Bug 1445944 - [mozprofile] Convert mozprofile unittests to the pytest format draft
authorAndrew Halberstadt <ahalberstadt@mozilla.com>
Fri, 13 Apr 2018 11:06:10 -0400
changeset 783204 0cfcb74288d9d6a74743206e1b6a47614372489b
parent 783203 32923906064ecdfa0899e7c5e53209764840cc1e
child 783205 1cca70abe57ea916b86623d4ef1f5d96772a0d96
push id106641
push userahalberstadt@mozilla.com
push dateMon, 16 Apr 2018 19:49:26 +0000
Bug 1445944 - [mozprofile] Convert mozprofile unittests to the pytest format This is a much cleaner and easier to understand test format. It will also make it easier to add tests for the upcoming ChromeProfile changes. MozReview-Commit-ID: DizKGt0qkPF
deleted file mode 100755
--- a/testing/mozbase/mozprofile/tests/bug785146.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
-# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
-# You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
-from __future__ import absolute_import
-import mozfile
-import os
-import shutil
-import sqlite3
-import tempfile
-import unittest
-import mozunit
-from mozprofile.permissions import Permissions
-class PermissionsTest(unittest.TestCase):
-    locations = """http://mochi.test:8888  primary,privileged
-             noxul
-           privileged
-    def setUp(self):
-        self.profile_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
-        self.locations_file = mozfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
-        self.locations_file.write(self.locations)
-        self.locations_file.flush()
-    def tearDown(self):
-        if self.profile_dir:
-            shutil.rmtree(self.profile_dir)
-        if self.locations_file:
-            self.locations_file.close()
-    def test_schema_version(self):
-        perms = Permissions(self.profile_dir, self.locations_file.name)
-        perms_db_filename = os.path.join(self.profile_dir, 'permissions.sqlite')
-        perms.write_db(self.locations_file)
-        stmt = 'PRAGMA user_version;'
-        con = sqlite3.connect(perms_db_filename)
-        cur = con.cursor()
-        cur.execute(stmt)
-        entries = cur.fetchall()
-        schema_version = entries[0][0]
-        self.assertEqual(schema_version, 5)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    mozunit.main()
--- a/testing/mozbase/mozprofile/tests/manifest.ini
+++ b/testing/mozbase/mozprofile/tests/manifest.ini
@@ -1,13 +1,12 @@
 subsuite = mozbase, os == "linux"
rename from testing/mozbase/mozprofile/tests/addonid.py
rename to testing/mozbase/mozprofile/tests/test_addonid.py
--- a/testing/mozbase/mozprofile/tests/addonid.py
+++ b/testing/mozbase/mozprofile/tests/test_addonid.py
@@ -1,59 +1,28 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env python
 from __future__ import absolute_import
 import os
-import tempfile
-import unittest
-import shutil
 import mozunit
+import pytest
 from mozprofile import addons
 here = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
-class AddonIDTest(unittest.TestCase):
-    """ Test finding the addon id in a variety of install.rdf styles """
+"""Test finding the addon id in a variety of install.rdf styles"""
-    def make_install_rdf(self, filecontents):
-        path = tempfile.mkdtemp()
-        f = open(os.path.join(path, "install.rdf"), "w")
-        f.write(filecontents)
-        f.close()
-        return path
-    def test_addonID(self):
-        testlist = self.get_test_list()
-        for t in testlist:
-            try:
-                p = self.make_install_rdf(t)
-                a = addons.AddonManager(os.path.join(p, "profile"))
-                addon_id = a.addon_details(p)['id']
-                self.assertEqual(addon_id, "winning", "We got the addon id")
-            finally:
-                shutil.rmtree(p)
-    def test_addonID_xpi(self):
-        a = addons.AddonManager("profile")
-        addon = a.addon_details(os.path.join(here, "addons", "empty.xpi"))
-        self.assertEqual(addon['id'], "test-empty@quality.mozilla.org", "We got the addon id")
-    def get_test_list(self):
-        """ This just returns a hardcoded list of install.rdf snippets for testing.
-            When adding snippets for testing, remember that the id we're looking for
-            is "winning" (no quotes).  So, make sure you have that id in your snippet
-            if you want it to pass.
-        """
-        tests = [
-            """<?xml version="1.0"?>
+    """
 <RDF xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#"
    <Description about="urn:mozilla:install-manifest">
      <em:creator>Adam Christian</em:creator>
      <em:description>A testing extension based on the
@@ -103,17 +72,18 @@ class AddonIDTest(unittest.TestCase):
-            """<RDF xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#"
+    """
+<RDF xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#"
    <Description about="urn:mozilla:install-manifest">
        <!-- Firefox -->
@@ -123,27 +93,29 @@ class AddonIDTest(unittest.TestCase):
      <em:creator>Adam Christian</em:creator>
      <em:description>A testing extension based on the
             Windmill Testing Framework client source</em:description>
-            """<RDF xmlns="http://www.mozilla.org/2004/em-rdf#"
+    """
+<RDF xmlns="http://www.mozilla.org/2004/em-rdf#"
    <rdf:Description about="urn:mozilla:install-manifest">
      <description>A testing extension based on the
             Windmill Testing Framework client source</description>
-            """<RDF xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#"
+    """
+<RDF xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#"
    <Description about="urn:mozilla:install-manifest">
        <!-- Firefox -->
@@ -152,14 +124,36 @@ class AddonIDTest(unittest.TestCase):
      <foobar:creator>Adam Christian</foobar:creator>
      <foobar:description>A testing extension based on the
             Windmill Testing Framework client source</foobar:description>
- </RDF>"""]
-        return tests
+ </RDF>""",
+@pytest.fixture(params=ADDON_ID_TESTS, ids=[str(i) for i in range(0, len(ADDON_ID_TESTS))])
+def profile(request, tmpdir):
+    test = request.param
+    path = tmpdir.mkdtemp().strpath
+    with open(os.path.join(path, "install.rdf"), "w") as fh:
+        fh.write(test)
+    return path
+def test_addonID(profile):
+    a = addons.AddonManager(os.path.join(profile, "profile"))
+    addon_id = a.addon_details(profile)['id']
+    assert addon_id == "winning"
+def test_addonID_xpi():
+    a = addons.AddonManager("profile")
+    addon = a.addon_details(os.path.join(here, "addons", "empty.xpi"))
+    assert addon['id'] == "test-empty@quality.mozilla.org"
 if __name__ == '__main__':
--- a/testing/mozbase/mozprofile/tests/test_addons.py
+++ b/testing/mozbase/mozprofile/tests/test_addons.py
@@ -2,350 +2,366 @@
 # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
 # You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals
 import os
-import tempfile
-import unittest
 import zipfile
 import mozunit
+import pytest
-import mozfile
-import mozlog.unstructured as mozlog
 import mozprofile
 from addon_stubs import generate_addon
 here = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
-class TestAddonsManager(unittest.TestCase):
-    """ Class to test mozprofile.addons.AddonManager """
+def profile():
+    return mozprofile.Profile()
-    def setUp(self):
-        self.logger = mozlog.getLogger('mozprofile.addons')
-        self.logger.setLevel(mozlog.ERROR)
-        self.profile = mozprofile.profile.Profile()
-        self.am = self.profile.addons
+def am(profile):
+    return profile.addons
-        self.profile_path = self.profile.profile
-        self.tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
-        self.addCleanup(mozfile.remove, self.tmpdir)
+def test_install_multiple_same_source(tmpdir, am):
+    path = tmpdir.strpath
-    def test_install_multiple_same_source(self):
-        # Generate installer stubs for all possible types of addons
-        addon_xpi = generate_addon('test-addon-1@mozilla.org',
-                                   path=self.tmpdir)
-        addon_folder = generate_addon('test-addon-1@mozilla.org',
-                                      path=self.tmpdir,
-                                      xpi=False)
+    # Generate installer stubs for all possible types of addons
+    addon_xpi = generate_addon('test-addon-1@mozilla.org',
+                               path=path)
+    addon_folder = generate_addon('test-addon-1@mozilla.org',
+                                  path=path,
+                                  xpi=False)
+    # The same folder should not be installed twice
+    am.install([addon_folder, addon_folder])
+    assert am.installed_addons == [addon_folder]
+    am.clean()
-        # The same folder should not be installed twice
-        self.am.install([addon_folder, addon_folder])
-        self.assertEqual(self.am.installed_addons, [addon_folder])
-        self.am.clean()
+    # The same XPI file should not be installed twice
+    am.install([addon_xpi, addon_xpi])
+    assert am.installed_addons == [addon_xpi]
+    am.clean()
-        # The same XPI file should not be installed twice
-        self.am.install([addon_xpi, addon_xpi])
-        self.assertEqual(self.am.installed_addons, [addon_xpi])
-        self.am.clean()
+    # Even if it is the same id the add-on should be installed twice, if
+    # specified via XPI and folder
+    am.install([addon_folder, addon_xpi])
+    assert len(am.installed_addons) == 2
+    assert addon_folder in am.installed_addons
+    assert addon_xpi in am.installed_addons
+    am.clean()
-        # Even if it is the same id the add-on should be installed twice, if
-        # specified via XPI and folder
-        self.am.install([addon_folder, addon_xpi])
-        self.assertEqual(len(self.am.installed_addons), 2)
-        self.assertIn(addon_folder, self.am.installed_addons)
-        self.assertIn(addon_xpi, self.am.installed_addons)
-        self.am.clean()
+def test_install_webextension_from_dir(tmpdir, am):
+    tmpdir = tmpdir.strpath
-    def test_install_webextension_from_dir(self):
-        addon = os.path.join(here, 'addons', 'apply-css.xpi')
-        zipped = zipfile.ZipFile(addon)
-        try:
-            zipped.extractall(self.tmpdir)
-        finally:
-            zipped.close()
-        self.am.install(self.tmpdir)
-        self.assertEqual(len(self.am.installed_addons), 1)
-        self.assertTrue(os.path.isdir(self.am.installed_addons[0]))
+    addon = os.path.join(here, 'addons', 'apply-css.xpi')
+    zipped = zipfile.ZipFile(addon)
+    try:
+        zipped.extractall(tmpdir)
+    finally:
+        zipped.close()
+    am.install(tmpdir)
+    assert len(am.installed_addons) == 1
+    assert os.path.isdir(am.installed_addons[0])
+def test_install_webextension(am):
+    addon = os.path.join(here, 'addons', 'apply-css.xpi')
+    am.install(addon)
+    assert len(am.installed_addons) == 1
+    assert os.path.isfile(am.installed_addons[0])
+    assert 'apply-css.xpi' == os.path.basename(am.installed_addons[0])
-    def test_install_webextension(self):
-        addon = os.path.join(here, 'addons', 'apply-css.xpi')
-        self.am.install(addon)
-        self.assertEqual(len(self.am.installed_addons), 1)
-        self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(self.am.installed_addons[0]))
-        self.assertEqual('apply-css.xpi', os.path.basename(self.am.installed_addons[0]))
+    details = am.addon_details(am.installed_addons[0])
+    assert 'test-webext@quality.mozilla.org' == details['id']
-        details = self.am.addon_details(self.am.installed_addons[0])
-        self.assertEqual('test-webext@quality.mozilla.org', details['id'])
+def test_install_webextension_sans_id(am):
+    addon = os.path.join(here, 'addons', 'apply-css-sans-id.xpi')
+    am.install(addon)
-    def test_install_webextension_sans_id(self):
-        addon = os.path.join(here, 'addons', 'apply-css-sans-id.xpi')
-        self.am.install(addon)
+    assert len(am.installed_addons) == 1
+    assert os.path.isfile(am.installed_addons[0])
+    assert 'apply-css-sans-id.xpi' == os.path.basename(am.installed_addons[0])
+    details = am.addon_details(am.installed_addons[0])
+    assert '@temporary-addon' in details['id']
-        self.assertEqual(len(self.am.installed_addons), 1)
-        self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(self.am.installed_addons[0]))
-        self.assertEqual('apply-css-sans-id.xpi', os.path.basename(self.am.installed_addons[0]))
-        details = self.am.addon_details(self.am.installed_addons[0])
-        self.assertIn('@temporary-addon', details['id'])
+def test_install_xpi(tmpdir, am):
+    tmpdir = tmpdir.strpath
-    def test_install_xpi(self):
-        addons_to_install = []
-        addons_installed = []
+    addons_to_install = []
+    addons_installed = []
-        # Generate installer stubs and install them
-        for ext in ['test-addon-1@mozilla.org', 'test-addon-2@mozilla.org']:
-            temp_addon = generate_addon(ext, path=self.tmpdir)
-            addons_to_install.append(self.am.addon_details(temp_addon)['id'])
-            self.am.install(temp_addon)
+    # Generate installer stubs and install them
+    for ext in ['test-addon-1@mozilla.org', 'test-addon-2@mozilla.org']:
+        temp_addon = generate_addon(ext, path=tmpdir)
+        addons_to_install.append(am.addon_details(temp_addon)['id'])
+        am.install(temp_addon)
-        # Generate a list of addons installed in the profile
-        addons_installed = [str(x[:-len('.xpi')]) for x in os.listdir(os.path.join(
-                            self.profile.profile, 'extensions'))]
-        self.assertEqual(addons_to_install.sort(), addons_installed.sort())
+    # Generate a list of addons installed in the profile
+    addons_installed = [str(x[:-len('.xpi')]) for x in os.listdir(os.path.join(
+                        am.profile, 'extensions'))]
+    assert addons_to_install.sort() == addons_installed.sort()
+def test_install_folder(tmpdir, am):
+    tmpdir = tmpdir.strpath
-    def test_install_folder(self):
-        # Generate installer stubs for all possible types of addons
-        addons = []
-        addons.append(generate_addon('test-addon-1@mozilla.org',
-                                     path=self.tmpdir))
-        addons.append(generate_addon('test-addon-2@mozilla.org',
-                                     path=self.tmpdir,
-                                     xpi=False))
-        addons.append(generate_addon('test-addon-3@mozilla.org',
-                                     path=self.tmpdir,
-                                     name='addon-3'))
-        addons.append(generate_addon('test-addon-4@mozilla.org',
-                                     path=self.tmpdir,
-                                     name='addon-4',
-                                     xpi=False))
-        addons.sort()
+    # Generate installer stubs for all possible types of addons
+    addons = []
+    addons.append(generate_addon('test-addon-1@mozilla.org',
+                                 path=tmpdir))
+    addons.append(generate_addon('test-addon-2@mozilla.org',
+                                 path=tmpdir,
+                                 xpi=False))
+    addons.append(generate_addon('test-addon-3@mozilla.org',
+                                 path=tmpdir,
+                                 name='addon-3'))
+    addons.append(generate_addon('test-addon-4@mozilla.org',
+                                 path=tmpdir,
+                                 name='addon-4',
+                                 xpi=False))
+    addons.sort()
-        self.am.install(self.tmpdir)
+    am.install(tmpdir)
+    assert am.installed_addons == addons
-        self.assertEqual(self.am.installed_addons, addons)
+def test_install_unpack(tmpdir, am):
+    tmpdir = tmpdir.strpath
-    def test_install_unpack(self):
-        # Generate installer stubs for all possible types of addons
-        addon_xpi = generate_addon('test-addon-unpack@mozilla.org',
-                                   path=self.tmpdir)
-        addon_folder = generate_addon('test-addon-unpack@mozilla.org',
-                                      path=self.tmpdir,
-                                      xpi=False)
-        addon_no_unpack = generate_addon('test-addon-1@mozilla.org',
-                                         path=self.tmpdir)
+    # Generate installer stubs for all possible types of addons
+    addon_xpi = generate_addon('test-addon-unpack@mozilla.org',
+                               path=tmpdir)
+    addon_folder = generate_addon('test-addon-unpack@mozilla.org',
+                                  path=tmpdir,
+                                  xpi=False)
+    addon_no_unpack = generate_addon('test-addon-1@mozilla.org',
+                                     path=tmpdir)
-        # Test unpack flag for add-on as XPI
-        self.am.install(addon_xpi)
-        self.assertEqual(self.am.installed_addons, [addon_xpi])
-        self.am.clean()
+    # Test unpack flag for add-on as XPI
+    am.install(addon_xpi)
+    assert am.installed_addons == [addon_xpi]
+    am.clean()
-        # Test unpack flag for add-on as folder
-        self.am.install(addon_folder)
-        self.assertEqual(self.am.installed_addons, [addon_folder])
-        self.am.clean()
-        # Test forcing unpack an add-on
-        self.am.install(addon_no_unpack, unpack=True)
-        self.assertEqual(self.am.installed_addons, [addon_no_unpack])
-        self.am.clean()
+    # Test unpack flag for add-on as folder
+    am.install(addon_folder)
+    assert am.installed_addons == [addon_folder]
+    am.clean()
-    def test_install_after_reset(self):
-        # Installing the same add-on after a reset should not cause a failure
-        addon = generate_addon('test-addon-1@mozilla.org',
-                               path=self.tmpdir, xpi=False)
+    # Test forcing unpack an add-on
+    am.install(addon_no_unpack, unpack=True)
+    assert am.installed_addons == [addon_no_unpack]
+    am.clean()
-        # We cannot use self.am because profile.reset() creates a new instance
-        self.profile.addons.install(addon)
-        self.profile.reset()
-        self.profile.addons.install(addon)
-        self.assertEqual(self.profile.addons.installed_addons, [addon])
+def test_install_after_reset(tmpdir, profile):
+    tmpdir = tmpdir.strpath
+    am = profile.addons
-    def test_install_backup(self):
-        staged_path = os.path.join(self.profile_path, 'extensions')
+    # Installing the same add-on after a reset should not cause a failure
+    addon = generate_addon('test-addon-1@mozilla.org',
+                           path=tmpdir, xpi=False)
+    # We cannot use am because profile.reset() creates a new instance
+    am.install(addon)
+    profile.reset()
-        # Generate installer stubs for all possible types of addons
-        addon_xpi = generate_addon('test-addon-1@mozilla.org',
-                                   path=self.tmpdir)
-        addon_folder = generate_addon('test-addon-1@mozilla.org',
-                                      path=self.tmpdir,
-                                      xpi=False)
-        addon_name = generate_addon('test-addon-1@mozilla.org',
-                                    path=self.tmpdir,
-                                    name='test-addon-1-dupe@mozilla.org')
+    am.install(addon)
+    assert am.installed_addons == [addon]
+def test_install_backup(tmpdir, am):
+    tmpdir = tmpdir.strpath
+    staged_path = os.path.join(am.profile, 'extensions')
-        # Test backup of xpi files
-        self.am.install(addon_xpi)
-        self.assertIsNone(self.am.backup_dir)
-        self.am.install(addon_xpi)
-        self.assertIsNotNone(self.am.backup_dir)
-        self.assertEqual(os.listdir(self.am.backup_dir),
-                         ['test-addon-1@mozilla.org.xpi'])
+    # Generate installer stubs for all possible types of addons
+    addon_xpi = generate_addon('test-addon-1@mozilla.org',
+                               path=tmpdir)
+    addon_folder = generate_addon('test-addon-1@mozilla.org',
+                                  path=tmpdir,
+                                  xpi=False)
+    addon_name = generate_addon('test-addon-1@mozilla.org',
+                                path=tmpdir,
+                                name='test-addon-1-dupe@mozilla.org')
-        self.am.clean()
-        self.assertEqual(os.listdir(staged_path),
-                         ['test-addon-1@mozilla.org.xpi'])
-        self.am.clean()
+    # Test backup of xpi files
+    am.install(addon_xpi)
+    assert am.backup_dir is None
-        # Test backup of folders
-        self.am.install(addon_folder)
-        self.assertIsNone(self.am.backup_dir)
+    am.install(addon_xpi)
+    assert am.backup_dir is not None
+    assert os.listdir(am.backup_dir) == ['test-addon-1@mozilla.org.xpi']
-        self.am.install(addon_folder)
-        self.assertIsNotNone(self.am.backup_dir)
-        self.assertEqual(os.listdir(self.am.backup_dir),
-                         ['test-addon-1@mozilla.org'])
+    am.clean()
+    assert os.listdir(staged_path) == ['test-addon-1@mozilla.org.xpi']
+    am.clean()
+    # Test backup of folders
+    am.install(addon_folder)
+    assert am.backup_dir is None
+    am.install(addon_folder)
+    assert am.backup_dir is not None
+    assert os.listdir(am.backup_dir) == ['test-addon-1@mozilla.org']
-        self.am.clean()
-        self.assertEqual(os.listdir(staged_path),
-                         ['test-addon-1@mozilla.org'])
-        self.am.clean()
+    am.clean()
+    assert os.listdir(staged_path) == ['test-addon-1@mozilla.org']
+    am.clean()
-        # Test backup of xpi files with another file name
-        self.am.install(addon_name)
-        self.assertIsNone(self.am.backup_dir)
+    # Test backup of xpi files with another file name
+    am.install(addon_name)
+    assert am.backup_dir is None
-        self.am.install(addon_xpi)
-        self.assertIsNotNone(self.am.backup_dir)
-        self.assertEqual(os.listdir(self.am.backup_dir),
-                         ['test-addon-1@mozilla.org.xpi'])
+    am.install(addon_xpi)
+    assert am.backup_dir is not None
+    assert os.listdir(am.backup_dir) == ['test-addon-1@mozilla.org.xpi']
-        self.am.clean()
-        self.assertEqual(os.listdir(staged_path),
-                         ['test-addon-1@mozilla.org.xpi'])
-        self.am.clean()
+    am.clean()
+    assert os.listdir(staged_path) == ['test-addon-1@mozilla.org.xpi']
+    am.clean()
+def test_install_invalid_addons(tmpdir, am):
+    tmpdir = tmpdir.strpath
-    def test_install_invalid_addons(self):
-        # Generate installer stubs for all possible types of addons
-        addons = []
-        addons.append(generate_addon('test-addon-invalid-no-manifest@mozilla.org',
-                                     path=self.tmpdir,
-                                     xpi=False))
-        addons.append(generate_addon('test-addon-invalid-no-id@mozilla.org',
-                                     path=self.tmpdir))
+    # Generate installer stubs for all possible types of addons
+    addons = []
+    addons.append(generate_addon('test-addon-invalid-no-manifest@mozilla.org',
+                                 path=tmpdir,
+                                 xpi=False))
+    addons.append(generate_addon('test-addon-invalid-no-id@mozilla.org',
+                                 path=tmpdir))
-        self.am.install(self.tmpdir)
-        self.assertEqual(self.am.installed_addons, [])
+    am.install(tmpdir)
-    @unittest.skip("Feature not implemented as part of AddonManger")
-    def test_install_error(self):
-        """ Check install raises an error with an invalid addon"""
+    assert am.installed_addons == []
-        temp_addon = generate_addon('test-addon-invalid-version@mozilla.org')
-        # This should raise an error here
-        self.am.install(temp_addon)
+@pytest.mark.xfail(reason="feature not implemented as part of AddonManger")
+def test_install_error(am):
+    """ Check install raises an error with an invalid addon"""
+    temp_addon = generate_addon('test-addon-invalid-version@mozilla.org')
+    # This should raise an error here
+    with pytest.raises(Exception):
+        am.install(temp_addon)
-    def test_addon_details(self):
-        # Generate installer stubs for a valid and invalid add-on manifest
-        valid_addon = generate_addon('test-addon-1@mozilla.org',
-                                     path=self.tmpdir)
-        invalid_addon = generate_addon('test-addon-invalid-not-wellformed@mozilla.org',
-                                       path=self.tmpdir)
+def test_addon_details(tmpdir, am):
+    tmpdir = tmpdir.strpath
-        # Check valid add-on
-        details = self.am.addon_details(valid_addon)
-        self.assertEqual(details['id'], 'test-addon-1@mozilla.org')
-        self.assertEqual(details['name'], 'Test Add-on 1')
-        self.assertEqual(details['unpack'], False)
-        self.assertEqual(details['version'], '0.1')
+    # Generate installer stubs for a valid and invalid add-on manifest
+    valid_addon = generate_addon('test-addon-1@mozilla.org',
+                                 path=tmpdir)
+    invalid_addon = generate_addon('test-addon-invalid-not-wellformed@mozilla.org',
+                                   path=tmpdir)
-        # Check invalid add-on
-        self.assertRaises(mozprofile.addons.AddonFormatError,
-                          self.am.addon_details, invalid_addon)
+    # Check valid add-on
+    details = am.addon_details(valid_addon)
+    assert details['id'] == 'test-addon-1@mozilla.org'
+    assert details['name'] == 'Test Add-on 1'
+    assert not details['unpack']
+    assert details['version'] == '0.1'
-        # Check invalid path
-        self.assertRaises(IOError,
-                          self.am.addon_details, '')
+    # Check invalid add-on
+    with pytest.raises(mozprofile.addons.AddonFormatError):
+        am.addon_details(invalid_addon)
-        # Check invalid add-on format
-        addon_path = os.path.join(os.path.join(here, 'files'), 'not_an_addon.txt')
-        self.assertRaises(mozprofile.addons.AddonFormatError,
-                          self.am.addon_details, addon_path)
+    # Check invalid path
+    with pytest.raises(IOError):
+        am.addon_details('')
-    @unittest.skip("Bug 900154")
-    def test_clean_addons(self):
-        addon_one = generate_addon('test-addon-1@mozilla.org')
-        addon_two = generate_addon('test-addon-2@mozilla.org')
+    # Check invalid add-on format
+    addon_path = os.path.join(os.path.join(here, 'files'), 'not_an_addon.txt')
+    with pytest.raises(mozprofile.addons.AddonFormatError):
+        am.addon_details(addon_path)
-        self.am.install(addon_one)
-        installed_addons = [str(x[:-len('.xpi')]) for x in os.listdir(os.path.join(
-                            self.profile.profile, 'extensions'))]
+def test_clean_addons(am):
+    addon_one = generate_addon('test-addon-1@mozilla.org')
+    addon_two = generate_addon('test-addon-2@mozilla.org')
-        # Create a new profile based on an existing profile
-        # Install an extra addon in the new profile
-        # Cleanup addons
-        duplicate_profile = mozprofile.profile.Profile(profile=self.profile.profile,
-                                                       addons=addon_two)
-        duplicate_profile.addons.clean()
+    am.install(addon_one)
+    installed_addons = [str(x[:-len('.xpi')]) for x in os.listdir(os.path.join(
+                        am.profile, 'extensions'))]
+    # Create a new profile based on an existing profile
+    # Install an extra addon in the new profile
+    # Cleanup addons
+    duplicate_profile = mozprofile.profile.Profile(profile=am.profile,
+                                                   addons=addon_two)
+    duplicate_profile.addons.clean()
-        addons_after_cleanup = [str(x[:-len('.xpi')]) for x in os.listdir(os.path.join(
-                                duplicate_profile.profile, 'extensions'))]
-        # New addons installed should be removed by clean_addons()
-        self.assertEqual(installed_addons, addons_after_cleanup)
+    addons_after_cleanup = [str(x[:-len('.xpi')]) for x in os.listdir(os.path.join(
+                            duplicate_profile.profile, 'extensions'))]
+    # New addons installed should be removed by clean_addons()
+    assert installed_addons == addons_after_cleanup
-    def test_noclean(self):
-        """test `restore=True/False` functionality"""
-        profile = tempfile.mkdtemp()
-        tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
+def test_noclean(tmpdir):
+    """test `restore=True/False` functionality"""
+    profile = tmpdir.mkdtemp().strpath
+    tmpdir = tmpdir.mkdtemp().strpath
-        try:
-            # empty initially
-            self.assertFalse(bool(os.listdir(profile)))
+    # empty initially
+    assert not bool(os.listdir(profile))
-            # make an addon
-            addons = [
-                generate_addon('test-addon-1@mozilla.org', path=tmpdir),
-                os.path.join(here, 'addons', 'empty.xpi'),
-            ]
+    # make an addon
+    addons = [
+        generate_addon('test-addon-1@mozilla.org', path=tmpdir),
+        os.path.join(here, 'addons', 'empty.xpi'),
+    ]
-            # install it with a restore=True AddonManager
-            am = mozprofile.addons.AddonManager(profile, restore=True)
+    # install it with a restore=True AddonManager
+    am = mozprofile.addons.AddonManager(profile, restore=True)
-            for addon in addons:
-                am.install(addon)
+    for addon in addons:
+        am.install(addon)
-            # now its there
-            self.assertEqual(os.listdir(profile), ['extensions'])
-            staging_folder = os.path.join(profile, 'extensions')
-            self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(staging_folder))
-            self.assertEqual(len(os.listdir(staging_folder)), 2)
+    # now its there
+    assert os.listdir(profile) == ['extensions']
+    staging_folder = os.path.join(profile, 'extensions')
+    assert os.path.exists(staging_folder)
+    assert len(os.listdir(staging_folder)) == 2
-            del am
+    del am
-            self.assertEqual(os.listdir(profile), ['extensions'])
-            self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(staging_folder))
-            self.assertEqual(os.listdir(staging_folder), [])
-        finally:
-            mozfile.rmtree(tmpdir)
-            mozfile.rmtree(profile)
+    assert os.listdir(profile) == ['extensions']
+    assert os.path.exists(staging_folder)
+    assert os.listdir(staging_folder) == []
+def test_remove_addon(tmpdir, am):
+    tmpdir = tmpdir.strpath
-    def test_remove_addon(self):
-        addons = []
-        addons.append(generate_addon('test-addon-1@mozilla.org',
-                                     path=self.tmpdir))
-        addons.append(generate_addon('test-addon-2@mozilla.org',
-                                     path=self.tmpdir))
+    addons = []
+    addons.append(generate_addon('test-addon-1@mozilla.org',
+                                 path=tmpdir))
+    addons.append(generate_addon('test-addon-2@mozilla.org',
+                                 path=tmpdir))
-        self.am.install(self.tmpdir)
+    am.install(tmpdir)
-        extensions_path = os.path.join(self.profile_path, 'extensions')
-        staging_path = os.path.join(extensions_path)
+    extensions_path = os.path.join(am.profile, 'extensions')
+    staging_path = os.path.join(extensions_path)
-        for addon in self.am._addons:
-            self.am.remove_addon(addon)
+    for addon in am._addons:
+        am.remove_addon(addon)
-        self.assertEqual(os.listdir(staging_path), [])
-        self.assertEqual(os.listdir(extensions_path), [])
+    assert os.listdir(staging_path) == []
+    assert os.listdir(extensions_path) == []
 if __name__ == '__main__':
rename from testing/mozbase/mozprofile/tests/bug758250.py
rename to testing/mozbase/mozprofile/tests/test_bug758250.py
--- a/testing/mozbase/mozprofile/tests/bug758250.py
+++ b/testing/mozbase/mozprofile/tests/test_bug758250.py
@@ -1,57 +1,47 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env python
 from __future__ import absolute_import
 import mozprofile
 import os
 import shutil
-import tempfile
-import unittest
 import mozunit
 here = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
+use of --profile in mozrunner just blows away addon sources:
-class Bug758250(unittest.TestCase):
-    """
-    use of --profile in mozrunner just blows away addon sources:
-    https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=758250
-    """
-    def setUp(self):
-        self.tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
-        self.addon = os.path.join(here, 'addons', 'empty')
+def test_profile_addon_cleanup(tmpdir):
+    tmpdir = tmpdir.mkdtemp().strpath
+    addon = os.path.join(here, 'addons', 'empty')
-    def tearDown(self):
-        # remove vestiges
-        shutil.rmtree(self.tmpdir)
-    def test_profile_addon_cleanup(self):
+    # sanity check: the empty addon should be here
+    assert os.path.exists(addon)
+    assert os.path.isdir(addon)
+    assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(addon, 'install.rdf'))
-        # sanity check: the empty addon should be here
-        self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(self.addon))
-        self.assertTrue(os.path.isdir(self.addon))
-        self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.addon, 'install.rdf')))
-        # because we are testing data loss, let's make sure we make a copy
-        shutil.rmtree(self.tmpdir)
-        shutil.copytree(self.addon, self.tmpdir)
-        self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.tmpdir, 'install.rdf')))
+    # because we are testing data loss, let's make sure we make a copy
+    shutil.rmtree(tmpdir)
+    shutil.copytree(addon, tmpdir)
+    assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(tmpdir, 'install.rdf'))
-        # make a starter profile
-        profile = mozprofile.FirefoxProfile()
-        path = profile.profile
+    # make a starter profile
+    profile = mozprofile.FirefoxProfile()
+    path = profile.profile
-        # make a new profile based on the old
-        newprofile = mozprofile.FirefoxProfile(profile=path, addons=[self.tmpdir])
-        newprofile.cleanup()
+    # make a new profile based on the old
+    newprofile = mozprofile.FirefoxProfile(profile=path, addons=[tmpdir])
+    newprofile.cleanup()
-        # the source addon *should* still exist
-        self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(self.tmpdir))
-        self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.tmpdir, 'install.rdf')))
+    # the source addon *should* still exist
+    assert os.path.exists(tmpdir)
+    assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(tmpdir, 'install.rdf'))
 if __name__ == '__main__':
--- a/testing/mozbase/mozprofile/tests/test_clone_cleanup.py
+++ b/testing/mozbase/mozprofile/tests/test_clone_cleanup.py
@@ -1,81 +1,84 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env python
 # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
 # You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 from __future__ import absolute_import
 import os
-import tempfile
-import unittest
 import mozfile
 import mozunit
+import pytest
 from mozprofile.profile import Profile
+test cleanup logic for the clone functionality
+see https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=642843
-class CloneCleanupTest(unittest.TestCase):
-    """
-    test cleanup logic for the clone functionality
-    see https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=642843
-    """
-    def setUp(self):
-        # make a profile with one preference
-        path = tempfile.mktemp()
-        self.addCleanup(mozfile.remove, path)
-        self.profile = Profile(path,
-                               preferences={'foo': 'bar'},
-                               restore=False)
-        user_js = os.path.join(self.profile.profile, 'user.js')
-        self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(user_js))
+def profile(tmpdir):
+    # make a profile with one preference
+    path = tmpdir.mkdtemp().strpath
+    profile = Profile(path,
+                      preferences={'foo': 'bar'},
+                      restore=False)
+    user_js = os.path.join(profile.profile, 'user.js')
+    assert os.path.exists(user_js)
+    return profile
-    def test_restore_true(self):
-        counter = [0]
+def test_restore_true(profile):
+    counter = [0]
-        def _feedback(dir, content):
-            # Called by shutil.copytree on each visited directory.
-            # Used here to display info.
-            #
-            # Returns the items that should be ignored by
-            # shutil.copytree when copying the tree, so always returns
-            # an empty list.
-            counter[0] += 1
-            return []
+    def _feedback(dir, content):
+        # Called by shutil.copytree on each visited directory.
+        # Used here to display info.
+        #
+        # Returns the items that should be ignored by
+        # shutil.copytree when copying the tree, so always returns
+        # an empty list.
+        counter[0] += 1
+        return []
-        # make a clone of this profile with restore=True
-        clone = Profile.clone(self.profile.profile, restore=True,
-                              ignore=_feedback)
-        self.addCleanup(mozfile.remove, clone.profile)
+    # make a clone of this profile with restore=True
+    clone = Profile.clone(profile.profile, restore=True,
+                          ignore=_feedback)
+    try:
         # clone should be deleted
-        self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(clone.profile))
-        self.assertTrue(counter[0] > 0)
+        assert not os.path.exists(clone.profile)
+        assert counter[0] > 0
+    finally:
+        mozfile.remove(clone.profile)
-    def test_restore_false(self):
-        # make a clone of this profile with restore=False
-        clone = Profile.clone(self.profile.profile, restore=False)
-        self.addCleanup(mozfile.remove, clone.profile)
+def test_restore_false(profile):
+    # make a clone of this profile with restore=False
+    clone = Profile.clone(profile.profile, restore=False)
+    try:
         # clone should still be around on the filesystem
-        self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(clone.profile))
+        assert os.path.exists(clone.profile)
+    finally:
+        mozfile.remove(clone.profile)
-    def test_cleanup_on_garbage_collected(self):
-        clone = Profile.clone(self.profile.profile)
-        self.addCleanup(mozfile.remove, clone.profile)
-        profile_dir = clone.profile
-        self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(profile_dir))
-        del clone
-        # clone should be deleted
-        self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(profile_dir))
+def test_cleanup_on_garbage_collected(profile):
+    clone = Profile.clone(profile.profile)
+    profile_dir = clone.profile
+    assert os.path.exists(profile_dir)
+    del clone
+    # clone should be deleted
+    assert not os.path.exists(profile_dir)
 if __name__ == '__main__':
--- a/testing/mozbase/mozprofile/tests/test_nonce.py
+++ b/testing/mozbase/mozprofile/tests/test_nonce.py
@@ -3,53 +3,46 @@
 test nonce in prefs delimeters
 see https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=722804
 from __future__ import absolute_import
 import os
-import tempfile
-import unittest
-import mozfile
 import mozunit
 from mozprofile.prefs import Preferences
 from mozprofile.profile import Profile
-class PreferencesNonceTest(unittest.TestCase):
-    def test_nonce(self):
+def test_nonce(tmpdir):
+    # make a profile with one preference
+    path = tmpdir.strpath
+    profile = Profile(path,
+                      preferences={'foo': 'bar'},
+                      restore=False)
+    user_js = os.path.join(profile.profile, 'user.js')
+    assert os.path.exists(user_js)
-        # make a profile with one preference
-        path = tempfile.mktemp()
-        self.addCleanup(mozfile.remove, path)
-        profile = Profile(path,
-                          preferences={'foo': 'bar'},
-                          restore=False)
-        user_js = os.path.join(profile.profile, 'user.js')
-        self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(user_js))
+    # ensure the preference is correct
+    prefs = Preferences.read_prefs(user_js)
+    assert dict(prefs) == {'foo': 'bar'}
-        # ensure the preference is correct
-        prefs = Preferences.read_prefs(user_js)
-        self.assertEqual(dict(prefs), {'foo': 'bar'})
-        del profile
+    del profile
-        # augment the profile with a second preference
-        profile = Profile(path,
-                          preferences={'fleem': 'baz'},
-                          restore=True)
-        prefs = Preferences.read_prefs(user_js)
-        self.assertEqual(dict(prefs), {'foo': 'bar', 'fleem': 'baz'})
+    # augment the profile with a second preference
+    profile = Profile(path,
+                      preferences={'fleem': 'baz'},
+                      restore=True)
+    prefs = Preferences.read_prefs(user_js)
+    assert dict(prefs) == {'foo': 'bar', 'fleem': 'baz'}
-        # cleanup the profile;
-        # this should remove the new preferences but not the old
-        profile.cleanup()
-        prefs = Preferences.read_prefs(user_js)
-        self.assertEqual(dict(prefs), {'foo': 'bar'})
+    # cleanup the profile;
+    # this should remove the new preferences but not the old
+    profile.cleanup()
+    prefs = Preferences.read_prefs(user_js)
+    assert dict(prefs) == {'foo': 'bar'}
 if __name__ == '__main__':
rename from testing/mozbase/mozprofile/tests/permissions.py
rename to testing/mozbase/mozprofile/tests/test_permissions.py
--- a/testing/mozbase/mozprofile/tests/permissions.py
+++ b/testing/mozbase/mozprofile/tests/test_permissions.py
@@ -1,205 +1,212 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env python
 # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
 # You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 from __future__ import absolute_import
-import mozfile
 import os
-import shutil
 import sqlite3
-import tempfile
-import unittest
 import mozunit
+import pytest
 from mozprofile.permissions import Permissions
-class PermissionsTest(unittest.TestCase):
-    locations = """http://mochi.test:8888  primary,privileged
+LOCATIONS = """http://mochi.test:8888  primary,privileged             noxul           privileged
-    profile_dir = None
-    locations_file = None
+def locations_file(tmpdir):
+    locations_file = tmpdir.join('locations.txt')
+    locations_file.write(LOCATIONS)
+    return locations_file.strpath
-    def setUp(self):
-        self.profile_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
-        self.locations_file = mozfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
-        self.locations_file.write(self.locations)
-        self.locations_file.flush()
+def perms(tmpdir, locations_file):
+    return Permissions(tmpdir.mkdir('profile').strpath, locations_file)
+def test_create_permissions_db(perms):
+    profile_dir = perms._profileDir
+    perms_db_filename = os.path.join(profile_dir, 'permissions.sqlite')
+    select_stmt = 'select origin, type, permission from moz_hosts'
-    def tearDown(self):
-        if self.profile_dir:
-            shutil.rmtree(self.profile_dir)
-        if self.locations_file:
-            self.locations_file.close()
+    con = sqlite3.connect(perms_db_filename)
+    cur = con.cursor()
+    cur.execute(select_stmt)
+    entries = cur.fetchall()
+    assert len(entries) == 3
+    assert entries[0][0] == 'http://mochi.test:8888'
+    assert entries[0][1] == 'allowXULXBL'
+    assert entries[0][2] == 1
-    def write_perm_db(self, version=3):
-        permDB = sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(self.profile_dir, "permissions.sqlite"))
-        cursor = permDB.cursor()
+    assert entries[1][0] == ''
+    assert entries[1][1] == 'allowXULXBL'
+    assert entries[1][2] == 2
-        cursor.execute("PRAGMA user_version=%d;" % version)
+    assert entries[2][0] == ''
+    assert entries[2][1] == 'allowXULXBL'
+    assert entries[2][2] == 1
+    perms._locations.add_host('a.b.c', port='8081', scheme='https', options='noxul')
+    cur.execute(select_stmt)
+    entries = cur.fetchall()
-        if version == 5:
-            cursor.execute("""CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS moz_hosts (
-              id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,
-              origin TEXT,
-              type TEXT,
-              permission INTEGER,
-              expireType INTEGER,
-              expireTime INTEGER,
-              modificationTime INTEGER)""")
-        elif version == 4:
-            cursor.execute("""CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS moz_hosts (
-               id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,
-               host TEXT,
-               type TEXT,
-               permission INTEGER,
-               expireType INTEGER,
-               expireTime INTEGER,
-               modificationTime INTEGER,
-               appId INTEGER,
-               isInBrowserElement INTEGER)""")
-        elif version == 3:
-            cursor.execute("""CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS moz_hosts (
-               id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,
-               host TEXT,
-               type TEXT,
-               permission INTEGER,
-               expireType INTEGER,
-               expireTime INTEGER,
-               appId INTEGER,
-               isInBrowserElement INTEGER)""")
-        elif version == 2:
-            cursor.execute("""CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS moz_hosts (
-               id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,
-               host TEXT,
-               type TEXT,
-               permission INTEGER,
-               expireType INTEGER,
-               expireTime INTEGER)""")
-        else:
-            raise Exception("version must be 2, 3, 4 or 5")
+    assert len(entries) == 4
+    assert entries[3][0] == 'https://a.b.c:8081'
+    assert entries[3][1] == 'allowXULXBL'
+    assert entries[3][2] == 2
+    # when creating a DB we should default to user_version==5
+    cur.execute('PRAGMA user_version')
+    entries = cur.fetchall()
+    assert entries[0][0] == 5
+    perms.clean_db()
+    # table should be removed
+    cur.execute("select * from sqlite_master where type='table'")
+    entries = cur.fetchall()
+    assert len(entries) == 0
+def test_nw_prefs(perms):
+    prefs, user_prefs = perms.network_prefs(False)
+    assert len(user_prefs) == 0
+    assert len(prefs) == 0
-        permDB.commit()
-        cursor.close()
+    prefs, user_prefs = perms.network_prefs(True)
+    assert len(user_prefs) == 2
+    assert user_prefs[0] == ('network.proxy.type', 2)
+    assert user_prefs[1][0] == 'network.proxy.autoconfig_url'
-    def test_create_permissions_db(self):
-        perms = Permissions(self.profile_dir, self.locations_file.name)
-        perms_db_filename = os.path.join(self.profile_dir, 'permissions.sqlite')
-        select_stmt = 'select origin, type, permission from moz_hosts'
+    origins_decl = "var knownOrigins = (function () {  return ['http://mochi.test:8888', " \
+                   "'', ''].reduce"
+    assert origins_decl in user_prefs[1][1]
-        con = sqlite3.connect(perms_db_filename)
-        cur = con.cursor()
-        cur.execute(select_stmt)
-        entries = cur.fetchall()
+    proxy_check = ("'http': 'PROXY mochi.test:8888'",
+                   "'https': 'PROXY mochi.test:4443'",
+                   "'ws': 'PROXY mochi.test:4443'",
+                   "'wss': 'PROXY mochi.test:4443'")
+    assert all(c in user_prefs[1][1] for c in proxy_check)
-        self.assertEqual(len(entries), 3)
-        self.assertEqual(entries[0][0], 'http://mochi.test:8888')
-        self.assertEqual(entries[0][1], 'allowXULXBL')
-        self.assertEqual(entries[0][2], 1)
+def perms_db_filename(tmpdir):
+    return tmpdir.join('permissions.sqlite').strpath
-        self.assertEqual(entries[1][0], '')
-        self.assertEqual(entries[1][1], 'allowXULXBL')
-        self.assertEqual(entries[1][2], 2)
+def permDB(perms_db_filename):
+    permDB = sqlite3.connect(perms_db_filename)
+    yield permDB
+    permDB.cursor().close()
-        self.assertEqual(entries[2][0], '')
-        self.assertEqual(entries[2][1], 'allowXULXBL')
-        self.assertEqual(entries[2][2], 1)
-        perms._locations.add_host('a.b.c', port='8081', scheme='https', options='noxul')
-        cur.execute(select_stmt)
-        entries = cur.fetchall()
-        self.assertEqual(len(entries), 4)
-        self.assertEqual(entries[3][0], 'https://a.b.c:8081')
-        self.assertEqual(entries[3][1], 'allowXULXBL')
-        self.assertEqual(entries[3][2], 2)
-        # when creating a DB we should default to user_version==5
-        cur.execute('PRAGMA user_version')
-        entries = cur.fetchall()
-        self.assertEqual(entries[0][0], 5)
+@pytest.fixture(params=range(2, 6))
+def version(request, perms_db_filename, permDB, locations_file):
+    version = request.param
-        perms.clean_db()
-        # table should be removed
-        cur.execute("select * from sqlite_master where type='table'")
-        entries = cur.fetchall()
-        self.assertEqual(len(entries), 0)
-    def test_nw_prefs(self):
-        perms = Permissions(self.profile_dir, self.locations_file.name)
-        prefs, user_prefs = perms.network_prefs(False)
-        self.assertEqual(len(user_prefs), 0)
-        self.assertEqual(len(prefs), 0)
-        prefs, user_prefs = perms.network_prefs(True)
-        self.assertEqual(len(user_prefs), 2)
-        self.assertEqual(user_prefs[0], ('network.proxy.type', 2))
-        self.assertEqual(user_prefs[1][0], 'network.proxy.autoconfig_url')
-        origins_decl = "var knownOrigins = (function () {  return ['http://mochi.test:8888', " \
-                       "'', ''].reduce"
-        self.assertTrue(origins_decl in user_prefs[1][1])
+    cursor = permDB.cursor()
+    cursor.execute("PRAGMA user_version=%d;" % version)
-        proxy_check = ("'http': 'PROXY mochi.test:8888'",
-                       "'https': 'PROXY mochi.test:4443'",
-                       "'ws': 'PROXY mochi.test:4443'",
-                       "'wss': 'PROXY mochi.test:4443'")
-        self.assertTrue(all(c in user_prefs[1][1] for c in proxy_check))
-    def verify_user_version(self, version):
-        """Verifies that we call INSERT statements using the correct number
-        of columns for existing databases.
-        """
-        self.write_perm_db(version=version)
-        Permissions(self.profile_dir, self.locations_file.name)
-        perms_db_filename = os.path.join(self.profile_dir, 'permissions.sqlite')
-        select_stmt = 'select * from moz_hosts'
-        con = sqlite3.connect(perms_db_filename)
-        cur = con.cursor()
-        cur.execute(select_stmt)
-        entries = cur.fetchall()
-        self.assertEqual(len(entries), 3)
+    if version == 5:
+        cursor.execute("""CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS moz_hosts (
+          id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,
+          origin TEXT,
+          type TEXT,
+          permission INTEGER,
+          expireType INTEGER,
+          expireTime INTEGER,
+          modificationTime INTEGER)""")
+    elif version == 4:
+        cursor.execute("""CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS moz_hosts (
+           id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,
+           host TEXT,
+           type TEXT,
+           permission INTEGER,
+           expireType INTEGER,
+           expireTime INTEGER,
+           modificationTime INTEGER,
+           appId INTEGER,
+           isInBrowserElement INTEGER)""")
+    elif version == 3:
+        cursor.execute("""CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS moz_hosts (
+           id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,
+           host TEXT,
+           type TEXT,
+           permission INTEGER,
+           expireType INTEGER,
+           expireTime INTEGER,
+           appId INTEGER,
+           isInBrowserElement INTEGER)""")
+    elif version == 2:
+        cursor.execute("""CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS moz_hosts (
+           id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,
+           host TEXT,
+           type TEXT,
+           permission INTEGER,
+           expireType INTEGER,
+           expireTime INTEGER)""")
+    else:
+        raise Exception("version must be 2, 3, 4 or 5")
+    permDB.commit()
-        columns = {
-            1: 6,
-            2: 6,
-            3: 8,
-            4: 9,
-            5: 7,
-        }[version]
+    # Create a permissions object to read the db
+    Permissions(os.path.dirname(perms_db_filename), locations_file)
+    return version
-        self.assertEqual(len(entries[0]), columns)
-        for x in range(4, columns):
-            self.assertEqual(entries[0][x], 0)
+def test_verify_user_version(version, permDB):
+    """Verifies that we call INSERT statements using the correct number
+    of columns for existing databases.
+    """
+    select_stmt = 'select * from moz_hosts'
+    cur = permDB.cursor()
+    cur.execute(select_stmt)
+    entries = cur.fetchall()
+    assert len(entries) == 3
-    def test_existing_permissions_db_v2(self):
-        self.verify_user_version(2)
+    columns = {
+        1: 6,
+        2: 6,
+        3: 8,
+        4: 9,
+        5: 7,
+    }[version]
-    def test_existing_permissions_db_v3(self):
-        self.verify_user_version(3)
+    assert len(entries[0]) == columns
+    for x in range(4, columns):
+        assert entries[0][x] == 0
-    def test_existing_permissions_db_v4(self):
-        self.verify_user_version(4)
+def test_schema_version(perms, locations_file):
+    profile_dir = perms._profileDir
+    perms_db_filename = os.path.join(profile_dir, 'permissions.sqlite')
+    perms.write_db(open(locations_file, 'w+b'))
+    stmt = 'PRAGMA user_version;'
-    def test_existing_permissions_db_v5(self):
-        self.verify_user_version(5)
+    con = sqlite3.connect(perms_db_filename)
+    cur = con.cursor()
+    cur.execute(stmt)
+    entries = cur.fetchall()
+    schema_version = entries[0][0]
+    assert schema_version == 5
 if __name__ == '__main__':
--- a/testing/mozbase/mozprofile/tests/test_preferences.py
+++ b/testing/mozbase/mozprofile/tests/test_preferences.py
@@ -6,390 +6,405 @@
 from __future__ import absolute_import
 import mozfile
 import mozhttpd
 import os
 import shutil
 import tempfile
-import unittest
 import mozunit
+import pytest
 from mozprofile.cli import MozProfileCLI
 from mozprofile.prefs import Preferences, PreferencesReadError
 from mozprofile.profile import Profile
 here = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
-class PreferencesTest(unittest.TestCase):
-    """test mozprofile preference handling"""
+# preferences from files/prefs_with_comments.js
+_prefs_with_comments = {'browser.startup.homepage': 'http://planet.mozilla.org',
+                        'zoom.minPercent': 30,
+                        'zoom.maxPercent': 300,
+                        'webgl.verbose': 'false'}
-    # preferences from files/prefs_with_comments.js
-    _prefs_with_comments = {'browser.startup.homepage': 'http://planet.mozilla.org',
-                            'zoom.minPercent': 30,
-                            'zoom.maxPercent': 300,
-                            'webgl.verbose': 'false'}
-    def run_command(self, *args):
-        """
-        invokes mozprofile command line via the CLI factory
-        - args : command line arguments (equivalent of sys.argv[1:])
-        """
+def run_command():
+    """
+    invokes mozprofile command line via the CLI factory
+    - args : command line arguments (equivalent of sys.argv[1:])
+    """
+    def inner(*args):
         # instantiate the factory
         cli = MozProfileCLI(list(args))
         # create the profile
         profile = cli.profile()
         # return path to profile
         return profile.profile
+    return inner
-    def compare_generated(self, _prefs, commandline):
-        """
-        writes out to a new profile with mozprofile command line
-        reads the generated preferences with prefs.py
-        compares the results
-        cleans up
-        """
-        profile = self.run_command(*commandline)
+def compare_generated(run_command):
+    """
+    writes out to a new profile with mozprofile command line
+    reads the generated preferences with prefs.py
+    compares the results
+    cleans up
+    """
+    def inner(prefs, commandline):
+        profile = run_command(*commandline)
         prefs_file = os.path.join(profile, 'user.js')
-        self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(prefs_file))
+        assert os.path.exists(prefs_file)
         read = Preferences.read_prefs(prefs_file)
-        if isinstance(_prefs, dict):
+        if isinstance(prefs, dict):
             read = dict(read)
-        self.assertEqual(_prefs, read)
+        assert prefs == read
+    return inner
-    def test_basic_prefs(self):
-        """test setting a pref from the command line entry point"""
-        _prefs = {"browser.startup.homepage": "http://planet.mozilla.org/"}
-        commandline = []
-        _prefs = _prefs.items()
-        for pref, value in _prefs:
-            commandline += ["--pref", "%s:%s" % (pref, value)]
-        self.compare_generated(_prefs, commandline)
+def test_basic_prefs(compare_generated):
+    """test setting a pref from the command line entry point"""
+    _prefs = {"browser.startup.homepage": "http://planet.mozilla.org/"}
+    commandline = []
+    _prefs = _prefs.items()
+    for pref, value in _prefs:
+        commandline += ["--pref", "%s:%s" % (pref, value)]
+    compare_generated(_prefs, commandline)
-    def test_ordered_prefs(self):
-        """ensure the prefs stay in the right order"""
-        _prefs = [("browser.startup.homepage", "http://planet.mozilla.org/"),
-                  ("zoom.minPercent", 30),
-                  ("zoom.maxPercent", 300),
-                  ("webgl.verbose", 'false')]
-        commandline = []
-        for pref, value in _prefs:
-            commandline += ["--pref", "%s:%s" % (pref, value)]
-        _prefs = [(i, Preferences.cast(j)) for i, j in _prefs]
-        self.compare_generated(_prefs, commandline)
+def test_ordered_prefs(compare_generated):
+    """ensure the prefs stay in the right order"""
+    _prefs = [("browser.startup.homepage", "http://planet.mozilla.org/"),
+              ("zoom.minPercent", 30),
+              ("zoom.maxPercent", 300),
+              ("webgl.verbose", 'false')]
+    commandline = []
+    for pref, value in _prefs:
+        commandline += ["--pref", "%s:%s" % (pref, value)]
+    _prefs = [(i, Preferences.cast(j)) for i, j in _prefs]
+    compare_generated(_prefs, commandline)
-    def test_ini(self):
-        # write the .ini file
-        _ini = """[DEFAULT]
+def test_ini(compare_generated):
+    # write the .ini file
+    _ini = """[DEFAULT]
 browser.startup.homepage = http://planet.mozilla.org/
 browser.startup.homepage = http://github.com/
-        try:
-            fd, name = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='.ini')
-            os.write(fd, _ini)
-            os.close(fd)
-            commandline = ["--preferences", name]
+    try:
+        fd, name = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='.ini')
+        os.write(fd, _ini)
+        os.close(fd)
+        commandline = ["--preferences", name]
-            # test the [DEFAULT] section
-            _prefs = {'browser.startup.homepage': 'http://planet.mozilla.org/'}
-            self.compare_generated(_prefs, commandline)
+        # test the [DEFAULT] section
+        _prefs = {'browser.startup.homepage': 'http://planet.mozilla.org/'}
+        compare_generated(_prefs, commandline)
-            # test a specific section
-            _prefs = {'browser.startup.homepage': 'http://github.com/'}
-            commandline[-1] = commandline[-1] + ':foo'
-            self.compare_generated(_prefs, commandline)
+        # test a specific section
+        _prefs = {'browser.startup.homepage': 'http://github.com/'}
+        commandline[-1] = commandline[-1] + ':foo'
+        compare_generated(_prefs, commandline)
+    finally:
+        # cleanup
+        os.remove(name)
-        finally:
-            # cleanup
-            os.remove(name)
-    def test_ini_keep_case(self):
-        """
-        Read a preferences config file with a preference in camel-case style.
-        Check that the read preference name has not been lower-cased
-        """
-        # write the .ini file
-        _ini = """[DEFAULT]
+def test_ini_keep_case(compare_generated):
+    """
+    Read a preferences config file with a preference in camel-case style.
+    Check that the read preference name has not been lower-cased
+    """
+    # write the .ini file
+    _ini = """[DEFAULT]
 general.warnOnAboutConfig = False
-        try:
-            fd, name = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='.ini')
-            os.write(fd, _ini)
-            os.close(fd)
-            commandline = ["--preferences", name]
+    try:
+        fd, name = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='.ini')
+        os.write(fd, _ini)
+        os.close(fd)
+        commandline = ["--preferences", name]
-            # test the [DEFAULT] section
-            _prefs = {'general.warnOnAboutConfig': 'False'}
-            self.compare_generated(_prefs, commandline)
+        # test the [DEFAULT] section
+        _prefs = {'general.warnOnAboutConfig': 'False'}
+        compare_generated(_prefs, commandline)
-        finally:
-            # cleanup
-            os.remove(name)
+    finally:
+        # cleanup
+        os.remove(name)
-    def test_reset_should_remove_added_prefs(self):
-        """Check that when we call reset the items we expect are updated"""
-        profile = Profile()
-        prefs_file = os.path.join(profile.profile, 'user.js')
+def test_reset_should_remove_added_prefs():
+    """Check that when we call reset the items we expect are updated"""
+    profile = Profile()
+    prefs_file = os.path.join(profile.profile, 'user.js')
-        # we shouldn't have any initial preferences
-        initial_prefs = Preferences.read_prefs(prefs_file)
-        self.assertFalse(initial_prefs)
-        initial_prefs = open(prefs_file).read().strip()
-        self.assertFalse(initial_prefs)
+    # we shouldn't have any initial preferences
+    initial_prefs = Preferences.read_prefs(prefs_file)
+    assert not initial_prefs
+    initial_prefs = open(prefs_file).read().strip()
+    assert not initial_prefs
-        # add some preferences
-        prefs1 = [("mr.t.quotes", "i aint getting on no plane!")]
-        profile.set_preferences(prefs1)
-        self.assertEqual(prefs1, Preferences.read_prefs(prefs_file))
-        lines = open(prefs_file).read().strip().splitlines()
-        self.assertTrue(any(line.startswith('#MozRunner Prefs Start') for line in lines))
-        self.assertTrue(any(line.startswith('#MozRunner Prefs End') for line in lines))
+    # add some preferences
+    prefs1 = [("mr.t.quotes", "i aint getting on no plane!")]
+    profile.set_preferences(prefs1)
+    assert prefs1 == Preferences.read_prefs(prefs_file)
+    lines = open(prefs_file).read().strip().splitlines()
+    assert any(line.startswith('#MozRunner Prefs Start') for line in lines)
+    assert any(line.startswith('#MozRunner Prefs End') for line in lines)
-        profile.reset()
-        self.assertNotEqual(prefs1,
-                            Preferences.read_prefs(os.path.join(profile.profile, 'user.js')),
-                            "I pity the fool who left my pref")
+    profile.reset()
+    assert prefs1 != Preferences.read_prefs(os.path.join(profile.profile, 'user.js'))
-    def test_reset_should_keep_user_added_prefs(self):
-        """Check that when we call reset the items we expect are updated"""
-        profile = Profile()
-        prefs_file = os.path.join(profile.profile, 'user.js')
+def test_reset_should_keep_user_added_prefs():
+    """Check that when we call reset the items we expect are updated"""
+    profile = Profile()
+    prefs_file = os.path.join(profile.profile, 'user.js')
-        # we shouldn't have any initial preferences
-        initial_prefs = Preferences.read_prefs(prefs_file)
-        self.assertFalse(initial_prefs)
-        initial_prefs = open(prefs_file).read().strip()
-        self.assertFalse(initial_prefs)
+    # we shouldn't have any initial preferences
+    initial_prefs = Preferences.read_prefs(prefs_file)
+    assert not initial_prefs
+    initial_prefs = open(prefs_file).read().strip()
+    assert not initial_prefs
-        # add some preferences
-        prefs1 = [("mr.t.quotes", "i aint getting on no plane!")]
-        profile.set_persistent_preferences(prefs1)
-        self.assertEqual(prefs1, Preferences.read_prefs(prefs_file))
-        lines = open(prefs_file).read().strip().splitlines()
-        self.assertTrue(any(line.startswith('#MozRunner Prefs Start') for line in lines))
-        self.assertTrue(any(line.startswith('#MozRunner Prefs End') for line in lines))
+    # add some preferences
+    prefs1 = [("mr.t.quotes", "i aint getting on no plane!")]
+    profile.set_persistent_preferences(prefs1)
+    assert prefs1 == Preferences.read_prefs(prefs_file)
+    lines = open(prefs_file).read().strip().splitlines()
+    assert any(line.startswith('#MozRunner Prefs Start') for line in lines)
+    assert any(line.startswith('#MozRunner Prefs End') for line in lines)
-        profile.reset()
-        self.assertEqual(prefs1,
-                         Preferences.read_prefs(os.path.join(profile.profile, 'user.js')),
-                         "I pity the fool who left my pref")
+    profile.reset()
+    assert prefs1 == Preferences.read_prefs(os.path.join(profile.profile, 'user.js'))
-    def test_magic_markers(self):
-        """ensure our magic markers are working"""
+def test_magic_markers():
+    """ensure our magic markers are working"""
-        profile = Profile()
-        prefs_file = os.path.join(profile.profile, 'user.js')
+    profile = Profile()
+    prefs_file = os.path.join(profile.profile, 'user.js')
-        # we shouldn't have any initial preferences
-        initial_prefs = Preferences.read_prefs(prefs_file)
-        self.assertFalse(initial_prefs)
-        initial_prefs = open(prefs_file).read().strip()
-        self.assertFalse(initial_prefs)
+    # we shouldn't have any initial preferences
+    initial_prefs = Preferences.read_prefs(prefs_file)
+    assert not initial_prefs
+    initial_prefs = open(prefs_file).read().strip()
+    assert not initial_prefs
-        # add some preferences
-        prefs1 = [("browser.startup.homepage", "http://planet.mozilla.org/"),
-                  ("zoom.minPercent", 30)]
-        profile.set_preferences(prefs1)
-        self.assertEqual(prefs1, Preferences.read_prefs(prefs_file))
-        lines = open(prefs_file).read().strip().splitlines()
-        self.assertTrue(bool([line for line in lines
-                              if line.startswith('#MozRunner Prefs Start')]))
-        self.assertTrue(bool([line for line in lines
-                              if line.startswith('#MozRunner Prefs End')]))
+    # add some preferences
+    prefs1 = [("browser.startup.homepage", "http://planet.mozilla.org/"),
+              ("zoom.minPercent", 30)]
+    profile.set_preferences(prefs1)
+    assert prefs1 == Preferences.read_prefs(prefs_file)
+    lines = open(prefs_file).read().strip().splitlines()
+    assert bool([line for line in lines
+                 if line.startswith('#MozRunner Prefs Start')])
+    assert bool([line for line in lines
+                 if line.startswith('#MozRunner Prefs End')])
-        # add some more preferences
-        prefs2 = [("zoom.maxPercent", 300),
-                  ("webgl.verbose", 'false')]
-        profile.set_preferences(prefs2)
-        self.assertEqual(prefs1 + prefs2, Preferences.read_prefs(prefs_file))
-        lines = open(prefs_file).read().strip().splitlines()
-        self.assertTrue(len([line for line in lines
-                             if line.startswith('#MozRunner Prefs Start')]) == 2)
-        self.assertTrue(len([line for line in lines
-                             if line.startswith('#MozRunner Prefs End')]) == 2)
+    # add some more preferences
+    prefs2 = [("zoom.maxPercent", 300),
+              ("webgl.verbose", 'false')]
+    profile.set_preferences(prefs2)
+    assert prefs1 + prefs2 == Preferences.read_prefs(prefs_file)
+    lines = open(prefs_file).read().strip().splitlines()
+    assert len([line for line in lines
+                if line.startswith('#MozRunner Prefs Start')]) == 2
+    assert len([line for line in lines
+                if line.startswith('#MozRunner Prefs End')]) == 2
-        # now clean it up
-        profile.clean_preferences()
-        final_prefs = Preferences.read_prefs(prefs_file)
-        self.assertFalse(final_prefs)
-        lines = open(prefs_file).read().strip().splitlines()
-        self.assertTrue('#MozRunner Prefs Start' not in lines)
-        self.assertTrue('#MozRunner Prefs End' not in lines)
+    # now clean it up
+    profile.clean_preferences()
+    final_prefs = Preferences.read_prefs(prefs_file)
+    assert not final_prefs
+    lines = open(prefs_file).read().strip().splitlines()
+    assert '#MozRunner Prefs Start' not in lines
+    assert '#MozRunner Prefs End' not in lines
-    def test_preexisting_preferences(self):
-        """ensure you don't clobber preexisting preferences"""
+def test_preexisting_preferences():
+    """ensure you don't clobber preexisting preferences"""
-        # make a pretend profile
-        tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
+    # make a pretend profile
+    tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
-        try:
-            # make a user.js
-            contents = """
+    try:
+        # make a user.js
+        contents = """
 user_pref("webgl.enabled_for_all_sites", true);
 user_pref("webgl.force-enabled", true);
-            user_js = os.path.join(tempdir, 'user.js')
-            f = open(user_js, 'w')
-            f.write(contents)
-            f.close()
+        user_js = os.path.join(tempdir, 'user.js')
+        f = open(user_js, 'w')
+        f.write(contents)
+        f.close()
-            # make sure you can read it
-            prefs = Preferences.read_prefs(user_js)
-            original_prefs = [('webgl.enabled_for_all_sites', True), ('webgl.force-enabled', True)]
-            self.assertTrue(prefs == original_prefs)
+        # make sure you can read it
+        prefs = Preferences.read_prefs(user_js)
+        original_prefs = [('webgl.enabled_for_all_sites', True), ('webgl.force-enabled', True)]
+        assert prefs == original_prefs
-            # now read this as a profile
-            profile = Profile(tempdir, preferences={"browser.download.dir": "/home/jhammel"})
+        # now read this as a profile
+        profile = Profile(tempdir, preferences={"browser.download.dir": "/home/jhammel"})
-            # make sure the new pref is now there
-            new_prefs = original_prefs[:] + [("browser.download.dir", "/home/jhammel")]
-            prefs = Preferences.read_prefs(user_js)
-            self.assertTrue(prefs == new_prefs)
+        # make sure the new pref is now there
+        new_prefs = original_prefs[:] + [("browser.download.dir", "/home/jhammel")]
+        prefs = Preferences.read_prefs(user_js)
+        assert prefs == new_prefs
-            # clean up the added preferences
-            profile.cleanup()
-            del profile
+        # clean up the added preferences
+        profile.cleanup()
+        del profile
-            # make sure you have the original preferences
-            prefs = Preferences.read_prefs(user_js)
-            self.assertTrue(prefs == original_prefs)
-        finally:
-            shutil.rmtree(tempdir)
+        # make sure you have the original preferences
+        prefs = Preferences.read_prefs(user_js)
+        assert prefs == original_prefs
+    finally:
+        shutil.rmtree(tempdir)
-    def test_can_read_prefs_with_multiline_comments(self):
-        """
-        Ensure that multiple comments in the file header do not break reading
-        the prefs (https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1233534).
-        """
-        user_js = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.js', delete=False)
-        self.addCleanup(mozfile.remove, user_js.name)
+def test_can_read_prefs_with_multiline_comments():
+    """
+    Ensure that multiple comments in the file header do not break reading
+    the prefs (https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1233534).
+    """
+    user_js = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.js', delete=False)
+    try:
         with user_js:
 # Mozilla User Preferences
 /* Do not edit this file.
- *
- * If you make changes to this file while the application is running,
- * the changes will be overwritten when the application exits.
- *
- * To make a manual change to preferences, you can visit the URL about:config
- */
+* If you make changes to this file while the application is running,
+* the changes will be overwritten when the application exits.
+* To make a manual change to preferences, you can visit the URL about:config
 user_pref("webgl.enabled_for_all_sites", true);
 user_pref("webgl.force-enabled", true);
-        self.assertEqual(
-            Preferences.read_prefs(user_js.name),
-            [('webgl.enabled_for_all_sites', True),
-             ('webgl.force-enabled', True)]
-        )
+        assert Preferences.read_prefs(user_js.name) == [
+                ('webgl.enabled_for_all_sites', True),
+                ('webgl.force-enabled', True)
+        ]
+    finally:
+        mozfile.remove(user_js.name)
-    def test_json(self):
-        _prefs = {"browser.startup.homepage": "http://planet.mozilla.org/"}
-        json = '{"browser.startup.homepage": "http://planet.mozilla.org/"}'
+def test_json(compare_generated):
+    _prefs = {"browser.startup.homepage": "http://planet.mozilla.org/"}
+    json = '{"browser.startup.homepage": "http://planet.mozilla.org/"}'
-        # just repr it...could use the json module but we don't need it here
-        with mozfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.json') as f:
-            f.write(json)
-            f.flush()
+    # just repr it...could use the json module but we don't need it here
+    with mozfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.json') as f:
+        f.write(json)
+        f.flush()
-            commandline = ["--preferences", f.name]
-            self.compare_generated(_prefs, commandline)
+        commandline = ["--preferences", f.name]
+        compare_generated(_prefs, commandline)
-    def test_json_datatypes(self):
-        # minPercent is at 30.1 to test if non-integer data raises an exception
-        json = """{"zoom.minPercent": 30.1, "zoom.maxPercent": 300}"""
+def test_json_datatypes():
+    # minPercent is at 30.1 to test if non-integer data raises an exception
+    json = """{"zoom.minPercent": 30.1, "zoom.maxPercent": 300}"""
-        with mozfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.json') as f:
-            f.write(json)
-            f.flush()
-            with self.assertRaises(PreferencesReadError):
-                Preferences.read_json(f._path)
+    with mozfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.json') as f:
+        f.write(json)
+        f.flush()
-    def test_prefs_write(self):
-        """test that the Preferences.write() method correctly serializes preferences"""
+        with pytest.raises(PreferencesReadError):
+            Preferences.read_json(f._path)
-        _prefs = {'browser.startup.homepage': "http://planet.mozilla.org",
-                  'zoom.minPercent': 30,
-                  'zoom.maxPercent': 300}
+def test_prefs_write():
+    """test that the Preferences.write() method correctly serializes preferences"""
-        # make a Preferences manager with the testing preferences
-        preferences = Preferences(_prefs)
+    _prefs = {'browser.startup.homepage': "http://planet.mozilla.org",
+              'zoom.minPercent': 30,
+              'zoom.maxPercent': 300}
+    # make a Preferences manager with the testing preferences
+    preferences = Preferences(_prefs)
-        # write them to a temporary location
-        path = None
-        read_prefs = None
-        try:
-            with mozfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.js', delete=False) as f:
-                path = f.name
-                preferences.write(f, _prefs)
+    # write them to a temporary location
+    path = None
+    read_prefs = None
+    try:
+        with mozfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.js', delete=False) as f:
+            path = f.name
+            preferences.write(f, _prefs)
-            # read them back and ensure we get what we put in
-            read_prefs = dict(Preferences.read_prefs(path))
+        # read them back and ensure we get what we put in
+        read_prefs = dict(Preferences.read_prefs(path))
-        finally:
-            # cleanup
-            if path and os.path.exists(path):
-                os.remove(path)
+    finally:
+        # cleanup
+        if path and os.path.exists(path):
+            os.remove(path)
-        self.assertEqual(read_prefs, _prefs)
+    assert read_prefs == _prefs
-    def test_read_prefs_with_comments(self):
-        """test reading preferences from a prefs.js file that contains comments"""
+def test_read_prefs_with_comments():
+    """test reading preferences from a prefs.js file that contains comments"""
-        path = os.path.join(here, 'files', 'prefs_with_comments.js')
-        self.assertEqual(dict(Preferences.read_prefs(path)), self._prefs_with_comments)
+    path = os.path.join(here, 'files', 'prefs_with_comments.js')
+    assert dict(Preferences.read_prefs(path)) == _prefs_with_comments
-    def test_read_prefs_with_interpolation(self):
-        """test reading preferences from a prefs.js file whose values
-        require interpolation"""
+def test_read_prefs_with_interpolation():
+    """test reading preferences from a prefs.js file whose values
+    require interpolation"""
-        expected_prefs = {
-            "browser.foo": "http://server-name",
-            "zoom.minPercent": 30,
-            "webgl.verbose": "false",
-            "browser.bar": "somethingxyz"
-        }
-        values = {
-            "server": "server-name",
-            "abc": "something"
-        }
-        path = os.path.join(here, 'files', 'prefs_with_interpolation.js')
-        read_prefs = Preferences.read_prefs(path, interpolation=values)
-        self.assertEqual(dict(read_prefs), expected_prefs)
+    expected_prefs = {
+        "browser.foo": "http://server-name",
+        "zoom.minPercent": 30,
+        "webgl.verbose": "false",
+        "browser.bar": "somethingxyz"
+    }
+    values = {
+        "server": "server-name",
+        "abc": "something"
+    }
+    path = os.path.join(here, 'files', 'prefs_with_interpolation.js')
+    read_prefs = Preferences.read_prefs(path, interpolation=values)
+    assert dict(read_prefs) == expected_prefs
-    def test_read_prefs_ttw(self):
-        """test reading preferences through the web via mozhttpd"""
+def test_read_prefs_ttw():
+    """test reading preferences through the web via mozhttpd"""
-        # create a MozHttpd instance
-        docroot = os.path.join(here, 'files')
-        host = ''
-        port = 8888
-        httpd = mozhttpd.MozHttpd(host=host, port=port, docroot=docroot)
+    # create a MozHttpd instance
+    docroot = os.path.join(here, 'files')
+    host = ''
+    port = 8888
+    httpd = mozhttpd.MozHttpd(host=host, port=port, docroot=docroot)
-        # create a preferences instance
-        prefs = Preferences()
+    # create a preferences instance
+    prefs = Preferences()
-        try:
-            # start server
-            httpd.start(block=False)
+    try:
+        # start server
+        httpd.start(block=False)
-            # read preferences through the web
-            read = prefs.read_prefs('http://%s:%d/prefs_with_comments.js' % (host, port))
-            self.assertEqual(dict(read), self._prefs_with_comments)
-        finally:
-            httpd.stop()
+        # read preferences through the web
+        read = prefs.read_prefs('http://%s:%d/prefs_with_comments.js' % (host, port))
+        assert dict(read) == _prefs_with_comments
+    finally:
+        httpd.stop()
 if __name__ == '__main__':
--- a/testing/mozbase/mozprofile/tests/test_profile.py
+++ b/testing/mozbase/mozprofile/tests/test_profile.py
@@ -1,35 +1,36 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env python
 # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
 # You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 from __future__ import absolute_import
-import unittest
 import os
 import mozunit
+import pytest
 from mozprofile import Profile
-class TestProfile(unittest.TestCase):
+def test_with_profile_should_cleanup():
+    with Profile() as profile:
+        assert os.path.exists(profile.profile)
-    def test_with_profile_should_cleanup(self):
-        with Profile() as profile:
-            self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(profile.profile))
-        # profile is cleaned
-        self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(profile.profile))
+    # profile is cleaned
+    assert not os.path.exists(profile.profile)
-    def test_with_profile_should_cleanup_even_on_exception(self):
-        with self.assertRaises(ZeroDivisionError):
-            with Profile() as profile:
-                self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(profile.profile))
-                1 / 0  # will raise ZeroDivisionError
-        # profile is cleaned
-        self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(profile.profile))
+def test_with_profile_should_cleanup_even_on_exception():
+    with pytest.raises(ZeroDivisionError):
+        with Profile() as profile:
+            assert os.path.exists(profile.profile)
+            1 / 0  # will raise ZeroDivisionError
+    # profile is cleaned
+    assert not os.path.exists(profile.profile)
 if __name__ == '__main__':
--- a/testing/mozbase/mozprofile/tests/test_profile_view.py
+++ b/testing/mozbase/mozprofile/tests/test_profile_view.py
@@ -1,82 +1,74 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env python
 # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
 # You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 from __future__ import absolute_import
-import mozfile
 import mozprofile
 import os
-import tempfile
-import unittest
 import mozunit
 here = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
-class TestProfilePrint(unittest.TestCase):
+def test_profileprint(tmpdir):
+    """
+    test the summary function
+    """
-    def test_profileprint(self):
-        """
-        test the summary function
-        """
-        keys = set(['Files', 'Path', 'user.js'])
-        ff_prefs = mozprofile.FirefoxProfile.preferences  # shorthand
-        pref_string = '\n'.join(['%s: %s' % (key, ff_prefs[key])
-                                 for key in sorted(ff_prefs.keys())])
+    keys = set(['Files', 'Path', 'user.js'])
+    ff_prefs = mozprofile.FirefoxProfile.preferences  # shorthand
+    pref_string = '\n'.join(['%s: %s' % (key, ff_prefs[key])
+                             for key in sorted(ff_prefs.keys())])
-        tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
-        try:
-            profile = mozprofile.FirefoxProfile(tempdir)
-            parts = profile.summary(return_parts=True)
-            parts = dict(parts)
+    tmpdir = tmpdir.strpath
+    profile = mozprofile.FirefoxProfile(tmpdir)
+    parts = profile.summary(return_parts=True)
+    parts = dict(parts)
-            self.assertEqual(parts['Path'], tempdir)
-            self.assertEqual(set(parts.keys()), keys)
-            self.assertEqual(pref_string, parts['user.js'].strip())
+    assert parts['Path'] == tmpdir
+    assert set(parts.keys()) == keys
+    assert pref_string == parts['user.js'].strip()
-        except BaseException:
-            raise
-        finally:
-            mozfile.rmtree(tempdir)
+def test_str_cast():
+    """Test casting to a string."""
+    profile = mozprofile.Profile()
+    assert str(profile) == profile.summary().encode("utf-8")
-    def test_str_cast(self):
-        """Test casting to a string."""
-        profile = mozprofile.Profile()
-        self.assertEqual(str(profile), profile.summary().encode("utf-8"))
+def test_unicode_cast():
+    """Test casting to a unicode string."""
+    profile = mozprofile.Profile()
+    assert unicode(profile) == profile.summary()
-    def test_unicode_cast(self):
-        """Test casting to a unicode string."""
-        profile = mozprofile.Profile()
-        self.assertEqual(unicode(profile), profile.summary())
+def test_profile_diff():
+    profile1 = mozprofile.Profile()
+    profile2 = mozprofile.Profile(preferences=dict(foo='bar'))
-    def test_profile_diff(self):
-        profile1 = mozprofile.Profile()
-        profile2 = mozprofile.Profile(preferences=dict(foo='bar'))
+    # diff a profile against itself; no difference
+    assert mozprofile.diff(profile1, profile1) == []
-        # diff a profile against itself; no difference
-        self.assertEqual([], mozprofile.diff(profile1, profile1))
-        # diff two profiles
-        diff = dict(mozprofile.diff(profile1, profile2))
-        self.assertEqual(diff.keys(), ['user.js'])
-        lines = [line.strip() for line in diff['user.js'].splitlines()]
-        self.assertTrue('+foo: bar' in lines)
+    # diff two profiles
+    diff = dict(mozprofile.diff(profile1, profile2))
+    assert diff.keys() == ['user.js']
+    lines = [line.strip() for line in diff['user.js'].splitlines()]
+    assert '+foo: bar' in lines
-        # diff a blank vs FirefoxProfile
-        ff_profile = mozprofile.FirefoxProfile()
-        diff = dict(mozprofile.diff(profile2, ff_profile))
-        self.assertEqual(diff.keys(), ['user.js'])
-        lines = [line.strip() for line in diff['user.js'].splitlines()]
-        self.assertTrue('-foo: bar' in lines)
-        ff_pref_lines = ['+%s: %s' % (key, value)
-                         for key, value in mozprofile.FirefoxProfile.preferences.items()]
-        self.assertTrue(set(ff_pref_lines).issubset(lines))
+    # diff a blank vs FirefoxProfile
+    ff_profile = mozprofile.FirefoxProfile()
+    diff = dict(mozprofile.diff(profile2, ff_profile))
+    assert diff.keys() == ['user.js']
+    lines = [line.strip() for line in diff['user.js'].splitlines()]
+    assert '-foo: bar' in lines
+    ff_pref_lines = ['+%s: %s' % (key, value)
+                     for key, value in mozprofile.FirefoxProfile.preferences.items()]
+    assert set(ff_pref_lines).issubset(lines)
 if __name__ == '__main__':
rename from testing/mozbase/mozprofile/tests/server_locations.py
rename to testing/mozbase/mozprofile/tests/test_server_locations.py
--- a/testing/mozbase/mozprofile/tests/server_locations.py
+++ b/testing/mozbase/mozprofile/tests/test_server_locations.py
@@ -1,156 +1,146 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env python
 # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
 # You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 from __future__ import absolute_import
-import mozfile
-import unittest
 import mozunit
+import pytest
 from mozprofile.permissions import ServerLocations, \
     MissingPrimaryLocationError, MultiplePrimaryLocationsError, \
-    DuplicateLocationError, BadPortLocationError, LocationsSyntaxError
+    BadPortLocationError, LocationsSyntaxError
-class ServerLocationsTest(unittest.TestCase):
-    """test server locations"""
-    locations = """# This is the primary location from which tests run.
+LOCATIONS = """# This is the primary location from which tests run.
 http://mochi.test:8888          primary,privileged
 # a few test locations             privileged           privileged
 https://test:80                 privileged
 http://example.org:80           privileged
 http://test1.example.org        privileged
-    """
-    locations_no_primary = """http://secondary.test:80        privileged
+LOCATIONS_NO_PRIMARY = """http://secondary.test:80        privileged
 http://tertiary.test:8888       privileged
-    locations_bad_port = """http://mochi.test:8888  primary,privileged
+LOCATIONS_BAD_PORT = """http://mochi.test:8888  primary,privileged             privileged           privileged
 http://test:badport             privileged
 http://example.org:80           privileged
-    def compare_location(self, location, scheme, host, port, options):
-        self.assertEqual(location.scheme, scheme)
-        self.assertEqual(location.host, host)
-        self.assertEqual(location.port, port)
-        self.assertEqual(location.options, options)
-    def create_temp_file(self, contents):
-        f = mozfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
+def compare_location(location, scheme, host, port, options):
+    assert location.scheme == scheme
+    assert location.host == host
+    assert location.port == port
+    assert location.options == options
+def create_temp_file(tmpdir):
+    def inner(contents):
+        f = tmpdir.mkdtemp().join('locations.txt')
-        f.flush()
-        return f
+        return f.strpath
+    return inner
-    def test_server_locations(self):
-        # write a permissions file
-        f = self.create_temp_file(self.locations)
+def test_server_locations(create_temp_file):
+    # write a permissions file
+    f = create_temp_file(LOCATIONS)
-        # read the locations
-        locations = ServerLocations(f.name)
+    # read the locations
+    locations = ServerLocations(f)
-        # ensure that they're what we expect
-        self.assertEqual(len(locations), 6)
-        i = iter(locations)
-        self.compare_location(next(i), 'http', 'mochi.test', '8888',
-                              ['primary', 'privileged'])
-        self.compare_location(next(i), 'http', '', '80',
-                              ['privileged'])
-        self.compare_location(next(i), 'http', '', '8888',
-                              ['privileged'])
-        self.compare_location(next(i), 'https', 'test', '80', ['privileged'])
-        self.compare_location(next(i), 'http', 'example.org', '80',
-                              ['privileged'])
-        self.compare_location(next(i), 'http', 'test1.example.org', '8888',
-                              ['privileged'])
+    # ensure that they're what we expect
+    assert len(locations) == 6
+    i = iter(locations)
+    compare_location(next(i), 'http', 'mochi.test', '8888', ['primary', 'privileged'])
+    compare_location(next(i), 'http', '', '80', ['privileged'])
+    compare_location(next(i), 'http', '', '8888', ['privileged'])
+    compare_location(next(i), 'https', 'test', '80', ['privileged'])
+    compare_location(next(i), 'http', 'example.org', '80', ['privileged'])
+    compare_location(next(i), 'http', 'test1.example.org', '8888', ['privileged'])
-        locations.add_host('mozilla.org')
-        self.assertEqual(len(locations), 7)
-        self.compare_location(next(i), 'http', 'mozilla.org', '80',
-                              ['privileged'])
+    locations.add_host('mozilla.org')
+    assert len(locations) == 7
+    compare_location(next(i), 'http', 'mozilla.org', '80', ['privileged'])
-        # test some errors
-        self.assertRaises(MultiplePrimaryLocationsError, locations.add_host,
-                          'primary.test', options='primary')
+    # test some errors
+    with pytest.raises(MultiplePrimaryLocationsError):
+        locations.add_host('primary.test', options='primary')
-        # We no longer throw these DuplicateLocation Error
-        try:
-            locations.add_host('')
-        except DuplicateLocationError:
-            self.assertTrue(False, "Should no longer throw DuplicateLocationError")
+    # assert we don't throw DuplicateLocationError
+    locations.add_host('')
-        self.assertRaises(BadPortLocationError, locations.add_host, '',
-                          port='abc')
+    with pytest.raises(BadPortLocationError):
+        locations.add_host('', port='abc')
+    # test some errors in locations file
+    f = create_temp_file(LOCATIONS_NO_PRIMARY)
-        # test some errors in locations file
-        f = self.create_temp_file(self.locations_no_primary)
-        exc = None
-        try:
-            ServerLocations(f.name)
-        except LocationsSyntaxError as e:
-            exc = e
-        self.assertNotEqual(exc, None)
-        self.assertEqual(exc.err.__class__, MissingPrimaryLocationError)
-        self.assertEqual(exc.lineno, 3)
+    exc = None
+    try:
+        ServerLocations(f)
+    except LocationsSyntaxError as e:
+        exc = e
+    assert exc is not None
+    assert exc.err.__class__ == MissingPrimaryLocationError
+    assert exc.lineno == 3
-        # test bad port in a locations file to ensure lineno calculated
-        # properly.
-        f = self.create_temp_file(self.locations_bad_port)
+    # test bad port in a locations file to ensure lineno calculated
+    # properly.
+    f = create_temp_file(LOCATIONS_BAD_PORT)
-        exc = None
-        try:
-            ServerLocations(f.name)
-        except LocationsSyntaxError as e:
-            exc = e
-        self.assertNotEqual(exc, None)
-        self.assertEqual(exc.err.__class__, BadPortLocationError)
-        self.assertEqual(exc.lineno, 4)
+    exc = None
+    try:
+        ServerLocations(f)
+    except LocationsSyntaxError as e:
+        exc = e
+    assert exc is not None
+    assert exc.err.__class__ == BadPortLocationError
+    assert exc.lineno == 4
-    def test_server_locations_callback(self):
-        class CallbackTest(object):
-            last_locations = None
+def test_server_locations_callback(create_temp_file):
+    class CallbackTest(object):
+        last_locations = None
-            def callback(self, locations):
-                self.last_locations = locations
+        def callback(self, locations):
+            self.last_locations = locations
-        c = CallbackTest()
-        f = self.create_temp_file(self.locations)
-        locations = ServerLocations(f.name, c.callback)
+    c = CallbackTest()
+    f = create_temp_file(LOCATIONS)
+    locations = ServerLocations(f, c.callback)
-        # callback should be for all locations in file
-        self.assertEqual(len(c.last_locations), 6)
+    # callback should be for all locations in file
+    assert len(c.last_locations) == 6
-        # validate arbitrary one
-        self.compare_location(c.last_locations[2], 'http', '', '8888',
-                              ['privileged'])
+    # validate arbitrary one
+    compare_location(c.last_locations[2], 'http', '', '8888', ['privileged'])
-        locations.add_host('a.b.c')
+    locations.add_host('a.b.c')
-        # callback should be just for one location
-        self.assertEqual(len(c.last_locations), 1)
-        self.compare_location(c.last_locations[0], 'http', 'a.b.c', '80',
-                              ['privileged'])
+    # callback should be just for one location
+    assert len(c.last_locations) == 1
+    compare_location(c.last_locations[0], 'http', 'a.b.c', '80', ['privileged'])
-        # read a second file, which should generate a callback with both
-        # locations.
-        f = self.create_temp_file(self.locations_no_primary)
-        locations.read(f.name)
-        self.assertEqual(len(c.last_locations), 2)
+    # read a second file, which should generate a callback with both
+    # locations.
+    f = create_temp_file(LOCATIONS_NO_PRIMARY)
+    locations.read(f)
+    assert len(c.last_locations) == 2
 if __name__ == '__main__':