Bug 1464869 - Run autopep8 on accessible draft
authorSylvestre Ledru <sledru@mozilla.com>
Fri, 25 May 2018 23:13:03 -0700
changeset 804343 b3a0c94a59b6c391d67d1b36e80d7ec118c52403
parent 804342 6dcf5dad4d9392229c423ba87005a1d67a4b705b
child 804344 398fb60f9a1c03959815ee782dce0a5e214d1b7f
push id112354
push usersledru@mozilla.com
push dateTue, 05 Jun 2018 20:25:44 +0000
Bug 1464869 - Run autopep8 on accessible MozReview-Commit-ID: BvNs14gxYdr
--- a/accessible/xpcom/AccEventGen.py
+++ b/accessible/xpcom/AccEventGen.py
@@ -23,44 +23,50 @@ glbl = {}
                       'dom', 'bindings', 'Bindings.conf'),
 webidlconfig = glbl['DOMInterfaces']
 # Instantiate the parser.
 p = xpidl.IDLParser()
 def findIDL(includePath, interfaceFileName):
     for d in includePath:
         path = mozpath.join(d, interfaceFileName)
         if os.path.exists(path):
             return path
     raise BaseException("No IDL file found for interface %s "
                         "in include path %r"
                         % (interfaceFileName, includePath))
 def loadEventIDL(parser, includePath, eventname):
     eventidl = ("nsIAccessible%s.idl" % eventname)
     idlFile = findIDL(includePath, eventidl)
     idl = p.parse(open(idlFile).read(), idlFile)
     idl.resolve(includePath, p, webidlconfig)
     return idl, idlFile
 class Configuration:
     def __init__(self, filename):
         config = {}
         execfile(filename, config)
         self.simple_events = config.get('simple_events', [])
 def firstCap(str):
     return str[0].upper() + str[1:]
 def writeAttributeParams(a):
     return ("%s a%s" % (a.realtype.nativeType('in'), firstCap(a.name)))
 def print_header_file(fd, conf, incdirs):
     idl_paths = set()
     fd.write("/* THIS FILE IS AUTOGENERATED - DO NOT EDIT */\n")
     fd.write("#ifndef _mozilla_a11y_generated_AccEvents_h_\n"
              "#define _mozilla_a11y_generated_AccEvents_h_\n\n")
     fd.write("#include \"nscore.h\"\n")
     fd.write("#include \"nsCOMPtr.h\"\n")
@@ -98,30 +104,33 @@ def print_header_file(fd, conf, incdirs)
             for a in attributes:
                 fd.write("  %s\n" % attributeVariableTypeAndName(a))
     return idl_paths
 def interfaceAttributeTypes(idl):
     ifaces = filter(lambda p: p.kind == "interface", idl.productions)
     attributes = []
     for i in ifaces:
         ifaceAttributes = allAttributes(i)
     ifaceAttrs = filter(lambda a: a.realtype.nativeType("in").endswith("*"), attributes)
     return map(lambda a: a.realtype.nativeType("in").strip(" *"), ifaceAttrs)
 def print_cpp(idl, fd, conf, eventname):
     for p in idl.productions:
         if p.kind == 'interface':
             write_cpp(eventname, p, fd)
 def print_cpp_file(fd, conf, incdirs):
     idl_paths = set()
     fd.write("/* THIS FILE IS AUTOGENERATED - DO NOT EDIT */\n\n")
     fd.write('#include "xpcAccEvents.h"\n')
     includes = []
     for e in conf.simple_events:
         if not e in includes:
@@ -139,97 +148,104 @@ def print_cpp_file(fd, conf, incdirs):
     for e in conf.simple_events:
         idl, idl_path = loadEventIDL(p, incdirs, e)
         print_cpp(idl, fd, conf, e)
     return idl_paths
 def attributeVariableTypeAndName(a):
     if a.realtype.nativeType('in').endswith('*'):
         l = ["nsCOMPtr<%s> m%s;" % (a.realtype.nativeType('in').strip('* '),
-                   firstCap(a.name))]
+                                    firstCap(a.name))]
     elif a.realtype.nativeType('in').count("nsAString"):
         l = ["nsString m%s;" % firstCap(a.name)]
     elif a.realtype.nativeType('in').count("nsACString"):
         l = ["nsCString m%s;" % firstCap(a.name)]
         l = ["%sm%s;" % (a.realtype.nativeType('in'),
-                       firstCap(a.name))]
+                         firstCap(a.name))]
     return ", ".join(l)
 def writeAttributeGetter(fd, classname, a):
     fd.write("%s::Get%s(" % (classname, firstCap(a.name)))
     if a.realtype.nativeType('in').endswith('*'):
         fd.write("%s** a%s" % (a.realtype.nativeType('in').strip('* '), firstCap(a.name)))
     elif a.realtype.nativeType('in').count("nsAString"):
         fd.write("nsAString& a%s" % firstCap(a.name))
     elif a.realtype.nativeType('in').count("nsACString"):
         fd.write("nsACString& a%s" % firstCap(a.name))
         fd.write("%s*a%s" % (a.realtype.nativeType('in'), firstCap(a.name)))
-    fd.write(")\n");
-    fd.write("{\n");
+    fd.write(")\n")
+    fd.write("{\n")
     if a.realtype.nativeType('in').endswith('*'):
         fd.write("  NS_IF_ADDREF(*a%s = m%s);\n" % (firstCap(a.name), firstCap(a.name)))
     elif a.realtype.nativeType('in').count("nsAString"):
         fd.write("  a%s = m%s;\n" % (firstCap(a.name), firstCap(a.name)))
     elif a.realtype.nativeType('in').count("nsACString"):
         fd.write("  a%s = m%s;\n" % (firstCap(a.name), firstCap(a.name)))
         fd.write("  *a%s = m%s;\n" % (firstCap(a.name), firstCap(a.name)))
-    fd.write("  return NS_OK;\n");
-    fd.write("}\n\n");
+    fd.write("  return NS_OK;\n")
+    fd.write("}\n\n")
 def interfaces(iface):
     interfaces = []
     while iface.base:
         iface = iface.idl.getName(iface.base, iface.location)
     return interfaces
 def allAttributes(iface):
     attributes = []
     for i in interfaces(iface):
         attrs = filter(lambda m: isinstance(m, xpidl.Attribute), i.members)
     return attributes
 def write_cpp(eventname, iface, fd):
     classname = "xpcAcc%s" % eventname
     attributes = allAttributes(iface)
     ccattributes = filter(lambda m: m.realtype.nativeType('in').endswith('*'), attributes)
     fd.write("NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION(%s" % classname)
     for c in ccattributes:
         fd.write(", m%s" % firstCap(c.name))
-    fd.write(")\n\n");
+    fd.write(")\n\n")
     fd.write("NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTING_ADDREF(%s)\n" % classname)
     fd.write("NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTING_RELEASE(%s)\n\n" % classname)
     fd.write("NS_INTERFACE_MAP_BEGIN_CYCLE_COLLECTION(%s)\n" % classname)
     for baseiface in interfaces(iface):
         fd.write("  NS_INTERFACE_MAP_ENTRY(%s)\n" % baseiface.name)
     for a in attributes:
         writeAttributeGetter(fd, classname, a)
 def get_conf(conf_file):
     conf = Configuration(conf_file)
     inc_dir = [
         mozpath.join(buildconfig.topsrcdir, 'accessible', 'interfaces'),
         mozpath.join(buildconfig.topsrcdir, 'xpcom', 'base'),
     return conf, inc_dir
 def gen_files(fd, conf_file, xpidllex, xpidlyacc):
     deps = set()
     conf, inc_dir = get_conf(conf_file)
     deps.update(print_header_file(fd, conf, inc_dir))
     with open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(fd.name), 'xpcAccEvents.cpp'), 'w') as cpp_fd:
         deps.update(print_cpp_file(cpp_fd, conf, inc_dir))
     return deps