Bug 1459862 - Mach static-analysis autotest - run tests in parallel. r?sylvestre draft
authorAndi-Bogdan Postelnicu <bpostelnicu@mozilla.com>
Tue, 08 May 2018 12:36:57 +0300
changeset 792384 659c5bebe4b33bb9d2a5f0a7be2ae52071596627
parent 792383 9f2ad55496ad67d604b539f83b0d69e54f08ccb0
push id109102
push userbmo:bpostelnicu@mozilla.com
push dateTue, 08 May 2018 10:22:25 +0000
Bug 1459862 - Mach static-analysis autotest - run tests in parallel. r?sylvestre MozReview-Commit-ID: LxTmytjaPAn
--- a/python/mozbuild/mozbuild/mach_commands.py
+++ b/python/mozbuild/mozbuild/mach_commands.py
@@ -1713,29 +1713,31 @@ class StaticAnalysis(MachCommandBase):
     @CommandArgument('--intree-tool', '-i', default=False, action='store_true',
                      help='Use a pre-aquired in-tree clang-tidy package.')
     @CommandArgument('checker_names', nargs='*', default=[], help='Checkers that are going to be auto-tested.')
     def autotest(self, verbose=False, dump_results=False, intree_tool=False, checker_names=[]):
         # If 'dump_results' is True than we just want to generate the issues files for each
         # checker in particulat and thus 'force_download' becomes 'False' since we want to
         # do this on a local trusted clang-tidy package.
+        self._dump_results = dump_results
         force_download = True
-        if dump_results:
+        if self._dump_results:
             force_download = False
         # Function return codes
-        TOOLS_SUCCESS = 0
+        self.TOOLS_SUCCESS = 0
+        self.TOOLS_FAILED_DOWNLOAD = 1
+        self.TOOLS_CHECKER_NO_TEST_FILE = 3
         # Configure the tree or download clang-tidy package, depending on the option that we choose
         if intree_tool:
             _, config, _ = self._get_config_environment()
             clang_tools_path = self.topsrcdir
             self._clang_tidy_path = mozpath.join(
                 clang_tools_path, "clang", "bin",
                 "clang-tidy" + config.substs.get('BIN_SUFFIX', ''))
@@ -1752,91 +1754,58 @@ class StaticAnalysis(MachCommandBase):
             # Ensure that clang-tidy is present
             rc = not os.path.exists(self._clang_tidy_path)
             rc = self._get_clang_tools(force=force_download, verbose=verbose)
         if rc != 0:
             self.log(logging.ERROR, 'ERROR: static-analysis', {}, 'clang-tidy unable to locate package.')
-            return TOOLS_FAILED_DOWNLOAD
+            return self.TOOLS_FAILED_DOWNLOAD
         self._clang_tidy_base_path = mozpath.join(self.topsrcdir, "tools", "clang-tidy")
         # For each checker run it
         f = open(mozpath.join(self._clang_tidy_base_path, "config.yaml"))
         import yaml
         config = yaml.load(f)
         platform, _ = self.platform
         if platform not in config['platforms']:
             self.log(logging.ERROR, 'static-analysis', {},"RUNNING: clang-tidy autotest for platform {} not supported.".format(platform))
-        self.log(logging.INFO, 'static-analysis', {},"RUNNING: clang-tidy autotest for platform {}.".format(platform))
-        for item in config['clang_checkers']:
-            # Do not test mozilla specific checks nor the default '-*'
-            if not (item['publish'] and (
-                    'restricted-platforms' in item
-                    and platform not in item['restricted-platforms']
-                    or 'restricted-platforms' not in item) and item['name'] not in [
-                        'mozilla-*', '-*'
-                    ] and (checker_names == [] or item['name'] in checker_names)):
-                continue
+        import concurrent.futures
+        import multiprocessing
-            check = item['name']
-            test_file_path = mozpath.join(self._clang_tidy_base_path, "test", check)
-            test_file_path_cpp = test_file_path + '.cpp'
-            test_file_path_json = test_file_path + '.json'
-            self.log(logging.INFO, 'static-analysis', {},"RUNNING: clang-tidy checker {}.".format(check))
+        max_workers = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
-            # Verify is test file exists for checker
-            if not os.path.exists(test_file_path_cpp):
-                self.log(logging.ERROR, 'static-analysis', {}, "ERROR: clang-tidy checker {} doesn't have a test file.".format(check))
-                return TOOLS_CHECKER_NO_TEST_FILE
-            cmd = [self._clang_tidy_path, '-checks=-*, ' + check, test_file_path_cpp]
-            clang_output = subprocess.check_output(
-                cmd, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT).decode('utf-8')
-            issues = self._parse_issues(clang_output)
+        self.log(logging.INFO, 'static-analysis', {},
+                 "RUNNING: clang-tidy autotest for platform {0} with {1} workers.".format(
+                     platform, max_workers))
-            # Verify to see if we got any issues, if not raise exception
-            if not issues:
-                self.log(
-                    logging.ERROR, 'static-analysis', {},
-                    "ERROR: clang-tidy checker {0} did not find any issues in it\'s associated test suite.".
-                    format(check))
-                return CHECKER_RETURNED_NO_ISSUES
+        with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=max_workers) as executor:
+            futures = []
+            for item in config['clang_checkers']:
+                # Do not test mozilla specific checks nor the default '-*'
+                if not (item['publish'] and ('restricted-platforms' in item
+                                             and platform not in item['restricted-platforms']
+                                             or 'restricted-platforms' not in item)
+                        and item['name'] not in ['mozilla-*', '-*'] and
+                        (checker_names == [] or item['name'] in checker_names)):
+                    continue
+                futures.append(executor.submit(self._verify_checker, item))
-            if dump_results:
-                self._build_autotest_result(test_file_path_json, issues)
-            else:
-                if not os.path.exists(test_file_path_json):
-                    # Result file for test not found maybe regenerate it?
-                    self.log(
-                        logging.ERROR, 'static-analysis', {},
-                        "ERROR: clang-tidy result file not found for checker {0}".format(
-                            check))
-                    return TOOLS_CHECKER_RESULT_FILE_NOT_FOUND
-                # Read the pre-determined issues
-                baseline_issues = self._get_autotest_stored_issues(test_file_path_json)
+            for future in concurrent.futures.as_completed(futures):
+                ret_val = future.result()
+                if ret_val != self.TOOLS_SUCCESS:
+                    return ret_val
-                # Compare the two lists
-                if issues != baseline_issues:
-                    print("Clang output: {}".format(clang_output))
-                    self.log(
-                        logging.ERROR, 'static-analysis', {},
-                        "ERROR: clang-tidy auto-test failed for checker {0} Expected: {1} Got: {2}".
-                        format(check, baseline_issues, issues))
-                    return TOOLS_CHECKER_DIFF_FAILED
-        self.log(logging.INFO, 'static-analysis', {},"SUCCESS: clang-tidy all tests passed.")
-        return TOOLS_SUCCESS
+        self.log(logging.INFO, 'static-analysis', {}, "SUCCESS: clang-tidy all tests passed.")
+        return self.TOOLS_SUCCESS
     @StaticAnalysisSubCommand('static-analysis', 'install',
                               'Install the static analysis helper tool')
     @CommandArgument('source', nargs='?', type=str,
                      help='Where to fetch a local archive containing the static-analysis and format helper tool.'
                           'It will be installed in ~/.mozbuild/clang-tools/.'
                           'Can be omitted, in which case the latest clang-tools '
@@ -1890,16 +1859,67 @@ class StaticAnalysis(MachCommandBase):
             return rc
         if path is None:
             return self._run_clang_format_diff(self._clang_format_diff,
                                                self._clang_format_path, show)
             return self._run_clang_format_path(self._clang_format_path, show, path)
+    def _verify_checker(self, item):
+        check = item['name']
+        test_file_path = mozpath.join(self._clang_tidy_base_path, "test", check)
+        test_file_path_cpp = test_file_path + '.cpp'
+        test_file_path_json = test_file_path + '.json'
+        self.log(logging.INFO, 'static-analysis', {},"RUNNING: clang-tidy checker {}.".format(check))
+        # Verify is test file exists for checker
+        if not os.path.exists(test_file_path_cpp):
+            self.log(logging.ERROR, 'static-analysis', {}, "ERROR: clang-tidy checker {} doesn't have a test file.".format(check))
+            return self.TOOLS_CHECKER_NO_TEST_FILE
+        cmd = [self._clang_tidy_path, '-checks=-*, ' + check, test_file_path_cpp]
+        clang_output = subprocess.check_output(
+            cmd, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT).decode('utf-8')
+        issues = self._parse_issues(clang_output)
+        # Verify to see if we got any issues, if not raise exception
+        if not issues:
+            self.log(
+                logging.ERROR, 'static-analysis', {},
+                "ERROR: clang-tidy checker {0} did not find any issues in it\'s associated test suite.".
+                format(check))
+            return self.CHECKER_RETURNED_NO_ISSUES
+        if self._dump_results:
+            self._build_autotest_result(test_file_path_json, issues)
+        else:
+            if not os.path.exists(test_file_path_json):
+                # Result file for test not found maybe regenerate it?
+                self.log(
+                    logging.ERROR, 'static-analysis', {},
+                    "ERROR: clang-tidy result file not found for checker {0}".format(
+                        check))
+                return self.TOOLS_CHECKER_RESULT_FILE_NOT_FOUND
+            # Read the pre-determined issues
+            baseline_issues = self._get_autotest_stored_issues(test_file_path_json)
+            # Compare the two lists
+            if issues != baseline_issues:
+                print("Clang output: {}".format(clang_output))
+                self.log(
+                    logging.ERROR, 'static-analysis', {},
+                    "ERROR: clang-tidy auto-test failed for checker {0} Expected: {1} Got: {2}".
+                    format(check, baseline_issues, issues))
+                return self.TOOLS_CHECKER_DIFF_FAILED
+        return self.TOOLS_SUCCESS
     def _build_autotest_result(self, file, issues):
         with open(file, 'w') as f:
             json.dump(issues, f, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
     def _get_autotest_stored_issues(self, file):
         with open(file) as f:
             return json.load(f)