Bug 1449199 - Mitmproxy integration with raptor for OSX; r?jmaher draft
authorRob Wood <rwood@mozilla.com>
Tue, 24 Apr 2018 09:25:47 -0400
changeset 788574 6b17abfcbd0a697db4b3172bc8f163c5b2a9d0b8
parent 788573 f1c7ad9294b3c200d66590f0e7ddd8cf0c47f0cf
push id108008
push userrwood@mozilla.com
push dateThu, 26 Apr 2018 16:13:41 +0000
Bug 1449199 - Mitmproxy integration with raptor for OSX; r?jmaher MozReview-Commit-ID: 1Nnny3OynQw
--- a/testing/raptor/raptor/control_server.py
+++ b/testing/raptor/raptor/control_server.py
@@ -18,19 +18,17 @@ LOG = get_proxy_logger(component='contro
 here = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
 class MyHandler(BaseHTTPServer.BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
     def do_GET(self):
         # get handler, received request for test settings from web ext runner
-        validFiles = ['raptor-firefox-tp7.json',
-                      'raptor-chrome-tp7.json',
-                      'raptor-speedometer.json']
+        validFiles = ['raptor-firefox-tp6.json']
         head, tail = os.path.split(self.path)
         if tail in validFiles:
             LOG.info('reading test settings from ' + tail)
                 with open(tail) as json_settings:
                     self.send_header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*')
                     self.send_header('Content-type', 'application/json')
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testing/raptor/raptor/playback/alternate-server-replay.py
@@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
+# This file was copied from mitmproxy/addons/serverplayback.py release tag 2.0.2 and modified by
+# Benjamin Smedberg
+# Altered features:
+# * --kill returns 404 rather than dropping the whole HTTP/2 connection on the floor
+# * best-match response handling is used to improve success rates
+from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function
+import hashlib
+import sys
+import urllib
+from collections import defaultdict
+from mitmproxy import ctx
+from mitmproxy import exceptions
+from mitmproxy import http
+from mitmproxy import io
+from typing import Any  # noqa
+from typing import List  # noqa
+class ServerPlayback:
+    def __init__(self, replayfiles):
+        self.options = None
+        self.replayfiles = replayfiles
+        self.flowmap = {}
+    def load(self, flows):
+        for i in flows:
+            if i.response:
+                l = self.flowmap.setdefault(self._hash(i.request), [])
+                l.append(i)
+    def clear(self):
+        self.flowmap = {}
+    def _parse(self, r):
+        """
+            Return (path, queries, formdata, content) for a request.
+        """
+        _, _, path, _, query, _ = urllib.parse.urlparse(r.url)
+        queriesArray = urllib.parse.parse_qsl(query, keep_blank_values=True)
+        queries = defaultdict(list)
+        for k, v in queriesArray:
+            queries[k].append(v)
+        content = None
+        formdata = None
+        if r.raw_content != b'':
+            if r.multipart_form:
+                formdata = r.multipart_form
+            elif r.urlencoded_form:
+                formdata = r.urlencoded_form
+            else:
+                content = r.content
+        return (path, queries, formdata, content)
+    def _hash(self, r):
+        """
+            Calculates a loose hash of the flow request.
+        """
+        path, queries, _, _ = self._parse(r)
+        key = [str(r.port), str(r.scheme), str(r.method), str(path)]  # type: List[Any]
+        if not self.options.server_replay_ignore_host:
+            key.append(r.host)
+        if len(queries):
+            key.append("?")
+        return hashlib.sha256(
+            repr(key).encode("utf8", "surrogateescape")
+        ).digest()
+    def _match(self, request_a, request_b):
+        """
+            Calculate a match score between two requests.
+            Match algorithm:
+              * identical query keys: 3 points
+              * matching query param present: 1 point
+              * matching query param value: 3 points
+              * identical form keys: 3 points
+              * matching form param present: 1 point
+              * matching form param value: 3 points
+              * matching body (no multipart or encoded form): 4 points
+        """
+        match = 0
+        path_a, queries_a, form_a, content_a = self._parse(request_a)
+        path_b, queries_b, form_b, content_b = self._parse(request_b)
+        keys_a = set(queries_a.keys())
+        keys_b = set(queries_b.keys())
+        if keys_a == keys_b:
+            match += 3
+        for key in keys_a:
+            values_a = set(queries_a[key])
+            values_b = set(queries_b[key])
+            if len(values_a) == len(values_b):
+                match += 1
+            if values_a == values_b:
+                match += 3
+        if form_a and form_b:
+            keys_a = set(form_a.keys())
+            keys_b = set(form_b.keys())
+            if keys_a == keys_b:
+                match += 3
+            for key in keys_a:
+                values_a = set(form_a.get_all(key))
+                values_b = set(form_b.get_all(key))
+                if len(values_a) == len(values_b):
+                    match += 1
+                if values_a == values_b:
+                    match += 3
+        elif content_a and (content_a == content_b):
+            match += 4
+        return match
+    def next_flow(self, request):
+        """
+            Returns the next flow object, or None if no matching flow was
+            found.
+        """
+        hsh = self._hash(request)
+        flows = self.flowmap.get(hsh, None)
+        if flows is None:
+            return None
+        # if it's an exact match, great!
+        if len(flows) == 1:
+            candidate = flows[0]
+            if (candidate.request.url == request.url and
+               candidate.request.raw_content == request.raw_content):
+                ctx.log.info("For request {} found exact replay match".format(request.url))
+                return candidate
+        # find the best match between the request and the available flow candidates
+        match = -1
+        flow = None
+        ctx.log.debug("Candiate flows for request: {}".format(request.url))
+        for candidate_flow in flows:
+            candidate_match = self._match(candidate_flow.request, request)
+            ctx.log.debug("  score={} url={}".format(candidate_match, candidate_flow.request.url))
+            if candidate_match > match:
+                match = candidate_match
+                flow = candidate_flow
+        ctx.log.info("For request {} best match {} with score=={}".format(request.url,
+                     flow.request.url, match))
+        return candidate_flow
+    def configure(self, options, updated):
+        self.options = options
+        self.clear()
+        try:
+            flows = io.read_flows_from_paths(self.replayfiles)
+        except exceptions.FlowReadException as e:
+            raise exceptions.OptionsError(str(e))
+        self.load(flows)
+    def request(self, f):
+        if self.flowmap:
+            rflow = self.next_flow(f.request)
+            if rflow:
+                response = rflow.response.copy()
+                response.is_replay = True
+                if self.options.refresh_server_playback:
+                    response.refresh()
+                f.response = response
+            elif self.options.replay_kill_extra:
+                ctx.log.warn(
+                    "server_playback: killed non-replay request {}".format(
+                        f.request.url
+                    )
+                )
+                f.response = http.HTTPResponse.make(404, b'', {'content-type': 'text/plain'})
+def start():
+    files = sys.argv[1:]
+    print("Replaying from files: {}".format(files))
+    return ServerPlayback(files)
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testing/raptor/raptor/playback/mitmproxy-playback-set.manifest
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+    {
+        "filename": "mitmproxy-recording-set-win10.zip",
+        "size": 9189938,
+        "digest": "e904917ed6bf1cef7201284385dc603a283e8e22f992876f17edcf0f1f20db95b609f0d8c7f593b4a0a6c20957dcb6a4d502c562ed74fb6cf4bc255c2f691f32",
+        "algorithm": "sha512",
+        "unpack": true
+    }
\ No newline at end of file
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testing/raptor/raptor/playback/mitmproxy-rel-bin-osx.manifest
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+    {
+        "filename": "mitmproxy-2.0.2-osx.tar.gz",
+        "size": 32324573,
+        "digest": "06423c76e7e99fd9705eae3dc6e2423b1ffb8c42caa98fd010d59dc6ed1f0827376e238c48108106da558444b826e085a58aeb30cf9c79e9d0122a2cb17ae8e6",
+        "algorithm": "sha512",
+        "unpack": true
+    }
--- a/testing/raptor/raptor/playback/mitmproxy.py
+++ b/testing/raptor/raptor/playback/mitmproxy.py
@@ -1,40 +1,272 @@
 '''This helps loading mitmproxy's cert and change proxy settings for Firefox.'''
 # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 from __future__ import absolute_import
 import os
+import signal
+import subprocess
+import sys
+import time
+import mozinfo
 from mozlog import get_proxy_logger
+from mozprocess import ProcessHandler
 from .base import Playback
 here = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
-tooltool_cache = os.path.join(here, 'tooltoolcache')
+LOG = get_proxy_logger(component='mitmproxy')
+mozharness_dir = os.path.join(here, '../../../mozharness')
+sys.path.insert(0, mozharness_dir)
+TOOLTOOL_PATH = os.path.join(mozharness_dir, 'external_tools', 'tooltool.py')
+# path for mitmproxy certificate, generated auto after mitmdump is started
+# on local machine it is 'HOME', however it is different on production machines
+    DEFAULT_CERT_PATH = os.path.join(os.getenv('HOME'),
+                                     '.mitmproxy', 'mitmproxy-ca-cert.cer')
+except Exception:
+    DEFAULT_CERT_PATH = os.path.join(os.getenv('HOMEDRIVE'), os.getenv('HOMEPATH'),
+                                     '.mitmproxy', 'mitmproxy-ca-cert.cer')
-LOG = get_proxy_logger(component='mitmproxy')
+MITMPROXY_SETTINGS = '''// Start with a comment
+// Load up mitmproxy cert
+var certdb = Cc["@mozilla.org/security/x509certdb;1"].getService(Ci.nsIX509CertDB);
+var certdb2 = certdb;
+try {
+certdb2 = Cc["@mozilla.org/security/x509certdb;1"].getService(Ci.nsIX509CertDB2);
+} catch (e) {}
+cert = "%(cert)s";
+certdb2.addCertFromBase64(cert, "C,C,C", "");
+// Use mitmdump as the proxy
+// Manual proxy configuration
+pref("network.proxy.type", 1);
+pref("network.proxy.http", "");
+pref("network.proxy.http_port", 8080);
+pref("network.proxy.ssl", "");
+pref("network.proxy.ssl_port", 8080);
 class Mitmproxy(Playback):
     def __init__(self, config):
         self.config = config
+        self.mitmproxy_proc = None
+        self.recordings = config.get('playback_recordings', None)
+        self.browser_path = config.get('binary', None)
+        # bindir is where we will download all mitmproxy required files
+        # if invoved via mach we will have received this in config; otherwise
+        # not running via mach (invoved direcdtly in testing/raptor) so figure it out
+        if self.config.get("obj_path", None) is not None:
+            self.bindir = self.config.get("obj_path")
+        else:
+            # bit of a pain to get object dir when not running via mach - need to go from
+            # the binary folder i.e.
+            # /mozilla-unified/obj-x86_64-apple-darwin17.4.0/dist/Nightly.app/Contents/MacOS/
+            # back to:
+            # mozilla-unified/obj-x86_64-apple-darwin17.4.0/
+            # note, this may need to be updated per platform
+            self.bindir = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(self.config['binary'],
+                                                        '..', '..', '..', '..',
+                                                        '..', 'testing', 'raptor'))
+        self.recordings_path = self.bindir
+        LOG.info("bindir to be used for mitmproxy downloads and exe files: %s" % self.bindir)
+        # go ahead and download and setup mitmproxy
+        # mitmproxy must be started before setup, so that the CA cert is available
+        self.start()
+    def _tooltool_fetch(self, manifest):
+        def outputHandler(line):
+            LOG.info(line)
+        command = [sys.executable, TOOLTOOL_PATH, 'fetch', '-o', '-m', manifest]
+        proc = ProcessHandler(
+            command, processOutputLine=outputHandler, storeOutput=False,
+            cwd=self.bindir)
+        proc.run()
+        try:
+            proc.wait()
+        except Exception:
+            if proc.poll() is None:
+                proc.kill(signal.SIGTERM)
     def download(self):
-        LOG.info("todo: download mitmproxy release binary")
+        # download mitmproxy binary and pageset using tooltool
+        # note: tooltool automatically unpacks the files as well
+        if not os.path.exists(self.bindir):
+            os.makedirs(self.bindir)
+        LOG.info("downloading mitmproxy binary")
+        _manifest = os.path.join(here, self.config['playback_binary_manifest'])
+        self._tooltool_fetch(_manifest)
+        LOG.info("downloading mitmproxy pageset")
+        _manifest = os.path.join(here, self.config['playback_pageset_manifest'])
+        self._tooltool_fetch(_manifest)
     def setup(self):
-        LOG.info("todo: setup mitmproxy")
+        # install the generated CA certificate into Firefox
+        # mitmproxy cert setup needs path to mozharness install; mozharness has set this
+        # value in the SCRIPTSPATH env var for us in mozharness/mozilla/testing/talos.py
+        scripts_path = os.environ.get('SCRIPTSPATH')
+        LOG.info('scripts_path: %s' % str(scripts_path))
+        self.install_mitmproxy_cert(self.mitmproxy_proc,
+                                    self.browser_path,
+                                    str(scripts_path))
     def start(self):
-        LOG.info("todo: start mitmproxy playback")
+        mitmdump_path = os.path.join(self.bindir, 'mitmdump')
+        recordings_list = self.recordings.split()
+        self.mitmproxy_proc = self.start_mitmproxy_playback(mitmdump_path,
+                                                            self.recordings_path,
+                                                            recordings_list,
+                                                            self.browser_path)
     def stop(self):
-        LOG.info("todo: stop mitmproxy playback")
+        self.stop_mitmproxy_playback()
+    def configure_mitmproxy(self,
+                            fx_install_dir,
+                            scripts_path,
+                            certificate_path=DEFAULT_CERT_PATH):
+        # scripts_path is path to mozharness on test machine; needed so can import
+        if scripts_path is not False:
+            sys.path.insert(1, scripts_path)
+            sys.path.insert(1, os.path.join(scripts_path, 'mozharness'))
+        from mozharness.mozilla.firefox.autoconfig import write_autoconfig_files
+        certificate = self._read_certificate(certificate_path)
+        write_autoconfig_files(fx_install_dir=fx_install_dir,
+                               cfg_contents=MITMPROXY_SETTINGS % {
+                                  'cert': certificate})
+    def _read_certificate(self, certificate_path):
+        ''' Return the certificate's hash from the certificate file.'''
+        # NOTE: mitmproxy's certificates do not exist until one of its binaries
+        #       has been executed once on the host
+        with open(certificate_path, 'r') as fd:
+            contents = fd.read()
+        return ''.join(contents.splitlines()[1:-1])
+    def is_mitmproxy_cert_installed(self, browser_install):
+        """Verify mitmxproy CA cert was added to Firefox"""
+        from mozharness.mozilla.firefox.autoconfig import read_autoconfig_file
+        try:
+            # read autoconfig file, confirm mitmproxy cert is in there
+            certificate = self._read_certificate(DEFAULT_CERT_PATH)
+            contents = read_autoconfig_file(browser_install)
+            if (MITMPROXY_SETTINGS % {'cert': certificate}) in contents:
+                LOG.info("Verified mitmproxy CA certificate is installed in Firefox")
+            else:
+                LOG.info("Firefox autoconfig file contents:")
+                LOG.info(contents)
+                return False
+        except Exception:
+            LOG.info("Failed to read Firefox autoconfig file, when verifying CA cert install")
+            return False
+        return True
+    def install_mitmproxy_cert(self, mitmproxy_proc, browser_path, scripts_path):
+        """Install the CA certificate generated by mitmproxy, into Firefox"""
+        LOG.info("Installing mitmxproxy CA certficate into Firefox")
+        # browser_path is exe, we want install dir
+        browser_install = os.path.dirname(browser_path)
+        # on macosx we need to remove the last folders 'Content/MacOS'
+        if mozinfo.os == 'mac':
+            browser_install = browser_install[:-14]
+        LOG.info('Calling configure_mitmproxy with browser folder: %s' % browser_install)
+        self.configure_mitmproxy(browser_install, scripts_path)
+        # cannot continue if failed to add CA cert to Firefox, need to check
+        if not self.is_mitmproxy_cert_installed(browser_install):
+            LOG.error('Aborting: failed to install mitmproxy CA cert into Firefox')
+            self.stop_mitmproxy_playback(mitmproxy_proc)
+            sys.exit()
+    def start_mitmproxy_playback(self,
+                                 mitmdump_path,
+                                 mitmproxy_recording_path,
+                                 mitmproxy_recordings_list,
+                                 browser_path):
+        """Startup mitmproxy and replay the specified flow file"""
+        LOG.info("mitmdump path: %s" % mitmdump_path)
+        LOG.info("recording path: %s" % mitmproxy_recording_path)
+        LOG.info("recordings list: %s" % mitmproxy_recordings_list)
+        LOG.info("browser path: %s" % browser_path)
+        mitmproxy_recordings = []
+        # recording names can be provided in comma-separated list; build py list including path
+        for recording in mitmproxy_recordings_list:
+            mitmproxy_recordings.append(os.path.join(mitmproxy_recording_path, recording))
+        # cmd line to start mitmproxy playback using custom playback script is as follows:
+        # <path>/mitmdump -s "<path>mitmdump-alternate-server-replay/alternate-server-replay.py
+        #  <path>recording-1.mp <path>recording-2.mp..."
+        param = os.path.join(here, 'alternate-server-replay.py')
+        env = os.environ.copy()
+        # this part is platform-specific
+        if mozinfo.os == 'win':
+            param2 = '""' + param.replace('\\', '\\\\\\') + ' ' + \
+                     ' '.join(mitmproxy_recordings).replace('\\', '\\\\\\') + '""'
+            sys.path.insert(1, mitmdump_path)
+        else:
+            # mac and linux
+            param2 = param + ' ' + ' '.join(mitmproxy_recordings)
+        # mitmproxy needs some DLL's that are a part of Firefox itself, so add to path
+        env["PATH"] = os.path.dirname(browser_path) + ";" + env["PATH"]
+        command = [mitmdump_path, '-k', '-s', param2]
+        LOG.info("Starting mitmproxy playback using env path: %s" % env["PATH"])
+        LOG.info("Starting mitmproxy playback using command: %s" % ' '.join(command))
+        # to turn off mitmproxy log output, use these params for Popen:
+        # Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, env=env)
+        mitmproxy_proc = subprocess.Popen(command, env=env)
+        time.sleep(10)
+        data = mitmproxy_proc.poll()
+        if data is None:  # None value indicates process hasn't terminated
+            LOG.info("Mitmproxy playback successfully started as pid %d" % mitmproxy_proc.pid)
+            return mitmproxy_proc
+        # cannot continue as we won't be able to playback the pages
+        LOG.error('Aborting: mitmproxy playback process failed to start, poll returned: %s' % data)
+        sys.exit()
+    def stop_mitmproxy_playback(self):
+        """Stop the mitproxy server playback"""
+        mitmproxy_proc = self.mitmproxy_proc
+        LOG.info("Stopping mitmproxy playback, klling process %d" % mitmproxy_proc.pid)
+        if mozinfo.os == 'win':
+            mitmproxy_proc.kill()
+        else:
+            mitmproxy_proc.terminate()
+        time.sleep(10)
+        status = mitmproxy_proc.poll()
+        if status is None:  # None value indicates process hasn't terminated
+            # I *think* we can still continue, as process will be automatically
+            # killed anyway when mozharness is done (?) if not, we won't be able
+            # to startup mitmxproy next time if it is already running
+            LOG.error("Failed to kill the mitmproxy playback process")
+            LOG.info(str(status))
+        else:
+            LOG.info("Successfully killed the mitmproxy playback process")
--- a/testing/raptor/raptor/raptor.ini
+++ b/testing/raptor/raptor/raptor.ini
@@ -1,4 +1,2 @@
 # raptor tests
--- a/testing/raptor/raptor/raptor.py
+++ b/testing/raptor/raptor/raptor.py
@@ -61,28 +61,38 @@ class Raptor(object):
         runner_cls = runners[app]
         self.runner = runner_cls(
             binary, profile=self.profile, process_args=process_args)
     def start_control_server(self):
         self.control_server = RaptorControlServer()
+    def get_playback_config(self, test):
+        self.config['playback_tool'] = test.get('playback')
+        self.log.info("test uses playback tool: %s " % self.config['playback_tool'])
+        self.config['playback_binary_manifest'] = test.get('playback_binary_manifest', None)
+        _key = 'playback_binary_zip_%s' % self.config['platform']
+        self.config['playback_binary_zip'] = test.get(_key, None)
+        self.config['playback_pageset_manifest'] = test.get('playback_pageset_manifest', None)
+        _key = 'playback_pageset_zip_%s' % self.config['platform']
+        self.config['playback_pageset_zip'] = test.get(_key, None)
+        self.config['playback_recordings'] = test.get('playback_recordings', None)
     def run_test(self, test, timeout=None):
         self.log.info("starting raptor test: %s" % test['name'])
         gen_test_config(self.config['app'], test['name'])
         self.profile.addons.install(os.path.join(webext_dir, 'raptor'))
         # some tests require tools to playback the test pages
         if test.get('playback', None) is not None:
-            self.config['playback_tool'] = test.get('playback')
-            self.log.info("test uses playback tool: %s " % self.config['playback_tool'])
+            self.get_playback_config(test)
+            # startup the playback tool
             self.playback = get_playback(self.config)
-            self.playback.start()
         first_time = int(time.time()) * 1000
         proc = self.runner.process_handler
         self.output_handler.proc = proc
rename from testing/raptor/raptor/tests/raptor-firefox-tp7.ini
rename to testing/raptor/raptor/tests/raptor-firefox-tp6.ini
--- a/testing/raptor/raptor/tests/raptor-firefox-tp7.ini
+++ b/testing/raptor/raptor/tests/raptor-firefox-tp6.ini
@@ -1,22 +1,20 @@
 # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
-# raptor tp7 firefox
+# raptor tp6 firefox
 apps = firefox
 type =  pageload
 playback = mitmproxy
-release_bin_mac = mitmproxy-2.0.2-osx.tar.gz
+playback_binary_manifest = mitmproxy-rel-bin-osx.manifest
+playback_binary_zip_mac = mitmproxy-2.0.2-osx.tar.gz
+playback_pageset_manifest = mitmproxy-playback-set.manifest
+playback_pageset_zip_mac = mitmproxy-recording-set-win10.zip
 page_cycles = 25
-test_url = http://localhost:8081/heroes
-measure =
-  fnbpaint
-  hero
-hero =
-  mugshot
-  title
-  anime
+test_url = https://www.amazon.com/s/url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=laptop
+playback_recordings = mitmproxy-recording-amazon.mp
+measure = fnbpaint
--- a/testing/raptor/test/test_playback.py
+++ b/testing/raptor/test/test_playback.py
@@ -7,20 +7,27 @@ from mozlog.structuredlog import set_def
 from raptor.playback import get_playback, Mitmproxy
 config = {}
-def test_get_playback():
+def test_get_playback(get_binary):
     config['playback_tool'] = 'mitmproxy'
+    config['playback_binary_manifest'] = 'mitmproxy-rel-bin-osx.manifest'
+    config['playback_binary_zip_mac'] = 'mitmproxy-2.0.2-osx.tar.gz'
+    config['playback_pageset_manifest'] = 'mitmproxy-playback-set.manifest'
+    config['playback_pageset_zip_mac'] = 'mitmproxy-recording-set-win10.zip'
+    config['playback_recordings'] = 'mitmproxy-recording-amazon.mp'
+    config['binary'] = get_binary('firefox')
     playback = get_playback(config)
     assert isinstance(playback, Mitmproxy)
+    playback.stop()
 def test_get_unsupported_playback():
     config['playback_tool'] = 'unsupported'
     playback = get_playback(config)
     assert playback is None
--- a/testing/raptor/test/test_raptor.py
+++ b/testing/raptor/test/test_raptor.py
@@ -53,17 +53,17 @@ def test_start_and_stop_server(raptor):
 def test_start_browser(get_binary, app):
     binary = get_binary(app)
     assert binary
     raptor = Raptor(app, binary)
     test = {}
-    test['name'] = 'raptor-{}-tp7'.format(app)
+    test['name'] = 'raptor-{}-tp6'.format(app)
     thread = threading.Thread(target=raptor.run_test, args=(test,))
     timeout = time.time() + 5  # seconds
     while time.time() < timeout:
             is_running = raptor.runner.is_running()
--- a/testing/raptor/webext/raptor/manifest.json
+++ b/testing/raptor/webext/raptor/manifest.json
@@ -8,17 +8,17 @@
   "name": "Raptor",
   "version": "0.1",
   "description": "Performance measurement framework prototype",
   "background": {
     "scripts": ["auto_gen_test_config.js", "runner.js"]
   "content_scripts": [
-      "matches": ["http://*/tp6/tp6-*.html", "http://*/heroes/*"],
+      "matches": ["<all_urls>"],
       "js": ["measure.js"]
       "matches": ["http://*/Speedometer/index.html*"],
       "js": ["benchmark-relay.js"]
   "permissions": [
--- a/testing/raptor/webext/raptor/measure.js
+++ b/testing/raptor/webext/raptor/measure.js
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
 /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
  * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
  * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
-// content script for use with tp7 pageload tests
+// content script for use with pageload tests
 var perfData = window.performance;
 var gRetryCounter = 0;
 // measure hero element; must exist inside test page;
 // default only; this is set via control server settings json
 var getHero = false;
 var heroesToCapture = [];
@@ -35,33 +35,41 @@ function contentHandler() {
     // chrome, no promise so use callback
     chrome.storage.local.get("settings", function(item) {
 function setup(settings) {
-  getFNBPaint = settings.measure.fnbpaint;
-  getFCP = settings.measure.fcp;
-  if (settings.measure.hero.length !== 0) {
-    getHero = true;
-    heroesToCapture = settings.measure.hero;
-  }
-  if (getHero) {
-    console.log("hero elements to measure: " + heroesToCapture);
-    measureHero();
-  }
-  if (getFNBPaint) {
-    console.log("will be measuring fnbpaint");
-    measureFNBPaint();
-  }
-  if (getFCP) {
-    console.log("will be measuring first-contentful-paint");
-    measureFirstContentfulPaint();
+  if (settings.measure !== undefined) {
+    if (settings.measure.fnbpaint !== undefined) {
+      getFNBPaint = settings.measure.fnbpaint;
+      if (getFNBPaint) {
+        console.log("will be measuring fnbpaint");
+        measureFNBPaint();
+      }
+    }
+    if (settings.measure.fcp !== undefined) {
+      getFCP = settings.measure.fcp;
+      if (getFCP) {
+        console.log("will be measuring first-contentful-paint");
+        measureFirstContentfulPaint();
+      }
+    }
+    if (settings.measure.hero !== undefined) {
+      if (settings.measure.hero.length !== 0) {
+        getHero = true;
+        heroesToCapture = settings.measure.hero;
+        console.log("hero elements to measure: " + heroesToCapture);
+        measureHero();
+      }
+    }
+  } else {
+    console.log("abort: 'measure' key not found in test settings");
 function measureHero() {
   var obs = null;
   var heroElementsFound = window.document.querySelectorAll("[elementtiming]");
   console.log("found " + heroElementsFound.length + " hero elements in the page");
--- a/testing/raptor/webext/raptor/runner.js
+++ b/testing/raptor/webext/raptor/runner.js
@@ -52,20 +52,31 @@ function getTestSettings() {
         results.type = testType;
         if (settings.page_timeout !== undefined) {
           pageTimeout = settings.page_timeout;
         console.log("using page timeout (ms): " + pageTimeout);
         if (testType == "pageload") {
-          getFNBPaint = settings.measure.fnbpaint;
-          getFCP = settings.measure.fcp;
-          if (settings.measure.hero.length !== 0) {
-            getHero = true;
+          if (settings.measure !== undefined) {
+            if (settings.measure.fnbpaint !== undefined) {
+              getFNBPaint = settings.measure.fnbpaint;
+            }
+            if (settings.measure.fcp !== undefined) {
+              getFCP = settings.measure.fcp;
+            }
+            if (settings.measure.hero !== undefined) {
+              if (settings.measure.hero.length !== 0) {
+                getHero = true;
+              }
+            }
+          } else {
+            console.log("abort: 'measure' key not found in test settings");
+            cleanUp();
         // write options to storage that our content script needs to know
         if (browserName === "firefox") {
           ext.storage.local.clear().then(function() {
             ext.storage.local.set({settings}).then(function() {
               console.log("wrote settings to ext local storage");
@@ -159,19 +170,20 @@ function nextCycle() {
       var text = "begin pagecycle " + pageCycle;
       console.log("\n" + text);
       postToControlServer("status", text);
       // set page timeout alarm
       setTimeoutAlarm("raptor-page-timeout", pageTimeout);
       if (testType == "pageload") {
-        if (getHero)
+        if (getHero) {
           isHeroPending = true;
           pendingHeroes = Array.from(settings.measure.hero);
+        }
         if (getFNBPaint)
           isFNBPaintPending = true;
         if (getFCP)
           isFCPPending = true;
       } else if (testType == "benchmark") {
         isBenchmarkPending = true;
       // reload the test page
@@ -222,17 +234,17 @@ function resultListener(request, sender,
   if (request.type && request.value) {
     console.log("result: " + request.type + " " + request.value);
     sendResponse({text: "confirmed " + request.type});
     if (!(request.type in results.measurements))
       results.measurements[request.type] = [];
     if (testType == "pageload") {
-      // a single tp7 pageload measurement was received
+      // a single pageload measurement was received
       if (request.type.indexOf("hero") > -1) {
         var _found = request.type.split("hero:")[1];
         var index = pendingHeroes.indexOf(_found);
         if (index > -1) {
           pendingHeroes.splice(index, 1);
           if (pendingHeroes.length == 0) {
             console.log("measured all expected hero elements");
@@ -322,17 +334,17 @@ function runner() {
   settingsURL = config.test_settings_url;
   browserName = config.browser;
   getBrowserInfo().then(function() {
     getTestSettings().then(function() {
       if (testType == "benchmark") {
         // webkit benchmark type of test
         console.log("benchmark test start");
       } else if (testType == "pageload") {
-        // standard 'tp7' pageload test
+        // standard pageload test
         console.log("pageloader test start");
       // results listener
       // tab creation listener
       // timeout alarm listener