bug 1478613, refactor paths.Matcher, r?stas draft
authorAxel Hecht <axel@pike.org>
Thu, 26 Jul 2018 13:37:27 +0200
changeset 637 a57ca62ac768f4bc755aabdfd4dbc046a2f8bdd9
parent 636 5cce4152d97ec19fd4960eca5a7fc81f67d66a00
child 638 2d9e065f81297e626aaab80ec8f696edf8b96af8
push id197
push useraxel@mozilla.com
push dateThu, 26 Jul 2018 16:18:26 +0000
bug 1478613, refactor paths.Matcher, r?stas MozReview-Commit-ID: 5MeVoUq6O8m
--- a/compare_locales/paths/__init__.py
+++ b/compare_locales/paths/__init__.py
@@ -3,99 +3,27 @@
 # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 from __future__ import absolute_import
 import os
 import re
 from six.moves.configparser import ConfigParser, NoSectionError, NoOptionError
 from collections import defaultdict
 import errno
-import itertools
 import logging
 import warnings
 from compare_locales import util, mozpath
+from .matcher import Matcher
 import pytoml as toml
 import six
 REFERENCE_LOCALE = 'en-x-moz-reference'
-class Matcher(object):
-    '''Path pattern matcher
-    Supports path matching similar to mozpath.match(), but does
-    not match trailing file paths without trailing wildcards.
-    Also gets a prefix, which is the path before the first wildcard,
-    which is good for filesystem iterations, and allows to replace
-    the own matches in a path on a different Matcher. compare-locales
-    uses that to transform l10n and en-US paths back and forth.
-    '''
-    def __init__(self, pattern):
-        '''Create regular expression similar to mozpath.match().
-        '''
-        prefix = ''
-        last_end = 0
-        p = ''
-        r = ''
-        backref = itertools.count(1)
-        for m in re.finditer(r'(?:(^|/)\*\*(/|$))|(?P<star>\*)', pattern):
-            if m.start() > last_end:
-                p += re.escape(pattern[last_end:m.start()])
-                r += pattern[last_end:m.start()]
-                if last_end == 0:
-                    prefix = pattern[last_end:m.start()]
-            if m.group('star'):
-                p += '([^/]*)'
-                r += r'\%s' % next(backref)
-            else:
-                p += re.escape(m.group(1)) + r'(.+%s)?' % m.group(2)
-                r += m.group(1) + r'\%s' % next(backref) + m.group(2)
-            last_end = m.end()
-        p += re.escape(pattern[last_end:]) + '$'
-        # Now replace variable references with named group matches.
-        # The regex here matches the variable regex plus escaping.
-        p = re.sub(
-            r'\\{(?:\\ )*([\w]+)(?:\\ )*\\}',
-            lambda m: '(?P<{}>.+?)'.format(m.group(1).replace('\\', '')), p)
-        r += pattern[last_end:]
-        if last_end == 0:
-            prefix = pattern
-        self.prefix = prefix
-        self.regex = re.compile(p)
-        self.placable = r
-    def match(self, path):
-        '''
-        True if the given path matches the file pattern.
-        '''
-        return self.regex.match(path)
-    def sub(self, other, path):
-        '''
-        Replace the wildcard matches in this pattern into the
-        pattern of the other Match object.
-        '''
-        if not self.match(path):
-            return None
-        return self.regex.sub(other.placable, path)
-    variable = re.compile('{ *([\w]+) *}')
-    @staticmethod
-    def expand(pattern, *envs):
-        def _expand(m):
-            _var = m.group(1)
-            for env in envs:
-                if _var in env:
-                    return Matcher.expand(env[_var], *envs)
-            return '{{{}}}'.format(_var)
-        return Matcher.variable.sub(_expand, pattern)
 class ProjectConfig(object):
     '''Abstraction of l10n project configuration data.
     def __init__(self):
         self.filter_py = None  # legacy filter code
         # {
         #  'l10n': pattern,
copy from compare_locales/paths/__init__.py
copy to compare_locales/paths/matcher.py
--- a/compare_locales/paths/__init__.py
+++ b/compare_locales/paths/matcher.py
@@ -1,27 +1,15 @@
 # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 from __future__ import absolute_import
-import os
 import re
-from six.moves.configparser import ConfigParser, NoSectionError, NoOptionError
-from collections import defaultdict
-import errno
 import itertools
-import logging
-import warnings
-from compare_locales import util, mozpath
-import pytoml as toml
-import six
-REFERENCE_LOCALE = 'en-x-moz-reference'
 class Matcher(object):
     '''Path pattern matcher
     Supports path matching similar to mozpath.match(), but does
     not match trailing file paths without trailing wildcards.
     Also gets a prefix, which is the path before the first wildcard,
     which is good for filesystem iterations, and allows to replace
@@ -84,747 +72,8 @@ class Matcher(object):
     def expand(pattern, *envs):
         def _expand(m):
             _var = m.group(1)
             for env in envs:
                 if _var in env:
                     return Matcher.expand(env[_var], *envs)
             return '{{{}}}'.format(_var)
         return Matcher.variable.sub(_expand, pattern)
-class ProjectConfig(object):
-    '''Abstraction of l10n project configuration data.
-    '''
-    def __init__(self):
-        self.filter_py = None  # legacy filter code
-        # {
-        #  'l10n': pattern,
-        #  'reference': pattern,  # optional
-        #  'locales': [],  # optional
-        #  'test': [],  # optional
-        # }
-        self.paths = []
-        self.rules = []
-        self.locales = []
-        self.environ = {}
-        self.children = []
-        self._cache = None
-    def expand(self, path, env=None):
-        envs = [self.environ]
-        if env:
-            envs.insert(0, env)
-        return Matcher.expand(path, *envs)
-    def lazy_expand(self, pattern):
-        def lazy_l10n_expanded_pattern(env):
-            return Matcher(self.expand(pattern, env))
-        return lazy_l10n_expanded_pattern
-    def add_global_environment(self, **kwargs):
-        self.add_environment(**kwargs)
-        for child in self.children:
-            child.add_global_environment(**kwargs)
-    def add_environment(self, **kwargs):
-        self.environ.update(kwargs)
-    def add_paths(self, *paths):
-        '''Add path dictionaries to this config.
-        The dictionaries must have a `l10n` key. For monolingual files,
-        `reference` is also required.
-        An optional key `test` is allowed to enable additional tests for this
-        path pattern.
-        '''
-        for d in paths:
-            rv = {
-                'l10n': self.lazy_expand(d['l10n']),
-                'module': d.get('module')
-            }
-            if 'reference' in d:
-                rv['reference'] = Matcher(d['reference'])
-            if 'test' in d:
-                rv['test'] = d['test']
-            if 'locales' in d:
-                rv['locales'] = d['locales'][:]
-            self.paths.append(rv)
-    def set_filter_py(self, filter_function):
-        '''Set legacy filter.py code.
-        Assert that no rules are set.
-        Also, normalize output already here.
-        '''
-        assert not self.rules
-        def filter_(module, path, entity=None):
-            try:
-                rv = filter_function(module, path, entity=entity)
-            except BaseException:  # we really want to handle EVERYTHING here
-                return 'error'
-            rv = {
-                True: 'error',
-                False: 'ignore',
-                'report': 'warning'
-            }.get(rv, rv)
-            assert rv in ('error', 'ignore', 'warning', None)
-            return rv
-        self.filter_py = filter_
-    def add_rules(self, *rules):
-        '''Add rules to filter on.
-        Assert that there's no legacy filter.py code hooked up.
-        '''
-        assert self.filter_py is None
-        for rule in rules:
-            self.rules.extend(self._compile_rule(rule))
-    def add_child(self, child):
-        self.children.append(child)
-    def set_locales(self, locales, deep=False):
-        self.locales = locales
-        for child in self.children:
-            if not child.locales or deep:
-                child.set_locales(locales, deep=True)
-            else:
-                locs = [loc for loc in locales if loc in child.locales]
-                child.set_locales(locs)
-    @property
-    def configs(self):
-        'Recursively get all configs in this project and its children'
-        yield self
-        for child in self.children:
-            for config in child.configs:
-                yield config
-    def filter(self, l10n_file, entity=None):
-        '''Filter a localization file or entities within, according to
-        this configuration file.'''
-        if self.filter_py is not None:
-            return self.filter_py(l10n_file.module, l10n_file.file,
-                                  entity=entity)
-        rv = self._filter(l10n_file, entity=entity)
-        if rv is None:
-            return 'ignore'
-        return rv
-    class FilterCache(object):
-        def __init__(self, locale):
-            self.locale = locale
-            self.rules = []
-            self.l10n_paths = []
-    def cache(self, locale):
-        if self._cache and self._cache.locale == locale:
-            return self._cache
-        self._cache = self.FilterCache(locale)
-        for paths in self.paths:
-            self._cache.l10n_paths.append(paths['l10n']({
-                "locale": locale
-            }))
-        for rule in self.rules:
-            cached_rule = rule.copy()
-            cached_rule['path'] = rule['path']({
-                "locale": locale
-            })
-            self._cache.rules.append(cached_rule)
-        return self._cache
-    def _filter(self, l10n_file, entity=None):
-        actions = set(
-            child._filter(l10n_file, entity=entity)
-            for child in self.children)
-        if 'error' in actions:
-            # return early if we know we'll error
-            return 'error'
-        cached = self.cache(l10n_file.locale)
-        if any(p.match(l10n_file.fullpath) for p in cached.l10n_paths):
-            action = 'error'
-            for rule in reversed(cached.rules):
-                if not rule['path'].match(l10n_file.fullpath):
-                    continue
-                if ('key' in rule) ^ (entity is not None):
-                    # key/file mismatch, not a matching rule
-                    continue
-                if 'key' in rule and not rule['key'].match(entity):
-                    continue
-                action = rule['action']
-                break
-            actions.add(action)
-        if 'error' in actions:
-            return 'error'
-        if 'warning' in actions:
-            return 'warning'
-        if 'ignore' in actions:
-            return 'ignore'
-    def _compile_rule(self, rule):
-        assert 'path' in rule
-        if isinstance(rule['path'], list):
-            for path in rule['path']:
-                _rule = rule.copy()
-                _rule['path'] = self.lazy_expand(path)
-                for __rule in self._compile_rule(_rule):
-                    yield __rule
-            return
-        if isinstance(rule['path'], six.string_types):
-            rule['path'] = self.lazy_expand(rule['path'])
-        if 'key' not in rule:
-            yield rule
-            return
-        if not isinstance(rule['key'], six.string_types):
-            for key in rule['key']:
-                _rule = rule.copy()
-                _rule['key'] = key
-                for __rule in self._compile_rule(_rule):
-                    yield __rule
-            return
-        rule = rule.copy()
-        key = rule['key']
-        if key.startswith('re:'):
-            key = key[3:]
-        else:
-            key = re.escape(key) + '$'
-        rule['key'] = re.compile(key)
-        yield rule
-class ProjectFiles(object):
-    '''Iterable object to get all files and tests for a locale and a
-    list of ProjectConfigs.
-    If the given locale is None, iterate over reference files as
-    both reference and locale for a reference self-test.
-    '''
-    def __init__(self, locale, projects, mergebase=None):
-        self.locale = locale
-        self.matchers = []
-        self.mergebase = mergebase
-        configs = []
-        for project in projects:
-            configs.extend(project.configs)
-        for pc in configs:
-            if locale and locale not in pc.locales:
-                continue
-            for paths in pc.paths:
-                if (
-                    locale and
-                    'locales' in paths and
-                    locale not in paths['locales']
-                ):
-                    continue
-                m = {
-                    'l10n': paths['l10n']({
-                        "locale": locale or REFERENCE_LOCALE
-                    }),
-                    'module': paths.get('module'),
-                }
-                if 'reference' in paths:
-                    m['reference'] = paths['reference']
-                if self.mergebase is not None:
-                    m['merge'] = paths['l10n']({
-                        "locale": locale,
-                        "l10n_base": self.mergebase
-                    })
-                m['test'] = set(paths.get('test', []))
-                if 'locales' in paths:
-                    m['locales'] = paths['locales'][:]
-                self.matchers.append(m)
-        self.matchers.reverse()  # we always iterate last first
-        # Remove duplicate patterns, comparing each matcher
-        # against all other matchers.
-        # Avoid n^2 comparisons by only scanning the upper triangle
-        # of a n x n matrix of all possible combinations.
-        # Using enumerate and keeping track of indexes, as we can't
-        # modify the list while iterating over it.
-        drops = set()  # duplicate matchers to remove
-        for i, m in enumerate(self.matchers[:-1]):
-            if i in drops:
-                continue  # we're dropping this anyway, don't search again
-            for i_, m_ in enumerate(self.matchers[(i+1):]):
-                if (mozpath.realpath(m['l10n'].prefix) !=
-                        mozpath.realpath(m_['l10n'].prefix)):
-                    # ok, not the same thing, continue
-                    continue
-                # check that we're comparing the same thing
-                if 'reference' in m:
-                    if (mozpath.realpath(m['reference'].prefix) !=
-                            mozpath.realpath(m_.get('reference').prefix)):
-                        raise RuntimeError('Mismatch in reference for ' +
-                                           mozpath.realpath(m['l10n'].prefix))
-                drops.add(i_ + i + 1)
-                m['test'] |= m_['test']
-        drops = sorted(drops, reverse=True)
-        for i in drops:
-            del self.matchers[i]
-    def __iter__(self):
-        # The iteration is pretty different when we iterate over
-        # a localization vs over the reference. We do that latter
-        # when running in validation mode.
-        inner = self.iter_locale() if self.locale else self.iter_reference()
-        for t in inner:
-            yield t
-    def iter_locale(self):
-        '''Iterate over locale files.'''
-        known = {}
-        for matchers in self.matchers:
-            matcher = matchers['l10n']
-            for path in self._files(matcher):
-                if path not in known:
-                    known[path] = {'test': matchers.get('test')}
-                    if 'reference' in matchers:
-                        known[path]['reference'] = matcher.sub(
-                            matchers['reference'], path)
-                    if 'merge' in matchers:
-                        known[path]['merge'] = matcher.sub(
-                            matchers['merge'], path)
-            if 'reference' not in matchers:
-                continue
-            matcher = matchers['reference']
-            for path in self._files(matcher):
-                l10npath = matcher.sub(matchers['l10n'], path)
-                if l10npath not in known:
-                    known[l10npath] = {
-                        'reference': path,
-                        'test': matchers.get('test')
-                    }
-                    if 'merge' in matchers:
-                        known[l10npath]['merge'] = \
-                            matcher.sub(matchers['merge'], path)
-        for path, d in sorted(known.items()):
-            yield (path, d.get('reference'), d.get('merge'), d['test'])
-    def iter_reference(self):
-        '''Iterate over reference files.'''
-        known = {}
-        for matchers in self.matchers:
-            if 'reference' not in matchers:
-                continue
-            matcher = matchers['reference']
-            for path in self._files(matcher):
-                refpath = matcher.sub(matchers['reference'], path)
-                if refpath not in known:
-                    known[refpath] = {
-                        'reference': path,
-                        'test': matchers.get('test')
-                    }
-        for path, d in sorted(known.items()):
-            yield (path, d.get('reference'), None, d['test'])
-    def _files(self, matcher):
-        '''Base implementation of getting all files in a hierarchy
-        using the file system.
-        Subclasses might replace this method to support different IO
-        patterns.
-        '''
-        base = matcher.prefix
-        if os.path.isfile(base):
-            if matcher.match(base):
-                yield base
-            return
-        for d, dirs, files in os.walk(base):
-            for f in files:
-                p = mozpath.join(d, f)
-                if matcher.match(p):
-                    yield p
-    def match(self, path):
-        '''Return the tuple of l10n_path, reference, mergepath, tests
-        if the given path matches any config, otherwise None.
-        This routine doesn't check that the files actually exist.
-        '''
-        for matchers in self.matchers:
-            matcher = matchers['l10n']
-            if matcher.match(path):
-                ref = merge = None
-                if 'reference' in matchers:
-                    ref = matcher.sub(matchers['reference'], path)
-                if 'merge' in matchers:
-                    merge = matcher.sub(matchers['merge'], path)
-                return path, ref, merge, matchers.get('test')
-            if 'reference' not in matchers:
-                continue
-            matcher = matchers['reference']
-            if matcher.match(path):
-                merge = None
-                l10n = matcher.sub(matchers['l10n'], path)
-                if 'merge' in matchers:
-                    merge = matcher.sub(matchers['merge'], path)
-                return l10n, path, merge, matchers.get('test')
-class ConfigNotFound(EnvironmentError):
-    def __init__(self, path):
-        super(ConfigNotFound, self).__init__(
-            errno.ENOENT,
-            'Configuration file not found',
-            path)
-class TOMLParser(object):
-    @classmethod
-    def parse(cls, path, env=None, ignore_missing_includes=False):
-        parser = cls(path, env=env,
-                     ignore_missing_includes=ignore_missing_includes)
-        parser.load()
-        parser.processEnv()
-        parser.processPaths()
-        parser.processFilters()
-        parser.processIncludes()
-        parser.processLocales()
-        return parser.asConfig()
-    def __init__(self, path, env=None, ignore_missing_includes=False):
-        self.path = path
-        self.env = env if env is not None else {}
-        self.ignore_missing_includes = ignore_missing_includes
-        self.data = None
-        self.pc = ProjectConfig()
-        self.pc.PATH = path
-    def load(self):
-        try:
-            with open(self.path, 'rb') as fin:
-                self.data = toml.load(fin)
-        except (toml.TomlError, IOError):
-            raise ConfigNotFound(self.path)
-    def processEnv(self):
-        assert self.data is not None
-        self.pc.add_environment(**self.data.get('env', {}))
-    def processLocales(self):
-        assert self.data is not None
-        if 'locales' in self.data:
-            self.pc.set_locales(self.data['locales'])
-    def processPaths(self):
-        assert self.data is not None
-        for data in self.data.get('paths', []):
-            l10n = data['l10n']
-            if not l10n.startswith('{'):
-                # l10n isn't relative to a variable, expand
-                l10n = self.resolvepath(l10n)
-            paths = {
-                "l10n": l10n,
-            }
-            if 'locales' in data:
-                paths['locales'] = data['locales']
-            if 'reference' in data:
-                paths['reference'] = self.resolvepath(data['reference'])
-            self.pc.add_paths(paths)
-    def processFilters(self):
-        assert self.data is not None
-        for data in self.data.get('filters', []):
-            paths = data['path']
-            if isinstance(paths, six.string_types):
-                paths = [paths]
-            # expand if path isn't relative to a variable
-            paths = [
-                self.resolvepath(path) if not path.startswith('{')
-                else path
-                for path in paths
-            ]
-            rule = {
-                "path": paths,
-                "action": data['action']
-            }
-            if 'key' in data:
-                rule['key'] = data['key']
-            self.pc.add_rules(rule)
-    def processIncludes(self):
-        assert self.data is not None
-        if 'includes' not in self.data:
-            return
-        for include in self.data['includes']:
-            p = include['path']
-            p = self.resolvepath(p)
-            try:
-                child = self.parse(
-                    p, env=self.env,
-                    ignore_missing_includes=self.ignore_missing_includes
-                )
-            except ConfigNotFound as e:
-                if not self.ignore_missing_includes:
-                    raise
-                (logging
-                    .getLogger('compare-locales.io')
-                    .error('%s: %s', e.strerror, e.filename))
-                continue
-            self.pc.add_child(child)
-    def resolvepath(self, path):
-        path = self.pc.expand(path, env=self.env)
-        path = mozpath.join(
-            mozpath.dirname(self.path),
-            self.data.get('basepath', '.'),
-            path)
-        return mozpath.normpath(path)
-    def asConfig(self):
-        return self.pc
-class L10nConfigParser(object):
-    '''Helper class to gather application information from ini files.
-    This class is working on synchronous open to read files or web data.
-    Subclass this and overwrite loadConfigs and addChild if you need async.
-    '''
-    def __init__(self, inipath, **kwargs):
-        """Constructor for L10nConfigParsers
-        inipath -- l10n.ini path
-        Optional keyword arguments are fowarded to the inner ConfigParser as
-        defaults.
-        """
-        self.inipath = mozpath.normpath(inipath)
-        # l10n.ini files can import other l10n.ini files, store the
-        # corresponding L10nConfigParsers
-        self.children = []
-        # we really only care about the l10n directories described in l10n.ini
-        self.dirs = []
-        # optional defaults to be passed to the inner ConfigParser (unused?)
-        self.defaults = kwargs
-    def getDepth(self, cp):
-        '''Get the depth for the comparison from the parsed l10n.ini.
-        '''
-        try:
-            depth = cp.get('general', 'depth')
-        except (NoSectionError, NoOptionError):
-            depth = '.'
-        return depth
-    def getFilters(self):
-        '''Get the test functions from this ConfigParser and all children.
-        Only works with synchronous loads, used by compare-locales, which
-        is local anyway.
-        '''
-        filter_path = mozpath.join(mozpath.dirname(self.inipath), 'filter.py')
-        try:
-            local = {}
-            with open(filter_path) as f:
-                exec(compile(f.read(), filter_path, 'exec'), {}, local)
-            if 'test' in local and callable(local['test']):
-                filters = [local['test']]
-            else:
-                filters = []
-        except BaseException:  # we really want to handle EVERYTHING here
-            filters = []
-        for c in self.children:
-            filters += c.getFilters()
-        return filters
-    def loadConfigs(self):
-        """Entry point to load the l10n.ini file this Parser refers to.
-        This implementation uses synchronous loads, subclasses might overload
-        this behaviour. If you do, make sure to pass a file-like object
-        to onLoadConfig.
-        """
-        cp = ConfigParser(self.defaults)
-        cp.read(self.inipath)
-        depth = self.getDepth(cp)
-        self.base = mozpath.join(mozpath.dirname(self.inipath), depth)
-        # create child loaders for any other l10n.ini files to be included
-        try:
-            for title, path in cp.items('includes'):
-                # skip default items
-                if title in self.defaults:
-                    continue
-                # add child config parser
-                self.addChild(title, path, cp)
-        except NoSectionError:
-            pass
-        # try to load the "dirs" defined in the "compare" section
-        try:
-            self.dirs.extend(cp.get('compare', 'dirs').split())
-        except (NoOptionError, NoSectionError):
-            pass
-        # try to set "all_path" and "all_url"
-        try:
-            self.all_path = mozpath.join(self.base, cp.get('general', 'all'))
-        except (NoOptionError, NoSectionError):
-            self.all_path = None
-        return cp
-    def addChild(self, title, path, orig_cp):
-        """Create a child L10nConfigParser and load it.
-        title -- indicates the module's name
-        path -- indicates the path to the module's l10n.ini file
-        orig_cp -- the configuration parser of this l10n.ini
-        """
-        cp = L10nConfigParser(mozpath.join(self.base, path), **self.defaults)
-        cp.loadConfigs()
-        self.children.append(cp)
-    def dirsIter(self):
-        """Iterate over all dirs and our base path for this l10n.ini"""
-        for dir in self.dirs:
-            yield dir, (self.base, dir)
-    def directories(self):
-        """Iterate over all dirs and base paths for this l10n.ini as well
-        as the included ones.
-        """
-        for t in self.dirsIter():
-            yield t
-        for child in self.children:
-            for t in child.directories():
-                yield t
-    def allLocales(self):
-        """Return a list of all the locales of this project"""
-        with open(self.all_path) as f:
-            return util.parseLocales(f.read())
-class SourceTreeConfigParser(L10nConfigParser):
-    '''Subclassing L10nConfigParser to work with just the repos
-    checked out next to each other instead of intermingled like
-    we do for real builds.
-    '''
-    def __init__(self, inipath, base, redirects):
-        '''Add additional arguments basepath.
-        basepath is used to resolve local paths via branchnames.
-        redirects is used in unified repository, mapping upstream
-        repos to local clones.
-        '''
-        L10nConfigParser.__init__(self, inipath)
-        self.base = base
-        self.redirects = redirects
-    def addChild(self, title, path, orig_cp):
-        # check if there's a section with details for this include
-        # we might have to check a different repo, or even VCS
-        # for example, projects like "mail" indicate in
-        # an "include_" section where to find the l10n.ini for "toolkit"
-        details = 'include_' + title
-        if orig_cp.has_section(details):
-            branch = orig_cp.get(details, 'mozilla')
-            branch = self.redirects.get(branch, branch)
-            inipath = orig_cp.get(details, 'l10n.ini')
-            path = mozpath.join(self.base, branch, inipath)
-        else:
-            path = mozpath.join(self.base, path)
-        cp = SourceTreeConfigParser(path, self.base, self.redirects,
-                                    **self.defaults)
-        cp.loadConfigs()
-        self.children.append(cp)
-class File(object):
-    def __init__(self, fullpath, file, module=None, locale=None):
-        self.fullpath = fullpath
-        self.file = file
-        self.module = module
-        self.locale = locale
-        pass
-    def getContents(self):
-        # open with universal line ending support and read
-        # ignore universal newlines deprecation
-        with warnings.catch_warnings():
-            warnings.simplefilter("ignore")
-            with open(self.fullpath, 'rbU') as f:
-                return f.read()
-    @property
-    def localpath(self):
-        f = self.file
-        if self.module:
-            f = mozpath.join(self.module, f)
-        return f
-    def __hash__(self):
-        return hash(self.localpath)
-    def __str__(self):
-        return self.fullpath
-    def __eq__(self, other):
-        if not isinstance(other, File):
-            return False
-        return vars(self) == vars(other)
-    def __ne__(self, other):
-        return not (self == other)
-class EnumerateApp(object):
-    reference = 'en-US'
-    def __init__(self, inipath, l10nbase, locales=None):
-        self.setupConfigParser(inipath)
-        self.modules = defaultdict(dict)
-        self.l10nbase = mozpath.abspath(l10nbase)
-        self.filters = []
-        self.addFilters(*self.config.getFilters())
-        self.locales = locales or self.config.allLocales()
-        self.locales.sort()
-    def setupConfigParser(self, inipath):
-        self.config = L10nConfigParser(inipath)
-        self.config.loadConfigs()
-    def addFilters(self, *args):
-        self.filters += args
-    def asConfig(self):
-        config = ProjectConfig()
-        self._config_for_ini(config, self.config)
-        filters = self.config.getFilters()
-        if filters:
-            config.set_filter_py(filters[0])
-        config.locales += self.locales
-        return config
-    def _config_for_ini(self, projectconfig, aConfig):
-        for k, (basepath, module) in aConfig.dirsIter():
-            paths = {
-                'module': module,
-                'reference': mozpath.normpath('%s/%s/locales/en-US/**' %
-                                              (basepath, module)),
-                'l10n': mozpath.normpath('{l10n_base}/{locale}/%s/**' %
-                                         module)
-            }
-            if module == 'mobile/android/base':
-                paths['test'] = ['android-dtd']
-            projectconfig.add_paths(paths)
-            projectconfig.add_global_environment(l10n_base=self.l10nbase)
-        for child in aConfig.children:
-            self._config_for_ini(projectconfig, child)
-class EnumerateSourceTreeApp(EnumerateApp):
-    '''Subclass EnumerateApp to work on side-by-side checked out
-    repos, and to no pay attention to how the source would actually
-    be checked out for building.
-    '''
-    def __init__(self, inipath, basepath, l10nbase, redirects,
-                 locales=None):
-        self.basepath = basepath
-        self.redirects = redirects
-        EnumerateApp.__init__(self, inipath, l10nbase, locales)
-    def setupConfigParser(self, inipath):
-        self.config = SourceTreeConfigParser(inipath, self.basepath,
-                                             self.redirects)
-        self.config.loadConfigs()