Bug 1465836 - Make MOZ_AUTOMATION artifact builds pull host binaries (mar,mbsdiff). r?chmanchester draft
authorNick Alexander <nalexander@mozilla.com>
Thu, 31 May 2018 11:12:26 -0700
changeset 803803 adabd87829a2a4af6f43d401475fae98aee6148e
parent 803743 d8f180ab74921fd07a66d6868914a48e5f9ea797
push id112193
push usernalexander@mozilla.com
push dateMon, 04 Jun 2018 21:06:06 +0000
Bug 1465836 - Make MOZ_AUTOMATION artifact builds pull host binaries (mar,mbsdiff). r?chmanchester This populates $OBJDIR/dist/host/bin as part of |mach artifact install|. Conceptually, the mar and mbsdiff utilities should be grouped (in the same way that the test-related binaries are grouped). However, it's difficult to achieve that with the current structure of the code, so this fetches mar and mbsdiff and produces $HASH-mar.processed.jar and $HASH-mbsdiff.processed.jar files. MozReview-Commit-ID: 3ks5xsUEKp5
--- a/python/mozbuild/mozbuild/artifacts.py
+++ b/python/mozbuild/mozbuild/artifacts.py
@@ -141,21 +141,27 @@ class ArtifactJob(object):
         ('bin/plugins/*', ('bin/plugins', 'plugins')),
         ('bin/components/*.xpt', ('bin/components', 'bin/components')),
     # We can tell our input is a test archive by this suffix, which happens to
     # be the same across platforms.
     _test_archive_suffix = '.common.tests.zip'
-    def __init__(self, package_re, tests_re, log=None, download_symbols=False, substs=None):
+    def __init__(self, package_re, tests_re, log=None,
+                 download_symbols=False,
+                 download_host_bins=False,
+                 substs=None):
         self._package_re = re.compile(package_re)
         self._tests_re = None
         if tests_re:
             self._tests_re = re.compile(tests_re)
+        self._host_bins_re = None
+        if download_host_bins:
+            self._host_bins_re = re.compile(r'public/build/host/bin/(mar|mbsdiff)(.exe)?')
         self._log = log
         self._substs = substs
         self._symbols_archive_suffix = None
         if download_symbols:
             self._symbols_archive_suffix = 'crashreporter-symbols.zip'
     def log(self, *args, **kwargs):
         if self._log:
@@ -163,16 +169,18 @@ class ArtifactJob(object):
     def find_candidate_artifacts(self, artifacts):
         # TODO: Handle multiple artifacts, taking the latest one.
         tests_artifact = None
         for artifact in artifacts:
             name = artifact['name']
             if self._package_re and self._package_re.match(name):
                 yield name
+            elif self._host_bins_re and self._host_bins_re.match(name):
+                yield name
             elif self._tests_re and self._tests_re.match(name):
                 tests_artifact = name
                 yield name
             elif self._symbols_archive_suffix and name.endswith(self._symbols_archive_suffix):
                 yield name
                 self.log(logging.DEBUG, 'artifact',
                          {'name': name},
@@ -181,16 +189,23 @@ class ArtifactJob(object):
             raise ValueError('Expected tests archive matching "{re}", but '
                              'found none!'.format(re=self._tests_re))
     def process_artifact(self, filename, processed_filename):
         if filename.endswith(ArtifactJob._test_archive_suffix) and self._tests_re:
             return self.process_tests_artifact(filename, processed_filename)
         if self._symbols_archive_suffix and filename.endswith(self._symbols_archive_suffix):
             return self.process_symbols_archive(filename, processed_filename)
+        if self._host_bins_re:
+            # Turn 'HASH-mar.exe' into 'mar.exe'.  `filename` is a path on disk
+            # without the full path to the artifact, so we must reconstruct
+            # that path here.
+            orig_basename = os.path.basename(filename).split('-', 1)[1]
+            if self._host_bins_re.match('public/build/host/bin/{}'.format(orig_basename)):
+                return self.process_host_bin(filename, processed_filename)
         return self.process_package_artifact(filename, processed_filename)
     def process_package_artifact(self, filename, processed_filename):
         raise NotImplementedError("Subclasses must specialize process_package_artifact!")
     def process_tests_artifact(self, filename, processed_filename):
         from mozbuild.action.test_archive import OBJDIR_TEST_FILES
         added_entry = False
@@ -232,16 +247,26 @@ class ArtifactJob(object):
             reader = JarReader(filename)
             for filename in reader.entries:
                 destpath = mozpath.join('crashreporter-symbols', filename)
                 self.log(logging.INFO, 'artifact',
                          {'destpath': destpath},
                          'Adding {destpath} to processed archive')
                 writer.add(destpath.encode('utf-8'), reader[filename])
+    def process_host_bin(self, filename, processed_filename):
+        with JarWriter(file=processed_filename, optimize=False, compress_level=5) as writer:
+            # Turn 'HASH-mar.exe' into 'mar.exe'.  `filename` is a path on disk
+            # without any of the path parts of the artifact, so we must inject
+            # the desired `host/bin` prefix here.
+            orig_basename = os.path.basename(filename).split('-', 1)[1]
+            destpath = mozpath.join('host/bin', orig_basename)
+            writer.add(destpath.encode('utf-8'), open(filename, 'rb'))
 class AndroidArtifactJob(ArtifactJob):
     product = 'mobile'
     package_artifact_patterns = {
@@ -496,21 +521,27 @@ JOB_DETAILS = {
     'win64-opt': (WinArtifactJob, (r'public/build/firefox-(.*)\.win64\.zip|public/build/target\.zip',
     'win64-debug': (WinArtifactJob, (r'public/build/firefox-(.*)\.win64\.zip|public/build/target\.zip',
-def get_job_details(job, log=None, download_symbols=False, substs=None):
+def get_job_details(job, log=None,
+                    download_symbols=False,
+                    download_host_bins=False,
+                    substs=None):
     cls, (package_re, tests_re) = JOB_DETAILS[job]
-    return cls(package_re, tests_re, log=log, download_symbols=download_symbols,
+    return cls(package_re, tests_re, log=log,
+               download_symbols=download_symbols,
+               download_host_bins=download_host_bins,
 def cachedmethod(cachefunc):
     '''Decorator to wrap a class or instance method with a memoizing callable that
     saves results in a (possibly shared) cache.
     def decorator(method):
         def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs):
             mapping = cachefunc(self)
             if mapping is None:
@@ -627,19 +658,21 @@ class PushheadCache(CacheManager):
 class TaskCache(CacheManager):
     '''Map candidate pushheads to Task Cluster task IDs and artifact URLs.'''
     def __init__(self, cache_dir, log=None, skip_cache=False):
         CacheManager.__init__(self, cache_dir, 'artifact_url', MAX_CACHED_TASKS, log=log, skip_cache=skip_cache)
-    def artifact_urls(self, tree, job, rev, download_symbols):
+    def artifact_urls(self, tree, job, rev, download_symbols, download_host_bins):
-            artifact_job = get_job_details(job, log=self._log, download_symbols=download_symbols)
+            artifact_job = get_job_details(job, log=self._log,
+                                           download_symbols=download_symbols,
+                                           download_host_bins=download_host_bins)
         except KeyError:
             self.log(logging.INFO, 'artifact',
                 {'job': job},
                 'Unknown job {job}')
             raise KeyError("Unknown job")
         # Grab the second part of the repo name, which is generally how things
         # are indexed. Eg: 'integration/mozilla-inbound' is indexed as
@@ -855,29 +888,35 @@ class Artifacts(object):
     def __init__(self, tree, substs, defines, job=None, log=None,
                  cache_dir='.', hg=None, git=None, skip_cache=False,
         if (hg and git) or (not hg and not git):
             raise ValueError("Must provide path to exactly one of hg and git")
         self._substs = substs
         self._download_symbols = self._substs.get('MOZ_ARTIFACT_BUILD_SYMBOLS', False)
+        # Host binaries are not produced for macOS consumers: that is, there's
+        # no macOS-hosted job to produce them at this time.  Therefore we
+        # enable this only for automation builds, which only require Linux and
+        # Windows host binaries.
+        self._download_host_bins = self._substs.get('MOZ_AUTOMATION', False)
         self._defines = defines
         self._tree = tree
         self._job = job or self._guess_artifact_job()
         self._log = log
         self._hg = hg
         self._git = git
         self._cache_dir = cache_dir
         self._skip_cache = skip_cache
         self._topsrcdir = topsrcdir
             self._artifact_job = get_job_details(self._job, log=self._log,
+                                                 download_host_bins=self._download_host_bins,
         except KeyError:
             self.log(logging.INFO, 'artifact',
                 {'job': self._job},
                 'Unknown job {job}')
             raise KeyError("Unknown job")
         self._task_cache = TaskCache(self._cache_dir, log=self._log, skip_cache=self._skip_cache)
@@ -1046,17 +1085,19 @@ class Artifacts(object):
         if not count:
             raise Exception('Could not find any candidate pushheads in the last {num} revisions.\n'
                             'Search started with {rev}, which must be known to Mozilla automation.\n\n'
                             'see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Artifact_builds'.format(
                                 rev=last_revs[0], num=NUM_PUSHHEADS_TO_QUERY_PER_PARENT))
     def find_pushhead_artifacts(self, task_cache, job, tree, pushhead):
-            urls = task_cache.artifact_urls(tree, job, pushhead, self._download_symbols)
+            urls = task_cache.artifact_urls(tree, job, pushhead,
+                                            self._download_symbols,
+                                            self._download_host_bins)
         except ValueError:
             return None
         if urls:
             self.log(logging.INFO, 'artifact',
                      {'pushhead': pushhead,
                       'tree': tree},
                      'Installing from remote pushhead {pushhead} on {tree}')
             return urls