Bug 1455767 - As we have gcc 6 as requirement, use -fuse-ld everywhere instead of the -B trick r?glandium draft
authorSylvestre Ledru <sledru@mozilla.com>
Thu, 26 Apr 2018 13:27:36 +0200
changeset 793084 2c1157722e8e846fe49cb218d0f2381a0098aa29
parent 793056 9294f67b3f3bd4a3dd898961148cecd8bfc1ce9c
child 793090 bb256b6feab059f3b78f85d3cda4550accfb72a0
push id109265
push userbmo:sledru@mozilla.com
push dateWed, 09 May 2018 11:48:24 +0000
Bug 1455767 - As we have gcc 6 as requirement, use -fuse-ld everywhere instead of the -B trick r?glandium + simplify the code MozReview-Commit-ID: 1Qz5H8VkfpD
--- a/build/moz.configure/toolchain.configure
+++ b/build/moz.configure/toolchain.configure
@@ -1495,119 +1495,84 @@ def is_linker_option_enabled(target):
        help='Enable GNU Gold Linker when it is not already the default',
 imply_option('--enable-linker', 'gold', when='--enable-gold')
+js_option('--enable-linker', nargs=1,
+          choices=('bfd', 'gold', 'lld', 'other'),
+          help='Select the linker',
+          when=is_linker_option_enabled)
+@depends('--enable-linker', c_compiler, developer_options,
+         extra_toolchain_flags, when=is_linker_option_enabled)
+@checking('for linker', lambda x: x.KIND)
-def enable_gnu_linker(enable_gold_option, c_compiler, developer_options, build_env,
-                      toolchain_flags, linker_name):
-    # Used to check the kind of linker
+def select_linker(linker, c_compiler, developer_options, toolchain_flags):
+    linker = linker[0] if linker else 'other'
+    # Check the kind of linker
     version_check = ['-Wl,--version']
     cmd_base = c_compiler.wrapper + [c_compiler.compiler] + c_compiler.flags
+    # Generate the compiler flag
+    linker_flag = ["-fuse-ld=" + linker] if linker != "other" else []
+    cmd = cmd_base + linker_flag + version_check
     if toolchain_flags:
-        cmd_base += toolchain_flags
-    def resolve_gold():
-        # Try to force the usage of gold
-        targetDir = os.path.join(build_env.topobjdir, 'build', 'unix', 'gold')
-        gold_detection_arg = '-print-prog-name=ld.gold'
-        detection_cmd = cmd_base + [gold_detection_arg]
-        gold = check_cmd_output(*detection_cmd).strip()
-        if not gold:
-            return
+        cmd += toolchain_flags
-        goldFullPath = find_program(gold)
-        if goldFullPath is None:
-            return
-        if os.path.exists(targetDir):
-            shutil.rmtree(targetDir)
-        os.makedirs(targetDir)
-        os.symlink(goldFullPath, os.path.join(targetDir, 'ld'))
-        linker = ['-B', targetDir]
-        cmd = cmd_base + linker + version_check
+    if (linker == 'gold' or developer_options) and linker != 'bfd':
         if 'GNU gold' in check_cmd_output(*cmd).decode('utf-8'):
-            # We have detected gold, will build with the -B workaround
+            # We have detected gold, will build with -fuse-ld=gold
             return namespace(
-                LINKER_FLAG=linker,
+                LINKER_FLAG=linker_flag,
-        else:
-            # The -B trick didn't work, removing the directory
-            shutil.rmtree(targetDir)
-    if (enable_gold_option or developer_options) and linker_name != 'bfd':
-        result = resolve_gold()
-        if result:
-            return result
         # gold is only required if --enable-gold is used.
-        elif enable_gold_option:
+        if linker == 'gold':
             die('Could not find gold')
         # Else fallthrough.
-    cmd = cmd_base + version_check
     cmd_output = check_cmd_output(*cmd).decode('utf-8')
     # using decode because ld can be localized and python will
     # have problems with french accent for example
     if 'GNU ld' in cmd_output:
         # We are using the normal linker
         return namespace(
     # Special case for Android. In the ndk, it is gold
     if 'GNU gold' in cmd_output:
         return namespace(
+    if 'LLD' in cmd_output:
+        return namespace(
+            KIND='lld',
+            LINKER_FLAG=linker_flag,
+        )
+    elif linker == 'lld':
+        # We forced the lld linker but could not find the string
+        # when checking, fail the build
+        die("Could not use lld as linker")
     # For other platforms without gold or the GNU linker
     return namespace(
-js_option('--enable-linker', nargs=1,
-          choices=('bfd', 'gold', 'lld', 'other'),
-          help='Select the linker',
-          when=is_linker_option_enabled)
-@depends('--enable-linker', c_compiler, developer_options, check_build_environment,
-         extra_toolchain_flags, when=is_linker_option_enabled)
-@checking('for linker', lambda x: x.KIND)
-def select_linker(linker, c_compiler, developer_options, build_env, toolchain_flags):
-    linker = linker[0] if linker else 'other'
-    if linker in ('gold', 'bfd', 'other'):
-        return enable_gnu_linker(linker == 'gold', c_compiler, developer_options,
-                                 build_env, toolchain_flags, linker)
-    if linker == 'lld':
-        version_check = ['-Wl,--version']
-        cmd_base = c_compiler.wrapper + \
-            [c_compiler.compiler] + c_compiler.flags
-        lld = ["-fuse-ld=" + linker]
-        cmd = cmd_base + lld + version_check
-        if 'LLD' in check_cmd_output(*cmd).decode('utf-8'):
-            return namespace(
-                KIND='lld',
-                LINKER_FLAG=lld,
-            )
-        else:
-            die("Could not use lld as linker")
 set_config('LD_IS_BFD', depends(select_linker.KIND)
            (lambda x: x == 'bfd' or None))
 set_config('LINKER_LDFLAGS', select_linker.LINKER_FLAG)
 js_option('--enable-clang-plugin', env='ENABLE_CLANG_PLUGIN',
           help="Enable building with the mozilla clang plugin")