Bug 1462616 - Unblock Windows 10 April 2018 Update SDK with clang-cl. r?Build draft
authorMasatoshi Kimura <VYV03354@nifty.ne.jp>
Fri, 18 May 2018 21:20:23 +0900
changeset 797735 19f23d7712e76821ab35bbe657909e7b827be8fa
parent 797721 0c89a50e06e20de6debfeb86b5204a3de3327821
push id110554
push userVYV03354@nifty.ne.jp
push dateMon, 21 May 2018 14:15:00 +0000
Bug 1462616 - Unblock Windows 10 April 2018 Update SDK with clang-cl. r?Build MozReview-Commit-ID: 9KGu1KTmyRM
--- a/build/moz.configure/windows.configure
+++ b/build/moz.configure/windows.configure
@@ -232,23 +232,26 @@ def valid_ucrt_sdk_dir(windows_sdk_dir, 
     if version < minimum_ucrt_version:
         raise FatalCheckError('Latest Universal CRT SDK version found %s'
                               ' and minimum required is %s. This or a later'
                               ' version can be installed using the Visual'
                               ' Studio installer.'
                               % (version, minimum_ucrt_version))
     broken_ucrt_version = Version('10.0.16299.0')
-    if c_compiler.type == 'clang-cl' and version >= broken_ucrt_version:
+    working_ucrt_version = Version('10.0.17134.0')
+    if (c_compiler.type == 'clang-cl' and version >= broken_ucrt_version and
+            version < working_ucrt_version):
         raise FatalCheckError('Found SDK version %s but clang-cl builds'
-                              ' currently don\'t work with SDK version %s'
-                              ' and later. You should use version %s,'
-                              ' either by uninstalling the newer one or'
-                              ' setting a custom WINDOWSSDKDIR.'
-                              % (version, broken_ucrt_version, minimum_ucrt_version))
+                              ' currently don\'t work with the SDK version.'
+                              ' You should use a different version, either'
+                              ' by uninstalling version %s or setting a'
+                              ' custom WINDOWSSDKDIR.\n'
+                              'Note: Version %s now works with clang-cl.'
+                              % (version, version, working_ucrt_version))
     return namespace(