Bug 1463522 - include .taskcluster.yml hash in hookId; r?tomprince draft
authorDustin J. Mitchell <dustin@mozilla.com>
Tue, 22 May 2018 18:28:08 +0000
changeset 800067 6ef97f9ce2a73b832154c8f2779a68cb60f56c17
parent 800066 6d87a3b0fed4435bdb5050aa07780ae692127586
push id111252
push userdmitchell@mozilla.com
push dateFri, 25 May 2018 20:15:14 +0000
Bug 1463522 - include .taskcluster.yml hash in hookId; r?tomprince MozReview-Commit-ID: 7KJGRKuFlna
--- a/taskcluster/taskgraph/actions/registry.py
+++ b/taskcluster/taskgraph/actions/registry.py
@@ -9,17 +9,17 @@ from __future__ import absolute_import, 
 import json
 import os
 import re
 from slugid import nice as slugid
 from types import FunctionType
 from collections import namedtuple
 from taskgraph import create
 from taskgraph.config import load_graph_config
-from taskgraph.util import taskcluster, yaml
+from taskgraph.util import taskcluster, yaml, hash
 from taskgraph.parameters import Parameters
 from mozbuild.util import memoize
 actions = []
 callbacks = {}
 Action = namedtuple('Action', ['order', 'action_builder'])
@@ -35,16 +35,26 @@ def is_json(data):
 def read_taskcluster_yml(filename):
     '''Load and parse .taskcluster.yml, memoized to save some time'''
     return yaml.load_yaml(*os.path.split(filename))
+def hash_taskcluster_yml(filename):
+    '''
+    Generate a hash of the given .taskcluster.yml.  This is the first 10 digits
+    of the sha256 of the file's content, and is used by administrative scripts
+    to create a hook based on this content.
+    '''
+    return hash.hash_path(filename)[:10]
 def register_callback_action(name, title, symbol, description, order=10000,
                              context=[], available=lambda parameters: True,
                              schema=None, kind='task', generic=True):
     Register an action callback that can be triggered from supporting
     user interfaces, such as Treeherder.
     This function is to be used as a decorator for a callback that takes
@@ -199,20 +209,30 @@ def register_callback_action(name, title
                         'in': taskcluster_yml['tasks'][0],
             # for kind=hook
             elif kind == 'hook':
                 trustDomain = graph_config['trust-domain']
                 level = parameters['level']
+                tcyml_hash = hash_taskcluster_yml(graph_config.taskcluster_yml)
+                # the tcyml_hash is prefixed with `/` in the hookId, so users will be granted
+                # hooks:trigger-hook:project-gecko/in-tree-action-3-myaction/*; if another
+                # action was named `myaction/release`, then the `*` in the scope would also
+                # match that action.  To prevent such an accident, we prohibit `/` in hook
+                # names.
+                if '/' in actionPerm:
+                    raise Exception('`/` is not allowed in action names; use `-`')
                     'kind': 'hook',
                     'hookGroupId': 'project-{}'.format(trustDomain),
-                    'hookId': 'in-tree-action-{}-{}'.format(level, actionPerm),
+                    'hookId': 'in-tree-action-{}-{}/{}'.format(level, actionPerm, tcyml_hash),
                     'hookPayload': {
                         # provide the decision-task parameters as context for triggerHook
                         "decision": {
                             'action': action,
                             'repository': repository,
                             'push': push,
                             # parameters is long, so fetch it from the actions.json variables
                             'parameters': {'$eval': 'parameters'},