Bug 1439855 - Introduce BinAST multipart tokenizer;r?arai draft
authorDavid Teller <dteller@mozilla.com>
Thu, 05 Apr 2018 14:31:40 +0200
changeset 784324 15a1aaf1e5a8bca0dbd8bfa5265464a1a5f13a07
parent 784323 f3dc352bc86ac6a5039ac8c888e29bfb46d73209
child 784325 c180b34272865bdfdac4373d455843f7568b8027
push id106893
push userdteller@mozilla.com
push dateWed, 18 Apr 2018 11:19:13 +0000
Bug 1439855 - Introduce BinAST multipart tokenizer;r?arai This introduces a new tokenizer for the BinAST parser: the multipart tokenizer. The format used by the multipart tokenizer is described here: https://binast.github.io/binjs-ref/binjs_io/multipart/index.html While the details of the format may still change, this is the tokenizer we intend to ship. We only implement the `identity; ` compression scheme. For the moment, there are no plans to implement other compression schemes. MozReview-Commit-ID: 8WUa3QX5GWt
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/src/frontend/BinTokenReaderMultipart.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,440 @@
+/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
+ * vim: set ts=8 sts=4 et sw=4 tw=99:
+ * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
+#include "frontend/BinTokenReaderMultipart.h"
+#include "mozilla/EndianUtils.h"
+#include "mozilla/Maybe.h"
+#include "frontend/BinSource-macros.h"
+#include "frontend/BinSourceRuntimeSupport.h"
+#include "gc/Zone.h"
+namespace js {
+namespace frontend {
+// The magic header, at the start of every binjs file.
+const char MAGIC_HEADER[] = "BINJS";
+// The latest format version understood by this tokenizer.
+const uint32_t MAGIC_FORMAT_VERSION = 0;
+// The headers at the start of each section of the binjs file.
+const char SECTION_HEADER_TREE[] = "[TREE]";
+// The (only) internal compression mechanism understood by this parser.
+const char COMPRESSION_IDENTITY[] = "identity;";
+// The maximal number of distinct strings that may be declared in a
+// single file.
+const uint32_t MAX_NUMBER_OF_STRINGS = 32768;
+using AutoList = BinTokenReaderMultipart::AutoList;
+using AutoTaggedTuple = BinTokenReaderMultipart::AutoTaggedTuple;
+using AutoTuple = BinTokenReaderMultipart::AutoTuple;
+using CharSlice = BinaryASTSupport::CharSlice;
+using Chars = BinTokenReaderMultipart::Chars;
+BinTokenReaderMultipart::BinTokenReaderMultipart(JSContext* cx, const uint8_t* start, const size_t length)
+  : BinTokenReaderBase(cx, start, length)
+  , grammarTable_(cx)
+  , atomsTable_(cx, AtomVector(cx))
+  , slicesTable_(cx)
+  , posBeforeTree_(nullptr)
+{ }
+    // Check that we don't call this function twice.
+    MOZ_ASSERT(!posBeforeTree_);
+    // Read global headers.
+    MOZ_TRY(readConst(MAGIC_HEADER));
+    BINJS_MOZ_TRY_DECL(version, readInternalUint32());
+    // For the moment, MAGIC_FORMAT_VERSION is 0. Once we have a story
+    // on backwards compatibility of the binary container, we will
+    // probably want to change this to `if (version > MAGIC_FORMAT_VERSION)`.
+    if (version != MAGIC_FORMAT_VERSION)
+        return raiseError("Format version not implemented");
+    // Start reading grammar.
+    MOZ_TRY(readConst(COMPRESSION_IDENTITY)); // For the moment, we only support identity compression.
+    BINJS_MOZ_TRY_DECL(grammarByteLen, readInternalUint32());
+    const auto posBeforeGrammar = current_;
+    if (posBeforeGrammar + grammarByteLen > stop_ || posBeforeGrammar + grammarByteLen < current_) // Sanity check.
+        return raiseError("Invalid byte length in grammar table");
+    BINJS_MOZ_TRY_DECL(grammarNumberOfEntries, readInternalUint32());
+    if (grammarNumberOfEntries > BINKIND_LIMIT) // Sanity check.
+        return raiseError("Invalid number of entries in grammar table");
+    // This table maps BinKind index -> BinKind.
+    // Initialize and populate.
+    if (!grammarTable_.reserve(grammarNumberOfEntries))
+        return raiseOOM();
+    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < grammarNumberOfEntries; ++i) {
+        BINJS_MOZ_TRY_DECL(byteLen, readInternalUint32());
+        if (current_ + byteLen > stop_)
+            return raiseError("Invalid byte length in grammar table");
+        if (current_ + byteLen < current_) // Overflow.
+            return raiseError("Invalid byte length in grammar table");
+        CharSlice name((const char*)current_, byteLen);
+        current_ += byteLen;
+        BINJS_MOZ_TRY_DECL(kind, cx_->runtime()->binast().binKind(cx_, name));
+        if (!kind)
+            return raiseError("Invalid entry in grammar table");
+        grammarTable_.infallibleAppend(*kind); // We called `reserve` before the loop.
+    }
+    if (current_ != grammarByteLen + posBeforeGrammar)
+        return raiseError("The length of the grammar table didn't match its contents.");
+    // Start reading strings
+    MOZ_TRY(readConst(COMPRESSION_IDENTITY)); // For the moment, we only support identity compression.
+    BINJS_MOZ_TRY_DECL(stringsByteLen, readInternalUint32());
+    const auto posBeforeStrings = current_;
+    if (posBeforeStrings + stringsByteLen > stop_ || posBeforeStrings + stringsByteLen < current_) // Sanity check.
+        return raiseError("Invalid byte length in strings table");
+    BINJS_MOZ_TRY_DECL(stringsNumberOfEntries, readInternalUint32());
+    if (stringsNumberOfEntries > MAX_NUMBER_OF_STRINGS) // Sanity check.
+        return raiseError("Too many entries in strings table");
+    // This table maps String index -> String.
+    // Initialize and populate.
+    if (!atomsTable_.reserve(stringsNumberOfEntries))
+        return raiseOOM();
+    if (!slicesTable_.reserve(stringsNumberOfEntries))
+        return raiseOOM();
+    if (!variantsTable_.init())
+        return cx_->alreadyReportedError();
+    RootedAtom atom(cx_);
+    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < stringsNumberOfEntries; ++i) {
+        BINJS_MOZ_TRY_DECL(byteLen, readInternalUint32());
+        if (current_ + byteLen > stop_ || current_ + byteLen < current_)
+            return raiseError("Invalid byte length in individual string");
+        // Check null string.
+        if (byteLen == 2 && *current_ == 255 && *(current_ + 1) == 0) {
+            atom = nullptr;
+        } else {
+            BINJS_TRY_VAR(atom, Atomize(cx_, (const char*)current_, byteLen));
+        }
+        // Populate `atomsTable_`: i => atom.
+        atomsTable_.infallibleAppend(atom); // We have reserved before entering the loop.
+        // Populate `slicesTable_`: i => slice
+        Chars slice((const char*)current_, byteLen);
+        slicesTable_.infallibleAppend(Move(slice)); // We have reserved before entering the loop.
+        current_ += byteLen;
+    }
+    if (posBeforeStrings + stringsByteLen != current_)
+        return raiseError("The length of the strings table didn't match its contents.");
+    // Start reading AST.
+    MOZ_TRY(readConst(COMPRESSION_IDENTITY)); // For the moment, we only support identity compression.
+    posBeforeTree_ = current_;
+    BINJS_MOZ_TRY_DECL(treeByteLen, readInternalUint32());
+    if (posBeforeTree_ + treeByteLen > stop_ || posBeforeTree_ + treeByteLen < posBeforeTree_) // Sanity check.
+        return raiseError("Invalid byte length in tree table");
+    // At this stage, we're ready to start reading the tree.
+    return Ok();
+    updateLatestKnownGood();
+    BINJS_MOZ_TRY_DECL(byte, readByte());
+    switch (byte) {
+      case 0:
+        return false;
+      case 1:
+        return true;
+      case 2:
+        return raiseError("Not implemented: null boolean value");
+      default:
+        return raiseError("Invalid boolean value");
+    }
+// Nullable doubles (little-endian)
+// NULL_FLOAT_REPRESENTATION (signaling NaN) => null
+// anything other 64 bit sequence => IEEE-764 64-bit floating point number
+    updateLatestKnownGood();
+    uint8_t bytes[8];
+    MOZ_ASSERT(sizeof(bytes) == sizeof(double));
+    MOZ_TRY(readBuf(reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(bytes), ArrayLength(bytes)));
+    // Decode little-endian.
+    const uint64_t asInt = LittleEndian::readUint64(bytes);
+        return raiseError("Not implemented: null double value");
+    // Canonicalize NaN, just to make sure another form of signalling NaN
+    // doesn't slip past us.
+    const double asDouble = CanonicalizeNaN(BitwiseCast<double>(asInt));
+    return asDouble;
+// A single atom is represented as an index into the table of strings.
+    updateLatestKnownGood();
+    BINJS_MOZ_TRY_DECL(index, readInternalUint32());
+    if (index >= atomsTable_.length())
+        return raiseError("Invalid index to strings table");
+    return atomsTable_[index].get();
+    BINJS_MOZ_TRY_DECL(maybe, readMaybeAtom());
+    if (!maybe)
+        return raiseError("Empty string");
+    return maybe;
+BinTokenReaderMultipart::readChars(Chars& out)
+    updateLatestKnownGood();
+    BINJS_MOZ_TRY_DECL(index, readInternalUint32());
+    if (index >= slicesTable_.length())
+        return raiseError("Invalid index to strings table for string enum");
+    out = slicesTable_[index];
+    return Ok();
+    updateLatestKnownGood();
+    BINJS_MOZ_TRY_DECL(index, readInternalUint32());
+    if (index >= slicesTable_.length())
+        return raiseError("Invalid index to strings table for string enum");
+    auto variantsPtr = variantsTable_.lookupForAdd(index);
+    if (variantsPtr)
+        return variantsPtr->value();
+    // Either we haven't cached the result yet or this is not a variant.
+    // Check in the slices table and, in case of success, cache the result.
+    // Note that we stop parsing if we attempt to readVariant() with an
+    // ill-formed variant, so we don't run the risk of feching an ill-variant
+    // more than once.
+    Chars slice = slicesTable_[index]; // We have checked `index` above.
+    BINJS_MOZ_TRY_DECL(variant, cx_->runtime()->binast().binVariant(cx_, slice));
+    if (!variant)
+        return raiseError("Invalid string enum variant");
+    if (!variantsTable_.add(variantsPtr, index, *variant))
+        return raiseOOM();
+    return *variant;
+// Untagged tuple:
+// - contents (specified by the higher-level grammar);
+BinTokenReaderMultipart::enterUntaggedTuple(AutoTuple& guard)
+    guard.init();
+    return Ok();
+// Tagged tuples:
+// - uint32_t index in table [grammar];
+// - content (specified by the higher-level grammar);
+BinTokenReaderMultipart::enterTaggedTuple(BinKind& tag, BinTokenReaderMultipart::BinFields&, AutoTaggedTuple& guard)
+    BINJS_MOZ_TRY_DECL(index, readInternalUint32());
+    if (index >= grammarTable_.length())
+        return raiseError("Invalid index to grammar table");
+    tag = grammarTable_[index];
+    // Enter the body.
+    guard.init();
+    return Ok();
+// List:
+// - uint32_t number of items;
+// - contents (specified by higher-level grammar);
+// The total byte length of `number of items` + `contents` must be `byte length`.
+BinTokenReaderMultipart::enterList(uint32_t& items, AutoList& guard)
+    guard.init();
+    MOZ_TRY_VAR(items, readInternalUint32());
+    return Ok();
+    initialized_ = true;
+BinTokenReaderMultipart::AutoBase::AutoBase(BinTokenReaderMultipart& reader)
+    : reader_(reader)
+{ }
+    // By now, the `AutoBase` must have been deinitialized by calling `done()`.
+    // The only case in which we can accept not calling `done()` is if we have
+    // bailed out because of an error.
+    MOZ_ASSERT_IF(initialized_, reader_.cx_->isExceptionPending());
+BinTokenReaderMultipart::AutoBase::checkPosition(const uint8_t* expectedEnd)
+    if (reader_.current_ != expectedEnd)
+        return reader_.raiseError("Caller did not consume the expected set of bytes");
+    return Ok();
+BinTokenReaderMultipart::AutoList::AutoList(BinTokenReaderMultipart& reader)
+    : AutoBase(reader)
+{ }
+    AutoBase::init();
+    MOZ_ASSERT(initialized_);
+    initialized_ = false;
+    if (reader_.cx_->isExceptionPending()) {
+        // Already errored, no need to check further.
+        return reader_.cx_->alreadyReportedError();
+    }
+    return Ok();
+// Internal uint32_t
+// Encoded as variable length number.
+MOZ_MUST_USE JS::Result<uint32_t>
+    uint32_t result = 0;
+    uint32_t shift  = 0;
+    while (true) {
+        MOZ_ASSERT(shift < 32);
+        uint32_t byte;
+        MOZ_TRY_VAR(byte, readByte());
+        const uint32_t newResult = result | (byte >> 1) << shift;
+        if (newResult < result)
+            return raiseError("Overflow during readInternalUint32");
+        result = newResult;
+        shift += 7;
+        if ((byte & 1) == 0) {
+            return result;
+        }
+    }
+BinTokenReaderMultipart::AutoTaggedTuple::AutoTaggedTuple(BinTokenReaderMultipart& reader)
+    : AutoBase(reader)
+{ }
+    MOZ_ASSERT(initialized_);
+    initialized_ = false;
+    if (reader_.cx_->isExceptionPending()) {
+        // Already errored, no need to check further.
+        return reader_.cx_->alreadyReportedError();
+    }
+    return Ok();
+BinTokenReaderMultipart::AutoTuple::AutoTuple(BinTokenReaderMultipart& reader)
+    : AutoBase(reader)
+{ }
+    MOZ_ASSERT(initialized_);
+    initialized_ = false;
+    if (reader_.cx_->isExceptionPending()) {
+        // Already errored, no need to check further.
+        return reader_.cx_->alreadyReportedError();
+    }
+    // Check suffix.
+    return Ok();
+} // namespace frontend
+} // namespace js
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/src/frontend/BinTokenReaderMultipart.h
@@ -0,0 +1,299 @@
+/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
+ * vim: set ts=8 sts=4 et sw=4 tw=99:
+ * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
+#ifndef frontend_BinTokenReaderMultipart_h
+#define frontend_BinTokenReaderMultipart_h
+#include "mozilla/Maybe.h"
+#include "frontend/BinToken.h"
+#include "frontend/BinTokenReaderBase.h"
+namespace js {
+namespace frontend {
+using namespace mozilla;
+using namespace JS;
+ * A token reader implementing the "multipart" serialization format for BinAST.
+ *
+ * This serialization format, which is also supported by the reference
+ * implementation of the BinAST compression suite, is designed to be
+ * space- and time-efficient.
+ *
+ * As other token readers for the BinAST:
+ *
+ * - the reader does not support error recovery;
+ * - the reader does not support lookahead or pushback.
+ */
+class MOZ_STACK_CLASS BinTokenReaderMultipart: public BinTokenReaderBase
+  public:
+    class AutoList;
+    class AutoTuple;
+    class AutoTaggedTuple;
+    using CharSlice = BinaryASTSupport::CharSlice;
+    // This implementation of `BinFields` is effectively `void`, as the format
+    // does not embed field information.
+    class BinFields {
+      public:
+        explicit BinFields(JSContext*) {}
+    };
+    struct Chars: public CharSlice {
+        explicit Chars(JSContext*)
+          : CharSlice(nullptr, 0)
+        { }
+        Chars(const char* start, const uint32_t byteLen)
+          : CharSlice(start, byteLen)
+        { }
+        Chars(const Chars& other) = default;
+    };
+  public:
+    /**
+     * Construct a token reader.
+     *
+     * Does NOT copy the buffer.
+     */
+    BinTokenReaderMultipart(JSContext* cx, const uint8_t* start, const size_t length);
+    /**
+     * Construct a token reader.
+     *
+     * Does NOT copy the buffer.
+     */
+    BinTokenReaderMultipart(JSContext* cx, const Vector<uint8_t>& chars);
+    /**
+     * Read the header of the file.
+     */
+    MOZ_MUST_USE JS::Result<Ok> readHeader();
+    // --- Primitive values.
+    //
+    // Note that the underlying format allows for a `null` value for primitive
+    // values.
+    //
+    // Reading will return an error either in case of I/O error or in case of
+    // a format problem. Reading if an exception in pending is an error and
+    // will cause assertion failures. Do NOT attempt to read once an exception
+    // has been cleared: the token reader does NOT support recovery, by design.
+    /**
+     * Read a single `true | false` value.
+     */
+    MOZ_MUST_USE JS::Result<bool> readBool();
+    /**
+     * Read a single `number` value.
+     */
+    MOZ_MUST_USE JS::Result<double> readDouble();
+    /**
+     * Read a single `string | null` value.
+     *
+     * Fails if that string is not valid UTF-8.
+     */
+    MOZ_MUST_USE JS::Result<JSAtom*> readMaybeAtom();
+    MOZ_MUST_USE JS::Result<JSAtom*> readAtom();
+    /**
+     * Read a single `string | null` value.
+     *
+     * MAY check if that string is not valid UTF-8.
+     */
+    MOZ_MUST_USE JS::Result<Ok> readChars(Chars&);
+    /**
+     * Read a single `BinVariant | null` value.
+     */
+    MOZ_MUST_USE JS::Result<Maybe<BinVariant>> readMaybeVariant();
+    MOZ_MUST_USE JS::Result<BinVariant> readVariant();
+    // --- Composite values.
+    //
+    // The underlying format does NOT allows for a `null` composite value.
+    //
+    // Reading will return an error either in case of I/O error or in case of
+    // a format problem. Reading from a poisoned tokenizer is an error and
+    // will cause assertion failures.
+    /**
+     * Start reading a list.
+     *
+     * @param length (OUT) The number of elements in the list.
+     * @param guard (OUT) A guard, ensuring that we read the list correctly.
+     *
+     * The `guard` is dedicated to ensuring that reading the list has consumed
+     * exactly all the bytes from that list. The `guard` MUST therefore be
+     * destroyed at the point where the caller has reached the end of the list.
+     * If the caller has consumed too few/too many bytes, this will be reported
+     * in the call go `guard.done()`.
+     */
+    MOZ_MUST_USE JS::Result<Ok> enterList(uint32_t& length, AutoList& guard);
+    /**
+     * Start reading a tagged tuple.
+     *
+     * @param tag (OUT) The tag of the tuple.
+     * @param fields Ignored, provided for API compatibility.
+     * @param guard (OUT) A guard, ensuring that we read the tagged tuple correctly.
+     *
+     * The `guard` is dedicated to ensuring that reading the list has consumed
+     * exactly all the bytes from that tuple. The `guard` MUST therefore be
+     * destroyed at the point where the caller has reached the end of the tuple.
+     * If the caller has consumed too few/too many bytes, this will be reported
+     * in the call go `guard.done()`.
+     *
+     * @return out If the header of the tuple is invalid.
+     */
+    MOZ_MUST_USE JS::Result<Ok> enterTaggedTuple(BinKind& tag, BinTokenReaderMultipart::BinFields& fields, AutoTaggedTuple& guard);
+    /**
+     * Start reading an untagged tuple.
+     *
+     * @param guard (OUT) A guard, ensuring that we read the tuple correctly.
+     *
+     * The `guard` is dedicated to ensuring that reading the list has consumed
+     * exactly all the bytes from that tuple. The `guard` MUST therefore be
+     * destroyed at the point where the caller has reached the end of the tuple.
+     * If the caller has consumed too few/too many bytes, this will be reported
+     * in the call go `guard.done()`.
+     */
+    MOZ_MUST_USE JS::Result<Ok> enterUntaggedTuple(AutoTuple& guard);
+  private:
+    /**
+     * Read a single uint32_t.
+     */
+    MOZ_MUST_USE JS::Result<uint32_t> readInternalUint32();
+  private:
+    // A mapping grammar index => BinKind, as defined by the [GRAMMAR]
+    // section of the file. Populated during readHeader().
+    Vector<BinKind> grammarTable_;
+    // A mapping string index => BinVariant as extracted from the [STRINGS]
+    // section of the file. Populated lazily.
+    js::HashMap<uint32_t, BinVariant, DefaultHasher<uint32_t>, SystemAllocPolicy> variantsTable_;
+    // A mapping index => JSAtom, as defined by the [STRINGS]
+    // section of the file. Populated during readHeader().
+    using AtomVector = GCVector<JSAtom*>;
+    JS::Rooted<AtomVector> atomsTable_;
+    // The same mapping, but as CharSlice. Populated during readHeader().
+    // The slices are into the source buffer.
+    Vector<Chars> slicesTable_;
+    const uint8_t* posBeforeTree_;
+    BinTokenReaderMultipart(const BinTokenReaderMultipart&) = delete;
+    BinTokenReaderMultipart(BinTokenReaderMultipart&&) = delete;
+    BinTokenReaderMultipart& operator=(BinTokenReaderMultipart&) = delete;
+  public:
+    // The following classes are used whenever we encounter a tuple/tagged tuple/list
+    // to make sure that:
+    //
+    // - if the construct "knows" its byte length, we have exactly consumed all
+    //   the bytes (otherwise, this means that the file is corrupted, perhaps on
+    //   purpose, so we need to reject the stream);
+    // - if the construct has a footer, once we are done reading it, we have
+    //   reached the footer (this is to aid with debugging).
+    //
+    // In either case, the caller MUST call method `done()` of the guard once
+    // it is done reading the tuple/tagged tuple/list, to report any pending error.
+    // Base class used by other Auto* classes.
+    class MOZ_STACK_CLASS AutoBase
+    {
+      protected:
+        explicit AutoBase(BinTokenReaderMultipart& reader);
+        ~AutoBase();
+        // Raise an error if we are not in the expected position.
+        MOZ_MUST_USE JS::Result<Ok> checkPosition(const uint8_t* expectedPosition);
+        friend BinTokenReaderMultipart;
+        void init();
+        // Set to `true` if `init()` has been called. Reset to `false` once
+        // all conditions have been checked.
+        bool initialized_;
+        BinTokenReaderMultipart& reader_;
+    };
+    // Guard class used to ensure that `enterList` is used properly.
+    class MOZ_STACK_CLASS AutoList : public AutoBase
+    {
+      public:
+        explicit AutoList(BinTokenReaderMultipart& reader);
+        // Check that we have properly read to the end of the list.
+        MOZ_MUST_USE JS::Result<Ok> done();
+      protected:
+        friend BinTokenReaderMultipart;
+        void init();
+    };
+    // Guard class used to ensure that `enterTaggedTuple` is used properly.
+    class MOZ_STACK_CLASS AutoTaggedTuple : public AutoBase
+    {
+      public:
+        explicit AutoTaggedTuple(BinTokenReaderMultipart& reader);
+        // Check that we have properly read to the end of the tuple.
+        MOZ_MUST_USE JS::Result<Ok> done();
+    };
+    // Guard class used to ensure that `readTuple` is used properly.
+    class MOZ_STACK_CLASS AutoTuple : public AutoBase
+    {
+      public:
+        explicit AutoTuple(BinTokenReaderMultipart& reader);
+        // Check that we have properly read to the end of the tuple.
+        MOZ_MUST_USE JS::Result<Ok> done();
+    };
+    // Compare a `Chars` and a string literal (ONLY a string literal).
+    template <size_t N>
+    static bool equals(const Chars& left, const char (&right)[N]) {
+        MOZ_ASSERT(N > 0);
+        MOZ_ASSERT(right[N - 1] == 0);
+        if (left.byteLen_ + 1 /* implicit NUL */ != N)
+            return false;
+        if (!std::equal(left.start_, left.start_ + left.byteLen_, right))
+          return false;
+        return true;
+    }
+    template<size_t N>
+    static JS::Result<Ok, JS::Error&>
+    checkFields(const BinKind kind, const BinFields& actual, const BinField (&expected)[N]) {
+      // Not implemented in this tokenizer.
+      return Ok();
+    }
+    static JS::Result<Ok, JS::Error&>
+    checkFields0(const BinKind kind, const BinFields& actual) {
+      // Not implemented in this tokenizer.
+      return Ok();
+    }
+} // namespace frontend
+} // namespace js
+#endif // frontend_BinTokenReaderMultipart_h
--- a/js/src/moz.build
+++ b/js/src/moz.build
@@ -699,25 +699,27 @@ if CONFIG['NIGHTLY_BUILD']:
 # An experiment we want to run on Nightly and early Beta: Can we change the JS
 # representation of an exported global from the global's value to an instance
 # of WebAssembly.Global without breaking existing wasm content?
 # Additionally guarded by EARLY_BETA_OR_EARLIER in the code.
-    # Using SOURCES as UNIFIED_SOURCES causes mysterious bugs on 32-bit platforms.
+    # Using SOURCES, as UNIFIED_SOURCES causes mysterious bugs on 32-bit platforms.
     # These parts of BinAST are designed only to test evolutions of the
     # specification.
     SOURCES += ['frontend/BinTokenReaderTester.cpp']
     # These parts of BinAST should eventually move to release.
     SOURCES += [
-        'frontend/BinToken.cpp'
+        'frontend/BinToken.cpp',
+        'frontend/BinTokenReaderBase.cpp',
+        'frontend/BinTokenReaderMultipart.cpp',
     # Instrument BinAST files for fuzzing as we have a fuzzing target for BinAST.
         SOURCES['frontend/BinSource.cpp'].flags += libfuzzer_flags_cmp
         SOURCES['frontend/BinToken.cpp'].flags += libfuzzer_flags_cmp
         SOURCES['frontend/BinTokenReaderTester.cpp'].flags += libfuzzer_flags_cmp