Bug 1460389 - Constify arguments for StackingContextHelper ctor. r?kats draft
authorHiroyuki Ikezoe <hikezoe@mozilla.com>
Tue, 15 May 2018 08:59:33 +0900
changeset 795074 59d4f9b67848ad30539e754ead7e03c06ddddc37
parent 795073 0ea44af781af8ee41b4326bb1cf1c15259a6fbcf
child 795075 403bd9a7d625a0925bb271071dfa26a25770df91
push id109854
push userhikezoe@mozilla.com
push dateTue, 15 May 2018 00:09:44 +0000
Bug 1460389 - Constify arguments for StackingContextHelper ctor. r?kats MozReview-Commit-ID: 14fu7EYESwu
--- a/gfx/layers/wr/StackingContextHelper.cpp
+++ b/gfx/layers/wr/StackingContextHelper.cpp
@@ -23,19 +23,19 @@ StackingContextHelper::StackingContextHe
 StackingContextHelper::StackingContextHelper(const StackingContextHelper& aParentSC,
                                              wr::DisplayListBuilder& aBuilder,
                                              const nsTArray<wr::WrFilterOp>& aFilters,
                                              const LayoutDeviceRect& aBounds,
                                              const gfx::Matrix4x4* aBoundTransform,
                                              const wr::WrAnimationProperty* aAnimation,
-                                             float* aOpacityPtr,
-                                             gfx::Matrix4x4* aTransformPtr,
-                                             gfx::Matrix4x4* aPerspectivePtr,
+                                             const float* aOpacityPtr,
+                                             const gfx::Matrix4x4* aTransformPtr,
+                                             const gfx::Matrix4x4* aPerspectivePtr,
                                              const gfx::CompositionOp& aMixBlendMode,
                                              bool aBackfaceVisible,
                                              bool aIsPreserve3D,
                                              const Maybe<gfx::Matrix4x4>& aTransformForScrollData,
                                              const wr::WrClipId* aClipNodeId,
                                              bool aRasterizeLocally)
   : mBuilder(&aBuilder)
   , mScale(1.0f, 1.0f)
--- a/gfx/layers/wr/StackingContextHelper.h
+++ b/gfx/layers/wr/StackingContextHelper.h
@@ -28,19 +28,19 @@ class MOZ_RAII StackingContextHelper
   StackingContextHelper(const StackingContextHelper& aParentSC,
                         wr::DisplayListBuilder& aBuilder,
                         const nsTArray<wr::WrFilterOp>& aFilters = nsTArray<wr::WrFilterOp>(),
                         const LayoutDeviceRect& aBounds = LayoutDeviceRect(),
                         const gfx::Matrix4x4* aBoundTransform = nullptr,
                         const wr::WrAnimationProperty* aAnimation = nullptr,
-                        float* aOpacityPtr = nullptr,
-                        gfx::Matrix4x4* aTransformPtr = nullptr,
-                        gfx::Matrix4x4* aPerspectivePtr = nullptr,
+                        const float* aOpacityPtr = nullptr,
+                        const gfx::Matrix4x4* aTransformPtr = nullptr,
+                        const gfx::Matrix4x4* aPerspectivePtr = nullptr,
                         const gfx::CompositionOp& aMixBlendMode = gfx::CompositionOp::OP_OVER,
                         bool aBackfaceVisible = true,
                         bool aIsPreserve3D = false,
                         const Maybe<gfx::Matrix4x4>& aTransformForScrollData = Nothing(),
                         const wr::WrClipId* aClipNodeId = nullptr,
                         bool aRasterizeLocally = false);
   // This version of the constructor should only be used at the root level
   // of the tree, so that we have a StackingContextHelper to pass down into