Bug 1242213 - Part 1: Remove old-style Webapp entry-point. r?mfinkle draft
authorNick Alexander <nalexander@mozilla.com>
Sun, 24 Jan 2016 22:00:29 -0800
changeset 325467 851aed59656f2ed10b0211d8a943de3096cdabe9
parent 325466 3b05be695e018c93ea391714217f961be6748868
child 325468 4a98e0ac5d422a7494c9656d39ea9c325f7f99b1
push id9977
push usernalexander@mozilla.com
push dateMon, 25 Jan 2016 16:50:39 +0000
Bug 1242213 - Part 1: Remove old-style Webapp entry-point. r?mfinkle This <activity> and <activity-alias> support old-style homescreen shortcuts to old-style Webapps. Such shortcuts must have been produced at least 18 months ago, and pre-date the new-style synthetic APK Webapps entirely. New-style APK Webapps are slated to be removed from the product entirely, and there's no reason to keep their even less viable predecessor around. Telemetry from http://mzl.la/23kXGV5 shows that there were no launches of webapps (old-style or new-style) for Fennec 43 release. Telemetry from http://mzl.la/23kXFAs shows that there were 40.7k launches of webapps (again, old-style or new-style) for Fennec 44 beta (of 39.0M total -- for 0.1% total). We cannot distinguish old-style from new-style, but it is safe to assume it's a tiny proportion. Users with such homescreen shortcuts will see a bogus "App isn't installed" message and need to delete and re-create their shortcut in some way. The org.mozilla.gecko.Webapp class cannot be removed until new-style APK Webapps are removed.
--- a/mobile/android/base/AndroidManifest.xml.in
+++ b/mobile/android/base/AndroidManifest.xml.in
@@ -289,46 +289,16 @@
         <receiver android:name="org.mozilla.gecko.restrictions.RestrictionProvider">
             <action android:name="android.intent.action.GET_RESTRICTION_ENTRIES" />
-        <!-- Activity used for launching non-privileged WebApps via a URL -->
-        <activity android:name="org.mozilla.gecko.Webapp"
-                  android:label="@string/webapp_generic_name"
-                  android:configChanges="keyboard|keyboardHidden|mcc|mnc|orientation|screenSize"
-                  android:windowSoftInputMode="stateUnspecified|adjustResize"
-                  android:launchMode="singleTask"
-                  android:taskAffinity="org.mozilla.gecko.WEBAPP"
-                  android:process=":@ANDROID_PACKAGE_NAME@.Webapp"
-                  android:excludeFromRecents="true"
-                  android:exported="true"
-                  android:theme="@style/Gecko.App">
-          <!-- We export this activity so that it can be launched by explicit
-               intents, in particular old-style WebApp launching homescreen
-               shortcuts. Such shortcuts were made before the new "synthetic
-               APK" WebApps were deployed. See Bug 1032217. -->
-        </activity>
-        <!-- Alias Webapp so we can launch it from the package namespace. Prefer
-             to launch with the fully qualified name "org.mozilla.gecko.Webapp". -->
-        <activity-alias android:name=".Webapp"
-                        android:label="@string/webapp_generic_name"
-                        android:targetActivity="org.mozilla.gecko.Webapp">
-            <intent-filter>
-                <action android:name="org.mozilla.gecko.WEBAPP" />
-            </intent-filter>
-            <intent-filter>
-                <action android:name="org.mozilla.gecko.ACTION_ALERT_CALLBACK" />
-            </intent-filter>
-        </activity-alias>
         <!-- Declare a predefined number of Webapp<num> activities. These are
              used so that each web app can launch in its own process. Keep
              this number in sync with the total number of web apps handled in
              WebappAllocator. -->
 #define FRAGMENT WebappManifestFragment.xml.frag.in
 #include WebappFragmentRepeater.inc