Bug 1456069 - Always show frame button if user is on options panel;r=jryans,birtles
MozReview-Commit-ID: CqwcVlxrQMd
--- a/devtools/client/framework/test/browser.ini
+++ b/devtools/client/framework/test/browser.ini
@@ -83,16 +83,17 @@ skip-if = os == 'win' || debug # Bug 128
skip-if = os == "mac" # Full keyboard navigation on OSX only works if Full Keyboard Access setting is set to All Control in System Keyboard Preferences
disabled=Bug 962258
run-if = e10s
skip-if = e10s # Bug 1069044 - destroyInspector may hang during shutdown
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devtools/client/framework/test/browser_toolbox_options_frames_button.js
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
+ * http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */
+"use strict";
+// Test that the frames button is always visible when the user is on the options panel.
+// Test that the button is disabled if the current target has no frames.
+// Test that the button is enabled otherwise.
+const TEST_URL = "data:text/html;charset=utf8,test frames button visibility";
+const TEST_URL_FRAMES = TEST_URL + "<iframe src=\"data:text/plain,iframe\"></iframe>";
+const FRAME_BUTTON_PREF = "devtools.command-button-frames.enabled";
+add_task(async function() {
+ // Hide the button by default.
+ await pushPref(FRAME_BUTTON_PREF, false);
+ let tab = await addTab(TEST_URL);
+ let target = TargetFactory.forTab(tab);
+ info("Open the toolbox on the Options panel");
+ let toolbox = await gDevTools.showToolbox(target, "options");
+ let doc = toolbox.doc;
+ let optionsPanel = toolbox.getCurrentPanel();
+ let framesButton = doc.getElementById("command-button-frames");
+ ok(!framesButton, "Frames button is not rendered.");
+ let optionsDoc = optionsPanel.panelWin.document;
+ let framesButtonCheckbox = optionsDoc.getElementById("command-button-frames");
+ framesButtonCheckbox.click();
+ framesButton = doc.getElementById("command-button-frames");
+ ok(framesButton, "Frames button is rendered.");
+ ok(framesButton.disabled, "Frames button is disabled.");
+ info("Leave the options panel, the frames button should not be rendered.");
+ await toolbox.selectTool("webconsole");
+ framesButton = doc.getElementById("command-button-frames");
+ ok(!framesButton, "Frames button is no longer rendered.");
+ info("Go back to the options panel, the frames button should rendered.");
+ await toolbox.selectTool("options");
+ framesButton = doc.getElementById("command-button-frames");
+ ok(framesButton, "Frames button is rendered again.");
+ info("Navigate to a page with frames, the frames button should be enabled.");
+ await BrowserTestUtils.loadURI(tab.linkedBrowser, TEST_URL_FRAMES);
+ framesButton = doc.getElementById("command-button-frames");
+ ok(framesButton, "Frames button is still rendered.");
+ await waitUntil(() => !framesButton.disabled);
+ ok(!framesButton.disabled, "Frames button is not disabled.");
+ Services.prefs.clearUserPref(FRAME_BUTTON_PREF);
--- a/devtools/client/framework/toolbox.js
+++ b/devtools/client/framework/toolbox.js
@@ -154,17 +154,18 @@ function Toolbox(target, selectedTool, h
this._onToolbarFocus = this._onToolbarFocus.bind(this);
this._onToolbarArrowKeypress = this._onToolbarArrowKeypress.bind(this);
this._onPickerClick = this._onPickerClick.bind(this);
this._onPickerKeypress = this._onPickerKeypress.bind(this);
this._onPickerStarted = this._onPickerStarted.bind(this);
this._onPickerStopped = this._onPickerStopped.bind(this);
this._onInspectObject = this._onInspectObject.bind(this);
this._onNewSelectedNodeFront = this._onNewSelectedNodeFront.bind(this);
- this.updatePickerButton = this.updatePickerButton.bind(this);
+ this._onToolSelected = this._onToolSelected.bind(this);
+ this.updateToolboxButtonsVisibility = this.updateToolboxButtonsVisibility.bind(this);
this.selectTool = this.selectTool.bind(this);
this._pingTelemetrySelectTool = this._pingTelemetrySelectTool.bind(this);
this.toggleSplitConsole = this.toggleSplitConsole.bind(this);
this._target.on("close", this.destroy);
if (!selectedTool) {
selectedTool = Services.prefs.getCharPref(this._prefs.LAST_TOOL);
@@ -179,19 +180,17 @@ function Toolbox(target, selectedTool, h
this._target.on("will-navigate", this._onWillNavigate);
this._target.on("navigate", this._refreshHostTitle);
this._target.on("frame-update", this._updateFrames);
this._target.on("inspect-object", this._onInspectObject);
this.on("host-changed", this._refreshHostTitle);
- this.on("select", this._refreshHostTitle);
- this.on("select", this.updatePickerButton);
+ this.on("select", this._onToolSelected);
this.on("ready", this._showDevEditionPromo);
gDevTools.on("tool-registered", this._toolRegistered);
gDevTools.on("tool-unregistered", this._toolUnregistered);
this.on("picker-started", this._onPickerStarted);
this.on("picker-stopped", this._onPickerStopped);
@@ -1242,17 +1241,19 @@ Toolbox.prototype = {
this.frameButton = this._createButtonState({
id: "command-button-frames",
description: L10N.getStr("toolbox.frames.tooltip"),
onClick: this.showFramesMenu,
isTargetSupported: target => {
return target.activeTab && target.activeTab.traits.frames;
isCurrentlyVisible: () => {
- return this.frameMap.size > 1;
+ const hasFrames = this.frameMap.size > 1;
+ const isOnOptionsPanel = this.currentToolId === "options";
+ return hasFrames || isOnOptionsPanel;
onKeyDown: this.handleKeyDownOnFramesButton
return this.frameButton;
@@ -1371,18 +1372,33 @@ Toolbox.prototype = {
} else {
// If the current panel doesn't define a custom updatePickerButton,
// revert the button to its default state
button.description = L10N.getStr("pickButton.tooltip");
button.className = null;
button.disabled = null;
- this.component.setToolboxButtons(this.toolbarButtons);
+ },
+ /**
+ * Update the visual state of the Frame picker button.
+ */
+ updateFrameButton() {
+ if (this.currentToolId === "options" && this.frameMap.size <= 1) {
+ // If the button is only visible because the user is on the Options panel, disable
+ // the button and set an appropriate description.
+ this.frameButton.disabled = true;
+ this.frameButton.description = L10N.getStr("toolbox.frames.disabled.tooltip");
+ } else {
+ // Otherwise, enable the button and update the description.
+ this.frameButton.disabled = false;
+ this.frameButton.description = L10N.getStr("toolbox.frames.tooltip");
+ }
+ this.frameButton.isVisible = this._commandIsVisible(this.frameButton);
* Ensure the visibility of each toolbox button matches the preference value.
_commandIsVisible: function(button) {
const {
@@ -2370,17 +2386,17 @@ Toolbox.prototype = {
// If non-top level frame is selected the toolbar button is
// marked as 'checked' indicating that a child frame is active.
if (!topFrameSelected && this.selectedFrameId) {
this._framesButtonChecked = false;
// We may need to hide/show the frames button now.
- this.frameButton.isVisible = this._commandIsVisible(this.frameButton);
+ this.updateFrameButton();
* Returns a 0-based selected frame depth.
* For example, if the root frame is selected, the returned value is 0. For a sub-frame
* of the root document, the returned value is 1, and so on.
@@ -2622,16 +2638,26 @@ Toolbox.prototype = {
// provide the `devtools.panels.elements.onSelectionChanged` event).
_onInspectObject: function(packet) {
this.inspectObjectActor(packet.objectActor, packet.inspectFromAnnotation);
+ _onToolSelected: function() {
+ this._refreshHostTitle();
+ this.updatePickerButton();
+ this.updateFrameButton();
+ // Calling setToolboxButtons in case the visibility of a button changed.
+ this.component.setToolboxButtons(this.toolbarButtons);
+ },
inspectObjectActor: async function(objectActor, inspectFromAnnotation) {
if (objectActor.preview &&
objectActor.preview.nodeType === domNodeConstants.ELEMENT_NODE) {
// Open the inspector and select the DOM Element.
await this.loadTool("inspector");
const inspector = this.getPanel("inspector");
const nodeFound = await inspector.inspectNodeActor(objectActor.actor,
@@ -2727,18 +2753,17 @@ Toolbox.prototype = {
this._destroyer = deferred.promise;
this._target.off("inspect-object", this._onInspectObject);
this._target.off("will-navigate", this._onWillNavigate);
this._target.off("navigate", this._refreshHostTitle);
this._target.off("frame-update", this._updateFrames);
- this.off("select", this._refreshHostTitle);
- this.off("select", this.updatePickerButton);
+ this.off("select", this._onToolSelected);
this.off("host-changed", this._refreshHostTitle);
this.off("ready", this._showDevEditionPromo);
gDevTools.off("tool-registered", this._toolRegistered);
gDevTools.off("tool-unregistered", this._toolUnregistered);
Services.prefs.removeObserver("devtools.cache.disabled", this._applyCacheSettings);
--- a/devtools/client/locales/en-US/toolbox.properties
+++ b/devtools/client/locales/en-US/toolbox.properties
@@ -133,16 +133,22 @@ toolbox.forceReload2.key=CmdOrCtrl+F5
# Key shortcut used to move the toolbox in bottom or side of the browser window
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (toolbox.frames.tooltip): This is the label for
# the iframes menu list that appears only when the document has some.
# It allows you to switch the context of the whole toolbox.
toolbox.frames.tooltip=Select an iframe as the currently targeted document
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (toolbox.frames.disabled.tooltip): This is the title
+# displayed as a tooltip of the iframes menu button, when disabled. The button
+# is normally hidden when no frames are available. But if the user is on the
+# DevTools Options panel, the button is always shown for discoverability.
+toolbox.frames.disabled.tooltip=This button is only available on pages with several iframes
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (toolbox.showFrames.key)
# Key shortcut used to show frames menu when 'frames' button is focused
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (toolbox.meatballMenu.button.tooltip): This is the tooltip
# for the "..." button on the developer tools toolbox.
toolbox.meatballMenu.button.tooltip=Customize Developer Tools and get help