Bug 1460470 - Make run-task Python 3.5+ only; r=mshal
☠☠ backed out by 278ac3ea0ce5 ☠ ☠
authorGregory Szorc <gps@mozilla.com>
Fri, 11 May 2018 10:19:53 -0700
changeset 796063 94a9641c5a018cfe729ebe748e75a7c4373e4322
parent 796062 33fe8423f88cb8158559bc736d89b4849b57d315
child 796247 7a2224a146ec8b9f6a6b982be3b241e4b127bf5d
push id110148
push userbmo:gps@mozilla.com
push dateWed, 16 May 2018 22:07:12 +0000
Bug 1460470 - Make run-task Python 3.5+ only; r=mshal A try push converting run-task to Python 3 seemed to complete without error. Since it is annoying writing code that needs to work on both Python 2 and 3, let's require Python 3 and remove code for supporting Python 2. We implement a version check enforcing Python 3.5+. This is because we're supposed to be standardizing on 3.5+ everywhere. I want to prevent accidental usage of older Python 3 versions. MozReview-Commit-ID: 4vATLZ6Si2e
--- a/taskcluster/scripts/run-task
+++ b/taskcluster/scripts/run-task
@@ -8,44 +8,38 @@
 This script is meant to be the "driver" for TaskCluster based tasks.
 It receives some common arguments to control the run-time environment.
 It performs actions as requested from the arguments. Then it executes
 the requested process and prints its output, prefixing it with the
 current time to improve log usefulness.
-from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
+import sys
+if sys.version_info[0:2] < (3, 5):
+    print('run-task requires Python 3.5+')
+    sys.exit(1)
 import argparse
 import datetime
 import errno
 import io
 import json
 import os
 import re
 import socket
 import stat
 import subprocess
-import sys
-    import urllib.error
-    import urllib.request
-    urlopen = urllib.request.urlopen
-    URLError = urllib.error.URLError
-except ImportError:
-    import urllib2
+import urllib.error
+import urllib.request
-    urlopen = urllib2.urlopen
-    URLError = urllib2.URLError
-PY3 = sys.version_info.major == 3
 FINGERPRINT_URL = 'http://taskcluster/secrets/v1/secret/project/taskcluster/gecko/hgfingerprint'
@@ -84,26 +78,18 @@ where it fails to use new volumes for ta
 #     sort of error (e.g., syntax error).
 IS_POSIX = os.name == 'posix'
 IS_WINDOWS = os.name == 'nt'
-if PY3:
-    bytestr = lambda x: x.encode('utf-8', 'strict')
-    sysstr = lambda x: x.decode('utf-8', 'strict')
-    bytestr = bytes
-    sysstr = str
 def print_line(prefix, m):
-    now = bytestr(datetime.datetime.utcnow().isoformat())
+    now = datetime.datetime.utcnow().isoformat().encode('utf-8')
     # slice microseconds to 3 decimals.
     now = now[:-3] if now[-7:-6] == b'.' else now
     sys.stdout.buffer.write(b'[%s %sZ] %s' % (prefix, now, m))
 def run_and_prefix_output(prefix, args, extra_env=None):
     """Runs a process and prefixes its output with the time.
@@ -130,29 +116,22 @@ def run_and_prefix_output(prefix, args, 
                          # Disable buffering because we want to receive output
                          # as it is generated so timestamps in logs are
                          # accurate.
-                         env=env,
-                         universal_newlines=not PY3)
+                         env=env)
-    if PY3:
-        stdout = io.TextIOWrapper(p.stdout, encoding='latin1')
-    else:
-        stdout = p.stdout
+    stdout = io.TextIOWrapper(p.stdout, encoding='latin1')
     while True:
-        data = stdout.readline()
-        if PY3:
-            data = data.encode('latin1')
+        data = stdout.readline().encode('latin1')
         if data == b'':
         print_line(prefix, data)
     return p.wait()
@@ -187,20 +166,20 @@ def get_posix_user_group(user, group):
     # Find all groups to which this user is a member.
     gids = [g.gr_gid for g in grp.getgrall() if group in g.gr_mem]
     return user_record, group_record, gids
 def write_audit_entry(path, msg):
-    now = bytestr(datetime.datetime.utcnow().isoformat())
+    now = datetime.datetime.utcnow().isoformat().encode('utf-8')
     with open(path, 'ab') as fh:
         fh.write(b'[%sZ %s] %s\n' % (
-                 now, bytestr(os.environ.get('TASK_ID', 'UNKNOWN')), msg))
+                 now, os.environb.get(b'TASK_ID', b'UNKNOWN'), msg))
 def set_dir_permissions(path, uid, gid):
     st = os.lstat(path)
@@ -211,17 +190,18 @@ def set_dir_permissions(path, uid, gid):
     # them.
     if st.st_mode & WANTED_DIR_MODE != WANTED_DIR_MODE:
         os.chmod(path, st.st_mode | WANTED_DIR_MODE)
 def chown_recursive(path, user, group, uid, gid):
                b'recursively changing ownership of %s to %s:%s\n' %
-               (bytestr(path), bytestr(user), bytestr(group)))
+               (path.encode('utf-8'), user.encode('utf-8'), group.encode(
+                   'utf-8')))
     set_dir_permissions(path, uid, gid)
     for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path):
         for d in dirs:
             set_dir_permissions(os.path.join(root, d), uid, gid)
         for f in files:
@@ -268,17 +248,17 @@ def configure_cache_posix(cache, user, g
     requires_path = os.path.join(cache, '.cacherequires')
     audit_path = os.path.join(cache, '.cachelog')
     # The cache is empty. Configure it.
     if not os.listdir(cache):
         print_line(b'cache', b'cache %s is empty; writing requirements: '
                              b'%s\n' % (
-                   bytestr(cache), b' '.join(sorted(our_requirements))))
+                    cache.encode('utf-8'), b' '.join(sorted(our_requirements))))
         # We write a requirements file so future invocations know what the
         # requirements are.
         with open(requires_path, 'wb') as fh:
         # And make it read-only as a precaution against deletion.
         os.chmod(requires_path, stat.S_IRUSR | stat.S_IRGRP | stat.S_IROTH)
@@ -292,51 +272,51 @@ def configure_cache_posix(cache, user, g
     # The cache has content and we have a requirements file. Validate
     # requirements alignment.
     if os.path.exists(requires_path):
         with open(requires_path, 'rb') as fh:
             wanted_requirements = set(fh.read().splitlines())
         print_line(b'cache', b'cache %s exists; requirements: %s\n' % (
-            bytestr(cache), b' '.join(sorted(wanted_requirements))))
+            cache.encode('utf-8'), b' '.join(sorted(wanted_requirements))))
         missing = wanted_requirements - our_requirements
         # Allow requirements mismatch for uid/gid if and only if caches
         # are untrusted. This allows cache behavior on Try to be
         # reasonable. Otherwise, random tasks could "poison" cache
         # usability by introducing uid/gid mismatches. For untrusted
         # environments like Try, this is a perfectly reasonable thing to
         # allow.
         if missing and untrusted_caches and running_as_root and \
                 all(s.startswith((b'uid=', b'gid=')) for s in missing):
                        b'cache %s uid/gid mismatch; this is acceptable '
                        b'because caches for this task are untrusted; '
                        b'changing ownership to facilitate cache use\n' %
-                       bytestr(cache))
+                       cache.encode('utf-8'))
             chown_recursive(cache, user.pw_name, group.gr_name, user.pw_uid,
             # And write out the updated reality.
             with open(requires_path, 'wb') as fh:
                               b'chown; requirements: %s' %
                               b', '.join(sorted(our_requirements)))
         elif missing:
             print('error: requirements for populated cache %s differ from '
                   'this task' % cache)
             print('cache requirements: %s' % ' '.join(sorted(
-                map(sysstr, wanted_requirements))))
+                s.decode('utf-8') for s in wanted_requirements)))
             print('our requirements:   %s' % ' '.join(sorted(
-                map(sysstr, our_requirements))))
+                s.decode('utf-8') for s in our_requirements)))
             if any(s.startswith((b'uid=', b'gid=')) for s in missing):
                               b'requirements mismatch; wanted: %s' %
                               b', '.join(sorted(our_requirements)))
@@ -382,17 +362,17 @@ def configure_volume_posix(volume, user,
               ' '.join(sorted(volume_files)))
     # The volume is almost certainly owned by root:root. Chown it so it
     # is writable.
     if running_as_root:
         print_line(b'volume', b'changing ownership of volume %s '
-                              b'to %d:%d\n' % (bytestr(volume),
+                              b'to %d:%d\n' % (volume.encode('utf-8'),
         set_dir_permissions(volume, user.pw_uid, group.gr_gid)
 def vcs_checkout(source_repo, dest, store_path,
                  base_repo=None, revision=None, branch=None,
                  fetch_hgfingerprint=False, sparse_profile=None):
@@ -425,25 +405,25 @@ def vcs_checkout(source_repo, dest, stor
     # Obtain certificate fingerprints.  Without this, the checkout will use the fingerprint
     # on the system, which is managed some other way (such as puppet)
     if fetch_hgfingerprint:
             print_line(b'vcs', b'fetching hg.mozilla.org fingerprint from %s\n' %
-                       bytestr(FINGERPRINT_URL))
-            res = urlopen(FINGERPRINT_URL, timeout=10)
+                       FINGERPRINT_URL.encode('utf-8'))
+            res = urllib.request.urlopen(FINGERPRINT_URL, timeout=10)
             secret = res.read()
                 secret = json.loads(secret, encoding='utf-8')
             except ValueError:
                 print_line(b'vcs', b'invalid JSON in hg fingerprint secret')
-        except (URLError, socket.timeout):
+        except (urllib.error.URLError, socket.timeout):
             print_line(b'vcs', b'Unable to retrieve current hg.mozilla.org fingerprint'
                                b'using the secret service, using fallback instead.')
             # XXX This fingerprint will not be accurate if running on an old
             #     revision after the server fingerprint has changed.
             secret = {'secret': FALLBACK_FINGERPRINT}
         hgmo_fingerprint = secret['secret']['fingerprints']
@@ -581,17 +561,18 @@ def main(args):
     if volumes and not IS_POSIX:
         print('assertion failed: volumes not expected on Windows')
         return 1
     # Sanitize volumes.
     for volume in volumes:
         # If a volume is a cache, it was dealt with above.
         if volume in caches:
-            print_line(b'volume', b'volume %s is a cache\n' % bytestr(volume))
+            print_line(b'volume', b'volume %s is a cache\n' %
+                       volume.encode('utf-8'))
         configure_volume_posix(volume, user, group, running_as_root)
     all_caches_and_volumes = set(map(os.path.normpath, caches))
     all_caches_and_volumes |= set(map(os.path.normpath, volumes))
     def path_in_cache_or_volume(path):
@@ -619,17 +600,17 @@ def main(args):
         # TODO given the performance implications, consider making this a fatal
         # error.
         if not path_in_cache_or_volume(checkout):
             print_line(b'vcs', b'WARNING: vcs checkout path (%s) not in cache '
                                b'or volume; performance will likely suffer\n' %
-                               bytestr(checkout))
+                               checkout.encode('utf-8'))
         # Ensure the directory for the source checkout exists.
         except OSError as e:
             if e.errno != errno.EEXIST:
@@ -643,17 +624,17 @@ def main(args):
             print('error: HG_STORE_PATH environment variable not set')
         store_path = os.environ['HG_STORE_PATH']
         if not path_in_cache_or_volume(store_path):
             print_line(b'vcs', b'WARNING: HG_STORE_PATH (%s) not in cache or '
                                b'volume; performance will likely suffer\n' %
-                               bytestr(store_path))
+                               store_path.encode('utf-8'))
         except OSError as e:
             if e.errno != errno.EEXIST:
         if running_as_root:
@@ -664,18 +645,19 @@ def main(args):
     if args.vcs_checkout or args.tools_checkout or args.comm_checkout:
     if IS_POSIX and running_as_root:
         # Drop permissions to requested user.
         # This code is modeled after what `sudo` was observed to do in a Docker
         # container. We do not bother calling setrlimit() because containers have
         # their own limits.
-        print_line(b'setup', b'running as %s:%s\n' % (bytestr(args.user),
-                                                      bytestr(args.group)))
+        print_line(b'setup', b'running as %s:%s\n' % (
+            args.user.encode('utf-8'), args.group.encode('utf-8')))
         os.setresgid(gid, gid, gid)
         os.setresuid(uid, uid, uid)
     # Checkout the repository, setting the GECKO_HEAD_REV to the current
     # revision hash. Revision hashes have priority over symbolic revisions. We
     # disallow running tasks with symbolic revisions unless they have been
@@ -729,14 +711,9 @@ def main(args):
         print('task should be defined in terms of non-symbolic revision')
         return 1
     return run_and_prefix_output(b'task', task_args)
 if __name__ == '__main__':
-    # Unbuffer stdio.
-    if not PY3:
-        sys.stdout = os.fdopen(sys.stdout.fileno(), 'w', 0)
-        sys.stderr = os.fdopen(sys.stderr.fileno(), 'w', 0)