\"h-item\"],\n                \"properties\": {\n                    \"photo\": [\"http://example.com/images/photo.gif\"],\n                    \"name\": [\"Crepes on Cole\"],\n                    \"url\": [\"http://example.com/crepeoncole\"]\n                }\n            }],\n            \"rating\": [\"5\"]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<base href=\"http://example.com\">\n<div class=\"hreview\">\n    <p class=\"item\">\n        <img class=\"photo\" src=\"images/photo.gif\" />\n        <a class=\"fn url\" href=\"http://example.com/crepeoncole\">Crepes on Cole</a>\n    </p>\n    <p><span class=\"rating\">5</span> out of 5 stars</p>\n</div>","name":"mf-v1-hreview-item"},{"json":"\n{\n  \"items\": [{\n    \"type\": [\"h-review\"],\n    \"properties\": {\n      \"rating\": [\"5\"],\n      \"name\": [\"Crepes on Cole is awesome\"],\n      \"reviewer\": [{\n        \"value\": \"Tantek\",\n        \"type\": [\"h-card\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n          \"name\": [\"Tantek\"]\n        }\n      }],\n      \"description\": [{\n        \"value\": \"Crepes on Cole is one of the best little \\n        creperies in San Francisco.\\n        Excellent food and service. Plenty of tables in a variety of sizes \\n        for parties large and small.  Window seating makes for excellent \\n        people watching to/from the N-Judah which stops right outside.  \\n        I've had many fun social gatherings here, as well as gotten \\n        plenty of work done thanks to neighborhood WiFi.\",\n        \"html\": \"\\n        <p class=\\\"item vcard\\\">\\n        <span class=\\\"fn org\\\">Crepes on Cole</span> is one of the best little \\n        creperies in <span class=\\\"adr\\\"><span class=\\\"locality\\\">San Francisco</span></span>.\\n        Excellent food and service. Plenty of tables in a variety of sizes \\n        for parties large and small.  Window seating makes for excellent \\n        people watching to/from the N-Judah which stops right outside.  \\n        I've had many fun social gatherings here, as well as gotten \\n        plenty of work done thanks to neighborhood WiFi.\\n        </p>\\n    \"\n      }],\n      \"item\": [{\n        \"value\": \"Crepes on Cole\",\n        \"type\": [\"h-item\", \"h-card\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n          \"name\": [\"Crepes on Cole\"],\n          \"org\": [\"Crepes on Cole\"],\n          \"adr\": [{\n            \"value\": \"San Francisco\",\n            \"type\": [\"h-adr\"],\n            \"properties\": {\n              \"locality\": [\"San Francisco\"]\n            }\n          }]\n        }\n      }],\n      \"category\": [\"crepe\"],\n      \"url\": [\"http://example.com/crepe\"]\n    }\n  }],\n  \"rels\": {\n    \"tag\": [\"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/crepe\"],\n    \"self\": [\"http://example.com/crepe\"],\n    \"bookmark\": [\"http://example.com/crepe\"],\n    \"license\": [\"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Text_of_Creative_Commons_Attribution-ShareAlike_3.0_Unported_License\"]\n  },\n  \"rel-urls\": {\n    \"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/crepe\": {\n      \"text\": \"crepe\",\n      \"rels\": [\"tag\"]\n    },\n    \"http://example.com/crepe\": {\n      \"text\": \"http://example.com/crepe\",\n      \"rels\": [\"self\", \"bookmark\"]\n    },\n    \"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Text_of_Creative_Commons_Attribution-ShareAlike_3.0_Unported_License\": {\n      \"text\": \"Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License\",\n      \"rels\": [\"license\"]\n    }\n  }\n}","html":"<div class=\"hreview\">\n    <span><span class=\"rating\">5</span> out of 5 stars</span>\n    <h4 class=\"summary\">Crepes on Cole is awesome</h4>\n    <span class=\"reviewer vcard\">\n        Reviewer: <span class=\"fn\">Tantek</span> - \n    </span>\n    <time class=\"reviewed\" datetime=\"2005-04-18\">April 18, 2005</time>\n    <div class=\"description\">\n        <p class=\"item vcard\">\n        <span class=\"fn org\">Crepes on Cole</span> is one of the best little \n        creperies in <span class=\"adr\"><span class=\"locality\">San Francisco</span></span>.\n        Excellent food and service. Plenty of tables in a variety of sizes \n        for parties large and small.  Window seating makes for excellent \n        people watching to/from the N-Judah which stops right outside.  \n        I've had many fun social gatherings here, as well as gotten \n        plenty of work done thanks to neighborhood WiFi.\n        </p>\n    </div>\n    <p>Visit date: <span>April 2005</span></p>\n    <p>Food eaten: <a rel=\"tag\" href=\"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/crepe\">crepe</a></p>\n    <p>Permanent link for review: <a rel=\"self bookmark\" href=\"http://example.com/crepe\">http://example.com/crepe</a></p>\n    <p><a rel=\"license\" href=\"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Text_of_Creative_Commons_Attribution-ShareAlike_3.0_Unported_License\">Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License</a></p>\n</div>","name":"mf-v1-hreview-vcard"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-review-aggregate\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"item\": [{\n                \"value\": \"Mediterranean Wraps\",\n                \"type\": [\"h-item\", \"h-card\"],\n                \"properties\": {\n                    \"name\": [\"Mediterranean Wraps\"],\n                    \"org\": [\"Mediterranean Wraps\"],\n                    \"adr\": [{\n                        \"value\": \"433 S California Ave, \\n                Palo Alto, \\n                CA\",\n                        \"type\": [\"h-adr\"],\n                        \"properties\": {\n                            \"street-address\": [\"433 S California Ave\"],\n                            \"locality\": [\"Palo Alto\"],\n                            \"region\": [\"CA\"]\n                        }\n                    }],\n                    \"tel\": [\"(650) 321-8189\"]\n                }\n            }],\n            \"rating\": [\"9.2\"],\n            \"average\": [\"9.2\"],\n            \"best\": [\"10\"],\n            \"count\": [\"17\"]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<div class=\"hreview-aggregate\">\n    <div class=\"item vcard\">\n        <h3 class=\"fn org\">Mediterranean Wraps</h3>    \n        <p>\n            <span class=\"adr\">\n                <span class=\"street-address\">433 S California Ave</span>, \n                <span class=\"locality\">Palo Alto</span>, \n                <span class=\"region\">CA</span></span> - \n            \n            <span class=\"tel\">(650) 321-8189</span>\n        </p>\n    </div> \n    <p class=\"rating\">\n        <span class=\"average value\">9.2</span> out of \n        <span class=\"best\">10</span> \n        based on <span class=\"count\">17</span> reviews\n    </p>\n</div>","name":"mf-v1-hreview-aggregate-hcard"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-review-aggregate\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"item\": [{\n                \"value\": \"Mediterranean Wraps\",\n                \"type\": [\"h-item\"],\n                \"properties\": {\n                    \"name\": [\"Mediterranean Wraps\"],\n                    \"url\": [\"http://example.com/mediterraneanwraps\"]\n                }\n            }],\n            \"rating\": [\"4.5\"],\n            \"count\": [\"6\"]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}\n","html":"<p class=\"hreview-aggregate\">\n    <span class=\"item\">\n        <a class=\"fn url\" href=\"http://example.com/mediterraneanwraps\">Mediterranean Wraps</a>\n    </span> - Rated: \n    <span class=\"rating\">4.5</span> out of 5 (<span class=\"count\">6</span> reviews)\n</p>","name":"mf-v1-hreview-aggregate-justahyperlink"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-review-aggregate\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"item\": [{\n                \"value\": \"Fullfrontal\",\n                \"type\": [\"h-item\", \"h-event\"],\n                \"properties\": {\n                    \"name\": [\"Fullfrontal\"],\n                    \"description\": [\"A one day JavaScript Conference held in Brighton\"],\n                    \"start\": [\"2012-11-09\"]\n                }\n            }],\n            \"rating\": [\"9.9\"],\n            \"average\": [\"9.9\"],\n            \"best\": [\"10\"],\n            \"count\": [\"62\"]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<div class=\"hreview-aggregate\">\n    <div class=\"item vevent\">\n        <h3 class=\"summary\">Fullfrontal</h3>\n        <p class=\"description\">A one day JavaScript Conference held in Brighton</p>\n        <p><time class=\"dtstart\" datetime=\"2012-11-09\">9th November 2012</time></p>    \n    </div> \n    \n    <p class=\"rating\">\n        <span class=\"average value\">9.9</span> out of \n        <span class=\"best\">10</span> \n        based on <span class=\"count\">62</span> reviews\n    </p>\n</div>","name":"mf-v1-hreview-aggregate-vevent"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-card\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"org\": [\"Mozilla\"],\n            \"adr\": [{\n                \"value\": \"665 3rd St.  \\n    Suite 207  \\n    San Francisco,  \\n    CA  \\n    94107  \\n    U.S.A.\",\n                \"type\": [\"h-adr\"],\n                \"properties\": {\n                    \"street-address\": [\"665 3rd St.\"],\n                    \"extended-address\": [\"Suite 207\"],\n                    \"locality\": [\"San Francisco\"],\n                    \"region\": [\"CA\"],\n                    \"postal-code\": [\"94107\"],\n                    \"country-name\": [\"U.S.A.\"]\n                }\n            }]\n        }\n    }, {\n        \"type\": [\"h-card\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"org\": [\"Mozilla\"],\n            \"adr\": [{\n                \"value\": \"665 3rd St.  \\n    Suite 207  \\n    San Francisco,  \\n    CA  \\n    94107  \\n    U.S.A.\",\n                \"type\": [\"h-adr\"],\n                \"properties\": {\n                    \"street-address\": [\"665 3rd St.\"],\n                    \"extended-address\": [\"Suite 207\"],\n                    \"locality\": [\"San Francisco\"],\n                    \"region\": [\"CA\"],\n                    \"postal-code\": [\"94107\"],\n                    \"country-name\": [\"U.S.A.\"]\n                }\n            }]\n        }\n    }, {\n        \"type\": [\"h-adr\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"street-address\": [\"665 3rd St.\"],\n            \"extended-address\": [\"Suite 207\"],\n            \"locality\": [\"San Francisco\"],\n            \"region\": [\"CA\"],\n            \"postal-code\": [\"94107\"],\n            \"country-name\": [\"U.S.A.\"]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<div class=\"vcard\" itemref=\"mozilla-org mozilla-adr\">\n    <span class=\"name\">Brendan Eich</span>\n</div>\n<div class=\"vcard\" itemref=\"mozilla-org mozilla-adr\">\n    <span class=\"name\">Mitchell Baker</span>\n</div>\n\n<p id=\"mozilla-org\" class=\"org\">Mozilla</p>\n<p id=\"mozilla-adr\" class=\"adr\">\n    <span class=\"street-address\">665 3rd St.</span>  \n    <span class=\"extended-address\">Suite 207</span>  \n    <span class=\"locality\">San Francisco</span>,  \n    <span class=\"region\">CA</span>  \n    <span class=\"postal-code\">94107</span>  \n    <span class=\"country-name\">U.S.A.</span>  \n</p>","name":"mf-v1-includes-hcarditemref"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-event\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"location\": [{\n                \"value\": \"Room 10\\n    \\n    Moscone Center,   \\n    San Francisco\",\n                \"type\": [\"h-adr\"],\n                \"properties\": {\n                    \"extended-address\": [\"Room 10\", \"Moscone Center\"],\n                    \"locality\": [\"San Francisco\"]\n                }\n            }],\n            \"start\": [\"2012-06-27 15:45:00-08:00\"],\n            \"end\": [\"2012-06-27 16:45:00-08:00\"]\n          }\n    }, {\n        \"type\": [\"h-event\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"location\": [{\n                \"value\": \"Room 11\\n    \\n    Moscone Center,   \\n    San Francisco\",\n                \"type\": [\"h-adr\"],\n                \"properties\": {\n                    \"extended-address\": [\"Room 11\", \"Moscone Center\"],\n                    \"locality\": [\"San Francisco\"]\n                }\n            }],\n            \"start\": [\"2012-06-27 15:45:00-08:00\"],\n            \"end\": [\"2012-06-27 16:45:00-08:00\"]\n         }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<div class=\"vevent\" itemref=\"io-session07\">\n    <span class=\"name\">Monetizing Android Apps</span> - spaekers: \n    <span class=\"speaker\">Chrix Finne</span>, \n    <span class=\"speaker\">Kenneth Lui</span> - \n    <span itemref=\"io-location\" class=\"location adr\">\n        <span class=\"extended-address\">Room 10</span>\n    </span>  \n</div>\n<div class=\"vevent\" itemref=\"io-session07\">\n    <span class=\"name\">New Low-Level Media APIs in Android</span> - spaekers: \n    <span class=\"speaker\">Dave Burke</span> -\n    <span itemref=\"io-location\" class=\"location adr\">\n        <span class=\"extended-address\">Room 11</span>\n    </span>  \n</div>\n\n<p id=\"io-session07\">\n    Session 01 is between: \n    <time class=\"dtstart\" datetime=\"2012-06-27T15:45:00-0800\">3:45PM</time> to \n    <time class=\"dtend\" datetime=\"2012-06-27T16:45:00-0800\">4:45PM</time> \n</p>   \n<p id=\"io-location\">\n    <span class=\"extended-address\">Moscone Center</span>,   \n    <span class=\"locality\">San Francisco</span>  \n</p>","name":"mf-v1-includes-heventitemref"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-card\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"org\": [\"Twitter\"],\n            \"adr\": [{\n                \"value\": \"1355 Market St,\\n        San Francisco, \\n        CA\\n        94103\",\n                \"type\": [\"h-adr\"],\n                \"properties\": {\n                    \"street-address\": [\"1355 Market St\"],\n                    \"locality\": [\"San Francisco\"],\n                    \"region\": [\"CA\"],\n                    \"postal-code\": [\"94103\"]\n                }\n            }]\n         }\n    }, {\n        \"type\": [\"h-card\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"org\": [\"Twitter\"],\n            \"adr\": [{\n                \"value\": \"1355 Market St,\\n        San Francisco, \\n        CA\\n        94103\",\n                \"type\": [\"h-adr\"],\n                \"properties\": {\n                    \"street-address\": [\"1355 Market St\"],\n                    \"locality\": [\"San Francisco\"],\n                    \"region\": [\"CA\"],\n                    \"postal-code\": [\"94103\"]\n                }\n            }]\n          }\n    }, {\n        \"type\": [\"h-adr\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"street-address\": [\"1355 Market St\"],\n            \"locality\": [\"San Francisco\"],\n            \"region\": [\"CA\"],\n            \"postal-code\": [\"94103\"]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<div class=\"vcard\">\n    <span class=\"name\">Ben Ward</span>\n    <a class=\"include\" href=\"#twitter\">Twitter</a>\n</div>\n<div class=\"vcard\">\n    <span class=\"name\">Dan Webb</span>\n    <a class=\"include\" href=\"#twitter\">Twitter</a>\n</div>\n\n<div id=\"twitter\">\n    <p class=\"org\">Twitter</p>\n    <p class=\"adr\">\n        <span class=\"street-address\">1355 Market St</span>,\n        <span class=\"locality\">San Francisco</span>, \n        <span class=\"region\">CA</span>\n        <span class=\"postal-code\">94103</span>\n    </p>\n</div>","name":"mf-v1-includes-hyperlink"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-event\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"start\": [\"2012-10-30 11:45:00-08:00\"],\n            \"name\": [\"Build Conference\"],\n            \"location\": [{\n                \"value\": \"Redmond, \\n        Washington, \\n        USA\",\n                \"type\": [\"h-adr\"],\n                \"properties\": {\n                    \"locality\": [\"Redmond\"],\n                    \"region\": [\"Washington\"],\n                    \"country-name\": [\"USA\"]\n                }\n            }]\n        }\n    }, {\n        \"type\": [\"h-event\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"start\": [\"2012-10-31 11:15:00-08:00\"],\n            \"name\": [\"Build Conference\"],\n            \"location\": [{\n                \"value\": \"Redmond, \\n        Washington, \\n        USA\",\n                \"type\": [\"h-adr\"],\n                \"properties\": {\n                    \"locality\": [\"Redmond\"],\n                    \"region\": [\"Washington\"],\n                    \"country-name\": [\"USA\"]\n                }\n            }]\n        }\n    }, {\n        \"type\": [\"h-adr\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"locality\": [\"Redmond\"],\n            \"region\": [\"Washington\"],\n            \"country-name\": [\"USA\"]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<div class=\"vevent\">\n    <span class=\"name\">HTML5 & CSS3 latest features in action!</span> - \n    <span class=\"speaker\">David Rousset</span> -\n    <time class=\"dtstart\" datetime=\"2012-10-30T11:45:00-08:00\">Tue 11:45am</time>\n    <object data=\"#buildconf\" class=\"include\" type=\"text/html\" height=\"0\" width=\"0\"></object>\n</div>\n<div class=\"vevent\">\n    <span class=\"name\">Building High-Performing JavaScript for Modern Engines</span> -\n    <span class=\"speaker\">John-David Dalton</span> and \n    <span class=\"speaker\">Amanda Silver</span> -\n    <time class=\"dtstart\" datetime=\"2012-10-31T11:15:00-08:00\">Wed 11:15am</time>\n    <object data=\"#buildconf\" class=\"include\" type=\"text/html\" height=\"0\" width=\"0\"></object>\n</div>\n\n\n<div id=\"buildconf\">\n    <p class=\"summary\">Build Conference</p>\n    <p class=\"location adr\">\n        <span class=\"locality\">Redmond</span>, \n        <span class=\"region\">Washington</span>, \n        <span class=\"country-name\">USA</span>\n    </p>\n</div>","name":"mf-v1-includes-object"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-card\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"name\": [\"Chris Mills\"],\n            \"url\": [\"http://dev.opera.com/\"],\n            \"org\": [\"Opera\"]\n        }\n    }, {\n        \"type\": [\"h-card\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"name\": [\"Erik Möller\"],\n            \"url\": [\"http://dev.opera.com/\"],\n            \"org\": [\"Opera\"]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<meta charset=\"utf-8\">\n<table>\n    <tr>\n        <th id=\"org\"><a class=\"url org\" href=\"http://dev.opera.com/\">Opera</a></th>\n    </tr>\n    <tr>\n        <td class=\"vcard\" headers=\"org\"><span class=\"fn\">Chris Mills</span></td>\n    </tr>\n    <tr>\n        <td class=\"vcard\" headers=\"org\"><span class=\"fn\">Erik Möller</span></td>\n    </tr>\n  </table>","name":"mf-v1-includes-table"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-adr\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"name\": [\"Bricklayer's Arms\"],\n            \"label\": [\"3 Charlotte Road,  \\n        City of London,  \\n        EC2A 3PE, \\n        UK\"],\n            \"street-address\": [\"3 Charlotte Road\"],\n            \"locality\": [\"City of London\"],\n            \"postal-code\": [\"EC2A 3PE\"],\n            \"country-name\": [\"UK\"],\n            \"geo\": [\"51.526421;-0.081067\"]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<p class=\"h-adr\">\n    <span class=\"p-name\">Bricklayer's Arms</span>\n    <span class=\"p-label\"> \n        <span class=\"p-street-address\">3 Charlotte Road</span>,  \n        <span class=\"p-locality\">City of London</span>,  \n        <span class=\"p-postal-code\">EC2A 3PE</span>, \n        <span class=\"p-country-name\">UK</span> \n    </span> – \n    Geo:(<span class=\"p-geo\">51.526421;-0.081067</span>) \n</p>","name":"mf-v2-h-adr-geo"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-adr\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"name\": [\"Bricklayer's Arms\"],\n            \"geo\": [\"geo:51.526421;-0.081067;crs=wgs84;u=40\"],\n            \"locality\": [\"London\"],\n            \"url\": [\"geo:51.526421;-0.081067;crs=wgs84;u=40\"]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<p class=\"h-adr\">\n    <a class=\"p-name u-geo\" href=\"geo:51.526421;-0.081067;crs=wgs84;u=40\">Bricklayer's Arms</a>, \n    <span class=\"p-locality\">London</span> \n</p>","name":"mf-v2-h-adr-geourl"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-adr\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"name\": [\"665 3rd St. Suite 207 San Francisco, CA 94107 U.S.A.\"]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<p class=\"h-adr\">665 3rd St. Suite 207 San Francisco, CA 94107 U.S.A.</p>","name":"mf-v2-h-adr-justaname"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-adr\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"street-address\": [\"665 3rd St.\"],\n            \"extended-address\": [\"Suite 207\"],\n            \"locality\": [\"San Francisco\"],\n            \"region\": [\"CA\"],\n            \"postal-code\": [\"94107\"],\n            \"country-name\": [\"U.S.A.\"],\n            \"name\": [\"665 3rd St.  \\n    Suite 207  \\n    San Francisco,  \\n    CA  \\n    94107  \\n    U.S.A.\"]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<p class=\"h-adr\">\n    <span class=\"p-street-address\">665 3rd St.</span>  \n    <span class=\"p-extended-address\">Suite 207</span>  \n    <span class=\"p-locality\">San Francisco</span>,  \n    <span class=\"p-region\">CA</span>  \n    <span class=\"p-postal-code\">94107</span>  \n    <span class=\"p-country-name\">U.S.A.</span>  \n</p>","name":"mf-v2-h-adr-simpleproperties"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-entry\", \"h-as-note\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"in-reply-to\": [{\n                \"value\": \"http://werd.io/2015/im-super-proud-of-everything-weve-done-on-withknown-so-far\",\n                \"type\": [\"h-cite\"],\n                \"properties\": {\n                    \"name\": [\"http://werd.io/2015/im-super-proud-of-everything-weve-done-on-withknown-so-far\"],\n                    \"url\": [\"http://werd.io/2015/im-super-proud-of-everything-weve-done-on-withknown-so-far\"]\n                }\n            },\n            {\n                \"value\": \"https://twitter.com/benwerd/status/604733231284383744\",\n                \"type\": [\"h-cite\"],\n                \"properties\": {\n                    \"name\": [\"https://twitter.com/benwerd/status/604733231284383744\"],\n                    \"url\": [\"https://twitter.com/benwerd/status/604733231284383744\"]\n                }\n            }],\n            \"author\": [{\n                \"type\": [\"h-card\"],\n                \"properties\": {\n                    \"name\": [\"Tantek Çelik\"],\n                    \"photo\": [\"http://tantek.com/images/photo.gif\"],\n                    \"url\": [\"http://tantek.com/\"]\n                }\n            }],\n            \"name\": [\"@benwerd\\n      @erinjoalso proud of you &\\n      @withknown— so much #indieweb & especially user empathy. Keep up the great work!\"],\n            \"content\": [{\n                \"value\": \"@benwerd\\n      @erinjoalso proud of you &\\n      @withknown— so much #indieweb & especially user empathy. Keep up the great work!\",\n                \"html\": \"\\n      <a class=\\\"auto-link h-x-username\\\" href=\\\"https://twitter.com/benwerd\\\">@benwerd</a>\\n      <a class=\\\"auto-link h-x-username\\\" href=\\\"https://twitter.com/erinjo\\\">@erinjo</a>also proud of you &\\n      <a class=\\\"auto-link h-x-username\\\" href=\\\"https://twitter.com/withknown\\\">@withknown</a>— so much #indieweb & especially user empathy. Keep up the great work!\"\n            }],\n            \"published\": [\"2015-06-01 22:20-07:00\"],\n            \"updated\": [\"2015-06-01 22:20-07:00\"],\n            \"url\": [\"http://tantek.com/2015/152/t2/proud-withknown-indieweb-user-empathy\"],\n            \"uid\": [\"http://tantek.com/2015/152/t2/proud-withknown-indieweb-user-empathy\"],\n            \"syndication\": [\"https://twitter.com/t/status/605604965566906369\"]\n        },\n        \"children\": [{\n            \"value\": \"@benwerd\",\n            \"type\": [\"h-x-username\"],\n            \"properties\": {\n                \"name\": [\"@benwerd\"],\n                \"url\": [\"https://twitter.com/benwerd\"]\n            }\n        },\n        {\n            \"value\": \"@erinjo\",\n            \"type\": [\"h-x-username\"],\n            \"properties\": {\n                \"name\": [\"@erinjo\"],\n                \"url\": [\"https://twitter.com/erinjo\"]\n            }\n        },\n        {\n            \"value\": \"@withknown\",\n            \"type\": [\"h-x-username\"],\n            \"properties\": {\n                \"name\": [\"@withknown\"],\n                \"url\": [\"https://twitter.com/withknown\"]\n            }\n        }]\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {\n        \"prev\": [\"http://tantek.com/152/t1/congrats-fellow-elected-w3cab-members\"],\n        \"next\": [\"http://tantek.com/152/t3/going-indiewebcamp-2015-portland\"],\n        \"in-reply-to\": [\"http://werd.io/2015/im-super-proud-of-everything-weve-done-on-withknown-so-far\", \"https://twitter.com/benwerd/status/604733231284383744\"],\n        \"author\": [\"http://tantek.com/\"],\n        \"syndication\": [\"https://twitter.com/t/status/605604965566906369\"]\n    },\n    \"rel-urls\": {\n        \"http://tantek.com/152/t1/congrats-fellow-elected-w3cab-members\": {\n            \"title\": \"View the previous (older) item in the stream.\",\n            \"text\": \"←\",\n            \"rels\": [\"prev\"]\n        },\n        \"http://tantek.com/152/t3/going-indiewebcamp-2015-portland\": {\n            \"title\": \"View the next (newer) item in the stream\",\n            \"text\": \"→\",\n            \"rels\": [\"next\"]\n        },\n        \"http://werd.io/2015/im-super-proud-of-everything-weve-done-on-withknown-so-far\": {\n            \"text\": \"http://werd.io/2015/im-super-proud-of-everything-weve-done-on-withknown-so-far\",\n            \"rels\": [\"in-reply-to\"]\n        },\n        \"https://twitter.com/benwerd/status/604733231284383744\": {\n            \"text\": \"https://twitter.com/benwerd/status/604733231284383744\",\n            \"rels\": [\"in-reply-to\"]\n        },\n        \"http://tantek.com/\": {\n            \"title\": \"Tantek Çelik\",\n            \"rels\": [\"author\"]\n        },\n        \"https://twitter.com/t/status/605604965566906369\": {\n            \"text\": \"View \\n      Conversation\\n      on Twitter\",\n            \"rels\": [\"syndication\"]\n        }\n    }\n}","html":"<!-- http://tantek.com/2015/152/t2/proud-withknown-indieweb-user-empathy -->\n<base href=\"http://tantek.com/\" />\n\n<li class=\"h-entry hentry h-as-note\">\n   <div>\n      <ul>\n         <li>\n            <a href=\"152/t1/congrats-fellow-elected-w3cab-members\" id=\"previtem\" title=\"View the previous (older) item in the stream.\"\n            rel=\"prev\"><abbr title=\"Previous\">←</abbr></a>\n         </li>\n         <li>\n            <a href=\"152/t3/going-indiewebcamp-2015-portland\" id=\"nextitem\" title=\"View the next (newer) item in the stream\" rel=\"next\"><abbr title=\"Next\">→</abbr></a>\n         </li>\n      </ul>\n   </div>\n   <div>In reply to:\n      <p>\n         <a class=\"u-in-reply-to h-cite\" rel=\"in-reply-to\" href=\"http://werd.io/2015/im-super-proud-of-everything-weve-done-on-withknown-so-far\">http://werd.io/2015/im-super-proud-of-everything-weve-done-on-withknown-so-far</a>\n      </p>\n      <p>\n         <a class=\"u-in-reply-to h-cite\" rel=\"in-reply-to\" href=\"https://twitter.com/benwerd/status/604733231284383744\">https://twitter.com/benwerd/status/604733231284383744</a>\n      </p>\n      <hr>\n   </div>\n   <a href=\"../\" class=\"p-author h-card\" rel=\"author\" title=\"Tantek Çelik\"><img src=\"/images/photo.gif\" alt=\"Tantek Çelik\"></a>\n   <p class=\"p-name entry-title e-content entry-content article\">\n      <a class=\"auto-link h-x-username\" href=\"https://twitter.com/benwerd\">@benwerd</a>\n      <a class=\"auto-link h-x-username\" href=\"https://twitter.com/erinjo\">@erinjo</a>also proud of you &amp;\n      <a class=\"auto-link h-x-username\" href=\"https://twitter.com/withknown\">@withknown</a>— so much #indieweb &amp; especially user empathy. Keep up the great work!</p>\n   <span>\n      <span class=\"dt-published published dt-updated updated\">\n         <time class=\"value\" datetime=\"22:20-0700\">22:20</time>on\n         <time class=\"value\">2015-06-01</time>\n      </span>\n      <span class=\"lt\">(ttk.me t4bT2)</span>using\n      <span class=\"using\">BBEdit</span>\n   </span>\n   <div>\n      <form action=\"http://tantek.com/2015/152/t2/proud-withknown-indieweb-user-empathy\">\n         <div>\n            <label>\n               <span class=\"lt\">URL:</span>\n               <input class=\"u-url url u-uid uid bookmark\" type=\"url\" size=\"70\" style=\"max-width:100%\" value=\"http://tantek.com/2015/152/t2/proud-withknown-indieweb-user-empathy\">\n            </label>\n         </div>\n      </form>\n   </div>\n   <div>\n      <a class=\"u-syndication\" rel=\"syndication\" style=\"float:right;\" href=\"https://twitter.com/t/status/605604965566906369\">\n   <img src=\"/images/photo.gif\" style=\"vertical-align:-30%\" alt=\"\"> \n   View \n      Conversation\n      on Twitter\n</a>\n   </div>\n</li>","name":"mf-v2-h-as-note-note"},{"json":" {\n\t\"items\": [{\n      \"type\": [\n        \"h-card\"\n      ],\n      \"properties\": {\n        \"name\": [\n          \"Mitchell Baker\"\n        ],\n        \"url\": [\"http://blog.lizardwrangler.com/\"],\n        \"org\": [{\n            \"value\": \"Mozilla Foundation\",\n            \"type\": [\n              \"h-card\"\n            ],\n            \"properties\": {\n              \"name\": [\"Mozilla Foundation\"],\n              \"url\": [\"http://example.org/bios/mitchell-baker/\"]\n            }\n         }],\n        \"photo\": [\"http://example.org/images/photo.gif\"]\n      }\n   }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}\n","html":"<base href=\"http://example.org\"/>\n<div class=\"h-card\">\n  <a class=\"p-name u-url\" href=\"http://blog.lizardwrangler.com/\">Mitchell Baker</a> \n  (<a class=\"p-org h-card\" 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</p>\n  <p class=\"p-note\">Mitchell is responsible for setting the direction and scope of the Mozilla Foundation and its activities.</p>\n  <p><span class=\"p-category\">Strategy</span> and <span class=\"p-category\">Leadership</span></p>\n</div>","name":"mf-v2-h-card-extendeddescription"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-card\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"url\": [\"http://blog.lizardwrangler.com/\"],\n            \"name\": [\"Mitchell Baker\"],\n            \"org\": [{\n                \"value\": \"Mozilla Foundation\",\n                \"type\": [\"h-card\"],\n                \"properties\": {\n                    \"name\": [\"Mozilla Foundation\"],\n                    \"url\": [\"http://mozilla.org/\"]\n                }\n            }]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<div class=\"h-card\">\n  <a class=\"p-name u-url\" href=\"http://blog.lizardwrangler.com/\">Mitchell Baker</a> \n  (<a class=\"p-org 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\"type\": [\"h-card\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"name\": [\"Jane Doe\"]\n        },\n        \"children\": [{\n            \"value\": \"Jane Doe\",\n            \"type\": [\"h-card\"],\n            \"properties\": {\n                \"name\": [\"Jane Doe\"],\n                \"url\": [\"http://example.com/jane.html\"]\n            }\n        }]\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<a class=\"h-card\" href=\"jane.html\">Jane Doe</a>\n<area class=\"h-card\" href=\"jane.html\" alt=\"Jane Doe\"/ >\n<div class=\"h-card\" ><a href=\"jane.html\">Jane Doe</a><p></p></div> \n<div class=\"h-card\" ><area href=\"jane.html\">Jane Doe</area><p></p></div>\n<div class=\"h-card\" ><a class=\"h-card\" href=\"jane.html\">Jane Doe</a><p></p></div> ","name":"mf-v2-h-card-impliedurl"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-card\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"name\": [\"Ben Ward\"],\n            \"url\": [\"http://benward.me/\"]\n       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value=\"MSc\"></data>\n    \n    \n    <br class=\"p-honorific-suffix\" />BSc<br />\n    <hr class=\"p-honorific-suffix\" />BA\n    \n    \n    <img class=\"p-honorific-suffix\" src=\"images/logo.gif\" alt=\"PHD\" />\n    <img src=\"images/logo.gif\" alt=\"company logos\" usemap=\"#logomap\" />\n    <map name=\"logomap\">\n        <area class=\"p-org\" shape=\"rect\" coords=\"0,0,82,126\" href=\"madgex.htm\" alt=\"Madgex\" />\n        <area class=\"p-org\" shape=\"circle\" coords=\"90,58,3\" href=\"mozilla.htm\" alt=\"Mozilla\" />\n    </map>\n</div>","name":"mf-v2-h-card-p-property"},{"json":"\n  {\n\t\"items\": [{\n      \"type\": [\n        \"h-card\"\n      ],\n      \"properties\": {\n        \"name\": [\n          \"Mitchell Baker\"\n        ],\n        \"url\": [\"http://blog.lizardwrangler.com/\"],\n        \"org\": [\n          {\n            \"value\": \"Mozilla Foundation\",\n            \"type\": [\n              \"h-card\"\n            ],\n            \"properties\": {\n              \"name\": [\"Mozilla Foundation\"],\n              \"url\": [\"http://example.com/bios/mitchell-baker/\"]\n            }\n          }\n        ],\n        \"photo\": [\"http://example.com/bios/mitchell-baker/picture.jpeg\"]\n      }\n   }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}\n","html":"<base href=\"http://example.com\" >\n<div class=\"h-card\">\n  <a class=\"p-name u-url\" href=\"http://blog.lizardwrangler.com/\">Mitchell Baker</a> \n  (<a class=\"p-org h-card\" href=\"bios/mitchell-baker/\">Mozilla Foundation</a>)\n  <img class=\"u-photo\" src=\"bios/mitchell-baker/picture.jpeg\"/>\n</div>","name":"mf-v2-h-card-relativeurls"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-entry\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"in-reply-to\": [{\n                \"type\": [\"h-cite\"],\n                \"properties\": {\n                    \"name\": [\"Example Post\"],\n                    \"url\": [\"http://example.com/post\"],\n\n                    \"author\": [{\n                        \"type\": [\"h-card\"],\n                        \"properties\": {\n                            \"url\": [\"http://example.com\"],\n                            \"name\": [\"Example Author\"]\n                        },\n                        \"value\": \"Example Author\"\n                    }]\n                },\n                \"value\": \"http://example.com/post\"\n            }],\n            \"name\": [\"Example Author\\n                  Home\\n            \\n            Example Post\"]\n        }\n    }],\n\t\"rels\": {},\n\t\"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<div class=\"h-entry\">\n      <div class=\"u-in-reply-to h-cite\">\n            <span class=\"p-author h-card\">\n                  <span class=\"p-name\">Example Author</span>\n                  <a class=\"u-url\" href=\"http://example.com\">Home</a>\n            </span>\n            <a class=\"p-name u-url\" href=\"http://example.com/post\">Example Post</a>\n      </div>\n</div>","name":"mf-v2-h-entry-impliedvalue-nested"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-entry\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"name\": [\"microformats.org at 7\"],\n            \"url\": [\"http://microformats.org/2012/06/25/microformats-org-at-7\"]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<a class=\"h-entry\" href=\"http://microformats.org/2012/06/25/microformats-org-at-7\">microformats.org at 7</a>","name":"mf-v2-h-entry-justahyperlink"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-entry\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"name\": [\"microformats.org at 7\"]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<p class=\"h-entry\">microformats.org at 7</p>","name":"mf-v2-h-entry-justaname"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-entry\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"url\": [\"http://microformats.org/2012/06/25/microformats-org-at-7\"],\n            \"name\": [\"microformats.org at 7\"],\n            \"content\": [{\n               \"value\": \"Last week the microformats.org community \\n            celebrated its 7th birthday at a gathering hosted by Mozilla in \\n            San Francisco and recognized accomplishments, challenges, and \\n            opportunities.\\n\\n        The microformats tagline “humans first, machines second” \\n            forms the basis of many of our \\n            principles, and \\n            in that regard, we’d like to recognize a few people and \\n            thank them for their years of volunteer service\",\n                \"html\": \"\\n        <p class=\\\"p-summary\\\">Last week the microformats.org community \\n            celebrated its 7th birthday at a gathering hosted by Mozilla in \\n            San Francisco and recognized accomplishments, challenges, and \\n            opportunities.</p>\\n\\n        <p>The microformats tagline “humans first, machines second” \\n            forms the basis of many of our \\n            <a href=\\\"http://microformats.org/wiki/principles\\\">principles</a>, and \\n            in that regard, we’d like to recognize a few people and \\n            thank them for their years of volunteer service </p>\\n    \"\n            }],\n            \"summary\": [\"Last week the microformats.org community \\n            celebrated its 7th birthday at a gathering hosted by Mozilla in \\n            San Francisco and recognized accomplishments, challenges, and \\n            opportunities.\"],\n            \"updated\": [\"2012-06-25 17:08:26\"],\n            \"author\": [{\n                \"value\": \"Tantek\",\n                \"type\": [\"h-card\"],\n                \"properties\": {\n                    \"name\": [\"Tantek\"],\n                    \"url\": [\"http://tantek.com/\"]\n                }\n            }]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<meta charset=\"utf-8\">\n<div class=\"h-entry\">\n    <h1><a class=\"p-name u-url\" href=\"http://microformats.org/2012/06/25/microformats-org-at-7\">microformats.org at 7</a></h1>\n    <div class=\"e-content\">\n        <p class=\"p-summary\">Last week the microformats.org community \n            celebrated its 7th birthday at a gathering hosted by Mozilla in \n            San Francisco and recognized accomplishments, challenges, and \n            opportunities.</p>\n\n        <p>The microformats tagline “humans first, machines second” \n            forms the basis of many of our \n            <a href=\"http://microformats.org/wiki/principles\">principles</a>, and \n            in that regard, we’d like to recognize a few people and \n            thank them for their years of volunteer service </p>\n    </div>  \n    <p>Updated \n        <time class=\"dt-updated\" datetime=\"2012-06-25T17:08:26\">June 25th, 2012</time> by\n        <a class=\"p-author h-card\" href=\"http://tantek.com/\">Tantek</a>\n    </p>\n</div>","name":"mf-v2-h-entry-summarycontent"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-entry\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"name\": [\"microformats.org at 7\"],\n            \"url\": [\"http://microformats.org/\", \"http://microformats.org/2012/06/25/microformats-org-at-7\", \"http://microformats.org/2012/06/25/microformats-org-at-7\", \"http://microformats.org/\", \"http://microformats.org/wiki/microformats2-parsing\", \"http://microformats.org/wiki/value-class-pattern\", \"http://microformats.org/wiki/\", \"http://microformats.org/discuss\"],\n            \"photo\": [\"http://example.com/images/logo.gif\"]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<base href=\"http://example.com\">\n<div class=\"h-entry\">\n    <p class=\"p-name\">microformats.org at 7</p>\n\n    \n    <p class=\"u-url\">\n      <span class=\"value-title\" title=\"http://microformats.org/\"> </span>\n      Article permalink\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"u-url\">\n        <span class=\"value\">http://microformats.org/</span> - \n        <span class=\"value\">2012/06/25/microformats-org-at-7</span> \n    </p> \n\n    <p><a class=\"u-url\" href=\"http://microformats.org/2012/06/25/microformats-org-at-7\">Article permalink</a></p>\n\n    <img src=\"images/logo.gif\" alt=\"company logos\" usemap=\"#logomap\" />\n    <map name=\"logomap\">\n        <area class=\"u-url\" shape=\"rect\" coords=\"0,0,82,126\" href=\"http://microformats.org/\" alt=\"microformats.org\" />\n    </map>\n\n    <img class=\"u-photo\" src=\"images/logo.gif\" alt=\"company logos\" />\n\n    <object class=\"u-url\" data=\"http://microformats.org/wiki/microformats2-parsing\"></object>\n\n    <abbr class=\"u-url\" title=\"http://microformats.org/wiki/value-class-pattern\">value-class-pattern</abbr> \n    <data class=\"u-url\" value=\"http://microformats.org/wiki/\"></data>\n    <p class=\"u-url\">http://microformats.org/discuss</p>\n</div>","name":"mf-v2-h-entry-u-property"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-entry\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"name\": [\"Expanding URLs within HTML content\"],\n            \"content\": [{\n                \"value\": \"Should not change: http://www.w3.org/\\n            Should not change: http://example.com/\\n            File relative: test.html = http://example.com/test.html\\n            Directory relative: /test/test.html = http://example.com/test/test.html\\n            Relative to root: /test.html = http://example.com/test.html\",\n                \"html\": \"\\n        <ul>\\n            <li><a href=\\\"http://www.w3.org/\\\">Should not change: http://www.w3.org/</a></li>\\n            <li><a href=\\\"http://example.com/\\\">Should not change: http://example.com/</a></li>\\n            <li><a href=\\\"http://example.com/test.html\\\">File relative: test.html = http://example.com/test.html</a></li>\\n            <li><a href=\\\"http://example.com/test/test.html\\\">Directory relative: /test/test.html = http://example.com/test/test.html</a></li>\\n            <li><a href=\\\"http://example.com/test.html\\\">Relative to root: /test.html = http://example.com/test.html</a></li>\\n        </ul>\\n        <img src=\\\"http://example.com/images/photo.gif\\\" />\\n    \"\n            }]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<div class=\"h-entry\">\n    <h1><a class=\"p-name\">Expanding URLs within HTML content</a></h1>\n    <div class=\"e-content\">\n        <ul>\n            <li><a href=\"http://www.w3.org/\">Should not change: http://www.w3.org/</a></li>\n            <li><a href=\"http://example.com/\">Should not change: http://example.com/</a></li>\n            <li><a href=\"test.html\">File relative: test.html = http://example.com/test.html</a></li>\n            <li><a href=\"/test/test.html\">Directory relative: /test/test.html = http://example.com/test/test.html</a></li>\n            <li><a href=\"/test.html\">Relative to root: /test.html = http://example.com/test.html</a></li>\n        </ul>\n        <img src=\"images/photo.gif\" />\n    </div>  \n</div>","name":"mf-v2-h-entry-urlincontent"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-event\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"name\": [\"The 4th Microformat party\"],\n            \"start\": [\n                \"2009-06-26 19:00:00\", \n                \"2009-06-26 07:00:00\", \n                \"2009-06-26 19:00\", \n                \"2009-06-26 19\", \n                \"2009-06-26 19\", \n                \"2009-06-26 19:00\", \n                \"2009-06-26 19:00\", \n                \"2009-06-26 19:00\", \n                \"2009-06-26 07:00\"\n             ]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<span class=\"h-event\">\n    <span class=\"p-name\">The 4th Microformat party</span> will be on \n    <ul>\n        <li class=\"dt-start\">\n            <time class=\"value\" datetime=\"2009-06-26\">26 July</time>, from\n            <span class=\"value\">07:00:00pm \n        </span></li>\n        <li class=\"dt-start\">\n            <time class=\"value\" datetime=\"2009-06-26\">26 July</time>, from\n            <span class=\"value\">07:00:00am \n        </span></li>\n        <li class=\"dt-start\">\n            <time class=\"value\" datetime=\"2009-06-26\">26 July</time>, from\n            <span class=\"value\">07:00pm \n        </span></li>\n        <li class=\"dt-start\">\n            <time class=\"value\" datetime=\"2009-06-26\">26 July</time>, from\n            <span class=\"value\">07pm \n        </span></li>\n        <li class=\"dt-start\">\n            <time class=\"value\" datetime=\"2009-06-26\">26 July</time>, from\n            <span class=\"value\">7pm \n        </span></li>\n        <li class=\"dt-start\">\n            <time class=\"value\" datetime=\"2009-06-26\">26 July</time>, from\n            <span class=\"value\">7:00pm \n        </span></li>\n        <li class=\"dt-start\">\n            <time class=\"value\" datetime=\"2009-06-26\">26 July</time>, from\n            <span class=\"value\">07:00p.m. \n        </span></li>\n        <li class=\"dt-start\">\n            <time class=\"value\" datetime=\"2009-06-26\">26 July</time>, from\n            <span class=\"value\">07:00PM \n        </span></li>\n        <li class=\"dt-start\">\n            <time class=\"value\" datetime=\"2009-06-26\">26 July</time>, from\n            <span class=\"value\">7:00am \n        </span></li>\n    </ul>\n</span>","name":"mf-v2-h-event-ampm"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-event\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"name\": [\"CPJ Online Press Freedom Summit\"],\n            \"start\": [\"2012-10-10\"],\n            \"location\": [\"San Francisco\"],\n            \"attendee\": [{\n                \"value\": \"Brian Warner\",\n                \"type\": [\"h-card\"],\n                \"properties\": {\n                    \"name\": [\"Brian Warner\"]\n                }\n            }, {\n                \"value\": \"Kyle Machulis\",\n                \"type\": [\"h-card\"],\n                \"properties\": {\n                    \"name\": [\"Kyle Machulis\"]\n                }\n            }, {\n                \"value\": \"Tantek Çelik\",\n                \"type\": [\"h-card\"],\n                \"properties\": {\n                    \"name\": [\"Tantek Çelik\"]\n                }\n            }, {\n                \"value\": \"Sid Sutter\",\n                \"type\": [\"h-card\"],\n                \"properties\": {\n                    \"name\": [\"Sid Sutter\"]\n                }\n            }]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<meta charset=\"utf-8\">\n<div class=\"h-event\">\n    <span class=\"p-name\">CPJ Online Press Freedom Summit</span>\n    (<time class=\"dt-start\" datetime=\"2012-10-10\">10 Nov 2012</time>) in\n    <span class=\"p-location\">San Francisco</span>.\n    Attendees:\n    <ul>\n        <li class=\"p-attendee h-card\">Brian Warner</li>\n        <li class=\"p-attendee h-card\">Kyle Machulis</li>\n        <li class=\"p-attendee h-card\">Tantek Çelik</li>\n        <li class=\"p-attendee h-card\">Sid Sutter</li>\n    </ul>\n</div>\n","name":"mf-v2-h-event-attendees"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-event\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"name\": [\"IndieWebCamp 2012\"],\n            \"url\": [\"http://indiewebcamp.com/2012\"],\n            \"start\": [\"2012-06-30\"],\n            \"end\": [\"2012-07-01\"],\n            \"location\": [{\n                \"value\": \"Geoloqi\",\n                \"type\": [\"h-card\"],\n                \"properties\": {\n                    \"name\": [\"Geoloqi\"],\n                    \"org\": [\"Geoloqi\"],\n                    \"url\": [\"http://geoloqi.com/\"],\n                    \"street-address\": [\"920 SW 3rd Ave. Suite 400\"],\n                    \"locality\": [\"Portland\"],\n                    \"region\": [\"Oregon\"]\n                }\n            }]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<div class=\"h-event\">\n  <a class=\"p-name u-url\" href=\"http://indiewebcamp.com/2012\">\n    IndieWebCamp 2012\n  </a>\n  from <time class=\"dt-start\">2012-06-30</time> \n  to <time class=\"dt-end\">2012-07-01</time> at \n  <span class=\"p-location h-card\">\n    <a class=\"p-name p-org u-url\" href=\"http://geoloqi.com/\">Geoloqi</a>, \n    <span class=\"p-street-address\">920 SW 3rd Ave. Suite 400</span>, \n    <span class=\"p-locality\">Portland</span>, \n    <abbr class=\"p-region\" title=\"Oregon\">OR</abbr>\n  </span>\n</div>","name":"mf-v2-h-event-combining"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-event\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"name\": [\"The 4th Microformat party\"],\n            \"start\": [\"2009-06-26 19:00\"],\n            \"end\": [\"2009-06-26 22:00\"]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<span class=\"h-event\">\n <span class=\"p-name\">The 4th Microformat party</span> will be on \n <span class=\"dt-start\">\n  <time class=\"value\" datetime=\"2009-06-26\">26 July</time>, from\n  <time class=\"value\">19:00</time></span> to \n <span class=\"dt-end\"><time class=\"value\">22:00</time></span>.\n</span>","name":"mf-v2-h-event-concatenate"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [\n        {\n            \"type\": [\n                \"h-event\"\n            ],\n            \"properties\": {\n                \"name\": [\n                    \"The 4th Microformat party\"\n                ],\n                \"start\": [\n                    \"2009-06-26 19:00-08:00\",\n                    \"2009-06-26 19:00-08\",\n                    \"2009-06-26 19:00-08:00\",\n                    \"2009-06-26 19:00+08:00\",\n                    \"2009-06-26 19:00+08:00\",\n                    \"2009-06-26 19:00Z\",\n                    \"2009-06-26 19:00-08:00\",\n                    \"2009-06-26 19:00:00-08:00\"\n                ]\n            }\n        }\n    ],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<section class=\"h-event\">\n\t<p><span class=\"p-name\">The 4th Microformat party</span> will be on:</p>\n\t<ul>\n\t\t<li><time class=\"dt-start\" datetime=\"2009-06-26T19:00-08:00\">26 July</time></li>\n\t\t<li><time class=\"dt-start\" datetime=\"2009-06-26T19:00-08\">26 July</time></li>\n\t\t<li><time class=\"dt-start\" datetime=\"2009-06-26T19:00-0800\">26 July</time></li>\n\t\t<li><time class=\"dt-start\" datetime=\"2009-06-26T19:00+0800\">26 July</time></li>\n\t\t<li><time class=\"dt-start\" datetime=\"2009-06-26T19:00+08:00\">26 July</time></li>\n\t\t<li><time class=\"dt-start\" datetime=\"2009-06-26T19:00Z\">26 July</time></li>\n\t\t<li><time class=\"dt-start\" datetime=\"2009-06-26t19:00-08:00\">26 July</time></li>\n\t\t<li><time class=\"dt-start\" datetime=\"2009-06-26 19:00:00-08:00\">26 July</time></li>\n\t</ul>\n</section>","name":"mf-v2-h-event-dates"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-event\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"name\": [\"The party\"],\n            \"start\": [\n                \"2013-03-14\", \n                \"2013-06-25 07:00:00\", \n                \"2013-06-26\", \n                \"2013-06-27\", \n                \"2013-06-28\", \n                \"2013-06-29\", \n                \"2013-07-01\", \n                \"2013-07-02\"\n                ]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<span class=\"h-event\">\n    <span class=\"p-name\">The party</span> will be on \n    \n    <p class=\"dt-start\">\n      <span class=\"value-title\" title=\"2013-03-14\"> </span>\n      March 14th 2013\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"dt-start\">\n        <time class=\"value\" datetime=\"2013-06-25\">25 July</time>, from\n        <span class=\"value\">07:00:00am \n    </span></p>   \n    \n    <p>\n        <time class=\"dt-start\" datetime=\"2013-06-26\">26 June</time>\n        \n        <ins class=\"dt-start\" datetime=\"2013-06-27\">Just added</ins>, \n        <del class=\"dt-start\" datetime=\"2013-06-28\">Removed</del>\n    </p>\n    <abbr class=\"dt-start\" title=\"2013-06-29\">June 29</abbr> \n    <data class=\"dt-start\" value=\"2013-07-01\"></data>\n    <p class=\"dt-start\">2013-07-02</p>\n    \n</span>","name":"mf-v2-h-event-dt-property"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-event\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"name\": [\"IndieWebCamp 2012\"],\n            \"url\": [\"http://indiewebcamp.com/2012\"]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<a class=\"h-event\" href=\"http://indiewebcamp.com/2012\">IndieWebCamp 2012</a>","name":"mf-v2-h-event-justahyperlink"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-event\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"name\": [\"IndieWebCamp 2012\"]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<p class=\"h-event\">IndieWebCamp 2012</p>","name":"mf-v2-h-event-justaname"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-event\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"name\": [\"The 4th Microformat party\"],\n            \"start\": [\n                \"2009-06-26 19:00:00-08:00\", \n                \"2009-06-26 19:00:00-08:00\", \n                \"2009-06-26 19:00:00+08:00\", \n                \"2009-06-26 19:00:00Z\", \n                \"2009-06-26 19:00:00\", \n                \"2009-06-26 19:00-08:00\", \n                \"2009-06-26 19:00+08:00\", \n                \"2009-06-26 19:00Z\", \n                \"2009-06-26 19:00\"\n                ],\n            \"end\": [\n                \"2013-034\", \n                \"2013-06-27 15:34\"\n                ]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<span class=\"h-event\">\n    <span class=\"p-name\">The 4th Microformat party</span> will be on \n    <ul>\n        <li class=\"dt-start\">\n            <time class=\"value\" datetime=\"2009-06-26\">26 July</time>, from\n            <time class=\"value\">19:00:00-08:00</time> \n        </li>\n        <li class=\"dt-start\">\n            <time class=\"value\" datetime=\"2009-06-26\">26 July</time>, from\n            <time class=\"value\">19:00:00-0800</time> \n        </li>\n        <li class=\"dt-start\">\n            <time class=\"value\" datetime=\"2009-06-26\">26 July</time>, from\n            <time class=\"value\">19:00:00+0800</time> \n        </li> \n        <li class=\"dt-start\">\n            <time class=\"value\" datetime=\"2009-06-26\">26 July</time>, from\n            <time class=\"value\">19:00:00Z</time> \n        </li>\n        <li class=\"dt-start\">\n            <time class=\"value\" datetime=\"2009-06-26\">26 July</time>, from\n            <time class=\"value\">19:00:00</time> \n        </li>\n        <li class=\"dt-start\">\n            <time class=\"value\" datetime=\"2009-06-26\">26 July</time>, from\n            <time class=\"value\">19:00-08:00</time> \n        </li> \n        <li class=\"dt-start\">\n            <time class=\"value\" datetime=\"2009-06-26\">26 July</time>, from\n            <time class=\"value\">19:00+08:00</time> \n        </li>\n        <li class=\"dt-start\">\n            <time class=\"value\" datetime=\"2009-06-26\">26 July</time>, from\n            <time class=\"value\">19:00Z</time> \n        </li>\n        <li class=\"dt-start\">\n            <time class=\"value\" datetime=\"2009-06-26\">26 July</time>, from\n            <time class=\"value\">19:00</time> \n        </li>  \n        <li>\n            <time class=\"dt-end\" datetime=\"2013-034\">3 February 2013</time>\n        </li>\n        <li>\n            <time class=\"dt-end\" datetime=\"2013-06-27 15:34\">26 July 2013</time>\n        </li>              \n    </ul>\n</span>","name":"mf-v2-h-event-time"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-feed\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"name\": [\"microformats blog\"]\n        },\n        \"children\": [{\n            \"value\": \"microformats.org at 7\\n\\t\\t    \\n\\t\\t        Last week the microformats.org community \\n\\t\\t            celebrated its 7th birthday at a gathering hosted by Mozilla in \\n\\t\\t            San Francisco and recognized accomplishments, challenges, and \\n\\t\\t            opportunities.\\n\\t\\t\\n\\t\\t        The microformats tagline “humans first, machines second” \\n\\t\\t            forms the basis of many of our \\n\\t\\t            principles, and \\n\\t\\t            in that regard, we’d like to recognize a few people and \\n\\t\\t            thank them for their years of volunteer service \\n\\t\\t      \\n\\t\\t    Updated \\n\\t\\t        June 25th, 2012\",\n            \"type\": [\"h-entry\"],\n            \"properties\": {\n                \"name\": [\"microformats.org at 7\"],\n                \"url\": [\"http://microformats.org/2012/06/25/microformats-org-at-7\"],\n                \"content\": [{\n                    \"value\": \"Last week the microformats.org community \\n\\t\\t            celebrated its 7th birthday at a gathering hosted by Mozilla in \\n\\t\\t            San Francisco and recognized accomplishments, challenges, and \\n\\t\\t            opportunities.\\n\\t\\t\\n\\t\\t        The microformats tagline “humans first, machines second” \\n\\t\\t            forms the basis of many of our \\n\\t\\t            principles, and \\n\\t\\t            in that regard, we’d like to recognize a few people and \\n\\t\\t            thank them for their years of volunteer service\",\n                    \"html\": \"\\n\\t\\t        <p class=\\\"p-summary\\\">Last week the microformats.org community \\n\\t\\t            celebrated its 7th birthday at a gathering hosted by Mozilla in \\n\\t\\t            San Francisco and recognized accomplishments, challenges, and \\n\\t\\t            opportunities.</p>\\n\\t\\t\\n\\t\\t        <p>The microformats tagline “humans first, machines second” \\n\\t\\t            forms the basis of many of our \\n\\t\\t            <a href=\\\"http://microformats.org/wiki/principles\\\">principles</a>, and \\n\\t\\t            in that regard, we’d like to recognize a few people and \\n\\t\\t            thank them for their years of volunteer service </p>\\n\\t\\t    \"\n                }],\n                \"summary\": [\"Last week the microformats.org community \\n\\t\\t            celebrated its 7th birthday at a gathering hosted by Mozilla in \\n\\t\\t            San Francisco and recognized accomplishments, challenges, and \\n\\t\\t            opportunities.\"],\n                \"updated\": [\"2012-06-25 17:08:26\"]\n            }\n        }]\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"\n<html>\n\t<head>\n\t\t<title>microformats blog</title>\n\t</head>\n\t<body>\n\t<section class=\"h-feed\">\n\t\t\n\t\t<div class=\"h-entry\">\n\t\t    <h1><a class=\"p-name u-url\" href=\"http://microformats.org/2012/06/25/microformats-org-at-7\">microformats.org at 7</a></h1>\n\t\t    <div class=\"e-content\">\n\t\t        <p class=\"p-summary\">Last week the microformats.org community \n\t\t            celebrated its 7th birthday at a gathering hosted by Mozilla in \n\t\t            San Francisco and recognized accomplishments, challenges, and \n\t\t            opportunities.</p>\n\t\t\n\t\t        <p>The microformats tagline “humans first, machines second” \n\t\t            forms the basis of many of our \n\t\t            <a href=\"http://microformats.org/wiki/principles\">principles</a>, and \n\t\t            in that regard, we’d like to recognize a few people and \n\t\t            thank them for their years of volunteer service </p>\n\t\t    </div>  \n\t\t    <p>Updated \n\t\t        <time class=\"dt-updated\" datetime=\"2012-06-25T17:08:26\">June 25th, 2012</time>\n\t\t    </p>\n\t\t</div>\n\t\t\n\t</section>\n\t</body>\n</html>","name":"mf-v2-h-feed-implied-title"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-feed\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"name\": [\"Microformats blog\"],\n            \"author\": [{\n                \"value\": \"Tantek\",\n                \"type\": [\"h-card\"],\n                \"properties\": {\n                    \"name\": [\"Tantek\"],\n                    \"url\": [\"http://tantek.com/\"]\n                }\n            }],\n            \"url\": [\"http://microformats.org/blog\"],\n            \"photo\": [\"http://example.com/photo.jpeg\"]\n        },\n        \"children\": [{\n            \"value\": \"microformats.org at 7\\n\\t    \\n\\t        Last week the microformats.org community \\n\\t            celebrated its 7th birthday at a gathering hosted by Mozilla in \\n\\t            San Francisco and recognized accomplishments, challenges, and \\n\\t            opportunities.\\n\\t\\n\\t        The microformats tagline “humans first, machines second” \\n\\t            forms the basis of many of our \\n\\t            principles, and \\n\\t            in that regard, we’d like to recognize a few people and \\n\\t            thank them for their years of volunteer service \\n\\t      \\n\\t    Updated \\n\\t        June 25th, 2012\",\n            \"type\": [\"h-entry\"],\n            \"properties\": {\n                \"name\": [\"microformats.org at 7\"],\n                \"url\": [\"http://microformats.org/2012/06/25/microformats-org-at-7\"],\n                \"content\": [{\n                    \"value\": \"Last week the microformats.org community \\n\\t            celebrated its 7th birthday at a gathering hosted by Mozilla in \\n\\t            San Francisco and recognized accomplishments, challenges, and \\n\\t            opportunities.\\n\\t\\n\\t        The microformats tagline “humans first, machines second” \\n\\t            forms the basis of many of our \\n\\t            principles, and \\n\\t            in that regard, we’d like to recognize a few people and \\n\\t            thank them for their years of volunteer service\",\n                    \"html\": \"\\n\\t        <p class=\\\"p-summary\\\">Last week the microformats.org community \\n\\t            celebrated its 7th birthday at a gathering hosted by Mozilla in \\n\\t            San Francisco and recognized accomplishments, challenges, and \\n\\t            opportunities.</p>\\n\\t\\n\\t        <p>The microformats tagline “humans first, machines second” \\n\\t            forms the basis of many of our \\n\\t            <a href=\\\"http://microformats.org/wiki/principles\\\">principles</a>, and \\n\\t            in that regard, we’d like to recognize a few people and \\n\\t            thank them for their years of volunteer service </p>\\n\\t    \"\n                }],\n                \"summary\": [\"Last week the microformats.org community \\n\\t            celebrated its 7th birthday at a gathering hosted by Mozilla in \\n\\t            San Francisco and recognized accomplishments, challenges, and \\n\\t            opportunities.\"],\n                \"updated\": [\"2012-06-25 17:08:26\"]\n            }\n        }]\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<section class=\"h-feed\">\n\t<h1 class=\"p-name\">Microformats blog</h1>\n\t<a class=\"p-author h-card\" href=\"http://tantek.com/\">Tantek</a>\n\t<a class=\"u-url\" href=\"http://microformats.org/blog\">permlink</a>\n\t<img class=\"u-photo\" src=\"photo.jpeg\"/>\n\t\n\t<div class=\"h-entry\">\n\t    <h1><a class=\"p-name u-url\" href=\"http://microformats.org/2012/06/25/microformats-org-at-7\">microformats.org at 7</a></h1>\n\t    <div class=\"e-content\">\n\t        <p class=\"p-summary\">Last week the microformats.org community \n\t            celebrated its 7th birthday at a gathering hosted by Mozilla in \n\t            San Francisco and recognized accomplishments, challenges, and \n\t            opportunities.</p>\n\t\n\t        <p>The microformats tagline “humans first, machines second” \n\t            forms the basis of many of our \n\t            <a href=\"http://microformats.org/wiki/principles\">principles</a>, and \n\t            in that regard, we’d like to recognize a few people and \n\t            thank them for their years of volunteer service </p>\n\t    </div>  \n\t    <p>Updated \n\t        <time class=\"dt-updated\" datetime=\"2012-06-25T17:08:26\">June 25th, 2012</time>\n\t    </p>\n\t</div>\n\t\n</section>","name":"mf-v2-h-feed-simple"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-geo\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"latitude\": [\"37.408183\"],\n            \"longitude\": [\"-122.13855\"],\n            \"name\": [\"N 37° 24.491,  \\n W 122° 08.313\"]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<meta charset=\"utf-8\">\n<p class=\"h-geo\">\n <abbr class=\"p-latitude\" title=\"37.408183\">N 37° 24.491</abbr>,  \n <abbr class=\"p-longitude\" title=\"-122.13855\">W 122° 08.313</abbr>\n</p>","name":"mf-v2-h-geo-abbrpattern"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-geo\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"name\": [\"Pen-y-ghent\"],\n            \"latitude\": [\"54.155278\"],\n            \"longitude\": [\"-2.249722\"],\n            \"altitude\": [\"694\"]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<p>My favourite hill in the lakes is \n    <span class=\"h-geo\">\n        <span class=\"p-name\">Pen-y-ghent</span> \n        (Geo: <span class=\"p-latitude\">54.155278</span>,\n        <span class=\"p-longitude\">-2.249722</span>). It\n        raises to <span class=\"p-altitude\">694</span>m.\n  </span>\n</p>","name":"mf-v2-h-geo-altitude"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-geo\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"latitude\": [\"51.513458\"],\n            \"longitude\": [\"-0.14812\"],\n            \"name\": [\"The Bricklayer's Arms\"]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<p>\n    <span class=\"h-geo\">The Bricklayer's Arms\n        <span class=\"p-latitude\">\n            <span class=\"value-title\" title=\"51.513458\"> </span> \n        </span>\n        <span class=\"p-longitude\">\n            <span class=\"value-title\" title=\"-0.14812\"> </span>\n        </span>\n    </span>\n</p>","name":"mf-v2-h-geo-hidden"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-geo\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"name\": [\"51.513458;-0.14812\"]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<p>On my way to The Bricklayer's Arms\n    (Geo: <span class=\"h-geo\">51.513458;-0.14812</span>)\n</p>","name":"mf-v2-h-geo-justaname"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-geo\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"name\": [\"The Bricklayer's Arms\"],\n            \"latitude\": [\"51.513458\"],\n            \"longitude\": [\"-0.14812\"]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<p class=\"h-geo\">We are meeting at \n    <span class=\"p-name\">The Bricklayer's Arms</span>\n    (Geo: <span class=\"p-latitude\">51.513458</span>:\n    <span class=\"p-longitude\">-0.14812</span>)\n</p>","name":"mf-v2-h-geo-simpleproperties"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-geo\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"latitude\": [\"51.513458\"],\n            \"longitude\": [\"-0.14812\"],\n            \"name\": [\"N 51° 51.345, \\n        \\n        \\n            W -0° 14.812\"]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<meta charset=\"utf-8\">\n<p>\n    <span class=\"h-geo\">\n        <span class=\"p-latitude\">\n            <span class=\"value-title\" title=\"51.513458\">N 51° 51.345</span>, \n        </span>\n        <span class=\"p-longitude\">\n            <span class=\"value-title\" title=\"-0.14812\">W -0° 14.812</span>\n        </span>\n    </span>\n</p>","name":"mf-v2-h-geo-valuetitleclass"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-news\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"entry\": [{\n                \"value\": \"microformats.org at 7\",\n                \"type\": [\"h-entry\"],\n                \"properties\": {\n                    \"name\": [\"microformats.org at 7\"],\n                    \"url\": [\"http://microformats.org/2012/06/25/microformats-org-at-7\"],\n                    \"content\": [{\n                        \"value\": \"Last week the microformats.org community \\n                celebrated its 7th birthday at a gathering hosted by Mozilla in \\n                San Francisco and recognized accomplishments, challenges, and \\n                opportunities.\\n\\n            The microformats tagline “humans first, machines second” \\n                forms the basis of many of our \\n                principles, and \\n                in that regard, we’d like to recognize a few people and \\n                thank them for their years of volunteer service\",\n                        \"html\": \"\\n            <p class=\\\"p-summary\\\">Last week the microformats.org community \\n                celebrated its 7th birthday at a gathering hosted by Mozilla in \\n                San Francisco and recognized accomplishments, challenges, and \\n                opportunities.</p>\\n\\n            <p>The microformats tagline “humans first, machines second” \\n                forms the basis of many of our \\n                <a href=\\\"http://microformats.org/wiki/principles\\\">principles</a>, and \\n                in that regard, we’d like to recognize a few people and \\n                thank them for their years of volunteer service </p>\\n        \"\n                    }],\n                    \"summary\": [\"Last week the microformats.org community \\n                celebrated its 7th birthday at a gathering hosted by Mozilla in \\n                San Francisco and recognized accomplishments, challenges, and \\n                opportunities.\"],\n                    \"updated\": [\"2012-06-25 17:08:26\"],\n                    \"author\": [{\n                        \"value\": \"Tantek\",\n                        \"type\": [\"h-card\"],\n                        \"properties\": {\n                            \"name\": [\"Tantek\"],\n                            \"url\": [\"http://tantek.com/\"]\n                        }\n                    }]\n                }\n            }],\n            \"dateline\": [{\n                \"value\": \"San Francisco, \\n            CA\",\n                \"type\": [\"h-adr\"],\n                \"properties\": {\n                    \"locality\": [\"San Francisco\"],\n                    \"region\": [\"CA\"],\n                    \"name\": [\"San Francisco, \\n            CA\"]\n                }\n            }],\n            \"geo\": [\"37.774921;-122.445202\"],\n            \"source-org\": [{\n                \"value\": \"microformats.org\",\n                \"type\": [\"h-card\"],\n                \"properties\": {\n                    \"name\": [\"microformats.org\"],\n                    \"url\": [\"http://microformats.org/\"]\n                }\n            }],\n            \"principles\": [\"http://microformats.org/wiki/Category:public_domain_license\"],\n            \"name\": [\"microformats.org at 7\\n        \\n            Last week the microformats.org community \\n                celebrated its 7th birthday at a gathering hosted by Mozilla in \\n                San Francisco and recognized accomplishments, challenges, and \\n                opportunities.\\n\\n            The microformats tagline “humans first, machines second” \\n                forms the basis of many of our \\n                principles, and \\n                in that regard, we’d like to recognize a few people and \\n                thank them for their years of volunteer service \\n          \\n        Updated \\n            June 25th, 2012 by\\n            Tantek\\n        \\n    \\n\\n    \\n        \\n            San Francisco, \\n            CA \\n        \\n        (Geo: 37.774921;-122.445202) \\n        \\n            microformats.org\\n        \\n    \\n    \\n        Publishing policy\"]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<div class=\"h-news\">\n    <div class=\"p-entry h-entry\">\n        <h1><a class=\"p-name u-url\" href=\"http://microformats.org/2012/06/25/microformats-org-at-7\">microformats.org at 7</a></h1>\n        <div class=\"e-content\">\n            <p class=\"p-summary\">Last week the microformats.org community \n                celebrated its 7th birthday at a gathering hosted by Mozilla in \n                San Francisco and recognized accomplishments, challenges, and \n                opportunities.</p>\n\n            <p>The microformats tagline “humans first, machines second” \n                forms the basis of many of our \n                <a href=\"http://microformats.org/wiki/principles\">principles</a>, and \n                in that regard, we’d like to recognize a few people and \n                thank them for their years of volunteer service </p>\n        </div>  \n        <p>Updated \n            <time class=\"dt-updated\" datetime=\"2012-06-25T17:08:26\">June 25th, 2012</time> by\n            <a class=\"p-author h-card\" href=\"http://tantek.com/\">Tantek</a>\n        </p>\n    </div>\n\n    <p>\n        <span class=\"p-dateline h-adr\">\n            <span class=\"p-locality\">San Francisco</span>, \n            <span class=\"p-region\">CA</span> \n        </span>\n        (Geo: <span class=\"p-geo\">37.774921;-122.445202</span>) \n        <span class=\"p-source-org h-card\">\n            <a class=\"p-name u-url\" href=\"http://microformats.org/\">microformats.org</a>\n        </span>\n    </p>\n    <p>\n        <a class=\"u-principles\" href=\"http://microformats.org/wiki/Category:public_domain_license\">Publishing policy</a>\n    </p>\n</div>","name":"mf-v2-h-news-all"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-news\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"entry\": [{\n                \"value\": \"microformats.org at 7\",\n                \"type\": [\"h-entry\"],\n                \"properties\": {\n                    \"name\": [\"microformats.org at 7\"],\n                    \"url\": [\"http://microformats.org/2012/06/25/microformats-org-at-7\"],\n                    \"content\": [{\n                        \"value\": \"Last week the microformats.org community \\n                celebrated its 7th birthday at a gathering hosted by Mozilla in \\n                San Francisco and recognized accomplishments, challenges, and \\n                opportunities.\\n\\n            The microformats tagline “humans first, machines second” \\n                forms the basis of many of our \\n                principles, and \\n                in that regard, we’d like to recognize a few people and \\n                thank them for their years of volunteer service\",\n                        \"html\": \"\\n            <p class=\\\"p-summary\\\">Last week the microformats.org community \\n                celebrated its 7th birthday at a gathering hosted by Mozilla in \\n                San Francisco and recognized accomplishments, challenges, and \\n                opportunities.</p>\\n\\n            <p>The microformats tagline “humans first, machines second” \\n                forms the basis of many of our \\n                <a href=\\\"http://microformats.org/wiki/principles\\\">principles</a>, and \\n                in that regard, we’d like to recognize a few people and \\n                thank them for their years of volunteer service </p>\\n        \"\n                    }],\n                    \"summary\": [\"Last week the microformats.org community \\n                celebrated its 7th birthday at a gathering hosted by Mozilla in \\n                San Francisco and recognized accomplishments, challenges, and \\n                opportunities.\"],\n                    \"updated\": [\"2012-06-25 17:08:26\"],\n                    \"author\": [{\n                        \"value\": \"Tantek\",\n                        \"type\": [\"h-card\"],\n                        \"properties\": {\n                            \"name\": [\"Tantek\"],\n                            \"url\": [\"http://tantek.com/\"]\n                        }\n                    }]\n                }\n            }],\n            \"source-org\": [{\n                \"value\": \"microformats.org\",\n                \"type\": [\"h-card\"],\n                \"properties\": {\n                    \"name\": [\"microformats.org\"],\n                    \"url\": [\"http://microformats.org/\"]\n                }\n            }],\n            \"name\": [\"microformats.org at 7\\n        \\n            Last week the microformats.org community \\n                celebrated its 7th birthday at a gathering hosted by Mozilla in \\n                San Francisco and recognized accomplishments, challenges, and \\n                opportunities.\\n\\n            The microformats tagline “humans first, machines second” \\n                forms the basis of many of our \\n                principles, and \\n                in that regard, we’d like to recognize a few people and \\n                thank them for their years of volunteer service \\n          \\n        Updated \\n            June 25th, 2012 by\\n            Tantek\\n        \\n    \\n    \\n        microformats.org\"]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<div class=\"h-news\">\n    <div class=\"p-entry h-entry\">\n        <h1><a class=\"p-name u-url\" href=\"http://microformats.org/2012/06/25/microformats-org-at-7\">microformats.org at 7</a></h1>\n        <div class=\"e-content\">\n            <p class=\"p-summary\">Last week the microformats.org community \n                celebrated its 7th birthday at a gathering hosted by Mozilla in \n                San Francisco and recognized accomplishments, challenges, and \n                opportunities.</p>\n\n            <p>The microformats tagline “humans first, machines second” \n                forms the basis of many of our \n                <a href=\"http://microformats.org/wiki/principles\">principles</a>, and \n                in that regard, we’d like to recognize a few people and \n                thank them for their years of volunteer service </p>\n        </div>  \n        <p>Updated \n            <time class=\"dt-updated\" datetime=\"2012-06-25T17:08:26\">June 25th, 2012</time> by\n            <a class=\"p-author h-card\" href=\"http://tantek.com/\">Tantek</a>\n        </p>\n    </div>\n    <p>\n        <a class=\"p-source-org h-card\" href=\"http://microformats.org/\">microformats.org</a> \n    </p>\n</div>","name":"mf-v2-h-news-minimum"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-org\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"name\": [\"Mozilla Foundation\"],\n            \"url\": [\"http://mozilla.org/\"]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<a class=\"h-org\" href=\"http://mozilla.org/\">Mozilla Foundation</a>","name":"mf-v2-h-org-hyperlink"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-org\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"name\": [\"Mozilla Foundation\"]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<span class=\"h-org\">Mozilla Foundation</span>","name":"mf-v2-h-org-simple"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-org\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"organization-name\": [\"W3C\"],\n            \"organization-unit\": [\"CSS Working Group\"],\n            \"name\": [\"W3C - \\n    CSS Working Group\"]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<p class=\"h-org\">\n    <span class=\"p-organization-name\">W3C</span> - \n    <span class=\"p-organization-unit\">CSS Working Group</span>\n</p>","name":"mf-v2-h-org-simpleproperties"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-product\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"name\": [\"Raspberry Pi\"],\n            \"photo\": [\"http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/3/3d/RaspberryPi.jpg/320px-RaspberryPi.jpg\"],\n            \"description\": [{\n                \"value\": \"The Raspberry Pi is a credit-card sized computer that plugs into your TV and a keyboard. It’s a capable little PC which can be used for many of the things that your desktop PC does, like spreadsheets, word-processing and games. It also plays high-definition video. We want to see it being used by kids all over the world to learn programming.\",\n                \"html\": \"The Raspberry Pi is a credit-card sized computer that plugs into your TV and a keyboard. It’s a capable little PC which can be used for many of the things that your desktop PC does, like spreadsheets, word-processing and games. It also plays high-definition video. We want to see it being used by kids all over the world to learn programming.\"\n            }],\n            \"url\": [\"http://www.raspberrypi.org/\"],\n            \"price\": [\"£29.95\"],\n            \"review\": [{\n                \"value\": \"9.2 out of \\n            10 \\n            based on 178 reviews\",\n                \"type\": [\"h-review-aggregate\"],\n                \"properties\": {\n                    \"rating\": [{\n                        \"value\": \"9.2 out of \\n            10 \\n            based on 178 reviews\",\n                        \"type\": [\"h-rating\"],\n                        \"properties\": {\n                            \"average\": [\"9.2\"],\n                            \"best\": [\"10\"],\n                            \"count\": [\"178\"],\n                            \"name\": [\"9.2 out of \\n            10 \\n            based on 178 reviews\"]\n                        }\n                    }],\n                    \"name\": [\"9.2 out of \\n            10 \\n            based on 178 reviews\"]\n                }\n            }],\n            \"category\": [\"Computer\", \"Education\"],\n            \"brand\": [{\n                \"value\": \"The Raspberry Pi Foundation\",\n                \"type\": [\"h-card\"],\n                \"properties\": {\n                    \"name\": [\"The Raspberry Pi Foundation\"],\n                    \"org\": [\"The Raspberry Pi Foundation\"],\n                    \"locality\": [\"Cambridge\"],\n                    \"country-name\": [\"UK\"]\n                }\n            }]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<meta charset=\"utf-8\">\n<div class=\"h-product\">\n    <h2 class=\"p-name\">Raspberry Pi</h2>\n    <img class=\"u-photo\" src=\"http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/3/3d/RaspberryPi.jpg/320px-RaspberryPi.jpg\" />\n    <p class=\"e-description\">The Raspberry Pi is a credit-card sized computer that plugs into your TV and a keyboard. It’s a capable little PC which can be used for many of the things that your desktop PC does, like spreadsheets, word-processing and games. It also plays high-definition video. We want to see it being used by kids all over the world to learn programming.</p>\n    <a class=\"u-url\" href=\"http://www.raspberrypi.org/\">More info about the Raspberry Pi</a>\n    <p class=\"p-price\">£29.95</p>\n    <p class=\"p-review h-review-aggregate\">\n        <span class=\"p-rating h-rating\">\n            <span class=\"p-average\">9.2</span> out of \n            <span class=\"p-best\">10</span> \n            based on <span class=\"p-count\">178</span> reviews\n        </span>\n    </p>\n    <p>Categories: <span class=\"p-category\">Computer</span>, <span class=\"p-category\">Education</span></p>\n    <p class=\"p-brand h-card\">From: \n        <span class=\"p-name p-org\">The Raspberry Pi Foundation</span> - \n        <span class=\"p-locality\">Cambridge</span> \n        <span class=\"p-country-name\">UK</span>\n    </p>\n</div>","name":"mf-v2-h-product-aggregate"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-product\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"name\": [\"Raspberry Pi\"],\n            \"url\": [\"http://www.raspberrypi.org/\"]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<a class=\"h-product\" href=\"http://www.raspberrypi.org/\">Raspberry Pi</a>","name":"mf-v2-h-product-justahyperlink"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-product\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"name\": [\"Raspberry Pi\"]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<p class=\"h-product\">Raspberry Pi</p>","name":"mf-v2-h-product-justaname"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-product\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"name\": [\"Raspberry Pi\"],\n            \"photo\": [\"http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/3/3d/RaspberryPi.jpg/320px-RaspberryPi.jpg\"],\n            \"description\": [{\n                \"value\": \"The Raspberry Pi is a credit-card sized computer that plugs into your TV and a keyboard. It’s a capable little PC which can be used for many of the things that your desktop PC does, like spreadsheets, word-processing and games. It also plays high-definition video. We want to see it being used by kids all over the world to learn programming.\",\n                \"html\": \"The Raspberry Pi is a credit-card sized computer that plugs into your TV and a keyboard. It’s a capable little PC which can be used for many of the things that your desktop PC does, like spreadsheets, word-processing and games. It also plays high-definition video. We want to see it being used by kids all over the world to learn programming.\"\n            }],\n            \"url\": [\"http://www.raspberrypi.org/\"],\n            \"price\": [\"£29.95\"],\n            \"category\": [\"Computer\", \"Education\"],\n            \"review\": [{\n                \"value\": \"4.5 out of 5\",\n                \"type\": [\"h-review\"],\n                \"properties\": {\n                    \"rating\": [\"4.5\"],\n                    \"name\": [\"4.5 out of 5\"]\n                }\n            }]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<meta charset=\"utf-8\">\n<div class=\"h-product\">\n    <h2 class=\"p-name\">Raspberry Pi</h2>\n    <img class=\"u-photo\" src=\"http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/3/3d/RaspberryPi.jpg/320px-RaspberryPi.jpg\" />\n    <p class=\"e-description\">The Raspberry Pi is a credit-card sized computer that plugs into your TV and a keyboard. It’s a capable little PC which can be used for many of the things that your desktop PC does, like spreadsheets, word-processing and games. It also plays high-definition video. We want to see it being used by kids all over the world to learn programming.</p>\n    <a class=\"u-url\" href=\"http://www.raspberrypi.org/\">More info about the Raspberry Pi</a>\n    <p class=\"p-price\">£29.95</p>\n    <p class=\"p-review h-review\"><span class=\"p-rating\">4.5</span> out of 5</p>\n    <p>Categories: <span class=\"p-category\">Computer</span>, <span class=\"p-category\">Education</span></p>\n</div>","name":"mf-v2-h-product-simpleproperties"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-recipe\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"name\": [\"Yorkshire Puddings\"],\n            \"summary\": [\"Makes 6 good sized Yorkshire puddings, the way my mum taught me\"],\n            \"yield\": [\"6 good sized Yorkshire puddings\"],\n            \"photo\": [\"http://codebits.glennjones.net/semantic/yorkshire-puddings.jpg\"],\n            \"review\": [{\n                \"value\": \"4.5 stars out 5 based on \\n            35 reviews\",\n                \"type\": [\"h-review-aggregate\"],\n                \"properties\": {\n                    \"rating\": [\"4.5 stars out 5 based on\"],\n                    \"average\": [\"4.5\"],\n                    \"count\": [\"35\"],\n                    \"name\": [\"4.5 stars out 5 based on \\n            35 reviews\"]\n                }\n            }],\n            \"ingredient\": [{\n                \"value\": \"1 egg\",\n                \"html\": \"1 egg\"\n            }, {\n                \"value\": \"75g plain flour\",\n                \"html\": \"75g plain flour\"\n            }, {\n                \"value\": \"70ml milk\",\n                \"html\": \"70ml milk\"\n            }, {\n                \"value\": \"60ml water\",\n                \"html\": \"60ml water\"\n            }, {\n                \"value\": \"Pinch of salt\",\n                \"html\": \"Pinch of salt\"\n            }],\n            \"instructions\": [{\n                \"value\": \"Pre-heat oven to 230C or gas mark 8. Pour the vegetable oil evenly into 2 x 4-hole \\n            Yorkshire pudding tins and place in the oven to heat through. \\n            \\n            To make the batter, add all the flour into a bowl and beat in the eggs until smooth. \\n            Gradually add the milk and water while beating the mixture. It should be smooth and \\n            without lumps. Finally add a pinch of salt.\\n            \\n            Make sure the oil is piping hot before pouring the batter evenly into the tins. \\n            Place in the oven for 20-25 minutes until pudding have risen and look golden brown\",\n                \"html\": \"\\n        <ol>\\n            <li>Pre-heat oven to 230C or gas mark 8. Pour the vegetable oil evenly into 2 x 4-hole \\n            Yorkshire pudding tins and place in the oven to heat through.</li> \\n            \\n            <li>To make the batter, add all the flour into a bowl and beat in the eggs until smooth. \\n            Gradually add the milk and water while beating the mixture. It should be smooth and \\n            without lumps. Finally add a pinch of salt.</li>\\n            \\n            <li>Make sure the oil is piping hot before pouring the batter evenly into the tins. \\n            Place in the oven for 20-25 minutes until pudding have risen and look golden brown</li>\\n        </ol>\\n    \"\n            }],\n            \"nutrition\": [\"Calories: 125\", \"Fat: 3.2g\", \"Cholesterol: 77mg\"],\n            \"published\": [\"2011-10-27\"],\n            \"author\": [{\n                \"value\": \"Glenn Jones\",\n                \"type\": [\"h-card\"],\n                \"properties\": {\n                    \"name\": [\"Glenn Jones\"],\n                    \"url\": [\"http://glennjones.net\"]\n                }\n            }],\n            \"url\": [\"http://www.flickr.com/photos/dithie/4106528495/\"]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<section class=\"h-recipe\">\n    <h1 class=\"p-name\">Yorkshire Puddings</h1>      \n    <p class=\"p-summary\">Makes <span class=\"p-yield\">6 good sized Yorkshire puddings</span>, the way my mum taught me</p>\n\n\n    <p><img class=\"u-photo\" src=\"http://codebits.glennjones.net/semantic/yorkshire-puddings.jpg\" /></p>\n\n    <span class=\"p-review h-review-aggregate\">\n        <span class=\"p-rating\">\n            <span class=\"p-average\">4.5</span> stars out 5 based on </span>\n            <span class=\"p-count\">35</span> reviews</span>\n         \n    \n\n    <div id=\"ingredients-container\">\n        <h3>Ingredients</h3>\n        <ul>\n            <li class=\"e-ingredient\">1 egg</li>\n            <li class=\"e-ingredient\">75g plain flour</li>\n            <li class=\"e-ingredient\">70ml milk</li>\n            <li class=\"e-ingredient\">60ml water</li>\n            <li class=\"e-ingredient\">Pinch of salt</li>\n        </ul>\n    </div>\n\n    <h3>Time</h3>\n    <ul>\n        <li class=\"prepTime\">Preparation <span class=\"value-title\" title=\"PT0H10M\">10 mins</span></li>\n        <li class=\"cookTime\">Cook <span class=\"value-title\" title=\"PT0H25M\">25 mins</span></li>\n    </ul> \n\n\n    <h3>Instructions</h3>\n    <div class=\"e-instructions\">\n        <ol>\n            <li>Pre-heat oven to 230C or gas mark 8. Pour the vegetable oil evenly into 2 x 4-hole \n            Yorkshire pudding tins and place in the oven to heat through.</li> \n            \n            <li>To make the batter, add all the flour into a bowl and beat in the eggs until smooth. \n            Gradually add the milk and water while beating the mixture. It should be smooth and \n            without lumps. Finally add a pinch of salt.</li>\n            \n            <li>Make sure the oil is piping hot before pouring the batter evenly into the tins. \n            Place in the oven for 20-25 minutes until pudding have risen and look golden brown</li>\n        </ol>\n    </div>\n\n    <h3>Nutrition</h3>\n    <ul id=\"nutrition-list\">\n        <li class=\"p-nutrition\">Calories: <span class=\"calories\">125</span></li>\n        <li class=\"p-nutrition\">Fat: <span class=\"fat\">3.2g</span></li>\n        <li class=\"p-nutrition\">Cholesterol: <span class=\"cholesterol\">77mg</span></li>\n    </ul>\n    <p>(Amount per pudding)</p>\n\n    <p>\n        Published on <time class=\"dt-published\" datetime=\"2011-10-27\">27 Oct 2011</time> by \n        <span class=\"p-author h-card\">\n            <a class=\"p-name u-url\" href=\"http://glennjones.net\">Glenn Jones</a>\n        </span>\n    </p>\n    <a href=\"http://www.flickr.com/photos/dithie/4106528495/\">Photo by dithie</a>\n    </section>","name":"mf-v2-h-recipe-all"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-recipe\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"name\": [\"Toast\"],\n            \"ingredient\": [{\n                \"value\": \"Slice of bread\",\n                \"html\": \"Slice of bread\"\n            }, {\n                \"value\": \"Butter\",\n                \"html\": \"Butter\"\n            }]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<div class=\"h-recipe\">  \n    <p class=\"p-name\">Toast</p>\n    <ul>\n        <li class=\"e-ingredient\">Slice of bread</li>\n        <li class=\"e-ingredient\">Butter</li>\n    </ul>\n</div>","name":"mf-v2-h-recipe-minimum"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-resume\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"name\": [\"Tim Berners-Lee\"],\n            \"summary\": [\"invented the World Wide Web\"],\n            \"affiliation\": [{\n                \"type\": [\"h-card\"],\n                \"properties\": {\n                    \"name\": [\"W3C\"],\n                    \"photo\": [\"http://www.w3.org/Icons/WWW/w3c_home_nb.png\"],\n                    \"url\": [\"http://www.w3.org/\"]\n                }\n            }]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<div class=\"h-resume\">\n    <p>\n        <span class=\"p-name\">Tim Berners-Lee</span>, \n        <span class=\"p-summary\">invented the World Wide Web</span>. \n    </p> \n    Belongs to following groups:\n    <p>   \n        <a class=\"p-affiliation h-card\" href=\"http://www.w3.org/\">\n            <img class=\"p-name u-photo\" alt=\"W3C\" src=\"http://www.w3.org/Icons/WWW/w3c_home_nb.png\" />\n        </a>\n    </p>   \n</div>","name":"mf-v2-h-resume-affiliation"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-resume\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"name\": [\"Tim Berners-Lee\"],\n            \"summary\": [\"Invented the World Wide Web.\"],\n            \"contact\": [{\n                \"value\": \"MIT\",\n                \"type\": [\"h-card\"],\n                \"properties\": {\n                    \"name\": [\"MIT\"],\n                    \"street-address\": [\"32 Vassar Street\"],\n                    \"extended-address\": [\"Room 32-G524\"],\n                    \"locality\": [\"Cambridge\"],\n                    \"region\": [\"MA\"],\n                    \"postal-code\": [\"02139\"],\n                    \"country-name\": [\"USA\"],\n                    \"tel\": [\"+1 (617) 253 5702\"],\n                    \"email\": [\"mailto:timbl@w3.org\"]\n                }\n            }]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<div class=\"h-resume\">\n    <p class=\"p-name\">Tim Berners-Lee</p>\n    <p class=\"p-summary\">Invented the World Wide Web.</p><hr />\n    <div class=\"p-contact h-card\">\n        <p class=\"p-name\">MIT</p>\n        <p>\n            <span class=\"p-street-address\">32 Vassar Street</span>, \n            <span class=\"p-extended-address\">Room 32-G524</span>, \n            <span class=\"p-locality\">Cambridge</span>,  \n            <span class=\"p-region\">MA</span> \n            <span class=\"p-postal-code\">02139</span>, \n            <span class=\"p-country-name\">USA</span>.\n        </p>\n        <p>Tel:<span class=\"p-tel\">+1 (617) 253 5702</span></p>\n        <p>Email:<a class=\"u-email\" href=\"mailto:timbl@w3.org\">timbl@w3.org</a></p>\n    </div>\n</div>","name":"mf-v2-h-resume-contact"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-resume\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"name\": [\"Tim Berners-Lee\"],\n            \"contact\": [{\n                \"value\": \"Director of the World Wide Web Foundation\",\n                \"type\": [\"h-card\"],\n                \"properties\": {\n                    \"title\": [\"Director of the World Wide Web Foundation\"],\n                    \"name\": [\"Director of the World Wide Web Foundation\"]\n                }\n            }],\n            \"summary\": [\"Invented the World Wide Web.\"],\n            \"education\": [{\n                \"value\": \"The Queen's College, Oxford University\",\n                \"type\": [\"h-event\", \"h-card\"],\n                \"properties\": {\n                    \"name\": [\"The Queen's College, Oxford University\"],\n                    \"org\": [\"The Queen's College, Oxford University\"],\n                    \"description\": [\"BA Hons (I) Physics\"],\n                    \"start\": [\"1973-09\"],\n                    \"end\": [\"1976-06\"]\n                }\n            }]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<div class=\"h-resume\">\n    <p class=\"p-name\">Tim Berners-Lee</p>\n    <div class=\"p-contact h-card\">\n        <p class=\"p-title\">Director of the World Wide Web Foundation</p>\n    </div>\n    <p class=\"p-summary\">Invented the World Wide Web.</p><hr />\n    <p class=\"p-education h-event h-card\">\n        <span class=\"p-name p-org\">The Queen's College, Oxford University</span>, \n        <span class=\"p-description\">BA Hons (I) Physics</span> \n        <time class=\"dt-start\" datetime=\"1973-09\">1973</time> –\n        <time class=\"dt-end\" datetime=\"1976-06\">1976</time>\n    </p>\n</div>","name":"mf-v2-h-resume-education"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-resume\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"name\": [\"Tim Berners-Lee, invented the World Wide Web.\"]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<p class=\"h-resume\">Tim Berners-Lee, invented the World Wide Web.</p>","name":"mf-v2-h-resume-justaname"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-resume\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"name\": [\"Tim Berners-Lee\"],\n            \"summary\": [\"invented the World Wide Web\"],\n            \"skill\": [\"information systems\", \"advocacy\", \"leadership\"]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<div class=\"h-resume\">\n    <p>\n        <span class=\"p-name\">Tim Berners-Lee</span>, \n        <span class=\"p-summary\">invented the World Wide Web</span>.\n    </p>\n    Skills:     \n    <ul>\n        <li class=\"p-skill\">information systems</li>\n        <li class=\"p-skill\">advocacy</li>\n        <li class=\"p-skill\">leadership</li>\n    <ul>   \n</ul></ul></div>","name":"mf-v2-h-resume-skill"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-resume\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"name\": [\"Tim Berners-Lee\"],\n            \"contact\": [{\n                \"value\": \"Director of the World Wide Web Foundation\",\n                \"type\": [\"h-card\"],\n                \"properties\": {\n                    \"title\": [\"Director of the World Wide Web Foundation\"],\n                    \"name\": [\"Director of the World Wide Web Foundation\"]\n                }\n            }],\n            \"summary\": [\"Invented the World Wide Web.\"],\n            \"experience\": [{\n               \"value\": \"World Wide Web Foundation\",\n                \"type\": [\"h-event\", \"h-card\"],\n                \"properties\": {\n                    \"title\": [\"Director\"],\n                    \"name\": [\"World Wide Web Foundation\"],\n                    \"org\": [\"World Wide Web Foundation\"],\n                    \"url\": [\"http://www.webfoundation.org/\"],\n                    \"start\": [\"2009-01-18\"],\n                    \"duration\": [\"P2Y11M\"]\n                }\n            }]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<meta charset=\"utf-8\">\n<div class=\"h-resume\">\n    <p class=\"p-name\">Tim Berners-Lee</p>\n    <div class=\"p-contact h-card\">\n        <p class=\"p-title\">Director of the World Wide Web Foundation</p>\n    </div>\n    <p class=\"p-summary\">Invented the World Wide Web.</p><hr />\n    <div class=\"p-experience h-event h-card\">\n        <p class=\"p-title\">Director</p>\n        <p><a class=\"p-name p-org u-url\" href=\"http://www.webfoundation.org/\">World Wide Web Foundation</a></p>\n        <p>\n            <time class=\"dt-start\" datetime=\"2009-01-18\">Jan 2009</time> – Present\n            <time class=\"dt-duration\" datetime=\"P2Y11M\">(2 years 11 month)</time>\n        </p>\n    </div>\n</div>","name":"mf-v2-h-resume-work"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-review\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"name\": [\"Crepes on Cole\"],\n            \"url\": [\"https://plus.google.com/116941523817079328322/about\"]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<a class=\"h-review\" href=\"https://plus.google.com/116941523817079328322/about\">Crepes on Cole</a>","name":"mf-v2-h-review-hyperlink"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-review\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"item\": [{\n                \"value\": \"Crepes on Cole\",\n                \"type\": [\"h-item\"],\n                \"properties\": {\n                    \"name\": [\"Crepes on Cole\"],\n                    \"url\": [\"http://example.com/crepeoncole\"]\n                }\n            }],\n            \"rating\": [\"4.7\"],\n            \"name\": [\"Crepes on Cole\\n    4.7 out of 5 stars\"]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<div class=\"h-review\">\n    <a class=\"p-item h-item\" href=\"http://example.com/crepeoncole\">Crepes on Cole</a>\n    <p><span class=\"p-rating\">4.7</span> out of 5 stars</p>\n</div>","name":"mf-v2-h-review-implieditem"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-review\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"item\": [{\n                \"value\": \"Crepes on Cole\",\n                \"type\": [\"h-item\"],\n                \"properties\": {\n                    \"photo\": [\"http://example.com/images/photo.gif\"],\n                    \"name\": [\"Crepes on Cole\"],\n                    \"url\": [\"http://example.com/crepeoncole\"]\n                }\n            }],\n            \"rating\": [\"5\"],\n            \"name\": [\"Crepes on Cole\\n    \\n    5 out of 5 stars\"]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<base href=\"http://example.com\" >\n<div class=\"h-review\">\n    <p class=\"p-item h-item\">\n        <img class=\"u-photo\" src=\"images/photo.gif\" />\n        <a class=\"p-name u-url\" href=\"http://example.com/crepeoncole\">Crepes on Cole</a>\n    </p>\n    <p><span class=\"p-rating\">5</span> out of 5 stars</p>\n</div>","name":"mf-v2-h-review-item"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-review\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"name\": [\"Crepes on Cole\"]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<p class=\"h-review\">Crepes on Cole</p>","name":"mf-v2-h-review-justaname"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-review\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"name\": [\"Crepes on Cole\"],\n            \"photo\": [\"http://example.com/images/photo.gif\"]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<base href=\"http://example.com\" ><img class=\"h-review\" src=\"images/photo.gif\" alt=\"Crepes on Cole\" />","name":"mf-v2-h-review-photo"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-review\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"rating\": [\"5\"],\n            \"name\": [\"Crepes on Cole is awesome\"],\n            \"reviewer\": [{\n                \"value\": \"Tantek\",\n                \"type\": [\"h-card\"],\n                \"properties\": {\n                    \"name\": [\"Tantek\"]\n                }\n            }],\n            \"reviewed\": [\"2005-04-18\"],\n            \"description\": [{\n                 \"value\": \"Crepes on Cole is one of the best little \\n        creperies in San Francisco.\\n        Excellent food and service. Plenty of tables in a variety of sizes \\n        for parties large and small.  Window seating makes for excellent \\n        people watching to/from the N-Judah which stops right outside.  \\n        I've had many fun social gatherings here, as well as gotten \\n        plenty of work done thanks to neighborhood WiFi.\",\n                \"html\": \"\\n        <p class=\\\"p-item h-card\\\">\\n        <span class=\\\"p-name p-org\\\">Crepes on Cole</span> is one of the best little \\n        creperies in <span class=\\\"p-adr h-adr\\\"><span class=\\\"p-locality\\\">San Francisco</span></span>.\\n        Excellent food and service. Plenty of tables in a variety of sizes \\n        for parties large and small.  Window seating makes for excellent \\n        people watching to/from the N-Judah which stops right outside.  \\n        I've had many fun social gatherings here, as well as gotten \\n        plenty of work done thanks to neighborhood WiFi.\\n        </p>\\n    \"\n            }],\n           \"item\": [{\n                \"value\": \"Crepes on Cole\",\n                \"type\": [\"h-card\"],\n                \"properties\": {\n                    \"name\": [\"Crepes on Cole\"],\n                    \"org\": [\"Crepes on Cole\"],\n                    \"adr\": [{\n                        \"value\": \"San Francisco\",\n                        \"type\": [\"h-adr\"],\n                        \"properties\": {\n                            \"locality\": [\"San Francisco\"],\n                            \"name\": [\"San Francisco\"]\n                        }\n                    }]\n                }\n            }],\n            \"category\": [\"crepe\"],\n            \"url\": [\"http://example.com/crepe\"]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {\n        \"license\": [\"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Text_of_Creative_Commons_Attribution-ShareAlike_3.0_Unported_License\"]\n    },\n    \"rel-urls\": {\n        \"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Text_of_Creative_Commons_Attribution-ShareAlike_3.0_Unported_License\": {\n            \"text\": \"Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License\",\n            \"rels\": [\"license\"]\n        }\n    }\n}","html":"<div class=\"h-review\">\n    <span><span class=\"p-rating\">5</span> out of 5 stars</span>\n    <h4 class=\"p-name\">Crepes on Cole is awesome</h4>\n    <span class=\"p-reviewer h-card\">\n        Reviewer: <span class=\"p-name\">Tantek</span> - \n    </span>\n    <time class=\"dt-reviewed\" datetime=\"2005-04-18\">April 18, 2005</time>\n    <div class=\"e-description\">\n        <p class=\"p-item h-card\">\n        <span class=\"p-name p-org\">Crepes on Cole</span> is one of the best little \n        creperies in <span class=\"p-adr h-adr\"><span class=\"p-locality\">San Francisco</span></span>.\n        Excellent food and service. Plenty of tables in a variety of sizes \n        for parties large and small.  Window seating makes for excellent \n        people watching to/from the N-Judah which stops right outside.  \n        I've had many fun social gatherings here, as well as gotten \n        plenty of work done thanks to neighborhood WiFi.\n        </p>\n    </div>\n    <p>Visit date: <span>April 2005</span></p>\n    <p>Food eaten: <a class=\"p-category\" href=\"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/crepe\">crepe</a></p>\n    <p>Permanent link for review: <a class=\"u-url\" href=\"http://example.com/crepe\">http://example.com/crepe</a></p>\n    <p><a rel=\"license\" href=\"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Text_of_Creative_Commons_Attribution-ShareAlike_3.0_Unported_License\">Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License</a></p>\n</div>","name":"mf-v2-h-review-vcard"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-review-aggregate\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"item\": [{\n                \"value\": \"Fullfrontal\",\n                \"type\": [\"h-event\"],\n                \"properties\": {\n                    \"name\": [\"Fullfrontal\"],\n                    \"description\": [\"A one day JavaScript Conference held in Brighton\"],\n                    \"start\": [\"2012-11-09\"]\n                }\n            }],\n            \"rating\": [\"9.9\"],\n            \"average\": [\"9.9\"],\n            \"best\": [\"10\"],\n            \"count\": [\"62\"],\n            \"name\": [\"Fullfrontal\\n        A one day JavaScript Conference held in Brighton\\n        9th November 2012    \\n     \\n    \\n    \\n        9.9 out of \\n        10 \\n        based on 62 reviews\"]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<div class=\"h-review-aggregate\">\n    <div class=\"p-item h-event\">\n        <h3 class=\"p-name\">Fullfrontal</h3>\n        <p class=\"p-description\">A one day JavaScript Conference held in Brighton</p>\n        <p><time class=\"dt-start\" datetime=\"2012-11-09\">9th November 2012</time></p>    \n    </div> \n    \n    <p class=\"p-rating\">\n        <span class=\"p-average value\">9.9</span> out of \n        <span class=\"p-best\">10</span> \n        based on <span class=\"p-count\">62</span> reviews\n    </p>\n</div>","name":"mf-v2-h-review-aggregate-hevent"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-review-aggregate\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"item\": [{\n                \"value\": \"Mediterranean Wraps\",\n                \"type\": [\"h-item\"],\n                \"properties\": {\n                    \"name\": [\"Mediterranean Wraps\"]\n                }\n            }],\n            \"summary\": [\"Customers flock to this small restaurant for their \\n        tasty falafel and shawerma wraps and welcoming staff.\"],\n            \"rating\": [\"4.5\"],\n            \"name\": [\"Mediterranean Wraps\\n     \\n        Customers flock to this small restaurant for their \\n        tasty falafel and shawerma wraps and welcoming staff.\\n    \\n    4.5 out of 5\"]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<div class=\"h-review-aggregate\">\n    <h3 class=\"p-item h-item\">Mediterranean Wraps</h3>\n     <span class=\"p-summary\">\n        Customers flock to this small restaurant for their \n        tasty falafel and shawerma wraps and welcoming staff.\n    </span>\n    <span class=\"p-rating\">4.5</span> out of 5 \n</div>","name":"mf-v2-h-review-aggregate-justahyperlink"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-review-aggregate\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"item\": [{\n                \"value\": \"Mediterranean Wraps\",\n                \"type\": [\"h-card\"],\n                \"properties\": {\n                    \"name\": [\"Mediterranean Wraps\"],\n                    \"street-address\": [\"433 S California Ave\"],\n                    \"locality\": [\"Palo Alto\"],\n                    \"region\": [\"CA\"],\n                    \"tel\": [\"(650) 321-8189\"]\n                }\n            }],\n            \"summary\": [\"Customers flock to this small restaurant for their \\n    tasty falafel and shawerma wraps and welcoming staff.\"],\n            \"rating\": [\"9.2\"],\n            \"average\": [\"9.2\"],\n            \"best\": [\"10\"],\n            \"count\": [\"17\"],\n            \"name\": [\"Mediterranean Wraps\\n        \\n            433 S California Ave, \\n            Palo Alto, \\n            CA - \\n            (650) 321-8189\\n        \\n     \\n    Customers flock to this small restaurant for their \\n    tasty falafel and shawerma wraps and welcoming staff.\\n    \\n        9.2 out of \\n        10 \\n        based on 17 reviews\"]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<div class=\"h-review-aggregate\">\n    <div class=\"p-item h-card\">\n        <h3 class=\"p-name\">Mediterranean Wraps</h3>\n        <p>\n            <span class=\"p-street-address\">433 S California Ave</span>, \n            <span class=\"p-locality\">Palo Alto</span>, \n            <span class=\"p-region\">CA</span> - \n            <span class=\"p-tel\">(650) 321-8189</span>\n        </p>\n    </div> \n    <span class=\"p-summary\">Customers flock to this small restaurant for their \n    tasty falafel and shawerma wraps and welcoming staff.</span>\n    <span class=\"p-rating\">\n        <span class=\"p-average value\">9.2</span> out of \n        <span class=\"p-best\">10</span> \n        based on <span class=\"p-count\">17</span> reviews\n    </span>\n</div>","name":"mf-v2-h-review-aggregate-simpleproperties"},{"json":"{\n    \"rels\": {\n        \"bookmark\": [\n            \"http://ma.tt/2015/05/beethoven-mozart-bach/\",\n            \"http://ma.tt/2015/06/jefferson-on-idleness/\" \n        ], \n        \"category\": [\n            \"http://ma.tt/category/asides/\"\n        ], \n        \"tag\": [\n            \"http://ma.tt/category/asides/\"\n        ], \n        \"author\": [\n            \"http://ma.tt/author/saxmatt/\"\n        ]\n    }, \n    \"items\": [\n        {\n            \"type\": [\n                \"h-card\"\n            ], \n            \"properties\": {\n                \"url\": [\n                    \"http://ma.tt/author/saxmatt/\"\n                ], \n                \"name\": [\n                    \"Matt\"\n                ]\n            }\n        }, \n        {\n            \"type\": [\n                \"h-card\"\n            ], \n            \"properties\": {\n                \"url\": [\n                    \"http://ma.tt/author/saxmatt/\"\n                ], \n                \"name\": [\n                    \"Matt\"\n                ]\n            }\n        }\n    ], \n    \"rel-urls\": {\n        \"http://ma.tt/category/asides/\": {\n            \"rels\": [\n                \"category\", \n                \"tag\"\n            ], \n            \"text\": \"Asides\"\n        }, \n        \"http://ma.tt/author/saxmatt/\": {\n            \"rels\": [\n                \"author\"\n            ], \n            \"text\": \"Matt\", \n            \"title\": \"View all posts by Matt\"\n        }, \n        \"http://ma.tt/2015/05/beethoven-mozart-bach/\": {\n            \"rels\": [\n                \"bookmark\"\n            ], \n            \"text\": \"May 31, 2015\", \n            \"title\": \"Permalink to Beethoven, Mozart, Bach\"\n        }, \n        \"http://ma.tt/2015/06/jefferson-on-idleness/\": {\n            \"rels\": [\n                \"bookmark\"\n            ], \n            \"text\": \"June 2, 2015\", \n            \"title\": \"Permalink to Jefferson on Idleness\"\n        }\n    }\n}","html":"<a href=\"http://ma.tt/2015/05/beethoven-mozart-bach/\" \n    title=\"Permalink to Beethoven, Mozart, Bach\" rel=\"bookmark\">\n<time class=\"entry-date\" datetime=\"2015-05-31T22:42:00+00:00\">May 31, 2015</time></a></span>\n<a href=\"http://ma.tt/category/asides/\" rel=\"category tag\">Asides</a>\n<span class=\"author vcard\">\n<a class=\"url fn n\" href=\"http://ma.tt/author/saxmatt/\" \n    title=\"View all posts by Matt\" rel=\"author\">Matt</a></span>\n<span class=\"date\"><a href=\"http://ma.tt/2015/06/jefferson-on-idleness/\" title=\"Permalink to Jefferson on Idleness\" rel=\"bookmark\"><time class=\"entry-date\" datetime=\"2015-06-02T21:26:00+00:00\">June 2, 2015</time></a></span>\n<span class=\"categories-links\"><a href=\"http://ma.tt/category/asides/\" rel=\"category tag\">Asides</a></span>\n<span class=\"author vcard\"><a class=\"url fn n\" href=\"http://ma.tt/author/saxmatt/\" title=\"View all posts by Matt\" rel=\"author\">Matt</a></span>\n","name":"mf-v2-rel-duplicate-rels"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [],\n    \"rels\": {\n        \"license\": [\"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.5/\"]\n    },\n    \"rel-urls\": {\n        \"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.5/\": {\n            \"text\": \"cc by 2.5\",\n            \"rels\": [\"license\"]\n        }\n    }\n}","html":"<a rel=\"license\" href=\"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.5/\">cc by 2.5</a>","name":"mf-v2-rel-license"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [],\n    \"rels\": {\n        \"nofollow\": [\"http://microformats.org/wiki/microformats:copyrights\"]\n    },\n    \"rel-urls\": {\n        \"http://microformats.org/wiki/microformats:copyrights\": {\n            \"text\": \"Copyrights\",\n            \"rels\": [\"nofollow\"]\n        }\n    }\n}","html":"<a rel=\"nofollow\" href=\"http://microformats.org/wiki/microformats:copyrights\">Copyrights</a>","name":"mf-v2-rel-nofollow"},{"json":"{\n  \"items\": [],\n  \"rels\": { \n    \"author\": [ \"http://example.com/a\", \"http://example.com/b\" ],\n    \"in-reply-to\": [ \"http://example.com/1\", \"http://example.com/2\" ], \n    \"home\": [ \"http://example.com/fr\" ], \n    \"alternate\": [ \"http://example.com/fr\" ] \n  },\n  \"rel-urls\": {\n    \"http://example.com/a\": {\n      \"rels\": [\"author\"], \n      \"text\": \"author a\"\n    },\n    \"http://example.com/b\": {\n      \"rels\": [\"author\"], \n      \"text\": \"author b\"\n    },\n    \"http://example.com/1\": {\n      \"rels\": [\"in-reply-to\"], \n      \"text\": \"post 1\"\n    },\n    \"http://example.com/2\": {\n      \"rels\": [\"in-reply-to\"], \n      \"text\": \"post 2\"\n    },\n    \"http://example.com/fr\": {\n      \"rels\": [\"alternate\", \"home\"],\n      \"media\": \"handheld\", \n      \"hreflang\": \"fr\", \n      \"text\": \"French mobile homepage\"\n    }\n  }\n}","html":"<a rel=\"author\" href=\"http://example.com/a\">author a</a>\n<a rel=\"author\" href=\"http://example.com/b\">author b</a>\n<a rel=\"in-reply-to\" href=\"http://example.com/1\">post 1</a>\n<a rel=\"in-reply-to\" href=\"http://example.com/2\">post 2</a>\n<a rel=\"alternate home\"\n   href=\"http://example.com/fr\"\n   media=\"handheld\"\n   hreflang=\"fr\">French mobile homepage</a>","name":"mf-v2-rel-rel-urls"},{"json":"{\n    \"rels\": {\n        \"category\": [\n            \"http://ma.tt/category/asides/\"\n        ], \n        \"tag\": [\n            \"http://ma.tt/category/asides/\"\n        ]\n    }, \n    \"items\": [], \n    \"rel-urls\": {\n        \"http://ma.tt/category/asides/\": {\n            \"rels\": [\n                \"category\", \n                \"tag\"\n            ], \n            \"text\": \"Asides\"\n        }\n    }\n}\n","html":"This is a contrived example - not found links like this in the wild:\n<a href=\"http://ma.tt/category/asides/\" rel=\"category tag\">Asides</a>\n<a href=\"http://ma.tt/category/asides/\" rel=\"category tag\">B-sides</a>\n<a href=\"http://ma.tt/category/asides/\" rel=\"category tag\">seasides</a>","name":"mf-v2-rel-varying-text-duplicate-rels"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [],\n    \"rels\": {\n        \"friend\": [\"http://example.com/profile/jane\"],\n        \"acquaintance\": [\"http://example.com/profile/jeo\"],\n        \"contact\": [\"http://example.com/profile/lily\"],\n        \"met\": 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   \"http://example.com/profile/jeo\": {\n            \"text\": \"jeo\",\n            \"rels\": [\"acquaintance\"]\n        },\n        \"http://example.com/profile/lily\": {\n            \"text\": \"lily\",\n            \"rels\": [\"contact\"]\n        },\n        \"http://example.com/profile/oliver\": {\n            \"text\": \"oliver\",\n            \"rels\": [\"met\"]\n        },\n        \"http://example.com/profile/emily\": {\n            \"text\": \"emily\",\n            \"rels\": [\"co-worker\"]\n        },\n        \"http://example.com/profile/jack\": {\n            \"text\": \"jack\",\n            \"rels\": [\"colleague\"]\n        },\n        \"http://example.com/profile/isabella\": {\n            \"text\": \"isabella\",\n            \"rels\": [\"neighbor\"]\n        },\n        \"http://example.com/profile/harry\": {\n            \"text\": \"harry\",\n            \"rels\": [\"child\"]\n        },\n        \"http://example.com/profile/sophia\": {\n            \"text\": 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\"rels\": [\"me\"]\n        },\n        \"http://www.slideshare.net/glennjones/presentations\": {\n            \"text\": \"slideshare\",\n            \"rels\": [\"me\"]\n        }\n    }\n}\n","html":"<ul>\n    <li><a rel=\"me\" href=\"http://twitter.com/glennjones\">twitter</a></li>\n    <li><a rel=\"me\" href=\"http://delicious.com/glennjonesnet/\">delicious</a></li>\n    <li><a rel=\"me\" href=\"https://plus.google.com/u/0/105161464208920272734/about\">google+</a></li>\n    <li><a rel=\"me\" href=\"http://lanyrd.com/people/glennjones/\">lanyrd</a></li>\n    <li><a rel=\"me\" href=\"http://github.com/glennjones\">github</a></li>\n    <li><a rel=\"me\" href=\"http://www.flickr.com/photos/glennjonesnet/\">flickr</a></li>\n    <li><a rel=\"me\" href=\"http://www.linkedin.com/in/glennjones\">linkedin</a></li>\n    <li><a rel=\"me\" href=\"http://www.slideshare.net/glennjones/presentations\">slideshare</a></li>\n</ul>","name":"mf-v2-rel-xfn-elsewhere"}]}
\ No newline at end of file
+var testData = {"date":"2015-09-25T12:26:26.421Z","repo":"microformats/tests","version":"0.1.24","data":[{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-card\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"name\": [\"Mozilla Foundation\"],\n            \"org\": [\"Mozilla Foundation\"],\n            \"url\": [\"http://mozilla.org/\"],\n            \"adr\": [{\n                \"value\": \"665 3rd St.  \\n        Suite 207  \\n        San Francisco,  \\n        CA  \\n        94107  \\n        U.S.A.\",\n                \"type\": [\"h-adr\"],\n                \"properties\": {\n                    \"street-address\": [\"665 3rd St.\"],\n                    \"extended-address\": [\"Suite 207\"],\n                    \"locality\": [\"San Francisco\"],\n                    \"region\": [\"CA\"],\n                    \"postal-code\": [\"94107\"]\n                }\n            }]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<div class=\"h-card\">\n    <p>\n        <a class=\"p-name p-org u-url\" href=\"http://mozilla.org/\">Mozilla Foundation</a>\n        <img class=\"logo\" src=\"../logo.jpg\"/>\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"adr\">\n        <span class=\"street-address\">665 3rd St.</span>  \n        <span class=\"extended-address\">Suite 207</span>  \n        <span class=\"locality\">San Francisco</span>,  \n        <span class=\"region\">CA</span>  \n        <span class=\"postal-code\">94107</span>  \n        <span class=\"p-country-name\">U.S.A.</span>  \n    </p>\n</div>","name":"mf-mixed-h-card-mixedpropertries"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-card\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"name\": [\"Frances Berriman\"]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<p class=\"h-card vcard\">Frances Berriman</p>","name":"mf-mixed-h-card-tworoots"},{"json":"\n{\n  \"items\": [{\n    \"type\": [\"h-entry\"],\n    \"properties\": {\n      \"author\": [{\n        \"value\": \"aaronparecki.com\\n    Aaron Parecki\\n    Aaron Parecki\",\n        \"type\": [\"h-card\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n          \"photo\": [\"https://aaronparecki.com/images/aaronpk.png\"],\n          \"logo\": [\"https://aaronparecki.com/images/aaronpk.png\"],\n          \"url\": [\"https://aaronparecki.com/\"],\n          \"uid\": [\"https://aaronparecki.com/\"],\n          \"name\": [\"Aaron Parecki\"]\n        }\n      }],\n      \"content\": [{\n        \"value\": \"Did you play\\n    @playmapattackat\\n    #realtimeconf? Here is some more info about how we built it!\\n    http://pdx.esri.com/blog/2013/10/17/introducting-mapattack/\",\n        \"html\": \"Did you play\\n    <a href=\\\"http://twitter.com/playmapattack\\\">@playmapattack</a>at\\n    <a href=\\\"http://aaronparecki.com/tag/realtimeconf\\\">#<span class=\\\"p-category\\\">realtimeconf</span></a>? Here is some more info about how we built it!\\n    <a href=\\\"http://pdx.esri.com/blog/2013/10/17/introducting-mapattack/\\\"><span class=\\\"protocol\\\">http://</span>pdx.esri.com/blog/2013/10/17/introducting-mapattack/</a>\\n  \"\n      }],\n      \"name\": [\"Did you play\\n    @playmapattackat\\n    #realtimeconf? Here is some more info about how we built it!\\n    http://pdx.esri.com/blog/2013/10/17/introducting-mapattack/\"],\n      \"category\": [\"realtimeconf\"]\n    }\n  }],\n  \"rels\": {\n    \"author\": [\"https://aaronparecki.com/\", \"https://plus.google.com/117847912875913905493\"]\n  },\n  \"rel-urls\": {\n    \"https://aaronparecki.com/\": {\n      \"text\": \"aaronparecki.com\",\n      \"rels\": [\"author\"]\n    },\n    \"https://plus.google.com/117847912875913905493\": {\n      \"text\": \"Aaron Parecki\",\n      \"rels\": [\"author\"]\n    }\n  }\n}","html":"<!-- simplified version of http://aaronparecki.com/notes/2013/10/18/2/realtimeconf-mapattack -->\n<base href=\"http://aaronparecki.com/\" />\n\n<div class=\"h-entry\">\n  <div class=\"h-card vcard author p-author\">\n    <img class=\"photo logo u-photo u-logo\" src=\"https://aaronparecki.com/images/aaronpk.png\" alt=\"Aaron Parecki\"/>\n    <a href=\"https://aaronparecki.com/\" rel=\"author\" class=\"u-url u-uid url\">aaronparecki.com</a>\n    <a class=\"p-name fn value\" href=\"https://aaronparecki.com/\">Aaron Parecki</a>\n    <a href=\"https://plus.google.com/117847912875913905493\" rel=\"author\" class=\"google-profile\">Aaron Parecki</a>\n  </div>\n  <div class=\"entry-content e-content p-name\">Did you play\n    <a href=\"http://twitter.com/playmapattack\">@playmapattack</a>at\n    <a href=\"/tag/realtimeconf\">#<span class=\"p-category\">realtimeconf</span></a>? Here is some more info about how we built it!\n    <a href=\"http://pdx.esri.com/blog/2013/10/17/introducting-mapattack/\"><span class=\"protocol\">http://</span>pdx.esri.com/blog/2013/10/17/introducting-mapattack/</a>\n  </div>\n</div>","name":"mf-mixed-h-entry-mixedroots"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-resume\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"contact\": [{\n                \"value\": \"Tim Berners-Lee\",\n                \"type\": [\"h-card\"],\n                \"properties\": {\n                    \"name\": [\"Tim Berners-Lee\"],\n                    \"job-title\": [\"Director of the World Wide Web Foundation\"]\n                }\n            }],\n            \"summary\": [\"Invented the World Wide Web.\"],\n            \"experience\": [{\n                \"value\": \"World Wide Web Foundation\",\n                \"type\": [\"h-event\", \"h-card\"],\n                \"properties\": {\n                    \"job-title\": [\"Director\"],\n                    \"name\": [\"World Wide Web Foundation\"],\n                    \"org\": [\"World Wide Web Foundation\"],\n                    \"url\": [\"http://www.webfoundation.org/\"],\n                    \"start\": [\"2009-01-18\"],\n                    \"duration\": [\"P2Y11M\"]\n                }\n            }],\n            \"name\": [\"Tim Berners-Lee\\n        Director of the World Wide Web Foundation\\n    \\n    Invented the World Wide Web.\\n    \\n        Director\\n        World Wide Web Foundation\\n        \\n            Jan 2009 – Present\\n            (2 years 11 month)\"]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<meta charset=\"utf-8\">\n<div class=\"h-resume\">\n    <div class=\"p-contact vcard\">\n        <p class=\"fn\">Tim Berners-Lee</p>\n        <p class=\"title\">Director of the World Wide Web Foundation</p>\n    </div>\n    <p class=\"p-summary\">Invented the World Wide Web.</p><hr />\n    <div class=\"p-experience vevent vcard\">\n        <p class=\"title\">Director</p>\n        <p><a class=\"fn org summary url\" href=\"http://www.webfoundation.org/\">World Wide Web Foundation</a></p>\n        <p>\n            <time class=\"dtstart\" datetime=\"2009-01-18\">Jan 2009</time> – Present\n            <time class=\"duration\" datetime=\"P2Y11M\">(2 years 11 month)</time>\n        </p>\n    </div>\n</div>","name":"mf-mixed-h-resume-mixedroots"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-adr\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"street-address\": [\"665 3rd St.\"],\n            \"extended-address\": [\"Suite 207\"],\n            \"locality\": [\"San Francisco\"],\n            \"region\": [\"CA\"],\n            \"postal-code\": [\"94107\"],\n            \"country-name\": [\"U.S.A.\"]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<p class=\"adr\">\n    <span class=\"street-address\">665 3rd St.</span>  \n    <span class=\"extended-address\">Suite 207</span>  \n    <span class=\"locality\">San Francisco</span>,  \n    <span class=\"region\">CA</span>  \n    <span class=\"postal-code\">94107</span>  \n    <span class=\"country-name\">U.S.A.</span>  \n</p>","name":"mf-v1-adr-simpleproperties"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-geo\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"latitude\": [\"37.408183\"],\n            \"longitude\": [\"-122.13855\"]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<meta charset=\"utf-8\">\n<p class=\"geo\">\n <abbr class=\"latitude\" title=\"37.408183\">N 37° 24.491</abbr>,  \n <abbr class=\"longitude\" title=\"-122.13855\">W 122° 08.313</abbr>\n</p>","name":"mf-v1-geo-abbrpattern"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-geo\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"latitude\": [\"51.513458\"],\n            \"longitude\": [\"-0.14812\"]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<p>\n    <span class=\"geo\">The Bricklayer's Arms\n        <span class=\"latitude\">\n            <span class=\"value-title\" title=\"51.513458\"> </span> \n        </span>\n        <span class=\"longitude\">\n            <span class=\"value-title\" title=\"-0.14812\"> </span>\n        </span>\n    </span>\n</p>","name":"mf-v1-geo-hidden"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-geo\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"latitude\": [\"51.513458\"],\n            \"longitude\": [\"-0.14812\"]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"We are meeting at \n<span class=\"geo\"> \n    <span>The Bricklayer's Arms</span>\n    (Geo: <span class=\"latitude\">51.513458</span>:\n    <span class=\"longitude\">-0.14812</span>)\n</span>","name":"mf-v1-geo-simpleproperties"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-geo\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"latitude\": [\"51.513458\"],\n            \"longitude\": [\"-0.14812\"]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<meta charset=\"utf-8\">\n<p>\n    <span class=\"geo\">\n        <span class=\"latitude\">\n            <span class=\"value-title\" title=\"51.513458\">N 51° 51.345</span>, \n        </span>\n        <span class=\"longitude\">\n            <span class=\"value-title\" title=\"-0.14812\">W -0° 14.812</span>\n        </span>\n    </span>\n</p>","name":"mf-v1-geo-valuetitleclass"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-event\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"name\": [\"The 4th Microformat party\"],\n            \"start\": [\n                \"2009-06-26 19:00:00\", \n                \"2009-06-26 07:00:00\", \n                \"2009-06-26 19:00\", \n                \"2009-06-26 19\", \n                \"2009-06-26 19\", \n                \"2009-06-26 19:00\", \n                \"2009-06-26 19:00\", \n                \"2009-06-26 19:00\", \n                \"2009-06-26 07:00\"\n                ]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<div class=\"vevent\">\n    <span class=\"summary\">The 4th Microformat party</span> will be on \n    <ul>\n        <li class=\"dtstart\">\n            <time class=\"value\" datetime=\"2009-06-26\">26 July</time>, from\n            <span class=\"value\">07:00:00pm \n        </span></li>\n        <li class=\"dtstart\">\n            <time class=\"value\" datetime=\"2009-06-26\">26 July</time>, from\n            <span class=\"value\">07:00:00am \n        </span></li>\n        <li class=\"dtstart\">\n            <time class=\"value\" datetime=\"2009-06-26\">26 July</time>, from\n            <span class=\"value\">07:00pm \n        </span></li>\n        <li class=\"dtstart\">\n            <time class=\"value\" datetime=\"2009-06-26\">26 July</time>, from\n            <span class=\"value\">07pm \n        </span></li>\n        <li class=\"dtstart\">\n            <time class=\"value\" datetime=\"2009-06-26\">26 July</time>, from\n            <span class=\"value\">7pm \n        </span></li>\n        <li class=\"dtstart\">\n            <time class=\"value\" datetime=\"2009-06-26\">26 July</time>, from\n            <span class=\"value\">7:00pm \n        </span></li>\n        <li class=\"dtstart\">\n            <time class=\"value\" datetime=\"2009-06-26\">26 July</time>, from\n            <span class=\"value\">07:00p.m. \n        </span></li>\n        <li class=\"dtstart\">\n            <time class=\"value\" datetime=\"2009-06-26\">26 July</time>, from\n            <span class=\"value\">07:00PM \n        </span></li>\n        <li class=\"dtstart\">\n            <time class=\"value\" datetime=\"2009-06-26\">26 July</time>, from\n            <span class=\"value\">7:00am \n        </span></li>\n    </ul>\n</div>","name":"mf-v1-hcalendar-ampm"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-event\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"name\": [\"CPJ Online Press Freedom Summit\"],\n            \"start\": [\"2012-10-10\"],\n            \"location\": [\"San Francisco\"],\n            \"attendee\": [{\n                \"value\": \"Brian Warner\",\n                \"type\": [\"h-card\"],\n                \"properties\": {\n                    \"name\": [\"Brian Warner\"]\n                }\n            }, {\n                \"value\": \"Kyle Machulis\",\n                \"type\": [\"h-card\"],\n                \"properties\": {\n                    \"name\": [\"Kyle Machulis\"]\n                }\n            }, {\n                \"value\": \"Tantek Çelik\",\n                \"type\": [\"h-card\"],\n                \"properties\": {\n                    \"name\": [\"Tantek Çelik\"]\n                }\n            }, {\n                \"value\": \"Sid Sutter\",\n                \"type\": [\"h-card\"],\n                \"properties\": {\n                    \"name\": [\"Sid Sutter\"]\n                }\n            }]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<meta charset=\"utf-8\">\n<div class=\"vevent\">\n    <span class=\"summary\">CPJ Online Press Freedom Summit</span>\n    (<time class=\"dtstart\" datetime=\"2012-10-10\">10 Nov 2012</time>) in\n    <span class=\"location\">San Francisco</span>.\n    Attendees:\n    <ul>\n        <li class=\"attendee vcard\"><span class=\"fn\">Brian Warner</span></li>\n        <li class=\"attendee vcard\"><span class=\"fn\">Kyle Machulis</span></li>\n        <li class=\"attendee vcard\"><span class=\"fn\">Tantek Çelik</span></li>\n        <li class=\"attendee vcard\"><span class=\"fn\">Sid Sutter</span></li>\n    </ul>\n</div>\n","name":"mf-v1-hcalendar-attendees"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-event\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"name\": [\"IndieWebCamp 2012\"],\n            \"url\": [\"http://indiewebcamp.com/2012\"],\n            \"start\": [\"2012-06-30\"],\n            \"end\": [\"2012-07-01\"],\n            \"location\": [{\n                \"value\": \"Geoloqi\",\n                \"type\": [\"h-card\"],\n                \"properties\": {\n                    \"name\": [\"Geoloqi\"],\n                    \"org\": [\"Geoloqi\"],\n                    \"url\": [\"http://geoloqi.com/\"],\n                    \"adr\": [{\n                        \"value\": \"920 SW 3rd Ave. Suite 400, \\n        Portland, \\n        OR\",\n                        \"type\": [\"h-adr\"],\n                        \"properties\": {\n                            \"street-address\": [\"920 SW 3rd Ave. Suite 400\"],\n                            \"locality\": [\"Portland\"],\n                            \"region\": [\"Oregon\"]\n                        }\n                    }]\n                }\n            }]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<div class=\"vevent\">\n  <a class=\"summary url\" href=\"http://indiewebcamp.com/2012\">\n    IndieWebCamp 2012\n  </a>\n  from <time class=\"dtstart\">2012-06-30</time> \n  to <time class=\"dtend\">2012-07-01</time> at \n  <span class=\"location vcard\">\n    <a class=\"fn org url\" href=\"http://geoloqi.com/\">Geoloqi</a>, \n    <span class=\"adr\">\n        <span class=\"street-address\">920 SW 3rd Ave. Suite 400</span>, \n        <span class=\"locality\">Portland</span>, \n        <abbr class=\"region\" title=\"Oregon\">OR</abbr>\n    </span>\n  </span>\n</div>","name":"mf-v1-hcalendar-combining"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-event\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"name\": [\"The 4th Microformat party\"],\n            \"start\": [\"2009-06-26 19:00\"],\n            \"end\": [\"2009-06-26 22:00\"]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<div class=\"vevent\">\n <span class=\"summary\">The 4th Microformat party</span> will be on \n <span class=\"dtstart\">\n  <time class=\"value\" datetime=\"2009-06-26\">26 July</time>, from\n  <time class=\"value\">19:00</time></span> to \n <span class=\"dtend\"><time class=\"value\">22:00</time></span>.\n</div>","name":"mf-v1-hcalendar-concatenate"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-event\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"name\": [\"The 4th Microformat party\"],\n            \"start\": [\n                \"2009-06-26 19:00:00-08:00\", \n                \"2009-06-26 19:00:00-08:00\", \n                \"2009-06-26 19:00:00+08:00\", \n                \"2009-06-26 19:00:00Z\", \n                \"2009-06-26 19:00:00\", \n                \"2009-06-26 19:00-08:00\", \n                \"2009-06-26 19:00+08:00\", \n                \"2009-06-26 19:00Z\", \n                \"2009-06-26 19:00\"\n                ],\n            \"end\": [\"2013-034\"]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<div class=\"vevent\">\n    <span class=\"summary\">The 4th Microformat party</span> will be on \n    <ul>\n        <li class=\"dtstart\">\n            <time class=\"value\" datetime=\"2009-06-26\">26 July</time>, from\n            <time class=\"value\">19:00:00-08:00</time> \n        </li>\n        <li class=\"dtstart\">\n            <time class=\"value\" datetime=\"2009-06-26\">26 July</time>, from\n            <time class=\"value\">19:00:00-0800</time> \n        </li>\n        <li class=\"dtstart\">\n            <time class=\"value\" datetime=\"2009-06-26\">26 July</time>, from\n            <time class=\"value\">19:00:00+0800</time> \n        </li> \n        <li class=\"dtstart\">\n            <time class=\"value\" datetime=\"2009-06-26\">26 July</time>, from\n            <time class=\"value\">19:00:00Z</time> \n        </li>\n        <li class=\"dtstart\">\n            <time class=\"value\" datetime=\"2009-06-26\">26 July</time>, from\n            <time class=\"value\">19:00:00</time> \n        </li>\n        <li class=\"dtstart\">\n            <time class=\"value\" datetime=\"2009-06-26\">26 July</time>, from\n            <time class=\"value\">19:00-08:00</time> \n        </li> \n        <li class=\"dtstart\">\n            <time class=\"value\" datetime=\"2009-06-26\">26 July</time>, from\n            <time class=\"value\">19:00+08:00</time> \n        </li>\n        <li class=\"dtstart\">\n            <time class=\"value\" datetime=\"2009-06-26\">26 July</time>, from\n            <time class=\"value\">19:00z</time> \n        </li>\n        <li class=\"dtstart\">\n            <time class=\"value\" datetime=\"2009-06-26\">26 July</time>, from\n            <time class=\"value\">19:00</time> \n        </li>  \n        <li>\n            <time class=\"dtend\" datetime=\"2013-034\">3 February 2013</time>\n        </li>              \n    </ul>\n</div>","name":"mf-v1-hcalendar-time"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-card\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"name\": [\"John Doe\"],\n            \"email\": [\"mailto:john@example.com\", \"mailto:john@example.com\", \"mailto:john@example.com?subject=parser-test\", \"john@example.com\"]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<div class=\"vcard\">\n    <span class=\"fn\">John Doe</span> \n    <ul>\n        <li><a class=\"email\" href=\"mailto:john@example.com\">notthis@example.com</a></li>\n        <li>\n            <span class=\"email\">\n                <span class=\"type\">internet</span> \n                <a class=\"value\" href=\"mailto:john@example.com\">notthis@example.com</a>\n            </span>\n        </li> \n        <li><a class=\"email\" href=\"mailto:john@example.com?subject=parser-test\">notthis@example.com</a></li>\n        <li class=\"email\">john@example.com</li>\n    </ul>\n</div>","name":"mf-v1-hcard-email"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-card\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"name\": [\"John \\n        Doe\"],\n            \"given-name\": [\"John\"]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<p class=\"vcard\">\n    <span class=\"profile-name fn n\">\n        <span class=\" given-name \">John</span> \n        <span class=\"FAMILY-NAME\">Doe</span> \n    </span>\n</p>","name":"mf-v1-hcard-format"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-card\"],\n        \"properties\": {}\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<a class=\"vcard\" href=\"http://rohit.khare.org/\">\n        <img alt=\"Rohit Khare\" src=\"images/photo.gif\" />\n</a>","name":"mf-v1-hcard-hyperlinkedphoto"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-card\"],\n        \"properties\": {}\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<a class=\"vcard\" href=\"http://benward.me/\">Ben Ward</a>","name":"mf-v1-hcard-justahyperlink"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-card\"],\n        \"properties\": {}\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<p class=\"vcard\">Frances Berriman</p>","name":"mf-v1-hcard-justaname"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-card\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"name\": [\"John Doe\"],\n            \"given-name\": [\"John\"],\n            \"family-name\": [\"Doe\"],\n            \"sound\": [\"http://www.madgex.com/johndoe.mpeg\"],\n            \"photo\": [\"http://example.com/images/photo.gif\"],\n            \"nickname\": [\"Man with no name\", \"Lost boy\"],\n            \"note\": [\"John Doe is one of those names you always have issues with.\", \"It can be a real problem booking a hotel room with the name John Doe.\"],\n            \"logo\": [\"http://example.com/images/logo.gif\", \"http://example.com/images/logo.gif\"],\n            \"url\": [\"http://www.madgex.com/\", \"http://www.webfeetmedia.com/\"],\n            \"org\": [\"Madgex\", \"Web Feet Media Ltd\"],\n            \"job-title\": [\"Creative Director\", \"Owner\"],\n            \"category\": [\"design\", \"development\", \"web\"],\n            \"tel\": [\"+1 415 555 100\", \"+1 415 555 200\", \"+1 415 555 300\"],\n            \"email\": [\"mailto:john.doe@madgex.com\", \"mailto:john.doe@webfeetmedia.com\"],\n            \"mailer\": [\"PigeonMail 2.1\", \"Outlook 2007\"],\n            \"label\": [\"Work: \\n                North Street, \\n                Brighton, \\n                United Kingdom\", \"Home: \\n                West Street, \\n                Brighton, \\n                United Kingdom\"],\n            \"adr\": [{\n                \"value\": \"Work: \\n                North Street, \\n                Brighton, \\n                United Kingdom\",\n                \"type\": [\"h-adr\"],\n                \"properties\": {\n                    \"street-address\": [\"North Street\"],\n                    \"locality\": [\"Brighton\"],\n                    \"country-name\": [\"United Kingdom\"]\n                }\n            }, {\n                \"value\": \"Home: \\n                West Street, \\n                Brighton, \\n                United Kingdom\",\n                \"type\": [\"h-adr\"],\n                \"properties\": {\n                    \"street-address\": [\"West Street\"],\n                    \"locality\": [\"Brighton\"],\n                    \"country-name\": [\"United Kingdom\"]\n                }\n            }],\n            \"agent\": [\"Jane Doe\", {\n                \"value\": \"Dave Doe\",\n                \"type\": [\"h-card\"],\n                \"properties\": {\n                    \"name\": [\"Dave Doe\"]\n                }\n            }],\n            \"key\": [\"hd02$Gfu*d%dh87KTa2=23934532479\"]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {\n        \"tag\": [\"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/design\", \"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/development\", \"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/web\"]\n    },\n    \"rel-urls\": {\n        \"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/design\": {\n            \"text\": \"design\",\n            \"rels\": [\"tag\"]\n        },\n        \"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/development\": {\n            \"text\": \"development\",\n            \"rels\": [\"tag\"]\n        },\n        \"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/web\": {\n            \"text\": \"web\",\n            \"rels\": [\"tag\"]\n        }\n    }\n}","html":"<base href=\"http://example.com\">\n    <div class=\"vcard\">\n    \n    <div class=\"fn n\"><span class=\"given-name\">John</span> <span class=\"family-name\">Doe</span></div>\n    <a class=\"sound\" href=\"http://www.madgex.com/johndoe.mpeg\">Pronunciation of my name</a>\n    <div><img class=\"photo\" src=\"images/photo.gif\" alt=\"Photo of John Doe\" /></div>\n\n    <p>Nicknames:</p>\n    <ul>\n        <li class=\"nickname\">Man with no name</li>\n        <li class=\"nickname\">Lost boy</li>\n    </ul>\n\n    <p>About:</p>\n    <p class=\"note\">John Doe is one of those names you always have issues with.</p>\n    <p class=\"note\">It can be a real problem booking a hotel room with the name John Doe.</p>\n\n    <p>Companies:</p>\n    <div>\n        <img class=\"logo\" src=\"images/logo.gif\" alt=\"Madgex company logo\" />\n        <img class=\"logo\" src=\"images/logo.gif\" alt=\"Web Feet Media company logo\" />\n    </div>\n    <ul>\n        <li><a class=\"url org\" href=\"http://www.madgex.com/\">Madgex</a> <span class=\"title\">Creative Director</span></li>\n        <li><a class=\"url org\" href=\"http://www.webfeetmedia.com/\">Web Feet Media Ltd</a> <span class=\"title\">Owner</span></li>\n    </ul>\n    \n    <p>Tags: \n    <a rel=\"tag\" class=\"category\" href=\"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/design\">design</a>, \n    <a rel=\"tag\" class=\"category\" href=\"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/development\">development</a> and\n    <a rel=\"tag\" class=\"category\" href=\"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/web\">web</a>\n    </p>\n    \n    <p>Phone numbers:</p>\n    <ul>\n        <li class=\"tel\">\n            <span class=\"type\">Work</span> (<span class=\"type\">pref</span>erred):\n            <span class=\"value\">+1 415 555 100</span>\n        </li>\n        <li class=\"tel\"><span class=\"type\">Home</span>: <span class=\"value\">+1 415 555 200</span></li>\n        <li class=\"tel\"><span class=\"type\">Postal</span>: <span class=\"value\">+1 415 555 300</span></li>\n    </ul>\n    \n    <p>Emails:</p>\n    <ul>\n        <li><a class=\"email\" href=\"mailto:john.doe@madgex.com\">John Doe at Madgex</a></li>\n        <li><a class=\"email\" href=\"mailto:john.doe@webfeetmedia.com\">John Doe at Web Feet Media</a></li>\n    </ul>\n    <p>John Doe uses <span class=\"mailer\">PigeonMail 2.1</span> or <span class=\"mailer\">Outlook 2007</span> for email.</p>\n\n    <p>Addresses:</p>\n    <ul>\n        <li class=\"label\">\n            <span class=\"adr\">\n                <span class=\"type\">Work</span>: \n                <span class=\"street-address\">North Street</span>, \n                <span class=\"locality\">Brighton</span>, \n                <span class=\"country-name\">United Kingdom</span>\n            </span>\n            \n        </li>\n        <li class=\"label\">\n            <span class=\"adr\">\n                <span class=\"type\">Home</span>: \n                <span class=\"street-address\">West Street</span>, \n                <span class=\"locality\">Brighton</span>, \n                <span class=\"country-name\">United Kingdom</span>\n            </span>\n        </li>\n    </ul>\n    \n    <p>In emergency contact: <span class=\"agent\">Jane Doe</span> or <span class=\"agent vcard\"><span class=\"fn\">Dave Doe</span></span>.</p>\n    <p>Key: <span class=\"key\">hd02$Gfu*d%dh87KTa2=23934532479</span></p>\n</div>","name":"mf-v1-hcard-multiple"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-card\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"honorific-prefix\": [\"Dr\"],\n            \"given-name\": [\"John\"],\n            \"additional-name\": [\"Peter\"],\n            \"family-name\": [\"Doe\"],\n            \"honorific-suffix\": [\"MSc\", \"PHD\"],\n            \"photo\": [\"http://example.com/images/logo.gif\"]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<base href=\"http://example.com\">\n<div class=\"vcard\">\n    <div class=\"name\">\n        <span class=\"honorific-prefix\">Dr</span> \n        <span class=\"given-name\">John</span> \n        <abbr class=\"additional-name\" title=\"Peter\">P</abbr>  \n        <span class=\"family-name\">Doe</span> \n        <data class=\"honorific-suffix\" value=\"MSc\"></data>\n        <img class=\"photo honorific-suffix\" src=\"images/logo.gif\" alt=\"PHD\" />\n    </div>\n</div>","name":"mf-v1-hcard-name"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-card\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"name\": [\"John Doe\"],\n            \"given-name\": [\"John\"],\n            \"sort-string\": [\"John\"],\n            \"bday\": [\"2000-01-01 00:00:00-08:00\"],\n            \"role\": [\"Designer\"],\n            \"geo\": [{\n                \"value\": \"30.267991;-97.739568\",\n                \"type\": [\"h-geo\"],\n                \"properties\": {\n                    \"name\": [\"30.267991;-97.739568\"]\n                }\n            }],\n            \"tz\": [\"-05:00\"],\n            \"uid\": [\"http://example.com/profiles/johndoe\"],\n            \"class\": [\"Public\"],\n            \"rev\": [\"2008-01-01 13:45:00\"]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<div class=\"vcard\">\n        \n        <div class=\"fn n\"><span class=\"given-name sort-string\">John</span> Doe</div>\n        <div>Birthday: <abbr class=\"bday\" title=\"2000-01-01T00:00:00-08:00\">January 1st, 2000</abbr></div>\n        <div>Role: <span class=\"role\">Designer</span></div>\n        <div>Location: <abbr class=\"geo\" title=\"30.267991;-97.739568\">Brighton</abbr></div>\n        <div>Time zone: <abbr class=\"tz\" title=\"-05:00\">Eastern Standard Time</abbr></div>\n        \n        <div>Profile details:\n            <div>Profile id: <span class=\"uid\">http://example.com/profiles/johndoe</span></div>\n            <div>Details are: <span class=\"class\">Public</span></div>\n            <div>Last updated: <abbr class=\"rev\" title=\"2008-01-01T13:45:00\">January 1st, 2008 - 13:45</abbr></div>\n        </div>\n    </div>","name":"mf-v1-hcard-single"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-entry\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"name\": [\"microformats.org at 7\"],\n            \"content\": [{\n                \"value\": \"Last week the microformats.org community \\n            celebrated its 7th birthday at a gathering hosted by Mozilla in \\n            San Francisco and recognized accomplishments, challenges, and \\n            opportunities.\\n\\n        The microformats tagline “humans first, machines second” \\n            forms the basis of many of our \\n            principles, and \\n            in that regard, we’d like to recognize a few people and \\n            thank them for their years of volunteer service\",\n                \"html\": \"\\n        <p class=\\\"entry-summary\\\">Last week the microformats.org community \\n            celebrated its 7th birthday at a gathering hosted by Mozilla in \\n            San Francisco and recognized accomplishments, challenges, and \\n            opportunities.</p>\\n\\n        <p>The microformats tagline “humans first, machines second” \\n            forms the basis of many of our \\n            <a href=\\\"http://microformats.org/wiki/principles\\\">principles</a>, and \\n            in that regard, we’d like to recognize a few people and \\n            thank them for their years of volunteer service </p>\\n    \"\n            }],\n            \"summary\": [\"Last week the microformats.org community \\n            celebrated its 7th birthday at a gathering hosted by Mozilla in \\n            San Francisco and recognized accomplishments, challenges, and \\n            opportunities.\"],\n            \"updated\": [\"2012-06-25 17:08:26\"],\n            \"author\": [{\n                \"value\": \"Tantek\",\n                \"type\": [\"h-card\"],\n                \"properties\": {\n                    \"name\": [\"Tantek\"],\n                    \"url\": [\"http://tantek.com/\"]\n                }\n            }]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<meta charset=\"utf-8\">\n<div class=\"hentry\">\n    <h1><a class=\"entry-title\" href=\"http://microformats.org/2012/06/25/microformats-org-at-7\">microformats.org at 7</a></h1>\n    <div class=\"entry-content\">\n        <p class=\"entry-summary\">Last week the microformats.org community \n            celebrated its 7th birthday at a gathering hosted by Mozilla in \n            San Francisco and recognized accomplishments, challenges, and \n            opportunities.</p>\n\n        <p>The microformats tagline “humans first, machines second” \n            forms the basis of many of our \n            <a href=\"http://microformats.org/wiki/principles\">principles</a>, and \n            in that regard, we’d like to recognize a few people and \n            thank them for their years of volunteer service </p>\n    </div>  \n    <p>Updated \n        <time class=\"updated\" datetime=\"2012-06-25T17:08:26\">June 25th, 2012</time> by\n        <span class=\"author vcard\"><a class=\"fn url\" href=\"http://tantek.com/\">Tantek</a></span>\n    </p>\n</div>","name":"mf-v1-hentry-summarycontent"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-feed\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"author\": [{\n                \"value\": \"Tantek\",\n                \"type\": [\"h-card\"],\n                \"properties\": {\n                    \"name\": [\"Tantek\"],\n                    \"url\": [\"http://tantek.com/\"]\n                }\n            }],\n            \"url\": [\"http://microformats.org/blog\"],\n            \"photo\": [\"http://example.com/photo.jpeg\"],\n            \"category\": [\"microformats\", \"html\"]\n        },\n        \"children\": [{\n            \"value\": \"microformats.org at 7\\n\\t    \\n\\t        Last week the microformats.org community \\n\\t            celebrated its 7th birthday at a gathering hosted by Mozilla in \\n\\t            San Francisco and recognized accomplishments, challenges, and \\n\\t            opportunities.\\n\\t\\n\\t        The microformats tagline “humans first, machines second” \\n\\t            forms the basis of many of our \\n\\t            principles, and \\n\\t            in that regard, we’d like to recognize a few people and \\n\\t            thank them for their years of volunteer service \\n\\t      \\n\\t    Updated \\n\\t        June 25th, 2012\",\n            \"type\": [\"h-entry\"],\n            \"properties\": {\n                \"name\": [\"microformats.org at 7\"],\n                \"url\": [\"http://microformats.org/2012/06/25/microformats-org-at-7\"],\n                \"content\": [{\n                    \"value\": \"Last week the microformats.org community \\n\\t            celebrated its 7th birthday at a gathering hosted by Mozilla in \\n\\t            San Francisco and recognized accomplishments, challenges, and \\n\\t            opportunities.\\n\\t\\n\\t        The microformats tagline “humans first, machines second” \\n\\t            forms the basis of many of our \\n\\t            principles, and \\n\\t            in that regard, we’d like to recognize a few people and \\n\\t            thank them for their years of volunteer service\",\n                    \"html\": \"\\n\\t        <p class=\\\"entry-summary\\\">Last week the microformats.org community \\n\\t            celebrated its 7th birthday at a gathering hosted by Mozilla in \\n\\t            San Francisco and recognized accomplishments, challenges, and \\n\\t            opportunities.</p>\\n\\t\\n\\t        <p>The microformats tagline “humans first, machines second” \\n\\t            forms the basis of many of our \\n\\t            <a href=\\\"http://microformats.org/wiki/principles\\\">principles</a>, and \\n\\t            in that regard, we’d like to recognize a few people and \\n\\t            thank them for their years of volunteer service </p>\\n\\t    \"\n                }],\n                \"summary\": [\"Last week the microformats.org community \\n\\t            celebrated its 7th birthday at a gathering hosted by Mozilla in \\n\\t            San Francisco and recognized accomplishments, challenges, and \\n\\t            opportunities.\"],\n                \"updated\": [\"2012-06-25 17:08:26\"]\n            }\n        }]\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {\n        \"tag\": [\"http://example.com/tags/microformats\", \"http://example.com/tags/html\"],\n        \"bookmark\": [\"http://microformats.org/2012/06/25/microformats-org-at-7\"]\n    },\n    \"rel-urls\": {\n        \"http://example.com/tags/microformats\": {\n            \"text\": \"microformats\",\n            \"rels\": [\"tag\"]\n        },\n        \"http://example.com/tags/html\": {\n            \"text\": \"html\",\n            \"rels\": [\"tag\"]\n        },\n        \"http://microformats.org/2012/06/25/microformats-org-at-7\": {\n            \"text\": \"microformats.org at 7\",\n            \"rels\": [\"bookmark\"]\n        }\n    }\n}","html":"<section class=\"hfeed\">\n\t<h1 class=\"name\">Microformats blog</h1>\n\t<span class=\"author vcard\"><a class=\"fn url\" href=\"http://tantek.com/\">Tantek</a></span>\n\t<a class=\"url\" href=\"http://microformats.org/blog\">permlink</a>\n\t<img class=\"photo\" src=\"photo.jpeg\"/>\n\t<p>\n\t\tTags: <a rel=\"tag\" href=\"tags/microformats\">microformats</a>, \n\t\t<a rel=\"tag\" href=\"tags/html\">html</a>\n\t</p>\n\t\n\t<div class=\"hentry\">\n\t    <h1><a class=\"entry-title\" rel=\"bookmark\" href=\"http://microformats.org/2012/06/25/microformats-org-at-7\">microformats.org at 7</a></h1>\n\t    <div class=\"entry-content\">\n\t        <p class=\"entry-summary\">Last week the microformats.org community \n\t            celebrated its 7th birthday at a gathering hosted by Mozilla in \n\t            San Francisco and recognized accomplishments, challenges, and \n\t            opportunities.</p>\n\t\n\t        <p>The microformats tagline “humans first, machines second” \n\t            forms the basis of many of our \n\t            <a href=\"http://microformats.org/wiki/principles\">principles</a>, and \n\t            in that regard, we’d like to recognize a few people and \n\t            thank them for their years of volunteer service </p>\n\t    </div>  \n\t    <p>Updated \n\t        <time class=\"updated\" datetime=\"2012-06-25T17:08:26\">June 25th, 2012</time>\n\t    </p>\n\t</div>\n\t\n</section>","name":"mf-v1-hfeed-simple"},{"json":"\n{\n  \"items\": [{\n    \"type\": [\"h-news\"],\n    \"properties\": {\n      \"entry\": [{\n        \"value\": \"microformats.org at 7\",\n        \"type\": [\"h-entry\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n          \"name\": [\"microformats.org at 7\"],\n          \"url\": [\"http://microformats.org/2012/06/25/microformats-org-at-7\"],\n          \"content\": [{\n            \"value\": \"Last week the microformats.org community \\n                celebrated its 7th birthday at a gathering hosted by Mozilla in \\n                San Francisco and recognized accomplishments, challenges, and \\n                opportunities.\\n\\n            The microformats tagline “humans first, machines second” \\n                forms the basis of many of our \\n                principles, and \\n                in that regard, we’d like to recognize a few people and \\n                thank them for their years of volunteer service\",\n            \"html\": \"\\n            <p class=\\\"entry-summary\\\">Last week the microformats.org community \\n                celebrated its 7th birthday at a gathering hosted by Mozilla in \\n                San Francisco and recognized accomplishments, challenges, and \\n                opportunities.</p>\\n\\n            <p>The microformats tagline “humans first, machines second” \\n                forms the basis of many of our \\n                <a href=\\\"http://microformats.org/wiki/principles\\\">principles</a>, and \\n                in that regard, we’d like to recognize a few people and \\n                thank them for their years of volunteer service </p>\\n        \"\n          }],\n          \"summary\": [\"Last week the microformats.org community \\n                celebrated its 7th birthday at a gathering hosted by Mozilla in \\n                San Francisco and recognized accomplishments, challenges, and \\n                opportunities.\"],\n          \"updated\": [\"2012-06-25 17:08:26\"],\n          \"author\": [{\n            \"value\": \"Tantek\",\n            \"type\": [\"h-card\"],\n            \"properties\": {\n              \"name\": [\"Tantek\"],\n              \"url\": [\"http://tantek.com/\"]\n            }\n          }]\n        }\n      }],\n      \"dateline\": [{\n        \"value\": \"San Francisco, \\n                CA\",\n        \"type\": [\"h-card\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n          \"adr\": [{\n            \"value\": \"San Francisco, \\n                CA\",\n            \"type\": [\"h-adr\"],\n            \"properties\": {\n              \"locality\": [\"San Francisco\"],\n              \"region\": [\"CA\"]\n            }\n          }]\n        }\n      }],\n      \"geo\": [{\n        \"value\": \"37.774921;-122.445202\",\n        \"type\": [\"h-geo\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n          \"name\": [\"37.774921;-122.445202\"]\n        }\n      }],\n      \"source-org\": [{\n        \"value\": \"microformats.org\",\n        \"type\": [\"h-card\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n          \"name\": [\"microformats.org\"],\n          \"org\": [\"microformats.org\"],\n          \"url\": [\"http://microformats.org/\"]\n        }\n      }],\n      \"principles\": [\"http://microformats.org/wiki/Category:public_domain_license\"]\n    }\n  }],\n  \"rels\": {\n    \"bookmark\": [\"http://microformats.org/2012/06/25/microformats-org-at-7\"],\n    \"principles\": [\"http://microformats.org/wiki/Category:public_domain_license\"]\n  },\n  \"rel-urls\": {\n    \"http://microformats.org/2012/06/25/microformats-org-at-7\": {\n      \"text\": \"microformats.org at 7\",\n      \"rels\": [\"bookmark\"]\n    },\n    \"http://microformats.org/wiki/Category:public_domain_license\": {\n      \"text\": \"Publishing policy\",\n      \"rels\": [\"principles\"]\n    }\n  }\n}","html":"<div class=\"hnews\">\n    <div class=\"entry hentry\">\n        <h1><a class=\"entry-title\" rel=\"bookmark\" href=\"http://microformats.org/2012/06/25/microformats-org-at-7\">microformats.org at 7</a></h1>\n        <div class=\"entry-content\">\n            <p class=\"entry-summary\">Last week the microformats.org community \n                celebrated its 7th birthday at a gathering hosted by Mozilla in \n                San Francisco and recognized accomplishments, challenges, and \n                opportunities.</p>\n\n            <p>The microformats tagline “humans first, machines second” \n                forms the basis of many of our \n                <a href=\"http://microformats.org/wiki/principles\">principles</a>, and \n                in that regard, we’d like to recognize a few people and \n                thank them for their years of volunteer service </p>\n        </div>  \n        <p>Updated \n            <time class=\"updated\" datetime=\"2012-06-25T17:08:26\">June 25th, 2012</time> by\n            <span class=\"author vcard\"><a class=\"fn url\" href=\"http://tantek.com/\">Tantek</a></span>\n        </p>\n    </div>\n\n    <p>\n        <span class=\"dateline vcard\">\n            <span class=\"adr\">\n                <span class=\"locality\">San Francisco</span>, \n                <span class=\"region\">CA</span> \n            </span>\n        </span>\n        (Geo: <span class=\"geo\">37.774921;-122.445202</span>) \n        <span class=\"source-org vcard\">\n            <a class=\"fn org url\" href=\"http://microformats.org/\">microformats.org</a>\n        </span>\n    </p>\n    <p>\n        <a rel=\"principles\" href=\"http://microformats.org/wiki/Category:public_domain_license\">Publishing policy</a>\n    </p>\n</div>","name":"mf-v1-hnews-all"},{"json":"\n{\n  \"items\": [{\n    \"type\": [\"h-news\"],\n    \"properties\": {\n      \"entry\": [{\n        \"value\": \"microformats.org at 7\",\n        \"type\": [\"h-entry\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n          \"name\": [\"microformats.org at 7\"],\n          \"url\": [\"http://microformats.org/2012/06/25/microformats-org-at-7\"],\n          \"content\": [{\n            \"value\": \"Last week the microformats.org community \\n                celebrated its 7th birthday at a gathering hosted by Mozilla in \\n                San Francisco and recognized accomplishments, challenges, and \\n                opportunities.\\n\\n            The microformats tagline “humans first, machines second” \\n                forms the basis of many of our \\n                principles, and \\n                in that regard, we’d like to recognize a few people and \\n                thank them for their years of volunteer service\",\n            \"html\": \"\\n            <p class=\\\"entry-summary\\\">Last week the microformats.org community \\n                celebrated its 7th birthday at a gathering hosted by Mozilla in \\n                San Francisco and recognized accomplishments, challenges, and \\n                opportunities.</p>\\n\\n            <p>The microformats tagline “humans first, machines second” \\n                forms the basis of many of our \\n                <a href=\\\"http://microformats.org/wiki/principles\\\">principles</a>, and \\n                in that regard, we’d like to recognize a few people and \\n                thank them for their years of volunteer service </p>\\n        \"\n          }],\n          \"summary\": [\"Last week the microformats.org community \\n                celebrated its 7th birthday at a gathering hosted by Mozilla in \\n                San Francisco and recognized accomplishments, challenges, and \\n                opportunities.\"],\n          \"updated\": [\"2012-06-25 17:08:26\"],\n          \"author\": [{\n            \"value\": \"Tantek\",\n            \"type\": [\"h-card\"],\n            \"properties\": {\n              \"name\": [\"Tantek\"],\n              \"url\": [\"http://tantek.com/\"]\n            }\n          }]\n        }\n      }],\n      \"source-org\": [{\n        \"value\": \"microformats.org\",\n        \"type\": [\"h-card\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n          \"name\": [\"microformats.org\"],\n          \"org\": [\"microformats.org\"],\n          \"url\": [\"http://microformats.org/\"]\n        }\n      }]\n    }\n  }],\n  \"rels\": {\n    \"bookmark\": [\"http://microformats.org/2012/06/25/microformats-org-at-7\"]\n  },\n  \"rel-urls\": {\n    \"http://microformats.org/2012/06/25/microformats-org-at-7\": {\n      \"text\": \"microformats.org at 7\",\n      \"rels\": [\"bookmark\"]\n    }\n  }\n}","html":"<div class=\"hnews\">\n    <div class=\"entry hentry\">\n        <h1><a class=\"entry-title\" rel=\"bookmark\" href=\"http://microformats.org/2012/06/25/microformats-org-at-7\">microformats.org at 7</a></h1>\n        <div class=\"entry-content\">\n            <p class=\"entry-summary\">Last week the microformats.org community \n                celebrated its 7th birthday at a gathering hosted by Mozilla in \n                San Francisco and recognized accomplishments, challenges, and \n                opportunities.</p>\n\n            <p>The microformats tagline “humans first, machines second” \n                forms the basis of many of our \n                <a href=\"http://microformats.org/wiki/principles\">principles</a>, and \n                in that regard, we’d like to recognize a few people and \n                thank them for their years of volunteer service </p>\n        </div>  \n        <p>Updated \n            <time class=\"updated\" datetime=\"2012-06-25T17:08:26\">June 25th, 2012</time> by\n            <span class=\"author vcard\"><a class=\"fn url\" href=\"http://tantek.com/\">Tantek</a></span>\n        </p>\n    </div>\n\n    <p class=\"source-org vcard\">\n        <a class=\"fn org url\" href=\"http://microformats.org/\">microformats.org</a> \n    </p>\n</div>","name":"mf-v1-hnews-minimum"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-product\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"name\": [\"Raspberry Pi\"],\n            \"photo\": [\"http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/3/3d/RaspberryPi.jpg/320px-RaspberryPi.jpg\"],\n            \"description\": [{\n                \"value\": \"The Raspberry Pi is a credit-card sized computer that plugs into your TV and a keyboard. It’s a capable little PC which can be used for many of the things that your desktop PC does, like spreadsheets, word-processing and games. It also plays high-definition video. We want to see it being used by kids all over the world to learn programming.\",\n                \"html\": \"The Raspberry Pi is a credit-card sized computer that plugs into your TV and a keyboard. It’s a capable little PC which can be used for many of the things that your desktop PC does, like spreadsheets, word-processing and games. It also plays high-definition video. We want to see it being used by kids all over the world to learn programming.\"\n            }],\n            \"url\": [\"http://www.raspberrypi.org/\"],\n            \"price\": [\"£29.95\"],\n            \"review\": [{\n                \"value\": \"9.2 out of \\n            10 \\n            based on 178 reviews\",\n                \"type\": [\"h-review-aggregate\"],\n                \"properties\": {\n                    \"rating\": [\"9.2\"],\n                    \"average\": [\"9.2\"],\n                    \"best\": [\"10\"],\n                    \"count\": [\"178\"]\n                }\n            }],\n            \"category\": [\"Computer\", \"Education\"],\n            \"brand\": [{\n                \"value\": \"The Raspberry Pi Foundation\",\n                \"type\": [\"h-card\"],\n                \"properties\": {\n                    \"name\": [\"The Raspberry Pi Foundation\"],\n                    \"org\": [\"The Raspberry Pi Foundation\"],\n                    \"adr\": [{\n                        \"value\": \"Cambridge \\n            UK\",\n                        \"type\": [\"h-adr\"],\n                        \"properties\": {\n                            \"locality\": [\"Cambridge\"],\n                            \"country-name\": [\"UK\"]\n                        }\n                    }]\n                }\n            }]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {\n        \"tag\": [\"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/computer\", \"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/education\"]\n    },\n    \"rel-urls\": {\n        \"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/computer\": {\n            \"text\": \"Computer\",\n            \"rels\": [\"tag\"]\n        },\n        \"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/education\": {\n            \"text\": \"Education\",\n            \"rels\": [\"tag\"]\n        }\n    }\n}","html":"<meta charset=\"utf-8\">\n<div class=\"hproduct\">\n    <h2 class=\"fn\">Raspberry Pi</h2>\n    <img class=\"photo\" src=\"http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/3/3d/RaspberryPi.jpg/320px-RaspberryPi.jpg\" />\n    <p class=\"description\">The Raspberry Pi is a credit-card sized computer that plugs into your TV and a keyboard. It’s a capable little PC which can be used for many of the things that your desktop PC does, like spreadsheets, word-processing and games. It also plays high-definition video. We want to see it being used by kids all over the world to learn programming.</p>\n    <a class=\"url\" href=\"http://www.raspberrypi.org/\">More info about the Raspberry Pi</a>\n    <p class=\"price\">£29.95</p>\n    <p class=\"review hreview-aggregate\">\n        <span class=\"rating\">\n            <span class=\"average value\">9.2</span> out of \n            <span class=\"best\">10</span> \n            based on <span class=\"count\">178</span> reviews\n        </span>\n    </p>\n    <p>Categories: \n        <a rel=\"tag\" href=\"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/computer\" class=\"category\">Computer</a>, \n        <a rel=\"tag\" href=\"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/education\" class=\"category\">Education</a>\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"brand vcard\">From: \n        <span class=\"fn org\">The Raspberry Pi Foundation</span> - \n        <span class=\"adr\">\n            <span class=\"locality\">Cambridge</span> \n            <span class=\"country-name\">UK</span>\n        </span>\n    </p>\n</div>","name":"mf-v1-hproduct-aggregate"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-product\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"name\": [\"Raspberry Pi\"],\n            \"photo\": [\"http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/3/3d/RaspberryPi.jpg/320px-RaspberryPi.jpg\"],\n            \"description\": [{\n                \"value\": \"The Raspberry Pi is a credit-card sized computer that plugs into your TV and a keyboard. It’s a capable little PC which can be used for many of the things that your desktop PC does, like spreadsheets, word-processing and games. It also plays high-definition video. We want to see it being used by kids all over the world to learn programming.\",\n                \"html\": \"The Raspberry Pi is a credit-card sized computer that plugs into your TV and a keyboard. It’s a capable little PC which can be used for many of the things that your desktop PC does, like spreadsheets, word-processing and games. It also plays high-definition video. We want to see it being used by kids all over the world to learn programming.\"\n            }],\n            \"url\": [\"http://www.raspberrypi.org/\"],\n            \"price\": [\"£29.95\"],\n            \"category\": [\"Computer\", \"Education\"],\n            \"review\": [{\n                \"value\": \"4.5 out of 5\",\n                \"type\": [\"h-review\"],\n                \"properties\": {\n                    \"rating\": [\"4.5\"]\n                }\n            }]\n        }\n    }],\n   \"rels\": {\n        \"tag\": [\"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/computer\", \"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/education\"]\n    },\n    \"rel-urls\": {\n        \"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/computer\": {\n            \"text\": \"Computer\",\n            \"rels\": [\"tag\"]\n        },\n        \"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/education\": {\n            \"text\": \"Education\",\n            \"rels\": [\"tag\"]\n        }\n    }\n}","html":"<meta charset=\"utf-8\">\n<div class=\"hproduct\">\n    <h2 class=\"fn\">Raspberry Pi</h2>\n    <img class=\"photo\" src=\"http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/3/3d/RaspberryPi.jpg/320px-RaspberryPi.jpg\" />\n    <p class=\"description\">The Raspberry Pi is a credit-card sized computer that plugs into your TV and a keyboard. It’s a capable little PC which can be used for many of the things that your desktop PC does, like spreadsheets, word-processing and games. It also plays high-definition video. We want to see it being used by kids all over the world to learn programming.</p>\n    <a class=\"url\" href=\"http://www.raspberrypi.org/\">More info about the Raspberry Pi</a>\n    <p class=\"price\">£29.95</p>\n    <p class=\"review hreview\"><span class=\"rating\">4.5</span> out of 5</p>\n    <p>Categories: \n        <a rel=\"tag\" href=\"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/computer\" class=\"category\">Computer</a>, \n        <a rel=\"tag\" href=\"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/education\" class=\"category\">Education</a>\n    </p>\n</div>","name":"mf-v1-hproduct-simpleproperties"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-resume\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"contact\": [{\n                \"value\": \"Tim Berners-Lee\",\n                \"type\": [\"h-card\"],\n                \"properties\": {\n                    \"name\": [\"Tim Berners-Lee\"]\n                }\n            }],\n            \"summary\": [\"invented the World Wide Web\"],\n            \"affiliation\": [{\n                \"type\": [\"h-card\"],\n                \"properties\": {\n                    \"name\": [\"W3C\"],\n                    \"photo\": [\"http://www.w3.org/Icons/WWW/w3c_home_nb.png\"]\n                }\n            }]\n         }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<div class=\"hresume\">\n    <p>\n        <span class=\"contact vcard\"><span class=\"fn\">Tim Berners-Lee</span></span>, \n        <span class=\"summary\">invented the World Wide Web</span>.\n    </p>\n    Belongs to following groups:\n    <p>   \n        <a class=\"affiliation vcard\" href=\"http://www.w3.org/\">\n            <img class=\"fn photo\" alt=\"W3C\" src=\"http://www.w3.org/Icons/WWW/w3c_home_nb.png\" />\n        </a>\n    </p>   \n</div>","name":"mf-v1-hresume-affiliation"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-resume\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"contact\": [{\n                \"value\": \"Tim Berners-Lee\",\n                \"type\": [\"h-card\"],\n                \"properties\": {\n                    \"name\": [\"Tim Berners-Lee\"],\n                    \"org\": [\"MIT\"],\n                    \"adr\": [{\n                        \"value\": \"32 Vassar Street, \\n            Room 32-G524, \\n            Cambridge,  \\n            MA \\n            02139, \\n            USA.  \\n            (Work)\",\n                        \"type\": [\"h-adr\"],\n                        \"properties\": {\n                            \"street-address\": [\"32 Vassar Street\"],\n                            \"extended-address\": [\"Room 32-G524\"],\n                            \"locality\": [\"Cambridge\"],\n                            \"region\": [\"MA\"],\n                            \"postal-code\": [\"02139\"],\n                            \"country-name\": [\"USA\"]\n                         }\n                    }],\n                    \"tel\": [\"+1 (617) 253 5702\"],\n                    \"email\": [\"mailto:timbl@w3.org\"]\n                }\n            }],\n            \"summary\": [\"Invented the World Wide Web.\"]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<div class=\"hresume\">\n    <div class=\"contact vcard\">\n        <p class=\"fn\">Tim Berners-Lee</p>\n        <p class=\"org\">MIT</p>\n        <p class=\"adr\">\n            <span class=\"street-address\">32 Vassar Street</span>, \n            <span class=\"extended-address\">Room 32-G524</span>, \n            <span class=\"locality\">Cambridge</span>,  \n            <span class=\"region\">MA</span> \n            <span class=\"postal-code\">02139</span>, \n            <span class=\"country-name\">USA</span>.  \n            (<span class=\"type\">Work</span>)\n        </p>\n        <p>Tel:<span class=\"tel\">+1 (617) 253 5702</span></p>\n        <p>Email:<a class=\"email\" href=\"mailto:timbl@w3.org\">timbl@w3.org</a></p>\n    </div>\n    <p class=\"summary\">Invented the World Wide Web.</p>\n</div>","name":"mf-v1-hresume-contact"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-resume\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"contact\": [{\n                \"value\": \"Tim Berners-Lee\",\n                \"type\": [\"h-card\"],\n                \"properties\": {\n                    \"name\": [\"Tim Berners-Lee\"],\n                    \"job-title\": [\"Director of the World Wide Web Foundation\"]\n                }\n            }],\n            \"summary\": [\"Invented the World Wide Web.\"],\n            \"education\": [{\n                \"value\": \"The Queen's College, Oxford University\",\n                \"type\": [\"h-event\", \"h-card\"],\n                \"properties\": {\n                    \"name\": [\"The Queen's College, Oxford University\"],\n                    \"org\": [\"The Queen's College, Oxford University\"],\n                    \"description\": [\"BA Hons (I) Physics\"],\n                    \"start\": [\"1973-09\"],\n                    \"end\": [\"1976-06\"]\n                }\n            }]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<div class=\"hresume\">\n    <div class=\"contact vcard\">\n        <p class=\"fn\">Tim Berners-Lee</p>\n        <p class=\"title\">Director of the World Wide Web Foundation</p>\n    </div>\n    <p class=\"summary\">Invented the World Wide Web.</p><hr />\n    <p class=\"education vevent vcard\">\n        <span class=\"fn summary org\">The Queen's College, Oxford University</span>, \n        <span class=\"description\">BA Hons (I) Physics</span> \n        <time class=\"dtstart\" datetime=\"1973-09\">1973</time> –\n        <time class=\"dtend\" datetime=\"1976-06\">1976</time>\n    </p>\n</div>","name":"mf-v1-hresume-education"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-resume\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"contact\": [{\n                \"value\": \"Tim Berners-Lee\",\n                \"type\": [\"h-card\"],\n                \"properties\": {\n                    \"name\": [\"Tim Berners-Lee\"]\n                }\n            }],\n            \"summary\": [\"invented the World Wide Web\"],\n            \"skill\": [\"information systems\", \"advocacy\", \"leadership\"]\n         }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {\n        \"tag\": [\"http://example.com/skills/informationsystems\", \"http://example.com/skills/advocacy\", \"http://example.com/skills/leadership\"]\n    },\n    \"rel-urls\": {\n        \"http://example.com/skills/informationsystems\": {\n            \"text\": \"information systems\",\n            \"rels\": [\"tag\"]\n        },\n        \"http://example.com/skills/advocacy\": {\n            \"text\": \"advocacy\",\n            \"rels\": [\"tag\"]\n        },\n        \"http://example.com/skills/leadership\": {\n            \"text\": \"leadership\",\n            \"rels\": [\"tag\"]\n        }\n    }\n}","html":"<div class=\"hresume\"> \n    <p>\n        <span class=\"contact vcard\"><span class=\"fn\">Tim Berners-Lee</span></span>, \n        <span class=\"summary\">invented the World Wide Web</span>.\n    </p>\n    Skills:     \n    <ul>\n        <li><a class=\"skill\" rel=\"tag\" href=\"http://example.com/skills/informationsystems\">information systems</a></li>\n        <li><a class=\"skill\" rel=\"tag\" href=\"http://example.com/skills/advocacy\">advocacy</a></li>\n        <li><a class=\"skill\" rel=\"tag\" href=\"http://example.com/skills/leadership\">leadership</a></li>\n    </ul>\n</div>","name":"mf-v1-hresume-skill"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-resume\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"contact\": [{\n                \"value\": \"Tim Berners-Lee\",\n                \"type\": [\"h-card\"],\n                \"properties\": {\n                    \"name\": [\"Tim Berners-Lee\"],\n                    \"job-title\": [\"Director of the World Wide Web Foundation\"]\n                }\n            }],\n            \"summary\": [\"Invented the World Wide Web.\"],\n            \"experience\": [{\n                \"value\": \"World Wide Web Foundation\",\n                \"type\": [\"h-event\", \"h-card\"],\n                \"properties\": {\n                    \"job-title\": [\"Director\"],\n                    \"name\": [\"World Wide Web Foundation\"],\n                    \"org\": [\"World Wide Web Foundation\"],\n                    \"url\": [\"http://www.webfoundation.org/\"],\n                    \"start\": [\"2009-01-18\"],\n                    \"duration\": [\"P2Y11M\"]\n                }\n            }]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<meta charset=\"utf-8\">\n<div class=\"hresume\">\n    <div class=\"contact vcard\">\n        <p class=\"fn\">Tim Berners-Lee</p>\n        <p class=\"title\">Director of the World Wide Web Foundation</p>\n    </div>\n    <p class=\"summary\">Invented the World Wide Web.</p><hr />\n    <div class=\"experience vevent vcard\">\n        <p class=\"title\">Director</p>\n        <p><a class=\"fn summary org url\" href=\"http://www.webfoundation.org/\">World Wide Web Foundation</a></p>\n        <p>\n            <time class=\"dtstart\" datetime=\"2009-01-18\">Jan 2009</time> – Present\n            <time class=\"duration\" datetime=\"P2Y11M\">(2 years 11 month)</time>\n        </p>\n    </div>\n</div>","name":"mf-v1-hresume-work"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-review\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"item\": [{\n                \"value\": \"Crepes on Cole\",\n                \"type\": [\"h-item\"],\n                \"properties\": {\n                    \"photo\": [\"http://example.com/images/photo.gif\"],\n                    \"name\": [\"Crepes on Cole\"],\n                    \"url\": [\"http://example.com/crepeoncole\"]\n                }\n            }],\n            \"rating\": [\"5\"]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<base href=\"http://example.com\">\n<div class=\"hreview\">\n    <p class=\"item\">\n        <img class=\"photo\" src=\"images/photo.gif\" />\n        <a class=\"fn url\" href=\"http://example.com/crepeoncole\">Crepes on Cole</a>\n    </p>\n    <p><span class=\"rating\">5</span> out of 5 stars</p>\n</div>","name":"mf-v1-hreview-item"},{"json":"\n{\n  \"items\": [{\n    \"type\": [\"h-review\"],\n    \"properties\": {\n      \"rating\": [\"5\"],\n      \"name\": [\"Crepes on Cole is awesome\"],\n      \"reviewer\": [{\n        \"value\": \"Tantek\",\n        \"type\": [\"h-card\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n          \"name\": [\"Tantek\"]\n        }\n      }],\n      \"description\": [{\n        \"value\": \"Crepes on Cole is one of the best little \\n        creperies in San Francisco.\\n        Excellent food and service. Plenty of tables in a variety of sizes \\n        for parties large and small.  Window seating makes for excellent \\n        people watching to/from the N-Judah which stops right outside.  \\n        I've had many fun social gatherings here, as well as gotten \\n        plenty of work done thanks to neighborhood WiFi.\",\n        \"html\": \"\\n        <p class=\\\"item vcard\\\">\\n        <span class=\\\"fn org\\\">Crepes on Cole</span> is one of the best little \\n        creperies in <span class=\\\"adr\\\"><span class=\\\"locality\\\">San Francisco</span></span>.\\n        Excellent food and service. Plenty of tables in a variety of sizes \\n        for parties large and small.  Window seating makes for excellent \\n        people watching to/from the N-Judah which stops right outside.  \\n        I've had many fun social gatherings here, as well as gotten \\n        plenty of work done thanks to neighborhood WiFi.\\n        </p>\\n    \"\n      }],\n      \"item\": [{\n        \"value\": \"Crepes on Cole\",\n        \"type\": [\"h-item\", \"h-card\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n          \"name\": [\"Crepes on Cole\"],\n          \"org\": [\"Crepes on Cole\"],\n          \"adr\": [{\n            \"value\": \"San Francisco\",\n            \"type\": [\"h-adr\"],\n            \"properties\": {\n              \"locality\": [\"San Francisco\"]\n            }\n          }]\n        }\n      }],\n      \"category\": [\"crepe\"],\n      \"url\": [\"http://example.com/crepe\"]\n    }\n  }],\n  \"rels\": {\n    \"tag\": [\"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/crepe\"],\n    \"self\": [\"http://example.com/crepe\"],\n    \"bookmark\": [\"http://example.com/crepe\"],\n    \"license\": [\"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Text_of_Creative_Commons_Attribution-ShareAlike_3.0_Unported_License\"]\n  },\n  \"rel-urls\": {\n    \"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/crepe\": {\n      \"text\": \"crepe\",\n      \"rels\": [\"tag\"]\n    },\n    \"http://example.com/crepe\": {\n      \"text\": \"http://example.com/crepe\",\n      \"rels\": [\"self\", \"bookmark\"]\n    },\n    \"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Text_of_Creative_Commons_Attribution-ShareAlike_3.0_Unported_License\": {\n      \"text\": \"Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License\",\n      \"rels\": [\"license\"]\n    }\n  }\n}","html":"<div class=\"hreview\">\n    <span><span class=\"rating\">5</span> out of 5 stars</span>\n    <h4 class=\"summary\">Crepes on Cole is awesome</h4>\n    <span class=\"reviewer vcard\">\n        Reviewer: <span class=\"fn\">Tantek</span> - \n    </span>\n    <time class=\"reviewed\" datetime=\"2005-04-18\">April 18, 2005</time>\n    <div class=\"description\">\n        <p class=\"item vcard\">\n        <span class=\"fn org\">Crepes on Cole</span> is one of the best little \n        creperies in <span class=\"adr\"><span class=\"locality\">San Francisco</span></span>.\n        Excellent food and service. Plenty of tables in a variety of sizes \n        for parties large and small.  Window seating makes for excellent \n        people watching to/from the N-Judah which stops right outside.  \n        I've had many fun social gatherings here, as well as gotten \n        plenty of work done thanks to neighborhood WiFi.\n        </p>\n    </div>\n    <p>Visit date: <span>April 2005</span></p>\n    <p>Food eaten: <a rel=\"tag\" href=\"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/crepe\">crepe</a></p>\n    <p>Permanent link for review: <a rel=\"self bookmark\" href=\"http://example.com/crepe\">http://example.com/crepe</a></p>\n    <p><a rel=\"license\" href=\"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Text_of_Creative_Commons_Attribution-ShareAlike_3.0_Unported_License\">Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License</a></p>\n</div>","name":"mf-v1-hreview-vcard"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-review-aggregate\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"item\": [{\n                \"value\": \"Mediterranean Wraps\",\n                \"type\": [\"h-item\", \"h-card\"],\n                \"properties\": {\n                    \"name\": [\"Mediterranean Wraps\"],\n                    \"org\": [\"Mediterranean Wraps\"],\n                    \"adr\": [{\n                        \"value\": \"433 S California Ave, \\n                Palo Alto, \\n                CA\",\n                        \"type\": [\"h-adr\"],\n                        \"properties\": {\n                            \"street-address\": [\"433 S California Ave\"],\n                            \"locality\": [\"Palo Alto\"],\n                            \"region\": [\"CA\"]\n                        }\n                    }],\n                    \"tel\": [\"(650) 321-8189\"]\n                }\n            }],\n            \"rating\": [\"9.2\"],\n            \"average\": [\"9.2\"],\n            \"best\": [\"10\"],\n            \"count\": [\"17\"]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<div class=\"hreview-aggregate\">\n    <div class=\"item vcard\">\n        <h3 class=\"fn org\">Mediterranean Wraps</h3>    \n        <p>\n            <span class=\"adr\">\n                <span class=\"street-address\">433 S California Ave</span>, \n                <span class=\"locality\">Palo Alto</span>, \n                <span class=\"region\">CA</span></span> - \n            \n            <span class=\"tel\">(650) 321-8189</span>\n        </p>\n    </div> \n    <p class=\"rating\">\n        <span class=\"average value\">9.2</span> out of \n        <span class=\"best\">10</span> \n        based on <span class=\"count\">17</span> reviews\n    </p>\n</div>","name":"mf-v1-hreview-aggregate-hcard"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-review-aggregate\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"item\": [{\n                \"value\": \"Mediterranean Wraps\",\n                \"type\": [\"h-item\"],\n                \"properties\": {\n                    \"name\": [\"Mediterranean Wraps\"],\n                    \"url\": [\"http://example.com/mediterraneanwraps\"]\n                }\n            }],\n            \"rating\": [\"4.5\"],\n            \"count\": [\"6\"]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}\n","html":"<p class=\"hreview-aggregate\">\n    <span class=\"item\">\n        <a class=\"fn url\" href=\"http://example.com/mediterraneanwraps\">Mediterranean Wraps</a>\n    </span> - Rated: \n    <span class=\"rating\">4.5</span> out of 5 (<span class=\"count\">6</span> reviews)\n</p>","name":"mf-v1-hreview-aggregate-justahyperlink"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-review-aggregate\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"item\": [{\n                \"value\": \"Fullfrontal\",\n                \"type\": [\"h-item\", \"h-event\"],\n                \"properties\": {\n                    \"name\": [\"Fullfrontal\"],\n                    \"description\": [\"A one day JavaScript Conference held in Brighton\"],\n                    \"start\": [\"2012-11-09\"]\n                }\n            }],\n            \"rating\": [\"9.9\"],\n            \"average\": [\"9.9\"],\n            \"best\": [\"10\"],\n            \"count\": [\"62\"]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<div class=\"hreview-aggregate\">\n    <div class=\"item vevent\">\n        <h3 class=\"summary\">Fullfrontal</h3>\n        <p class=\"description\">A one day JavaScript Conference held in Brighton</p>\n        <p><time class=\"dtstart\" datetime=\"2012-11-09\">9th November 2012</time></p>    \n    </div> \n    \n    <p class=\"rating\">\n        <span class=\"average value\">9.9</span> out of \n        <span class=\"best\">10</span> \n        based on <span class=\"count\">62</span> reviews\n    </p>\n</div>","name":"mf-v1-hreview-aggregate-vevent"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-card\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"org\": [\"Mozilla\"],\n            \"adr\": [{\n                \"value\": \"665 3rd St.  \\n    Suite 207  \\n    San Francisco,  \\n    CA  \\n    94107  \\n    U.S.A.\",\n                \"type\": [\"h-adr\"],\n                \"properties\": {\n                    \"street-address\": [\"665 3rd St.\"],\n                    \"extended-address\": [\"Suite 207\"],\n                    \"locality\": [\"San Francisco\"],\n                    \"region\": [\"CA\"],\n                    \"postal-code\": [\"94107\"],\n                    \"country-name\": [\"U.S.A.\"]\n                }\n            }]\n        }\n    }, {\n        \"type\": [\"h-card\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"org\": [\"Mozilla\"],\n            \"adr\": [{\n                \"value\": \"665 3rd St.  \\n    Suite 207  \\n    San Francisco,  \\n    CA  \\n    94107  \\n    U.S.A.\",\n                \"type\": [\"h-adr\"],\n                \"properties\": {\n                    \"street-address\": [\"665 3rd St.\"],\n                    \"extended-address\": [\"Suite 207\"],\n                    \"locality\": [\"San Francisco\"],\n                    \"region\": [\"CA\"],\n                    \"postal-code\": [\"94107\"],\n                    \"country-name\": [\"U.S.A.\"]\n                }\n            }]\n        }\n    }, {\n        \"type\": [\"h-adr\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"street-address\": [\"665 3rd St.\"],\n            \"extended-address\": [\"Suite 207\"],\n            \"locality\": [\"San Francisco\"],\n            \"region\": [\"CA\"],\n            \"postal-code\": [\"94107\"],\n            \"country-name\": [\"U.S.A.\"]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<div class=\"vcard\" itemref=\"mozilla-org mozilla-adr\">\n    <span class=\"name\">Brendan Eich</span>\n</div>\n<div class=\"vcard\" itemref=\"mozilla-org mozilla-adr\">\n    <span class=\"name\">Mitchell Baker</span>\n</div>\n\n<p id=\"mozilla-org\" class=\"org\">Mozilla</p>\n<p id=\"mozilla-adr\" class=\"adr\">\n    <span class=\"street-address\">665 3rd St.</span>  \n    <span class=\"extended-address\">Suite 207</span>  \n    <span class=\"locality\">San Francisco</span>,  \n    <span class=\"region\">CA</span>  \n    <span class=\"postal-code\">94107</span>  \n    <span class=\"country-name\">U.S.A.</span>  \n</p>","name":"mf-v1-includes-hcarditemref"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-event\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"location\": [{\n                \"value\": \"Room 10\\n    \\n    Moscone Center,   \\n    San Francisco\",\n                \"type\": [\"h-adr\"],\n                \"properties\": {\n                    \"extended-address\": [\"Room 10\", \"Moscone Center\"],\n                    \"locality\": [\"San Francisco\"]\n                }\n            }],\n            \"start\": [\"2012-06-27 15:45:00-08:00\"],\n            \"end\": [\"2012-06-27 16:45:00-08:00\"]\n          }\n    }, {\n        \"type\": [\"h-event\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"location\": [{\n                \"value\": \"Room 11\\n    \\n    Moscone Center,   \\n    San Francisco\",\n                \"type\": [\"h-adr\"],\n                \"properties\": {\n                    \"extended-address\": [\"Room 11\", \"Moscone Center\"],\n                    \"locality\": [\"San Francisco\"]\n                }\n            }],\n            \"start\": [\"2012-06-27 15:45:00-08:00\"],\n            \"end\": [\"2012-06-27 16:45:00-08:00\"]\n         }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<div class=\"vevent\" itemref=\"io-session07\">\n    <span class=\"name\">Monetizing Android Apps</span> - spaekers: \n    <span class=\"speaker\">Chrix Finne</span>, \n    <span class=\"speaker\">Kenneth Lui</span> - \n    <span itemref=\"io-location\" class=\"location adr\">\n        <span class=\"extended-address\">Room 10</span>\n    </span>  \n</div>\n<div class=\"vevent\" itemref=\"io-session07\">\n    <span class=\"name\">New Low-Level Media APIs in Android</span> - spaekers: \n    <span class=\"speaker\">Dave Burke</span> -\n    <span itemref=\"io-location\" class=\"location adr\">\n        <span class=\"extended-address\">Room 11</span>\n    </span>  \n</div>\n\n<p id=\"io-session07\">\n    Session 01 is between: \n    <time class=\"dtstart\" datetime=\"2012-06-27T15:45:00-0800\">3:45PM</time> to \n    <time class=\"dtend\" datetime=\"2012-06-27T16:45:00-0800\">4:45PM</time> \n</p>   \n<p id=\"io-location\">\n    <span class=\"extended-address\">Moscone Center</span>,   \n    <span class=\"locality\">San Francisco</span>  \n</p>","name":"mf-v1-includes-heventitemref"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-card\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"org\": [\"Twitter\"],\n            \"adr\": [{\n                \"value\": \"1355 Market St,\\n        San Francisco, \\n        CA\\n        94103\",\n                \"type\": [\"h-adr\"],\n                \"properties\": {\n                    \"street-address\": [\"1355 Market St\"],\n                    \"locality\": [\"San Francisco\"],\n                    \"region\": [\"CA\"],\n                    \"postal-code\": [\"94103\"]\n                }\n            }]\n         }\n    }, {\n        \"type\": [\"h-card\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"org\": [\"Twitter\"],\n            \"adr\": [{\n                \"value\": \"1355 Market St,\\n        San Francisco, \\n        CA\\n        94103\",\n                \"type\": [\"h-adr\"],\n                \"properties\": {\n                    \"street-address\": [\"1355 Market St\"],\n                    \"locality\": [\"San Francisco\"],\n                    \"region\": [\"CA\"],\n                    \"postal-code\": [\"94103\"]\n                }\n            }]\n          }\n    }, {\n        \"type\": [\"h-adr\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"street-address\": [\"1355 Market St\"],\n            \"locality\": [\"San Francisco\"],\n            \"region\": [\"CA\"],\n            \"postal-code\": [\"94103\"]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<div class=\"vcard\">\n    <span class=\"name\">Ben Ward</span>\n    <a class=\"include\" href=\"#twitter\">Twitter</a>\n</div>\n<div class=\"vcard\">\n    <span class=\"name\">Dan Webb</span>\n    <a class=\"include\" href=\"#twitter\">Twitter</a>\n</div>\n\n<div id=\"twitter\">\n    <p class=\"org\">Twitter</p>\n    <p class=\"adr\">\n        <span class=\"street-address\">1355 Market St</span>,\n        <span class=\"locality\">San Francisco</span>, \n        <span class=\"region\">CA</span>\n        <span class=\"postal-code\">94103</span>\n    </p>\n</div>","name":"mf-v1-includes-hyperlink"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-event\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"start\": [\"2012-10-30 11:45:00-08:00\"],\n            \"name\": [\"Build Conference\"],\n            \"location\": [{\n                \"value\": \"Redmond, \\n        Washington, \\n        USA\",\n                \"type\": [\"h-adr\"],\n                \"properties\": {\n                    \"locality\": [\"Redmond\"],\n                    \"region\": [\"Washington\"],\n                    \"country-name\": [\"USA\"]\n                }\n            }]\n        }\n    }, {\n        \"type\": [\"h-event\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"start\": [\"2012-10-31 11:15:00-08:00\"],\n            \"name\": [\"Build Conference\"],\n            \"location\": [{\n                \"value\": \"Redmond, \\n        Washington, \\n        USA\",\n                \"type\": [\"h-adr\"],\n                \"properties\": {\n                    \"locality\": [\"Redmond\"],\n                    \"region\": [\"Washington\"],\n                    \"country-name\": [\"USA\"]\n                }\n            }]\n        }\n    }, {\n        \"type\": [\"h-adr\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"locality\": [\"Redmond\"],\n            \"region\": [\"Washington\"],\n            \"country-name\": [\"USA\"]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<div class=\"vevent\">\n    <span class=\"name\">HTML5 & CSS3 latest features in action!</span> - \n    <span class=\"speaker\">David Rousset</span> -\n    <time class=\"dtstart\" datetime=\"2012-10-30T11:45:00-08:00\">Tue 11:45am</time>\n    <object data=\"#buildconf\" class=\"include\" type=\"text/html\" height=\"0\" width=\"0\"></object>\n</div>\n<div class=\"vevent\">\n    <span class=\"name\">Building High-Performing JavaScript for Modern Engines</span> -\n    <span class=\"speaker\">John-David Dalton</span> and \n    <span class=\"speaker\">Amanda Silver</span> -\n    <time class=\"dtstart\" datetime=\"2012-10-31T11:15:00-08:00\">Wed 11:15am</time>\n    <object data=\"#buildconf\" class=\"include\" type=\"text/html\" height=\"0\" width=\"0\"></object>\n</div>\n\n\n<div id=\"buildconf\">\n    <p class=\"summary\">Build Conference</p>\n    <p class=\"location adr\">\n        <span class=\"locality\">Redmond</span>, \n        <span class=\"region\">Washington</span>, \n        <span class=\"country-name\">USA</span>\n    </p>\n</div>","name":"mf-v1-includes-object"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-card\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"name\": [\"Chris Mills\"],\n            \"url\": [\"http://dev.opera.com/\"],\n            \"org\": [\"Opera\"]\n        }\n    }, {\n        \"type\": [\"h-card\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"name\": [\"Erik Möller\"],\n            \"url\": [\"http://dev.opera.com/\"],\n            \"org\": [\"Opera\"]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<meta charset=\"utf-8\">\n<table>\n    <tr>\n        <th id=\"org\"><a class=\"url org\" href=\"http://dev.opera.com/\">Opera</a></th>\n    </tr>\n    <tr>\n        <td class=\"vcard\" headers=\"org\"><span class=\"fn\">Chris Mills</span></td>\n    </tr>\n    <tr>\n        <td class=\"vcard\" headers=\"org\"><span class=\"fn\">Erik Möller</span></td>\n    </tr>\n  </table>","name":"mf-v1-includes-table"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-adr\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"name\": [\"Bricklayer's Arms\"],\n            \"label\": [\"3 Charlotte Road,  \\n        City of London,  \\n        EC2A 3PE, \\n        UK\"],\n            \"street-address\": [\"3 Charlotte Road\"],\n            \"locality\": [\"City of London\"],\n            \"postal-code\": [\"EC2A 3PE\"],\n            \"country-name\": [\"UK\"],\n            \"geo\": [\"51.526421;-0.081067\"]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<p class=\"h-adr\">\n    <span class=\"p-name\">Bricklayer's Arms</span>\n    <span class=\"p-label\"> \n        <span class=\"p-street-address\">3 Charlotte Road</span>,  \n        <span class=\"p-locality\">City of London</span>,  \n        <span class=\"p-postal-code\">EC2A 3PE</span>, \n        <span class=\"p-country-name\">UK</span> \n    </span> – \n    Geo:(<span class=\"p-geo\">51.526421;-0.081067</span>) \n</p>","name":"mf-v2-h-adr-geo"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-adr\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"name\": [\"Bricklayer's Arms\"],\n            \"geo\": [\"geo:51.526421;-0.081067;crs=wgs84;u=40\"],\n            \"locality\": [\"London\"],\n            \"url\": [\"geo:51.526421;-0.081067;crs=wgs84;u=40\"]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<p class=\"h-adr\">\n    <a class=\"p-name u-geo\" href=\"geo:51.526421;-0.081067;crs=wgs84;u=40\">Bricklayer's Arms</a>, \n    <span class=\"p-locality\">London</span> \n</p>","name":"mf-v2-h-adr-geourl"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-adr\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"name\": [\"665 3rd St. Suite 207 San Francisco, CA 94107 U.S.A.\"]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<p class=\"h-adr\">665 3rd St. Suite 207 San Francisco, CA 94107 U.S.A.</p>","name":"mf-v2-h-adr-justaname"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-adr\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"street-address\": [\"665 3rd St.\"],\n            \"extended-address\": [\"Suite 207\"],\n            \"locality\": [\"San Francisco\"],\n            \"region\": [\"CA\"],\n            \"postal-code\": [\"94107\"],\n            \"country-name\": [\"U.S.A.\"],\n            \"name\": [\"665 3rd St.  \\n    Suite 207  \\n    San Francisco,  \\n    CA  \\n    94107  \\n    U.S.A.\"]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<p class=\"h-adr\">\n    <span class=\"p-street-address\">665 3rd St.</span>  \n    <span class=\"p-extended-address\">Suite 207</span>  \n    <span class=\"p-locality\">San Francisco</span>,  \n    <span class=\"p-region\">CA</span>  \n    <span class=\"p-postal-code\">94107</span>  \n    <span class=\"p-country-name\">U.S.A.</span>  \n</p>","name":"mf-v2-h-adr-simpleproperties"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-entry\", \"h-as-note\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"in-reply-to\": [{\n                \"value\": \"http://werd.io/2015/im-super-proud-of-everything-weve-done-on-withknown-so-far\",\n                \"type\": [\"h-cite\"],\n                \"properties\": {\n                    \"name\": [\"http://werd.io/2015/im-super-proud-of-everything-weve-done-on-withknown-so-far\"],\n                    \"url\": [\"http://werd.io/2015/im-super-proud-of-everything-weve-done-on-withknown-so-far\"]\n                }\n            },\n            {\n                \"value\": \"https://twitter.com/benwerd/status/604733231284383744\",\n                \"type\": [\"h-cite\"],\n                \"properties\": {\n                    \"name\": [\"https://twitter.com/benwerd/status/604733231284383744\"],\n                    \"url\": [\"https://twitter.com/benwerd/status/604733231284383744\"]\n                }\n            }],\n            \"author\": [{\n                \"type\": [\"h-card\"],\n                \"properties\": {\n                    \"name\": [\"Tantek Çelik\"],\n                    \"photo\": [\"http://tantek.com/images/photo.gif\"],\n                    \"url\": [\"http://tantek.com/\"]\n                }\n            }],\n            \"name\": [\"@benwerd\\n      @erinjoalso proud of you &\\n      @withknown— so much #indieweb & especially user empathy. Keep up the great work!\"],\n            \"content\": [{\n                \"value\": \"@benwerd\\n      @erinjoalso proud of you &\\n      @withknown— so much #indieweb & especially user empathy. Keep up the great work!\",\n                \"html\": \"\\n      <a class=\\\"auto-link h-x-username\\\" href=\\\"https://twitter.com/benwerd\\\">@benwerd</a>\\n      <a class=\\\"auto-link h-x-username\\\" href=\\\"https://twitter.com/erinjo\\\">@erinjo</a>also proud of you &\\n      <a class=\\\"auto-link h-x-username\\\" href=\\\"https://twitter.com/withknown\\\">@withknown</a>— so much #indieweb & especially user empathy. Keep up the great work!\"\n            }],\n            \"published\": [\"2015-06-01 22:20-07:00\"],\n            \"updated\": [\"2015-06-01 22:20-07:00\"],\n            \"url\": [\"http://tantek.com/2015/152/t2/proud-withknown-indieweb-user-empathy\"],\n            \"uid\": [\"http://tantek.com/2015/152/t2/proud-withknown-indieweb-user-empathy\"],\n            \"syndication\": [\"https://twitter.com/t/status/605604965566906369\"]\n        },\n        \"children\": [{\n            \"value\": \"@benwerd\",\n            \"type\": [\"h-x-username\"],\n            \"properties\": {\n                \"name\": [\"@benwerd\"],\n                \"url\": [\"https://twitter.com/benwerd\"]\n            }\n        },\n        {\n            \"value\": \"@erinjo\",\n            \"type\": [\"h-x-username\"],\n            \"properties\": {\n                \"name\": [\"@erinjo\"],\n                \"url\": [\"https://twitter.com/erinjo\"]\n            }\n        },\n        {\n            \"value\": \"@withknown\",\n            \"type\": [\"h-x-username\"],\n            \"properties\": {\n                \"name\": [\"@withknown\"],\n                \"url\": [\"https://twitter.com/withknown\"]\n            }\n        }]\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {\n        \"prev\": [\"http://tantek.com/152/t1/congrats-fellow-elected-w3cab-members\"],\n        \"next\": [\"http://tantek.com/152/t3/going-indiewebcamp-2015-portland\"],\n        \"in-reply-to\": [\"http://werd.io/2015/im-super-proud-of-everything-weve-done-on-withknown-so-far\", \"https://twitter.com/benwerd/status/604733231284383744\"],\n        \"author\": [\"http://tantek.com/\"],\n        \"syndication\": [\"https://twitter.com/t/status/605604965566906369\"]\n    },\n    \"rel-urls\": {\n        \"http://tantek.com/152/t1/congrats-fellow-elected-w3cab-members\": {\n            \"title\": \"View the previous (older) item in the stream.\",\n            \"text\": \"←\",\n            \"rels\": [\"prev\"]\n        },\n        \"http://tantek.com/152/t3/going-indiewebcamp-2015-portland\": {\n            \"title\": \"View the next (newer) item in the stream\",\n            \"text\": \"→\",\n            \"rels\": [\"next\"]\n        },\n        \"http://werd.io/2015/im-super-proud-of-everything-weve-done-on-withknown-so-far\": {\n            \"text\": \"http://werd.io/2015/im-super-proud-of-everything-weve-done-on-withknown-so-far\",\n            \"rels\": [\"in-reply-to\"]\n        },\n        \"https://twitter.com/benwerd/status/604733231284383744\": {\n            \"text\": \"https://twitter.com/benwerd/status/604733231284383744\",\n            \"rels\": [\"in-reply-to\"]\n        },\n        \"http://tantek.com/\": {\n            \"title\": \"Tantek Çelik\",\n            \"rels\": [\"author\"]\n        },\n        \"https://twitter.com/t/status/605604965566906369\": {\n            \"text\": \"View \\n      Conversation\\n      on Twitter\",\n            \"rels\": [\"syndication\"]\n        }\n    }\n}","html":"<!-- http://tantek.com/2015/152/t2/proud-withknown-indieweb-user-empathy -->\n<base href=\"http://tantek.com/\" />\n\n<li class=\"h-entry hentry h-as-note\">\n   <div>\n      <ul>\n         <li>\n            <a href=\"152/t1/congrats-fellow-elected-w3cab-members\" id=\"previtem\" title=\"View the previous (older) item in the stream.\"\n            rel=\"prev\"><abbr title=\"Previous\">←</abbr></a>\n         </li>\n         <li>\n            <a href=\"152/t3/going-indiewebcamp-2015-portland\" id=\"nextitem\" title=\"View the next (newer) item in the stream\" rel=\"next\"><abbr title=\"Next\">→</abbr></a>\n         </li>\n      </ul>\n   </div>\n   <div>In reply to:\n      <p>\n         <a class=\"u-in-reply-to h-cite\" rel=\"in-reply-to\" href=\"http://werd.io/2015/im-super-proud-of-everything-weve-done-on-withknown-so-far\">http://werd.io/2015/im-super-proud-of-everything-weve-done-on-withknown-so-far</a>\n      </p>\n      <p>\n         <a class=\"u-in-reply-to h-cite\" rel=\"in-reply-to\" href=\"https://twitter.com/benwerd/status/604733231284383744\">https://twitter.com/benwerd/status/604733231284383744</a>\n      </p>\n      <hr>\n   </div>\n   <a href=\"../\" class=\"p-author h-card\" rel=\"author\" title=\"Tantek Çelik\"><img src=\"/images/photo.gif\" alt=\"Tantek Çelik\"></a>\n   <p class=\"p-name entry-title e-content entry-content article\">\n      <a class=\"auto-link h-x-username\" href=\"https://twitter.com/benwerd\">@benwerd</a>\n      <a class=\"auto-link h-x-username\" href=\"https://twitter.com/erinjo\">@erinjo</a>also proud of you &amp;\n      <a class=\"auto-link h-x-username\" href=\"https://twitter.com/withknown\">@withknown</a>— so much #indieweb &amp; especially user empathy. Keep up the great work!</p>\n   <span>\n      <span class=\"dt-published published dt-updated updated\">\n         <time class=\"value\" datetime=\"22:20-0700\">22:20</time>on\n         <time class=\"value\">2015-06-01</time>\n      </span>\n      <span class=\"lt\">(ttk.me t4bT2)</span>using\n      <span class=\"using\">BBEdit</span>\n   </span>\n   <div>\n      <form action=\"http://tantek.com/2015/152/t2/proud-withknown-indieweb-user-empathy\">\n         <div>\n            <label>\n               <span class=\"lt\">URL:</span>\n               <input class=\"u-url url u-uid uid bookmark\" type=\"url\" size=\"70\" style=\"max-width:100%\" value=\"http://tantek.com/2015/152/t2/proud-withknown-indieweb-user-empathy\">\n            </label>\n         </div>\n      </form>\n   </div>\n   <div>\n      <a class=\"u-syndication\" rel=\"syndication\" style=\"float:right;\" href=\"https://twitter.com/t/status/605604965566906369\">\n   <img src=\"/images/photo.gif\" style=\"vertical-align:-30%\" alt=\"\"> \n   View \n      Conversation\n      on Twitter\n</a>\n   </div>\n</li>","name":"mf-v2-h-as-note-note"},{"json":" {\n\t\"items\": [{\n      \"type\": [\n        \"h-card\"\n      ],\n      \"properties\": {\n        \"name\": [\n          \"Mitchell Baker\"\n        ],\n        \"url\": [\"http://blog.lizardwrangler.com/\"],\n        \"org\": [{\n            \"value\": \"Mozilla Foundation\",\n            \"type\": [\n              \"h-card\"\n            ],\n            \"properties\": {\n              \"name\": [\"Mozilla Foundation\"],\n              \"url\": [\"http://example.org/bios/mitchell-baker/\"]\n            }\n         }],\n        \"photo\": [\"http://example.org/images/photo.gif\"]\n      }\n   }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}\n","html":"<base href=\"http://example.org\"/>\n<div class=\"h-card\">\n  <a class=\"p-name u-url\" href=\"http://blog.lizardwrangler.com/\">Mitchell Baker</a> \n  (<a class=\"p-org h-card\" href=\"bios/mitchell-baker/\">Mozilla Foundation</a>)\n  <img class=\"u-photo\" src=\"images/photo.gif\"/>\n</div>","name":"mf-v2-h-card-baseurl"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-card\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"name\": [\"Håkon Wium Lie\"],\n            \"photo\": [\"http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/96/H%C3%A5kon-Wium-Lie-2009-03.jpg/215px-H%C3%A5kon-Wium-Lie-2009-03.jpg\"],\n            \"url\": [\"http://people.opera.com/howcome/\"]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<meta charset=\"utf-8\">\n<a class=\"h-card\" href=\"http://people.opera.com/howcome/\" title=\"Håkon Wium Lie, CTO Opera\">\n  <article>\n     <h2 class=\"p-name\">Håkon Wium Lie</h2>\n     <img src=\"http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/96/H%C3%A5kon-Wium-Lie-2009-03.jpg/215px-H%C3%A5kon-Wium-Lie-2009-03.jpg\" />\n  </article>\n</a>","name":"mf-v2-h-card-childimplied"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-card\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"photo\": [\"http://blog.mozilla.org/press/files/2012/04/mitchell-baker.jpg\"],\n            \"url\": [\"http://blog.lizardwrangler.com/\", \"https://twitter.com/MitchellBaker\"],\n            \"name\": [\"Mitchell Baker\"],\n            \"org\": [\"Mozilla Foundation\"],\n            \"note\": [\"Mitchell is responsible for setting the direction and scope of the Mozilla Foundation and its activities.\"],\n            \"category\": [\"Strategy\", \"Leadership\"]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<div class=\"h-card\">\n  <img class=\"u-photo\" alt=\"photo of Mitchell\" src=\"http://blog.mozilla.org/press/files/2012/04/mitchell-baker.jpg\" />\n  <p>\n    <a class=\"p-name u-url\" href=\"http://blog.lizardwrangler.com/\">Mitchell Baker</a>\n    (<a class=\"u-url\" href=\"https://twitter.com/MitchellBaker\">@MitchellBaker</a>)\n    <span class=\"p-org\">Mozilla Foundation</span>\n  </p>\n  <p class=\"p-note\">Mitchell is responsible for setting the direction and scope of the Mozilla Foundation and its activities.</p>\n  <p><span class=\"p-category\">Strategy</span> and <span class=\"p-category\">Leadership</span></p>\n</div>","name":"mf-v2-h-card-extendeddescription"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-card\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"url\": [\"http://blog.lizardwrangler.com/\"],\n            \"name\": [\"Mitchell Baker\"],\n            \"org\": [{\n                \"value\": \"Mozilla Foundation\",\n                \"type\": [\"h-card\"],\n                \"properties\": {\n                    \"name\": [\"Mozilla Foundation\"],\n                    \"url\": [\"http://mozilla.org/\"]\n                }\n            }]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<div class=\"h-card\">\n  <a class=\"p-name u-url\" href=\"http://blog.lizardwrangler.com/\">Mitchell Baker</a> \n  (<a class=\"p-org 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\"properties\": {\n            \"name\": [\"Rohit Khare\"],\n            \"photo\": [\"http://example.com/images/photo.gif\"],\n            \"url\": [\"http://rohit.khare.org/\"]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<a class=\"h-card\" href=\"http://rohit.khare.org/\">\n        <img alt=\"Rohit Khare\" src=\"images/photo.gif\" />\n    </a>","name":"mf-v2-h-card-hyperlinkedphoto"},{"json":"{  \n   \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-card\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"name\": [\"Jane Doe\"],\n            \"photo\": [\"http://example.com/jane.html\"]\n        }\n    },\n    {\n        \"type\": [\"h-card\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"name\": [\"Jane Doe\"],\n            \"url\": [\"http://example.com/jane.html\"]\n        }\n    },\n    {\n        \"type\": [\"h-card\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"name\": [\"Jane Doe\"]\n        }\n    },\n    {\n        \"type\": [\"h-card\"],\n        \"properties\": 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\"name\": [\"Name\"]\n        },\n        \"children\": [{\n            \"type\": [\"h-card\"],\n            \"properties\": {\n                \"name\": [\"John Doe\"],\n                \"photo\": [\"http://example.com/john.html\"]\n            }\n        }]\n    },\n    {\n        \"type\": [\"h-card\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"name\": [\"Name\"]\n        },\n        \"children\": [{\n            \"value\": \"Name\",\n            \"type\": [\"h-card\"],\n            \"properties\": {\n                \"name\": [\"John Doe\"],\n                \"photo\": [\"http://example.com/john.html\"]\n            }\n        }]\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"\n<img class=\"h-card\" src=\"jane.html\" alt=\"Jane Doe\"/>\n<area class=\"h-card\" href=\"jane.html\" alt=\"Jane Doe\"></area>\n<abbr class=\"h-card\" title=\"Jane Doe\">JD</abbr>\n\n<div class=\"h-card\"><img src=\"jane.html\" alt=\"Jane Doe\"/></div>\n<div class=\"h-card\"><area 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    \"photo\": [\"http://example.com/jane.jpeg\"]\n            }\n        }]\n    },\n    {\n        \"type\": [\"h-card\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"name\": [\"Jane Doe\"]\n        },\n        \"children\": [{\n            \"value\": \"Jane Doe\",\n            \"type\": [\"h-card\"],\n            \"properties\": {\n                \"name\": [\"Jane Doe\"],\n                \"photo\": [\"http://example.com/jane.jpeg\"]\n            }\n        }]\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<img class=\"h-card\" alt=\"Jane Doe\" src=\"jane.jpeg\"/>\n<object class=\"h-card\" data=\"jane.jpeg\"/>Jane Doe</object>\n\n<div class=\"h-card\"><img alt=\"Jane Doe\" src=\"jane.jpeg\"/></div> \n<div class=\"h-card\"><object data=\"jane.jpeg\"/>Jane Doe</object></div> \n\n<div class=\"h-card\"><span><img alt=\"Jane Doe\" src=\"jane.jpeg\"/></span></div> \n<div class=\"h-card\"><span><object data=\"jane.jpeg\"/>Jane Doe</object></span></div> \n\n<div class=\"h-card\"><img class=\"h-card\" alt=\"Jane Doe\" src=\"jane.jpeg\"/>Jane Doe</div> \n<div class=\"h-card\"><span class=\"h-card\"><object data=\"jane.jpeg\"/>Jane Doe</object></span></div> ","name":"mf-v2-h-card-impliedphoto"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-card\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"name\": [\"Jane Doe\"],\n            \"url\": [\"http://example.com/jane.html\"]\n        }\n    },\n    {\n        \"type\": [\"h-card\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"name\": [\"Jane Doe\"],\n            \"url\": [\"http://example.com/jane.html\"]\n        }\n    },\n    {\n        \"type\": [\"h-card\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"name\": [\"Jane Doe\"],\n            \"url\": [\"http://example.com/jane.html\"]\n        }\n    },\n    {\n        \"type\": [\"h-card\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"name\": [\"Jane Doe\"],\n            \"url\": [\"http://example.com/jane.html\"]\n        }\n    },\n    {\n        \"type\": [\"h-card\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"name\": [\"Jane Doe\"]\n        },\n        \"children\": [{\n            \"value\": \"Jane Doe\",\n            \"type\": [\"h-card\"],\n            \"properties\": {\n                \"name\": [\"Jane Doe\"],\n                \"url\": [\"http://example.com/jane.html\"]\n            }\n        }]\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<a class=\"h-card\" href=\"jane.html\">Jane Doe</a>\n<area class=\"h-card\" href=\"jane.html\" alt=\"Jane Doe\"/ >\n<div class=\"h-card\" ><a href=\"jane.html\">Jane Doe</a><p></p></div> \n<div class=\"h-card\" ><area href=\"jane.html\">Jane Doe</area><p></p></div>\n<div class=\"h-card\" ><a class=\"h-card\" href=\"jane.html\">Jane Doe</a><p></p></div> ","name":"mf-v2-h-card-impliedurl"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-card\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"name\": [\"Ben Ward\"],\n            \"url\": [\"http://benward.me/\"]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<a class=\"h-card\" href=\"http://benward.me/\">Ben Ward</a>","name":"mf-v2-h-card-justahyperlink"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-card\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"name\": [\"Frances Berriman\"]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<p class=\"h-card\">Frances Berriman</p>","name":"mf-v2-h-card-justaname"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-card\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"name\": [\"Mitchell Baker\"],\n            \"url\": [\"http://blog.lizardwrangler.com/\"]\n        },\n        \"children\": [{\n            \"value\": \"Mozilla Foundation\",\n            \"type\": [\"h-org\", \"h-card\"],\n            \"properties\": {\n                \"name\": [\"Mozilla Foundation\"],\n                \"url\": [\"http://mozilla.org/\"]\n            }\n        }]\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<div class=\"h-card\">\n  <a class=\"p-name u-url\" href=\"http://blog.lizardwrangler.com/\">Mitchell Baker</a> \n  (<a class=\"h-org h-card\" href=\"http://mozilla.org/\">Mozilla Foundation</a>)\n</div>","name":"mf-v2-h-card-nested"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-card\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"name\": [\"John Doe\"],\n            \"given-name\": [\"John\"],\n            \"additional-name\": [\"Peter\"],\n            \"family-name\": [\"Doe\"],\n            \"honorific-suffix\": [\"MSc\", \"PHD\"],\n            \"org\": [\"Madgex\", \"Mozilla\"]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<div class=\"h-card\">\n    \n    <span class=\"p-name\">\n        <span class=\"p-given-name value\">John</span> \n        <abbr class=\"p-additional-name\" title=\"Peter\">P</abbr>  \n        <span class=\"p-family-name value \">Doe</span> \n    </span>\n    <data class=\"p-honorific-suffix\" value=\"MSc\"></data>\n    \n    \n    <br class=\"p-honorific-suffix\" />BSc<br />\n    <hr class=\"p-honorific-suffix\" />BA\n    \n    \n    <img class=\"p-honorific-suffix\" src=\"images/logo.gif\" alt=\"PHD\" />\n    <img src=\"images/logo.gif\" alt=\"company logos\" usemap=\"#logomap\" />\n    <map name=\"logomap\">\n        <area class=\"p-org\" shape=\"rect\" coords=\"0,0,82,126\" href=\"madgex.htm\" alt=\"Madgex\" />\n        <area class=\"p-org\" shape=\"circle\" coords=\"90,58,3\" href=\"mozilla.htm\" alt=\"Mozilla\" />\n    </map>\n</div>","name":"mf-v2-h-card-p-property"},{"json":"\n  {\n\t\"items\": [{\n      \"type\": [\n        \"h-card\"\n      ],\n      \"properties\": {\n        \"name\": [\n          \"Mitchell Baker\"\n        ],\n        \"url\": [\"http://blog.lizardwrangler.com/\"],\n        \"org\": [\n          {\n            \"value\": \"Mozilla Foundation\",\n            \"type\": [\n              \"h-card\"\n            ],\n            \"properties\": {\n              \"name\": [\"Mozilla Foundation\"],\n              \"url\": [\"http://example.com/bios/mitchell-baker/\"]\n            }\n          }\n        ],\n        \"photo\": [\"http://example.com/bios/mitchell-baker/picture.jpeg\"]\n      }\n   }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}\n","html":"<base href=\"http://example.com\" >\n<div class=\"h-card\">\n  <a class=\"p-name u-url\" href=\"http://blog.lizardwrangler.com/\">Mitchell Baker</a> \n  (<a class=\"p-org h-card\" href=\"bios/mitchell-baker/\">Mozilla Foundation</a>)\n  <img class=\"u-photo\" src=\"bios/mitchell-baker/picture.jpeg\"/>\n</div>","name":"mf-v2-h-card-relativeurls"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-entry\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"in-reply-to\": [{\n                \"type\": [\"h-cite\"],\n                \"properties\": {\n                    \"name\": [\"Example Post\"],\n                    \"url\": [\"http://example.com/post\"],\n\n                    \"author\": [{\n                        \"type\": [\"h-card\"],\n                        \"properties\": {\n                            \"url\": [\"http://example.com\"],\n                            \"name\": [\"Example Author\"]\n                        },\n                        \"value\": \"Example Author\"\n                    }]\n                },\n                \"value\": \"http://example.com/post\"\n            }],\n            \"name\": [\"Example Author\\n                  Home\\n            \\n            Example Post\"]\n        }\n    }],\n\t\"rels\": {},\n\t\"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<div class=\"h-entry\">\n      <div class=\"u-in-reply-to h-cite\">\n            <span class=\"p-author h-card\">\n                  <span class=\"p-name\">Example Author</span>\n                  <a class=\"u-url\" href=\"http://example.com\">Home</a>\n            </span>\n            <a class=\"p-name u-url\" href=\"http://example.com/post\">Example Post</a>\n      </div>\n</div>","name":"mf-v2-h-entry-impliedvalue-nested"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-entry\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"name\": [\"microformats.org at 7\"],\n            \"url\": [\"http://microformats.org/2012/06/25/microformats-org-at-7\"]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<a class=\"h-entry\" href=\"http://microformats.org/2012/06/25/microformats-org-at-7\">microformats.org at 7</a>","name":"mf-v2-h-entry-justahyperlink"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-entry\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"name\": [\"microformats.org at 7\"]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<p class=\"h-entry\">microformats.org at 7</p>","name":"mf-v2-h-entry-justaname"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-entry\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"url\": [\"http://microformats.org/2012/06/25/microformats-org-at-7\"],\n            \"name\": [\"microformats.org at 7\"],\n            \"content\": [{\n               \"value\": \"Last week the microformats.org community \\n            celebrated its 7th birthday at a gathering hosted by Mozilla in \\n            San Francisco and recognized accomplishments, challenges, and \\n            opportunities.\\n\\n        The microformats tagline “humans first, machines second” \\n            forms the basis of many of our \\n            principles, and \\n            in that regard, we’d like to recognize a few people and \\n            thank them for their years of volunteer service\",\n                \"html\": \"\\n        <p class=\\\"p-summary\\\">Last week the microformats.org community \\n            celebrated its 7th birthday at a gathering hosted by Mozilla in \\n            San Francisco and recognized accomplishments, challenges, and \\n            opportunities.</p>\\n\\n        <p>The microformats tagline “humans first, machines second” \\n            forms the basis of many of our \\n            <a href=\\\"http://microformats.org/wiki/principles\\\">principles</a>, and \\n            in that regard, we’d like to recognize a few people and \\n            thank them for their years of volunteer service </p>\\n    \"\n            }],\n            \"summary\": [\"Last week the microformats.org community \\n            celebrated its 7th birthday at a gathering hosted by Mozilla in \\n            San Francisco and recognized accomplishments, challenges, and \\n            opportunities.\"],\n            \"updated\": [\"2012-06-25 17:08:26\"],\n            \"author\": [{\n                \"value\": \"Tantek\",\n                \"type\": [\"h-card\"],\n                \"properties\": {\n                    \"name\": [\"Tantek\"],\n                    \"url\": [\"http://tantek.com/\"]\n                }\n            }]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<meta charset=\"utf-8\">\n<div class=\"h-entry\">\n    <h1><a class=\"p-name u-url\" href=\"http://microformats.org/2012/06/25/microformats-org-at-7\">microformats.org at 7</a></h1>\n    <div class=\"e-content\">\n        <p class=\"p-summary\">Last week the microformats.org community \n            celebrated its 7th birthday at a gathering hosted by Mozilla in \n            San Francisco and recognized accomplishments, challenges, and \n            opportunities.</p>\n\n        <p>The microformats tagline “humans first, machines second” \n            forms the basis of many of our \n            <a href=\"http://microformats.org/wiki/principles\">principles</a>, and \n            in that regard, we’d like to recognize a few people and \n            thank them for their years of volunteer service </p>\n    </div>  \n    <p>Updated \n        <time class=\"dt-updated\" datetime=\"2012-06-25T17:08:26\">June 25th, 2012</time> by\n        <a class=\"p-author h-card\" href=\"http://tantek.com/\">Tantek</a>\n    </p>\n</div>","name":"mf-v2-h-entry-summarycontent"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-entry\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"name\": [\"microformats.org at 7\"],\n            \"url\": [\"http://microformats.org/\", \"http://microformats.org/2012/06/25/microformats-org-at-7\", \"http://microformats.org/2012/06/25/microformats-org-at-7\", \"http://microformats.org/\", \"http://microformats.org/wiki/microformats2-parsing\", \"http://microformats.org/wiki/value-class-pattern\", \"http://microformats.org/wiki/\", \"http://microformats.org/discuss\"],\n            \"photo\": [\"http://example.com/images/logo.gif\"]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<base href=\"http://example.com\">\n<div class=\"h-entry\">\n    <p class=\"p-name\">microformats.org at 7</p>\n\n    \n    <p class=\"u-url\">\n      <span class=\"value-title\" title=\"http://microformats.org/\"> </span>\n      Article permalink\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"u-url\">\n        <span class=\"value\">http://microformats.org/</span> - \n        <span class=\"value\">2012/06/25/microformats-org-at-7</span> \n    </p> \n\n    <p><a class=\"u-url\" href=\"http://microformats.org/2012/06/25/microformats-org-at-7\">Article permalink</a></p>\n\n    <img src=\"images/logo.gif\" alt=\"company logos\" usemap=\"#logomap\" />\n    <map name=\"logomap\">\n        <area class=\"u-url\" shape=\"rect\" coords=\"0,0,82,126\" href=\"http://microformats.org/\" alt=\"microformats.org\" />\n    </map>\n\n    <img class=\"u-photo\" src=\"images/logo.gif\" alt=\"company logos\" />\n\n    <object class=\"u-url\" data=\"http://microformats.org/wiki/microformats2-parsing\"></object>\n\n    <abbr class=\"u-url\" title=\"http://microformats.org/wiki/value-class-pattern\">value-class-pattern</abbr> \n    <data class=\"u-url\" value=\"http://microformats.org/wiki/\"></data>\n    <p class=\"u-url\">http://microformats.org/discuss</p>\n</div>","name":"mf-v2-h-entry-u-property"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-entry\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"name\": [\"Expanding URLs within HTML content\"],\n            \"content\": [{\n                \"value\": \"Should not change: http://www.w3.org/\\n            Should not change: http://example.com/\\n            File relative: test.html = http://example.com/test.html\\n            Directory relative: /test/test.html = http://example.com/test/test.html\\n            Relative to root: /test.html = http://example.com/test.html\",\n                \"html\": \"\\n        <ul>\\n            <li><a href=\\\"http://www.w3.org/\\\">Should not change: http://www.w3.org/</a></li>\\n            <li><a href=\\\"http://example.com/\\\">Should not change: http://example.com/</a></li>\\n            <li><a href=\\\"http://example.com/test.html\\\">File relative: test.html = http://example.com/test.html</a></li>\\n            <li><a href=\\\"http://example.com/test/test.html\\\">Directory relative: /test/test.html = http://example.com/test/test.html</a></li>\\n            <li><a href=\\\"http://example.com/test.html\\\">Relative to root: /test.html = http://example.com/test.html</a></li>\\n        </ul>\\n        <img src=\\\"http://example.com/images/photo.gif\\\" />\\n    \"\n            }]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<div class=\"h-entry\">\n    <h1><a class=\"p-name\">Expanding URLs within HTML content</a></h1>\n    <div class=\"e-content\">\n        <ul>\n            <li><a href=\"http://www.w3.org/\">Should not change: http://www.w3.org/</a></li>\n            <li><a href=\"http://example.com/\">Should not change: http://example.com/</a></li>\n            <li><a href=\"test.html\">File relative: test.html = http://example.com/test.html</a></li>\n            <li><a href=\"/test/test.html\">Directory relative: /test/test.html = http://example.com/test/test.html</a></li>\n            <li><a href=\"/test.html\">Relative to root: /test.html = http://example.com/test.html</a></li>\n        </ul>\n        <img src=\"images/photo.gif\" />\n    </div>  \n</div>","name":"mf-v2-h-entry-urlincontent"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-event\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"name\": [\"The 4th Microformat party\"],\n            \"start\": [\n                \"2009-06-26 19:00:00\", \n                \"2009-06-26 07:00:00\", \n                \"2009-06-26 19:00\", \n                \"2009-06-26 19\", \n                \"2009-06-26 19\", \n                \"2009-06-26 19:00\", \n                \"2009-06-26 19:00\", \n                \"2009-06-26 19:00\", \n                \"2009-06-26 07:00\"\n             ]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<span class=\"h-event\">\n    <span class=\"p-name\">The 4th Microformat party</span> will be on \n    <ul>\n        <li class=\"dt-start\">\n            <time class=\"value\" datetime=\"2009-06-26\">26 July</time>, from\n            <span class=\"value\">07:00:00pm \n        </span></li>\n        <li class=\"dt-start\">\n            <time class=\"value\" datetime=\"2009-06-26\">26 July</time>, from\n            <span class=\"value\">07:00:00am \n        </span></li>\n        <li class=\"dt-start\">\n            <time class=\"value\" datetime=\"2009-06-26\">26 July</time>, from\n            <span class=\"value\">07:00pm \n        </span></li>\n        <li class=\"dt-start\">\n            <time class=\"value\" datetime=\"2009-06-26\">26 July</time>, from\n            <span class=\"value\">07pm \n        </span></li>\n        <li class=\"dt-start\">\n            <time class=\"value\" datetime=\"2009-06-26\">26 July</time>, from\n            <span class=\"value\">7pm \n        </span></li>\n        <li class=\"dt-start\">\n            <time class=\"value\" datetime=\"2009-06-26\">26 July</time>, from\n            <span class=\"value\">7:00pm \n        </span></li>\n        <li class=\"dt-start\">\n            <time class=\"value\" datetime=\"2009-06-26\">26 July</time>, from\n            <span class=\"value\">07:00p.m. \n        </span></li>\n        <li class=\"dt-start\">\n            <time class=\"value\" datetime=\"2009-06-26\">26 July</time>, from\n            <span class=\"value\">07:00PM \n        </span></li>\n        <li class=\"dt-start\">\n            <time class=\"value\" datetime=\"2009-06-26\">26 July</time>, from\n            <span class=\"value\">7:00am \n        </span></li>\n    </ul>\n</span>","name":"mf-v2-h-event-ampm"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-event\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"name\": [\"CPJ Online Press Freedom Summit\"],\n            \"start\": [\"2012-10-10\"],\n            \"location\": [\"San Francisco\"],\n            \"attendee\": [{\n                \"value\": \"Brian Warner\",\n                \"type\": [\"h-card\"],\n                \"properties\": {\n                    \"name\": [\"Brian Warner\"]\n                }\n            }, {\n                \"value\": \"Kyle Machulis\",\n                \"type\": [\"h-card\"],\n                \"properties\": {\n                    \"name\": [\"Kyle Machulis\"]\n                }\n            }, {\n                \"value\": \"Tantek Çelik\",\n                \"type\": [\"h-card\"],\n                \"properties\": {\n                    \"name\": [\"Tantek Çelik\"]\n                }\n            }, {\n                \"value\": \"Sid Sutter\",\n                \"type\": [\"h-card\"],\n                \"properties\": {\n                    \"name\": [\"Sid Sutter\"]\n                }\n            }]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<meta charset=\"utf-8\">\n<div class=\"h-event\">\n    <span class=\"p-name\">CPJ Online Press Freedom Summit</span>\n    (<time class=\"dt-start\" datetime=\"2012-10-10\">10 Nov 2012</time>) in\n    <span class=\"p-location\">San Francisco</span>.\n    Attendees:\n    <ul>\n        <li class=\"p-attendee h-card\">Brian Warner</li>\n        <li class=\"p-attendee h-card\">Kyle Machulis</li>\n        <li class=\"p-attendee h-card\">Tantek Çelik</li>\n        <li class=\"p-attendee h-card\">Sid Sutter</li>\n    </ul>\n</div>\n","name":"mf-v2-h-event-attendees"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-event\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"name\": [\"IndieWebCamp 2012\"],\n            \"url\": [\"http://indiewebcamp.com/2012\"],\n            \"start\": [\"2012-06-30\"],\n            \"end\": [\"2012-07-01\"],\n            \"location\": [{\n                \"value\": \"Geoloqi\",\n                \"type\": [\"h-card\"],\n                \"properties\": {\n                    \"name\": [\"Geoloqi\"],\n                    \"org\": [\"Geoloqi\"],\n                    \"url\": [\"http://geoloqi.com/\"],\n                    \"street-address\": [\"920 SW 3rd Ave. Suite 400\"],\n                    \"locality\": [\"Portland\"],\n                    \"region\": [\"Oregon\"]\n                }\n            }]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<div class=\"h-event\">\n  <a class=\"p-name u-url\" href=\"http://indiewebcamp.com/2012\">\n    IndieWebCamp 2012\n  </a>\n  from <time class=\"dt-start\">2012-06-30</time> \n  to <time class=\"dt-end\">2012-07-01</time> at \n  <span class=\"p-location h-card\">\n    <a class=\"p-name p-org u-url\" href=\"http://geoloqi.com/\">Geoloqi</a>, \n    <span class=\"p-street-address\">920 SW 3rd Ave. Suite 400</span>, \n    <span class=\"p-locality\">Portland</span>, \n    <abbr class=\"p-region\" title=\"Oregon\">OR</abbr>\n  </span>\n</div>","name":"mf-v2-h-event-combining"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-event\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"name\": [\"The 4th Microformat party\"],\n            \"start\": [\"2009-06-26 19:00\"],\n            \"end\": [\"2009-06-26 22:00\"]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<span class=\"h-event\">\n <span class=\"p-name\">The 4th Microformat party</span> will be on \n <span class=\"dt-start\">\n  <time class=\"value\" datetime=\"2009-06-26\">26 July</time>, from\n  <time class=\"value\">19:00</time></span> to \n <span class=\"dt-end\"><time class=\"value\">22:00</time></span>.\n</span>","name":"mf-v2-h-event-concatenate"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [\n        {\n            \"type\": [\n                \"h-event\"\n            ],\n            \"properties\": {\n                \"name\": [\n                    \"The 4th Microformat party\"\n                ],\n                \"start\": [\n                    \"2009-06-26 19:00-08:00\",\n                    \"2009-06-26 19:00-08\",\n                    \"2009-06-26 19:00-08:00\",\n                    \"2009-06-26 19:00+08:00\",\n                    \"2009-06-26 19:00+08:00\",\n                    \"2009-06-26 19:00Z\",\n                    \"2009-06-26 19:00-08:00\",\n                    \"2009-06-26 19:00:00-08:00\"\n                ]\n            }\n        }\n    ],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<section class=\"h-event\">\n\t<p><span class=\"p-name\">The 4th Microformat party</span> will be on:</p>\n\t<ul>\n\t\t<li><time class=\"dt-start\" datetime=\"2009-06-26T19:00-08:00\">26 July</time></li>\n\t\t<li><time class=\"dt-start\" datetime=\"2009-06-26T19:00-08\">26 July</time></li>\n\t\t<li><time class=\"dt-start\" datetime=\"2009-06-26T19:00-0800\">26 July</time></li>\n\t\t<li><time class=\"dt-start\" datetime=\"2009-06-26T19:00+0800\">26 July</time></li>\n\t\t<li><time class=\"dt-start\" datetime=\"2009-06-26T19:00+08:00\">26 July</time></li>\n\t\t<li><time class=\"dt-start\" datetime=\"2009-06-26T19:00Z\">26 July</time></li>\n\t\t<li><time class=\"dt-start\" datetime=\"2009-06-26t19:00-08:00\">26 July</time></li>\n\t\t<li><time class=\"dt-start\" datetime=\"2009-06-26 19:00:00-08:00\">26 July</time></li>\n\t</ul>\n</section>","name":"mf-v2-h-event-dates"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-event\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"name\": [\"The party\"],\n            \"start\": [\n                \"2013-03-14\", \n                \"2013-06-25 07:00:00\", \n                \"2013-06-26\", \n                \"2013-06-27\", \n                \"2013-06-28\", \n                \"2013-06-29\", \n                \"2013-07-01\", \n                \"2013-07-02\"\n                ]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<span class=\"h-event\">\n    <span class=\"p-name\">The party</span> will be on \n    \n    <p class=\"dt-start\">\n      <span class=\"value-title\" title=\"2013-03-14\"> </span>\n      March 14th 2013\n    </p>\n    <p class=\"dt-start\">\n        <time class=\"value\" datetime=\"2013-06-25\">25 July</time>, from\n        <span class=\"value\">07:00:00am \n    </span></p>   \n    \n    <p>\n        <time class=\"dt-start\" datetime=\"2013-06-26\">26 June</time>\n        \n        <ins class=\"dt-start\" datetime=\"2013-06-27\">Just added</ins>, \n        <del class=\"dt-start\" datetime=\"2013-06-28\">Removed</del>\n    </p>\n    <abbr class=\"dt-start\" title=\"2013-06-29\">June 29</abbr> \n    <data class=\"dt-start\" value=\"2013-07-01\"></data>\n    <p class=\"dt-start\">2013-07-02</p>\n    \n</span>","name":"mf-v2-h-event-dt-property"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-event\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"name\": [\"IndieWebCamp 2012\"],\n            \"url\": [\"http://indiewebcamp.com/2012\"]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<a class=\"h-event\" href=\"http://indiewebcamp.com/2012\">IndieWebCamp 2012</a>","name":"mf-v2-h-event-justahyperlink"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-event\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"name\": [\"IndieWebCamp 2012\"]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<p class=\"h-event\">IndieWebCamp 2012</p>","name":"mf-v2-h-event-justaname"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-event\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"name\": [\"The 4th Microformat party\"],\n            \"start\": [\n                \"2009-06-26 19:00:00-08:00\", \n                \"2009-06-26 19:00:00-08:00\", \n                \"2009-06-26 19:00:00+08:00\", \n                \"2009-06-26 19:00:00Z\", \n                \"2009-06-26 19:00:00\", \n                \"2009-06-26 19:00-08:00\", \n                \"2009-06-26 19:00+08:00\", \n                \"2009-06-26 19:00Z\", \n                \"2009-06-26 19:00\"\n                ],\n            \"end\": [\n                \"2013-034\", \n                \"2013-06-27 15:34\"\n                ]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<span class=\"h-event\">\n    <span class=\"p-name\">The 4th Microformat party</span> will be on \n    <ul>\n        <li class=\"dt-start\">\n            <time class=\"value\" datetime=\"2009-06-26\">26 July</time>, from\n            <time class=\"value\">19:00:00-08:00</time> \n        </li>\n        <li class=\"dt-start\">\n            <time class=\"value\" datetime=\"2009-06-26\">26 July</time>, from\n            <time class=\"value\">19:00:00-0800</time> \n        </li>\n        <li class=\"dt-start\">\n            <time class=\"value\" datetime=\"2009-06-26\">26 July</time>, from\n            <time class=\"value\">19:00:00+0800</time> \n        </li> \n        <li class=\"dt-start\">\n            <time class=\"value\" datetime=\"2009-06-26\">26 July</time>, from\n            <time class=\"value\">19:00:00Z</time> \n        </li>\n        <li class=\"dt-start\">\n            <time class=\"value\" datetime=\"2009-06-26\">26 July</time>, from\n            <time class=\"value\">19:00:00</time> \n        </li>\n        <li class=\"dt-start\">\n            <time class=\"value\" datetime=\"2009-06-26\">26 July</time>, from\n            <time class=\"value\">19:00-08:00</time> \n        </li> \n        <li class=\"dt-start\">\n            <time class=\"value\" datetime=\"2009-06-26\">26 July</time>, from\n            <time class=\"value\">19:00+08:00</time> \n        </li>\n        <li class=\"dt-start\">\n            <time class=\"value\" datetime=\"2009-06-26\">26 July</time>, from\n            <time class=\"value\">19:00Z</time> \n        </li>\n        <li class=\"dt-start\">\n            <time class=\"value\" datetime=\"2009-06-26\">26 July</time>, from\n            <time class=\"value\">19:00</time> \n        </li>  \n        <li>\n            <time class=\"dt-end\" datetime=\"2013-034\">3 February 2013</time>\n        </li>\n        <li>\n            <time class=\"dt-end\" datetime=\"2013-06-27 15:34\">26 July 2013</time>\n        </li>              \n    </ul>\n</span>","name":"mf-v2-h-event-time"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-feed\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"name\": [\"microformats blog\"]\n        },\n        \"children\": [{\n            \"value\": \"microformats.org at 7\\n\\t\\t    \\n\\t\\t        Last week the microformats.org community \\n\\t\\t            celebrated its 7th birthday at a gathering hosted by Mozilla in \\n\\t\\t            San Francisco and recognized accomplishments, challenges, and \\n\\t\\t            opportunities.\\n\\t\\t\\n\\t\\t        The microformats tagline “humans first, machines second” \\n\\t\\t            forms the basis of many of our \\n\\t\\t            principles, and \\n\\t\\t            in that regard, we’d like to recognize a few people and \\n\\t\\t            thank them for their years of volunteer service \\n\\t\\t      \\n\\t\\t    Updated \\n\\t\\t        June 25th, 2012\",\n            \"type\": [\"h-entry\"],\n            \"properties\": {\n                \"name\": [\"microformats.org at 7\"],\n                \"url\": [\"http://microformats.org/2012/06/25/microformats-org-at-7\"],\n                \"content\": [{\n                    \"value\": \"Last week the microformats.org community \\n\\t\\t            celebrated its 7th birthday at a gathering hosted by Mozilla in \\n\\t\\t            San Francisco and recognized accomplishments, challenges, and \\n\\t\\t            opportunities.\\n\\t\\t\\n\\t\\t        The microformats tagline “humans first, machines second” \\n\\t\\t            forms the basis of many of our \\n\\t\\t            principles, and \\n\\t\\t            in that regard, we’d like to recognize a few people and \\n\\t\\t            thank them for their years of volunteer service\",\n                    \"html\": \"\\n\\t\\t        <p class=\\\"p-summary\\\">Last week the microformats.org community \\n\\t\\t            celebrated its 7th birthday at a gathering hosted by Mozilla in \\n\\t\\t            San Francisco and recognized accomplishments, challenges, and \\n\\t\\t            opportunities.</p>\\n\\t\\t\\n\\t\\t        <p>The microformats tagline “humans first, machines second” \\n\\t\\t            forms the basis of many of our \\n\\t\\t            <a href=\\\"http://microformats.org/wiki/principles\\\">principles</a>, and \\n\\t\\t            in that regard, we’d like to recognize a few people and \\n\\t\\t            thank them for their years of volunteer service </p>\\n\\t\\t    \"\n                }],\n                \"summary\": [\"Last week the microformats.org community \\n\\t\\t            celebrated its 7th birthday at a gathering hosted by Mozilla in \\n\\t\\t            San Francisco and recognized accomplishments, challenges, and \\n\\t\\t            opportunities.\"],\n                \"updated\": [\"2012-06-25 17:08:26\"]\n            }\n        }]\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"\n<html>\n\t<head>\n\t\t<title>microformats blog</title>\n\t</head>\n\t<body>\n\t<section class=\"h-feed\">\n\t\t\n\t\t<div class=\"h-entry\">\n\t\t    <h1><a class=\"p-name u-url\" href=\"http://microformats.org/2012/06/25/microformats-org-at-7\">microformats.org at 7</a></h1>\n\t\t    <div class=\"e-content\">\n\t\t        <p class=\"p-summary\">Last week the microformats.org community \n\t\t            celebrated its 7th birthday at a gathering hosted by Mozilla in \n\t\t            San Francisco and recognized accomplishments, challenges, and \n\t\t            opportunities.</p>\n\t\t\n\t\t        <p>The microformats tagline “humans first, machines second” \n\t\t            forms the basis of many of our \n\t\t            <a href=\"http://microformats.org/wiki/principles\">principles</a>, and \n\t\t            in that regard, we’d like to recognize a few people and \n\t\t            thank them for their years of volunteer service </p>\n\t\t    </div>  \n\t\t    <p>Updated \n\t\t        <time class=\"dt-updated\" datetime=\"2012-06-25T17:08:26\">June 25th, 2012</time>\n\t\t    </p>\n\t\t</div>\n\t\t\n\t</section>\n\t</body>\n</html>","name":"mf-v2-h-feed-implied-title"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-feed\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"name\": [\"Microformats blog\"],\n            \"author\": [{\n                \"value\": \"Tantek\",\n                \"type\": [\"h-card\"],\n                \"properties\": {\n                    \"name\": [\"Tantek\"],\n                    \"url\": [\"http://tantek.com/\"]\n                }\n            }],\n            \"url\": [\"http://microformats.org/blog\"],\n            \"photo\": [\"http://example.com/photo.jpeg\"]\n        },\n        \"children\": [{\n            \"value\": \"microformats.org at 7\\n\\t    \\n\\t        Last week the microformats.org community \\n\\t            celebrated its 7th birthday at a gathering hosted by Mozilla in \\n\\t            San Francisco and recognized accomplishments, challenges, and \\n\\t            opportunities.\\n\\t\\n\\t        The microformats tagline “humans first, machines second” \\n\\t            forms the basis of many of our \\n\\t            principles, and \\n\\t            in that regard, we’d like to recognize a few people and \\n\\t            thank them for their years of volunteer service \\n\\t      \\n\\t    Updated \\n\\t        June 25th, 2012\",\n            \"type\": [\"h-entry\"],\n            \"properties\": {\n                \"name\": [\"microformats.org at 7\"],\n                \"url\": [\"http://microformats.org/2012/06/25/microformats-org-at-7\"],\n                \"content\": [{\n                    \"value\": \"Last week the microformats.org community \\n\\t            celebrated its 7th birthday at a gathering hosted by Mozilla in \\n\\t            San Francisco and recognized accomplishments, challenges, and \\n\\t            opportunities.\\n\\t\\n\\t        The microformats tagline “humans first, machines second” \\n\\t            forms the basis of many of our \\n\\t            principles, and \\n\\t            in that regard, we’d like to recognize a few people and \\n\\t            thank them for their years of volunteer service\",\n                    \"html\": \"\\n\\t        <p class=\\\"p-summary\\\">Last week the microformats.org community \\n\\t            celebrated its 7th birthday at a gathering hosted by Mozilla in \\n\\t            San Francisco and recognized accomplishments, challenges, and \\n\\t            opportunities.</p>\\n\\t\\n\\t        <p>The microformats tagline “humans first, machines second” \\n\\t            forms the basis of many of our \\n\\t            <a href=\\\"http://microformats.org/wiki/principles\\\">principles</a>, and \\n\\t            in that regard, we’d like to recognize a few people and \\n\\t            thank them for their years of volunteer service </p>\\n\\t    \"\n                }],\n                \"summary\": [\"Last week the microformats.org community \\n\\t            celebrated its 7th birthday at a gathering hosted by Mozilla in \\n\\t            San Francisco and recognized accomplishments, challenges, and \\n\\t            opportunities.\"],\n                \"updated\": [\"2012-06-25 17:08:26\"]\n            }\n        }]\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<section class=\"h-feed\">\n\t<h1 class=\"p-name\">Microformats blog</h1>\n\t<a class=\"p-author h-card\" href=\"http://tantek.com/\">Tantek</a>\n\t<a class=\"u-url\" href=\"http://microformats.org/blog\">permlink</a>\n\t<img class=\"u-photo\" src=\"photo.jpeg\"/>\n\t\n\t<div class=\"h-entry\">\n\t    <h1><a class=\"p-name u-url\" href=\"http://microformats.org/2012/06/25/microformats-org-at-7\">microformats.org at 7</a></h1>\n\t    <div class=\"e-content\">\n\t        <p class=\"p-summary\">Last week the microformats.org community \n\t            celebrated its 7th birthday at a gathering hosted by Mozilla in \n\t            San Francisco and recognized accomplishments, challenges, and \n\t            opportunities.</p>\n\t\n\t        <p>The microformats tagline “humans first, machines second” \n\t            forms the basis of many of our \n\t            <a href=\"http://microformats.org/wiki/principles\">principles</a>, and \n\t            in that regard, we’d like to recognize a few people and \n\t            thank them for their years of volunteer service </p>\n\t    </div>  \n\t    <p>Updated \n\t        <time class=\"dt-updated\" datetime=\"2012-06-25T17:08:26\">June 25th, 2012</time>\n\t    </p>\n\t</div>\n\t\n</section>","name":"mf-v2-h-feed-simple"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-geo\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"latitude\": [\"37.408183\"],\n            \"longitude\": [\"-122.13855\"],\n            \"name\": [\"N 37° 24.491,  \\n W 122° 08.313\"]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<meta charset=\"utf-8\">\n<p class=\"h-geo\">\n <abbr class=\"p-latitude\" title=\"37.408183\">N 37° 24.491</abbr>,  \n <abbr class=\"p-longitude\" title=\"-122.13855\">W 122° 08.313</abbr>\n</p>","name":"mf-v2-h-geo-abbrpattern"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-geo\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"name\": [\"Pen-y-ghent\"],\n            \"latitude\": [\"54.155278\"],\n            \"longitude\": [\"-2.249722\"],\n            \"altitude\": [\"694\"]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<p>My favourite hill in the lakes is \n    <span class=\"h-geo\">\n        <span class=\"p-name\">Pen-y-ghent</span> \n        (Geo: <span class=\"p-latitude\">54.155278</span>,\n        <span class=\"p-longitude\">-2.249722</span>). It\n        raises to <span class=\"p-altitude\">694</span>m.\n  </span>\n</p>","name":"mf-v2-h-geo-altitude"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-geo\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"latitude\": [\"51.513458\"],\n            \"longitude\": [\"-0.14812\"],\n            \"name\": [\"The Bricklayer's Arms\"]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<p>\n    <span class=\"h-geo\">The Bricklayer's Arms\n        <span class=\"p-latitude\">\n            <span class=\"value-title\" title=\"51.513458\"> </span> \n        </span>\n        <span class=\"p-longitude\">\n            <span class=\"value-title\" title=\"-0.14812\"> </span>\n        </span>\n    </span>\n</p>","name":"mf-v2-h-geo-hidden"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-geo\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"name\": [\"51.513458;-0.14812\"]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<p>On my way to The Bricklayer's Arms\n    (Geo: <span class=\"h-geo\">51.513458;-0.14812</span>)\n</p>","name":"mf-v2-h-geo-justaname"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-geo\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"name\": [\"The Bricklayer's Arms\"],\n            \"latitude\": [\"51.513458\"],\n            \"longitude\": [\"-0.14812\"]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<p class=\"h-geo\">We are meeting at \n    <span class=\"p-name\">The Bricklayer's Arms</span>\n    (Geo: <span class=\"p-latitude\">51.513458</span>:\n    <span class=\"p-longitude\">-0.14812</span>)\n</p>","name":"mf-v2-h-geo-simpleproperties"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-geo\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"latitude\": [\"51.513458\"],\n            \"longitude\": [\"-0.14812\"],\n            \"name\": [\"N 51° 51.345, \\n        \\n        \\n            W -0° 14.812\"]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<meta charset=\"utf-8\">\n<p>\n    <span class=\"h-geo\">\n        <span class=\"p-latitude\">\n            <span class=\"value-title\" title=\"51.513458\">N 51° 51.345</span>, \n        </span>\n        <span class=\"p-longitude\">\n            <span class=\"value-title\" title=\"-0.14812\">W -0° 14.812</span>\n        </span>\n    </span>\n</p>","name":"mf-v2-h-geo-valuetitleclass"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-news\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"entry\": [{\n                \"value\": \"microformats.org at 7\",\n                \"type\": [\"h-entry\"],\n                \"properties\": {\n                    \"name\": [\"microformats.org at 7\"],\n                    \"url\": [\"http://microformats.org/2012/06/25/microformats-org-at-7\"],\n                    \"content\": [{\n                        \"value\": \"Last week the microformats.org community \\n                celebrated its 7th birthday at a gathering hosted by Mozilla in \\n                San Francisco and recognized accomplishments, challenges, and \\n                opportunities.\\n\\n            The microformats tagline “humans first, machines second” \\n                forms the basis of many of our \\n                principles, and \\n                in that regard, we’d like to recognize a few people and \\n                thank them for their years of volunteer service\",\n                        \"html\": \"\\n            <p class=\\\"p-summary\\\">Last week the microformats.org community \\n                celebrated its 7th birthday at a gathering hosted by Mozilla in \\n                San Francisco and recognized accomplishments, challenges, and \\n                opportunities.</p>\\n\\n            <p>The microformats tagline “humans first, machines second” \\n                forms the basis of many of our \\n                <a href=\\\"http://microformats.org/wiki/principles\\\">principles</a>, and \\n                in that regard, we’d like to recognize a few people and \\n                thank them for their years of volunteer service </p>\\n        \"\n                    }],\n                    \"summary\": [\"Last week the microformats.org community \\n                celebrated its 7th birthday at a gathering hosted by Mozilla in \\n                San Francisco and recognized accomplishments, challenges, and \\n                opportunities.\"],\n                    \"updated\": [\"2012-06-25 17:08:26\"],\n                    \"author\": [{\n                        \"value\": \"Tantek\",\n                        \"type\": [\"h-card\"],\n                        \"properties\": {\n                            \"name\": [\"Tantek\"],\n                            \"url\": [\"http://tantek.com/\"]\n                        }\n                    }]\n                }\n            }],\n            \"dateline\": [{\n                \"value\": \"San Francisco, \\n            CA\",\n                \"type\": [\"h-adr\"],\n                \"properties\": {\n                    \"locality\": [\"San Francisco\"],\n                    \"region\": [\"CA\"],\n                    \"name\": [\"San Francisco, \\n            CA\"]\n                }\n            }],\n            \"geo\": [\"37.774921;-122.445202\"],\n            \"source-org\": [{\n                \"value\": \"microformats.org\",\n                \"type\": [\"h-card\"],\n                \"properties\": {\n                    \"name\": [\"microformats.org\"],\n                    \"url\": [\"http://microformats.org/\"]\n                }\n            }],\n            \"principles\": [\"http://microformats.org/wiki/Category:public_domain_license\"],\n            \"name\": [\"microformats.org at 7\\n        \\n            Last week the microformats.org community \\n                celebrated its 7th birthday at a gathering hosted by Mozilla in \\n                San Francisco and recognized accomplishments, challenges, and \\n                opportunities.\\n\\n            The microformats tagline “humans first, machines second” \\n                forms the basis of many of our \\n                principles, and \\n                in that regard, we’d like to recognize a few people and \\n                thank them for their years of volunteer service \\n          \\n        Updated \\n            June 25th, 2012 by\\n            Tantek\\n        \\n    \\n\\n    \\n        \\n            San Francisco, \\n            CA \\n        \\n        (Geo: 37.774921;-122.445202) \\n        \\n            microformats.org\\n        \\n    \\n    \\n        Publishing policy\"]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<div class=\"h-news\">\n    <div class=\"p-entry h-entry\">\n        <h1><a class=\"p-name u-url\" href=\"http://microformats.org/2012/06/25/microformats-org-at-7\">microformats.org at 7</a></h1>\n        <div class=\"e-content\">\n            <p class=\"p-summary\">Last week the microformats.org community \n                celebrated its 7th birthday at a gathering hosted by Mozilla in \n                San Francisco and recognized accomplishments, challenges, and \n                opportunities.</p>\n\n            <p>The microformats tagline “humans first, machines second” \n                forms the basis of many of our \n                <a href=\"http://microformats.org/wiki/principles\">principles</a>, and \n                in that regard, we’d like to recognize a few people and \n                thank them for their years of volunteer service </p>\n        </div>  \n        <p>Updated \n            <time class=\"dt-updated\" datetime=\"2012-06-25T17:08:26\">June 25th, 2012</time> by\n            <a class=\"p-author h-card\" href=\"http://tantek.com/\">Tantek</a>\n        </p>\n    </div>\n\n    <p>\n        <span class=\"p-dateline h-adr\">\n            <span class=\"p-locality\">San Francisco</span>, \n            <span class=\"p-region\">CA</span> \n        </span>\n        (Geo: <span class=\"p-geo\">37.774921;-122.445202</span>) \n        <span class=\"p-source-org h-card\">\n            <a class=\"p-name u-url\" href=\"http://microformats.org/\">microformats.org</a>\n        </span>\n    </p>\n    <p>\n        <a class=\"u-principles\" href=\"http://microformats.org/wiki/Category:public_domain_license\">Publishing policy</a>\n    </p>\n</div>","name":"mf-v2-h-news-all"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-news\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"entry\": [{\n                \"value\": \"microformats.org at 7\",\n                \"type\": [\"h-entry\"],\n                \"properties\": {\n                    \"name\": [\"microformats.org at 7\"],\n                    \"url\": [\"http://microformats.org/2012/06/25/microformats-org-at-7\"],\n                    \"content\": [{\n                        \"value\": \"Last week the microformats.org community \\n                celebrated its 7th birthday at a gathering hosted by Mozilla in \\n                San Francisco and recognized accomplishments, challenges, and \\n                opportunities.\\n\\n            The microformats tagline “humans first, machines second” \\n                forms the basis of many of our \\n                principles, and \\n                in that regard, we’d like to recognize a few people and \\n                thank them for their years of volunteer service\",\n                        \"html\": \"\\n            <p class=\\\"p-summary\\\">Last week the microformats.org community \\n                celebrated its 7th birthday at a gathering hosted by Mozilla in \\n                San Francisco and recognized accomplishments, challenges, and \\n                opportunities.</p>\\n\\n            <p>The microformats tagline “humans first, machines second” \\n                forms the basis of many of our \\n                <a href=\\\"http://microformats.org/wiki/principles\\\">principles</a>, and \\n                in that regard, we’d like to recognize a few people and \\n                thank them for their years of volunteer service </p>\\n        \"\n                    }],\n                    \"summary\": [\"Last week the microformats.org community \\n                celebrated its 7th birthday at a gathering hosted by Mozilla in \\n                San Francisco and recognized accomplishments, challenges, and \\n                opportunities.\"],\n                    \"updated\": [\"2012-06-25 17:08:26\"],\n                    \"author\": [{\n                        \"value\": \"Tantek\",\n                        \"type\": [\"h-card\"],\n                        \"properties\": {\n                            \"name\": [\"Tantek\"],\n                            \"url\": [\"http://tantek.com/\"]\n                        }\n                    }]\n                }\n            }],\n            \"source-org\": [{\n                \"value\": \"microformats.org\",\n                \"type\": [\"h-card\"],\n                \"properties\": {\n                    \"name\": [\"microformats.org\"],\n                    \"url\": [\"http://microformats.org/\"]\n                }\n            }],\n            \"name\": [\"microformats.org at 7\\n        \\n            Last week the microformats.org community \\n                celebrated its 7th birthday at a gathering hosted by Mozilla in \\n                San Francisco and recognized accomplishments, challenges, and \\n                opportunities.\\n\\n            The microformats tagline “humans first, machines second” \\n                forms the basis of many of our \\n                principles, and \\n                in that regard, we’d like to recognize a few people and \\n                thank them for their years of volunteer service \\n          \\n        Updated \\n            June 25th, 2012 by\\n            Tantek\\n        \\n    \\n    \\n        microformats.org\"]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<div class=\"h-news\">\n    <div class=\"p-entry h-entry\">\n        <h1><a class=\"p-name u-url\" href=\"http://microformats.org/2012/06/25/microformats-org-at-7\">microformats.org at 7</a></h1>\n        <div class=\"e-content\">\n            <p class=\"p-summary\">Last week the microformats.org community \n                celebrated its 7th birthday at a gathering hosted by Mozilla in \n                San Francisco and recognized accomplishments, challenges, and \n                opportunities.</p>\n\n            <p>The microformats tagline “humans first, machines second” \n                forms the basis of many of our \n                <a href=\"http://microformats.org/wiki/principles\">principles</a>, and \n                in that regard, we’d like to recognize a few people and \n                thank them for their years of volunteer service </p>\n        </div>  \n        <p>Updated \n            <time class=\"dt-updated\" datetime=\"2012-06-25T17:08:26\">June 25th, 2012</time> by\n            <a class=\"p-author h-card\" href=\"http://tantek.com/\">Tantek</a>\n        </p>\n    </div>\n    <p>\n        <a class=\"p-source-org h-card\" href=\"http://microformats.org/\">microformats.org</a> \n    </p>\n</div>","name":"mf-v2-h-news-minimum"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-org\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"name\": [\"Mozilla Foundation\"],\n            \"url\": [\"http://mozilla.org/\"]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<a class=\"h-org\" href=\"http://mozilla.org/\">Mozilla Foundation</a>","name":"mf-v2-h-org-hyperlink"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-org\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"name\": [\"Mozilla Foundation\"]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<span class=\"h-org\">Mozilla Foundation</span>","name":"mf-v2-h-org-simple"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-org\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"organization-name\": [\"W3C\"],\n            \"organization-unit\": [\"CSS Working Group\"],\n            \"name\": [\"W3C - \\n    CSS Working Group\"]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<p class=\"h-org\">\n    <span class=\"p-organization-name\">W3C</span> - \n    <span class=\"p-organization-unit\">CSS Working Group</span>\n</p>","name":"mf-v2-h-org-simpleproperties"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-product\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"name\": [\"Raspberry Pi\"],\n            \"photo\": [\"http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/3/3d/RaspberryPi.jpg/320px-RaspberryPi.jpg\"],\n            \"description\": [{\n                \"value\": \"The Raspberry Pi is a credit-card sized computer that plugs into your TV and a keyboard. It’s a capable little PC which can be used for many of the things that your desktop PC does, like spreadsheets, word-processing and games. It also plays high-definition video. We want to see it being used by kids all over the world to learn programming.\",\n                \"html\": \"The Raspberry Pi is a credit-card sized computer that plugs into your TV and a keyboard. It’s a capable little PC which can be used for many of the things that your desktop PC does, like spreadsheets, word-processing and games. It also plays high-definition video. We want to see it being used by kids all over the world to learn programming.\"\n            }],\n            \"url\": [\"http://www.raspberrypi.org/\"],\n            \"price\": [\"£29.95\"],\n            \"review\": [{\n                \"value\": \"9.2 out of \\n            10 \\n            based on 178 reviews\",\n                \"type\": [\"h-review-aggregate\"],\n                \"properties\": {\n                    \"rating\": [{\n                        \"value\": \"9.2 out of \\n            10 \\n            based on 178 reviews\",\n                        \"type\": [\"h-rating\"],\n                        \"properties\": {\n                            \"average\": [\"9.2\"],\n                            \"best\": [\"10\"],\n                            \"count\": [\"178\"],\n                            \"name\": [\"9.2 out of \\n            10 \\n            based on 178 reviews\"]\n                        }\n                    }],\n                    \"name\": [\"9.2 out of \\n            10 \\n            based on 178 reviews\"]\n                }\n            }],\n            \"category\": [\"Computer\", \"Education\"],\n            \"brand\": [{\n                \"value\": \"The Raspberry Pi Foundation\",\n                \"type\": [\"h-card\"],\n                \"properties\": {\n                    \"name\": [\"The Raspberry Pi Foundation\"],\n                    \"org\": [\"The Raspberry Pi Foundation\"],\n                    \"locality\": [\"Cambridge\"],\n                    \"country-name\": [\"UK\"]\n                }\n            }]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<meta charset=\"utf-8\">\n<div class=\"h-product\">\n    <h2 class=\"p-name\">Raspberry Pi</h2>\n    <img class=\"u-photo\" src=\"http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/3/3d/RaspberryPi.jpg/320px-RaspberryPi.jpg\" />\n    <p class=\"e-description\">The Raspberry Pi is a credit-card sized computer that plugs into your TV and a keyboard. It’s a capable little PC which can be used for many of the things that your desktop PC does, like spreadsheets, word-processing and games. It also plays high-definition video. We want to see it being used by kids all over the world to learn programming.</p>\n    <a class=\"u-url\" href=\"http://www.raspberrypi.org/\">More info about the Raspberry Pi</a>\n    <p class=\"p-price\">£29.95</p>\n    <p class=\"p-review h-review-aggregate\">\n        <span class=\"p-rating h-rating\">\n            <span class=\"p-average\">9.2</span> out of \n            <span class=\"p-best\">10</span> \n            based on <span class=\"p-count\">178</span> reviews\n        </span>\n    </p>\n    <p>Categories: <span class=\"p-category\">Computer</span>, <span class=\"p-category\">Education</span></p>\n    <p class=\"p-brand h-card\">From: \n        <span class=\"p-name p-org\">The Raspberry Pi Foundation</span> - \n        <span class=\"p-locality\">Cambridge</span> \n        <span class=\"p-country-name\">UK</span>\n    </p>\n</div>","name":"mf-v2-h-product-aggregate"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-product\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"name\": [\"Raspberry Pi\"],\n            \"url\": [\"http://www.raspberrypi.org/\"]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<a class=\"h-product\" href=\"http://www.raspberrypi.org/\">Raspberry Pi</a>","name":"mf-v2-h-product-justahyperlink"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-product\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"name\": [\"Raspberry Pi\"]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<p class=\"h-product\">Raspberry Pi</p>","name":"mf-v2-h-product-justaname"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-product\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"name\": [\"Raspberry Pi\"],\n            \"photo\": [\"http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/3/3d/RaspberryPi.jpg/320px-RaspberryPi.jpg\"],\n            \"description\": [{\n                \"value\": \"The Raspberry Pi is a credit-card sized computer that plugs into your TV and a keyboard. It’s a capable little PC which can be used for many of the things that your desktop PC does, like spreadsheets, word-processing and games. It also plays high-definition video. We want to see it being used by kids all over the world to learn programming.\",\n                \"html\": \"The Raspberry Pi is a credit-card sized computer that plugs into your TV and a keyboard. It’s a capable little PC which can be used for many of the things that your desktop PC does, like spreadsheets, word-processing and games. It also plays high-definition video. We want to see it being used by kids all over the world to learn programming.\"\n            }],\n            \"url\": [\"http://www.raspberrypi.org/\"],\n            \"price\": [\"£29.95\"],\n            \"category\": [\"Computer\", \"Education\"],\n            \"review\": [{\n                \"value\": \"4.5 out of 5\",\n                \"type\": [\"h-review\"],\n                \"properties\": {\n                    \"rating\": [\"4.5\"],\n                    \"name\": [\"4.5 out of 5\"]\n                }\n            }]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<meta charset=\"utf-8\">\n<div class=\"h-product\">\n    <h2 class=\"p-name\">Raspberry Pi</h2>\n    <img class=\"u-photo\" src=\"http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/3/3d/RaspberryPi.jpg/320px-RaspberryPi.jpg\" />\n    <p class=\"e-description\">The Raspberry Pi is a credit-card sized computer that plugs into your TV and a keyboard. It’s a capable little PC which can be used for many of the things that your desktop PC does, like spreadsheets, word-processing and games. It also plays high-definition video. We want to see it being used by kids all over the world to learn programming.</p>\n    <a class=\"u-url\" href=\"http://www.raspberrypi.org/\">More info about the Raspberry Pi</a>\n    <p class=\"p-price\">£29.95</p>\n    <p class=\"p-review h-review\"><span class=\"p-rating\">4.5</span> out of 5</p>\n    <p>Categories: <span class=\"p-category\">Computer</span>, <span class=\"p-category\">Education</span></p>\n</div>","name":"mf-v2-h-product-simpleproperties"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-recipe\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"name\": [\"Yorkshire Puddings\"],\n            \"summary\": [\"Makes 6 good sized Yorkshire puddings, the way my mum taught me\"],\n            \"yield\": [\"6 good sized Yorkshire puddings\"],\n            \"photo\": [\"http://codebits.glennjones.net/semantic/yorkshire-puddings.jpg\"],\n            \"review\": [{\n                \"value\": \"4.5 stars out 5 based on \\n            35 reviews\",\n                \"type\": [\"h-review-aggregate\"],\n                \"properties\": {\n                    \"rating\": [\"4.5 stars out 5 based on\"],\n                    \"average\": [\"4.5\"],\n                    \"count\": [\"35\"],\n                    \"name\": [\"4.5 stars out 5 based on \\n            35 reviews\"]\n                }\n            }],\n            \"ingredient\": [{\n                \"value\": \"1 egg\",\n                \"html\": \"1 egg\"\n            }, {\n                \"value\": \"75g plain flour\",\n                \"html\": \"75g plain flour\"\n            }, {\n                \"value\": \"70ml milk\",\n                \"html\": \"70ml milk\"\n            }, {\n                \"value\": \"60ml water\",\n                \"html\": \"60ml water\"\n            }, {\n                \"value\": \"Pinch of salt\",\n                \"html\": \"Pinch of salt\"\n            }],\n            \"instructions\": [{\n                \"value\": \"Pre-heat oven to 230C or gas mark 8. Pour the vegetable oil evenly into 2 x 4-hole \\n            Yorkshire pudding tins and place in the oven to heat through. \\n            \\n            To make the batter, add all the flour into a bowl and beat in the eggs until smooth. \\n            Gradually add the milk and water while beating the mixture. It should be smooth and \\n            without lumps. Finally add a pinch of salt.\\n            \\n            Make sure the oil is piping hot before pouring the batter evenly into the tins. \\n            Place in the oven for 20-25 minutes until pudding have risen and look golden brown\",\n                \"html\": \"\\n        <ol>\\n            <li>Pre-heat oven to 230C or gas mark 8. Pour the vegetable oil evenly into 2 x 4-hole \\n            Yorkshire pudding tins and place in the oven to heat through.</li> \\n            \\n            <li>To make the batter, add all the flour into a bowl and beat in the eggs until smooth. \\n            Gradually add the milk and water while beating the mixture. It should be smooth and \\n            without lumps. Finally add a pinch of salt.</li>\\n            \\n            <li>Make sure the oil is piping hot before pouring the batter evenly into the tins. \\n            Place in the oven for 20-25 minutes until pudding have risen and look golden brown</li>\\n        </ol>\\n    \"\n            }],\n            \"nutrition\": [\"Calories: 125\", \"Fat: 3.2g\", \"Cholesterol: 77mg\"],\n            \"published\": [\"2011-10-27\"],\n            \"author\": [{\n                \"value\": \"Glenn Jones\",\n                \"type\": [\"h-card\"],\n                \"properties\": {\n                    \"name\": [\"Glenn Jones\"],\n                    \"url\": [\"http://glennjones.net\"]\n                }\n            }],\n            \"url\": [\"http://www.flickr.com/photos/dithie/4106528495/\"]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<section class=\"h-recipe\">\n    <h1 class=\"p-name\">Yorkshire Puddings</h1>      \n    <p class=\"p-summary\">Makes <span class=\"p-yield\">6 good sized Yorkshire puddings</span>, the way my mum taught me</p>\n\n\n    <p><img class=\"u-photo\" src=\"http://codebits.glennjones.net/semantic/yorkshire-puddings.jpg\" /></p>\n\n    <span class=\"p-review h-review-aggregate\">\n        <span class=\"p-rating\">\n            <span class=\"p-average\">4.5</span> stars out 5 based on </span>\n            <span class=\"p-count\">35</span> reviews</span>\n         \n    \n\n    <div id=\"ingredients-container\">\n        <h3>Ingredients</h3>\n        <ul>\n            <li class=\"e-ingredient\">1 egg</li>\n            <li class=\"e-ingredient\">75g plain flour</li>\n            <li class=\"e-ingredient\">70ml milk</li>\n            <li class=\"e-ingredient\">60ml water</li>\n            <li class=\"e-ingredient\">Pinch of salt</li>\n        </ul>\n    </div>\n\n    <h3>Time</h3>\n    <ul>\n        <li class=\"prepTime\">Preparation <span class=\"value-title\" title=\"PT0H10M\">10 mins</span></li>\n        <li class=\"cookTime\">Cook <span class=\"value-title\" title=\"PT0H25M\">25 mins</span></li>\n    </ul> \n\n\n    <h3>Instructions</h3>\n    <div class=\"e-instructions\">\n        <ol>\n            <li>Pre-heat oven to 230C or gas mark 8. Pour the vegetable oil evenly into 2 x 4-hole \n            Yorkshire pudding tins and place in the oven to heat through.</li> \n            \n            <li>To make the batter, add all the flour into a bowl and beat in the eggs until smooth. \n            Gradually add the milk and water while beating the mixture. It should be smooth and \n            without lumps. Finally add a pinch of salt.</li>\n            \n            <li>Make sure the oil is piping hot before pouring the batter evenly into the tins. \n            Place in the oven for 20-25 minutes until pudding have risen and look golden brown</li>\n        </ol>\n    </div>\n\n    <h3>Nutrition</h3>\n    <ul id=\"nutrition-list\">\n        <li class=\"p-nutrition\">Calories: <span class=\"calories\">125</span></li>\n        <li class=\"p-nutrition\">Fat: <span class=\"fat\">3.2g</span></li>\n        <li class=\"p-nutrition\">Cholesterol: <span class=\"cholesterol\">77mg</span></li>\n    </ul>\n    <p>(Amount per pudding)</p>\n\n    <p>\n        Published on <time class=\"dt-published\" datetime=\"2011-10-27\">27 Oct 2011</time> by \n        <span class=\"p-author h-card\">\n            <a class=\"p-name u-url\" href=\"http://glennjones.net\">Glenn Jones</a>\n        </span>\n    </p>\n    <a href=\"http://www.flickr.com/photos/dithie/4106528495/\">Photo by dithie</a>\n    </section>","name":"mf-v2-h-recipe-all"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-recipe\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"name\": [\"Toast\"],\n            \"ingredient\": [{\n                \"value\": \"Slice of bread\",\n                \"html\": \"Slice of bread\"\n            }, {\n                \"value\": \"Butter\",\n                \"html\": \"Butter\"\n            }]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<div class=\"h-recipe\">  \n    <p class=\"p-name\">Toast</p>\n    <ul>\n        <li class=\"e-ingredient\">Slice of bread</li>\n        <li class=\"e-ingredient\">Butter</li>\n    </ul>\n</div>","name":"mf-v2-h-recipe-minimum"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-resume\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"name\": [\"Tim Berners-Lee\"],\n            \"summary\": [\"invented the World Wide Web\"],\n            \"affiliation\": [{\n                \"type\": [\"h-card\"],\n                \"properties\": {\n                    \"name\": [\"W3C\"],\n                    \"photo\": [\"http://www.w3.org/Icons/WWW/w3c_home_nb.png\"],\n                    \"url\": [\"http://www.w3.org/\"]\n                }\n            }]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<div class=\"h-resume\">\n    <p>\n        <span class=\"p-name\">Tim Berners-Lee</span>, \n        <span class=\"p-summary\">invented the World Wide Web</span>. \n    </p> \n    Belongs to following groups:\n    <p>   \n        <a class=\"p-affiliation h-card\" href=\"http://www.w3.org/\">\n            <img class=\"p-name u-photo\" alt=\"W3C\" src=\"http://www.w3.org/Icons/WWW/w3c_home_nb.png\" />\n        </a>\n    </p>   \n</div>","name":"mf-v2-h-resume-affiliation"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-resume\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"name\": [\"Tim Berners-Lee\"],\n            \"summary\": [\"Invented the World Wide Web.\"],\n            \"contact\": [{\n                \"value\": \"MIT\",\n                \"type\": [\"h-card\"],\n                \"properties\": {\n                    \"name\": [\"MIT\"],\n                    \"street-address\": [\"32 Vassar Street\"],\n                    \"extended-address\": [\"Room 32-G524\"],\n                    \"locality\": [\"Cambridge\"],\n                    \"region\": [\"MA\"],\n                    \"postal-code\": [\"02139\"],\n                    \"country-name\": [\"USA\"],\n                    \"tel\": [\"+1 (617) 253 5702\"],\n                    \"email\": [\"mailto:timbl@w3.org\"]\n                }\n            }]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<div class=\"h-resume\">\n    <p class=\"p-name\">Tim Berners-Lee</p>\n    <p class=\"p-summary\">Invented the World Wide Web.</p><hr />\n    <div class=\"p-contact h-card\">\n        <p class=\"p-name\">MIT</p>\n        <p>\n            <span class=\"p-street-address\">32 Vassar Street</span>, \n            <span class=\"p-extended-address\">Room 32-G524</span>, \n            <span class=\"p-locality\">Cambridge</span>,  \n            <span class=\"p-region\">MA</span> \n            <span class=\"p-postal-code\">02139</span>, \n            <span class=\"p-country-name\">USA</span>.\n        </p>\n        <p>Tel:<span class=\"p-tel\">+1 (617) 253 5702</span></p>\n        <p>Email:<a class=\"u-email\" href=\"mailto:timbl@w3.org\">timbl@w3.org</a></p>\n    </div>\n</div>","name":"mf-v2-h-resume-contact"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-resume\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"name\": [\"Tim Berners-Lee\"],\n            \"contact\": [{\n                \"value\": \"Director of the World Wide Web Foundation\",\n                \"type\": [\"h-card\"],\n                \"properties\": {\n                    \"title\": [\"Director of the World Wide Web Foundation\"],\n                    \"name\": [\"Director of the World Wide Web Foundation\"]\n                }\n            }],\n            \"summary\": [\"Invented the World Wide Web.\"],\n            \"education\": [{\n                \"value\": \"The Queen's College, Oxford University\",\n                \"type\": [\"h-event\", \"h-card\"],\n                \"properties\": {\n                    \"name\": [\"The Queen's College, Oxford University\"],\n                    \"org\": [\"The Queen's College, Oxford University\"],\n                    \"description\": [\"BA Hons (I) Physics\"],\n                    \"start\": [\"1973-09\"],\n                    \"end\": [\"1976-06\"]\n                }\n            }]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<div class=\"h-resume\">\n    <p class=\"p-name\">Tim Berners-Lee</p>\n    <div class=\"p-contact h-card\">\n        <p class=\"p-title\">Director of the World Wide Web Foundation</p>\n    </div>\n    <p class=\"p-summary\">Invented the World Wide Web.</p><hr />\n    <p class=\"p-education h-event h-card\">\n        <span class=\"p-name p-org\">The Queen's College, Oxford University</span>, \n        <span class=\"p-description\">BA Hons (I) Physics</span> \n        <time class=\"dt-start\" datetime=\"1973-09\">1973</time> –\n        <time class=\"dt-end\" datetime=\"1976-06\">1976</time>\n    </p>\n</div>","name":"mf-v2-h-resume-education"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-resume\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"name\": [\"Tim Berners-Lee, invented the World Wide Web.\"]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<p class=\"h-resume\">Tim Berners-Lee, invented the World Wide Web.</p>","name":"mf-v2-h-resume-justaname"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-resume\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"name\": [\"Tim Berners-Lee\"],\n            \"summary\": [\"invented the World Wide Web\"],\n            \"skill\": [\"information systems\", \"advocacy\", \"leadership\"]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<div class=\"h-resume\">\n    <p>\n        <span class=\"p-name\">Tim Berners-Lee</span>, \n        <span class=\"p-summary\">invented the World Wide Web</span>.\n    </p>\n    Skills:     \n    <ul>\n        <li class=\"p-skill\">information systems</li>\n        <li class=\"p-skill\">advocacy</li>\n        <li class=\"p-skill\">leadership</li>\n    <ul>   \n</ul></ul></div>","name":"mf-v2-h-resume-skill"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-resume\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"name\": [\"Tim Berners-Lee\"],\n            \"contact\": [{\n                \"value\": \"Director of the World Wide Web Foundation\",\n                \"type\": [\"h-card\"],\n                \"properties\": {\n                    \"title\": [\"Director of the World Wide Web Foundation\"],\n                    \"name\": [\"Director of the World Wide Web Foundation\"]\n                }\n            }],\n            \"summary\": [\"Invented the World Wide Web.\"],\n            \"experience\": [{\n               \"value\": \"World Wide Web Foundation\",\n                \"type\": [\"h-event\", \"h-card\"],\n                \"properties\": {\n                    \"title\": [\"Director\"],\n                    \"name\": [\"World Wide Web Foundation\"],\n                    \"org\": [\"World Wide Web Foundation\"],\n                    \"url\": [\"http://www.webfoundation.org/\"],\n                    \"start\": [\"2009-01-18\"],\n                    \"duration\": [\"P2Y11M\"]\n                }\n            }]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<meta charset=\"utf-8\">\n<div class=\"h-resume\">\n    <p class=\"p-name\">Tim Berners-Lee</p>\n    <div class=\"p-contact h-card\">\n        <p class=\"p-title\">Director of the World Wide Web Foundation</p>\n    </div>\n    <p class=\"p-summary\">Invented the World Wide Web.</p><hr />\n    <div class=\"p-experience h-event h-card\">\n        <p class=\"p-title\">Director</p>\n        <p><a class=\"p-name p-org u-url\" href=\"http://www.webfoundation.org/\">World Wide Web Foundation</a></p>\n        <p>\n            <time class=\"dt-start\" datetime=\"2009-01-18\">Jan 2009</time> – Present\n            <time class=\"dt-duration\" datetime=\"P2Y11M\">(2 years 11 month)</time>\n        </p>\n    </div>\n</div>","name":"mf-v2-h-resume-work"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-review\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"name\": [\"Crepes on Cole\"],\n            \"url\": [\"https://plus.google.com/116941523817079328322/about\"]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<a class=\"h-review\" href=\"https://plus.google.com/116941523817079328322/about\">Crepes on Cole</a>","name":"mf-v2-h-review-hyperlink"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-review\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"item\": [{\n                \"value\": \"Crepes on Cole\",\n                \"type\": [\"h-item\"],\n                \"properties\": {\n                    \"name\": [\"Crepes on Cole\"],\n                    \"url\": [\"http://example.com/crepeoncole\"]\n                }\n            }],\n            \"rating\": [\"4.7\"],\n            \"name\": [\"Crepes on Cole\\n    4.7 out of 5 stars\"]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<div class=\"h-review\">\n    <a class=\"p-item h-item\" href=\"http://example.com/crepeoncole\">Crepes on Cole</a>\n    <p><span class=\"p-rating\">4.7</span> out of 5 stars</p>\n</div>","name":"mf-v2-h-review-implieditem"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-review\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"item\": [{\n                \"value\": \"Crepes on Cole\",\n                \"type\": [\"h-item\"],\n                \"properties\": {\n                    \"photo\": [\"http://example.com/images/photo.gif\"],\n                    \"name\": [\"Crepes on Cole\"],\n                    \"url\": [\"http://example.com/crepeoncole\"]\n                }\n            }],\n            \"rating\": [\"5\"],\n            \"name\": [\"Crepes on Cole\\n    \\n    5 out of 5 stars\"]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<base href=\"http://example.com\" >\n<div class=\"h-review\">\n    <p class=\"p-item h-item\">\n        <img class=\"u-photo\" src=\"images/photo.gif\" />\n        <a class=\"p-name u-url\" href=\"http://example.com/crepeoncole\">Crepes on Cole</a>\n    </p>\n    <p><span class=\"p-rating\">5</span> out of 5 stars</p>\n</div>","name":"mf-v2-h-review-item"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-review\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"name\": [\"Crepes on Cole\"]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<p class=\"h-review\">Crepes on Cole</p>","name":"mf-v2-h-review-justaname"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-review\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"name\": [\"Crepes on Cole\"],\n            \"photo\": [\"http://example.com/images/photo.gif\"]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<base href=\"http://example.com\" ><img class=\"h-review\" src=\"images/photo.gif\" alt=\"Crepes on Cole\" />","name":"mf-v2-h-review-photo"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-review\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"rating\": [\"5\"],\n            \"name\": [\"Crepes on Cole is awesome\"],\n            \"reviewer\": [{\n                \"value\": \"Tantek\",\n                \"type\": [\"h-card\"],\n                \"properties\": {\n                    \"name\": [\"Tantek\"]\n                }\n            }],\n            \"reviewed\": [\"2005-04-18\"],\n            \"description\": [{\n                 \"value\": \"Crepes on Cole is one of the best little \\n        creperies in San Francisco.\\n        Excellent food and service. Plenty of tables in a variety of sizes \\n        for parties large and small.  Window seating makes for excellent \\n        people watching to/from the N-Judah which stops right outside.  \\n        I've had many fun social gatherings here, as well as gotten \\n        plenty of work done thanks to neighborhood WiFi.\",\n                \"html\": \"\\n        <p class=\\\"p-item h-card\\\">\\n        <span class=\\\"p-name p-org\\\">Crepes on Cole</span> is one of the best little \\n        creperies in <span class=\\\"p-adr h-adr\\\"><span class=\\\"p-locality\\\">San Francisco</span></span>.\\n        Excellent food and service. Plenty of tables in a variety of sizes \\n        for parties large and small.  Window seating makes for excellent \\n        people watching to/from the N-Judah which stops right outside.  \\n        I've had many fun social gatherings here, as well as gotten \\n        plenty of work done thanks to neighborhood WiFi.\\n        </p>\\n    \"\n            }],\n           \"item\": [{\n                \"value\": \"Crepes on Cole\",\n                \"type\": [\"h-card\"],\n                \"properties\": {\n                    \"name\": [\"Crepes on Cole\"],\n                    \"org\": [\"Crepes on Cole\"],\n                    \"adr\": [{\n                        \"value\": \"San Francisco\",\n                        \"type\": [\"h-adr\"],\n                        \"properties\": {\n                            \"locality\": [\"San Francisco\"],\n                            \"name\": [\"San Francisco\"]\n                        }\n                    }]\n                }\n            }],\n            \"category\": [\"crepe\"],\n            \"url\": [\"http://example.com/crepe\"]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {\n        \"license\": [\"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Text_of_Creative_Commons_Attribution-ShareAlike_3.0_Unported_License\"]\n    },\n    \"rel-urls\": {\n        \"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Text_of_Creative_Commons_Attribution-ShareAlike_3.0_Unported_License\": {\n            \"text\": \"Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License\",\n            \"rels\": [\"license\"]\n        }\n    }\n}","html":"<div class=\"h-review\">\n    <span><span class=\"p-rating\">5</span> out of 5 stars</span>\n    <h4 class=\"p-name\">Crepes on Cole is awesome</h4>\n    <span class=\"p-reviewer h-card\">\n        Reviewer: <span class=\"p-name\">Tantek</span> - \n    </span>\n    <time class=\"dt-reviewed\" datetime=\"2005-04-18\">April 18, 2005</time>\n    <div class=\"e-description\">\n        <p class=\"p-item h-card\">\n        <span class=\"p-name p-org\">Crepes on Cole</span> is one of the best little \n        creperies in <span class=\"p-adr h-adr\"><span class=\"p-locality\">San Francisco</span></span>.\n        Excellent food and service. Plenty of tables in a variety of sizes \n        for parties large and small.  Window seating makes for excellent \n        people watching to/from the N-Judah which stops right outside.  \n        I've had many fun social gatherings here, as well as gotten \n        plenty of work done thanks to neighborhood WiFi.\n        </p>\n    </div>\n    <p>Visit date: <span>April 2005</span></p>\n    <p>Food eaten: <a class=\"p-category\" href=\"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/crepe\">crepe</a></p>\n    <p>Permanent link for review: <a class=\"u-url\" href=\"http://example.com/crepe\">http://example.com/crepe</a></p>\n    <p><a rel=\"license\" href=\"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Text_of_Creative_Commons_Attribution-ShareAlike_3.0_Unported_License\">Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License</a></p>\n</div>","name":"mf-v2-h-review-vcard"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-review-aggregate\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"item\": [{\n                \"value\": \"Fullfrontal\",\n                \"type\": [\"h-event\"],\n                \"properties\": {\n                    \"name\": [\"Fullfrontal\"],\n                    \"description\": [\"A one day JavaScript Conference held in Brighton\"],\n                    \"start\": [\"2012-11-09\"]\n                }\n            }],\n            \"rating\": [\"9.9\"],\n            \"average\": [\"9.9\"],\n            \"best\": [\"10\"],\n            \"count\": [\"62\"],\n            \"name\": [\"Fullfrontal\\n        A one day JavaScript Conference held in Brighton\\n        9th November 2012    \\n     \\n    \\n    \\n        9.9 out of \\n        10 \\n        based on 62 reviews\"]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<div class=\"h-review-aggregate\">\n    <div class=\"p-item h-event\">\n        <h3 class=\"p-name\">Fullfrontal</h3>\n        <p class=\"p-description\">A one day JavaScript Conference held in Brighton</p>\n        <p><time class=\"dt-start\" datetime=\"2012-11-09\">9th November 2012</time></p>    \n    </div> \n    \n    <p class=\"p-rating\">\n        <span class=\"p-average value\">9.9</span> out of \n        <span class=\"p-best\">10</span> \n        based on <span class=\"p-count\">62</span> reviews\n    </p>\n</div>","name":"mf-v2-h-review-aggregate-hevent"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-review-aggregate\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"item\": [{\n                \"value\": \"Mediterranean Wraps\",\n                \"type\": [\"h-item\"],\n                \"properties\": {\n                    \"name\": [\"Mediterranean Wraps\"]\n                }\n            }],\n            \"summary\": [\"Customers flock to this small restaurant for their \\n        tasty falafel and shawerma wraps and welcoming staff.\"],\n            \"rating\": [\"4.5\"],\n            \"name\": [\"Mediterranean Wraps\\n     \\n        Customers flock to this small restaurant for their \\n        tasty falafel and shawerma wraps and welcoming staff.\\n    \\n    4.5 out of 5\"]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<div class=\"h-review-aggregate\">\n    <h3 class=\"p-item h-item\">Mediterranean Wraps</h3>\n     <span class=\"p-summary\">\n        Customers flock to this small restaurant for their \n        tasty falafel and shawerma wraps and welcoming staff.\n    </span>\n    <span class=\"p-rating\">4.5</span> out of 5 \n</div>","name":"mf-v2-h-review-aggregate-justahyperlink"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [{\n        \"type\": [\"h-review-aggregate\"],\n        \"properties\": {\n            \"item\": [{\n                \"value\": \"Mediterranean Wraps\",\n                \"type\": [\"h-card\"],\n                \"properties\": {\n                    \"name\": [\"Mediterranean Wraps\"],\n                    \"street-address\": [\"433 S California Ave\"],\n                    \"locality\": [\"Palo Alto\"],\n                    \"region\": [\"CA\"],\n                    \"tel\": [\"(650) 321-8189\"]\n                }\n            }],\n            \"summary\": [\"Customers flock to this small restaurant for their \\n    tasty falafel and shawerma wraps and welcoming staff.\"],\n            \"rating\": [\"9.2\"],\n            \"average\": [\"9.2\"],\n            \"best\": [\"10\"],\n            \"count\": [\"17\"],\n            \"name\": [\"Mediterranean Wraps\\n        \\n            433 S California Ave, \\n            Palo Alto, \\n            CA - \\n            (650) 321-8189\\n        \\n     \\n    Customers flock to this small restaurant for their \\n    tasty falafel and shawerma wraps and welcoming staff.\\n    \\n        9.2 out of \\n        10 \\n        based on 17 reviews\"]\n        }\n    }],\n    \"rels\": {},\n    \"rel-urls\": {}\n}","html":"<div class=\"h-review-aggregate\">\n    <div class=\"p-item h-card\">\n        <h3 class=\"p-name\">Mediterranean Wraps</h3>\n        <p>\n            <span class=\"p-street-address\">433 S California Ave</span>, \n            <span class=\"p-locality\">Palo Alto</span>, \n            <span class=\"p-region\">CA</span> - \n            <span class=\"p-tel\">(650) 321-8189</span>\n        </p>\n    </div> \n    <span class=\"p-summary\">Customers flock to this small restaurant for their \n    tasty falafel and shawerma wraps and welcoming staff.</span>\n    <span class=\"p-rating\">\n        <span class=\"p-average value\">9.2</span> out of \n        <span class=\"p-best\">10</span> \n        based on <span class=\"p-count\">17</span> reviews\n    </span>\n</div>","name":"mf-v2-h-review-aggregate-simpleproperties"},{"json":"{\n    \"rels\": {\n        \"bookmark\": [\n            \"http://ma.tt/2015/05/beethoven-mozart-bach/\",\n            \"http://ma.tt/2015/06/jefferson-on-idleness/\" \n        ], \n        \"category\": [\n            \"http://ma.tt/category/asides/\"\n        ], \n        \"tag\": [\n            \"http://ma.tt/category/asides/\"\n        ], \n        \"author\": [\n            \"http://ma.tt/author/saxmatt/\"\n        ]\n    }, \n    \"items\": [\n        {\n            \"type\": [\n                \"h-card\"\n            ], \n            \"properties\": {\n                \"url\": [\n                    \"http://ma.tt/author/saxmatt/\"\n                ], \n                \"name\": [\n                    \"Matt\"\n                ]\n            }\n        }, \n        {\n            \"type\": [\n                \"h-card\"\n            ], \n            \"properties\": {\n                \"url\": [\n                    \"http://ma.tt/author/saxmatt/\"\n                ], \n                \"name\": [\n                    \"Matt\"\n                ]\n            }\n        }\n    ], \n    \"rel-urls\": {\n        \"http://ma.tt/category/asides/\": {\n            \"rels\": [\n                \"category\", \n                \"tag\"\n            ], \n            \"text\": \"Asides\"\n        }, \n        \"http://ma.tt/author/saxmatt/\": {\n            \"rels\": 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class=\"url fn n\" href=\"http://ma.tt/author/saxmatt/\" \n    title=\"View all posts by Matt\" rel=\"author\">Matt</a></span>\n<span class=\"date\"><a href=\"http://ma.tt/2015/06/jefferson-on-idleness/\" title=\"Permalink to Jefferson on Idleness\" rel=\"bookmark\"><time class=\"entry-date\" datetime=\"2015-06-02T21:26:00+00:00\">June 2, 2015</time></a></span>\n<span class=\"categories-links\"><a href=\"http://ma.tt/category/asides/\" rel=\"category tag\">Asides</a></span>\n<span class=\"author vcard\"><a class=\"url fn n\" href=\"http://ma.tt/author/saxmatt/\" title=\"View all posts by Matt\" rel=\"author\">Matt</a></span>\n","name":"mf-v2-rel-duplicate-rels"},{"json":"{\n    \"items\": [],\n    \"rels\": {\n        \"license\": [\"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.5/\"]\n    },\n    \"rel-urls\": {\n        \"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.5/\": {\n            \"text\": \"cc by 2.5\",\n            \"rels\": [\"license\"]\n        }\n    }\n}","html":"<a 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 \"http://example.com/b\": {\n      \"rels\": [\"author\"], \n      \"text\": \"author b\"\n    },\n    \"http://example.com/1\": {\n      \"rels\": [\"in-reply-to\"], \n      \"text\": \"post 1\"\n    },\n    \"http://example.com/2\": {\n      \"rels\": [\"in-reply-to\"], \n      \"text\": \"post 2\"\n    },\n    \"http://example.com/fr\": {\n      \"rels\": [\"alternate\", \"home\"],\n      \"media\": \"handheld\", \n      \"hreflang\": \"fr\", \n      \"text\": \"French mobile homepage\"\n    }\n  }\n}","html":"<a rel=\"author\" href=\"http://example.com/a\">author a</a>\n<a rel=\"author\" href=\"http://example.com/b\">author b</a>\n<a rel=\"in-reply-to\" href=\"http://example.com/1\">post 1</a>\n<a rel=\"in-reply-to\" href=\"http://example.com/2\">post 2</a>\n<a rel=\"alternate home\"\n   href=\"http://example.com/fr\"\n   media=\"handheld\"\n   hreflang=\"fr\">French mobile homepage</a>","name":"mf-v2-rel-rel-urls"},{"json":"{\n    \"rels\": {\n        \"category\": [\n            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-(function(e,t){"use strict";if(typeof define==="function"&&define.amd){define([],t)}else if(typeof exports==="object"){module.exports=t()}else{e.DeepDiff=t()}})(this,function(e){"use strict";var t,n,r=[];if(typeof global==="object"&&global){t=global}else if(typeof window!=="undefined"){t=window}else{t={}}n=t.DeepDiff;if(n){r.push(function(){if("undefined"!==typeof n&&t.DeepDiff===p){t.DeepDiff=n;n=e}})}function a(e,t){e.super_=t;e.prototype=Object.create(t.prototype,{constructor:{value:e,enumerable:false,writable:true,configurable:true}})}function i(e,t){Object.defineProperty(this,"kind",{value:e,enumerable:true});if(t&&t.length){Object.defineProperty(this,"path",{value:t,enumerable:true})}}function f(e,t,n){f.super_.call(this,"E",e);Object.defineProperty(this,"lhs",{value:t,enumerable:true});Object.defineProperty(this,"rhs",{value:n,enumerable:true})}a(f,i);function u(e,t){u.super_.call(this,"N",e);Object.defineProperty(this,"rhs",{value:t,enumerable:true})}a(u,i);function l(e,t){l.super_.call(this,"D",e);Object.defineProperty(this,"lhs",{value:t,enumerable:true})}a(l,i);function s(e,t,n){s.super_.call(this,"A",e);Object.defineProperty(this,"index",{value:t,enumerable:true});Object.defineProperty(this,"item",{value:n,enumerable:true})}a(s,i);function h(e,t,n){var r=e.slice((n||t)+1||e.length);e.length=t<0?e.length+t:t;e.push.apply(e,r);return e}function c(e){var t=typeof e;if(t!=="object"){return t}if(e===Math){return"math"}else if(e===null){return"null"}else if(Array.isArray(e)){return"array"}else if(e instanceof Date){return"date"}else if(/^\/.*\//.test(e.toString())){return"regexp"}return"object"}function o(t,n,r,a,i,p,b){i=i||[];var d=i.slice(0);if(typeof p!=="undefined"){if(a&&a(d,p,{lhs:t,rhs:n})){return}d.push(p)}var v=typeof t;var y=typeof n;if(v==="undefined"){if(y!=="undefined"){r(new u(d,n))}}else if(y==="undefined"){r(new l(d,t))}else if(c(t)!==c(n)){r(new f(d,t,n))}else if(t instanceof Date&&n instanceof Date&&t-n!==0){r(new f(d,t,n))}else if(v==="object"&&t!==null&&n!==null){b=b||[];if(b.indexOf(t)<0){b.push(t);if(Array.isArray(t)){var k,m=t.length;for(k=0;k<t.length;k++){if(k>=n.length){r(new s(d,k,new l(e,t[k])))}else{o(t[k],n[k],r,a,d,k,b)}}while(k<n.length){r(new s(d,k,new u(e,n[k++])))}}else{var g=Object.keys(t);var w=Object.keys(n);g.forEach(function(i,f){var u=w.indexOf(i);if(u>=0){o(t[i],n[i],r,a,d,i,b);w=h(w,u)}else{o(t[i],e,r,a,d,i,b)}});w.forEach(function(t){o(e,n[t],r,a,d,t,b)})}b.length=b.length-1}}else if(t!==n){if(!(v==="number"&&isNaN(t)&&isNaN(n))){r(new f(d,t,n))}}}function p(t,n,r,a){a=a||[];o(t,n,function(e){if(e){a.push(e)}},r);return a.length?a:e}function b(e,t,n){if(n.path&&n.path.length){var r=e[t],a,i=n.path.length-1;for(a=0;a<i;a++){r=r[n.path[a]]}switch(n.kind){case"A":b(r[n.path[a]],n.index,n.item);break;case"D":delete r[n.path[a]];break;case"E":case"N":r[n.path[a]]=n.rhs;break}}else{switch(n.kind){case"A":b(e[t],n.index,n.item);break;case"D":e=h(e,t);break;case"E":case"N":e[t]=n.rhs;break}}return e}function d(e,t,n){if(e&&t&&n&&n.kind){var r=e,a=-1,i=n.path.length-1;while(++a<i){if(typeof r[n.path[a]]==="undefined"){r[n.path[a]]=typeof n.path[a]==="number"?[]:{}}r=r[n.path[a]]}switch(n.kind){case"A":b(r[n.path[a]],n.index,n.item);break;case"D":delete r[n.path[a]];break;case"E":case"N":r[n.path[a]]=n.rhs;break}}}function v(e,t,n){if(n.path&&n.path.length){var r=e[t],a,i=n.path.length-1;for(a=0;a<i;a++){r=r[n.path[a]]}switch(n.kind){case"A":v(r[n.path[a]],n.index,n.item);break;case"D":r[n.path[a]]=n.lhs;break;case"E":r[n.path[a]]=n.lhs;break;case"N":delete r[n.path[a]];break}}else{switch(n.kind){case"A":v(e[t],n.index,n.item);break;case"D":e[t]=n.lhs;break;case"E":e[t]=n.lhs;break;case"N":e=h(e,t);break}}return e}function y(e,t,n){if(e&&t&&n&&n.kind){var r=e,a,i;i=n.path.length-1;for(a=0;a<i;a++){if(typeof r[n.path[a]]==="undefined"){r[n.path[a]]={}}r=r[n.path[a]]}switch(n.kind){case"A":v(r[n.path[a]],n.index,n.item);break;case"D":r[n.path[a]]=n.lhs;break;case"E":r[n.path[a]]=n.lhs;break;case"N":delete r[n.path[a]];break}}}function k(e,t,n){if(e&&t){var r=function(r){if(!n||n(e,t,r)){d(e,t,r)}};o(e,t,r)}}Object.defineProperties(p,{diff:{value:p,enumerable:true},observableDiff:{value:o,enumerable:true},applyDiff:{value:k,enumerable:true},applyChange:{value:d,enumerable:true},revertChange:{value:y,enumerable:true},isConflict:{value:function(){return"undefined"!==typeof n},enumerable:true},noConflict:{value:function(){if(r){r.forEach(function(e){e()});r=null}return p},enumerable:true}});return p});
\ No newline at end of file
+(function(e,t){"use strict";if(typeof define==="function"&&define.amd){define([],t)}else if(typeof exports==="object"){module.exports=t()}else{e.DeepDiff=t()}})(this,function(e){"use strict";var t,n,r=[];if(typeof global==="object"&&global){t=global}else if(typeof window!=="undefined"){t=window}else{t={}}n=t.DeepDiff;if(n){r.push(function(){if("undefined"!==typeof n&&t.DeepDiff===p){t.DeepDiff=n;n=e}})}function a(e,t){e.super_=t;e.prototype=Object.create(t.prototype,{constructor:{value:e,enumerable:false,writable:true,configurable:true}})}function i(e,t){Object.defineProperty(this,"kind",{value:e,enumerable:true});if(t&&t.length){Object.defineProperty(this,"path",{value:t,enumerable:true})}}function f(e,t,n){f.super_.call(this,"E",e);Object.defineProperty(this,"lhs",{value:t,enumerable:true});Object.defineProperty(this,"rhs",{value:n,enumerable:true})}a(f,i);function u(e,t){u.super_.call(this,"N",e);Object.defineProperty(this,"rhs",{value:t,enumerable:true})}a(u,i);function l(e,t){l.super_.call(this,"D",e);Object.defineProperty(this,"lhs",{value:t,enumerable:true})}a(l,i);function s(e,t,n){s.super_.call(this,"A",e);Object.defineProperty(this,"index",{value:t,enumerable:true});Object.defineProperty(this,"item",{value:n,enumerable:true})}a(s,i);function h(e,t,n){var r=e.slice((n||t)+1||e.length);e.length=t<0?e.length+t:t;e.push.apply(e,r);return e}function c(e){var t=typeof e;if(t!=="object"){return t}if(e===Math){return"math"}else if(e===null){return"null"}else if(Array.isArray(e)){return"array"}else if(e instanceof Date){return"date"}else if(/^\/.*\//.test(e.toString())){return"regexp"}return"object"}function o(t,n,r,a,i,p,b){i=i||[];var d=i.slice(0);if(typeof p!=="undefined"){if(a&&a(d,p,{lhs:t,rhs:n})){return}d.push(p)}var v=typeof t;var y=typeof n;if(v==="undefined"){if(y!=="undefined"){r(new u(d,n))}}else if(y==="undefined"){r(new l(d,t))}else if(c(t)!==c(n)){r(new f(d,t,n))}else if(t instanceof Date&&n instanceof Date&&t-n!==0){r(new f(d,t,n))}else if(v==="object"&&t!==null&&n!==null){b=b||[];if(b.indexOf(t)<0){b.push(t);if(Array.isArray(t)){var k,m=t.length;for(k=0;k<t.length;k++){if(k>=n.length){r(new s(d,k,new l(e,t[k])))}else{o(t[k],n[k],r,a,d,k,b)}}while(k<n.length){r(new s(d,k,new u(e,n[k++])))}}else{var g=Object.keys(t);var w=Object.keys(n);g.forEach(function(i,f){var u=w.indexOf(i);if(u>=0){o(t[i],n[i],r,a,d,i,b);w=h(w,u)}else{o(t[i],e,r,a,d,i,b)}});w.forEach(function(t){o(e,n[t],r,a,d,t,b)})}b.length=b.length-1}}else if(t!==n){if(!(v==="number"&&isNaN(t)&&isNaN(n))){r(new f(d,t,n))}}}function p(t,n,r,a){a=a||[];o(t,n,function(e){if(e){a.push(e)}},r);return a.length?a:e}function b(e,t,n){if(n.path&&n.path.length){var r=e[t],a,i=n.path.length-1;for(a=0;a<i;a++){r=r[n.path[a]]}switch(n.kind){case"A":b(r[n.path[a]],n.index,n.item);break;case"D":delete r[n.path[a]];break;case"E":case"N":r[n.path[a]]=n.rhs;break}}else{switch(n.kind){case"A":b(e[t],n.index,n.item);break;case"D":e=h(e,t);break;case"E":case"N":e[t]=n.rhs;break}}return e}function d(e,t,n){if(e&&t&&n&&n.kind){var r=e,a=-1,i=n.path.length-1;while(++a<i){if(typeof r[n.path[a]]==="undefined"){r[n.path[a]]=typeof n.path[a]==="number"?[]:{}}r=r[n.path[a]]}switch(n.kind){case"A":b(r[n.path[a]],n.index,n.item);break;case"D":delete r[n.path[a]];break;case"E":case"N":r[n.path[a]]=n.rhs;break}}}function v(e,t,n){if(n.path&&n.path.length){var r=e[t],a,i=n.path.length-1;for(a=0;a<i;a++){r=r[n.path[a]]}switch(n.kind){case"A":v(r[n.path[a]],n.index,n.item);break;case"D":r[n.path[a]]=n.lhs;break;case"E":r[n.path[a]]=n.lhs;break;case"N":delete r[n.path[a]];break}}else{switch(n.kind){case"A":v(e[t],n.index,n.item);break;case"D":e[t]=n.lhs;break;case"E":e[t]=n.lhs;break;case"N":e=h(e,t);break}}return e}function y(e,t,n){if(e&&t&&n&&n.kind){var r=e,a,i;i=n.path.length-1;for(a=0;a<i;a++){if(typeof r[n.path[a]]==="undefined"){r[n.path[a]]={}}r=r[n.path[a]]}switch(n.kind){case"A":v(r[n.path[a]],n.index,n.item);break;case"D":r[n.path[a]]=n.lhs;break;case"E":r[n.path[a]]=n.lhs;break;case"N":delete r[n.path[a]];break}}}function k(e,t,n){if(e&&t){var r=function(r){if(!n||n(e,t,r)){d(e,t,r)}};o(e,t,r)}}Object.defineProperties(p,{diff:{value:p,enumerable:true},observableDiff:{value:o,enumerable:true},applyDiff:{value:k,enumerable:true},applyChange:{value:d,enumerable:true},revertChange:{value:y,enumerable:true},isConflict:{value:function(){return"undefined"!==typeof n},enumerable:true},noConflict:{value:function(){if(r){r.forEach(function(e){e()});r=null}return p},enumerable:true}});return p});
--- a/toolkit/components/microformats/test/static/javascript/mocha.js
+++ b/toolkit/components/microformats/test/static/javascript/mocha.js
@@ -150,17 +150,17 @@ var JsDiff = (function() {
               basePath = clonePath(removePath);
               this.pushComponent(basePath.components, oldString[oldPos], undefined, true);
             } else {
               basePath = clonePath(addPath);
               this.pushComponent(basePath.components, newString[basePath.newPos], true, undefined);
-            var oldPos = this.extractCommon(basePath, newString, oldString, diagonalPath);
+            oldPos = this.extractCommon(basePath, newString, oldString, diagonalPath);
             if (basePath.newPos+1 >= newLen && oldPos+1 >= oldLen) {
               return basePath.components;
             } else {
               bestPath[diagonalPath] = basePath;
@@ -364,17 +364,17 @@ var JsDiff = (function() {
             remEOFNL = true;
           } else if(diffstr[i-1][0] === '-') {
             addEOFNL = true;
       var str = oldStr.split('\n');
-      for (var i = diff.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+      for (i = diff.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
         var d = diff[i];
         for (var j = 0; j < d.oldlength; j++) {
           if(str[d.start-1+j] !== d.oldlines[j]) {
             return false;
@@ -867,18 +867,18 @@ Context.prototype.skip = function(){
  * Inspect the context void of `._runnable`.
  * @return {String}
  * @api private
 Context.prototype.inspect = function(){
   return JSON.stringify(this, function(key, val){
-    if ('_runnable' == key) return;
-    if ('test' == key) return;
+    if ('_runnable' == key) return undefined;
+    if ('test' == key) return undefined;
     return val;
   }, 2);
 }); // module: context.js
 require.register("hook.js", function(module, exports, require){
@@ -921,17 +921,17 @@ Hook.prototype.constructor = Hook;
  * @param {Error} err
  * @return {Error}
  * @api public
 Hook.prototype.error = function(err){
   if (0 == arguments.length) {
-    var err = this._error;
+    err = this._error;
     this._error = null;
     return err;
   this._error = err;
 }); // module: hook.js
@@ -1886,17 +1886,17 @@ module.exports = function(val, options){
  * @param {String} str
  * @return {Number}
  * @api private
 function parse(str) {
   var match = /^((?:\d+)?\.?\d+) *(ms|seconds?|s|minutes?|m|hours?|h|days?|d|years?|y)?$/i.exec(str);
-  if (!match) return;
+  if (!match) return undefined;
   var n = parseFloat(match[1]);
   var type = (match[2] || 'ms').toLowerCase();
   switch (type) {
     case 'years':
     case 'year':
     case 'y':
       return n * y;
     case 'days':
@@ -1952,17 +1952,17 @@ function longFormat(ms) {
     || ms + ' ms';
  * Pluralization helper.
 function plural(ms, n, name) {
-  if (ms < n) return;
+  if (ms < n) return undefined;
   if (ms < n * 1.5) return Math.floor(ms / n) + ' ' + name;
   return Math.ceil(ms / n) + ' ' + name + 's';
 }); // module: ms.js
 require.register("pending.js", function(module, exports, require){
@@ -2775,19 +2775,19 @@ function HTML(runner) {
     text(failures, stats.failures);
     text(duration, (ms / 1000).toFixed(2));
     // test
     if ('passed' == test.state) {
       var url = self.testURL(test);
       var el = fragment('<li class="test pass %e"><h2>%e<span class="duration">%ems</span> <a href="%s" class="replay">‣</a></h2></li>', test.speed, test.title, test.duration, url);
     } else if (test.pending) {
-      var el = fragment('<li class="test pass pending"><h2>%e</h2></li>', test.title);
+      el = fragment('<li class="test pass pending"><h2>%e</h2></li>', test.title);
     } else {
-      var el = fragment('<li class="test fail"><h2>%e <a href="%e" class="replay">‣</a></h2></li>', test.title, self.testURL(test));
+      el = fragment('<li class="test fail"><h2>%e <a href="%e" class="replay">‣</a></h2></li>', test.title, self.testURL(test));
       var str = test.err.stack || test.err.toString();
       // FF / Opera do not add the message
       if (!~str.indexOf(test.err.message)) {
         str = test.err.message + '\n' + str;
       // <=IE7 stringifies to [Object Error]. Since it can be overloaded, we
@@ -2973,18 +2973,18 @@ exports = module.exports = JSONCov;
  * Initialize a new `JsCoverage` reporter.
  * @param {Runner} runner
  * @param {Boolean} output
  * @api public
 function JSONCov(runner, output) {
-  var self = this
-    , output = 1 == arguments.length ? true : output;
+  var self = this;
+  output = 1 == arguments.length ? true : output;
   Base.call(this, runner);
   var tests = []
     , failures = []
     , passes = [];
   runner.on('test end', function(test){
@@ -3893,18 +3893,18 @@ Base.colors.progress = 90;
  * @param {Runner} runner
  * @param {Object} options
  * @api public
 function Progress(runner, options) {
   Base.call(this, runner);
+  options = options || {}
   var self = this
-    , options = options || {}
     , stats = this.stats
     , width = Base.window.width * .50 | 0
     , total = runner.total
     , complete = 0
     , max = Math.max
     , lastN = -1;
   // default chars
@@ -4022,17 +4022,17 @@ function Spec(runner) {
   runner.on('pass', function(test){
     if ('fast' == test.speed) {
       var fmt = indent()
         + color('checkmark', '  ' + Base.symbols.ok)
         + color('pass', ' %s');
       console.log(fmt, test.title);
     } else {
-      var fmt = indent()
+      fmt = indent()
         + color('checkmark', '  ' + Base.symbols.ok)
         + color('pass', ' %s')
         + color(test.speed, ' (%dms)');
       console.log(fmt, test.title, test.duration);
@@ -4437,17 +4437,17 @@ Runnable.prototype.clearTimeout = functi
  * Inspect the runnable void of private properties.
  * @return {String}
  * @api private
 Runnable.prototype.inspect = function(){
   return JSON.stringify(this, function(key, val){
-    if ('_' == key[0]) return;
+    if ('_' == key[0]) return undefined;
     if ('parent' == key) return '#<Suite>';
     if ('ctx' == key) return '#<Context>';
     return val;
   }, 2);
  * Reset the timeout.
@@ -4500,21 +4500,21 @@ Runnable.prototype.run = function(fn){
     if (emitted) return;
     emitted = true;
     self.emit('error', err || new Error('done() called multiple times; stacktrace may be inaccurate'));
   // finished
   function done(err) {
     var ms = self.timeout();
-    if (self.timedOut) return;
+    if (self.timedOut) return undefined;
     if (finished) return multiple(err || self._trace);
     // Discard the resolution if this test has already failed asynchronously
-    if (self.state) return;
+    if (self.state) return undefined;
     self.duration = new Date - start;
     finished = true;
     if (!err && self.duration > ms && self._enableTimeouts) err = new Error('timeout of ' + ms + 'ms exceeded. Ensure the done() callback is being called in this test.');
@@ -4535,17 +4535,17 @@ Runnable.prototype.run = function(fn){
             return done(new Error('done() invoked with non-Error: ' + err));
     } catch (err) {
-    return;
+    return undefined;
   if (this.asyncOnly) {
     return done(new Error('--async-only option in use without declaring `done()`'));
   // sync or promise-returning
   try {
@@ -6285,17 +6285,17 @@ exports.lookupFiles = function lookupFil
   try {
     var stat = fs.statSync(path);
     if (stat.isFile()) return path;
   catch (ignored) {
-    return;
+    return undefined;
   fs.readdirSync(path).forEach(function(file) {
     file = join(path, file);
     try {
       var stat = fs.statSync(file);
       if (stat.isDirectory()) {
         if (recursive) {
--- a/toolkit/components/microformats/test/static/javascript/prettify.js
+++ b/toolkit/components/microformats/test/static/javascript/prettify.js
@@ -316,30 +316,30 @@ var REGEXP_PRECEDER_PATTERN = '(?:^^\\.?
       // [[1, 10], [3, 4], [8, 12], [14, 14], [16, 16], [17, 17]]
       // -> [[1, 12], [14, 14], [16, 17]]
       ranges.sort(function (a, b) { return (a[0] - b[0]) || (b[1]  - a[1]); });
       var consolidatedRanges = [];
       var lastRange = [NaN, NaN];
-      for (var i = 0; i < ranges.length; ++i) {
+      for (i = 0; i < ranges.length; ++i) {
         var range = ranges[i];
         if (range[0] <= lastRange[1] + 1) {
           lastRange[1] = Math.max(lastRange[1], range[1]);
         } else {
           consolidatedRanges.push(lastRange = range);
       var out = ['['];
       if (inverse) { out.push('^'); }
       out.push.apply(out, groups);
-      for (var i = 0; i < consolidatedRanges.length; ++i) {
-        var range = consolidatedRanges[i];
+      for (i = 0; i < consolidatedRanges.length; ++i) {
+        range = consolidatedRanges[i];
         if (range[1] > range[0]) {
           if (range[1] + 1 > range[0]) { out.push('-'); }
       return out.join('');
@@ -381,47 +381,47 @@ var REGEXP_PRECEDER_PATTERN = '(?:^^\\.?
           if (decimalValue && decimalValue <= groupIndex) {
             capturedGroups[decimalValue] = -1;
       // Renumber groups and reduce capturing groups to non-capturing groups
       // where possible.
-      for (var i = 1; i < capturedGroups.length; ++i) {
+      for (i = 1; i < capturedGroups.length; ++i) {
         if (-1 === capturedGroups[i]) {
           capturedGroups[i] = ++capturedGroupIndex;
-      for (var i = 0, groupIndex = 0; i < n; ++i) {
-        var p = parts[i];
+      for (i = 0, groupIndex = 0; i < n; ++i) {
+        p = parts[i];
         if (p === '(') {
           if (capturedGroups[groupIndex] === undefined) {
             parts[i] = '(?:';
         } else if ('\\' === p.charAt(0)) {
-          var decimalValue = +p.substring(1);
+          decimalValue = +p.substring(1);
           if (decimalValue && decimalValue <= groupIndex) {
             parts[i] = '\\' + capturedGroups[groupIndex];
       // Remove any prefix anchors so that the output will match anywhere.
       // ^^ really does mean an anchored match though.
-      for (var i = 0, groupIndex = 0; i < n; ++i) {
+      for (i = 0, groupIndex = 0; i < n; ++i) {
         if ('^' === parts[i] && '^' !== parts[i + 1]) { parts[i] = ''; }
       // Expand letters to groups to handle mixing of case-sensitive and
       // case-insensitive patterns if necessary.
       if (regex.ignoreCase && needToFoldCase) {
-        for (var i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
-          var p = parts[i];
+        for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
+          p = parts[i];
           var ch0 = p.charAt(0);
           if (p.length >= 2 && ch0 === '[') {
             parts[i] = caseFoldCharset(p);
           } else if (ch0 !== '\\') {
             // TODO: handle letters in numeric escapes.
             parts[i] = p.replace(
                 function (ch) {
@@ -431,18 +431,18 @@ var REGEXP_PRECEDER_PATTERN = '(?:^^\\.?
       return parts.join('');
     var rewritten = [];
-    for (var i = 0, n = regexs.length; i < n; ++i) {
-      var regex = regexs[i];
+    for (i = 0, n = regexs.length; i < n; ++i) {
+      regex = regexs[i];
       if (regex.global || regex.multiline) { throw new Error('' + regex); }
           '(?:' + allowAnywhereFoldCaseAndRenumberGroups(regex) + ')');
     return new RegExp(rewritten.join('|'), ignoreCase ? 'gi' : 'g');
@@ -1026,17 +1026,17 @@ var REGEXP_PRECEDER_PATTERN = '(?:^^\\.?
     // Make sure numeric indices show correctly.
     if (opt_startLineNum === (opt_startLineNum|0)) {
       listItems[0].setAttribute('value', opt_startLineNum);
     var ol = document.createElement('OL');
     ol.className = 'linenums';
     var offset = Math.max(0, ((opt_startLineNum - 1 /* zero index */)) | 0) || 0;
-    for (var i = 0, n = listItems.length; i < n; ++i) {
+    for (i = 0, n = listItems.length; i < n; ++i) {
       li = listItems[i];
       // Stick a class on the LIs so that stylesheets can
       // color odd/even rows, or any other row pattern that
       // is co-prime with 10.
       li.className = 'L' + ((i + offset) % 10);
       if (!li.firstChild) {
@@ -1111,17 +1111,17 @@ var REGEXP_PRECEDER_PATTERN = '(?:^^\\.?
     var decoration = null;
     while (spanIndex < nSpans) {
       var spanStart = spans[spanIndex];
       var spanEnd = spans[spanIndex + 2] || sourceLength;
       var decStart = decorations[decorationIndex];
       var decEnd = decorations[decorationIndex + 2] || sourceLength;
-      var end = Math.min(spanEnd, decEnd);
+      end = Math.min(spanEnd, decEnd);
       var textNode = spans[spanIndex + 1];
       var styledText;
       if (textNode.nodeType !== 1  // Don't muck with <BR>s or <LI>s
           // Don't introduce spans around empty text nodes.
           && (styledText = source.substring(sourceIndex, end))) {
         // This may seem bizarre, and it is.  Emitting LF on IE causes the
         // code to display with spaces instead of line breaks.
@@ -1469,9 +1469,9 @@ var REGEXP_PRECEDER_PATTERN = '(?:^^\\.?
         'PR_NOCODE': PR_NOCODE,
         'PR_PLAIN': PR_PLAIN,
         'PR_SOURCE': PR_SOURCE,
         'PR_STRING': PR_STRING,
         'PR_TAG': PR_TAG,
         'PR_TYPE': PR_TYPE
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/toolkit/components/microformats/test/static/javascript/testrunner.js
+++ b/toolkit/components/microformats/test/static/javascript/testrunner.js
@@ -171,9 +171,9 @@ function addClass(node, className) {
 // Removes a class from an node
 function removeClass(node, className) {
     if (hasClass(node, className)) {
         var reg = new RegExp('(\\s|^)' + className + '(\\s|$)');
         node.className = node.className.replace(reg, ' ');
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/toolkit/components/microformats/tests/test_Microformats_add.html
+++ b/toolkit/components/microformats/tests/test_Microformats_add.html
@@ -220,17 +220,17 @@
     // The old version's microformat is still valid
     mf = Microformats.get("hTest", document.getElementById("test1"),
                           {recurseExternalFrames: true});
     ok(mf.length, 1, "Check that test1 is a valid microformat");
     // Verify that the version 2 microformat is now also considered valid
-    var mf2 = Microformats.get("hTest", document.getElementById("test2"), {});
+    mf2 = Microformats.get("hTest", document.getElementById("test2"), {});
     ok(mf2.length, 1, "Check that the mfTest microformat version 2 is now valid");
--- a/toolkit/components/microformats/update/update.js
+++ b/toolkit/components/microformats/update/update.js
@@ -258,9 +258,9 @@ function writeFile(path, content){
  * read a file
  * @param  {String} path
  * @param  {Function} callback
 function readFile(path, callback){
 	fs.readFile(path, 'utf8', callback);
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/toolkit/components/places/Bookmarks.jsm
+++ b/toolkit/components/places/Bookmarks.jsm
@@ -964,17 +964,17 @@ function removeBookmark(item) {
 // Reorder implementation.
 function reorderChildren(parent, orderedChildrenGuids) {
   return PlacesUtils.withConnectionWrapper("Bookmarks.jsm: updateBookmark",
     db => db.executeTransaction(function* () {
       // Select all of the direct children for the given parent.
       let children = yield fetchBookmarksByParent({ parentGuid: parent.guid });
       if (!children.length)
-        return;
+        return undefined;
       // Reorder the children array according to the specified order, provided
       // GUIDs come first, others are appended in somehow random order.
       children.sort((a, b) => {
         let i = orderedChildrenGuids.indexOf(a.guid);
         let j = orderedChildrenGuids.indexOf(b.guid);
         // This works provided fetchBookmarksByParent returns sorted children.
         return (i == -1 && j == -1) ? 0 :
--- a/toolkit/components/places/PlacesBackups.jsm
+++ b/toolkit/components/places/PlacesBackups.jsm
@@ -192,17 +192,17 @@ this.PlacesBackups = {
       let backupFolderPath = yield this.getBackupFolder();
       let iterator = new OS.File.DirectoryIterator(backupFolderPath);
       yield iterator.forEach(function(aEntry) {
         // Since this is a lazy getter and OS.File I/O is serialized, we can
         // safely remove .tmp files without risking to remove ongoing backups.
         if (aEntry.name.endsWith(".tmp")) {
-          return;
+          return undefined;
         if (filenamesRegex.test(aEntry.name)) {
           // Remove bogus backups in future dates.
           let filePath = aEntry.path;
           if (this.getDateForFile(filePath) > new Date()) {
             return OS.File.remove(filePath);
           } else {
--- a/toolkit/components/places/PlacesUtils.jsm
+++ b/toolkit/components/places/PlacesUtils.jsm
@@ -693,26 +693,26 @@ this.PlacesUtils = {
     // We split on "\n"  because the transferable system converts "\r\n" to "\n"
     var nodes = [];
     switch(type) {
       case this.TYPE_X_MOZ_PLACE:
       case this.TYPE_X_MOZ_PLACE_SEPARATOR:
       case this.TYPE_X_MOZ_PLACE_CONTAINER:
         nodes = JSON.parse("[" + blob + "]");
-      case this.TYPE_X_MOZ_URL:
-        var parts = blob.split("\n");
+      case this.TYPE_X_MOZ_URL: {
+        let parts = blob.split("\n");
         // data in this type has 2 parts per entry, so if there are fewer
         // than 2 parts left, the blob is malformed and we should stop
         // but drag and drop of files from the shell has parts.length = 1
         if (parts.length != 1 && parts.length % 2)
-        for (var i = 0; i < parts.length; i=i+2) {
-          var uriString = parts[i];
-          var titleString = "";
+        for (let i = 0; i < parts.length; i=i+2) {
+          let uriString = parts[i];
+          let titleString = "";
           if (parts.length > i+1)
             titleString = parts[i+1];
           else {
             // for drag and drop of files, try to use the leafName as title
             try {
               titleString = this._uri(uriString).QueryInterface(Ci.nsIURL)
@@ -721,31 +721,33 @@ this.PlacesUtils = {
           // note:  this._uri() will throw if uriString is not a valid URI
           if (this._uri(uriString)) {
             nodes.push({ uri: uriString,
                          title: titleString ? titleString : uriString ,
                          type: this.TYPE_X_MOZ_URL });
-      case this.TYPE_UNICODE:
-        var parts = blob.split("\n");
-        for (var i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) {
-          var uriString = parts[i];
+      }
+      case this.TYPE_UNICODE: {
+        let parts = blob.split("\n");
+        for (let i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) {
+          let uriString = parts[i];
           // text/uri-list is converted to TYPE_UNICODE but it could contain
           // comments line prepended by #, we should skip them
           if (uriString.substr(0, 1) == '\x23')
           // note: this._uri() will throw if uriString is not a valid URI
           if (uriString != "" && this._uri(uriString))
             nodes.push({ uri: uriString,
                          title: uriString,
                          type: this.TYPE_X_MOZ_URL });
+      }
         throw Cr.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG;
     return nodes;
    * Generates a nsINavHistoryResult for the contents of a folder.
--- a/toolkit/components/places/nsPlacesExpiration.js
+++ b/toolkit/components/places/nsPlacesExpiration.js
@@ -1000,17 +1000,17 @@ nsPlacesExpiration.prototype = {
    * @return a REPEATING_SLACK nsITimer that runs every this._interval.
   _newTimer: function PEX__newTimer()
     if (this._timer)
     if (this._shuttingDown)
-      return;
+      return undefined;
     let interval = this.status != STATUS.DIRTY ?
       this._interval * EXPIRE_AGGRESSIVITY_MULTIPLIER : this._interval;
     let timer = Cc["@mozilla.org/timer;1"].createInstance(Ci.nsITimer);
     timer.initWithCallback(this, interval * 1000,
     return this._timer = timer;
--- a/toolkit/components/places/tests/bookmarks/test_395101.js
+++ b/toolkit/components/places/tests/bookmarks/test_395101.js
@@ -56,32 +56,32 @@ function run_test() {
   rootNode.containerOpen = true;
   do_check_eq(rootNode.childCount, 1);
   do_check_eq(rootNode.getChild(0).itemId, b1);
   rootNode.containerOpen = false;
   // partial matches are okay
   query.searchTerms = "wal";
-  var result = histsvc.executeQuery(query, options);
-  var rootNode = result.root;
+  result = histsvc.executeQuery(query, options);
+  rootNode = result.root;
   rootNode.containerOpen = true;
   do_check_eq(rootNode.childCount, 1);
   rootNode.containerOpen = false;
   // case insensitive search term
   query.searchTerms = "WALRUS";
-  var result = histsvc.executeQuery(query, options);
-  var rootNode = result.root;
+  result = histsvc.executeQuery(query, options);
+  rootNode = result.root;
   rootNode.containerOpen = true;
   do_check_eq(rootNode.childCount, 1);
   do_check_eq(rootNode.getChild(0).itemId, b1);
   rootNode.containerOpen = false;
   // case insensitive tag
   query.searchTerms = "baboon";
-  var result = histsvc.executeQuery(query, options);
-  var rootNode = result.root;
+  result = histsvc.executeQuery(query, options);
+  rootNode = result.root;
   rootNode.containerOpen = true;
   do_check_eq(rootNode.childCount, 1);
   do_check_eq(rootNode.getChild(0).itemId, b1);
   rootNode.containerOpen = false;
--- a/toolkit/components/places/tests/bookmarks/test_405938_restore_queries.js
+++ b/toolkit/components/places/tests/bookmarks/test_405938_restore_queries.js
@@ -91,17 +91,17 @@ var test = {
                                          DEFAULT_INDEX, this._queryTitle3);
   clean: function () {},
   validate: function validate() {
     // Throw a wrench in the works by inserting some new bookmarks,
     // ensuring folder ids won't be the same, when restoring.
-    for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
+    for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
                   insertBookmark(PlacesUtils.bookmarksMenuFolderId, uri("http://aaaa"+i), DEFAULT_INDEX, "");
     var toolbar =
                                     false, true).root;
     do_check_true(toolbar.childCount, 1);
@@ -110,17 +110,17 @@ var test = {
     do_check_eq(folderNode.type, folderNode.RESULT_TYPE_FOLDER);
     do_check_eq(folderNode.title, this._testRootTitle);
     folderNode.containerOpen = true;
     // |_count| folders + the query node
     do_check_eq(folderNode.childCount, this._count+3);
-    for (var i = 0; i < this._count; i++) {
+    for (let i = 0; i < this._count; i++) {
       var subFolder = folderNode.getChild(i);
       do_check_eq(subFolder.title, "folder"+i);
       subFolder.containerOpen = true;
       do_check_eq(subFolder.childCount, 1);
       var child = subFolder.getChild(0);
       do_check_eq(child.title, "bookmark"+i);
       do_check_true(uri(child.uri).equals(uri("http://" + i)))
--- a/toolkit/components/places/tests/bookmarks/test_417228-exclude-from-backup.js
+++ b/toolkit/components/places/tests/bookmarks/test_417228-exclude-from-backup.js
@@ -85,17 +85,17 @@ var test = {
       do_check_eq(excludeRootNode.childCount, 1);
       var excludeRootChildNode = excludeRootNode.getChild(0);
       do_check_eq(excludeRootChildNode.uri, this._restoreRootExcludeURI.spec);
       excludeRootNode.containerOpen = false;
     else {
       // exclude root should not exist anymore
       do_check_eq(rootNode.childCount, PLACES_ROOTS_COUNT + 1);
-      var restoreRootIndex = PLACES_ROOTS_COUNT;
+      restoreRootIndex = PLACES_ROOTS_COUNT;
     var restoreRootNode = rootNode.getChild(restoreRootIndex);
     do_check_eq(this._restoreRootTitle, restoreRootNode.title);
     restoreRootNode.containerOpen = true;
     do_check_eq(restoreRootNode.childCount, 1);
     var restoreRootChildNode = restoreRootNode.getChild(0);
--- a/toolkit/components/places/tests/bookmarks/test_savedsearches.js
+++ b/toolkit/components/places/tests/bookmarks/test_savedsearches.js
@@ -32,54 +32,54 @@ add_test(function test_savedsearches_boo
   // create a saved-search that matches a default bookmark
   var searchId = PlacesUtils.bookmarks.insertBookmark(
     testRoot, uri("place:terms=" + searchTerm + "&excludeQueries=1&expandQueries=1&queryType=1"),
     PlacesUtils.bookmarks.DEFAULT_INDEX, searchTerm);
   // query for the test root, expandQueries=0
   // the query should show up as a regular bookmark
   try {
-    var options = PlacesUtils.history.getNewQueryOptions();
+    let options = PlacesUtils.history.getNewQueryOptions();
     options.expandQueries = 0;
-    var query = PlacesUtils.history.getNewQuery();
+    let query = PlacesUtils.history.getNewQuery();
     query.setFolders([testRoot], 1);
-    var result = PlacesUtils.history.executeQuery(query, options);
-    var rootNode = result.root;
+    let result = PlacesUtils.history.executeQuery(query, options);
+    let rootNode = result.root;
     rootNode.containerOpen = true;
-    var cc = rootNode.childCount;
+    let cc = rootNode.childCount;
     do_check_eq(cc, 1);
-    for (var i = 0; i < cc; i++) {
-      var node = rootNode.getChild(i);
+    for (let i = 0; i < cc; i++) {
+      let node = rootNode.getChild(i);
       // test that queries have valid itemId
       do_check_true(node.itemId > 0);
       // test that the container is closed
       do_check_eq(node.containerOpen, false);
     rootNode.containerOpen = false;
   catch(ex) {
     do_throw("expandQueries=0 query error: " + ex);
   // bookmark saved search
   // query for the test root, expandQueries=1
   // the query should show up as a query container, with 1 child
   try {
-    var options = PlacesUtils.history.getNewQueryOptions();
+    let options = PlacesUtils.history.getNewQueryOptions();
     options.expandQueries = 1;
-    var query = PlacesUtils.history.getNewQuery();
+    let query = PlacesUtils.history.getNewQuery();
     query.setFolders([testRoot], 1);
-    var result = PlacesUtils.history.executeQuery(query, options);
-    var rootNode = result.root;
+    let result = PlacesUtils.history.executeQuery(query, options);
+    let rootNode = result.root;
     rootNode.containerOpen = true;
-    var cc = rootNode.childCount;
+    let cc = rootNode.childCount;
     do_check_eq(cc, 1);
-    for (var i = 0; i < cc; i++) {
-      var node = rootNode.getChild(i);
+    for (let i = 0; i < cc; i++) {
+      let node = rootNode.getChild(i);
       // test that query node type is container when expandQueries=1
       do_check_eq(node.type, node.RESULT_TYPE_QUERY);
       // test that queries (as containers) have valid itemId
       do_check_true(node.itemId > 0);
       node.containerOpen = true;
       // test that queries have children when excludeItems=1
@@ -191,17 +191,17 @@ add_task(function* test_savedsearches_hi
     // test live-update of renamed queries
     PlacesUtils.bookmarks.setItemTitle(searchId, "foo");
     do_check_eq(tmpFolderNode.title, "foo");
     // test live-update of deleted queries
     try {
-      var tmpFolderNode = root.getChild(1);
+      tmpFolderNode = root.getChild(1);
       do_throw("query was not removed");
     } catch(ex) {}
     tmpFolderNode.containerOpen = false;
     rootNode.containerOpen = false;
   catch(ex) {
     do_throw("expandQueries=1 bookmarks query: " + ex);
--- a/toolkit/components/places/tests/queries/test_containersQueries_sorting.js
+++ b/toolkit/components/places/tests/queries/test_containersQueries_sorting.js
@@ -307,17 +307,17 @@ function test_result_sortingMode_change(
  * @param aRootNode
  *        already opened root node from our query's result.
  * @param aExpectedSortingMode
  *        The sortingMode we expect results to be.
 function check_children_sorting(aRootNode, aExpectedSortingMode) {
   var results = [];
   print("Found children:");
-  for (var i = 0; i < aRootNode.childCount; i++) {
+  for (let i = 0; i < aRootNode.childCount; i++) {
     results[i] = aRootNode.getChild(i);
     print(i + " " + results[i].title);
   // Helper for case insensitive string comparison.
   function caseInsensitiveStringComparator(a, b) {
     var aLC = a.toLowerCase();
     var bLC = b.toLowerCase();
@@ -368,17 +368,17 @@ function check_children_sorting(aRootNod
       do_throw("Unknown sorting type: " + aExpectedSortingMode);
   // Make an independent copy of the results array and sort it.
   var sortedResults = results.slice();
   // Actually compare returned children with our sorted array.
-  for (var i = 0; i < sortedResults.length; i++) {
+  for (let i = 0; i < sortedResults.length; i++) {
     if (sortedResults[i].title != results[i].title)
       print(i + " index wrong, expected " + sortedResults[i].title +
             " found " + results[i].title);
     do_check_eq(sortedResults[i].title, results[i].title);
--- a/toolkit/components/places/tests/queries/test_results-as-visit.js
+++ b/toolkit/components/places/tests/queries/test_results-as-visit.js
@@ -61,23 +61,23 @@ add_task(function* test_results_as_visit
    // Check our inital result set
    compareArrayToResult(testData, root);
    // If that passes, check liveupdate
    // Add to the query set
    do_print("Adding item to query")
    var tmp = [];
-   for (var i=0; i < 2; i++) {
+   for (let i=0; i < 2; i++) {
      tmp.push({ isVisit: true,
                 uri: "http://foo.com/added.html",
                 title: "ab moz" });
    yield task_populateDB(tmp);
-   for (var i=0; i < 2; i++)
+   for (let i=0; i < 2; i++)
      do_check_eq(root.getChild(i).title, "ab moz");
    // Update an existing URI
    do_print("Updating Item");
    var change2 = [{ isVisit: true,
                     title: "moz",
                     uri: "http://foo.mail.com/changeme2.html" }];
    yield task_populateDB(change2);
--- a/toolkit/components/places/tests/test_bug_461710_perwindowpb.html
+++ b/toolkit/components/places/tests/test_bug_461710_perwindowpb.html
@@ -122,25 +122,25 @@ function checkTest() {
       // run outside of private mode, link should appear as visited
       var doc = gIframe.contentDocument;
       var win = doc.defaultView;
       is(getColor(doc, win, "link"), kRed, "Visited link coloring should work outside of private mode");
     case 3:
       // run inside of private mode, link should appear as not visited
-      var doc = gIframe.contentDocument;
-      var win = doc.defaultView;
+      doc = gIframe.contentDocument;
+      win = doc.defaultView;
       is(getColor(doc, win, "link"), kBlue, "Visited link coloring should not work inside of private mode");
     case 4:
       // run outside of private mode, link should appear as visited
-      var doc = gIframe.contentDocument;
-      var win = doc.defaultView;
+      doc = gIframe.contentDocument;
+      win = doc.defaultView;
       is(getColor(doc, win, "link"), kRed, "Visited link coloring should work outside of private mode");
       ok(false, "Unexpected call to checkTest for test #" + testNum);
--- a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_000_frecency.js
+++ b/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_000_frecency.js
@@ -72,17 +72,17 @@ function* task_initializeBucket(bucket) 
   for (let [bonusName, visitType] in Iterator(bonusPrefs)) {
     var frecency = -1;
     var calculatedURI = null;
     var matchTitle = "";
     var bonusValue = prefs.getIntPref(prefPrefix + bonusName);
     // unvisited (only for first cutoff date bucket)
     if (bonusName == "unvisitedBookmarkBonus" || bonusName == "unvisitedTypedBonus") {
       if (cutoffName == "firstBucketCutoff") {
-        var points = Math.ceil(bonusValue / parseFloat(100.0) * weight);
+        let points = Math.ceil(bonusValue / parseFloat(100.0) * weight);
         var visitCount = 1; //bonusName == "unvisitedBookmarkBonus" ? 1 : 0;
         frecency = Math.ceil(visitCount * points);
         calculatedURI = uri("http://" + searchTerm + ".com/" +
           bonusName + ":" + bonusValue + "/cutoff:" + cutoff +
           "/weight:" + weight + "/frecency:" + frecency);
         if (bonusName == "unvisitedBookmarkBonus") {
           matchTitle = searchTerm + "UnvisitedBookmark";
           bmsvc.insertBookmark(bmsvc.unfiledBookmarksFolder, calculatedURI, bmsvc.DEFAULT_INDEX, matchTitle);
@@ -100,17 +100,17 @@ function* task_initializeBucket(bucket) 
     else {
       // visited
       // visited bookmarks get the visited bookmark bonus twice
       if (visitType == Ci.nsINavHistoryService.TRANSITION_BOOKMARK)
         bonusValue = bonusValue * 2;
-      var points = Math.ceil(1 * ((bonusValue / parseFloat(100.000000)).toFixed(6) * weight) / 1);
+      let points = Math.ceil(1 * ((bonusValue / parseFloat(100.000000)).toFixed(6) * weight) / 1);
       if (!points) {
         if (visitType == Ci.nsINavHistoryService.TRANSITION_EMBED ||
             visitType == Ci.nsINavHistoryService.TRANSITION_FRAMED_LINK ||
             visitType == Ci.nsINavHistoryService.TRANSITION_DOWNLOAD ||
             bonusName == "defaultVisitBonus")
           frecency = 0;
           frecency = -1;
--- a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_331487.js
+++ b/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_331487.js
@@ -68,23 +68,23 @@ function run_test() {
   do_check_eq(sf2Node.getChild(0).itemId, b3);
   sf2Node.containerOpen = false;
   sf1Node.containerOpen = false;
   root.containerOpen = false;
   // bookmark query that should result in a flat list
   // because we specified max results
-  var options = histsvc.getNewQueryOptions();
+  options = histsvc.getNewQueryOptions();
   options.queryType = Ci.nsINavHistoryQueryOptions.QUERY_TYPE_BOOKMARKS;
   options.maxResults = 10;
-  var query = histsvc.getNewQuery();
+  query = histsvc.getNewQuery();
   query.setFolders([folder], 1);
-  var result = histsvc.executeQuery(query, options);
-  var root = result.root;
+  result = histsvc.executeQuery(query, options);
+  root = result.root;
   root.containerOpen = true;
   do_check_eq(root.childCount, 3);
   do_check_eq(root.getChild(0).itemId, b1);
   do_check_eq(root.getChild(1).itemId, b2);
   do_check_eq(root.getChild(2).itemId, b3);
   root.containerOpen = false;
   // XXX TODO
--- a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_415757.js
+++ b/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_415757.js
@@ -31,23 +31,23 @@ const TOTAL_SITES = 20;
 function run_test()
 add_task(function* test_execute()
   // add pages to global history
-  for (var i = 0; i < TOTAL_SITES; i++) {
+  for (let i = 0; i < TOTAL_SITES; i++) {
     let site = "http://www.test-" + i + ".com/";
     let testURI = uri(site);
     let when = Date.now() * 1000 + (i * TOTAL_SITES);
     yield PlacesTestUtils.addVisits({ uri: testURI, visitDate: when });
-  for (var i = 0; i < TOTAL_SITES; i++) {
+  for (let i = 0; i < TOTAL_SITES; i++) {
     let site = "http://www.test.com/" + i + "/";
     let testURI = uri(site);
     let when = Date.now() * 1000 + (i * TOTAL_SITES);
     yield PlacesTestUtils.addVisits({ uri: testURI, visitDate: when });
   // set a page annotation on one of the urls that will be removed
   var testAnnoDeletedURI = uri("http://www.test.com/1/");
@@ -73,17 +73,17 @@ add_task(function* test_execute()
   // check that all pages in www.test.com have been removed
   for (var i = 0; i < TOTAL_SITES; i++) {
     let site = "http://www.test.com/" + i + "/";
     let testURI = uri(site);
   // check that all pages in www.test-X.com have NOT been removed
-  for (var i = 0; i < TOTAL_SITES; i++) {
+  for (let i = 0; i < TOTAL_SITES; i++) {
     let site = "http://www.test-" + i + ".com/";
     let testURI = uri(site);
   // check that annotation on the removed item does not exists
   try {
     PlacesUtils.annotations.getPageAnnotation(testAnnoDeletedURI, testAnnoName);
--- a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_433525_hasChildren_crash.js
+++ b/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_433525_hasChildren_crash.js
@@ -37,20 +37,20 @@ add_task(function* test_execute()
   do_check_eq(root.hasChildren, true);
   // now check via the saved search path
   var queryURI = histsvc.queriesToQueryString([query], 1, options);
   bmsvc.insertBookmark(bmsvc.toolbarFolder, uri(queryURI),
                        0 /* first item */, "test query");
   // query for that query
-  var options = histsvc.getNewQueryOptions();
-  var query = histsvc.getNewQuery();
+  options = histsvc.getNewQueryOptions();
+  query = histsvc.getNewQuery();
   query.setFolders([bmsvc.toolbarFolder], 1);
-  var result = histsvc.executeQuery(query, options);
-  var root = result.root;
+  result = histsvc.executeQuery(query, options);
+  root = result.root;
   root.containerOpen = true;
   var queryNode = root.getChild(0);
   do_check_eq(queryNode.title, "test query");
   do_check_eq(queryNode.hasChildren, true);
   root.containerOpen = false;
--- a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_annotations.js
+++ b/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_annotations.js
@@ -144,26 +144,26 @@ add_task(function* test_execute()
   do_check_eq(storageType.value, Ci.nsIAnnotationService.TYPE_STRING);
   // get annotation names for a uri
   var annoNames = annosvc.getPageAnnotationNames(testURI);
   do_check_eq(annoNames.length, 1);
   do_check_eq(annoNames[0], "moz-test-places/annotations");
   // get annotation names for an item
-  var annoNames = annosvc.getItemAnnotationNames(testItemId);
+  annoNames = annosvc.getItemAnnotationNames(testItemId);
   do_check_eq(annoNames.length, 1);
   do_check_eq(annoNames[0], "moz-test-places/annotations");
   // copy annotations to another uri
   var newURI = uri("http://mozilla.org");
   yield PlacesTestUtils.addVisits(newURI);
   annosvc.setPageAnnotation(testURI, "oldAnno", "new", 0, 0);
   annosvc.setPageAnnotation(newURI, "oldAnno", "old", 0, 0);
-  var annoNames = annosvc.getPageAnnotationNames(newURI);
+  annoNames = annosvc.getPageAnnotationNames(newURI);
   do_check_eq(annoNames.length, 1);
   do_check_eq(annoNames[0], "oldAnno");
   var oldAnnoNames = annosvc.getPageAnnotationNames(testURI);
   do_check_eq(oldAnnoNames.length, 2);
   var copiedAnno = oldAnnoNames[0];
   annosvc.copyPageAnnotations(testURI, newURI, false);
   var newAnnoNames = annosvc.getPageAnnotationNames(newURI);
   do_check_eq(newAnnoNames.length, 2);
@@ -175,30 +175,30 @@ add_task(function* test_execute()
   newAnnoNames = annosvc.getPageAnnotationNames(newURI);
   do_check_eq(newAnnoNames.length, 2);
   do_check_true(annosvc.pageHasAnnotation(newURI, "oldAnno"));
   do_check_true(annosvc.pageHasAnnotation(newURI, copiedAnno));
   do_check_eq(annosvc.getPageAnnotation(newURI, "oldAnno"), "new");
   // copy annotations to another item
-  var newURI = uri("http://mozilla.org");
+  newURI = uri("http://mozilla.org");
   var newItemId = bmsvc.insertBookmark(bmsvc.bookmarksMenuFolder, newURI, -1, "");
   var itemId = bmsvc.insertBookmark(bmsvc.bookmarksMenuFolder, testURI, -1, "");
   annosvc.setItemAnnotation(itemId, "oldAnno", "new", 0, 0);
   annosvc.setItemAnnotation(itemId, "testAnno", "test", 0, 0);
   annosvc.setItemAnnotation(newItemId, "oldAnno", "old", 0, 0);
-  var annoNames = annosvc.getItemAnnotationNames(newItemId);
+  annoNames = annosvc.getItemAnnotationNames(newItemId);
   do_check_eq(annoNames.length, 1);
   do_check_eq(annoNames[0], "oldAnno");
-  var oldAnnoNames = annosvc.getItemAnnotationNames(itemId);
+  oldAnnoNames = annosvc.getItemAnnotationNames(itemId);
   do_check_eq(oldAnnoNames.length, 2);
-  var copiedAnno = oldAnnoNames[0];
+  copiedAnno = oldAnnoNames[0];
   annosvc.copyItemAnnotations(itemId, newItemId, false);
-  var newAnnoNames = annosvc.getItemAnnotationNames(newItemId);
+  newAnnoNames = annosvc.getItemAnnotationNames(newItemId);
   do_check_eq(newAnnoNames.length, 2);
   do_check_true(annosvc.itemHasAnnotation(newItemId, "oldAnno"));
   do_check_true(annosvc.itemHasAnnotation(newItemId, copiedAnno));
   do_check_eq(annosvc.getItemAnnotation(newItemId, "oldAnno"), "old");
   annosvc.setItemAnnotation(newItemId, "oldAnno", "new", 0, 0);
   annosvc.copyItemAnnotations(itemId, newItemId, true);
   newAnnoNames = annosvc.getItemAnnotationNames(newItemId);
   do_check_eq(newAnnoNames.length, 2);
@@ -206,17 +206,17 @@ add_task(function* test_execute()
   do_check_true(annosvc.itemHasAnnotation(newItemId, copiedAnno));
   do_check_eq(annosvc.getItemAnnotation(newItemId, "oldAnno"), "new");
   // test int32 anno type
   var int32Key = testAnnoName + "/types/Int32";
   var int32Val = 23;
   annosvc.setPageAnnotation(testURI, int32Key, int32Val, 0, 0);
   do_check_true(annosvc.pageHasAnnotation(testURI, int32Key));
-  var flags = {}, exp = {}, storageType = {};
+  flags = {}, exp = {}, storageType = {};
   annosvc.getPageAnnotationInfo(testURI, int32Key, flags, exp, storageType);
   do_check_eq(flags.value, 0);
   do_check_eq(exp.value, 0);
   do_check_eq(storageType.value, Ci.nsIAnnotationService.TYPE_INT32);
   var storedVal = annosvc.getPageAnnotation(testURI, int32Key);
   do_check_true(int32Val === storedVal);
   annosvc.setItemAnnotation(testItemId, int32Key, int32Val, 0, 0);
   do_check_true(annosvc.itemHasAnnotation(testItemId, int32Key));
@@ -292,17 +292,17 @@ add_task(function* test_execute()
     try {
       annosvc.setItemAnnotation(id, "foo", "bar", 0, 0);
       do_throw("setItemAnnotation* should throw for invalid item id: " + id)
     catch(ex) { }
   // setting an annotation with EXPIRE_HISTORY for an item should throw
-  var itemId = bmsvc.insertBookmark(bmsvc.bookmarksMenuFolder, testURI, -1, "");
+  itemId = bmsvc.insertBookmark(bmsvc.bookmarksMenuFolder, testURI, -1, "");
   try {
     annosvc.setItemAnnotation(itemId, "foo", "bar", 0, annosvc.EXPIRE_WITH_HISTORY);
     do_throw("setting an item annotation with EXPIRE_HISTORY should throw");
   catch(ex) {
--- a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_history.js
+++ b/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_history.js
@@ -167,18 +167,18 @@ add_task(function* test_execute()
     do_throw("bookmarks table does not have id field, schema is too old!");
   finally {
   // bug 394741 - regressed history text searches
   yield PlacesTestUtils.addVisits(uri("http://mozilla.com"));
-  var options = histsvc.getNewQueryOptions();
+  options = histsvc.getNewQueryOptions();
   //options.resultType = options.RESULTS_AS_VISIT;
-  var query = histsvc.getNewQuery();
+  query = histsvc.getNewQuery();
   query.searchTerms = "moz";
-  var result = histsvc.executeQuery(query, options);
-  var root = result.root;
+  result = histsvc.executeQuery(query, options);
+  root = result.root;
   root.containerOpen = true;
   do_check_true(root.childCount > 0);
   root.containerOpen = false;
--- a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_history_sidebar.js
+++ b/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_history_sidebar.js
@@ -78,25 +78,25 @@ var visibleContainers = containers.filte
  * Asynchronous task that fills history and checks containers' labels.
 function* task_fill_history() {
   print("\n\n*** TEST Fill History\n");
   // We can't use "now" because our hardcoded offsets would be invalid for some
   // date.  So we hardcode a date.
-  for (var i = 0; i < containers.length; i++) {
-    var container = containers[i];
+  for (let i = 0; i < containers.length; i++) {
+    let container = containers[i];
     var testURI = uri("http://mirror"+i+".mozilla.com/b");
     yield task_add_normalized_visit(testURI, nowObj.getTime(), container.offset);
-    var testURI = uri("http://mirror"+i+".mozilla.com/a");
+    testURI = uri("http://mirror"+i+".mozilla.com/a");
     yield task_add_normalized_visit(testURI, nowObj.getTime(), container.offset);
-    var testURI = uri("http://mirror"+i+".google.com/b");
+    testURI = uri("http://mirror"+i+".google.com/b");
     yield task_add_normalized_visit(testURI, nowObj.getTime(), container.offset);
-    var testURI = uri("http://mirror"+i+".google.com/a");
+    testURI = uri("http://mirror"+i+".google.com/a");
     yield task_add_normalized_visit(testURI, nowObj.getTime(), container.offset);
     // Bug 485703 - Hide date containers not containing additional entries
     //              compared to previous ones.
     // Check after every new container is added.
   var options = hs.getNewQueryOptions();
@@ -105,18 +105,18 @@ function* task_fill_history() {
   var result = hs.executeQuery(query, options);
   var root = result.root;
   root.containerOpen = true;
   var cc = root.childCount;
   print("Found containers:");
   var previousLabels = [];
-  for (var i = 0; i < cc; i++) {
-    var container = visibleContainers[i];
+  for (let i = 0; i < cc; i++) {
+    let container = visibleContainers[i];
     var node = root.getChild(i);
     if (container.label)
       do_check_eq(node.title, container.label);
     // Check labels are not repeated.
     do_check_eq(previousLabels.indexOf(node.title), -1);
@@ -196,35 +196,35 @@ function test_RESULTS_AS_DATE_SITE_QUERY
   // Inside of host sites are sorted by title
   var site1visit = site1.getChild(0);
   do_check_eq(site1visit.uri, "http://mirror0.google.com/a");
   // Bug 473157: changing sorting mode should not affect the containers
   result.sortingMode = options.SORT_BY_TITLE_DESCENDING;
   // Check one of the days
-  var dayNode = root.getChild(0)
+  dayNode = root.getChild(0)
   dayNode.containerOpen = true;
   do_check_eq(dayNode.childCount, 2);
   // Hosts are still sorted by title
-  var site1 = dayNode.getChild(0)
+  site1 = dayNode.getChild(0)
   do_check_eq(site1.title, "mirror0.google.com");
-  var site2 = dayNode.getChild(1)
+  site2 = dayNode.getChild(1)
   do_check_eq(site2.title, "mirror0.mozilla.com");
   site1.containerOpen = true;
   do_check_eq(site1.childCount, 2);
   // But URLs are now sorted by title descending
-  var site1visit = site1.getChild(0);
+  site1visit = site1.getChild(0);
   do_check_eq(site1visit.uri, "http://mirror0.google.com/b");
   site1.containerOpen = false;
   dayNode.containerOpen = false;
   root.containerOpen = false;
@@ -262,26 +262,26 @@ function test_RESULTS_AS_DATE_QUERY() {
   var visit2 = dayNode.getChild(3);
   do_check_eq(visit2.uri, "http://mirror0.mozilla.com/b");
   // Bug 473157: changing sorting mode should not affect the containers
   result.sortingMode = options.SORT_BY_TITLE_DESCENDING;
   // Check one of the days
-  var dayNode = root.getChild(0)
+  dayNode = root.getChild(0)
   dayNode.containerOpen = true;
   do_check_eq(dayNode.childCount, 4);
   // But URLs are now sorted by title descending
-  var visit1 = dayNode.getChild(0);
+  visit1 = dayNode.getChild(0);
   do_check_eq(visit1.uri, "http://mirror0.mozilla.com/b");
-  var visit2 = dayNode.getChild(3);
+  visit2 = dayNode.getChild(3);
   do_check_eq(visit2.uri, "http://mirror0.google.com/a");
   dayNode.containerOpen = false;
   root.containerOpen = false;
  * Queries history grouped by site, checking containers' labels and children.
@@ -326,17 +326,17 @@ function test_RESULTS_AS_SITE_QUERY() {
   do_check_eq(siteNode.childCount, 2);
   // Inside of host sites are sorted by title
   var visitNode = siteNode.getChild(0);
   do_check_eq(visitNode.uri, "http://mirror3.google.com/a");
   // Bug 473157: changing sorting mode should not affect the containers
   result.sortingMode = options.SORT_BY_TITLE_DESCENDING;
-  var siteNode = root.getChild(6)
+  siteNode = root.getChild(6)
   do_check_eq(siteNode.title, "mirror3.google.com");
   siteNode.containerOpen = true;
   do_check_eq(siteNode.childCount, 2);
   // But URLs are now sorted by title descending
   var visit = siteNode.getChild(0);
--- a/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_placeURIs.js
+++ b/toolkit/components/places/tests/unit/test_placeURIs.js
@@ -30,13 +30,13 @@ function run_test() {
   var options = histsvc.getNewQueryOptions();
   options.sortingAnnotation = "test anno";
   var placeURI =
   do_check_eq(histsvc.queriesToQueryString([query], 1, options),
-  var options = {};
+  options = {};
   histsvc.queryStringToQueries(placeURI, { }, {}, options);
   do_check_eq(options.value.sortingAnnotation, "test anno");
   do_check_eq(options.value.sortingMode, NHQO.SORT_BY_ANNOTATION_DESCENDING);
--- a/toolkit/components/printing/content/printProgress.js
+++ b/toolkit/components/printing/content/printProgress.js
@@ -23,22 +23,20 @@ function ellipseString(aStr, doFront)
   if (aStr.length > 3 && (aStr.substr(0, 3) == "..." || aStr.substr(aStr.length-4, 3) == "...")) {
     return aStr;
   var fixedLen = 64;
   if (aStr.length > fixedLen) {
     if (doFront) {
       var endStr = aStr.substr(aStr.length-fixedLen, fixedLen);
-      var str = "..." + endStr;
-      return str;
+      return "..." + endStr;
     } else {
       var frontStr = aStr.substr(0, fixedLen);
-      var str = frontStr + "...";
-      return str;
+      return frontStr + "...";
   return aStr;
 // all progress notifications are done through the nsIWebProgressListener implementation...
 var progressListener = {
     onStateChange: function(aWebProgress, aRequest, aStateFlags, aStatus)
--- a/toolkit/components/printing/content/printUtils.js
+++ b/toolkit/components/printing/content/printUtils.js
@@ -372,25 +372,25 @@ var PrintUtils = {
     promptSvc.alert(window, title, msg);
   receiveMessage(aMessage) {
     if (aMessage.name == "Printing:Error") {
-      return;
+      return undefined;
     // If we got here, then the message we've received must involve
     // updating the print progress UI.
     if (!this._webProgressPP.value) {
       // We somehow didn't get a nsIWebProgressListener to be updated...
       // I guess there's nothing to do.
-      return;
+      return undefined;
     let listener = this._webProgressPP.value;
     let mm = aMessage.target.messageManager;
     let data = aMessage.data;
     switch (aMessage.name) {
       case "Printing:Preview:ProgressChange": {
--- a/toolkit/components/reader/JSDOMParser.js
+++ b/toolkit/components/reader/JSDOMParser.js
@@ -693,22 +693,22 @@
       var arr = [];
       return arr.join("");
     set innerHTML(html) {
       var parser = new JSDOMParser();
       var node = parser.parse(html);
-      for (var i = this.childNodes.length; --i >= 0;) {
+      for (let i = this.childNodes.length; --i >= 0;) {
         this.childNodes[i].parentNode = null;
       this.childNodes = node.childNodes;
       this.children = node.children;
-      for (var i = this.childNodes.length; --i >= 0;) {
+      for (let i = this.childNodes.length; --i >= 0;) {
         this.childNodes[i].parentNode = this;
     set textContent(text) {
       // clear parentNodes for existing children
       for (var i = this.childNodes.length; --i >= 0;) {
         this.childNodes[i].parentNode = null;
@@ -1083,17 +1083,17 @@
       var c = this.nextChar();
       if (c === undefined)
         return null;
       // Read any text as Text node
       if (c !== "<") {
-        var node = new Text();
+        let node = new Text();
         var n = this.html.indexOf("<", this.currentChar);
         if (n === -1) {
           node.innerHTML = this.html.substring(this.currentChar, this.html.length);
           this.currentChar = this.html.length;
         } else {
           node.innerHTML = this.html.substring(this.currentChar, n);
           this.currentChar = n;
--- a/toolkit/components/reader/Readability.js
+++ b/toolkit/components/reader/Readability.js
@@ -365,17 +365,17 @@ Readability.prototype = {
       // <p> block.
       var replaced = false;
       // If we find a <br> chain, remove the <br>s until we hit another element
       // or non-whitespace. This leaves behind the first <br> in the chain
       // (which will be replaced with a <p> later).
       while ((next = this._nextElement(next)) && (next.tagName == "BR")) {
         replaced = true;
-        var sibling = next.nextSibling;
+        let sibling = next.nextSibling;
         next = sibling;
       // If we removed a <br> chain, replace the remaining <br> with a <p>. Add
       // all sibling nodes as children of the <p> until we hit another <br>
       // chain.
       if (replaced) {
@@ -387,17 +387,17 @@ Readability.prototype = {
           // If we've hit another <br><br>, we're done adding children to this <p>.
           if (next.tagName == "BR") {
             var nextElem = this._nextElement(next);
             if (nextElem && nextElem.tagName == "BR")
           // Otherwise, make this node a child of the new <p>.
-          var sibling = next.nextSibling;
+          let sibling = next.nextSibling;
           next = sibling;
   _setNodeTag: function (node, tag) {
@@ -1136,17 +1136,17 @@ Readability.prototype = {
    * This is the amount of text that is inside a link divided by the total text in the node.
    * @param Element
    * @return number (float)
   _getLinkDensity: function(element) {
     var textLength = this._getInnerText(element).length;
     if (textLength === 0)
-      return;
+      return undefined;
     var linkLength = 0;
     // XXX implement _reduceNodeList?
     this._forEachNode(element.getElementsByTagName("a"), function(linkNode) {
       linkLength += this._getInnerText(linkNode).length;
--- a/toolkit/components/satchel/FormHistory.jsm
+++ b/toolkit/components/satchel/FormHistory.jsm
@@ -329,17 +329,17 @@ function makeMoveToDeletedStatement(aGui
     let queryTerms = makeQueryPredicates(aData);
     if (aGuid) {
       query += " VALUES (:guid, :timeDeleted)";
     } else {
       // TODO: Add these items to the deleted items table once we've sorted
       //       out the issues from bug 756701
       if (!queryTerms)
-        return;
+        return undefined;
       query += " SELECT guid, :timeDeleted FROM moz_formhistory WHERE " + queryTerms;
     aData.timeDeleted = aNow;
     return dbCreateAsyncStatement(query, aData, aBindingArrays);
--- a/toolkit/components/satchel/test/test_form_autocomplete_with_list.html
+++ b/toolkit/components/satchel/test/test_form_autocomplete_with_list.html
@@ -342,17 +342,17 @@ function runTest() {
     case 201:
       // Adding an attribute after the first one while on the first then going
       // down and push enter. Value should be the on from the new suggestion.
-      var datalist = document.getElementById('suggest');
+      datalist = document.getElementById('suggest');
       var added = new Option("Foo");
       datalist.insertBefore(added, datalist.children[1]);
       SimpleTest.executeSoon(function() {
@@ -363,50 +363,50 @@ function runTest() {
     case 202:
       // Change the first element value attribute.
-      var datalist = document.getElementById('suggest');
+      datalist = document.getElementById('suggest');
       prevValue = datalist.children[0].value;
       datalist.children[0].value = "foo";
     case 203:
-      var datalist = document.getElementById('suggest');
+      datalist = document.getElementById('suggest');
       datalist.children[0].value = prevValue;
     case 204:
       // Change the textContent to update the value attribute.
-      var datalist = document.getElementById('suggest');
+      datalist = document.getElementById('suggest');
       prevValue = datalist.children[0].getAttribute('value');
       datalist.children[0].textContent = "foobar";
     case 205:
-      var datalist = document.getElementById('suggest');
+      datalist = document.getElementById('suggest');
       datalist.children[0].setAttribute('value', prevValue);
       testNum = 299;
     // Tests for filtering (or not).
--- a/toolkit/components/satchel/test/test_form_submission.html
+++ b/toolkit/components/satchel/test/test_form_submission.html
@@ -109,20 +109,20 @@
     <button type="submit">Submit</button>
   <!-- input with sensitive data (15 digit credit card number) -->
   <form id="form16" onsubmit="return checkSubmit(16)">
     <script type="text/javascript">
-      var form = document.getElementById('form16');
-      for (var i = 0; i != 10; i++)
+      form = document.getElementById('form16');
+      for (i = 0; i != 10; i++)
-        var input = document.createElement('input');
+        input = document.createElement('input');
         input.type = 'text';
         input.name = 'test' + (i + 1);
     <button type="submit">Submit</button>
@@ -211,36 +211,36 @@
     <input type="text" name="test6">
     <button type="submit">Submit</button>
   <!-- input that looks like sensitive data but doesn't
        satisfy the requirements (Luhn check fails for 16 chars) -->
   <form id="form107" onsubmit="return checkSubmit(107)">
     <script type="text/javascript">
-      var form = document.getElementById('form107');
-      for (var i = 0; i != 10; i++)
+      form = document.getElementById('form107');
+      for (i = 0; i != 10; i++)
-        var input = document.createElement('input');
+        input = document.createElement('input');
         input.type = 'text';
         input.name = 'test7_' + (i + 1);
     <button type="submit">Submit</button>
   <!-- input that looks like sensitive data but doesn't
        satisfy the requirements (Luhn check fails for 15 chars) -->
   <form id="form108" onsubmit="return checkSubmit(108)">
     <script type="text/javascript">
-      var form = document.getElementById('form108');
-      for (var i = 0; i != 10; i++)
+      form = document.getElementById('form108');
+      for (i = 0; i != 10; i++)
-        var input = document.createElement('input');
+        input = document.createElement('input');
         input.type = 'text';
         input.name = 'test8_' + (i + 1);
     <button type="submit">Submit</button>
@@ -325,17 +325,17 @@ function startTest() {
   $_(14, "test1").value = "dontSaveThis";
   var testData = ccNumbers.valid16;
   for (var i = 0; i != testData.length; i++) {
     $_(15, "test" + (i + 1)).value = testData[i];
   testData = ccNumbers.valid15;
-  for (var i = 0; i != testData.length; i++) {
+  for (i = 0; i != testData.length; i++) {
     $_(16, "test" + (i + 1)).value = testData[i];
   $_(17, "test1").value = "001064088";
   $_(18, "test1").value = "0000-0000-0080-4609";
   $_(19, "test1").value = "0000 0000 0222 331";
   $_(20, "test1").value = "dontSaveThis";
   $_(22, "test1").value = "dontSaveThis";
   $_(23, "test1").value = "dontSaveThis";
@@ -343,23 +343,23 @@ function startTest() {
   $_(101, "test1").value = "savedValue";
   $_(102, "test2").value = "savedValue";
   $_(103, "test3").value = "savedValue";
   $_(104, "test4").value = " trimTrailingAndLeadingSpace ";
   $_(105, "test5").value = "\t trimTrailingAndLeadingWhitespace\t ";
   $_(106, "test6").value = "00000000109181";
-  var testData = ccNumbers.invalid16;
-  for (var i = 0; i != testData.length; i++) {
+  testData = ccNumbers.invalid16;
+  for (i = 0; i != testData.length; i++) {
     $_(107, "test7_" + (i + 1)).value = testData[i];
-  var testData = ccNumbers.invalid15;
-  for (var i = 0; i != testData.length; i++) {
+  testData = ccNumbers.invalid15;
+  for (i = 0; i != testData.length; i++) {
     $_(108, "test8_" + (i + 1)).value = testData[i];
   $_(109, "test9").value = "savedValue";
   $_(110, "test10").value = "savedValue";
   // submit the first form.
   var button = getFormSubmitButton(1);
@@ -430,17 +430,17 @@ function checkSubmit(formNum) {
         checkForSave("test6", "00000000109181", "checking saved value");
     case 107:
         for (var i = 0; i != ccNumbers.invalid16.length; i++) {
           checkForSave("test7_" + (i + 1), ccNumbers.invalid16[i], "checking saved value");
     case 108:
-        for (var i = 0; i != ccNumbers.invalid15.length; i++) {
+        for (i = 0; i != ccNumbers.invalid15.length; i++) {
           checkForSave("test8_" + (i + 1), ccNumbers.invalid15[i], "checking saved value");
     case 109:
         checkForSave("test9", "savedValue", "checking saved value");
     case 110:
         checkForSave("test10", "savedValue", "checking saved value");
--- a/toolkit/components/satchel/test/unit/test_notify.js
+++ b/toolkit/components/satchel/test/unit/test_notify.js
@@ -53,18 +53,18 @@ try {
 var testnum = 0;
 var testdesc = "Setup of test form history entries";
 var entry1 = ["entry1", "value1"];
 var entry2 = ["entry2", "value2"];
 /* ========== 1 ========== */
-var testnum = 1;
-var testdesc = "Initial connection to storage module"
+testnum = 1;
+testdesc = "Initial connection to storage module"
 yield updateEntry("remove", null, null, next_test);
 yield countEntries(null, null, function (num) { do_check_false(num, "Checking initial DB is empty"); next_test(); });
 // Add the observer
 var os = Cc["@mozilla.org/observer-service;1"].
 os.addObserver(TestObserver, "satchel-storage-changed", false);
--- a/toolkit/components/telemetry/tests/unit/test_nsITelemetry.js
+++ b/toolkit/components/telemetry/tests/unit/test_nsITelemetry.js
@@ -23,17 +23,17 @@ function test_expired_histogram() {
   do_check_eq(Telemetry.histogramSnapshots[clone_id], undefined);
   do_check_eq(rh[test_expired_id], undefined);
 function test_histogram(histogram_type, name, min, max, bucket_count) {
   var h = Telemetry.newHistogram(name, "never", histogram_type, min, max, bucket_count);
   var r = h.snapshot().ranges;
   var sum = 0;
-  for(var i=0;i<r.length;i++) {
+  for(let i=0;i<r.length;i++) {
     var v = r[i];
     sum += v;
   var s = h.snapshot();
   // verify properties
   do_check_eq(sum, s.sum);
   if (histogram_type == Telemetry.HISTOGRAM_EXPONENTIAL) {
@@ -41,36 +41,36 @@ function test_histogram(histogram_type, 
     do_check_false("sum_squares_hi" in s);
   } else {
     // Doing the math to verify sum_squares was reflected correctly is
     // tedious in JavaScript.  Just make sure we have something.
     do_check_neq(s.sum_squares_lo + s.sum_squares_hi, 0);
   // there should be exactly one element per bucket
-  for (var i of s.counts) {
+  for (let i of s.counts) {
     do_check_eq(i, 1);
   var hgrams = Telemetry.histogramSnapshots
   gh = hgrams[name]
   do_check_eq(gh.histogram_type, histogram_type);
   do_check_eq(gh.min, min)
   do_check_eq(gh.max, max)
   // Check that booleans work with nonboolean histograms
-  var s = h.snapshot().counts;
+  s = h.snapshot().counts;
   do_check_eq(s[0], 2)
   do_check_eq(s[1], 2)
   // Check that clearing works.
-  var s = h.snapshot();
+  s = h.snapshot();
   for (var i of s.counts) {
     do_check_eq(i, 0);
   do_check_eq(s.sum, 0);
   if (histogram_type != Telemetry.HISTOGRAM_EXPONENTIAL) {
     do_check_eq(s.sum_squares_lo, 0);
     do_check_eq(s.sum_squares_hi, 0);
--- a/toolkit/components/thumbnails/test/browser_thumbnails_storage.js
+++ b/toolkit/components/thumbnails/test/browser_thumbnails_storage.js
@@ -58,17 +58,17 @@ function* runTests() {
     yield promiseClearFile(file, URL);    
 var promiseClearFile = Task.async(function*(aFile, aURL) {
   if (!aFile.exists()) {
-    return;
+    return undefined;
   // Re-add our URL to the history so that history observer's onDeleteURI()
   // is called again.
   yield PlacesTestUtils.addVisits(makeURI(aURL));
   yield promiseClearHistory(true);
   // Then retry.
   return promiseClearFile(aFile, aURL);
--- a/toolkit/components/viewsource/content/viewSource.js
+++ b/toolkit/components/viewsource/content/viewSource.js
@@ -296,17 +296,17 @@ ViewSourceChrome.prototype = {
         viewSourceNavigation.setAttribute("disabled", "true");
         viewSourceNavigation.setAttribute("hidden", "true");
     // We require the first argument to do any loading of source.
     // otherwise, we're done.
     if (!window.arguments[0]) {
-      return;
+      return undefined;
     if (typeof window.arguments[0] == "string") {
       // We're using the deprecated API
       return this._loadViewSourceDeprecated(window.arguments);
     // We're using the modern API, which allows us to view the
--- a/toolkit/content/browser-content.js
+++ b/toolkit/content/browser-content.js
@@ -624,25 +624,25 @@ var FindBar = {
       should = BrowserUtils.shouldFastFind(elt, win);
     return { can, should }
   _onKeypress(event) {
     // Useless keys:
     if (event.ctrlKey || event.altKey || event.metaKey || event.defaultPrevented) {
-      return;
+      return undefined;
     // Check the focused element etc.
     let fastFind = this._canAndShouldFastFind();
     // Can we even use find in this page at all?
     if (!fastFind.can) {
-      return;
+      return undefined;
     let fakeEvent = {};
     for (let k in event) {
       if (typeof event[k] != "object" && typeof event[k] != "function" &&
           !(k in content.KeyboardEvent)) {
         fakeEvent[k] = event[k];
@@ -961,17 +961,17 @@ var ViewSelectionSource = {
     // walk up the tree to the top-level element (e.g., <math>, <svg>)
     var topTag = "math";
     var topNode = this._targetNode;
     while (topNode && topNode.localName != topTag) {
       topNode = topNode.parentNode;
     if (!topNode)
-      return;
+      return undefined;
     // serialize
     const VIEW_SOURCE_CSS = "resource://gre-resources/viewsource.css";
     const BUNDLE_URL = "chrome://global/locale/viewSource.properties";
     let bundle = Services.strings.createBundle(BUNDLE_URL);
     var title = bundle.GetStringFromName("viewMathMLSourceTitle");
     var wrapClass = this.wrapLongLines ? ' class="wrap"' : '';
--- a/toolkit/content/customizeToolbar.js
+++ b/toolkit/content/customizeToolbar.js
@@ -724,17 +724,17 @@ function onToolbarDrop(aEvent)
   while (toolbar.localName != "toolbar")
     toolbar = toolbar.parentNode;
   var draggedPaletteWrapper = document.getElementById("wrapper-"+draggedItemId);
   if (!draggedPaletteWrapper) {
     // The wrapper has been dragged from the toolbar.
     // Get the wrapper from the toolbar document and make sure that
     // it isn't being dropped on itself.
-    var wrapper = gToolboxDocument.getElementById("wrapper-"+draggedItemId);
+    let wrapper = gToolboxDocument.getElementById("wrapper-"+draggedItemId);
     if (wrapper == gCurrentDragOverItem)
     // Don't allow non-removable kids (e.g., the menubar) to move.
     if (wrapper.firstChild.getAttribute("removable") != "true")
     // Remove the item from its place in the toolbar.
@@ -751,17 +751,17 @@ function onToolbarDrop(aEvent)
     if (gCurrentDragOverItem != dropToolbar)
       dropToolbar.insertBefore(wrapper, gCurrentDragOverItem);
   } else {
     // The item has been dragged from the palette
     // Create a new wrapper for the item. We don't know the id yet.
-    var wrapper = createWrapper("", gToolboxDocument);
+    let wrapper = createWrapper("", gToolboxDocument);
     // Ask the toolbar to clone the item's template, place it inside the wrapper, and insert it in the toolbar.
     var newItem = toolbar.insertItem(draggedItemId, gCurrentDragOverItem == toolbar ? null : gCurrentDragOverItem, wrapper);
     // Prepare the item and wrapper to look good on the toolbar.
     cleanupItemForToolbar(newItem, wrapper);
     wrapper.id = "wrapper-"+newItem.id;
     wrapper.flex = newItem.flex;
--- a/toolkit/content/tests/widgets/tree_shared.js
+++ b/toolkit/content/tests/widgets/tree_shared.js
@@ -387,18 +387,18 @@ function testtag_tree_TreeSelection_UI(t
   synthesizeKeyExpectEvent("VK_UP", { accelKey: true }, tree, "!select", "key up with accel");
   testtag_tree_TreeSelection_State(tree, testid + "key up with accel", multiple ? 3 : 4, [4]);
   if (!multiple)
     is(tree.treeBoxObject.getFirstVisibleRow(), 3, testid + "key up with accel and scroll");
   // do this three times, one for each state of pageUpOrDownMovesSelection,
   // and then once with the accel key pressed
-  for (var t = 0; t < 3; t++) {
-    var testidmod = (t == 2) ? " with accel" : (t == 1) ? " rev" : "";
+  for (let t = 0; t < 3; t++) {
+    let testidmod = (t == 2) ? " with accel" : (t == 1) ? " rev" : "";
     var keymod = (t == 2) ? { accelKey: true } : { };
     var moveselection = tree.pageUpOrDownMovesSelection;
     if (t == 2)
       moveselection = !moveselection;
     selection.currentIndex = 6;
@@ -481,18 +481,18 @@ function testtag_tree_TreeSelection_UI(t
     testtag_tree_TreeSelection_State(tree, testid + "key shift down to unselect", 1, [1]);
     is(selection.shiftSelectPivot, 1, testid + "key shift down to unselect shiftSelectPivot");
   // do this twice, one for each state of pageUpOrDownMovesSelection, however
   // when selecting with the shift key, pageUpOrDownMovesSelection is ignored
   // and the selection always changes
   var lastidx = tree.view.rowCount - 1;
-  for (var t = 0; t < 2; t++) {
-    var testidmod = (t == 0) ? "" : " rev";
+  for (let t = 0; t < 2; t++) {
+    let testidmod = (t == 0) ? "" : " rev";
     // If the top or bottom visible row is the current row, pressing shift and
     // page down / page up selects one page up or one page down. Otherwise, the
     // selection is made to the top or bottom of the visible area.
     tree.treeBoxObject.scrollToRow(lastidx - 3);
     selection.currentIndex = 6;
     synthesizeKeyExpectEvent("VK_PAGE_UP", { shiftKey: true }, tree, eventExpected, "key shift page up");
@@ -775,17 +775,17 @@ function testtag_tree_TreeSelection_UI_c
     synthesizeKeyExpectEvent("VK_PAGE_UP", {}, tree, "!select", "key page up");
     testtag_tree_TreeSelection_State(tree, testid + "key page up" + testidmod,
                                      expectedrow, [expectedrow],
                                      tree.pageUpOrDownMovesSelection ? lastidx - 3 : 0, lastcolumn);
     selection.currentIndex = 1;
-    var expectedrow = tree.pageUpOrDownMovesSelection ? 4 : 1;
+    expectedrow = tree.pageUpOrDownMovesSelection ? 4 : 1;
     synthesizeKeyExpectEvent("VK_PAGE_DOWN", {}, tree, "!select", "key page down");
     testtag_tree_TreeSelection_State(tree, testid + "key page down" + testidmod,
                                      expectedrow, [expectedrow],
                                      tree.pageUpOrDownMovesSelection ? 1 : lastidx - 3, lastcolumn);
     tree.pageUpOrDownMovesSelection = !tree.pageUpOrDownMovesSelection;
@@ -1099,52 +1099,52 @@ function testtag_tree_column_reorder()
   var numColumns = tree.columns.count;
   var reference = [];
   for (var i = 0; i < numColumns; i++) {
     reference.push("col_" + i);
   // Drag the first column to each position
-  for (var i = 0; i < numColumns - 1; i++) {
+  for (let i = 0; i < numColumns - 1; i++) {
     synthesizeColumnDrag(tree, i, i + 1, true);
     arrayMove(reference, i, i + 1, true);
     checkColumns(tree, reference, "drag first column right");
   // And back
-  for (var i = numColumns - 1; i >= 1; i--) {
+  for (let i = numColumns - 1; i >= 1; i--) {
     synthesizeColumnDrag(tree, i, i - 1, false);
     arrayMove(reference, i, i - 1, false);
     checkColumns(tree, reference, "drag last column left");
   // Drag each column one column left
-  for (var i = 1; i < numColumns; i++) {
+  for (let i = 1; i < numColumns; i++) {
     synthesizeColumnDrag(tree, i, i - 1, false);
     arrayMove(reference, i, i - 1, false);
     checkColumns(tree, reference, "drag each column left");
   // And back
-  for (var i = numColumns - 2; i >= 0; i--) {
+  for (let i = numColumns - 2; i >= 0; i--) {
     synthesizeColumnDrag(tree, i, i + 1, true);
     arrayMove(reference, i, i + 1, true);
     checkColumns(tree, reference, "drag each column right");
   // Drag each column 5 to the right
-  for (var i = 0; i < numColumns - 5; i++) {
+  for (let i = 0; i < numColumns - 5; i++) {
     synthesizeColumnDrag(tree, i, i + 5, true);
     arrayMove(reference, i, i + 5, true);
     checkColumns(tree, reference, "drag each column 5 to the right");
   // And to the left
-  for (var i = numColumns - 6; i >= 5; i--) {
+  for (let i = numColumns - 6; i >= 5; i--) {
     synthesizeColumnDrag(tree, i, i - 5, false);
     arrayMove(reference, i, i - 5, false);
     checkColumns(tree, reference, "drag each column 5 to the left");
   // Test that moving a column after itself does not move anything
   synthesizeColumnDrag(tree, 0, 0, true);
   checkColumns(tree, reference, "drag to itself");
@@ -1230,24 +1230,24 @@ function synthesizeColumnDrag(aTree, aMo
   synthesizeMouse(down, splitterHitWidth, 3, { type: "mousedown"});
   var offsetX = 0;
   if (aAfter) {
     offsetX = columnWidth;
   if (aMouseUpColumnNumber > aMouseDownColumnNumber) {
-    for (var i = aMouseDownColumnNumber; i <= aMouseUpColumnNumber; i++) {
-      var move = columns[i].element;
+    for (let i = aMouseDownColumnNumber; i <= aMouseUpColumnNumber; i++) {
+      let move = columns[i].element;
       synthesizeMouse(move, offsetX, 3, { type: "mousemove"});
   else {
-    for (var i = aMouseDownColumnNumber; i >= aMouseUpColumnNumber; i--) {
-      var move = columns[i].element;
+    for (let i = aMouseDownColumnNumber; i >= aMouseUpColumnNumber; i--) {
+      let move = columns[i].element;
       synthesizeMouse(move, offsetX, 3, { type: "mousemove"});
   synthesizeMouse(up, offsetX, 3, { type: "mouseup"});
 function arrayMove(aArray, aFrom, aTo, aAfter)
--- a/toolkit/content/treeUtils.js
+++ b/toolkit/content/treeUtils.js
@@ -19,26 +19,26 @@ var gTreeUtils = {
     var selection = aTree.view.selection;
     selection.selectEventsSuppressed = true;
     var rc = selection.getRangeCount();
     for (var i = 0; i < rc; ++i) {
       var min = { }; var max = { };
       selection.getRangeAt(i, min, max);
-      for (var j = min.value; j <= max.value; ++j) {
+      for (let j = min.value; j <= max.value; ++j) {
         aItems[j] = null;
     var nextSelection = 0;
     for (i = 0; i < aItems.length; ++i) {
       if (!aItems[i]) {
-        var j = i;
+        let j = i;
         while (j < aItems.length && !aItems[j])
         aItems.splice(i, j - i);
         nextSelection = j < aView.rowCount ? j - 1 : j - 2;
         aView._rowCount -= j - i;
         aTree.treeBoxObject.rowCountChanged(i, i - j);
--- a/toolkit/content/widgets/browser.xml
+++ b/toolkit/content/widgets/browser.xml
@@ -1194,17 +1194,17 @@
           var ourFieldValues = {};
           var otherFieldValues = {};
-          for (var field of fieldsToSwap) {
+          for (let field of fieldsToSwap) {
             ourFieldValues[field] = this[field];
             otherFieldValues[field] = aOtherBrowser[field];
           if (window.PopupNotifications)
             PopupNotifications._swapBrowserNotifications(aOtherBrowser, this);
           try {
@@ -1217,17 +1217,17 @@
           // Before we swap the actual docShell property we need to detach the
           // form fill controller from those docShells.
           if (!this.isRemoteBrowser) {
-          for (var field of fieldsToSwap) {
+          for (let field of fieldsToSwap) {
             this[field] = otherFieldValues[field];
             aOtherBrowser[field] = ourFieldValues[field];
           // Re-attach the docShells to the form fill controller.
           if (!this.isRemoteBrowser) {
--- a/toolkit/content/widgets/datetimepicker.xml
+++ b/toolkit/content/widgets/datetimepicker.xml
@@ -668,25 +668,25 @@
       <method name="_setFieldValue">
         <parameter name="aField"/>
         <parameter name="aValue"/>
             if (aField == this.yearField) {
-              var oldDate = this.date;
+              let oldDate = this.date;
               if (oldDate != this.date) {
                 this._updateUI(this.dateField, this.date);
             else if (aField == this.monthField) {
-              var oldDate = this.date;
+              let oldDate = this.date;
               if (oldDate != this.date) {
                 this._updateUI(this.dateField, this.date);
             else if (aField == this.dateField) {
--- a/toolkit/content/widgets/findbar.xml
+++ b/toolkit/content/widgets/findbar.xml
@@ -794,17 +794,17 @@
       <!-- See nsIMessageListener -->
       <method name="receiveMessage">
         <parameter name="aMessage"/>
           if (aMessage.target != this._browser) {
-            return;
+            return undefined;
           switch (aMessage.name) {
             case "Findbar:Mouseup":
               if (!this.hidden && this._findMode != this.FIND_NORMAL)
             case "Findbar:Keypress":
@@ -1094,17 +1094,17 @@
           if (!findString)
             return this.startFind();
           // We dispatch the findAgain event here instead of in _findAgain since
           // if there is a find event handler that prevents the default then
           // finder.searchString will never get updated which in turn means
           // there would never be findAgain events because of the logic below.
           if (!this._dispatchFindEvent("again", aFindPrevious))
-            return;
+            return undefined;
           // user explicitly requested another search, so do it even if we think it'll fail
           this._findFailedString = null;
           // Ensure the stored SearchString is in sync with what we want to find
           if (this._findField.value != this._browser.finder.searchString)
--- a/toolkit/content/widgets/menulist.xml
+++ b/toolkit/content/widgets/menulist.xml
@@ -245,17 +245,17 @@
             var event = document.createEvent("Events");
             event.initEvent("select", true, true);
-            var event = document.createEvent("Events");
+            event = document.createEvent("Events");
             event.initEvent("ValueChange", true, true);
             return val;
@@ -510,17 +510,17 @@
             var event = document.createEvent("Events");
             event.initEvent("select", true, true);
-            var event = document.createEvent("Events");
+            event = document.createEvent("Events");
             event.initEvent("ValueChange", true, true);
             return val;
       <property name="disableautoselect"
--- a/toolkit/content/widgets/notification.xml
+++ b/toolkit/content/widgets/notification.xml
@@ -322,17 +322,17 @@
             var isblock = aNotification &&
                           aNotification.priority == this.PRIORITY_CRITICAL_BLOCK;
             var canvas = this._blockingCanvas;
             if (isblock) {
               if (!canvas)
                 canvas = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml", "canvas");
               const XULNS = "http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul";
-              var content = this.firstChild;
+              let content = this.firstChild;
               if (!content ||
                    content.namespaceURI != XULNS ||
                    content.localName != "browser")
               var width = content.boxObject.width;
               var height = content.boxObject.height;
               content.collapsed = true;
@@ -356,17 +356,17 @@
                 context.drawWindow(win, win.scrollX, win.scrollY,
                                    width, height, bgcolor);
               catch(ex) { };
             else if (canvas) {
               this._blockingCanvas = null;
-              var content = this.firstChild;
+              let content = this.firstChild;
               if (content)
                 content.collapsed = false;
--- a/toolkit/content/widgets/preferences.xml
+++ b/toolkit/content/widgets/preferences.xml
@@ -1066,39 +1066,39 @@
         if (!this._fireEvent("beforeaccept", this)){
           return false;
         var secMan = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/scriptsecuritymanager;1"]
         if (this.type == "child" && window.opener &&
             secMan.isSystemPrincipal(window.opener.document.nodePrincipal)) {
-          var psvc = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/preferences-service;1"]
+          let psvc = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/preferences-service;1"]
           var pdocEl = window.opener.document.documentElement;
           if (pdocEl.instantApply) {
-            var panes = this.preferencePanes;
-            for (var i = 0; i < panes.length; ++i)
+            let panes = this.preferencePanes;
+            for (let i = 0; i < panes.length; ++i)
           else {
             // Clone all the preferences elements from the child document and
             // insert them into the pane collection of the parent. 
             var pdoc = window.opener.document;
             if (pdoc.documentElement.localName == "prefwindow") {
               var currentPane = pdoc.documentElement.currentPane;
               var id = window.location.href + "#childprefs";
               var childPrefs = pdoc.getElementById(id);
               if (!childPrefs) {
-                var childPrefs = pdoc.createElement("preferences");
+                childPrefs = pdoc.createElement("preferences");
                 childPrefs.id = id;
-              var panes = this.preferencePanes;
-              for (var i = 0; i < panes.length; ++i) {
+              let panes = this.preferencePanes;
+              for (let i = 0; i < panes.length; ++i) {
                 var preferences = panes[i].preferences;
                 for (var j = 0; j < preferences.length; ++j) {
                   // Try to find a preference element for the same preference.
                   var preference = null;
                   var parentPreferences = pdoc.getElementsByTagName("preferences");
                   for (var k = 0; (k < parentPreferences.length && !preference); ++k) {
                     var parentPrefs = parentPreferences[k]
                                          .getElementsByAttribute("name", preferences[j].name);
@@ -1119,21 +1119,21 @@
                   preference.value = preferences[j].value;
         else {
-          var panes = this.preferencePanes;
+          let panes = this.preferencePanes;
           for (var i = 0; i < panes.length; ++i)
-          var psvc = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/preferences-service;1"]
+          let psvc = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/preferences-service;1"]
         return true;
       <handler event="command">
--- a/toolkit/content/widgets/richlistbox.xml
+++ b/toolkit/content/widgets/richlistbox.xml
@@ -352,17 +352,17 @@
             // first look for the last-selected attribute
             var state = this.getAttribute("last-selected");
             if (state) {
               var ids = state.split(" ");
               var suppressSelect = this._suppressOnSelect;
               this._suppressOnSelect = true;
-              for (var i = 1; i < ids.length; i++) {
+              for (let i = 1; i < ids.length; i++) {
                 var selectedItem = document.getElementById(ids[i]);
                 if (selectedItem)
               var currentItem = document.getElementById(ids[0]);
               if (!currentItem && this._currentIndex)
                 currentItem = this.getItemAtIndex(Math.min(
@@ -389,22 +389,22 @@
             // try to restore the selected items according to their IDs
             // (applies after a template rebuild, if last-selected was not set)
             if (this.selectedItems) {
               let itemIds = [];
-              for (i = this.selectedCount - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+              for (let i = this.selectedCount - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
                 let selectedItem = this.selectedItems[i];
-              for (i = 0; i < itemIds.length; i++) {
+              for (let i = 0; i < itemIds.length; i++) {
                 let selectedItem = document.getElementById(itemIds[i]);
                 if (selectedItem) {
             if (this.currentItem && this.currentItem.id)
               this.currentItem = document.getElementById(this.currentItem.id);
@@ -414,17 +414,17 @@
             // if we have no previously current item or if the above check fails to
             // find the previous nodes (which causes it to clear selection)
             if (!this.currentItem && this.selectedCount == 0) {
               this.currentIndex = this._currentIndex ? this._currentIndex - 1 : 0;
               // cf. listbox constructor:
               // select items according to their attributes
               var children = this.children;
-              for (var i = 0; i < children.length; ++i) {
+              for (let i = 0; i < children.length; ++i) {
                 if (children[i].getAttribute("selected") == "true")
             if (this.selType != "multiple" && this.selectedCount == 0)
               this.selectedItem = this.currentItem;
--- a/toolkit/content/widgets/tabbox.xml
+++ b/toolkit/content/widgets/tabbox.xml
@@ -179,17 +179,17 @@
                                      .direction == "ltr" ? -1 : 1;
                   this.tabs.advanceSelectedTab(offset, true);
             case event.DOM_VK_RIGHT:
               if (event.metaKey && event.altKey && !event.shiftKey && !event.ctrlKey)
                 if (this.tabs && this._handleMetaAltArrows) {
-                  var offset = window.getComputedStyle(this, "")
+                  offset = window.getComputedStyle(this, "")
                                      .direction == "ltr" ? 1 : -1;
                   this.tabs.advanceSelectedTab(offset, true);
--- a/toolkit/content/widgets/tree.xml
+++ b/toolkit/content/widgets/tree.xml
@@ -845,31 +845,31 @@
               var c = row + 1;
               var view = this.view;
               if (c < view.rowCount &&
                   view.getParentIndex(c) == row) {
                 // If already opened, select the first child.
                 // The getParentIndex test above ensures that the children
                 // are already populated and ready.
                 if (cellSelType && !this.view.isSelectable(c , currentColumn)) {
-                  var col = this._getNextColumn(c, false);
+                  let col = this._getNextColumn(c, false);
                   if (col) {
                     this.view.selection.currentColumn = col;
                 this.view.selection.timedSelect(c, this._selectDelay);
           if (cellSelType) {
-            var col = this._getNextColumn(row, false);
+            let col = this._getNextColumn(row, false);
             if (col) {
               this.view.selection.currentColumn = col;
               this.treeBoxObject.ensureCellIsVisible(row, col);
--- a/toolkit/crashreporter/google-breakpad/src/third_party/glog/doc/glog.html
+++ b/toolkit/crashreporter/google-breakpad/src/third_party/glog/doc/glog.html
@@ -540,15 +540,15 @@ There are two known workarounds to avoid
 <p>See <a href="http://code.google.com/p/google-glog/issues/detail?id=33">
 this issue</a> for more detail.
 Shinichiro Hamaji<br>
 Gregor Hohpe<br>
 <script type=text/javascript>
-  var lm = new Date(document.lastModified);
+  lm = new Date(document.lastModified);
--- a/toolkit/modules/BrowserUtils.jsm
+++ b/toolkit/modules/BrowserUtils.jsm
@@ -34,17 +34,17 @@ this.BrowserUtils = {
     Services.obs.notifyObservers(cancelQuit, "quit-application-requested", "restart");
     if (cancelQuit.data) { // The quit request has been canceled.
       return false;
     //if already in safe mode restart in safe mode
     if (Services.appinfo.inSafeMode) {
       appStartup.restartInSafeMode(Ci.nsIAppStartup.eAttemptQuit | Ci.nsIAppStartup.eRestart);
-      return;
+      return undefined;
     appStartup.quit(Ci.nsIAppStartup.eAttemptQuit | Ci.nsIAppStartup.eRestart);
    * urlSecurityCheck: JavaScript wrapper for checkLoadURIWithPrincipal
    * and checkLoadURIStrWithPrincipal.
    * If |aPrincipal| is not allowed to link to |aURL|, this function throws with
--- a/toolkit/modules/Sqlite.jsm
+++ b/toolkit/modules/Sqlite.jsm
@@ -396,17 +396,17 @@ ConnectionData.prototype = Object.freeze
       return this._deferredClose.promise;
     this._log.debug("Request to close connection.");
     return this._barrier.wait().then(() => {
       if (!this._dbConn) {
-        return;
+        return undefined;
       return this._finalize();
   clone: function (readOnly=false) {
--- a/toolkit/modules/tests/browser/browser_WebRequest_cookies.js
+++ b/toolkit/modules/tests/browser/browser_WebRequest_cookies.js
@@ -8,17 +8,17 @@ const BASE = "http://example.com/browser
 const URL = BASE + "/WebRequest_dynamic.sjs";
 var countBefore = 0;
 var countAfter = 0;
 function onBeforeSendHeaders(details)
   if (details.url != URL) {
-    return;
+    return undefined;
   info(`onBeforeSendHeaders ${details.url}`);
   let found = false;
   let headers = [];
   for (let {name, value} of details.requestHeaders) {
--- a/toolkit/mozapps/downloads/content/helperApps.js
+++ b/toolkit/mozapps/downloads/content/helperApps.js
@@ -200,17 +200,17 @@ HelperApps.prototype = {
   GetTarget: function (aSource, aProperty, aTruthValue) {
     if (this._isRootTypeResource(aSource)) {
       var typeInfo = this.getMIMEInfo(aSource);
       if (typeInfo) {
         var bundle = document.getElementById("strings");
         if (aProperty.EqualsNode(this._handleAutoArc)) {
-          var handler = this.GetTarget(aSource, this._handlerPropArc, true);
+          let handler = this.GetTarget(aSource, this._handlerPropArc, true);
           if (handler) {
             handler = handler.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFResource);
             return gRDF.GetLiteral(!(this.getLiteralValue(handler.Value, "alwaysAsk") == "true"));
         else if (aProperty.EqualsNode(this._fileTypeArc)) {
           if (typeInfo.description == "") {
             try {
@@ -221,17 +221,17 @@ HelperApps.prototype = {
               // Wow, this sucks, just show the MIME type as a last ditch effort to display
               // the type of file that this is. 
               return gRDF.GetLiteral(typeInfo.MIMEType);
           return gRDF.GetLiteral(typeInfo.description);
         else if (aProperty.EqualsNode(this._fileHandlerArc)) {
-          var handler = this.GetTarget(aSource, this._handlerPropArc, true);
+          let handler = this.GetTarget(aSource, this._handlerPropArc, true);
           if (handler) {
             handler = handler.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFResource);
             if (this.getLiteralValue(handler.Value, "saveToDisk") == "true") {
               var saveToDisk = bundle.getString("saveToDisk");
               return gRDF.GetLiteral(saveToDisk);
             else if (this.getLiteralValue(handler.Value, "useSystemDefault") == "false") {
               var extApp = this.GetTarget(handler, this._externalAppArc, true);
--- a/toolkit/mozapps/extensions/AddonManager.jsm
+++ b/toolkit/mozapps/extensions/AddonManager.jsm
@@ -243,25 +243,25 @@ function callProvider(aProvider, aMethod
  *         The provider to call
  * @param  aMethod
  *         The method name to call
 function callProviderAsync(aProvider, aMethod, ...aArgs) {
   let callback = aArgs[aArgs.length - 1];
   if (!(aMethod in aProvider)) {
-    return;
+    return undefined;
   try {
     return aProvider[aMethod].apply(aProvider, aArgs);
   catch (e) {
     reportProviderError(aProvider, aMethod, e);
-    return;
+    return undefined;
  * Calls a method on a provider if it exists and consumes any thrown exception.
  * Parameters after aMethod are passed to aProvider.aMethod() and an additional
  * callback is added for the provider to return a result to.
--- a/toolkit/mozapps/extensions/content/extensions.js
+++ b/toolkit/mozapps/extensions/content/extensions.js
@@ -1910,20 +1910,21 @@ var gCategories = {
     if (this.node.selectedItem &&
         this.node.selectedItem.value == aId) {
       this.node.selectedItem.hidden = false;
       this.node.selectedItem.disabled = false;
+    var item;
     if (view.type == "search")
-      var item = this._search;
+      item = this._search;
-      var item = this.get(aId);
+      item = this.get(aId);
     if (item) {
       item.hidden = false;
       item.disabled = false;
       this.node.suppressOnSelect = true;
       this.node.selectedItem = item;
       this.node.suppressOnSelect = false;
@@ -3145,17 +3146,17 @@ var gDetailView = {
   updateState: function() {
     var pending = this._addon.pendingOperations;
     if (pending != AddonManager.PENDING_NONE) {
-      var pending = null;
+      pending = null;
       const PENDING_OPERATIONS = ["enable", "disable", "install", "uninstall",
       for (let op of PENDING_OPERATIONS) {
         if (isPending(this._addon, op))
           pending = op;
       this.node.setAttribute("pending", pending);
@@ -3176,17 +3177,17 @@ var gDetailView = {
         errorLink.value = gStrings.ext.GetStringFromName("details.notification.blocked.link");
         errorLink.href = this._addon.blocklistURL;
         errorLink.hidden = false;
       } else if (!isCorrectlySigned(this._addon) && SIGNING_REQUIRED) {
         this.node.setAttribute("notification", "error");
         document.getElementById("detail-error").textContent = gStrings.ext.formatStringFromName(
           "details.notification.unsignedAndDisabled", [this._addon.name, gStrings.brandShortName], 2
-        var errorLink = document.getElementById("detail-error-link");
+        let errorLink = document.getElementById("detail-error-link");
         errorLink.value = gStrings.ext.GetStringFromName("details.notification.unsigned.link");
         errorLink.href = Services.urlFormatter.formatURLPref("app.support.baseURL") + "unsigned-addons";
         errorLink.hidden = false;
       } else if (!this._addon.isCompatible && (AddonManager.checkCompatibility ||
         (this._addon.blocklistState != Ci.nsIBlocklistService.STATE_SOFTBLOCKED))) {
         this.node.setAttribute("notification", "warning");
         document.getElementById("detail-warning").textContent = gStrings.ext.formatStringFromName(
@@ -3203,47 +3204,47 @@ var gDetailView = {
         warningLink.href = Services.urlFormatter.formatURLPref("app.support.baseURL") + "unsigned-addons";
         warningLink.hidden = false;
       } else if (this._addon.blocklistState == Ci.nsIBlocklistService.STATE_SOFTBLOCKED) {
         this.node.setAttribute("notification", "warning");
         document.getElementById("detail-warning").textContent = gStrings.ext.formatStringFromName(
           [this._addon.name], 1
-        var warningLink = document.getElementById("detail-warning-link");
+        let warningLink = document.getElementById("detail-warning-link");
         warningLink.value = gStrings.ext.GetStringFromName("details.notification.softblocked.link");
         warningLink.href = this._addon.blocklistURL;
         warningLink.hidden = false;
       } else if (this._addon.blocklistState == Ci.nsIBlocklistService.STATE_OUTDATED) {
         this.node.setAttribute("notification", "warning");
         document.getElementById("detail-warning").textContent = gStrings.ext.formatStringFromName(
           [this._addon.name], 1
-        var warningLink = document.getElementById("detail-warning-link");
+        let warningLink = document.getElementById("detail-warning-link");
         warningLink.value = gStrings.ext.GetStringFromName("details.notification.outdated.link");
         warningLink.href = Services.urlFormatter.formatURLPref("plugins.update.url");
         warningLink.hidden = false;
       } else if (this._addon.blocklistState == Ci.nsIBlocklistService.STATE_VULNERABLE_UPDATE_AVAILABLE) {
         this.node.setAttribute("notification", "error");
         document.getElementById("detail-error").textContent = gStrings.ext.formatStringFromName(
           [this._addon.name], 1
-        var errorLink = document.getElementById("detail-error-link");
+        let errorLink = document.getElementById("detail-error-link");
         errorLink.value = gStrings.ext.GetStringFromName("details.notification.vulnerableUpdatable.link");
         errorLink.href = this._addon.blocklistURL;
         errorLink.hidden = false;
       } else if (this._addon.blocklistState == Ci.nsIBlocklistService.STATE_VULNERABLE_NO_UPDATE) {
         this.node.setAttribute("notification", "error");
         document.getElementById("detail-error").textContent = gStrings.ext.formatStringFromName(
           [this._addon.name], 1
-        var errorLink = document.getElementById("detail-error-link");
+        let errorLink = document.getElementById("detail-error-link");
         errorLink.value = gStrings.ext.GetStringFromName("details.notification.vulnerableNoUpdate.link");
         errorLink.href = this._addon.blocklistURL;
         errorLink.hidden = false;
       } else if (this._addon.isGMPlugin && !this._addon.isInstalled &&
                  this._addon.isActive) {
         this.node.setAttribute("notification", "warning");
         let warning = document.getElementById("detail-warning");
         warning.textContent =
--- a/toolkit/mozapps/extensions/content/extensions.xml
+++ b/toolkit/mozapps/extensions/content/extensions.xml
@@ -1174,17 +1174,17 @@
           if (this.parentNode.selectedItem == this)
           var pending = this.mAddon.pendingOperations;
           if (pending != AddonManager.PENDING_NONE) {
-            var pending = null;
+            pending = null;
             const PENDING_OPERATIONS = ["enable", "disable", "install",
                                         "uninstall", "upgrade"];
             for (let op of PENDING_OPERATIONS) {
               if (this.isPending(op))
                 pending = op;
             this.setAttribute("pending", pending);
--- a/toolkit/mozapps/extensions/internal/AddonUpdateChecker.jsm
+++ b/toolkit/mozapps/extensions/internal/AddonUpdateChecker.jsm
@@ -270,17 +270,17 @@ function sanitizeUpdateURL(aUpdate, aReq
  * @param  aManifestData
  *         The pre-parsed manifest, as a bare XML DOM document
  * @return an array of update objects
  * @throws if the update manifest is invalid in any way
 function parseRDFManifest(aId, aUpdateKey, aRequest, aManifestData) {
   if (aManifestData.documentElement.namespaceURI != PREFIX_NS_RDF) {
     throw Components.Exception("Update manifest had an unrecognised namespace: " + xml.documentElement.namespaceURI);
-    return;
+    return undefined;
   function EM_R(aProp) {
     return gRDF.GetResource(PREFIX_NS_EM + aProp);
   function getValue(aLiteral) {
     if (aLiteral instanceof Ci.nsIRDFLiteral)
--- a/toolkit/mozapps/extensions/internal/XPIProvider.jsm
+++ b/toolkit/mozapps/extensions/internal/XPIProvider.jsm
@@ -2880,21 +2880,21 @@ this.XPIProvider = {
     // Ensure any changes to the add-ons list are flushed to disk
   updateSystemAddons: Task.async(function*() {
     let systemAddonLocation = XPIProvider.installLocationsByName[KEY_APP_SYSTEM_ADDONS];
     if (!systemAddonLocation)
-      return;
+      return undefined;
     // Don't do anything in safe mode
     if (Services.appinfo.inSafeMode)
-      return;
+      return undefined;
     // Download the list of system add-ons
     let url = Preferences.get(PREF_SYSTEM_ADDON_UPDATE_URL, null);
     if (!url)
       return systemAddonLocation.cleanDirectories();
     url = UpdateUtils.formatUpdateURL(url);
@@ -5380,17 +5380,17 @@ AddonInstall.prototype = {
       try {
         yield this.loadManifest(file);
         logger.debug("Base multi-package XPI install came from " + entryName);
         this.file = file;
         this.ownsTempFile = true;
         yield this._createLinkedInstalls(files.filter(f => f.file != file));
-        return;
+        return undefined;
       catch (e) {
         // _createLinkedInstalls will log errors when it tries to process this
         // file
     // No valid add-on was found, delete all the temporary files
@@ -6881,17 +6881,17 @@ AddonWrapper.prototype = {
   get applyBackgroundUpdates() {
     return addonFor(this).applyBackgroundUpdates;
   set applyBackgroundUpdates(val) {
     let addon = addonFor(this);
     if (this.type == "experiment") {
       logger.warn("Setting applyBackgroundUpdates on an experiment is not supported.");
-      return;
+      return addon.applyBackgroundUpdates;
     if (val != AddonManager.AUTOUPDATE_DEFAULT &&
         val != AddonManager.AUTOUPDATE_DISABLE &&
         val != AddonManager.AUTOUPDATE_ENABLE) {
       val = val ? AddonManager.AUTOUPDATE_DEFAULT :
--- a/toolkit/mozapps/extensions/test/browser/browser_bug581076.js
+++ b/toolkit/mozapps/extensions/test/browser/browser_bug581076.js
@@ -40,20 +40,21 @@ function search(aRemoteSearch, aCallback
   waitForFocus(function() {
     var searchBox = gManagerWindow.document.getElementById("header-search");
     searchBox.value = SEARCH_QUERY;
     EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(searchBox, { }, gManagerWindow);
     EventUtils.synthesizeKey("VK_RETURN", { }, gManagerWindow);
     wait_for_view_load(gManagerWindow, function() {
+      let filter;
       if (aRemoteSearch)
-        var filter = gManagerWindow.document.getElementById("search-filter-remote");
+        filter = gManagerWindow.document.getElementById("search-filter-remote");
-        var filter = gManagerWindow.document.getElementById("search-filter-local");
+        filter = gManagerWindow.document.getElementById("search-filter-local");
       EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(filter, { }, gManagerWindow);
   }, gManagerWindow);
 function check_allresultslink(aShouldShow) {
--- a/toolkit/mozapps/extensions/test/browser/browser_inlinesettings.js
+++ b/toolkit/mozapps/extensions/test/browser/browser_inlinesettings.js
@@ -213,54 +213,54 @@ add_test(function() {
     is(input.checked, true, "Checkbox should have updated value");
     is(Services.prefs.getBoolPref("extensions.inlinesettings1.bool"), true, "Bool pref should have been updated");
     EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(input, { clickCount: 1 }, gManagerWindow);
     isnot(input.checked, true, "Checkbox should have updated value");
     is(Services.prefs.getBoolPref("extensions.inlinesettings1.bool"), false, "Bool pref should have been updated");
     ok(!settings[1].hasAttribute("first-row"), "Not the first row");
     Services.prefs.setIntPref("extensions.inlinesettings1.boolint", 0);
-    var input = gManagerWindow.document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(settings[1], "anonid", "input");
+    input = gManagerWindow.document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(settings[1], "anonid", "input");
     isnot(input.checked, true, "Checkbox should have initial value");
     EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(input, { clickCount: 1 }, gManagerWindow);
     is(input.checked, true, "Checkbox should have updated value");
     is(Services.prefs.getIntPref("extensions.inlinesettings1.boolint"), 1, "BoolInt pref should have been updated");
     EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(input, { clickCount: 1 }, gManagerWindow);
     isnot(input.checked, true, "Checkbox should have updated value");
     is(Services.prefs.getIntPref("extensions.inlinesettings1.boolint"), 2, "BoolInt pref should have been updated");
     ok(!settings[2].hasAttribute("first-row"), "Not the first row");
     Services.prefs.setIntPref("extensions.inlinesettings1.integer", 0);
-    var input = gManagerWindow.document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(settings[2], "anonid", "input");
+    input = gManagerWindow.document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(settings[2], "anonid", "input");
     is(input.value, "0", "Number box should have initial value");
     EventUtils.synthesizeKey("1", {}, gManagerWindow);
     EventUtils.synthesizeKey("3", {}, gManagerWindow);
     is(input.value, "13", "Number box should have updated value");
     is(Services.prefs.getIntPref("extensions.inlinesettings1.integer"), 13, "Integer pref should have been updated");
     EventUtils.synthesizeKey("VK_DOWN", {}, gManagerWindow);
     is(input.value, "12", "Number box should have updated value");
     is(Services.prefs.getIntPref("extensions.inlinesettings1.integer"), 12, "Integer pref should have been updated");
     ok(!settings[3].hasAttribute("first-row"), "Not the first row");
     Services.prefs.setCharPref("extensions.inlinesettings1.string", "foo");
-    var input = gManagerWindow.document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(settings[3], "anonid", "input");
+    input = gManagerWindow.document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(settings[3], "anonid", "input");
     is(input.value, "foo", "Text box should have initial value");
     EventUtils.synthesizeKey("b", {}, gManagerWindow);
     EventUtils.synthesizeKey("a", {}, gManagerWindow);
     EventUtils.synthesizeKey("r", {}, gManagerWindow);
     is(input.value, "bar", "Text box should have updated value");
     EventUtils.synthesizeKey("/", {}, gManagerWindow);
     is(input.value, "bar/", "Text box should have updated value");
     is(gManagerWindow.document.getBindingParent(gManagerWindow.document.activeElement), input, "Search box should not have focus");
     is(Services.prefs.getCharPref("extensions.inlinesettings1.string"), "bar/", "String pref should have been updated");
     ok(!settings[4].hasAttribute("first-row"), "Not the first row");
-    var input = settings[4].firstElementChild;
+    input = settings[4].firstElementChild;
     is(input.value, "1", "Menulist should have initial value");
     EventUtils.synthesizeKey("b", {}, gManagerWindow);
     is(input.value, "2", "Menulist should have updated value");
     is(gManagerWindow._testValue, "2", "Menulist oncommand handler should've updated the test value");
     delete gManagerWindow._testValue;
     ok(!settings[5].hasAttribute("first-row"), "Not the first row");
@@ -359,28 +359,28 @@ add_test(function() {
     is(radios[1].selected, true, "Correct radio button should be selected");
     EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(radios[0], { clickCount: 1 }, gManagerWindow);
     is(Services.prefs.getBoolPref("extensions.inlinesettings3.radioBool"), true, "Radio pref should have been updated");
     EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(radios[1], { clickCount: 1 }, gManagerWindow);
     is(Services.prefs.getBoolPref("extensions.inlinesettings3.radioBool"), false, "Radio pref should have been updated");
     ok(!settings[1].hasAttribute("first-row"), "Not the first row");
     Services.prefs.setIntPref("extensions.inlinesettings3.radioInt", 5);
-    var radios = settings[1].getElementsByTagName("radio");
+    radios = settings[1].getElementsByTagName("radio");
     isnot(radios[0].selected, true, "Correct radio button should be selected");
     is(radios[1].selected, true, "Correct radio button should be selected");
     isnot(radios[2].selected, true, "Correct radio button should be selected");
     EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(radios[0], { clickCount: 1 }, gManagerWindow);
     is(Services.prefs.getIntPref("extensions.inlinesettings3.radioInt"), 4, "Radio pref should have been updated");
     EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(radios[2], { clickCount: 1 }, gManagerWindow);
     is(Services.prefs.getIntPref("extensions.inlinesettings3.radioInt"), 6, "Radio pref should have been updated");
     ok(!settings[2].hasAttribute("first-row"), "Not the first row");
     Services.prefs.setCharPref("extensions.inlinesettings3.radioString", "juliet");
-    var radios = settings[2].getElementsByTagName("radio");
+    radios = settings[2].getElementsByTagName("radio");
     isnot(radios[0].selected, true, "Correct radio button should be selected");
     is(radios[1].selected, true, "Correct radio button should be selected");
     isnot(radios[2].selected, true, "Correct radio button should be selected");
     EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(radios[0], { clickCount: 1 }, gManagerWindow);
     is(Services.prefs.getCharPref("extensions.inlinesettings3.radioString"), "india", "Radio pref should have been updated");
     EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(radios[2], { clickCount: 1 }, gManagerWindow);
     is(Services.prefs.getCharPref("extensions.inlinesettings3.radioString"), "kilo", "Radio pref should have been updated");
@@ -441,17 +441,17 @@ add_test(function() {
     is(description.textContent, "This is a test, all this text should be visible", "Description node should contain description");
     var button = node.firstElementChild;
     isnot(button, null, "There should be a button");
     node = settings[4];
     is_element_hidden(node, "Unsupported settings should not be visible");
     ok(!node.hasAttribute("first-row"), "Hidden row is not the first row");
-    var button = gManagerWindow.document.getElementById("detail-prefs-btn");
+    button = gManagerWindow.document.getElementById("detail-prefs-btn");
     is_element_hidden(button, "Preferences button should not be visible");
     gCategoryUtilities.openType("extension", run_next_test);
 // Addon with non-inline preferences as optionsURL
 add_test(function() {
@@ -603,23 +603,23 @@ add_test(function() {
     var grid = gManagerWindow.document.getElementById("detail-grid");
     var settings = grid.querySelectorAll("rows > setting");
     var input = gManagerWindow.document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(settings[0], "anonid", "input");
     is(input.checked, false, "Checkbox should have initial value");
-    var input = gManagerWindow.document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(settings[1], "anonid", "input");
+    input = gManagerWindow.document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(settings[1], "anonid", "input");
     is(input.checked, true, "Checkbox should have initial value");
-    var input = gManagerWindow.document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(settings[2], "anonid", "input");
+    input = gManagerWindow.document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(settings[2], "anonid", "input");
     is(input.value, "12", "Number box should have initial value");
-    var input = gManagerWindow.document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(settings[3], "anonid", "input");
+    input = gManagerWindow.document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(settings[3], "anonid", "input");
     is(input.value, "bar/", "Text box should have initial value");
     input = gManagerWindow.document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(settings[5], "anonid", "input");
     is(input.color, "#FF9900", "Color picker should have initial value");
     input = gManagerWindow.document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(settings[6], "anonid", "input");
     is(input.value, profD.path, "Label should have initial value");
     is(input.tooltipText, profD.path, "Label tooltip should have initial value");
@@ -654,22 +654,22 @@ add_test(function() {
     var grid = gManagerWindow.document.getElementById("detail-grid");
     var settings = grid.querySelectorAll("rows > setting");
     var radios = settings[0].getElementsByTagName("radio");
     isnot(radios[0].selected, true, "Correct radio button should be selected");
     is(radios[1].selected, true, "Correct radio button should be selected");
-    var radios = settings[1].getElementsByTagName("radio");
+    radios = settings[1].getElementsByTagName("radio");
     isnot(radios[0].selected, true, "Correct radio button should be selected");
     isnot(radios[1].selected, true, "Correct radio button should be selected");
     is(radios[2].selected, true, "Correct radio button should be selected");
-    var radios = settings[2].getElementsByTagName("radio");
+    radios = settings[2].getElementsByTagName("radio");
     isnot(radios[0].selected, true, "Correct radio button should be selected");
     isnot(radios[1].selected, true, "Correct radio button should be selected");
     is(radios[2].selected, true, "Correct radio button should be selected");
     var input = settings[3].firstElementChild;
     is(input.value, "9", "Menulist should have initial value");
     gCategoryUtilities.openType("extension", run_next_test);
--- a/toolkit/mozapps/extensions/test/browser/browser_inlinesettings_info.js
+++ b/toolkit/mozapps/extensions/test/browser/browser_inlinesettings_info.js
@@ -209,51 +209,51 @@ add_test(function() {
     is(input.checked, true, "Checkbox should have updated value");
     is(Services.prefs.getBoolPref("extensions.inlinesettings1.bool"), true, "Bool pref should have been updated");
     EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(input, { clickCount: 1 }, gManagerWindow);
     isnot(input.checked, true, "Checkbox should have updated value");
     is(Services.prefs.getBoolPref("extensions.inlinesettings1.bool"), false, "Bool pref should have been updated");
     ok(!settings[1].hasAttribute("first-row"), "Not the first row");
     Services.prefs.setIntPref("extensions.inlinesettings1.boolint", 0);
-    var input = gManagerWindow.document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(settings[1], "anonid", "input");
+    input = gManagerWindow.document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(settings[1], "anonid", "input");
     isnot(input.checked, true, "Checkbox should have initial value");
     EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(input, { clickCount: 1 }, gManagerWindow);
     is(input.checked, true, "Checkbox should have updated value");
     is(Services.prefs.getIntPref("extensions.inlinesettings1.boolint"), 1, "BoolInt pref should have been updated");
     EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(input, { clickCount: 1 }, gManagerWindow);
     isnot(input.checked, true, "Checkbox should have updated value");
     is(Services.prefs.getIntPref("extensions.inlinesettings1.boolint"), 2, "BoolInt pref should have been updated");
     ok(!settings[2].hasAttribute("first-row"), "Not the first row");
     Services.prefs.setIntPref("extensions.inlinesettings1.integer", 0);
-    var input = gManagerWindow.document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(settings[2], "anonid", "input");
+    input = gManagerWindow.document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(settings[2], "anonid", "input");
     is(input.value, "0", "Number box should have initial value");
     EventUtils.synthesizeKey("1", {}, gManagerWindow);
     EventUtils.synthesizeKey("3", {}, gManagerWindow);
     is(input.value, "13", "Number box should have updated value");
     is(Services.prefs.getIntPref("extensions.inlinesettings1.integer"), 13, "Integer pref should have been updated");
     EventUtils.synthesizeKey("VK_DOWN", {}, gManagerWindow);
     is(input.value, "12", "Number box should have updated value");
     is(Services.prefs.getIntPref("extensions.inlinesettings1.integer"), 12, "Integer pref should have been updated");
     ok(!settings[3].hasAttribute("first-row"), "Not the first row");
     Services.prefs.setCharPref("extensions.inlinesettings1.string", "foo");
-    var input = gManagerWindow.document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(settings[3], "anonid", "input");
+    input = gManagerWindow.document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(settings[3], "anonid", "input");
     is(input.value, "foo", "Text box should have initial value");
     EventUtils.synthesizeKey("b", {}, gManagerWindow);
     EventUtils.synthesizeKey("a", {}, gManagerWindow);
     EventUtils.synthesizeKey("r", {}, gManagerWindow);
     is(input.value, "bar", "Text box should have updated value");
     is(Services.prefs.getCharPref("extensions.inlinesettings1.string"), "bar", "String pref should have been updated");
     ok(!settings[4].hasAttribute("first-row"), "Not the first row");
-    var input = settings[4].firstElementChild;
+    input = settings[4].firstElementChild;
     is(input.value, "1", "Menulist should have initial value");
     EventUtils.synthesizeKey("b", {}, gManagerWindow);
     is(input.value, "2", "Menulist should have updated value");
     is(gManagerWindow._testValue, "2", "Menulist oncommand handler should've updated the test value");
     delete gManagerWindow._testValue;
     ok(!settings[5].hasAttribute("first-row"), "Not the first row");
@@ -353,28 +353,28 @@ add_test(function() {
     is(radios[1].selected, true, "Correct radio button should be selected");
     EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(radios[0], { clickCount: 1 }, gManagerWindow);
     is(Services.prefs.getBoolPref("extensions.inlinesettings3.radioBool"), true, "Radio pref should have been updated");
     EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(radios[1], { clickCount: 1 }, gManagerWindow);
     is(Services.prefs.getBoolPref("extensions.inlinesettings3.radioBool"), false, "Radio pref should have been updated");
     ok(!settings[1].hasAttribute("first-row"), "Not the first row");
     Services.prefs.setIntPref("extensions.inlinesettings3.radioInt", 5);
-    var radios = settings[1].getElementsByTagName("radio");
+    radios = settings[1].getElementsByTagName("radio");
     isnot(radios[0].selected, true, "Correct radio button should be selected");
     is(radios[1].selected, true, "Correct radio button should be selected");
     isnot(radios[2].selected, true, "Correct radio button should be selected");
     EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(radios[0], { clickCount: 1 }, gManagerWindow);
     is(Services.prefs.getIntPref("extensions.inlinesettings3.radioInt"), 4, "Radio pref should have been updated");
     EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(radios[2], { clickCount: 1 }, gManagerWindow);
     is(Services.prefs.getIntPref("extensions.inlinesettings3.radioInt"), 6, "Radio pref should have been updated");
     ok(!settings[2].hasAttribute("first-row"), "Not the first row");
     Services.prefs.setCharPref("extensions.inlinesettings3.radioString", "juliet");
-    var radios = settings[2].getElementsByTagName("radio");
+    radios = settings[2].getElementsByTagName("radio");
     isnot(radios[0].selected, true, "Correct radio button should be selected");
     is(radios[1].selected, true, "Correct radio button should be selected");
     isnot(radios[2].selected, true, "Correct radio button should be selected");
     EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(radios[0], { clickCount: 1 }, gManagerWindow);
     is(Services.prefs.getCharPref("extensions.inlinesettings3.radioString"), "india", "Radio pref should have been updated");
     EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(radios[2], { clickCount: 1 }, gManagerWindow);
     is(Services.prefs.getCharPref("extensions.inlinesettings3.radioString"), "kilo", "Radio pref should have been updated");
@@ -435,17 +435,17 @@ add_test(function() {
     is(description.textContent, "This is a test, all this text should be visible", "Description node should contain description");
     var button = node.firstElementChild;
     isnot(button, null, "There should be a button");
     node = settings[4];
     is_element_hidden(node, "Unsupported settings should not be visible");
     ok(!node.hasAttribute("first-row"), "Hidden row is not the first row");
-    var button = gManagerWindow.document.getElementById("detail-prefs-btn");
+    button = gManagerWindow.document.getElementById("detail-prefs-btn");
     is_element_hidden(button, "Preferences button should not be visible");
     gCategoryUtilities.openType("extension", run_next_test);
 // Addon with non-inline preferences as optionsURL
 add_test(function() {
--- a/toolkit/mozapps/extensions/test/browser/browser_purchase.js
+++ b/toolkit/mozapps/extensions/test/browser/browser_purchase.js
@@ -116,17 +116,17 @@ add_test(function() {
   is(get_node(items[1], "name").value, "Cheap Add-on", "Add-on 1 should be in expected position");
   is(get_node(items[2], "name").value, "Reasonable Add-on", "Add-on 2 should be in expected position");
   is(get_node(items[3], "name").value, "More Expensive Add-on", "Add-on 3 should be in expected position");
   is(get_node(items[4], "name").value, "Ludicrously Expensive Add-on", "Add-on 4 should be in expected position");
   info("Changing sort order");
   EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(priceSorter, { }, gManagerWindow);
-  var items = Array.filter(list.childNodes, function(e) {
+  items = Array.filter(list.childNodes, function(e) {
     return e.tagName == "richlistitem";
   is(get_node(items[0], "name").value, "Ludicrously Expensive Add-on", "Add-on 0 should be in expected position");
   is(get_node(items[1], "name").value, "More Expensive Add-on", "Add-on 1 should be in expected position");
   is(get_node(items[2], "name").value, "Reasonable Add-on", "Add-on 2 should be in expected position");
   is(get_node(items[3], "name").value, "Cheap Add-on", "Add-on 3 should be in expected position");
   is(get_node(items[4], "name").value, "Free Add-on", "Add-on 4 should be in expected position");
--- a/toolkit/mozapps/extensions/test/browser/browser_searching.js
+++ b/toolkit/mozapps/extensions/test/browser/browser_searching.js
@@ -170,25 +170,25 @@ function get_actual_results() {
     if (item.mInstall || item.isPending("install")) {
       var sourceURI = item.mInstall.sourceURI.spec;
       if (sourceURI == REMOTE_INSTALL_URL) {
         results.push({name: REMOTE_TO_INSTALL, item: item});
-      var result = sourceURI.match(/^http:\/\/example\.com\/(.+)\.xpi$/);
+      let result = sourceURI.match(/^http:\/\/example\.com\/(.+)\.xpi$/);
       if (result != null) {
         is(item.mInstall.name.indexOf("PASS"), 0, "Install name should start with PASS");
         results.push({name: result[1], item: item});
     else if (item.mAddon) {
-      var result = item.mAddon.id.match(/^(.+)@tests\.mozilla\.org$/);
+      let result = item.mAddon.id.match(/^(.+)@tests\.mozilla\.org$/);
       if (result != null) {
         is(item.mAddon.name.indexOf("PASS"), 0, "Addon name should start with PASS");
         results.push({name: result[1], item: item});
     else {
       ok(false, "Found an item in the list that was neither installing or installed");
@@ -622,17 +622,17 @@ add_test(function() {
     gCategoryUtilities = new CategoryUtilities(gManagerWindow);
     Services.prefs.setBoolPref(PREF_STRICT_COMPAT, false);
     search("incompatible", false, function() {
       var item = get_addon_item("remote5");
       is_element_visible(item, "Incompatible addon should be visible");
       isnot(item.getAttribute("notification"), "warning", "Compatibility warning should not be shown");
-      var item = get_addon_item("remote6");
+      item = get_addon_item("remote6");
       is(item, null, "Addon incompatible with the product should not be visible");
       Services.prefs.setBoolPref(PREF_STRICT_COMPAT, true);
--- a/toolkit/mozapps/extensions/test/browser/browser_select_confirm.js
+++ b/toolkit/mozapps/extensions/test/browser/browser_select_confirm.js
@@ -110,17 +110,17 @@ add_test(function disabling_test() {
     ok(gWin.document.getElementById("update-list").hidden, "Update list should be hidden");
     var list = gWin.document.getElementById("disable-list");
     ok(!list.hidden, "Disable list should be visible");
     is(list.childNodes.length, 2, "Should be one add-on getting disabled (plus the header)");
     is(list.childNodes[1].id, "test2@tests.mozilla.org", "Should be the right add-on ID");
     is(list.childNodes[1].getAttribute("name"), "Test Add-on 2", "Should be the right add-on name");
-    var list = gWin.document.getElementById("enable-list");
+    list = gWin.document.getElementById("enable-list");
     ok(!list.hidden, "Enable list should be visible");
     is(list.childNodes.length, 2, "Should be one add-on getting disabled (plus the header)");
     is(list.childNodes[1].id, "test3@tests.mozilla.org", "Should be the right add-on ID");
     is(list.childNodes[1].getAttribute("name"), "Test Add-on 3", "Should be the right add-on name");
     ok(gWin.document.getElementById("next").hidden, "Next button should be hidden");
     ok(!gWin.document.getElementById("done").hidden, "Done button should be visible");
--- a/toolkit/mozapps/extensions/test/browser/browser_uninstalling.js
+++ b/toolkit/mozapps/extensions/test/browser/browser_uninstalling.js
@@ -112,17 +112,17 @@ add_test(function() {
       // Force XBL to apply
       is(item.getAttribute("pending"), "uninstall", "Add-on should be uninstalling");
       ok(!!(aAddon.pendingOperations & AddonManager.PENDING_UNINSTALL), "Add-on should be pending uninstall");
-      var button = gDocument.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(item, "anonid", "restart-btn");
+      button = gDocument.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(item, "anonid", "restart-btn");
       isnot(button, null, "Should have a restart button");
       ok(!button.hidden, "Restart button should not be hidden");
       button = gDocument.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(item, "anonid", "undo-btn");
       isnot(button, null, "Should have an undo button");
       EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(button, { }, gManagerWindow);
       // Force XBL to apply
@@ -164,17 +164,17 @@ add_test(function() {
       // Force XBL to apply
       is(item.getAttribute("pending"), "uninstall", "Add-on should be uninstalling");
       ok(!(aAddon.pendingOperations & AddonManager.PENDING_UNINSTALL), "Add-on should not be pending uninstall");
       ok(!aAddon.isActive, "Add-on should be inactive");
-      var button = gDocument.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(item, "anonid", "restart-btn");
+      button = gDocument.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(item, "anonid", "restart-btn");
       isnot(button, null, "Should have a restart button");
       ok(button.hidden, "Restart button should be hidden");
       button = gDocument.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(item, "anonid", "undo-btn");
       isnot(button, null, "Should have an undo button");
       EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(button, { }, gManagerWindow);
       // Force XBL to apply
@@ -219,17 +219,17 @@ add_test(function() {
       // Force XBL to apply
       is(item.getAttribute("pending"), "uninstall", "Add-on should be uninstalling");
       ok(!(aAddon.pendingOperations & AddonManager.PENDING_UNINSTALL), "Add-on should not be pending uninstall");
       ok(!aAddon.isActive, "Add-on should be inactive");
-      var button = gDocument.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(item, "anonid", "restart-btn");
+      button = gDocument.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(item, "anonid", "restart-btn");
       isnot(button, null, "Should have a restart button");
       ok(button.hidden, "Restart button should be hidden");
       button = gDocument.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(item, "anonid", "undo-btn");
       isnot(button, null, "Should have an undo button");
       EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(button, { }, gManagerWindow);
       // Force XBL to apply
@@ -280,17 +280,17 @@ add_test(function() {
       // Force XBL to apply
       is(item.getAttribute("pending"), "uninstall", "Add-on should be uninstalling");
       ok(!!(aAddon.pendingOperations & AddonManager.PENDING_UNINSTALL), "Add-on should be pending uninstall");
-      var button = gDocument.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(item, "anonid", "restart-btn");
+      button = gDocument.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(item, "anonid", "restart-btn");
       isnot(button, null, "Should have a restart button");
       ok(!button.hidden, "Restart button should not be hidden");
       button = gDocument.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(item, "anonid", "undo-btn");
       isnot(button, null, "Should have an undo button");
       EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(button, { }, gManagerWindow);
       // Force XBL to apply
@@ -340,17 +340,17 @@ add_test(function() {
       // Force XBL to apply
       is(item.getAttribute("pending"), "uninstall", "Add-on should be uninstalling");
       ok(!(aAddon.pendingOperations & AddonManager.PENDING_UNINSTALL), "Add-on should not be pending uninstall");
       ok(!aAddon.isActive, "Add-on should be inactive");
-      var button = gDocument.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(item, "anonid", "restart-btn");
+      button = gDocument.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(item, "anonid", "restart-btn");
       isnot(button, null, "Should have a restart button");
       ok(button.hidden, "Restart button should be hidden");
       button = gDocument.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(item, "anonid", "undo-btn");
       isnot(button, null, "Should have an undo button");
       EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(button, { }, gManagerWindow);
       // Force XBL to apply
@@ -403,17 +403,17 @@ add_test(function() {
       // Force XBL to apply
       is(item.getAttribute("pending"), "uninstall", "Add-on should be uninstalling");
       ok(!(aAddon.pendingOperations & AddonManager.PENDING_UNINSTALL), "Add-on should not be pending uninstall");
       ok(!aAddon.isActive, "Add-on should be inactive");
-      var button = gDocument.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(item, "anonid", "restart-btn");
+      button = gDocument.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(item, "anonid", "restart-btn");
       isnot(button, null, "Should have a restart button");
       ok(button.hidden, "Restart button should be hidden");
       button = gDocument.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(item, "anonid", "undo-btn");
       isnot(button, null, "Should have an undo button");
       EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(button, { }, gManagerWindow);
       // Force XBL to apply
@@ -654,17 +654,17 @@ add_test(function() {
       // Force XBL to apply
       is(item.getAttribute("pending"), "uninstall", "Add-on should be uninstalling");
       ok(!!(aAddon.pendingOperations & AddonManager.PENDING_UNINSTALL), "Add-on should be pending uninstall");
-      var button = gDocument.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(item, "anonid", "restart-btn");
+      button = gDocument.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(item, "anonid", "restart-btn");
       isnot(button, null, "Should have a restart button");
       ok(!button.hidden, "Restart button should not be hidden");
       button = gDocument.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(item, "anonid", "undo-btn");
       isnot(button, null, "Should have an undo button");
       gCategoryUtilities.openType("plugin", function() {
         is(gCategoryUtilities.selectedCategory, "plugin", "View should have changed to plugin");
         gCategoryUtilities.openType("extension", function() {
@@ -1044,17 +1044,17 @@ add_test(function() {
       // Force XBL to apply
       is(item.getAttribute("pending"), "uninstall", "Add-on should be uninstalling");
       ok(!(aAddon.pendingOperations & AddonManager.PENDING_UNINSTALL), "Add-on should not be pending uninstall");
       ok(!aAddon.isActive, "Add-on should be inactive");
-      var button = gDocument.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(item, "anonid", "restart-btn");
+      button = gDocument.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(item, "anonid", "restart-btn");
       isnot(button, null, "Should have a restart button");
       ok(button.hidden, "Restart button should be hidden");
       button = gDocument.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(item, "anonid", "undo-btn");
       isnot(button, null, "Should have an undo button");
       item = get_item_in_list(ID2, list);
       isnot(item, null, "Should have found the add-on in the list");
--- a/toolkit/mozapps/extensions/test/browser/head.js
+++ b/toolkit/mozapps/extensions/test/browser/head.js
@@ -1235,27 +1235,27 @@ MockAddon.prototype = {
     if (currentActive == newActive)
     if (newActive == this.isActive) {
       this.pendingOperations -= (newActive ? AddonManager.PENDING_DISABLE : AddonManager.PENDING_ENABLE);
       AddonManagerPrivate.callAddonListeners("onOperationCancelled", this);
     else if (newActive) {
-      var needsRestart = !!(this.operationsRequiringRestart & AddonManager.OP_NEEDS_RESTART_ENABLE);
+      let needsRestart = !!(this.operationsRequiringRestart & AddonManager.OP_NEEDS_RESTART_ENABLE);
       this.pendingOperations |= AddonManager.PENDING_ENABLE;
       AddonManagerPrivate.callAddonListeners("onEnabling", this, needsRestart);
       if (!needsRestart) {
         this.isActive = newActive;
         this.pendingOperations -= AddonManager.PENDING_ENABLE;
         AddonManagerPrivate.callAddonListeners("onEnabled", this);
     else {
-      var needsRestart = !!(this.operationsRequiringRestart & AddonManager.OP_NEEDS_RESTART_DISABLE);
+      let needsRestart = !!(this.operationsRequiringRestart & AddonManager.OP_NEEDS_RESTART_DISABLE);
       this.pendingOperations |= AddonManager.PENDING_DISABLE;
       AddonManagerPrivate.callAddonListeners("onDisabling", this, needsRestart);
       if (!needsRestart) {
         this.isActive = newActive;
         this.pendingOperations -= AddonManager.PENDING_DISABLE;
         AddonManagerPrivate.callAddonListeners("onDisabled", this);
--- a/toolkit/mozapps/extensions/test/xpcshell/test_bug449027.js
+++ b/toolkit/mozapps/extensions/test/xpcshell/test_bug449027.js
@@ -253,17 +253,17 @@ var PluginHost = {
 // Don't need the full interface, attempts to call other methods will just
 // throw which is just fine
 var WindowWatcher = {
   openWindow: function(parent, url, name, features, args) {
     // Should be called to list the newly blocklisted items
     do_check_eq(url, URI_EXTENSION_BLOCKLIST_DIALOG);
     do_check_neq(gCallback, null);
-    var args = args.wrappedJSObject;
+    args = args.wrappedJSObject;
     gNewBlocks = [];
     var list = args.list;
     for (let listItem of list)
       gNewBlocks.push(listItem.name + " " + listItem.version);
     // Call the callback after the blocklist has finished up
     do_timeout(0, gCallback);
--- a/toolkit/mozapps/extensions/test/xpcshell/test_error.js
+++ b/toolkit/mozapps/extensions/test/xpcshell/test_error.js
@@ -61,30 +61,30 @@ function run_test_4() {
     do_check_eq(install.state, AddonManager.STATE_DOWNLOAD_FAILED);
     do_check_eq(install.error, AddonManager.ERROR_INCORRECT_HASH);
   }, "application/x-xpinstall", "sha1:foo");
 // Checks that a file that doesn't exist shows an error
-function run_test_4() {
+function run_test_5() {
   let file = do_get_file("data");
   AddonManager.getInstallForFile(file, function(install) {
     do_check_neq(install, null);
     do_check_eq(install.state, AddonManager.STATE_DOWNLOAD_FAILED);
     do_check_eq(install.error, AddonManager.ERROR_NETWORK_FAILURE);
-    run_test_5();
+    run_test_6();
 // Checks that an add-on with an illegal ID shows an error
-function run_test_5() {
+function run_test_6() {
   AddonManager.getInstallForFile(do_get_addon("test_bug567173"), function(install) {
     do_check_neq(install, null);
     do_check_eq(install.state, AddonManager.STATE_DOWNLOAD_FAILED);
     do_check_eq(install.error, AddonManager.ERROR_CORRUPT_FILE);
--- a/toolkit/mozapps/extensions/test/xpcshell/test_fuel.js
+++ b/toolkit/mozapps/extensions/test/xpcshell/test_fuel.js
@@ -124,17 +124,17 @@ function run_test() {
       // test setting and getting a value
       inspector.prefs.get(testdata.dummy).value = "dummy2";
       itemValue = inspector.prefs.get(testdata.dummy).value;
       do_check_eq(itemValue, "dummy2");
       // test resetting a pref [since there is no default value, the pref should disappear]
-      var itemValue = inspector.prefs.getValue(testdata.dummy, "default");
+      itemValue = inspector.prefs.getValue(testdata.dummy, "default");
       do_check_eq(itemValue, "default");
       // test to see if a non-existant property exists
       inspector.prefs.events.addListener("change", onPrefChange);
       inspector.prefs.setValue("fuel.fuel-test", "change event");
--- a/toolkit/mozapps/extensions/test/xpinstall/browser_localfile.js
+++ b/toolkit/mozapps/extensions/test/xpinstall/browser_localfile.js
@@ -4,20 +4,21 @@ function test() {
   Harness.installEndedCallback = install_ended;
   Harness.installsCompletedCallback = finish_test;
   var cr = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/chrome/chrome-registry;1"]
   var chromeroot = extractChromeRoot(gTestPath);
+  var xpipath = chromeroot + "unsigned.xpi";
   try {
-    var xpipath = cr.convertChromeURL(makeURI(chromeroot + "unsigned.xpi")).spec;
+    xpipath = cr.convertChromeURL(makeURI(chromeroot + "unsigned.xpi")).spec;
   } catch (ex) {
-    var xpipath = chromeroot + "unsigned.xpi"; //scenario where we are running from a .jar and already extracted
+    //scenario where we are running from a .jar and already extracted
   gBrowser.selectedTab = gBrowser.addTab("about:blank");
   BrowserTestUtils.browserLoaded(gBrowser.selectedBrowser).then(() => {
--- a/toolkit/mozapps/extensions/test/xpinstall/browser_localfile2.js
+++ b/toolkit/mozapps/extensions/test/xpinstall/browser_localfile2.js
@@ -3,20 +3,21 @@
 // web content
 function test() {
   var cr = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/chrome/chrome-registry;1"]
   var chromeroot = getChromeRoot(gTestPath);              
+  var xpipath = chromeroot + "unsigned.xpi";
   try {
-    var xpipath = cr.convertChromeURL(makeURI(chromeroot + "unsigned.xpi")).spec;
+    xpipath = cr.convertChromeURL(makeURI(chromeroot + "unsigned.xpi")).spec;
   } catch (ex) {
-    var xpipath = chromeroot + "unsigned.xpi"; //scenario where we are running from a .jar and already extracted
+    //scenario where we are running from a .jar and already extracted
   var triggers = encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify({
     "Unsigned XPI": xpipath
   gBrowser.selectedTab = gBrowser.addTab();
   function loadListener() {
--- a/toolkit/mozapps/extensions/test/xpinstall/browser_localfile3.js
+++ b/toolkit/mozapps/extensions/test/xpinstall/browser_localfile3.js
@@ -8,20 +8,21 @@ function test() {
   // Disable direct request whitelisting, installing from file should be blocked.
   Services.prefs.setBoolPref("xpinstall.whitelist.directRequest", false);
   var cr = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/chrome/chrome-registry;1"]
   var chromeroot = extractChromeRoot(gTestPath);
+  var xpipath = chromeroot + "unsigned.xpi";
   try {
-    var xpipath = cr.convertChromeURL(makeURI(chromeroot + "unsigned.xpi")).spec;
+    xpipath = cr.convertChromeURL(makeURI(chromeroot + "unsigned.xpi")).spec;
   } catch (ex) {
-    var xpipath = chromeroot + "unsigned.xpi"; //scenario where we are running from a .jar and already extracted
+    //scenario where we are running from a .jar and already extracted
   gBrowser.selectedTab = gBrowser.addTab("about:blank");
   BrowserTestUtils.browserLoaded(gBrowser.selectedBrowser).then(() => {
--- a/toolkit/mozapps/extensions/test/xpinstall/browser_localfile4.js
+++ b/toolkit/mozapps/extensions/test/xpinstall/browser_localfile4.js
@@ -8,20 +8,21 @@ function test() {
   // Disable file request whitelisting, installing by file referrer should be blocked.
   Services.prefs.setBoolPref("xpinstall.whitelist.fileRequest", false);
   var cr = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/chrome/chrome-registry;1"]
   var chromeroot = extractChromeRoot(gTestPath);
+  var xpipath = chromeroot;
   try {
-    var xpipath = cr.convertChromeURL(makeURI(chromeroot)).spec;
+    xpipath = cr.convertChromeURL(makeURI(chromeroot)).spec;
   } catch (ex) {
-    var xpipath = chromeroot; //scenario where we are running from a .jar and already extracted
+    //scenario where we are running from a .jar and already extracted
   var triggers = encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify({
     "Unsigned XPI": TESTROOT + "unsigned.xpi"
   gBrowser.selectedTab = gBrowser.addTab();
   gBrowser.loadURI(xpipath + "installtrigger.html?" + triggers);
--- a/toolkit/mozapps/installer/precompile_cache.js
+++ b/toolkit/mozapps/installer/precompile_cache.js
@@ -44,27 +44,27 @@ function dir_entries(baseDir, subpath, e
       entries.push(subpath + "/" + file.leafName);
   return entries;
 function get_modules_under(uri) {
   if (uri instanceof Ci.nsIJARURI) {
-    var jar = uri.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIJARURI);
-    var jarReader = Cc["@mozilla.org/libjar/zip-reader;1"].createInstance(Ci.nsIZipReader);
-    var file = jar.JARFile.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIFileURL);
+    let jar = uri.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIJARURI);
+    let jarReader = Cc["@mozilla.org/libjar/zip-reader;1"].createInstance(Ci.nsIZipReader);
+    let file = jar.JARFile.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIFileURL);
-    var entries = jar_entries(jarReader, "components/*.js")
+    let entries = jar_entries(jarReader, "components/*.js")
                   .concat(jar_entries(jarReader, "modules/*.js"))
                   .concat(jar_entries(jarReader, "modules/*.jsm"));
     return entries;
   } else if (uri instanceof Ci.nsIFileURL){
-    var file = uri.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIFileURL);
+    let file = uri.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIFileURL);
     return dir_entries(file.file, "components", ".js")
            .concat(dir_entries(file.file, "modules", ".js"))
            .concat(dir_entries(file.file, "modules", ".jsm"));
   } else {
     throw "Expected a nsIJARURI or nsIFileURL";