Bug 1355482 - documentation for partner repacks, r?aki draft
authorNick Thomas <nthomas@mozilla.com>
Sat, 16 Jun 2018 17:09:45 -0700
changeset 811631 891daabbc1d65a7aff673b0730db032e93891b2d
parent 811103 1c235a552c32ba6c97e6030c497c49f72c7d48a8
child 811632 e464e9bbb42fb85170f1ce35a01f25811d753871
push id114374
push usernthomas@mozilla.com
push dateWed, 27 Jun 2018 23:00:16 +0000
Bug 1355482 - documentation for partner repacks, r?aki MozReview-Commit-ID: 5uRWpw2WJyE
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/taskcluster/docs/partner-repacks.rst
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+Partner repacks
+We create slightly-modified Firefox releases for some extra audiences
+* EME-free builds, which disable DRM plugins by default
+* Funnelcake builds, which are used for Mozilla experiments
+* partner builds, which customize Firefox for external partners
+We use the phrase "partner repacks" to refer to all these builds because they
+use the same process of repacking regular Firefox releases with additional files.
+The specific differences depend on the type of build.
+We produce partner repacks for some beta builds, and for release builds, as part of the release
+automation. We don't produce any files to update these builds as they are handled automatically
+(see updates_).
+Parameters & Scheduling
+Partner repacks have a number of parameters which control how they work:
+* ``release_enable_emefree``
+* ``release_enable_partners``
+* ``release_partner_config``
+* ``release_partner_build_number``
+* ``release_partners``
+We split the repacks into two 'paths', EME-free and everything else, to retain some
+flexibility over enabling/disabling them separately. This costs us some duplication of the kinds
+in the repacking stack. The two enable parameters are booleans to turn these two paths
+on/off. We set them in release-runner3's `is_partner_enabled() <https://dxr.mozilla
+.org/build-central/search?q=function%3Ais_partner_enabled&redirect=true>`_ when starting a
+release. They're both true for Firefox betas >= b8 and releases, but otherwise disabled.
+``release_partner_config`` is a dictionary of configuration data which drives the task generation
+logic. It's usually looked up during the release promotion action task, using the Github
+GraphQL API in the `get_partner_config_by_url()
+<python/taskgraph.util.html#taskgraph.util.partners.get_partner_config_by_url>`_ function, with the
+url defined in `taskcluster/ci/config.yml <https://dxr.mozilla
+``release_partner_build_number`` is an integer used to create unique upload paths in the firefox
+candidates directory, while ``release_partners`` is a list of partners that should be
+repacked (i.e. a subset of the whole config). Both are intended for use when respinning a few partners after
+the regular Firefox has shipped. More information on that can be found in the `release-warrior docs
+.0/blob/master/docs/misc-operations/off-cycle-partner-repacks -and-funnelcake.md>`_.
+Most of the machine time for generating partner repacks takes place in the `promote` phase of the
+automation, or `promote_rc` in the case of X.0 release candidates. The EME-free builds are copied into the
+Firefox releases directory in the `push` phase, along with the regular bits.
+We need some configuration to know *what* to repack, and *how* to do that. The *what* is defined by
+default.xml manifests, as used with the `repo <https://gerrit.googlesource.com/git-repo>`_ tool
+for git. The `default.xml for EME-free <https://github
+.com/mozilla-partners/mozilla-EME-free-manifest/blob/master/default.xml>`_ illustrates this::
+    <?xml version="1.0" ?>
+    <manifest>
+      <remote fetch="git@github.com:mozilla-partners/" name="mozilla-partners"/>
+      <remote fetch="git@github.com:mozilla/" name="mozilla"/>
+      <project name="repack-scripts" path="scripts" remote="mozilla-partners" revision="master"/>
+      <project name="build-tools" path="scripts/tools" remote="mozilla" revision="master"/>
+      <project name="mozilla-EME-free" path="partners/mozilla-EME-free" remote="mozilla-partners" revision="master"/>
+    </manifest>
+The repack-scripts and build-tools repos are found in all manifests, and then there is a list of
+partner repositories which contain the *how* configuration. Some of these repos are not publicly
+A partner repository may contain multiple configurations inside the ``desktop`` directory. Each
+subdirectory must contain a ``repack.cfg`` and a ``distribution`` directory, the latter
+containing the customizations needed. Here's `EME-free's repack.cfg <https://github.com/mozilla-partners/mozilla-EME-free/blob/master/desktop/mozilla-EME-free/repack.cfg>`_::
+    aus="mozilla-EMEfree"
+    dist_id="mozilla-EMEfree"
+    dist_version="1.0"
+    linux-i686=false
+    linux-x86_64=false
+    locales="ach af an ar"  # truncated for display here
+    mac=true
+    win32=true
+    win64=true
+    output_dir="%(platform)s-EME-free/%(locale)s"
+    # Upload params
+    upload_to_candidates=true
+Note the list of locales and boolean toggles for enabling platforms. The ``output_dir`` and
+``upload_to_candidates`` parameters are only present for repacks which are uploaded into the
+`candidates directory <https://archive.mozilla.org/pub/firefox/candidates/>`_.
+All customizations will be placed in the ``distribution`` directory at the root of the Firefox
+install directory, or in the case of OS X in ``Firefox.app/Contents/Resources/distribution/``. A
+``distribution.ini`` file is the minimal requirement, here's an example from `EME-free
+    # Partner Distribution Configuration File
+    # Author: Mozilla
+    # Date: 2015-03-27
+    [Global]
+    id=mozilla-EMEfree
+    version=1.0
+    about=Mozilla Firefox EME-free
+    [Preferences]
+    media.eme.enabled=false
+    app.partner.mozilla-EMEfree="mozilla-EMEfree"
+Extensions and other customizations might also be included in repacks.
+Repacking process
+The stack of tasks to create partner repacks is broadly similar to localised nightlies and
+regular releases. The basic form is
+* partner repack - insert the customisations into the the regular builds
+* signing - sign the internals which will become the installer (Mac only)
+* repackage - create the "installer" (Mac and Windows)
+* chunking dummy - a linux only bridge to ...
+* repackage signing - sign the "installers" (mainly Windows)
+* beetmover - move the files to a partner-specific destination
+* beetmover checksums - possibly beetmove the checksums from previous step
+Some key divergences are:
+* all intermediate artifacts are uploaded with a ``releng/partner`` prefix
+* we don't insert any binaries on Windows so no need for internal signing
+* there's no need to create any complete mar files at the repackage step
+* we support both public and private destinations in beetmover
+* we only need beetmover checksums for EME-free builds
+Partner repack
+* kinds: ``release-partner-repack`` ``release-eme-free-repack``
+* platforms: Typically all (but depends on what's enabled by partner configuration)
+* upstreams: ``build-signing`` ``l10n-signing``
+There is one task per platform in this step, calling out to `scripts/desktop_partner_repacks.py
+/desktop_partner_repacks.py>`_ in mozharness to prepare an environment and then perform the repacks.
+It takes as input the build-signing and l10n-signing artifacts, which are all zip/tar.gz/tar.bz2
+archives, simplifying the repack process by avoiding dmg and exe. Windows produces ``target.zip``
+& ``setup.exe``, Mac is ``target.tar.gz``, Linux is the final product ``target.tar.bz2``
+(beetmover handles pretty naming as usual).
+* kinds: ``release-partner-repack-signing`` ``release-eme-free-repack-signing``
+* platforms: Mac
+* upstreams: ``release-partner-repack`` ``release-eme-free-repack``
+We chunk the single partner repack task out to a signing task per artifact at this point. For
+example, EME-free will become ~95 tasks, one for each locale. We collect the target.tar.gz from the
+upstream, and return a signed target.tar.gz. We use a ``target.dmg`` artifact for
+nightlies/regular releases, but this is converted to ``target.tar.gz`` by the signing
+scriptworker before sending it to the signing server, so partners are equivalent.
+* kinds: ``release-partner-repack-repackage`` ``release-eme-free-repack-repackage``
+* platforms: Mac & Windows
+* upstreams:
+    * Mac: ``release-partner-signing`` ``release-eme-free-signing``
+    * Windows: ``release-partner-repack`` ``release-eme-free-repack``
+Mac has a repackage job for each of the signing tasks. Windows repackages are chunked here to
+the same granularity as mac. Takes ``target.zip`` & ``setup.exe`` to produce ``target.exe`` on
+Windows, and ``target.tar.gz`` to produce ``target.dmg`` on Mac. There's no need to produce any
+complete.mar files here like regular release bits do because we can reuse those.
+Chunking dummy
+* kinds: ``release-partner-repack-chunking-dummy``
+* platforms: Linux
+* upstreams: ``release-partner-repack``
+We're need Linux chunked at the next step so this dummy takes care of that for the relatively simple path
+Linux follows. One task per sub config+locale combination, the same as Windows and Mac. This doesn't need to
+exist for EME-free because we don't need to create Linux builds there.
+Repackage Signing
+* kinds: ``release-partner-repack-repackage-signing`` ``release-eme-free-repack-repackage-signing``
+* platforms: All
+* upstreams:
+   * Mac & Windows: ``release-partner-repackage`` ``release-eme-free-repackage``
+   * Linux: ``release-partner-repack-chunking-dummy``
+This step GPG signs all platforms, and sha2signcode signs the Windows installer.
+* kinds: ``release-partner-repack-beetmover`` ``release-eme-free-repack-beetmover``
+* platforms: All
+* upstreams: ``release-partner-repack-repackage-signing`` ``release-eme-free-repack-repackage-signing``
+Moves and renames the artifacts to their public location in the `candidates directory
+<https://archive.mozilla.org/pub/firefox/candidates/>`_, or a private S3 bucket. Each task will
+have the ``project:releng:beetmover:action:push-to-partner`` scope, with public uploads having
+``project:releng:beetmover:bucket:release`` and private uploads using
+``project:releng:beetmover:bucket:partner``. The ``upload_to_candidates`` key in the partner config
+controls the second scope. There's a separate partner code path in `beetmoverscript <https://github
+Beetmover checksums
+* kinds: ``release-eme-free-repack-beetmover-checksums``
+* platforms: Mac & Windows
+* upstreams: ``release-eme-free-repack-repackage-beetmover``
+The EME-free builds should be present in our SHA256SUMS file and friends (`e.g. <https://archive
+.mozilla.org/pub/firefox/releases/61.0/SHA256SUMS>`_) so we beetmove the target.checksums from
+the beetmover tasks into the candidates directory. They get picked up by the
+``release-generate-checksums`` kind.
+.. _updates:
+It's very rare to need to update a partner repack differently from the original
+release build but we retain that capability. A partner build with distribution name ``foo``,
+based on a release Firefox build, will query for an update on the ``release-cck-foo`` channel. If
+the update server `Balrog <http://mozilla-balrog.readthedocs.io/en/latest/>`_ finds no rule for
+that channel it will fallback to the ``release`` channel. The update files for the regular releases do not
+modify the ``distribution/`` directory, so the customizations are not modified.
+`Bug 1430254 <https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1430254>`_ is an example of an exception to this
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--- a/taskcluster/docs/release-promotion.rst
+++ b/taskcluster/docs/release-promotion.rst
@@ -45,8 +45,9 @@ In-depth relpro guide
 .. toctree::
+    partner-repacks