Bug 1240239 - Install test plugins in artifact based builds. r=nalexander draft
authorChris Manchester <cmanchester@mozilla.com>
Sat, 16 Jan 2016 16:06:10 -0800
changeset 322212 c5560804eee444668f073ca7d05edfbef9090a62
parent 322211 0c8e525a2b237f0eb2c95e676d153ae5cbdeced6
child 513062 50ad1adadc974f4925cfcbb6508132ee1b9f5af0
push id9560
push usercmanchester@mozilla.com
push dateSun, 17 Jan 2016 00:07:34 +0000
Bug 1240239 - Install test plugins in artifact based builds. r=nalexander
--- a/python/mozbuild/mozbuild/artifacts.py
+++ b/python/mozbuild/mozbuild/artifacts.py
@@ -88,26 +88,28 @@ MAX_CACHED_ARTIFACTS = 6
 # Downloaded artifacts are cached, and a subset of their contents extracted for
 # easy installation.  This is most noticeable on Mac OS X: since mounting and
 # copying from DMG files is very slow, we extract the desired binaries to a
 # separate archive for fast re-installation.
 PROCESSED_SUFFIX = '.processed.jar'
 class ArtifactJob(object):
     # These are a subset of TEST_HARNESS_BINS in testing/mochitest/Makefile.in.
-    test_artifact_patterns = {
+    test_binary_patterns = {
+    test_plugin_pattern = 'bin/plugins/*'
     # We can tell our input is a test archive by this suffix, which happens to
     # be the same across platforms.
     _test_archive_suffix = '.common.tests.zip'
     def __init__(self, package_re, tests_re, log=None):
         self._package_re = re.compile(package_re)
         self._tests_re = None
         if tests_re:
@@ -145,44 +147,55 @@ class ArtifactJob(object):
         raise NotImplementedError("Subclasses must specialize process_package_artifact!")
     def process_tests_artifact(self, filename, processed_filename):
         added_entry = False
         with JarWriter(file=processed_filename, optimize=False, compress_level=5) as writer:
             reader = JarReader(filename)
             for filename, entry in reader.entries.iteritems():
-                if filename in self.test_artifact_patterns:
+                if filename in self.test_binary_patterns:
                     basename = mozpath.basename(filename)
                     self.log(logging.INFO, 'artifact',
                              {'basename': basename},
                              'Adding {basename} to processed archive')
                     mode = entry['external_attr'] >> 16
-                    writer.add(basename.encode('utf-8'), reader[filename], mode=mode)
+                    destpath = mozpath.join('bin', basename)
+                    writer.add(destpath.encode('utf-8'), reader[filename], mode=mode)
                     added_entry = True
+                elif mozpath.match(filename, self.test_plugin_pattern):
+                    # We keep the full paths to plugin files after trimming off the
+                    # leading "bin/".
+                    destpath = mozpath.relpath(filename, 'bin')
+                    self.log(logging.INFO, 'artifact',
+                             {'filename': filename},
+                             'Adding {filename} to processed archive')
+                    mode = entry['external_attr'] >> 16
+                    writer.add(destpath.encode('utf-8'), reader[filename], mode=mode)
         if not added_entry:
             raise ValueError('Archive format changed! No pattern from "{patterns}"'
                              'matched an archive path.'.format(
-                                 patterns=LinuxArtifactJob.test_artifact_patterns))
+                                 patterns=LinuxArtifactJob.test_binary_patterns))
 class AndroidArtifactJob(ArtifactJob):
     def process_artifact(self, filename, processed_filename):
         # Extract all .so files into the root, which will get copied into dist/bin.
         with JarWriter(file=processed_filename, optimize=False, compress_level=5) as writer:
             for f in JarReader(filename):
                 if not f.filename.endswith('.so') and \
                    not f.filename in ('platform.ini', 'application.ini'):
                 basename = os.path.basename(f.filename)
                 self.log(logging.INFO, 'artifact',
                     {'basename': basename},
                    'Adding {basename} to processed archive')
+                basename = mozpath.join('bin', basename)
                 writer.add(basename.encode('utf-8'), f)
 class LinuxArtifactJob(ArtifactJob):
     package_artifact_patterns = {
@@ -205,17 +218,18 @@ class LinuxArtifactJob(ArtifactJob):
                     if not f.isfile():
                     if not any(mozpath.match(f.name, p) for p in self.package_artifact_patterns):
                     # We strip off the relative "firefox/" bit from the path,
                     # but otherwise preserve it.
-                    destpath = mozpath.relpath(f.name, "firefox")
+                    destpath = mozpath.join('bin',
+                                            mozpath.relpath(f.name, "firefox"))
                     self.log(logging.INFO, 'artifact',
                              {'destpath': destpath},
                              'Adding {destpath} to processed archive')
                     writer.add(destpath.encode('utf-8'), reader.extractfile(f), mode=f.mode)
                     added_entry = True
         if not added_entry:
             raise ValueError('Archive format changed! No pattern from "{patterns}" '
@@ -290,26 +304,28 @@ class MacArtifactJob(ArtifactJob):
             with JarWriter(file=processed_filename, optimize=False, compress_level=5) as writer:
                 root, paths = paths_no_keep_path
                 finder = FileFinder(mozpath.join(source, root))
                 for path in paths:
                     for p, f in finder.find(path):
                         self.log(logging.INFO, 'artifact',
                             {'path': path},
                             'Adding {path} to processed archive')
-                        writer.add(os.path.basename(p).encode('utf-8'), f, mode=os.stat(mozpath.join(finder.base, p)).st_mode)
+                        destpath = mozpath.join('bin', os.path.basename(p))
+                        writer.add(destpath.encode('utf-8'), f, mode=os.stat(mozpath.join(finder.base, p)).st_mode)
                 root, paths = paths_keep_path
                 finder = FileFinder(mozpath.join(source, root))
                 for path in paths:
                     for p, f in finder.find(path):
                         self.log(logging.INFO, 'artifact',
                             {'path': path},
                             'Adding {path} to processed archive')
-                        writer.add(p.encode('utf-8'), f, mode=os.stat(mozpath.join(finder.base, p)).st_mode)
+                        destpath = mozpath.join('bin', p)
+                        writer.add(destpath.encode('utf-8'), f, mode=os.stat(mozpath.join(finder.base, p)).st_mode)
             except (OSError, IOError):
                 self.log(logging.WARN, 'artifact',
                     {'tempdir': tempdir},
                     'Unable to delete {tempdir}')
@@ -320,17 +336,17 @@ class WinArtifactJob(ArtifactJob):
     package_artifact_patterns = {
     # These are a subset of TEST_HARNESS_BINS in testing/mochitest/Makefile.in.
-    test_artifact_patterns = {
+    test_binary_patterns = {
@@ -340,16 +356,17 @@ class WinArtifactJob(ArtifactJob):
         added_entry = False
         with JarWriter(file=processed_filename, optimize=False, compress_level=5) as writer:
             for f in JarReader(filename):
                 if not any(mozpath.match(f.filename, p) for p in self.package_artifact_patterns):
                 # strip off the relative "firefox/" bit from the path:
                 basename = mozpath.relpath(f.filename, "firefox")
+                basename = mozpath.join('bin', basename)
                 self.log(logging.INFO, 'artifact',
                     {'basename': basename},
                     'Adding {basename} to processed archive')
                 writer.add(basename.encode('utf-8'), f)
                 added_entry = True
         if not added_entry:
             raise ValueError('Archive format changed! No pattern from "{patterns}"'
@@ -659,17 +676,17 @@ class Artifacts(object):
         self._pushhead_cache = PushHeadCache(self._hg, self._cache_dir, log=self._log)
         self._task_cache = TaskCache(self._cache_dir, log=self._log)
         self._artifact_cache = ArtifactCache(self._cache_dir, log=self._log)
     def log(self, *args, **kwargs):
         if self._log:
             self._log(*args, **kwargs)
-    def install_from_file(self, filename, bindir, install_callback=None):
+    def install_from_file(self, filename, distdir, install_callback=None):
         self.log(logging.INFO, 'artifact',
             {'filename': filename},
             'Installing from {filename}')
         # Do we need to post-process?
         processed_filename = filename + PROCESSED_SUFFIX
         if not os.path.exists(processed_filename):
             self.log(logging.INFO, 'artifact',
@@ -680,48 +697,48 @@ class Artifacts(object):
                 'Writing processed {processed_filename}')
             self._artifact_job.process_artifact(filename, processed_filename)
         self.log(logging.INFO, 'artifact',
             {'processed_filename': processed_filename},
             'Installing from processed {processed_filename}')
         # Copy all .so files, avoiding modification where possible.
-        ensureParentDir(mozpath.join(bindir, '.dummy'))
+        ensureParentDir(mozpath.join(distdir, '.dummy'))
         with zipfile.ZipFile(processed_filename) as zf:
             for info in zf.infolist():
                 if info.filename.endswith('.ini'):
-                n = mozpath.join(bindir, info.filename)
+                n = mozpath.join(distdir, info.filename)
                 fh = FileAvoidWrite(n, mode='rb')
                 shutil.copyfileobj(zf.open(info), fh)
                 file_existed, file_updated = fh.close()
                 self.log(logging.INFO, 'artifact',
                     {'updating': 'Updating' if file_updated else 'Not updating', 'filename': n},
                     '{updating} {filename}')
                 if not file_existed or file_updated:
                     # Libraries and binaries may need to be marked executable,
                     # depending on platform.
                     perms = info.external_attr >> 16 # See http://stackoverflow.com/a/434689.
                     perms |= stat.S_IWUSR | stat.S_IRUSR | stat.S_IRGRP | stat.S_IROTH # u+w, a+r.
                     os.chmod(n, perms)
                 if install_callback:
                     install_callback(info.filename, file_existed, file_updated)
         return 0
-    def install_from_url(self, url, bindir, install_callback=None):
+    def install_from_url(self, url, distdir, install_callback=None):
         self.log(logging.INFO, 'artifact',
             {'url': url},
             'Installing from {url}')
         with self._artifact_cache as artifact_cache:  # The with block handles persistence.
             filename = artifact_cache.fetch(url)
-        return self.install_from_file(filename, bindir, install_callback=install_callback)
+        return self.install_from_file(filename, distdir, install_callback=install_callback)
-    def install_from_hg(self, revset, bindir, install_callback=None):
+    def install_from_hg(self, revset, distdir, install_callback=None):
         if not revset:
             revset = '.'
         if len(revset) != 40:
             revset = subprocess.check_output([self._hg, 'log', '--template', '{node}\n', '-r', revset]).strip()
             if len(revset.split('\n')) != 1:
                 raise ValueError('hg revision specification must resolve to exactly one commit')
         self.log(logging.INFO, 'artifact',
@@ -740,39 +757,39 @@ class Artifacts(object):
                     self.log(logging.INFO, 'artifact',
                         {'pushhead': pushhead},
                         'Installing from remote pushhead {pushhead}')
                 except ValueError:
         if urls:
             for url in urls:
-                if self.install_from_url(url, bindir, install_callback=install_callback):
+                if self.install_from_url(url, distdir, install_callback=install_callback):
                     return 1
             return 0
         self.log(logging.ERROR, 'artifact',
                  {'revset': revset},
                  'No built artifacts for {revset} found.')
         return 1
-    def install_from(self, source, bindir, install_callback=None):
-        """Install artifacts from a ``source`` into the given ``bindir``.
+    def install_from(self, source, distdir, install_callback=None):
+        """Install artifacts from a ``source`` into the given ``distdir``.
         If ``callback`` is given, it is called once with arguments ``(path,
         existed, updated)``, where ``path`` is the file path written relative
-        to ``bindir``; ``existed`` is a boolean indicating whether the file
+        to ``distdir``; ``existed`` is a boolean indicating whether the file
         existed; and ``updated`` is a boolean indicating whether the file was
         if source and os.path.isfile(source):
-            return self.install_from_file(source, bindir, install_callback=install_callback)
+            return self.install_from_file(source, distdir, install_callback=install_callback)
         elif source and urlparse.urlparse(source).scheme:
-            return self.install_from_url(source, bindir, install_callback=install_callback)
+            return self.install_from_url(source, distdir, install_callback=install_callback)
-            return self.install_from_hg(source, bindir, install_callback=install_callback)
+            return self.install_from_hg(source, distdir, install_callback=install_callback)
     def print_last(self):
         self.log(logging.INFO, 'artifact',
             'Printing last used artifact details.')
--- a/python/mozbuild/mozbuild/mach_commands.py
+++ b/python/mozbuild/mozbuild/mach_commands.py
@@ -1496,20 +1496,23 @@ class PackageFrontend(MachCommandBase):
         tree, job = self._compute_defaults(tree, job)
         artifacts = self._make_artifacts(tree=tree, job=job)
         manifest_path = mozpath.join(self.topobjdir, '_build_manifests', 'install', 'dist_bin')
         manifest = InstallManifest(manifest_path)
         def install_callback(path, file_existed, file_updated):
+            if not path.startswith('bin/'):
+                return
+            path = path[len('bin/'):]
             if path not in manifest:
-        retcode = artifacts.install_from(source, self.bindir, install_callback=install_callback)
+        retcode = artifacts.install_from(source, self.distdir, install_callback=install_callback)
         if retcode == 0:
         return retcode
     @ArtifactSubCommand('artifact', 'last',
         'Print the last pre-built artifact installed.')