Bug 1461271 - Copy POST data labelled wrongly for PUT/PATCH requests in network tab.r=Honza draft
authorabhinav <abhinav.koppula@gmail.com>
Sat, 23 Jun 2018 00:00:41 +0530
changeset 809696 319a578df14e455c1960458d48851b1b9e5d67d7
parent 809377 27e90ec610a4c8f6b2a73d79cb1a4df38e822e6a
push id113768
push userbmo:abhinav.koppula@gmail.com
push dateFri, 22 Jun 2018 18:31:13 +0000
Bug 1461271 - Copy POST data labelled wrongly for PUT/PATCH requests in network tab.r=Honza MozReview-Commit-ID: 9WCfCh1T2lc
--- a/devtools/client/locales/en-US/netmonitor.properties
+++ b/devtools/client/locales/en-US/netmonitor.properties
@@ -888,23 +888,23 @@ netmonitor.context.copyUrl.accesskey=U
 # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.context.copyUrlParams): This is the label displayed
 # on the context menu that copies the selected request's url parameters
 netmonitor.context.copyUrlParams=Copy URL Parameters
 # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.context.copyUrlParams.accesskey): This is the access key
 # for the Copy URL Parameters menu item displayed in the context menu for a request
-# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.context.copyPostData): This is the label displayed
-# on the context menu that copies the selected request's post data
-netmonitor.context.copyPostData=Copy POST Data
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.context.copyRequestData): This is the label displayed
+# on the context menu that copies the selected request's data
+netmonitor.context.copyRequestData=Copy %S Data
-# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.context.copyPostData.accesskey): This is the access key
-# for the Copy POST Data menu item displayed in the context menu for a request
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.context.copyRequestData.accesskey): This is the access key
+# for the Copy POST/PATCH/PUT/DELETE Data menu item displayed in the context menu for a request
 # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.context.copyAsCurl): This is the label displayed
 # on the context menu that copies the selected request as a cURL command.
 # The capitalization is part of the official name and should be used throughout all languages.
 # http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CURL
 netmonitor.context.copyAsCurl=Copy as cURL
 # LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.context.copyAsCurl.accesskey): This is the access key
--- a/devtools/client/netmonitor/src/widgets/RequestListContextMenu.js
+++ b/devtools/client/netmonitor/src/widgets/RequestListContextMenu.js
@@ -65,18 +65,18 @@ class RequestListContextMenu {
       label: L10N.getStr("netmonitor.context.copyUrlParams"),
       accesskey: L10N.getStr("netmonitor.context.copyUrlParams.accesskey"),
       visible: !!(selectedRequest && getUrlQuery(url)),
       click: () => this.copyUrlParams(url),
       id: "request-list-context-copy-post-data",
-      label: L10N.getStr("netmonitor.context.copyPostData"),
-      accesskey: L10N.getStr("netmonitor.context.copyPostData.accesskey"),
+      label: L10N.getFormatStr("netmonitor.context.copyRequestData", method),
+      accesskey: L10N.getStr("netmonitor.context.copyRequestData.accesskey"),
       // Menu item will be visible even if data hasn't arrived, so we need to check
       // *Available property and then fetch data lazily once user triggers the action.
       visible: !!(selectedRequest && (requestPostDataAvailable || requestPostData)),
       click: () => this.copyPostData(id, formDataSections, requestPostData),
       id: "request-list-context-copy-as-curl",
--- a/devtools/client/netmonitor/test/browser_net_copy_params.js
+++ b/devtools/client/netmonitor/test/browser_net_copy_params.js
@@ -43,20 +43,27 @@ add_task(async function() {
   await testCopyUrlParams(4, "a=b");
   await testCopyPostDataHidden(4, false);
   await testCopyPostData(4, "{ \"foo\": \"bar\" }");
   await testCopyUrlParamsHidden(5, false);
   await testCopyUrlParams(5, "a=b");
   await testCopyPostDataHidden(5, false);
   await testCopyPostData(5, "?foo=bar");
+  await testCopyRequestDataLabel(5, "POST");
   await testCopyUrlParamsHidden(6, true);
   await testCopyPostDataHidden(6, true);
+  await testCopyPostDataHidden(7, false);
+  await testCopyRequestDataLabel(7, "PATCH");
+  await testCopyPostDataHidden(8, false);
+  await testCopyRequestDataLabel(8, "PUT");
   return teardown(monitor);
   function testCopyUrlParamsHidden(index, hidden) {
     EventUtils.sendMouseEvent({ type: "mousedown" },
     EventUtils.sendMouseEvent({ type: "contextmenu" },
     const copyUrlParamsNode = monitor.panelWin.parent.document
@@ -85,16 +92,27 @@ add_task(async function() {
     const copyPostDataNode = monitor.panelWin.parent.document
     is(!!copyPostDataNode, !hidden,
       "The \"Copy POST Data\" context menu item should" + (hidden ? " " : " not ") +
         "be hidden.");
+  function testCopyRequestDataLabel(index, method) {
+    EventUtils.sendMouseEvent({ type: "mousedown" },
+      document.querySelectorAll(".request-list-item")[index]);
+    EventUtils.sendMouseEvent({ type: "contextmenu" },
+      document.querySelectorAll(".request-list-item")[index]);
+    const copyPostDataNode = monitor.panelWin.parent.document
+      .querySelector("#request-list-context-copy-post-data");
+    is(copyPostDataNode.attributes.label.value, "Copy " + method + " Data",
+      "The \"Copy Data\" context menu item should have label - Copy " + method + " Data");
+  }
   async function testCopyPostData(index, postData) {
     // Wait for formDataSections and requestPostData state are ready in redux store
     // since copyPostData API needs to read these state.
     await waitUntil(() => {
       const { requests } = store.getState().requests;
       const actIDs = [...requests.keys()];
       const { formDataSections, requestPostData } = requests.get(actIDs[index]);
       return formDataSections && requestPostData;
--- a/devtools/client/netmonitor/test/html_params-test-page.html
+++ b/devtools/client/netmonitor/test/html_params-test-page.html
@@ -26,36 +26,50 @@
             if (this.readyState == this.DONE) {
-      async function post(address, query, contentType, postBody) {
+      async function request(address, query, contentType, requestBody, method) {
         return new Promise(resolve => {
           const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
-          xhr.open("POST", address + query, true);
+          xhr.open(method, address + query, true);
           xhr.setRequestHeader("content-type", contentType);
           xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {
             if (this.readyState == this.DONE) {
-          xhr.send(postBody);
+          xhr.send(requestBody);
+      async function post(address, query, contentType, postBody) {
+        return request(address, query, contentType, postBody, "POST");
+      }
+      async function patch(address, query, contentType, patchBody) {
+        return request(address, query, contentType, patchBody, "PATCH");
+      }
+      async function put(address, query, contentType, putBody) {
+        return request(address, query, contentType, putBody, "PUT");
+      }
       async function performRequests() {
         const urlencoded = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
         await post("baz", "?a", urlencoded, '{ "foo": "bar" }');
         await post("baz", "?a=b", urlencoded, '{ "foo": "bar" }');
         await post("baz", "?a=b", urlencoded, "?foo=bar");
         await post("baz", "?a", undefined, '{ "foo": "bar" }');
         await post("baz", "?a=b", undefined, '{ "foo": "bar" }');
         await post("baz", "?a=b", undefined, "?foo=bar");
         await get("baz", "");
+        await patch("baz", "?a=b", urlencoded, '{ "foo": "bar" }');
+        await put("baz", "?a=b", urlencoded, '{ "foo": "bar" }');