Bug 1451469 - Allow WR sampling without the tree lock. r?botond draft
authorKartikaya Gupta <kgupta@mozilla.com>
Mon, 16 Apr 2018 17:39:14 -0400
changeset 783272 cdc71fad9b309d491746fc5336958c0a58fb43da
parent 783271 6f616bb4c87796e063deb980e288bd0b4c4cffca
child 783273 ab7d1be48ad6e283b292b0c58ae8a102f51b4e76
push id106651
push userkgupta@mozilla.com
push dateMon, 16 Apr 2018 21:40:40 +0000
Bug 1451469 - Allow WR sampling without the tree lock. r?botond For webrender, we need to be able to sample the async transforms from nodes and thumbs without holding the tree lock, since the sampling happens on the render backend thread, and holding the tree lock would be a threading violation. We can use the mApzcMap to sample the node transforms, but for the thumbs we need to introduce another data structure. This data structure packages up all the information from the HitTestingTreeNodes that we need for the computation and stores it protected by the map lock. This allows us to compute the transforms safely while just holding the map lock. MozReview-Commit-ID: BDMEbE78NnH
--- a/gfx/layers/apz/src/APZCTreeManager.cpp
+++ b/gfx/layers/apz/src/APZCTreeManager.cpp
@@ -105,16 +105,27 @@ struct APZCTreeManager::TreeBuildingStat
   // doesn't matter for this purpose, and we move the map to the APZCTreeManager
   // after we're done building, so it's useful to have the presshell-ignoring
   // map for that.
                      ScrollableLayerGuid::EqualIgnoringPresShellFn> mApzcMap;
+  // This is populated with all the HitTestingTreeNodes that are scroll thumbs
+  // and have a scrollthumb animation id (which indicates that they need to be
+  // sampled for WebRender on the sampler thread).
+  std::vector<HitTestingTreeNode*> mScrollThumbs;
+  // This is populated with all the scroll target nodes. We use in conjunction
+  // with mScrollThumbs to build APZCTreeManager::mScrollThumbInfo.
+  std::unordered_map<ScrollableLayerGuid,
+                     HitTestingTreeNode*,
+                     ScrollableLayerGuid::HashIgnoringPresShellFn,
+                     ScrollableLayerGuid::EqualIgnoringPresShellFn> mScrollTargets;
   // As the tree is traversed, the top element of this stack tracks whether
   // the parent scroll node has a perspective transform.
   std::stack<bool> mParentHasPerspective;
   // During the tree building process, the perspective transform component
   // of the ancestor transforms of some APZCs can be "deferred" to their
   // children, meaning they are added to the children's ancestor transforms
   // instead. Those deferred transforms are tracked here.
@@ -398,16 +409,29 @@ APZCTreeManager::UpdateHitTestingTreeImp
           HitTestingTreeNode* node = PrepareNodeForLayer(aLayerMetrics,
                 aLayerMetrics.Metrics(), layersId, ancestorTransforms.top(),
                 parent, next, state);
           AsyncPanZoomController* apzc = node->GetApzc();
+          // GetScrollbarAnimationId is only non-zero when webrender is enabled,
+          // which limits the extra thumb mapping work to the webrender-enabled
+          // case where it is needed.
+          // Note also that when webrender is enabled, a "valid" animation id
+          // is always nonzero, so we don't need to worry about handling the
+          // case where WR is enabled and the animation id is zero.
+          if (node->IsScrollThumbNode() && node->GetScrollbarAnimationId()) {
+            state.mScrollThumbs.push_back(node);
+          }
+          if (apzc && node->IsPrimaryHolder()) {
+            state.mScrollTargets[apzc->GetGuid()] = node;
+          }
           mApzcTreeLog << '\n';
           // Accumulate the CSS transform between layers that have an APZC.
           // In the terminology of the big comment above APZCTreeManager::GetScreenToApzcTransform, if
           // we are at layer M, then aAncestorTransform is NC * OC * PC, and we left-multiply MC and
           // compute ancestorTransform to be MC * NC * OC * PC. This gets passed down as the ancestor
           // transform to layer L when we recurse into the children below. If we are at a layer
           // with an APZC, such as P, then we reset the ancestorTransform to just PC, to start
@@ -479,16 +503,39 @@ APZCTreeManager::UpdateHitTestingTreeImp
   // We do not support tree structures where the root node has siblings.
   MOZ_ASSERT(!(mRootNode && mRootNode->GetPrevSibling()));
   { // scope lock and update our mApzcMap before we destroy all the unused
     // APZC instances
     MutexAutoLock lock(mMapLock);
     mApzcMap = Move(state.mApzcMap);
+    mScrollThumbInfo.clear();
+    // For non-webrender, state.mScrollThumbs will be empty so this will be a
+    // no-op.
+    for (HitTestingTreeNode* thumb : state.mScrollThumbs) {
+      MOZ_ASSERT(thumb->IsScrollThumbNode());
+      ScrollableLayerGuid targetGuid(thumb->GetLayersId(), 0, thumb->GetScrollTargetId());
+      auto it = state.mScrollTargets.find(targetGuid);
+      if (it == state.mScrollTargets.end()) {
+        // It could be that |thumb| is a scrollthumb for content which didn't
+        // have an APZC, for example if the content isn't layerized. Regardless,
+        // we can't async-scroll it so we don't need to worry about putting it
+        // in mScrollThumbInfo.
+        continue;
+      }
+      HitTestingTreeNode* target = it->second;
+      mScrollThumbInfo.emplace_back(
+          thumb->GetScrollbarAnimationId(),
+          thumb->GetTransform(),
+          thumb->GetScrollbarData(),
+          targetGuid,
+          target->GetTransform(),
+          target->IsAncestorOf(thumb));
+    }
   for (size_t i = 0; i < state.mNodesToDestroy.Length(); i++) {
     APZCTM_LOG("Destroying node at %p with APZC %p\n",
@@ -543,124 +590,67 @@ APZCTreeManager::UpdateHitTestingTree(La
                            aOriginatingLayersId, aPaintSequenceNumber);
 APZCTreeManager::PushStateToWR(wr::TransactionBuilder& aTxn,
                                const TimeStamp& aSampleTime)
-  RecursiveMutexAutoLock lock(mTreeLock);
-  // During the first pass through the tree, we build a cache of guid->HTTN so
-  // that we can find the relevant APZC instances quickly in subsequent passes,
-  // such as the one below to generate scrollbar transforms. Without this, perf
-  // could end up being O(n^2) instead of O(n log n) because we'd have to search
-  // the tree to find the corresponding APZC every time we hit a thumb node.
-  // We use the presShell-ignoring map because when we do a lookup in the map
-  // for the scrollbar, we don't have (or care about) the presShellId.
-  std::unordered_map<ScrollableLayerGuid,
-                     HitTestingTreeNode*,
-                     ScrollableLayerGuid::HashIgnoringPresShellFn,
-                     ScrollableLayerGuid::EqualIgnoringPresShellFn> httnMap;
+  MutexAutoLock lock(mMapLock);
   bool activeAnimations = false;
-  LayersId lastLayersId{(uint64_t)-1};
-  wr::WrPipelineId lastPipelineId;
-  // We iterate backwards here because the HitTestingTreeNode is optimized
-  // for backwards iteration. The equivalent code in AsyncCompositionManager
-  // iterates forwards, but the direction shouldn't really matter in practice
-  // so we do what's faster. In the future, if we need to start doing the
-  // equivalent of AlignFixedAndStickyLayers here, then the order will become
-  // important and we'll need to take that into consideration.
-  ForEachNode<ReverseIterator>(mRootNode.get(),
-      [&](HitTestingTreeNode* aNode)
-      {
-        if (!aNode->IsPrimaryHolder()) {
-          return;
-        }
-        AsyncPanZoomController* apzc = aNode->GetApzc();
-        MOZ_ASSERT(apzc);
-        if (aNode->GetLayersId() != lastLayersId) {
-          // If we walked into or out of a subtree, we need to get the new
-          // pipeline id.
-          RefPtr<WebRenderBridgeParent> wrBridge;
-          CompositorBridgeParent::CallWithIndirectShadowTree(aNode->GetLayersId(),
-              [&wrBridge](LayerTreeState& aState) -> void {
-                wrBridge = aState.mWrBridge;
-              });
-          if (!wrBridge) {
-            // During shutdown we might have layer tree information for stuff
-            // that has already been torn down. In that case just skip over
-            // those layers.
-            return;
-          }
-          lastPipelineId = wrBridge->PipelineId();
-          lastLayersId = aNode->GetLayersId();
-        }
-        httnMap.emplace(apzc->GetGuid(), aNode);
-        ParentLayerPoint layerTranslation = apzc->GetCurrentAsyncTransform(
-            AsyncPanZoomController::eForCompositing).mTranslation;
-        // The positive translation means the painted content is supposed to
-        // move down (or to the right), and that corresponds to a reduction in
-        // the scroll offset. Since we are effectively giving WR the async
-        // scroll delta here, we want to negate the translation.
-        ParentLayerPoint asyncScrollDelta = -layerTranslation;
-        // XXX figure out what zoom-related conversions need to happen here.
-        aTxn.UpdateScrollPosition(lastPipelineId, apzc->GetGuid().mScrollId,
-            wr::ToLayoutPoint(LayoutDevicePoint::FromUnknownPoint(asyncScrollDelta.ToUnknownPoint())));
-        apzc->ReportCheckerboard(aSampleTime);
-        activeAnimations |= apzc->AdvanceAnimations(aSampleTime);
-      });
-  // Now we iterate over the nodes again, and generate the transforms needed
-  // for scrollbar thumbs. Although we *could* do this as part of the previous
-  // iteration, it's cleaner and more efficient to do it as a separate pass
-  // because now we have a populated httnMap which allows O(log n) lookup here,
-  // resulting in O(n log n) runtime.
+  for (const auto& mapping : mApzcMap) {
+    AsyncPanZoomController* apzc = mapping.second;
+    ParentLayerPoint layerTranslation = apzc->GetCurrentAsyncTransform(
+        AsyncPanZoomController::eForCompositing).mTranslation;
+    // The positive translation means the painted content is supposed to
+    // move down (or to the right), and that corresponds to a reduction in
+    // the scroll offset. Since we are effectively giving WR the async
+    // scroll delta here, we want to negate the translation.
+    ParentLayerPoint asyncScrollDelta = -layerTranslation;
+    // XXX figure out what zoom-related conversions need to happen here.
+    aTxn.UpdateScrollPosition(
+        wr::AsPipelineId(apzc->GetGuid().mLayersId),
+        apzc->GetGuid().mScrollId,
+        wr::ToLayoutPoint(LayoutDevicePoint::FromUnknownPoint(asyncScrollDelta.ToUnknownPoint())));
+    apzc->ReportCheckerboard(aSampleTime);
+    activeAnimations |= apzc->AdvanceAnimations(aSampleTime);
+  }
+  // Now collect all the async transforms needed for the scrollthumbs.
   nsTArray<wr::WrTransformProperty> scrollbarTransforms;
-  ForEachNode<ReverseIterator>(mRootNode.get(),
-      [&](HitTestingTreeNode* aNode)
-      {
-        if (!aNode->IsScrollThumbNode()) {
-          return;
-        }
-        ScrollableLayerGuid guid(aNode->GetLayersId(), 0, aNode->GetScrollTargetId());
-        auto it = httnMap.find(guid);
-        if (it == httnMap.end()) {
-          // A scrollbar for content which didn't have an APZC. Possibly the
-          // content isn't layerized. Regardless, we can't async-scroll it so
-          // we can skip the async transform on the scrollbar.
-          return;
-        }
-        HitTestingTreeNode* scrollTargetNode = it->second;
-        AsyncPanZoomController* scrollTargetApzc = scrollTargetNode->GetApzc();
-        MOZ_ASSERT(scrollTargetApzc);
-        LayerToParentLayerMatrix4x4 transform = scrollTargetApzc->CallWithLastContentPaintMetrics(
-            [&](const FrameMetrics& aMetrics) {
-                return ComputeTransformForScrollThumb(
-                    aNode->GetTransform() * AsyncTransformMatrix(),
-                    scrollTargetNode->GetTransform().ToUnknownMatrix(),
-                    scrollTargetApzc,
-                    aMetrics,
-                    aNode->GetScrollbarData(),
-                    scrollTargetNode->IsAncestorOf(aNode),
-                    nullptr);
-            });
-        scrollbarTransforms.AppendElement(wr::ToWrTransformProperty(
-            aNode->GetScrollbarAnimationId(),
-            transform));
-      });
+  for (const ScrollThumbInfo& info : mScrollThumbInfo) {
+    auto it = mApzcMap.find(info.mTargetGuid);
+    if (it == mApzcMap.end()) {
+      // It could be that |info| is a scrollthumb for content which didn't
+      // have an APZC, for example if the content isn't layerized. Regardless,
+      // we can't async-scroll it so we don't need to worry about putting it
+      // in mScrollThumbInfo.
+      continue;
+    }
+    AsyncPanZoomController* scrollTargetApzc = it->second;
+    MOZ_ASSERT(scrollTargetApzc);
+    LayerToParentLayerMatrix4x4 transform = scrollTargetApzc->CallWithLastContentPaintMetrics(
+        [&](const FrameMetrics& aMetrics) {
+            return ComputeTransformForScrollThumb(
+                info.mThumbTransform * AsyncTransformMatrix(),
+                info.mTargetTransform.ToUnknownMatrix(),
+                scrollTargetApzc,
+                aMetrics,
+                info.mThumbData,
+                info.mTargetIsAncestor,
+                nullptr);
+        });
+    scrollbarTransforms.AppendElement(wr::ToWrTransformProperty(
+        info.mThumbAnimationId,
+        transform));
+  }
   return activeAnimations;
 // Compute the clip region to be used for a layer with an APZC. This function
 // is only called for layers which actually have scrollable metrics and an APZC.
 template<class ScrollNode> static ParentLayerIntRegion
--- a/gfx/layers/apz/src/APZCTreeManager.h
+++ b/gfx/layers/apz/src/APZCTreeManager.h
@@ -70,16 +70,35 @@ struct ScrollThumbData;
  * To avoid deadlock, we impose a lock ordering between these locks, which is:
  *      tree lock -> map lock -> APZC locks -> test lock
  * The interpretation of the lock ordering is that if lock A precedes lock B
  * in the ordering sequence, then you must NOT wait on A while holding B.
+ * In addition, the WR hit-testing codepath acquires the tree lock and then
+ * blocks on the render backend thread to do the hit-test. Similar operations
+ * elsewhere mean that we need to be careful with which threads are allowed
+ * to acquire which locks and the order they do so. At the time of this writing,
+ * https://bug1391318.bmoattachments.org/attachment.cgi?id=8965040 contains
+ * the most complete description we have of the situation. The total dependency
+ * ordering including both threads and locks is as follows:
+ *
+ * UI main thread
+ *  -> GPU main thread          // only if GPU enabled
+ *  -> Compositor thread
+ *  -> SceneBuilder thread      // only if WR enabled
+ *  -> APZ tree lock
+ *  -> RenderBackend thread     // only if WR enabled
+ *  -> APZC map lock
+ *  -> APZC instance lock
+ *  -> APZC test lock
+ *
+ * where the -> annotation means the same as described above.
  * **************************************************************************
  * This class manages the tree of AsyncPanZoomController instances. There is one
  * instance of this class owned by each CompositorBridgeParent, and it contains as
  * many AsyncPanZoomController instances as there are scrollable container layers.
  * This class generally lives on the updater thread, although some functions
@@ -728,25 +747,67 @@ private:
    * This lock does not need to be held while manipulating a single APZC instance in
    * isolation (that is, if its tree pointers are not being accessed or mutated). The
    * lock also needs to be held when accessing the mRootNode instance variable, as that
    * is considered part of the APZC tree management state.
    * IMPORTANT: See the note about lock ordering at the top of this file. */
   mutable mozilla::RecursiveMutex mTreeLock;
   RefPtr<HitTestingTreeNode> mRootNode;
-  /* A map for quick access to get APZC instances by guid, without having to
+  /** A lock that protects mApzcMap and mScrollThumbInfo. */
+  mutable mozilla::Mutex mMapLock;
+  /**
+   * A map for quick access to get APZC instances by guid, without having to
    * acquire the tree lock. mMapLock must be acquired while accessing or
    * modifying mApzcMap.
-  mutable mozilla::Mutex mMapLock;
                      ScrollableLayerGuid::EqualIgnoringPresShellFn> mApzcMap;
+  /**
+   * A helper structure to store all the information needed to compute the
+   * async transform for a scrollthumb on the sampler thread.
+   */
+  struct ScrollThumbInfo {
+    uint64_t mThumbAnimationId;
+    CSSTransformMatrix mThumbTransform;
+    ScrollbarData mThumbData;
+    ScrollableLayerGuid mTargetGuid;
+    CSSTransformMatrix mTargetTransform;
+    bool mTargetIsAncestor;
+    ScrollThumbInfo(const uint64_t& aThumbAnimationId,
+                    const CSSTransformMatrix& aThumbTransform,
+                    const ScrollbarData& aThumbData,
+                    const ScrollableLayerGuid& aTargetGuid,
+                    const CSSTransformMatrix& aTargetTransform,
+                    bool aTargetIsAncestor)
+      : mThumbAnimationId(aThumbAnimationId)
+      , mThumbTransform(aThumbTransform)
+      , mThumbData(aThumbData)
+      , mTargetGuid(aTargetGuid)
+      , mTargetTransform(aTargetTransform)
+      , mTargetIsAncestor(aTargetIsAncestor)
+    {
+      MOZ_ASSERT(mTargetGuid.mScrollId == mThumbData.mTargetViewId);
+    }
+  };
+  /**
+   * If this APZCTreeManager is being used with WebRender, this vector gets
+   * populated during a layers update. It holds a package of information needed
+   * to compute and set the async transforms on scroll thumbs. This information
+   * is extracted from the HitTestingTreeNodes for the WebRender case because
+   * accessing the HitTestingTreeNodes requires holding the tree lock which
+   * we cannot do on the WR sampler thread. mScrollThumbInfo, however, can
+   * be accessed while just holding the mMapLock which is safe to do on the
+   * sampler thread.
+   * mMapLock must be acquired while accessing or modifying mScrollThumbInfo.
+   */
+  std::vector<ScrollThumbInfo> mScrollThumbInfo;
   /* Holds the zoom constraints for scrollable layers, as determined by the
    * the main-thread gecko code. This can only be accessed on the updater
    * thread. */
                      ScrollableLayerGuid::HashFn> mZoomConstraints;
   /* A list of keyboard shortcuts to use for translating keyboard inputs into