bug 1478613, refactor ini config loading classes, r?stas draft
authorAxel Hecht <axel@pike.org>
Thu, 26 Jul 2018 14:04:39 +0200
changeset 639 da9250759ad419f84252387b8644e41a55a125d4
parent 638 2d9e065f81297e626aaab80ec8f696edf8b96af8
child 640 8571afa7280cf86c92fb5d4f3ac8225857ed9a97
push id197
push useraxel@mozilla.com
push dateThu, 26 Jul 2018 16:18:26 +0000
bug 1478613, refactor ini config loading classes, r?stas When we drop ini configs finally, we should be able to remove this file completely. MozReview-Commit-ID: 27itmaEwxmq
--- a/compare_locales/paths/__init__.py
+++ b/compare_locales/paths/__init__.py
@@ -1,29 +1,34 @@
 # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 from __future__ import absolute_import
 import os
-from six.moves.configparser import ConfigParser, NoSectionError, NoOptionError
-from collections import defaultdict
 import errno
 import logging
 import warnings
-from compare_locales import util, mozpath
+from compare_locales import mozpath
+from .ini import (
+    L10nConfigParser, SourceTreeConfigParser,
+    EnumerateApp, EnumerateSourceTreeApp,
 from .matcher import Matcher
 from .project import ProjectConfig
 import pytoml as toml
 import six
 __all__ = [
-    'ProjectConfig'
+    'ProjectConfig',
+    'L10nConfigParser', 'SourceTreeConfigParser',
+    'EnumerateApp', 'EnumerateSourceTreeApp',
 REFERENCE_LOCALE = 'en-x-moz-reference'
 class ProjectFiles(object):
     '''Iterable object to get all files and tests for a locale and a
     list of ProjectConfigs.
@@ -300,171 +305,16 @@ class TOMLParser(object):
             self.data.get('basepath', '.'),
         return mozpath.normpath(path)
     def asConfig(self):
         return self.pc
-class L10nConfigParser(object):
-    '''Helper class to gather application information from ini files.
-    This class is working on synchronous open to read files or web data.
-    Subclass this and overwrite loadConfigs and addChild if you need async.
-    '''
-    def __init__(self, inipath, **kwargs):
-        """Constructor for L10nConfigParsers
-        inipath -- l10n.ini path
-        Optional keyword arguments are fowarded to the inner ConfigParser as
-        defaults.
-        """
-        self.inipath = mozpath.normpath(inipath)
-        # l10n.ini files can import other l10n.ini files, store the
-        # corresponding L10nConfigParsers
-        self.children = []
-        # we really only care about the l10n directories described in l10n.ini
-        self.dirs = []
-        # optional defaults to be passed to the inner ConfigParser (unused?)
-        self.defaults = kwargs
-    def getDepth(self, cp):
-        '''Get the depth for the comparison from the parsed l10n.ini.
-        '''
-        try:
-            depth = cp.get('general', 'depth')
-        except (NoSectionError, NoOptionError):
-            depth = '.'
-        return depth
-    def getFilters(self):
-        '''Get the test functions from this ConfigParser and all children.
-        Only works with synchronous loads, used by compare-locales, which
-        is local anyway.
-        '''
-        filter_path = mozpath.join(mozpath.dirname(self.inipath), 'filter.py')
-        try:
-            local = {}
-            with open(filter_path) as f:
-                exec(compile(f.read(), filter_path, 'exec'), {}, local)
-            if 'test' in local and callable(local['test']):
-                filters = [local['test']]
-            else:
-                filters = []
-        except BaseException:  # we really want to handle EVERYTHING here
-            filters = []
-        for c in self.children:
-            filters += c.getFilters()
-        return filters
-    def loadConfigs(self):
-        """Entry point to load the l10n.ini file this Parser refers to.
-        This implementation uses synchronous loads, subclasses might overload
-        this behaviour. If you do, make sure to pass a file-like object
-        to onLoadConfig.
-        """
-        cp = ConfigParser(self.defaults)
-        cp.read(self.inipath)
-        depth = self.getDepth(cp)
-        self.base = mozpath.join(mozpath.dirname(self.inipath), depth)
-        # create child loaders for any other l10n.ini files to be included
-        try:
-            for title, path in cp.items('includes'):
-                # skip default items
-                if title in self.defaults:
-                    continue
-                # add child config parser
-                self.addChild(title, path, cp)
-        except NoSectionError:
-            pass
-        # try to load the "dirs" defined in the "compare" section
-        try:
-            self.dirs.extend(cp.get('compare', 'dirs').split())
-        except (NoOptionError, NoSectionError):
-            pass
-        # try to set "all_path" and "all_url"
-        try:
-            self.all_path = mozpath.join(self.base, cp.get('general', 'all'))
-        except (NoOptionError, NoSectionError):
-            self.all_path = None
-        return cp
-    def addChild(self, title, path, orig_cp):
-        """Create a child L10nConfigParser and load it.
-        title -- indicates the module's name
-        path -- indicates the path to the module's l10n.ini file
-        orig_cp -- the configuration parser of this l10n.ini
-        """
-        cp = L10nConfigParser(mozpath.join(self.base, path), **self.defaults)
-        cp.loadConfigs()
-        self.children.append(cp)
-    def dirsIter(self):
-        """Iterate over all dirs and our base path for this l10n.ini"""
-        for dir in self.dirs:
-            yield dir, (self.base, dir)
-    def directories(self):
-        """Iterate over all dirs and base paths for this l10n.ini as well
-        as the included ones.
-        """
-        for t in self.dirsIter():
-            yield t
-        for child in self.children:
-            for t in child.directories():
-                yield t
-    def allLocales(self):
-        """Return a list of all the locales of this project"""
-        with open(self.all_path) as f:
-            return util.parseLocales(f.read())
-class SourceTreeConfigParser(L10nConfigParser):
-    '''Subclassing L10nConfigParser to work with just the repos
-    checked out next to each other instead of intermingled like
-    we do for real builds.
-    '''
-    def __init__(self, inipath, base, redirects):
-        '''Add additional arguments basepath.
-        basepath is used to resolve local paths via branchnames.
-        redirects is used in unified repository, mapping upstream
-        repos to local clones.
-        '''
-        L10nConfigParser.__init__(self, inipath)
-        self.base = base
-        self.redirects = redirects
-    def addChild(self, title, path, orig_cp):
-        # check if there's a section with details for this include
-        # we might have to check a different repo, or even VCS
-        # for example, projects like "mail" indicate in
-        # an "include_" section where to find the l10n.ini for "toolkit"
-        details = 'include_' + title
-        if orig_cp.has_section(details):
-            branch = orig_cp.get(details, 'mozilla')
-            branch = self.redirects.get(branch, branch)
-            inipath = orig_cp.get(details, 'l10n.ini')
-            path = mozpath.join(self.base, branch, inipath)
-        else:
-            path = mozpath.join(self.base, path)
-        cp = SourceTreeConfigParser(path, self.base, self.redirects,
-                                    **self.defaults)
-        cp.loadConfigs()
-        self.children.append(cp)
 class File(object):
     def __init__(self, fullpath, file, module=None, locale=None):
         self.fullpath = fullpath
         self.file = file
         self.module = module
         self.locale = locale
@@ -492,71 +342,8 @@ class File(object):
     def __eq__(self, other):
         if not isinstance(other, File):
             return False
         return vars(self) == vars(other)
     def __ne__(self, other):
         return not (self == other)
-class EnumerateApp(object):
-    reference = 'en-US'
-    def __init__(self, inipath, l10nbase, locales=None):
-        self.setupConfigParser(inipath)
-        self.modules = defaultdict(dict)
-        self.l10nbase = mozpath.abspath(l10nbase)
-        self.filters = []
-        self.addFilters(*self.config.getFilters())
-        self.locales = locales or self.config.allLocales()
-        self.locales.sort()
-    def setupConfigParser(self, inipath):
-        self.config = L10nConfigParser(inipath)
-        self.config.loadConfigs()
-    def addFilters(self, *args):
-        self.filters += args
-    def asConfig(self):
-        config = ProjectConfig()
-        self._config_for_ini(config, self.config)
-        filters = self.config.getFilters()
-        if filters:
-            config.set_filter_py(filters[0])
-        config.locales += self.locales
-        return config
-    def _config_for_ini(self, projectconfig, aConfig):
-        for k, (basepath, module) in aConfig.dirsIter():
-            paths = {
-                'module': module,
-                'reference': mozpath.normpath('%s/%s/locales/en-US/**' %
-                                              (basepath, module)),
-                'l10n': mozpath.normpath('{l10n_base}/{locale}/%s/**' %
-                                         module)
-            }
-            if module == 'mobile/android/base':
-                paths['test'] = ['android-dtd']
-            projectconfig.add_paths(paths)
-            projectconfig.add_global_environment(l10n_base=self.l10nbase)
-        for child in aConfig.children:
-            self._config_for_ini(projectconfig, child)
-class EnumerateSourceTreeApp(EnumerateApp):
-    '''Subclass EnumerateApp to work on side-by-side checked out
-    repos, and to no pay attention to how the source would actually
-    be checked out for building.
-    '''
-    def __init__(self, inipath, basepath, l10nbase, redirects,
-                 locales=None):
-        self.basepath = basepath
-        self.redirects = redirects
-        EnumerateApp.__init__(self, inipath, l10nbase, locales)
-    def setupConfigParser(self, inipath):
-        self.config = SourceTreeConfigParser(inipath, self.basepath,
-                                             self.redirects)
-        self.config.loadConfigs()
copy from compare_locales/paths/__init__.py
copy to compare_locales/paths/ini.py
--- a/compare_locales/paths/__init__.py
+++ b/compare_locales/paths/ini.py
@@ -1,313 +1,17 @@
 # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 from __future__ import absolute_import
-import os
 from six.moves.configparser import ConfigParser, NoSectionError, NoOptionError
 from collections import defaultdict
-import errno
-import logging
-import warnings
 from compare_locales import util, mozpath
-from .matcher import Matcher
 from .project import ProjectConfig
-import pytoml as toml
-import six
-__all__ = [
-    'Matcher',
-    'ProjectConfig'
-REFERENCE_LOCALE = 'en-x-moz-reference'
-class ProjectFiles(object):
-    '''Iterable object to get all files and tests for a locale and a
-    list of ProjectConfigs.
-    If the given locale is None, iterate over reference files as
-    both reference and locale for a reference self-test.
-    '''
-    def __init__(self, locale, projects, mergebase=None):
-        self.locale = locale
-        self.matchers = []
-        self.mergebase = mergebase
-        configs = []
-        for project in projects:
-            configs.extend(project.configs)
-        for pc in configs:
-            if locale and locale not in pc.locales:
-                continue
-            for paths in pc.paths:
-                if (
-                    locale and
-                    'locales' in paths and
-                    locale not in paths['locales']
-                ):
-                    continue
-                m = {
-                    'l10n': paths['l10n']({
-                        "locale": locale or REFERENCE_LOCALE
-                    }),
-                    'module': paths.get('module'),
-                }
-                if 'reference' in paths:
-                    m['reference'] = paths['reference']
-                if self.mergebase is not None:
-                    m['merge'] = paths['l10n']({
-                        "locale": locale,
-                        "l10n_base": self.mergebase
-                    })
-                m['test'] = set(paths.get('test', []))
-                if 'locales' in paths:
-                    m['locales'] = paths['locales'][:]
-                self.matchers.append(m)
-        self.matchers.reverse()  # we always iterate last first
-        # Remove duplicate patterns, comparing each matcher
-        # against all other matchers.
-        # Avoid n^2 comparisons by only scanning the upper triangle
-        # of a n x n matrix of all possible combinations.
-        # Using enumerate and keeping track of indexes, as we can't
-        # modify the list while iterating over it.
-        drops = set()  # duplicate matchers to remove
-        for i, m in enumerate(self.matchers[:-1]):
-            if i in drops:
-                continue  # we're dropping this anyway, don't search again
-            for i_, m_ in enumerate(self.matchers[(i+1):]):
-                if (mozpath.realpath(m['l10n'].prefix) !=
-                        mozpath.realpath(m_['l10n'].prefix)):
-                    # ok, not the same thing, continue
-                    continue
-                # check that we're comparing the same thing
-                if 'reference' in m:
-                    if (mozpath.realpath(m['reference'].prefix) !=
-                            mozpath.realpath(m_.get('reference').prefix)):
-                        raise RuntimeError('Mismatch in reference for ' +
-                                           mozpath.realpath(m['l10n'].prefix))
-                drops.add(i_ + i + 1)
-                m['test'] |= m_['test']
-        drops = sorted(drops, reverse=True)
-        for i in drops:
-            del self.matchers[i]
-    def __iter__(self):
-        # The iteration is pretty different when we iterate over
-        # a localization vs over the reference. We do that latter
-        # when running in validation mode.
-        inner = self.iter_locale() if self.locale else self.iter_reference()
-        for t in inner:
-            yield t
-    def iter_locale(self):
-        '''Iterate over locale files.'''
-        known = {}
-        for matchers in self.matchers:
-            matcher = matchers['l10n']
-            for path in self._files(matcher):
-                if path not in known:
-                    known[path] = {'test': matchers.get('test')}
-                    if 'reference' in matchers:
-                        known[path]['reference'] = matcher.sub(
-                            matchers['reference'], path)
-                    if 'merge' in matchers:
-                        known[path]['merge'] = matcher.sub(
-                            matchers['merge'], path)
-            if 'reference' not in matchers:
-                continue
-            matcher = matchers['reference']
-            for path in self._files(matcher):
-                l10npath = matcher.sub(matchers['l10n'], path)
-                if l10npath not in known:
-                    known[l10npath] = {
-                        'reference': path,
-                        'test': matchers.get('test')
-                    }
-                    if 'merge' in matchers:
-                        known[l10npath]['merge'] = \
-                            matcher.sub(matchers['merge'], path)
-        for path, d in sorted(known.items()):
-            yield (path, d.get('reference'), d.get('merge'), d['test'])
-    def iter_reference(self):
-        '''Iterate over reference files.'''
-        known = {}
-        for matchers in self.matchers:
-            if 'reference' not in matchers:
-                continue
-            matcher = matchers['reference']
-            for path in self._files(matcher):
-                refpath = matcher.sub(matchers['reference'], path)
-                if refpath not in known:
-                    known[refpath] = {
-                        'reference': path,
-                        'test': matchers.get('test')
-                    }
-        for path, d in sorted(known.items()):
-            yield (path, d.get('reference'), None, d['test'])
-    def _files(self, matcher):
-        '''Base implementation of getting all files in a hierarchy
-        using the file system.
-        Subclasses might replace this method to support different IO
-        patterns.
-        '''
-        base = matcher.prefix
-        if os.path.isfile(base):
-            if matcher.match(base):
-                yield base
-            return
-        for d, dirs, files in os.walk(base):
-            for f in files:
-                p = mozpath.join(d, f)
-                if matcher.match(p):
-                    yield p
-    def match(self, path):
-        '''Return the tuple of l10n_path, reference, mergepath, tests
-        if the given path matches any config, otherwise None.
-        This routine doesn't check that the files actually exist.
-        '''
-        for matchers in self.matchers:
-            matcher = matchers['l10n']
-            if matcher.match(path):
-                ref = merge = None
-                if 'reference' in matchers:
-                    ref = matcher.sub(matchers['reference'], path)
-                if 'merge' in matchers:
-                    merge = matcher.sub(matchers['merge'], path)
-                return path, ref, merge, matchers.get('test')
-            if 'reference' not in matchers:
-                continue
-            matcher = matchers['reference']
-            if matcher.match(path):
-                merge = None
-                l10n = matcher.sub(matchers['l10n'], path)
-                if 'merge' in matchers:
-                    merge = matcher.sub(matchers['merge'], path)
-                return l10n, path, merge, matchers.get('test')
-class ConfigNotFound(EnvironmentError):
-    def __init__(self, path):
-        super(ConfigNotFound, self).__init__(
-            errno.ENOENT,
-            'Configuration file not found',
-            path)
-class TOMLParser(object):
-    @classmethod
-    def parse(cls, path, env=None, ignore_missing_includes=False):
-        parser = cls(path, env=env,
-                     ignore_missing_includes=ignore_missing_includes)
-        parser.load()
-        parser.processEnv()
-        parser.processPaths()
-        parser.processFilters()
-        parser.processIncludes()
-        parser.processLocales()
-        return parser.asConfig()
-    def __init__(self, path, env=None, ignore_missing_includes=False):
-        self.path = path
-        self.env = env if env is not None else {}
-        self.ignore_missing_includes = ignore_missing_includes
-        self.data = None
-        self.pc = ProjectConfig()
-        self.pc.PATH = path
-    def load(self):
-        try:
-            with open(self.path, 'rb') as fin:
-                self.data = toml.load(fin)
-        except (toml.TomlError, IOError):
-            raise ConfigNotFound(self.path)
-    def processEnv(self):
-        assert self.data is not None
-        self.pc.add_environment(**self.data.get('env', {}))
-    def processLocales(self):
-        assert self.data is not None
-        if 'locales' in self.data:
-            self.pc.set_locales(self.data['locales'])
-    def processPaths(self):
-        assert self.data is not None
-        for data in self.data.get('paths', []):
-            l10n = data['l10n']
-            if not l10n.startswith('{'):
-                # l10n isn't relative to a variable, expand
-                l10n = self.resolvepath(l10n)
-            paths = {
-                "l10n": l10n,
-            }
-            if 'locales' in data:
-                paths['locales'] = data['locales']
-            if 'reference' in data:
-                paths['reference'] = self.resolvepath(data['reference'])
-            self.pc.add_paths(paths)
-    def processFilters(self):
-        assert self.data is not None
-        for data in self.data.get('filters', []):
-            paths = data['path']
-            if isinstance(paths, six.string_types):
-                paths = [paths]
-            # expand if path isn't relative to a variable
-            paths = [
-                self.resolvepath(path) if not path.startswith('{')
-                else path
-                for path in paths
-            ]
-            rule = {
-                "path": paths,
-                "action": data['action']
-            }
-            if 'key' in data:
-                rule['key'] = data['key']
-            self.pc.add_rules(rule)
-    def processIncludes(self):
-        assert self.data is not None
-        if 'includes' not in self.data:
-            return
-        for include in self.data['includes']:
-            p = include['path']
-            p = self.resolvepath(p)
-            try:
-                child = self.parse(
-                    p, env=self.env,
-                    ignore_missing_includes=self.ignore_missing_includes
-                )
-            except ConfigNotFound as e:
-                if not self.ignore_missing_includes:
-                    raise
-                (logging
-                    .getLogger('compare-locales.io')
-                    .error('%s: %s', e.strerror, e.filename))
-                continue
-            self.pc.add_child(child)
-    def resolvepath(self, path):
-        path = self.pc.expand(path, env=self.env)
-        path = mozpath.join(
-            mozpath.dirname(self.path),
-            self.data.get('basepath', '.'),
-            path)
-        return mozpath.normpath(path)
-    def asConfig(self):
-        return self.pc
 class L10nConfigParser(object):
     '''Helper class to gather application information from ini files.
     This class is working on synchronous open to read files or web data.
     Subclass this and overwrite loadConfigs and addChild if you need async.
@@ -455,55 +159,16 @@ class SourceTreeConfigParser(L10nConfigP
             path = mozpath.join(self.base, path)
         cp = SourceTreeConfigParser(path, self.base, self.redirects,
-class File(object):
-    def __init__(self, fullpath, file, module=None, locale=None):
-        self.fullpath = fullpath
-        self.file = file
-        self.module = module
-        self.locale = locale
-        pass
-    def getContents(self):
-        # open with universal line ending support and read
-        # ignore universal newlines deprecation
-        with warnings.catch_warnings():
-            warnings.simplefilter("ignore")
-            with open(self.fullpath, 'rbU') as f:
-                return f.read()
-    @property
-    def localpath(self):
-        f = self.file
-        if self.module:
-            f = mozpath.join(self.module, f)
-        return f
-    def __hash__(self):
-        return hash(self.localpath)
-    def __str__(self):
-        return self.fullpath
-    def __eq__(self, other):
-        if not isinstance(other, File):
-            return False
-        return vars(self) == vars(other)
-    def __ne__(self, other):
-        return not (self == other)
 class EnumerateApp(object):
     reference = 'en-US'
     def __init__(self, inipath, l10nbase, locales=None):
         self.modules = defaultdict(dict)
         self.l10nbase = mozpath.abspath(l10nbase)
         self.filters = []