Bug 1476645: Fix DEAD_STORE errors in gfx/*. r?lsalzman draft
authorRobert Bartlensky <rbartlensky@mozilla.com>
Wed, 18 Jul 2018 16:54:00 +0100
changeset 819786 1e1696f27820890c1426070e1f2465842e88031a
parent 819645 8dab948a10f073a46f13f55f94d1f6514c7360ac
push id116668
push userbmo:rbartlensky@mozilla.com
push dateWed, 18 Jul 2018 16:52:30 +0000
Bug 1476645: Fix DEAD_STORE errors in gfx/*. r?lsalzman MozReview-Commit-ID: GYAWaLcpfsz
--- a/gfx/2d/FilterProcessingSIMD-inl.h
+++ b/gfx/2d/FilterProcessingSIMD-inl.h
@@ -111,22 +111,21 @@ ExtractAlpha_SIMD(const IntSize& size, u
   for (int32_t y = 0; y < size.height; y++) {
     for (int32_t x = 0; x < size.width; x += 16) {
       // Process 16 pixels at a time.
       // Turn up to four chunks of BGRABGRABGRABGRA into one chunk of AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.
       int32_t sourceIndex = y * sourceStride + 4 * x;
       int32_t targetIndex = y * alphaStride + x;
-      u8x16_t bgrabgrabgrabgra1 = simd::FromZero8<u8x16_t>();
       u8x16_t bgrabgrabgrabgra2 = simd::FromZero8<u8x16_t>();
       u8x16_t bgrabgrabgrabgra3 = simd::FromZero8<u8x16_t>();
       u8x16_t bgrabgrabgrabgra4 = simd::FromZero8<u8x16_t>();
-      bgrabgrabgrabgra1 = simd::Load8<u8x16_t>(&sourceData[sourceIndex]);
+      u8x16_t bgrabgrabgrabgra1 = simd::Load8<u8x16_t>(&sourceData[sourceIndex]);
       if (4 * (x + 4) < sourceStride) {
         bgrabgrabgrabgra2 = simd::Load8<u8x16_t>(&sourceData[sourceIndex + 4 * 4]);
       if (4 * (x + 8) < sourceStride) {
         bgrabgrabgrabgra3 = simd::Load8<u8x16_t>(&sourceData[sourceIndex + 4 * 8]);
       if (4 * (x + 12) < sourceStride) {
         bgrabgrabgrabgra4 = simd::Load8<u8x16_t>(&sourceData[sourceIndex + 4 * 12]);
@@ -796,22 +795,21 @@ SeparateColorChannels_SIMD(const IntSize
                            int32_t channelStride)
   for (int32_t y = 0; y < size.height; y++) {
     for (int32_t x = 0; x < size.width; x += 16) {
       // Process 16 pixels at a time.
       int32_t sourceIndex = y * sourceStride + 4 * x;
       int32_t targetIndex = y * channelStride + x;
-      u8x16_t bgrabgrabgrabgra1 = simd::FromZero8<u8x16_t>();
       u8x16_t bgrabgrabgrabgra2 = simd::FromZero8<u8x16_t>();
       u8x16_t bgrabgrabgrabgra3 = simd::FromZero8<u8x16_t>();
       u8x16_t bgrabgrabgrabgra4 = simd::FromZero8<u8x16_t>();
-      bgrabgrabgrabgra1 = simd::Load8<u8x16_t>(&sourceData[sourceIndex]);
+      u8x16_t bgrabgrabgrabgra1 = simd::Load8<u8x16_t>(&sourceData[sourceIndex]);
       if (4 * (x + 4) < sourceStride) {
         bgrabgrabgrabgra2 = simd::Load8<u8x16_t>(&sourceData[sourceIndex + 4 * 4]);
       if (4 * (x + 8) < sourceStride) {
         bgrabgrabgrabgra3 = simd::Load8<u8x16_t>(&sourceData[sourceIndex + 4 * 8]);
       if (4 * (x + 12) < sourceStride) {
         bgrabgrabgrabgra4 = simd::Load8<u8x16_t>(&sourceData[sourceIndex + 4 * 12]);
--- a/gfx/src/nsDeviceContext.cpp
+++ b/gfx/src/nsDeviceContext.cpp
@@ -266,17 +266,17 @@ bool
   return mPrintTarget != nullptr;
 nsDeviceContext::SetDPI(double* aScale)
-    float dpi = -1.0f;
+    float dpi;
     // Use the printing DC to determine DPI values, if we have one.
     if (mDeviceContextSpec) {
         dpi = mDeviceContextSpec->GetDPI();
         mPrintingScale = mDeviceContextSpec->GetPrintingScale();
         mPrintingTranslate = mDeviceContextSpec->GetPrintingTranslate();
         mAppUnitsPerDevPixelAtUnitFullZoom =
             NS_lround((AppUnitsPerCSSPixel() * 96) / dpi);
@@ -541,21 +541,19 @@ nsDeviceContext::BeginDocument(const nsA
                "Mismatched BeginDocument/EndDocument calls");
-    nsresult rv = NS_OK;
     mIsCurrentlyPrintingDoc = false;
-    rv = mPrintTarget->EndPrinting();
+    nsresult rv = mPrintTarget->EndPrinting();
     if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) {
     if (mDeviceContextSpec)
     mPrintTarget = nullptr;
--- a/gfx/thebes/gfxFontUtils.cpp
+++ b/gfx/thebes/gfxFontUtils.cpp
@@ -11,16 +11,17 @@
 #include "gfxFontVariations.h"
 #include "nsServiceManagerUtils.h"
 #include "mozilla/Preferences.h"
 #include "mozilla/Services.h"
 #include "mozilla/BinarySearch.h"
 #include "mozilla/Sprintf.h"
+#include "mozilla/Unused.h"
 #include "nsCOMPtr.h"
 #include "nsIUUIDGenerator.h"
 #include "mozilla/Encoding.h"
 #include "harfbuzz/hb.h"
 #include "plbase64.h"
@@ -85,17 +86,17 @@ gfxSparseBitSet::Dump(const char* aPrefi
                 uint8_t flip1 = ((bits & 0xaa) >> 1) | ((bits & 0x55) << 1);
                 uint8_t flip2 = ((flip1 & 0xcc) >> 2) | ((flip1 & 0x33) << 2);
                 uint8_t flipped = ((flip2 & 0xf0) >> 4) | ((flip2 & 0x0f) << 4);
                 index += snprintf(&outStr[index], BUFSIZE - index, "%2.2x", flipped);
             if (i + 4 != 32) index += snprintf(&outStr[index], BUFSIZE - index, " ");
-        index += snprintf(&outStr[index], BUFSIZE - index, "]");
+        Unused << snprintf(&outStr[index], BUFSIZE - index, "]");
         LOG(aWhichLog, ("%s", outStr));
 gfxFontUtils::ReadCMAPTableFormat10(const uint8_t *aBuf, uint32_t aLength,
                                     gfxSparseBitSet& aCharacterMap)
@@ -183,59 +184,59 @@ gfxFontUtils::ReadCMAPTableFormat12or13(
     // Check that groups are in correct order and do not overlap,
     // and record character coverage in aCharacterMap.
     uint32_t prevEndCharCode = 0;
     for (uint32_t i = 0; i < numGroups; i++, group++) {
         uint32_t startCharCode = group->startCharCode;
         const uint32_t endCharCode = group->endCharCode;
         NS_ENSURE_TRUE((prevEndCharCode < startCharCode || i == 0) &&
                        startCharCode <= endCharCode &&
-                       endCharCode <= CMAP_MAX_CODEPOINT, 
+                       endCharCode <= CMAP_MAX_CODEPOINT,
         // don't include a character that maps to glyph ID 0 (.notdef)
         if (group->startGlyphId == 0) {
         if (startCharCode <= endCharCode) {
             aCharacterMap.SetRange(startCharCode, endCharCode);
         prevEndCharCode = endCharCode;
     return NS_OK;
 gfxFontUtils::ReadCMAPTableFormat4(const uint8_t *aBuf, uint32_t aLength,
                                    gfxSparseBitSet& aCharacterMap)
     enum {
         OffsetFormat = 0,
         OffsetLength = 2,
         OffsetLanguage = 4,
         OffsetSegCountX2 = 6
-    NS_ENSURE_TRUE(ReadShortAt(aBuf, OffsetFormat) == 4, 
+    NS_ENSURE_TRUE(ReadShortAt(aBuf, OffsetFormat) == 4,
     uint16_t tablelen = ReadShortAt(aBuf, OffsetLength);
     // This field should normally (except for Mac platform subtables) be zero according to
     // the OT spec, but some buggy fonts have lang = 1 (which would be English for MacOS).
     // E.g. Arial Narrow Bold, v. 1.1 (Tiger), Arial Unicode MS (see bug 530614).
     // So accept either zero or one here; the error should be harmless.
-    NS_ENSURE_TRUE((ReadShortAt(aBuf, OffsetLanguage) & 0xfffe) == 0, 
+    NS_ENSURE_TRUE((ReadShortAt(aBuf, OffsetLanguage) & 0xfffe) == 0,
     uint16_t segCountX2 = ReadShortAt(aBuf, OffsetSegCountX2);
-    NS_ENSURE_TRUE(tablelen >= 16 + (segCountX2 * 4), 
+    NS_ENSURE_TRUE(tablelen >= 16 + (segCountX2 * 4),
     const uint16_t segCount = segCountX2 / 2;
     const uint16_t *endCounts = reinterpret_cast<const uint16_t*>(aBuf + 14);
     const uint16_t *startCounts = endCounts + 1 /* skip one uint16_t for reservedPad */ + segCount;
     const uint16_t *idDeltas = startCounts + segCount;
     const uint16_t *idRangeOffsets = idDeltas + segCount;
@@ -269,22 +270,22 @@ gfxFontUtils::ReadCMAPTableFormat4(const
         } else {
             // const uint16_t idDelta = ReadShortAt16(idDeltas, i); // Unused: self-documenting.
             for (uint32_t c = startCount; c <= endCount; ++c) {
                 if (c == 0xFFFF)
-                const uint16_t *gdata = (idRangeOffset/2 
+                const uint16_t *gdata = (idRangeOffset/2
                                          + (c - startCount)
                                          + &idRangeOffsets[i]);
-                NS_ENSURE_TRUE((uint8_t*)gdata > aBuf && 
-                               (uint8_t*)gdata < aBuf + aLength, 
+                NS_ENSURE_TRUE((uint8_t*)gdata > aBuf &&
+                               (uint8_t*)gdata < aBuf + aLength,
                 // make sure we have a glyph
                 if (*gdata != 0) {
                     // The glyph index at this point is:
                     uint16_t glyph = ReadShortAt16(idDeltas, i) + *gdata;
                     if (glyph) {
@@ -320,68 +321,68 @@ gfxFontUtils::ReadCMAPTableFormat14(cons
         SizeOfNonDefUVSTable = 5,
         NonDefUVSOffsetUnicodeValue = 0,
         NonDefUVSOffsetGlyphID = 3
     NS_ENSURE_TRUE(aLength >= OffsetVarSelectorRecords,
-    NS_ENSURE_TRUE(ReadShortAt(aBuf, OffsetFormat) == 14, 
+    NS_ENSURE_TRUE(ReadShortAt(aBuf, OffsetFormat) == 14,
     uint32_t tablelen = ReadLongAt(aBuf, OffsetTableLength);
     NS_ENSURE_TRUE(tablelen >= OffsetVarSelectorRecords,
     const uint32_t numVarSelectorRecords = ReadLongAt(aBuf, OffsetNumVarSelectorRecords);
     NS_ENSURE_TRUE((tablelen - OffsetVarSelectorRecords) /
                    SizeOfVarSelectorRecord >= numVarSelectorRecords,
     const uint8_t *records = aBuf + OffsetVarSelectorRecords;
-    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < numVarSelectorRecords; 
+    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < numVarSelectorRecords;
          i++, records += SizeOfVarSelectorRecord) {
         const uint32_t varSelector = ReadUint24At(records, VSRecOffsetVarSelector);
         const uint32_t defUVSOffset = ReadLongAt(records, VSRecOffsetDefUVSOffset);
         const uint32_t nonDefUVSOffset = ReadLongAt(records, VSRecOffsetNonDefUVSOffset);
         NS_ENSURE_TRUE(varSelector <= CMAP_MAX_CODEPOINT &&
                        defUVSOffset <= tablelen - 4 &&
-                       nonDefUVSOffset <= tablelen - 4, 
+                       nonDefUVSOffset <= tablelen - 4,
         if (defUVSOffset) {
             const uint32_t numUnicodeValueRanges = ReadLongAt(aBuf, defUVSOffset);
             NS_ENSURE_TRUE((tablelen - defUVSOffset) /
                            SizeOfDefUVSTable >= numUnicodeValueRanges,
             const uint8_t *tables = aBuf + defUVSOffset + 4;
             uint32_t prevEndUnicode = 0;
             for (uint32_t j = 0; j < numUnicodeValueRanges; j++, tables += SizeOfDefUVSTable) {
                 const uint32_t startUnicode = ReadUint24At(tables, DefUVSOffsetStartUnicodeValue);
                 const uint32_t endUnicode = startUnicode + tables[DefUVSOffsetAdditionalCount];
                 NS_ENSURE_TRUE((prevEndUnicode < startUnicode || j == 0) &&
-                               endUnicode <= CMAP_MAX_CODEPOINT, 
+                               endUnicode <= CMAP_MAX_CODEPOINT,
                 prevEndUnicode = endUnicode;
         if (nonDefUVSOffset) {
             const uint32_t numUVSMappings = ReadLongAt(aBuf, nonDefUVSOffset);
             NS_ENSURE_TRUE((tablelen - nonDefUVSOffset) /
                            SizeOfNonDefUVSTable >= numUVSMappings,
             const uint8_t *tables = aBuf + nonDefUVSOffset + 4;
             uint32_t prevUnicode = 0;
             for (uint32_t j = 0; j < numUVSMappings; j++, tables += SizeOfNonDefUVSTable) {
                 const uint32_t unicodeValue = ReadUint24At(tables, NonDefUVSOffsetUnicodeValue);
                 NS_ENSURE_TRUE((prevUnicode < unicodeValue || j == 0) &&
-                               unicodeValue <= CMAP_MAX_CODEPOINT, 
+                               unicodeValue <= CMAP_MAX_CODEPOINT,
                 prevUnicode = unicodeValue;
     aTable = MakeUnique<uint8_t[]>(tablelen);
     memcpy(aTable.get(), aBuf, tablelen);
@@ -822,32 +823,32 @@ gfxFontUtils::MapCharToGlyph(const uint8
     return gid;
 void gfxFontUtils::ParseFontList(const nsAString& aFamilyList,
                                  nsTArray<nsString>& aFontList)
     const char16_t kComma = char16_t(',');
     // append each font name to the list
     nsAutoString fontname;
     const char16_t *p, *p_end;
      while (p < p_end) {
         const char16_t *nameStart = p;
         while (++p != p_end && *p != kComma)
         /* nothing */ ;
-        // pull out a single name and clean out leading/trailing whitespace        
+        // pull out a single name and clean out leading/trailing whitespace
         fontname = Substring(nameStart, p);
         fontname.CompressWhitespace(true, true);
         // append it to the list if it's not empty
         if (!fontname.IsEmpty()) {
@@ -867,17 +868,17 @@ void gfxFontUtils::AppendPrefsFontList(c
 void gfxFontUtils::GetPrefsFontList(const char *aPrefName,
                                     nsTArray<nsString>& aFontList)
     AppendPrefsFontList(aPrefName, aFontList);
 // produce a unique font name that is (1) a valid Postscript name and (2) less
-// than 31 characters in length.  Using AddFontMemResourceEx on Windows fails 
+// than 31 characters in length.  Using AddFontMemResourceEx on Windows fails
 // for names longer than 30 characters in length.
 #define MAX_B64_LEN 32
 nsresult gfxFontUtils::MakeUniqueUserFontName(nsAString& aName)
     nsCOMPtr<nsIUUIDGenerator> uuidgen =
@@ -956,32 +957,32 @@ gfxFontUtils::DetermineFontDataType(cons
     // problem: EOT-Lite with 0x10000 length will look like TrueType!
     if (aFontDataLength >= sizeof(SFNTHeader)) {
         const SFNTHeader *sfntHeader = reinterpret_cast<const SFNTHeader*>(aFontData);
         uint32_t sfntVersion = sfntHeader->sfntVersion;
         if (IsValidSFNTVersion(sfntVersion)) {
             return GFX_USERFONT_OPENTYPE;
     // test for WOFF
     if (aFontDataLength >= sizeof(AutoSwap_PRUint32)) {
-        const AutoSwap_PRUint32 *version = 
+        const AutoSwap_PRUint32 *version =
             reinterpret_cast<const AutoSwap_PRUint32*>(aFontData);
         if (uint32_t(*version) == TRUETYPE_TAG('w','O','F','F')) {
             return GFX_USERFONT_WOFF;
         if (Preferences::GetBool(GFX_PREF_WOFF2_ENABLED) &&
             uint32_t(*version) == TRUETYPE_TAG('w','O','F','2')) {
             return GFX_USERFONT_WOFF2;
     // tests for other formats here
 static int
 DirEntryCmp(const void* aKey, const void* aItem)
     int32_t tag = *static_cast<const int32_t*>(aKey);
     const TableDirEntry* entry = static_cast<const TableDirEntry*>(aItem);
@@ -1011,25 +1012,25 @@ gfxFontUtils::GetTableFromFontData(const
                                   dir->offset, dir->length,
                               HB_MEMORY_MODE_READONLY, nullptr, nullptr);
     return nullptr;
-gfxFontUtils::RenameFont(const nsAString& aName, const uint8_t *aFontData, 
+gfxFontUtils::RenameFont(const nsAString& aName, const uint8_t *aFontData,
                          uint32_t aFontDataLength, FallibleTArray<uint8_t> *aNewFont)
     NS_ASSERTION(aNewFont, "null font data array");
     uint64_t dataLength(aFontDataLength);
     // new name table
-    static const uint32_t neededNameIDs[] = {NAME_ID_FAMILY, 
+    static const uint32_t neededNameIDs[] = {NAME_ID_FAMILY,
     // calculate new name table size
     uint16_t nameCount = ArrayLength(neededNameIDs);
@@ -1041,120 +1042,120 @@ gfxFontUtils::RenameFont(const nsAString
         return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
     // round name table size up to 4-byte multiple
     uint32_t nameTableSize = (sizeof(NameHeader) +
                               sizeof(NameRecord) * nameCount +
                               nameStrLength +
                               3) & ~3;
     if (dataLength + nameTableSize > UINT32_MAX)
         return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
     // bug 505386 - need to handle unpadded font length
     uint32_t paddedFontDataSize = (aFontDataLength + 3) & ~3;
     uint32_t adjFontDataSize = paddedFontDataSize + nameTableSize;
     // create new buffer: old font data plus new name table
     if (!aNewFont->AppendElements(adjFontDataSize, fallible))
         return NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
     // copy the old font data
     uint8_t *newFontData = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(aNewFont->Elements());
     // null the last four bytes in case the font length is not a multiple of 4
     memset(newFontData + aFontDataLength, 0, paddedFontDataSize - aFontDataLength);
     // copy font data
     memcpy(newFontData, aFontData, aFontDataLength);
     // null out the last 4 bytes for checksum calculations
     memset(newFontData + adjFontDataSize - 4, 0, 4);
     NameHeader *nameHeader = reinterpret_cast<NameHeader*>(newFontData +
     // -- name header
     nameHeader->format = 0;
     nameHeader->count = nameCount;
     nameHeader->stringOffset = sizeof(NameHeader) + nameCount * sizeof(NameRecord);
     // -- name records
     uint32_t i;
     NameRecord *nameRecord = reinterpret_cast<NameRecord*>(nameHeader + 1);
     for (i = 0; i < nameCount; i++, nameRecord++) {
         nameRecord->platformID = PLATFORM_ID_MICROSOFT;
         nameRecord->encodingID = ENCODING_ID_MICROSOFT_UNICODEBMP;
         nameRecord->languageID = LANG_ID_MICROSOFT_EN_US;
         nameRecord->nameID = neededNameIDs[i];
         nameRecord->offset = 0;
         nameRecord->length = nameStrLength;
     // -- string data, located after the name records, stored in big-endian form
     char16_t *strData = reinterpret_cast<char16_t*>(nameRecord);
     strData[aName.Length()] = 0; // add null termination
     // adjust name table header to point to the new name table
     SFNTHeader *sfntHeader = reinterpret_cast<SFNTHeader*>(newFontData);
     // table directory entries begin immediately following SFNT header
     TableDirEntry *dirEntry =
         FindTableDirEntry(newFontData, TRUETYPE_TAG('n','a','m','e'));
     // function only called if font validates, so this should always be true
     MOZ_ASSERT(dirEntry, "attempt to rename font with no name table");
     uint32_t numTables = sfntHeader->numTables;
     // note: dirEntry now points to 'name' table record
     // recalculate name table checksum
     uint32_t checkSum = 0;
     AutoSwap_PRUint32 *nameData = reinterpret_cast<AutoSwap_PRUint32*> (nameHeader);
     AutoSwap_PRUint32 *nameDataEnd = nameData + (nameTableSize >> 2);
     while (nameData < nameDataEnd)
         checkSum = checkSum + *nameData++;
     // adjust name table entry to point to new name table
     dirEntry->offset = paddedFontDataSize;
     dirEntry->length = nameTableSize;
     dirEntry->checkSum = checkSum;
     // fix up checksums
     uint32_t checksum = 0;
     // checksum for font = (checksum of header) + (checksum of tables)
     uint32_t headerLen = sizeof(SFNTHeader) + sizeof(TableDirEntry) * numTables;
-    const AutoSwap_PRUint32 *headerData = 
+    const AutoSwap_PRUint32 *headerData =
         reinterpret_cast<const AutoSwap_PRUint32*>(newFontData);
     // header length is in bytes, checksum calculated in longwords
     for (i = 0; i < (headerLen >> 2); i++, headerData++) {
         checksum += *headerData;
     uint32_t headOffset = 0;
     dirEntry = reinterpret_cast<TableDirEntry*>(newFontData + sizeof(SFNTHeader));
     for (i = 0; i < numTables; i++, dirEntry++) {
         if (dirEntry->tag == TRUETYPE_TAG('h','e','a','d')) {
             headOffset = dirEntry->offset;
         checksum += dirEntry->checkSum;
     NS_ASSERTION(headOffset != 0, "no head table for font");
     HeadTable *headData = reinterpret_cast<HeadTable*>(newFontData + headOffset);
     headData->checkSumAdjustment = HeadTable::HEAD_CHECKSUM_CALC_CONST - checksum;
     return NS_OK;
 // This is only called after the basic validity of the downloaded sfnt
@@ -1164,17 +1165,17 @@ gfxFontUtils::RenameFont(const nsAString
 gfxFontUtils::GetFullNameFromSFNT(const uint8_t* aFontData, uint32_t aLength,
                                   nsAString& aFullName)
     aFullName.AssignLiteral("(MISSING NAME)"); // should always get replaced
     const TableDirEntry *dirEntry =
         FindTableDirEntry(aFontData, TRUETYPE_TAG('n','a','m','e'));
     // should never fail, as we're only called after font validation succeeded
     uint32_t len = dirEntry->length;
     NS_ENSURE_TRUE(aLength > len && aLength - len >= dirEntry->offset,
     hb_blob_t *nameBlob =
@@ -1237,17 +1238,17 @@ gfxFontUtils::GetFamilyNameFromTable(hb_
 enum {
 #if defined(XP_MACOSX)
     PLATFORM_ID       = gfxFontUtils::PLATFORM_ID_MAC
 gfxFontUtils::ReadNames(const char *aNameData, uint32_t aDataLen,
                         uint32_t aNameID, int32_t aPlatformID,
                         nsTArray<nsString>& aNames)
     return ReadNames(aNameData, aDataLen, aNameID, LANG_ALL,
                      aPlatformID, aNames);
@@ -1262,54 +1263,54 @@ gfxFontUtils::ReadCanonicalName(hb_blob_
     return ReadCanonicalName(nameTable, nameTableLen, aNameID, aName);
 gfxFontUtils::ReadCanonicalName(const char *aNameData, uint32_t aDataLen,
                                 uint32_t aNameID, nsString& aName)
     nsresult rv;
     nsTArray<nsString> names;
     // first, look for the English name (this will succeed 99% of the time)
-    rv = ReadNames(aNameData, aDataLen, aNameID, CANONICAL_LANG_ID, 
+    rv = ReadNames(aNameData, aDataLen, aNameID, CANONICAL_LANG_ID,
                    PLATFORM_ID, names);
     NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv);
     // otherwise, grab names for all languages
     if (names.Length() == 0) {
         rv = ReadNames(aNameData, aDataLen, aNameID, LANG_ALL,
                        PLATFORM_ID, names);
         NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv);
 #if defined(XP_MACOSX)
     // may be dealing with font that only has Microsoft name entries
     if (names.Length() == 0) {
         rv = ReadNames(aNameData, aDataLen, aNameID, LANG_ID_MICROSOFT_EN_US,
                        PLATFORM_ID_MICROSOFT, names);
         NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv);
         // getting really desperate now, take anything!
         if (names.Length() == 0) {
             rv = ReadNames(aNameData, aDataLen, aNameID, LANG_ALL,
                            PLATFORM_ID_MICROSOFT, names);
             NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv);
     // return the first name (99.9% of the time names will
     // contain a single English name)
     if (names.Length()) {
         return NS_OK;
     return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
 // Charsets to use for decoding Mac platform font names.
 // This table is sorted by {encoding, language}, with the wildcard "ANY" being
 // greater than any defined values for each field; we use a binary search on both
 // fields, and fall back to matching only encoding if necessary
@@ -1442,17 +1443,17 @@ StartsWith(const nsACString& string, con
     return false;
   return memcmp(string.Data(), prefix, N - 1) == 0;
 // convert a raw name from the name table to an nsString, if possible;
 // return value indicates whether conversion succeeded
-gfxFontUtils::DecodeFontName(const char *aNameData, int32_t aByteLen, 
+gfxFontUtils::DecodeFontName(const char *aNameData, int32_t aByteLen,
                              uint32_t aPlatformCode, uint32_t aScriptCode,
                              uint32_t aLangCode, nsAString& aName)
     if (aByteLen <= 0) {
         NS_WARNING("empty font name");
         return true;