Bug 1455143 - Refactor checksumming to occur after upload.py; r?Build draft
authorGregory Szorc <gps@mozilla.com>
Wed, 18 Apr 2018 16:24:03 -0700
changeset 785304 61f5322553405523028e09fbd8b48c826208e4da
parent 785303 2f6c2a920ffde243b84b57b6ec8eed8be12362e4
child 785305 4025f33b4c2546d98f734a1acfb47a7b6f93790e
push id107184
push userbmo:gps@mozilla.com
push dateThu, 19 Apr 2018 21:22:59 +0000
Bug 1455143 - Refactor checksumming to occur after upload.py; r?Build checksums.py is now run after upload.py, as part of the "upload" make target. As part of the refactor, checksums.py now takes as arguments a list of directories containing files to checksum. It will recursively checksum all files in listed directories. This means we no longer have to pass an explicit list of files into checksums.py. Instead, we can pass the artifact directory and automatically checksum everything within. This will allow us to generate files directly into the artifact directory instead of having to run upload.py to copy files there. MozReview-Commit-ID: 6ntnXU2Pp0E
--- a/build/checksums.py
+++ b/build/checksums.py
@@ -7,16 +7,17 @@ from __future__ import with_statement
 from optparse import OptionParser
 import hashlib
 import logging
 import os
 logger = logging.getLogger('checksums.py')
 def digest_file(filename, digest, chunk_size=131072):
     '''Produce a checksum for the file specified by 'filename'.  'filename'
     is a string path to a file that is opened and read in this function.  The
     checksum algorithm is specified by 'digest' and is a valid OpenSSL
     algorithm.  If the digest used is not valid or Python's hashlib doesn't
     work, the None object will be returned instead.  The size of blocks
     that this function will read from the file object it opens based on
     'filename' can be specified by 'chunk_size', which defaults to 1K'''
@@ -31,19 +32,19 @@ def digest_file(filename, digest, chunk_
                 logger.debug('Finished reading in file')
     hash = h.hexdigest()
     logger.debug('Hash for %s is %s' % (filename, hash))
     return hash
-def process_files(files, output_filename, digests, strip):
-    '''This function takes a list of file names, 'files'.  It will then
-    compute the checksum for each of the files by opening the files.
+def process_files(dirs, output_filename, digests):
+    '''This function takes a list of directory names, 'drs'. It will then
+    compute the checksum for each of the files in these by by opening the files.
     Once each file is read and its checksum is computed, this function
     will write the information to the file specified by 'output_filename'.
     The path written in the output file will have anything specified by 'strip'
     removed from the path.  The output file is closed before returning nothing
     The algorithm to compute checksums with can be specified by 'digests'
     and needs to be a list of valid OpenSSL algorithms.
     The output file is written in the format:
@@ -53,28 +54,27 @@ def process_files(files, output_filename
     if os.path.exists(output_filename):
         logger.debug('Overwriting existing checksums file "%s"' %
         logger.debug('Creating a new checksums file "%s"' % output_filename)
     with open(output_filename, 'w+') as output:
-        for file in files:
-            for digest in digests:
-                hash = digest_file(file, digest)
+        for d in dirs:
+            for root, dirs, files in os.walk(d):
+                for f in files:
+                    full = os.path.join(root, f)
+                    rel = os.path.relpath(full, d)
-                if file.startswith(strip):
-                    short_file = file[len(strip):]
-                    short_file = short_file.lstrip('/')
-                else:
-                    short_file = file
+                    for digest in digests:
+                        hash = digest_file(full, digest)
-                output.write('%s %s %s %s\n' % (
-                    hash, digest, os.path.getsize(file), short_file))
+                        output.write('%s %s %s %s\n' % (
+                            hash, digest, os.path.getsize(full), rel))
 def setup_logging(level=logging.DEBUG):
     '''This function sets up the logging module using a speficiable logging
     module logging level.  The default log level is DEBUG.
     The output is in the format:
         <level> - <message>
@@ -100,19 +100,17 @@ def main():
                       action='append', dest='digests')
     parser.add_option('-o', '--output', help='output file to use',
                       action='store', dest='outfile', default='checksums')
     parser.add_option('-v', '--verbose',
                       help='Be noisy (takes precedence over quiet)',
                       action='store_true', dest='verbose', default=False)
     parser.add_option('-q', '--quiet', help='Be quiet', action='store_true',
                       dest='quiet', default=False)
-    parser.add_option('-s', '--strip',
-                      help='strip this path from the filenames',
-                      dest='strip', default=os.getcwd())
     options, args = parser.parse_args()
     # Figure out which logging level to use
     if options.verbose:
         loglevel = logging.DEBUG
     elif options.quiet:
         loglevel = logging.ERROR
@@ -120,22 +118,18 @@ def main():
     # Set up logging
     # Validate the digest type to use
     if not options.digests:
         options.digests = ['sha1']
-    # Validate the files to checksum
-    files = []
     for i in args:
-        if os.path.isdir(i):
-            logger.warn('%s is a directory; ignoring' % i)
-        elif os.path.exists(i):
-            files.append(i)
-        else:
-            logger.info('File "%s" was not found on the filesystem' % i)
-    process_files(files, options.outfile, options.digests, options.strip)
+        if not os.path.isdir(i):
+            logger.error('%s is not a directory' % i)
+            exit(1)
+    process_files(args, options.outfile, options.digests)
 if __name__ == '__main__':
--- a/toolkit/mozapps/installer/packager.mk
+++ b/toolkit/mozapps/installer/packager.mk
@@ -131,33 +131,28 @@ ifeq (bundle,$(MOZ_FS_LAYOUT))
 	$(NSINSTALL) -D $(DESTDIR)$(installdir)
 	(cd $(DIST)/$(MOZ_PKG_DIR) && $(TAR) --exclude=precomplete $(TAR_CREATE_FLAGS) - .) | \
 	  (cd $(DESTDIR)$(installdir) && tar -xf -)
 	$(NSINSTALL) -D $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)
 	$(RM) -f $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/$(MOZ_APP_NAME)
 	ln -s $(installdir)/$(MOZ_APP_NAME) $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)
+	$(PYTHON) -u $(MOZILLA_DIR)/build/upload.py --base-path $(DIST) $(UPLOAD_FILES)
 	mkdir -p `dirname $(CHECKSUM_FILE)`
 	@$(PYTHON) $(MOZILLA_DIR)/build/checksums.py \
 		-o $(CHECKSUM_FILE) \
-		-s $(call QUOTED_WILDCARD,$(DIST)) \
-upload: checksum
-	$(PYTHON) -u $(MOZILLA_DIR)/build/upload.py --base-path $(DIST) \
+	$(PYTHON) -u $(MOZILLA_DIR)/build/upload.py --base-path $(DIST) $(CHECKSUM_FILES)
 # source-package creates a source tarball from the files in MOZ_PKG_SRCDIR,
 # which is either set to a clean checkout or defaults to $topsrcdir
 	@echo 'Generate the sourcestamp file'
 	# Make sure to have repository information available and then generate the
 	# sourcestamp file.
 	$(MAKE) -C $(DEPTH) 'source-repo.h'